惠而浦微电脑电饭煲 WRC-CS305Y




分项报价表项目编号:WYGZ2023-18项目名称:翁源县公立幼儿园学位保障建设项目(翁源县第三幼儿园)电器类设备采购包号:1投标人名称:翁源县亚树电器有限公司货币及单位:人民币/元品目号序号货物名称规格型号品牌产地制造商名称单价数量总价1-11饮水机温热型BC-2YE-E百淳佛山广东顺德百淳节能设备有限公司4,980.0019.00 (台)94,620.001-12口杯消毒柜XDZ110悦康佛山广东悦康电器有限公司2,800.0018.00 (台)50,400.001-13毛巾消毒柜ZLP20T悦康佛山广东悦康电器有限公司1,250.0018.00 (台)22,500.001-14洗衣机MB45V22E美的合肥合肥美的洗衣机有限公司1,499.0018.00 (台)26,982.001-15通风扇定制定制中国定制定制530.00 1.00 (台)530.001-16灭火器、干粉,2kg永安东莞东莞市永安消防器材厂268.00 2.00 (个)536.001-17电冰箱BC-96L晶弘珠海珠海格力电器股份有限公司1,638.00 2.00 (台)3,276.001-18微波炉G70F20CN1L-DG格兰仕中山广东格兰仕生活电器制造有限公司1,300.00 1.00 (台)1,300.001-19电磁炉DZ22S02美的佛山广东美的生活电器制造有限公司920.00 2.00 (台)1,840.001-110电饭煲JYF-40T5九阳杭州杭州九阳生活电器有限公司900.00 1.00 (只)900.001-111电烤箱GM30格兰仕中山广东格兰仕生活电器制造有限公司1,560.00 2.00 (台)3,120.001-112电动榨汁机XY-8608德玛仕中山广东德玛仕智能厨房设备有限公司1,290.00 2.00 (只)2,580.001-113电水瓶HX-8568奥克斯佛山佛山市海迅电器有限公司620.00 1.00 (只)620.001-114消毒柜ZTP100-N 康星佛山广东康星电器有限公司790.00 1.00 (台)790.001-115热水器F60-33ND6美的佛山广东美的厨卫电器制造有限公司3,160.00 1.00 (台)3,160.001-116视力箱定制定制中国定制588.00 1.00 (个)588.001-117紫外线灯具和显示开启的指示灯定制定制中国定制518.00 1.00 (组)518.001-118医用消毒柜KS-188L 康盛中山中山市康盛电器有限公司1,388.00 1.00 (台)1,388.001-119电水壶MK-17S01美的佛山广东美的厨卫电器制造有限公司239.008.00 (台)1,912.001-120打蛋机SM-1511N 顺然深圳深圳市三利达电器科技有限公司2,038.00 1.00 (个)2,038.001-121消毒柜ZTP300-F 康星佛山广东康星电器有限公司4,028.00 1.00 (台)4,028.001-122热水器F30WFD-80安格尔佛山广东惠洁宝电器有限公司3,580.00 3.00 (台)10,740.001-123留样小冰箱BCD-239WTM 美的合肥合肥美的电冰箱有限公司2,399.00 1.00 (台)2,399.001-124LED聚光灯FL200DSPPA广州广州迪士普音响科技有限公司12,300.007.00 (台)86,100.001-125LED影视会议灯FL432F5DSPPA广州广州迪士普音响科技有限公司3,990.00 6.00 (台)23,940.001-126LED帕灯DL5403CDSPPA广州广州迪士普音响科技有限公司2,200.0012.00 (台)26,400.00广州迪士普音1-127LED帕灯DL2410D1H DSPPA广州响科技有限公司2,480.00 3.00 (台)7,440.001-128摇头电脑灯SL280EH1DSPPA广州广州迪士普音响科技有限公司11,088.00 6.00 (台)66,528.001-129无源线阵列全频音箱LA1428N DSPPA广州广州迪士普音响科技有限公司19,800.008.00 (只)158,400.001-130二分频全频音箱D6565DSPPA广州广州迪士普音响科技有限公司8,620.008.00 (只)68,960.001-131无源全频音箱D6565DSPPA广州广州迪士普音响科技有限公司8,620.00 2.00 (只)17,240.001-132超低频音箱D6569DSPPA广州广州迪士普音响科技有限公司9,560.00 2.00 (只)19,120.001-133双通道专业数字功放DX4000DSPPA广州广州迪士普音响科技有限公司19,500.00 2.00 (台)39,000.001-134双通道专业数字功放DX3000DSPPA广州广州迪士普音响科技有限公司12,600.00 4.00 (台)50,400.001-135双通道专业数字功放DX3000DSPPA广州广州迪士普音响科技有限公司11,800.00 1.00 (台)11,800.001-136双通道专业数字功放DX4000DSPPA广州广州迪士普音响科技有限公司11,800.00 1.00 (台)11,800.001-137吊架LA1428D DSPPA广州广州迪士普音响科技有限公司3,000.00 2.00 (只)6,000.001-138尼龙扁带LA142N DSPPA广州广州迪士普音响科技有限公司350.00 4.00 (只)1,400.001-139卸扣LA142K DSPPA广州广州迪士普音响科技有限公司260.008.00 (只)2,080.001-140葫芦LA142H DSPPA广州广州迪士普音响科技有限公司3,859.00 2.00 (只)7,718.001-141壁挂式专业音箱支架D5A DSPPA广州广州迪士普音响科技有限公司530.008.00 (只)4,240.001-142真分集无线话筒D5821DSPPA广州广州迪士普音响科技有限公司4,800.00 2.00 (套)9,600.001-143真分集无线话筒D5823DSPPA广州广州迪士普音响科技有限公司7,600.00 2.00 (套)15,200.001-144十六路天线放大器D5836C DSPPA广州广州迪士普音响科技有限公司13,630.00 1.00 (套)13,630.001-145时序电源控制器AVP2716DSPPA广州广州迪士普音响科技有限公司5,330.00 1.00 (台)5,330.001-146模拟调音台CM416DSPPA广州广州迪士普音响科技有限公司13,500.00 1.00 (台)13,500.001-147数字音频处理器D6644H DSPPA广州广州迪士普音响科技有限公司22,500.00 1.00 (台)22,500.001-148专业反馈抑制效果器D6576DSPPA广州广州迪士普音响科技有限公司3,800.00 1.00 (台)3,800.001-149辅助材料定制定制广州定制30,000.00 1.00 (项)30,000.001-150会议壁挂音箱DSP6063IID DSPPA广州广州迪士普音响科技有限公司1,680.00 4.00 (只)6,720.001-151双通道专业数字功放DX1000DSPPA广州广州迪士普音响科技有限公司9,790.00 1.00 (台)9,790.001-152数字前级音频处理器D6675DSPPA广州广州迪士普音响科技有限公司9,690.00 1.00 (台)9,690.001-153模拟调音台CM208DSPPA广州广州迪士普音响科技有限公司6,950.00 1.00 (台)6,950.001-154桌面式无线话筒D5821DSPPA广州广州迪士普音响科技有限公司8,120.00 1.00 (套)8,120.001-155无线话筒D5821DSPPA广州广州迪士普音响科技有限公司6,530.00 1.00 (套)6,530.001-156电源时序器D6572II DSPPA广州广州迪士普音响科技有限公司2,980.00 1.00 (台)2,980.001-157辅助材料定制定制中国定制5,000.00 1.00 (项)5,000.00东莞市安道光电材料制造有1-15865寸触摸一体机AME-S30FE安道东莞限公司15,280.00 3.00 (台)45,840.001-159移动支架65寸定制中国定制1,570.00 3.00 (副)4,710.001-160有源音箱(含麦克风)UY-60LEEQU广州广州弘诺电子科技有限公司1,260.00 5.00 (套)6,300.001-161智能笔标准安道东莞东莞市安道光电材料制造有限公330.00 5.00 (套)1,650.001-16286寸触摸一体机AME-S30FE安道东莞东莞市安道光电材料制造有限公司35,280.00 2.00 (台)70,560.001-163移动支架86寸86寸中国定制1,680.00 2.00 (副)3,360.001-164电脑288 G9288 G9中国惠普(重庆)有限公司5,980.0030.00 (台)179,400.001-165双面打印机(黑白)CM7310DNW CM7310DNW中国致象科技有限公司3,000.00 6.00 (台)18,000.001-166扫描打印(彩印)传真一体机M3075DNA M3075DNA中国致象科技有限公司8,000.00 2.00 (台)16,000.001-167塑封机33939 33939中国得力设备有限公司330.00 4.00 (台)1,320.001-168投影机PT-BAZ712C PT-BAZ712C 中国松下电器(中国)有限公司79,800.00 1.00 (台)79,800.001-169投影屏幕200寸定制中国定制5,980.00 1.00 (幅)5,980.001-170实木文件柜定制定制中国定制6,298.00 1.00 (个)6,298.001-171钢制文件柜定制定制中国定制830.0035.00 (个)29,050.001-172设备资源储存柜定制定制中国定制980.00 3.00 (个)2,940.00 1-173保险柜定制定制中国定制1,500.00 2.00 (个)3,000.001-174桌椅2m×1m×0.76m2m×1m×0.76m中国定制4,688.00 1.00 (套)4,688.001-175桌椅 1.4m×0.7m× 0.76m 1.4m×0.7m×0.76m中国定制2,269.0033.00 (套)74,877.001-176会议室会议桌定制定制中国定制17,960.00 1.00 (套)17,960.001-177会议室会议椅定制定制中国定制480.0060.00 (套)28,800.001-178接待室沙发、茶桌定制定制中国定制6,230.00 1.00 (套)6,230.001-179接待室沙发、茶桌定制定制中国定制6,120.00 6.00 (套)36,720.001-180茶水台定制定制中国定制950.0010.00 (张)9,500.001-181米面架1000*600*1501000*600*150中国广东荣创厨房设备有限公司1,830.00 4.00 (台)7,320.001-182四层板架1500*500*16001500*500*1600制中国东荣创厨房设备有限公司3,120.00 3.00 (台)9,360.001-183六门更衣柜1500*500*18001500*500*1800中国东荣创厨房设备有限公司5,000.00 2.00 (台)10,000.001-184洗手星400*300*400400*300*400中国东荣创厨房设备有限公司2,330.00 2.00 (台)4,660.001-185多功能切菜机1220*530*12801220*530*1280中国东荣创厨房设备有限公司5,298.00 1.00 (台)5,298.001-186双层工作台400*500*800+150定制中国东荣创厨房设备有限公司1,660.00 1.00 (台)1,660.001-187绞切肉机509*390*750定制中国东荣创厨房设备有限公司7,500.00 1.00 (台)7,500.001-188双星水池1200*700*800+150定制中国东荣创厨房设备有限公司3,990.00 1.00 (台)3,990.001-189开水器480*400*800定制中国东荣创厨房设备有限公司2,830.00 1.00 (台)2,830.001-190挂墙双层板1200*350*600定制中国东荣创厨房设备有限公司2,100.00 3.00 (台)6,300.001-191双层工作台1000*700*800+150定制中国东荣创厨房设备有限公司2,330.00 1.00 (台)2,330.001-192单星水池800*700*800+150定制中国东荣创厨房设备有限公司2,498.00 2.00 (台)4,996.001-193双层工作台707*700*800+150定制中国东荣创厨房设备有限公司2,160.00 1.00 (台)2,160.001-194四层层架1000*500*1600定制中国东荣创厨房设备有限公司2,660.00 1.00 (台)2,660.001-195洗手星300*300*400定制中国东荣创厨房设备有限公司2,165.00 1.00 (台)2,165.001-196单星水池1000*700*800+150定制中国东荣创厨房设备有限公司2,997.00 3.00 (台)8,991.001-197挂墙双层板1500*350*600定制中国东荣创厨房设备有限公司2,330.00 2.00 (台)4,660.001-198双层工作台2000*800*800定制中国东荣创厨房设备有限公司3,990.00 1.00 (台)3,990.001-199饼盆车630*750*1800定制中国东荣创厨房设备有限公司1,800.00 2.00 (台)3,600.001-1100压面机570*440*990定制中国东荣创厨房设备有限公司11,250.00 1.00 (台)11,250.001-1101十三盆醒发箱700*790*1720定制中国东荣创厨房设备有限公司5,630.00 1.00 (台)5,630.001-1102双温双门高身柜630*760*1980定制中国东荣创厨房设备有限公司8,160.00 1.00 (台)8,160.001-1103单星水池550*700*800+150定制中国东荣创厨房设备有限公司2,498.00 1.00 (台)2,498.001-1104铁松木案1500*700*800定制中国东荣创厨房设备有限公司5,600.00 1.00 (台)5,600.001-1105码墙趟门柜1500*350*600定制中国东荣创厨房设备有限公司4,900.00 1.00 (台)4,900.001-1106双层工作台550*500*800+150定制中国东荣创厨房设备有限公司1,998.00 1.00 (台)1,998.001-1107烟罩1250*950*610定制中国东荣创厨房设备有限公司2,960.00 1.25 (米)3,700.001-1108三层六盘不锈钢烤箱1220*820*1780定制中国东荣创厨房设备有限公司19,500.00 1.00 (台)19,500.001-1109四层层架1000*500*1600定制中国东荣创厨房设备有限公司2,660.00 1.00 (台)2,660.001-1110双头大锅灶2000*1050*800+450定制中国东荣创厨房设备有限公司29,900.00 2.00 (台)59,800.001-1111单头单尾小炒灶1100*1050*800+450定制中国东荣创厨房设备有限公司9,800.00 1.00 (台)9,800.001-1112烟罩5100*1200*610定制中国东荣创厨房设备有限公司2,960.00 5.10 (米)15,096.001-1113不锈钢封墙钢5100*10*2000定制中国东荣创厨房设备有限公司1,000.00 5.10 (米)5,100.001-1114双层工作台1800*700*800定制中国东荣创厨房设备有限公司2,990.00 1.00 (台)2,990.001-1115双层平板工作台1500*700*800定制中国定东荣创厨房设备有限公司2,600.00 2.00 (台)5,200.001-1116单通工作台1800*700*800定制中国东荣创厨房设备有限公司8,160.00 2.00 (台)16,320.001-1117双层台面立架1500*400*600定制中国东荣创厨房设备有限公司1,998.00 2.00 (台)3,996.001-1118双星水池1200*700*800定制中国东荣创厨房设备有限公司3,990.00 1.00 (台)3,990.001-1119双层台面立架1800*400*600定制中国东荣创厨房设备有限公司4,300.00 1.00 (台)4,300.001-112048盘电热智能型蒸饭柜1450*1010*185定制中国东荣创厨房设备有限公司19,600.00 2.00 (台)39,200.001-1121烟罩3000*1100*610定制中国东荣创厨房设备有限公司2,990.00 3.00 (米)8,970.001-1122油网烟罩2500*900*610定制中国东荣创厨房设备有限公司2,960.00 2.50 (米)7,400.001-1123四层层架1200*500*1600定制中国东荣创厨房设备有限公司2,990.00 1.00 (台)2,990.001-1124三星水池1800*800*800+150定制中国东荣创厨房设备有限公司6,158.00 1.00 (台)6,158.001-1125挂墙茜架2000*500*300定制中国东荣创厨房设备有限公司1,600.00 1.00 (台)1,600.001-1126洁碟台2000*800*800+150定制中国东荣创厨房设备有限公司4,500.00 1.00 (台)4,500.001-1127四门碗柜1500*700*1800定制中国东荣创厨房设备有限公司4,800.00 1.00 (台)4,800.001-1128双门不锈钢门消毒柜1380*680*1800定制中国东荣创厨房设备有限公司9,300.00 1.00 (台)9,300.001-1129洗手星400*300*400定制中国东荣创厨房设备有限公司2,330.00 1.00 (台)2,330.001-1130三层餐车850*450*900定制中国东荣创厨房设备有限公司3,200.0010.00 (台)32,000.001-1131镀锌烟管定制定制中国东荣创厨房设备有限公司430.0090.00 (平方)38,700.001-1132镀锌烟管法兰定制定制中国东荣创厨房设备有限公司3,330.00 1.00 (项)3,330.001-1133镀锌大小头定制定制中国东荣创厨房设备有限公司430.0010.00 (平方)4,300.001-1134镀锌三通定制定制中国东荣创厨房设备有限公司430.0010.00 (平方)4,300.001-1135镀锌弯头定制定制中国东荣创厨房设备有限公司430.0010.00 (平方)4,300.001-1136抽风风机定制定制中国东荣创厨房设备有限公司28,750.00 1.00 (台)28,750.001-1137风机连净化器保护电箱定制定制中国东荣创厨房设备有限公司2,830.00 1.00 (台)2,830.001-1138风机支架定制定制中国东荣创厨房设备有限公司3,330.00 1.00 (台)3,330.001-1139风机防震定制定制中国东荣创厨房设备有限公司1,660.00 1.00 (台)1,660.001-1140油烟净化器 定制定制中国东荣创厨房设备有限公司35,650.00 1.00 (台)35,650.001-1141油烟净化器支架定制定制中国东荣创厨房设备有限公司2,300.00 1.00 (台)2,300.001-1142安装材料、相关费用等定制定制中国东荣创厨房设备有限公司45,000.00 1.00 (项)45,000.001-1143通用厨具定制定制中国东荣创厨房设备有限公司42,900.00 1.00 (项)42,900.001-1144厨房电源线布置材料及人工定制定制中国东荣创厨房设备有限公司198,500.00 1.00 (项)198,500.001-1145厨房水布管材料及人工定制定制中国东荣创厨房设备有限公司38,800.00 1.00 (项)38,800.001-1146橱柜定制定制中国东荣创厨房设备有限公司4,830.0010.00 (米)48,300.00投标人盖章:日期:2023 年 11 月 16 日。



