德语报刊选读笔记Schlagzeilen新闻标题Die Eigenschaften von Nachtichten1. aktuellneuest2. wichtigbedeutend3. Authentiyität4. äußerstinteressantEineNachrichtisteinedurchMassenmedienverbreiteaktuelleMittelungüberwichtig eundneueste Ereignisse des Tageschen.Grammatische Besonderheiten in der Schlagyeile1.AuslassungArtikelseines gibtverbsubjektHilfsverbGebräuliche journalistische Stile1.tatsachenbetont ---Nachrichten, Intervew2.meinungsorient---Leitartikel, Kommentar, Glosse3.fantasiebetont---Feuileton, Kurzgeschichtesprachliche Darstellungsformen1.Deldung2.Bericht3.Reportage4. Interviw5.Kommentar6. Glosse7.Leitartikel8.KritienUnterschiedlicher Umfang1. Weltnachrichten2. inländische Nachrichten3. Lokale und regionale NchrichtenAufbau von Nachrichten1.Umgekehrter Pyramiden—Stil倒金字塔类型2.Pyramiden—Stil3.Mischformen des umgekehrter Pyramiden—Stils und Pyramiden—StilsDarstellungsformen von Nachrichten1.Kurzmeldung简讯2.Kommentar评论a.Leitartikel社论---社会大事件的评论、最长、代表报社的观点b.Kuzkommentar述评---居中c.Glosse贴近生活的评论或者生活大事件的一个侧面-----最贴近生活,最短D.Kolumne短评---专栏里的评论xx的报刊发行量最大的日报是《图片报》(Bild),时事政治性周刊《明镜der Spiegel》,,《明星star》画报其他重要的媒体有《商报》、《时代》、《周报》、《莱茵信使》以及《德国星期日汇报》等周刊和新闻杂志《焦点》。
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BOOKTHREEUNITl The Time 100I. Vocabulary Builder1.Word matchl)b 2)f 3)e 4)g 5)a 6)d8)c 9)h 10)i7)j2. Synonym finder1) immigrants 2) foreigner 3) expatriate 4) aliens5) audacious 6) bold 7) adventurous 8) daring9) light-heated 10) hilarious 11) comical 12) witty15) pull through 16) survive13) escaped 14) stayingalive3・ Wordformation1) compatriot 2) patron 3) patriot 4) paternal 5)expatriate6) circumvent 7) advent 8) revenues 9) misadventure 10)convenientII. Sentence StructureSentence combination1)The Preside nt made the Joel 100™ because he lowered my taxes, just like Scott」effers, myaccountant, who also made the list.2)Comi ng in at No. 100 on my list was Nouriel Roubi ni, the econo mist who predicted that thehousi ng bubble was going to burst — thus maki ng him the least in flue ntial pers on in theentire world.3)Nicholas Christakis (No. 5), a Harvard professor of medicine and sociology whose entire fieldof study is how people in flue nee each other, argues that he has affected me as much as asibling.2.Terms translation1)has been supportive of2)Hffling through this issue3)do not even have Wikipedia entries4)the ones we spend the most time with5)more than a $5000 raise wouldDe 2)b 3)j 4) a 5)c 6)7)d8) i 9)f10) g2. Synonym finder1) subsided2) ebbing 3)lesse n 4) wane 5)heady 6) thrilling 7) exhila rati ng 8) exciting 9) ultimate 10) prime 11) foremost12) optimum 13) roots 14) impetus15)spur16) stimulus3. Word formation1) mutual 2) transmuted3) commutes 4) mutate 6) fusible7) confusion8) refuse9) infusing5) mutable10)UNIT 2 The Newsweek 50I. Vocabulary BuilderII. Sentence Structure Sentence combination1) After all, George W. Bush has pretty con siste ntly projected an air of con fide nee, one that tends to get people even more worried than they need to be.2) Swe risen, who after Warre n Buffett is perhaps the most successfu I in vest or in rece nt decades, argues that this has been the crucial flaw in the Bush administration's actions. 3) Carefully retreating from these obligations to restore a market economy will be as complex an exit strategy as the one from Iraq.4) Afgha nista n —is as importa nt as this one huge task: to restore con fide nee, certai nty and reform to America.5)The beginning of 2009, the last year of the first decade of the 21st century, is a good time to consider the nature of power; and of the powerful, because the world is being reordered in so many ways —broadly by what my colleague Fa reed Zakaria calls "the rise of the rest," the emerge nee of powers such as In dia, China and Brazil, and specifically by the global recession.2. Terms translation1) treated as en dowed with super natural, superhuma n, or at least specifically excepti onal powers or qualities2) able to exercise in flue nee in every realm and on every continent in a way that no other major power can3) it was not in being but in doing that George Washington, Abraham Lincoln and Franklin Roosevelt built their enormous reputations4) to restore con fide nee to America ns, and in deed to the world5)In the popular imagination, power tends to be viewed in one of two ways, both extreme1. Word match diffu si onDj 2)f 3) a 4)d5)b6)h 7)c8)e9) i10) g2. Synonym finder1) assemblies2)congregation 3) company 4) troop 5) batch 6) party 7) array 8)band 9) dawned 10) emerged 11) arising 12) commenee 13) friction 14)controversy15) discord16) dissent3. Word formation1) fidelity 2) defy3) diffident4) infidelscon fidant6) merciless 刀 Mercer8)mercenaries 9)commercial mercha ndise5)10)UNIT 3 The World in 2009I. Vocabulary BuilderII. Sentence Structure 7. Sentence combination1) Originally designed to last for a year, the London Eye, like that other "temporary" attraction, the Eiffel Tower, is not going any where.2)In 2009 Chicago, the original home of the Ferris, will upgrade its Navy Pier wheel to double its original size, to over 91 metres (300ft), and Berlin's wheel, around 50 metres higher than its 135-metre London rival, will be the tallest in Europe at almost 185 metres. 