Unilever 2010 季度报告
表1 制药巨头2010年第三季度业绩概况公司名称销售收入(亿美元)变化净收益(亿美元)变化全年每股收益预期(美元)辉瑞162 +39% 8.66 -70% 2.17~2.22 强生150 -1% 34 +2% 4.70~4.80 赛诺菲-安万特78亿欧元+6% 25亿欧元+9% 预期增长2% 诺华126 +13% 23 +10%罗氏115亿瑞士法郎-7% / /葛兰素史克68亿英镑+1% 13亿英镑-3.5%默克111 +84% 3.42 -90% 3.31~3.39阿斯利康79 -4% 15 -27% 6.50~6.65雅培87 +12% 8.91 -40% 4.16~4.18安进38 0 12 -11% 5.05左右1、辉瑞公司:并购惠氏影响三季度业绩,公司上调全年收益预期美国辉瑞公司(Pfizer)11月2日公布2010年第三季度业绩报告。
网络 。 随着全球无线宽带 市场的迅速发 展 ,无线 / 移动 宽带 接入 业务流 量 和需求猛增 ,G等无线 / 3 移动 技术 终于让 运 营商 见到了商机 。 本报告分析 国外 无线 / 动 宽带 接 移 入 业 务 的 发 展 、 业 务 模 式、 盈利模式 以及面临 的 挑战和应对 策略 , 研究无 线 / 动 宽 带 接 入 业 务 移 的商 业模 式 , 并对其未来
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20 0 9年 第四季度 , 球 IT产业政 策聚焦 于资 源管理 全 C 方 面 。 无 论 是 美 国 研 究 如 何 应 对 频 谱 危 机 , 拿 大 和 美 国 加 采 取 追 加 区 号 方 式 应 对 号 码 不 足 问 题 , 是 中 国香 港 为 应 还 对 移 动 数 据 激 增 再 次 启 动 无线频 谱 拍卖 ,都再 次 彰显 了通信 大发 展与 通信 资源稀 缺性 之 间的 矛盾 。本报 告从 产业 政 抒tt■ ●● … R I 策 、 场开放 和准入 、 市 资 费监 管 、资源管 理 以及 用 户 权 益 保 护 等 方 面 入 手 , 对 全 球 IT产 业 政 C 策进 行 了 回顾 与展 望 。 报 告 显 示 ,0 0年 ,C 21 IT 产业政 策将 聚焦 于两 个 方 面 :一 是 继 续 研 究 如 何 解决和 提高 频率 资源 ● 一 一- 一 “ 的使 用问题 ;二是 通信 业节 能减排 问题 。
圣莱达:2010年度财务报告 2011-04-08
宁波圣莱达电器股份有限公司二0一0年度财务报告2011年3月目录第一部分 2010年主要财务指标 (5)一、收益 (5)二、经营收入 (5)三、经营毛利 (5)四、主要产品销售数量 (5)五、四项费用和资产减值 (6)六、资产及资产周转 (6)七、现金流量 (6)第二部分 2010年主要财务情况说明和分析 (7)一、重大财务变动 (7)(一)股权变动 (7)(二)重大付款 (8)(三)重大资产购臵 (8)(四)重大费用影响 (8)(五)重大政府补贴 (9)二、经营及收益指标的说明和分析 (9)(一)净利润 (9)(二)营业收入 (10)1、营业收入及变化分析 (10)2、客户资源的开拓对销量的影响 (10)3、主要产品的种类增加对销量的支撑 (11)4、区域结构对营业收入的影响 (12)5、季节性波动对营业收入的影响 (12)(三)毛利率变动趋势及原因分析 (13)1、综合毛利率变动情况 (13)2、销价下降影响毛利 (13)3、成本上升对毛利的影响公司 (14)(四)费用分析 (14)1、费用总况 (14)2、按费用使用属性分类情况 (14)(五)收益率指标分析 (15)三、财务状况的说明和分析 (16)(一)财务状况与构成 (16)(二)资产分析 (16)1、流动资产分析 (16)2、非流动资产分析 (19)3、资产减值准备提取情况 (20)(三)负债状况分析 (20)(四)股东权益的构成情况 (22)(五)偿债能力分析 (22)(六)资产周转能力分析 (23)四、现金流量情况的说明和分析 (23)(一)现金流量总况 (23)(二)经营活动产生的现金流量分析 (24)(三)投资活动产生的现金流量分析 (24)(四)筹资动产生的现金流量分析 (24)第三部分2011年预算目标及风险 (25)一、财务预算 (25)二、营销预算 (26)三、人工成本预算 (26)四、研发投入预算 (26)五、固定资产投资、大修理费投资预算 (27)六、募集资金使用预算 (27)七、完成2011年财务目标的风险 (27)八、2011年预算管理及财务工作目标 (28)1、围绕3341的经营目标设定财务工作方向 (28)2、围绕2011年公司3321的管理目标开展财务工作 (28)1)信息化工作 (28)2)会计核算工作 (29)3)成本管控和预算管理工作 (29)4)完善内部控制制度和执行力度 (29)5)建设符合胜任上市公司要求的财务团队 (30)尊敬的董事长和各位董事:2010年,宁波圣莱达电器股份有限公司全体员工在董事会和总经理的领导下,继续以市场为导向、效益为中心、技术领先知识产权为核心驱动力,营造了讲自律、讲效率、讲服务和勤奋、学习、快乐、进步的企业文化,发扬了圣莱达人艰苦奋斗、坚守诚信、乐于创新的精神,充分运用企业内外部的资源,完善内部激励机制,提升企业管理水平,在迎来了圣莱达股份登陆资本市场的同时,以收入增长51%、利润增长22%的优异业绩向股东和股民做了回报。
联合利华企业分析报告1. 公司背景联合利华(Unilever)是一家全球性的消费品制造商,总部位于英国伦敦与荷兰鹿特丹。
2. 经营模式联合利华的经营模式在全球范围内都非常成功。
3. 品牌优势联合利华在全球范围内拥有诸多知名品牌,这些品牌凭借其卓越的品质和良好的信誉获得了广大消费者的认可。
4. 市场竞争力联合利华在全球范围内都具备强大的市场竞争力。
5. 发展前景联合利华在未来的发展前景非常看好。
Yingli Green Energy Holding Company Limited today announced its unaudited consolidated financial results for the first quarter ended March 31, 2010.First Quarter 2010 Consolidated Financial and Operating Highlights-- Total net revenues were RMB 2,449.9 million (US$358.9 million).-- Gross profit was RMB 815.4 million (US$119.5 million) and gross margin was 33.3%.-- Operating income was RMB 535.9 million (US$78.5 million) and operatingmargin was 21.9%.-- Net income (1) was RMB 190.9 million (US$28.0 million) and dilutedearnings per ordinary share and per American depositary share ("ADS") was RMB 1.24 (US$0.18).-- On an adjusted non-GAAP (2) basis, net income was RMB 246.8 million(US$36.2 million) and diluted earnings per ordinary share and per ADSwas RMB 1.60 (US$0.23).-- Actual output of existing 600 MW vertically integrated production capacity was nearly 30% higher than nameplate capacity.Mr. Liansheng Miao, Chairman and CEO of Yingli Green Energy, commented, "We are pleased to announce that our first quarter gross margin reached a record high of 33.3%, as we continued to focus on balancing profitability with market share expansion. Driving this performance, our PV module shipment volume grew significantly year-over-year and remained stable quarter-over-quarter despite seasonality. We attribute these achievements primarily to Yingli's industry-leading brand recognition and cost advantage, and our vigorous sales and marketing efforts, including our sponsorship of the 2010 FIFA World Cup South Africa (TM), which has helped us diversify our customer portfolio across different regions."We achieved close to 130% capacity utilization for our existing 600 MW capacity in the first quarter through our long-term efforts to improve operating efficiency and cell conversion efficiency, while remaining focused on our strategic capacity expansion plans to satisfy unmet demand across key markets. We now expect to bring the 300 MW PANDA mono-crystalline silicon based production capacity at our Baoding headquarters and the 100 MW multi-crystalline silicon based production capacity in Hainan Province on-line in the third quarter of this year. And we are pleased to announce that our new PANDA module will be introduced during the 2010 Intersolar Trade Show in Munich, Germany this June,one of the biggest industry exhibitions. In addition, our in-house polysilicon plant Fine Silicon is in the final stage of the segment trial process and we are confident in our goal of beginning fully integrated production in mid-2010 as originally scheduled."Looking ahead, to strengthen our leadership in the global solar market we will continue to focus on improving cell efficiency and yield rates across the integrated value chain while reducing costs, increasing the diversity of our customer base, securing new long-term and strategic partnerships, strengthening our risk control capabilities across different regions and assuring the quality of our products by cooperating with leading partners such as TUV Rheinland. With a strong quarter behind us and solid strategies in place, we look forward to driving continued healthy growth in the future."First Quarter 2010 Financial ResultsTotal Net RevenuesTotal net revenues were RMB 2,449.9 million (US$358.9 million) in the first quarter of 2010, a slight decrease of 3.2% from RMB 2,530.9 million in the fourth quarter of 2009 and an increase of 145.0% from RMB 999.9 million in the first quarter of 2009. The slight decrease in total net revenues from the fourth quarter of 2009 was primarily due to the depreciation of the euro against the Renminbi, partially offset by the slight improvement of selling prices in original currencies. PV module shipment volume was flattish compared to last quarter.Gross Profit and Gross Margin (3)Gross profit in the first quarter of 2010 was RMB 815.4 million (US$119.5 million), an increase of 8.7% from RMB 750.4 million in the fourth quarter of 2009 and 387.3% from RMB 167.4 million in the first quarter of 2009. Gross margin was 33.3% in the first quarter of 2010, up from 29.6% in the fourth quarter of 2009 and 16.7% in the first quarter of 2009. The increase in gross margin was primarily due to the continuous decline in the blended cost of polysilicon, decreasing polysilicon usage per watt and continuous reduction in non-polysilicon cost.Operating Expenses (3), (4)Operating expenses in the first quarter of 2010 were RMB 279.5 million (US$40.9 million), compared to RMB 784.8 million in the fourth quarter of 2009 and RMB 147.0 million in the first quarter of 2009. The higher operating expense in the fourth quarter of 2009 was primarily attributable to a non-cash impairment of intangible assets and a non-cash bad debt expense of RMB 461.0 million, which did not recur in the first quarter of 2010. Operating expense as a percentage of total net revenues was 11.4% in the first quarter of 2010, down from 12.8% in the fourth quarter of 2009 after excluding the two non-cash charges in the fourth quarter of 2009.During the course of the preparation of the Company's 2009 annual report, one of its customers failed to perform its obligations under contractual arrangements it had entered into with the Company regarding certain accounts receivable outstanding as of December 31, 2009. The Company is currently seeking legal advice on its options to recover the account receivables. A non-cash bad debt expense was recognized in the fourth quarter 2009 to provide a partial provision for the outstanding accounts receivable. As a prudent measure, the Company has provided an additional non-cash bad debt provision of RMB 145.5 million to cover the full amount of the outstanding accounts receivable for the fourth quarter and full year 2009, which was offset by adjusted income tax benefit and earnings attributable to the noncontrolling interests for these two periods. As a result, net loss for the fourth quarter and full year 2009 increased by RMB 61.9 million. The impact of this additional non-cash debt expense on the full year 2009 will be fully reflected in the Company's annual report for 2009. This provision will be reversed in subsequent financial statements if the Company can recover a portion of the outstanding accounts receivable from this customer.Operating Income (Loss) and Margin (4)Operating income in the first quarter of 2010 was RMB 535.9 million (US$78.5 million), a substantial increase from an operating loss of RMB 34.4 million in the fourth quarter of 2009 and an operating income of RMB 20.4 million in the first quarter of 2009.Operating margin was 21.9% in the first quarter of 2010, compared to a negative operating margin of 1.4% in the fourth quarter of 2009 and 2.0% in the first quarter of 2009. The significant increase in operating margin was mainly due to increased gross margin and decreased operating expenses as a percentage of net revenues.Interest ExpenseInterest expense was RMB 91.2 million (US$13.4 million) in the first quarter of 2010, compared to RMB 80.8 million in the fourth quarter of 2009 and RMB 79.0 million in the first quarter of 2009. The increase in interest expense was consistent with the increase in short-term borrowings from RMB 3,501.0 million as of December 31, 2009 to RMB 3,993.3 million (US$585.0 million) as of March 31, 2010.After excluding non-cash interest expenses, interest expense was RMB 63.4 million (US$9.3 million) in the first quarter of 2010, compared to RMB 58.7 million in the fourth quarter of 2009 and RMB 72.2 million