COSMIC功能规模度量方法4.0.1版电饭煲案例分析2.0版2016年3月致谢2.0版的评审人员Alain Abran *École de Technologie Supérieure, Université du QuébecCanada Jean-Marc DesharnaisÉcole de TechnologieSupérieure, Université duQuébecCanadaPeter FaggPentad LtdUnited KingdomLuigi Lavazza Universita degli Studi dell’InsubriaItaly Arlan LesterhuisThe NetherlandsDylan RenMeasures Technology LLCChinaCharles Symons * United Kingdom Sylvie TrudelUniversité du Québec à MontréalCanadaFrank VogelezangOrdinaThe NetherlandsChris WoodwardUnited Kingdom*标星号为本案例2.0版编辑人员中文版贡献者翻译组织者麦哲思科技(北京)有限公司电话:400-1781727初版翻译张倩倩麦哲思科技高级QA校对郭玲麦哲思科技高级咨询顾问,COSMIC讲师注:对COSMIC及本文档的任何疑问或指正之处,请加入COSMIC交流QQ群——309842452。


日期评审者修订/增加2000 Abran, Desharnais, Fagg,Oligny, St-Pierre, Symons, DeTran-CaoCOSMIC-FFP版本。



一、厨房设备1灶具系列(1)中式灶具中餐炉灶、中式节能便档燃气炉、便档单炒单温灶、便档双炒单温灶、便档双炒双温灶、便档双炒单温双文灶、大锅灶、港式蒸鐣炉、肠粉炉、三门蒸柜、蒸气三门蒸柜、190型中式双炒双温炉、190型中式单炒单大锅炉、180型中式双炒单温炉、180型中式雾化炉、150型中式双炒单温炉、120型中式双炒单温炉、95型中式双炒单温炉、95型中式双炒单温炉、65型中式双炒炉、95型单眼大锅炉、220型中式双眼大锅炉、全钢可倾燃气炒锅、全钢可倾燃气汤锅、90型便档单炒单温灶JDZ-46、140型便档双炒单温灶JDZ-47、180型便档双炒双温灶JDZ-46、200型便档双炒单温双文灶JDZ-49、)(矮仔炉、大小型蒸炒灶、单眼大锅灶、单眼小炒灶、豪华型港式灶、强力脱排油烟罩、燃气、燃油蒸饭箱、燃气煲仔炉、三门万能蒸箱、三眼小炒灶、双眼小炒灶、特小型单眼小炒灶、远水烟罩/远水烟罩控制器、中型双眼炒灶、单眼小炒灶、普通型港式灶、双眼大锅灶、小型双眼小炒灶)(2)港式灶具两炒两温广式灶、:潮汕双头双尾单文炉、沪式双炒单温双文炉、港式双炒双温炉、港式单炒单温炉港式单眼大锅炉、港式双眼大锅炉、港式双炒双温炉、港式单炒单大锅炉、港式双炒双温炉、港式双炒单温炉、港式单炒单温炉、港式独炒炉、单眼大锅炉(220型港式双头双尾炒炉、230型潮式双头双尾单文炉、230型沪式双头双尾单文炉、港式蒸掌炉、肠粉炉、万能蒸柜、平头炉、矮汤炉、烤鸭炉、烤猪炉、230型潮式双头双尾单文炉、220型沪式双炒单温双文炉、220型港式双炒双温炉、120型港式单炒单温炉、110型港式单眼大锅炉、215型港式双眼大锅炉、200型港式双炒双温炉、200型港式单炒单大锅炉、200A型港式双炒双温炉、190型港式双炒单温炉、105型港式单炒单温炉、70型港式独炒炉、110型单眼大锅炉、三门蒸柜JDZ-19、蒸汽三门蒸柜JDZ-20、100型港式蒸炉JDZ-21-24、肠粉炉JDZ-25、(3) 煲仔/汤炉四头立式燃气煲仔炉、六头立式燃气煲仔炉、八头立式燃气煲仔炉、八头台阶式燃气煲仔炉、单眼油气矮汤炉、双眼油气矮汤炉、单眼燃气矮汤炉、双眼燃气矮汤炉烤猪炉、烤鸭炉(4)电磁灶具:双眼电磁炒灶、单眼电磁炒灶、三门电磁海鲜蒸柜、电磁矮汤炉、电磁四眼煲汤炉、电磁大锅灶、电磁小炒灶、电磁平灶。



纱布,就可避免干层。米饭在25-40℃范围内,宜 细菌繁殖而变质。但电饭煲保温温度控制在 65±5℃,所以不会变质。但定时式电饭煲,夏 天煲内生米存放时间过长会发出酸味。 3、内煲底与电热板表面是相互吻合的球面体,使 用时两者必须紧密接触,确保良好的导热性,所 以不要用内煲直接淘米。内煲放入时应左右移动 一下,使内煲放准,放 平。不能用其他铝锅代替 内煲使用,这不仅浪费用电,还会损坏电热板。

4、外壳与电热盘切忌进水,如不慎进水, 应停止使用,等完全干燥后再继续使用。 5、外壳与电热盘切忌进水,如不慎进水, 应停止使用,等完全干燥后再继续使用。 6、接通电源后,不可取出内锅,否则有烧 毁电热盘的危险。 7、如出现故障,不要随意拆卸,应请有关 专业人员修理。
1.煮饭、炖肉时应有人看守,以防汤水等外 溢流入电器内,损坏电器元件 2.轻拿轻放,不要经常磕碰电饭煲。因为电 饭煲内胆受碰后容易发生变形,内胆变形 后底部与电热板就不能很好吻合,导致煮 饭时受热不均,易煮夹生饭
做饭用功率小的电饭锅并不省电 :煮1千克 的饭,500瓦的电饭锅需30分钟,耗电0.27 千瓦时,而用700瓦电饭锅约需20分钟,耗 电仅0.23千瓦时,功率大的电饭锅,省时又 省电。专家提醒,在电饭锅用完后,一定 要拔下电源插头,不然锅内温度下降到70 摄氏度以下时,它会断断续续地自动通电, 比较费电。
另外,有时出现饭煮熟后不断电。这种情 况是电饭煲磁控开关中的弹簧失去了弹性、 导致电饭煲到达103℃时热敏磁块失磁后, 不能迅速切断电源。解决的方法,设法使 弹簧恢复弹性再更换新弹簧。
专家介绍说,为了节电,做饭时要充分利 用电饭锅的余热。在煮饭时,可在锅沸腾 后断电7-8分钟,再重新通电。电烤箱也 是同样的道理,在用电烤箱烤花生米等, 可提前断电5-6分钟再开箱取出。另外, 电饭锅的电热盘表面与内锅底如有污渍, 应擦拭干净或用细砂纸轻轻打磨干净,以 免影响传热效率、浪费电能。电饭锅最好 用定热式电饭锅,因放在有腐蚀

惠而浦 WMG186332AC 烤箱 使用说明书

惠而浦 WMG186332AC 烤箱 使用说明书












安装导轨 如适用从烤箱上拆下搁架,取下导轨上的保护膜。














4层烘焙 用于在4层网架上同时烹饪需要相同温度的食物。


技术规格 排风量:15 立方米/分钟 最大静压:290Pa
主电机功率:160W 油脂分离度≥80% 气味降低度≥90% 尺寸 产品尺寸(mm):900(宽) X390(深)X550(高) 包装尺寸(mm):980(长)X730(宽)X447(高) 原产地:中国
抽油烟机 Cooker Hood
技术规格 排风量:15 立方米/分钟 最大静压:290Pa
主电机功率:160W 油脂分离度≥80% 气味降低度≥90% 尺寸 产品尺寸(mm):900(宽) X390(深)X550(高) 包装尺寸(mm):980(长)X730(宽)X447(高) 原产地:中国
过热。不因外界条件的变化和使用时间过长而影响 使用寿命,并确保使用者安全,给您带来安全新体 验。
功能配置 抽拉式 跷板开关/两档 五层铝滤网 LED 灯 烟管直径: φ150 电源线长:1.5M
抽油烟机 Cooker Hood
技术规格 额定电压:220V~ 额定频率:50Hz 排风量:≥9m3/min 风压:≥100Pa 噪音:≤72dB 额定输入总功率:203W 灯最大功率:1.5Wx2 产品净重:10.1KG 产品毛重: KG
尺寸 产品尺寸(毫米):高 560-1030x 宽 895 x 深 500 前面板厚(mm):60
产品优势: 1.采用全不锈钢外壳,耐腐蚀,清洁方便。 2.采用一体成型集烟腔设计,内外整体无缝结构,
杜绝油污藏匿,擦洗更方便,实现烟机长久洁净。 3.采用全封闭“三防”电机,防过压,防过流,防

惠而浦 ZDC8203W 全自動滾筒乾衣機 使用手冊说明书

惠而浦 ZDC8203W 全自動滾筒乾衣機 使用手冊说明书

























惠而浦 GIC-QD70B 电磁炉 说明书

惠而浦 GIC-QD70B 电磁炉 说明书
‧ 使用後,應通過“電源開關"鍵關掉電磁爐
‧ 家庭使用的器具和在下列場所使用的器具應有相關說明:
– 商店, 辦公室和其他工作環境的廚房區域;
– 農家;
– 旅館, 汽車旅館和其他住宿環境裡給客人使用。
• When the appliance powers on but without pressing any control button, the appliance will stop heating automatically in 1 hour 45 minutes to 2 hours 15 minutes and goes into standby mode; this ensures the safety of the appliance.
• This appliance is intended to be used in household and similar applications such as:
– staff kitchen areas in shops, officeHale Waihona Puke and other working
不要在該煮食爐表面上放置任何的清潔劑及易燃物品。 Don’t put any detergent or flammable material on the electric range.
如果該煮食爐破損或者毀壞,請及時關閉電源並通知客服專員處理。 If the appliance becomes broken, cracked or damaged, please immediately switch off the main unit and contact the Service Agent.

惠而浦 WCC303HSDT护理机 衣物护理机 说明书

惠而浦 WCC303HSDT护理机 衣物护理机 说明书

220V~ 50Hz
·禁止打开产品背部下面的后盖,请勿将手伸进机械室和产品 箱底部区域,以免发生触电等危险。
·安放地点必须通风良好,使用时请远离易燃易爆物品, 如煤气、涂料、汽油等。
·本产品用于家用和类似用途。如:商店、办公室和其它工作环境中的员工衣橱区域;农场 、宾馆、汽车旅馆和其它居住环境的客人所使用;家庭旅馆型环境;其它类似的非零售用。
·搬运前,请先将产品内的物品取出,并在门关闭后用胶带固定,避免箱内附件相互碰撞、 刮蹭或因箱门打开造成物品及附件滑落。
预约键 · 按该键预约图标点亮,可调节预约时间,时间1-24H。预约设定的时间为程序运行 结束时间。 · 预约按键支持⻓按快速跳动预约时间,至24H停止跳动,此时点击预约按键取消预约。 · 按“时间+/-键”调节预约时间,支持⻓按快速跳动时间。 ·仅部分程序支持预约功能。
·不要使用电源延长线。禁止使用劣质、松动或破损的电源 插座。禁止与其它设备同时共用一个电源插座。
·若电压波动范围较大(超过187~242V的范围),有可能 造成产品不能正常工作及电器安全隐患,此时必须单独加 装2000W以上的自动稳压器配合使用。
220V~ 50Hz
请注意用电 安全!!!
·不得损坏热泵回路,严禁私自拆卸、改造产品。产品故障 时,请通知我公司专业人员维修。
低 高