3)With violenee seemingly on the wane, Baghdad's authorities are beginning the tough sell of tourism in the Iraqi capital, having recently launched a design competition for a Baghdad wheel. 4) Iran could also frighten the neighbourhood by putting a satellite into orbit, which would mean its having the capability to launch an intercontinentai ballistic missile. 5)Optimists may still hope for a peace deal to be signed by Israelis and Palestinians, but pessimists will fear another war between Israel and Lebanon's Hizbullah, with the "Party of GocT acting as Iran's proxy.2. Terms translation1) a striking gap between surging emerging markets and sluggish rich economies. 2) We had a pretty good Olympics, too.3) it is the long odds that can ruin a bookmaker's day 4) let's play a "5%-to-20% game 7'5)with the odds determined largely by their security men1. Word matchl)e 2)i 3)f 4) b 5) h 6)c7)j8) d 9) a10) g2. Synonym finder1) trick2)hoax3) trap4)decep 廿on5) exhaustion 6) Tiredness 7) weariness 8) fatigue 9)venue 10) loca 廿on 11) whereabouts 12) position13)nuances 14) points15) particulars16) spec 讦ics3. Word formation1) compatible 2) passi on ate3) Pathology 4) dispassionpsychopathy6) heirloom7) inherit8) heritage9) heir5)10)UNIT 4 Business and LifeI. Vocabulary BuilderII. Sentence Structure Sentence combination1)He's particularly annoyed by a friend who works at an auto dealership who tweets every time he sells a car; a married couple who bicker on Facebook's public walls and another couple so "mooshy-gooshy" they sit in the same room of their house posting love messages to each other for all to see.2) Last year was a relatively good year to be a Chinese bank, and for none more so than for China Merchants Bank Co., a mid-sized lender that in recent years has built a strong franchise and reputation for quality service.3) China Mobile, the Iongstanding leader among China's telecommunications carriers, has more wireless subscribers than any other company in the world with 493 million subscribers as of June.4) Lenovo, which was late to introduce consumer PCs at a time when commercial sales have declined around the world, suffered more than its competitors from waning global PC sales and was losing market share outside of China.5) Baidu, Google Inc.'s chief rival in China and the country's most popular Web site, has re bo un ded after some n egative publicity last year over its sales practices that sent the company's shares plunging.2. Terms translation1) yet posts videos on Facebook of "uber cute" kittens 2) In all that information you're posting about your life3) who continued to lend at a rapid clip even as Western financial institutions tightened credit4) Of the top five spots in the Chinese survey results, four went to tech giants. 5)most didn't place in the top 10 in the Asia 200 financial-reputation category1. Word match hered ityUNIT 5 CourtesyI. Vocabulary Builder1.Word match1) c 2)g 3) a 4) i 5) b 6) j 刀h 8) d 9) f 10)e2.Synonym finder1) comp unction 2) conscienee 3) remorse 4) guilt5)accused 6) alleged 7) confronted 8) criticize9) divide 10) minus 11) plus 12) times13) stealing 14) snitching 15) plagiarized 16) pilfered3. Word formation1) summit 2) con summate 3) summarized 4) consume 5)summatio n6) morality 7) demoralized 8) morale 9) immoral 10)moralII. Sentence StructureSentence combination1)My native state of South Carolina, which is not much smaller than present-day Hungary,once imagined a future for itself as an independent country.2)He was ostracized as a child, not because he was a」ew—his pare nts were n't very religiousanyhow—but because he had been born with two clubfeet, a condition that, in those days,required institutionalization and a succession of painful operations.3)Wise he was, in deed, but Mr. Teszler also had a won derful sense of humor.4)Women were slightly more courteous than men and, oddly, both groups were sign讦icantlymore polite towards their own sex.5)Many in the latter category said they were too busy or could n't be bothered to stop, but asign讦icant minority was more scared of crime - or being seen as a criminal - than rude. 2. Terms translation1)he was as smart as he was modest2)And in a twist you would not