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Document Number: MC33399Rev. 8.0, 10/2006Freescale Semiconductor Advance Information* This document contains certain information on a new product.Specifications and information herein are subject to change without notice.© Freescale Semiconductor, Inc., 2006. All rights reserved.Local Interconnect Network (LIN) Physical Interface•••± 5•30 k Ω••••••• Figure 1. 33399 Simplified Application Diagram33399Analog Integrated Circuit Device Data33399INTERNAL BLOCK DIAGRAMINTERNAL BLOCK DIAGRAMFigure 2. 33399 Simplified Internal Block DiagramV REF ReceiverINF ENRXDTXD GNDLIN30 k ΩVSUPDriverWAKE Wake-Up V REG ControlBiasProtectionLogicAnalog Integrated Circuit Device Data 33399PIN CONNECTIONSPIN CONNECTIONSFigure 3. 33399 8-SOICN Pin ConnectionsTable 1. 8-SOICN Pin DefinitionsA functional description of each pin can be found in the Functional Pin Description section beginning on page 10.Pin Pin Name Formal Name Definition1RXDData Output MCU interface that reports the state of the LIN bus voltage. 2EN Enable Control Controls the operation mode of the interface.3WAKEWake Input High voltage input used to wake up the device from the Sleep mode.4TXDData Input MCU interface that controls the state of the LIN output.5GNDGround Device ground pin.6LIN LIN Bus Bidirectional pin that represents the single-wire bus transmitter and receiver.7VSUPPower Supply Device power supply pin.8INHInhibit OutputControls an external switchable voltage regulator having an inhibit input.12345678RXD EN WAKE TXDINH V SUP LIN GNDAnalog Integrated Circuit Device Data33399ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS MAXIMUM RATINGSELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICSMAXIMUM RATINGSTable 2. Maximum RatingsAll voltages are with respect to ground unless otherwise noted. Exceeding these ratings may cause a malfunction or permanent damage to the device.RatingSymbolValueUnitELECTRICAL RATINGS Power Supply Voltage Continuous Supply Voltage Transient Voltage (Load Dump)V SUP2740VWAKE DC and Transient Voltage (Through a 33 k Ω Serial Resistor)V WAKE - 18 to 40V Logic Voltage (RXD, TXD, EN Pins)V LOG - 0.3 to 5.5V LIN Pin DC VoltageTransient (Coupled Through 1.0 nF Capacitor)V BUS- 18 to 40- 150 to 100V INH Voltage / C urrent DC VoltageV INH - 0.3 to V SUP + 0.3V ESD Voltage, Human Body Model (1)All PinsLIN Bus Pin with Respect to Ground V E SD1± 4000± 5000VESD Voltage, Machine Model All PinsV E SD2± 200VTHERMAL RATINGS Operating Temperature Ambient JunctionT A T J - 40 to 125- 40 to 150°CStorage TemperatureT STG - 55 to 165°C Thermal Resistance , Junction to AmbientR θJA 150°C/W Peak Package Reflow Temperature During Reflow (2), (3)T PPRT Note 3.°C Thermal ShutdownT SHUT 150 to 200°C Thermal Shutdown HysteresisT HYST8.0 to 20°C Notes1.ESD1 testing is performed in accordance with the Human Body Model (C ZAP = 100 pF, R ZAP = 1500 Ω), ESD2 testing is performed inaccordance with the Machine Model (C ZAP = 220 pF, R ZAP = 0 Ω).2.Pin soldering temperature limit is for 10 seconds maximum duration. Not designed for immersion soldering. Exceeding these limits may cause malfunction or permanent damage to the device.3.Freescale’s Package Reflow capability meets Pb-free requirements for JEDEC standard J-STD-020C. For Peak Package Reflow Temperature and Moisture Sensitivity Levels (MSL),Go to , search by part number [e.g. remove prefixes/suffixes and enter the core ID to view all orderable parts. (i.e. MC33xxxD enter 33xxx), and review parametrics.Analog Integrated Circuit Device Data 33399ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICSSTATIC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICSSTATIC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICSTable 3. Static Electrical CharacteristicsCharacteristics noted under conditions 7.0 V ≤ V SUP ≤ 18 V, -40°C ≤ T A ≤ 125°C, GND = 0 V unless otherwise noted. Typical values noted reflect the approximate parameter means at T A = 25°C under nominal conditions unless otherwise noted.CharacteristicSymbolMinTypMaxUnitVSUP PIN (DEVICE POWER SUPPLY)Supply Voltage Range V SUP7.013.518V Supply Current in Sleep Mode V LIN > V SUP - 0.5 V, V SUP < 14 V 14 V < V SUP < 18 V I S1I S2——20—50150µASupply Current in Normal Mode Recessive StateDominant State, Total Bus Load > 500 ΩI S(REC)I S(DOM)———— 2.03.0mASupply Undervoltage Threshold V SUP_UV5.56.46.8VRXD OUTPUT PIN (LOGIC)Low-Level Output Voltage I IN ≤ 1.5 mAV OL0.0—0.9VHigh-Level Output Voltage I OUT ≤ 250 µΑV OH3.75—5.25V TXD INPUT PIN (LOGIC)Low-Level Input Voltage V IL —— 1.5V High-Level Input VoltageV IH 3.5——V Input Voltage Threshold Hysteresis V INHYST 100550800mV Pullup Current Source1.0 V < V TXD < 4.0 V, V EN = 5.0 V I PU- 50—- 25µAEN INPUT PIN (LOGIC)Low-Level Input Voltage V IL —— 1.5V High-Level Input VoltageV IH 3.5——V Input Voltage Threshold Hysteresis V INHYST100480800mV EN Low-Level Input Current V IN = 1.0 VI IL5.02030µAHigh-Level Input Current V IN = 4.0 V I IH—2040µAPulldown Current 1.0 V < EN < 4.0 VI PD—20—µAAnalog Integrated Circuit Device Data33399ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICSSTATIC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICSLIN PIN (VOLTAGE EXPRESSED VERSUS VSUP VOLTAGE)Low-Level Bus Voltage (Dominant State) TXD LOW, V LIN = 40 mAV DOM0.0—1.4VHigh-Level Voltage (Recessive State) TXD HIGH, I OUT = 1.0 µA V REC0.85 V SUP——V Internal Pullup Resistor to VSUP (4)- 40°C ≤ T A ≤ 70°C 70°C < T A ≤ 125°C R PU203530494760k ΩCurrent Limitation TXD LOW, V LIN = V SUP I L IM50150200mALeakage Current to GNDRecessive State, V SUP - 0.3 V ≤ V LIN ≤ V SUP (4)V SUP Disconnected, -18 V ≤ V LIN ≤ 18 V (Excluding Internal Pullup Source)V SUP Disconnected, V LIN = -18 V (Including Internal Pullup Source)V SUP Disconnected, V LIN = +18 V (Including Internal Pullup Source)I L EAK0.0- 40————- 600151040——µALIN Receiver, Low-Level Input Voltage TXD HIGH, RXD LOWV L INL0 V SUP—0.4 V SUPVLIN Receiver, High-Level Input Voltage TXD HIGH, RXD HIGH V L INH0.6 V SUP—V SUPVLIN Receiver Threshold Center (V LINH - V LINL ) / 2V L INTH—V SUP /2—VLIN Receiver Input Voltage Hysteresis V LINH - V LINLV L INHYS0.05 V SUP—0.15 V SUPVLIN Wake-Up Threshold Voltage V L INWU OUTPUT PINHigh-Level Voltage (Normal Mode)V WUH V SUP - 0.8—V SUPV Leakage Current (Sleep Mode)0 < V INH < V SUP I L EAK—5.0µAWAKE INPUT PINTypical Wake-Up Threshold (EN = 0 V, 7.0 V ≤ V SUP ≤ 18 V) (5)HIGH-to-LOW Transition LOW-to-HIGH Transition V WUTH0.3 V SUP 0.4 V SUP 0.43 V SUP 0.55 V SUP 0.55 V SUP 0.65 V SUP VWake-Up Threshold Hysteresis V WUHYS 0.1 V SUP0.16 V SUP0.2 V SUPV WAKE Input Current V WAKE ≤ 14 V V WAKE > 14 VI W U——1.0—5.0100µA Notes4. A diode structure is inserted with the pullup resistor to avoid parasitic current path from LIN to V SUP .5.When V SUP is greater than 18 V, the wake-up voltage thresholds remain identical to the wake-up thresholds