惠而浦 燃气灶 WCG51US6DB 尺寸说明书

惠而浦 燃气灶 WCG51US6DB 尺寸说明书

KCGS350E KCGS356E KCGS550E KCGS556E KCGS950EKCGS956EMGC7430DMGC7536DMGC9530DMGC9536DWCG51US0DWCG51US6DWCG75US0DWCG97US0DWCG97US6DType of GasNatural Gas:q This cooktop is factory set for use with Natural gas. If converting to LP gas, see the “LP Gas Conversion” instructions provided in the package containing literature. The model/serial rating plate located on the underside of the cooktop base has information on the types of gas that can be used. If the types of gas listed do not include the type of gas available, check with the local gas supplier. LP Gas Conversion:Conversion must be done by a qualified service technician.No attempt shall be made to convert the cooktop from the gas specified on the model/serial rating plate for use with a different gas without consulting the servinggas supplier. See the Gas Conversion instructions provided in the package containing literature.Gas Supply Lineq Provide a gas supply line of ³⁄₄" (1.9 cm) rigid pipe to the cooktop location. A smaller size pipe on longer runs may result in insufficient gas supply. Pipe-joint compounds that resist the action of LP gas must be used. Do not use TEFLON®†tape. With LP gas, piping or tubing size should be ¹⁄₂" minimum. Usually, LP gas suppliers determine the size and materials used in the system.Flexible metal appliance connector:q If local codes permit, use a ¹⁄₂" or ³⁄₄" I.D. flexible stainless steel tubing gasconnector, designed by CSA to connect the cooktop to the rigid gas supply line.q A ¹⁄₂" male pipe thread is needed for connection to the female pipe threads of the inlet to the cooktop pressure regulator.qDo not kink or damage the flexible metal tubing when moving the cooktop.q A 120 volt, 60 Hz, AC only, 15-amp, fused electrical circuit is required. A time-delay fuse or circuit breaker is also recommended. It is recommended that a separate circuit serving only this cooktop be provided.q Electronic ignition systems operate within wide voltage limits, but proper grounding and polarity are necessary. Check that the outlet provides 120-volt power and is correctly grounded.†®TEFLON is a registered trademark of E.I. Du Pont De Nemours and Company.30" (76.2 CM) AND 36" (91.4 CM) GAS BUIL T-IN COOKTOP。

电子饭煲家用模式号:SR-ZS185 SR-ZS105用户操作指南说明书

电子饭煲家用模式号:SR-ZS185 SR-ZS105用户操作指南说明书

Operating InstructionsElectric Rice Cooker Household UseModel No. / N ˚ de modèle : Table of ContentTable des matièresThank you for purchasing the Panasonic product.• This product is intended for household use only.• Please read these instructions carefully and follow safety precautions when using this product.• Before using this product please give your special attention to “Safety Precautions” (Page 3-4).Reserve it for later useNous vous remercions d'avoir acheté ce produit Panasonic.• Ce produit est destiné à un usage domestique uniquement.• Veuillez lire ces instructions attentivement et respecter les consignes de sécurité lors de l'utilisation de ce produit.• Avant d'utiliser ce produit, veuillez porter une attention particulière au chapitre « Précautions de sécurité » (Pages 21-22).À conserver pour référence ultérieureManuel d'utilisationCuiseur de riz électrique Usage domestique USA/CANWhen using electrical appliances, basic safety precautions should always be followed, including the following:1. Read all instructions.2. Do not touch hot surfaces. Use handles or knobs.3. To protect against electrical shock, do not immerse cord, plugs, or appliance in water or other liquid.4. Close supervision is necessary when any appliance is used by or near children.5. Unplug from outlet when not in use and before cleaning. Allow to cool before putting on or taking offparts.6. Do not operate any appliance with a damaged cord or plug or after the appliance malfunctions orhas been damaged in any manner.Return appliance to the nearest authorized service facility for examination, repair, or adjustment.7. The use of accessory attachments not recommended by the appliance manufacturer may causeinjuries.8. Do not use outdoors.9. Do not let cord hang over edge of table or counter, or touch hot surfaces.10. Do not place on or near a hot gas or electric burner, or in a heated oven.11. Extreme caution must be used when moving an appliance containing hot oil or other hot liquids.12. Always attach plug to appliance first, then plug cord into the wall outlet. To disconnect, turn anycontrol to “off”, then remove plug from wall outlet.13. Do not use appliance for other than intended use.14. SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONS.This product is intended for household use only.a. A short power-supply cord (or detachable power-supply cord) is to be provided to reduce the riskresulting from becoming entangled in or tripping over a longer cord.b. Longer detachable power-supply cords or extension cords are available and may be used if care isexercised in their use.c. If a longer detachable power-supply cord or extension cord is used,(1) The marked electrical rating of the cord set or extension cord should be at least as great as theelectrical rating of the appliance, and(2) The cord should be arranged so that it will not drape over the countertop or tabletop where itcan be pulled on by children or tripped over unintentionally.This appliance has a polarized plug (one blade is wider than the other). To reduce the risk of electric shock, this plug is intended to fit into a polarized outlet only one way. If the plug does not fit fully into the outlet, reverse the plug. If it still does not fit, contact a qualified electrician. Do not attempt to modify the plug in any way.2WARNING3In order to prevent accidents or injuries to the users, other people, and damage to property, please follow the instructions below.■The following charts indicate the degree of damage caused by wrong operation.■Do not use the applianceif the power cord or power plug is damaged or the power plug isloosely connected to the power outlet.■Do not damage the power cordor power plug.■Do not plug or unplug thepower plug with wet hands.■Do not modify, disassemble,or repair this appliance.■Insert the instrument plugand the power plug fi rmly.■Do not immerse the appliance inwater or splash it with water.■Do not insert any objectsin the steam vent or gap.■This appliance is notintended for use by persons(including children) withreduced physical, sensory or mental capabilities, or lack of experience and knowledge, unless they have been given supervision or instruction concerninguse of the appliance by aperson responsible for theirsafety. Children should besupervised to ensure thatthey do not play with the appliance. ■Clean the power plugregularly.Especially metal objects such as pins or wires.(It may cause an electric shock or malfunction.)(It may cause an electric shock or fi re caused by short circuit.)Following actions are strictly prohibited.(It may cause an electric shock.)Modifying, placing near heating elements, bending, twisting, pulling, putting heavy objects on top, and bundling the cord. (It may cause an electric shock or fi re caused by short circuit.)• If the supply cord is damaged, it must be replaced by a special cord or assembly available from the manufacturer or its service agent.(It may cause a fi re caused byshort circuit or electric shock.)(It may cause a fi re, electricshock or injury.)(Otherwise it may cause an electricshock and fi re caused by the heat that may generate around the instrument plug or the power plug.)(Plugging other devices into the same outlet may cause electric overheating,which may cause a fi re.)• Please enquire with an authorized dealer if water gets inside the appliance.(A soiled power plug may cause insuf fi cient insulation due to the moisture, and may cause a fi re.)(It may cause burn or injury.)(e.g. for abnormal situations or breaking down)→ Please make enquiries at a Panasonic authorized service center for immediate inspection and repair.• Unplug the power plug, and wipe with a dry cloth.• Use only an extended cord rated at 10 amperes minimum.• Please make enquiries at the store or the repair department of an authorized dealer.• Do not use a broken power plug or a loose power outlet.(It may cause smoking, a fi re, or electric shock.)• The power plug and the power cord become abnormally hot.• The power cord is damaged or power failure occurs when touched.• The main body is deformed or abnormally hot.• The unit gives out smoke or scorching smell.• There are cracks, looseness or wobbles of the appliance.• The cast heater is warped or the pan is deformed.■Use only a power outlet rated at a minimum of 10 amperes and alternating electric voltage at 120 volts. ■Discontinue using the appliance immediately and unplug the powercord in cases of abnormal situations and breaking down.The symbols are classi fi ed and explained as follows.Precautions for UseCAUTION4■Do not touch heatingelements while the appliance is in use or after cooking.■Do not touch the hookbutton while moving the appliance.■Be careful when openingthe outer lid while cooking.■Do not use other pans thanthe one speci fi ed.■Do not use the cord set (forinstrument plug and power plug) that is not speci fi ed for use with this appliance. Also do not transfer them.■Heating element is subjected toresidual heat after use. Please allow the appliance to cool down before cleaning it.■Unplug the power plug from thepower outlet when the applianceis not in use.Please put in correct amount of rice and water and selectfunctions correctly according to the operating instructions.Before using the appliance, the anti-tarnish paper between the pan and the cast heater should beremoved.Do not cover the outer lid with cloth or other objects when the appliance is in use.Do not serve out rice with any metal object.Do not put ingredients to becooked directly into the appliance in which no pan is placed. Do not cook without pan.