believe in a Steven Spielberg film3)Mr. Teszler took the precaution of having cyanide capsules placed in lockets that could beworn about his neck and those of his family.4)They have a reputation for being big-headed, but New Yorkers showed they are big-heartedtoo,5)Toron to, Can ada, came third among our 35 citiesUNIT 6 JapanI. Vocabulary Builder1.Word match1)j 2)e 3) h 4) a 5) i 6) c 7) b 8) g 9) f 10) d2.Synonym finder1) rejecting 2) declined 3) shunned 4) turned himdown5) goldmine 6) lucrative 7) favourable 8) profitable9) welfare 10) safety 11) security 12)haven13) dealings 14) industry 15) venture 16) business3. Word formation1) intended 2) tendentious 3) distend 4) osterisible 5)portent6) contention 7) tend 8) superintendenee 9) pretensions 10)Hyperte nsionII. Sentence StructureSentence combination1)For that reason, a growing number of」apanese women seem to believe that work as ahostess, which can easily pay $100,000 a year, and as much as $300,000 for the biggest stars,makes economic sense.2)In a 2009 survey of 1,154 high school girls, by the Culture Studies Institute in Tokyo,hostessing ranked No. 12 out of the 40 most popular professions, ahead of public servant (18) and nurse (22).3)Young women are drawn nonetheless to Cinderella stories like that of Eri Momoka, a singlemother who became a hostess and worked her way out of penury to start a TV career andher own line of clothing and accessories.4) A rece nt New York Times article described the J apa nese profess io n of hostessi ng, whichinvolves entertaining men at establishments where customers pay a lot to flirt and drink withyoung women (services that do not, as a rule, involve prostitution).5)Lear ning in dividual n ames, affilia tions, titles and pers onal attributes while drinking andpaying attention to each customer's needs, demands physical exertion and mental gymnasties.2. Terms translation1)exhausti on from a life of part ying is a more com mon hazard2)let alone at the relatively high pay that hostesses can earn3)are responsible in large part for creating the illusion among even young girls that this is somekind of a glamorous profession4)endorsed the goal of creating a gender-equal society based on respect for the humanrights of women and men,5)But does hostessing bring women a rosy life and socioeconomic mobilityl)e 2) h 3) b 4)i5)d6)j7) a 8)f9)g10) c2. Synonym finder1) hampering2) dogged 3) plagued 4) hinder 5) led 6) head up 7) running 8)headed 9) enjoy 10) blessed 11) boasts 12) possess 13) rate 14) levels15) amount16) extent3. Word formation1) repeal 2) repulse3) propelled 4) pulsationcompulsive6) figuration7) prefigured8) disfigured9) effigy5)10)UNIT 7 AfghanistanI. Vocabulary BuilderII. Sentence Structure 7. Sentence combination1)Poya is a con testa nt in The Candidate, a reality TV show that follows six Afgha ns aged 22 or younger as they compete to develop the policies, campaign and support necessary to win a poll of viewers voting by SMS text messages on their mobile phones.2) There had been some hope for a genuinely competitive election last spring when several popular poli 廿 cians announ ced plans to run for preside nt, but Karzai resp on ded by winning endorsements from key powerbrokers and making shrewd political alliances with former rivals, giving himself a commanding lead.3) Producers of The Candidate, which airs on the privately owned Tolo TV network, are hoping to help by focusing Afghans on what they want from their political leaders.4)In the space of a single week, a string of disturbing military and political events revealed not just the extraordi nary burde ns that lie ahead for the America ns and Afgha ns toili ng to create a stable nation, but the fragility of the very enterprise itself.5) On Tuesday, four American soldiers on patrol near in the southern city of Kandahar were killed when their armored vehicle, known as a Stryker, struck a homemade bomb, now the preferred killer of American troops.2. Terms translation1) in which milli ons of viewers voted via text message every week for their favorite sin ger 2) One of the critical problems we have in Afghanistan is that we have a personality approach to politics3)a rotati ng panel of judges rate the can didates based on prese ntati on, strategy and persuasive ness4) The show's con testa nts are give n $1,300 a month to spe nd on real-world campaig ning1. Word matchtran sfigure1) d 2) i 3) h 4)b 5)j 6)a刀c 8)e 9)g10) fUNIT 8 PakistanI. Vocabulary Builder1.Word match2.Synonym finder1) ache 2) spasm 3) pain 4) twinge5) reports 6) coverage 7) exclusive 8) story9) Trust 10) fund 11) charity 12) Aid13)tra nsformati on 14) shift 15) mutations 16) conversionWord formation1) forgives 2) forlorn 