Lecture 1 - Introduction
Mark Allen Weiss
Publisher Descri ption
Posts &Telecom Press
Conclusion 2: Data should be organized for the reason of efficient operation.
Conclusion 1: Unorganized data can not represent information very clearly.
1/17/2011 BUPTSSE 4
What is a Data Structure ?
Example 2
Book ID 001 Book name Data structures and algorithm Analysis in C
This information may be in the form of text documents, images, audio clips, software programs, or other types of data. A data set in a classroom ={ desk 1, desk 2,…chair 1, chair 2…,stud 1, stud 2,…}
Data Element
StudentID First name Last name age 1001 1002 1002
mark Edwin …
Li zhang ….
20 22 ….
lecture 01 Introduction
亚欧非各地 16
唐 海上丝绸之路
Shandong Institute of Bussiness and Tecchnology
Shandong Institute of Bussiness and Tecchnology 18
由于中国以天 朝自居, 朝自居,外人来华 贸易必须借朝贡之 名,所以直到明代 中叶, 中叶,中国对外通 商多为随贡互市性 质。
Shandong Institute of Bussiness and Tecchnology
Recommended Reading
• • • Paul Krugman and Maurice Obstfeld (2000 ) :International Economics: Theory and Policy by, 6th edition, HarperCollins J, Xue., J, Tong & K, Li. (2000), International Economics, Higher Education Press (Chinese Vision) Thomas A. Pugel (2005): International Finance, 12th Edition. Published by McGraw-Hill Education (Asia Co.) & China Renmin University Press
Shandong Institute of Bussiness and Tecchnology 4
How to Study?
• Reading—You are strongly suggested to work your way through (at least) the required readings as the course progresses!! • Lectures--are designed to cover the most fundamental issues and provide a foundation for the readings
Lecture 1-Introduction
Imaging in the Visible and Infrared Bands
Sources of Images
Imaging in the Visible and Infrared Bands
Sources of Images
Imaging in the Visible and Infrared Bands
• •
Human Vision System Mathematicians
Prior Knowledge Image models Transformations Methodologies
• • •
Categorization – My Viewpoint
Image Processing Methodologies
About This Course
Scoring policy
Presence – 15% Final exam – 85%
Course Outline
32 hours = 3×10 lectures + 2 for course review Lecture 1 – Introduction Lecture 2 – Digital Image Fundamentals Lecture 3 – Image Transformations Lecture 4 – Image Enhancement Lecture 5 – Image Restorations Lecture 6 – Color Image Processing Lecture 7 – Image Compression Morphological Image Processing Lecture 8 – Image Segmentation Lecture 9 – Representation and Description Lecture 10 – Image Recognition
• Money market mutual funds allow individuals to access the money market.
Money Market Securities
• Treasury bills: Short-term debt of U.S. government • Certificates of Deposit: Time deposit with a bank • Commercial Paper: Short-term, unsecured debt of a company
• Consumption Timing: Use securities to store wealth and transfer consumption to the future
Financial Markets and the Economy (Ctd.) • Allocation of Risk: Investors can select securities consistent with their tastes for risk • Separation of Ownership and Management: With stability comes agency problems
Common Stock and Derivatives
• Common Stock is equity or ownership in a corporation.
– Payments to stockholders are not fixed, but depend on the success of the firm
• Securitization: Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac bought mortgage loans and bundled them into large pools • Mortgage-backed securities are tradable claims against the underlying mortgage pool • “Originate to distribute” • Credit Default Swaps (CDS)
• Technology Enhancements
– Hardware: Better batteries, better circuits/processors. – Link: Antennas, modulation, coding, adaptivity, DSP – Network: Not much: more efficient algorithms
Evolution of Current Systems
• Wireless systems today
– 3G Cellular: ~200-300 Kbps, CDMA. – WLANs: ~108 Mbps (and growing).
• Next Generation is in the works
• Project (20%)
– One project: theoretical derivation or Matlab simulation.
• Exams (60%)
– Midterm (open book, 30%): Oct. 20, 2008 – Final (open book, 30%): Dec. 8, 2008 – Exams must be taken at scheduled time, no makeup exams
– Forward Channel – Reverse Channel
• Duplex
– Half Duplex
• Transceiver
– Full Duplex
Types of Services
• Broadcast
Life in the United States
Life in the United States
The Size of the US
– Imagine that you drove from New York to Los Angeles, stopping only for gas, to eat, and sleep. It would take you four or five days – It takes two days to drive from New York to Florida
Population by Ethnicity
White 71% Black 13% Hispanic 10% Asian 4% Native American 2%
A Nation of Immigration
Immigration is the act of coming to a foreign country to live. The act of leaving one's country to settle in another is called emigration. Immigrants who flee their country because of persecution(迫害), war, or such disasters as famines or epidemics are known as refugees or displaced persons.