at 18 V. Table 3. Static Electrical Characteristics (continued)Characteristics noted under conditions 7.0 V ≤ V SUP ≤ 18 V, -40°C ≤ T A ≤ 125°C, GND = 0 V unless otherwise noted. Typical values noted reflect the approximate parameter means at T A = 25°C under nominal conditions unless otherwise noted.CharacteristicSymbolMinTypMaxUnitAnalog Integrated Circuit Device Data 33399ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICSDYNAMIC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICSDYNAMIC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICSTable 4. Dynamic Electrical CharacteristicsCharacteristics noted under conditions 7.0 V ≤ V SUP ≤ 18 V, -40°C ≤ T A ≤ 125°C, GND = 0 V unless otherwise noted. Typical values noted reflect the approximate parameter means at T A = 25°C under nominal conditions unless otherwise noted.CharacteristicSymbolMinTypMaxUnitDIGITAL INTERFACE TIMING LIN Slew Rate (6) , (7)Falling Edge Rising Edget FALL t R ISE 0.750.75 2.02.0 3.03.0V/µsLIN Rise/Fall Symmetry (t RISE - t FALL )t S YM- 2.0—2.0µs Driver Propagation Delay (8) , (9) TXD LOW-to-LIN LOW TXD HIGH-to-LIN HIGH t TXDLINL t TXDLINH0.00.0——4.04.0µs Receiver Propagation Delay (9) ,(10) LIN LOW to RXD LOW LIN HIGH to RXD HIGHt RXDLINL t R XDLINH2.02.0 4.04.0 6.06.0µsReceiver Propagation Delay Symmetry t R ECSYM - 2.0— 2.0µs Transmitter Propagation Delay Symmetry t T RSYM - 2.0—2.0µs Propagation Delay (11)LIN Bus Wake-Up to INH HIGHt P ROP WL4570130µsNotess6.Measured between 20 and 80 percent of bus signal for 10 V < V SUP < 18 V. Between 30 and 70 percent of signal for7.0 V < V SUP < 10 V. 7.See Figure 5, page 8.8.t T XDLINL is measured from TXD (HIGH-to-LOW) and LIN (V REC - 0.2 V). t T XDLINH is measured from TXD (LOW-to-HIGH) and LIN (V DOM + 0.2 V).9.See Figure 4, page 8.10.Measured between LIN receiver thresholds and RXD pin.11.See Figure 6, page 8.Analog Integrated Circuit Device Data33399ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS TIMING DIAGRAMSTIMING DIAGRAMSFigure 4. Normal Mode Bus Timing CharacteristicsFigure 5. LIN Rise and Fall Time Figure 6. LIN Bus Wake-UpTXDRXDLINV REC Dominant Statet TXDLINLt TXDLINHRecessive StateRecessive State 0.4 V SUP0.6 V SUPt RXDLINH t RXDLINLV DOM + 0.2VV REC - 0.2VV DOM t FALLt RISE0.2 V SUP0.8 V SUP0.8 V SUP0.2 V SUPINHLINV SUPDominant StateRecessive State 0.4 V SUPt PROP WLAnalog Integrated Circuit Device Data 33399FUNCTIONAL DIAGRAMSTIMING DIAGRAMSFUNCTIONAL DIAGRAMSFigure 7. LIN Wake-Up with INH Option Figure 8. LIN Wake-Up from Wake-Up SwitchFigure 9. LIN Wake-Up with MCU in Stop ModeLIN BusINH Bus Wake-Up Filtering Time (t PROG WL)Voltage Off StateOn StateNode in Sleep StateNode in Regulator Wake-Up Time DelayLow or FloatingHighMCU Startup Time DelayENEN HighOperation RegulatorWAKEINH Voltage Off StateOn StateNode in Sleep StateNode in Regulator Wake-Up Time DelayHighMCU Startup Time DelayENEN HighOperation State ChangeRegulatorLow or FloatingWAKE Filtering TimeLIN BusIRQWake-Up Filtering Time (t PROG WL)Voltage RegOn StateMCU in Stop ModeNode In OperationHighLow MCU Stop Mode Recovery/Startup Time DelayEN StateEN HighHighWake-Up from Stop ModeINHLow or Floating High(previous Wake-Up)I/O(2)High Impedance / I/O in Input State LowAnalog Integrated Circuit Device Data33399FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION TIMING DIAGRAMSFUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTIONINTRODUCTIONThe 33399 is a Physical Layer component dedicated to automotive LIN sub-bus applications.The 33399 features include speed communication from 1.0 kbps to 20 kbps, up to 60 kbps for Programming Mode, and active bus waveshaping to minimize radiated emission.The device offers three different wake-up capabilities: wake-up from LIN bus, wake-up from the MCU command, and dedicated high voltage wake-up input.The INH output may be used to control an external voltage regulator.FUNCTIONAL PIN DESCRIPTIONPOWER SUPPLY PIN (VSUP)The V SUP power supply pin is connected to a batterythrough a serial diode for reverse battery protection. The DC operating voltage is from 7.0 V to 27 V. This pin sustains standard automotive voltage conditions such as 27 V DC during jump-start conditions and 40 V during load dump. To avoid a false bus message, an undervoltage reset circuitry disables the transmission path (from TXD to LIN) when V SUP falls below 7.0 V. Supply current in the Sleep mode is typically 20 µA.GROUND PIN (GND)In case of a ground disconnection at the module level, the 33399 does not have significant current consumption on the LIN bus pin when in the recessive state. (Less than 100 µA is sourced from LIN bus pin, which creates 100 mV drop voltage from the 1.0 k Ω LIN bus pullup resistor.) For the dominant state, the pullup resistor should always be active. The 33399 handles a ground shift up to 3.0 V when V SUP > 9.0 V. Below 9.0 V V SUP , a ground shift can reduce V SUP value below the minimum V SUP operation of 7.0 V.LIN BUS PIN (LIN)The LIN bus pin represents the single-wire bus transmitter and receiver.Transmitter CharacteristicsThe LIN driver is a low-side MOSFET with internal current limitation and thermal shutdown. An internal pullup resistor with a serial diode structure is integrated so no external pullup components are required for the application in a slave node. An additional pullup resistor of 1.0 k Ω must be added when the device is used in the master node.Voltage can go from - 18 V to 40 V without current other than the pullup resistance. The LIN pin exhibits no reverse current from the LIN bus line to V SUP , even in the event of GND shift or V PWR disconnection. LIN thresholds are compatible with the LIN protocol specification.The fall time from recessive to dominant and the rise time from dominant to recessive are controlled to typically 2.0 V/µs. The symmetry between rise and fall time is also guaranteed.When going from dominant to recessive, the busimpedance parasitic capacitor must be charged up to V SUP.This charge-up is achieved by the total system pullup current resistors. In order to guarantee that the rise time is within specification, maximum bus capacitance should not exceed 10 nF with bus total pullup resistance less than 1.0 k Ω.Receiver CharacteristicsThe receiver thresholds are ratiometric with the device supply pin. Typical threshold is 50%, with a hysteresis between 5% and 10% of V SUP .DATA INPUT PIN (TXD)The TXD input pin is the MCU interface that controls the state of the LIN output. When TXD is LOW, LIN output is LOW; when TXD is HIGH, the LIN output transistor is turned OFF.This pin has an internal 5.0 V internal pullup currentsource to set the bus in a recessive state in case the MCU is not able to control it; for instance, during system power-up/power-down. During the Sleep mode, the pullup current source is turned OFF.DATA OUTPUT PIN (RXD)The RXD output pin is the MCU interface that reports