3) forbidden 4) forgo 5)Forget6) assembly 7) simile 8) resembles 9) fascimile 10) simultaneousII. Sentence Structure7. Sentence combination1)But history moves quickly in Pakista n, and after mon ths of televised Taliba n cruelties,broken promises and suicide attacks, there is a spreading sense — apparent in the newsmedia, among politicia ns and the public ——that many Pakista nis are fin ally tur ning against the Taliba n.2)But it seems especially profound among the millions of Pakista nis directly th reate ned bythe Taliban advanee from the tribal areas into more settled parts of Pakistan, like the SwatValley.3)Finally, the military agreed to a truce in February that all but ceded Swat to the Taliban andallowed the in surge nts to impose Islamic law, or Shariah.4)Benazir Bhutto, who was assassinated at age 54 on Thursday in the Pakistani city ofRawalpindi, spent three decades navigating the turbulent and often violent world ofPakistani politics, becoming in 1988 the first woman to be democratically elected to lead amodern Muslim country.5)Under detention at the time, Ms. Bhutto was allowed to visit her father before his executionat Rawalpindi's central prison, only a short distanee from the site of the rally where she waskilled nearly three decades later.2. Terms translation1)and provoked a characteristic response2)he quickly fell into a bitter dispute with Ms. Bhutto over the family's political legacy3)only to be ousted by Pakista n's preside nt in 1990, havi ng served less tha n half her term4)Her ouster, on both occasions, sparked only sporadic protests across Pakistan5)who presented herself on public platforms as the standard-bearer for Pakistan'simpoverished massesl) e 2) h 3) j 4) d 5) a6) c 7)i8)f 9)g10) b1) riddl 2)enigma3)mystery4)puzzlUNIT 9 IndiaI. Vocabulary Builder1.Word match2.Synonym finder5) favouritism 6) preferential treatment 7) discrimination 8) nepotism9) share 10) doled out 11) allotted 12) distributed13) ordered 14) set out 15) arranging 16) Line up3. Word formation1) conceivable 2) interception 3) recipie nt's 4) anticipate 5) deceit6) inflammatory 7) effulgent 8) flagrant 9) inflammable 10) flame II. Sentence StructureSentence combination1)Researchers at the In ter national Food Policy Research In stitute have found that whileincreasing women's decision-making power would reduce discrimination against girls insome parts of South Asia, it would make things worse in the north and west of India.2)In China and in the north and west of India, the spread of ultrasound technology, which caninform parents of the sex of their fetus, has turned a pool of missing girls into an ocean.3)Neighbors who didn't own land, who've watched their friends get rich while they stayedbehind, often don't feel quite as sanguine about the changes.4)Around here, where a way of life is disappearing and no one knows what will take its place,where some one seems to lose for every one who win s, it's a lot harder to know what tomake of India's economic boom.5)There's a tendency, in much of the media, both domestic and foreign, to greet the changesweeping across India either with unbridled optimism or excessive pessimism.2. Terms translation1)the bias against girls was far more pronounced there than in the poorer region2)those aborted, killed as newborns or dead in their first few years from neglect3)Development seemed to have not only failed to help many Indian girls but to have madethings worse.4)because they are denied the health care and the education that their brothers receive5)Nor does a rise in a woman's autonomy or power in the family necessarily counteractprejudice against girlsUNIT 10 HaitiI. Vocabulary Builder1. Word matchDg 2)d 3)b 4) h 5) i 6) a 7)f 8)j 9)c 10) e2. Synonym finder1) intuition 2) sixth sense 3) gut feeling 4) instinct5) residents 6) locals 7) citizens 8) inhabitants9) implore 10) plead for 11) impose on 12) appealed13) appeal 14) retrial 15) Tribunal 16) hearing3. Word formation1) tenet 2) sustain 3) detained 4) maintain 5)ten eme nt6) abstained 7) entertain 8) pertain 9) continent 10)retainII. Sentence StructureSentence combination1)Almost instin ctively, he and a group of 11 people, in cludi ng a restaura nt man ager, aschool principal, an accountant, a flight attendant and a truck driver figured out how to getdown to the island nation.2)With roads wiped out by Iandslides, we drove 2.5 hours to Pedernales, a town on thewestern coast of the DR, where we hoped to pick up a boat the rest of the way to Haiti.3)They were detained as they tried to take 33 Haitian children whom the Baptists said hadbeen orphaned into the neighboring Dominican Republic.4)On Tuesday, Reginald Brown, an American lawyer for Jim