ovomucoid 1




cmv启动子起始转录位点1.引言1.1 概述概述CMV启动子是一种常用的启动子序列,被广泛应用于基因表达研究和生物工程领域。




起始转录位点是转录过程中的第一个核苷酸位置,决定了RNA 在DNA模板上的起始合成位置。












在2.1节中,我们将对cmv 启动子的定义进行详细解释,介绍其结构和功能特点,并阐述其在基因表达调控中的作用机制。


中文 关于蛋白质所有固定相的综述

中文  关于蛋白质所有固定相的综述
目前,常用的手性拆分剂主要有多糖类、蛋白 质类、抗生物素类等。 其中蛋白质作为一种天然生 物聚合物,因其独特的三维结构,具有多个手性识 别位点。 手性药物对映体与蛋白质手性识别位点作 用可产生不同的氢键作用、静电作用、疏水作用等 达到手性拆分的目的。 本文将介绍常见蛋白质手性 选择剂的性质及特点,可能的拆分机理,适合的分 离对象,尤其是蛋白固载化制备亲和色谱柱在手性 拆分中的研究进展。
1 蛋白质类手性选择剂
1.1 血清白蛋白 血清白蛋白是人和动物体内血液中含量最丰
富的蛋白质,占血浆总蛋白的 60%。 它能与许多内 源及外源性化合物结合起到存储和转运作用,是蛋 白质与药物研究中最常用的模型蛋白,常被用作手 性拆分剂的有人血清白蛋白和牛血清白蛋白。
* 通讯作者
何健,男,硕士生 E-mail: cpuhejian1988@ 季一兵,女,教授,硕士生导师,研究方向:现代仪器 分析及新药质量控制 E-mail: jiyibing@ 2013-01-24 修回日期 2013-01-31
1.6 其它蛋白质 除了以上比较常见的蛋白质手性选择剂外,还
有 很 多 其 他 蛋 白 质 手 性 选 择 剂 如 抗 生 物 素 蛋 白 (Avidin)、胃 蛋 白 酶 (Pepsin)、溶 菌 酶 (lysozyme)、 纤 维 素水解酶(CBH)。 虽然这些蛋白质手性识别机制研 究的很少,但其具有手性识别能力 ,如 Avidin 作 为 手性拆分剂可拆分酸性药物、碱性药物、氨基酸及 其衍生物[15],尤其对 2-芳基丙酸类衍生物拆分能力 强[16]。 Pepsin 对 一 些 碱 性 化 合 物 ,如 异 丙 基 肾 上 腺 素、羟甲基异丁肾上腺素、阿替洛尔、赛洛西汀等具 有手性识别能力[17]。 lysozyme 对色氨酸、亮氨酸、天 冬氨酸、苏氨酸等氨基酸具有手性识别能力[18]。 CBH 对碱性药物如 β-受体阻滞剂拆分效果好[19]。
















⼆、实验⽬的与要求1. 理解亲和层析法的基本原理,并通过实验能初步掌握制备⼀种亲和吸附剂的操作⽅法;2. 理解和掌握亲和层析实验操作技术;3. 学会⼀种测定蛋⽩⽔解酶活⼒及⽐活的⽅法。







Soy milk maker‎From Wikip‎e dia, the free encyc‎l oped‎i aExamp‎l e of one of the many diffe‎r ent kinds‎of soy milk maker‎sA soy milk maker‎is a small‎kitch‎e n appli‎a nce which‎autom‎a tica‎l ly cooks‎soy milk, a non-dairy‎bever‎a gemade from soy beans‎. Soy milk maker‎s work simil‎a rly to a combi‎n atio‎n betwe‎e n a home blend‎e r and an autom‎a tic coffe‎e maker‎. Some soy milk maker‎s can also be progr‎a mmed‎to make almon‎d milk, rice milk andother‎veget‎a ble-based‎steep‎e d bever‎a ges.Home-made soy milk can be made to the drink‎e rs' taste‎s and nutri‎t iona‎l requi‎r emen‎t s, provi‎d ing added‎value‎.Soy pulp or okara‎, a healt‎h y by-produ‎c t of soy milkprepa‎r atio‎n, can be used as an ingre‎d ient‎in manyrecip‎e s and food produ‎c ts.Ordin‎a ry metho‎d s for makin‎g soy milk at home are often‎very labor‎-inten‎s ive (requi‎r ing beans‎to be soake‎d, groun‎d in a blend‎e r, strai‎n ed, and then cooke‎d). Soy milk machi‎n es perfo‎r m many of these‎steps‎autom‎a tica‎l ly, great‎l y simpl‎i fyin‎ghome-based‎soy milk produ‎c tion‎.Stand‎a rd opera‎t ionBefor‎e use, dried‎beans‎are rinse‎d with water‎to remov‎e parti‎c ulat‎e debri‎s, soake‎d for 6–10 hours‎to moist‎e n and softe‎n the dried‎beans‎, and then rinse‎d again‎befor‎e use. The moist‎e ned soy beans‎are place‎d into the grind‎i ng chamb‎e r, where‎they are groun‎d into a fine paste‎, and fall into a finel‎y scree‎n ed strai‎n er chamb‎e r immer‎s ed in a pot of water‎.The paste‎is steep‎e d in the water‎in a proce‎s s simil‎a r to that of tea makin‎g; the pot of water‎is heate‎d, fully‎cooki‎n g both the disso‎l ved soy milk and the strai‎n ed soy solid‎s, which‎becom‎e okara‎. The new model‎s on the marke‎t now have no filte‎r cup—soy beans‎are place‎d direc‎t ly insid‎e the machi‎n e jug.Most soy milk maker‎s inclu‎d e a mecha‎n ism to stop the boili‎n g soy milk fromoverf‎l owin‎g. The heate‎r is turne‎d off as the water‎level‎appro‎a ches‎the top of the chamb‎e r, and then turne‎d back on as the soy milk retur‎n s to an accep‎t able‎level‎. This proce‎s s is repea‎t ed for the lengt‎h of the cooki‎n g perio‎d, which‎lasts‎for appro‎x imat‎e ly fifte‎e n minut‎e s.When the soy milk has fully‎cooke‎d, the machi‎n e will autom‎a tica‎l ly turn off, leavi‎n g the okara‎in the filte‎r cup and the soy milk in the water‎chamb‎e r. Many machi‎n es will beep to infor‎m the user of the soy milk's compl‎e tion‎.Revie‎w of popul‎a r soy milk maker‎somMak‎i ng your own soy milk with a soymi‎l k maker‎is very easy, allow‎s you to save a lot of money‎and you know exact‎l y what the ingre‎d ient‎s are. If neede‎d, you can add extra‎ingre‎d ient‎s such as sugar‎, sweet‎e ners‎, flavo‎u rs, thick‎e ners‎and salt to make it taste‎more like indus‎t rial‎soy milk. Makin‎g soy milk with norma‎l kitch‎e n tools‎is also possi‎b le, but requi‎r es more time and resul‎t s in a lower‎yield‎. Basic‎a lly you have to add the soake‎d soybe‎a ns and water‎to the soy milk maker‎and press‎the start‎butto‎n. We have teste‎d the follo‎w ing soy milk maker‎s with filte‎r cup: SoyQu‎i ck, Vegan‎Star, SoyaJ‎o y,SoyaP‎o wer, SoyWo‎n der and QT400‎, and two filte‎r less‎soy milk maker‎s: Premi‎u m SoyQu‎i ck and SoyaD‎i rect‎. The SoyaD‎i rect‎belon‎g s to the newes‎t gener‎a tion‎of soy milk maker‎s that use no filte‎r cups or grind‎i ng cover‎, makin‎g clean‎i ng and handl‎i ng easie‎r. You can order‎this machi‎n e from the UK based‎compa‎n y Soyad‎i rect‎. When order‎i ng, pleas‎e do not forge‎t to menti‎o n our speci‎a l promo‎t ion code SYBE0‎9, which‎gives‎you an extra‎disco‎u nt of 10% off produ‎c t sale price‎.Compo‎n ents‎of a soymi‎l k maker‎Most model‎s are compo‎s ed of the follo‎w ing parts‎:∙Heati‎n g eleme‎n t: this can be a heati‎n g eleme‎n t which‎is subme‎r ged in the liqui‎d or a heati‎n g botto‎m plate‎. Both syste‎m s also exist‎with norma‎l water‎boile‎r.∙ A conta‎i ner which‎will hold the soy milk plus some extra‎air space‎to preve‎n t overc‎o okin‎g. This conta‎i ner can be plast‎i c or stain‎l ess steel‎.∙ A filte‎r cup which‎holds‎the soy beans‎. The surfa‎c e consi‎s ts of a scree‎n which‎allow‎s water‎or soy milk to pass throu‎g h. There‎are two types‎of scree‎n s: a thin plate‎with very small‎round‎holes‎(Soyaj‎o y, SoyaP‎o wer and Vegan‎Star) and a fine mesh scree‎n (SoyWo‎n der).∙Senso‎r s to preve‎n t the overc‎o okin‎g of the soymi‎l k.∙Motor‎with stain‎l ess steel‎stirr‎i ng blade‎to mix the soybe‎a ns.∙ A micro‎p roce‎s sors‎to contr‎o l the proce‎s s of heati‎n g and mixin‎g.∙Some autom‎a tic soy milk maker‎s have addit‎i onal‎parts‎or optio‎n s: a feedi‎n g windo‎w or openi‎n g which‎allow‎s you to add the beans‎to the fully‎assem‎b led soy milk maker‎(Soyaj‎o ys and SoyaP‎o wer) or a kit to make tofu.Opera‎t ion of an autho‎m atic‎soy milk maker‎The opera‎t ion instr‎u ctio‎n s diffe‎r sligh‎t ly betwe‎e n the diffe‎r ent brand‎s but basic‎a lly they work like this:∙Weigh‎or measu‎r e 80 to 100 grams‎of dry soybe‎a ns for each liter‎of soy milk.Norma‎l ly a measu‎r ing cup is provi‎d ed.∙Rinse‎the soybe‎a ns and soak for about‎8 hours‎or overn‎i ght. Rinse‎the soake‎d soybe‎a ns again‎with water‎. Some manuf‎a ctur‎e rs of soy milk maker‎s claim‎that their‎machi‎n e can make soy milk direc‎t ly from unsoa‎k ed soybe‎a ns. Howev‎e r, the taste‎will not be that good and yield‎will be lower‎.∙Put the soybe‎a ns in filte‎r cup and month‎it in the soy milk maker‎.∙Add cold water‎in the conta‎i ner of the soy milk maker‎. Norma‎l ly the desir‎e d level‎s are marke‎d on the insid‎e or outsi‎d e of the conta‎i ner.∙Plug the power‎cord in and press‎the start‎butto‎n. The soy milk maker‎will first‎heat the water‎to about‎80 degre‎e C (180 degre‎e F) and then start‎to grind‎thesoybe‎a ns.∙After‎about‎15 minut‎e s the soy milk maker‎will indic‎a te that the cycle‎is compl‎e ted and that you can pour the soy milk in anoth‎e r conta‎i ner. The pulp, orokara‎, which‎remai‎n s in the filte‎r cup can be used as an healt‎h y ingre‎d ient‎in bread‎or soups‎. This okara‎is very rich in fibre‎but will also conta‎i n other‎healt‎h y ingre‎d ient‎s such as soy prote‎i n, isofl‎a vone‎s, sapon‎i ns and vitam‎i ns.Soy Milk Maker‎s at Facto‎r y-Direc‎t Price‎sGet nutri‎t ious‎non-dairy‎milks‎from harve‎s ts of the natur‎e: Beans‎, nuts, seeds‎, and grain‎sMemor‎i al Day Sale!! Ends May 20th!SoyaJ‎o y is the origi‎n al soy milk maker‎. It has won all head-to-head tests‎condu‎c tedbut impor‎t ant impro‎v emen‎t s so that SoyaJ‎o y and the SoyaP‎o wer soymi‎l k maker‎s stay ahead‎of the compe‎t itio‎n. Now we are intro‎d ucin‎g our SoyaJ‎o y G3, the third‎gener‎a tion‎of our award‎-winni‎n g SoyaJ‎o y Soy Milk Maker‎s.The SoyaP‎o wer Plus Soy Milk Maker‎is the most revie‎w ed soy milk maker‎s and the only one with an avera‎g e of 5-Star ratin‎g by Amazo‎n as of Dec. 22, 2011. It is also inTop-10 list, toget‎h er with such names‎as Kitch‎e nAid‎ Artis‎a n Serie‎s Mixer‎,and Zojir‎u shi Rice Cooke‎r. Not a singl‎e other‎brand‎of soy milk maker‎s has made it to even in the Top-100 list!We recom‎m end that you consi‎d er the follo‎w ing when makin‎g your purch‎a se decis‎i on:1. Make sure the soymi‎l k maker‎is UL liste‎d. UL has stric‎t requi‎r emen‎t s for produ‎c tdesig‎n and manuf‎a ctur‎i ng proce‎s s. It is no surpr‎i se that knock‎o ff manuf‎a ctur‎e rs can't meet UL quali‎t y and safet‎y requi‎r emen‎t s.2. Makin‎g soymi‎l k from soake‎d soybe‎a n is more healt‎h ier. Read why3. Pay atten‎t ion to the capac‎i ty of the machi‎n e - how much soymi‎l k it makes‎in one batch‎.4. Caref‎u lly read the featu‎r es of the soymi‎l k maker‎.5. Consi‎d er shipp‎i ng cost and warra‎n ty cost as part of total‎cost.6. Check‎out how long has the brand‎and the compa‎n y been aroun‎d. We have seen so many soymi‎l k maker‎brand‎s and marke‎t ers come and go over the years‎, you don't want to see the compa‎n y is alrea‎d y gone when you need their‎servi‎c e.You can find just about‎anyth‎i ng on soy milk, tofu, and soy milk maker‎s at this web site. Check‎out the subje‎c ts in the menu bar at the right‎.Featu‎r es and benef‎i ts of SoyaJ‎o y/SoyaP‎o wer soy milk maker‎sClick‎the pictu‎r e of each model‎to see more detai‎l s∙Micro‎p roce‎s sor-contr‎o lled‎cooki‎n g; no "beany‎" taste‎!∙Easy to use - add water‎and soybe‎a ns, press‎one butto‎n!∙Fully‎autom‎a tic plus manua‎l setti‎n gs for maxim‎u m flexi‎b ilit‎y, such as makin‎g raw milk (no heati‎n g), see detai‎l s of each model‎.∙Stain‎l ess steel‎const‎r ucti‎o n - lasti‎n g quali‎t y!∙Six-glass‎, 1.5-liter‎(50 oz) capac‎i ty - 6 glass‎e s in one batch‎!∙The best machi‎n e, best servi‎c e - read indep‎e nden‎t revie‎w s!∙90-day full refun‎d retur‎n polic‎y. One-year warra‎n ty!∙UL appro‎v ed with all safet‎y featu‎r es built‎into the machi‎n e.∙Five-year warra‎n ty on grind‎i ng blade‎and pitch‎e r!∙Free recip‎e bookl‎e t, clean‎i ng kit, sampl‎e soybe‎a ns,and more.About‎SoyaP‎o wer Plus:From the compa‎n y that pione‎e red soymi‎l k maker‎s with the best-selli‎n g SoyaJ‎o y soy milk maker‎comes‎this newes‎t, third‎-gener‎a tion‎milk maker‎! "SoyaP‎o wer Plus offer‎sa revol‎u tion‎a ry leap in milk makin‎g techn‎o logy‎" revie‎w ed by Vicki‎l ynnHaycr‎a ft Click‎to read full revie‎w.The only milk maker‎with four push-butto‎nopera‎t ions‎, each optim‎i zed for makin‎g milk from soybe‎a ns, grain‎s, seeds‎or unlim‎i ted combi‎n atio‎n s of beans‎, grain‎s and seeds‎.SoyaP‎o wer Plus is the most advan‎c ed and versa‎t ile milk maker‎today‎. It boast‎s thequiet‎e st opera‎t ion and highe‎s t energ‎y effic‎i ency‎thank‎s to its therm‎o-plast‎i c outli‎n erover the stain‎l ess steel‎body. With uniqu‎e safet‎y featu‎r es such as safet‎y latch‎andtherm‎o-isola‎t ion, the SoyaP‎o wer Plus is about‎the only UL appro‎v ed filte‎r-lesssoymi‎l k maker‎on the marke‎t. The SoyaP‎o wer Plus gets the highe‎s t user ratin‎g. Click‎here for detai‎l ed revie‎w s of SoyaP‎o wer Plus soy milk maker‎.The Torna‎d o Grind‎i ng Syste‎m (TM) enabl‎e s not only the highe‎s t milk yield‎andeasie‎s t soymi‎l k makin‎g opera‎t ion avail‎a ble, but also the capab‎i lity‎for makin‎gnon-dairy‎milks‎and porri‎d ges from any type of beans‎, rice, grain‎s, seeds‎and nuts,such as soybe‎a ns, mung beans‎, brown‎rice, white‎rice, oats, mille‎t, wheat‎groat‎s,almon‎d s, hazel‎n uts, hemp seeds‎, or any combi‎n atio‎n s of them. It can even makebroth‎s and soups‎like soy-pumpk‎i n soup and rice and sweet‎potat‎o es soup.For more detai‎l s, click‎the SoyaP‎o wer Plus pictu‎r e, or click‎hereSanli‎n x Retur‎n/Refun‎d Polic‎yAs the exclu‎s ive US whole‎s ale distr‎i buto‎r, Sanli‎n x Inc. will provi‎d e its custo‎m ers with warra‎n ty servi‎c e even if the SoyaJ‎o y is purch‎a sed from our resel‎l ers, provi‎d ed that the warra‎n ty is regis‎t ered‎with Sanli‎n x withi‎n 30 days of purch‎a se. If you buy the SoyaJ‎o y from a SoyaJ‎o y resel‎l er, the resel‎l er may have its own retur‎n and refun‎d polic‎y, in which‎case the resel‎l er must be conta‎c ted for retur‎n/refun‎d.If this same machi‎n e is sold with a resel‎l er's own brand‎, Sanli‎n x is NOT respo‎n sibl‎e for retur‎n/refun‎d or warra‎n ty servi‎c e. Refun‎d Polic‎y豆浆机来自Wik‎ipedi‎a,免费百科全‎书例如,众多不同种‎类的豆浆机‎制造商之一‎豆浆机是一‎种小的厨房‎设备用于自‎动研磨豆浆‎,是一种用黄‎豆制成的非‎乳制品家用‎电器。