the state of the LIN bus voltage. LIN HIGH (recessive) is reported by a high level on RXD; LIN LOW (dominant) is reported by a low voltage on RXD. RXD output structure is a CMOS-type push-pull output stage.ENABLE INPUT PIN (EN)The EN pin controls the operation mode of the interface. If EN = logic [1], the interface is in normal mode, with thetransmission path from TXD to LIN and from LIN to RXD both active. If EN = logic [0], the device is in Sleep mode or low power mode, and no transmission is possible.In Sleep mode, the LIN bus pin is held at V SUP through the bus pullup resistors and pullup current sources. The device can transmit only after being awakened. Refer to the INHIBIT OUTPUT PIN (INH) description on page 11.During Sleep mode, the device is still supplied from the battery voltage (through V SUP pin). Supply current is 20 µA typical. Setting the EN pin to LOW will turn the INH to high impedance. The EN pin has an internal 20 µA pulldown current source to ensure the device is in Sleep mode if EN floats.Analog Integrated Circuit Device Data 33399FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTIONTIMING DIAGRAMSINHIBIT OUTPUT PIN (INH)The INH pin controls an external switchable voltageregulator having an inhibit input. This pin is a high-side switch structure to V SUP . When the device is in the Normal mode, the inhibit high-side switch is turned ON and the external voltage regulator is activated. When the device is in Sleep mode, the inhibit switch is turned OFF and disables the voltage regulator (if this feature is used).A wake-up event on the LIN bus line will switch the INH pin to V SUP level. Wake-up output current capability is limited to 280 µA. INH can also drive an external MOSFET connected to an MCU IRQ or XIRQ input to generate an interrupt. See the typical application illustrated in Figure 13, page 15.WAKE INPUT PIN (WAKE)The WAKE pin is a high-voltage input used to wake up the device from Sleep mode. WAKE is usually connected to an external switch in the application. The typical WAKE thresholds are V SUP / 2.The WAKE pin has a special design structure and allows wake-up from both HIGH-to-LOW or LOW-to-HIGHtransitions. When entering the Sleep mode, the LIN monitors the state of the WAKE pin and stores it as a reference state. The opposite state of this reference state will be the wake-up event used by the device to re-enter Normal mode.An internal filter is implemented (50 µs typical filtering time delay). The WAKE pin input structure exhibits a highimpedance with extremely low input current when voltage at this pin is below 14 V. When voltage at the WAKE pinexceeds 14 V, input current starts to sink into the device. A series resistor should be inserted in order to limit the input current, mainly during transient pulses. Recommended resistor value is 33 k Ω.Important The WAKE pin should not be left open. If the wake-up function is not used, WAKE should be connected to GND to avoid false wake-up.Analog Integrated Circuit Device Data33399FUNCTIONAL DEVICE OPERATION OPERATIONAL MODESFUNCTIONAL DEVICE OPERATIONOPERATIONAL MODESAs described below and depicted in Figure 10 and Table 5 on page 13, the 33399 has two operational modes, normal and sleep, and one transitional mode, Awake.NORMAL MODEThis is the normal transmitting and receiving mode. All features are available.SLEEP MODEIn this mode the transmission path is disabled and the device is in low power mode. Supply current from V SUP is 20 µA typical. Wake-up can occur from LIN bus activity, as well as from node internal wake-up through the EN pin and the WAKE input pin.DEVICE POWER-UP (AWAKE TRANSITIONAL MODE)At system power-up (V SUP rises from zero), the 33399 automatically switches into the “Awake ” mode (refer toFigure 10 below and Table 5 on page 13. It switches the INH pin in HIGH state to V SUP level. The microcontroller of the application then confirms the Normal mode by setting the EN pin HIGH.DEVICE WAKE-UP EVENTSThe device can be awakened from Sleep mode by three wake-up events:•LIN bus activity•Internal node wake-up (EN pin)•Wake-up from WAKE pinFigures 7, 8, and 9 on page 9 show device application circuit and detail of wake-up operations.Wake-Up from LIN Bus (Awake Transitional Mode)A wake-up from the LIN pin switching from recessive to dominant state (switch from V SUP to GND) can occur. This is achieved by a node sending a wake-up frame on the bus. This condition internally wakes up the interface, which switches the INH pin to a HIGH level to enable the voltage regulator. The device switches into the Awake mode. The microcontroller and the complete application power up. The microcontroller must switch the EN pin to a HIGH level to allow the device to leave the Awake mode and turn it into Normal mode in order to allow communication on the bus.Wake-Up from Internal Node Activity (Normal Mode)The application can internally wake up. In this case the microcontroller of the application sets the EN pin in the HIGH state. The device switches into Normal mode.Wake-Up from WAKE Pin (Awake Transitional Mode)The application can wake up with the activation of an external switch. Refer to Table 1, 8-SOICN Pin Definitions on page 3.Figure 10. Operational and Transitional Modes State DiagramPower-Up/SleepAwakeNormal EN LOWLIN Bus or WAKE PinEN HIGHWake-UpEN HIGH (Local Wake-Up Event)1.0 to 20kbpsV PWR > 7.0VNote Refer to Table 5 for explanation.V PWR < 7.0VV PWR < 7.0VV PWR < 7.0VDownAnalog Integrated Circuit Device Data 33399FUNCTIONAL DEVICE OPERATIONPROTECTION AND DIAGNOSIS FEATURESPROTECTION AND DIAGNOSIS FEATURESELECTROSTATIC DISCHARGE (ESD)The 33399 has two Human Body Model ESD values. All pins can handle ± 4.0 kV. The LIN bus pin, with respect to ground, can handle ± 5.0 kV.ELECTROMAGNETIC COMPATIBILITYRADIATED EMISSION ON LIN BUS OUTPUT LINERadiated emission level on the LIN bus output line is internally limited and reduced by active slew rate control of the output bus driver. Figure 11 shows the results in the frequency range 100 kHz to 2.0 MHz.ELECTROMAGNETIC IMMUNITY (EMI)On the LIN bus pin, the 33399 offers high EMI level from external disturbance occurring at the LIN bus pin in order to guarantee communication during external disturbance.On the WAKE input pin, an internal filter is implemented to reduce false wake-up during external disturbance.NOISE FILTERINGNoise filtering is used to protect the electronic module against illegal wake-up spikes on the bus. Integrated receiver filters suppress any high-frequency (HF) noise induced into the bus wires. The cut-off frequency of these filters is a compromise between propagation delay and HF suppression.Figure 11. Radiated Emission in Normal ModeTable 5. Explanation of Operational and Transitional Modes State DiagramOperational/ Transitional LININH EN TXD RXDSleep Mode Recessive state, driver off. 20 µA pullup current source.LOW LOW X High impedance.Awake Recessive state, driver off. HIGH LOW XLOW.Normal ModeDriver active. 