iPod classic
目 录一 研究背景二 苹果公司简介三 苹果公司产品定位四 苹果公司物流与供应链体系五 苹果公司物流与供应链体系剖析六 针对问题的可行性建议七 我国电子科技类企业的选择性借鉴 研究背景在我国,企业推广和实施供应链管理才是刚刚起步,依然有 很长的路要走。
苹果公司物流与供应链管理研究报告【最新资料,WORD 文档,可编辑修改】3、条码技术在企业的应用已经相当普遍;应用pos的商店在我国也相当普及。
5、由于供应链管理的支撑技术在企业间远没有普及, VMI等供应链管理的运作方式并未被企业采用,仍需要在企业间推广普及供应链管理的支撑技术。
• 2003年,推出第三代iPod音乐播放器,可同时支持Mac和 Windows,并取消Firewire连接埠的设计。 • 2004年,斯蒂夫· 乔布斯被诊断出胰腺癌,苹果股价 重挫。 • 2004年,推出第四代iPod数码音乐播放器,沿用了原 本在iPod mini上的“Click Wheel”操控设计。此后还推 苹果iphone手机(6张)出搭载彩色显示屏的iPod Video。 • 2004年,推出迷你版iPod mini数码音乐播放器,其 金属外壳与其他机种歧异性极大。 • 2005年,斯蒂夫· 乔布斯宣布下一年度的电脑将采用 英特尔处理器。 • 2005年,推出第五代iPod播放器。 • 2005年,推出第二代iPod mini 迷你数码音乐播放器 与iPod shuffle,其无显示屏设计引起部分使用者不满。
• 1955年2月24日,史蒂夫· 乔布 • 斯出生在美国旧金山。刚刚出生,就被在美国旧金山一家 餐馆打工的父亲与潇洒派的酒吧管理员的母亲遗弃了。幸 运的是,一对好心的夫妻收留了他。 虽然是养子, 但养父母却对他很好,如同亲子。学生时代的乔布斯聪明、 顽皮,肆无忌惮,常常喜欢别出心裁地搞出一些令人啼笑 皆非的恶作剧。不过,他的学习成绩倒是十分出众。 当时,乔布斯就生活在后来著名的“硅谷”附近,邻居都 是“硅谷”元老——惠普公司的职员。 在这些人的 影响下,乔布斯从小就很迷恋电子学。一个惠普的工程师 看他如此痴迷,就推荐他参加惠普公司的“发现者俱乐 部”。这是个专门为年轻工程师举办的聚会,每星期二晚 上在公司的餐厅中举行。就在一次聚会中,乔布斯第一次 见到了电脑,他开始对计算机有了一个朦胧的认识。 在上初中时(1976年),乔布斯在一次同学聚会上,与斯 蒂夫· 沃兹尼亚克(Steve Wozniak)见面,两人一见如故。
ipodclassic3工程模式详解iPod Classic 3是一款经典的音乐播放器,具备丰富的功能和工程模式。
本文将详细介绍iPod Classic 3的工程模式及其功能。
一、什么是iPod Classic 3的工程模式iPod Classic 3的工程模式是一种特殊的模式,可以让用户进行一些高级设置和调试操作。
二、进入工程模式的方法要进入iPod Classic 3的工程模式,首先需要将设备连接到电脑上,并打开iTunes软件。
三、工程模式的功能1. 硬件信息:在工程模式中,可以查看iPod Classic 3的硬件信息,包括设备的序列号、电池电量、存储容量等。
2. 调试模式:工程模式中有一些调试选项,可以帮助用户进行设备调试。
3. 音频设置:在工程模式中,可以调整iPod Classic 3的音频设置,包括均衡器、声道平衡等。
4. 显示设置:工程模式中还可以对显示设置进行调整,例如屏幕亮度、对比度等。
5. 恢复模式:如果iPod Classic 3出现了严重的故障或系统崩溃,可以通过工程模式中的恢复模式来修复设备。
6. 测试模式:工程模式中还包含一些测试功能,可以帮助用户检测设备的各种硬件和软件功能。
四、注意事项在使用iPod Classic 3的工程模式时,需要注意以下几点:1. 工程模式是一种高级设置和调试模式,一般普通用户不建议随意使用,以免对设备造成不必要的损坏。
ipod classic
ipod classicTitle: The Evolution and Legacy of the iPod ClassicIntroduction:The iPod Classic is a portable media player that revolutionized the way we listen to music. Since its first release in 2001, the iPod Classic has undergone significant changes, making it one of the most iconic and influential devices in the history of technology. This document explores the evolution and lasting impact of the iPod Classic, discussing its features, popularity, and the legacy it left behind.1. The Birth of the iPod Classic:The iPod Classic was introduced by Apple Inc. on October 23, 2001. It marked a major turning point in the way we consume and enjoy music. With its sleek design and user-friendly interface, the iPod Classic quickly became popular among music enthusiasts.2. Features and Functionality:The original iPod Classic had a 5GB hard drive, which allowed users to store a vast collection of music. It featured a uniquescroll wheel for easy navigation and a monochrome display for song selection. Over the years, successive generations of the iPod Classic saw improvements in storage capacity, battery life, and additional features like photo and video playback, games, and podcast support.3. The iPod Classic's Popularity:Apple's marketing strategy and innovative design made the iPod Classic an instant hit. The introduction of iTunes, its accompanying software, allowed users to easily purchase and organize their music. The seamless integration between the iPod Classic and iTunes created a robust ecosystem that attracted a wide audience.4. Cultural Impact:The iPod Classic became a cultural phenomenon, influencing not only the music industry but also fashion, art, and technology. Its white earbuds became iconic symbols of the digital music era. The popularity of the iPod Classic paved the way for the widespread acceptance of digital music, leading to a decline in physical formats like CDs and cassettes.5. Competing Devices and the iPod Classic's Supremacy:While there were other portable media players in the market, the iPod Classic dominated the scene due to its superior user experience, larger storage capacity, and seamless integration with Apple's ecosystem. Competitors, such as Microsoft's Zune, failed to replicate the same success and eventually faded out of the market.6. Decline and Retirement:With the