GRE Verbal模拟题 13




GRE(VERBAL)阅读模拟试卷1(题后含答案及解析) 题型有:1. PART ONEPART ONE (Time:30 minutes 38 Questions)SECTION 3Directions: Each passage in this group is followed by questions based on its content. After reading a passage, choose the best answer to each question. Answer all questions following a passage on the basis of what is stated or implied in the passage.Although the passenger pigeons, now extinct, were abundant in eighteenth- and nineteenth-century America, archaeological studies at twelfth-century Cahokian sites in the present day United States examined household food trash and found that traces of passenger pigeon were quite rare. Given that the sites were close to a huge passenger pigeon roost documented by John James Audubon in the nineteenth century and that Cahokians consumed almost every other animal protein source available, Q2the archaeologists conducting the studies concluded the passenger pigeon population had once been very limited before increasing dramatically in post-Columbian America. Other archaeologists have criticized those conclusions on the grounds that passenger pigeon bones would not be likely to be preserved. But all the archaeological projects found plenty of bird bones- and even Q1tiny bones from fish.1.The author of the passage mentions “tiny bones from fish”primarily in order toA.explain why traces of passenger pigeon are rare at Cahokian a claim about the wide variety of animal proteins in the Cahokian diet C.provide evidence that confirms a theory about the extinction of the passenger pigeonD.cast doubt on the conclusion reached by the archaeologists who conducted the studies discussed in the passageE.counter an objection to an interpretation of the data obtained from Cahokian sites正确答案:E解析:E选项中的an interpretation指的是认为十二世纪的美国没鸽子的这个观点,objection指的是第三句,本题定位到第四句,这句话针对上句话取反,因此counter这个词使用无误。



SECTION 1Directions: Each sentence below has one or two blanks, each blank indicating that something has been omitted. Beneath the sentence are five lettered words or set of words. Choose the word or set of words for each blank that best fits the meaning of the sentence as a whole. 1.Agronomists are increasingly worried about “desert- ification,” the phenomenon that is turning many ofthe world’s ----fields and pastures into----wastelands, unable to support the people living onthem.(A) fertile.. barren(B) productive.. blooming(C) arid.. thriving(D) poorest.. marginal(E) largest.. saturated2. Old beliefs die hard: even when jobs became---the long-standing fear that unemployment couldreturn at a moment’s notice----.(A) vacant.. perished(B) easier.. changed(C) plentiful.. persisted(D) protected.. subsided(E) available.. receded3. Intellectual----and flight from boredom havecaused him to rush pell-mell into situations that less----spirits might hesitate to approach.(A) restlessness.. adventurous(B) agitation.. passive(C) resilience.. quiescent(D) tranquility.. versatile(E) curiosity.. lethargic4. Science advances in----spiral in that each newconceptual scheme----that phenomena explainedby its predecessors and adds to those explanations.(A) a discontinuous.. decries(B) a repetitive.. vitiates(C) a widening.. embraces(D) an anomalous.. captures(E) an explosive.. questions5. Politeness is not a----attribute of humanbehavior, but rather a central virtue, onewhose very existence is increasingly being----by the faddish requirement to “speakone’s mind.”(A) superficial.. threatened(B) pervasive.. undercut(C) worthless.. forestalled(D) precious.. repudiated(E) trivial.. affected6. The painting was larger than it appeared to be, for,hanging in a darkened recess of the chapel, it was----by the perspective.(A) improved (B) aggrandized(C) embellished (D) jeopardized(E) diminished7. Because folk art is neither completely rejected nor accepted as an art form by art historians, their finalevaluations of it necessarily remain----.(A) arbitrary (B) estimable (C) orthodox(D) unspoken (E) equivocalDirections: In each of the following questions, a related pair of words or phrases is followed by five lettered pairs of words or phrases. Select the lettered pair that best expresses a relationship similar to that expressed in the original pair.8. REFEREE: FIELD::(A) scientist: results (B) mediator: deadlock(C) gladiator: contest (D) teacher: classroom(E) judge: courtroom9. BLUSH: EMBARRASSMENT::(A) scream: anger (B) smile: pleasure(C) laugh: outrage (D) love: sentimentality(E) whine: indecision10. TANGO: DANCE::(A) arabesque: theme(B) tonality: instrumentation(C) rhyme: pattern (D) stanza: line(E) elegy: poem11. CELL: MEMBRANE::(A) door: jamb (B) yard: sidewalk(C) seed: hull (D) head: halo(E) mountain: clouds12. HYMN: PRAISE::(A) waltz: joy (B) liturgy: rite(C) lullaby: child (D) dirge: grief(E) prayer: congregation13. EMOLLIENT: SOOTHE::(A) dynamo: generate (B) elevation: level(C) precipitation: fall (D) hurricane: track(E) negative: expose14. IMPLACABLE: COMPROMISE::(A) perfidious: conspire(B) irascible: avenge(C) honest: swindle(D) amenable: deceive(E) hasty: prevail15. MISANTHROPE: PEOPLE::(A) patriot: country(B) reactionary: government(C) curmudgeon: children(D) xenophobe: strangers(E) miscreant: dogma16. MILK: EXTRACT::(A) squander: enjoy (B) exploit: utilize(C) research: investigate (D) hire: manage(E) wheedle: flatterMany critics of Eamily Bronte’s novel Wuthering Heights see its second part as a counterpoint thatcomments on, if it does not reverse, the first part,(5) where a “romantic” reading receives more confirmation.Seeing the two parts as a whole is encouraged by thenovel’s sophisticated structure, revealed in its complexuse of narrators and time shifts. Granted that thepresence of these elements need not argue an authorialawareness of novelistic construction comparable to that (10) of Henry James, their presence does encourage attemptsto unify the novel’s heterogeneous parts. However,any interpretation that seeks to unify all of the nove l’sdiverse elements is bound to be somewhat unconvincing.This is not because such an interpretation necessarily (15) stiffens into a thesis (although rigidity in any interpre- tation of this or of any novel is always a danger), but because Wuthering Heights has recalcitrant elements of undeniable power that, ultimately, resist inclusion in an all-encompassing interpretation. In this respect, Wuthering Heights shares a feature of Hamlet.17. According to the passage, which of the following isa true statement about the first and second parts ofWuthering Heights?(A) The second part has received more attentionfrom critics.(B) The second part has little relation to the firstpart.(C) The second part annuls the force of the firstpart.(D) The second part provides less substantiationfor a “romantic” reading.(E) The second part is better because it is morerealistic.18. Which of the following inferences about HenryJames’s awareness of novelistic construction isbest supported by the passage?(A) James, more than any other novelist, wasaware of the difficulties of novelisticconstruction.(B) James, was very aware of the details of novel-istic construction.(C) James’s awareness of novelistic constructionderived from his reading of Bronte.(D) James’s awareness of novelistic constructionhas led most commentators to see unity inhis individual novels.(E) James’s awareness of novelistic constructionprecluded him from violating the unity ofhis novels.19. The author of the passage would be most likely to agree that an interpretation of a novel should(A) not try to unite heterogeneous elements in thenovel(B) not be inflexible in its treatment of the elements in the novel(C) not argue that the complex use of narrators orof time shifts indicates a sophisticated struc-ture(D) concentrate on those recalcitrant elements ofthe novel that are outside the novel’s mainstructure(E) primarily consider those elements of novelisticconstruction of which the author of the novelwas aware20. The author of the passage suggests which of thefollowing about Hamlet?I.Hamlet has usually attracted critical interpreta-tions that tend to stiffen into theses.II.Hamlet has elements that are not amenableto an all-encompassing critical interpretation.III. Hamlet is less open to an all-encompassingcritical interpretation than is WutheringHeights.IV. Hamlet has not received a critical interpretationthat has been widely accepted by readers.(A) I only (B) II only (C) I and IV only(D) III and IV only (E) I, II, and III onlyThe determination of the sources of copper ore used in the manufacture of copper and bronze artifactsof Bronze Age civilizations would add greatly to ourknowledge of cultural contacts and trade in that era.(5) Researchers have analyzed artifacts and ores for theirconcentrations of elements, but for a variety of reasons,these studies have generally failed to provide evidence ofthe sources of the copper used in the objects. Elementalcomposition can vary within the same copper-ore lode, (10) usually because of varying admixtures of other elements,especially iron, lead, zinc, and arsenic. And high con-centrations of cobalt or zinc, noticed in some artifacts,appear in a variety of copper-ore sources. Moreover,the processing of ores introduced poorly controlled (15) changes in the concentrations of minor and trace ele-ments in the resulting metal. Some elements evaporateduring smelting and roasting; different temperaturesand processes produce different degrees of loss. Finally,flux, which is sometimes added during smelting to (20) remove waste material from the ore, could add quanti-ties of elements to the final product.An elemental property that is unchanged throughthese chemical processes is the isotopic composition of each metallic element in the ore. Isotopic composition, (25) the percentages of the different isotopes of an elementin a given sample of the element, is therefore particularlysuitable as an indicator of the sources of the ore. Ofcourse, for this purpose it is necessary to find an elementwhose isotopic composition is more or less constant (30) throughout a given ore body, but varies from one copperore body to another or, at least, from one geographicregion to another.The ideal choice, when isotopic composition is used to investigate the source of copper ore, would seem to (35) be copper itself. It has been shown that small butmeasurable variations occur naturally in the isotopiccomposition of copper. However, the variations arelarge enough only in rare ores; between samples ofthe common ore minerals of copper, isotopic variations (40) greater than the measurement error have not beenfound. An alternative choice is lead, which occurs inmost copper and bronze artifacts of the Bronze Age inamounts consistent with the lead being derived fromthe copper ores and possibly from the fluxes. The (45) isotopic composition of lead often varies from onesource of common copper ore to another, with varia-tions exceeding the measurement error; and preliminarystudies indicate virtually uniform isotopic composition of the lead from a single copper-ore source. While (50) some of the lead found in an artifact may have beenintroduced from flux or when other metals wereadded to the copper ore, lead so added in Bronze Age processing would usually have the same isotopic compo-sition as the lead in the copper ore. Lead isotope studies (55) may thus prove useful for interpreting the archaeo-logical record of the Bronze Age.21. The primary purpose of the passage is to(A) discuss the techniques of analyzing leadisotope composition(B) propose a way to determine the origin ofthe copper in certain artifacts(C) resolve a dispute concerning the analysis ofcopper ore(D) describe the deficiencies of a currently usedmethod of chemical analysis of certainmetals(E) offer an interpretation of the archaeologicalrecord of the Bronze Age22. The author first mentions the addition of flux during smelting (lines 18-21) in order to(A) give a reason for the failure of elementalcomposition studies to determine ore sources(B) illustrate differences between various BronzeAge civilizations(C) show the need for using high smeltingtemperatures(D) illustrate the uniformity of lead isotopecomposition(E) explain the success of copper isotopecomposition analysis23. The author suggests which of the following about a Bronze Age artifact containing high concentrationsof cobalt or zinc?(A) It could not be reliably tested for its elementalcomposition.(B) It could not be reliably tested for its copperisotope composition.(C) It could not be reliably tested for its leadisotope composition.(D) It could have been manufactured from orefrom any one of a variety of sources.(E) It could have been produced by the additionof other metals during the processing of thecopper ore.24. According to the passage, possible sources of thelead found in a copper or bronze artifact includewhich of the following?I.The copper ore used to manufacture theartifactII. Flux added during processing of the copper ore III. Other metal added during processing of thecopper ore(A) I only (B) II only (C) III only(D) II and III only (E) I, II , and III25. The author rejects copper as the “ideal choice”mentioned in line 33 because(A) the concentration of copper in BronzeAge artifacts varies(B) elements other than copper may beintroduced during smelting(C) the isotopic composition of copperchanges during smelting(D) among common copper ores, differencesin copper isotope composition are toosmall(E) within a single source of copper ore,copper isotope composition can varysubstantially26. The author makes which of the followingstatements about lead isotope composition?(A) It often varies from one copper-ore sourceto another.(B) It sometimes varies over short distances ina single copper-ore source.(C) It can vary during the testing of artifacts,producing a measurement error.(D) It frequently changes during smelting androasting.(E) It may change when artifacts are buriedfor thousands of years.27. It can be inferred from the passage that the useof flux in processing copper ore can alter thelead isotope composition of the resulting metalEXCEPT when(A) there is a smaller concentration of lead inthe flux than in the copper ore(B) the concentration of lead in the flux isequivalent to that of the lead in the ore(C) some of the lead in the flux evaporatesduring processing(D) any lead in the flux has the same isotopiccomposition as the lead in the ore(E) other metals are added during processingDirections: Each question below consists of a word printed in capital letters, followed by five lettered words or phrases. Choose the lettered word or phrase that is most nearly opposite in meaning to the word in capital letters.Since some of the questions require you to distinguish fine shades of meaning, be sure to consider all the choices before deciding which one is best.28. MUTTER:(A) please oneself (B) resolve conflict(C) speak distinctly (D) digress randomly(E) omit willingly29. TRANSPARENT:(A) indelicate (B) neutral (C) opaque(D) somber (E) tangible30. ENSEMBLE:(A) complement (B) cacophony(C) coordination (D) preface(E) solo31. RETAIN:(A) allocate (B) distract (C) relegate(D) discard (E) misplace32. RADIATE:(A) approach (B) cool (C) absorb(D) tarnish (E) vibrate33. EPICURE:(A) a person ignorant about art(B) a person dedicated to a cause(C) a person motivated by greed(D) a person indifferent to food(E) a person insensitive to emotions34. PREV ARICATION:(A) tact (B) consistency (C) veracity(D) silence (E) proof35. AMORTIZE:(A) loosen (B) denounce(C) sudden ly increase one’s indebtedness(D) wisely cause to flourish(E) grudgingly make provision for36. EMACIATION:(A) invigoration (B) glorification(C) amelioration (D) inundation(E) magnification37. UNALLOYED:(A) destabilized (B) unregulated(C) assimilated (D) adulterated(E) condensed38. MINATORY:(A) reassuring (B) genuine(C) creative (D) obvious (E) awkward。



