unit 5 课后translation
跨文化交际-unit1-6-课后translation中英对照Unit 1 Page 22The growth of intercultural communication as a field of study is based on a view of hi story that clearly demonstrates people and cultures have been troubled by a persistent i nability to understand and get along with groups and societies removed by space, ideol ogy, appearance, and behavior from their own. What is intriguing about many of huma n civilization's failure is that they appear to be personal as well as global. The story of h umankind is punctuated with instances of face-to-face conflicts as well as international misunderstanding--major and minor quarrels that range from simple name-calling to i solationism or even armed conflict.It is obvious that increased contact with other cultures and subcultures makes it impe rative for us to make a concerted effort to get along with and to try to understand peop le whose beliefs and backgrounds may be vastly different from our own. The ability, thr ough increased awareness and understanding, to peacefully coexist with people who do not necessarily share our lifestyles or values could benefit us not only in our own neigh borhoods but could be the decisive factor in maintaining world peace.纵观历史,我们可以清楚地看到,人们由于彼此所处地域、意识形态、容貌服饰和行为举止上存在的差异,而长久无法互相理解、无法和睦相处。
新视野大学英语第三版读写教程第五单元Unit 5课后答案
一.Reading comprehension:1.Because the Sydney-to-Melbourne race is 875 kilometers long and it is a harsh test of endurance for the world’s top athletes.2.Cliff Young was a toothless 61-year-old farmer; he was wearing rubber boots, and was much older than the other runners.3.Other athletes neither believed it nor treated Cliff Young with respect.4.Because Cliff Young didn’t run properly. He had the strangest running style and appeared to shuffle.5. When people found that Cliff Young ran through the entire night without sleeping and when it seemed to them that he intended to keep running until he reached the finish line or fell ill or was injured.6. When he was running, Cliff Young imagined he was gathering his sleep and trying to outrun a storm.7. Cliff Young gave all the prize money to five other runners. He didn’t keep a single cent for himself.8. Cliff Young is a brilliant example showing that ordinary people also have the inherent quality to achieve great results.3 Words in use:1.annual2.contract3.distinction4.substantial5.furnished6. amateur7. assemble8. react9. Apparent10. magnificent4 Word building:bore fascinate amusingexplosion assumption evolution compensation contributeelementary revolutionary5 Word building:1.assumption2.fascinated3.explosion4.elementary5. Compensation6.evolution7. amusing8. bore9. contribute10. revolutionary6 Banked cloze:1 K2 D3 C4 B5 H6 O7 F8 M9 A 10 G7 Expressions in use:1 passed away2 left behind3 give away4 had no intention of5 Up to6 regardless of7 might (just) as well8 fall ill9 in attendance10 to this day10. Translation:有关古代奥林匹克运动会的最早文字记载可追溯至公元前776年。
18第五单元Translation of Text A夜莺与玫瑰1 “她说若是我给她带去红玫瑰,她愿意和我一路跳舞。
”2 这番话给在老橡树上自己巢中的夜莺听见了,她通过橡树叶张望,心中惊讶。
3 “在我的花园没有红玫瑰!”他哭着说,他美丽的大眼满含泪水:“啊,圣贤之书我已读完,哲学奥妙尽藏心中,但是缺少一朵红玫瑰却使我的生活瞬时暗淡!”4 “终于有一名重情感的人了,”夜莺说,“我曾日日夜夜为他歌唱,此刻我终于见到他了。
”5 “王子明晚将举行一个舞会,”年轻的学生喃喃道:“我的爱人也将前去我若为他采得红玫瑰,她将和我一直跳舞到天亮。
”6 “他确实是一个重情感的人,”夜莺说。
7 “乐工们将奏乐助兴,”年轻的学生道,“我的爱人将和着竖琴和小提琴声翩翩起舞。
8 “他为何哭泣呢?”一只绿色的蜥蜴翘着尾巴通过他身旁时问道。
9 “是啊,到底为何呢?”一只在阳光下挥动着翅膀的蝴蝶问道。
10 “到底为何呢?”一朵雏菊用低沉的声音对他的邻居说道.11 “他为一只红玫瑰哭泣。
12 “为了一朵红玫瑰?”他们叫道,“太荒谬了!”那本来就有点愤世嫉俗的小蜥蜴肆无顾忌的笑道。
13 突然她张开自己棕色的双翼,向空中飞去。
14 在草地的中心一棵美丽的红玫瑰树傲然屹立。
”15 可是树儿摇了摇头。
16 “我的玫瑰是白色的,”它说,“白如海之浪花,白胜高山千年积雪。
Unit5I. Comprehension Checki l.T 2.F 3.T 4.F 5.T 6.T 7.F 8.T 9.T 10.Tii l.B 2.A 3.A 4.C 5.D 6.D 7.C 8.B 9.A 10.Biii (略)Il. Vocabulary StudyIII. Cloze1.A2. D3.B4.B5. A6. D7. D8.C9.B l0.All.C l2.C l3.A 14. D 15B l6.D 17.C 18.A l9.B 20.AlV. Translation.1. It is generally accepted that the upbringing of the child within the home is closely related to the education of the child in school.2. Jennifer is the chief of personnel for the New York Herald Tribune, where she is also responsible for special editorial work in the field of public relations.3. It was two years ago that Jeff met Rose at his sister’s birthday party. They have been communicating with each other by e-mail since then; the more Jeff knows Rose, the more he likes her.4. This new measure is effective not only in providing job opportunities for the laid-off workers, but in limiting price increases.5. Similarly/Likewise, they insufficiently treated the political and economic background of the conspiracy.6. Tremendous capital input has met the needs of rapid economic growth on the one hand and has caused the inflation on the other.V. Writing Practice1. (5) Now they scan their list of events and decide which can be used and which must be discarded.(2) They begin by listing the events they plan to relate and arranging them in time order.(6) Before they go any further with their organization, they decide what will determine the plane 2 sentences.(1) They usually jot down all of the events related to their subject.(8) After they have determined the planes of their ideas, they then revise and add any connectors that arenecessary to the reader’s understanding of the narrative.(3) Next, they look over the chronological listing and form a purpose for their paragraph(9) With the steps completed, they have a unified paragraph with the details arranged in time sequence.(4) At this point, they write the topic sentence and state the purpose as the controlling idea.(7) At the same time, they decide what material is necessary to support these plane 2 sentences.2. Comments:A paragraph that has sentences that do not relate to or discuss the controlling idea lacks unity. The topic of this paragraph is “another problem facing a number of elderly people,” and the control-ling idea is “living on a reduced income”. Therefore, all of the sentences should deal with the idea of the problem of living on a reduced income. In the paragraph, though, there are three sentences that do not discuss this particular topic’ “Of course, sometimes they can’t g o out because of their health. Maybe they have arthritis or rheumatism and it is painful for them to move around. This can also change their life--style”. These sentences should be taken out of this paragraph and perhaps developed in another paragraph.Key to Supplementary ReadingsA 1. A 2.B 3. D 4. B 5. CB l.B 2.C 3.D 4.A 5.D 6.B 7.C 8.B 9.B 10.A.课文参考译文:抚养孩子1. 人们一般认为孩子最初几年的经历对其性格以及以后个性的培养影响很大。
八年级上册第五单元2d翻译人教版Unit 5 2d翻译(Translation of Unit 5 2d)用法(Usage): 2d是八年级上册第五单元的第2项习题。
双语例句(Bilingual sentences):1. They live in a big house.他们住在一幢大房子里。
2. We go to school by bus.我们乘坐公交车上学。
3. She likes playing basketball.她喜欢打篮球。
4. The weather is nice today.今天天气很好。
5. We need some milk for the recipe.我们需要一些牛奶做这道菜。
6. Can you help me with my homework?你能帮我一下作业吗?7. He is a famous singer in this country.他是这个国家的一位著名歌手。
8. They're going on a trip next week.他们下周要去旅行。
9. She is always late for school.她上学总是迟到。