科学技术史(英)笔记整理★考点Lecture 1: introductionPossible definitions of “science”:The Latin scientia , root scireAllen Charimos科学始于迷茫,终于更高的迷茫。
★Deng Xiaoping : Science and technology is the first productivity George Sarton: mankind's unique activity of accumulation and progression ★Three aspects of science:1.scientific knowledge科学知识2.scientific methods科学方法3.scientific spirit科学精神Three kinds of research methods of hist of scien&tec:1.annals or chronicles2.conceptual analysis of school of thought :original documents notthe achievements but the mind of those writers思想史学派的概念分析方法3.sociological method社会学的方法:注重科学的社会、文化功能★Functions of history of science & technology:1. to understand sciences better帮助人们更好地理解科学To help people better understand science and application of science ,that is, history of science and application.2. to be a basis of other branchesIt can be a basis of other branches of humanities, a know background basis or a cognition platform for philosophy of science , socioitey of science.3. to bridge liberal arts and sciencesIt can assume its educational function,especially the popularization of science including the understanding of man himself, briding the intercultural rift (conmunication between liberal arts and science ; as buffers between science and humanites)4 . to form a basis for scientific decision-makingIt can form a basis for scientific decision-making,. Recently there have arison some researchs on this aspect worldwide.Lecture 2: Science and technology of the ancient worldAncestry of alphabetic system of writing:腓尼基人★Cancer (巨蟹座):21st June ~20th JulyAries (白羊座):21st March~20th AprilLike eye and ear trouble,skin and heart diseasesSurgical equipment made in 2300 BC in BabylonBabylon diseases were described on the clay tablets like eye and ear trouble, skin and heart diseases .surgical equipment made in 2300 BC Lecture 3: Greco-RomanSocrates—Plato------Aristotle----Alexander the GreatAristotelian kinematics:★Motiion of objects on earth fall into 2 types: natural and compulsary Earth-centeredIt's illogical to apply the scientific concepts and inferences applicable to the earthAny objects in motion are propelled by external objects. The speed and propelling force for the motion of objects from the external force are on the right proportion but are on the reverse proportion with resistance.Euclid, virtually founder of the plane geometry.★Archimedes 物理学家,数学家,静力学和附体力学奠基人★杠杆原理lever principle 浮力定律law of buoyancy★Given me a fulcrum, I can propel the earth. Give me a fulcrum and I will turn the earth.Ptolemy(100~170AD)Greek astronomer and geographer.集大成之作《至大论》(约145AD)Ancient Chinese sciences and civilizatiion★Four great invention that have changed the course of the world civilization Paper-making; printing; power; compassConfucius 孔子Menfucius 孟子Taoism 老子Zhuangzi 庄子Mozi 墨子Xunzi 荀子Compendium of Materia Medica 本草纲目东汉Zhang Heng, the famous Chinese astronmerSeismograph as invemted by the Chinese scientist Zhang Heng天坛的祈年殿——祭天祀谷,风调雨顺,国泰民安宇宙理论:盖天说,浑天说,宣夜说★Outstanding achievements of the ancientChinese mathmatics:1.method of numeration记数法2.method of positive and negative ; plus-minus notation正负术3.limit极限4.numerical solution of the equation of a higher degree高次方程的数值解法5.quaternary technique四元术6.congruence expression同余式7.equation方程术8.Jia Xian triangle---Yang Hui triangle贾宪三角——杨辉三角9.method of numeration for the carry digit进位位置记数法★Ancient Chinese concept of scienceAncient Chia brewed a considerable number of very important ideas about sciences(natural concept, scientific conceptand methodology), which has played an important pole of great guidance and influence to the formation and archievements. A scientific theory or a technological invention mayfall in disuse with the historical development and passage of time but scientific concept may be everlasting, retain its eternal chan as time goes by, profoundly enlightenling future souls.chapter 5 Period from the Middle Ages to Renaissance★Significance of the navigation:The navigations have led to the journeys of exploration to discovery more unknown lands , greatly increasing human knowledge about the worldthey live in. More development in other disciplines like navigations and astronomy, making the economy prosper. In addition to the increase of the specific knowledge about the world, journeys of expoloration broadened people’s horizen at that time.Lecture 6: scientific revolutions initiated by the astronomy progress ★Leonardo da vinci (the Renaissance 文艺复兴) Italian painter, architect ★Reformation of the church★The study of Bible 研究圣经德国★Columbus’first voyage On August .3.1492Between 1405 and 1433. Zheng He traveled seven times to the West across the oceans . Zheng He in contrast★Revolutiion initiated by the astronmy progress.