GRE(VERBAL)强化填空模拟试卷16(题后含答案及解析)题型有:1. PART ONEPART ONE (Time:30 minutes 38 Questions)SECTION 1Directions: Each sentence below has one or two blanks, each blank indicating that something has been omitted. Beneath the sentence are five lettered or sets of words. Choose the word or set of words for each blank that best fits the meaning of the sentence as a whole.1.Given the existence of so many factions in the field, it was unrealistic of Anna Freud to expect any ____ of opinion.A.freedomB.reassessmentC.uniformityD.expressionE.formation正确答案:C解析:- 方程等号:Given表示因果,同义重复。


- 强词和对应:前文说这个领域中存在很多的派系,faction的释义是a group within a larger group that has different ideas and opinions than the rest of the group。





------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Q1:During her presidency of the short-lived Woman’s State Temperance Society (1852-1853), Elizabeth Cady Stanton, as she was a staunch advocate of liberalized divorce laws, scandalized many of her most ardent supporters in her suggestion that drunkenness should be made sufficient cause for she was a staunch advocate of liberalized divorce laws, scandalized many ofher most ardent supporters in her suggestion that drunkenness should she was a staunch advocate for liberalized divorce laws, scandalized many ofher most ardent supporters by her suggestion of drunkenness being a staunch advocate for liberalized divorce laws, had scandalized many ofher most ardent supporters with the suggestion of drunkenness beingD.a staunch advocate of liberalized divorce laws, scandalized many of her mostardent supporters by suggesting that drunkenness beE. a staunch advocate of liberalized divorce laws, she scandalized many of her mostardent supporters in suggesting that drunkenness should be------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Q2:By merging its two publishing divisions, the company will increase their share of the country’s $21 billion book market from 6 percent to 10 percent, a market ranging from obscure textbooks to mass-market paperbacks.A.their share of the country’s $21 billion book market from 6 percent to 10 percent,a market rangingB.from 6 percent to 10 percent its share of the $21 billion book market in thecountry, which 10 percent from 6 percent in their share of the $21 billion book market in thecountry, a market its share, from 6 percent to 10 percent, of the $21 billion book market in thecountry, which 10 percent from 6 percent its share of the country’s $21 billion book market,which ranges------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Q3:A product that represents a clear technological advance over competing products can generally command a high price. Because technological advances tend to be quickly surpassed and companies want to make large profits while they still can, many companies charge the greatest price the market will bear when they have such a product. But large profits on the mew product will give competitors a strong incentive to quickly match the mew product’s capabilities. Consequently, the strategy to maximize overall profit from a new product is to charge less than the greatest possible price.In the argument above, the two portions in boldface play which of the following roles?A.The first is an assumption that forms the basis for a course of action that theargument criticizes; the second presents the course of action endorsed by theargument.B.The first is a consideration raised to explain the appeal of a certain strategy; thesecond is a consideration raised to call into question the wisdom of adopting that strategy.C.The first is an assumption that has been used to justify a certain strategy; thesecond is a consideration that is used to cast doubt on that assumption.D.The first is a consideration raised in support of a strategy the argument endorses;the second presents grounds in support of that consideration.E.The first is a consideration raised to show that adopting a certain strategy isunlikely to achieve the intended effect; the second is presented to explain theappeal of that strategy.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Q4 to Q6:The fields of antebellum (pre-CivilWar) political history and women’s his-tory use separate sources and focusLine on separate issues. Political histori-(5)ans, examining sources such as votingrecords, newspapers, and politicians’writings, focus on the emergence in the1840’s of a new “American politicalnation,” and since women were neither(10)voters nor politicians, they receive littlediscussion. Women’s historians, mean-while, have shown little interest in thesubject of party politics, instead draw-ing on personal papers, legal records(15)such as wills, and records of femaleassociations to illuminate women’sdomestic lives, their moral reformactivities, and the emergence of thewoman’s rights movement.(20) However, most historians haveunderestimated the extent and signifi-cance of women’s political allegiancein the antebellum period. For example,in the presidential election campaigns(25)of the 1840’s, the Virginia Whig partystrove to win the allegiance of Virginia’swomen by inviting them to rallies andspeeches. According to Whig propa-ganda, women who turned out at the(30)party’s rallies gathered informationthat enabled them to mold party-loyalfamilies, reminded men of moral valuesthat transcended party loyalty, and con-ferred moral standing on the party.(35)Virginia Democrats, in response,began to make similar appeals towomen as well. By the mid-1850’sthe inclusion of women in the rituals ofparty politics had become common-(40)place, and the ideology that justifiedsuch inclusion had been assimilatedby the Democrats.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Q4:The primary purpose of the passage as a whole is toA.examine the tactics of antebellum political parties with regard to womenB.trace the effect of politics on the emergence of the woman’s rights movementC.point out a deficiency in the study of a particular historical periodD.discuss the ideologies of opposing antebellum political partiesE.contrast the methodologies in two differing fields of historical inquiry--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Q5:According to the second paragraph of the passage (lines 20-42), Whig propaganda included the assertion thatA.women should enjoy more political rights than they didB.women were the most important influences on political attitudes within a familyC.women’s reform activities reminded men of important moral valuesD.women’s demonstrations at rallies would influence men’s voting behaviorE.women’s presence at rallies would enhance the moral standing of the party--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Q6:According to the passage, which of the following was true of Virginia Democrats in the mid-1850’s?A.They feared that their party was losing its strong moral foundation.B.They believed that the Whigs’ inclusion of women in party politics had led to theWhigs’ success in many elections.C.They created an ideology that justified the inclusion of women in party politics.D.They wanted to demonstrate that they were in support of the woman’s rightsmovement.E.They imitated the Whigs’ efforts to include women in the rituals of party politics.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Q7:A recent review of pay scales indicates that CEO’s now earn an average of 419 times more pay than blue-collar workers, compared to a ratio of 42 times in 1980.A.that CEO’s now earn an average of 419 times more pay than blue-collar workers,compared to a ratio of 42 timesB.that, on average, CEO’s now earn 419 times the pay of blue-collar workers, aratio that compares to 42 timesC.that, on average, CEO’s now earn 419 times the pay of blue-collar workers, ascompared to 42 times their pay, the ratioD.CEO’s who now earn on average 419 times more pay than blue-collar workers, ascompared to 42 times their pay, the ratioE.CEO’s now earning an average of 419 times the pay of blue-collar workers,compared to the ratio of 42 times------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Q8:The 32 species that make up the dolphin family are closely related to whales and in fact include the animal known as the killer whale, which can grow to be 30 feet long and is famous for its aggressive hunting pods.A.include the animal known as the killer whale, which can grow to be 30 feet longand isB.include the animal known as the killer whale, growing as big as 30 feet long andC.include the animal known as the killer whale, growing up to 30 feet long andbeingD.include the animal known as the killer whale, which can grow as big as 30 feetlong and isE.include the animal known as the killer whale, which can grow to be 30 feet longand it is------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Q9 to Q12:Over the last 150 years, largestretches of salmon habitat havebeen eliminated by human activity:Line mining, livestock grazing, timber(5)harvesting, and agriculture as wellas recreational and urban devel-opment. The numerical effect isobvious: there are fewer salmonin degraded regions than in pris-(10)tine ones; however, habitat lossalso has the potential to reducegenetic diversity. This is mostevident in cases where it resultsin the extinction of entire salmon (15)populations. Indeed, mostanalysts believe that some kindof environmental degradationunderlies the demise of manyextinct salmon populations. (20)Although some rivers havebeen recolonized, the uniquegenes of the original populationshave been lost.Large-scale disturbances in (25)one locale also have the potentialto alter the genetic structure ofpopulations in neighboring areas,even if those areas have pristinehabitats. Why? Although the (30)homing instinct of salmon to theirnatal stream is strong, a fractionof the fish returning from the sea(rarely more than 15 percent)stray and spawn in nearby (35)streams. Low levels of strayingare crucial, since the processprovides a source of novelgenes and a mechanismby which a location can be (40)repopulated should the fishthere disappear. Yet high ratesof straying can be problematicbecause misdirected fish mayinterbreed with the existing stock (45)to such a degree that any localadaptations that are presentbecome diluted. Strayingrates remain relatively low whenenvironmental conditions are (50)stable, but can increase dramati-cally when streams suffer severedisturbance. The 1980 volcaniceruption of Mount Saint Helens,for example, sent mud and debris (55)into several tributaries of theColumbia River. For the nextcouple of years, steelhead trout(a species included among thesalmonids) returning from the(60)sea to spawn were forced tofind alternative streams. Asa consequence, their rates ofstraying, initially 16 percent,rose to more than 40 percent(65)overall.Although no one has quantifiedchanges in the rate of strayingas a result of the disturbancescaused by humans, there is no(70)reason to suspect that the effectwould be qualitatively differentthan what was seen in theaftermath of the Mount SaintHelens eruption. Such a dra-(75)matic increase in straying fromdamaged areas to more pristinestreams results in substantialgene flow, which can in turn lowerthe overall fitness of subsequentgenerations.