(Otherwise it may cause an electric shock and fi re caused by short circuit due to the insulation deterioration.)(So as to avoid over fl ow of rice water, half-cooked rice or scorched rice.)(So as to avoid poor cooking or fi re.)(So as to avoid deformation, color change of the outer lid or failure.)(So as to avoid scratching the pan coating and causing peeling of the coating.)When there is any over fl owof rice water from the steam vent, pull out the power plug immediately to disconnect the power supply. Do not resume the use until the rice water on the power plug and the instrument plug is cleaned with a dry cloth.The appliance is forhousehold use only. Do not use it for any commercial or industrial purposes or any purposes other than cooking.When power failure occurs during the operation of the appliance, the cooking result may be affected.(So as to prevent any impurities from causing failure.)Especially the cast heater. (It may cause a burn.)(It may cause the outer lid to open, resulting in a burn.)(It may cause a burn.)(It may cause aburn and injury due to overheat or malfunction.)(It may cause an electric shock, leak, and fi re.)(Touching hot elements may cause a burn.)■Be sure to hold the instrument plugor the power plug when unplugging. unplugging. Do not pull the power cord.Avoid using the appliance under direct sunlight.(So as to avoid color change.)Do not use scouring pad to clean the inner surface of the pan. Use only with a sponge.(Otherwise it may cause an electric shock or fi re caused by short circuit.)DisplayParts identifi cation1. Press this button to select a cooking function.2. Press this button to enter Keep Warm mode.3. Press this button to preset timer.4. Press this button to set clock or cooking timer.5. Press this button to start setting cooking timer.6. Press this button to cancel the operation.7. Press this button to start cooking.5Lithium batteryPower source for the clock ■Battery ReplacementIf lithium battery is consumed, please contact authorized service center for replacement.■The life time of battery is around 5 years (At 20°C room temperature and plugged in 12 hours each day.)■When the battery is consumed, the following phenomenon will happen:• The clock becomes vague or disappears.• Memory of preset time is lost.•The clock can be used again when power plug is connected.(The clock resetting is required.)Note: Do not put the lithium battery into the fi re, or do not recharge, disassemble or heat the battery, etc.■When plugged61• Measure rice with the measuring cup provided.• The volume of the measuring cup is about 180 mL.• For the maximum quantity of rice to be cooked at once, refer to speci fi cations in P.19.2Wash the rice till the water turns relatively clear.1 Wash the rice quickly with plenty of water and stirring the rice lightly to wash it while changing water.2 Repeat it for several times (wash the rice → pour out water), till the water turns relatively clear.Attention• In order to avoid scratching the non-stick coating on the pan surface, do not wash rice in the pan.• Wash the rice thoroughly. Otherwise, rice crust may appear and the residual rice bran may affect the taste of the rice.3Add the washed rice or other ingredients into the pan.• Use water line on the pan to measure water quantity as follows:Function Water line White Rice White Rice Jasmine Jasmine Rice Multi Grain Multi Grain Quinoa Refer to P.10Quick Cook White Rice Brown Rice Brown Rice Sticky Rice Sticky Rice Porridge Porridge Soup/Slow CookWhite Rice• In the Soup/Slow Cook function, the total amount of ingredients and water shall not exceed the maximum water line for "White Rice".• Dry the outside surface of the pan. If it is wet, it may cause noise while cooking. Any foreign matters between the pan and the cast heater may damage the unit.• Please make sure that the pan is on leveled surface.• Please measure water by aligning water line left side and right side.• If rice is too hard or too soft, please adjust water quantity according toyour personal taste.7SR-ZS18584Put the pan into the body and close the outer lid.Connect the plugs.• Please insert the instrument plug into the body fi rst, and then connect the power plug. Make sure that both plugs are tightly connected.1Press button to point to White Rice, Jasmine, Multi Grain, Quick Cook, Brown Rice or Sticky Rice function.2•Before cooking is completed, the LCD display will show the remaining time in 1 minute decrement.Stir and loosen the rice.• Keep Warm function indicator turns off and the indicator lights up automatically).9Operations(Cooking with the White Rice, Jasmine, Multi Grain, Quick Cook, Brown Rice or Sticky Rice function.)The cooking is overKeep Warm• When cooking is over, the electric rice cooker beeps and automatically switches to the Keep Warm function indicator turns off and the indicator lights up automatically). However, we do not recommendKeep Warm button to exit the Keep Warm function and unplug the power plug.101Pressbutton to pointto Quinoa function.2• Before cooking is completed, the LCD display will show the remaining time in 1 minute decrement.Operations (Cooking with the Quinoa function.)The cooking is over1 button to pointto Porridge function.2• Before cooking is completed, the LCD display will show the remaining time in 1 minute decrement.Operations (Cooking with the Porridge function.)The cooking is over• Keep Warm functionindicator turns off and theindicator lights up automatically). However, we do not recommendusing the Keep WarmKeep Warmfunction and unplug the power plug.Preparations• Add the required amount of water.• Place the adjustable steam basket into the pan as shown.• Place foods to be steamed into the adjustable steam basket.• Close the outer lid.n Correspondence between the amount of water and time of steaming• When cooking is over, the electric rice cooker beeps and automatically switches to the Keep Warm function indicator turns off and the indicator lights up automatically ). However, we do not recommendKeep Warm button to exit the Keep Warm function and unplug the power plug.• Bring out the pan and leave it cool for 2-3 minutes. Then put the pan upside down onto a tray or grill.• Decorate the cake surface as your desire.PreparationsPressbutton to pointto Cake/Bread function.Operations (Cooking with the Cake/Bread function.)• Prepare Cake/Bread mix.• For cake : Beat all the mixture as instructed in the recipe book.For bread : Knead all the mixture as instructed in the recipe book.• Coat the inner surface area (bottom and sides) of the pan with butter (or cooking oil), place the prepared ingredients in the pan and close the outer lid.Operations (Cooking with the Soup/Slow Cook function.)Preparations• Place all ingredients into the pan.• Close the outer lid.When cooking is over, the electric rice cooker beeps and automatically switches to the indicator turns off and the indicator lights up automatically ). However, we do not recommendKeep Warm button to exit the Keep Warm function and unplug the power plug.The presetting time is desired time for eating.• Time can be preset 24 hours in advance.ExampleIf the timer is set for 18:30, cooking will be completed at 18:30.* When the preset timing is less than the required timing .※ M consumed. Please contact authorized service center for replacement.Operations1Press button to select function.• Applicable functions for timer setting:indicator lights up.When the display shows as followsDetailsCooking problemsKeep Warmproblems No powerStrange sound occursToo hardUndercookedToo softWater over fl owBurnt rice at bottom of panColor changeBad smellToo dryWrong rice and water proportion. ●●●●●●Pull out plug and check the socket.Sound occurs because of water that has stuck to pan.Inadequate washing of the rice.●●●●Foreign matters between pan and cast heater. ●●●●Cooking with a lot of oil.●●●●●The rice has been warmed more than 12 hours. ●●●The outer lid is not securely closed. ●●●●●The pan is not adequately washed.●●The power cord is not connected to the socket securely.●●DetailsBaking Cake/Bread problemsNo powerStrange sound occursUndone Cake/BreadUndercooked Cake/BreadWet Cake/BreadThe Cake/Bread sticks to the base of panBottom of the Cake/Bread burntNot fl uffedCrumblyToo much dough.●●Pull out plug and check the socket.Sound occurs because of water that has stuck to pan.Not enough mixing before baking.●●●Used with incompatible cake mix.●●●●Used with cake mix that contains too much chocolate, sugar or fruit ingredients.●●●●Outer lid not close while cooking.●●●Foreign matters between pan and cast heater.●●●●●Not enough butter or cooking oil applied to the bottom of the pan.●Cake/Bread left in the pan too long.●●Inadequate mixing or mixed too long.●●Wrong ingredient quantity.●●●●Rice CookingCake/Bread BakingModel No. Power Source 120 V g 60 HzPower Consumption In the Cooking function 775 WIn the Keep Warm function 86.9 W81 WCapacityWhite Rice 2 - 10 cups 1 - 5.5 cups Jasmine 2 - 10 cups 1 - 5.5 cups Multi Grain 2 - 8 cups 1 - 4 cups Quinoa 2 - 4 cups 1 - 2 cups Quick Cook 2 - 10 cups 1 - 5.5 cups Brown Rice 2 - 6 cups 1 - 3 cups Sticky Rice 3 - 6 cups 1 - 3 cups Porridge0.5 - 2 cups0.5 - 1 cup Cake/Bread500 g500 g Soup/Slow Cook 3.2 L 1.8 LDimensions (Height х Length х Width) (approx.) 241 х 385 х 261 mm201 х 385 х 261 mm Weight (approx.) 3.4 k g 3.1 k gKeep Warm 12 hours• For power cord replacement and product repair, please contact Panasonic authorized service center.• The design and specifi cations are subjected to change without prior notice.*1 Cooking time may vary depending on supply voltage, room temperature, kind of rice, cooking quantity,water quantity and water temperature.*2 Rice cooked (white rice at minimum cooking quantity) within 15 minutes. (Under Panasonic test method)。