★On the revolutions 天体运行论, that the sun is the center of the universe .四大要点:1.The earth is not static.2.The monn is a satellite of earth.3.the sun is the center of the universe.4.heavenly bodies happen to be where they are in a certain order and thereis also law with their motion.Four key figures in answering what has caused planets,especially the earth to be in motion.1.Tycho's main contribution is accurate and compete observation2.Kepler Johaness Kepler turned astronomy from the application ofgeometry into a branch of physical mechanics3.Galileo Galileo revealed the truth behind the heavenly bodies way ofthe telescope and further developed the new(没记)4.Descartes Rene Descartes conceived a finite universe,where no positionor direction is very special and the su is only a fixed star in our region.Tycho Brahe第谷布拉赫1. a great deal of data about planetsTycho's great contribution lies in that he has accumulated a great deal of data about planets through his long observation2. the star” Nova”1572年11月11日,于仙后座发现新星,后命名为“第谷星”3. observation of comets4.successfully cultivated Kepler★Kepler, three laws of Kepler1st law : law of ellipseThe orbit of every planet is an ellipse with the Sun at one of the two foci行星沿椭圆轨道绕太阳运动,太阳位于椭圆的一个焦点上2nd law: law of areaA line joining a planet and the Sun sweeps out equal areas during equal intervals of time.从太阳到行星的矢径在相等的时间内扫过相同的面积3rd law : the law of harmony调和定律The square of the orbital period of a planet is directly proportional to the cube of the semi-major axis of its orbit.行星绕日一周时间的平方和行星各自椭圆轨道的长半轴的立方成正比R^3/T^2=k★Three legacies 三大遗产1 Copernicus’ Ptolemaic system 哥白尼的日心体系2 Collected data from Tychro's accurate observation - data of position of the constellation. 第谷的精确观测资料——星的位置资料3 (On the Magant 1600)论磁★Galileo 1564年2月15日生于比萨,米开朗琪罗死于3日后★Galileo’s neaphysics 新物理学★A falling body does not depend on its mass.贡献: discovery of the planets of JupiterAccording to Aristotle's theory, every object has its own fixed position. Any object away from its fixed position will come back to its original position.Falling body doesn't depend on its mass.Descartes' mechanical methodology 笛卡尔的机械主义方法论French philosopher, physicist, mathematicianFather of modern philosophy: DescartesFather of modern science: GalileoHis main achievements rest with his philosophy. To him, man or universe is a machine. The influence of his mechanical philosophy is profound, which later became the basic thinking mode of scientists after him. Lecture 8 Newton's era★His virtue of modesty:If I see farther than others, it is because I stand on the shoulders of giants.★Newton's laws of motion:1.Every object is in a state of rest or in a uniform linear motion ,unlessexerted by an external force.2.The acceleration and the external force of the object are in the rightproportion, the direction of the accelerating velocity and that of the external force are the same.3.There is always an equal counteraction opposite in direction, for everyaction, Newton lays claims to the third law as his discovery. Conclusions about optics: sunlight and the ordinary white light are made up of lights of its own color. These colors are inherent in nature, not caused by prism.★Newton's contributions:1.H has established mechanics as an independent discipline by laying thefoundation for the axioms of the mechanics themselves.通过奠定力学的公理基础把力学确立为一门独立学科。
Problems of Vision ?
Vision is deceptive
Problems of Vision ?
Vision is deceptive
Problems of Vision ?
Vision is deceptive
Problems of Vision ?
Vision is Inferable (prior knowledge)
距离数据(range data)/图像数据检索/基于图像的绘制
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to know what is where, by looking.’’ (Marr) Where? What?
What do we use vision for?