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Q9:The primary purpose of the passage is toA.argue against a conventional explanation for the extinction of certain salmonpopulations and suggest an alternativeB.correct a common misunderstanding about the behavior of salmon in response toenvironmental degradation caused by human activitypare the effects of human activity on salmon populations with the effects ofnatural disturbances on salmon populationsD.differentiate the particular effects of various human activities on salmon habitatsE.describe how environmental degradation can cause changes in salmon populationsthat extend beyond a numerical reduction--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Q10:It can be inferred from the passage that the occasional failure of some salmon to return to their natal streams in order to spawn provides a mechanism by whichA.pristine streams that are near polluted streams become polluted themselvesB.the particular adaptations of a polluted stream’s salmon population can bepreserved without dilutionC.the number of salmon in pristine habitats decreases relative to the number inpolluted environmentally degraded stream could be recolonized by new salmonpopulations should the stream recoverE.the extinction of the salmon populations that spawn in polluted streams isaccelerated--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Q11:According to the passage, human activity has had which of the following effects on salmon populations?A.An increase in the size of salmon populations in some previously polluted riversB. A decline in the number of salmon in some riversC. A decrease in the number straying salmon in some riversD.A decrease in the gene flow between salmon populations that spawn in pollutedstreams and populations that spawn in pristine streamsE. A decline in the vulnerability of some salmon populations to the effects ofnaturally occurring habitat destruction--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Q12:The author mentions the “aftermath of the Mount Saint Helens eruption” (lines 73-74) most likely in order toA.provide an example of the process that allows the repopulation of rivers whoseindigenous salmon population has become extinctB.indicate the extent to which the disturbance of salmon habitat by human activityin one stream might affect the genetic structure of salmon populations elsewhereC.provide a standard of comparison against which the impact of human activity onthe gene flow among salmon populations should be how salmons’ homing instinct can be impaired as a result of severeenvironmental degradation of their natal why straying rates in salmon populations remain generally low except whenspawning streams suffer severe environmental disturbance------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Q13:In the United States, of the people who moved from one state to another when they retired, the percentage who retired to Florida has decreased by three percentage points over the past ten years. Since many local businesses in Florida cater to retirees, this decline is likely to have a noticeably negative economic effect on these businesses. Which of the following, if true, most seriously weakens the argument?A.Florida attracts more people who move from one state to another when they retirethan does any other state.B.The number of people who move out of Florida to accept employment in otherstates has increased over the past ten years.C.There are far more local businesses in Florida that cater to tourists than there arelocal businesses that cater to retirees.D.The total number of people who retired and moved to another state for theirretirement has increased significantly over the past ten years.E.The number of people who left Florida when they retired to live in another statewas greater last year than it was ten years ago.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Q14:That the application of new technology can increase the productivity of existing coal mines is demonstrated by the case of Tribnia’s coal industry. Coal output per miner in Tribnia is double what it was five years ago, even though no new mines have opened.Which of the following can be properly concluded from the statement about coal output per miner in the passage?A.If the number of miners working in Tribnian coal mines has remained constant inthe past five years, Tribnia’s total coal production has doubled in that period oftime.B.Any individual Tribnian coal mine that achieved an increase in overall output inthe past five years has also experienced an increase in output per miner.C.If any new coal mines had opened in Tribnia in the past five years, then theincrease in output per miner would have been even greater than it actually was.D.If any individual Tribnian coal mine has not increased its output per miner in thepast five years, then that mine’s overall output has declined or remained constant.E.In Tribnia the cost of producing a given quantity of coal has declined over thepast five years.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Q15:In parts of South America, vitamin-A deficiency is a serious health problem, especially among children. In one region, agriculturists are attempting to improve nutrition by encouraging farmers to plant a new variety of sweet potato called SPK004 that is rich in beta-carotene, which the body converts into vitamin A. The plan has good chances of success, since sweet potato is a staple of the region’s diet and agriculture, and the varieties currently grown contain little beta-carotene.Which of the following, if true, most strongly supports the prediction that the plan will succeed?A.The growing conditions required by the varieties of sweet potato currentlycultivated in the region are conditions in which SPK004 can flourish.B.The flesh of SPK004 differs from that of the currently cultivated sweet potatoes incolor and texture, so traditional foods would look somewhat different whenprepared from SPK004.C.There are no other varieties of sweet potato that are significantly richer in beta-carotene than SPK004 is.D.The varieties of sweet potato currently cultivated in the region contain someimportant nutrients that are lacking in SPK004.E.There are other vegetables currently grown in the region that contain more beta-carotene than the currently cultivated varieties of sweet potato do.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Q16:Soaring television costs accounted for more than half the spending in the presidential campaign of 1992, a greater proportion than it was in any previous election.A.a greater proportion than it wasB. a greater proportion thanC. a greater proportion than they have beenD.which is greater than was soE.which is greater than it has been------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Q17:The spacing of the four holes on a fragment of a bone flute excavated at a Neanderthal campsite is just what is required to play the third through sixth notes of the diatonic scale—the seven-note musical scale used in much of Western music since the Renaissance. Musicologists therefore hypothesize that the diatonic musical scale was developed and used thousands of years before it was adopted by Western musicians. Which of the following, if true, most strongly supports the hypothesis?A.Bone flutes were probably the only musical instrument made by Neanderthals.B.No musical instrument that is known to have used a diatomic scale is of an earlierdate than the flute found at the Neanderthal campsite.C.The flute was made from a cave-bear bone and the campsite at which the flutefragment was excavated was in a cave that also contained skeletal remains of cave bears.D.Flutes are the simplest wind instrument that can be constructed to allow playing adiatonic scale.E.The cave-bear leg bone used to make the Neanderthal flute would have been longenough to make a flute capable of playing a complete diatonic scale.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Q18:It is illegal to advertise prescription medications in Hedland except in professional medical journals or by mail directly to physicians. A proposed law would allow generaladvertising of prescription medications. Opponents object that, in general, laypersons lack the specialized knowledge to evaluate such advertisements and might ask their physicians for inappropriate medications. But since physicians have the final say as to whether to prescribe a medication for a patient, the objection provides no grounds for concern.Which of the following would it be most useful to establish in order to evaluate the argument?A.Whether nonprescription medications can interact with and block the action ofany prescription medications that could be advertised to the general publicB.Whether most prescription medication advertisements directed at the generalpublic would be advertisements for recently developed medications newlyavailable by prescriptionC.Whether prescription medication advertisements directed at the general publicwould appear on television and radio as well as in printD.Whether physicians are more likely to pay attention to advertising directed to thegeneral public than to advertising directed to physiciansE.Whether physicians are likely to succumb to pressure from patients to prescribeinappropriate medications------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Q19:Recently physicians have determined that stomach ulcers are not caused by stress, alcohol, or rich foods, but a bacterium that dwells in the mucous lining of the stomach.A.not caused by stress, alcohol, or rich foods, butB.not caused by stress, alcohol, or rich foods, but are byC.caused not by stress, alcohol, or rich foods, but byD.caused not by stress, alcohol, and rich foods, butE.caused not by stress, alcohol, and rich foods, but are by------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Q20:Rivaling the pyramids of Egypt or even the ancient cities of the Maya as an achievement, the army of terra-cotta warriors created to protect Qin Shi Huang, China’s first emperor, in his afterlife is more than 2,000 years old and took 700,000 artisans more than 36 years to complete them.A.took 700,000 artisans more than 36 years to complete themB.took 700,000 artisans more than 36 years to complete itC.took 700,000 artisans more than 36 years to completeD.700,000 artisans took more than 36 years to complete them too 700,000 artisans more than 36 years------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Q21:That twenty-one ceramic dog figurines were discovered during the excavating of a 1,000-year-old Hohokam village in Tempe, Arizona, has nearly doubled the number of these artifacts known to exist.A.That twenty-one ceramic dog figurines were discovered during the excavatingB.Twenty-one ceramic dog figurines discovered at the excavationC.Discovering twenty-one ceramic dog figurines at the excavatingD.Ceramic dog figurines, twenty-one of which were discovered during excavatingE The discovery of twenty-one ceramic dog figurines during the excavation------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Q22:City Official: At City Hospital, uninsured patients tend to have shorter stays and fewer procedures performed than do insured patients, even though insured patients, on average, have slightly less serious medical problems at the time of admission to the hospital than uninsured patients have. Critics of the hospital have concluded that the uninsured patients are mot receiving proper medical care. However, this conclusion is almost certainly false. Careful investigation has recently shown two things: insured patients have much longer stays in the hospital than necessary, and they tend to have more procedures performed than are medically necessary.In the city official’s argument, the two boldface portions play which of the following roles?A.The first states the conclusion of the city official’s argument; the second providessupport for that conclusion.B.The first is used to support the conclusion of the city official’s argument; thesecond states that conclusion.C.The first was used to support the conclusion drawn by hospital critics; the secondstates the position that the city official’s argument opposes.D.The first was used to support the conclusion drawn by hospital critics; the secondprovides support for the conclusion of the city official’s argument.E.The first states the position that the city official’s argument opposes; the secondstates the conclusion of the city official’s argument.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Q23:Past assessments of the Brazilian rain forest have used satellite images to tally deforested areas, where farmers and ranchers have clear-cut and burned all the trees, but such work has not addressed either logging, which is the removal of only selected trees, as well as surface fires, burning down individual trees but do not denude the forest.A.which is the removal of only selected trees, as well as surface fires, burningB.which removes only selected trees, or surface fires that burnC.which removes only selected trees, along with surface fires that burnD.removing only selected trees, or surface fires, burningE.removing only selected trees, as well as surface fires that burn------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Q24:By sucking sap from the young twigs of the hemlock tree, tree growth is retarded by the woolly adelgid, causing needles to change color from deep green to grayish green and to drop prematurely.A.tree growth is retarded by the woolly adelgid, causing needles to change colorfrom deep green to grayish green and to dropB.tree growth is retarded by the woolly adelgid, and this causes the color of needlesto change from deep green to grayish green, and their droppingC.the woolly adelgid retards tree growth, which causes needles to change color fromdeep green to grayish green, and droppingD.the woolly adelgid retards tree growth, causing needles to change color from deepgreen to grayish green and to dropE.the woolly adelgid retards tree growth, and this causes the color of needles tochange from deep green to grayish green, and the their dropping------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Q25 to Q28:Recently biologists have beeninterested in a tide-associatedperiodic behavior displayed byLine the diatom Hantzschia virgata, a(5)microscopic golden-brown alga thatinhabits that portion of a shorelinewashed by tides (the intertidal zone).Diatoms of this species, sometimescalled “commuter” diatoms, remain(10)burrowed in the sand during hightide, and emerge on the sand sur-face during the daytime low tide.Just before the sand is inundated bythe rising tide, the diatoms burrow(15)again. Some scientists hypothesizethat commuter diatoms know that itis low tide because they sense anenvironmental change, such as analteration in temperature or a change(20)in pressure caused by tidal move-ment. However, when diatoms areobserved under constant conditionsin a laboratory, they still displayperiodic behavior, continuing to bur-。