fru Fusobacteriumrussii/鲁斯梭杆菌fu- Fusobacterium sp、/梭杆菌属fsuFusobacterium sulci/沟迹梭杆菌ful Fusobacterium ulcerans/溃疡梭杆菌fva Fusobacteriumvarium/变形梭杆菌gge Galactomyces geotrichumgalGalactomycessp、garGardnerella sp、/加德纳菌属gva Gardnerella vaginalis/阴道加德纳菌gmo Gemella (Strep、) morbillorum/麻疹孪生球菌ghaGemellahaemolysans/溶血孪生球菌gem Gemella sp、/孪生球菌属gpa Geomyces pannorumgec Geomyces sp、gpe Geotrichum(Trich、) penicillatum/帚状地霉gcn Geotrichumcandidum/白地霉gca Geotrichum capitatum/头地霉geoGeotrichum sp、/地霉属gla Giardia lamblia/兰氏贾第鞭毛虫gia Giardia sp、/贾第鞭毛虫gil Gilmaniella sp、gli Gliomastixsp、gsaGlobicatellasanguis/血格鲁比卡菌glo Globicatella sp、/格鲁比卡菌属gna Gnathostoma sp、/颚口线虫属(颌口类)gsp Gnathostomaspinigerum/棘颚口线虫gai Gordonaaichiensis/爱知戈登菌gbrGordona bronchialis/支气管戈登菌gbp Gordona rubropertinctus/暗红戈登菌gor Gordonasp、/戈登菌属gsu Gordona sputi/楚步红球菌(痰戈登菌)gte Gordona terrae/土生戈登菌gm—Gram negative bacteria/革兰阴性杆菌gnc Gramnegativecocci/革兰阴性球菌ncb Gram negative coccobacilli/革兰阴性球杆菌gneGramnegative enteric organism/革兰阴性肠道菌gnr Gram negative rods/革兰阴性杆菌gm+ Gram positive bacteria/革兰阳性杆菌gpc Gram positive cocci/革兰阳性球菌pcb Gram positive coccobacilli/革兰阳性球杆菌gpr Gram positive rods/革兰阳性杆菌gvc Gramvariablecocci/革兰染色不定球菌gvr Gramvariable rods/革兰染色不定杆菌gvbGram variable coccobacilli/革兰阴性不定球杆菌hac Haemophilus(Actino、)actinomycetemitans/伴放线菌素嗜血杆菌hag Haemophilus aegyptius/流感嗜血杆菌埃及生物群hap Haemophilus aphrophilus (CDCHB-2)/嗜沫嗜血杆菌pav Haemophilus avium/鸟嗜血杆菌hdu Haemophilusducreyi/软性下疳嗜血杆菌heq Haemophilusequigenitalis/马生殖器嗜血杆菌hhaHaemophilus haemoglobinophilus/嗜血红素嗜血杆菌hhe Haemophilus haemolyticus/溶血嗜血杆菌hinHaemophilusinfluenzae/流感嗜血杆菌hxt Haemophilus influenzae (not typable)/未分型流感嗜hxbHaemophilusinfluenzae(nottypeb)/非b型流感嗜血hib Haemophilusinfluenzae (type b)/流感嗜血杆菌(b型hpc Haemophilusparacuniculus/副兔嗜血杆菌hpg Haemophilusparagallinarum/副鸡嗜血杆菌hph Haemophilusparahaemolyticus/副溶血嗜血杆菌hpiHaemophilusparainfluenzae/副流感嗜血杆菌hplHaemophilus paraphrohaemolyticus/副溶血嗜沫嗜血杆hpp Haemophilus paraphrophilus/副嗜沫嗜血杆菌hpr Haemophilus parasuis/副猪嗜血杆菌apl Haemophilus pleuropneumoniae/大叶性肺炎嗜血杆菌hseHaemophilus segnis/惰性嗜血杆菌ha—Haemophilussp、/嗜血杆菌属hso Haemophilus somnus/睡眠嗜血杆菌gva Haemophilusvaginalis/阴道加德纳菌hal Hafniaalvei/蜂房哈夫尼亚菌haf Hafnia sp、/哈夫尼亚菌属hsrHallellaseregens/需血清霍氏菌属haa Hallellasp、/霍氏菌属huv Hanseniaspora uvarumhsp Hanseniaspora sp、ham Hansenulaanomala/异常汉逊酵母hpo Hansenula polymorpha/多形汉森酵母菌han Hansenulasp、/汉逊酵母属har Hartmannellasp、/哈门阿米巴属hku Helcococcuskunzii/昆兹子创伤球菌hec Helcococcus sp、/创伤球菌hfn Helicobacter (Campyl、) fennelliae(CLO-2)/芬纳尔螺杆菌hci Helicobacter cinaedi(CLO-1)/同性恋螺杆菌hfe Helicobacter felis/猫螺杆菌hmu Helicobacter mustelae/鼬鼠螺杆菌hne Helicobacternemestrinae/猕猴螺杆菌hpuHelicobacter pullorum/肠胃炎螺杆菌hpy Helicobacter pylori/幽门螺杆菌helHelicobacter sp、/螺杆菌属hem Helminthosporium sp、/长蠕孢菌属hht Heterophyes heterophyes/异形异形吸虫het Heterophyessp、/异型吸虫属hso Histophilussomnihit Histophilus sp、/嗜组织菌hca Histoplasmacapsulatum var、capsulatum/夹膜组织胞浆菌荚膜亚种hdb Histoplasma capsulatum var、duboisiihfa Histoplasmacapsulatumvar、farciminosumhis Histoplasma sp、/组织胞浆菌属hoo Hookworm/钩虫cla Hordmodendrum sp、hde Hormonemadematioideshor Hormonema sp、hdiHymenolepisdiminuta/缩小膜壳绦虫hna Hymenolepisnana/微小膜壳绦虫hym Hymenolepis sp、/膜壳绦虫属ily Ilyobactersp、/泥杆菌属ibuIodamoeba buetschlii/布氏嗜碘变形虫iod Iodamoeba sp、/嗜碘变形虫属ibe Isospora belli/贝氏等孢子球虫iso Isosporasp、/等孢球菌属ixo Ixodessp、/硬蜱属jigJohnsonellaignava/懒惰约翰森菌属johJohnsonellasp、/约翰森菌属kde Kingella denitrificans (TM—1)/脱氨金菌sid Kingellaindologenes/产吲哚金氏金菌kkiKingella kingae(CDCM—1)/金氏金杆菌kol Kingella oralis/口金杆菌kin Kingellasp、/金杆菌属cgr Klebsiella(Calym、) granulomatis(Lympho、granul、)korKlebsiella Enteric Group 47/肺炎克雷伯菌肠道菌群47eaeKlebsiella mobiliskorKlebsiellaornithinolytica/解鸟氨酸克雷伯菌kox Klebsiella oxytoca/产酸克雷伯菌kozKlebsiella ozaenae/臭鼻克雷伯菌kplKlebsiella planticola(trevisanii)/植生克雷伯菌kpn Klebsiella pneumoniae/肺炎克雷伯菌koz Klebsiellapneumoniaess、ozaenae/肺炎克雷伯菌臭鼻亚种kpn Klebsiella pneumoniaess、pneumoniae/肺炎克雷伯菌肺炎亚种krnKlebsiella pneumoniaess、rhinoscleromatis/肺炎克雷伯菌鼻硬结亚种krnKlebsiella rhinoscleromatis/鼻硬结克雷伯菌kl- Klebsiella sp、/克雷伯菌属kteKlebsiella terrigena/土生克雷伯菌kpl Klebsiella trevisanii/植生克雷伯菌kas Kluyvera ascorbata(CDCEntericGroup 8)/抗坏血酸克吕沃尔菌kcrKluyveracryocrescens/栖冷克吕沃尔菌klu Kluyverasp、/克吕沃尔菌属kma Kluyveromycesfragilis/脆壁克鲁维酵母菌klaKluyveromyces lactis/乳酸克鲁维酵母属kma Kluyveromycesmarxianus/马克思克鲁维酵母菌klv Kluyveromyces sp、/克鲁维酵母属(科普属)kkr Kocuria(Micrococcus)kristinae/克氏微球菌kro Kocuria (Micrococcus) rosea/玫瑰微球菌koc Kocuria sp、/微球菌属kva Kocuria varians/变异微球菌(易变微球菌)yok Koserella sp、/科泽菌属(预研菌属)yre Koserella trabulsii/特氏科泽菌(小棒科泽菌)kur Kurthia sp、/库特菌属lap Lactobacillusacidophilus/嗜酸乳杆菌lam Lactobacillusamylovorus/食淀粉乳杆菌lbvLactobacillus brevis/短乳杆菌lcs Lactobacillus casei/干(乳)酪乳杆菌lcaLactobacillus catenaformis/链状乳杆菌lceLactobacilluscellobiosus/纤维二糖乳杆菌wco Lactobacillusconfusus/融合魏斯菌(乳杆菌)lcp Lactobacillus crispatus/卷曲乳杆菌lfe Lactobacillus fermentum/发酵乳杆菌lgsLactobacillus gasseri/加氏乳杆菌ljeLactobacillus jensenii/詹氏乳杆菌ljo Lactobacillus johnsonii/约翰逊乳杆菌lmiLactobacillus minutus/小乳杆菌(阿托波菌)lorLactobacillusoris/口乳杆菌lpl Lactobacillus plantarum/植物乳杆菌lre Lactobacillusreuteri/路氏乳杆菌arm Lactobacillusrimae/裂阿托波菌(乳杆菌)lsa Lactobacillussalivarius/唾液乳杆菌lsa Lactobacillus salivariusss、Salivarius/唾液乳杆菌lac Lactobacillussp、/乳杆菌属lulLactobacillus uli/齿龈乳杆菌lva Lactobacillus vaginalis/阴道乳杆菌scr Lactococcus(Strep、)lactisss、Cremoris/乳酸乳球lla Lactococcus(Strep、)lactis ss、Lactis/乳酸乳球菌lga Lactococcus garvieae/加氏乳球菌lla Lactococcuslactis/乳酸乳球菌latLactococcus sp、/乳球菌属las Lasiodiplodia sp、/毛双孢属lthLasiodiplodiatheobromae/柯柯豆毛色二孢lad Leclercia(Esch、) adecarboxylata/非脱羧勒克菌lec Leclercia sp、/勒克菌属lho Lecythophorahoffmannii/霍夫曼油瓶霉lmu Lecythophora mutabilis/可变油瓶霉letLecythophorasp、/油瓶霉属laaLegionella anisa/茴香军团菌lbiLegionella birminghamensis/伯明翰军团菌lbo Legionella bozemanii/博兹曼军团菌lbn Legionella brunensis/布吕嫩军团菌lch Legionella cherrii/彻氏军团菌lcn Legionella cincinnatiensis/辛辛那提军团菌ldu Legionella dumoffii/杜莫夫军团菌ler Legionella erythra/艾里塔拉军团菌lge Legionella geestiae/吉斯特军团菌lgo Legionella gormanii/戈曼军团菌lhaLegionella hackeliae/哈开理军团菌lau Legionella interrogans serovarautumnalislba Legionella interrogans serovar ballumlbt Legionella interrogansserovarbataviaelccLegionellainterrogans serovar canicolalgp Legionellainterrogans serovar grippotyphosalicLegionellainterrogans serovar icterohaemorrhagiaelirLegionellaisraelensis/以色列军团菌lja Legionellajamestowniensis/詹姆斯敦军团菌ljrLegionella jordanis/约旦军团菌llg Legionella lansingensis/兰斯格军团菌llnLegionella londoniensis/伦敦军团菌lloLegionellalongbeachae/长滩军团菌lmaLegionella maceachernii/马氏军团菌lmc Legionellamicdadei/麦氏军团菌lmr Legionellamoravica/摩拉维采军团菌lna Legionella nautarum/水手军团菌lok Legionella oakridgensis/橡岭军团菌lpa Legionellaparisiensis/巴黎军团菌lenLegionella pneumophila/嗜肺军团菌lfr Legionella pneumophilass、Fraseri/嗜肺军团菌弗雷泽亚种lpc Legionellapneumophila ss、Pascullei/嗜肺军团菌牧场亚种len Legionella pneumophilass、Pneumophila/嗜肺军团菌嗜肺亚种lqu Legionellaquateirensis/考特拉军团菌lqi Legionellaquinlivanii/昆里万军团菌lruLegionellarubrilucens/红光军团菌lsh Legionella sainthelensi/赫伦荒原军团菌lsc Legionella santicrucis/卫生十字军团菌lsk Legionella shakespearei/沙氏军团菌leg Legionellasp、/军团菌属lsp Legionella spiritensis/斯皮里特湖军团菌lst Legionella steigerwaltii/斯太格尔沃特军团菌ltu Legionellatucsonensis/图森军团菌lwa Legionella wadsworthii/沃斯沃军团菌lwo Legionella worsleiensis/沃斯利军团菌lbr Leishmania brasilensis/巴西利什曼原虫ldo Leishmaniadonovani/杜氏利什曼原虫lmeLeishmania mexicana/墨西哥利什曼原虫lpr Leishmaniaperuviana/秘鲁利什曼原虫lei Leishmania sp、/利什曼原虫ltr Leishmania tropica/热带利什曼原虫lgr Leminorella grimontii/格氏勒米诺菌lri Leminorella richardii/理查德勒米诺菌lemLeminorella sp、/勒米诺菌属lbp Leptospira borgpetersenii/博氏钩端螺旋体lid Leptospira inadai/稻田钩端螺旋体lin Leptospira interrogans/问号(肾脏)钩端螺旋体lki Leptospira kirschnerilno Leptospiranoguchii/野口(类黄疸性)钩端螺旋体lsr Leptospira santarosai/圣地罗西钩端螺旋体les Leptospira sp、/钩端螺旋体属lwe Leptospira weilii/韦氏钩端螺旋体lbu Leptotrichia buccalis/口腔纤毛菌属lepLeptotrichia sp、/纤毛菌属lciLeuconostoc citreum/柠檬明串珠菌lcr Leuconostoc cremoris/乳脂明串珠菌lde Leuconostoc dextranicum/酒酒球菌或葡萄聚糖明串珠菌llc Leuconostoclactis/乳明串珠菌lmsLeuconostoc mesenteroides/肠膜明串珠菌lcr Leuconostoc mesenteroides ss、Cremoris/肠膜明串珠菌乳脂亚种lde Leuconostoc mesenteroides ss、Dextranicum/肠膜明串珠菌葡萄聚糖亚种lms Leuconostocmesenteroides ss、Mesenteroides/肠膜明串珠菌肠膜亚种ooeLeuconostoc oenos/酒明串珠菌lpsLeuconostoc pseudomesenteroides/假肠膜明串珠菌leu Leuconostoc sp、/明串珠菌属lgyListeriagrayi/格氏李斯特菌liv Listeriaivanovii/伊氏李斯特菌lmo Listeria monocytogenes/产单核细胞李斯特菌lisListeria sp、/李斯特菌属lan Listonella anguillarum/鳗利斯顿菌pdm Listonella damsela/美人鱼利斯顿菌(美人鱼发光杆菌lpe Listonella pelagia/海利斯顿菌lit Listonella sp、/利斯顿菌属loa Loa loa/非洲眼线虫llbLoboaloboi/罗布菌lobLoboa sp、/罗伯属sclMacrococcus (Staph、)caseolyticus/mcc Macrococcus spp、/巨型球菌属mmy Madurellamycetomatis/足菌肿马杜拉[分支菌]mad Madurella sp、/马杜拉分支菌属mfu Malassezia furfur/糠秕马拉色霉菌属mpy Malassezia pachydermatis/厚皮病马拉色菌mal Malassezia sp、/马拉色霉菌属mar Malbrancheasp、/畸枝霉属pha Mannheimia haemolyticamah Mannheimia speciesmoz Mansonella ozzardi/曼森线虫mpr Mansonella perstans/常现曼森氏线虫man Mansonella sp、/曼森线虫属mns Mansonellastreptocerca/链尾曼森氏线虫mhy Megamonashypermegas/趋巨巨单胞菌meg Megamonas sp、/巨单胞菌属mel Megasphaera elsdenii/埃氏巨球型菌mes Megasphaerasp、/巨球型菌属mea Metagonimus sp、/后殖吸虫属myo Metagonimus yokogawai/横川后殖吸虫met Methanobacteriumsp、/甲烷杆菌属mmeMethylobacterium(Pseudo、)mesophilicum/嗜中温甲基杆菌mexMethylobacterium extorquens/扭脱甲基杆菌meb Methylobacterium sp、/甲基杆菌属mbaMicrobacteriumarborescens(CDC A—4)/树状微杆菌mimMicrobacterium imperiale (CDC A—4)/昆虫(蛾)微杆菌mlq Microbacterium sp、(CDCA—4,A-5)/微(小)杆菌属mib Microbacterium sp、(CDC A-4,A—5)kkr Micrococcuskristinae/克里斯廷微球菌mluMicrococcus luteus/藤黄微球菌kro Micrococcusroseus/玫瑰色微球菌mic Micrococcussp、/微球菌属kva Micrococcusvarians/易变微球菌mif Microfilaria sp、/微丝蚴mre Micropolysporafaeni/直杆干草菌(小多胞菌属)mre Micropolysporarectivirgula/直逗号糖多胞菌mip Micropolysporasp、/小多胞菌属msp Microsporidiumsp、maoMicrosporumaudouinii/奥杜盎小孢子菌mca Microsporum canis/犬小孢子(霉)菌mcaMicrosporum canis var、canismdi Microsporum canisvar、distortummco Microsporumcookei/库克小孢子菌mdiMicrosporum distortum/扭曲小孢子菌mfr Microsporumferrugineum/铁锈色小孢子菌mfvMicrosporum fulvum/黄褐色小孢子菌mglMicrosporum gallinae/鸡小孢子菌mgy Microsporum gypseum/石膏样小孢子菌mnaMicrosporum nanum/矮小孢子菌mpeMicrosporum persicolor/桃色小孢子菌mis Microsporum sp、/小孢霉属mvb Microsporumvanbreuseghemii/范布瑞西米小孢子菌pde Mitsuokelladentalis/齿光岗菌mmtMitsuokella multiacidus/多酸光岗菌mitMitsuokella sp、/光岗菌属mix Mixed bacterial speciespresent/多种细菌混合生长mcu Mobiluncuscurtisii/柯氏动弯杆菌mcu Mobiluncuscurtisiiss、Curtisii/柯氏动弯杆菌柯氏亚种mhl Mobiluncuscurtisiiss、Holmesii/柯氏动弯杆菌霍氏亚种mmu Mobiluncus mulieris/羞怯动弯杆菌mobMobiluncus sp、/动弯杆菌属moe Moellerellasp、/米勒菌属mwi Moellerellawisconsensis/威斯康星米勒菌mol Mold/霉菌mst Monilia sitophila/好食念珠菌monMoniliasp、/丛梗孢属(念珠菌属)bca Moraxella(Branh、) catarrhalis/卡它(粘膜炎)摩拉菌mat Moraxella atlantae (CDC M—3)/亚特兰大莫拉菌mbvMoraxellabovis/牛莫拉菌mxcMoraxella canis/犬莫拉菌mla Moraxella lacunata/腔隙(陷窝)摩拉菌mpo Moraxellamima polymorpha(var、oxidans)/多态莫拉菌mnlMoraxella nonliquefaciens/非液化摩拉菌mos Moraxella osloensis/奥斯陆摩拉菌mpp Moraxella phenylpyruvica(CDC M-2)/苯丙酮酸摩拉菌mo-Moraxellasp、/莫拉菌属nwe Moraxella sp、M—5nni Moraxella sp、M-6mut Moraxella urethralis/尿道莫拉菌mmoMorganellamorganii/摩根摩根菌mmoMorganellamorganii ss、Morganii/摩根摩根菌摩根亚种msbMorganella morganiiss、Sibonii/摩根摩根菌塞氏亚种mor Morganella sp、/摩根菌属mvi Moritella viscosamoi Moritella sp、mot Mortierella sp、/森田属mucMucor sp、/毛霉菌mumMulticeps multiceps/多头绦虫mul Multiceps sp、/多头绦虫属msr Mycelia sterilia/菌丝体maf Mycobacterium africanum/非洲分枝杆菌mag Mycobacterium agri/田野分枝杆菌mak Mycobacteriumaichiense/爱知分枝杆菌mae Mycobacterium alvei/河床(蜂房)分枝杆菌mas Mycobacterium asiaticum/亚洲分枝杆菌mau Mycobacterium aurum/金色分枝杆菌maaMycobacterium austroafricanum/南非分枝杆菌mav Mycobacterium avium/鸟分枝杆菌macMycobacterium avium plex/鸟分枝杆菌复合群mpa Mycobacteriumavium ss、Paratuberculosis/鸟分枝杆菌副结核亚种mai Mycobacteriumavium—intracellulare plex/鸟-胞内分枝杆菌复合菌群mbo Mycobacterium bovis/牛分枝杆菌mbr Mycobacterium brumae/冬天分枝杆菌mceMycobacterium celatum/隐藏分枝杆菌mch Mycobacteriumchelonae/龟分枝杆菌mabMycobacterium chelonae ss、Abscessus/龟分枝杆菌脓肿亚种mch Mycobacteriumchelonae ss、Chelonae/龟分枝杆菌龟亚种mmc Mycobacterium chelonae—like organism(MCLO)mct Mycobacterium chitae/知多(千田)分支杆菌mcb Mycobacteriumchubuense/楚布分枝杆菌mcnMycobacterium confluentis/汇合分枝杆菌mde Mycobacterium diernhoferi/迪氏分枝杆菌mdu Mycobacterium duvalii/杜氏分枝杆菌mfxMycobacterium fallax/假分枝杆菌mfa Mycobacterium farcinogenes/鼻疽分枝杆菌mfl Mycobacteriumflavescens/微黄分枝杆菌mfoMycobacterium fortuitum/偶发分枝杆菌mgd Mycobacteriumgadium/加得斯分枝杆菌mga Mycobacterium gastri/胃分枝杆菌mge Mycobacterium genavense/日内瓦分枝杆菌mgiMycobacterium gilvum/浅黄分枝杆菌mgo Mycobacterium gordonae/戈登分枝杆菌mha Mycobacterium haemophilum/嗜血分枝杆菌mijMycobacterium interjectum/中庸分枝杆菌min Mycobacterium intracellulare/胞内分枝杆菌mkaMycobacteriumkansasii/堪萨斯分枝杆菌mkoMycobacterium komossense/科莫斯分枝杆菌mle Mycobacterium leprae/麻风分枝杆菌mlpMycobacteriumlepraemurium/鼠麻风分枝杆菌mml Mycobacteriummalmoense/玛尔摩分枝杆菌mma Mycobacterium marinum/海分枝杆菌mmi Mycobacteriummicroti/田鼠分枝杆菌mmc Mycobacterium mucogenicum/产粘液分枝杆菌mne Mycobacterium neoaurum/新金色分枝杆菌mno Mycobacterium nonchromogenicum/无色分枝杆菌mou Mycobacterium obuense/奥布分枝杆菌mpf Mycobacterium parafortuitum/副偶发分枝杆菌mpa Mycobacterium paratuberculosis/鸟分枝杆菌mpg Mycobacterium peregrinum/外来分枝杆菌mph Mycobacterium phlei/草分枝杆菌mpc Mycobacterium porcinum/猪分枝杆菌mrd Mycobacterium rhodesiae/罗得西亚分枝杆菌msc Mycobacterium scrofulaceum/瘰疬分枝杆菌mse Mycobacterium senegalense/塞内加尔分枝杆菌msh Mycobacterium shimoidei/下出分枝杆菌msi Mycobacterium simiae/猿分枝杆菌msm Mycobacterium smegmatis/耻垢分枝杆菌myc Mycobacterium sp、/分枝杆菌属msg Mycobacterium sphagni/泥炭藓分枝杆菌msz Mycobacterium szulgai/斯氏分枝杆菌mte Mycobacterium terrae/土分枝杆菌mth Mycobacterium thermoresistibile/抗热分枝杆菌mto Mycobacterium tokaiense/东海分枝杆菌mtr Mycobacterium triviale/次要分枝杆菌。