introduction of the iPhone in 2007 and later iPod Touch, the iPod Classic faced a decline in popularity. The iPhone, in particular, offered a more comprehensive multimedia experience, combining a phone, music player, and internet browsing in one device. As a result, Apple discontinued the iPod Classic in 2014.7. The iPod Classic's Legacy:Despite its discontinuation, the iPod Classic's impact on the world of technology and music remains significant. It paved the way for the success of subsequent Apple products and inspired the development of portable media players, such as the iPod Touch and other smartphones. The iPod Classic also revolutionized the music industry, shifting it towards digital distribution and changing the way artists and consumers interact.Conclusion:The iPod Classic will always be remembered as a groundbreaking device that shaped the way we listen to music. Its innovative features, sleek design, and ease of use captured the hearts of millions of people around the world. While it may no longer be available, its legacy lives on in the numerous advancements in portable music technology that followed. The iPod Classic will forever hold a special place as a milestone in the history of personal audio devices.。
iPod DOCKING与MP3 WMA播放器用户手册说明书
Turn on or offPress 1for longer than 3 seconds as the device is powered on, you can move intoPOWER SAVE MODE.To change the INPUT functionsChange the functions among PORT ABLE,IPOD.•Fall asleep while listening to your player •Mood Lighting• Listen to your tracks again and again • Select another track (iPod DOCKING)Starts or pauses playbackVOLUMEControl the volume when using any function.Temporarily stop the soundPress the button again to return to the sound.Sound quality adjustmentY ou can choose between 4 fixed sound impressions.Change the functions among FM, CD, USB.Search for a section within a track •Speed search for tracks •Skip to another track •Search for a folder of MP3/WMA files FOLDER •PRESET to select the folder youwant to play.- OPTIONALEMOTIONAL AUDIO DEVICE ] USER GUIDE 5About Remote controlStarts or pauses recordingTo ‘save’a radio stationEMOTIONAL AUDIO DEVICE ] USER GUIDE7EMOTIONAL AUDIO DEVICE ] USER GUIDE 9Use your player as an alarm clockPress and hold ALARM on the player for two seconds.Press ./>repeatedly, the display changes in the following order, FM, CD, USB.Press ALARM when the function you want to be woken by is showing.Next, you set the time to get alarm e ./> to change the hours and minutes and ALARM to save.Next, the volume (VOL) setting display e ./>to change the volume and ALARM to save.The clock icon shows that the alarm is set.Switch the system off.When the system is turned off, you can check the time the alarm is set for by press-ing ALARM .Y ou can also turn the alarm on and off by pressing ALARM .NOTES :• If you don’t set clock, the alarm function doesn’t work.• When any button is not pressed for longer than 5 minutes with the alarm beeping, the alarm is automatically canceled.SNOOZE functionThis function wakes you up every 5 minutes if you do not turn off the alarm.When alarm is on and you press CLOCK or ALARM , CD or USB ischanged into pause & mute.And tuner is on mute mode for 5 minutes and then changed into play & mute off.Fall asleep while listening to your playerPress SLEEP on the remote control repeatedly, the display changes in the following order, SLP OFF - LIGHT - corresponding icons.Press ./>repeatedly on SLP OFF , the display changes in thefollowing order, SLP 90 & dimmer ON -> SLP 80 & dimmer ON -> SLP 70& dimmer ON -> SLP 60 & dimmer ON -> SLP 50 & dimmer ON -> SLP 40& dimmer ON -> SLP 30 & dimmer ON -> SLP 20 & dimmer ON -> SLP 10& dimmer ON -> SLP OFF & dimmer OFF .Mood LightingPress SLEEP on the remote control repeatedly, the display changes in the following order, SLP OFF - LIGHT - corresponding icons.Press ./>repeatedly on LIGHT , the display changes in the following order, L--1 -> L--2 -> L--3 -> L--OFF .About MP3/WMAMP3/WMA Disc compatibility with this unit is limited as follows:• Sampling Frequency :8 - 48 kHz (MP3), 32 - 48 kHz (WMA)•Bit rate :8 - 320 kbps (MP3), 48 - 320 kbps (WMA)• CD-R physical format should be “ISO 9660”• If you record MP3/WMA files using the software which cannot create a FILE SYSTEM, for example “Direct-CD”etc., it is impossible to playback MP3 files.We recommend that you use “Easy-CD Creator”, which creates an ISO 9660 file system.