GRE英语考试模拟试卷及答案解析(13)(1/31)选择图片第1题Griffith''s early output was remarkably________: it included not only the standard comedies, melodramas, westerns, and thrillers, but also such novelties as adaptations from Browning and Tennyson, and treatments of social issues.A.controversialB.originalC.eclecticD.inventiveE.impulsive下一题(2/31)选择图片第2题The reality of governance is rarely________; institutions do not operate according to mechanical laws, they evolve organically.A.staticB.nobleC.proteanD.documentedE.inconsistent上一题下一题(3/31)选择图片第3题While we may be interested in the possibilities of social harmony and individual fulfillmentthat may be achieved through nontraditional education, one cannot help being________about accepting any such program as a________the world''s ills.A.conce rned … warning ofB.cautious … panacea forC.fastidious … prescription forD.reticent … renovation ofE.agitated … postscript to上一题下一题(4/31)选择图片第4题Don''t rule out the caprices in the spirit; a time of great transformations requires that webe no less than utterly________in our approach to decision-making.A.resilientB.practicalC.waryD.impeccableE.adaptive上一题下一题(5/31)选择图片第5题After a while, his anger abated, he stopped hurling________and, as he often did after such an outburst, became quite________.A.floridities ... unassumingB.imprecations ... remorsefulC.explications ... ruefulD.epigrams ... meekE.hyperbole ... choleric上一题下一题(6/31)选择图片第6题Several surgeons cautioned against________the new procedure,________that patients had been kept in the dark too long about its possible catastrophic consequences.A.eschewing ... ponderingB.adopting ... complainingC.publicizing ... addingD.revising'' ... advocatingE.administering ... forgetting上一题下一题(7/31)选择图片第7题The media''s depiction of America as a drug-ridden society is not only________, but leads to bad policy, for the tendency of some leaders to conflate both innocuous and serious drug abuse into________and dreadful statistic is often motivated by nothing more than paranoia.A.contemptuous ... an accurateB.dishonest ... a secretC.resilient ... a realisticD.inaccurate ... a singleE.remorseful ... a unified上一题下一题(8~11/共31题)选择Passage AMany microorganisms survive such environmental stresses as heat, cold and desiccation not by rapid rates of mitosis, but by producing specialized cells designed to persist in a dormant state in hostile environments. Most fungi, for Line example, yield single-celled spores, which, through wind distribution, can survive for long periods of time before germinating and sprouting fungal filaments of their own. Other types of bacteria produce a special type of spore called anendospore, capable of withstanding such extremes as boiling and freezing temperatures, and even ultraviolet radiation.Though research results remain tentative, several factors may protect endospores from environmental stress: they have a low water content, unusual proteins and a tough spore coat absent in mature bacterial cells. When garden fruits and vegetables, which may contain botulism endospores, are preserved by canning at boiling temperatures, we know that these spores survive the heat and sprout in the food, and as a result, the bacteria generate the botulism toxin that can lead to food poiso ning―proof of their ma gnificent resilience. 图片第8题The author''s primary purpose in the passage is to________.A.describe the limits of biologists'' understanding of the phenomenon of cellular dormancyB.explain how certain organisms have adapted to withstand environmental adversityC.contrast the survival techniques of two organisms which use dormancy to survive hostile environmentsD.explain why endospores are so adept at surviving the traditional canning processE.suggest which methods are effective for killing endospores at which are not第9题The passage mentions all of the following as environmental stresses that can be survived by microorganisms that practice cellular dormancy EXCEPT________.A.Low temperaturesB.Ultraviolet radiationC.Acidic environmentsD.High temperaturesE.Drying processes第10题It may be inferred from the passage that, in contrast to their present view, microbiologists once believed that________.A.only a single feature of endospore biology was responsible for their successB.potentially, a canning process could be developed that was capable of destroying all endosporesC.ultraviolet radiation was a possible means of destroying microorganisms that practice cellular dormancyD.cellular mitosis was the root cause of the resilience of the microorganisms under discussionE.only single-celled organisms, like those of fungal spores, could practice cellular dormancy第11题The author would regard the notion that certain proteins are essential to the survival of environmentally resistant endospores as________.A.unlikelyB.speculativeC.incontrovertibleD.irrelevantE.unscientific上一题下一题(12/31)选择图片第12题SCRIBBLE: WRITE : :A.reflect: contemplateB.listen: doodleD.simper: smileE.glance: ogle上一题下一题(13/31)选择图片第13题RECEPTIVE: GULLIBLE : :A.secretive: stealthypliant: servileC.wordy: tediousD.insightful: penetratingE.priggish: headstrong上一题下一题(14/31)选择图片第14题ADDENDUM: DOCUMENT : :A.duplication: originalB.postscript: letterC.correspondence: apocryphaE.epigraph: preface上一题下一题(15/31)选择图片第15题FILIBUSTER: POSTPONE : :A.spend: gambleB.hoax: dupeC.wheel: vauntD.entice: attractE.malign: criticize上一题下一题(16/31)选择图片第16题ASTRONOMER: TELESCOPE: A.astrologer: constellationB.surgeon: pipetteC.conductor: batonD.carpenter: trowelE.cartographer: foolscap 上一题下一题(17/31)选择图片第17题LIGHT: COLOR : :A.radiation: temperatureB.celerity: spanC.quality: quantityD.sound: pitchE.strength: stress上一题下一题(18/31)选择图片第18题BRISTLE: ANGER : :A.blush: ridiculeB.cackle: appreciationC.vacillate: irresolutionD.blench: raptureE.flummox: engagement 上一题下一题(19/31)选择图片第19题KNEAD: MALLEABLE : :A.vent: respiratoryB.circumscribe: visibleC.brook: uniqueD.penetrate: permeableE.muster: tenacious上一题下一题(20/31)选择图片第20题DROLL: LAUGH : :A.exclamatory: shriekB.blushful: stammerC.gruesome: quailD.sly: simperE.insipid: bore上一题下一题(21/31)选择图片第21题TRUCULENT:A.quietB.stygianC.unadulterateddE.delicate上一题下一题(22/31)选择图片第22题VACILLATION:A.exact aimB.lowest reactionC.suspended stateD.continuous motionE.quick increase上一题下一题(23/31)选择图片第23题 reliabilityB.pleadC.vary courseD.promoterm上一题下一题(24/31)选择图片第24题SEAMY:A.trickyB.draconianC.gaudyD.serratedE.decent上一题下一题(25/31)选择图片第25题GERMANE:A.unevenB.irrelevantC.infertileD.confirmativeE.interchangeable上一题下一题(26/31)选择图片第26题MANNERED:A.advancedB.naturalC.childishD.lucidE.unaware上一题下一题(27/31)选择图片第27题SINEWY:A.significantB.restrainedC.dishonestD.frailE.novel上一题下一题(28/31)选择图片第28题EXHAUSTIVE:A.waveringB.livelyC.protectedD.brawnyE.incomprehensive上一题下一题(29/31)选择图片第29题DEBACLE:A.definite suppositionB.outspoken replyplete triumphD.partial decision上一题下一题(30/31)选择图片第30题FLEDGLING:A.alert audienceB.championC.reticent assistantD.seasoned practitionerE.newly transformed person上一题下一题(31/31)选择图片第31题CONTAMINATE:A.reviveB.adoreC.filterD.improveE.cleanse上一题交卷交卷答题卡答案及解析(1/31)选择图片第1题Griffith''s early output was remarkably________: it included not only the standard comedies, melodramas, westerns, and thrillers, but also such novelties as adaptations from Browning and Tennyson, and treatments of social issues.A.controversialB.originalC.eclecticD.inventiveE.impulsive参考答案: C 您的答案:未作答答案解析:下一题(2/31)选择图片第2题The reality of governance is rarely________; institutions do not operate according tomechanical laws, they evolve organically.A.staticB.nobleC.proteanD.documentedE.inconsistent参考答案: A 您的答案:未作答答案解析:上一题下一题(3/31)选择图片第3题While we may be interested in the possibilities of social harmony and individual fulfillmentthat may be achieved through nontraditional education, one cannot help being________about accepting any such program as a________the world''s ills.A.concerned … warning ofB.cautious … panacea forC.fastidious … prescription forD.reticent … renovation ofE.agitated … postscript to参考答案: B 您的答案:未作答答案解析:上一题下一题(4/31)选择图片第4题Don''t rule out the caprices in the spirit; a time of great transformations requires that webe no less than utterly________in our approach to decision-making.A.resilientB.practicalC.waryD.impeccableE.adaptive参考答案: E 您的答案:未作答答案解析:上一题下一题(5/31)选择图片第5题After a while, his anger abated, he stopped hurling________and, as he often did after such an outburst, became quite________.A.floridities ... unassumingB.imprecations ... remorsefulC.explications ... ruefulD.epigrams ... meekE.hyperbole ... choleric参考答案: B 您的答案:未作答答案解析:上一题下一题(6/31)选择图片第6题Several surgeons cautioned against________the new procedure,________that patients had been kept in the dark too long about its possible catastrophic consequences.A.eschewing ... ponderingB.adopting ... complainingC.publicizing ... addingD.revising'' ... advocatingE.administering ... forgetting参考答案: B 您的答案:未作答答案解析:上一题下一题(7/31)选择图片第7题The media''s depiction of America as a drug-ridden society is not only________, but leads to bad policy, for the tendency of some leaders to conflate both innocuous and serious drug abuse into________and dreadful statistic is often motivated by nothing more than paranoia.A.contemptuous ... an accurateB.dishonest ... a secretC.resilient ... a realisticD.inaccurate ... a singleE.remorseful ... a unified参考答案: D 您的答案:未作答答案解析:上一题下一题(8~11/共31题)选择Passage AMany microorganisms survive such environmental stresses as heat, cold and desiccation not by rapid rates of mitosis, but by producing specialized cells designed to persist in a dormant state in hostile environments. Most fungi, for Line example, yield single-celled spores, which, through wind distribution, can survive for long periods of time before germinating and sprouting fungal filaments of their own. Other types of bacteria produce a special type of spore called an endospore, capable of withstanding such extremes as boiling and freezing temperatures, and even ultraviolet radiation.Though research results remain tentative, several factors may protect endospores from environmental stress: they have a low water content, unusual proteins and a tough spore coat absent in mature bacterial cells. When garden fruits and vegetables, which may contain botulismendospores, are preserved by canning at boiling temperatures, we know that these spores survive the heat and sprout in the food, and as a result, the bacteria generate the botulism toxin that can lead to food poisoning―proof of their ma gnificent resilience. 图片第8题The author''s primary purpose in the passage is to________.A.describe the limits of biologists'' understanding of the phenomenon of cellular dormancyB.explain how certain organisms have adapted to withstand environmental adversityC.contrast the survival techniques of two organisms which use dormancy to survive hostile environmentsD.explain why endospores are so adept at surviving the traditional canning processE.suggest which methods are effective for killing endospores at which are not参考答案: B 您的答案:未作答答案解析:第9题The passage mentions all of the following as environmental stresses that can be survived by microorganisms that practice cellular dormancy EXCEPT________.A.Low temperaturesB.Ultraviolet radiationC.Acidic environmentsD.High temperaturesE.Drying processes参考答案: C 您的答案:未作答答案解析:第10题It may be inferred from the passage that, in contrast to their present view, microbiologists once believed that________.A.only a single feature of endospore biology was responsible for their successB.potentially, a canning process could be developed that was capable of destroying all endosporesC.ultraviolet radiation was a possible means of destroying microorganisms that practice cellular dormancyD.cellular mitosis was the root cause of the resilience of the microorganisms under discussionE.only single-celled organisms, like those of fungal spores, could practice cellular dormancy参考答案: D 您的答案:未作答答案解析:第11题The author would regard the notion that certain proteins are essential to the survival of environmentally resistant endospores as________.A.unlikelyB.speculativeC.incontrovertibleD.irrelevantE.unscientific参考答案: C 您的答案:未作答答案解析:上一题下一题(12/31)选择图片第12题SCRIBBLE: WRITE : :A.reflect: contemplateB.listen: doodleD.simper: smileE.glance: ogle参考答案: D 您的答案:未作答答案解析:上一题下一题(13/31)选择图片第13题RECEPTIVE: GULLIBLE : :A.secretive: stealthypliant: servileC.wordy: tediousD.insightful: penetratingE.priggish: headstrong参考答案: B 您的答案:未作答答案解析:上一题下一题(14/31)选择图片第14题ADDENDUM: DOCUMENT : :A.duplication: originalB.postscript: letterC.correspondence: apocryphaE.epigraph: preface参考答案: B 您的答案:未作答答案解析:上一题下一题(15/31)选择图片第15题FILIBUSTER: POSTPONE : :A.spend: gambleB.hoax: dupeC.wheel: vauntD.entice: attractE.malign: criticize参考答案: B 您的答案:未作答答案解析:上一题下一题(16/31)选择图片第16题ASTRONOMER: TELESCOPE:A.astrologer: constellationB.surgeon: pipetteC.conductor: batonD.carpenter: trowelE.cartographer: foolscap参考答案: C 您的答案:未作答答案解析:上一题下一题(17/31)选择图片第17题LIGHT: COLOR : :A.radiation: temperatureB.celerity: spanC.quality: quantityD.sound: pitchE.strength: stress参考答案: D 您的答案:未作答答案解析:上一题下一题(18/31)选择图片第18题BRISTLE: ANGER : :A.blush: ridiculeB.cackle: appreciationC.vacillate: irresolutionD.blench: raptureE.flummox: engagement参考答案: C 您的答案:未作答答案解析:上一题下一题(19/31)选择图片第19题KNEAD: MALLEABLE : :A.vent: respiratoryB.circumscribe: visibleC.brook: uniqueD.penetrate: permeableE.muster: tenacious参考答案: D 您的答案:未作答答案解析:上一题下一题(20/31)选择图片第20题DROLL: LAUGH : :A.exclamatory: shriekB.blushful: stammerC.gruesome: quailD.sly: simperE.insipid: bore参考答案: C 您的答案:未作答答案解析:上一题下一题(21/31)选择图片第21题TRUCULENT:A.quietB.stygianC.unadulterateddE.delicate参考答案: D 您的答案:未作答答案解析:上一题下一题(22/31)选择图片第22题VACILLATION:A.exact aimB.lowest reactionC.suspended stateD.continuous motionE.quick increase参考答案: C 您的答案:未作答答案解析:上一题下一题(23/31)选择图片第23题 reliabilityB.pleadC.vary courseD.promoterm参考答案: D 您的答案:未作答答案解析:上一题下一题(24/31)选择图片第24题SEAMY:A.trickyB.draconianC.gaudyD.serratedE.decent参考答案: E 您的答案:未作答答案解析:上一题下一题(25/31)选择图片第25题GERMANE:A.unevenB.irrelevantC.infertileD.confirmativeE.interchangeable参考答案: B 您的答案:未作答答案解析:上一题下一题(26/31)选择图片第26题MANNERED:A.advancedB.naturalD.lucidE.unaware参考答案: B 您的答案:未作答答案解析:上一题下一题(27/31)选择图片第27题SINEWY:A.significantB.restrainedC.dishonestD.frailE.novel参考答案: D 您的答案:未作答答案解析:上一题下一题(28/31)选择图片第28题EXHAUSTIVE:A.waveringB.livelyC.protectedD.brawnyE.incomprehensive参考答案: E 您的答案:未作答答案解析:上一题下一题(29/31)选择图片第29题DEBACLE:A.definite suppositionB.outspoken replyplete triumphD.partial decision参考答案: C 您的答案:未作答答案解析:上一题下一题(30/31)选择图片FLEDGLING:A.alert audienceB.championC.reticent assistantD.seasoned practitionerE.newly transformed person参考答案: D 您的答案:未作答答案解析:上一题下一题(31/31)选择图片第31题CONTAMINATE:A.reviveB.adoreC.filterD.improveE.cleanse参考答案: E 您的答案:未作答答案解析:上一题成绩单答题卡。