in the first quarter of 2009. The weighted average interest rate for the borrowings in the first quarter of 2010 was 6.43%, an increase from 6.27% in the fourth quarter of 2009, both measured on a basis excluding non-cash interest expenses.Foreign Currency Exchange LossForeign currency exchange loss was RMB 169.1 million (US$24.8 million) in the first quarter of 2010, compared to foreign currency exchange losses of RMB 48.5 million in the fourth quarter of 2009 and RMB 93.6 million in the first quarter of 2009. The foreign currency exchange loss in the first quarter of 2010 was primarily due to the depreciation of the euro against the Renminbi.Income Tax Expense (Benefit) (4)Income tax expense was RMB 39.5 million (US$5.8 million) in the first quarter of 2010, compared to income tax benefit of RMB 63.0 million in the fourth quarter of 2009 and RMB 13.0 million in the first quarter of 2009. The income tax expense in the first quarter of 2010 was primarily due to the net operating income generated by Tianwei Yingli and Yingli Energy (China) Company Limited ("Yingli China") in this quarter. Under the PRC Enterprise Income Tax Law and the various implementation rules, Tianwei Yingli was subject to an enterprise income tax rate of 12.5% in both 2009 and 2010, and Yingli China was subject to an enterprise income tax rate of 15% in both 2009 and 2010.Net Income (Loss) (4)As a result of the factors discussed above, net income was RMB 190.9 million (US$28.0 million) in the first quarter of 2010, compared to a net loss of RMB 106.7 million in the fourth quarter of 2009 and a net loss of RMB 141.6 million in the first quarter of 2009. Diluted earnings per ordinary share and per ADS was RMB 1.24(US$0.18) in the first quarter of 2010, compared to diluted loss per ordinary share and per ADS of RMB 0.72 in the fourth quarter of 2009 and diluted loss per ordinary share and per ADS of RMB 1.11 in the first quarter of 2009.On an adjusted non-GAAP basis, net income was RMB 246.8 million (US$36.2 million) in the first quarter of 2010, compared to a net income of RMB 75.7 million in the fourth quarter of 2009 and a net loss of RMB 77.1 million in the first quarter of 2009. Adjusted non-GAAP diluted earnings per ordinary share and per ADS were RMB 1.60(US$0.23) in the first quarter of 2010, compared to a non-GAAP diluted earnings per ordinary share and per ADS of RMB 0.49 in the fourth quarter of 2009 and a non-GAAP diluted loss per ordinary share and per ADS of RMB 0.61 in the first quarter of 2009.On an adjusted non-GAAP basis and, if the Company excludes the foreign currency exchange loss, net income was RMB 415.9 million (US$60.9 million) in the first quarter of 2010, compared to a net income of RMB 124.1 million in the fourth quarter of 2009 and a net income of RMB 16.5 million in the first quarter of 2009. Adjusted non-GAAP diluted earnings per ordinary share and per ADS excluding foreign exchange loss were RMB 2.70(US$0.40) in the first quarter of 2010, compared to a non-GAAP diluted earnings per ordinary share and per ADS excluding foreign exchange loss of RMB 0.80 in the fourth quarter of 2009 and a non-GAAP diluted earnings per ordinary share and per ADS excluding foreign exchange loss of RMB 0.13 in the first quarter of 2009.Balance Sheet AnalysisAs of March 31, 2010, Yingli Green Energy had RMB 4,355.6 million (US$638.1 million) in cash and restricted cash, compared to RMB 3,631.1 million as of December 31, 2009. The increase in cash and restricted cash was primarily a result of positive operating cash flow resulting from the improved collection of accounts receivables and payment control.Working capital was RMB 675.4 million (US$99.0 million) as of March 31, 2010, compared to RMB 1,031.3 million as of December 31, 2009.As of the date of this press release, the Company had approximately RMB 10,207 million in authorized lines of credit, of which RMB 4,230 million had not been utilized.Business Outlook for Full Year 2010Based on current market and operating conditions, estimated production capacity and forecasted customer demand, the Company reaffirms its PV module shipment target to be in the estimated range of 950 MW to 1 GW for fiscal year 2010, which represents an increase of 80.8% to 90.4% compared to fiscal year 2009.In addition, after taking into consideration the Company's estimated blended cost of polysilicon in 2010, the expected average selling price of PV modules and forecasted exchange rates of the euro and U.S. dollar against the Renminbi, the Company also reaffirms its gross margin target for fiscal year 2010 to be in the estimated range of 27% to 29%.。
小天鹅B:2010年第三季度报告全文(英文版) 2010-10-26
WUXI LITTLE SWAN COMPANY LIMITEDTHE THIRD QUARTERLY REPORT FOR 2010§1. Important Notice1.1 The Board of Directors, the Supervisory Committee, directors, supervisors andother senior management personnel of Wuxi Little Swan Company Limited(hereinafter referred to as “the Company”) hereby guarantee that this report carries nofalse information, misleading statements or major omissions, and accept, individuallyand collectively, the responsibility for the factuality, accuracy and completeness of theinformation set forth herein.1.2 The Financial Report in the third quarterly report has not been audited by a CPAfirm.1.3 Mr. Fang Hongbo, Person in charge of the Company, Ms. Ma Junxia, person incharge of accounting work and Mr. Zeng Rui, principal of accounting firm (chief ofaccounting) hereby confirm that the Financial Report enclosed in the Quarterly Reportis true and complete.§2. Company Profile2.1 Main accounting data and financial indexesUnit: RMB YuanAs at 30 Sep. 2010 As at 31 Dec. 2009 Increase/decrease (%) Total assets (RMB) 6,361,184,081.763,878,629,773.92 64.01% Owners’ equity attributable to shareholders oflisted company (RMB)2,118,607,841.111,854,911,284.10 14.22% Share capital (share) 547,655,760.00547,655,760.00 0.00% Net assets per share attributable toshareholders of listed company (RMB/share)3.87 3.39 14.22%Jul.-Sep. 2010 Increase/decreaseyear-on-year (%)Jan.-Sep. 2010Increase/decreaseyear-on-year (%)Total operation income (RMB) 1,944,389,563.5191.47%5,578,524,408.57 91.18% Net profit attributable to shareholders of listedcompany (RMB)92,982,597.8435.82%261,346,928.79 92.37%Net cash flows generated from operating activities (RMB) - -981,007,550.61169.21%Net cash flows per share generated from - - 1.79169.21%operating activities (RMB/share)Basic earnings per share (RMB/share) 0.1730.77%0.48 92.00% Diluted earnings per share (RMB/share) 0.1730.77%0.4892.00% Weighted average return on net assets (%) 4.48%0.62%13.15% 5.49% Weighted average return on net assets afterdeducting extraordinary gains and losses (%)3.74%0.10%12.43% 5.65%Items of non-recurring gains and losses Amount from year-begin tothe end of this report periodNoteGains and losses from disposal of non-current assets 3,846,086.74 Government subsidies measured into the current period gain and loss, excluding thosegovernment subsidies closely related to the Company’s business that the Companyenjoyed continually at the certain standard rating and in conformity with provisions ofpolicies of the State17,027,735.11Other non-operating income and expenses besides the above items -2,685,412.30Impact on income tax -2,665,477.72Impact on minority interests -1,140,176.91Total 14,382,754.92 -2.2 Total number of shareholders at the end of the report period and statement onshares held by the top ten shareholders holding shares not subject to tradingmoratoriumUnit: Share Total number of shareholders 19,137 Shares held by the top ten shareholders holding shares not subject to trading moratoriumFull name of shareholder Number of shares not subjectto trading moratoriumType of shareGD Midea Holding Co., Ltd. 131,510,011RMB ordinary shares GAOLING FUND,L.P. 41,602,180Domestically listed foreign shares TITONI INVESTMENTS DEVELOPMENT LTD. 30,851,714Domestically listed foreign shares WuXi Municipal Bureau of Finance 22,057,657RMB ordinary shares BOCI SECURITIES LIMITED 21,264,786Domestically listed foreign shares ICBC-Penghua Good Governance Stock SecuritiesInvestment Fund (LOF)17,077,396RMB ordinary shares China Construction Bank—Yinhua Wealth Theme StockSecurities Investment Fund11,251,350RMB ordinary shares Bank of Communications-Penghua China 50 OpenSecurities Investment Fund10,791,508RMB ordinary shares Agricultural Bank of China-Penghua Motivity GrowthMixed Fund9,999,564RMB ordinary sharesAgricultural Bank of China—Bank of Communications Schroders Selected Stock Securities Investment Fund9,534,131RMB ordinary shares§3. Significant Events3.1 Particulars about major changes of items and financial indexes of the main accounting statements, as well as the reasons for changes √Applicable □InapplicableItemsAmount of current periodOpening amountRate of changeReason for changeMonetary funds1,786,798,307.78 852,448,970.81109.61%In order to quicken turnover of capital and reducefinancing cost, the Company discounted part notes receivable.Notes receivable 2,059,083,744.26 604,499,731.15240.63%Notes receivable increased due to increase of income from domestic sales.Payment in advance 171,730,346.10 66,243,273.07 159.24%Payment in advance for new machines and equipment.Other accounts receivable14,504,247.76 25,361,277.23 -42.81%Quickened callback of temporary arrearage Other current assets38,635,906.10 17,326,441.89 122.99%The Company enlarged development of newproducts in this period, small amount expense for moulds increased accordingly.Long-term deferredexpenses 37,619,606.43 16,773,746.67 124.28%The Company enlarged development of newproducts in this period, large amount expense for moulds increased accordingly.Short-term borrowings ---- 1,000,000.00 -100%The borrowing was returned in order to reducefinancing cost. Notes payable 1,370,929,157.79 14,000,000.00 9692.35%Notes payable in current period were bank’s acceptance bills opened by the Company. Accounts payable2,441,701,364.39 1,552,443,101.6957.28%Accounts payable increased was due to increase of sales