•Do not use special letters such as “/ :* ? “ < >”etc.•Even if the total number of files on the disc has more than 1000, it will only be shown up to 999.EMOTIONAL AUDIO DEVICE ] USER GUIDE11Designs and specifications are subject to change without notice.。
2014年,作为 iPod系列最后一款机型的 iPod Classic宣布停产。 2017年,iPod Nano系列和 iPod Shuffle系列宣布停产。 2022年 5月 11日,苹果方面宣布 iPod产品线正式停更,现有的 iPod Touch产品将售完即止,正式宣告了 iPod历史的结束。5月 12日,苹果中国官网显示 iPod Touch所有规格都已售完。
iPod mini
2004年 1月 6日,Apple发布了 iPod mini。它有 4GB的储存空间和 249美元的售价(在当时只比 15GB的 第 3代 iPod便宜)。
iPod mini使用了点按式转盘,后来被使用在第 4代 iPod上。触摸感应轮意味着用户可以用手指在它上面转 动以选择屏幕上的项目,设备的 Menu、Back、Forward和 Play / Pause按键成为了滚轮的一部分,用户只需按 下滚轮的相应部分就能启动其中的功能。中间的按键仍然作为 Select键使用。
[VIP专享]ipod classic3换SSD+100小时续航+完美外壳
ipod classic3换SSD+100小时续航+完美外壳一直都想把手里的ipodclassic3改SSD, 因为发现硬盘已经有坏道了, 但不多(retracts:0 reallocs:168) reallocs为坏道数量,至于数量单位是什么,无从得知。
也没出现过卡顿的情况,事情一多, 就把这事给撩一边了.直到几个月后的一天, 突然发现IPC死机了! 重启后赶紧连接电脑,WIN7老是弹出修复磁盘的窗口, 用itunes传歌,好家伙, 居然卡住不动了! 重启进工程模式一看retracts:2 reallocs竟高达2424! 看来硬盘命已尽... 可怜我近140G的苹果无损啊!电脑已经无备份了... 好吧, 这次有充足的理由拆机换硬盘了, 于是开始浏览各种改SSD的教程, 其实之前也有看过, 但是没有马上改, 所以没细看, 知道能改, 成功率还行, 就想着凭着自己的动手能力, 这玩意儿应该不在话下.看了一圈, 基本确定了自己的改机方案, SSD选定sandisk的64G, X 宝上面460, SONY A9H 1450毫安电芯40元(A9H有几个规格, 我用的是苹果一代的, 具体可以看电池编号,事实证明这个尺寸挺合适的,当然你也可以找别的尺寸), 电芯必须加的, 原电用了也有3年多, 虽然之前用还能撑个15个钟无压力, 谁知道下面还能用多久? 何况IPC拆机那么难, 而且改了SSD之后有那么大的一空间, 不改大电池真是浪费,嘿嘿。
想想还有什么可以换, 触控板貌似不太灵敏了, 经常用手滑几下音量才有反应...搜了一下, 这个部件有原装的, 同时还看见有全新的IPC外壳, 眼睛一亮,不贵嘛! 100多一套还搭上了触控板, 看看手上的机器, 背面是有点惨了, 而且拆机不可能无损的, 如果谁能完美拆开IPC外壳无损, 我愿意交5000大洋拜师.......于是决定入手全套外壳跟触控板.OK,方案已定,YY一下,按照这个方案,可以得到以下好处,续航时间由15+小时变成近100小时,按照目前的听音频率,我几乎可以一个月充一次电...IPC再也不用担心怕震动了,爱怎么丢怎么丢,咩哈哈!! YY完毕就开始先拆机,把最难的先做,拆机前给这货留个影!马上就要开膛破肚了其实拆机的时候还是想着能尽可能的保存外壳的完好的,毕竟另买外壳也是近百元,能省则省嘛而且刚好有拆机工具,之前买工具顺便入手的各种撬棒,OK,遗照拍完,动手!!事实证明,多好的撬棒,塑料终究是塑料的,永远干不过不锈钢!只能出动神器了!壮哉这把饱受摧残的小刀!拆机一定要记住一点,撬IPC的外壳一定要用力,她不是黄花闺女,请你一定不要怜惜!不然你永远打不开那个外壳,苹果这招真狠啊...奋战了十几分钟,我军是胜利了,后壳也跟大部分拆过IPC的外壳一样,变形了...I SEE YOU 多漂亮的内内可怜这么多撬棒,最后的主力军居然还是小刀,小刀啊...打开外壳的时候不要鸡冻,小心那两根连接在后壳排线,这时候在暴力你就哭了。
ipod classic 3 160G刷rockbox成功,终于解决乱码
Classic 产品操作指南
2.用镜头线将摄像头的S-Video输出端口与设备Video In部分的Main Cam端口连接,将镜头线一端的RJ-45接头接到摄像头,另一端接到设备的Dateport 2接口。
(T1000 / T880 / T500例外)3.麦克风线一端连接麦克风,另外一端连接设备Audio In部分的Mic1接口。
4.S端子线(或A V线)一端连接设备Video Out部分的“Single”和“Dual”接口,另一端连接电视机的视频输入接口(T1000 / T500例外)。
用A V线将设备Audio Out部分的“1”接口与电视机的音频输入接口连接。
5.将ISDN线缆分别对应的插入设备ISDN BRI部分的各个接口。
1.基本设置.点击遥控器的menu按键,进入菜单选项“Terminal Settings”-“Language”,选择菜单的语言。
. 如果您有两台显示设备,进入菜单“基本设置”-“双显示器:开”。
(T1000 / T500例外)2.ISDN BRI设置. 点击menu按键,选择“终端设置”-“网络”-“线路1设置”-“允许:开”,“号码1”、“号码2”中填上设备连接的第一条ISDN的号码。
浅谈ipod classic
发现吧内很少提及IPC,也少有关于IPC的帖子,今天单纯写一些关于ipod classic的东西,也是希望给一些新人看看,大家相互指正,也算是说一些长期憋在我心里的一些话。
IPC搭配TF10就可以听小编制古典和金属,搭配ER4P就可以听人声,搭配SE535就可以听流行,搭配KOSS PP(或者涡轮)就可以听摇滚,虽然我可以说除了偏冷的音色比较适合古典,其他的听起来都略显清淡,但是这种素质除了少量特定的耳机搭配,其他都不会出恶声也不会过于刺激,我举个例子,KOSS PP搭配鱼雷大家可以想象一下是什么感觉?我试过一次,头都快被轰炸了。
现在大多数人都在手机上听音乐,但是在2001年,史蒂夫乔布斯宣布推出iPod的时,它永远地改变了人们听音乐的方式!在过去的几年里,Ipod的各种型号都有了显著的发展,即使在今天,第七代iPod touch仍然在生产中。
2001年10月23日第一代iPod发布:iPod classici。
iPod classici的设计是和世界上的其他之前见过的类似产品完全不同。
2002年,第二代iPod有20 Gb的存储选项,它的起价为299美元,第三代于2003年问世,采用了带有背光按钮的新设计。
2004年,第一款带有彩色显示屏的iPod发布,被称为iPod photo。
最新版本的iPod classici于2007年发布。