Allen, one of the detainees, wroteto Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, aski ng her to pers on ally get in volved in thecase.5)In rece nt n ews reports, Bill Clinton, the former US preside nt, was described as working onsuch a plan, while Domi nique Strauss-Kah n, the head of the In ter national Mon etary Fund,called for a "Marshall plan for Haiti", with foreig n go ver nmen ts, compa nies and NGOsdoing the rebuilding and foreign investment setting up factories.2. Terms translation1)Haitia n prosecutors have charged the America ns with kidn appi ng and crimi nal associatio n2)Our point was to draw attention to the plight of Haitian orphans3)the unprecedented situation that exists in Haiti now requires a response beyond what wouldbe expected in the ordinary course4)and those same aid agencies are ready to repeat the same mistakes as before5)ranks coun tries on 10 in dicators of how easy the local go ver nment makes it for a localcitizen to start and run a businessUNIT 11 EducationI. Vocabulary Builder1. Word matchl)a 2)j 3)d 4) h 5)b6)7)f 8)g 9)c 10) e2. Synonym finder1) absorbed 2) assimilate 3) digest 4) taking in5) locations 6)venue 7)site 8) spot9) mission 10) project 11)undertaking 12) assignment13) beaming 14) grinning 15) smirking 16) leered3. Word formation1) victor 2) evicted 3) conviction 4) vanquish 5)convi ncible6) revoked 7) vociferous 8) equivocal 9) advocate 10)vocalII. Sentence StructureSentence combination1)House alumni — only one or two will stay on as "sophomore ambassadors'7— are beingencouraged to take advantage of a new university wide support program to smooth the wayto the second year.2)Colleges nation wide are trying to address the special n eeds of first-ge nerati on stude nts, ineluding thecolleges below, which have received grants for inno vative approaches torecruiting and retaining them.3)I was more concerned with finding a hook that would set me apart from the tens ofthousands of other appliesnts, who were, of course, trying to do the same thing.4)Looking through the brochures accumulated on endless campus visits, I didn't find manyschools that offered bachelor's degrees to people who studied a random assortment of Ianguages, and wan derlust made me re I u eta nt to choose one.5)Turns out she was investigating the neurological underpinnings of syntactic structure, usingfunctional M.R.I. to determine where in the brain certain elements of sentence processingtake place.2. Terms translation1)But once in, many were failing.2)no alcohol or over night visitors, midn ight curfew on week nights and 3 a.m. on weeke nds3)She understands all too well the gravitational pull that home can exert.4)This past year; the residents' grades ranged from struggling-to-achieve-C's to dean's list.5)At my affluent public high school, potential pre-meds and Wall Streeters (yes, at age 17)lined the hallways.1) e 2)f3) i 4)c5)j6)a 7)h8)b 9)g10) d2. Synonym finder1) nominated 2) selects3) appointed 4) named 5) friendly 6) amiable 7) pleasant 8) warm9) responsible 10) reas on able 11) mature 12)sensible 13) crawling 14) inching15) creep16) edging3. Word formation1) probation 2) disproved 3) reproved 4)Probationers 6)quashes 7) discuss8)repercussions 9) percussionconcussed5) proof10)UNIT 12 Science and TechnologyI. Vocabulary BuilderII. Sentence StructureSentence combination 1)People are starting to think of underwater archaeology as focused not just on nautical history, but on the prehistoric Iandscape that existed when glaciers had water tied up and sea levels were much lower. 2)He cites rece nt research suggesti ng that tributyli n, a comm on polluta nt used as a preservative and pesticide, impacts cells at even tiny concentrations and could be con tribute to a rise in huma n obesity. 3)The 17-mile (27-kilometer) long particle collider is designed to probe the mysteries of the big bang and illumi nate puzzli ng phe nomena like dark matter, an in visible material that neither emits nor reflects light, yet accounts for the vast majority of mass in the un iverse. 4)While the computer scientists agreed that we are a long way from Hal, the computer that took over the spaceship in "2001: A Space Odyssey/ they said there was legitimate con cer n that tech no logical progress would tran sform the work force by destro ying a widening range of jobs, as well as force humans to learn to live with machines that increasingly copy human behaviors. 