promoted increase of purchase volume.Taxes payable 44,923,047.16 116,221,316.66-61.35%Taxes payable decreased due to influence frompurchase cycle. Projected liabilities 21,440,050.0211,213,500.0291.20%Projected expense for after-sale service increased.Other non-currentliabilities 4,974,950.00 3,679,000.00 35.23%Technical innovation project of the Companyobtained government subsidies. Retained profit883,299,928.85 621,953,000.0642.02% Retained profit increased along with increase of sales scale.Index Amount of current periodSame period of last yearRate of change Reason for changeOperating revenue5,578,524,408.57 2,917,972,991.5391.18%Effect of network distribution pushed by the Company was remarkable, and channel networkmatured rapidly. Operating cost 4,720,109,340.46 2,250,684,996.86109.72%Increased with incomeAdministrative expenses 175,834,095.50 94,524,104.24 86.02%Administrative cost and range enlarged withincrease of income, which caused expensesincreased.Financial expenses 21,508,698.40 2,392,171.01 799.13%Financial expenses increased due to discount of part notes receivable and fluctuation of exchange rate in current period.Assets impairmentloss -1,882,519.50 6,729,217.18 -127.98%Accounts receivable called back in time at theyear-begin, accounts receivable within one yeardecreased compared with the year-begin.Investment income 84,650.72 -5,112,628.04-101.66%Disposal of subsidies caused serious loss at the same period of last year, and there was no disposal of subsidiary in current period.Non-operating expenses 12,259,198.81 19,356,899.98 -36.67%The Company renewed the old equipment inorder to improve production efficiency at thesame period of last year, and expenses for scrapIncome tax expense 53,847,767.29 23,815,385.11 126.10%Income tax increased with profit.Minority interestincome 22,885,964.84 -463,046.90 -5042.47%Subsidiaries of the Company realized profit incurrent period.Net cash flows from operating activities 981,007,550.61 364,408,055.56169.21%The company discounted some note receivable inthis period, and accelerated callback of paymentfor goods.Net cash flows from investing activities -44,571,833.88 38,220,540.71 -216.62%The Company disposed subsidiary and calledback cash at the same period of last year.Net cash flows from financing activities -2,086,379.76 -20,796,912.25 -89.97%The Company paid back the former borrowings,and there was no new loan.3.2 The progress of significant events and its influence, as well as the analysis and explanation on solutions3.2.1 About non-standard opinion□Applicable √Inapplicable3.2.2 The Company offer capital to the controlling shareholder or other related parties and provide external guarantees in violation of the prescribed procedures.□Applicable √Inapplicable3.2.3 Signing contract and execution of significant contract on routine operation□Applicable √Inapplicable3.2.4 Others□Applicable √Inapplicable3.3 Execution of commitments made by the Company, shareholders and actual controller√Applicable □InapplicableCommitment CommitmentmakerContent ExecutionCommitment onshare reformNone None None Commitmentsmade in the purchase report or the report on equity changesControllingshareholder andactual controllerGD Midea Holding Co., Ltd. and actual controller will not use thecontrol power to Wuxi Little Swan Co., Ltd. to carry out operatingactivities with harm to rights and interests of the Company and itsother shareholders, and adopt appropriate ways to settle suchproblem as horizontal competition among GD Midea, the actualcontroller and the Company within three years after finishing thesaid transaction.At present, theCompany is in progressof significant assetsreorganization to solveproblem of horizontalcompetitionCommitments made in majorassets restructuringControllingshareholder andactual controller1) Commitment on avoid of horizontal competition. MideaElectric Appliance and Mr. He Xiangjian promised and ensuredthat: (1) Up to date of signature of commitment letter, MideaElectric Appliance, Mr. He Xiangjian and his other holdingsubsidiaries company didn’t directly or indirectly engageproducing or operating activities which was the same or similar tocurrent main business of Little Swan and composed materialhorizontal competition excluding Hefei Rongshida WashingEquipment Manufacturing Co., Ltd & its subsidiary company andLittle Swan & its subsidiary company. (2) After this transaction,when shareholders and actual controller remained unchanged,Midea Electric Appliance, Mr. He Xiangjian and other subsidiarycompanies under his control excluding the Company and theCompany’s subordinate company will not increase business orestablish new subsidiary company engaged in business same,similar of composing material horizontal competition to theCompany. (3) In case that Midea Electric Appliance and otherenterprise controlled by Mr. He Xiangjian excluding the Companyand its subsidiary company acted against the above commitment,profit from relevant business will contribute to the Company.2) Commitment on standardize related transaction. Midea ElectricAppliance and Mr. He Xiangjian promise that when there will beinevitable related transactions or with reasonable reason after thecompletion of the transaction, they will follow principal of fair,reasonable and marketization to confirm and sign relevantagreement on relating transaction and ensure interest of theCompany and other shareholders. In case that Midea ElectricAppliance and Mr. He Xiangjian act against the above promise orensure, damaging interest of the Company and other shareholders,they will bear relevant responsibility according to relevantprovisions.At present, thesignificant assetreorganization is inprogress3) Commitment on share lock. Midea Electric Appliancecommitted that they will not transfer any shares of the Companyheld within 36 months since the end of non-public offering sharesof the Company.4) Commitment on attribution of gains and losses from underlyingassets in transition period. Midea Electric Appliance committedthat profit from underlying assets and relevant business wouldattribute to the Company while loss would bear by Midea ElectricAppliance from benchmark day to the date of completion oftransfer of underlying assetsCommitmentsmade in stockissuanceNone None NoneOthercommitments(includingadditionalcommitments)None None None3.4 Warnings of possible losses or major changes of the accumulative net profitachieved during the period from year-begin to the end of the next report periodcompared with the same period of last year, as well as explanation on reasons□Applicable √Inapplicable3.5 Other significant events that need to be explained3.5.1 Securities Investment√Applicable □InapplicableUnit: YuanNo. Securities variety SecuritiescodeShort form ofsecuritiesInitialinvestmentamount(RMB)Number ofshares held attheperiod-end(share)Book value atperiod-end(RMB)Proportion intotal securitiesinvestment atperiod-end (%)Profits orlosses in thereport period1 Stock 400038 HuaxinGaoke100,300.00235,200425,712.00 100.00% 0.00 Other securities investment held at the period-end 0.00- 0.00 0.00% 0.00 Profits or losses of securities sold in the report period- - - - 0.00 Total100,300.00- 425,712.00 100% 0.00 Explanation on securities investmentNaught3.5.2 Researches, interviews and visits received in report periodReception time Reception place Reception way Visitor Main discussion and materials provided by the Company9 Mar. 2010 Meeting Room ofthe CompanyField researchPing An Securities, Penghua FundManagement Co., Ltd., Bosera Funds andShanghai SecuritiesOverall operation of theCompany10 Mar. 2010 Meeting Room ofthe CompanyField researchFullgoal Fund Management Co., Ltd,Xiangcai Securities, Guosen Securities andChina Southern FundOverall operation of theCompany10 Mar. 2010 Meeting Room ofthe CompanyField research Caitong SecuritiesOverall operation of theCompany11 Mar. 2010 Meeting Room ofthe CompanyField researchMorgan Stanley, Everbright Securities andHaitong SecuritiesOverall operation of theCompany11 Mar. 2010 Meeting Room ofthe CompanyField researchGuodu Securities, Northeast Securities andGuoyuan SecuritiesOverall operation of theCompany16 Mar. 2010 Meeting Room ofthe CompanyField researchMitsubishi UFJ Securities Co., Ltd andHaitong SecuritiesOverall operation of theCompany17 Mar. 2010 By telephone By telephone Nezu Fund and Morgan Stanley Overall operation of the Company18 Mar. 2010 Meeting Room ofthe CompanyField research Invesco and Invesco GreatwallOverall operation of theCompany26 Mar. 2010 Meeting Room ofthe CompanyField researchBank of Communications Schroder, CICC,Western Securities, Cinda Securities andShanghai Congrong InvestmentOverall operation of theCompany2 Apr. 2010 Meeting Room ofthe CompanyField research China Merchants SecuritiesOverall operation of theCompany9 Apr. 2010 Other site Field research Och-Ziff Capital Overall operation of the Company16 Apr. 2010 Meeting Room ofthe CompanyField research Sinolink SecuritiesOverall operation of theCompany28 Apr. 2010 Meeting Room ofthe CompanyField research Donghai Securities and Oriental SecuritiesOverall operation of theCompany30 Apr. 2010 Meeting Room ofthe CompanyField research Zeal Asset ManagementOverall operation of theCompany17 May 2010 Meeting Room ofthe CompanyField research Bank of Communications SchrodersOverall operation of theCompany24 May 2010 Meeting Room ofthe CompanyField research Tocqueville Asset Management L.P.Overall operation of theCompany1 Jun. 2010 Meeting Room ofthe CompanyField research Zheshang SecuritiesOverall operation of theCompany8 Jun. 2010 Meeting Room ofthe CompanyField researchICBC Credit Suisse Assets Management Co.,LtdOverall operation of theCompany2 Jul. 2010 Meeting Room ofthe CompanyField research Western Securities and Xiangcai SecuritiesOverall operation of theCompany7 Jul. 2010 Meeting Room ofthe CompanyField research Essence SecuritiesOverall operation of theCompany15 Jul. 2010 Meeting Room ofthe CompanyField research Central China SecuritiesOverall operation of theCompany16 Jul. 2010 By telephone