uu General Information on the Audio System u License InformationFeatures License Information“Made for iPod,” and “Made for iPhone,” mean that an electronic accessory has been designed to connect specifically to iPod, or iPhone, respectively, and has been certified by the developer to meet Apple performance standards. Apple is not responsible for the operation of this device or its compliance with safety and regulatory standards. Please note that the use of this accessory with iPod, or iPhone, may affect wireless performance.Apple, the Apple Logo, iPhone, iPod touch are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. Apple CarPlay, iPod, iPhone, iTunes, Siri and Lightning are trademarks of Apple Inc. App Store is a service mark of Apple Inc.“The Bluetooth® word mark and logos are registered trademarks owned by Bluetooth SIG, Inc. and any use of such marks by Clarion CORPORATION is under license. Other trademarks and trade names are those of their respective owners.”■Apple■BluetoothContinuedFeaturesUse the audio/information screen to customize certain features.■How to customizeWith the power mode in ON, select Settings , then select a setting item.2List of customizable options P.3081Customized FeaturesWhen you customize settings, make sure that the vehicle is at a complete stop and the transmission is in P .To customize features detail, refer to the following.2Customization flow P.3002List of customizable options P.308uu Customized Features uFeatures ■Customization flow*Not available on all modelsuu Customized Features uContinued Features*Not available on all modelsuu Customized Features u Features*Not available on all modelsuu Customized Features uContinued Features*Not available on all modelsuu Customized Features u Features*Not available on all modelsuu Customized Features uContinued Features*Not available on all modelsuu Customized Features u Features*Not available on all modelsuu Customized Features uFeaturesContinuedFeatures■List of customizable options*1:Default SettingSetup GroupCustomizable FeaturesDescriptionSelectable SettingsSystemDisplayDisplay SettingsBrightnessChanges the brightness of the audio/information screen.—Contrast Changes the contrast of the audio/information screen.—Black LevelChanges the black level of the audio/information screen.—Background Color Changes the background color of the audio/information screen.Blue *1/Amber /Red /Violet Sound/BeepGuidance VolumeChanges the sound volume.Adjusts the guidance volume of the navigation system.1~6*1~11Text Message Volume Changes the text/e-mail message reading volume.1~6*1~11Voice Recog. Volume Changes the volume of the voice prompt.1~6*1~11Beep VolumeChanges the beep volume.Off *1/1/2/3ContinuedFeatures*1:Default SettingSetup GroupCustomizable Features DescriptionSelectable Settings SystemVoice RecogVoice Prompt Turns the voice prompt on and off.On *1/Off Voice Recog. Volume Changes the volume of the voice prompt.1~6*1~11Song by Voice *Turns the Song By Voice TM on and off.On *1/OffSong by Voice Phonetic Modification *Modifies a voice command for music stored in the USB flash drive or an iPod/iPhone.2Phonetic Modification P.252—Phonebook Phonetic ModificationModifies a voice command for the phonebook.2Phonebook Phonetic Modification P.347—Automatic Phone SyncSets phonebook and call history data to be automatically imported when a phone is paired to HFL.On *1/OffOne Press Voice OperationChanges the setting of the (Talk) button operation when using the voice operation.On /Off *1*Not available on all modelsFeatures*1:Default SettingSetup GroupCustomizable FeaturesDescriptionSelectable Settings System ClockClock/Wallpaper TypeClockChanges the clock display type.Analog /Digital *1/Small Digital /OffWallpaper●Changes the wallpaper type.●Imports an image file for a new wallpaper.●Deletes an image file for a wallpaper.Time Zone /Galaxy *1/Metallic /BlankClock Adjustment Adjusts clock.—Clock FormatSelects the digital clock display from 12H to 24H.12H *1/24H Date FormatSets the date format.YYYY/MM/DD /MM/DD/YYYY *1/DD/MM/YYYY Auto Time Zone*Sets the navigation system to automatically adjust the clock when driving through different time zones.On *1/OffManual Time Zone *Changes the time zone manually.