30 k Ω pullup active.HIGHHIGHLOW to drive LIN bus in dominant.HIGH to drive LIN bus in recessive.Report LIN bus level: • LOW LIN bus dominant • HIGH LIN bus recessiveX = Don’t care.Analog Integrated Circuit Device Data33399TYPICAL APPLICATIONSTYPICAL APPLICATIONSThe 33399 can be configured in several applications. Figures 12 and 13 show slave and master node applications. An additional pullup resistor of 1.0 k Ω in series with a diode must be added when the device is used in the master node.Figure 12. Slave Node Typical Application with WAKE Input Switch and INH(Switchable 5.0 V Regulator)Actuator SCIMCUDriverM12V5.0VINH5.0 VL I N B u sV REGI/OV DD External SwitchRXDTXDENLINVSUPV REF LogicGNDDriverReceiverBias INHProtectionWake-Up WAKE30k Ω33399V PWRRegulator Regulator ControlAnalog Integrated Circuit Device Data 33399TYPICAL APPLICATIONSFigure 13. Master Node Typical Device Application with MCU Wake-Up from Stop Mode(Non-Switchable 5.0 V Regulator, MCU Stop Mode)Actuator SCIMCU DriverM5.0 VL I N B u sMaster Node PullupIRQ5.0VI/O V DD I/O(2)RXDTXDENLINVSUPV REF LogicGNDDriverReceiverBiasINHProtectionWAKE30k Ω1.0k Ω33399V PWRExternal Switch12V5.0VRegulator Wake-Up Regulator ControlREFERENCE DOCUMENTSREFERENCE DOCUMENTSTable 6. Reference DocumentsTitle LIterature Order Number Local Interconnect Network (LIN) Physical Interface: Difference Between MC33399 and MC33661EB21533399Analog Integrated Circuit Device DataAnalog Integrated Circuit Device Data 33399PACKAGINGPACKAGE DIMENSIONSPACKAGINGPACKAGE DIMENSIONSImportant For the most current revision of the package, visit and do a keyword search on the 98Adrawing number below.8-PIN SOIC NARROW BODYPLASTIC PACKAGE 98ASB42564B ISSUE UAnalog Integrated Circuit Device Data33399REVISION HISTORYREVISION HISTORYREVISIONDATE DESCRIPTION OF CHANGES7.07/2006•Implemented Revision History page •Added Pb-Free suffix code EF•Added EPP ordering part number MCZ33399EF/R2•Adjusted to the Freescale prevailing form and style8.010/2006•Removed Peak Package Reflow Temperature During Reflow (solder reflow) parameter from MAXIMUM RATINGS on page 4. Added note with instructions to obtain this information from .MC33399Information in this document is provided solely to enable system and software implementers to use Freescale Semiconductor products. There are no express or implied copyright licenses granted hereunder to design or fabricate any integrated circuits or integrated circuits based on the information in this document.Freescale Semiconductor reserves the right to make changes without further notice to any products herein. Freescale Semiconductor makes no warranty, representation or guarantee regarding the suitability of its products for any particular purpose, nor does Freescale Semiconductor assume any liability arising out of the application or use of any product or circuit, and specifically disclaims any and all liability, including without limitation consequential or incidental damages. “Typical” parameters that may beprovided in Freescale Semiconductor data sheets and/or specifications can and do vary in different applications and actual performance may vary over time. All operating parameters, including “Typicals”, must be validated for each customer application by customer’s technical experts. Freescale Semiconductor does not convey any license under its patent rights nor the rights of others. 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AK 98
AK98™Dialysis Machine操作手册程序版本1.xx订单号:MHCZHCN12626-02/15HCZHCN12626修订02.2015程序版本1.xx©2014Gambro Lundia AB。
商标商标Gambro、AK 98、BiCart、CleanCart、Diascan、SoftPac、U 9000、Polyflux、Revaclear 和Evodial 都属于Gambro 集团。
商标Dialox 属于Air Liquide 集团。
商标HASTELLOY 属于Haynes International Inc。
制造商Gambro Lundia ABBox 10101Magistratsvägen 16SE-22010LUNDSweden电话:+4646169000销售代表联系信息(如果有):如对本手册有任何意见或建议,请联系当地销售代表或制造商。
Operators handbook1用前须知 (1)2机器说明 (17)3操作血液透析装置 (39)4血液透析-双针治疗 (57)5血液透析-单针治疗 (85)6单纯超滤 (93)7图形预制功能 (97)8测量血压(选件) (105)9检查清除率(选件) (111)10消毒和清洁 (117)11对AK98™血液透析装置和WRO系统进行消毒 (131)12维护和操作 (135)13技术数据和规格 (141)14当地法规登记号(如果有) (161)Alarm handbook1报警 (1)2关注信息 (55)HCZHCN12626修订02.2015程序版本1.xx目录1用前须知 (1)1.1阅读操作手册时的重要事项 (2)1.1.1关于本操作手册 (2)1.1.2安全定义 (2)1.1.3值和设置 (2)1.1.4按钮 (2)1.1.5关于屏幕 (2)1.1.6符号 (4)1.2使用前的一般警告和注意事项 (6)1.2.1使用前的一般注意事项 (6)1.2.2责任与免责声明 (8)1.2.3漏电和等电位连接 (8)1.2.4治疗地点 (9)1.2.5中心静脉导管 (9)1.2.6外部电气设备连接 (9)1.2.7如何移动AK98血液透析装置 (9)1.2.8安全须知 (9)1.3预期用途 (10)1.3.1预期用途 (10)1.3.2培训 (11)1.3.3消毒和功能检查 (11)1.3.4进水要求 (11)1.3.5中央输送系统的卫生质量 (11)1.3.6配制透析液 (11)1.4附件 (12)1.4.1浓缩液、化学消毒剂、附件和消耗品 (12)1.4.2浓缩液 (12)1.4.3化学消毒剂 (13)1.4.4血液管路 (13)1.4.5附件 (13)1.4.6超滤器(选件) (13)1.4.7透析器 (14)1.4.8血压测量附件 (14)1.5术语 (15)1.5.1术语 (15)2机器说明 (17)2.1血液部分 (18)2.1.1血液部分的部件 (18)2.1.2血液部分部件详细信息 (19)2.2液体部分 (26)2.2.1液体部分的部件 (26)2.2.2液体部分组件详细信息 (27)HCZHCN12626修订02.2015程序版本1.xx2.3背面的部件 (32)2.3.1背面的部件 (32)2.3.2背面部件详细信息 (33)3操作血液透析装置 (39)3.1操作员位置 (40)3.1.1操作员位置 (40)3.2打开和关闭血液透析装置 (40)3.2.1主开关 (40)3.2.2开/关按钮 (40)3.3指示灯和按钮 (40)3.3.1指示灯 (40)3.3.2操作员面板上的按钮 (41)3.4屏幕 (42)3.4.1屏幕概述 (42)3.4.2静脉和动脉压力控制(1,2) (43)3.4.3机器状态指示灯(3) (43)3.4.4时间(4) (43)3.4.5血液路径(5) (44)3.4.6液体流路(6) (44)3.4.7旁路路径 (44)3.4.8血压区(7,8)(选件) (44)3.4.9清除率区(9,10)(选件) (44)3.4.10治疗浏览(11–15) (44)3.4.11报警选项卡(16) (45)3.4.12信息选项卡(17) (45)3.4.13信息字段(18) (45)3.4.14预冲按钮(19) (45)3.4.15回血按钮(20) (45)3.4.16消毒按钮(21) (46)3.4.17血液按钮(22) (47)3.4.18液体按钮(23) (48)3.4.19液体旁路按钮(24) (50)3.4.20超滤按钮(25) (51)3.4.21治疗历史记录页面(26) (51)3.4.22状态栏(27) (51)3.4.23服务菜单 (51)3.5浓缩液待命模式 (52)3.5.1关于暂停透析液 (52)3.5.2手动暂停透析液的配制 (53)3.5.3恢复透析液的配制 (53)3.5.4自动暂停透析液配制 (53)3.6在电源故障期间操作机器 (53)3.6.1在有备用电池的情况下出现电源故障 (53)3.6.2在没有备用电池的情况下出现电源故障 (53)3.6.3手动为病人回血 (54)HCZHCN12626修订02.2015程序版本1.xx3.7在治疗过程中更换透析器和血路管 (54)3.8超滤控制 (55)4血液透析-双针治疗 (57)4.1基本功能 (58)4.2开始双针治疗 (58)4.2.1治疗前检查事项 (58)4.2.2开始功能检查 (58)4.2.3设置血液透析装置 (59)4.2.4连接动脉血液管路 (61)4.2.5连接静脉血液管路 (66)4.2.6连接肝素注射器 (71)4.2.7预冲透析循环 (73)预冲说明 (73)手动预冲 (73)辅助预冲 (75)4.2.8预冲选项 (76)额外预冲 (76)再循环 (76)4.2.9设置治疗时间 (77)4.2.10设置超滤量 (77)4.2.11设置肝素值 (78)4.2.12连接病人 (79)4.2.13开始治疗 (81)4.3结束双针治疗 (82)4.3.1结束治疗 (82)4.3.2确认断开病人 (83)4.3.3机器后期处理 (83)5血液透析-单针治疗 (85)5.1基本功能 (86)5.2准备 (86)5.3连接病人 (89)5.4开始治疗 (90)5.5结束单针治疗 (91)6单纯超滤 (93)6.1基本功能 (94)6.2处理单纯超滤 (94)6.2.1启用单纯超滤 (94)6.2.2如何再添加一个单纯超滤量 (94)6.2.3停止单纯超滤 (95)6.3其他信息 (95)6.3.1肝素 (95)HCZHCN12626修订02.2015程序版本1.xx7图形预制功能 (97)7.1一般信息 (98)7.2钠和碳酸氢盐浓度曲线 (98)7.3超滤率曲线 (98)7.4图形预制功能设置/启用 (101)7.5无预设模型的图形预制功能 (102)7.5.1无预设模型的超滤图形预制功能 (102)7.5.2无预设模型的钠图形预制功能 (103)7.5.3无预设模型的碳酸氢盐图形预制功能 (103)7.6设置和启用带预设模型的图形预制功能 (104)8测量血压(选件) (105)8.1血压监测仪(BPM) (106)8.2血压袖带 (106)8.3直接血压测量 (107)8.4间隔时间血压测量 (108)8.5测量历史记录 (108)8.6设置报警限值 (109)8.7血压测量期间的病人护理 (109)8.7.1所有病人 (109)8.7.2高血压病人 (110)8.7.3心律不齐的病人 (110)9检查清除率(选件) (111)9.1清除率测量(Diascan™)如何工作 (112)9.2清除率测量检查内容 (112)9.3检查K和Kt (112)9.4检查Kt/V (113)9.5测量历史记录 (114)9.6设置Kt/V目标值 (114)9.7设置K或Kt/V过低的报警 (115)9.8影响测量的因素 (115)10消毒和清洁 (117)10.1消毒和清洁–一般信息 (118)10.2启动前的检查事项 (118)10.3加热消毒 (119)10.3.1加热消毒说明 (119)10.3.2清洁和脱钙 (119)10.3.3启动加热消毒 (119)HCZHCN12626修订02.2015程序版本1.xx10.3.4启动使用CleanCart™清洗棒的加热消毒 (120)10.3.5启动使用液体柠檬酸的加热消毒 (120)10.3.6启动使用液体柠檬酸的短时间加热消毒 (120)10.3.7整合加热消毒 (121)整合加热消毒 (121)安排加热消毒方案 (121)关闭已安排的方案 (122)10.3.8使用WRO300H单元进行整合加热消毒 (122)使用WRO300H单元进行整合加热消毒 (122)10.4化学消毒 (122)10.4.1有关化学消毒 (122)10.4.2启动化学消毒 (123)10.4.3启动中央化学消毒 (123)10.4.4对WRO单元执行化学消毒方案 (124)10.4.5消毒剂残留物检测 (124)10.4.6消毒历史记录 (124)10.4.7关于化学消毒剂 (125)10.5冲洗和排水 (125)10.5.1启动冲洗或排水 (125)10.5.2安排冲洗方案 (125)10.5.3关闭特定天的冲洗方案 (126)10.6存放灌有化学消毒剂的机器 (126)10.6.1在血液透析装置中灌注化学消毒剂 (126)10.6.2开始使用灌有化学消毒剂的血液透析装置 (127)10.7参考 (127)10.7.1消毒剂、脱钙剂和清洁剂-特征 (127)10.7.2清洁和消毒安排 (128)10.7.3流量路径 (129)11对AK98™血液透析装置和WRO系统进行消毒 (131)11.1一般说明 (132)11.2使用WRO300H单元进行整合加热消毒 (132)11.2.1对WRO300H单元进行整合加热消毒的说明 (132)11.2.2安排整合加热消毒 (132)11.2.3手动启动整合加热消毒 (132)11.3对WRO单元执行中央化学消毒方案 (133)11.3.1对WRO单元执行中央化学消毒方案的说明 (133)11.3.2启动WRO单元的中央化学消毒 (133)11.4冲洗设置 (134)11.4.1冲洗设置 (134)HCZHCN12626修订02.2015程序版本1.xx12维护和操作 (135)12.1维护 (136)12.2血泵转子 (136)12.2.1血泵转子的维护 (136)12.2.2清洁血泵转子 (136)12.3清洁漏血探测器 (137)12.4进水管 (137)12.5吸液管 (137)12.6表面和顶部托盘 (138)12.7更换超滤器 (138)12.8存放 (139)12.9服务 (139)12.10丢弃 (139)13技术数据和规格 (141)13.1性能和规格-控制系统 (143)13.1.1预冲 (143)13.1.2血流控制 (143)13.1.3肝素泵 (143)13.1.4血压 (144)13.1.5血压监测仪(BPM) (144)13.1.6透析液准备 (144)13.1.7超滤控制 (145)13.1.8超滤保护 (146)13.1.9图形预制功能 (146)13.1.10Diascan™(选件) (146)13.1.11消毒和清洁-化学消毒 (146)13.1.12消毒和清洁–加热消毒 (147)13.1.13自动加热消毒 (148)13.1.14加热消毒方案(包括WRO300H) (148)13.1.15消毒和清洁-冲洗/排水 (148)13.1.16消毒和清洁-外部清洁 (148)13.1.17供水 (148)13.1.18电源 (149)13.1.19外部设备连接 (150)13.1.20备用电池 (150)13.2性能和规格-监控系统 (150)13.2.1血压监控 (150)13.2.2空气探测 (151)13.2.3因凝血造成的体外血液流失 (151)13.2.4透析液准备 (151)13.2.5超滤控制系统 (151)13.2.6漏血探测 (152)HCZHCN12626修订02.2015程序版本1.xx13.3报警声压 (152)13.3.1报警声压 (152)13.4物理数据 (152)13.4.1尺寸和重量 (152)13.4.2输液支架 (152)13.5与透析液、浓缩液和水接触的材料 (152)13.5.1聚合物 (152)13.5.2金属 (153)13.5.3其它材料 (153)13.6环境数据 (153)13.6.1中国RoHS声明表 (153)13.6.2操作 (153)13.6.3运输和储存 (154)13.6.4电磁环境 (154)13.6.5预期使用寿命 (157)13.6.6能耗 (157)13.7标准 (158)14当地法规登记号(如果有) (161)HCZHCN12626修订02.2015程序版本1.xx1用前须知1.1阅读操作手册时的重要事项 (2)1.1.1关于本操作手册 (2)1.1.2安全定义 (2)1.1.3值和设置 (2)1.1.4按钮 (2)1.1.5关于屏幕 (2)1.1.6符号 (4)1.2使用前的一般警告和注意事项 (6)1.2.1使用前的一般注意事项 (6)1.2.2责任与免责声明 (8)1.2.3漏电和等电位连接 (8)1.2.4治疗地点 (9)1.2.5中心静脉导管 (9)1.2.6外部电气设备连接 (9)1.2.7如何移动AK98血液透析装置 (9)1.2.8安全须知 (9)1.3预期用途 (10)1.3.1预期用途 (10)1.3.2培训 (11)1.3.3消毒和功能检查 (11)1.3.4进水要求 (11)1.3.5中央输送系统的卫生质量 (11)1.3.6配制透析液 (11)1.4附件 (12)1.4.1浓缩液、化学消毒剂、附件和消耗品 (12)1.4.2浓缩液 (12)1.4.3化学消毒剂 (13)1.4.4血液管路 (13)1.4.5附件 (13)1.4.6超滤器(选件) (13)1.4.7透析器 (14)1.4.8血压测量附件 (14)1.5术语 (15)1.5.1术语 (15)1.1阅读操作手册时的重要事项1.1.1关于本操作手册这本操作手册提供了正确使用AK200SAK200ULTRA SAK96AK98NewayPrismaflex血液透析装置所需的说明。
楚杂999油菜种审定编号英文回答:楚杂999 Oilseed Rape.Approval Number: 2002044。
Applicant: Hunan Academy of Agricultural Sciences.Approval Date: 2002-04-10。
Main Characters:High yield, lodging resistance, and disease resistance.Suitable for cultivation in the Yellow and Yangtze River valleys and southwestern China.Good quality with high oil content.Agronomic Traits:Plant height: 150-170 cm.Branching: moderate.Leaf color: green.Flowering period: mid-March to early April.Maturity period: mid-May to early June.Yield: 4,500-5,000 kg/ha.Resistance:Resistant to Alternaria blight, Sclerotinia stem rot, and powdery mildew.Cultivation Techniques:Sowing time: September to October.Sowing density: 75,000-90,000 plants/ha.Fertilization: Apply 150-180 kg/ha of nitrogen, 90-120 kg/ha of phosphorus, and 90-120 kg/ha of potassium.Water management: Keep the soil moist during the seedling stage and flowering stage.Disease and pest control: Spray pesticides as needed to control diseases and pests.中文回答:楚杂999油菜。
N9398C F G和N9399C F直流阻断器技术概览
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Agilent N9398C/F/G 和 N9399C/F 直流阻断器
·最大工作范围:26.5、50或67 GHz
·提高校准精度,在 67 GHz 时有
卓越的回波损耗(>15 dB)
·以< 0.9 dB的插入损耗给出最大
·2 种可选的直流电压额定值,适
Agilent N9398C/F/G和N9399C/ F直流阻断器提供最佳的直流阻断, 具有从 50 kHz 直到 67 GHz 的宽带 性能。本产品用于在将交流驱动加 到某个器件的同时,消除任何直流 电压或电流分量。这些直流阻断器 的特点是:宽频率范围、优良的回 波损耗、非常低的插入损耗和卓越 的温度稳定性。精密同轴连接器界 面确保在宽带宽内有优良的阻抗匹
N9398C/F/G 和 N9399C/F 直流阻断器将电容与内导体串联,从而阻止 直流信号沿内导体流动(直流信号流过内导体偶尔可能对其他有源器件加偏 置)。在从 50 kHz 至 50 GHz 和 700 kHz 至 67 GHz,这些直流阻断器以合理 的价格提供优良的宽带性能,真正物有所值。
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0 7月26日 0 8月7日 0 7月24日 0 8月5日 0 8月2日 0 8月11日 0 0 0 7月30日 0 8月6日 0 8月8日 0 7月24日 0 8月1日 0 8月3日 OK OK NG OK NG A B OK OK NG OK NG NG
RAD 05-AUG-2014 1.84E+08 st01-011b CORD, POWER R13601634 22-JUL-2014 05-AUG-2014
RAD RAD RAD 23-JUL-2014 28-JUL-2014 30-JUL-2014 184813511 st01-015 184813511 st01-015 184813511 st01-015 POWER-SUPPLY R13588940 CORD POWER-SUPPLY R13594298 CORD POWER-SUPPLY R13592863 CORD 22-JUL-2014 22-JUL-2014 22-JUL-2014 24-JUL-2014 23-JUL-2014 29-JUL-2014
08-AUG-2014 184851911 st01-018
新天地电子(Newtons4th Ltd)N4L 7949 03 3kHz高频交流电源商品说明书
DC~3kHZ Bandwidth (10kHz small signal)Better than 0.3% THD Isolated OutputRegenerative Option0~270V & 0~135V RMS 0~11.1Arms & 0~22.2Arms ContinuousStackable Parallel OptionCombine units to create a 3 Phase system (Delta/Star)Newtons4th Ltd794903-Advanced Power SourcesHighIEC ENWhite Goods, Aerospace, Consumer Electronics, Single and Three PhaseParallel up to 9 units [27kVA] in single and 3 phase configirationArbitrary waveform generation including harmonic synthesis IEC61000 ComplianceSOURCE WITH A SINGLE PHASE UNIVERSAL INPUTPOWER ELECTRONICS EXPERTISE MEASUREMENT EXPERTISEQUALITYISO17025ACCREDITATIONMASTER8x SLAVESGROUP 1 50Hz 220V L-N0° Phase OffsetGROUP 1 50Hz 220V L-N120° Phase Offset GROUP 1 50Hz 220V L-N240° Phase OffsetR&DUSB, RS232, CAN and a Parallel networking bus to control the N4AX when in master-slave configuration.Input, Output and Sense terminals feature high quality removable connectors making connection and disconnection from a system extremely easy. Spare connectors are readily available from worldwide component stockists.There is also a Regen Option connector on the rear of the N4AX which facilitates connection to a regen unit. N4L will be releasing the regen unit during 2018.Waveform Example : DO-160 Section modulation, AC)Waveform Example : DO-160 Section Power Interruptions, AC)consumer electronics. An example application is development and test of AC/DC mobile phone chargers, where the N4AX can be paired up with a PPA500 or PPA1500 precision power analyzer to provide a complete measurement solution.The N4AX can be employed to generate a constant sinusoidal output, or it can be configuredto apply high levels of distortion, voltage sags or voltage surges to the device under test, forexample.AnalyzerAnalyzerand analysis of up to 6 DUT’s. The example below shows 6 mobile phone battery chargers being simultaneously powered and analyzed by the N4AX and PPA3500.components. This makes the N4AX able to generate power for both automotive inverter design and test applications as well as development and test of grid connected charging systems.immunity tests. The