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AJMFQB practice 1~5

AJMFQB practice 1~5

Copyright © 2010 A&J Study Manual. 1st Edition|
Table of Contents
SOA Exam MFE/ CAS Exam 3F
Table of Contents NhomakorabeaPart 1. Put-Call Parity and Other Option Relationships ............................................................... 4 Solutions ....................................................................................................................................... 24 Part 2. Binomial Option Pricing ................................................................................................... 38 Solutions ....................................................................................................................................... 52 Part 3. Black-Scholes Formula and Option Greeks.................................................................... 71 Solutions ....................................................................................................................................... 85 Part 4. Market-Making and Delta-Hedging ................................................................................ 103 Solutions ..................................................................................................................................... 114 Part 5. Exotic Options ................................................................................................................ 126 Solutions ..................................................................................................................................... 145 Part 6. The Lognormal Distribution ........................................................................................... 165 Solutions ..................................................................................................................................... 170 Part 7. Monte Carlo Valuation .................................................................................................... 175 Solutions ..................................................................................................................................... 183 Part 8. Brownian Motion and Itō’s lemma ................................................................................. 193 Solutions ..................................................................................................................................... 209 Part 9. Interest Rate Models....................................................................................................... 225 Solutions ..................................................................................................................................... 237 Author’s Biography .................................................................................................................... 254

The future of metals

The future of metals

PERSPECTIVESCray-2 supercomputer used liquid immer-sion cooling ( 10).Recently, chilled-liquid cooling was rein-troduced in high-end mainframes and densely packed servers to cope with the high heat fl uxes. Y et, liquid cooling can be taken further if we consider a microfl uidic heat sink ( 11) (see the fi gure, panel C). Microchannel heat sinks can be designed such that the thermal resistance between the transistor and the fl uid is reduced to the extent that even cooling-water temperatures of 60° to 70°C ensure no overheating of the microprocessors. This hot-water cooling has compelling advantages. First, chillers are no longer required year-round and thus the data-center energy con-sumption plummets by up to 50%. Second, and perhaps most important, direct utiliza-tion of the collected thermal energy becomesfeasible, either using synergies with districtheating or specific industrial applications.With such an appealing waste-heat recoverysystem, the green diligence of data centerswould be upped substantially.Reducing the energy consumption ofdata centers and concomitantly restrain-ing costs, while curtailing carbon emis-sion, is achievable. Despite power dissipa-tion in microprocessors continuing to bea source of severe concern, liquid coolingand deploying waste heat appear to becomeimperative in the drive for improving thedata-center energy effi ciency.References1. International Data Corporation, Document No. 221346(2009), .2. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Report toCongress on Server and Data Center Energy Effi ciency(2007).3. European Commission, Code of Conduct on Data CentresEnergy Effi ciency (2008).4. International Technology Roadmap for Semiconduc-tors, 2009 Edition, Executive Summary; /Links/2009ITRS/Home2009.htm.5. K. Mistry et al., IEEE IEDM 2007 Tech. Digest, 10.2(2007).6. M. Chudzik et al., IEEE VLSI 2007 Tech. Digest, 11A-1(2007).7. N. A. Kurd et al., IEEE ISSCC 2010 Tech. Digest, 5.1(2010).8. M. Ware et al., IEEE HPCA 2010 Tech. Digest, 6.4 (2010).9. L. A. Barroso, U. Hölzle, The Datacenter as a Computer(Morgan and Claypool, 2009); /corporate/green/datacenters.10. S. R. Cray Jr., U.S. Patent 4590538 (1986).11. D. B. Tuckerman, R. F. W. Pease, Electron Device Lett.2,126 (1981).10.1126/science.1182769The Future of Metals MATERIALS SCIENCEK. Lu Despite advances made in composite materials, metals remain irreplaceable in many important applications.O n 15 December 2009, the world’s most fuel-effi cient commercial jet-liner—the Boeing 787 Dreamliner—completed its fi rst fl ight. The airliner is mostly made from carbon fiber–reinforced poly-meric composites (50% by weight, up from 12% in the Boeing 777) ( 1). Traditional met-als are substantially replaced by composites with higher strength/weight ratios; aluminum usage has dropped to 20% (versus 50% in the 777). Ever since the 1950s, when “engi-neering materials” mainly meant metals ( 2), the share of metals in engineering materials has been diminishing. What are the reasons behind this trend, and which applications are likely to stay in the domain of metals?The main property limitation of metals as structural materials is their low specifi c strength (the strength/weight ratio). Most engineering designs call for structural materi-als that have high strength, fracture toughness (a measure of the energy required for propa-gating cracks), and stiffness while minimiz-ing weight. Most metals have high strength and stiffness, but because they are dense (steels are several times as dense as ceram-ics and polymers), their strength/weight and stiffness/weight ratios are low relative to competing materials (see the fi gure). This is a key reason for replacing metals in aircraft and sporting goods, where weight is a primary concern. Some metals such as aluminum andmagnesium are light, but they are too soft formany applications and have low toughnessand stiffness. Titanium alloys partly over-come these problems: They are about half asdense as steels, have higher strength, and arevery tough. Titanium was fi rst used in airlin-ers in the 1960s in the Boeing 707 and its usehas increased to 15% in the Boeing 787 ( 1).Metals can be strengthened through con-trolled creation of internal defects and bound-aries that obstruct dislocation motion ( 3).But such strategies compromise ductility andtoughness, in contrast to the increasing tough-ness at higher strength seen with polymericcomposites (see the figure). Strengtheningmay also compromise other metal properties,such as conductivity and corrosion resistance.One method for strengthening metals withoutlosing toughness is grain refi nement (grainsize reduction), but when the grain sizes fallbelow ~1 µm, strengthening is usually accom-panied by a drop in ductility and toughness( 4). A recent study points the way to overcom-ing this problem: In a low-alloy steel contain-ing ultrafi ne elongated ferrite grains strength-ened with nanosized carbides, toughness andstrength both rose when temperature was low-ered from 60° to –60°C ( 5). In contrast, con-ventional metals become strong but brittle atlower temperatures. The authors attributed theobserved toughening to the unique hierarchi-cal anisotropic nanostructures in their steels.Nanotwinned metals are another exam-ple of hierarchical nanostructured metalswith extraordinary mechanical properties( 3). When a high density of twin boundaries(highly symmetrical interfaces between twograins of the same lattice structure) is incor-porated into polycrystalline copper grains,with boundary spacing in the nanometer scale,the material becomes stronger than coarse-grained copper by a factor of 10; it is alsovery ductile. The ultrastrong nanotwinnedcopper has an electrical conductivity com-parable to that of high-conductivity copper( 6) and a much enhanced resistance againstelectromigration ( 7). It has great potential forapplications in microelectronics.Corrosion is another headache for metals( 8). To protect metals from corrosion, theyare commonly coated with a layer of corro-sion-resistant material. The Hangzhou BayBridge in China is an outstanding example ofthis technique. This 36-km-long bridge—theworld’s longest to date, with a design life of100 years—is supported by several thousandpillars made of concrete-fi lled steel tubes ~80m in length. The tubes are protected againstcorrosion in the harsh ocean environmentby a coating of novel polymeric compositescombined with cathode attachments.Metal corrosion can also be resisted byforming a continuous protective passiva-tion layer on the metal surface. For example,Y amamoto et al. ( 9) have added 2.5% Al toconventional austenitic stainless steels, result-ing in the formation of a protective aluminumoxide layer that can resist further oxidation atelevated temperatures. Given their enhancedShenyang National Laboratory for Materials Science, Insti-tute of M etal Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences,Shenyang 110016, China. E-mail: lu@Published by AAAS o n A p r i l 1 5 , 2 0 1 0 w w w . s c i e n c e m a g . o r g D o w n l o a d e d f r o m SCIENCE VOL 328 16 APRIL 201031916 APRIL 2010 VOL 328 SCIENCE 320PERSPECTIVESoxidation resistance, these steels could beused at the high temperatures and aggres-sive oxidizing conditions of energy conver-sion systems to replace the currently used expensive nickel-based superalloys (metals specifi cally developed for high-temperature applications). Another route to enhancing the corrosion resistance of metals is to modify the chemical composition of surface layers. But most such processes require high tem-peratures that may cause serious deteriora-tion of the metal substrates. The processing temperatures can be lowered substantially if the grains of surface layers are refi ned into the nanoscale via surface mechanical attri-tion treatments ( 10).Metals also g et soft at elevated tem-peratures; they can rarely be used above 1000°C with useful strengths. Superalloys have higher operating temperatures (up to ~1150°C for nickel-based superalloys), enabling their use in hig h-temperature applications such as jet turbine engines. Superalloys for higher operating tempera-tures, based on metals with higher melting points such as molybdenum and niobium, are under investigation ( 11).Despite these limitations, metals are still the major workhorse of our society and will remain so in the future, thanks to unique properties that make them irreplaceable.First, metals have a much higher fracture toughness than other materials (see the fi g-ure); steels are the toughest known materials. Therefore, metals are usually used for key components with the highest requirements for reliability and durability, such as bridge cables, concrete reinforcement in buildings, and vehicle body frames. The Boeing 787 contains a considerable amount of metals (45%), mainly in critical parts with the high-est reliability requirements, such as engines, wings, and alighting carriage.Second, the properties of metals are uni-form in all directions, and their strength is the same in tension and compression. Also, the strengths of metals are usually predict-able. These features are critically impor-tant for predicting fracture in eng ineer-ing structures. In contrast, it remains very diffi cult to predict fracture of composites and ceramics; their fracture is often cata-strophic (the material fails all at once) and may cause serious economic loss and even loss of life. Hence, many advanced technol-ogies continue to rely on high-performance metals. For instance, only extremely tough metal alloys can survive in the harsh irra-diation and temperature conditions in the next generation of nuclear power stations. Body implants must sustain severe corro-sive and loading conditions that also call for advanced tough metals.Third, most metals are more conductive than ceramics and polymers. Copper and alu-minum remain the best materials for overhead electricity transmission lines. Conducting lines and thermal spreaders used in informa-tion technology are mostly made from cop-per and its alloys. Metals also have uniquemagnetic properties that are not easily reproduced in other materials.Fourth, metals have the best over-all mechanical properties at tempera-tures up to a few hundred degrees. This window covers most of the operation temperatures in chemical engineering processes, power stations, and various engines. Finally, most metals are recy-clable, making metals more competi-tive for quantity applications.Modern technolog ies not only strongly rely on these unique prop-erties of metals, but urgently call for even better metals. Increasing the strength of metals without sacrifi cing other properties is critical for their competitiveness. Multiscale hierarchical structures provide a possible route to opti-mizing overall properties. Metals may also be mixed with other materials in a controlled way to form composite structures. Assem-bling metals with other components in this way—for example, in novel reinforcements or hierarchical assemblies—may shift their strength/toughness ratios toward the upper right corner in the fi gure. Developments in different material families may thus benefi t from each other.References and Notes1. 787 Dreamliner Program Fact Sheet (Boeing Corp.,2007; see /commercial/787family/programfacts.html).2. M. F. Ashby, Materials Selection in Mechanical Design(Elsevier, Oxford, ed. 3, 2005).3. K. Lu, L. Lu, S. Suresh, Science 324, 349 (2009).4. M. A. Meyers, A. Mishra, D. Benson, Prog. Mater. Sci. 51,427 (2006).5. Y. Kimura, T. Inoue, F. Yin, K. Tsuzaki, Science 320, 1057(2008).6. L. Lu, Y. Shen, X. Chen, L. Qian, K. Lu, Science 304, 422(2004).7. K.-C. Chen, W.-W. Wu, C.-N. Liao, L.-J. Chen, K. N. Tu,Science 321, 1066 (2008).8. A. King, G. Johnson, D. Engelberg, W. Ludwig, J. Marrow,Science 321, 382 (2008).9. Y. Yamamoto et al ., Science 316, 433 (2007).10. X. Si, B. N. Lu, Z. B. Wang, J. Mater. Sci. Technol. 25, 433(2009).11. J. H. Perepezko, Science 326, 1068 (2009).12. I thank C. W. Che, R. B. Tan, and R. Yang for their criticalcomments; Y. Zhang for assistance in fi gure preparation; and the National Natural Science Foundation of China, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and the Danish-Chinese Center for Nanometals for fi nancial support.10.1126/science.118586630025020015010050100200300400Strength-to-weight ratio (MPa cm 3 g –1)F r a c t u r e t o u g h n e s s , K I c (M P a m 1/2)10002000Carbon fibersCeramicsEngineering polymeric composites PolymersMg alloysAl alloysCualloysNi alloys Ti alloysSteelsCompeting materials. Steels have the highest toughness, whereas carbon fi bers have the highest strengths. Titanium alloys and polymer composites are increasingly used in aircraft and sporting goods because of their outstanding combination of prop-erties. Research on advanced materials for structural applications aims toward the upper right corner. [Data from ( 2)]Published by AAASo n A p r i l 15, 2010w w w .s c i e n c e m a g .o r g D o w n l o a d e d f r o m。