—Auto DaylightSelect On to have the GPS automatically adjust the clock to daylight savings time. Select Off to cancel this function.On *1/Off*Not available on all modelsContinuedFeatures*1:Default SettingSetup GroupCustomizable FeaturesDescriptionSelectable Settings SystemClockClock DisplaySelects whether the clock display comes on.On *1/OffClock Location Changes the clock display layout.Upper Right *1/Upper Left /Lower Right /Lower Left /Off Clock ResetResets the clock settings to the factory default.Yes /NoOthersLanguageChanges the display language.English *1/French /SpanishTouch Panel Sensitivity Sets the sensitivity of the touch panel screen.High /Low *1Detail Information Displays the Android setting items.—Factory Data ResetResets all the settings to their factory default.2Defaulting All the Settings P.323Yes /No DefaultCancels/Resets all customized items in the System settings group as default.Yes /NoFeatures*1:Default SettingSetup GroupCustomizable Features DescriptionSelectable Settings VehicleDriver Assist System SetupForward Collision Warning DistanceChanges at which distance CMBS TM alerts.Long /Normal *1/ShortACC Forward Vehicle Detect BeepCauses the system to beep when the system detects a vehicle, or when the vehicle goes out of the ACC range.On /Off *1Road Departure Mitigation SettingChanges the setting for the road departure mitigation system.Normal *1/Wide /Warning Only Lane Keeping Assist Suspend Beep Causes the system to beep when the LKAS is suspended.On /Off *1Blind Spot Info*Changes the setting for the blind spot information.Audible and Visual Alert *1/Visual Alert /Off*Not available on all modelsContinuedFeatures*1:Default SettingSetup GroupCustomizable FeaturesDescriptionSelectable Settings VehicleMeter SetupLanguage SelectionChanges the displayed language on the multi-information display.English *1/French /SpanishAdjust Outside Temp DisplayAdjusts the temperature reading by a few degrees.-5°F ~ ±0°F *1 ~ +5°F (U.S.)-3°C ~ ±0°C *1 ~ +3°C (Canada)“Trip A” Reset TimingChanges the setting of how to reset trip meter A and average fuel economy A.With Refuel /IGN Off /Manually Reset *1“Trip B” Reset Timing Changes the setting of how to reset trip meter B and average fuel economy B.With Refuel /IGN Off /Manually Reset *1Reverse Alert Tone Turns the audible notification on and off when you put the transmission into R .On /Off *1Auto Engine Idle Stop Guidance Screen Turns the engine idle-stop guidance displayed in the meter display on and off during the auto engine idle-stop system is in operation.On /Off *1Adjust Alarm VolumeChanges the alarm volume, such as the buzzers, warnings, turn signal sound, and so on.High /Mid *1/LowFeatures*1:Default SettingSetup GroupCustomizable FeaturesDescriptionSelectable Settings VehicleMeter SetupTurn by Turn Display *Selects whether the turn-by-turn display comes on during the route guidance.On *1/Off Display km/Miles Selects the trip computer units.Auto /km /Miles *1(U.S.)Auto /km *1/Miles (Canada)Driving Position Setup *Easy Entry/Exit Moves the seat rearward when you get in/get out of the vehicle. Changes the setting for this feature.On *1/Off Memory Position Link Turns the driving position memory system on and off.On *1/OffKeyless Access SetupDoor Unlock Mode Changes which doors unlock when you grab the driver’s door handle.Driver Door Only *1/All Doors Keyless Access Light FlashCauses some exterior lights to flash when you unlock/lock the doors.On *1/Off Keyless Access Beep Causes the beeper to sound when you unlock/lock the doors.On *1/Off Remote Start System On/OffTurns the remote engine start feature on and off.On *1/OffWalk Away Auto LockChanges the settings for the automatic locking the doors when you walk away from the vehicle while carrying the keyless remote.Enable /Disable *1*Not available on all modelsContinuedFeatures*1:Default SettingSetup GroupCustomizable Features DescriptionSelectable Settings VehicleLighting SetupInterior Light Dimming TimeChanges the length of time the interior lights stay on after you close the doors.60 sec /30 sec *1/15 sec Headlight Auto Off Timer Changes the length of time the exterior lights stay on after you close the driver’s door.60 sec /30 sec /15 sec *1/0 sec Auto Interior