蘑菇属(Agaricus L.)也称伞菌属,隶属于真菌 界(Fungi)、担子菌门(Basidiomycota),担子菌纲 (Basidiomycetes),伞菌目(Agaricales)蘑菇科(Agaricaceae)o蘑菇属是一类广泛分布于世界各地,营腐 生生活的重要经济真菌。生长在森林、草原、田间、 地头、路边、庭院等地。根据国内外文献统计,近年 来人们采集到和鉴定过的已知的蘑菇属的种有
2.1 DNA的提取结果 本研究成功提取到25份标本的DNAO
2.2 PCR扩增
• 100 .
提出DNA的25份标本中有18份能够完成PCR 扩增.电泳条带较为明亮,另外7份样品(zrl-131、 zrl-132、zrl— 134、zrl-144、zrl-185、zrl-245、zrl-247) 经重复后电泳效果仍不理想.无法测序。
Phongeun Sysouphanthong 赵瑞琳 赵瑞琳 赵瑞琳 赵瑞琳 赵瑞琳 赵瑞琳 赵瑞琳 赵瑞琳 赵瑞琳 赵瑞琳 赵瑞琳 赵瑞琳 赵瑞琳 赵瑞琳 赵瑞琳 赵瑞琳 赵瑞琳 赵瑞琳 赵瑞琳 赵瑞琳 赵瑞琳
2008.6.30 2008.5.29 2008.5.15 2008.7.4 2008.5.22 2008.7.18 2008.5.26 2008.6.12 2008.6.11 200&6.13 200&6.23 2008.6.19 2008.6.22 2008.7.1 2008.7.23 2008.6.28 2008.6.17 2008.7.2 2008.6.16 2008.6.17 2008.6.16 2008.6.27 2008.7.3 2008.6.21 2008.6.26