2024年山西专升本英语考试真题2024 Shanxi adult college entrance exam (specialized undergraduate program) English examListening section:Part ADirections: In this part, you will hear short conversations between two people. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.1. A. Traveling around the world.B. Learning new languages.C. Meeting new people.D. Eating exotic food.2. A. In a library.B. In a mall.C. In a bookstore.D. In a classroom.Part BDirections: In this part, you will hear longer conversations. After each conversation, you will hear several questions. The conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.3. A. She has an allergy to nuts.B. She is on a vegan diet.C. She is allergic to soy.D. She is a vegetarian.4. A. They are planning a trip together.B. They are discussing work options.C. They are talking about a movie.D. They are studying for a test.Listening section ends.Reading section:Part ADirections: In this part, there are 4 passages. Each passage is followed by some questions. For each question, decide which one of the four choices is the best answer.Passage 1:Theatre Etiquette1. What is the main purpose of the passage?A. To discuss the history of theatre.B. To provide an example of bad theatre etiquette.C. To give tips on how to behave in a theatre.D. To advertise upcoming theatre shows.2. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a rule of theatre etiquette?A. Talking loudly during the show.B. Refraining from clapping after a scene.C. Turning off cell phones.D. Not arriving late.Passage 2:The Benefits of Gardening3. According to the passage, what is one benefit of gardening?A. Improving physical fitness.B. Increasing stress levels.C. Decreasing connection with nature.D. Reducing quality of life.4. What does the author suggest doing before starting a garden?A. Buying expensive equipment.B. Doing research on gardening.C. Hiring a professional gardener.D. Not planting any flowers.Passage 3:The Importance of Recycling5. According to the passage, who should be involved in recycling efforts?A. Only adults.B. Only children.C. Everyone.D. No one.6. What is the main point of the passage?A. To discuss the benefits of throwing trash away.B. To encourage recycling habits.C. To discourage recycling efforts.D. To mention the dangers of recycling.Part BDirections: In this part, you will read a selection of texts. Each text is followed by several questions. For each question, decide which one of the four choices is the best answer.Text 1:Dear Mr. Smith, I am writing to inform you that your application for the position of Marketing Manager has been successful. Please reply to this email to confirm your acceptance of the job offer.7. What is the purpose of this email?A. To advertise a job position.B. To inform the recipient of a successful job application.C. To request a job interview.D. To reject a job application.8. What should the recipient do to confirm acceptance of the job offer?A. Call the sender of the email.B. Reply to the email.C. Ignore the email.D. Send a thank you card.Text 2:Attention all students: The school library will be closed for renovations starting next Monday. Please make sure to return all borrowed books before then.9. What is the purpose of this notice?A. To inform students about an upcoming field trip.B. To remind students about a book club meeting.C. To announce the closure of the library for renovations.D. To invite students to a book fair.10. When will the library be closed for renovations?A. Next Friday.B. Next Monday.C. Next Wednesday.D. Next Sunday.Reading section ends.Writing section:Part ADirections: In this part, you will read a passage about a topic. In your response, write an essay on the topic presented in the passage. Your essay should be at least 200 words in length.Topic: The Importance of Community ServiceCommunity service is an essential part of building a strong and connected community. By volunteering our time and skills to help others, we not only make a positive impact on those in need but also enrich our own lives. Community service can take many forms, from volunteering at a local food bank to participating in a neighborhood clean-up event.In your essay, discuss the benefits of community service and provide examples of how it can make a difference in people's lives. Share a personal experience of engaging in community service and explain how it has influenced your perspective on giving back to the community.Part BDirections: In this part, you will read a passage and one or more questions about it. Answer the question(s) based on the information in the passage.Topic: Climate ChangeClimate change is a pressing issue that affects communities worldwide. With rising global temperatures and extreme weather events becoming more frequent, it is crucial for individuals and governments to take action to mitigate the impacts of climate change. From reducing carbon emissions to promoting sustainable practices, there are many ways we can work together to combat climate change.Question: What are some actions individuals can take to reduce their carbon footprint and combat climate change? Provide at least three examples in your response.Writing section ends.Overall, the 2024 Shanxi adult college entrance exam English exam covers a wide range of topics and skills, including listening comprehension, reading comprehension, and writing. Students are tested on their ability to understand spoken and written English, as well as their ability to express ideas and opinions effectively in writing. By testing these skills, the exam aims to evaluate the language proficiency of candidates and assess their readiness for specialized undergraduate programs. With thorough preparation and practice, candidates can confidently approach the exam and demonstrate their English language abilities.。



2023-2024学年度第一学期期中练习题高一英语(考试时间120分钟,满分140分)Ⅰ卷Part I. Listening ComprehensionSection A (1.5’×5)Directions: In Section A, you will hear five short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversation and the question will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.1. Wha t do you know about the man’s car?A. It doesn’t work at all.B. It can be used as usual.C. It’s completely damaged.2. What colour was the woman’s bedroom before?A. Blue.B. Pink.C. Green.3. What does the man think of his dog?A. Ugly.B. Strong.C. Good- looking.4. Where are the speakers?A. In a hotel.B. In a hospital.C. In a restaurant.5. What are the speakers mainly talking about?A. A lab.B. A professor.C. An experiment.Section B (1.5’×10)Directions: In Section B, you will hear four conversations, and you will be asked three questions on each of the passages. The passages will be read twice. When you hear a question, read the four possible answers on your paper and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have read.Questions 6 to 7 are based on the following conversation.6. Why does the woman call the man?A. To arrange a meeting with him.B. To ask him about the contract.C. To talk with him about next year’s prices.7. What is Kevin doing now?A. Having a meeting.B. Answering a call.C. Taking a message.Questions 8 to 9 are based on the following conversation.8. What is the probable relationship between the speakers?A. Mother and son.B. Nurse and patient.C. Fund organizer and receiver.9. What do we know about the man?A. He wants to donate $10,000.B. He has just recovered from an illness.C. He has received a lot of donations.Questions 10 to 12 are based on the following conversation.10. What is the speaker talking about?A. Missing a plane.B. Booking a plane ticket.C. Visiting Paris.11. What did the speaker do in the end?A. He demanded his money back.B. He booked another flightC. He took another flight.12. What did the speaker think of the man at the check- in desk?A. Helpful.B. Friendly.C. Trustless.Questions 13 to 15 are based on the following conversation.13. What is the relationship between the speakers?A. Housemates.B. Renter and landlady.C. Boyfriend and girlfriend.14. Why has Mrs. White come?A. She has come for the rent.B. The man has broken something.C. There’s something wrong with the room.15. What does the woman suggest the man do?A. Cut down expenses.B. Give Mrs. White a call.C. Ask his parents for help.Section C (1.5’×5)Directions: In Section C, you will hear a conversation. The conversation will be read twice. After you hear the conversation, you are required to fill in each blank with only ONE WORD, according to what you have heard. Write your answers on your answer sheet (答题纸).Blanks 16 to 20 are based on the following conversation.18 $_____Directions: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.As sixth graders, kids were separating into groups, but I wasn't sure where l belonged.Our teacher gave us a task called “secret friends” for the coming week. We were supposed to do ni ce things___1___ our friends without letting them know who was doing it. We could leave ___2___ notes or cards either on do their desks or in their backpacks. Before doing the task, with our eyes closed, form a basket, we ___3___ a name of a classmate who we were to secretly befriend over the next five days.Soon, the task was turned into a competition of giving ___4___ instead of notes. Everyone was getting cool presents except me. My friend followed the teacher's ___5___ without a fault. I received nothing but handmade cards with nice words about me.On the last morning, I finally got a package. When I ___6___ it, the girls around all ___7___. It was perfumed powder(香粉), an “old lady” gift. My face went red. I tied to forget about the ___8___ gift, but when the same girls ___9___ it again during the break in the bathroom, I joined in, “How stupid! My grandmother wouldn't ___10___ want it.” The girls laughed at my ___11___ and filed out of the bathroom. Washing my hands, I let the water run through my fingers ___12___ I thought about my words. It wasn't ___13___ like me to say things likethat.“I'm your secret friend.” It was Rochelle. “I'm sorry about the gift,” she whispered to me, tears ___14___ down her face. From a poor family, she was a ___15___ at school for those with rich parents. Yet she just took all the ___16___ and the horrible treatment silently. I was sick to my stomach as my ___17___ words ran through my mind. She had heard everything. How could I have been so cruel? Later I learned she had felt bad all week about not being able to leave me any cool present and her mum had given up her only luxury(奢侈品).And I had ___18___ everything for her. I told her that I had only said those things to try to ___19___. “We aren't that different from each other, are we?” She smiled ___20___. Her simple words, spoken from her heart, found their way straight into mine.1. A. for B. behind C. through D. like2. A. convincing B. reminding C. rewarding D. encouraging3. A. drew B. dragged C. found D. picked4. A. chances B. help C. hope D. gifts5. A. guidance B. patterns C. directions D. admission6. A. discovered B. opened C. grasped D. held7. A. blamed B. shouted C. laughed D. commented8. A. special B. delicate C. worrying D. embarrassing9. A. mentioned B. saw C. showed D. suggested10. A. just. B. ever C. even D. only11. A. remarks B. feeling C. suffering D. reactions12. A. if B. as C. since D. because13. A. exactly B. perfectly C. normally D. necessarily14. A. dashing B. getting C. smoothing D. streaming15. A. goal B. target C. centre D. wonder16. A. challenge B. puzzle C. teasing D. ignoring17. A. powerful B. hurtful C. tense D. scary18. A. ruined B. broken C. changed D. disturbed19. A. turn off B. show of C. get in D. fit in20. A. optimistically B. understandingly C. persuasively D. honestlyPart III. Reading Comprehension (2’×20)Section ADirections: Read the following passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choosethe one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.AVarious Apps to LearnApps are typical digital learning tools, which can give you diverse and personalized content to meet your needs. Want to find an app that can help you learn? Here are some great ideas for you.Khan Academy allows you to learn almost anything for free. It covers subjects such as math, physics, biology, and even computer science. The real magic of this app is that you can learn at your own pace. You can review subjects that you are not good at, or start learning a subject you like. The app is in English. If you want to see its translation you can visit http://opencom/khan.BrainPOP mixes learning and technology in a fun and simple way. It’s free and teaches you something new every day. From the solar system to DNA, each topic starts with an interesting cartoon movie. After you’ve w atched it, you can take a test to see how much you’ve learned.Udemy is a “learn on demand” website and app. It is for career- oriented individuals to start their course pricing at $10.99. This app allows you the flexibility to take your time on a course you purchase over the course of several months, without worrying about recurring (重复的) payments before you finish. This flexible learning app allows you to take things slow, fast, or anywhere in-between with complete control on your end.Duolingo is the premier leader in language education for learning apps. You can learn to speak 29 different languages, all at the touch of a button. You’ll be invited to not only read new words, but to speak them. You’ll learn grammar and conversational strategies. This app helps you learn to communicate with a new portion of its inhabitants!21. According to the passage, what apps allow you to learn at your speed?A. Khan Academy and Udemy.B. Udemy and DuolingoC. Khan Academy and BrainPOP.D. BrainPOP and Duolingo22. What can Duolingo offer its users?A. Subjects reviewing.B. Speaking practiceC. Technical support.D. Career training23. What is the purpose of the passage?A. To compare the difference of different learning methods.B. To introduce the development of learning technology,C. To help find the suitable learning apps.D. To provide various learning activities.BTony Hawk, who I thought was bigger than life, came in the room and then the interview began. As the world’s greatest skateboarder, he talked about how his life was not always so miraculous (奇迹般的).He mentioned one day he was skating on top of the world, and the next day the sport of skateboarding fell right on its face. Life for Tony has had its ups and downs, and what brought him back up was the way he believed in himself. One of the most tragic events in Tony’s life was that his father passed away. Although he suffered such pain, he never lost sight of his dream. He put his energy into his dream, which helped him overcome his sadness. One part of Tony that completely impressed me is the way he accepts himself. His goal is never to do better than others, but to do his best. If he does the best he can, it doesn’t matter how anyone else takes him. That’s tr ue and wise. As for me, I play baseball and things aren’t going so well, but I am trying my hardest, that’s life. It is how you approach those bad days that will keep you on top. Confidence brought Tony to the next level. During our meeting he continually talked about the importance of following one’s dream. He also said, along with that, one needs to have a strong faith in one’s own ability to achieve that dream, no matter what challenges are presented. By the end, I didn’t see th e same guy who had walked through the door an hour earlier. Now I view him as more than a world-class skateboarder. He is also a normal person who has dealt with many of the same problems we all face, but the difference is, he is always able to rise above his problems by having faith in his dream.24. The underlined part “fell right on its face” in Para 2 means “_______”.A. finishedB. failedC. continuedD. happened25. The example of the author’s playing baseball is used to show he _______.A. accepts To ny Hawk’s suggestionB. doesn’t want to play baseball anymoreC. has the same view of life as Tony HawkD. wants to be as successful as Tony Hawk26. In the eyes of the author, what makes Tony Hawk special? His _______.A. achievementB. unusual experienceC. confidence in winning the gameD. determination to realize his dreamCPeople eat more when they are glued to the television, and the more entertaining the program is, the more they eat, according to a new research.It seems that distracted(分心的)brains do not notice what the mouth is doing, said Dr. Alan Hirsch, neurological director of the Smell and Taste Treatment and Research Foundation in Chicago.Hirsch explored the impact of smell, taste and eating behaviors while watching TV by measuring potato chip consumption. Forty-five volunteers ate as many chips as they wanted every six minutes while they watched monologues by late-night talk show hosts David Letterman and Jay Leno. They were still given chips to eat when the television was off. Hirsch found people ate an average of 44 percent more chips while watching Letterman and42 percent more while viewing Leno, than when they did not watch TV.If you concentrate on how the food tastes, you'll eat less because you'll feel full faster, "Hirsch said in an interview at the Endocrine Society's annual meeting in Toronto. So if that's the case, let's look at the opposite. What if you're distracted? If you're distracted, in theory, then you'd eat more."Through his research at the foundation, Hirsch has helped people overcome the loss of sense of smell and sense of taste. which typically results in weight gain because the brain does not know when it should stop eating.The ventromedial nucleus(腹内侧核)in the hypothalamus( 下丘脑), where the so-called satiety(饱腹感)center is located. tells the body whether it is hungry or full. It is inhibited or tricked, the result can be changes in eating patterns, he said.People who cook spaghetti all day don't feel like eating spaghetti at the end of the day, "said Hirsch," By being exposed to a smell all day long it's tricking the hypothalamus."Volunteers were asked to concentrate on the sensory characteristics of the food such as taste and smell. Researchers say these sensory clues, in addition to inner body changes. mark satiety.But when distracted. a person does not pay attention to either the body's sensations of feeling full, or to the sensory characteristics of the food.Many studies have linked being fat to watching television and that link is likely due to inactivity, Hirsch said. But perhaps entertaining shows are also contributing."If you want to lose weight, turn off the television or watch something boring," he said.27. When Hirsch conducted the research, he______A. evaluated the degree of the volunteers' loss of taste.B. measured the amount of the chips the volunteers ate.C. analyzed the volunteers' preference on TV programs.D. counted the minutes the volunteers spent on TV programs.28. According to the research, when will you feel full faster?.A. When we are distracted.B. When we focus on how the food tastes.C. When we are watching entertaining programs.D. When the brain doesn't know when it should stop eating.29. Why does the author mention "People who cooks paghetti all day don't feel like eating it at the end of the day"?A. It tells us that eating spaghetti is inhabited.B. It indicates that spaghetti doesn't taste good at the end of the day.C. It tells us that people who cook spaghetti don' like eating spaghetti.D. It shows that smell is "telling" the hypothalamus that the body is full.30. What is the main purpose of the article?A. To prove that being fat is linked to inactivity.B. To reveal the relationship between TV programs and eating behaviors.C. to explain why watching television makes people eat more and gain weight.D. To find how sensory characteristics of the food affects people's feelings of eating.DIn the picture Landscape with Diogenes by the 17th century French artist Poussin, the ancient philosopher Diogenes is described casting away his last possession, a drinking bowl. He realizes he doesn’t need it after seeing a youth cupping a hand to drink from a river. The significance for us is that Diogenes’ spiritual descendants (后代)known as “new minimalists” are now everywhere, if not as completely possession-free as he was.There are hundreds of websites praising the virtues of tidy living. Everyone is trying to cut down on things these days. People are trying to reduce their carbon footprints, their waistlines, and their monthly outgoings. What’s more, there’s a general fear that people are becoming choked by their possessions, and this is fueled by the knowledge that the leading hobby these days seems to be shopping. It’s true, sal es of e-readers and e-books go beyond those of paperbacks. As a result, the need for bookshelves is cut out.However, today’s new minimalists don’t urge us to burn our books and destroy our CDs, but just make sure we have them as digital files. So, for example, I have digitised versions of some of my old vinyl LP (黑胶) records and haven’t, as yet, stimulated myself to take the LPs to the nearest charity shop – and I admit I shall probably go on keeping them. Technology has gone beyond our dreams and there is always the doubt that our hard drives will crash and all will be lost. Far more important, however, is the fact that our memories are so inseparably tied to our possessions that we can’t get rid of stuff. We are not exactly suffering withdrawal symptoms (症状) as we try to break our addiction to objects. We are just acquiring new stuff, which means we can bin or recycle our old stuff.I’m happy to have found another website which seems to solve a whole lot of problems at once – a thriving online advice service offering storage solutions. The interior (室内的) designer responsible for this does not suggest getting rid of stuff, but rather recommends buying more stuff such as elegant flexible baskets or colourful lidded containers to hide the first lot of stuff from view. I love this philosophy –convince yourself you’ve got your desire for possessions under control, without having to lose a thing. After all, we aren’t merciless enough to follow Diogenes and cast away all our possessions.31. Why does the author mention a picture by the artist Poussin?A. It illustrates a modern trend.B. It describes a wise philosopher.C. Its meaning is only now becoming clear.D. Its message is not as simple as it appears.32. The author believes minimalism may not succeed mainly because of people’s ______.A. resistance to media pressureB. laziness in the face of changeC. lack of faith in digital hardwareD. strong bond with physical objects33. According to the author, people invest in smart new storage in order to_____.A. satisfy their desire to make purchasesB. make attractive additions to their homesC provide a temporary solution to a problemD. ease their conscience over having too many things.34. Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?A. Less is MoreB. Low Carbon Is an AttitudeC. Treasure What You HaveD. Psychology of Overconsumption.Section B: Choose the best choice that can be filled in each blank from the seven choices after the passage. One of the choices is redundant (多余的).The Value of TearsTears can ruin make-up, bring conversation to a stop, and give you a runny nose. Tears leave you embarrassed and without energy. Still, crying is a fact of life, and your tears are very useful. Even when you’re not cryin g, they make a film over the eye’s surface.___35___When tears fall, they reduce stress. But we tend to fight them for all sorts of reasons. “People worry about showing their emotions, afraid that once they lose control they’ll never get it back.”___36___ After we cry, the feelings that caused the tears often disappear.Sometimes people become much stressed and can’t cry. Whatever emotion they are feeling—shock, anger, fear, or sadness—is being held back.But everyone has the need to cry. Psychologist Vera Diamond explains that her treatment often consists of giving people permission to cry. ___37___Patients practice crying just to become used to expressing emotions. She suggests safe, private places to cry, like under the bedcovers or in the car. Crying is a way of reducing tension, but people don’t like it when others cry because it makes them tense.___38___ And they’ll do just about anything tomake you stop.In certain situations, such as at work, tears are not appropriate. It’s good not to cry during a tense business discussion.___39___You should also act out the whole situation again and be as noisy and angry as you like. It will help you feel better. “And,” she adds, “Once your tears have taken away the stress, you can begin to think calmly of ways to deal with the problem.”Tears are a sign of our ability to feel. If you find yourself near someone crying, deal with it. And never be afraid to cry yourself.A. They too may be holding back a need to cry.B. They cry for different reasons.C. She gives crying exercises.D It contains a chemical against infection.E. The fact is that no emotion lasts forever.F. It forms in response to the stress on the surface of the eye.G. But once you’re safely behind closed doors don’t just cry.Part IV. Grammar (1’×10)A语法填空Rose wanted a job. She went to many offices but she didn’t like any of them. One day she ____40____ (see) a board in an office reading, “This office ____41____ (need) a typist who can type 200 words a minute.” Rose was excited. She went into the manager’s office and asked, “Do you need a typist?” “Yes!” the manager said. Rose ____42____ (clap) her hands and couldn’t help saying eagerly, “OK! How much will you pay me?” The manager thought for a while and said, “I will pay you 77 dollars for the first three months and then 30 dollars every month.” Rose smiled, “Great! I____43____ (come) and work here three months later.” The manager was speechless.B语法填空One day while we ____44____ (drive) to Los Angeles, we found we were running low on gas, which made us worried. Luckily, a friendly man ____45____ (stop) to help us. At first he thought we don’t have much money, so he offered to buy us gas at the next town which was about 10 miles away. When we explained our difficult situation, he said he ____46____ (go) back to get a can of gas for us because he was a farmer living nearby. We____47____(fill) with gratitude for his kindness.C语法填空Kitchen technology has reached new heights. So far, astronauts on the International Space Station ____48____ (make) the universe’s first space-baked cookies. They are the very first kind of food to be baked in space from raw ingredients. The astronauts say eating freshly baked food will make them happy while on the space station. It will be a comforting reminder of home. This ____49____ (be) important for astronauts to go to the moon or on the long journey to Mars.Part V Vocabulary (1’×20)Section ADirections: Complete the following sentences with the proper form of the words in the boxes. There is an extra word in each group.选词填空50. The first year in high school is going to be most ________.51. The island offers such a wide ________ of scenery and wildlife that it is a must- see destination for tourists.52. Simply to build as many houses as possible in the ________ that prices will fall significantly in the near future will not solve the problem.53. He ________ the sport when he realized he didn’t have the talent for it.54. Water is a basic ________ of life. We can’t live without it55. ________ for exams gives you a chance to bring together all the individual parts of the course.选词填空56. Smiling and laughing has actually been shown to ________ tension and stress.57. Sandra was determined to become a doctor and her persistence ________.58 Some teenage art lovers will ________ the school Drama Club next week.59. To our ________, he turned down our invitation.60. She has always been encouraged to swim to build up the ________ of her muscles.61. Special attention should be paid to ________ our earth from being polluted.Section BDirections: Complete the following sentences with the proper form of the word according to the definition. Please spell the whole word on your answer sheet.62. Last season there were 35 events on the s________ and Tom feels that such a number is far too much.(a plan for carrying out a process or procedure, giving lists of intended events and times.)(根据首字母提示单词拼写) 63. We think it fast and c________ to get information on the Internet. (it is easy, or very useful or suitable for a particular purpose.) (根据首字母提示单词拼写)64. He was determined to become a c________, so he trained tirelessly every day to achieve his goal. (a person, team, etc. that has won a competition, especially in a sport) (根据首字母提示单词拼写)65. Doing homework o________ much of our after-school time. (to fill or use a space, an area or an amount of time) (根据首字母提示单词拼写)66. Being i________ doesn’t mean doing everything alone. It’s also important to be able to work in a team. (confident and free to do things without needing help from other people) (根据首字母提示单词拼写)67. The Olympic oath encourages athletes, coaches, and officials to observe the rules and the spirit of s________. (fair, generous and polite behaviour, especially when playinga sport or game) (根据首字母提示单词拼写)68. In case I forget, please r________ (to help sb remember sth., especially sth. important that they must do) me about it. (根据首字母单词拼写)69. Everyone should make a c________ to protecting the environment. (something that you give or do in order to help something be successful) (根据首字母提示单词拼写)Ⅱ卷Part VI. Writing (20’)70. 根据中文提示和英文书信内容,写一封意思连贯、符合逻辑、不少于100词的回信。