Illumination SensitivityChanges the sensitivity of the brightness of the instrument panel when the headlight switch is in the AUTO position.Min /Low /Mid *1/High /MaxAuto Headlight On with Wiper OnChanges the settings for the wiper operation when the headlights automatically come on while the headlight switch is in the AUTO position.Off /On *1Auto Light Sensitivity *Changes the timing for the headlights to come on.Max /High /Mid *1/Low /MinDoor SetupAuto Door LockChanges the setting for the automatic locking feature.With VehicleSpeed *1/Shift from P /Off*Not available on all modelsFeatures*1:Default SettingSetup GroupCustomizable Features Description Selectable Settings VehicleDoor SetupAuto Door UnlockChanges the setting for when the doors unlock automatically.All Doors with Driver’s DoorOpens *1/All Doors with Shift to P /All Doors with IGN Off /OffKey and Remote Unlock ModeSets up either the driver’s door or all doors to unlock on the first push of the remote or built-in key.Driver Door *1/All Doors Keyless Lock Answer BackLOCK/UNLOCK- The exterior lights flash.LOCK (2nd push)- The beeper sounds.On *1/OffSecurity Relock TimerChanges the time it takes for the doors to relock and the security system to set after you unlock the vehicle without opening any door.90 sec /60 sec /30 sec *1Tailgate Power LockingChanges the setting for the tailgate locking feature.Enable /Disable *1Wireless Charging *Turns the wireless charger feature on and off.ON *1/OFFMaintenance Info Resets the engine oil life display when you have performed the maintenance service.—DefaultCancels/Resets all customized items in the Vehicle group as default.Yes /No*Not available on all modelsContinuedFeatures*1:Default SettingSetup GroupCustomizable Features Description Selectable SettingsAudioCommonSoundAdjusts the settings of the audio speakers’ sound.2Adjusting the Sound P.229-6 ~ 0*1 ~ +6 (BASS and TREBLE ),RR9~0*1 ~FR9 (FADER ),L9~ 0*1~R9 (BALANCE ),-6 ~ 0*1 ~ +6 (Center * and Subwoofer ), Off /Low /Mid *1/High (Speed Volume Compensation )Audio Source Pop-UpSelects whether the list of selectable audio source comes on when Audio is selected on the home screen.On /Off *1[Your selected media]Cover Art Turns the cover art display on and off.On *1/OffBluetooth Device ListPairs a new phone to HFL, edits or deletes a paired phone.2Phone Setup P.338—FM/AMHD Radio Mode *Selects whether the audio systemautomatically switches to the digital radio waves or receives the analog waves only.Auto *1/Analog RDS INFOTurns on and off the RDS information.On *1/Off*Not available on all modelsFeatures*1:Default SettingSetup GroupCustomizable FeaturesDescriptionSelectable Settings AudioSXM*Tune Start Turns on and off, starts the song from the beginning as you change preset stations.On *1/OffSportsFlash Setup (Interrupt)Turns on and off the sports alert function.Off *1/On (one time)/On (continue)SportsFlash Setup (Interrupt Beep)Causes the system to beep when there is a sports alert notification.On /Off *1SportsFlash Setup (Favorite Team)Selects your favorite sports teams.2Live Sports Alert P.244—Traffic & Weather SetupSelects the region you want to receive the information.—DefaultCancels/Resets all customized items in the Audio settings group as default.Yes /No*Not available on all modelsContinuedFeatures*1:Default SettingSetup GroupCustomizable Features Description Selectable SettingsClock/InfoClockClock/Wallpaper Type Clock See System on P.310, 311WallpaperClockAdjustment Clock Format Date FormatAuto Time Zone *Manual Time Zone *Auto Daylight Clock Display Clock Location Clock ResetHondaLink Diagnostic & Location Data Turns HondaLink ® on and off.On /Off *1Other Info Screen PreferenceChanges the information screen Top /Info Menu *1/Off DefaultCancels/Resets all customized items in the Clock/Info settings group as default.Yes /No*Not available on all modelsFeatures*1:Default SettingSetup GroupCustomizable FeaturesDescriptionSelectable SettingsPhonePhoneBluetooth Device ListPairs a new phone to HFL, connects or disconnects a paired phone.2Phone Setup P.338—Edit Speed DialEdits, adds or deletes a speed dial entry.2Speed Dial P.344—Ring Tone Selects the ring tone.Fixed /Mobile Phone *1Automatic Phone SyncSets phonebook and call history data to beautomatically imported when a phone is paired to HFL.On *1/Off HondaLink Assist Turns HondaLink ® Assist on and off.On *1/Off Text/EmailEnable Text/EmailTurns the text/e-mail message function on and off.On /Off *1Select Account Selects a text or e-mail message account.