惠而浦 EC200WF 塔扇 使用说明书

惠而浦 EC200WF 塔扇 使用说明书

EVAPORATIVE AIRCOOLERAND TOWER FANEC200WFOwner’s ManualManual v1.32R EAD AND SAVE THESEINSTRUCTIONS . Register Your Product Online (3)Safety Information & Warnings ................................................................... 4 Parts List ................................................................................................................ 5 Features .................................................................................................................6 Operating Instructions . (7)Cleaning And Maintenance (11)Limited Manufacturer’s Warranty (13)MODEL NOEC200WF RATED VOLTAGE120V RATED FREQUENCY60 Hz RATED POWER65W NOISE≤55dB AIRFLOW350 CFM COVERAGE250 square feet DIMENSIONS Depth: 12.7 in Width: 12.8 in Height: 31.4 inFrigidaire is a registered trademark of Electrolux Home Products, Inc. All rights reserved. Manufactured under license by: NewAir, LLC 6600 Katella Ave, Cypress, CA 90630 Comments/questions: ******************|855-963-9247Register Your Frigidaire Product Online Today!Take advantage of all the benefits product registration has to offer:Service and SupportDiagnose troubleshooting and service issues faster and more accuratelyRecall NotificationsStay up to date on safety notices, system updates, andrecall notificationsSpecial PromotionsOpt-in for NewAir promotions and offers.Registering your product information online is safe &secure and takes less than 2 minutes to complete:Alternatively, we recommend you attach a copy of your sales receipt below and record the following information, which can be found on the manufacturer’s nameplate on the back of the unit. You will need this information if it becomes necessary to contact the manufacturer for service inquiries.Date of Purchase:___________________________________________Serial Number:____________________________________________Model Number:____________________________________________In order to use the product safely and to avoid anydanger caused by incorrect operation, please pay close attention to the warnings and instructions in this manual.•Please read all instructions carefully before using this product. •Before use, please check whether the operating voltage matches the voltage on the label of the unit. •Cleaning and user maintenance should not be done by children without adult supervision. •WARNING: Unplug or disconnect the appliance from the power supply before servicing or cleaning. •The appliance is exclusively for household and indoor use. •This appliance has a polarized plug with one blade that is wider than the other. To reduce the risk of electric shock, this plug is intended to fit in a polarized outlet only one way. If the plug does not fit fully in the outlet, reverse the plug. If it still does not fit, contact a qualified electrician. Do not attempt to override this safety feature. •WARNING: To reduce the risk of fire or electric shock, do not use this fan with any solid-state speed control device. •WARNING: Chemical Burn Hazard. Keep batteries away from children. • This product contains a lithium button/coin cell battery. If anew or used lithium button/coin cell battery is swallowed or enters the body, it can cause severe internal burns and can lead to death in as little as 2 hours. Always completely secure the battery compartment. If the battery compartment does not close securely, stop using the product, remove thebatteries, and store it away from children. If you thinkbatteries might have been swallowed or placed inside any part of the body, seek immediate medical attention.1. Top Cover 8. Remote ControlStorage2. Display Panel 9. Rear Case3. Remote Control Sensor 10. Air Intake/Filter4. Decorative Ring 11. Cord Storage Brackets5. Fan Outlet 12. Water Tank6. Front Shell 13. Power Cord7. Casters1.Four fan speeds: quiet, low, medium, high2.Three fan modes: normal, nature, and sleep mode3.Four timer settings: 1h, 2h, 4h, 8h4.Low water protection function5.Wide angle fan oscillation6.Remote control (maximum range 6m, left/right 60° fromsensor)7.Fan-only mode8.Power failure memory function9.Touch screen controls10.Automatic shutoff after 15 hours of continuous operation11.Included ice packs for extra cooling power (Do not breakopen or modify ice packs in any way—ice packs alreadycontain a freezing gel and do not need to be opened. Place ice packs in the freezer overnight prior to use, for maximum cooling effect. Frozen ice packs should be placed directly into the water tank, on the left side, facing the back of the unit. Ice packs must only be placed on the left side, or they might obstruct or damage the water pump.)Remove the product from the packaging and review the instructions and other included accessories. The unit can be used immediately after being removed and unpacked.We recommend filling your water tank first before operating the unit, so that the evaporative cooling will be functional right away. The water tank can be pulled out of the bottom of the back of the unit, and filled up to the max fill line. Your unit comes with ice packs, which will help the cooler put out even colder air. (Do not break open or modify ice packs in any way—ice packs already contain a freezing gel and do not need to be opened. Place ice packs in the freezer overnight prior to use, for maximum cooling effect. Frozen ice packs should be placed directly into the water tank, on the left side, facing the back of the unit. Ice packs must only be placed on the left side, or they might obstruct or damage the water pump.)Once the water tank is full, press the On/Off button. Then, press the Cooler/Humidifer button to turn on the water pump. The water pump will enable evaporative cooling, as it draws water up and runs it through the cooling pad.One battery (CR2032 3V) is used in the remote control. Please insert the battery into the remote control tightly based on the direction of the polarity. If the remote will not be used for a long time, please remove the battery and store safely.Used batteries should be disposed of properly, and kept away from children. Please note that even used batteries could be hazardous.1On/Off2Timer setting: 1, 2, 4, 8 hours 3Humidification, or evaporative cooling 4Fan oscillation 5Mode selection: Normal, nature ( ), sleep ( ) 6speed control: High, medium, low, silentWhen the unit is first turned on with the On/Off button, it will beep twice, the air outlet will rotate from the current angle to 0°, and the system enters the standby state. If there is no button operation within 1 minute, the indicator light will darken. If the button is pressed again, the indicator light will turn back to full brightness.The unit can be operated by pressing the button on the control panel. The instructions are as follows:ON/OFF CONTROLPress the “On/Off” button for the first time to enter thenormal fan speed—this will cause the air outlet toautomatically rotate out toward the front. Press the“On/Off” button again to shut down—this will cause the fan to stop running and hide the air outlet. At this point, the fan is in standby mode. To completely turn off the fan, press the On/Off button.Note: In order to extend the life of the product, it is recommended to completely power off the product after each useTIMERPress the “Timer” button to select 1 hour, 2 hours, 4hours or 8 hours. If the LED is off, it means that the timer function is not set. After selecting the time, the LEDindicator will display the set time and will automatically shut down after the selected time has elapsed.COOLER/HUMIDIFIERPress the “Cooler/Humidifier” button to enable the water pump. If the water pump is running, water will flow down through the cooling pad and offer cooler air than the fan-only setting.SWING FUNCTIONPress the “Swing” button to make the fan oscillate at a range of 50 degrees, and then press it again to stopthe oscillation.MODE SELECTIONPress the “Mode” button to select normal mode,nature mode or sleep mode, and the LED indicator willlight up accordingly: Nature mode (), sleep mode( ). Nature mode: The fan is automatically set to match the air conditioner, and will occasionally change speeds, mimicking a natural breeze.Sleep mode: The fan speed changes at regular intervals toprovide a comfortable sleeping environment. In sleep mode, the high, medium, and low speeds will all be cycled through.Note: In nature mode, the fan speed button is not available, so the speed indicator will not light up on the top control panel. FAN SPEED SELECTIONAfter the power is turned on, the fan will begin innormal mode. You can press the “Speed” button tochange the fan speed to high, medium, low, and silent.The LED indicator will light up accordingly: High → Medium → Low → QuietNote:If you select the low speed, the motor will start at mediumspeed for a few seconds and then switch to low speed.When the fan is turned on in standby state, all functions except timer and sleep mode have memory settings.1.When cleaning, use ordinary detergent and a soft brush. Do notuse chemical agents for cleaning.2.Always unplug the power cord before cleaning the device toprevent possible electrocution.3.If dust accumulates on the outer surface of the unit, please wipewith a damp soft cloth. Use a water and a soap mixture to clean the exterior.4.Remove the cooling pad from the unit and check to make surethe cooling pad is in good condition. If the pad is cracked, it will need to be replaced. Wipe the interior clean with a damp soft cloth.5.Rinse the cooling pad completely with clean water. Use a softcloth to dry.6.For a more thorough cleaning, use a mixture of water with acouple teaspoons of distilled white vinegar or lemon juice.7.Do not use gasoline, thinner, or any substance that may damagethe unit8.Change water in the water tank regularly. Wipe the tank cleanand use your diluted vinegar solution to remove any hard water stains in the tank.9.Make sure the tank is completely dry and free of any leftovervinegar residue before using the unit again.10.Be careful handling the appliance while cleaning, as workingaround the appliance with wet hands may cause electric shock.11.After cleaning, ensure the outer dust filter, cooling pad andwater tank are correctly installed before use.1.To clean the surface of the machine, wipe with a damp cloth. Itis strictly prohibited to rinse directly with water. Neversubmerge the unit in water.2.Do not use corrosive detergent or solvent.3.When cleaning the body, be sure to turn off the power switchand unplug the power cord, or else it may cause electric shock.1.When the product is not going to be used for an extendedperiod, unplug the power cord, package the product, and store in a way that prevents dust buildup.2.After packaging, store in a dry and well-ventilated location.This appliance is covered by a limited manufacturer’s warranty.For one year from the original date of purchase, themanufacturer will repair or replace any parts of this appliancethat prove to be defective in materials and workmanship,provided the appliance has been used under normal operating conditions as intended by the manufacturer.Warranty Terms: During the first year, any components of this appliance found tobe defective due to materials or workmanship will be repaired or replaced, at the manufacturer’s discretion, at no charge to theoriginal purchaser. The purchaser will be responsible for anyremoval or transportation costs.Warranty Exclusions: The warranty will not apply if damage is caused by any of the following:•Power failure•Damage in transit or when moving the appliance•Improper power supply such as low voltage, defective household wiring or inadequate fuses•Accident, alteration, misuse or abuse of the appliance such as using non-approved accessories, inadequate air circulationin the room or abnormal operating conditions (extremetemperatures)•Use in commercial or industrial applications•Fire, water damage, theft, war, riot, hostility or acts of God such as hurricanes, floods, etc.•Use of force or damage caused by external influences •Adjustments to temperature by removal of stickers and/or screws•Partially or completely dismantled appliancesObtaining Service: When making a warranty claim, please have the original bill ofpurchase with purchase date available. The purchaser will be responsible for any removal or transportation costs.Replacement parts and/or units will be new, remanufactured or refurbished and are subject to the manufacturer’s discretion.For technical support and warranty service, please email******************。