10. They have a pet cat called Tom.他们养了一只叫汤姆的宠物猫。
11. I like playing video games in my free time.我喜欢在空闲时间玩电子游戏。
12. Her father works as a doctor in a hospital.她爸爸在医院工作,是一名医生。
13. Do you have any plans for the weekend?你周末有什么计划?14. We usually have dinner at 7 o'clock.我们通常在七点钟吃晚饭。
新视野大学英语第三版第三册读写教程Book 3-Unit 5-Translation
• China is the hometown of tea and the birthplace of tea culture. since ancient times, tea has been known as the national drink of China. In both the Chinese scholars’ seven daily necessities, namely music, chess, calligraphy, painting, poetry, wine and tea and common people’s seven ones, namely firewood, rice, oil, salt, soy sauce, vinegar and tea, tea is listed as one of the necessities. Meanwhile, China is a country with ancient civilization and a land of courtesy. The practice of making and serving tea is essential whenever there are guests or friends. With the development of cultural exchange, commerce and trade between China and other countries, Chinese tea and tea culture spread to the world. Today, a number of countries across the five continents grow tea plants, and many countries import tea from China. Chinese tea, like Chinese silk and chinaware, has become synonymous with China in the world.
新编大学英语3课文翻译 Unit 5、6、 8、9,课后翻译
新编大学英语3课文翻译 Unit 5、6、 8、9第五单元,我是怎样识字的3 你可曾在航海时遇上过有浓雾的时候?你仿佛被困在了触手可及的一片白茫茫中,不见天日。
我的心灵在无声地疾呼:“光明!给我光明吧! ”而就在此时此刻,爱的光芒洒在了我的身上。
(考原课文填空,英文,注意新单词) 9 那天我学会了很多新词。
(考课文英翻汉)第六单元,人和动物的好斗性1 人类肯定是所有动物中最好斗和最残忍的。
(考课文英翻汉)2 然而,如果动物发现自己处于异常环境下,它会表现出特别地富有攻击性。
九年级全一册英语第五单元2d翻译与知识点Unit 5-2D Translation and Key ConceptsTranslation is an essential skill in learning a foreign language, and it plays a crucial role in our daily lives. In the English language curriculum for ninth graders, the fifth unit focuses on 2D translation and explores various key concepts related to this topic. This article will delve into the significance of translation and discuss some of the key points covered in this unit.Translation can be defined as the process of converting written or spoken language from one language to another. It allows individuals who don't share a common language to communicate and understand each other. In today's globalized world, where interactions between people from different linguistic backgrounds are common, translation is vital in facilitating effective communication.One of the key concepts covered in this unit is the importance of accuracy in translation. Translators must strive to convey the original meaning of the text faithfully without adding or omitting any information. This requires a deep understanding of both the source and target languages, as well as the cultural contexts in which they are used.Accuracy in translation ensures that the intended message is correctly conveyed and avoids miscommunication.Another fundamental aspect covered in this unit is idiomatic expressions. Idioms are phrases or expressions that have a figurative meaning, often unique to a specific language or culture. Translating idioms can be challenging as they cannot be interpreted literally. Instead, translators must find equivalent expressions or convey the underlying message in a way that makes sense in the target language. Understanding and correctly translating idioms is crucial for achieving natural and fluent communication.In addition to idioms, the unit also explores the translation of colloquial language. Colloquial language consists of informal words, phrases, and expressions commonly used in everyday conversations. Translating colloquial language requires a firm grasp of modern language usage and cultural nuances. It is essential to capture the informal tone and convey the intended meaning accurately to avoid sounding unnatural or out of context.Translation skills also involve the ability to recognize and adapt to different text types. This unit introduces various text types, such as news articles, advertisements, and speeches, and discusses strategies fortranslating them effectively. Each text type has its own unique characteristics, language style, and purpose. Translators must understand these elements and adapt their translation techniques accordingly to ensure the message is appropriately conveyed.Furthermore, cultural sensitivity is an integral part of translation. Language is deeply rooted in culture, and translating requires an understanding of cultural norms, values, and references. Translators need to be aware of cultural nuances to avoid inaccuracies, offensive translations, or misinterpretations. Knowledge of the target culture enables translators to convey the intended message accurately while respecting cultural differences.Lastly, this unit provides opportunities for students to practice translation skills through exercises and activities. Translating texts of varying complexity and lengths helps students enhance their vocabulary, grammar, and comprehension abilities in both the source and target languages. These practical exercises also improve their critical thinking and problem-solving skills by challenging them to find appropriate translations and convey the original meaning effectively.In conclusion, the study of 2D translation in the ninth grade English curriculum is crucial for developing language skills and culturalunderstanding. Accuracy, idiomatic expressions, colloquial language, adaptability to different text types, cultural sensitivity, and practical translation exercises are all key concepts covered in this unit. Mastering these skills will not only enhance students' abilities as translators, but also improve their overall language proficiency and cross-cultural communication skills. Translation is indeed a fascinating and essential aspect of language learning.。
跨文化交际 unit1~6 课后translation中英对照
Unit 1 Page 22The growth of intercultural communication as a field of study is based on a view o f history that clearly demonstrates people and cultures have been troubled by a pers istent inability to understand and get along with groups and societies removed by sp ace, ideology, appearance, and behavior from their own. What is intriguing about m any of human civilization's failure is that they appear to be personal as well as globa l. The story of humankind is punctuated with instances of face-to-face conflicts as w ell as international misunderstanding--major and minor quarrels that range from si mple name-calling to isolationism or even armed conflict.It is obvious that increased contact with other cultures and subcultures makes it i mperative for us to make a concerted effort to get along with and to try to understan d people whose beliefs and backgrounds may be vastly different from our own. The ability, through increased awareness and understanding, to peacefully coexist with p eople who do not necessarily share our lifestyles or values could benefit us not only i n our own neighborhoods but could be the decisive factor in maintaining world peac e.纵观历史,我们可以清楚地看到,人们由于彼此所处地域、意识形态、容貌服饰和行为举止上存在的差异,而长久无法互相理解、无法和睦相处。