N4AX offers a very low distortion output which is a key requirement of the Harmonics and Flicker standard. The output impedance is also extremely low, a key performance IEC7949occur. The N4AX series of power sources are able to signal to the rest of the system that a fault has occured and immediate shut down of the system is initiated to protect the device under test as well as the remaining N4AX power sources. This is known as the “high speed kill function”.As N4AX power sources can act as a master and a slave, even if the original master unit is in fault condition one of the remaining N4AX units can take over master responsibilities and system operation can resume. (see example below)7949Newtons4th Ltd 1 Bede Island RoadLeicester LE2 7EAUKPhone: +44 (0)116 230 1066 Fax: +44 (0)116 230 1061Email:********************Web: copyright © 2010-2018 Newtons4th Document ref: N4AX/iss3/Mar_2018Newtons4th Newtons4th Ltd (abbreviated to N4L) was established in 1997 to design, manufacture and support innovative electronic equipment to a worldwide market, specialising in sophisticated test equipment particularly related to phase measurement. The company was founded on the principle of using the latest technology and sophisticated analysis techniques in order to provide our customers with accurate, easy to use instruments at a lower price than has been traditionally associated with these types of measurementsAll specifications at 23˚C ± 5˚C . These specifications are quoted in good faith but Newtons4th Ltd reserves the right to amend any specification at any time without notice.Contact your local N4L Distributor for further detailsDistributed By :Flexibility in our products and an attitude to providing the solutions that our customers really want has allowed us to develop many innovative functions in our ever increasing product range(Sales, Support, Calibration)。
Extract from the onlinecatalogMCDV 1,5/11-G-3,81Order No.: 1830499The figure shows a 10-position version of the producthttp://eshop.phoenixcontact.de/phoenix/treeViewClick.do?UID=1830499Header, nominal current: 8 A, rated voltage: 160 V, pitch: 3.81 mm, no. of positions: 11, mounting: Solderinghttp://Please note that the data givenhere has been taken from theonline catalog. For comprehensiveinformation and data, please referto the user documentation. TheGeneral Terms and Conditions ofUse apply to Internet downloads. Technical dataDimensions / positionsPitch 3.81 mmDimension a38.1 mmNumber of positions11Pin dimensions0,8 x 0,8 mmHole diameter 1.2 mmTechnical dataInsulating material group IIIaRated surge voltage (III/3) 2.5 kVRated surge voltage (III/2) 2.5 kVRated surge voltage (II/2) 2.5 kVRated voltage (III/2)160 VRated voltage (II/2)250 VConnection in acc. with standard EN-VDENominal current I N8 ANominal voltage U N160 VMaximum load current8 AInsulating material PBTInflammability class acc. to UL 94V0Certificates / ApprovalsApproval logoCSANominal voltage U N300 VNominal current I N8 ACULNominal voltage U N300 VNominal current I N8 AULNominal voltage U N300 VNominal current I N8 ACertification CB, CSA, CUL, GOST, UL, VDE-PZIAccessoriesItem Designation DescriptionMarking0804109SK 3,81/2,8:FORTL.ZAHLEN Marker card, printed horizontally, self-adhesive, 10-section markerstrip, 14 identical decades marked 1-10, 11-20 etc. up to 91-(99)100, sufficient for 140 terminal blocksPlug/Adapter1734634CP-MSTB Coding profile, is inserted into the slot on the plug or invertedheader, red insulating materialAdditional productsItem Designation DescriptionGeneral1851135FK-MCP 1,5/11-ST-3,81Plug component, nominal current: 8 A, rated voltage: 160 V, pitch:3.81 mm, no. of positions: 11, type of connection: Spring-cageconnection1850754FRONT-MC 1,5/11-ST-3,81Plug component, nominal current: 8 A, rated voltage: 160 V,pitch: 3.81 mm, no. of positions: 11, type of connection: Screwconnection1862661IMC 1,5/11-G-3,81Header, nominal current: 8 A, rated voltage: 160 V, pitch: 3.81mm, no. of positions: 11, mounting: Soldering1875519IMCV 1,5/11-G-3,81Header, nominal current: 8 A, rated voltage: 160 V, pitch: 3.81mm, no. of positions: 11, mounting: Soldering1803662MC 1,5/11-ST-3,81Plug component, nominal current: 8 A, rated voltage: 160 V,pitch: 3.81 mm, no. of positions: 11, type of connection: Screwconnection1852260MCC 1/11-STZ-3,81Plug component, nominal current: 8 A, rated voltage: 160 V,pitch: 3.81 mm, no. of positions: 11, type of connection: Crimpconnection1827211MCVR 1,5/11-ST-3,81Plug component, nominal current: 8 A, rated voltage: 160 V,pitch: 3.81 mm, no. of positions: 11, type of connection: Screwconnection1827062MCVW 1,5/11-ST-3,81Plug component, nominal current: 8 A, rated voltage: 160 V,pitch: 3.81 mm, no. of positions: 11, type of connection: Screwconnection1897487QC 0,5/11-ST-3,81Plug, nominal current: 6 A, rated voltage: 320 V, pitch: 3.81mm, number of positions: 11, connection method: Insulationdisplacement connection QUICKONDrawingsDrilling diagramDimensioned drawingAddressPHOENIX CONTACT GmbH & Co. KGFlachsmarktstr. 832825 Blomberg,GermanyPhone +49 5235 3 00Fax +49 5235 3 41200http://www.phoenixcontact.de© 2008 Phoenix ContactTechnical modifications reserved;。
地址:471000 河南省洛阳市涧西区中弘卓越城七号楼二单元1704
Exopack Advanced Coatings Tecnilith Films Exposure
USAEuropeTel +1 800 688 9171/+1 704 847 9171 Tel +44 (0)1978 660241 Fax +1 704 845 4307Fax +44 (0)1978 661452700 Crestdale Road, Matthews, NC 28105Ash Road North, Wrexham Ind Est, Wrexham, LL139uF(This Product Information is not intended by Exopack Advanced Coatings for use as a Product Specification or Warranty for the Product)Step by Step: Exposure Guide 1Exopack Advanced Coatings ******************Exposure GuideFor Tecnilith ®FilmsDuratool Tecnilith FilmsPositive working, room light handling films specifically designed to reproduce the printed circuit master artwork.FeaturesSpecially formulated emulsion for sharp resolution and highly defined images. Films are coated on a .007” polyester base for maximum dimensional stability and durability to keep their original image geometry.Processing TipsThese pages will identify correct methods of accomplishing exposure and development, list common problems and provide practical trouble-shooting solutions.Exposure GuideThe use of the 21 Step Sensitivity Guide as an effective imaging tool for Molecular Dye Imaging Films.A. Locate the Sensitivity Guide beside silver master, with the emulsion side of guide toward emulsion ofduplicating film or Phototool film.B. When using other than solver film, place the Guide in a clear area under the film you are duplicating in order to compensate for any difference between the Dmin (MinimumDensity) of the film being used and the silver guide.C. Locate the best exposure. Reproduce the Guide on the film duplicate to have a solid step three (3) and a clear step two (2) (or slight trace of color). Increase exposure time to clear away steps and decrease exposure time to obtain color in steps.- Clear Step 1 - Clear Step 2(or slight trace of color) - Good Step 3 Correct ExposureThis exposure gives the latitude required in the production area. When Step 3 starts to go, check film to verify width.- Clear 1 - Clear 2 - 3 Loss of colorOver-ExposureThe use of over-exposure to shrink a line when using a positive image is an acceptable practice. Reference Spread & Choke Guide.For more information on ExopackAdvancedCoatings’ Tecnilith products or to place an order, call Customer Service at 800-688-9171.- Clear Step 1- Good Step 2Under ExposureNote: Even though this exposure results in a clear background it does not allow the latitude necessary to account for any slight differences in the D-min of the original.。