By telephone Nezu Fund and Morgan Stanley Overall operation of the Company21 Jul. 2010 Meeting Room ofthe CompanyField researchChina International Capital CorporationLimited, Bank of Communications Schroders,Fullgoal Fund Management Co., Ltd andChina Merchants FundOverall operation of theCompany6 Aug. 2010 Meeting Room ofthe CompanyField research Taikang Asset Management Co., LtdOverall operation of theCompany26 Aug. 2010 Meeting Room ofthe CompanyField researchSinolink Securities,Guotai AssetManagement Co., Ltd and Citic KintonSecuritiesOverall operation of theCompany2 Sep. 2010 Meeting Room ofthe CompanyField research Aerospace SecuritiesOverall operation of theCompany8 Sep. 2010 Meeting Room ofthe CompanyField researchGuodu Securities, Haitong Securities, GuotaiJunan Securities, Minsheng Securities,Shanghai Honghu Investment,Manulife TedaFunad Management Co., Ltd and First StateCinda Fund Management Co., LtdOverall operation of theCompany8 Sep. 2010 Meeting Room ofthe CompanyField researchPing’an Asset Management and China JianyinInvestment SecuritiesOverall operation of theCompany13 Sep. 2010 Meeting Room ofthe CompanyField research Changjiang SecuritiesOverall operation of theCompany15 Sep. 2010 Meeting Room ofthe CompanyField researchShanghai Chongyang InvestmentManagement Co., LtdOverall operation of theCompany16 Sep. 2010 Meeting Room ofthe CompanyField researchEverbright securities and New China AssetManagement Co., LtdOverall operation of theCompany3.6 Investment of financial derivatives□Applicable √Inapplicable3.6.1 Financial derivatives held during this report period □Applicable √Inapplicable§ 4 Attachments4.1 Balance sheetPrepared by Wuxi Little Swan Company Limited Sep. 30, 2010 Unit: RMB YuanClosing balance Opening balance ItemsConsolidation Parent company Consolidation Parent company Current assets:Monetary funds 1,786,798,307.781,571,078,636.62852,448,970.81 743,637,877.78 Settlement fund reserveDismantle fundTransaction financial assetNotes receivable 2,059,083,744.261,958,401,569.63604,499,731.15 571,266,822.03 Account receivable 848,504,299.83665,831,433.05874,635,649.01 748,060,219.84 Account paid in advance 171,730,346.10157,446,180.0466,243,273.07 60,519,177.91 Premium receivablesReceivables from reinsurersReinsurance contract reserve receivablesInterest receivableDividend receivableOther accounts receivable 14,504,247.7612,502,609.3325,361,277.23 17,978,669.16 Financial assets purchased underagreements to resellInventories 379,555,364.15300,828,494.63440,416,228.67 326,373,717.04 Non-current assets due within 1 yearOther current assets 38,635,906.1035,154,329.1517,326,441.89 17,326,441.89 Total current assets 5,298,812,215.984,701,243,252.452,880,931,571.83 2,485,162,925.65 Non-current assets:Loans and advanceAvailable for sale financial assets 324,576.00324,576.00312,816.00 312,816.00 Held to maturity investmentsLong-term account receivableLong-term equity investment 122,160,831.65803,706,288.37144,060,027.63 780,102,984.35 Investing propertyFixed asset 635,145,776.71536,712,022.55591,877,098.11 492,656,905.52 Project in construction 29,009,230.7217,376,259.5323,101,817.68 23,101,817.68Engineering materialFixed asset disposalBearer biological assetOil assetsIntangible assets 138,646,231.36113,274,811.34141,527,568.63 115,411,645.61 Development expenseGoodwillLong-term deferred expense 37,619,606.4329,991,156.8216,773,746.67 7,062,716.07 Deferred tax assets 99,465,612.91102,186,436.0980,045,127.37 82,168,839.89 Other non-current assetsTotal of non-current assets 1,062,371,865.781,603,571,550.70997,698,202.09 1,500,817,725.12 Total assets 6,361,184,081.766,304,814,803.153,878,629,773.92 3,985,980,650.77 Current liabilities:Short-term borrowings 1,000,000.00 Borrowing from Central BankDeposits and due to banks and otherfinancial institutionsBorrowed inter-bank fundsTransaction financial liabilitiesNotes payable 1,370,929,157.791,370,929,157.7914,000,000.00Account payable 2,441,701,364.392,104,294,765.051,552,443,101.69 1,293,432,088.39 Account received in advance 135,286,697.90109,412,744.30135,076,044.68 107,001,841.73 Financial assets sold under agreements torepurchaseHandling charges and commission payableEmployees’ compensation payable 74,168,936.1343,688,874.8166,748,481.77 39,463,034.59 Tax payable 44,923,047.1637,827,240.93116,221,316.66 111,804,042.76 Interest payableDividend payable 2,669,154.602,669,154.602,967,922.95 2,917,374.60 Other account payable 78,104,129.5243,347,106.1760,542,744.72 36,210,266.59 Due to reinsurersInsurance contract reserveAmount for acting trading securitiesAmount payables under securityunderwritingNon-current liabilities due within 1 yearOther current liabilitiesTotal current liabilities 4,147,782,487.493,712,169,043.651,948,999,612.47 1,590,828,648.66Non-current liabilities:Long-term borrowingsDebentures payableLong-term payablesSpecific purpose account payablesProvisions for contingent liabilities 21,440,050.0211,213,500.02Deferred tax liabilities 33,641.4033,641.4031,877.40 31,877.40Other non-current liabilities 4,974,950.001,950,000.003,679,000.00 2,400,000.00Total non-current liabilities 26,448,641.421,983,641.4014,924,377.42 2,431,877.40Total liabilities 4,174,231,128.913,714,152,685.051,963,923,989.89 1,593,260,526.06Owner’s equity (shareholders equity)Paid-in capital(Share capital) 547,655,760.00547,655,760.00547,655,760.00 547,655,760.00Capital surplus 510,428,139.77512,113,113.27507,532,790.74 512,103,117.27Less: Treasury StockSpecific reservesReserved fund 177,769,733.30175,549,178.65177,769,733.30 175,549,178.65General risk provisionRetained earnings 883,299,928.851,355,344,066.18621,953,000.06 1,157,412,068.79Foreign exchange difference -545,720.81Total equity attributable to owners of parent2,118,607,841.112,590,662,118.101,854,911,284.10 2,392,720,124.71 companyMinority interest 68,345,111.7459,794,499.93Total owner’s equity 2,186,952,952.852,590,662,118.101,914,705,784.03 2,392,720,124.71Total liabilities and owner’s equity 6,361,184,081.766,304,814,803.153,878,629,773.92 3,985,980,650.774.2 Income statement during the reporting periodPrepared by Wuxi Little Swan Company Limited Jul.-Sep. 2010 Unit: RMB YuanCurrent period Same period of last year ItemsConsolidation Parent company Consolidation Parent companyI. Total sales 1,944,389,563.511,728,695,445.841,015,484,367.29 810,075,587.12Including: Sales 1,944,389,563.511,728,695,445.841,015,484,367.29 810,075,587.12Interests incomePremium incomeHandling charges and commission incomeII. Total cost of sales 1,842,999,271.451,668,790,828.77937,875,579.90 747,759,609.93 Including: Cost of sales 1,656,590,449.251,506,603,185.25754,136,385.63 583,485,554.72 Interests expensesService charge and commission incomeCash surrender valueClaim expenses-netProvision for insurance contract reserves-netInsurance policy dividend paidReinsurance expenseBusiness taxes and surcharges 3,535,527.302,959,641.673,508,440.01 3,340,820.41 Distribution expenses 118,167,997.32107,043,247.16151,151,928.29 141,982,071.63 Administrative expenses 52,270,876.7239,013,875.0626,842,334.61 17,165,271.20 Financial costs 10,287,166.589,127,160.35179,358.81 -783,710.65 Impairment loss 2,147,254.284,043,719.272,057,132.55 2,569,602.62 Add: gain/(loss) from change in fair valueInvestment income -352,959.21-352,959.2117,758,992.50 17,758,992.50 Including: income form investment onaffiliated enterprise and jointly enterpriseForeign exchange differenceIII. Business profit 101,037,332.8559,551,657.8695,367,779.89 80,074,969.69 Add: non-operation income 19,961,346.5015,937,999.384,285,886.91 3,225,616.01 Less: non-operation expense 1,044,708.90691,348.4612,110,429.64 8,927,454.09 Including: loss from non-current asset5,122.78disposalIV. Total profit 119,953,970.4574,798,308.7887,543,237.16 74,373,131.61 Less: Income tax expense 17,261,748.5711,219,746.3214,860,724.15 11,155,969.74 V. Net profit 102,692,221.8863,578,562.4672,682,513.01 63,217,161.87 -Attributable to parent company 92,982,597.8463,578,562.4668,461,574.22 63,217,161.87 -Minority interest 9,709,624.044,220,938.79VI. Earnings per share(I) Basic earnings per share 0.170.13(II) Diluted earnings per share 0.170.13VII. Other comprehensive income 7,996.807,996.80-4,257,905.00 -4,257,905.00VIII. Total comprehensive income 102,700,218.6863,586,559.2668,424,608.01 58,959,256.87Total comprehensive income attributable to92,990,594.6463,586,559.2664,203,669.22 58,959,256.87 owner of parent companyTotal comprehensive income attributable to9,709,624.044,220,938.79minority shareholders4.3 Income statement from the year-begin to the end of reporting periodPrepared by Wuxi Little Swan Company Limited Jan.-Sep. 2010 Unit: RMB YuanCurrent period Same period of last year ItemsConsolidation Parent company Consolidation Parent companyI. Total sales 5,578,524,408.574,885,900,812.062,917,972,991.53 2,052,566,930.67Including: Sales 5,578,524,408.574,885,900,812.062,917,972,991.53 2,052,566,930.67Interests incomePremium incomeHandling charges and commission incomeII. Total cost of sales 5,258,716,807.924,667,340,037.752,758,011,283.55 1,884,917,061.19Including: Cost of sales 4,720,109,340.464,209,327,554.862,250,684,996.86 1,490,106,664.57Interests expensesService charge and commission incomeCash surrender valueClaim expenses-netProvision for insurance contract reserves-netInsurance policy dividend paidReinsurance expenseBusiness taxes and surcharges 13,490,511.7011,839,646.3014,468,653.78 12,900,020.82Distribution expenses 329,656,681.36299,977,128.64389,212,140.48 341,641,929.47Administrative expenses 175,834,095.50129,809,462.2094,524,104.24 59,678,510.73Financial costs 21,508,698.4022,205,536.582,392,171.01 -2,074,747.51Impairment loss -1,882,519.50-5,819,290.846,729,217.18 -17,335,316.89Add: gain/(loss) from change in fair valueInvestment income 84,650.7284,650.72-5,112,628.04 -59,638,990.60 Including: income form investment onaffiliated enterprise and jointly enterpriseForeign exchange differenceIII. Business profit 319,892,251.37218,645,425.03154,849,079.94 108,010,878.88Add: non-operation income 30,447,608.3622,466,125.3823,714,039.58 21,237,722.24Less: non-operation expense 12,259,198.818,250,377.0119,356,899.98 14,678,880.06 Including: loss from non-current assetdisposalIV. Total profit 338,080,660.92232,861,173.40159,206,219.54 114,569,721.06Less: Income tax expense 53,847,767.2934,929,176.0123,815,385.11 17,185,458.16V. Net profit 284,232,893.63197,931,997.39135,390,834.43 97,384,262.90-Attributable to parent company 261,346,928.79197,931,997.39135,853,881.33 97,384,262.90-Minority interest 22,885,964.84-463,046.90VI. Earnings per share(I) Basic earnings per share 0.480.25(II) Diluted earnings per share 0.480.25VII. Other comprehensive income 9,996.009,996.00105,957.60 105,957.60VIII. Total comprehensive income 284,242,889.63197,941,993.39135,496,792.03 97,490,220.50Total comprehensive income attributable to261,356,924.79197,941,993.39135,959,838.93 97,490,220.50 owner of parent companyTotal comprehensive income attributable to22,885,964.84-463,046.90minority shareholders4.4 Cash flow statement from the year-begin to the end of reporting periodPrepared by Wuxi Little Swan Company Limited Jan.