Book 1 Translation ExercisesUnit 1 Translation1)当我知道详细情况时,我意识到我不该在办公室发脾气。
(should not have done)2)我和鲍勃不是很熟,不过我们偶尔一起出去喝一杯。
(occasional)3)会议应该在周二召开,但我们不得不推迟(be supposed to)4)我国政府采取行动使那个国家的所有中国人回到了祖国( take action)5)包括周末在内,仅仅还有12天时间可以用来买圣诞礼物。
(without, hunger) 1)When I knew the details, I realized I shouldn’t have lost my tempers inthe office.2)I don’t/didn’t know Bob very well, but we go/went out for anoccasional drink together.3)The meeting is supposed to taken place on Tuesday,but we have to putit off.4)4〕Our government took action immediately to bring all the Chinesein that country back to motherland.5)Including weekends, there are only twelve more days to buy Christmaspresents.6)Without immediate action, many kinds of wild animals would die fromhunger.Unit 2 Translation1)那首歌总是使她回想起在芝加哥度过的那个夜晚。
大学英语综合教程2Unit5课后习题参考答案大学英语综合教程2 Unit5课后习题参考答案(精选10篇)《大学英语综合教程》是一套适合高职高专学生学习的英语综合教程,也适用于成人高等教育及社会自学者使用。
下文店铺为大家分享大学英语综合教程2 Unit5课后习题参考答案,仅供参考~大学英语综合教程2 Unit5课后习题参考答案篇1Unit 5 Overcoming ObstaclesVocabularyI1.1) startled2) mere3) motion4) sweating5) stretched out6) vain7) On the occasion8) anxiety9) emotions10) ashamed of11) In my mind’s eye12) recurring2.1) coincides with her husband’s.2) sends the prices soaring/results in the soaring of prices.3) of alternate sunshine and rain.4) have been his lifelong passions, although he studied economics at university.5) Tension came over her3.1) media;dedication to; grace2) his competitors; in excitement; hug him; congratulate him on3) emotions;numerous; intensity; passion forII. Collocation1. Mike,a Green, made the suggestion that a large park be built near the community.2. In a letter to his daughter, Mr. Smith expressed his wish that she (should) continue her education to acquire still another degree.3. There is no reason to hold the belief that humans have no direct moral responsibility to safeguard the welfare of animals.4. Children need to feel safe about the world they grow up in, and it is unwise to givethem the idea that everything they come into contact with might be a threat.5. Anxiety can result from the notion that life has not treated us fairly.6. Nobody believed his claim that he was innocent.III. Wordswith Multiple Meanings1. I work out in the gym for one hour every morning.2. Florence has worked as a cleaner at the factory for five years.3. The wounded man worked his way across the field on his hands and knees.4. The safe load for a truck of this type works out at about twenty-five tons.5. It is difficult to understand how human minds work.6. To my disappointment, the manager’s plan of promoting the new products doesn’t work at all.7. The teacher has a lot of experience of working with children who don’t know how to learn.8. The medicine was like magic, and it worked instantly after you took it.ComprehensiveExercisesI. cloze1.(1) In my mind’s eye(2) groan(3) competitor(4) intensity(5) anxiety(6) tense(7) sweat(8) tension(9) soaring(10)recurring(11)brought me back to earth(12) fantasy(13) sweat(14) congratulate(15) number(16) media2.(1) engineer(2) forget(3) convinced(4) how(5) build(6) accident(7) thought(8) only(9) sharp(10) touched(11)instructions(12) finallyII. Translation1.1) It is the creativity and dedication of the workers and executives that turned the company into a profitable business.2) The prices of food and medicine have soared in the past three months.3) We plan to repaint the upper floors of the office building.4) His success shows that popularity and artistic merit sometimes coincide.5) I don’t want to see my beloved grandmother lying in a hospital bed and groaning painfully.2.Numerous facts bear out the argument/statement/claim that in order to recover speedily from negative emotion, you should allow yourself to cry. You needn’t/don’t have to be ashamed of crying. Anxiety and sorrow can flow out of the body along with tears.Consider the case of Donna. Her son unfortunately died in a car accident. The intensity of the blow made her unable to cry. She said, “It was not until two weeks later that I began to cry. And then I felt as if a big stone had been lifted from my shoulders. It was the tears that brought me back to earth and helped me survive the crisis.”大学英语综合教程2 Unit5课后习题参考答案篇2Part Ⅱ Reading Comprehension (35 minutes)Directions: There are 4 passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A),B) ,C) and D). You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre.Questions 21 to 25 are based on the following passage:It is simple enough to say that since books have classesfiction, biography, poetry—we should separate them and take from each what it is right that each should give us. Yet few people ask from books what books can give us. Most commonly we come to books with blurred and divided minds, asking of fiction that it shall be true, of poetry that it shall be false, of biography that it shall be flattering, of history that it shall enforce our own prejudices. If we could banish all such preconception when we read, that would be an admirable beginning. Do not dictate to your author; try to become him. Be his fellowworker and accomplice(同谋).If you hang back, and reserve and criticize at first, you are preventing yourself from getting the fullest possible value from what you read. But if you open your mind as widely as possible, then signs and hints of almost imperceptible finess(委婉之处), from the twist and turn of the first sentences, will bring you into the presence of a human being unlike any other. Steep yourself in this, acquaint yourself with this, and soon you will find that your author is giving you, or attempting to give you, something far more definite. The thirtytwo chapters of anovel—if we consider how to read a novel first—are an attempt to make something as formed and controlled as a building but words are more impalpable than bricks, reading is a longer and morecomplicated process than seeing. Perhaps the quickest way to understand the elements of what a novelist is doing is not to read, but to write; to make your own experiment with the dangers and difficulties of words. Recall, then, some event that has left a distinct impression on you—how at the corner of the street, perhaps, you passed two people talking. A tree shook; an electric light danced; the tone of the talk was comic, but also tragic; a whole vision, an entire conception, seemed contained in that moment.21.What does the author mean by saying “Yet few people ask from books what books can give us.”