Recognize objects people we know things we own Locate objects in space to pick them up Track objects in motion catching a baseball avoiding collisions with cars on the road Recognize actions walking, running, pushing Emotions, gestures
Lecture 1--Introduction
Light: Laser 激光的发展史
激辐射,这是受激辐射第一次被实验验证。Lamb由于在氢原 子光谱研究方面的成绩获得1955年诺贝尔物理学奖;
E4 E3 激发态 E2
A 21 自 发 辐 射 系
数,单个原子在单 位时间内发生自发 辐射过程的概率。
基态 E1
自发辐射过程产生的光子是不相干的 Photons from spontaneous emission are not coherent 处在高能级 E2 上的粒子,各自独立地、随机 地分别跃迁到低能级 E1 上,发射出光子,这 些光子的能量虽然相同,但彼此具有不同的 相位及偏振方向,因此自发辐射发出的光是 非相干光(non-coherent light) 处于高能级 E2 的原子还可以通过放热、碰撞 等方式将能量传给其它粒子或器壁而跃迁到 低 能 级 上 , 即 无 辐 射 跃 迁 (non-radiative decay)。
Light: Laser 激光的发展史
获得1918年诺贝尔物理学奖; "in recognition of the services he rendered to the advancement of Physics by his discovery of energy quanta"
Lecture 01 - Introduction
2. Equations notations: (2.17.3)
Lecture # Slide # Formula #
3. [xx] next to the formula indicates units. 4. Matlab logo: indicates the corresponding Matlab function
Most circuits fall into the static-approximation category at 60 Hz.
ELEN 3371 Electromagnetics
Fall 2008
Some history
Charge was discovered by the Ancient Greeks (about 600BC) who found that rubbing fur on various substances, such as amber, would build up an electric charge imbalance. The Greeks noted that the charged amber buttons could attract light objects such as hair. The Greeks also noted that if they rubbed the amber for long enough, they could even get a spark to jump. The word electricity derives from ηλεκτρον, the Greek word for amber.
ELEN 3371 Electromagnetics
Fall 2008
Lecture 1 Introduction
Translation in China
During Zhou Dynasty, there was one word for translator in each direction.“东方曰寄,南方曰象 ,西方曰狄,北方曰譯”。 譯 became the only word for "translator" because in the Han Dynasty, most translation was done with the north. Translation developed through translations of Buddhist scriptures, especially during Sui Dynasty and Tang Dynasty.
Key figures in the field of translation
• 鸠摩罗什(Kumarajiva 344~413): 佛经翻译 意译派代表人物,译经思想影响深远,开 创了我国古代佛经翻译的新时期。
• 真谛(拘那羅陀, Paramartha,499-569): 印度佛教学者,译有49部经论,其中尤以 《摄大乘论》的翻译出名,对中国佛教思 想有较大的影响。
5.To inspire respect and righteousness: Prajna 般若 instead of “wisdom” (智慧). To sum up 1.秘密不翻 2.含义多不翻3.我们没有的不翻 4.已经有翻的不翻 5.意义只可意会的不翻
电子电路工程设计 讲义— Lecture_1_Introduction_48
Chen, ISSCC’07
Market share
Logic is there all the time
Moore’s Law - 1965
Transistors Per Die
109 108
107 106 105 104
“Reduced cost is one of the big attractions of integrated electronics, and the cost advantage continues to increase as the technology evolves toward the production of larger and larger circuit functions on a single semiconductor substrate.” Electronics, Volume 38, Number 8, April 19, 1965
High Stress
Compressive channel strain 30% drive current increase
Tensile channel strain 10% drive current increase
does not raise transistor leakage
Demand Growth Driven by
Better User Experiences
User Experience
Multitasking Manageability Ease of Use Battery Life
科技英语写作 lecture 1. Introduction
– Teaching arrangements: group work, CL (cooperative learning), practice
– Testing : sentence, paragraph, essay
• • • • • • • • • – Requirements: In class: punctual (absence/presence – roll calling) attentive, active, cooperative After class: reading thinking – a diary writing – assignment Your resolutions: 4 books: a textbook, a notebook, a diary, a workbook
Special difficulties: how the students meet the requirements for them Contents: • Practice • The Contents of the Course • Requirements • Homework
“科技英语” “科技英语写作”
• 再如:max., min., ibid., et at., e.g., graphs, numbers, formula. • 科技英语词汇简单清楚。
• 当我们把很少的一点钠(sodium)投 入火焰或者其他光源中时,立即出 现一条鲜黄色的线;当钠不存在时, 光谱(spectrum)中就没有这条线。 由此我们知道,钠或任何钠的化合 物(compounds)产生一条带有鲜黄 色双线的光谱。
⑥ features:
• Features of EST writing: different from common English, but still has the features of language. The style is quite impersonal, expressive, and forceful/logical. • Diction: 清楚(clearness)、简洁(conciseness)、准确 (exactness/accuracy)。 • Grammar: Passive voice, subjunctive, imperative, Nominalization, None-predicate verbs (非谓语动词), Complex sentences • Discourse: preciseness--- but still follow some patterns: definition, exemplification, comparison and contrast, cause and effect, facts and opinion (argumentation), discursive writing, process. • Features of EST writing teaching: useful, learnable, exercisable
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- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
• Helpful
– – – – – Matlab Modeling and simulation Optimization Application fields Some control theory good, but not assumed.