A-LEVEL Economics past paper

A-LEVEL Economics past paper

This publication may be reproduced only in accordance withEdexcel Limited copyright policy.©2006 Edexcel Limited.Printer’s Log. No.M22041AW850/S6354/57570 5/6/7/5/5/Paper Reference(s)6354/01Edexcel GCEEconomicsAdvancedUnit 4 – Industrial EconomicsThursday 26 January 2006 – AfternoonTime: 1 hour 15 minutes Materials required for examinationItems included with question papers Nil NilInstructions to CandidatesIn the boxes above, write your centre number, candidate number, your surname, initials and signature.Check that you have the correct question paper.Answer ALL the questions in Section A in the spaces provided in this question paper.•For each question there are five suggested answers: A, B, C, D or E.•When you have selected your answer to the question, write the chosen letter in the box provided.•You can only offer one answer to each question.•After making your selection you should offer an explanation of why you have made that choice.Your explanation may include a diagram.Answer ONE question from Section B in the spaces provided in this question paper.Information for CandidatesThe marks for individual questions and the parts of questions are shown in round brackets: e.g. (2).The paper is divided into two sections, A and B; both sections are equally weighted. The total mark for this paper is 80. There are 24 pages in this question paper. Any blank pages are indicated.Advice to CandidatesYou will be assessed on your ability to organise and present information, ideas, descriptions and arguments clearly and logically, including your use of grammar, punctuation and spelling.You are advised to divide your time equally between Section A and Section B.Examiner’s use only Team Leader’s use only*M22041A0124*2*M22041A0224*3Turn over *M22041A0324*4*M22041A0424*5Turn over *M22041A0524*6*M22041A0624*7Turn over *M22041A0724*8*M22041A0824*9Turn over *M22041A0924*10*M22041A01024*11Turn over *M22041A01124*12*M22041A01224*13Turn over *M22041A01324*14*M22041A01424*15Turn over *M22041A01524*16*M22041A01624*17Turn over *M22041A01724*18*M22041A01824*19Turn over *M22041A01924*20*M22041A02024*21Turn over *M22041A02124*22*M22041A02224*23 *M22041A02324*24*M22041A02424*。

新视野读写教程第四册Unit2 Text A 课文详解

新视野读写教程第四册Unit2 Text A 课文详解

Section A T h e c o n f u s i n g p e r s u i t o f b e a u t y
This is an absurd standard to live up to, especially when you consider the size of the doll’s waist, a relative measurement physically impossible for a living human to achieve. Contrast this absurd standard with that presented to little boys with their “action figures”. Most of the toys that young boys have played with were weird-looking, like the one called Buzz-Off that was part human, part flying insect. This guy was not a looker, but he was still extremely self confident. You could not imagine him saying to the others, “Is this accessory the right shade of violet for this outfit?”
Section A T h e c o n f u s i n g p e r s u i t o f b e a u t y
4 Most men, I believe, are not arrogant about their looks. If the transient thought passes through their minds at all, they like to think of themselves as average-looking. Being average doesn’t bother them; average is fine. They don’t affix much value to their looks, or think of them in terms of aesthetics. Their primary form of beauty care is to shave themselves, which is essentially the same care they give to their lawns. If, at the end of his four minute allotment of time for grooming, a man has managed to wipe most of the shaving cream out of the strands of his hair and isn’t bleeding too badly, he feels he’s done all he can.