?A.The author means that lots of people read few books.B.The author thinks that readers have only absorbed part of knowledge in books.C.The author holds that few people have a proper idea about what content some kind of books should include.D.The author considers that readers can scarcely understand most of the books.22.According to the passage, which of the following statement is right?A.A reader should find some mistakes when he is reading.B.The more difficult a book is, the more you can get from it.C.To read something is easier than to watch something.D.One should be in the same track with the writer when he is reading.23.What i s the possible meaning of “impalpable” (Paragraph 2) in the passage?A.Clear.B.Elusive.C.Delicate.D.Precise.24.What’s the main idea of this passage?A.The importance of reading.B.The proper way to read.C.How to get most from one book.D.The characters of a good book.25.When a writer is writing he often get the whole conception ____.A.after a long time’s thinkingB.through an instant inspirationC.according to his own experienceD.by way of watching the objects attentivelyQuestions 26 to 30 are based on the following passage:According to the dictionary definition of “create”, ordinary people are creative every day. To create means “to bring into being, to cause to exist”—something each of us does daily.We are creative whenever we look at or think about something in a new way. First this involves an awareness of our surroundings. It means using all of our sese to become aware of our world. This may be as simple as being aware of color and texture, as well as taste, when we plan a meal. Above all, it is the ability to notice things that others might miss.A second part of creativity is an ability to see relationships among things. If we believe the expression, “There is nothing new under the sun,” the creativity is remaking or recombining the old in new ways. For example, we might do this by finding a more effective way to study or a better way to arrange our furniture, or we might make a new combination of camera lenses and filters to create an unusual photograph.A third part of creativity is the courage and drive to make use of our new ideas, to apply them to achieve some new results. To think up a new concept is one thing; to put the idea to work is another.These three parts of creativity are involved in all the great works of genius, but they are also involved in many of our daytoday activities.26.Which of the following activities is NOT a creative one according to the passage?A.To prepare a meal.B.To arrange the furniture in a peculiar way.C.To buy some books from a bookstore.D.To “write” a letter with the computer.27.The author holds that ____.A.creativity is of highly demandB.creativity is connected with a deep insight to some extentC.creativity is to create something new and concreteD.to practise and practise is the only way to cultiv ate one’s creativity28.“There is nothing new under the sun.” (Par.3) really implies that ____.A.we can seldom create new thingsB.a new thing is only a taleC.a new thing can only be created at the basis of original thingsD.we can scarcely see really new things in the world29.What does the author think about the relationship between a new thought and its being put into practice?A.It’s more difficult to create a new thought than to apply it in practice.B.To find a new thought will definitely lead to the production of a new thing.C.One may come up with a new thought, but can not put it into practice.D.A man with an excellent ability of practice can easily become an inventor.30.The best title for this passage is ____.A.How to Cultivate One’s Creativit yB.What is CreativityC.The Importance of CreativityD.Creativity—a Not Farway ThingQuestions 31 to 35 are based on the following passage:When I was studying at Yale, some phenomena puzzled me greatly. I found that Chinese students or Asian students were very polite in class while American students often interrupted the professor, asking questions and dominating the discussion. The Chinese students were not as aggressive as American students.I was impressed by the role of the professor in the seminar(讨论会). The professor didn’t act as an authority, giving final conclusions, but as a reseacher looking for answers to questions together with the students. One linguistic(语言的`) feature of his interacting with his students was that he used many modal(情态的) verbs—far more than I did in Beiwai. When answering questions, he usually said, “This is my personal opinion and it could be wrong.” or “You could be right, but you might find this point of view also interesting.”In China, authorities are always supposed to give wise decisions and correct directions. Therefore, students always expect the professor to give an answer to the question. I still remember how frustrated they were when foreign teachers did not provide such an answer. Their expectations from authorities are much higher than that of American students. Once the Chinese students got the answer, they were sure about it.Education in China is valued for united thinking. I rememberAmerican teachers who taught in our university complaining about the fact that Chinese students uniformly expressed the same idea in their English composition. The examinations in America usually do not test a student’s ability to memorize the material but his ability to analyze and solve problems. Education in America is valued not only as a means to obtain employment but as a process of enhancing critical thinking.31.In the USA, when the students are in class, ____.A.a Chinese student tends to be very activeB.an American student likes to make troubleC.a Chinese student likes to puzzle the teacherD.an American student tends to be vigorous32.A teacher in the USA prefers to ____ when he answers questions.A.be very sincereB.be very directC.be very selfconfidentD.be very indifferent33.What is the opinion of the author concerning the difference of teaching methods between China and the USA?A.He thinks that Chinese teaching metods can make students learn more.B.He holds that the major purpose of Chinese teaching methods is to improve students’ remembrance.C.He thinks that American teaching is abilityoriented.D.He holds that American teachers hate to give a test.34.The author thinks that the relationship between the student and the teacher is ____.A.more intimate in ChinaB.closer in ChinaC.looser in USAD.more harmonious in USA35.The education in USA may produce some ____ graduates.A.talkativeB.conventionalC.creativeD.imaginativeQuestions 36 to 40 are based on the following passage:Online courses (also called distance learning) are a hot new trend in American education. According to the nonprofit Distance Education and Training Council,about 400 US colleges and schools offer some portion of their programs on the Web. At the university level, they cost the same as traditional classes and require similar weekly assignments and textbook reading, the difference is in class participation.Generally speaking, students congregate(使聚集) online throughout each week to explore topic with the professor, but these discussions occur “asynchronously(不同时发生地)” rather than in real time. (You read others’ comments and post your own whenever you get a chance.) Written assignments are posted, you email in your work periodically, and you’re required to take a proctored exam in order to receive degree credit. Careerboosting business administration and information technology programs are the most popular, but you’ll also find a variety of literal arts offerings, from film theory to medieval history and foreign language study. While you still can’t get an Ivy League degree online, a growing number of elite(卓越的) institutions, including Stanford and New York University are beginning to offer online courses.The benefits for busy people are obvious. “I always get a frontrow seat,” says one student studying at the State University of New York Learnin g Network.