gre考试模拟试题及答案GRE考试模拟试题及答案一、词汇部分1. The scientist's innovations in the field of genetics have been pioneering.- A. Traditional- B. Conservative- C. Revolutionary- D. Outdated答案: C2. Despite the dire predictions, the explorer was undaunted and continued his journey.- A. Optimistic- B. Alarming- C. Encouraging- D. Neutral答案: B二、阅读部分Passage 1:In the modern era, the role of technology in education has become increasingly significant. The integration of digitaltools in classrooms has revolutionized the way students learn and interact with educational content.Question 1: What is the main idea of the passage?- A. The history of technology in education.- B. The negative impact of digital tools on students.- C. The positive influence of technology on educational methods.- D. The resistance to the integration of technology in classrooms.答案: CQuestion 2: What is a possible title for this passage?- A. "The Decline of Traditional Education"- B. "The Digital Revolution in Classrooms"- C. "The Challenges of Modern Education"- D. "The Future of Technology-Free Learning"答案: B三、数学部分1. If the sum of three consecutive integers is 69, what is the middle integer?- A. 22- B. 23- C. 24- D. 25解答: 设三个连续整数分别为 \( n-1 \), \( n \), \( n+1 \)。



gre模拟考试题及答案GRE(Graduate Record Examinations)模拟考试题及答案GRE模拟考试题一、词汇题(Vocabulary)1. The professor's lecture was so ________ that the students were captivated by every word.A) mundaneB) enthrallingC) tediousD) inconsequential2. Despite the ________ of his argument, the lawyer was unable to convince the jury.A) cogencyB) fallacyC) redundancyD) triviality答案解析:1. 正确答案:B) enthralling解释:enthralling 意为“迷人的”,符合句子中“学生们被每一句话吸引”的语境。

2. 正确答案:A) cogency解释:cogency 意为“说服力”,尽管律师的论点很有说服力,但未能说服陪审团。

二、阅读理解题(Reading Comprehension)Passage:The Renaissance was a period of great cultural change and achievement in Europe that spanned the period roughly from the 14th to the 17th century. It marked the transition from the Middle Ages to Modernity, and during this time, there was a renewed interest in science, art, and literature.Question:What was the Renaissance known for?A) The decline of cultural achievementsB) The transition from the Middle Ages to ModernityC) The focus on religious themes in artD) The lack of interest in science and literature答案解析:正确答案:B) The transition from the Middle Ages to Modernity 解释:文章明确指出文艺复兴是从中世纪到现代性的过渡时期,标志着文化的巨大变化和成就。



gre模拟考试题及答案GRE模拟考试题及答案一、词汇题(每题1分,共10分)1. The scientist's discovery was _______ and had the potential to revolutionize the field.A. innovativeB. traditionalC. redundantD. mundane答案:A2. Despite the _______ weather, the hikers continued their journey with determination.A. inclementB. clementC. sereneD. temperate答案:A3. The politician's speech was filled with _______ promises that appealed to the masses.A. hollowB. genuineC. superficialD. profound答案:A4. The artist's work was _______ in its complexity, requiringa deep understanding to appreciate fully.A. simplisticB. intricateC. rudimentaryD. elementary答案:B5. The _______ of the old building was a testament to its historical significance.A. preservationB. demolitionC. renovationD. destruction答案:A6. The _______ of the new policy was met with mixed reactions from the public.A. implementationB. abandonmentC. rejectionD. endorsement答案:A7. The _______ of the ancient ruins provided valuableinsights into the past civilization.A. excavationB. concealmentC. obliterationD. preservation答案:A8. The _______ of the novel was its ability to captivate the reader's imagination.A. allureB. tediumC. mediocrityD. monotony答案:A9. The _______ of the evidence led to the suspect's acquittal.A. absenceB. presenceC. abundanceD. scarcity答案:A10. The _______ of the argument was flawed, leading to an unsatisfactory conclusion.A. logicB. fallacyC. coherenceD. inconsistency答案:B二、阅读理解题(每题2分,共20分)阅读以下短文,回答后面的问题。



GRE(VERBAL)强化填空模拟试卷20(题后含答案及解析)题型有:1. PART ONEPART ONE (Time:30 minutes 38 Questions)SECTION 1Directions: Each sentence below has one or two blanks, each blank indicating that something has been omitted. Beneath the sentence are five lettered or sets of words. Choose the word or set of words for each blank that best fits the meaning of the sentence as a whole.1.The senator’s reputation, though (i)________ by false allegations of misconduct, emerged from the ordeal (ii)________.A.shaken…unscathedB.destroyed…intactC.damaged…impairedD.impugned…unclearE.tarnished…sullied正确答案:A解析:空格(i):- 方程等号:by被…,前后句意同义重复。

- 强词和对应:by后面提到渎职行为的虚假指控,因此false allegations指向空格(i),取同,体现虚假的指控给议员的声誉带来了“不好的影响”,填入一个负向词。



空格(ii):- 方程等号:though尽管,句内取反。

- 强词和对应:空格(i)和空格(ii)根据though取反,因为空格(i)是负向词,所以空格(ii)应该填入一个正向词。



GRE(VERBAL)强化填空模拟试卷4(题后含答案及解析)题型有:1. PART ONEPART ONE (Time:30 minutes 38 Questions)SECTION 1Directions: Each sentence below has one or two blanks, each blank indicating that something has been omitted. Beneath the sentence are five lettered or sets of words. Choose the word or set of words for each blank that best fits the meaning of the sentence as a whole.1.Faraday does not (i)____ any particular theory; she believes that each theory increases our understanding of some dreams but that no single theory can (ii)____ them all.A.endorse…explainB.discuss…simplifyC.mention…replaceD.evaluate…identifyE.criticize…eradicate正确答案:A解析:空格(ii):- 方程等号:but表示转折,前后反义重复。