-Sep. 2010 Unit: RMB YuanCurrent period Last periodItemsConsolidation Parent company Consolidation Parent companyI. Cash flows from operating activitiesCash received from sales of goods or rending3,927,579,873.033,365,927,485.802,099,368,450.67 1,427,224,028.09 of servicesNet increase of deposits received and held forothersNet increase of loans from central bankNet increase of inter-bank loans from otherfinancial assetsCash received against original insurancecontractNet Cash received from reinsuranceNet increase of client deposit and investmentNet increase of disposal of tradable financial。
1.拜耳第一季度销售额达130.15亿欧元作物科学业务盈利增长得益于收购 [J], ;
2.苏威上半年度销售额34.49亿欧元同比增长25% [J],
3.阿科玛2010年一季度销售额13.08亿欧元 [J],
4.拜耳第一季度销售额达130.15亿欧元作物科学业务盈利增长得益于收购 [J],
5.巴斯夫公布一季度成绩:功能性材料与解决方案业务销售额达51亿欧元 [J], 新材料在线
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自 S 3 MR A 等 导 弹武 器项 目的 高销 售 由 于 来 自 欧 洲 防 务 市 场 的 压 力 ,泰 勒 斯 公 司 M一 、A A M 收入 ,营业 利润 的增长主要 是由于 合同项 目数量 2 1 O 0年的运 营 情况 受到 较大 影响 ,但还 是超 出 的增长 以及项 目绩效的 改进。另外 ,导弹 系统部 了预 期 。公 司首席 执行 官表 示 ,虽然 公司 2 1 0 0 还拥有 约 5 7亿 美 元的 各种 导弹 和武 器 系统 的订 年 的业绩 不如 2 0 0 9年 ,但 2 1 0 新增订 单额 0年 单合同。
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漫步者:2010年第三季度报告全文 2010-10-23
深圳市漫步者科技股份有限公司2010年第三季度季度报告全文§1 重要提示1.1 本公司董事会、监事会及董事、监事、高级管理人员保证本报告所载资料不存在任何虚假记载、误导性陈述或者重大遗漏,并对其内容的真实性、准确性和完整性负个别及连带责任。
1.2 公司第三季度财务报告未经会计师事务所审计。
1.3 公司负责人张文东、主管会计工作负责人肖敏及会计机构负责人(会计主管人员)欧阳美容声明:保证季度报告中财务报告的真实、完整。
§2 公司基本情况2.1 主要会计数据及财务指标单位:元2010.9.30 2009.12.31 增减幅度(%)总资产(元)1,605,143,062.11 476,541,936.76 236.83% 归属于上市公司股东的所有者权益(元)1,504,257,901.50 332,859,988.37 351.92% 股本(股)147,000,000.00 110,000,000.00 33.64%归属于上市公司股东的每股净资产(元/股)10.23 3.03 237.62%2010年7-9月比上年同期增减(%)2010年1-9月比上年同期增减(%)营业总收入(元)175,747,750.89 5.78% 522,678,854.67 3.85% 归属于上市公司股东的净利润(元)24,566,200.03 -15.53% 78,629,974.20 -3.89% 经营活动产生的现金流量净额(元)- - 51,823,446.09 -45.27% 每股经营活动产生的现金流量净额(元/股)- - 0.35 -59.30% 基本每股收益(元/股)0.17 -34.62% 0.55 -25.68% 稀释每股收益(元/股)0.17 -34.62% 0.55 -25.68% 加权平均净资产收益率(%) 1.57% -7.92% 5.58% -30.76% 扣除非经常性损益后的加权平均净资产收益率(%)1.84% -7.36% 5.82% -23.92%非经常性损益项目年初至报告期末金额附注非流动资产处置损益-1,260,700.67越权审批,或无正式批准文件,或偶发性的税收返还、减免671,023.10计入当期损益的政府补助,但与公司正常经营业务密切相关,符合国家政策规定、按照一定标准定额或定量持续享受的政府补助除外1,160,700.00除上述各项之外的其他营业外收入和支出-836,134.76其他符合非经常性损益定义的损益项目-3,920,708.00 由于公司产能从深圳漫步者公司搬迁去东莞漫步者公司,导致一部分老员工不能去东莞漫步者公司工作所发生的补偿所得税影响额862,555.76合计-3,323,264.57 -2.2 报告期末股东总人数及前十名无限售条件股东持股情况表单位:股报告期末股东总数(户)17,526前十名无限售条件流通股股东持股情况股东名称(全称)期末持有无限售条件流通股的数量种类中国工商银行-南方绩优成长股票型证券投1,772,537 人民币普通股资基金中国工商银行-广发聚丰股票型证券投资基1,278,739 人民币普通股金中国工商银行-建信优选成长股票型证券投1,200,773 人民币普通股资基金久嘉证券投资基金679,164 人民币普通股中国工商银行-汇添富优势精选混合型证券459,881 人民币普通股投资基金全国社保基金六零三组合404,864 人民币普通股中国农业银行-中邮核心优势灵活配置混合402,729 人民币普通股型证券投资基金中国工商银行-宝盈泛沿海区域增长股票证355,594 人民币普通股券投资基金全国社保基金一零一组合285,088 人民币普通股马树铭207,061 人民币普通股§3 重要事项3.1 公司主要会计报表项目、财务指标大幅度变动的情况及原因√适用□不适用一、资产负债表指标大幅度变化原因:1、货币资金较期初增加1000.05%,主要原因是公司于2010年1月完成首次公开发行3,700万股股票,募集资金到位所致。
“另外,腾讯将积极拥抱未来的机遇与挑战,并正在进入一个新的投资周期。除了持续投资现有业 务,我们还将在一些新的战略领域,如微博、电子商务、搜索及网络安全进行大量资本投入。尽管 这些投资会加大支出和不能即时获取回报,但我们认为这对公司的长远发展尤关重要。通过开放平 台战略以及对各平台的投资,我们期求有助建立一个更健康的互联网行业生态系统,为我们的用户 和合作伙伴提供更高的价值,并在长远的未来让公司受益。 ”马化腾补充道。
经营盈利为人民币 26.525 亿元 (4.005 亿美元) , 比上一季度下降 0.5%, 比去年同期增长 49.3%。 经营盈利率由上一季度的 51.0%降至 48.0%。
期内盈利为人民币 22.133 亿元 (3.342 亿美元) , 比上一季度增长 2.1%,比去年同期增长 44.4%。 净利率由上一季度的 41.5%降至 40.1%。
移动及电信增值服务收入比上一季度增长4.8%, 达到人民币7.285亿元, 占第四季度总收入的13.2%。 收入增长主要由于捆绑短信套餐和手机社交游戏的收入增加所致。
网络广告收入比上一季度微增 1.5%,达到人民币 3.881 亿元,占第四季度总收入的 7.0%。收入增长 主要反映搜索广告收入增加。尽管第四季度是淡季,但公司的即时通信客户端和门户网站的广告收 入整体上与上一季度保持稳定。
2010 年全年业绩摘要: ,比去年同期增长 57.9%。 总收入为人民币 196.460 亿元(29.665 亿美元 ) 互联网增值服务收入为人民币 154.823 亿元(23.378 亿美元) ,比去年同期增长 62.4%。 移动及电信增值服务收入为人民币 27.159 亿元(4.101 亿美元) ,比去年同期增长 42.5%。 网络广告收入为人民币 13.725 亿元(2.072 亿美元) ,比去年同期增长 42.6%。 毛利为人民币 133.258 亿元(20.121 亿美元) ,比去年同期增长 55.8%。毛利率由去年的 68.7% 降至 67.8%。
联想2010财年第三季度营收58亿美元作者:暂无来源:《计算机世界》 2011年第6期联想2010财年第三季度营收58亿美元本报讯 2月17日,联想集团公布截至2010年12月31日止第三季度业绩。
SAS首席执行官Jim Goodnight表示:“分析软件几乎被用于每个行业及政府机构。
其他费用支出25.59万元 用心构筑美好生活
世纪广场 36.38%
依云湾 25.65%
2、本月前期介入成本总支出5.1万元,主要是支付员工工资 其中:世纪广场售楼处1.12万元 依云湾售楼处2.92万元 综合保险费1.06万元
有偿服务费 场地服务费
中介收入 税后利润
0.76 3.45 0.07 -6.95
29.41% 56.13%
科目 营业收入 营业成本 营业税费 管理费用 财务费用 资产减值损失 营业外收入 营业利润 利润总额
三、福州分公司 1、旭辉花园
第4季度巨人网络APA为169.3万,环比增长13.1%;ARPU 为人民币215.0元,环比下滑4.3%;平均同时在线玩家人数为58.4万人,环比增长8.5%;PCU为171.3万人,比上一季度增长16.9%,同比增长23.2%。
易观国际(Analysys International)分析并预测,预计2011年第1季度,巨人网络仍将保持8%的增长,且得益于春节及"武林大会"第二季的开启,业绩有更高增长空间。
Interim Report j a n u a r y – M a r c h 20101 UPDATED NFORMAT ON 5 VOLKSWAGEN SHARES 6 MANAGEMENT REPORT 16 BRAN DS AN DBUSI N ESS FI ELDS 20 I NTERIM FI NANCIALSTATEMENTS (CON DENSED)1 Key F acts2 Key Events6 Business Development12 Net Assets, Financial Positionand Results of Operations15 Outlook20IncomeStatement21 Statement of ComprehensiveIncome22 Balance Sheet23 Statement of Changes inEquity24 Cash low Statement25 Notes to the FinancialStatementsVOLKSWAGEN GROU PQ12010 2009 % Volume Data1Deliveries to customers ('000 units) 1,744 1,402 + 24.4 of which: in Germany 255 252 + 1.3 abroad 1,489 1,150 + 29.5 Vehicle sales ('000 units) 1,703 1,352 + 25.9 of which: in Germany 255 275 –7.2 abroad 1,447 1,077 + 34.4 Production ('000 units) 1,734 1,253 + 38.4 of which: in Germany 565 411 + 37.4 abroad 1,169 841 + 38.9 Employees ('000 on March 31, 2010/Dec. 31, 2009) 371.3 368.5 + 0.8 of which: in Germany 172.9 172.6 + 0.2 abroad 198.4 195.9 + 1.3Q12010 2009 % Financial Data (IFRSs), € millionSales revenue 28,647 23,999 + 19.4 Operating profit 848 312 x as a percentage of sales revenue 3.0 1.3Profit before tax 703 52 x as a percentage of sales revenue 2.5 0.2Profit after tax 473 243 + 94.6 Profit attributable to shareholders of Volkswagen AG 423 263 + 60.7 Cash flows from operating activities23,148 3,271 –3.8 Cash flows from investing activities23,022 319 x Automotive Division3EBITDA42,396 1,689 + 41.9 Cash flows from operating activities23,043 2,857 + 6.5 Cash flows from investing activities2, 53,013 304 x of which: investments in property, plant and equipment2903 1,154 –21.8 as a percentage of sales revenue 3.5 5.5capitalized development costs6421 459 –8.3as a percentage of sales revenue 1.7 2.2 Net cash flow 31 2,553 –98.8 Net liquidity at March 31 14,235 10,737 + 32.61 Volume data including the vehicle production investments Shanghai-Volkswagen Automotive Company Ltd. and FAW-Volkswagen Automotive CompanyLtd. These companies are accounted for using the equity method. All figures shown are rounded, so minor discrepancies may arise from addition of these amounts. 2009 deliveries updated on the basis of statistical extrapolations.2 2009 adjusted.3 Including allocation of consolidation adjustments between the Automotive and Financial Services divisions.4 Operating profit plus net depreciation/amortization and impairment losses/reversals of impairment losses on property, plant and equipment, capitalizeddevelopment costs, leasing and rental assets, goodwill and financial assets as reported in the cash flow statement; Q2 2009: €2,451 million,Q3 2009: €1,818 million, Q4 2009: €2,047 million.5 Excluding acquisition and disposal of equity investments: Q1 €1,250 million (€1,612 million).6 See table on page 27.Key Figures1Key Facts>Volkswagen Group makes positive start to fiscal year 2010>At €848 million, operating profit up on the weak prior-year figure (€312 million)>Profit before tax increases to €703 million (€52 million)>Group sales revenue 19.4% higher than in the prior-year period at €28.6 billion>Cash flows from operating activities amount to €3.0 billion (€2.9 billion); ratio of investments in property, plant and equipment (capex) to sales revenue at 3.5% (5.5%)>Outflow of €1.7 billion cash for the investment in Suzuki>Successful capital increase generates cash inflow of approximately €4.1 billion,including around €3.0 billion in the reporting period; all preferred shares placed inadvance>Automotive Division net liquidity at high level of €14.2 billion>Group launches new model rollout for 2010:- At 1.7 million vehicles, Group deliveries to customers 24.4% higher than in the weakprevious year; global market share increases to 11.6%- Continued strong demand for Group models in China; prior-year figures alsoexceeded in Western Europe, North and South America- New Compact Coupe concept car unveiled to the global public- Volkswagen Passenger Cars brand celebrates world premieres of the new Sharan andthe new Touareg, which is also available in a hybrid version- Audi A1 is the first premium vehicle in the small compact car segment- Audi A1 e-tron demonstrates the Group’s expertise in e-mobility- Škoda presents the Fabia Scout- SEAT unveils the Ibiza ST and the concept car for the IBE electric model- Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles launches the Amarok pickup2VOLKSWAGEN GROU P LAUNCHES 2010WITH NEW MODEL ROLLOUTThe Volkswagen Group brands kicked off the 2010 model year with a large number of attractive new models and fascinating concept cars. The first of these were unveiled at the motor shows in