8年级期末试卷上海英语【含答案】专业课原理概述部分一、选择题(每题1分,共5分)1. 下列哪个单词的发音与其他选项不同?A. catB. cakeC. cupD. kite2. 选择合适的词语填空:I _______ my keys. I can't find them anywhere.A. lostB. loseC. losingD. to lose3. Which sentence is correct?A. He go to school bus.B. He goes to school bus.C. He going to school bus.D. He is go to school bus.4. Choose the correct past tense of "write":A. writedB. wroteC. writtenD. write5. What is the plural form of "child"?A. childsB. childesC. childrenD. childs'二、判断题(每题1分,共5分)6. "Read" is the past tense of "read". ( )7. "I am" and "I'm" mean the same thing. ( )8. "He don't like apples" is a correct sentence. ( )9. "They are going to the cinema" means they are planning to go. ( )10. "She can sing well" means she has the ability to sing well. ( )三、填空题(每题1分,共5分)11. I _______ (to be) a teacher when I grow up.12. They _______ (to watch) a movie last night.13. She _______ (to have) a cat and a dog.14. We _______ (to go) to the park tomorrow.15. _______ you (to do) your homework yet?四、简答题(每题2分,共10分)16. What is the difference between "I do" and "I did"?17. Expln the use of "has" and "have".18. What is the past perfect tense and give an example.19. How do you form questions in English?20. What is the difference between "affect" and "effect"?五、应用题(每题2分,共10分)21. Write a sentence using the future perfect tense.22. Correct the mistake in this sentence: "She don't like apples."23. Change this sentence to a question: "He is reading a book."24. Use "so" and "neither" to plete the dialogue:A: I like apples.B: _______.A: I don't like oranges.B: _______.25. Give the opposite of "expensive".六、分析题(每题5分,共10分)26. Analyze the sentence: "If I had known, I would have told you."27. Expln the difference between "It's been rning" and "It has been rning."七、实践操作题(每题5分,共10分)28. Write a short dialogue between two people meeting for the first time.29. Describe your favorite hob, explning why you like it and how often you do it.八、专业设计题(每题2分,共10分)31. Design a poster for an English club at your school, including key information such as club name, meeting times, activities, and contact detls.32. Create a reading log template that includes spaces for book , author, date started, date finished, and a brief review.33. Plan a lesson on the use of articles in English (a, an, the) for beginners, including explanations, examples, and practice exercises.34. Design a vocabulary board game that focuses on words related to travel and can be played a group of four students.35. Develop a set of flashcards for learning the present perfect tense, including both positive and negative sentences.九、概念解释题(每题2分,共10分)36. Expln the concept of homophones and provide three examples.37. Define the term "phrasal verb" and give an example.38. Expln the difference between "affect" and "effect" in English grammar.39. Define the term "idiom" and expln why they are important in language learning.40. Expln the concept of subject-verb agreement and provide an example.十、思考题(每题2分,共10分)41. Reflect on the importance of learning English as a global language. How does it benefit individuals and society?42. Consider the challenges faced English language learners. What strategies can be effective in overing these challenges?43. Think about the role of technology in English language learning. How can it be used to enhance the learning experience?44. Discuss the importance of cultural awareness in learning English. How can cultural differences impact language learning?45. Reflect on the importance of reading in English language learning. How does it contribute to vocabulary development and prehension skills?十一、社会扩展题(每题3分,共15分)46. Research a famous English author and write a brief biography, including their most famous works and their impact on literature.47. Explore the history and development of the English language, focusing on key events and influences that have shaped its evolution.48. Investigate the role of English in international business and diplomacy. How has it bee the dominant language in these fields?49. Examine the influence of English on other languages around the world. Provide examples of English loanwords and phrases in other languages.50. Analyze the impact of social media on the English language. How have platforms like Twitter and Instagram influenced language use and munication?本专业课原理概述部分试卷答案及知识点总结如下:一、选择题答案1. D2. A3. B4. B5. C二、判断题答案6. ×7. √8. ×9. √10. √三、填空题答案11. am going to be12. watched13. has14. are going to go15. Have四、简答题答案16. "I do" is used for the present simple tense to talk about habits or general truths, while "I did" is used for the past simple tense to talk about pleted actions in the past.17. "Has" is used with third-person singular subjects (he, she, it), while "have" is used with other subjects (I, you, we, they).18. The past perfect tense is used to talk about actions that were pleted before another past action. Example: "By the time I arrived, the movie had already started."19. Questions in English can be formed changing the word order (e.g., "You are happy" bees "Are you happy?"), using question words (e.g., "What time is it?"), or using auxiliary verbs (e.g., "Do you like apples?").20. "Affect" is a verb that means to influence or make a difference, while "effect" is a noun that means a result or oute.五、应用题答案21. By next year, I will have finished my studies.22. She doesn't like apples.23. Is he reading a book?24. So do I. Neither do I.25. Cheap六、分析题答案26. The sentence "If I had known, I would have told you" is in the third conditional and expresses a regret for not having done something in the past that would have affected the present.27. "It's been rning" is used to describe an action that started in the past and is still happening now. "It has been rning" is used to emphasize the result or the duration of the action.七、实践操作题答案28. (Answer not provided)29. (Answer not provided)知识点分类和总结:1. Grammar: The grammar section covers various aspects such as verb tenses (past simple, present perfect, future perfect), articles (a, an, the), subject-verb agreement, and the use of auxiliary verbs in questions.2. Vocabulary: The vocabulary section focuses on word formation (plural forms, past tense), antonyms, and the use of phrasal verbs and idioms.3. Reading and Writing: The reading and writing section includes prehension questions, sentence transformation, and the use of reading logs and vocabulary board games.4. Listening and Speaking: The listening and speaking section is covered through the use of dialogues and role-plays.5. Pronunciation: The pronunciation section focuses on minimal prs and word stress.6. Culture: The culture section includes information about famous English authors and cultural awareness.各题型所考察学生的知识点详解及示例:1. Multiple-choice questions: These questions test students' knowledge of specific grammar points, vocabulary, and pronunciation. They require students to understand the question and choose the correct answer from the given options.2. True or false questions: These questions test students' understanding of grammar rules and sentence structure. Students need to determine whether the given statement is correct or not.3. Gap-filling questions: These questions test students' knowledge of vocabulary and grammar. Students need to choose the correct word or phrase to plete the sentence.4. Short-answer questions: These questions test students' ability to provide concise and accurate answers to specific questions. They may require students to expln a grammar point, define a vocabulary word, or provide an example.5. Role-play and dialogue: These questions test students' speaking and listening skills. Students need to create a short dialogue or role-play based on a given situation, using appropriate vocabulary and grammar.6. Listening prehension: These questions test students' ability to understand spoken English. Students need to listen to a recording or dialogue and answer questions based on the information they hear.7. Reading prehension: These questions test students' ability to understand written English. Students need to read a text and answer questions based on the information they read.。



浙江省大学英语三级考试真题听力全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1Zhejiang Province College English Level Three Examination Listening ComprehensionThe Zhejiang Province College English Level Three Examination is a standardized test designed to evaluate the English listening comprehension skills of students in Zhejiang Province. The listening section of the exam is an important component that tests the ability of students to understand spoken English in various contexts.In the listening section of the exam, students are required to listen to a series of audio recordings and answer questions based on the content of the recordings. The recordings may include conversations, lectures, news reports, and other types of spoken English. The questions that follow the recordings are designed to assess the students' ability to understand the main ideas, details, and implications of the spoken material.To prepare for the listening section of the exam, students are advised to practice listening to a variety of English audiomaterials, such as podcasts, radio programs, and TED talks. They should pay attention to the speakers' pronunciation, intonation, and speed of speech, as well as the main ideas and supporting details of the spoken content.In addition to practicing listening comprehension skills, students can also benefit from familiarizing themselves with the format and types of questions that are commonly used in the listening section of the exam. By becoming familiar with the test format, students can improve their test-taking skills and feel more confident on exam day.Overall, the listening section of the Zhejiang Province College English Level Three Examination is a challenging but important component of the exam. By dedicating time and effort to practice listening comprehension skills, students can improve their performance on the exam and achieve success in their English studies.篇2Zhejiang Province College English Test Level Three ListeningIntroductionThe Zhejiang Province College English Test Level Three (CET-3) is an important examination for college students inZhejiang Province, China. This test assesses students' listening, reading, writing, and translation abilities. In this article, we will focus on the listening section of the CET-3 exam, providing an overview of the format, types of questions, and some tips for success.Format of the Listening SectionThe listening section of the CET-3 exam consists of multiple-choice, fill-in-the-blank, and matching questions. Students are required to listen to recordings of dialogues, conversations, and monologues, and answer questions based on the information they hear. The recordings are played only once, so it is important for students to pay close attention and make notes as they listen.Types of QuestionsThe listening section of the CET-3 exam covers a wide range of topics, including daily life, university study, social issues, and global affairs. Questions may test students' ability to understand details, main ideas, implied meanings, and inferences. Some questions require students to identify speakers' attitudes, opinions, or intentions. Others may ask students to predict outcomes or make connections between pieces of information.Tips for SuccessTo succeed in the listening section of the CET-3 exam, students should practice their listening skills regularly. They can do this by listening to English podcasts, watching English movies or TV shows, and conversing with native speakers. It is also helpful to take practice tests to familiarize oneself with the types of questions and the format of the exam.During the exam, students should focus on listening for key words and phrases, as these can help them understand the main ideas of the recordings. It is important to listen actively, rather than passively, by engaging with the content and making mental connections between what is being said. Taking notes can also be helpful in remembering important details and answering questions accurately.ConclusionThe listening section of the Zhejiang Province College English Test Level Three is a challenging but important component of the exam. By practicing regularly, developing strong listening skills, and staying focused during the test, students can improve their chances of success. Ultimately, the listening section provides an opportunity for students todemonstrate their English proficiency and advance their academic and professional goals.篇3Zhejiang Province University English Level 3 Examination Listening TestPart I Listening Comprehension (20 points)Section ADirections: In this section you will hear ten short conversations. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the question will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A), B), C) and D), and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre.1. A) She has a job interview tomorrow morning.B) She will go to a job fair tomorrow.C) She had a job interview yesterday.D) She had to go to a job fair yesterday.2. A) At 7 o’clock.B) At 8 o’clock.C) At 9 o’clock.D) At 10 o’clock.3. A) The man should go to the bookstore.B) The woman will lend her book to the man.C) The man should not wait for the woman.D) The man has borrowed the book from the woman.4. A) She is not feeling well.B) She is feeling unwell because of her cat’s hair.C) She is going to see a doctor.D) She is a llergic to the cat’s hair.5. A) The man is too busy to go.B) The woman should go alone.C) The woman should do the shopping herself.D) The man will go with the woman.6. A) Her parents live in another city.B) She will visit her parents for the weekend.C) Her parents are old.D) She misses her parents.7. A) Take a busB) WalkC) Take a taxiD) Drive a car8. A) The woman sent a letter to the man.B) The man doesn’t know w hat the woman means.C) The woman forgot to phone the man.D) The man hasn’t opened his letter.9. A) He will go to the Chinese restaurant.B) He will have dinner with the woman.C) He doesn’t want to go out to eat.D) He will cook dinner himself.10. A) She has found a way to save money.B) She spent all her money on the new coat.C) She can’t afford a new coat.D) She doesn’t like the new coat.Section BDirections: In this section, you will hear two long conversations. At the end of each conversation, you will hear four questions. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre.Conversation 111. A) Formal clothesB) Casual clothesC) Sporty clothesD) Classic clothes12. A) Getting away from it allB) Enjoying the viewC) Avoiding the crowdsD) Spreading out13. A) A magazineB) A newspaperC) A guidebookD) A leaflet14. A) Because the place was closedB) Because the weather was badC) Because the place was crowdedD) Because he saw everythingConversation 215. A) They plan to sell newspapers on the street.B) They want a part-time job at the cinema.C) They are looking for a job that pays well.D) They are going out to see a movie.16. A) Run errandsB) Work as volunteersC) Deliver newspapersD) Take care of patients17. A) She can ask her manager for more shifts.B) She can arrange shifts according to her schedule.C) She doesn’t have time to work at the cinema.D) She can work longer shifts on weekends.18. A) The work will be fun and educational.B) They can get a discount on movie tickets.C) The job pays better than any other part-time job.D) The shifts offer greater flexibility than other jobs.Section CDirections: In this section, you will hear three recordings of lectures or talks followed by three questions. The recordings will be played only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre.19. A) It had beautiful French gardens.B) It had a smaller crowd.C) It was well-maintained.D) The site was smaller.20. A) Capture the essence of the original buildingsB) Construct new buildings among the historical onesC) Replace the old buildings with modern structuresD) Install elevators in the old buildings21. A) It survived the Great Fire of London in 1666B) It was partly destroyed in a bombing raid in 1941C) It is in the heart of London’s financial districtD) It is the oldest skyscraper in LondonQuestion:With the answers above, what score can you get on the listening comprehension part of the test?。



This publication may be reproduced only in accordance withEdexcel Limited copyright policy.©2006 Edexcel Limited.Printer’s Log. No.M22041AW850/S6354/57570 5/6/7/5/5/Paper Reference(s)6354/01Edexcel GCEEconomicsAdvancedUnit 4 – Industrial EconomicsThursday 26 January 2006 – AfternoonTime: 1 hour 15 minutes Materials required for examinationItems included with question papers Nil NilInstructions to CandidatesIn the boxes above, write your centre number, candidate number, your surname, initials and signature.Check that you have the correct question paper.Answer ALL the questions in Section A in the spaces provided in this question paper.•For each question there are five suggested answers: A, B, C, D or E.•When you have selected your answer to the question, write the chosen letter in the box provided.•You can only offer one answer to each question.•After making your selection you should offer an explanation of why you have made that choice.Your explanation may include a diagram.Answer ONE question from Section B in the spaces provided in this question paper.Information for CandidatesThe marks for individual questions and the parts of questions are shown in round brackets: e.g. (2).The paper is divided into two sections, A and B; both sections are equally weighted. The total mark for this paper is 80. There are 24 pages in this question paper. Any blank pages are indicated.Advice to CandidatesYou will be assessed on your ability to organise and present information, ideas, descriptions and arguments clearly and logically, including your use of grammar, punctuation and spelling.You are advised to divide your time equally between Section A and Section B.Examiner’s use only Team Leader’s use only*M22041A0124*2*M22041A0224*3Turn over *M22041A0324*4*M22041A0424*5Turn over *M22041A0524*6*M22041A0624*7Turn over *M22041A0724*8*M22041A0824*9Turn over *M22041A0924*10*M22041A01024*11Turn over *M22041A01124*12*M22041A01224*13Turn over *M22041A01324*14*M22041A01424*15Turn over *M22041A01524*16*M22041A01624*17Turn over *M22041A01724*18*M22041A01824*19Turn over *M22041A01924*20*M22041A02024*21Turn over *M22041A02124*22*M22041A02224*23 *M22041A02324*24*M22041A02424*。