惠而浦 HR 601 C A 电磁炉使用说明书

惠而浦 HR 601 C A 电磁炉使用说明书

HR 601 C A AUS2use Page ENGLISH Instructionsfor1INSTRUCTION FOR USE IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONSBEFORE USING THE GLASS CERAMIC HOB INSTALLATIONELECTRICAL CONNECTIONSENERGY SAVING TIPSSAFEGUARDING THE ENVIRONMENTCARE AND MAINTENANCE OF THE GLASSCERAMIC HOB TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDEAFTER SALES SERVICEPRODUCT DESCRIPTION SHEET2IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONSThese instructions shall also be available on website: www.whirlpool.euYOUR SAFETY AND THAT OF OTHERS IS VERY IMPORTANTThis manual and the appliance itself provide important safety messages, to be read and always observed. WARNING:All messages relevant to safety specify the potential risk to which they refer and indicate how to reduce the risk of injury, damage and electric shocks due to incorrect use of the appliance. Make sure to comply with the following:• The appliance must be disconnected from the power supply before carrying out any installation operation.• Installation and maintenance must be carried out by a specialised technician, in compliance with themanufacturer’s instructions and the local safety regulations in force. Do not repair or replace any part of the appliance unless specifically stated in the user manual.• The appliance must be earthed.• The power cable must be long enough for connecting the appliance, fitted in the cabinet, to the power supply.• For installation to comply with the current safety regulations, an omnipolar switch with minimum contact gap of 3 mm is required.• Do not use multi-sockets or extension cords.• Do not pull the appliance’s power cable.• The electrical parts must not be accessible to the user after installation.• The appliance is designed solely for domestic use for cooking food. No other use is permitted (e.g. heating rooms). The Manufacturer declines any liability for inappropriate use or incorrect setting of the controls.• The appliance and its accessible parts become hot during use. Care should be taken to avoid touching heating elements. Children less than 8 years old shall be kept away unless continuously supervised.• The accessible parts can become very hot during use. Children must be kept away from the appliance and watched over to ensure they do not play with it.• Do not touch the appliance heating elements during and after use. Do not allow the appliance tocome into contact with cloths or other flammable materials until all the components have cooled sufficiently.• Do not place flammable materials on or near the appliance.• Overheated oils and fats catch fire easily. Pay attention when cooking food products rich in fat and oil.• This appliance can be used by children aged from 8 years and above and persons with reduced physical, sensory or mental capabilities or lack of experience and knowledge if they have been given supervision or instruction concerning use of the appliance in a safe way and understand hazards involved.Cleaning and user maintenance shall not be made by children without supervision.• If the surface is cracked,switch off the appliance to avoid the possibility of electric shock.• The appliance is not intended to be operated by means of an external timer or separate remote control system.• Unattended cooking on a hob with fat or oil can be dangerous and may result in fire. NEVER try to extinguish a fire with water, but switch off the appliance and then cover flame e.g. with a lid or a fire blanket. Danger of fire: do not store items on the cooking surfaces.• Do not use steam cleaners.• Metallic objects such as knives,forks, spoons and lids should not be placed on the hob surface since they can get hot.34• To make the most of your new appliance, please read the user instructions carefully and keep them handy for future consultation.BEFORE USING THE GLASS CERAMIC HOBINSTALLATIONCooktop• The cooktop must be set into a worktop between 20 mm and 50 mm deep• There must be nothing between the cooktop and the oven (cross rails, brackets, etc.).• The distance between the lower face of the glass ceramic hob and the cupboard or separating panel must be at least 20 mm.• If the cooktop is to be installed next to a column unit, leave a distance of at least 100 mm from the edge of the cooktop to the side of the column unit.• Make an opening in the worktop, respecting the dimensions indicated in the enclosed product description sheet.• Apply the supplied gasket to the cooktop (unless it has already been fitted), after having cleaned its surface.ImportantIn order to prevent the electronic circuits from overheating, and therefore from being damaged, we recommend the following:• Do not install the cooktop near a dishwasher or washing machine, so that the electronic circuits do not come into contact with steam or moisture, which could damage them.If an oven (from our range of ovens) is installed beneath the cooktop, make sure that it is equipped with a cooling system.If the temperature of the electronic circuits exceeds the maximum permitted temperature, the cooktop will switch off automatically; in this case, wait for a few minutes until the internal temperature of the electronic circuits reaches a tolerable level, at which point it will be possible to switch the hob on again.• Switch the hob off after use.3215ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONSElectrical connection must be made before connecting the appliance to the electricity supply. The appliance must be installed by a qualified electrician who is fully aware of current safety and installation regulations. Specifically, installation must be carried out in compliance with the regulations of the local electricity supply company. Make sure that the voltage shown on the rating plate is the same as the power supply voltage in your home. Regulations require that the appliance be earthed: use conductors (including the earth conductor) of the appropriate size only. The manufacturer declines all liability for injury to persons or animals and for damage to property resulting from failure to observe the above regulations. For the electrical connection use a H05RR-F type cable as indicated in the table below:Power supply voltage.The appliance must be connected to the electricity supply by means of an all-pole disconnect switch with minimum contact gap of 3 mm.Attention: the power supply cable must be long enough to allow the cooktop to be removed from the worktop and must be positioned so as to avoid damage or overheating caused by contact with the base.Connecting to the terminal boardNote: the yellow/green earth wire must be connected to the terminal with thesymbol and must be longer than the other wires.• Remove approx. 70 mm of the cable sheath from the power supply cable (B ).• Strip approx. 10 mm of sheath from the wires. Then insert the power supply cable into the cable clamp and connect the wires to the terminal block as indicated in the connection diagram placed close to the terminal block itself.• Secure the power supply cable (B ) by means of the cable clamp.• Close the terminal board with the cover (A ) securing it with the screw provided.• After the electrical connection, fit the hob from the top and hook it to the support springs, according to the illustration.• Use pots and pans whose bottom diameter is equal to that of the cooking zone or slightly larger.• Only use flat-bottomed pots and pans.• If possible, keep pot lids on when cooking.• Cook vegetables, potatoes, et. with little water in order to cut down cooking time.• A pressure cooker allows you to save even more energy and time.ENERGY SAVING TIPSNO!6SAFEGUARDING THE ENVIRONMENT1. Packing• The packaging material can be 100% recycled, as confirmed by the recycling symbol .2. ProductsThis appliance is marked according to the European directive 2012/19/EU on Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE). By ensuring this product is disposed of correctly, you will help prevent potential negative consequencesproduct, indicates that this appliance may not be treated as household waste. Instead it shall be handed over to the applicable collection point for the recycling of electrical and electronic equipment. Disposal must be carried out in accordance with local environmental regulations for waste disposal. For more detailed information about treatment, recovery and recycling of this product, please contact your local authority, the household waste disposal service or the shop where you purchased the product.Declaration of conformity CE• This cooktop is suitable for contact with foodstuffs and complies with EEC (CE) Regulation n. 1935/ 2004.• The appliances are designed solely for use as cooking appliances. Any other use of the appliances (e.g. for room heating) is considered as improper use and potentially dangerous.• The appliances are designed, built and sold in compliance with:• safety objectives of the “Low Voltage” Directive 2006/95/EC (which replaces 73/23/EEC and subsequent amendments);• the protection requirements of Directive “EMC” 2004/108/EC;CARE AND MAINTENANCE OF THE GLASS-CERAMIC HOBClean the cooktop, when it is cool, after each use. This will prevent the build-up of dirt and make cleaning easier.Important: avoid the use of high pressure water or steam cleaning equipment.• Use a clean cloth, absorbent kitchen wipes and washing up liquid or a specific glass ceramic cleaner.• Remove baked-on dirt with the special scraper tool (if provided) and specific cleaning products.•Food spills should be cleaned off before they bake onto the glass ceramic surface.• Foods with high sugar content (toffee, fruit juice, jam, etc.) that boil over while cooking, or spattered sugar stains must be immediately removed using a scraper.• Do not use abrasive products, bleach, oven-cleaner spray or pan scourers.The cooktop should be treated periodically with a proprietary brand of protective wax for glass-ceramic hobs.TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDECooktop not working• When pressing the control buttons, did you follow the instructions in the section “Using the hob” in the enclosed “Product Description Sheet”?• Is there perhaps a power failure?• Did you dry the hob carefully after cleaning it?1. If a cooking zone has been selected and an “F ” or an “ER ” appear on the display followed by a number, contact the After Sales Service and inform them.-With the exception of the message “F03” or “ER03” that identifies the incorrect cleaning of the controls area.-To solve the problem follow the instruction in the ICleaning and maintenance of the glassceramic hobI paragraph.2. If the hob does not work following intensive use, the hob internal temperature is too high. Wait a few minutes until the hob cools down .AFTER-SALES SERVICEBefore contacting After-sales Service:1. Try to solve the problem (see “Troubleshooting Guide”).2. Turn off the appliance and restart it to see if the fault is repeatedIf after the above checks the fault still occurs, get in touch with the nearest After Sales Service.Please give: a short description of the fault,• the precise type and model of the appliances,• the service number (the number after the word “Service” on the data plate), located under the hob or on the Product Description Sheet.• your complete address and phone number. If any repairs are required, please contact an authorized After-sales Service as indicated in the warranty. In the unlikely event that an operation or repair is carried out by an unauthorised technician, always request a certification of the job carried out and insist on the use of original spare parts. Failure to comply with theseinstructions may compromise the safety and quality of the product.7DIMENSIONS OF THE HOB (mm)1. Radiating cooking zone Ø 1452. Radiating cooking zone Ø 1803. Radiating cooking zone Ø 1454. Radiating cooking zone Ø 2105. DisplayPRODUCT DESCRIPTION SHEET490 mm+2 Min. 40 cmMin. 10 cmMin. 7 cmR = Min. 6,5 mm8A On/OD Key lockBCooking zone and timer selectionHeat setting increase and decreaseHUpon rst installation, the control panel performs a functional test for about 1 second,after which it automatically switches to the “Key lock” function.To deactivate the function, press and hold button “D ”; an acoustic signal will sound and the corresponding led will turn o .NOTE: If a reset occurs, repeat the procedure described above.To switch the hob on, keep button “A ” pressed for approx. 2 seconds. The 4 cooking zonedisplays show “0”. If within 20 seconds none of the cooking zones is activated, the hob switches o automatically as a safety precaution. Press one of the buttons “B ” corresponding to the cooking zone you intend to use. Select the heat setting required with buttons “E ” or “C ”. The other selectable cooking settings go from 1 to 9. Press buttons +/- at the same time to cancel all settings.Pressing button “+” when level 9 is reached, the “Booster” function is activated and the letter “A ” appears on the display.IMPORTANT: the control is deactivated 10 seconds after the heat setting has been selected.To change the heat setting, rst press the selection button “B ” again, then proceed to change the setting, using buttons “E ” or “C ”.MUL TIPLE ZONE (if present): After selecting the desired zone and setting the level (as described in the previous section) press “F ”: an indicator above the button turns on,activating the additional zone.The multiple zone can only be used if:1) The cooking zone is provided with multiple zone;2) The power level selected is greater than 0.To deactivate the multiple zone, press button “B ” of the desired zone, then press “F ” again.To set the Timer function, select the desired cooking zone and power setting then pressthe cooking zone key again and a luminous dot will appear on the display of the timer-controlled cooking zone. The indication “00” blinks on the 2 displays. Press buttons “C ” or “E ” to set the time from 1 to 99.IMPORTANT: after 10 seconds the timer displays will show the power setting of the other cooking zones.To view the remaining cooking time, press the timer-controlled cooking zone key twice.The KEY LOCK function is switched on by holding down button “D ” until a dot lights up abovethe function button. The Key lock function locks all the hob’s other functions, with the exception of the On/O button “A ”. The function remains on even after the hob is switched o and on again and can be deactivated by pressing button “D ” again until the dot above the function button goes o .RESIDUAL HEAT INDICATORWhen the cooking zone is switched o , the residual heat indicator “H” remains on or ashes alternating with “0” until the temperature of the hob returns within safety levels.IMPORTANT:The hob’s safety features include an automatic switching o function. Prolonged use of the same heatsetting triggers automatic switch-o of the cooking zone (for example, after around 1 hour at maximum heat setting, the cooking zone switches o ).BE CAREFUL: To avoid permanently damaging the glass-ceramic top, do not use:- Pots with bottoms that are not perfectly at.- Metal pots with enamelled bottom.Any aesthetic defects (scratches, surface marks, etc.) must be reported immediately upon installation.C-E1951534250004/17AU。




