—New Message NotificationSelects whether a pop-up alert comes on the screen when HFL receives a new text/e-mail messages.On /Off DefaultCancels/Resets all customized items in the Phone settings group as default.Yes /NoContinuedFeatures*1:Default SettingSetup GroupCustomizable Features DescriptionSelectable SettingsCameraRear CameraFixed Guideline Selects whether the fixed guidelines come on the rear camera monitor.2Multi-View Rear Camera P.481On *1/OffDynamic GuidelineSelects whether the dynamic guidelines come on the rear camera monitor.2Multi-View Rear Camera P.481On *1/OffDefaultCancels/Resets all customized items in the Rear Camera setting group as default.Yes /NoCross Traffic Monitor *Turns on and off the cross traffic monitor.On *1/Off*Not available on all modelsFeatures*1:Default SettingSetup GroupCustomizable FeaturesDescriptionSelectable Settings Bluetooth/Wi-FiBluetoothBluetooth On/Off StatusSelects to display the Bluetooth ® status.On *1/OffBluetooth Device ListPairs a new phone to HFL, edits or deletes a paired phone, or creates a security PIN.2Phone Setup P.338—Edit Pairing Code Edits a pairing code.2To change the pairing code setting P.339Random /Fixed *1Wi-FiWi-Fi On/Off StatusChanges the Wi-Fi mode.On /Off *1Wi-Fi Network List Connects, disconnects, or deletes the Wi-Fi network.—Wi-Fi InformationShows the Wi-Fi information of the head unit.—Default Cancels/Resets all customized items in the Bluetooth/Wi-Fi group as default.Yes /NoSmart-phone Apple CarPlaySets up the Apple CarPlay connection.—Android Auto Sets up the Android Auto connection.—DefaultCancels/Resets all customized items in the Smartphone group as default.Yes /No。
ipod classic3换SSD+100小时续航+完美外壳
ipod classic3换SSD+100小时续航+完美外壳一直都想把手里的ipodclassic3改SSD, 因为发现硬盘已经有坏道了, 但不多(retracts:0 reallocs:168) reallocs为坏道数量,至于数量单位是什么,无从得知。
也没出现过卡顿的情况,事情一多, 就把这事给撩一边了.直到几个月后的一天, 突然发现IPC死机了! 重启后赶紧连接电脑,WIN7老是弹出修复磁盘的窗口, 用itunes传歌,好家伙, 居然卡住不动了! 重启进工程模式一看retracts:2 reallocs竟高达2424! 看来硬盘命已尽... 可怜我近140G的苹果无损啊!电脑已经无备份了... 好吧, 这次有充足的理由拆机换硬盘了, 于是开始浏览各种改SSD的教程, 其实之前也有看过, 但是没有马上改, 所以没细看, 知道能改, 成功率还行, 就想着凭着自己的动手能力, 这玩意儿应该不在话下.看了一圈, 基本确定了自己的改机方案, SSD选定sandisk的64G, X宝上面460, SONY A9H 1450毫安电芯40元(A9H有几个规格, 我用的是苹果一代的, 具体可以看电池编号,事实证明这个尺寸挺合适的, 当然你也可以找别的尺寸), 电芯必须加的, 原电用了也有3年多, 虽然之前用还能撑个15个钟无压力, 谁知道下面还能用多久? 何况IPC拆机那么难, 而且改了SSD之后有那么大的一空间, 不改大电池真是浪费,嘿嘿。
想想还有什么可以换, 触控板貌似不太灵敏了,经常用手滑几下音量才有反应...搜了一下, 这个部件有原装的, 同时还看见有全新的IPC外壳, 眼睛一亮,不贵嘛! 100多一套还搭上了触控板, 看看手上的机器, 背面是有点惨了, 而且拆机不可能无损的,如果谁能完美拆开IPC外壳无损, 我愿意交5000大洋拜师.......于是决定入手全套外壳跟触控板.OK,方案已定,YY一下,按照这个方案,可以得到以下好处,续航时间由15+小时变成近100小时,按照目前的听音频率,我几乎可以一个月充一次电...IPC再也不用担心怕震动了,爱怎么丢怎么丢,咩哈哈!!YY完毕就开始先拆机,把最难的先做,拆机前给这货留个影!马上就要开膛破肚了其实拆机的时候还是想着能尽可能的保存外壳的完好的,毕竟另买外壳也是近百元,能省则省嘛而且刚好有拆机工具,之前买工具顺便入手的各种撬棒,OK,遗照拍完,动手!!事实证明,多好的撬棒,塑料终究是塑料的,永远干不过不锈钢!只能出动神器了!壮哉这把饱受摧残的小刀!拆机一定要记住一点,撬IPC的外壳一定要用力,她不是黄花闺女,请你一定不要怜惜!不然你永远打不开那个外壳,苹果这招真狠啊...奋战了十几分钟,我军是胜利了,后壳也跟大部分拆过IPC的外壳一样,变形了...I SEE YOU 多漂亮的内内可怜这么多撬棒,最后的主力军居然还是小刀,小刀啊...打开外壳的时候不要鸡冻,小心那两根连接在后壳排线,这时候在暴力你就哭了。