L1—Octadecyl silane chemically bonded to porous silica or ceramic micro-particles,3to 10µm in diameter.L2—Octadecyl silane chemically bonded to silica gel of a controlled surface porosity that has been bonded to a solid spherical core,30to 50µm in diameter.L3—Porous silica particles,5to 10µm in diameter.L4—Silica gel of controlled surface porosity bonded to a solid spherical core,30to 50µm in diameter.L5—Alumina of controlled surface porosity bonded to a solid spherical core,30to 50µm in diameter.L6—Strong cation-exchange packing–sulfonated fluorocarbon polymer coated on a solid spherical core,30to 50µm in diameter.L7—Octylsilane chemically bonded to totally porous silica particles,3to 10µm in diameter.L8—An essentially monomolecular layer of aminopropylsilane chemically bonded to totally porous silica gel support,10µm in diameter.L9—10-µm irregular or spherical,totally porous silica gel having a chemically bonded,strongly acidic cation-exchange coating.L10—Nitrile groups chemically bonded to porous silica particles,3to 10µm in diameter.L11—Phenyl groups chemically bonded to porous silica particles,5to 10µm in diameter.L12—Astrong anion-exchange packing made by chemically bonding a quaternary amine to a solid silica spherical core,30to 50µm in diameter.L13—Trimethylsilane chemically bonded to porous silica particles,3to 10µm in diameter.L14—Silica gel 10µm in diameter having a chemically bonded,strongly basic quaternary ammonium anion-exchange coating.L15—Hexylsilane chemically bonded to totally porous silica particles,3to 10µm in diameter.L16—Dimethylsilane chemically bonded to porous silica particles,5to 10µm in diameter.L17—Strong cation-exchange resin consisting of sulfonated cross-linkedstyrene-divinylbenzene copolymer in the hydrogen form,7to 11µm in diameter.L18—Amino and cyano groups chemically bonded to porous silica particles,3to 10µm in diameter.L19—Strong cation-exchange resin consisting of sulfonated cross-linked styrene-divinylbenzene copolymer in the calcium form,about 9µm in diameter.L20—Dihydroxypropane groups chemically bonded to porous silica particles,5to 10µm in diameter.L21—Arigid,spherical styrene-divinylbenzene copolymer,5to 10µm in diameter.L22—Acation-exchange resin made of porous polystyrene gel with sulfonic acid groups,about 10µm in size.L23—An anion-exchange resin made of porous polymethacrylate or polyacrylate gel with quaternary ammonium groups,about 10µm in size.L24—Asemi-rigid hydrophilic gel consisting of vinyl polymers with numerous hydroxyl groups on the matrix surface,32to 63µm in diameter.5L25—Packing having the capacity to separate compounds with a molecular weight range from 100–5000(as determined by polyethylene oxide),applied to neutral,anionic,and cationic water-soluble polymers.Apolymethacrylate resin base,cross-linked with polyhydroxylated ether (surface contained some residual carboxyl functional groups)was found suitable.L26—Butyl silane chemically bonded to totally porous silica particles,5to 10µm in diameter.L27—Porous silica particles,30to 50µm in diameter.L28—Amultifunctional support,which consists of a high purity,100Å,spherical silica substrate that has been bonded with anionic exchanger,amine functionality in addition to a conventional reversed phase C8functionality.L29—Gamma alumina,reverse-phase,low carbon percentage by weight,alumina-based polybutadiene spherical particles,5µm in diameter with a pore volume of 80Å.L30—Ethyl silane chemically bonded to totally porous silica particles,3to 10µm in diameter.L31—Astrong anion-exchange resin-quaternary amine bonded on latex particles attached to acore of 8.5-µm macroporous particles having a pore size of 2000Åand consisting of ethylvinylbenzene cross-linked with 55%divinylbenzene.L32—Achiral ligand-exchange packing–L-proline copper complex covalently bonded to irregularly shaped silica particles,5to 10µm in diameter.L33—Packing having the capacity to separate dextrans by molecular size over a range of 4,000to 500,000Da.It is spherical,silica-based,and processed to provide pHstability.6L34—Strong cation-exchange resin consisting of sulfonated cross-linked styrene-divinylbenzene copolymer in the lead form,about 9µm in diameter.L35—Azirconium-stabilized spherical silica packing with a hydrophilic (diol-type)molecular monolayer bonded phase having a pore size of 150Å.L36—A3,5-dinitrobenzoyl derivative of L-phenylglycine covalently bonded to 5-µm aminopropyl silica.L37—Packing having the capacity to separate proteins by molecular size over a range of 2,000to 40,000Da.It is a polymethacrylate gel.L38—Amethacrylate-based size-exclusion packing for water-soluble samples.L39—Ahydrophilic polyhydroxymethacrylate gel of totally porous spherical resin.L40—Cellulose tris-3,5-dimethylphenylcarbamate coated porous silica particles,5to 20µm in diameter.L41—Immobilized a1-acid glycoprotein on spherical silica particles,5µm in diameter.L42—Octylsilane and octadecylsilane groups chemically bonded to porous silica particles,5µm in diameter.L43—Pentafluorophenyl groups chemically bonded to silica particles by a propyl spacer,5to 10µm in diameter.L44—Amultifunctional support,which consists of a high purity,60Å,spherical silica substrate that has been bonded with a cationic exchanger,sulfonic acid functionality in addition to a conventional reversed phase C8functionality.L45—Beta cyclodextrin bonded to porous silica particles,5to 10µm in diameter.L46—Polystyrene/divinylbenzene substrate agglomerated with quaternary amine functionalized latex beads,10µm in diameter.L47—High-capacity anion-exchange microporous substrate,fully functionalized with trimethlyamine groups,8µm in diameter.7L48—Sulfonated,cross-linked polystyrene with an outer layer of submicron,porous,anion-exchange microbeads,15µm in diameter.L49—Areversed-phase packing made by coating a thin layer of polybutadiene onto spherical porous zirconia particles,3to 10µm in diameter.8L50—Multifunction resin with reversed-phase retention and strong anion-exchange functionalities.The resin consists of ethylvinylbenzene,55%cross-linked with divinylbenzene copolymer,3to 15µm in diameter,and a surface area not less than 350m2per g.Substrate is coated with quaternary ammonium functionalized latex particles consisting of styrene cross-linked with divinylbenzene.9L51—Amylose tris-3,5-dimethylphenylcarbamate-coated,porous,spherical,silica particles,5to 10µm in diameter.10L52—Astrong cation exchange resin made of porous silica with sulfopropyl groups,5to 10µm in diameter.11L53—Weak cation-exchange resin consisting of ethylvinylbenzene,55%cross-linked with divinylbenzene copolymer,3to 15µm diameter.Substrate is surface grafted with carboxylic acid and/or phosphoric acid functionalized monomers.Capacity not less than 500µEq/column.12 L54—Asize exclusion medium made of covalent bonding of dextran to highly cross-linked porous agarose beads,about 13µm in diameter.13L55—Astrong cation-exchange resin made of porous silica coated with polybutadiene–maleic acid copolymer,about 5µm in diameter.14L56—Isopropyl silane chemically bonded to totally porous silica particles,3to 10µm in diameter.15L57—Achiral-recognition protein,ovomucoid,chemically bonded to silica particles,about 5µmin diameter,with a pore size of 120Å.L58—Strong cation-exchange resin consisting of sulfonated cross-linked styrene-divinylbenzene copolymer in the sodium form,about 7to 11µm in diameter.16L59—Packing having the capacity to separate proteins by molecular weight over the range of 10to 500kDa.It is spherical (10µm),silica-based,and processed to provide hydrophilic characteristics and pHstability.17USP28L60—Spherical,porous silica gel,3or 5µm in diameter,the surface of which has been covalently modified with palmitamidopropyl groups and endcapped with acetamidopropyl groups to a ligand density of about 6µmoles per m2.18USP28。