There is no limit to the bold activities of science, nor should there be any limit.2、当一个人的心情愉快的时候,他便显得善良。

When a person is in a happy mood, he appears to be kind.3、在艰苦的日子里要坚强,在幸福的日子里要谨慎。

Be strong in hard days and cautious in happy days.4、天才就其本质而论只不过是对事业、对工作过程的热爱而已。

Genius, by its very nature, is nothing more than a love of career and work process.5、才能就是对自己的信赖,即对自己能耐的信赖。

Ability is the trust in oneself, that is, the trust in one's own ability.6、不知明天该做什么的人是不幸的。

It's unfortunate for those who don't know what to do tomorrow.7、至于天使,只要心地纯净时,天使就会出现。

As for angels, as long as the heart is pure, angels willappear.8、生活在我们这个世界里,不读书就完全不可能了解人。

Living in our world, it is impossible to understand people without reading.9、凡是与虚伪相矛盾的东西都是极其重要而且有价值的。



永远直面薄弱并战胜它的英语作文Facing and Overcoming One's WeaknessesWe all have weaknesses weaknesses that hold us back from reaching our full potential weaknesses that make us feel insecure and inferior to others weaknesses that we would rather ignore or hide from the world But the truth is that confronting our weaknesses head-on and working to improve them is the only way to truly grow as individuals and achieve the success we desireThe first step in overcoming a weakness is to honestly identify what it is One of the biggest mistakes people make is failing to recognize their own shortcomings We may be aware that we struggle with a certain skill or trait but we convince ourselves that it's not really that important or that we can get by without improving it But in order to make meaningful progress we have to be willing to take a hard look at ourselves and pinpoint our areas of weaknessFor some people a weakness might be a lack of self-confidence or public speaking skills For others it could be difficulty managing theirtime and staying organized Or it might be a weakness in a specific academic or professional area like math science or written communication Identifying the exact nature of your weakness is crucial because it allows you to develop a targeted plan of action to address itOnce you've identified your weakness the next step is to develop a strategy for improvement This might involve seeking out training or coaching taking a class enrolling in a workshop or simply practicing the skill on your own on a regular basis The key is to be proactive and not just passively hope that the weakness will somehow magically go away on its ownImproving a weakness also often requires a significant investment of time and effort It's not enough to dabble in it occasionally you have to be willing to put in the hard work day after day to see real progress This can be challenging especially if the weakness is in an area that does not come naturally to you or that you find unpleasant But the payoff of pushing through that discomfort is immenseI'll give you a personal example When I was in college I struggled tremendously with public speaking I would get incredibly nervous every time I had to give a presentation my heart would race my palms would sweat and I would stumble over my words It was a major weakness that held me back both academically and socially Iknew I needed to address it but the idea of willingly putting myself in situations where I had to speak in front of others was terrifyingBut I also knew that if I wanted to achieve my goals of becoming a confident leader and effective communicator I had to confront this weakness head-on So I made a plan I signed up for an elective public speaking course forced myself to volunteer for every presentation opportunity I could and practiced giving speeches in front of the mirror and to friends and family Over time and through a lot of hard work I gradually became more comfortable and confident in my public speaking abilities By the time I graduated I had transformed a major weakness into one of my greatest strengthsThis process of facing and overcoming a weakness is not easy It requires honesty self-awareness and a willingness to step outside of your comfort zone But the payoff is immense When you confront your weaknesses and put in the effort to improve them you unlock a whole new realm of possibilities You gain confidence in your abilities you open the door to new opportunities and you prove to yourself that you have the power to grow and evolve as a personWeaknesses are not permanent flaws they are simply areas where we have room for improvement And every weakness we overcome makes us stronger more capable and more resilient individuals So I would encourage everyone to take a hard look at themselves identifytheir areas of weakness and then develop a plan to improve them It won't be easy but the personal growth and success that can come from it is truly invaluable。



科学家身上的小与大作文题目英文回答:As a scientist, I have always been fascinated by the mysteries of the universe and the wonders of the natural world. The pursuit of knowledge and understanding is what drives me in my work. Whether it's conducting experimentsin the lab or analyzing data in the field, I am constantly seeking to uncover the truth and expand our understandingof the world around us.One of the most exciting aspects of being a scientistis the opportunity to make new discoveries. For example, I remember a time when I was studying the behavior of ants in their natural habitat. Through careful observation and data collection, I was able to uncover a previously unknown behavior in these tiny creatures. It was a thrilling moment, knowing that I had contributed to the body of knowledge in my field.Another aspect of being a scientist that I findfulfilling is the opportunity to collaborate with other researchers. Science is a collaborative endeavor, and working with others allows for the exchange of ideas and the pooling of resources. I have had the privilege of working with scientists from different countries and backgrounds, and it has been an enriching experience. Together, we have been able to tackle complex research questions and come up with innovative solutions.In addition to the excitement of discovery and the joy of collaboration, being a scientist also comes with itsfair share of challenges. Research can be unpredictable, and experiments don't always go as planned. There have been times when I have spent months on a project, only to have it yield inconclusive results. However, these challenges only serve to fuel my determination and drive me to keep pushing forward.Being a scientist also requires a great deal of patience and perseverance. Research can be a slow and painstaking process, with many setbacks along the way. It'simportant to stay focused and motivated, even when faced with obstacles. For example, I once spent years studying a particular phenomenon, facing numerous setbacks and failures. But I refused to give up, and eventually, my perseverance paid off when I made a breakthrough in my research.In conclusion, being a scientist is a rewarding and fulfilling profession. It offers the opportunity to make new discoveries, collaborate with others, and overcome challenges. While the path of a scientist may not always be easy, the pursuit of knowledge and understanding is what drives us forward. And in the end, the satisfaction of contributing to the advancement of science makes it all worthwhile.中文回答:作为一名科学家,我一直对宇宙的奥秘和自然界的奇迹充满了兴趣。

Selected Teaching Plans for Open English Classes i

Selected Teaching Plans for Open English Classes i

Presentation of new knowledge
Use visual aids, real objects, or multimedia resources to present new vocabulary, grammar points, or concepts in a clear and engaging way
It includes basic vocabulary and presence structures, focusing on every day scenario and activities that children can easily relate to
The content is designed to be engaging and fun, with colorful illustrations and interactive exercises to keep children engaged
• Encourage family involvement: Open classes resource parents and families to participate in their children's language learning, strengthening the home school connection and supporting children's overall development
presence structures, making learning more enjoyable
Collaborative group work where children work together to complete tasks or solve problems, promoting



中考临近你做好准备了吗,英语作文全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1As the middle school final exams approach, are you prepared? This is a question that many students may ask themselves as they enter the final stretch of the school year. The pressure to perform well on these exams can be overwhelming, but with proper preparation and planning, students can alleviate some of the stress and increase their chances of success.One of the most important aspects of preparing for the final exams is creating a study schedule. By allocating specific times each day to review material and practice problem-solving, students can ensure that they cover all necessary material and are able to recall it easily during the exams. It is also important to prioritize studying for subjects that require more time and attention, as well as seeking help from teachers or tutors if needed.Another key component of exam preparation is taking care of one's physical and mental health. Adequate sleep, regular exercise, and healthy eating habits are all essential in order tomaintain focus and concentration while studying. Additionally, taking breaks and engaging in relaxation techniques such as deep breathing or meditation can help alleviate stress and anxiety.Practice tests and past exam papers are also valuable tools in preparing for the final exams. By simulating exam conditions, students can become familiar with the format and types of questions that may be asked, as well as identify areas of weakness that need further review. Reviewing incorrect answers and seeking clarification on challenging topics can help students improve their understanding and performance on the actual exams.Lastly, maintaining a positive attitude and staying motivated throughout the exam preparation process is crucial. Setting realistic goals, rewarding oneself for making progress, and envisioning success can help boost confidence and perseverance during this challenging time.In conclusion, with proper preparation, effective time management, and a positive mindset, students can maximize their potential for success on the final exams. By taking proactive steps to review material, seek help when needed, and prioritize their well-being, students can approach the exams withconfidence and achieve their desired outcomes. So, as the middle school final exams approach, are you prepared?篇2As the middle school entrance examination approaches, are you prepared? This is a question that many students may be asking themselves as they enter the final stretch of preparation for this important test. The middle school entrance examination, also known as the 中考(Zhōngkǎo) in Chinese, is a crucial milestone for students in China as it determines which high school they will be able to attend.Preparation for the middle school entrance examination typically begins months, or even years, in advance. Students are required to study a wide range of subjects, including Chinese, mathematics, English, physics, chemistry, biology, history, geography, and politics. The exam covers a vast amount of material, so it is essential for students to start preparing early and study diligently to ensure success.English is one of the key subjects tested in the middle school entrance examination. Students are required to demonstrate proficiency in reading, writing, listening, and speaking in English. To excel in the English portion of the exam, students must have astrong foundation in grammar, vocabulary, and comprehension skills.In addition to studying the material covered in the exam, it is also important for students to develop effective study habits and strategies to help them succeed. This includes creating a study schedule, setting specific goals, practicing past exam papers, and seeking help from teachers or tutors when needed.It is crucial for students to manage their time wisely and avoid procrastination as the exam date approaches. Prioritizing tasks, staying organized, and maintaining a healthy balance between studying and relaxing are key factors in ensuring success on the exam.As the middle school entrance examination draws near, it is important for students to stay focused, motivated, and confident in their abilities. By putting in the effort and dedication required to excel on the exam, students can achieve their academic goals and pave the way for a successful future.In conclusion, with the middle school entrance examination approaching, it is essential for students to make the necessary preparations to ensure success. By studying diligently, developing effective study habits, and staying focused and motivated, students can achieve their goals and excel on theexam. Remember, hard work and dedication are the keys to success in any endeavor, including exams. Good luck to all students preparing for the middle school entrance examination!篇3Are you ready for the upcoming middle school exam? As the exam approaches, it's important to make sure you are fully prepared to do your best. Here are some tips to help you get ready for the exam.First of all, it's important to start studying early. Don't wait until the last minute to start reviewing the material. Make a study schedule and stick to it. Set aside time each day to study and review your notes. This will help you retain the information better and be more prepared on exam day.Secondly, make sure you have all the necessary materials for the exam. This includes pens, pencils, erasers, and any other tools you may need. Make sure your calculator is in working order and that you have all the necessary textbooks and study guides.Practice makes perfect, so be sure to practice with past exam papers. This will give you an idea of the types of questions that may be on the exam and help you become familiar with theformat. It's also a good idea to work on your time management skills during practice exams to ensure you can complete the exam in the allotted time.Lastly, take care of yourself leading up to the exam. Make sure you get enough sleep, eat a healthy diet, and exercise regularly. Taking care of your physical and mental health will help you stay focused and perform your best on exam day.In conclusion, being prepared for the middle school exam is key to success. By following these tips and putting in the effort to study and practice, you can feel confident and ready to tackle the exam. Good luck!。

破茧而出 不作套中人作文

破茧而出 不作套中人作文

破茧而出不作套中人作文英文回答:In the tapestry of life, we are often faced with the choice between conformity and individuality. The path of least resistance dictates that we remain within the confines of societal expectations, like cocoons encasing our true selves. However, there exists a higher calling, a siren song beckoning us to break free from theseconstraints and spread our wings to soar towards our unique potential.The road to becoming an exceptional individual begins with the courage to question the status quo. We must challenge the conventional wisdom that dictates our thoughts, behaviors, and aspirations. By embracing open-mindedness and a willingness to explore uncharted territories, we create the space for our own unique spark to ignite.Moreover, it requires a deep sense of self-awareness. Understanding our strengths, weaknesses, and passions is paramount. This introspection allows us to chart a course that aligns with our true nature, not the expectations of others. It is through self-discovery that we uncover the hidden gems within us—the talents, dreams, and aspirations that make us who we are.Breaking free from the confines of conformity is not without its challenges. We will encounter resistance from those who seek to maintain the status quo. The path of individuality is often strewn with obstacles and self-doubt. However, it is in overcoming these obstacles that we forge our true mettle. Each challenge we conquer, each doubt we overcome, strengthens our resolve and empowers us to soar even higher.The rewards of breaking free from the cocoon are immeasurable. We gain a profound sense of purpose and fulfillment, aligning our actions with our deepest values. We discover joy and passion in our work, our relationships, and our daily lives. Most importantly, we become authenticindividuals, living in accordance with our true selves.In the words of the poet Maya Angelou, "You may write me down in history with your bitter, twisted lies, butstill, like air, I'll rise." Let us all strive to breakfree from the confines of conformity, to embrace our individuality, and to soar towards the limitlesspossibilities that await us.中文回答:破茧而出,不再做套中人。