“I can get up in the middle of class, grab a cup of coffee. The class is waiting for me when I get back, and I haven’t missed a thing.” On the other hand, some students miss the facetoface interaction that often sparks interest and involvement.36.Generally speaking, online education costs ____.A.more than the traditional oneB.less than the traditional oneC.as much as the traditional oneD.the author hasn’t mentioned37.The major way to hand out assignments of online students is ____.A.to hand out them in personB.to post themC.to email in themD.to let the teacher enter into their personal main pages38.Which kind of program is probably NOT welcomed by most of the students?A.Software development.B.Decoration and design.C.International trade.pany management.39.The closest meaning of “Ivy League” (Par. 2) ____.A.famous universities in USAB.famous business colleges in USAC.famous companies in USAD.universities with a long history40.It is implied that in USA ____.A.online education will take the place of the traditional one soonB.there are only a few online programs until nowC.one need not take part in the exam in order to receive a diploma by way of online educationD.one can not receive a degree certificate of New York University through distant learning大学英语综合教程2 Unit5课后习题参考答案篇3The best known and loved of all our many Christmas songsSilentNight was written in Oberndorf, a tiny village in Bavarian mountains. On Christmas eve, 1818, Oberndorf had been 67 by a severe snowstorm, but 68 the inhabitants cheerfully prepared for the Christmas 69 Then they discovered, to their 70 , that the organ (风琴) had broken 71 .A village schoolmasterand church 72 knew how unhappy the people in the villagewould be, for music was the 73 of all their celebration. So he went to thepriest and 74 that the priest write a75 song for the Christmas celebration that could be sung 76 any preparation. The priest promised to do his 77 Towards evening hewent 78 theschoolmaster with the lovely words of the song Silent Night. Then theschoolmaster composed a melody to 79 the words. On Christmas morning, the beautiful 80 was sung for the first time, A guitar was the 81 accompaniment (伴奏) and the words "Silent night, Holy night, all is calm, all is bright " 82 pure and clear in the Bavarian air. Thesong was not 83 to England until one hundredyears later. 84 have changed, but"Silent Night" has remained. It is still sung 85 comers of the world where people 86 thebirth of Jesus Christ.67. A) isolatedB) coveredC) enclosedD) surrounded68. A) laterB) stillC) yetD) also69. A) eveB) seasonC) timeD) festivities70. A) encouragementB)amusementC) disappointmentD) surprise71. A) inB) offC) awayD) down72. A) goerB) organistC) pianistD) choirmaster73. A) centerC) heartB) middleD) midst74. A) suggestedB) orderedC) claimedD) agreed75. A) complicatedB) similarC) sameD) special76. A) forB) withoutC) alongD) except77. A) workB) jobC) bestD) good78. A) homeB) to the home ofC) to home ofD) to home79. A) fill inB) equipC) fitD) prove80. A) musicB) carolC) wordsD) melody81. A) merelyC) onceB) solelyD) only82. A) soundedB) heardC) sungD) appeared83. A) takenB) sungC) broughtD) forwarded84. A) DaysB) TimesC) YearsD) Period85. A) in allB) at allC) on allD) all over86. A) memorizeB) commemorateC) recognizeD) remember大学英语综合教程2 Unit5课后习题参考答案篇41.This is an _______ that will not be easily forgotten.A.impactB.academicC.insultD.alternative2.Please _______ me for my rudeness. I really do not know the custom here.A. engagefortC.executeD.forgive3.Water and air are _______ to human beings. We can not live without them.A.harbourB.functionC.definiteD.essential4.When the airplane takes off, the passengers are told to _______ their seat belts.A.fountainB.fixC.tightD.fasten5.This is not what we asked you to do. You can not get more pay for the _______ work.A.owingB.deviceC.tiredD.extra6.My throat is _______. I cannot speak any more.A.soreB.purchaseC.glowD.faint7.Many years ago, a lot of factories were _______ from big cities to the mountainous areas in case of war.A.transferredB.transformedC.transmittedD.transported8.He said in his letter that he would _______ some photographs but I couldn’t find anything in the envelope.A.caseB.doubleC.encloseD.nonsense9.Many English words are _______ from Latin.A.displayedB.spreadC.lostD.derived10.I feel _______ to say that I can not believe what he said.A.wantedB.observedC.obligedD.wandered大学英语综合教程2 Unit5课后习题参考答案篇5Directions: In this section, you are going to read a passage with ten statements attached to it. Each statementcontains information given in one of the paragraphs. Identify the paragraph from which the information is derived.You may choose a paragraph more than once. Each paragraph is marked with a letter. Answer the questions by marking the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2.Caring for elderly parents catches many unprepared[A ] Last July, Julie Baldocchi,s mother had a massive stroke and was paralyzed. Baldocchi suddenly had to become a family caregiver, something that she wasn"t prepared for. “I was flying by the seat of my pants,” says Baldocchi, an employment specialist in San Francisco. Both of her parents are 83, and she knew her father couldn’t handle her mother’s care. The hospital recommended putting her mother in a nursing home. Baldocchi wasn’t willing to do that. But moving her back into her parents’ home created other problems. Baldocchi, 48, is married and lives about a mile away from her parents. She has a full-time job and has back problems that make it difficult for her to lift her mother. “I couldn’t do it all,” she says. “But I didn’t even know how to find help.”[B] With help from the Family Caregiver Alliance, she eventually hired a live-in caregiver. “But even if you planintellectually and legally, you’re never ready for the emotional impact,” Baldocchi says. In the first two months after her mother’s stroke, she lost about 30 pounds as stress mo unted. More than 42 million Americans provide family caregiving for an adult who needs help with daily activities, according to a 2009 survey by the AARP. An additional 61.6 million provided at least some care during the year. And many are unprepared.