一、prevotellaceae菌的基本概述1.1 prevotellaceae菌的分类和特征1.2 prevotellaceae菌的分布和生长环境二、prevotellaceae菌在肠道中的生态作用2.1 prevotellaceae菌对肠道菌裙的影响2.2 prevotellaceae菌在肠道中的代谢功能三、prevotellaceae菌与宿主健康的关系3.1 prevotellaceae菌与免疫系统的相互作用3.2 prevotellaceae菌与代谢性疾病的关联四、prevotellaceae菌对人类健康的潜在应用价值4.1 prevotellaceae菌在肠道菌裙调节中的应用前景4.2 prevotellaceae菌在疾病预防和治疗中的潜在作用一、prevotellaceae菌的基本概述1.1 prevotellaceae菌的分类和特征prevotellaceae菌是一类革兰氏阴性菌,属于肠道微生物中的重要成员之一。




1.2 prevotellaceae菌的分布和生长环境prevotellaceae菌在生物多样性中的分布较广泛,不仅存在于人类和哺乳动物的肠道中,也广泛分布于土壤、水体和植物根际等环境中。



二、prevotellaceae菌在肠道中的生态作用2.1 prevotellaceae菌对肠道菌裙的影响prevotellaceae菌在肠道菌裙中扮演着重要的角色,与其他菌种共同维持着肠道内部的微生态平衡。



玉女煎对棕榈酸诱导的L 细胞损伤的影响*王岩松, 苏萌, 吕洁, 雷莉妍△(陕西中医药大学,陕西省中药资源产业化协同创新中心,陕西省中药基础与新药研究重点实验室,陕西 咸阳712000)[摘要] 目的:研究玉女煎对棕榈酸(PA )诱导的肠L 细胞损伤的影响。

方法:(1)将不同浓度(1.5、3和6g/L )玉女煎溶液分别与二苯代苦味肼基自由基(DPPH ·)溶液(100 mg/L )混合并避光反应30 min ,采用全波长酶标仪检测吸光度的变化,评价玉女煎对DPPH ·的清除作用。

(2)将小鼠肠内分泌细胞系GLUTag 分为空白对照组、PA (400 μmol/L )组、PA+玉女煎(1.5 g/L )组、PA+玉女煎(3 g/L )组和PA+玉女煎(6 g/L )组,通过Hoechst 33342细胞核染色实验和MTT 实验评价玉女煎对PA 诱导的细胞凋亡的影响。

(3)将GLUTag 细胞分为空白对照组、PA 组和PA+玉女煎(6 g/L )组,采用免疫荧光染色检测细胞内胰高血糖素样肽1(GLP -1)表达水平,通过2',7'-二氯荧光素二乙酸酯(DCFH -DA )荧光探针检测细胞内活性氧(ROS )水平,通过Western blot 实验检测超氧化物歧化酶1(SOD1)表达水平。

结果:(1)玉女煎在体外可显著清除DPPH ·(P <0.01)。

(2)与PA 组比较,玉女煎能以浓度依赖性方式抑制PA 诱导的GLUTag 细胞活力降低,在6 g/L 时效果最明显(P <0.01)。

(3)与PA 组比较,6 g/L 玉女煎能显著恢复GLU⁃Tag 细胞的GLP -1(P <0.05)和SOD1表达水平(P <0.01),降低ROS 水平(P <0.01)。

结论:玉女煎可能通过降低细胞内氧化应激水平抑制PA 诱导的GLUTag 细胞损伤。




该酶催化Donor+ H2O2--→Oxidized donor+2 H2O。




辣根过氧化物酶(Horseradish Peroxidase, HRP)比活性高,稳定,分子量小,纯酶容易制备,所以最常用。




HRP的辅基和酶蛋白最大吸收光谱分别为403nm和275nm,一般以OD403nm /OD275nm的比值RZ(德文Reinheit Zahl)表示酶的纯度。



英文名称:Glucose oxidase;GOX;GODCAS号:9001-37-0分子量:15.4~16万KDa(SDS-PAGE中约80KDa,等电点4.6)活力:100~250u/mg酶活定义:37℃,PH5.7条件下,每分钟形成1umol过氧化氢所需要的酶量Solubility (1%, Water):PassPH稳定性:4.5~6.5最佳PH:5.5热稳定性:<50℃(PH7.0,15min)最适作用温度30℃~60℃使用方法:测活时,用10mM 柠檬酸钠缓冲液(PH5.7)溶解冻干粉末性状:黄色粉末。






官,分为植物性鞭毛虫和动物性鞭毛虫。 虫
“眼虫”-裸藻 金藻—钟罩藻属
长期无光时色 素退化、进行 异养生存!
• 形态:幼虫有纤毛,成虫纤毛消失,长出长短不一的吸 管,末端有一根柄固着生活,以其他原生动物为食。
• 蚊子式 • 用吸管吸住微小动物,并由吸管
中释放毒素将其麻醉,继而融化 其细胞膜,吸干其体液。
• 规律:预示出水水质好, 污泥驯化佳。
(一)净化废水作用 提问:有哪些作用?
①直接参与废物的去除 捕食水中的悬浮的有机废物颗粒(细菌主要吃溶解性
在废水生物处理构筑物中还常常出现一些 多细胞动物——后生动物,这些动物属无脊椎动 物,包括轮虫、甲壳类动物和昆虫以及幼虫等。
⑥ ①
4) 变形虫Amoeba proteus
5) 毛口虫Trichodina pediculus

6) 唇滴虫Chilomonas paramecium


原生动物和 人类的关系


Duck Egg White with Gold Leaf
pared foods
and water
Energy bars for active and elderly
• Provides excellent protein source as well as other functional benefits
Pourable yogurts, dietary drinks and alcoh • Adds creamy texture and clarifies certain wi
olic beverages
nes and juices
As an ingredient in frozen and prepared en • Improves texture and freeze/thaw microwav
trées and side dishes
e capabilities
Used as a protein supplement and as a so urce for extraction of beneficial substances
Sugared egg yolks
Salted whole eggs or yolks
Scrambled egg mix
Cooked scrambled eggs
Extended shelf life whole eggs, whites or scrambled egg mix

泛素 蛋白酶体系统

泛素 蛋白酶体系统
含有HECT结构域的E3s。 其C-末端含有一段大约350个氨基酸的区域与E6-AP(E6associated protein)的C-末端同源。
HECT E3s催化转硫醇反应将E2s中的泛素转移给HECT结构域内 的保守的半胱氨酸残基 。
HECT结构域的缺失不影响底物的结合,高度可变的N末端结构域 负责对底物的特异性识别和结合。
许多短周期蛋白通过磷酸化修饰作为进入泛素化降 解途径的信号。
通过研究短周期蛋白的结构,可以总结出短周 期蛋白一些结构上的特征,如:
•含PEST元件 (富含Pro、Glu、Ser、 Thr和S/TP序列,Cdk 和其他磷酸化酶的作用 位点) • N-end-rule-system • Destruction Box 已知的含该结构的细胞 周期调节蛋白的泛素 连接都由APC来催化

底物识别(binds directly or indirectly)和催化 泛素转移(directly or indirectly, from a thiolester intermediate)
● ●
Possible mechanisms of ubiquitin transfer by different types of E3 enzymes.
• • • • 细胞表面受体 信号传导蛋白 转录因子 细胞周期调控的相关蛋白
故泛素-蛋白酶体系统参与细胞内多种代谢过程,包 括细胞表面受体的下调、细胞内信号转导、转录以 及细胞周期的调控,并与细胞凋亡、免疫应答以及 细胞的一些生理功能和病理状态有着密切的联系。
2004年10月6日,瑞典皇家科学院宣布,将2004年诺贝尔化 学奖授予以色列科学家阿龙· 切哈诺沃、阿夫拉姆· 赫什科和美 国科学家欧文· 罗斯(从左至右),以表彰他们发现了泛素调节 的蛋白质降解。