- 强词和对应:them指代dreams,increase our understanding(增加理解)指向空格(ii)取同,空格填入一个正向词。


选项A合适,explain的释义是to make something clear or easy to understand。



GRE(VERBAL)综合模拟试卷7(题后含答案及解析) 题型有:1. 2.SECTION 1Directions: Each sentence below has one or two blanks, each blank indicating that something has been omitted. Beneath the sentence are five lettered or sets of words. Choose the word or set of words for each blank that best fits the meaning of the sentence as a whole.1.At their best,(i)______book reviews are written in defense of value and in the tacit hope that the author, having had his or her(ii)______pointed out, might secretly agree that the book could be improved.正确答案:B,E解析:The second part of the sentence talks about the author agreeing that the book can be improved after the things named by Blank(ii)are pointed out; therefore, the answer to Blank(ii)must denote something negative whose presence calls for improvement. The only answer choice for Blank(ii)that is negative in meaning is “transgressions,”so it is correct. Book reviews that point out the author s transgressions are negative in nature, so the answer to Blank(i)must be negative in meaning; the only answer choice that meets this condition is “adverse,”so it is correct.Thus the correct answer is adverse(Choice B)and transgressions(Choice E).2.The gaps in existing accounts of the playwrights life are not(i)______, since much of the documentary evidence on which historians have relied is(ii)______.正确答案:A,F解析:The sentence focuses on the relationship between the gaps in existing accounts of a life and the evidence used to produce those accounts. Since “gaps”implies a concern with completeness, the characterization of that evidence that makes the most sense for Blank(ii)is “incomplete.” The other choices, “credible” or “extant,”could explain the accuracy or verifiability of the accounts in question but nothing about the gaps themselves. Once it is determined that “incomplete” is the best choice for characterizing the evidence, it follows that the gaps in the accounts based on that evidence would likely be considerable, so the opposite of considerable, “trifling,” is the correct answer for Blank(i). Thus the correct answer is trifling(Choice A)and incomplete(Choice F).3.That todays students of American culture tend to(i)______classical music is understandable. In our own time, Americas musical high culture has degenerated into a formulaic entertainment divorced from the contemporary moment. Thus, to miss out on what our orchestras are up to is not to(ii)______much. In the late Gilded Age, however, music was widely esteemed as the “queen of the arts.” Classical music wasin its American heyday,(iii)______the culture at large.正确答案:C,D,I解析:The “however”of the next-to-last sentence indicates that the author’s characterization of the relationship between classical music and popular culture during the Gilded Age contrasts with the current state of affairs. Since music was widely esteemed during the Gilded Age, it follows that it is viewed more negatively, or disregarded, during the current era. Of the choices for Blank(i), “ignore” is the only choice that conveys this sentiment; “promote”connotes the opposite, while “reinterpret” suggests a different sort of positive engagement with classical music that is otherwise unmentioned in the passage. The author characterizes the current disconnection between music and culture as understandable, and uses pejorative language(“degenerated,”“formulaic”)to describe current classical music. Of the three choices for Blank(ii), “sacrifice”best conveys this dismissive attitude; “appreciate”would convey that those who forego orchestral concerts are indeed missing something worthwhile, while “malign” overstates the presumed level of feeling and activity of one who simply does not attend concerts. Since the lack of a connection between culture and classical music must contrast with the relationship during the Gilded Age, the answer to Blank(iii)is “centrally embedded in.”Of the other two choices, “generally rejected by”would provide no contrast, while “antagonistic toward”suggests a relationship that would not explain why music was so widely esteemed.Thus the correct answer is ignore(Choice C), sacrifice(Choice D), and centrally embedded in(Choice I).4.The serious study of popular culture by intellectuals is regularly credited with having rendered obsolete a once-dominant view that popular culture is inherently inferior to high art. Yet this alteration of attitudes may be somewhat(i)______.Although it is now academically respectable to analyze popular culture, the fact that many intellectuals feel compelled to rationalize their own(ii)______action movies or mass-market fiction reveals, perhaps unwittingly, their continued(iii)______the old hierarchy of high and low culture.正确答案:C,D,H解析:The sentence discusses a purported change in how popular culture and high art are relatively valued; the author is scrutinizing the notion that the academic study of the former has significantly raised its once lowly status. In the last sentence, Blank(iii)is preceded by the word “continued,”indicating that something about intellectuals’view of the hierarchy of culture has remained unchanged. Since the author states in the first sentence that this hierarchy was once dominant, “investment in”the hierarchy would indicate that sense of continuity. Neither of the other two options is supported by the passage because there is no indication the author believes that intellectuals have a long-held aversion to or misunderstanding of that hierarchy. The “although” that begins the last sentence indicates that the phrase completed by Blank(ii)will contrast the respectability of analyses of popular culture with somethingthat nonetheless reveals a continued allegiance to the hierarchy. A need to explain away a “distaste for” or an “indifference to” action movies or pulp fiction would not indicate any such allegiance, so those choices must be incorrect. However, a need to justify one’s penchant or liking for popular culture would indicate an adherence to the high-low culture hierarchy. Thus “penchant for”is the correct choice for Blank(ii). Finally, since the author is suggesting that the hierarchy given to high and low culture is not obsolete as some claim, it follows that the shift in attitudes is exaggerated; thus, the correct answer to Blank(i)is “overstated.”“Underappreciated”implies the opposite, and “counterproductive” implies a judgment about the value of the hierarchy, whereas the passage is primarily concerned with its existence.Thus the correct answer is overstated(Choice C), penchant for(Choice D), and investment in(Choice H).SECTION 2Directions: In each of the following questions, a related pair of words or phrases is followed by five lettered pairs of words or phrases. Select the lettered pair that best expresses a relationship similar to that expressed in the original pair.5.Retrofitted with stabilizing devices, some of which______its aesthetics, the bridge has been reopened, no longer prone to excessive swaying but not quite the breathtaking structure it originally was.A impair B resist C improve D enhance E restore F compromise正确答案:A,F解析:The sentence suggests that the addition of devices to make the bridge more stable has consequently lessened its previous aesthetic impact as a “breathtaking structure.”The words “restore,”“improve,”and “enhance”do not describe the appropriate qualitative direction of the change caused by the retrofitting as “impair”and “compromise”do. Though “resist”makes some sense when inserted into the blank, it does not produce a sentence with the same meaning as either of these.Thus the correct answer is impair(Choice A)and compromise(Choice F).6.Although cosmic objects have struck Earth since the planet’s very formation, humanity has only recently become aware of these events: two centuries ago the idea that objects orbiting the Sun could collide with Earth was widely______.A ridiculedB doubtedC disseminated D promulgated E marginalized F disbelieved正确答案:B,F解析:The colon introduces an example that explains or demonstrates the former lack of awareness about cosmic collisions with Earth. Because people were not aware of the existence of events of this type, the idea of their possibility would not have been “disseminated”or “promulgated.”Although “ridiculed”and “marginalized”make sense when inserted into the blank, they do not produce sentences with the same meaning, which “doubted”and “disbelieved”do.Thus the correct answer is doubted(Choice B)and disbelieved(Choice F).7.That people______the musical features of birdsongs suggests that despite the vast evolutionary gulf between birds and mammals, songbirds and humans share some common auditory perceptual abilities.A mimicB recognizeC relishD are confounded byE can make outF are puzzled by正确答案:B,E解析:According to the sentence, some human ability or other suggests that humans share a perceptual ability with songbirds. The words that fill the blank must allow for the existence of this ability in humans, which “are confounded by” and “are puzzled by” do not. Although both “mimic” and “relish” make sense when inserted into the blank, they each designate more than just perception, and they both lack another word that would create a sentence similar in meaning.Thus the correct answer is recognize(Choice B)and can make out(Choice E).8.Torpey’s study has turned a seemingly______topic, the passport, into a fascinating one by making an original contribution to the sociology of the state.A ironic B banalC provocativeD witty E insipidF stimulating正确答案:B,E解析:The adjective “seemingly” indicates that the words that fill the blank will contrast with “fascinating.” Of the responses, “banal” and “insipid” are both opposites of “fascinating,”and they yield sentences alike in meaning, so they are the correct response. While “provocative”and “stimulating”are near in meaning, they do not provide any contrast to “fascinating,”so they are incorrect. Neither of the other responses has a near synonym among the choices, nor do they provide any opposition to the characterization of the passport as a fascinating topic.Thus the correct answer is banal(Choice B)and insipid(Choice E).9.Britain is attractive to worldwide advertisers because it is______market, so there is no need to tailor advertisements for different parts of the country.A a globalB an uncomplicated C a vastD a homogeneous E a uniform F an immense正确答案:D,E解析:The sentence describes a country whose different parts share a similarity that does not require differential action(tailoring for different parts)by advertisers. The blank must designate this sameness. While the words “vast” and “immense” produce sentences with the same meaning—and “global” less so—they all describe size, not similarity. Being “uncomplicated”might also attract advertisers, but it suggests a different virtue than similarity, and there is no other word that produces a sentence with the same meaning.Thus the correct answer is a homogenous(Choice D)and a uniform(Choice E).10.The band’s long-standing strategy of laying leisurely explorations atop asteady funk beat has proven to be surprisingly______: a concert in Cologne from 1972 sounds as if it could have taken place today.A fortuitous B foresighted C prescient D popular E serendipitous F lucrative正确答案:B,C解析:The colon indicates that the second part of the sentence supports the assertion made in the first part. Since this second part emphasizes the modern sound of the 1972 concert, the blank calls for choices that refer to the similarities between the band’s 1972 sound and music characteristic of more recent times. Both “foresighted” and “prescient” suggest that the band’s musical strategy anticipated the trends of the coming decades, so they are the correct choice. Of the other responses, “fortuitous” and “serendipitous” are similar in meaning, but they do not fit well with the word “surprisingly,”nor with the emphasis on the band’s having a long-term strategy. Neither “popular” nor “lucrative” have a synonym among the other choices; moreover, they too go beyond the sentence’s emphasis on the band’s seemingly timeless style.Thus the correct answer is foresighted(Choice B)and prescient(Choice C).11.Factory production made an absence of imperfections so blandly commonplace that the______of hand-produced goods were now cherished where they once might have been shunned.A advantagesB revivals C benefitsD pretensionsE blemishes F defects正确答案:E,F解析:The sentence suggests a contrast between the quality of factory-produced goods, marked by an absence of imperfections, with that of hand-produced goods, which must possess such imperfections. The words “blemishes” and “defects” are the only ones that connote imperfection. While “advantages”and “benefits”produce sentences with the same meaning, they neither connote imperfection nor make sense as one would not necessarily shun a product with such positive attributes. The word “revivals” also does not connote imperfection, and there is no other word that would produce a sentence with the same meaning.Thus the correct answer is blemishes(Choice E)and defects(Choice F).12.Through its state associations, the American Medical Association controlled who could become a physician and dominated______professions like nursing and occupational therapy.A commensurateB proportionate C kindredD affiliated E imperative F voluntary正确答案:C,D解析:The blank calls for words that will describe professions such as nursing and occupational therapy as they relate to physicians. These professions are also in the health-care field; the answer choices “kindred” and “affiliated” both suggest this close relationship and produce completed sentences that are similar in meaning. Of theother choices, both “commensurate”and “proportionate”suggest some sort of comparative measurement between the professions mentioned, something unsupported by the rest of the sentence. Neither “imperative” nor “voluntary” would typically be used to describe “profession”nor does either have a word close in meaning among the other choices with which it could be paired.Thus the correct answer is kindred(Choice C)and affiliated(Choice D).13.In a strong indication of the way the entire party is______the candidate with moderate credentials, the outspokenly conservative former mayor of a major city has promised to raise a substantial amount of money for the candidates campaign.A rallying behind B incensed over C undecided about D mortified over E embarrassed about F coalescing around正确答案:A,F解析:The former mayor s promise to raise funds is used as an example of the party’s attitude or actions toward the candidate. Since raising funds is a way of supporting a candidate, the words filling the blank must be positive rather than negative. Only two of the choices given, “rallying behind” and “coalescing around,”indicate a positive attitude toward the candidate; moreover, they also produce similar meanings, so they are the correct answer. The other four choices indicate negative or indifferent attitudes toward the candidate that would not be exemplified by promises of fund-raising.Thus the correct answer is rallying behind(Choice A)and coalescing around(Choice F).14.Mr. Hirsch says he will aim to preserve the foundations support of______ thinkers, individuals who are going against the trends in a field or an acknowledged set of opinions.A iconoclastic B integrative C doctrinaire D heterodox E dogmatic F synthesizing正确答案:A,D解析:The portion of the sentence following the comma defines the type of thinkers characterized by the words that will fill the blank. The challenge posed by this item, then, is mainly one of vocabulary: the answers must be words that describe individuals who go against the trends in a field or against a set of opinions. “Iconoclastic” and “heterodox” mean exactly that, with both words describing people whose opinions run counter to established norms. Of the other choices, “doctrinaire”and “dogmatic”both mean the opposite—adhering to established principles—while “integrative” and “synthesizing” both refer to a willingness to bring together disparate points of view.Thus the correct answer is iconoclastic(Choice A)and heterodox(Choice D).15.In France cultural subsidies are______: producers of just about any film can get an advance from the government against box-office receipts, even though most such loans are never fully repaid.A ubiquitousB invaluableC sporadicD scantyEquestionableF omnipresent正确答案:A,F解析:The colon signals that the second part of the sentence provides an example of the first part, so the blank must characterize the idea that just about any film(as an instance of subsidized culture)gets an advance. This rules out “sporadic” and “scanty”neither of which suggest the pervasiveness of the subsidies. While “invaluable” and “questionable” may make some sense, they do not produce sentences with the same meaning.Thus the correct answer is ubiquitous(Choice A)and omnipresent(Choice F).16.The problem of avoiding duplicate names—such as for Internet domain names or for e-mail accounts—is particularly______when the name has to fit into a format that allows only a finite number of possibilities.A meagerB acute C agreeable D severeE beneficial F productive正确答案:B,D解析:The blank must be filled with a word that describes the challenge of ensuring unique names under certain limitations. Since these limitations add to the difficulty of avoiding duplication, the blank must be filled with choices that reflect the arduousness of this task. To characterize the problem as particularly “acute”or “severe”would do this nicely; both adjectives indicate the added difficulty of the problem under the circumstances described, and the pairing renders sentences with similar meanings. None of the other responses describe the difficulty of the problem that the rest of the sentence emphasizes. Thus the correct answer is acute(Choice B)and severe(Choice D).17.At nearly 450 pages, the novel is______: the author does not often resist the temptation to finish off a chapter, section, or even paragraph with some unnecessary flourish.A instructive B complex C prolix D educational E long-winded F explicit正确答案:C,E解析:The words that fill the blank in must convey that the novel is not merely long but also contains numerous portions deemed unnecessary. While it may be “instructive”and “educational”these do not properly describe the novel’s length. While “complex”and “explicit”may correlate with(though not characterize)length, they do not produce sentences with the same meaning.Thus the correct answer is prolix(Choice C)and long-winded(Choice E).18.If researchers can determine exactly what is wrong with people who suffer from this condition, they may be able to suggest drug therapies or other treatments that could______the effects of the damage.A mitigateB exacerbateC specify D identify E ameliorate F stabilize正确答案:A,E解析:The sentence suggests that more information about a damaging condition will allow researchers to lessen future negative effects. While “specify” and “identify”create sentences with approximately the same meaning, the sentence also suggests that the researchers are seeking to control effects that are already known rather than needing further specificity or identification. Even in this limited context, it is unreasonable that researchers would wish to “exacerbate”or increase the negative effects of damage, and there is no other word that creates a sentence with the same meaning. “Stabilize”implies that the negative effects would simply be controlled, rather than lessened, and likewise there is no other word that produces a sentence with the same meaning. Thus the correct answer is mitigate(Choice A)and ameliorate(Choice E).19.Some analysts worry about consumers’perception that the electronics industry is always on the verge of major breakthroughs; that perception could hurt the industry by making consumers reluctant to buy products they believe will soon be______.A incompatible B devalued C obsoleteD ubiquitous E everywhere F outmoded正确答案:C,F解析:The blank characterizes products that consumers fear will be superseded in quality as a result of industry breakthroughs. While “ubiquitous”and “everywhere”produce sentences with the same meaning, they assume an increase in volume or sales that is not necessarily implied by innovatory breakthroughs. And while “devalued”makes for a coherent sentence, there is no other word that would produce a sentence with the same meaning. Thus the correct answer is obsolete(Choice C)and outmoded(Choice F).20.After people began to make the transition from gathering food to producing food, human societies followed markedly______courses; some adopted herding, others took to tillage, and still others stuck to foraging.A divergent B rural C novel D unfamiliar E disparate F quotidian正确答案:A,E解析:The sentence describes the variable courses of three different societies after the beginning of a transition, and the blank characterizes the differences among these courses. While “rural” and “quotidian” may describe a common quality of each course, they do not emphasize their variability. And while the words “novel”and “unfamiliar” are alike in meaning, they do not fit the context, since one of the paths taken(sticking to foraging)is precisely neither novel nor unfamiliar.Thus the correct answer is divergent(Choice A)and disparate(Choice E).21.In The Simple Soybean, the author is much less restrained in his enthusiasm for the bean’s medical efficacy than he is in his technical writings, but he still cautions against treating soy as a______.A staple B supplement C herald D panacea E cure-allF harbinger正确答案:D,E解析:The blank characterizes the medical efficacy or effectiveness of soy. While the words “herald” and “harbinger” are similar in meaning, they do not characterize medical effectiveness as “panacea”and “cure-all”do. Nor do “staple”and “supplement,”each of which may refer to a medical regime or a dosage but not to efficacyThus the correct answer is panacea(Choice D)and cure-all(Choice E).22.Parkins characterization of the movement as neoscholastic is too______to be accepted without further investigation.A cursory B detailed C perfunctoryD biasedE self-evident F complete正确答案:A,C解析:The blank describes Parkin’s characterization as demanding further investigation. If the characterization is too “complete” or too “self-evident,” there is nothing further to investigate; if it is too “detailed” but not flawed, there is no reason to investigate further. The word “biased”does suggest that further investigation is necessary, but there is no other word that produces a sentence alike in meaning.Thus the correct answer is cursory(Choice A)and perfunctory(Choice C).23.A recent study suggests that vitamin E supplements, despite widespread belief in their______, are no better than sugar pills for delaying the onset of the degenerative disease.A potential B misuse C popularity D efficacy E prevalence F usefulness正确答案:D,F解析:The sentence suggests that vitamin E supplements are ineffective in deterring the disease, and the use of the word “despite”indicates that this ineffectiveness contrasts with how they are widely viewed. The words that fill the blank, then, must mean the opposite of “ineffectiveness.” Among the answer choices, the words that do so are “efficacy” and “usefulness.” Of the other choices, “potential”is tempting, but it does not contrast as directly with “ineffectiveness,” nor does it have a near synonym among the other answers with which it could be paired. “Prevalence”and “popularity” might be initially attractive because the passage suggests that these words might describe the use of vitamin E supplements, but the blank calls for a word that characterizes how they are viewed rather than how they are used.Thus the correct answer is efficacy(Choice D)and usefulness(Choice F).24.Despite her relaxed and flexible style, Ms. de la Fressange is______ businesswoman who knows how to market her brand: herself.A a ruthlessB a creativeC a cannyD an industriousE a shrewdF an effective正确答案:C,E解析:The sentence describes Ms. de la Fressange as a businesswoman but none of the words besides “canny”and “shrewd”provide sentences that are alike in meaning. Thus the correct answer is a canny(Choice C)and a shrewd(Choice E).。