5)Impressed and alarmed by advances in art 讦icial intelligenee, a group of computer scientists is debating whether there should be limits on research that might lead to loss of human control over computer-based systems that carry a growing share of society's workload, from waging war to chatting with customers on the phone.2. Terms translation1)By mon itori ng these gen etic varia nts seas on to seas on2) became the first to use a telescope for astronomical observation3) and that is hand in glove with the story of how galaxies formed and evolved4) These cha nges have been largely gen erated by the activities of differe nt kinds of organisms.1. Word match5)genomic data will likely be used to create drugs customized to individuals.1) c 2)f3)b 4)i6)d7) a 8) h 9)e10)gUNIT 13 Health and TechnologyI. Vocabulary Builder1.Word match2. Synonym finder1) skilled 2) brilliant 3) outstanding 4) expert5) principal 6) key 7) main 8)predominant9) recommendations 10) guidanee 11) counselling 12) tip13) desire 14) compulsion 15) 1 onging 16) urge3. Word formation1) hypothecate 2) hypocrisy 3) hyperactive 4) hypothesis 5)Hypers onic6) Corps 7) corpulent 8) corporation 9) incorporated 10)corpseII. Sentence StructureSentence combination1)With many villages having no clean water or basic sanitation, let alone reliable access toclinics and doctors, moder n wizardry like molecular diag no sties and digital medical recordsseem ir re leva nt.2)As an HIV parent herself, Ms Thabethe was so incensed by this state of affairs that shehelped start iTeach, an outreach programme based at one of the busiest hospitals inKwaZulu-Natal.3)Using a form of text messaging similar to SMS, this sends out up to a million short messagesa day, encouraging the recipients in their local Ianguage to contact the national AIDS hot line.4)The most promising applications of mHealth for now are public-health messaging, stitchingtogether smart medical grids, extending the reach of scarce health workers and establishingsurveillanee networks for infectious diseases.5)One less on emerging from these various experime nts is that the visible face of any mHealthor e-health scheme, regardless of where it operates, needs to be as simple and user-friendlyas possible, whereas the hidden back end should use sophisticated software and hardware.2.Terms translation1)he delivered a speech at a con fere nee on tech no logy for the developi ng world2)Last year Mr Gates stepped down from Microsoft to run his family's charitable foun dati on3)Given the risk-averse culture of the health systems of the rich world4)despite recent advances in tackling the disease5)it sidesteps the stigma as mobile phones are very personalUNIT 14 GlobalizationI. Vocabulary Builder1.Word matchl)g 2)c 3)e 4)j 5)b 6)h刀a 8) d 9) i 10) f2. Synonym finder1) today 2) now 3) in this day and age 4) nowadays5) amazed 6) staggered 7) astounded 8) astonished9) commendation 10) praise 11) complime nt 12) recogniUon13) deflated 14) discouraged 15) disenchanted 16) let down3. Word formation1) radix 2) eradicated 3) radicle 4) radical 5)eradicator6) acquitted 7) requite 8) unrequited 9) quitter 10)quitII. Sentence StructureSentence combination1)It became a global bra nd in 2005, when it paid aro und $1.75 billi on for the personal-computer business of one of America's best-known companies, IBM—including the ThinkPad laptop range beloved of many businessmen.2)Leno vo's Chin ese R&D labs developed a butt on that recovers a computer system within 60seconds of a crash, essential in countries with an unreliable power supply.3)Mr Yang even moved his family to live in North Carolina to allow him to learn more aboutAmerica n culture and to improve his already respectable comma nd of En glish, the Ianguage of global business.4)This is despite plenty of academic evidenee that open economies generally do better thanclosed ones, that in America in particular many more and generally better jobs have beencreated in recent years than have been destroyed, and that the number of jobs lost tooutsourci ng is tiny compared with those wiped out by tech no logical inno vati on.5)The growing role of states that often lack democratic credentials creates a sense that thecompetition from emerging-economy champions and investors is unfair; and that rich-country firms may lose out to less well-run competitors which enjoy subsidised capital, helpfrom political cronies or privileged access to resource supplies.2.Terms translation1)and talking more about the fate of humanity as a whole2)with emerging-market companies now competing furiously against rich-country ones3)such was its con fide nee in its own bra nd4)in a domestic market buoyed by GDP growth rates。
Intelligent design
Some features of living things are best explained as the work of a designer rather than as the result of a random process like natural selection. This means that various forms of life began through an intelligent agency, with their distinctive features already intact.