Detroit and Geneva.North American International Auto Show in DetroitAt the North American International Auto Show in Detroit, Volkswagen Passenger Cars presented the New Compact Coupe (NCC) – a concept car for a completely new compact coupé with a hybrid drive and a sporty, elegant design – to the global public for the first time. The combination of a 110 kW (150 PS) TSI engine and an electric motor with an output of 20 kW (27 PS), in conjunction with the innovative 7-gear double-clutch gearbox (DSG), gives this vehicle a top speed of 227 kph and an acceleration of 8.6 secondsto 100 kph. The NCC has an average fuel consumption of only 4.2 l per 100 km.With its e-tron Detroit show car, Audi unveiled its concept for an uncompromisingly purist compact sports car powered purely by electricity. This coupé, manufactured using Audi’s prizewinning aluminum space frame light-weight construction technology, has two electric motors with a total output of 150 kW (204 PS). These enable a range of up to 250 km and a top speed (electronically limited) of 200 kph. The next generation of the Audi A8 also celebrated its motor show debut. Fascinating sportiness, innovative technology and superior comfort are the hallmarks of the Audi brand’s new flagship.International Motor Show in GenevaThe Volkswagen Group’s brands presented many attractive new models at the International Motor Show in Geneva.The world premiere of the new Sharan was the high-light for the Volkswagen Passenger Cars brand. This totally revamped model was improved in all areas and is now equipped with rear sliding doors for the first time. Its extremely variable seating concept, high-end quality, uncom-promising safety and clever details are the highlights of this MPV, which is geared primarily towards families and high-mileage business drivers who need additional space. The new Touareg, which had celebrated its global debut just a few days previously in Munich, also generated attention. The completely redesigned premium SUV now offers even higher quality, both outside and inside. The new Touareg will also be available in a hybrid version1– the only SUV so far in Europe. The new editions of the CrossGolf and CrossPolo, as well as the Polo GTI², were also presented to the global public for the first time. The CrossGolf is the sixth separate model in the series and combines the versatility of an MPV with the robustness of an SUV. With its own distinct equipment features, raised suspension and outstanding suitability for daily use, the CrossPolo is one of the most unconventional vehicles in its class. The special features of the Polo GTI are its superb handling characteristics, uncompromising drivetrain agility and maximum possible safety.The debut of the Audi A1 was the highlight of the show for the Audi brand. The A1 is the first premium automobile in the small compact car segment and appeals to entirely new customer groups for the brand. The smallest member of the Audi family features a distinct design with striking LED headlights and a sporty, flowing roof arch, individuality and the highest possible quality. The debut of the new Audi RS 51, a powerful, efficient coupé offering classic elegance, also generated attention. In addition, the Audi brand demonstrated its expertise in e-mobility: the Audi A8 hybrid concept car, which is close to series production, and the A1 e-tron concept car both attracted particular interest from visitors to the stand.The Škoda brand unveiled the Fabia Scout to the global public in Geneva. With attractive design elements typical of an offroad vehicle, it is a breath of fresh air in the subcompact class, meeting customer wishes for mobility that is as inex-pensive as it is individual. Other premieres from the brand were the redesigned front sections of the Fabia and Roomster models, which make the vehicles look lower and broader for no change in height, thus giving them a more dynamic appearance. Škoda also presented the sporting RS variant1 of the Fabia.With its IBE concept, the SEAT brand offered a first glimpse of the future of its design language. Its compact proportions and exciting styling make this electric vehicle particularly attractive; as a tightly proportioned 2+2-seater, it is designed for a youthful lifestyle. SEAT also presented the Ibiza ST in Geneva, the estate version of its successful compact model that is aimed in particular at meeting the needs of families.The luxury Bentley, Lamborghini and Bugatti brands also thrilled visitors to the Geneva Motor Show. Bentley presented the fastest and most powerful convertible ever from the Bentley stable in the shape of the Continental Super-sports Convertible1. The design and craftsmanship of this functional, elegant super sports car mark it unmistakably as a Bentley and, thanks to its innovative FlexFuel technology,Key Events1 Consumption and emission data can be found on page 11 of this Report.2 No binding consumption and emission data is currently available for this model.UPDATED INFORMATION VOLKSWAGEN SHARES MANAGEMENT REPORT BRANDS AND BUSINESS FIELDS INTERIM FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (CONDENSED)3> Key FactsKey Eventsit can also run on bioethanol. The new top model in theGallardo series, the Lamborghini Gallardo LP 570-4Superleggera, was the center of attention at the Italianbrand’s stand. Bugatti showed the 16C Galibier, a four-doorlimousine concept whose 16-cylinder engine can also runon bioethanol.Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles celebrated the debutof the Amarok. This pickup sets new standards in its classby combining the robustness typical for the segment withinnovative technology, high safety standards and top marksin terms of consumption, comfort and ergonomics. In thesuccessful Multivan/Transporter model series, the 4Motionfour-wheel drive will also be available in combination withthe 7-gear DSG starting in 2010.VOLKSWAGEN GROU P MODELS AN D BRANDSWIN NUMEROUS AWARDSVolkswagen Group models and brands again collectedmany top prizes and awards in the first three months of2010.For the third time in succession, the Audi brand tookfirst place in German motoring association ADAC’s imageand brand survey, receiving the “Golden Angel”.Again in January, the new Polo was voted “Car of TheYear 2010” by a jury of 59 leading automotive journalistsfrom 23 countries, fighting off more than 30 competitorsto win the coveted award.The readers of specialist journal “auto, motor undsport” voted on “The Best Cars of 2010”, with seven awardsgoing to Volkswagen Group models at the end of January:the new Polo won in the small cars category by a widemargin, while the Golf finished ahead of the field in thecompact class. The Audi A4 took first place in the mid-range category, while the Škoda Octavia beat off the compe-tition in the mid-range/imports category. In the convertiblescategory, the Audi R8 Spyder went straight to number one,while the Audi Q5 was the winner in the SUV category. TheMultivan maintained its leading position in the vanscategory. Numerous other models from our Group brandsalso took second place in the various categories.The new Polo received another coveted award inFebruary when the readers of consumer magazine “GuterRat” voted it the “Most Rational Car of 2010” in the compactcategory. In particular the versatility and economy of thePolo BlueMotion1 made the crucial difference in the vote.The Golf is the safest car of 2009. That’s the conclusiondrawn by the Euro NCAP institute in Brussels from ananalysis of all the crash tests performed in 2009. The Golfscored the highest rating of all vehicles tested so far in thenew, tougher crash tests.The readers of specialist journal “OFF ROAD” voted theAudi Q5 their “off-road vehicle of the year” in the SUV cate-gory. The Audi Q7 took third place in the luxury SUV category.The Audi A5 received the highest official design awardin Germany in February in the shape of the “2010 DesignAward of the Federal Republic of Germany”. The jury wasappointed by the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technol-ogy and comprised representatives from industry, academia,design and the media.In March, the new Polo received the “iF product designaward 2010” in gold. The jury praised the small car inparticular for its excellent combination of interior andexterior design.Another design prize went to the Škoda brand, whoseYeti and Superb Estate models received the “red dot”product design price in March. The “red dot” is regardedas a seal of high design quality and is awarded by a jury ofexperts to products whose appealing, innovative designare compelling. The criteria include degree of innovation,functionality, ergonomics and durability.TRI PLE WI N AT THE DAKAR RALLYVolkswagen is continuing its success story in motor sport.In the Dakar Rally, last year’s double victory was outshonethis year by a triple win. The driver crews of Carlos Sainz/Lucas Cruz, Nasser Al-Attiyah/Timo Gottschalk and MarkMiller/Ralph Pitchford took the top three places with theirVolkswagen Race Touaregs. This means that Volkswagenremains the only car manufacturer so far that has won theDakar Rally with a diesel-powered vehicle. In the face of themost extreme stresses, the Race Touareg proved to be notonly the most robust vehicle, but also the fastest: the RaceTouareg won seven out of 14 possible stages and led thefield on eleven days.AGREEMENT ON JOB SECURITYVolkswagen and the IG Metall union successfully con-cluded the follow-up negotiations on the 2009 collectivewage agreement in February 2010. The deals reached inthis collective wage agreement included the introductionof a performance-based remuneration component and acommitment to employ vocational trainees after completionof their training, depending on performance. The outcomeof the talks to prolong the job security pact was the extension4of the job guarantee until 2014. In addition, the Company and the employee representatives stressed their commitment to jointly ensuring the target annual productivity increases.The collective