常见蛋白质等电点参考值蛋白质等电点鲑精蛋白[salmine] 12.1鲱精蛋白[clupeine] 12.1鲟精蛋白[sturline] 11.71胸腺组蛋白[thymohistone] 10.8珠蛋白(人)[globin(human)] 7.5卵白蛋白[ovalbuin] 4.71; 4.59伴清蛋白[conal bumin] 6.8;7.1血清白蛋白[serum albumin] 4.7-4.9肌清蛋白[myoal bumin] 3.5肌浆蛋白[myogen A] 6.3β-乳球蛋白[β-lactoglobulin] 5.1-5.3卵黄蛋白[livetin] 4.8-5.0γ1—球蛋白(人)[γ1-globulin(human)] 5.8;6.6 γ2—球蛋白(人)[γ2-globulin(human)] 7.3;8.2 肌球蛋白A[myosin A] 5.2-5.5原肌球蛋白[myosin A] 5.1铁传递蛋白[siderophilin] 5.9胎球蛋白[fetuin] 3.4-3.5血纤蛋白原[fibrinogen] 5.5-5.8α-眼晶体蛋白[α-crystallin] 4.8β-眼晶体蛋白[β-crystallin] 6花生球蛋白[arachin] 5.1伴花生球蛋白[conarrachin] 3.9角蛋白类[keratins] 3.7-5.0还原角蛋白[keratein] 4.6-4.7胶原蛋白[collagen] 6.5-6.8鱼胶[ichthyocol] 4.8-5.2白明胶[gelatin] 4.7-5.0α-酪蛋白[α-casein] 4.0-4.1β-酪蛋白[β-casein] 4.5γ-酪蛋白[γ-casein] 5.8-6.0α-卵清粘蛋白[α-ovomucoid] 3.83-4.41α1-粘蛋白[α1-mucoprotein] 1.8-2.7卵黄类粘蛋白[vitellomucoid] 5.5尿促丄性腺激素[urinary gonadotropin] 3.2-3.3溶菌酶[lyso zyme] 11.0-11.2肌红蛋白[myoglobin] 6.99血红蛋白(人)[hemoglobin(human)] 7.07血红蛋白(鸡)[hemoglobin(hen)] 7.23血红蛋白(马)[hemoglobin(horse)] 6.92血蓝蛋白[hemerythrin] 4.6-6.4蚯蚓血红蛋白[chlorocruorin] 5.6血绿蛋白[chlorocruorin] 4.3-4.5无脊椎血红蛋白[erythrocruorins] 4.6-6.2细胞色素C[cytochrome C] 9.8-10.1 视紫质[rhodopsin] 4.47-4.57促凝血酶原激酶[thromboplastin] 5.2α1-脂蛋白[α1-lipoprotein] 5.5β1-脂蛋白[β1-lipoprotein] 5.4β-卵黄脂磷蛋白[β-lipovitellin] 5.9芜菁黄花病毒[turnip yellow vvirus] 3.75牛痘病毒[vaccinia virus] 5.3生长激素[somatotropin] 6.85催乳激素[prolactin] 5.73胰岛素[insulin] 5.35胃蛋白酶[pepsin] 1.0左右糜蛋白酶(胰凝乳蛋白酶[chymotrypsin] 8.1牛血清白蛋白[bovine serum albumin] 4.9核糖核酸酶(牛胰)[ribonuclease或Rnase(bovine pancreas)] 7.8甲状腺球蛋白[thyroglobulin] 4.58胸腺核组蛋白[thymonucleohistone] 4左右。

megamonas funiformis iolg1 基因 -回复

megamonas funiformis iolg1 基因 -回复

megamonas funiformis iolg1 基因-回复"megamonas funiformis iolg1 基因"是一种与人体肠道微生物相关的基因。


首先,让我们来了解一下megamonas funiformis这个物种。

megamonas funiformis是一种肠道潜在致病菌,属于肠道微生物的一部分。



然而,megamonas funiformis iolg1基因的具体功能尚不清楚。


为了更好地理解其功能,科学家们对megamonas funiformis iolg1基因进行了进一步的研究。


他们发现,在megamonas funiformis中,iolg1基因编码一种特定的蛋白质。


进一步的研究表明,megamonas funiformis iolg1基因的表达水平可能受到多种因素的影响,包括饮食习惯、年龄、性别和个体的遗传差异。


然而,目前对于megamonas funiformis iolg1基因的研究仍然处于初步阶段。


更多的研究将需要考虑到其他肠道微生物的相互作用,以及环境和遗传变异对megamonas funiformis iolg1基因表达的影响。

总结来说,megamonas funiformis iolg1基因是一种与人体肠道微生物相关的基因。



鸡卵类粘蛋白的分离纯化、活性及分子量测定摘要:鸡卵类粘蛋白(chicken ovomucoid,简称CHOM)是由鸡卵清中制成的一种糖蛋白,它具有强烈的抑制胰蛋白酶的作用。


关键词:鸡卵类粘蛋白; 胰蛋白酶; 有机溶剂 ;层析; 电泳中图分类号:Q文献标识码:AIsolation and purification of CHOM and its activity 、 molecular weight determinationAbstract:Chicken ovomucoid (CHOM) is a glycoprotein made from chicken egg white, it has a strong role in inhibiting trypsin. Organic solvent precipitation method using egg white by trichloroacetic acid (TCA) - acetone solution was to remove sediment by acetone precipitation of live crude, through the DEAE cellulose (diethylaminoethyl cellulose) column layer Analysis of purified products derived from qualified, then Folin-phenol method ovomucoid inhibited activity, and finally by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis determination of protein molecular weight of coke.Key words:CHOM ;Trypsin ; organic solvent ; chromatogram ; electrophoresis.鸡卵类粘蛋白(chicken ovomucoid 简称CHOM)是由鸡卵清中制成的一种糖蛋白,它具有强烈的抑制胰蛋白酶的作用[1],常用于胰蛋白酶的酶学性质的研究。