• Learn more advanced control theory in :
• Notes at /class/ee392M/ • Reference texts
• Control System Design, Astrom, posted as PDF • Feedback Control of Dynamic Systems, Fourth Edition, Franklin, Powell, Emami-Naeini, Prentice Hall, 2002 • Control System Design, Goodwin, Graebe, Salgado, Prentice Hall, 2001
– ENGR 207, ENGR 209, and ENGR 210
EE392m - Winter 2003 Control Engineering 1-4
Course Mechanics
• Descriptive in addition to math and theory • Grading
• 25% Homework Assignments (4 at all) • 35% Midterm Project • 40% Final Project
EE392m - Winter 2003 Control Engineering 1-5
Outline and topics
Lectures - Mondays & Fridays Assignments - Fridays, due on Friday Lecture topics 1. Introduction and history 2. Modeling and simulation 3. Control engineering problems 4. PID control 5. Feedforward 6. SISO loop analysis 7. SISO system design
• Control applications across many industries • PhD from Moscow University
– Moscow → Munich → Toronto → Vancouver → Palo Alto
EE392m - Winter 2003
Control Engineering
& E = k cosφ − TL Jω
ωG = nω E
• Linearization
φ = φ0 + x ω E = ω0 + y
x << 1 y << 1
& && + a1 & & + a2 y & + a3 y = 0 y y
EE392m - Winter 2003 Control Engineering 1-13
– bimetal plate (sensor/control) – motor to move the furnace damper)
• Started a company that became Honeywell in 1927 • Thermostat switching on makes the main motor shaft to turn one-half revolution opening the furnace's air damper. • Thermostat switching off makes the motor to turn another half revolution, closing the damper and damping the fire. • On-off control based on threshold
EE392m - Winter 2003
Control Engineering
Why bother about the history?
• Trying to guess, where the trend goes • Many of the control techniques that are talked about are there for historical reasons mostly. Need to understand that.
EE392m - Winter 2003
Control Engineering
Watt’s governor
• Analysis of James Clark Maxwell (1868)
&& = l mω 2 l sin φ cos φ − mg sin φ − bφ & mlφ G
Lecture 1
• Introduction - Course mechanics • History • Modern control engineering
EE392m - Winter 2003
Control Engineering
Introduction - Course Mechanics
Some stuff I worked on
Jet engines Space systems
WDM networks
Transmitter 1 Receiver 1 Transmitter 2 OADM
Powertrain control Walking machine
Switch Receiver 2 Switch Amplifier (OLA) Switch
EE392m - Winter 2003 Control Engineering
From the 1832 Edinburgh Encyclopaedia
• Mechanical technology use was extended from power to regulation • It worked and improved reliability of steam engines significantly by automating operator’s function • Analysis was done much later (some 100 years) - this is typical! • Parallel discovery of major theoretical approaches
• • • • • What this course is about? Prerequisites & course place in the curriculum Course mechanics Outline and topics Your instructor
EE392m - Winter 2003
EE392m - Winter 2003
Control Engineering
Prerequisites and course place
• Prerequisites:
– Linear algebra: EE263, Math 103 – Systems and control: EE102, ENGR 105, ENGR 205
EE392m - Winter 2003 Control Engineering 1-15
• Use of emerging electrical system technology • Significant market for heating regulation (especially in Minnesota and Wisconsin) • Increased comfort and fuel savings passed to the customer customer value proposition • Integrated control device with an actuator. Add-on device installed with existing heating systems
Paper machine CD control
EE392m - Winter 2003
Control Engineering
Lecture 1 - Control History
• • • • • • Watt’s governor Thermostat Feedback Amplifier Missile range control TCP/IP DCS
Control Engineering
Hale Waihona Puke 1-2What this course is about?
• Embedded computing is becoming ubiquitous • Need to process sensor data and influence physical world. This is control and knowing its main concepts is important. • Much of control theory is esoteric and difficult • 90% of the real world applications are based on 10% of the existing control methods and theory • The course is about these 10%