[C] While many parents lack an advance care directive, it’s the most basic and important step they can take. The directive includes several parts, including: a durable power of attorney, which gives someone legal authority to make financial decisions on anothe r’s behalf; a health care proxy, which is similar to the power of attorney, except it allows someone to make decisions regarding medical treatment; and a living will that outlines instructions for end-of-life care. (For example, pare大学英语综合教程2 Unit5课后习题参考答案篇6Byalmost any measure, there is a boom in Intemet-based instruction. In just a fewyears,34 percent ofAmerican universities have begun offering some form ofdistance learning (DL), and among the larger schools,it's closer to 90 percent.If you doubt the popularity of the trend, you probably haven't heard of theUniversity ofPhoenix. It grants degrees entirely on the basis of onlineinstruction. It enrolls 90,000 students, a statistic used tosupport its claimto be the largest private university in the country.Whilethe kinds of instruction offered in these programs will differ, DL usuallysignifies a course in which theinstructors post syllabi( 课程大纲), reading assignments, and schedules on Websites, and students sendin theirassignments by e-mail. Generally speaking, face-to-face communicationwith aninstructor is minimized oreliminated altogether.Theattraction for students might at first seem obvious. Primarily, there's theconvenience promised by courseson the Net: you can do the work, as they say, inyour pajamas ( 睡衣). But figures indicate that the reducedeffortresults in a reduced commitment to the course. While dropout rates for allfreshmen at American universitiesis around 20 percent, the rate for onlinestudents is 35 percent. Students themselves seem to understand theweaknessesinherent in the setup. In a survey conducted for eComell, the DL division ofComell University, lessthan a third of the respondents expected the quality ofthe online course to be as good as the classroom course.Clearly,from the schools' perspective, there's a lot of money to be saved. Althoughsome of the moreambitious programs require new investments in servers andnetworks to support collaborative software, most DLcourses can run on existingor minimally upgraded(升级)systems. The more students who enroll in acourse butdon't come to campus, the more the school saves on keeping the lightson in the classrooms, paying doorkeepers,and maintaining parking lots. Andthere's evidence that instructors must work harder to run a DL course foravariety of reasons, they won't be paid any more, and might well be paid less.大学英语综合教程2 Unit5课后习题参考答案篇71.Being ignorant of the law is not accepted as an ________ for breaking the law.A) excuseB) intentionC) optionD) approval2.Within two days, the army fired more than two hundred rockets and missiles at military ________ in the coastal city.A) goalsB) aimsC) targetsD) destinations3.It is said in some parts of the world, goats, rather than cows, serve as a vital ________ of milk.A) storageB) sourceC) reserveD) resource4.“This light is too ________ for me to read by. Don’t we have a brighter bulb some where”; said the elderly man.A) mildB) dimC) minuteD) slight5.We have arranged to go to the cinema on Friday, but we can be ________ and go another day.A) reliableB) probableC) feasibleD) flexible大学英语综合教程2 Unit5课后习题参考答案篇81.The doctors _______ the medicines to the people in the flood area.A. distributedB.packedC.prayedD.undertook2.Much of the news provided by this newspaper is _______, not foreign.A. domesticB.strainC.purchaseD.murder3.He tried to _______relations with his former wife but he failed.A. measureB.maintainC.shelterD.reply4.He _______ to study harder in the future so that he could have more opportunities to find a better job.A. resolvedB.resortedC.requestedD.reserved5.The _______ work continued for more than a week but there was still no sign of the missing boy.A. researchB.rescueC.vesselD.vast6.Many kinds of animals are believed to have _________ from the earthA. withdrawnB.vanishedC.foundD.hung7.The engineers in this lab spent several weeks _______ their plans for the new bicycle.A. countingB.strippingC.elaboratingD.casting8.Pine trees are usually believed to _______ cold weather.A. guardB.accomplishC.roarD.endure9.Free medical service is _______ to nearly all the college students in China.A. favoriteB.availableC.convenientD.average10.After working for twenty hours without any rest, the doctors were _______.A. exhaustedB.mountedC.wrappedD.restored11.In order to increase our output, we need to import more production _______.A. facilitiesB.hensC.votesD.artists12.When a spacecraft travels, one of the major problems is reentry into the Earth’s _______.A. surfaceB.atmosphereC.attitudeD.bent13.This river forms a natural _______ between China and Korea.A. boundaryB.stringC.spotD.zone14.She is already 16years old. But she _______as if she were still a little girl.A. believesB.absorbsC.accrsesD.behaves15.We are _______ at the rapid progress Mark has made in this semester.A. distinguishedB.annoyedC.astonishedD.scored答案:AABABBCDBABDDAC大学英语综合教程2 Unit5课后习题参考答案篇9Part II Reading Comprehension(35 minutes)Directions: There are 4 passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.Passage OneQuestions 11 to 15 are based on the following passage.Scratchy throats, stuffy noses and body aches all spell misery, but being able to tell if the cause is a cold or flu (流感) may make a difference in how long the misery lasts.The American Lung Association (ALA) has issued new guidelines on combating colds and the flu, and one of the keys is being able to quickly tell the two apart. That’s because the prescription drugs available for the flu need to be taken soon after the illness sets in. As for colds, the sooner a person starts taking over-the-counter remedy, the sooner relief will come.The common cold and the flu are both caused by viruses. More than 200 viruses can cause cold symptoms, while the flu is caused by three viruses—flu A, B and C. There is no cure for either illness, but the flu can be prevented by the flu vaccine (疫苗), which is, for most people, the best way to fight the flu, according to the ALA.But if the flu does strike, quick action can help. Although the flu and common cold have many similarities, there are some obvious signs to look for.Cold symptoms such as stuffy nose, runny nose and scratchy throat typically develop gradually, and adults and teens often do not get a fever. On the other hand, fever is one of the characteristic features of the flu for all ages. And in general, flu symptoms including fever and chills, sore throat and body aches。