Strength in the Face of ChallengesIn the intricate tapestry of life, strength stands as a towering pillar, supporting us through the winds and rainsof adversity. It is not merely a physical attribute, but a deep-seated resilience that springs from the core of our being, fueling our will to persevere and overcome.Strength is not born overnight; it is forged through trials and tribulations. It is the unwavering resolve that rises from the ashes of defeat, dusting off the shards of broken dreams and standing tall amidst the ruins. It is the silent courage that whispers in the ear of despair, reminding us that within the darkness, there is always a spark of light waiting to be kindled.The journey towards strength is often fraught with challenges. It is a path that demands courage, perseverance, and an unyielding spirit. It is in these moments of trial that we are tested, and it is through these tests that our strength is truly revealed. Whether it is the weight of a heavy burden, the sting of betrayal, or the loneliness of isolation, each challenge is an opportunity for growth and transformation.As we navigate these challenges, we learn to rely not just on external support but also on the strength that lies within us. We discover that our resilience is not a fixed trait but a dynamic force that can be nurtured and strengthened with each passing day. We begin to understand that strength is not about never falling, but about getting up every time we do.Furthermore, strength is not a solitary endeavor. It is often forged in the crucible of community and relationships. The support of loved ones, the empathy of friends, and the solidarity of compatriots can be powerful sources of strength. In times of crisis, these bonds of connection can provide the much-needed lift that helps us rise above the challenges and persevere.However, the path to strength is not without its pitfalls. We may encounter moments of self-doubt, moments where we question our ability to persevere. These are the moments where we must dig deep, summon our inner resolve, and remind ourselves of the reasons why we are fighting. It is in these moments that we truly understand the value of strength and the power it holds to transform our lives.In conclusion, strength is not a destination but a journey. It is a continuous process of growth and transformation, a never-ending quest to discover our innermost resilience. As we face the challenges of life, let us remember that strength lies not in the absence of weaknesses, but in the courage to face them and rise above them. Let us embrace the challenges that come our way, not as obstacles, but as opportunities to forge our strength and emerge stronger than ever.**面对挑战的坚强**在生活的复杂织锦中,坚强如同高耸的支柱,支撑着我们度过逆境的风风雨雨。



挫折是一位深沉的哲人作文英文回答:Adversity, or setbacks, is an inevitable part of life. It is during these challenging times that we truly learn and grow. In my opinion, setbacks are like stepping stones that lead us to success. They provide us with valuable lessons and opportunities for personal development.One of the most important lessons I have learned from setbacks is resilience. When faced with obstacles, it is crucial to stay strong and persevere. For instance, when I was preparing for a major exam, I encountered numerous difficulties along the way. However, instead of giving up, I used these setbacks as motivation to work harder and improve my study habits. Eventually, I was able to overcome the obstacles and achieve the desired outcome.Setbacks also teach us the importance of adaptability. Life is unpredictable, and things don't always go accordingto plan. When faced with unexpected challenges, it is necessary to adjust our strategies and find alternative solutions. For example, I once planned a trip with friends, but due to unforeseen circumstances, we had to change our destination at the last minute. Instead of being disappointed, we embraced the change and had an amazingtime exploring a different city.Furthermore, setbacks provide us with an opportunityfor self-reflection and growth. When things don't go as planned, it is important to take a step back and evaluatethe situation objectively. This allows us to identify our weaknesses and areas for improvement. For instance, when I faced rejection from a job interview, I took the time to reflect on my performance and sought feedback from the interviewer. This helped me identify areas where I neededto enhance my skills and knowledge.In conclusion, setbacks are not to be feared, butrather embraced as opportunities for growth and learning. They teach us resilience, adaptability, and self-reflection. By overcoming setbacks, we become stronger and more capableof facing future challenges. So, instead of being discouraged by setbacks, let us embrace them and use them as stepping stones to success.中文回答:挫折,或者说是失败,是生活中不可避免的一部分。



有一种力量叫满分作文英文回答:The power of perfect essays lies in their ability to captivate and persuade the reader through the masterful use of language, compelling arguments, and impeccable structure.A perfect essay begins with a captivating hook that draws the reader in and sets the stage for the ensuing discussion. This hook can take the form of a surprising statistic, a thought-provoking question, or a vividanecdote that establishes a personal connection with the reader.The body paragraphs meticulously develop the central argument through a logical progression of evidence, analysis, and insights. Each paragraph focuses on aspecific aspect of the topic, providing in-depth analysis and supporting evidence from reputable sources. The transitions between paragraphs are smooth and seamless,guiding the reader effortlessly through the essay's progression.The conclusion serves as a summation of the main points and emphasizes the significance of the argument presented.It effectively restates the thesis statement, drawsinsightful conclusions, and leaves a lasting impression on the reader's mind.The language used in a perfect essay is clear, concise, and precise. The author demonstrates a mastery ofvocabulary and grammar, using language that is bothengaging and persuasive. The tone is appropriate to the subject matter and audience, conveying a sense of authority, credibility, and sophistication.In addition to its compelling content and skillful useof language, a perfect essay is also meticulously organized. The structure is logical and easy to follow, with each paragraph contributing to the development of the central argument. The essay adheres to accepted conventions of academic writing, including proper citations and formatting.Furthermore, a perfect essay demonstrates critical thinking skills and the ability to analyze and synthesize complex information. The author engages with multiple perspectives, providing balanced and nuanced arguments that support the central thesis. The essay also anticipates potential counterarguments and addresses them effectively, demonstrating a comprehensive understanding of the topic.Overall, the power of perfect essays lies in their ability to present compelling arguments, captivate the reader, and leave a lasting impression. Their mastery of language, impeccable structure, and thoughtful analysis make them exemplary examples of academic writing.中文回答:所谓满分作文,其力量在于通过语言的高超运用、令人信服的论据以及严谨的结构,来吸引和说服读者。



英语基础练习册### English Basic WorkbookWelcome to the English Basic Workbook, designed to help beginners and intermediate learners improve their English language skills. This workbook is a comprehensive guide that covers various aspects of the English language, including grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, and reading comprehension.#### Unit 1: Introduction to English AlphabetIn this unit, you will learn the English alphabet and thebasic rules for pronunciation. We will start with the letters A-M and then proceed to N-Z. Each letter will be accompaniedby a set of words that help you practice the correct pronunciation.Exercise 1.1: Alphabet Writing Practice- Write the alphabet in capital and small letters.- Practice the pronunciation of each letter.Exercise 1.2: Word Association- Match the following words with their corresponding letters: - Apple (A)- Boy (B)- Cat (C)- Dog (D)- Elephant (E)- Fish (F)- ...Exercise 1.3: Alphabet Song- Sing the alphabet song to practice the sequence and pronunciation.#### Unit 2: Basic Grammar RulesThis unit will introduce you to the fundamental grammar rules of the English language. You will learn about nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, prepositions, and conjunctions.Exercise 2.1: Identifying Nouns- Read the following sentences and underline the nouns:- The cat is sleeping on the mat.- She bought a new dress for the party.Exercise 2.2: Verb Tenses- Rewrite the following sentences in the past tense:- I am going to the store.- They are playing soccer.Exercise 2.3: Adjective and Adverb Use- Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the adjective or adverb:- She is (quick) than her sister.- He runs (quickly) than his brother.#### Unit 3: Vocabulary BuildingExpanding your vocabulary is essential for fluency in English. This unit will help you learn new words and understand their meanings and usage.Exercise 3.1: Word Families- Learn the following word families and use them in sentences: - Happy, happily, happiness- Sad, sadly, sadnessExercise 3.2: Synonyms and Antonyms- Match the synonyms and antonyms:- Big (small)- Fast (slow)Exercise 3.3: Vocabulary Quiz- Answer the following questions to test your vocabulary knowledge:- What is the opposite of 'happy'?- What is another word for 'quick'?#### Unit 4: Pronunciation PracticePronunciation is a critical aspect of language learning. Thisunit will focus on helping you improve your English pronunciation.Exercise 4.1: Minimal Pairs- Listen to the following minimal pairs and practice the difference in sound:- Ship / Sheep- Cat / CutExercise 4.2: Stress and Intonation- Read the following sentences and mark the stressed syllables:- I did not say that.- He is my friend.Exercise 4.3: Tongue Twisters- Practice these tongue twisters to improve your pronunciation:- She sells seashells by the seashore.- How can a clam cram in a clean cream can?#### Unit 5: Reading ComprehensionReading is a great way to improve your language skills. This unit will provide you with short texts to read and questions to answer.Exercise 5.1: Short Stories- Read the following short story and answer the questions atthe end:- Once upon a time, there was a little girl who lived in a small village...Exercise 5.2: Newspaper Articles- Read the article and summarize the main points in your own words.Exercise 5.3: Informational Texts- Read the informational text about a specific topic and answer the comprehension questions.This workbook is designed to be used in conjunction with a language course or as a self-study guide. It is recommended to practice regularly and review the material frequently to ensure steady progress in your English language journey. Good luck and enjoy learning!。



6年级上册英语单词Unit 1: Hello1. Hello - a common greeting used to acknowledge someone's presence or tostart a conversation.2. Hi - an informal way of saying hello.3. Goodbye - a farewell or parting greeting.4. Yes - an affirmative response to a question.5. No - a negative response to a question.6. Friend - a person whom one knows and with whom one has a bond of mutual affection and trust.7. My - possessive determiner used to indicate ownership or affiliation.8. Name - a word or set of words by which a person, animal, place, or thing is known, addressed, or referred to.9. Is - the third person singular present tense of the verb 'be', used to indicate the existence, condition, or identity of something.10. What - asking for information about a person or thing.11. Your - possessive form of 'you'.12. I - the first person singular pronoun, used by a speaker to refer to himself or herself.13. And - a conjunction used to connect words or groups of words.14. Good - of high quality; satisfactory.15. Morning - the period of time between midnight and noon.Unit 2: My School1. School - an institution for educating children.2. Classroom - a room in a school where students are taught.3. Teacher - a person who teaches, especially in a school.4. Student - a person who is studying at a school or college.5. Desk - a piece of furniture with a flat or sloping surface and typically with drawers, at which one can read, write, or do other work.6. Chair - a separate seat for one person, typically with a back and four legs.7. Book - a written or printed work consisting of pages glued or sewn together along one side and bound in covers.8. Pen - a long, thin instrument used for writing or drawing with ink.9. Pencil - a thin cylindrical instrument used for writing or drawing, with a graphite or colored core encased in wood or held in a mechanical holder.10. Bag - a flexible container with an opening at the top, used for carrying and storing items.11. Ruler - a straight strip or cylinder of plastic, wood, metal, or otherrigid material, typically marked at regular intervals, to draw straight lines or measure distances.12. Schoolbag - a bag used by students to carry books and other items to school.13. Sharpener - a device used for sharpening the point of a pencil or other writing implement.14. Eraser - a device or implement used to remove something written, typed, or drawn.15. Board - a flat, rigid piece of material on which you can write or pin notices.Unit 3: Family1. Family - a group consisting of parents and children living together in a household.2. Father - a male parent.3. Mother - a female parent.4. Brother - a male sibling.5. Sister - a female sibling.6. Grandfather - the father of one's father or mother.7. Grandmother - the mother of one's father or mother.8. Aunt - the sister of one's father or mother or the wife of one's uncle.9. Uncle - the brother of one's father or mother or the husband of one's aunt.10. Cousin - a child of one's uncle or aunt.11. Son - a boy or man in relation to either or both of his parents.12. Daughter - a girl or woman in relation to either or both of her parents.13. Baby - a very young child, especially one that has not yet begun to walk or talk.14. Family tree - a diagram showing the descendants of a common ancestor.15. Parent - a person who is a father or mother.Unit 4: Toys1. Toy - an object for a child to play with, typically a miniature replica of something.2. Doll - a small model of a human figure, typically used as a child's toy.3. Car - a road vehicle, typically with four wheels, powered by an internal combustion engine and able to carry a small number of people.4. Train - a series of railway carriages or wagons moved as a unit by a locomotive or by integral motors.5. Ball - a solid or hollow spherical or egg-shaped object that is kicked, thrown, or hit in a game or sport.6. Game - a form of play or sport, especially a competitive one playedaccording to rules and decided by skill, strength, or luck.7. Puzzle - a game, toy, or problem designed to test someone's ingenuity or knowledge.8. Teddy bear - a stuffed toy bear.9. Robot - a machine capable of carrying out a complex series of actions automatically, especially one programmable by a computer.10. Plane - an aircraft with a fixed wing and a high level of maneuverability.11. Bike - a bicycle or motorcycle.12. Computer - an electronic device for storing and processing data, typically in binary form, according to instructions given to it in a variable program. 13. Video game - an electronic game played by manipulating images on a video screen or television screen.14. Action figure - a poseable character figurine, made of plastic or other materials, often based on a movie, comic book, or television program.15. Board game - a game that is played on a flat surface using counters or pieces to move on or mark positions.Unit 5: Food and Drinks1. Food - any nutritious substance that people or animals eat or drink or that plants absorb to maintain life and growth.2. Fruit - the sweet or savory edible part of a plant that is typically eaten raw as a dessert or snack.3. Apple - a round fruit with firm white flesh and a green, yellow, or red skin.4. Banana - a long curved fruit with a yellow skin and soft flesh.5. Orange - a round juicy citrus fruit with a tough bright reddish-yellow rind.6. Bread - food made of flour, water, and yeast or another leavening agent, mixed together and baked.7. Rice - the starchy seeds of an annual southeast Asian cereal grass, used as food.8. Noodles - a strip, ring, or tube of pasta or a similar dough, typically made with egg and usually eaten with a sauce or in a soup.9. Pizza - a dish of Italian origin consisting of a flat, round base of dough baked with a topping of tomatoes, cheese, and other ingredients.10. Hamburger - a flat round cake of minced beef or other savory ingredients that is fried or grilled and typically served in a bread roll.11. Ice cream - a sweetened frozen food typically eaten as a dessert or snack.12. Juice - the liquid obtained from or present in fruit or vegetables.13. Milk - an opaque white fluid rich in fat and protein, secreted by female mammals for the nourishment of their young.14. Water - a colorless, transparent, odorless liquid that forms the seas,lakes, rivers, and rain and is the basis of the fluids of living organisms. 15. Coffee - a hot drink made from the roasted and ground seeds (coffee beans) of a tropical shrub.Unit 6: Pets1. Pet - a domestic or tamed animal kept for companionship or pleasure.2. Dog - a domesticated carnivorous mammal that typically has a long snout, an acute sense of smell, non-retractable claws, and a barking, howling, orwhining voice.3. Cat - a small domesticated carnivorous mammal with soft fur, a short snout, and retractable claws.4. Fish - a limbless cold-blooded vertebrate animal with gills and fins and living wholly in water.5. Bird - a warm-blooded egg-laying vertebrate distinguished by the possession of feathers, wings, and a beak and (typically) by being able to fly.6. Rabbit - a burrowing, typically long-eared, herbivorous mammal widely domesticated for its long ears, soft fur, and breeding of various colors and races.7. Hamster - a small solitary nocturnal burrowing rodent that has large cheek pouches for carrying food back to its burrow.8. Turtle - a slow-moving reptile, enclosed in a scaly or leathery domed shell into which it can retract its head and thick legs.9. Guinea pig - a small domesticated South American rodent that is typically kept as a pet and is often used in medical research.10. Snake - a long limbless reptile that has no eyelids, a short tail, andjaws that are capable of considerable extension.11. Mouse - a small rodent that typically has a pointed snout, relativelylarge ears and eyes, and a long tail.12. Parrot - a bird, often vividly colored, with a strong curved bill and typically a raucous voice, found especially in the tropics and feeding onfruits and seeds.13. Turtle - a slow-moving reptile, enclosed in a scaly or leathery domedshell into which it can retract its head and thick legs.14. Rabbit - a burrowing, typically long-eared, herbivorous mammal widely domesticated for its long ears, soft fur, and breeding of various colors and races.15. Guinea pig - a small domesticated South American rodent that is typically kept as a pet and is often used in medical research.These are some of the key vocabulary words from the 6th-grade English textbook.Learning and understanding these words will help students communicate effectively and expand their English vocabulary.。