GRE(VERBAL)基础填空模拟试卷13(题后含答案及解析)题型有:1. PART ONEPART ONE (Time:30 minutes 38 Questions)SECTION 1Directions: Each sentence below has one or two blanks, each blank indicating that something has been omitted. Beneath the sentence are five lettered or sets of words. Choose the word or set of words for each blank that best fits the meaning of the sentence as a whole.1.Geysers vary widely: some may discharge (i)______, whereas others may have only a brief explosive eruption and then remain (ii) ______ for hours or days.正确答案:B,E解析:whereas说明前后反义重复;and then说明前后出现时间上的对比,反义重复。




第二空与eruption(喷发)反义重复. dangerous危险的,quiescent平静的,unpredictable不可预测的。


知识模块:基础填空2.Although the administration repeatedly threatened to use its authority in order to______ the student protestors into submission, they refused to be intimidated.正确答案:C,E解析:in order to说明前后同义重复。



GRE(VERBAL)模拟试卷33(题后含答案及解析) 题型有:1. PART ONE 2. PART TWOPART ONE (Time:30 minutes 38 Questions)SECTION 1Directions: Each sentence below has one or two blanks, each blank indicating that something has been omitted. Beneath the sentence are five lettered or sets of words. Choose the word or set of words for each blank that best fits the meaning of the sentence as a whole.1.Although he was generally considered an extremely ______individual, his testimony at the trial revealed that he had been very ______.A.intrepid...valiantB.guileless...hypocriticalC.abstemious...temperateD.meek...timorousE.ingenuous...obtuse正确答案:B2.The perpetual spinning of particles is much like that of a top, with one significant difference: unlike the top, the particles have no need to be wound up, for ______ is one of their ______ properties.A.revolution...radicalB.motion...intangibleC.rotation...intrinsicD.acceleration...lesserE.collision...hypothetical正确答案:CSECTION 2Directions: In each of the following questions, a related pair of words or phrases is followed by five lettered pairs of words or phrases. Select the lettered pair that best expresses a relationship similar to that expressed in the original pair.3.MEDICINE : DOSE ::A.surgeon : scalpelB.paper : reamC.treatment : hospitalD.ocean : : decor正确答案:B4.ACCEPT : DEMUR ::A.enact : revokeB.deny : repelC.mute : dispelD.despise : annoyE.reject : disdain正确答案:A5.GLACIER : ICE ::A.beach : sandB.mountain : cloudsC.ship : harborD.hammer : chiselE.novel : characters正确答案:A6.COLLUSION : FRAUD ::A.dissident : friendB.eccentricity : normalcyC.enigma : mistakeD.diatribe : insultE.surplus : debit正确答案:D7.REVIVE : EXHAUSTED ::A.reward : superiorB.refer : adjacentC.replace : lostD.rejuvenate : drainedE.resume : interrupted正确答案:DSECTION 3Directions: Each passage in this group is followed by questions based on its content. After reading a passage, choose the best answer to each question. Answer all questions following a passage on the basis of what is stated or implied in the passage.Directions: Each of the following reading comprehension questions is based on the content of the following passage. Read the passage and then determine the best answer choice for each question. Base your choice on what this passage states directly or implies, not on any information you may have gained elsewhere. (This passage was written prior to 1950) In the long run a government will always encroach upon freedom to the extent to which it has the power to do so; this is almost a natural Line law of politics, since, whatever the intentions of(5) the men whoexercise political power, the sheer momentum of government leads to a constant pressure upon the liberties of the citizen. But in many countries society has responded by throwing up its own defenses in the shape of social(10) classes or organized corporations which, enjoying economic power and popular support, have been able to set limits to the scope of action of the executive. Such, for example, in England was the origin of all our liberties—won from government(15) by the stand first of the feudal nobility, then of churches and political parties, and latterly of trade unions, commercial organizations, and the societies for promoting various causes. Even in European lands which were arbitrarily ruled, the(20) powers of the monarchy, though absolute in theory, were in their exercise checked in a similar fashion. Indeed, the fascist dictatorships of today are the first truly tyrannical governments which western Europe has known for centuries, and they(25) have been rendered possible only because on coming to power they destroyed all forms of social organization which were in any way rivals to the state.8.According to the passage, the natural relationship between government and individual liberty is one ofA.marked indifferenceB.secret collusionC.inherent oppositionD.moderate complicityE.fundamental interdependence正确答案:C9.Fascist dictatorships differ from monarchies of recent times inA.setting limits to their scope of actionB.effecting results by sheer momentumC.rivaling the state in powerD.exerting constant pressure on libertiesE.eradicating people’s organizations 正确答案:E10.The passage suggests which of the following about fascist dictatorships?A.They represent a more efficient form of the executive.B.Their rise to power came about through an accident of history.C.They mark a regression to earlier despotic forms of government.D.Despite superficial dissimilarities, they are in essence like absolute monarchies.E.They maintain their dominance by rechanneling opposing forces in new directions.正确答案:CAs the works of dozens of women writers have been rescued from what E. P. Thompson calls “the enormous condescension of posterity,”and Line considered in relation to each other, the lost continent(5) of the female tradition has risen like Atlantis from the sea of English literature. It is now becoming clear that, contrary to Mill’s theory, women have had a literature of their own all along. The woman novelist, according to Vineta(10) Colby, was “really neither single nor anomalous,”but she was also more than a “register and spokesman for her age.” She was part of a tradition that had its origins before her age, and has carried on through our own.(15) Many literary historians have begun to reinterpret and revise the study of women writers. Ellen Moers sees women’s literature as an international movement, “apart from, but hardly subordinate to the mainstream: an undercurrent, rapid and(20) powerful. This ‘movement’began in the late eighteenth century, was multinational, and produced some of the greatest literary works of two centuries, as well as most of the lucrative pot- boilers.” Patricia Meyer Spacks, in The Female(25) Imagination, finds that “for readily discernible historical reasons women have characteristically concerned themselves with matters more or less peripheral to male concerns, or at least slightly skewed from them. The differences between traditional(30) female preoccupations and roles and male ones make a difference in female writing.” Many other critics are beginning to agree that when we look at women writers collectively we can see an imaginative continuum, the recurrence of certain(35) patterns, themes, problems, and images from generation to generation.11.In the second paragraph of the passage the author’s attitude toward the literary critics cited can best be described as one ofA.ironyB.ambivalenceC.disparagementD.receptivenessE.awe正确答案:D12.The passage supplies information for answering which of the following questions?A.Does the author believe the female literary tradition to be richer in depth than its masculine counterpart?B.Are women psychological as well as sociological chameleons?C.Does Moers share Mill’s concern over the ephemeral nature of female literary renown?D.What patterns, themes, images, and problems recur sufficiently in the work of women writers to belong to the female imaginative continuum?E.Did Mill acknowledge the existence of a separate female literary tradition?正确答案:E13.In the first paragraph, the author makes use of all the following techniques EXCEPTA.extended metaphorB.enumeration and classificationC.classical quotationE.comparison and contrast正确答案:BSECTION 4Directions: Each question below consists of a word printed in capital letters followed by five lettered words or phrases. Choose the lettered word or phrase that is most nearly opposite in meaning to the word in capital letters. Since some of the questions require you to distinguish fine shades of meaning, be sure to consider all the choices before deciding which one is best.14.INSIPIDNESS:A.wisdomB.cowardiceC.lividityD.savorinessE.tentativeness正确答案:D15.SEQUESTER:A.precede in sequenceB.permit to mingleC.alter in from doubtE.attempt to better正确答案:BPART TWO (Time:30 minutes 38 Questions)SECTION 1Directions: Each sentence below has one or two blanks, each blank indicating that something has been omitted. Beneath the sentence are five lettered or sets of words. Choose the word or set of words for each blank that best fits the meaning of the sentence as a whole.16.Whereas off-Broadway theater over the past several seasons has clearly ______ a talent for experimentation and improvisation, one deficiency in the commercial stage of late has been its marked incapacity forA.manifested...spontaneityB.lampooned...theatricalityC.cultivated...orthodoxyD.disavowed...histrionicsE.betrayed...burlesque正确答案:A17.Soap operas and situation comedies, though given to distortion, are so derivative of contemporary culture that they are inestimable ______ the attitudes and values of our society in any particular decade.A.contraventions ofB.antidotes toC.indices ofD.prerequisites forE.determinants of正确答案:C18.Perry’s critics in the scientific world ______ that many of the observations he has made during more than a decade of research in Costa Rica have been reported as ______ in popular magazines rather than as carefully documented case studies in technical journals.A.intimate...hypothesesB.charge...anecdotesC.applaud...rumorsD.claim...scholarshipE.apologize...fabrications正确答案:B19.Slander is like counterfeit money: many people who would not coin it______it without qualms.A.wasteB.denounceC.circulateD.withdrawE.invest正确答案:CSECTION 3Directions: Each passage in this group is followed by questions based on its content. After reading a passage, choose the best answer to each question. Answer all questions following a passage on the basis of what is stated or implied in the passage.The physics of elementary particles is notorious for the fancifulness of its terminology, abounding as it does in names such as “quark,”“flavor,”Line “strangeness”and “charm.”One term, however, (5) even to the nonscientist seems most apt: “gluon.”Physicists conjecture that the gluon is the “glue”connecting quarks into hadrons or strongly inter- acting particles (protons, neutrons, pions, etc.). Initially, physicists envisaged the gluon’s adhe-(10) sive strength to be so powerful that a quark could not be extracted from a hadron no matter how great the force brought to bear on it. Furthermore, the gluon itself also seemed to be permanently bound: just as no force seemed strong enough to(15) pry apart the quarks, none appeared strong enough to squeeze out a single drop of the glue that bound them. Today, however, some physi- cists hypothesize the existence of pure glue: glu- ons without quarks, or gluonium, as they call it.20.The author refers to charms and quarks (lines 3-4) primarily in order toA.demonstrate the similarity between these particles and the gluonB.make a distinction between apposite and inapposite terminologyC.offer an objection to suggestions of similar frivolous namesD.provide illustrations of idiosyncratic nomenclature in contemporary physicsE.cite preliminary experimental evidence sup-porting the existence of gluons 正确答案:D21.The tone of the author’s discussion of the neologisms coined by physicists is one ofA.scientific detachmentB.moderate indignationC.marked derisionD.amused approbationE.qualified skepticism正确答案:DSECTION 4Directions: Each question below consists of a word printed in capital letters followed by five lettered words or phrases. Choose the lettered word or phrase that is most nearly opposite in meaning to the word in capital letters. Since some of the questions require you to distinguish fine shades of meaning, be sure to consider all the choices before deciding which one is best.22.FLEDGLING:A.experiencedB.shyC.cautiousD.pedestrianE.fleeting正确答案:A23.EQUANIMITY:A.clamorB.disparityC.agitation D.propensityE.indivisibility正确答案:C 24.ANATHEMATIZE: A.appraiseB.reciprocateC.patronize D.insinuateE.bless正确答案:E 25.REPUDIATE:A.misleadB.minimizeC.ascertain D.isolateE.accept正确答案:E 26.ALOOFNESS: A.exaggerationB.simplicityC.concern D.complacencyE.disingenuousness 正确答案:C 27.OBFUSCATE:A.insinuateB.exacerbateC.protract D.clarifyE.placate正确答案:D。



