



I. English song ---hand shoulder knees and toe
• Head and shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes.(重复) • Eyes and ears and mouth and nose • Head and shoulders knees and toes,knees and toes(重复)
The characteristics of the English class in the kindergarten.
• (一)主要侧重英语兴趣的培养和英语氛 围的感受,到中、大班逐渐转向英语基础 知识和基本技能的掌握。 • (二)只进行听、说技能的培养,并且是 在听的基础上训练说的能力;不进行认读 和拼写。 • (三)具有极强的实践性,因此必须安排 大量的听说活动来作为外部手段使幼儿掌 握吸收所学知识。
• 7. Happy Children’s Day.儿童节快乐! 8. Merry Christmas Day.圣诞节快乐! 9. Happy Mid-Autumn Day. 中秋快乐! 10. Happy birthday to you! 祝你生日快乐! 11. Happy New Year! 新年快乐! 12. Happy Teachers’ Day! 教师节快乐! 13.What’s your name?My name is Bobo. 你叫什么名字?我叫Bobo。 Now, let me introduce myself.现在我介绍 一下我自己
第一节 幼儿英语课堂教学的特点

外研版四年级英语下册《Module 1 Unit 1》课堂教学课件PPT小学公开课

外研版四年级英语下册《Module 1 Unit 1》课堂教学课件PPT小学公开课

外研版·英语·四年级下册Module 1Unit 1She’s a nice teacher.第一课时thinShe is thin.She’s very thin.fatHe is fat.He’s a bit fat .short The father is tall. His son is short.The father is tall, but his son is short.New WordscleverThis is Sun Wukong. He’s clever.He’s naughty.niceThis is Sha seng.He’s nice.shyThis is Mr. Tang. He’s shy.Listen, point and say.Look, the elephant is clever.And verynaughty too.Listen, point and find “She’s/He’s…”Hello. They are my friends.This is Maomao. She’s very nice.B u t s h e ’s ab i t s h y .T h is is M s S m a r t .S h e ’s a n ic e t e a c h e r .This is Xiaoyong. He’s a clever pupil.And this is Parrot.C a n y o u a n s w e rt h e c a ll n o w Parrot is very naughty! But he’s not a bad bird.H a h a…How many friends does Panpan have? Panpan has four friends.Who are they?They are Maomao, Ms smart, Xiaoyong and Parrot .Answer the questions.I c a n d o i t !Hello, boys and girls. I have a friend. He is tall and thin. He has short hair. His eyes are big. His mouth is small. Who ishe?And he is also clever.cleverMy friend’s sister is Maomao. She doesn’t talk too much and is nervous in front ofstrangers. So she is shy.shyXiaoyong’s teacher is Ms Smart. She teaches very well and is good to her students. So she is nice.niceXiaoyong has a parrot. He can answer the call. So he is very naughty.naughtyOne student act out and the other one guess.n c a n l s u s e i h g h c v y h y e t r yHello. They are my friends.This is Maomao.She’s very nice .But she’sa bit shy.What is she like? Who is she?W h o i s ab i ts h y i n o u rc l a s sWhat is she like?Who is she?Who is nicein our class?This is Ms Smart.She’s a niceteacher.Who is he?What is he like?Who is clever in our class?This is Xiaoyong. He’s a cleverpupil.Who is he?What is he like?Who is naughty in our class?And this is Parrot.Can you answer the call now?Parrot is very naughty ! But he’s not a bad bird.Ha ha…nice naughty nice, shy clever Guess, what he/she is like?____ s h e ’s a ________.S h e ’s M s S m a r t .._.C a n y o u _n o w ?H a h a …Hello. They are_m _y _f _r _ie _n _d _s _.T _h _i _s _is Maomao. S h e ’s _v e _r _y n i _c _e _.B u t a b i t s h y T h i s i s a n ic e t e a c h e r _T _h _i _s _i _s _X i a o y o n g .He’s a c _l e _v _e _r _p _u _p _i l And _t _h _i s _i _s Parrot.a n s w e r t h e c a ll Parrot is_v _e _r _y _n _a _u _g _h _t y ! But he’s not a bad bird.Hello. They are my friends.This is Maomao.She’s very nice.B u t s h e’s ab i t s h y .T h is is M s S m a r t.S h e’s a n ic e t e a c h e r .This is Xiaoyong. He’s a clever pupil.And this isParrot.C a n y o u a n s w e rt h e c a ll n o wParrot is very naughty!But he’s not a bad bird.H a h a…Group work: describe your classmates.Practise the sentences and make new sentences.This is… He’s/She’s very/a bit…This is… He’s/She’s… But she’s/he’s…Guessing game.One student describe the picture. The other one guess who he/she is.可以用有特点的班里学生的照片。

英语课堂教学活动 ppt课件

英语课堂教学活动 ppt课件

• 如何创新
• 细化(具体实施) • 调整
学生从你的活动中获得了什么? 活动的有效性
整册书教学目标 单元教学目标
三 维 目 标
新授课 复习课 拓展课 故事课
•• Put yourself at the position of the students
•• Put the students to experience the learning process
•• Put the emphasis on students’ practice
• 课堂活动设计的原则
所有的活动都应该为教学服务,为学生 更好地完成学习任务服务,不能为活动 而活动,更不能为了活动加大教学难度。
• 英语课堂是学生学习英语的主阵地。
感受语言 领悟语言
理解语言 运用语言
观察学生的 学习过程
判断学生的 学习效果
词 汇 句型 语音训练活动
按活动形式分 真实情景活动 模拟情景活动 角色扮演活动 游戏活动
教学目标-案例1 (初稿)
(一)知识技能目标 1.学生能掌握astronaut, detective,