型号DCM580/93DCM250/93DCM109/93图片价格298019991099兼容兼容iPhone,iPhone 三代,iPhone3GS iPhone,iPhone 三代iPhone, iPhone 三代,iPhone 3GS兼容iPod Touch,iPod Touch 二代,iPod Classic,iPod Nano四代,iPod Nano 第 3 代,带彩色显示屏的 iPod,iPodmini,iPod Nano 第 1代,iPod Nano 第 2 代,iPod第 5 代iPod,iPod mini,带彩色显示屏的 iPod,iPod 第 5代,iPod nano,iPod Nano第 2 代,iPod Nano 第 3代,iPod Classic,iPodTouchiPod, iPod mini, iPodnano, 带彩色显示屏的iPod, iPod 第 5 代, iPodTouch, iPod Classic,iPod Nano 第 1 代, iPodNano 第 2 代, iPod Nano第 3 代, iPod Nano 四代,iPod Touch 二代USB USB 主机USB 主机USB 主机AUX 输入是是耳机 3.5 毫米 3.5 毫米MP3 Link 3.5MM基座播放模式为 iPhone 充电,iPod 充电,播放和暂停,下一首和上一首曲目,快进和快退为 iPhone 充电,iPod 充电,播放和暂停,下一首和上一首曲目,快进和快退为 iPhone 充电,iPod 充电,播放和暂停,下一首和上一首曲目,快进和快退播放媒介USB 闪存盘,CD,MP3-CD,WMA-CDWMA-CD,MP3-CD,CD,CD-R,CD-RWWMA-CD,MP3-CD,CD,CD-R,CD-RW可编程曲目202020飞调DCM278/93(新)DCM3060/98(新)DCM2060/931598(卓越:999)未上市未上市iPad,iPad 2iPad,iPad 2iPhone,iPhone 三代,iPhone3GSiPhone,iPhone 三代,iPhone3GS,iPhone 4iPhone,iPhone 三代,iPhone 3GS,iPhone 4iPod,iPod Classic,iPod mini,iPod Nano 第 1 代,iPod Nano 第 2 代,iPod Nano 3代,iPod Nano 第 4 代,iPod Touch,iPod Touch 第 2 代,带彩色显示屏的 iPod,iPod 5 代iPod Nano 第 1 代,iPod Nano 第 2 代,iPod Nano 第 3代,iPod Nano 四代,iPod nano 五代,iPod nano 第 6 代,iPod Touch,iPod Touch 二代,iPod touch 第 3 代,iPod touch 第 4代iPod Nano 第 2 代,iPod Nano 第 3 代,iPod Nano 四代,iPod nano 五代,iPod nano 第 6 代,iPod Touch,iPod Touch 二代,iPod touch 第 3 代,iPodtouch 第 4 代USB 主机USB 主机3.5MM3.5 毫米3.5 毫米3.5 毫米立体声线路输入 3.5 毫米立体声线路输入 3.5 毫米为 iPhone 充电,iPod 充电播放和暂停,下一首和上一首曲目,快进和快退为 iPhone、iPad充电,iPod 充电 播放和暂停,下一首和上一首曲目,快进和快退为 iPhone 、iPad 充电,iPod 充电 播放和暂停,下一首和上一首曲目,快进和快退CD,CD-R,CD-RW,MP3-CD,WMA-CD,USB 闪存盘CD,CD-R/RW,MP3-CD,USB 闪存盘,WMA-CDCD,CD-R/RW,MP3-CD,USB 闪存盘,WMA-CD 飞利浦DCM系列音频播放iPad 兼容性IPhone兼容性iPod 兼容性连接(新)DCM2020/93未上市iPad, iPad 2iPhone, iPhone 三代,iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4 iPod Classic, iPod mini, iPod Nano 第 1 代, iPod Nano 第 2代, iPod Nano 第 3 代, iPod Nano 四代, iPod nano 五代,iPod nano 第 6 代, iPod Touch, iPod Touch 二代, iPod touch 第 3 代, iPod touch 第 4代, iPod 第 4 代, iPod 5 代USB 主机3.53.5 毫米立体声线路输入为 iPhone、iPad充电,iPod 充电 播放和暂停,下一首和上一首曲目,快进和快退CD, CD-R/RW, MP3-CD, USB闪存盘, WMA-CD。
苹果系列产品型 大全
iPod發展史说到MP3,大多人都不会忽略iPod ,我对于iPod 是从来没有抵抗力的,即时得不到,看看也好 ,从第一代iPod到现在,iPod的发展经历了8个年头任何一款,都是那么的令人喜欢她,有优雅的外形她,有完美的音质她,有超凡的品质还记得好友的一个iPod 从宿舍的上铺摔下来了几次除了外形之外,其他的一如既往这些都使她成为潮人追逐的对象那么,现在有一个问题 ,还记得第一代iPod的样子吗?不记得?不知道?那么,就和我一起来回顾一下iPod的发展历程吧托尼·法戴尔是苹果电脑以外首个产生iPod设想的人,但他苦于难以为他所设计的MP3播放器找到资金。
苹果classic死机解决办法:原因一:开机后死机按键无反应,没有办法播放方法:1.使用复位功能重置iPod:确认iPod 电量充沛,同时按住“Play/Pause”键和“Menu”键直到苹果牌号泛起后松开。
注重:某些时会下,iPod 重置功能可能掉效,此时需要将 iPod 纯粹放电。
放电过程为,将iPod 电源纯粹断开,直至iPod 自己主动封闭。
(荧幕没有任何显示)2.使用强制硬盘尺度样式:假如使用上边方式,iPod 重置后仍然死机无反映,或只显示苹果LOGO,就需要测验考试强制硬盘尺度样式。
请确认 iPod 电量充沛,或者将 iPod 经过过程六针 1394 路线连接到主机或适配器上,确认 HOLD 键没有开启,所有按键可用。
原因二:无故死机方法:1.首先确认hold键在off的状态2.假如你的iPod是4代,mini或者更新的,按住摩托罗拉me722主题Menu和Select键(中间的圆白键)不放,过一下子,iPod就重启了.重置苹果classic的方法:1. 往返切换一下 Hold 开关。
(将它推到 Hold 位置,之后再封闭。
)2. 按住“ Menu(菜单)”键和“Select(选择)”键6-10 秒直至泛起 Apple 徽标。
3.往返切换一下Hold 开关。
(将它推到 Hold 位置,之后再将它封闭。
)4.按住“Play/Pause(播放/暂停)”键和“Menu(菜单)”键6-10秒直至泛起 Apple/iPod 徽标。
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Watch fiቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱms and TV shows.
• The vivid 2.5-inch display makes video come alive. Purchase or rent films, buy TV shows, and download video podcasts from the iTunes Store, then sync them to your iPod classic to watch anywhere, anytime.
为了帮助保护您的隐私,PowerPoint 禁止自动下载此外部图片。若要下载并显示此图片,请单击消息栏中的 “选项”,然后单击 “启用外部内容 ”。
iPod classic
The Apple iPod Classic
• You can watch your favorite movies and entertain anytime and anywhere.
Hold everything.
• iPod classic gives you 160GB of storage capacity, which can hold up to 40,000 songs, 200 hours of video, 25,000 photos or any combination. And you get up to 36 hours of battery life, so you can keep on rocking for a long, long time.
Play iPod games.
• iPod classic comes with games — Vortex, and Klondike. Designed specifically for the Click Wheel interface, they put hours of fun at your fingertips.
Share your photos.
• iPod classic uses iTunes to sync the photos you have in photo on a Mac. You can view photo slideshows complete with music and transitions on iPod classic, or play them on a TV using an optional Apple component or composite AV cable.
Leave no tune behind.
• With 160GB, you can carry your entire media library with you everywhere. • With 160GB of space, iPod classic means you can always have your entire music and video library with you. Carry it from the living room to a party in the garden. Or take it on a cross-country road trip and never listen to the same song twice.