Selected English Newspaper Reading
• 3. Mathematical arguments. (Dembski)
• 3. No information to make the probability calculation. (Nowak)
Selected English Newspaper Reading
• 1. From slow, gradual gradients to greater complexity over millions of years. (Dawkins) • 2. A huge amount of evidence both in the fossil record and in the genetic code. (Dawkins)
Selected English Newspaper Reading
Some Holes or No Holes
• 1.The living things are too complex to have evolved by natural selection. (Behe)
英美报刊选读(辅修) 范数
英美报刊选读(辅修) 范数 -回复
英语报刊选读参考答案英语报刊选读Journalistic Reading 教师用书Teacher’s Book总主编王嘉褆主编林玫刘雁BOOK ONE (2)UNIT 1 Campus (2)UNIT 2 Entertainment .............................................................................................. 5 5 UNIT 3 Entertainment .............................................................................................. 9 9 UNIT 4 Food . (12)UNIT 5 Crime (15)UNIT 6 Disaster (19)UNIT 7 Sports (23)UNIT 8 Art (28)UNIT 9 Economy (31)UNIT 10 Ecology (36)UNIT 11 Health (39)UNIT12 Automobile & Driving (43)UNIT 13 Quality problems (48)UNIT 14 Shopping (52)UNIT 15 Gun control (56)UNIT 16 Psychology (59)BOOK ONEUNIT 1 Campus I . Vocabulary Builder 1. Definition1) chaotic : extremely disorganized; badly organized; be in mess 2) primary : main; most important; key; major; chief; prime; principal 3) seduce : attract; tempt 4) highlight : the most important, interesting, or enjoyable part of something such as a holiday, performance, or sports competition 5) reluctant : unwilling 6) compelling : : very very very interesting interesting interesting or or or exciting, exciting, exciting, so so so that that that you you you have have have to to to pay pay attention 7) reveal : show; indicate 8) mainstream : : accepted accepted accepted by by by or or or involving involving involving most most most people people people in in in a a a society; society; normal; ordinary 9) critical: important; crucial 10) evolution : a long, gradual process during which something develops and changes, usually becoming more advanced; a gradual change and development 2. Terms translation 1) a bipartisan consensus 2)high school diploma 3)drop-out rate 4)college wage premium 5)the K-12 system 6)more academically rigorous 7)well-rounded citizens 8)certification tests 9)career and technical education 3. Blank filling1) persevered 2) persisted 3) insisted 4) insisted 5) persevere 6) agony 7) adversity 8) torment 9) plight 10) assure/reassure 11) insure/ensure 12) insure 13) insure/ensure 14) assured/reassured II.Translation1.选择圣路易斯的华盛顿大学是个不错的决定,但真正让我享受到理想大学生活的,(不是大学本身)是我到了大学后作的一些决定。
人民大新英美报刊选读(第五版)教学课件unit 4 passage 1
A 5.5-percent GDP growth for China’s economy is already ____e_q_u_i_v_a_le__n_t___ to the economic aggregate of a medium-sized country. 10 years ago, when China’s total _e_c_o_n_o__m_i_c__v_o_lu__m_ewas about 50 trillion yuan or about $8 trillion, the economic growth of 10 percent at that time was still much lower than the 5.5 percent today. So, maintaining ____h_ig__h_-q__u_a_l_it_y__ economic development is the key to ______s_u_s_t_a_i_n_a_b_l_e___ growth. It can prevent China from falling into the middle-income trap. Chinese President Xi Jinping pointed out in the Chinese Communist Party’s proposals for the formulating the 14th Five-Year Plan “from the perspective of economic development _c_a_p_a_c_i_ty__a_n_d__c_o__n_d_i_ti_ons“China has the potential to maintain long-term stable development” “and to reach the current _______s_t_a_n_d_a__rd__s___________ for high-income nations” “by the end of the 14th Five-Year Plan” “and to double the economic aggregate or per capita income by 2035”.