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STRONG MINIMAL COVERS AND A QUESTION OFYATES:THE STORY SO F ARANDREW E.M.LEWISAbstract.An old question of Yates as to whether all minimal degreeshave a strong minimal cover remains one of the longstanding problems ofdegree theory,apparently largely impervious to present techniques.Wesurvey existing results in this area,focussing especially on some recentprogress.1.IntroductionBy the60’s and70’s degree theorists had become concerned with some particular and fundamental questions of a global nature concerning the structure of the Turing degrees.In order to address issues regarding homo-geneity and the decidability and degree of the theory,the approach taken at this time was to proceed through a deep analysis of the initial segments of the structure.Along these lines a technique for piecemeal construction of initial segments,even if only locally successful,would have been very useful and it was in this context that interest wasfirst aroused in a question of Yates:Definition1.1.A degree b is a strong minimal cover for a if D[<b]= D[≤a].A degree a is minimal if it is a strong minimal cover for0.Question1.1.(Yates)Does every minimal degree have a strong minimal cover?In fact,the question of characterizing those degrees with strong minimal cover had already been raised by Spector in his1956paper[CS].Certainly in D m—the structure of the many-one degrees,induced by a strengthening of the Turing reducibility—Lachlan’s proof of the fact that every m-degree has a strong minimal cover played a vital role in Ershov’s[YE]and Paliutin’s [EP]results characterizing the structure and in showing,for instance,that 0m is the only definable singleton.In the Turing degrees,however,progress with global concerns of this nature was eventually achieved through other means—initially through complicated ad hoc initial segment embeddings, and more recently using simpler coding techniques.Yates’question re-mained behind,apparently largely impervious to existing techniques.At the opposite end of the spectrum to those degrees with a strong min-imal cover are those which satisfy the cupping property,where we say that a degree a satisfies the cupping property if for every b>a there exists2000MSC:03D28.The author was supported by Marie-Curie Fellowship MEIF-CT-2005-023657and was partially supported by the NSFC Grand International Joint Project no.60310213,New Directions in the Theory and Applications of Models of Computation.12ANDREW E.M.LEWISc<b with a∨c=b.We say that a degree a is generalized low n(GL n)if a(n)=(a∨0 )(n−1).Since Jockusch and Posner have shown that all degrees which are not GL2satisfy the cupping property,possession of a strong min-imal cover may be seen as a property satisfied by degrees which are in some sense low down in the structure.Until very recently,however,results on the positive side of Yates’question were restricted to exhibiting particular ex-amples of individual degrees which possess a strong minimal cover.As well as initial segment results along these lines,Cooper[BC3]showed that there exists a non-zero with a strong minimal cover—the motivation at that time being an approach towards the definability of0 .Much later Kumabe[MK2]was able to show that there exists a1-generic degree with this property.It was not until1999that Ishmukhametov[SI]was able to provide an interesting class of degrees—the c.e.traceable degrees—every member of which has a strong minimal cover.In sections4and5we shall provide an alternative proof of Ishmukhametov’s result,appearing for thefirst time in this paper,by showing that the c.e.traceable degrees are actually a proper subclass of another very natural class of degrees all of which have strong minimal cover.In section3we shall sketch an alternative proof of what may be regarded the strongest result on the negative side of Yates’question,the fact that there exists a hyperimmune-free degree with no strong minimal cover.Finally in section5we shall go on to discuss some other results recently obtained by the author in this area.In order to do so,it is necessary that we should begin with some discussion of the splitting tree technique of minimal degree construction.2.The splitting tree technique and strong minimal coversThe splitting tree technique is very much the standard approach to mini-mal degree construction.In fact really it is more than that—almost without exception,when a computability theorist wishes to construct a set of mini-mal degree it is the splitting tree technique that they will use.For a clear introduction to the techniques of minimal degree construction we refer the reader to any one of[RS],[BC2],[ML],[PO1].This paper requires knowl-edge only of those techniques for constructing a minimal degree below0 .Given any T⊆2<ωandτ∈T,we shall say thatτis a leaf of T if it has no proper extensions in T.Whenτ,τ ∈T andτ⊂τ we callτ a successor ofτin T if there doesn’t existτ ∈T withτ⊂τ ⊂τ .Given any T⊆2<ωand A⊆ωwe denote A∈[T]and we say that A lies on T, if there exist infinitely many initial segments of A in T.We shall say that τ∈T is of level n in T ifτhas precisely n proper initial segments in T and we shall say thatfinite T is of level n if all leaves of T are of level n in T.The following definition is slightly non-standard,but seems convenient where the discussion of splitting trees with unbounded branching is concerned:we say that T⊆2<ωis a c.e.tree if it has a computable enumeration{T s}s≥0such that T0=1and such that for all s≥0ifτ∈T s+1−T s thenτextends a leaf of T s(and such that afinite number of strings are enumerated at any given stage).For any Turing functionalΨ,we say that twofinite stringsτSTRONG MINIMAL COVERS:THE STORY SO FAR3 andτ are aΨ-splitting ifΨ(τ)andΨ(τ )are incompatible.We say that T⊆2<ωisΨ-splitting if wheneverτ,τ ∈T are incompatible these strings are aΨ-splitting.We shall say thatτis A⊕-compatible if,for all n such thatτ(2n)↓,we haveτ(2n)=A(n).For anyτ∈2<ωifτ>0we define τ−to be the initial segment ofτof lengthτ−1,and otherwise we define τ−=τ.Given any Turing functionalΨwe defineˆΨas follows.For allτand all n,ˆΨ(τ;n)↓=x iffthe computationΨ(τ;n)converges in<τsteps,Ψ(τ;n)=x andˆΨ(τ−;n )↓for all n <n.We say that T⊆2<ωwith a single string of level0is2-branching if every member of T has precisely two successors.We say non-empty T⊆2<ωis perfect if eachτ∈T has at least two successors.The basic problem which presents itself in attempting to construct a strong minimal cover for any given degree a is that if we simply relativize the standard minimal degree construction to a then,since the splitting trees concerned will now only be a,what results will certainly be a minimal cover for a but will not necessarily be a strong minimal cover—and where we say that b is a minimal cover for a if b>a and there does not exist c with a<c<b.As was observed in[AL1],however,a simple analysis of this construction can be used in order to provide a class of degrees for which the construction of a strong minimal cover is possible.Lemma2.1.SupposeΨ=ˆΨ.If T0is A-computable,2-branching andΨ-splitting,then T1={Ψ(τ):τ∈T0}is A-computable and2-branching.Let T2⊆T1be A-computable and2-branching.Then T3={τ∈T0:Ψ(τ)∈T2} is A-computable and2-branching with T3⊆T0.Proof.The proof is not difficult and is left to the reader.Now let{Ψi}i≥0be somefixed effective listing of the Turing functionals and let us suppose that we wish to construct a strong minimal cover for a. In order to do so we suppose given A∈a and we must construct B≥T A so as to satisfy all requirements;R i:Ψi(B)total→(Ψi(B)≤T A or B≤TΨi(B))P i:B=Ψi(A)A standard technique can be used in order to ensure that B≥T A,we simply insist thatB should be an A⊕-compatible string.Thus we begin with the restriction that B should lie on T0which contains all strings of even length which are A⊕-compatible.T0,then,is A-computable and2-branching.In order to meet all other requirements we might try to proceed with an easy forcing argument.We define B0to be the empty string.Suppose that by the end of stage s we have defined B s∈2<ωon T s,which is A-computable and2-branching,in such a way that if B extends B s and lies on T s then all requirements R i,P i for i<s will be satisfied.At stage s+1we might proceed,initially,just as if we were only trying to construct a minimal cover for a.We can assume thatΨs=ˆΨs,otherwise replaceΨs withˆΨs in what follows.We ask the question,“does there existτ⊇B s on T s such that no two strings on T s extendingτare aΨs-splitting?”.4ANDREW E.M.LEWISIf so:then letτbe such a string.We can define T s+1=T s and(just to make the satisfaction of P s explicit)define B s+1to be some extension ofτon T s sufficient to ensure P s is satisfied.If not:then we can define T s to be an A-computable2-branchingΨs-splitting subset of T s having B s as least element—the idea being that we shall eventually define T s+1to be some subset of T s.If B lies on T s then we shall have that B≤TΨs(B)⊕A.Of course this does not suffice,since for the satisfaction of R s we require that B≤TΨs(B).Suppose,however,that we know a is a tree basis:Definition2.1.We say deg(A)is a tree basis if for every perfect T com-putable in A there exists some perfect T ⊆T computable in A such that every C∈[T ]computes A.Lemma2.1then suffices to ensure that we can define T s+1to be a subset of T s which is A-computable and2-branching,and which satisfies the property that if B∈[T s+1]then A≤TΨs(B)so that,since B≤TΨs(B)⊕A, B≤TΨs(B).Then we can define B s+1to be an extension of B s lying on T s+1sufficient to ensure the satisfaction of P s.We therefore have:Theorem2.1.(Lewis[AL1])Every tree basis has a strong minimal cover.2.1.Delayed splitting trees.Given the monopoly that the splitting tree technique presently has on minimal degree construction it seems an obvious question to ask the generality of this technique.Since it seems to be in the very least difficult to construct a negative solution to Yates’question using the splitting tree technique,it is a natural question to ask whether we should be looking for other techniques of minimal degree construction. So perhaps it is interesting to observe that in order to obtain a perfectly general technique of minimal degree construction all one need do is to use splitting trees with splitting delayed by one level at a time:Definition2.2.We say that T⊆2<ωis a delayedΨ-splitting c.e.tree if T is a c.e.tree and wheneverτ0,τ1∈T are incompatible anyτ2,τ3∈T properly extendingτ0andτ1respectively are aΨ-splitting.Theorem2.2.(Lewis[AL1])A is of minimal degree iffA is noncomputable and,wheneverΨ(A)is total and noncomputable,A lies on a delayedΨ-splitting c.e.tree.Delayed splitting trees,then,provide a perfectly general technique of mini-mal degree construction in the sense that any set of minimal degree lies on trees of this kind.To put it another way,a trivial modification of the proof of theorem2.2suffices to show that any set of minimal degree is generic for the associated notion of forcing.One might ask,however,whether we really need to use delayed splitting trees in order to get this result,perhaps it already holds for standard splitting trees?In fact this is not the case.In order to see this we need to consider thefixed point free degrees:Definition2.3.Letφn denote the n th partial computable function according to somefixed effective listing.A⊆ωis offixed point free(FPF)degree if there exists f≤T A withφn=φf(n)for all n.STRONG MINIMAL COVERS:THE STORY SO FAR5 It was another reasonably longstanding question regarding minimal degrees as to whether there exists a minimal degree which is FPF.Kumabe was able to answer this question in the affirmative:Theorem2.3.(Kumabe[MK1])There exists a FPF minimal degree.In order to achieve this result Kumabe uses delayed splitting trees—in fact this is the only example in the literature of such a construction—and one can show that it is necessary that he should do so:Theorem2.4.(Lewis[AL1])If A lies on aΨ-splitting c.e.tree whenever Ψ(A)is total and noncomputable,then A is not of FPF degree.3.A hyperimmune-free degree with strong minimal coverRecall that A is of hyperimmune-free degree if for every f≤T A there exists computable g which majorizes f i.e.such that g(n)>f(n)for all n,and that a degree is PA if it computes a complete extension of Peano Arithmetic.In some ways the sets of hyperimmune-free degree and the sets of minimal degree can be seen as being very closely related,at least in the sense that the standard constructions are very similar.In fact the most primitive form of minimal degree construction uses perfect splitting trees and it is not difficult to show that if A satisfies the property that wheneverΨ(A)is total and noncomputable A lies on a perfect c.e.Ψ-splitting tree,then A will automatically be of hyperimmune-free degree. Given this close relationship,perhaps the strongest result on the negative side of Yates’question is the fact that there exists a hyperimmune-free degree with no strong minimal cover.Theorem3.1.