wage agreement applies to the employees at the locations of Volkswagen AG, Volkswagen Sachsen and Volkswagen Financial Services in Germany.PRODUCTION MI LESTON ESThe 37 millionth vehicle produced at the Wolfsburg plant – a Golf GTI – rolled off the production line on February 24, 2010. The plant has a capacity of more than 3,400 vehicles a day; at present, the Golf, Golf Plus, Touran and Tiguan models are produced in Wolfsburg.The Kassel plant produced its 100 millionth gearbox on March 16, 2010. This plant produces around three million gearboxes every year. The anniversary gearbox was a 7-speed DSG.ENVI RONMENTAL RATI NG FOR TSI ENGI NESVolkswagen’s TSI engines received the Umweltprädikat (“Environmental Rating”) certification from the German inspection organization TÜV Nord in March 2010. The underlying environmental impact study demonstrates that the TSI engines have significantly better environmental characteristics than the predecessor generation over the entire lifecycle, from production through use to disposal, because of their reduced capacity and consumption. At the same time, the driving dynamics have been considerably improved. The “TSI Engine” Environmental Rating is available from all German Volkswagen dealers in the form of a customer brochure, and can also be downloaded at www.umweltpraedikat.de.CAPITAL INCREASE SUCCESSFULLY PLACEDOn February 3, Prof. Martin Winterkorn and Hans Dieter Pötsch gave a presentation to international analysts and investors in London on the Group’s “Strategy 2018”, including medium- and long-term goals and the roadmap for an integrated automotive group with Porsche.By issuing approximately 65 million new preferred shares, Volkswagen AG increased its share capital by a notional €166.2 million in March 2010, generating total net issue proceeds of approximately €4.1 billion in March and April. On March 23, 2010, the Board of Management of Volkswagen AG resolved, with the consent of the Super-visory Board, to implement a capital increase against cash contributions with preemptive rights for ordinary and preferred shareholders, in part by utilizing the existing authorized capital. The new shares carry full dividend rights retrospectively from January 1, 2009. The trans-action – the world’s largest publicly placed capital increase in the automotive sector – met with substantial interest, especially from institutional investors. With the consentof the Supervisory Board, the Board of Management set the subscription price at €65.00 on March 25, 2010; the subscription ratio was 37:6.The issue proceeds are intended to improve the Volks-wagen Group’s capitalization against the background of the planned creation of an integrated automotive group with Porsche. Additionally, this transaction is designed to strengthen Volkswagen’s financial stability and flexibility and to enable the Company to maintain its existing credit rating.ANN UAL GENERAL MEETI NGVolkswagen AG’s 50th Annual General Meeting and the 9th Special Meeting of Preferred Shareholders were held at the Congress Center Hamburg on April 22, 2010. With 91.1% of ordinary share capital present, the ordinary shareholders of Volkswagen AG formally approved the actions of the Board of Management and the Supervisory Board, the authorization to issue bonds with warrants and/or convertible bonds (including the creation of appropriate contingent capital and the corresponding amendment to the Articles of Association) and the remu-neration system for the members of the Board of Manage-ment described in the 2009 Annual Report. In addition, they approved the conclusion of intercompany agreements and elected PricewaterhouseCoopers AG Wirtschaftsprü-fungsgesellschaft as the auditors for fiscal year 2010 and as the auditors to review the condensed consolidated financial statements and interim management report for the first six months of 2010. Roland Oetker stepped down from his position on Volkswagen AG’s Supervisory Board as of the end of the Annual General Meeting; the Annual General Meeting elected Dr. Hussain Ali Al-Abdulla as his successor for a full term of office. Jörg Bode was also elected to the Supervisory Board for a full term of office. Mr. Bode had already been appointed as a member of the Supervisory Board of Volkswagen AG by the court on November 4, 2009 as the successor to Dr. Philipp Rösler. The Annual General Meeting also resolved to pay a dividend of €1.60 per ordinary share and €1.66 per preferred share for fiscal year 2009.28.6% of the preferred share capital was represented at the Special Meeting of Preferred Shareholders. A pro-posal had been made to this meeting to approve the autho-rizing resolution by the Annual General Meeting on the same day to issue bonds with warrants and/or convertible bonds (contingent capital). This was approved by a majority of 92.6%.The results of the votes of both meetings can be accessed on the Internet at /ir.UPDATED INFORMATION VOLKSWAGEN SHARES MANAGEMENT REPORT BRANDS AND BUSINESS FIELDS INTERIM FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (CONDENSED)5> Key FactsKey EventsThe upbeat mood that had prevailed in the internationalequity markets in the last few months of the past fiscal yearcooled in the opening weeks of 2010. The difficult financialsituation facing certain euro zone countries led to uncertaintyamong market participants. This resulted in a sharp declinein share prices that continued into February. During thisperiod, the DAX fell below 5,500 points. In late February,the markets began a rally that lasted until the end of thefirst quarter. This improvement in sentiment amongmarket participants was due mainly to positive corporateand economic data that increased hopes of a continuedrecovery in global economic activity.The DAX closed the first quarter at 6,154 points, up3.3% as against the end of 2009. At 227 points on March 31,2010, the DJ Euro STOXX Automobile was 2.1% below itslevel on December 31, 2009.Volkswagen AG’s shares tracked the market as a wholein the period between January and March 2010. Afterfalling at the beginning of the year, Volkswagen AG’sordinary and preferred shares rose significantly fromFebruary onwards. Among other things, this was attrib-utable to the disclosures on fiscal year 2009 made in thecourse of the Annual Press Conference and positive reportson sales figures for the first two months of 2010. Thepreferred shares performed positively until the end of thereporting period thanks to strong demand for the newshares resulting from the capital increase.Volkswagen AG’s preferred shares recorded theirhighest daily closing price of €72.95 on March 22, 2010.At their low on February 15, 2010, the shares traded at€55.83. They closed the reporting period at the end ofMarch at €67.90, 3.3% higher than on December 31,2009. Volkswagen AG’s ordinary shares reached theirpeak daily closing price for the reporting period of €76.11on January 11, 2010. At their low on February 12, 2010,the shares traded at €62.30. They closed on March 31,2010 at €71.50, 7.1% down on the end of 2009.Information and explanations on earnings per sharecan be found in the notes to the consolidated interimfinancial statements. Additional Volkswagen share data,plus corporate news, reports and presentations can bedownloaded from our website at /ir.SHARE PRICE DEVELOPMENT FROM DECEMBER 2008 TO MARCH 2010Index based on month-end prices: December 31, 2008 = 100Volkswagen Shares6GENERAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENTThe global economy continued to recover in the first quarter of 2010. The widespread use of expansionary monetary policies and the only slight increase in inflation further boosted economic growth, while fiscal stimuli declined significantly due to the need for many countries to consoli-date their budgets. Global trade recorded positive growth rates again following the sharp drop seen in 2009.The economic upturn in the USA has gathered strength in recent months. However, the situation on the labor market improved only slightly. The US dollar continued to appreciate against the euro. The Mexican economy has been in recovery since mid-2009, the pace of which is largely dictated by the performance of the US economy.Brazil’s economy gained significant momentum due to strong monetary and fiscal policy stimulus measures and buoyant domestic demand. In contrast, Argentina’s economic recovery has been less dynamic due to relatively high unemployment and inflation.Strong economic growth continued in China, India and most other emerging Asian markets in the reporting period. Extensive economic stimulus programs and higher export growth also led to an upturn in Japan. However, high government debt and ongoing deflation had a nega-tive effect.The economy in Western Europe continued to pick up in the first quarter of 2010, although there were distinct differences between the individual countries. The pace of growth varies considerably in individual countries. The countries of Central and Eastern Europe, which – with the exception of Poland – recorded clearly negative growth rates in 2009, are now also experiencing an economic recovery.Following last year’s recession, the prospects of mod-erate growth in South Africa have recently improved signifi-cantly.The economic recovery in Germany slowed noticeably in the winter of 2009/2010. Nevertheless, current indica-tors suggest that the upward trend will continue, with exports still being the main driver. As economic growth will remain weak for the time being, there is little prospect of a significant improvement in the labor market situation.EXCHANGE RATE MOVEMENTS FROM DECEMBER 2008 TO MARCH 2010 Index based on month-end prices: December 31, 2008 = 100Business DevelopmentUPDATED I NFORMAT ION VOLKSWAGEN SHARES MANAGEMENT REPORT BRANDS AND BUSINESS FIELDS INTERIM FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (CONDENSED)7> Business Development Net Assets, Financial Position and Results of Operations OutlookDEVELOPMENT OF AUTOMOTI VE MARKETSNew passenger car registrations worldwide rose