准许向中国出口牛精液的加拿大生产中心名单1.名称Name:Alta Genetics Inc.地址 Address:R. R. #2, Balzac, Alberta, Canada T0M 0E0中国注册号 Registration Number in China:2004BAICA001电话 Tel:1-403-226-0666传真 Fax:1-403-226-42592.名称Name:Independent Breeders Service Ltd.地址 Address:Box 3608, Airdrie, Alberta, Canada中国注册号 Registration Number in China:2004BAICA002电话 Tel:1-403-226-0666传真 Fax:1-403-226-42593.名称 Name:Sire Lodge Inc.地址 Address:Highway 501, Cardston, Alberta, Canada T0K 0K0 中国注册号 Registration Number in China:2004BAICA003电话 Tel:1-403-653-4438传真 Fax:1-403-653-37004.名称Name:Western Canada’s Genetic Center (Westgen) 地址Address:6681 Glover Road, Milner, British Columbia Canada V0X 1 T0中国注册号 Registration Number in China:2004BAICA004电话 Tel:1-604-530-1141传真 Fax:1-604-534-30365. 名称 Name:Centre d’insémination artificielle du Québec(CIAQ)地址 Address:3450 Sicotte, St-Hyacinthe, Québec, Canada J2S 7B8中国注册号 Registration Number in China:2004BAICA006电话 Tel:1-450-774-1141传真 Fax:1-450-774-93186. 名称Name:Eastern Breeders Inc.地址Address: Box 2000, 595 County Rd. 44, Kemptville, Ontario , K0G 1J0中国注册号 Registration Number in China:2004BAICA007电话 Tel:1-613-258-5944传真 Fax:1-613-258-37197. 名称Name:Gencor Genetic Corporation地址 Address:R.R. #5, Guelph, Ontario, Canada N1H 6J2中国注册号 Registration Number in China:2004BAICA008电话 Tel:1-519-821-2150传真 Fax:1-519-763-65828. 名称Name:ABS Global (Canada) Inc.地址 Address:1525 Floradale Road, Elmira, Ontario, Canada N3B 2Z1中国注册号 Registration Number in China:2004BAICA009电话 Tel:1-519-669-0108传真 Fax:1-519-669-13629. 名称Name:Foundation Genetics Service Inc.地址 Address:7970 Perth Rd. 147, R.R. #4, Listowel, Ontario,Canada N4W 3G9中国注册号 Registration Number in China:2007BAICA001电话 Tel:1-519-291-9916传真 Fax:1-519-291-3532准许向中国出口牛胚胎的加拿大生产中心名单1.名称Name:Alta Embryo Group Ltd地址 Address:253147 Unit A, Bearspaw Rd., Calgary, Alberta, Canada T3L 2P5中国注册号 Registration Number in China:2004BETCA001电话 Tel:1-403-239-8882传真 Fax:1-403-239-88862.名称Name:Davis-Rairdan Embryo Transplants Ltd.地址 Address:Box 590, Crossfield, Alberta, Canada T0M 0S0 中国注册号 Registration Number in China:2004BETCA002电话 Tel:1-403-946-4551传真 Fax:1-403-946-50933.名称Name:Canada Livestock Services Ltd地址 Address:26 Country Hills Heights, Calgary, Alberta, Canada中国注册号 Registration Number in China:2004BETCA003电话 Tel:1-780-808-2815传真 Fax:1-780-808-28164.名称Name:Canadian Pacific Genetics Center-Site 1 地址 Address:Unit 101, 33832 South Fraser Way, Abbotsford, British Columbia V2S 1W2中国注册号 Registration Number in China:2004BETCA004电话 Tel:1-604-850-7577传真 Fax:1-604-853-25455.名称Name:Canadian Pacific Genetics Center-Site 2 地址Address:5904 Interprovincial Highway, Abbotsford, British Columbia V3G 2P8中国注册号 Registration Number in China:2004BETCA005电话 Tel:1-604-850-7577传真 Fax:1-604-853-25456.名称 Name:Emtech Genetics Ltd.地址 Address:5758 203rd Street, Langley, British Columbia, Canada V3A 1W3中国注册号 Registration Number in China:2004BETCA007电话 Tel:1-604-530-5950传真 Fax:1-604-534-25267.名称Name:Emtech Genetics Sask. Ltd地址 Address:Box 148, Hague, Saskatchewan, Canada, S0K 1X0 中国注册号 Registration Number in China:2004BETCA008电话 Tel:1-306-225-2261传真 Fax:1-306-225-44128.名称 Name:L’Alliance Boviteq Inc地址 Address:19320 Grand rang St-Francois, St-Hyacinthe, Qu ébec, Canada J2T 5H1中国注册号 Registration Number in China:2004BETCA009电话 Tel:1-450-774-7949传真 Fax:1-450-774-174010.名称Name:Maple Hills Embryos Inc.地址 Address:195962, 19th Line, Thamesford, Ontario, Canada N0M 2M0中国注册号 Registration Number in China:2004BETCA011电话 Tel:1-519-421-2845传真 Fax:1-519-421-745811.名称Name:Gencor Embryo Centre地址 Address:R.R. #5, Guelph, Ontario, Canada N1H 6J2 中国注册号 Registration Number in China:2004BETCA012电话 Tel:1-519-821-2150传真 Fax:1-519-763-658212.名称Name:Central Canadian Genetics Ltd.地址 Address:202 Dufferin Avenue, Selkirk, Manitoba, Canada.R1A 1B9中国注册号 Registration Number in China:2004BETCA013电话 Tel:1-204-482-1760传真 Fax:1-204-482-176113.名称Name:Embryobec地址 Address:84 Principale,St-Louis de Gonzague, Québec, Canada J0S 1T0中国注册号 Registration Number in China:2004BETCA014电话 Tel:1-450-377-3010传真 Fax:1-450-371-893814.名称 Name:Embryo Genetics Ltd.地址 Address:Box 745, Morden, Manitoba,Canada R6M 1A7中国注册号 Registration Number in China:2007BETCA001电话 Tel:1-204-822-3054传真 Fax:1-204-822-4708准许向中国出口猪精液的加拿大生产中心名单1.名称 Name:Alberta Swine Genetics Co.地址 Address:Box 3310, Leduc, Alberta, Canada T9E 6M1中国注册号 Registration Number in China:2004SAICA001电话 Tel:1-780-986-1250传真 Fax:1-780-986-65232.名称Name:Hypor Green Hill AI Center地址 Address:Box 323, Ituna, Saskatchewan, Canada S0C 1N0 中国注册号 Registration Number in China:2004SAICA002电话 Tel:1-306-721-2034传真 Fax:1-306-721-25283.名称Name:Aurora GTC地址 Address:Box 177, Kipling, Saskatchewan, Canada S0G 2S0 中国注册号 Registration Number in China:2004SAICA003电话 Tel:1-306-462-2051传真 Fax:1-306-462-21084.名称Name:Hytek Ltd.地址 Address:Box 100, La Broquerie, Manitoba,Canada R0A 0W0 中国注册号 Registration Number in China:2007SAICA001电话 Tel:1-204-434-5051传真 Fax:1-204-434-5069准许向中国出口猪血产品的加拿大生产企业名单1.名称Name:APC Nutrition Inc地址Address:41,Calixa-Lavallée, Verchéres, Québec, Canada 中国注册号Registration Number in China:2004FSCA001电话Tel:1-450-583-2000传真Fax:1-450-583-58432.名称Name:APC Nutrition Inc.地址Address:7115,Ogdendale Road S.E., Calgary,Alberta,Canada中国注册号Registration Number in China:2004FSCA002电话Tel:1-450-236-9515传真Fax:1-450-203-6525。
Enterprise Development专业品质权威Analysis Report企业发展分析报告郑州顺梅壁纸有限公司免责声明:本报告通过对该企业公开数据进行分析生成,并不完全代表我方对该企业的意见,如有错误请及时联系;本报告出于对企业发展研究目的产生,仅供参考,在任何情况下,使用本报告所引起的一切后果,我方不承担任何责任:本报告不得用于一切商业用途,如需引用或合作,请与我方联系:郑州顺梅壁纸有限公司1企业发展分析结果1.1 企业发展指数得分企业发展指数得分郑州顺梅壁纸有限公司综合得分说明:企业发展指数根据企业规模、企业创新、企业风险、企业活力四个维度对企业发展情况进行评价。
1.2 企业画像类别内容行业空资质增值税一般纳税人产品服务纸、装饰用纺织品、皮革、墙布、装饰材料、建1.3 发展历程2工商2.1工商信息2.2工商变更2.3股东结构2.4主要人员2.5分支机构2.6对外投资2.7企业年报2.8股权出质2.9动产抵押2.10司法协助2.11清算2.12注销3投融资3.1融资历史3.2投资事件3.3核心团队3.4企业业务4企业信用4.1企业信用4.2行政许可-工商局4.3行政处罚-信用中国4.4行政处罚-工商局4.5税务评级4.6税务处罚4.7经营异常4.8经营异常-工商局4.9采购不良行为4.10产品抽查4.11产品抽查-工商局4.12欠税公告4.13环保处罚4.14被执行人5司法文书5.1法律诉讼(当事人)5.2法律诉讼(相关人)5.3开庭公告5.4被执行人5.5法院公告5.6破产暂无破产数据6企业资质6.1资质许可6.2人员资质6.3产品许可6.4特殊许可7知识产权7.1商标7.2专利7.3软件著作权7.4作品著作权7.5网站备案7.6应用APP7.7微信公众号8招标中标8.1政府招标8.2政府中标8.3央企招标8.4央企中标9标准9.1国家标准9.2行业标准9.3团体标准9.4地方标准10成果奖励10.1国家奖励10.2省部奖励10.3社会奖励10.4科技成果11土地11.1大块土地出让11.2出让公告11.3土地抵押11.4地块公示11.5大企业购地11.6土地出租11.7土地结果11.8土地转让12基金12.1国家自然基金12.2国家自然基金成果12.3国家社科基金13招聘13.1招聘信息感谢阅读:感谢您耐心地阅读这份企业调查分析报告。