(Kucera[AK])Every PA degree satisfies the cupping prop-erty.Corollary3.1.There exists a hyperimmune-free degree with no strong min-imal cover.Proof.There exists a PA degree which is hyperimmune-free.Definition 3.1.We say thatΛ⊆2<ωis downward closed if whenever τ∈Λandτ ⊂τwe haveτ ∈Λ.P⊆2ωis aΠ01class if it is[Λ]for some downward closed computableΛ.Alternative proof of theorem3.1(Sketch).In[AL1]the author described an alternative proof of theorem3.1which does not require reasoning within PA like the original and which has subsequently turned out to be useful in proving other results.It is this alternative proof which we shall sketch here.In fact,the statement of the theorem is easily seen to be equivalent to the following proposition:there exists a non-emptyΠ01class every member of which is of degree which satisfies the cupping property.In one direction this follows immediately because there exists a non-emptyΠ01class which contains only sets which effectively code a complete extension of PA.For the other direction it suffices to recall that A is of PA degree iffA computes a member of every non-emptyΠ01class and then to observe that the degrees which satisfy the cupping property form an upward closed class.It is this6ANDREW E.M.LEWISequivalent form of the theorem which we shall prove.In order to do so we make use of the following very simple lemma:Lemma 3.1.If A computes 2-branching T such that no set lying on T computes A ,then the degree of A satisfies the cupping property.Proof.Suppose that A and T satisfy the hypothesis of the lemma and that we are given B >T A .We define C = s τs such that C <T B and B ≤T C ⊕A .We define τ0to be the string of level 0in T .Given τs we define τs +1to be the left successor of τs in T if B (s )=0and the right successor otherwise.Then C lies on T so that C <T B ,since no set lying on T computes A .If we are given an oracle for A and an oracle for C then clearly we can compute B . What we aim to achieve,then,is to construct downward closed com-putable Λsuch that there exist infinite paths through Λand such that if A is an infinite path through Λthen A computes some non-empty 2-branching T A (let’s say)such that no set lying on T A computes A .In order to ensure that no set lying on T A computes A it is convenient to construct a Turing functional Ψsuch that no set on T A computes Ψ(A ).In order to define T A for any A which is an infinite path through Λwe shall define values T τfor τin Λand then T A will be defined to be the union of all T τsuch that τ⊂A .Thus there are three different kinds of object under construction,Λ,T A for A which is an infinite path through Λand Ψ,and we must define these values in such a way that there exist infinite paths through Λand so that the following requirements are satisfied:N i :(A ∈[Λ]∧C ∈[T A ])→(Ψi (C ;i )=Ψ(A ;i )).In fact,what we shall do here is just to consider how to satisfy a sin-gle requirement N 0.We shall therefore only be concerned with the values Ψ0(C ;0)and with defining Ψon argument 0.The most primitive form of the intuition runs as follows:if we are given four strings and we colour those four strings using two colours then there exists some colour such that at least two strings are not that colour (okay so actually we only need three strings but it is convenient here to do everything in powers of two).Now we extend this idea.First we define a certain set of strings T .The role of T is that it is the set of all strings that could possibly be in T τfor some τ∈Λ.In the case that we are only looking to satisfy a single requirement T is rather trivial,we just define T to be the set of all strings of even length.The important thing about T is that it is 4-branching.We let T (n )denote the set of strings in T of level ≤n in T .Next,we consider a certain form of finite subset of T :Definition 3.2.We say that finite T ⊂T is (T,2)-compatible if the strings of level n in T are of length 2n and every string in T which is not a leaf of T has precisely two successors.The role of these (T,2)-compatible T is that when we define T τfor τ∈Λactually we shall define this value to be some (T,2)-compatible T .The following lemma is what we need in order to satisfy the first requirement:STRONG MINIMAL COVERS:THE STORY SO FAR7 Lemma3.2.For anyfinite T ⊆2<ωa2-colouring of T is an assignment of some col(σ)∈{0,1}to each leafσof T .For any n and any2-colouring of T(n)there exists T which is(T,2)compatible of level n and d∈{0,1} such that no leafσof T has col(σ)=d.Proof.This is easily seen by induction.The case n=0is trivial and,in fact,we have already seen the case n=1.If we are given four strings and we colour those four strings using two colours then there exists some colour such that at least two strings are not that colour.Those two strings then define some(T,2)-compatible T of level1.In order to see the induction step suppose we are given a2-colouring of T(n+1).First we use this2-colouring in order to define a2-colouring of T(n)as follows.Consider each leafσof T(n).Suchσhas precisely four successors in T(n+1).If more than two of those successors are coloured0then colourσwith0.If more than two of those successors are coloured1then colourσwith1,and otherwise colour σwith0.What this means is that ifσis not coloured d then at least two successors ofσare not coloured d.By the induction hypothesis there exists some(T,2)-compatible T of level n and there exists d such that no leaf of T is coloured d.In order to define T of level n+1sufficient to complete the induction step all we need do is to choose two successors of each leaf of T which are not coloured d.Now we see how to use this lemma in order to satisfy N0while also satisfying the condition that[Λ]should be non-empty.Before definingΛwe define a set of stringsΛ .These are strings which may or may not be in Λ.We do not insist thatΛ should be downward closed,in order to formΛwe shall later add strings in so thatΛis downward closed.For every n we letΛ (n)denote the set of strings inΛ which are of level n inΛ .Thus for every n we must define the set of strings which are inΛ (n),for each suchτwe must define a value Tτwhich will be some(T,2)-compatible T of level n and we must also ensure that if n>0thenΨ(τ)is defined on argument0.In order to satisfy this latter condition we can just ensure that Ψ(τ;0)is defined for allτof level1inΛ and then this task is done once and for all.We shall not describe here precisely how to define these values, but hopefully it is clear that we can do so in such a way that the following lemma is satisfied:Lemma3.3.For any n>0,any(T,2)-compatible T of level n and any d∈{0,1}there existsτ∈Λ (n)such that Tτ=T andΨ(τ;0)=d.The fact that we can satisfy lemma3.3is really completely obvious.We are not insisting thatΛ should be downward closed,so in order to ensure satisfaction of the lemma all we need do is to put enough strings into each Λ (n)so that all possibilities can be realised.What this means is that if we defineΛby taking the strings inΛ ,adding in strings in order to make it downward closed and then removing any string τ(together with all extensions)for which it is the case that there exists σ∈TτwithˆΨ0(σ;0)↓=Ψ(τ;0)then for every n we must be left with strings inΛ (n)which are inΛ.In order to see this suppose given n>0. Then we can consider the valuesˆΨ0(σ;0)for thoseσ∈T(n)to define a 2-colouring of T(n)—where values are not defined to be either0or1we8ANDREW E.M.LEWISneed not be concerned with them.Then lemma3.2tells us that for this 2-colouring of T(n)there exists some(T,2)-compatible T of level n and there exists d∈{0,1}such that no leaf of T is coloured d.Fixing such T and such d we may then apply lemma3.3which tells us that there exists τ∈Λ (n)with Tτ=T andΨ(τ;0)=d.This stringτ,then,is a string in Λ (n)which is inΛ.By weak K¨o nig’s lemma the fact that there exist an infinite number of strings inΛsuffices to ensure that[Λ]is nonempty.In order to satisfy all requirements we must become a little more sophisti-cated—we need more colours and bushier trees—but the basic idea remains the same.Upon seeing this result it seems a natural question to ask what we can say(to the opposite extreme)aboutΠ01classes every member of which is of degree with a strong minimal cover.Of course it is a trivial matter to construct a non-empty class of this kind because all we need do is to include a single computable member.On the other hand we cannot hope to construct such a class of positive measure because any such class contains a member of every degree above0 and so certainly contains members of degree with no strong minimal cover.In a sense,then,perhaps the following result is the strongest we could hope for:Theorem3.2.(Lewis[AL1])There exists a non-emptyΠ01class with no computable members,every member of which is of degree with a strong min-imal cover.4.The c.e.traceable degreesAs was outlined in the introduction,it seems fair to say that for a long time very little progress was made in the attempt to understand the issues surrounding Yates’problem.To a certain extent this changed relatively recently with Ishmukhametov’s characterization of the c.e.degrees which have a strong minimal cover.In order to obtain this characterization Ish-mukhametov built on previous work by Downey,Jockusch and Stob,who considered the array noncomputable degrees.Definition4.1.(Downey,Jockusch,Stob[DJS])A degree a is array non-computable(a.n.c.)if for each f≤wtt K there is a function g computable in a which is not dominated by f i.e.such that g(n)≥f(n)for infinitely many n.Here f being wtt reducible to K just means that f is computable in the halting problem and that there is a computable bound on the use of the computation i.e.the number of bits of the oracle tape scanned on any given argument.It is an interesting characteristic of the a.n.c.degrees that they satisfy many of the properties of the degrees which are not generalized low2. The following result,in particular,is the one that is of relevance to us now: Theorem4.1.(Downey,Jockusch,Stob[DJS])Given a which is a.n.c.:(1)a is not minimal,(2)a satisfies the cupping property.STRONG MINIMAL COVERS:THE STORY SO FAR 9In fact,it is not difficult to provide an alternative proof of theorem 4.1by showing that the a.n.c.degrees are a proper subclass of those degrees whose sets satisfy the hypothesis of lemma 3.1:Theorem 4.2.The a.n.c.degrees are a proper subclass of those degrees a satisfying (†)if A ∈a then A computes 2-branching T such that no set lying on T computes A .Proof.The proof of theorem 3.1described in [AL1]and sketched in the last section suffices to show that there exists a hyperimmune-free degree which satisfies (†).Since no hyperimmune-free degree can be a.n.c.we are left to show that any satisfies (†).So suppose given A of any τwe define f (τ)as follows.For each i ≤τlet s i be the least such that there exist τ0,τ1extending τof length s i and which are a ˆΨi -splitting and if there exist no such τ0,τ1then let s i =0.Define f (τ)=max {s i :i ≤τ}.For every s define f (s )=max {f (τ):τ=s }.Then f ≤wtt K and since the degree of A is a.n.c.there exists g ≤T A with g (s )≥f (s )for infinitely many s .We can assume that g is an increasing function.We define T = s T s as follows.Stage 0.We define T 0to be {λ}(and where λis the string of length 0).Stage s +1.For each leaf τof T s and each i ≤τsuch that ˆΨi (τ)is compatible with A ,check to see whether there exists a ˆΨi -splitting τ0,τ1such that both these strings extend τand are of length ≤g (s ).If so (for some i ≤τ):then let i be the least such,let τ ⊃τbe as short as possible such that ˆΨ(τ )is incompatible with A and if τ ≤s then enumerate the two one element extensions of τ into T s +1.If not :then enumerate the two one element extensions of τinto T s +1.The verification that T is 2-branching and that no set lying on T computes A is not difficult and is left to the reader. In order to show that theorem 4.1follows from theorem 4.2it remains to show that no is minimal.So suppose towards a contradiction that A is of minimal a .Then clearly a is hyperimmune,so we can take increasing f ≤T A which is not dominated by any computable function.By theorem 4.2we can suppose given T ≤T A which is 2-branching and such that no set lying on T computes A .We define C ≤T A with C ∈[T ]which is noncomputable.Since A is of minimal degree this suffices to ensure that A ≤T C ,which gives the required contradiction.Let φi be the i th partial computable function according to some fixed effective listing.The e -state of τat stage s is the binary string σof length e defined as follows:for all i <e ,σ(i )=1iffφi [s ]is compatible with τ—and where φi [s ]is the approximation to φi at stage s .For all s ,h (s )is defined to be the length of the longest string of level s +1in T .We define C = s τs as follows.Stage 0.Define τ0to be the string of level 0in T .Stage s +1.Define τs +1to be the successor of τs in T which has the lexicographically least (s +1)-state at stage f (h (s +1))(or to be the leftmost if both successors have the same (s +1)-state at stage f (h (s +1))).10ANDREW E.M.LEWISTo prove that C is noncomputable is not difficult and is left to the reader.Ishmukhametov then combined theorem4.1to great effect with work on c.e.traceability:Definition4.2.A⊆ωis c.e.traceable if there is a computable function p such that for every function f≤T A there is a computable function h such that W h(n)≤p(n)and f(n)∈W h(n)for all n∈ω.How should one understand this definition?The function p here can be thought of as a bounding function and the function h can be thought of as a guessing function.Thus A is c.e.traceable if there exists some computable bounding function p such that for every f≤T A there exists some com-putable guessing function h which makes at most p(n)guesses as regards each value f(n)and one of these guesses is always correct.Having observed that the class of c.e.traceable degrees(those whose sets are c.e.trace-able)is complementary to the class of a.n.c.degrees in the c.e.degrees, Ishmukhametov[SI]was then able to show:Theorem4.3.(Ishmukhametov[SI])All c.e.traceable degrees have a strong minimal cover.Corollary4.1.A has a strong minimal cover iffit is c.e.trace-able.In fact,given theorem2.1,theorem4.3follows as an immediate corollary of theorem4.4below.In the next section we shall be able to observe that the c.e.traceable degrees are actually a proper subclass of those degrees which are a tree basis.Theorem4.4.Every c.e.traceable degree is a tree basis.Proof.Terwijn and Zambella[TZ]have shown that being c.e.traceable is actually equivalent to satisfaction of the following condition:(†0)For every function f≤T A there is a computable function h such that W h(n)≤2n and f(n)∈W h(n)for all n∈ω.It is this characterization of the c.e.traceable sets that we shall use in what follows.For anyfinite T we shall say that T is2-branching to level n if it is of level n and every string in T which is not a leaf of T has precisely two successors.In what follows we shall subdue mention of effective codings between strings and natural numbers and betweenfinite sets of strings and natural numbers for the sake of readability.So now assume that A is c.e. traceable,T≤T A and that T is perfect.In fact we may assume without loss of generality that T is2-branching and that we are givenΨsuch that:•for anyτ,the valueΨ(τ)is2-branching to level n for some n andcan be computed inτmany steps,•Ψ(A)=T,•for anyτ⊂τ ,ifσ∈Ψ(τ)then a)σ∈Ψ(τ )and b)ifσ ⊂σandσ /∈Ψ(τ)thenσ /∈Ψ(τ ),•ifΨ(τ)is of level n>0then there existsτ ⊂τsuch thatΨ(τ )isof level n−1.。