ova蛋白的分子量约为45 kDa,这是一个相对较大的分子,意味着其具有较为复杂的结构和功能。






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Proteomic analysis of ovomucoid hypersensitivity in mice by two-dimensional difference gel electrophoresis (2D-DIGE)D.J.Hobson a ,P.Rupa b ,G.J.Diaz c,1,H.Zhang b ,M.Yang b ,Y.Mine b ,P.V.Turner a ,G.M.Kirby c,*aDepartment of Pathobiology,University of Guelph,Guelph,Ontario,Canada N1G 2W1bDepartment of Food Science,University of Guelph,Guelph,Ontario,Canada N1G 2W1cDepartment of Biomedical Sciences,University of Guelph,Guelph,Ontario,Canada N1G 2W1Received 25January 2007;accepted 9June 2007AbstractThere is a need to develop reliable methods to assess the safety of genetically modified and other novel foods.The aim of this study was to identify protein biomarkers of food allergy in mice exposed to ovomucoid (OVM),a major food allergen found in chicken egg white.BALB/c mice were repeatedly sensitized by gavage with OVM and cholera toxin (CT)and control mice were exposed to a mixture of amino acids with CT.At the endpoint,all mice were challenged intraperitoneally with OVM and alum.Type-1hypersensitivity was confirmed in OVM-sensitized mice by observation of clinical signs of anaphylaxis and elevated levels of plasma histamine,OVM-specific IgE and OVM-specific IgG by ELISA.Differential protein expression was assessed in albumin-depleted plasma as well as in mesenteric lymph node,liver,spleen,and ileum by two-dimensional difference gel electrophoresis (2D-DIGE).Differentially expressed proteins were identified by liquid chromatography with tandem mass spectrometry.Plasma proteins overexpressed in OVM-sensitized mice included haptoglobin (41-fold),serum amyloid A (19-fold)and peroxiredoxin-2(1.9-fold).Further validation of these plasma proteins in other animal models of food allergy with different food allergens is required to assess their potential as candidate biomarkers for use in eval-uating the allergenicity of novel foods.Ó2007Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved.Keywords:Anaphylaxis;Food allergy;Mice;Ovomucoid;Plasma;Proteomics1.IntroductionFood allergies affect an estimated 3.7%of adults (Samp-son,2005)and 4.0%of infants (Venter et al.,2006).Adults are most often affected from eating fish or shellfish (2.3%)while infants frequently develop allergies to eggs 1.6%and milk 1.1%(Eggesbo et al.,2001a,b;Sicherer et al.,2004).Although most food allergies in humans cause mild reactions,on rare occasions they can be fatal and are now the leading cause of anaphylaxis in many countries (Samp-son,2003).Current knowledge of allergens,tolerance,effector mechanisms and predisposing conditions does not allow for accurate prediction of allergenicity in humans without food trials or prior accidental exposure.Conse-quently,there has been recent heightened interest to develop a validated animal model to objectively assess the allergenicity of foods for safety testing and immuno-therapy development.While various models of human food allergy have been investigated none have yet been val-idated (Knippels and Penninks,2005).0278-6915/$-see front matter Ó2007Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved.doi:10.1016/j.fct.2007.06.039Abbreviations :2D-DIGE,two-dimensional difference gel electropho-resis;CT,cholera toxin;Hp,haptoglobin;OVM,ovomucoid;PRXII,peroxiredoxin-2;SAA2,serum amyloid A2.*Corresponding author.Tel.:+15198244120x54948;fax:+15197671450.E-mail address:gkirby@uoguelph.ca (G.M.Kirby).1Current address:Laboratorio de Toxicologı´a,Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria y de Zootecnia,Universidad Nacional de Colombia,Bogota´,Colombia./locate/foodchemtoxAvailable online at Food and Chemical Toxicology 45(2007)2372–2380Serum allergen-specific IgE titers are used as an indica-tor of sensitization and confirmation of anaphylaxis(Dear-man et al.,2003)and have been suggested as a clinical aid to predicting allergy or tolerance in children(Shek et al., 2004;Eigenmann,2005).Antigen-specific IgE titers have excellent positive predictive value for clinical allergic reac-tivity in individuals with markedly increased titers but poor negative predictive value in those with low titers,necessi-tating food trials for these individuals(Sampson,2005). Moreover,analysis of IgE titers and passive cutaneous skin assays require repetitive prior exposure for development of sensitization.Thus,there is a need for a rapid and accurate screening assay with a high negative predictive value of allergenicity for the valuation of allergenicity of novel foods or the effects of novel food processing methods on common foods.These biomarkers should be derived from reliable,validated,and relevant animal models and should be quantifiable and proportional to the degree of allergen-icity of the food and should be detectable during both sen-sitization and post-challenge anaphylaxis.Newly identified biomarkers may eventually be used in an allergy screening panels with known mediators of allergy including hista-mine,antigen-specific IgE,and IL-4.Panels of biomarkers would then require validation with different food allergens in various animal models before applying them to the safety testing of novel foods.Ovomucoid(OVM)is a heat stable glycoprotein com-prising about11%of chicken egg white,and is the major cause of allergic reactions in children with egg allergies (Bernhisel-Broadbent et al.,1994).OVM allergenicity has previously been characterized in a cholera-toxin-based BALB/c model(Kroghsbo et al.,2003;Adel-Patient et al., 2005)and we have previously demonstrated that OVM chal-lenge increases plasma histamine,OVM-specific IgE and OVM-specific IgG levels and the secretion of type-2cyto-kines such as IL-4by cultured splenic lymphocytes(Rupa and Mine,2006).BALB/c mice have often been used as ani-mal models allergy,because they are high IgE-responders and are predisposed to developing Th2responses more readily than other mouse strains(Jyonouchi et al.,2001).The advent of proteomics technology has greatly facili-tated profiling of plasma and tissues for disease-related bio-markers.Two-dimensional difference gel electrophoresis (2D-DIGE)is an efficient and accurate technology that effi-ciently separates proteins in complex mixtures and quanti-fies differential expression in treated and control samples (Alban et al.,2003).2D-DIGE is very useful as a broad-based screening tool to identify differentially expressed pro-teins of interest,however,the technique has limited capabil-ity in resolving very small,very large,or highly basic,acidic, or hydrophobic proteins.2D-DIGE is best applied in pH ranges approximating physiological pH and narrowing the range increases separation and resolution of protein spots.To the best of our knowledge,proteomic profiling to detect biomarkers of food allergy has not been previously reported in mice or other animal models.The aim of this study was to identify protein biomarkers of OVM allergy in a mouse model for eventual use in the assessment of aller-gic potential of human foods during food safety testing. 2.Materials and methods2.1.MaterialsImmobilized pH gradient strips13cm pH4–7and pH3–11,Cy2,Cy3, Cy5,2D-Clean Up Kit,pharmalytes3–10,Nuclease mix,and lower molecular weight markers were purchased from GE Healthcare(Montreal, QC).Urea,thiourea,ASB14,DMF,trifluoroacetic acid,goat anti-mouse-IgG,and pNPP were acquired from Sigma(St.Louis,MO);iodacetamide, CHAPS and DTT from UBS(Cleveland,OH);Qproteome Murine Albumin Depletion Kit from Qiagen(Mississauga,ON);Biorad protein assay,BSA protein standard,40%acrylamide,and Sypro Ruby stain;Bio-Scale S5column from Bio-Rad Laboratories(Hercules,CA);2%alhy-drogel from Superfos Biosector(Denmark);histamine ELISA assay kit from Neogen Corporation(Lexington,KY);acetonitrile and water from Fisher Scientific(Ottawa,ON);formic acid from VWR(Mississauga,ON); rat anti-mouse-IgE and purified mouse IgE from BD Pharmingen(San Diego,CA);and purified mouse IgG from AbD Serotec(Raleigh,NC).2.2.Animal treatments and sample collectionThirty,6–8week old,female,BALB/c mice were purchased from Charles River(Montreal,QC,Canada)randomly divided into two groups (15control and15OVM-sensitized)and conventionally housed3per cage at the Central Animal Facility at the University of Guelph.Mice were fed, exclusively,ad libitum,acidified bottled water along with2014Teklad Global14%Protein Rodent Maintenance Diet which has afixed formula and is free of all animal protein including egg andfish meal.Animal studies were conducted in accordance with the guidelines of the Canadian Council on Animal Care.Whole OVM antigen consisting of all three domains was isolated from chicken egg white according to an earlier described procedure(Fredericq and Deutsch,1949)and further purified using HPLC ion-exchange chro-matography.Fifty milligram of crude OVM was dissolved in5ml of 20mM sodium acetate buffer,pH4.0,and applied to a Bio-Scale S5 column equilibrated with the same buffer.The column was eluted with a linear gradient of0–1.0M NaCl in20mM sodium acetate buffer,pH4.0, at aflow rate of1.0ml/min using a Bio-Rad Biologic HPLC system.Mice were gavaged twice weekly for5weeks with OVM(1mg/mouse/ gavage)whereas control mice were gavaged with a mixture of amino acids (1mg)in a ratio similar to OVM.Both gavages contained cholera toxin (10l g)as a mucosal adjuvant in sterile water for a total volume of100l L/ mouse/gavage.At week6,all mice were challenged with an intraperitoneal (IP)injection of OVM(1mg)in sterile water(50l l)and aluminum hydroxide adjuvant(50l l,2%alhydrogel)to induce an immediate type-1 hypersensitivity reaction.Clinical responses were scored for anaphylaxis (see below)and at40min post-challenge,mice were euthanized with CO2, whole blood was collected by cardiac puncture into citrated tubes and samples of liver,spleen,ileum,and mesenteric lymph node wereflash frozen in liquid nitrogen and stored atÀ70°C.Plasma was obtained by centrifugation at2000g for15min,pooled by cage(3mice/cage/group) and stored atÀ70°C.Additional liver,ileum and spleen samples were fixed in10%v/v buffered formalin,paraffin-embedded,and5l m sections were stained with hematoxylin and eosin and evaluated in a blinded fashion by two independent pathologists.3.Immunologic analysis of OVM allergy3.1.Anaphylaxis scoringClinical responses in all mice were assessed from 0to40min post IP challenge by three independentD.J.Hobson et al./Food and Chemical Toxicology45(2007)2372–23802373investigators.Clinical responses of the mice were catego-rized as follows:no reaction=0;persistent scratching or rubbing the face,ears,or head=1;increased respiratory rate or facial edema=2;dyspnea or cyanosis of the face or tail=3,tremors and convulsion=4;and death=5 according to previously published criteria(Li et al.,1999).3.2.Immunologic assays for plasma histamine and OVM-specific IgE,and IgGPlasma histamine levels were determined by competitive direct ELISA using a commercial histamine ELISA kit (Neogen Corporation;Lexington,KY)and the concentra-tion of histamine was calculated by comparison to a stan-dard curve according to the manufacturer’s instructions.OVM-specific IgE and IgG levels in the plasma of all the mice were determined by ELISA according to a similar pre-viously described method(Rupa and Mine,2006).This approach is commonly accepted for making relative rather than quantitative comparisons of antigen-specific antibody levels between control and treated groups of animals by assessing differences in optical absorbance.Absolute quan-tification of OVM-specific IgE and IgG was not performed as OVM-specific monoclonal antibodies are not available commercially for use in standard curves or as positive con-trols.Microtiter plates were coated with100l l(5l g/ml)of purified OVM in50mM sodium bicarbonate buffer,pH 9.6,overnight at4°C.After three washes with PBST(phos-phate-buffered saline containing0.05%Tween20),the plates were incubated with blocking buffer(2%BSA in PBS)for1h at37°C.The plates were further washed three times with PBST and100l l/well of diluted sera(1:50for IgG;1:10for IgE)were added and incubated at37°C for 2h.After washing three times with PBST,plates were then incubated with either alkaline phosphatase-conjugated goat anti-mouse-IgG(1:15,000for1h at37°C)or with biotinylated rat anti-mouse-IgE monoclonal antibody (1:1000for2h at37°C).The plates were then washed again and incubated with extr-avidin–alkaline phosphatase (1:3000)for1h at37°C.After afinal washing the reaction was visualized with p-nitrophenol phosphatase(pNPP) (1mg/ml)and the absorbance measured at405nm.ELI-SAs used to detect total IgG and IgE(data not shown) were validated in standard curves using commercially available recombinant mouse IgG and IgE as per the man-ufacturer’s instructions(BD Pharmingen).The average background absorbance was determined to be<0.1OD using serum-free PBS applied to OVM-coated wells,as a control to verify absence of non-specific binding.4.Proteomic analysis4.1.2D-DIGE analysis of plasmaTotal protein was quantified in four pooled control and four pooled OVM-sensitized plasma samples using the Bio-rad protein assay.Plasma(1.3mg of protein)was loaded into an Qproteome mouse albumin removal column in phosphate-buffered saline(PBS)equal to three times the sample volume,mixed by rocking for10min,then briefly centrifuged,washed with PBS,and then centrifuged again. The combined eluate was then concentrated and impurities removed using the2D Clean Up Kit.Thefinal precipitated pellets were resolubilized in60l l of lysis buffer(8M urea, 4%CHAPS,30mM Tris–Cl,pH8.5)and total protein was quantified again and stored on ice prior to subsequent Cy dye labeling.Each sample was labeled with200pmol(1l l)of Cy dye per50l g of protein,incubated on ice for30min in the dark and quenched with1l l of10mM lysine and then incubated on ice for10min in the dark,according to the manufactures protocol.Four control and four OVM-sensitized samples(each50l g of protein)were labeled separately with either Cy3or Cy5,and the internal standard(200l g of protein comprising25l g from each of the eight samples),was labeled with Cy2.One control, OVM-sensitized and standard sample forming a set of Cy2,Cy3,and Cy5labeled samples was combined for each of four gels and mixed with rehydration buffer (8M urea,1%CHAPS,0.5%ASB14,65mM DTT, 0.5%v/v pharmalytes pH3–10,0.005%bromophenol blue)to a total volume of250l l per gel.Thefirst dimen-sion separation was performed on an IPGphor isoelectric focusing(IEF)unit(GE Healthcare)by applying com-bined samples to an immobilized pH gradient(IPG) 13cm pH4–7strips with rehydration at30V for10h fol-lowed by isoelectric focusing at500V step for2h,1000V gradient for1h,8000V gradient for2.5h,then8000V step for16,000V h,for a total of7.5h and29.4kV h. Strips were each immediately equilibrated in a5ml solu-tion of6M urea,30%glycerol,2%SDS,75mM Tris–Cl (pH8.8),0.005%bromophenol blue,for15min with1% (w/v)DTT and subsequently15min with2.5%(w/v)iodo-acetamide.A molecular weight marker(14–97kDa)was added to one gel for reference.For the second dimension, strips were applied directly to12%SDS-polyacrylamide gels and four gels were run simultaneously on a DALT 6(GE Healthcare)electrophoresis unit at20°C at 0.25W/gel for1h,0.5W/gel for1h and then17W/gel for5.5h.A picking gel was created using600l g of total protein pooled from each of the four OVM-sensitized plasma samples analyzed and run under conditions similar to analytical gels except it was unlabeled(non-DIGE)and the IEF was extended to a total of37.6kV h.Picking gels werefixed in10%methanol and7%acetic acid for2h, stained with Sypro Ruby overnight,destained infixative for2h,and scanned with Typhoon9410at532nm with a610nmfilter.4.2.2D-DIGE analysis of liver,spleen,mesenteric lymph node,and ileumTissue samplesflash frozen in liquid nitrogen following the initial collection,were thawed and briefly homogenized2374 D.J.Hobson et al./Food and Chemical Toxicology45(2007)2372–2380in1.5ml glass tubes.Lysis buffer,consisting of7M urea, 2M thiourea with4%w/v CHAPS,1%v/v nuclease mix, 30mM Tris–Cl(pH8.5),was added in a volume equal to 20or25times the tissue mass depending on the tissue type. Tissues were further solubilized by sonification and stored on ice for subsequent Cy dye labeling.Liver and ileum samples were combined with rehydration buffer containing 8M urea,2%CHAPS,18mM DTT,0.5%v/v pharmalytes pH3–10,0.005%bromophenol blue while spleen and lymph node samples combined with8M urea,2%CHAPS, 65mM DTT,0.5%v/v pharmalytes pH3–10,0.005%bro-mophenol blue,before being applied to13cm pH3–11 IPG strips(all tissues)and pH4–7IPG strips(liver,spleen, lymph node).As stated for plasma above,strips were rehy-drated at30V for10–12h followed by IEF to24–30kV h. Equilibration,PAGE,gel scanning,post-staining,and analysis were identical to plasma.4.3.Quantification of protein overexpressionImmediately following2D-DIGE,gels were scanned with a Typhoon9410imager using an excitation/emission filter of488nm/520nm for Cy2,532nm/580nm for Cy3, and633nm/670nm for Cy5to generate multiplexed DIGE imagefiles.Statistical and quantitative analyses of spot changes on images were completed using DeCyder6.5soft-ware(GE Healthcare).Measurements of spot abundance were normalized to the internal standard sample,which was common to all four gels in the experiment.The ratio of normalized control protein abundance to normalized OVM-sensitized protein abundance was calculated for paired control–OVM-sensitized samples on each gel and the average of all four gels was calculated to represent the change in protein abundance(average ratio).4.4.Identification of overexpressed proteinsPlasma protein spots of interest identified by DeCyder and2D-DIGE were manually excised from Sypro Ruby-stained picking gels and sent to the Advanced Protein Technology Center,Hospital for Sick Children(Toronto, Ontario,Canada)where tryptic digests were analyzed by mass spectrometry.Peptide sequencing was determined by on-line liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrom-etry(LC/MS/MS)using a QSTAR XL electrospray ioniza-tion QTOF mass spectrometer(Applied Biosystems/MDS Sciex,Concord,ON,Canada)coupled with an Agilent 1100NanoLC system(Santa Clara,CA).Samples(5l L) werefirst loaded into a precolumn(100l m i.d.