sharply year-on-year in the first three months of 2010. Demand increased in all regions with the exception of Central and Eastern Europe. This was due primarily to the low prior-year level and to government incentives to buy new cars, which were introduced mainly in automobile-producing countries.The US automotive market showed signs of recovery in the first quarter of 2010: Unit sales were up year-on-year for the fifth consecutive month in March. While the Canadian market also grew, Mexico saw a further decline in vehicle sales compared with the low level in 2009.Demand for passenger cars in Brazil again increased in the reporting period. Unit sales were boosted in partic-ular by tax breaks applicable until the end of March 2010 for vehicles that can also run on bioethanol. The Argen-tinian passenger car market profited from the country’s economic upturn and returned to growth following a decline in the previous year.The Asia-Pacific region was the main growth driver for global automobile sales in the first quarter of 2010. New passenger car registrations again rose sharply in China, primarily due to the positive effects of government economic stimulus programs. In Japan, the dynamicgrowth in demand for passenger cars that began in the second half of 2009 continued in the reporting period. This trend profited in particular from tax breaks andscrapping premiums. In the Indian passenger car market, favorable macroeconomic conditions and a broader-based product offering led to a significant increase in demand compared with the weak prior-year quarter.In Western Europe, new passenger car registrations in the first three months of 2010 were up overall year-on-year. Positive effects came from government scrapping premiums that resulted in strong unit sales growth in the volume markets of Spain, the UK, Italy and France. The Central and Eastern European markets again recorded heavy losses in the reporting period following the dramatic fall in demand in the prior-year quarter. The highest absolute declines were experienced by the passenger car markets in Russia, the Ukraine, Hungary and Romania.In South Africa, demand for passenger cars in the reporting period grew substantially year-on-year.Following the expiry of the scrapping premium that was introduced in January 2009, the German passenger car market recorded the lowest number of new registrations since reunification due to extremely strong buyer reluctance in the first quarter of 2010.。
1.专注市场需求威伯科持续扩展产品性能访威伯科集团副总裁、亚太区及中国业务总裁于素杰 [J], 朱诗佳
2.威伯科:从“为中国设计”到“在中国设计”——专访威伯科集团副总裁、亚太区总裁于素杰 [J], 纪鹏飞
3.威伯科与东风柳汽威伯科与东风柳汽达成长期战略协议 [J], ;
4.威伯科:威伯科亚太区总裁荣获“2013中国经济新领军人物”称号 [J],
5.威伯科:威伯科为福特Otosan提供空气压缩技术 [J],
二、财务报表分析1. 营业收入分析联合利华的营业收入主要来源于其核心业务板块,包括食品、家居护理、个人护理和美容产品。
2. 利润分析(1)净利润:从联合利华近年来的财务报告来看,其净利润也呈现出稳步增长的趋势。
3. 资产负债分析(1)资产负债率:联合利华的资产负债率相对较低,2019年为48.6%。
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UNILEVER PLCANNUAL GENERAL MEETINGALL RESOLUTIONS APPROVEDUnilever PLC shareholders today approved all resolutions put to the 2010 Annual General Meeting in London. Voting was by poll on each resolution and the results are set out below.BOARD APPOINTMENTSThe following continuing directors stood for election and were duly re-elected by the shareholders of Unilever PLC: Paul Polman, Louise Fresco, Ann Fudge, Charles Golden, Byron Grote, Hixonia Nyasulu, Kees Storm, Michael Treschow, Jeroen van der Veer and Paul Walsh.Jean-Marc Huët and The Rt Hon Sir Malcolm Rifkind MP were proposed for election for the first time and were duly elected by the shareholders of Unilever PLC.The Rt Hon The Lord Brittan of Spennithorne QC, DL, Wim Dik and Narayana Murthy retired as Non-Executive Directors at the close of the Annual General Meeting.POLL RESULTS - ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING 12 MAY 2010RESOLUTION NUMBER OF VOTES FOR* NUMBER OF VOTES AGAINST NUMBER OF VOTES VALIDLY CAST % OF SHARE CAPITAL VALIDLY CASTVOTED FORANDAGAINSTNUMBEROF VOTESWITHHELD1. To receive the Report and Accounts for the year ended31 December 2009830,601,1639,504,462 840,105,62564.12% 2,329,344 2. To approve the Directors’ Remuneration Report for theyear ended 31 December2009738,879,59177,436,588816,316,17962.31% 26,131,2403. To re-elect Mr P G J M Polman as a Director840,261,6961,095,430 841,357,12664.22% 1,090,599 4. To elect Mr R J-M S Huët as a Director839,597,6841,731,094 841,328,77864.22% 1,118,387 5. To re-elect Professor L O Fresco as a Director840,047,2051,266,058 841,313,26364.21% 1,137,819 6. To re-elect Ms A M Fudge as a Director839,654,1431,648,294 841,302,43764.21% 1,132,406 7. To re-elect Mr C E Golden as a Director839,248,5072,067,063 841,315,57064.21% 1,126,855 8. To re-elect Dr B Grote as a Director840,259,5831,043,670 841,303,25364.21% 1,130,019 9. To re-elect Ms H Nyasulu as a Director837,173,8644,144,733 841,318,59764.22% 1,128,543 10. To re-elect Mr K J Storm as a Director815,764,72412,676,772828,441,49663.23% 13,998,85611. To re-elect Mr M Treschow as a Director834,645,0506,668,685 841,313,73564.21% 1,135,18112. To re-elect Mr J van der825,052,5457,909,418 832,961,96363.58% 9,487,676 Veer as a Director832,138,9374,371,348 836,510,28563.85% 5,919,546 13. To re-elect Mr P Walshas a Director839,601,6101,614,044 841,215,65464.21% 1,232,325 14. To elect The Rt Hon SirMalcolm Rifkind MP as aDirector15. To re-appoint837,053,6411,069,865 838,123,50663.97% 4,299,334 PricewaterhouseCoopersLLP as Auditors of theCompany840,787,767414,494 841,202,26164.21% 1,221,780 16. To authorise theDirectors to fix theremuneration of the Auditors17. To renew the authority to826,721,58014,552,832841,274,41264.21% 1,171,394 Directors to issue shares837,846,4901,885,136 839,731,62664.09% 2,699,519 18. To renew the authority toDirectors to disapply pre-emption rights19. To renew the authority to837,803,0113,584,417 841,387,42864.22% 1,038,296 the Company to purchase itsown shares814,886,55823,188,961838,075,51963.97% 4,276,972 20. To authorise PoliticalDonations and Expenditure800,571,69540,407,885840,979,58064.19% 1,438,090 21. To shorten the Noticeperiod for General Meetings22. To approve the813,589,49520,795,624834,385,11963.69% 8,034,293 Management Co-InvestmentPlan23. To adopt new Articles of837,291,8793,448,374 840,740,25364.17% 1,683,729 Association of the CompanyNOTES:- The ‘For’ vote includes votes given at the Chairman’s discretion and details of proxy votes cast are referred to in the table above.- The total number of Unilever PLC shares with voting rights in issue at 11.00am on Wednesday 12 May 2010 was 1,283,459,367. 26,696,994 shares are held in treasury and do not have voting rights attached).A ‘Vote withheld’ is not a vote in law and will not be counted in the calculation of the proportion of the votes ‘for’ and ‘against’ a resolution.In accordance with Listing Rule 9.6.1R, two copies of Unilever PLC’s newly adopted Articles of Association (Resolution 23) will be available for inspection at the UKLA’s Document Viewing Facility, which is situated at Financial Services Authority, 25 The North Colonnade, Canary Wharf, LondonE14 5HS.Further, in accordance with Listing Rule 9.6.2 copies of all the resolutions passed, other than ordinary business, will be submitted to the UK Listing Authority ("UKLA") and will be available for inspection at the UKLA’s Document Viewing Facility, which is situated at Financial Services Authority, 25 The North Colonnade, Canary Wharf, London E14 5HS. A copy of the resolutions can also be found in the Chairman’s Letter and Notice of Meeting which is available on our website: /AGM12 May 2010Safe HarbourThis announcement may contain forward-looking statements, including ‘forward-looking statements’ within the meaning of the United States Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Words such as ‘expects’, ‘anticipates’, ‘intends’, ‘believes’ or the negative of these terms and other similar expressions of future performance or results, and their negatives, are intended to identify such forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements are based upon current expectations and assumptions regarding anticipated developments and other factors affecting the Group. They are not historical facts, nor are they guarantees of future performance. Because these forward-looking statements involve risks and uncertainties, there are important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed or implied by these forward-looking statements, including, among others, competitive pricing and activities, economic slowdown, industry consolidation, access to credit markets, recruitment levels, reputational risks, commodity prices, continued availability of raw materials, prioritisation of projects, consumption levels, costs, the ability to maintain and manage key customer relationships and supply chain sources, consumer demands, currency values, interest rates, the ability to integrate acquisitions and complete planned divestitures, the ability to complete planned restructuring activities, physical risks, environmental risks, the ability to manage regulatory, tax and legal matters and resolve pending matters within current estimates, legislative, fiscal and regulatory developments, political, economic and social conditions in the geographic markets where the Group operates and new or changed priorities of the Boards. Further details of potential risks and uncertainties affecting the Group are described in the Group’s filings with the London Stock Exchange, Euronext Amsterdam and the US Securities and Exchange Commission, including the 20-F Report and the Annual Report and Accounts 2009. These forward-looking statements speak only as of the date of this document. Except as required by any applicable law or regulation, the Group expressly disclaims any obligation or undertaking to release publicly any updates or revisions to any forward-looking statements contained herein to reflect any change in the Group’s expectations with regard thereto or any change in events, conditions or circumstances on which any such statement is based.。