Unit 1 Page 22The?growth?of?intercultural?communication?as?a?field?of?study?is?based?on? a?view?of?history?that?clearly?demonstrates?people?and?cultures?have?been?tro ubled?by?a?persistent?inability?to?understand?and?get?along?with?groups?and?s ocieties?removed?by?space,?ideology,?appearance,?and?behavior?from?their?own. ?What?is?intriguing?about?many?of?human?civilization's?failure?is?that?they?ap pear?to?be?personal?as?well?as?global.?The?story?of?humankind?is?punctuated? with?instances?of?face-to-face?conflicts?as?well?as?international?misunderstandin g--major?and?minor?quarrels?that?range?from?simple?name-calling?to?isolationi sm?or?even?armed?conflict.?It?is?obvious?that?increased?contact?with?other?cultures?and?subcultures?mak es?it?imperative?for?us?to?make?a?concerted?effort?to?get?along?with?and?to?t ry?to?understand?people?whose?beliefs?and?backgrounds?may?be?vastly?differe nt?from?our?own.?The?ability,?through?increased?awareness?and?understanding ,?to?peacefully?coexist?with?people?who?do?not?necessarily?share?our?lifestyles? or?values?could?benefit?us?not?only?in?our?own?neighborhoods?but?could?be?t he?decisive?factor?in?maintaining?world?peace.?纵观历史,我们可以清楚地看到,人们由于彼此所处地域、意识形态、容貌服饰和行为?举止上存在的差异,而长久无法互相理解、无法和睦相处。
Vocabulary I. 1. 1) sprinkled 2) in turn 3) reversed 4) repay 5) at sea 6) traditional 7) statement 8) longed for 9) in secret 10) unloaded 11) weep 12) under way 2. 1) stretch out 2) make out 3) hope for 4) turns (it) over 5) put away 6) brings back 7) got to 8) go about 3. 1) d i m i n i s h, p e o p l e a r e w o r k i n g t o i n c r e a s e t h e u s e o f solar energy. 2) We accord high priority to meeting the challenges of economic and environmental development in the region. 3) are exposed to more information than were children of the past, it does not follo w that they automatically become more sophisticated. 4) has been immersed in British history and culture. 5) in a flash on June 1, 2000 when he lost both legs in a serious traffic accident . 4. 1) my sincere ; considerate of ; with gratitude 2) assembled;amid the; in questof;had undergone;swift ;andthe rest II. Collocation 3. thoughtful of 4. confident of 5. conscious of 1, fond of 2. sick of 6. critical of 7. guilty of 8. ashamed of III. Usage 1. T o know what people really think, pay regard to what they do, rather than what they s ay. 2. It is cooperation, rather than conflict, that will enable you to achieve your su ccess. 3. Ann made students think for themselves rather than telling them what to thi nk. 4. I think I'll stay at home this evening rather than go / going out. 5. Most people are content to let perfect days happen at random rather than plan / planning for them. Comprehensive Exercises I. Cloze 1.1) at sea 2) Turning over 3) reverse 4) got to 5) repay 6) gratitude 7) assem bled 8)immersed in 9) unloading 10) swift 2. 1) instead 2) possessions 3) richer 4) breath 5) cherish 6) special 7) specific 8) shining 9) miracles 10) gift II. Translation 1. 1) Grandma took it for granted that food prices would soar, so she bought a lot of rice. 2) I can quote you several instances of her dedication to science. 3) The 1980s saw the start of the swift development of some special economic zones in China. 4) Tension between the two countries stemmed in part from the latest spy affair. 5) Peter has worked in a law firm for many years.You can consider having him as your lawyer to act on your behalf when you need legal help. 2.Amid Amid the the the atmosphere atmosphere atmosphere of of of Thanksgiving Thanksgiving Thanksgiving George George George was was was immersed immersed immersed in in in the the the diary diary diary left left left to to him by his father, who died at sea after he completed two successive trips around the world. The diary brought back every moment George had spent with his father and many many of of of the the the specific specific specific things things things his his his father father father did did did on on on his his his behalf. behalf. behalf. George’s George’s George’s father father father used used used to to impress on him the need to undergo all kinds of hardship in quest of excellence. Even today, today, George George George still still still remembers remembers remembers how how how his his his fath fath father er er would would would quote quote quote Aesop’s Aesop’s Aesop’s famous famous famous saying saying “Gratitude is the sign of noble souls” and tell him to accord the greatest importance to it. 。
Unit 5 Dreams课内阅读参考译文你做梦吗?1 梦,我们为什么会做梦?梦有意义吗?真的有梦中所见的事成为现实这种事吗?几千年来这些问题一直让人们感兴趣。
2 人人都做梦——只不过有些人不记得做过梦罢了。
整个夜晚的大多数时间我们都在做梦,但只有当我们处在REM (眼睛迅速转动) 睡眠阶段时醒来,才会记住所做的梦。
3 睡眠的主要目的(除让我们休息外)也许就是让我们做梦——让我们以一种截然不同的方式回顾我们的生活、我们的忧虑和希望,以及在潜意识中观察自我,把不再需要的资料从记忆中剔除。
4 有些梦可能是由简单的生理原因引起的。
5 不过这些从生理的角度进行的解释尚不足以说明为什么我们会做梦。
6 有些梦反映的内心忧虑是立即可以识别的。
7 但是,有一些梦并没有这样明显的含义,这是怎么回事呢?多个世纪以来,男男女女都从所谓的解梦字典中寻找答案,这类字典最早的可以追溯到公元前5000年。
新视野大学英语第三版读写教程第五单元Unit5课后答案一.Reading comprehension:1.Because the Sydney-to-Melbourne race is 875 kilometers long and it is a harsh test of endurance for the world’s top athletes.2.Cliff Young was a toothless 61-year-old farmer; he was wearing rubber boots, and was much older than the other runners.3.Other athletes neither believed it nor treated Cliff Young with respect.4.Because Cliff Young didn’t run properly. He had the strangest running style and appeared to shuffle.5. When people found that Cliff Young ran through the entire night without sleeping and when it seemed to them that he intended to keep running until he reached the finish line or fell ill or was injured.6. When he was running, Cliff Young imagined he was gathering his sleep and trying to outrun a storm.7. Cliff Young gave all the prize money to five other runners. He didn’t keep a single cent for himself.8. Cliff Young is a brilliant example showing that ordinary people also have the inherent quality to achieve great results.3 Words in use:1.annual2.contract3.distinction4.substantial5.furnished6. amateur7. assemble8. react9. Apparent10. magnificent4 Word building:bore fascinate amusingexplosion assumption evolution compensation contribute elementary revolutionary5 Word building:1.assumption2.fascinated3.explosion4.elementary5. Compensation6.evolution7. amusing8. bore9. contribute10. revolutionary6 Banked cloze:1 K2 D3 C4 B5 H6 O7 F8 M9 A 10 G7 Expressions in use:1 passed away2 left behind3 give away4 had no intention of5 Up to6 regardless of7 might (just) as well8 fall ill9 in attendance10 to this day10. Translation:有关古代奥林匹克运动会的最早文字记载可追溯至公元前776年。
Unit5 Lesson7 Translation Skills
⒈ 英译汉的增词情况
⑼英语中,用倒装语序表示的虚拟条件状语从句,译成汉语时, 往往可增加“如果……便……”、“假如……就……”、“万一…… 就……”、“只要……的话,就……”等连词。 例:Had there been no electronic computers, there would have been no artificial satellite or rockets. 如果没有电子计算机,就不会有人造卫星或火箭。
众所周知,经过多年的改革和建设,我们积累 了巨额的外汇,这显示了中国的经济实力。我 们对外汇经营第一位的原则是防范风险,我们 始终坚持外汇“安全、流动和保值”的原则, 并且实行多元化的战略。
As you may know, thanks to China's reform and development over the years, we have accumulated a huge mount of foreign exchange reserves, and this has shown the economic strength of China. In managing our foreign exchange reserves, the number one principle that we follow is to fend off risks. We always adhere to the principle of safety, liquidity and good value of our foreign exchange reserve management. We have also adopted a diversified strategy in this regard.