GRE(VERBAL)基础填空模拟试卷14(题后含答案及解析)题型有:1. PART ONEPART ONE (Time:30 minutes 38 Questions)SECTION 1Directions: Each sentence below has one or two blanks, each blank indicating that something has been omitted. Beneath the sentence are five lettered or sets of words. Choose the word or set of words for each blank that best fits the meaning of the sentence as a whole.1.Turn-of-the-century actress Sarah Bernhardt had so(i)______a talent that she (ii) ______audiences with her diverse and utterly convincing characterizations.正确答案:A,D解析:so…that…说明前后同义重复。

第一空与diverse and utterly convincing characterizations(多样且逼真的人物塑造)同义重复。

protean富有变化的,quixotic 不切实际的,mediocre平庸的。




知识模块:基础填空2.In the classroom, Carol was unusually______; on the playground, however, she became as intractable as the other children.正确答案:A,E解析:however说明前后反义重复。



GRE(VERBAL)基础填空模拟试卷6(题后含答案及解析)题型有:1. PART ONEPART ONE (Time:30 minutes 38 Questions)SECTION 1Directions: Each sentence below has one or two blanks, each blank indicating that something has been omitted. Beneath the sentence are five lettered or sets of words. Choose the word or set of words for each blank that best fits the meaning of the sentence as a whole.1.To reflect the______of that nation’s spoken languages, its writers often make use of a mixture of dialects.正确答案:C,E解析:逗号表示前后问义重复。

空格与mixture of dialects(方言的混合物)相对应。





知识模块:基础填空2.She apologized profusely, only to discover that her self-serving excuses failed to have a______effect.正确答案:B,D解析:only to说明前后存在反义重复。



16. A certain machine drills 30 holes in 8 minutes. At that constant rate, how many holes will 4 such machines drill in 1 hours? (A) 300 (B) 900 (C) 960 (D) 1,200 (E) 2,560 17. Tina, Ed, and Lauren agree to share the cost of a gift and to make their contributions in proportion to their ages. Ed's age is of Tina's age, and Lauren's age is of Ed's age. If Lauren's share of the cost is $ 2.50, what is the cost of the gift? (A) $25 (B) $20 (C) $15 (D) $12 (E) $10 18. Three solid cubes of lead, each with edges 10 centimeters long, are melted together in a level, rectangular-shaped pan. The base of the pan has inside dimensions of 20 centimeters by 30 centimeters, and the pan is 15 centimeters deep. If the volume of the solid lead is approximately the same as the volume of the molted lead, approximately how many centimeters deep is the melted lead in the pan? (A) 2.5 (B) 3 (C) 5 (D) 7.5 (E) 9 19. Which of the following CANNOT be the sum of two integers that have a product of 30? (A) 31 (B) 17 (C) -11 (D) -13 (E) -21 20. In the rectangular coordinate system above, if point (a, b), shown, and the two points (4a, b) and (2a, 2b), not shown, were connected by straight lines, then the area of the resulting triangular region, in terms of a and b, would be (A) (B) ab (C) (D) 2ab (E) 4ab Questions 21-22 refer to the following graph. The top and bottom of each bar indicate, respectively, the highest and lowest daily number of shirts sold during the month. The heavy line across each bar indicates the average (arithmetic mean) number of shirts sold per day during the month. 21. What was the range in the daily number of shirts sold during March? (A) 20 (B) 45 (C) 50 (D) 60 (E) 70。



GRE(VERBAL)阅读模拟试卷3(题后含答案及解析) 题型有:1. PART ONEPART ONE (Time:30 minutes 38 Questions)SECTION 3Directions: Each passage in this group is followed by questions based on its content. After reading a passage, choose the best answer to each question. Answer all questions following a passage on the basis of what is stated or implied in the passage.Feminist scholars have tended to regard women in the nineteenth-century United States who elected to remain single as champions of women’s autonomy and as critics of marriage as an oppressive institution. Indeed, many nineteenth-century American women who participated in reform movements or who distinguished themselves as writers and professionals were single. Yet this view of single women tends to distort the meaning of their choices. The nineteenth century saw the elevation of marriage for love as a spiritual ideal. Consequently, it became socially acceptable for women not to marry if such an ideal marriage could not be realized with an available suitor. Thus, many women’s choice to remain single reflected not a negative view of marriage but a highly idealistic one.1.The author of the passage implies that many nineteenth-century American women chose to remain single because theyA.believed that marriage required them to give up much of their autonomyB.had attitudes toward marriage that were influenced by contemporary reform movementsC.wanted to take advantage of increasing opportunities to distinguish themselves as professionalsD.doubted that their own marriage would live up to their notion of what a marriage ought to beE.had a negative view of marriage fostered by a change in social attitudes during the nineteenth century正确答案:D解析:根据本文作者的观点,女性认为婚姻是理想化的精神理想,她们之所以保持单身,是因为真爱难觅。



GRE(VERBAL)强化填空模拟试卷12(题后含答案及解析)题型有:1. PART ONEPART ONE (Time:30 minutes 38 Questions)SECTION 1Directions: Each sentence below has one or two blanks, each blank indicating that something has been omitted. Beneath the sentence are five lettered or sets of words. Choose the word or set of words for each blank that best fits the meaning of the sentence as a whole.1.After a slow sales start early in the year, mobile homes have been gaining favor as ____ to increasingly expensive conventional alternativeE.a challenge正确答案:D解析:- 方程等号:After表示时间对比,反义重复。

- 强词和对应:逗号前说slow sales,逗号后说gaining favor(获得青睐,说明销售很好),状态已经改变。

空格体现mobile homes和conventional housing对象取反。

reaction反应,addition 增加,introduction介绍,alternative替代,challenge挑战。

challenge(挑战)和gaining favor矛盾,排除。


知识模块:填空2.Just as such apparently basic things as rocks, clouds, and clams are, in fact, intricately structured entities, so the self, too, is not an “elementary particle,”but is ____ construction.A.a complicatedB.a convolutedC.a illusory正确答案:A解析:- 方程等号:not…but…表示不是…而是…,前后取反。



GRE(VERBAL)强化填空模拟试卷36(题后含答案及解析)题型有:1. PART ONEPART ONE (Time:30 minutes 38 Questions)SECTION 1Directions: Each sentence below has one or two blanks, each blank indicating that something has been omitted. Beneath the sentence are five lettered or sets of words. Choose the word or set of words for each blank that best fits the meaning of the sentence as a whole.1.The scientist found it puzzling that his theory encountered (i)_______ despite widespread agreement that it was (ii)_______.A.respect…crucialB.dismissal…simplisticC.skepticism…unfathomableD.opposition…indisputableE.acceptance…comprehensive正确答案:D解析:空格(i)+空格(ii):- 方程等号:despite尽管,让步转折,反义重复。

- 强词和对应:it指代his theory,句中没有强词,说明两个空格为强词。


代入选项,respect尊敬…crucial 重要的,不取反,排除;dismissal不予考虑…simplistic过分简单的,不取反,排除;skepticism怀疑…unfathomable难以理解的,不取反,排除;opposition反对…indisputable不容置疑的,取反,代入句意合适,正确;acceptance接受…comprehensive全面的,不取反,排除。



GRE(VERBAL)强化填空模拟试卷13(题后含答案及解析)题型有:1. PART ONEPART ONE (Time:30 minutes 38 Questions)SECTION 1Directions: Each sentence below has one or two blanks, each blank indicating that something has been omitted. Beneath the sentence are five lettered or sets of words. Choose the word or set of words for each blank that best fits the meaning of the sentence as a whole.1.Many artists believe that successful imitation, far from being symptomatic of a lack of ____, is the first step in learning to be creative.A.eleganceB.resolutionC.goodnessD.originalityE.sympathy正确答案:D解析:-方程等号:far from=not,取反。

lack of表示缺乏,取反。


-强词和对应:主句说成功模仿是学习创新的第一步(successful imitation is the first step in learning to be creative),creative指向空格,far from和lack of取反两次后同向,体现“创新”。

elegance优雅,resolution果断,goodness 善良,originality创造性,sympathy同情。

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