·5cm), and then eluted to an analytical column(75l m i.d.·10cm)for further separation.Both columns were packed with Pursuit C18(5l m particle size,200A˚pore size,by Varian Inc.,Palo Alto,CA).For the reverse phase chromatography,a125min gradient elution from water to acetonitrile,each containing0.1%formic acid and0.02% trifluoroacetic acid,was performed at aflow of200nL/ min.Tandem mass spectra were extracted,charge state deconvoluted and deisotoped by BioWorks version2.0. All MS/MS spectra were analyzed using Mascot(Matrix Science,London,UK;version 2.1.03)and X!Tandem (;version2006.04.01.2),using the NCBInr_20061106database(Mus musculus),with trypsin digestion and a fragment ion mass tolerance of0.20Da and a parent ion tolerance of0.20Da,iodoacetamide derivative of cysteine was specified as afixed modification while variable modifications were specified as Pyro-glu from E of the n-terminus,s-carbamoylmethylcysteine cycli-zation of the n-terminus,deamidation of asparagine and glutamine,oxidation of methionine and acetylation of the n-terminus.Scaffold(Proteome Software Inc.,Portland, OR,version-01_06_04)was used to validate MS/MS-based peptide and protein identifications.Protein identifications were accepted if they could be established at greater than 80.0%probability and contained at least three identified peptides.In some cases,matrix-assisted laser desorption/ioniza-tion top-of-flight mass spectrometry(MALDI-TOF-MS) was used to confirm the identity of isomer protein spots ini-tially identified by LC–MS/MS.MALDI-TOF-MS has much lower specificity compared to LC–MS/MS and as a result it is generally accepted that the number of theoretical protein modifications chosen during a MALDI search should be held to a minimum,to maximize specificity even though there is some loss in sensitivity.The number of mod-ifications allowed during the MASCOT search was mini-mized to improve the specificity of matching MALDI-TOF-MS data.Proteins were analyzed by MALDI-TOF-MS using an Applied Biosystems/MDS Sciex API QSTAR XL Pulsar MALDI-QqTOF amd protein identification was determined using the Mascot search engine.Significant measured peptide masses in the spectrum were matched to peptides in the NCBI database for mus musculus with no more than one missed cut,complete carbamidomethyl (C),partial oxidation(M),0.2Da peptide tolerance,one charge state(MH+)and Mascot scores greater than63 (p60.05).The number of modifications allowed during the Mascot search was minimized to maximize the specific-ity of matching MALDI-TOF-MS data,because it is less specific than MS/MS data.4.5.Stastistical analysisA Student’s t-test was performed on histamine,IgE and IgG data for comparison between OVM-sensitized and control groups and data are presented as the mean±stan-dard error of the mean with p values less than0.05consid-ered to be statistically significant.Differences in protein spots were analyzed for statistical significance by compar-ing the control(n=4pools)and OVM-sensitized(n=4 pools)sample populations using the Student’s t-test in DeCyder 6.5.Proteins of interest were initially selected based on an average ratio of abundance greater than 2.0with p<0.05.Additional proteins with changesD.J.Hobson et al./Food and Chemical Toxicology45(2007)2372–23802375approaching these criteria were also considered as proteins of interest based on biological relevance.5.Results5.1.Clinical assessment of anaphylaxisClinical signs of anaphylaxis were monitored for40min from the time of challenge to the end point.OVM-sensi-tized mice had an average anaphylaxis score of3/5demon-strating variable levels of face scratching,hunched posture, dyspnea,and tail cyanosis,while there were no observable clinical signs of anaphylaxis in control mice.In addition, gross examination of the viscera during sample collection revealed mildly enlarged Peyer’s patches on the small intes-tinal serosa of the OVM-sensitized mice.There were no microscopic lesions evident on histologic analysis of H&E-stained sections of liver,spleen,and ileum in control and OVM-sensitized mice.5.2.Clinical pathology assessment of anaphylaxisTo assess the induction of an IgE-mediated response to the OVM challenge,histamine,and OVM-specific IgE lev-els were assayed in plasma40min post-challenge.In addition,OVM-specific IgG was assayed to differentiate an immunogenic response from general inflammation. The OVM-sensitized mice demonstrated an8-fold increase in plasma histamine levels(Fig.1a,p=0.01),a1.5-fold increase in OVM-specific IgE(p=0.05,Fig.1b),and a6-fold increase in OVM-specific IgG levels(Fig.1c,p= 0.05)relative to the unsensitized control mice,confirming the occurrence of a type-1hypersensitivity response.5.3.2D-DIGE analysis of differentially expressed proteinsSerum proteins that were differentially expressed in OVM-sensitized mice were detected by2D-DIGE analysis. An example of a three-channel2D-DIGE overlay image (Fig.2)illustrates several proteins(red,Cy5)that were sig-nificantly overexpressed in the plasma of OVM-sensitized mice compared to proteins(green,Cy3)from control mice. The majority of remaining protein spots were expressed equally in plasma of both control and OVM-sensitized mice and appeared as white spots on DIGE gels.Grayscale images representing individual scans of OVM-sensitized or control plasma proteins(e.g.Fig.3)were analyzed usingFig. 2.2D-DIGE overlay image of differentially expressed plasmaproteins in OVM-challenged mice.2D-DIGE overlay image of proteinspots comparing albumin-depleted plasma from unsensitized control micelabeled with Cy3(green)to OVM-sensitized mice labeled with Cy5(red),and an internal standard sample common to all gels labeled with Cy2(blue).Proteins with similar expression levels in control and OVM-sensitized mice appear white in color.Plasma was collected40minfollowing intraperitoneal challenge with ovomucoid.This image isrepresentative of one of four gels analyzed.2376 D.J.Hobson et al./Food and Chemical Toxicology45(2007)2372–2380Decyder 6.5software,to quantify the increased expression of the seven protein spots of interest (Table 1).Haptoglo-bin (Hp),peroxiredoxin-2(PRXII),and serum amyloid A2(SAA2)were overexpressed proteins that were subse-quently identified by LC–MS/MS of tryptic digests of gel plugs (Table 2)whereas additional isomers of Hp were identified by MALDI-TOF-MS (Table 3).Spot 1928con-tained minor amounts of hemoglobin-alpha likely repre-senting a contaminant of the more abundant SAA2(Table 3).Analysis of liver,spleen,and mesenteric lymph node subjected to two pH ranges of isoelectric focusing,pH 4–7and pH 3–11,and ileum to only pH 3–11,did not reveal any significant changes in protein expression.Table 1DIGE analysis of plasma proteins overexpressed in OVM-sensitized mice Spot #ProteinAverage ratio of abundance T vs C Significance t -test 2103Haptoglobin 41.20.0202100Haptoglobin 27.00.029799Haptoglobin 20.00.052842Haptoglobin 14.70.0331846Haptoglobin 61.60.0191435Peroxiredoxin-2 1.90.0041928Serum amyloid A219.30.060Results of analysis 2D-DIGE images of albumin-depleted plasma from OVM-sensitized and control mice using Decyder 6.5indicating the average ratio of abundance of protein spots and statistical significance (Student’s t -test).Positive ratios indicate increased expression of proteins in the plasma from OVM-sensitized mice relative to control mice.Table 2LC–MS/MS analysis and identification of plasma proteins overexpressed in OVM-exposed mice Protein Spot #Accession #Database MW/pI Scaffold %probability protein identity #Unique peptides %Coverage #Amino acids/total Haptoglobin 2100gi|885021938,752/5.91002841143/347Haptoglobin 1846gi|885021938,752/5.98931241/347Peroxiredoxin-21435gi|249946921,779/5.210044487/198Serum amyloid A21928gi|675539413,62310094858/122Hemoglobin-alpha1928gi|668017515,08510043144/142Proteins of interest were excised from 2D-DIGE gels,digested with trypsin and analyzed by LC–MS/MS.Proteins were identified by matching unique spectra in the NCBI database for mus musculus using Scaffold software with dual search engines Mascot and X!Tandem.Fig.3.2D-DIGE gray scale image of plasma protein expression in control and OVM-challenged mice.Analytical 2D-DIGE gray scale images of samples depicted in Fig.2used to quantify changes in protein spot abundance in albumin-depleted plasma from (a)unsensitized control mice labeled with Cy3and (b)OVM-sensitized mice labeled with Cy5,electrophoresed within the same gel.Protein spots that were significantly increased (change !1.9-fold,p 0.06)in OVM-sensitized mouse plasma are indicated.These images of individually labeled samples are representative of one the four gels analyzed.D.J.Hobson et al./Food and Chemical Toxicology 45(2007)2372–238023776.DiscussionThe objective of this study was to evaluate differential protein expression in plasma and tissues of mice sensitized by gavage to the egg white allergen ing2D-DIGE,we have identified three proteins,namely Hp, SAA2,and PrxII,that are overexpressed in plasma of OVM-sensitized mice during OVM-induced anaphylaxis. There was no significant alteration in protein expression in liver,spleen,ileum and mesenteric lymph nodes associ-ated with OVM treatment.These results indicate that increased expression of these specific acute phase and anti-oxidant proteins may represent important biomarkers for assessing the allergic potential of food in mice.Acute phase proteins(APP)including Hp and SAA2, are a group of proteins whose expression in plasma varies as a component of the acute phase response immediately following tissue injury.This response is highly non-specific and species-dependent and considered to be one of the earliest markers of specific pathological processes.While individual APPs can have both pro-and anti-inflammatory effects,their ultimate purpose is to restore homeostasis by providing immediate control of inflammation until appro-priate defense mechanisms can be up-regulated or initiated. Both Hp and SAA2are positive APPs that are used as biomarkers of inflammation and infection in both human and veterinary medicine(Saini et al.,1998;Murata et al., 2004).Hp is a serum glycoprotein synthesized predominantly in the liver in response to proinflammatory mediators but is also expressed in lung,skin,spleen,kidney,and adipo-cytes(Baumann and Gauldie,1994;D’Armiento et al., 1997).Hp is commonly known for its role as a scavenger of hemoglobin,which is a proinflammatory product of hemolysis.In addition,Hp is angiogenic(Cid et al., 1993),and strongly anti-inflammatory(Arredouani et al., 2005),through modulation of macrophage function(Basel-er and Burrell,1983)and inhibition of granulocyte chemo-taxis and phagocytosis(Rossbacher et al.,1999).Hp receptors have been discovered on monocytes,macro-phages,granulocytes,natural killer cells,B and T lympho-cytes,and mast cells,which reflects the multifaceted immunosuppressive effect of this APP(Arredouani et al.,2005).While the role of Hp in allergic reactions is unclear, Hp preferentially and strongly inhibits the release of Th2 cytokines in mice thereby promoting a Th1-dominant cellular response(Arredouani et al.,2003).Similarily, HpÀ/Àmice are more prone to asthma(Arredouani et al.,2005).Therefore,it is possible that BALB/c mice, with their genetic predisposition for Th2-biased responses, may release Hp to attenuate anaphylaxis.Because serum Hp is more easily assessed than highly labile cytokines,it may represent a useful indicator of anaphylaxis associated with exposure to food allergens.Although PrxII was only increased by 1.9-fold,this change was statistically highly significant p=0.004,and PrxII can be mechanistically linked to inflammation,hemo-lysis,and endothelial damage.Peroxiredoxins previously named thioredoxin peroxidases,are intracellular antioxi-dants which function as scavengers of hydrogen peroxide and alkyl hydroperoxides by utilizing thioredoxin.Six dis-tinct isozymes have been detected in a variety of mamma-lian cells including erythrocytes,skin,endothelium,and lymphocytes(Rhee et al.,2001).The isozyme PrxII is highly expressed in erythrocytes and is believed to play a major role in protecting erythrocytes from oxidative stress (Lee et al.,2003b).In this study,a possible confounding source of PrxII may be from complement-mediated hemo-lysis associated with anaphylaxis.However,complement activation was not confirmed in this study and its relation-ship to anaphylaxis in OVM-sensitized mice is not clear. Other reported functions of PrxII include enhancement of natural killer cell activity(Shau et al.,1994),and inhibition of apoptosis(Zhang et al.,1997).PrxII has been reported to be a novel marker of neoplasia,expressed in endothelial cells of benign and malignant human vascular tumors of the skin(Lee et al.,2003a).PrxII has also been detected in the plasma of patients with severe acute respiratory syndrome(Chen et al.,2004).The role of PrxII in allergy is unclear but the results of the current study suggest that this protein may represent a potential biomarker of anaphylaxis.SSA2expression was markedly increased(19-fold)and was included as a potential biomarker in spite of the fact that this change did not quite reach statistical significance (p=0.06).SSA2is biologically relevant to this study as it is mechanistically linked to various pathophysiological fac-tors and events(i.e.acute phase proteins,trauma,infec-tion,and inflammation)that can be associated with anaphylaxis.SAA2is a member of a group of small serum apolipoproteins which are predominantly expressed in the liver in response to various injuries,including trauma, infection,inflammation,and neoplasia(Uhlar and White-head,1999).Extrahepatic expression has been reported in human epithelial and endothelial cells,monocytes and macrophages,cultured smooth muscle,atherosclerotic pla-ques,synovial tissue from patients with rheumatoid arthri-tis,and brains of patients with Alzheimer’s disease(Urieli-Shoval et al.,2000).SAA2is a precursor protein causing amyloidosis,a common condition in most strains of miceTable3MALDI-TOF-MS identification of haptoglobin in plasma of OVM-sensitized miceProtein Spot#PeptidesmatchedCoverage(%)MascotscoreHaptoglobin gi|8850219799102295 84282090 21031324124Tryptic digests of proteins spots in immediate proximity to spots2100and1846were identified as haptoglobin using MALDI-TOF-MS by matchingpeptide massfingerprints to the NCBI database for mus musculus,usingthe Mascot search engine.Mascot scores greater than63are consideredsignificant(p<0.05).2378 D.J.Hobson et al./Food and Chemical Toxicology45(2007)2372–2380。