新视野大学英语第五册答案UNIT 5,,
agreeable pedestrian dodge undermine lure
perfume erupt
revive virgin
11. Their main worry about traffic accidents is that
_p_e_d__e_s_t_r_i_a_n_s_ would not obey the traffic rules
would be demolished, and a school would be put up in its place.
10. You should be aware that someone is trying to
u_n__d_e_r_m__i_n_e_ the relationship between you and me.
Vocabulary EX: III.P.122
III. Complete the blanks with the words given below. Change the form where necessary.
poke inhabit
agreeable pedestrian dodge undermine lure
U 5 A NIT . SECTION Vancouver: A City Risen from the Forest
EX: II. P. 122
EX: III. P.122 EX: IV. P.123
新视觉研究生英语第一册Unit 5 Translation
Translation the following sentence into English1.但愿我从来没有买过智能电器(intelligent appliance)!(God forbid)God forbid it that I had never bought intelligent appliance. {用that 引导一个从句}2.他关心国家大事(national affairs),每天都看报纸。
(concern about)He is concerned about national affairs, reading newspapers every day.{现在分词表伴随}3.谈到高速攀升的(rocketing)房价(housing price),舆论(the press)普遍认为无论政府还是房地产商都难逃(shrink from)其责。
(come to)When it comes to the rocketing housing price, the press generally thinks that no matter the government or land agent can shrink from their responsibilities.{it 作形式主语}4.在随意参观当地二手(second-hand)书店的时候,我看到越来越多从图书馆流失出来的图书。
(at random)When I visited the local second-hand bookstore at random, I saw more and more books which was lost from the libraries. (条件状语从句)5.即使你读了用户手册(user's manual),也不能开动(start)你的洗衣机。
(even if)Even if you read the user's manual, you can not start your washing machine.(even if 引导让步状语从句)6.这个职位有很多人申请,所以在你和人事主管(the personnel supervisor)联系之前,你得先想出自己有什么特别之处(specialness)。
研究生英语精读教程(第三版_上)第5单元英文原文及翻译和课后答案以下是研究生英语精读教程(第三版_上)第5单元的英文原文及翻译和课后答案的文章:Unit 5: English Text and Translation, and Answers to ExercisesI. English Text and Translation1. Text 1Text:The expression "deep water" is used to suggest that a person, an organization or a country is in serious difficulty and will probably become even more involved in trouble. Such a position is described as being in "hot water."关于“深水”的说法用来暗示一个人、一个组织或者一个国家正面临着严重的困难,并且可能变得更加麻烦。
Translation:2. Text 2Text:Ironically, "Into hot water" kept largely its literal sense up to the seventeenth century, meaning actual exposure to danger. Often this would have referred to being in battle.具有讽刺意味的是,在十七世纪之前,“陷入困境”在很大程度上还保持着其字面意义,意味着面临实际的危险。
Translation:3. Text 3Text:The temperature increase then caused a war pageant! An admiral would sign a warrant to commence hostilities – the burning of wooden fleets being an impressive enough spectacle – by placing his official seal at the bottom of the piece of parchment.然后温度的升高引发了一个战争场面!一位军官会签署一份授权书来开始敌对行动——燃烧木舰队已经足够具有震撼力——他会在这张羊皮纸底部放上他的官方印章。
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4) 他的成功表明流行与艺术价值有时候是 他的成功表明流行与艺术价值有时候是 流行与艺术价值 一致的。 一致的。 His success shows that popularity and artistic merit sometimes coincide.
5) 我不愿意看见我所敬爱的祖母躺在医院 我不愿意看见我所敬爱的祖母躺在医院 病床上痛苦地呻吟。 病床上痛苦地呻吟。 I don’t want to see my beloved grandmother lying in a hospital bed and groaning painfully.
Unit 5 Overcoming Obstacles
Page 147 1) 是工人和主管人员的创造力和敬业精神 工人和主管人员的 这个公司变成 一个盈利的企业。 变成了 将这个公司变成了一个盈利的企业。 It is the creativity and dedication of the workers and executives that turned the company into a profitable b个月里急 食品和医药的价格在过去的三个月里急 剧增长。 剧增长。 The price of food and medicine have soared in the past three months.
3) 我们打算重新粉刷这幢办公大楼的上面 我们打算重新粉刷这幢办公大楼的上面 打算重新粉刷这幢办公大楼的 几层楼。 几层楼。 We plan to repaint the upper floors of the office building.
Numerous facts bear out the argument/statement/claim that in order to recover speedily from negative emotion, you should allow yourself to cry. You needn’t/don’t have to be ashamed of crying. Anxiety and sorrow can flow out of the body along with tears. Considering the case of/Take Donna. Her son unfortunately died on a car accident. The intensity of the blow made her unable to cry. She said, “It was not until two weeks later that I began to cry. And then I felt as if a big stone had been lifted from my shoulders. It was the tears that brought me back to earth and helped me survive the crisis.”