MAYTAG 冰箱使用說明書 (型號 MSS26C6MFZ)说明书

MAYTAG 冰箱使用說明書 (型號 MSS26C6MFZ)说明书



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目錄冰箱安全事項 (2)廢棄舊冰箱的正確處理方式 (3)安裝指示 (3)拆封冰箱包裝 (3)冰箱門拆卸、水平調整及對齊 (4)安裝及拆除把手 (7)位置需求 (8)電氣需求 (8)供水需求 (8)連接水源 (9)安裝空氣濾清器 (11)安裝蔬果保鮮劑 (12)使用冰箱 (13)使用控制器 (13)活動式置物盒溫度控制 (14)保鮮盒濕度控制 (14)給水及給冰裝置 (14)製冰機與儲冰盒 (16)濾水器系統 (17)保養冰箱 (17)清潔 (17)燈光 (18)假期與搬移保養 (20)疑難排解 (21)配件 (25)濾水器認證 (25)效能資料表 (26)MAYTAG®冷凍設備有限保固 (27)W10632881A冰箱安全事項23廢棄舊冰箱的正確處理方式警告窒息危險拆除舊冰箱門。





丟棄舊冷藏室或冷凍室之前: ⏹ 拆下冰箱門。

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惠而浦 WMM184132AC 微波炉 使用说明书

惠而浦 WMM184132AC 微波炉 使用说明书



























功率 (瓦) 推荐用途900 快速加热含水量高的饮料或其他食物。

750 烹饪蔬菜。

650 烹饪鱼和肉类。

500 烹调肉酱,或含有奶酪或鸡蛋的酱。


350 小火烹调,适合融化黄油或巧克力。

  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
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在不平稳的地方或不耐电的物体上不 可使用,否则会引起火灾。
拔下插头时,必须持住电源软线的 插头柄,否则会引起触电和短路而 引起火灾。
(饭勺) (内锅)
发热板 感温器
阳光直射的地方。 油飞溅的地方。
注 意
清洗内锅、内盖要注意,不可使它变形。 待上盖冷却后才能把破泡器从上盖取出清洗。 在清洗破泡器时,请把破泡器旋开,再清洗破泡 器内部。 清洗时注意不要丢失破泡器里的密封圈。
不可让小孩单独使用,而且不可让婴 幼儿的手接触,否则会引起烫伤、触 电和受伤。
白米饭 0.36~1.44L(2~8杯)

0.09~0.27L (0.5~1.5杯)
237mm 359mm 298mm 约4.8Kg 约1.2m
白米饭 0.36~1.8L (2~10杯)
此时时钟显示器开始闪 烁,进入时钟调整状态。 此时时钟显示器保持闪烁。 连续按键则可以快速调节 时钟。 时钟调整结束,时钟开始 正常运转。
从开始煮饭,开始/再加热指 示灯将亮灯。(直到煮饭结束, 保持亮灯) 显示从开始焖饭到煮饭结束的 时间。(精煮的情况下提前13 分钟显示)
白米饭 0.18~0.9L (1~5杯) 粥
外 形 尺 寸
高度 长度 最大宽度
电源线 长度
0.09~0.18L (0.5~1杯)
227mm 323mm 265mm 约3.3Kg 约1.2m
在电源线和插头有部分发热,电源线活 动时有通电、断电现象或插头移动时, 都不可使用,否则会引起触电,短路, 火灾。
米的种类 陈米/杂交米 新米 标准米 水 量 比水位刻度多1/4刻度 比水位刻度少1/4刻度 按照水位刻度
上盖 电源插尾
5. 浸泡。 夏天浸泡30分钟,冬天浸泡1小时以上。 * 如果米含有充分的水份,米会变白而不透明。 6. 饭煮好之后,要认真搅拌。 用饭勺从底部搅拌,使多余的水蒸发掉。 7. 正确的保温。 剩余的少量的米饭要放入内锅中央。 冷的米饭或者饭勺放入锅中保温,会产生异味。 8 . 请使用常温水煮饭,如果用热水煮饭可能会夹生。
安全注意事项 请务必遵守 警告
除维修人员以外的人员不得对产品进 行拆解、维修,否则可能造成火灾, 触电、受伤。 修理请到当地特约维修网点或我公司 客户服务中心。
在短时间停电的情况下,能恢复到停电前的状态。(5小时以内) 在长时间停电的情况下,再次通电时,要进行如下操作。 预约中
标准煮 超快煮
甜酒 慢炖
买米尽可能地买新米。 参考米袋上的米的加工年月日, 买米时间最好在加工米年月日之后两周以内。
烹饪选择键 开始/再加热键 小时/分钟键
保温 取消
请调节到欲使用 的烹饪菜单
标准煮 超快煮
甜酒 慢炖
良好 不良
甜酒 慢炖
设定烹饪时间。 按
不改变设定时间 时向 [3] 移动。

请将米表面呈平坦状,并在水平的地方来进行水 量的调节。 根据菜单及杯数来决定加水量。此时亦需要根据 米的种类及个人爱好来进行调节。 煮粥时,加水量不要超过内锅上粥的最高水位。
在使用中请不要覆盖布巾, 否则会引起上盖变形、变色。
为了不使涂层损伤 要使用附属的饭勺。 饭叉和茶碗不要放在内锅中洗涤。 不能使用醋。 洗米时,不要用手压, 要快洗。
1. 用量杯量米,米与杯口齐平,请不要超出,量米要用量杯。 * 附属的量杯1杯约为180ml。 2. 洗米时,第一次加足水,轻轻地洗一下,马上倒掉。 3. 然后,再次加水清洗,直到水没有污浊。 淘米时,如果太用力,米会破碎,淀粉会溶解,煮饭完成时会 有异味或黏糊。
惠而浦微电脑电饭煲 WRC-CS305Y
中国. 佛山
1.保 修 卡(附页)
从商店接受保修卡时,一定要确认 是否记入购买日期和商店名,认真 阅读内容之后,要妥善保管。
关于修理,如有不明之处,请与 当地特约维修网点或我公司客户 服务中心联系。
不要使电源软线受伤、破损,不要对 它进行加工、过分的弯曲、拉伸、扭 铰、捆扎,不要接近热的器具,而且 不要悬挂重物。 电源软线如果破损会引起火灾和触电。
插头的插片,如附有灰尘时,要认真 擦去,否则会引起火灾。
交流220V 50Hz
型号 WRC-CS305Y 平均每小时 消耗电功率 590W 煮饭容量
内盖拆卸 内盖安装
插入内侧,推上去 内盖的安装部(内侧) 内盖的凸部 抓住把手

预约时间闪亮 标准煮 超快煮 显示
每次按下预约键时,预约1和 预约2会切换。

标准煮 超快煮
内盖的凸部 盖的凸部 按下后上提 向前拉出 将内盖的凸起部分(上侧)插入上盖的安装部的内侧然后推上去。 将内盖的凸起部(下侧)确实插入到【盖的凸起部分(2处)的内侧】
超过预定的煮饭开始 时刻时,会马上开始 煮饭。
在定时煮饭状态下会 继续煮饭,但不能按 照预约时刻完成煮饭。
为了安全而长久地使用,平时请进行日常检查 有如下情况出现
电源软线和插头有无膨胀、变形、变色、损伤。 电源软线的一部分和插头比平常热。 如使电源软线活动,有通电和断电现象。 电饭煲经常异常发热,有焦糊味。 在通电中,有异常声音或振动。 插头或插座堆积有灰尘或垃圾。

0.09~0.27L (0.5~1.5杯)
257mm 359mm 298mm 约5.2Kg 约1.2m
* 保温时的电功率是平均保温消耗电功率(稳定时),是每小时的消费电量。(在室温为20 C时) * 在指示灯熄灭,但通电的状态下,每一个小时的消费电量约0.001度。 * 如有规格改良恕不预先通知。

标准煮 超快煮
如不按开始键,将会发出 【哔~哔~哔~哔】的蜂鸣器 响声。预约还没有结束。
破泡器 下盖
标准煮 超快煮
时钟的调整方法 1 2 3
按下 键 2秒钟以上 使用 键 来调整时间 按下 键 结束调整
时钟为24小时显示 夜间12时显示为0:00,中午12时显示为12:00。
操 作
预约取消时 操作错误时


重新设定预约时, 请重新选择烹煮方式。
在预约时间时煮粥完毕。 对于超过13小时的预约或加入其他材料或调味料时,请勿进行预约煮粥。
其他的烹饪方法 1

每按 下
键, 将会移动,
在煮饭、保温、预约过程中,不能进行时钟调整。 如果不接通电源线,则无法进行时钟调整。 当时钟显示处于闪烁状态时,时钟没在运转,请按下关闭键结束时钟调整。
安全注意事项 请务必遵守 注意
因为伤痕、烧痕的绝缘裂化等会引起 触电、漏电、火灾。
请勿使用去污粉、刷子、清洁剂,天那水等等。 用拧干的布巾进行擦拭。 在清洁之后,请正确的安装内盖。
否则会引起烫伤。 要特别注意,不可让婴幼儿接触。
有米粒或者污漕附粘时,用细的砂纸(320号 左右)轻轻地擦磨,然后用拧干的布巾擦去。
汤 蒸煮 蛋糕 甜酒 慢炖
设定时间 1~4小时 1~4小时 1~60分 45~60分 36~72小时 4~12小时