06级英语专业《最新英美报刊选读》课程提纲[日期:2008-02-28] 来源:作者:王法昌[字体:大中小]一、课程目标:根据教育部最新颁布的《大学英语课程教学要求(试行)》对高等学校非英语专业本科毕业生的阅读能力所提出的三个层次的要求,本课程目标为:经过本课程的学习,使学生符合其中的较高要求和更能高要求,即学生在阅读理解能力上要能基本读懂英语国家大众性报纸杂志的一般性题材的文章,阅读速度为每分钟70个词。
人民大新英美报刊选读(第五版)教学课件unit 8 passage 2
Passage 2 Omicron Identified as Covid-19 ‘Variant of Concern,’Triggering
Global Fears
➢ Background Information ➢ Warming-up Questions ➢ Organization Analysis ➢ Detailed Reading ➢ Post-Reading
Passage Reading The country’s health minister, Joe Phaahla, said that the travel restrictions were
Para.2-4 Government around the world have imposed travel restrictions
Para.5-7 Vaccine makers were studing new vaccine to tackle the new virus
Para.8 The impact of epidemic on South Africa
variant Ushnoduledrsmtaakne dcilneagreSr ethnatnenevceer swhy this
pandemic will not end until we have global
said, urging Americans against Covid-19 to
urgently get a shot, and those who had to get a booster
根据自己的时间和精力合理安 排阅读时间,避免一次性阅读 过多内容。
在阅读过程中做好笔记和总结 ,有助于加深对文章的理解和 记忆。
根据自己的兴趣和需求选择适 合自己的报刊,避免盲目订阅 和阅读。
在阅读过程中注重理解文章的 主旨和观点,不要仅仅停留在 表面信息的获取上。
通过设问方式引导读者思 考,激发读者的阅读兴趣 。
报刊文章以叙述为主要表达方式 ,通过讲述事件、人物、现象等
在叙述的基础上,适当加入评论 和分析,帮助读者深入理解文章
报刊文章注重用词准确、精炼, 避免歧义和模糊表达。
分辨文章中陈述的事实和作者的观点,避免将个人观点当作普遍真理 来接受。
掌握基本的逻辑和推理规则,培养分析和解决问 题的能力。
尝试从多个角度看待问题,理解不同立场和观点 ,避免思维定势。
周刊和月刊实时更新,互动性强,多媒体呈现,如BBC 新闻网、CNN 等。
了解广告所宣传的产品或服务的特点、 功能和优势。
欣赏广告的创意和设计,理解其吸引 力和感染力。
分析广告对消费者心理的影响和作用, 提高消费意识和能力。
标题是文章的“眼睛”,要仔细揣摩标题的含义,预测文章的内容。同时,注意标 题中的关键词和短语,它们往往揭示了文章的核心信息。
在阅读报刊文章时,要保持批判性思 维,不盲目接受权威观念,而是对其 进行思考和质疑。
通过报刊阅读,培养独立思考和判断 能力,不随波逐流,而是根据自己的 理解和判断做出决策。
对于文章中的信息来源,要进行分析 和评估,判断其是否可靠、权威,并 考虑是否存在其他可能的信息来源。
识别广告类型和目的、关注广告创意和表现手法、留意广告中的信 息和细节
分析广告策略和技巧、评估广告的真实性和可信度、思考广告对社会 和个人的影响
思考作者观点的合理性和局限性、评估文章的价值和意义、形成 自己的见解和判断
英美报刊选读(辅修) 范数 -回复
Company Logo
•The deprived • the disadvantaged •The havenots •The needy •The underprivileged
•The indigent
•The culturally disadvantaged
•The culturally deprived...
Use of Euphemism in News
tax increase(加税): revenue enhancement(财政收入增加) jobless mother(失业母亲): welfare mother(福利母亲)
admit defeat (in the election)(承认选举失利): concede the election
Euphemism in News
Use of Euphemism in News
Euphemism is also called “cosmetic word” in news report. (The) old •The aging
•The senior citizen •The well-preserved men •The veterans •The graying army
street walker(走街者)
prostitution(卖淫): the oldest profession in the world(最古老行业) military prostitute(军妓): comfort woman(慰安妇)
英语《报刊选读》课程教学大纲《报刊选读》课程教学大纲英语专业英文名称:Guide to English Newspaper Reading and Understanding一、课程说明1. 课程性质:选修课。
2. 课程的目的和任务本课程为英语专业高年级学生开设,目的在于培养学生阅读英美报刊杂志的能力,使学生学会如何阅读英文报纸及了解和学习西方新闻写作方法。
3.适应专业:英语专业4.学时与学分36 学时,2个学分5.先修课程专业基础课6.推荐教材英文报刊导读马建国编著外语教学与研究出版社 2002年3月;参考书目:《美英报刊导读》周学艺主编, 北京大学出版社,2003年7月;《传媒英语研究》,端木义万编著,中国社会科学出版社,2000年3月;Using Newspapers in the Classroom, Paul Sanderson, Cambridge University Press,1999。
二、教学基本要求和能力培养要求1.通过本课程的各个教学环节,达到以下基本要求:(1)熟悉英美报刊的文章的一般特点,掌握阅读英语报刊的技巧;(2)了解英语报刊的语言特色、新闻报道的内容结构以及现代英语的发展现状;4. 标题与背景知识第六章导语及消息主体的理解1. 导语的功能2. 导语的结构3. 导语及消息主体的语言特点4. 导语及消息主体的理解第七章新闻写作1. 语言及句式特点2. 用词3. 套语4. 修辞第八章词典、工具书与网络的使用1.词典的选择与使用2.工具书的使用3.互连网资源的使用第九章新闻文章选读第十章特写和社论文章选读第十一章科技文章选读第十二章报刊广告选读第十三章其它类型文章选读四、教学学时分配。
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