Enterprise Development专业品质权威Analysis Report企业发展分析报告郑州三叶汉方生物科技有限公司免责声明:本报告通过对该企业公开数据进行分析生成,并不完全代表我方对该企业的意见,如有错误请及时联系;本报告出于对企业发展研究目的产生,仅供参考,在任何情况下,使用本报告所引起的一切后果,我方不承担任何责任:本报告不得用于一切商业用途,如需引用或合作,请与我方联系:郑州三叶汉方生物科技有限公司1企业发展分析结果1.1 企业发展指数得分企业发展指数得分郑州三叶汉方生物科技有限公司综合得分说明:企业发展指数根据企业规模、企业创新、企业风险、企业活力四个维度对企业发展情况进行评价。
1.2 企业画像类别内容行业空资质增值税一般纳税人产品服务:技术服务、技术开发、技术咨询、技术交流、1.3 发展历程2工商2.1工商信息2.2工商变更2.3股东结构2.4主要人员2.5分支机构2.6对外投资2.7企业年报2.8股权出质2.9动产抵押2.10司法协助2.11清算2.12注销3投融资3.1融资历史3.2投资事件3.3核心团队3.4企业业务4企业信用4.1企业信用4.2行政许可-工商局4.3行政处罚-信用中国4.4行政处罚-工商局4.5税务评级4.6税务处罚4.7经营异常4.8经营异常-工商局4.9采购不良行为4.10产品抽查4.11产品抽查-工商局4.12欠税公告4.13环保处罚4.14被执行人5司法文书5.1法律诉讼(当事人)5.2法律诉讼(相关人)5.3开庭公告5.4被执行人5.5法院公告5.6破产暂无破产数据6企业资质6.1资质许可6.2人员资质6.3产品许可6.4特殊许可7知识产权7.1商标7.2专利7.3软件著作权7.4作品著作权7.5网站备案7.6应用APP7.7微信公众号8招标中标8.1政府招标8.2政府中标8.3央企招标8.4央企中标9标准9.1国家标准9.2行业标准9.3团体标准9.4地方标准10成果奖励10.1国家奖励10.2省部奖励10.3社会奖励10.4科技成果11土地11.1大块土地出让11.2出让公告11.3土地抵押11.4地块公示11.5大企业购地11.6土地出租11.7土地结果11.8土地转让12基金12.1国家自然基金12.2国家自然基金成果12.3国家社科基金13招聘13.1招聘信息感谢阅读:感谢您耐心地阅读这份企业调查分析报告。
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KGS-MSTB 2,5/14
Accessories Item Designation Description
Cable/conductor 1804658 KD-KGS-MSTB Molded cable strain relief, suitable for KGS-... cable housings, prevents the cable from being bent
© 2008 Phoenix Contact Technical modifications reserved;
PHOENIX CONTACT GmbH & Co. KG http://www.phoenixcontact.de
Page 3 / 3 Feb 16, 2008
Drawings Dimensioned drawing
PHOENIX CONTACT GmbH & Co. KG http://www.phoenixcontact.de
Page 2 / 3 Feb 16, 2008
KGS-MSTB 2,5/14 Order No.: 1783834
PHOENIX CONTACT GmbH & Co. KG http://www.phoenixcontact.de
Page 1 / 3 Feb 16, 2008
KGS-MSTB 2,5/14 Order No.: 1783834
ITR9909中⽂资料EVERLIGHT ELECTRONICS CO., LTD.DATA SHEETMODEL NO :ITR9909DATE :APR, 17, 2000DEPARTMENT: R&D 2REVISION : 1.0RECEIVED■ MASS PRODUCTION□ PRELIMINARY□ CUSTOMER DESIGNDEVICE NUMBER : DRX-909-104PAGE :8CUSTOMER DESIGNER CHECKER APPROVERREV DESCRIPTIONRELEASE DATEOFFICE: NO 25,Lane 76,Chung Yang Rd, Sec.3 Tucheng, Taipei 236, Taiwan, R.O.C. TEL : 886-2-2267-2000,2266-9936 ( 22 Lines )FAX : 886-2-2267-6189/doc/0b5515751.htmlEVERLIGHT ELECTRONICS CO., LTD.DEVICE NUMBER : DRX-909-104 REV : 1.0ECN : PAGE : 1/7 Reflective InterrupterMODEL NO : ITR9909█ Features :Fast response timeHigh analyticCut-off visible wavelength λp=840nmHigh sensitivityPb free█ Description :The ITR9909 consist of an infrared emitting diode and an NPN silicon phototransistor, encased side-by-side on converging optical axis in a black thermoplastichousing. The phototransistor receives radiation from the IRED only. This is the normal situation. But when an object is in between, phototransistor could not receives the radiation. For additional component information, please refer to IR1254-R8 andPT1254-6B.█ Applications :Mouse CopierSwitch ScannerNon-contact SwitchingFor Direct PC BoardCHIPLENS COLORPART NO.MATERIALIR GaAlAs BluePT Silicon BlackEVERLIGHT ELECTRONICS CO., LTD.DEVICE NUMBER : DRX-909-104 REV : 1.03.Lead spacing is measured where the lead emerge from the package.4.Above specification may be changed without notice. EVERLIGHT will reserve authority on material change for above specification.5.These specification sheets include materials protected under copyright of EVERLIGHT corporation . Please don’t reproduce or cause anyone to reproduce them without EVERLIGHT’s consent.6.When using this product , please observe the absolute maximum ratings and the instructions for use outlined in these specification sheets. EVERIGHT assumes no responsibility for any damage resulting from use of the product which does not comply with the absolute maximum ratings and the instructions included in these specification sheets.EVERLIGHT ELECTRONICS CO., LTD.DEVICE NUMBER : DRX-909-104 REV : 1.0ECN : PAGE : 3/7Reflective InterrupterMODEL NO :ITR9909█ Absolute Maximum Ratings at T A = 25℃Parameter Symbol Rating Unit Power Dissipation P D 100 mW Reverse Voltage V R 5 V Forward Current I F 50 mA Input Peak Forward Current(*1) I FP 1 A Collect Power Dissipation Pc 75 mW Collect Current Ic 20 mA Collector-Emitter Voltage V CE 30 V Output Emitter-Collector Voltage V EC 5 V Operating Temperature Topr -25~+85 ℃ Storage Temperature Tstg -40~+85 ℃Soldering Temperature(*2)Tsol 260 ℃(*1) Pause width= 100µs,Duty Cycle=1% (*2) t=5 secs█Electronic Optical Characteristics at T A = 25℃:Parameter Symbol Min.Typ.Max.Unit ConditionV F1 - 1.2 1.5I F =20mA V F2 - 1.4 1.85I F =100mA,tp=100µs,tp/T=0.01Forward Voltage V F3 - 2.6 4.0V I F =1A,tp=100µs,tp/T=0.01 Reverse Current I R - - 10µA V R =5V Peak Wavelength λP - 940 - nm I F =20mAInputView Angle 2θ1/2 - 35 - Deg I F =20mADark CurrentI CEO - - 100 nA V CE =20V,Ee=0mW/cm 2OutputC-E SaturationVoltageV CE(sat) - - 0.4 VI C =2mA, Ee=1mW/cm 2 Collect CurrentI C(ON) 0.2 - - mALeakage CurrentI CEO - - 1µA V CE =5V,I F =20mARise Time t R - 15 - µs Response Time Fall Timet F - 15 - µsV CE =5V,I C =1mA,R L =1K ΩEVERLIGHT ELECTRONICS CO., LTD.DEVICE NUMBER : DRX-909-104 REV : 1.0ECN : PAGE : 4/7 Reflective InterrupterMODEL NO : ITR9909■Typical Electrical/Optical/Characteristics Curves For IREVERLIGHT ELECTRONICS CO., LTD.DEVICE NUMBER : DRX-909-104 REV : 1.0DEVICE NUMBER : DRX-909-104 REV : 1.0 ECN : PAGE : 6/7 Reflective Interrupter MODEL NO : ITR9909█Reliability Test Item And ConditionThe reliability of products shall be satisfied with items listed below. Confidence level:90%EVERLIGHT ELECTRONICS CO., LTD.DEVICE NUMBER : DRX-909-104 REV : 1.0ECN :PAGE : 7/7Reflective InterrupterMODEL NO : ITR9909■ Packing Quantity Specification1.200Pcs/1Bag2.6Bags/1Box3.10Boxes/1Carton。
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PHOENIX CONTACT GmbH & Co. KG http://www.phoenixcontact.de
Page 3 / 3 Mar 1, 2008
GMSTB 2,5/ 6-ST-7,62 AU Order No.: 1783999
PHOENIX CONTACT GmbH & Co. KG Flachsmarktstr. 8 32825 Blomberg,Germany Phone +49 5235 3 00 Fax +49 5235 3 41200 http://www.phoenixcontact.de
Nominal current IN AWG/kcmil Certification
10 A 30-12 CB, CSA, CUL, UL, VDE-PZI
PHOENIX CONTACT GmbH & Co. KG http://www.phoenixcontact.de
Page 2 / 3 Mar 1, 2008
Page 1 / 3 Mar 1, 2008
GMSTB 2,5/ 6-ST-7,62 AU Order No.: 1783999
Extract from the online catalog
Ger No.: 1783999
Approval logo
CSA Nominal voltage UN Nominal current IN AWG/kcmil CUL Nominal voltage UN 300 V 300 V 10 A 28-12
PHOENIX CONTACT GmbH & Co. KG http://www.phoenixcontact.de
Product notes Commercial data EAN Pack Customs tariff Weight/Piece 4017918225667 50 Pcs. 85366990 0.01192 KG http:// Please note that the data given here has been taken from the online catalog. For comprehensive information and data, please refer to the user documentation. The General Terms and Conditions of Use apply to Internet downloads. Certificates / Approvals WEEE/RoHS-compliant since: 01/01/2003