外研版四年级英语上册《Module 8 Unit 2》课堂教学课件PPT小学公开课

外研版四年级英语上册《Module 8 Unit 2》课堂教学课件PPT小学公开课

外研版 英语 四年级上册Module 8Unit 2 Sam is going to ride a horse.第一课时第二课时o’clock sock sea swimsuit tomorrowfromvisitplane get up第一课时幸运抽奖活动the moonthe UK Hainan老师出示四个地点。



如:I’m going to visit Hainan by plane. I’m going to swim there.the zooswimfly a kiterow a boatride a horsetake some picturesShe is going to flya kite.He is going to row a boat. Listen, point and say.What is he going to do?He is going to fish.钓鱼(v)鱼 (n)Listen and fill. ____goingto fish.It’s__________too.____ going toeat the fish.Ha ha …It’sgoing to fishWe’reIt’s going to fish.It’s goingto fish too.We’re going toeat the fish.Ha ha …Listen and read after it.Game.一组学生在台前做相应动作表演,另一组学生在台后读对话,表演的那组学生要与对话的学生说出的语言口型一致。

We’re going to play in the park tomorrow.hooray(表示激动与高兴的喊声)好,好哇Listen and say.Hooray!Let’s say “hooray” together!Hooray!in the parkWhat are you going to do in the park?ride a horse row a boatfly a kitefishDo and chant.Fly, fly, fly a kite.Take, take, take some pictures.Ride, ride, ride a horse.Row, row, row a boat.Listen and fill.Name Amy Daming Sam Lingling Activity(活动)Listen and read after it.We’re going to playin the parktomorrow.Hooray!Amy is going to fly akite. Daming is goingto take some pictures.Sam is going to ride ahorse. Lingling is goingto row a boat. She’sgoing to fish too.Amy going to fly a kite.Sam going to ride a horse.It going to fish.I going to visit my grandpa.I going to swim.We going to visit Hainan.We going to get up at 5 o’clock. Let’s see.is is is am am are are be 动词随主语的变化而变化。



• (1)Let's chant. 教师可借助歌谣、歌曲、节拍,调动学生的眼、耳、口、 手、脑等多种器官参与开课教学活动,以达到创设良好的英语氛围,激发儿童学 习英语的热情。
• (2)Le's sing. 唱歌热身是教学的第一个环节,唱歌时配上适当的动作,通过 歌声营造英语学习气氛,并通过唱歌集中学生的注意力。
•情景导入是指利用形象、直观的教学手段创 设情景,把认知活动与其发生的实际生活情 景有机结合起来。情景导入法是英4页
• 小学英语教育主张轻松教英语,轻松学英语。然而,学生往往在轻松的课堂中忘记自己的主要任务,陶醉 于游戏之中。而且,小学生年纪小,自控能力差,课堂上经常出现开小差的情况。这就要求我们拥有高超 的课堂教学组织技巧去应对处理这些情况。
•游戏导入法就是在呈现新知识前组织生动有 趣的英语游戏,通过游戏复习调动已有的知 识和技能,为新课教学做好铺垫。游戏能引 发学生的无意注意,变枯燥的复习为丰富多 彩的游戏活动,能使学生在玩中学、学中玩。
小学生爱玩,教师可根据学生这一特点,采用 游戏式导入,可收到很好的效果。在学习职业时 可以设计几件小小的道具:teacher教棍;doctor 带有红十字的帽;farmer草帽。学生在游戏中很 快就学会了运用"What does he/she do?" 轻松 愉快中就达到教学目的.这种学生喜闻乐见的游 戏式导入,适用于看医生、购物等场景性很强的 课文教学中。教师在设计教学时可能会麻烦一些, 但收到的效果是物有所值。
• 有人说:“老师是最好的演员。”此话一点不假。我甚至认为:在某些方面,做老师比做演员更难,演员 有事先设计好的台词和场景,只要按照导演的意思去演就行,而且演不好还可以重新再演,老师虽然也有 教案,但是课堂上要发生的事情是无法预料的,这就要求我们老师用不同的课堂教学组织技巧去应对,而 且有时还要几种技巧同时运用。只有在平时的课堂上不断积累,方能在遇到问题时从容面对,应付自如。 第22页/共34页

外研版五年级英语上册《Module 1 Unit 1》课堂教学课件PPT小学公开课

外研版五年级英语上册《Module 1 Unit 1》课堂教学课件PPT小学公开课

外研版 英语 五年级上册Module 1Unit 1 Did you come back yesterday?第一课时第二课时第一课时Free talk.Did you have a good summer holiday?Where did you go?What did you do?Guess: Where did I go and what did I do on summer holiday?I went to London.go-wentI met a friend.meet-metWe visited the London Eye andBig Ben.visit-visitedWe saw many oldbuildings.see-sawLet’s chant together.Lingling went to London Town.She met John, a little boy.They visited the London Eye,and saw the city from above the ground .Lingling went to London Town.此句是一般过去时态的句子,表示过去某一时刻或一段时间所发生的事情或存在的状态。

Went 是实义动词 go 的过去式。

句型结构:主语 + 过去式+ 其他。

I did my homework.I was young in this picture.Listen, read and act out.Is Lingling a Chinese?Where is she now?When did she go?Lingling is in London with Sam and Amy.They met John one day. Let’s see what happened.Listen and answer.1. Did Amy come back to London yesterday?No, she didn’t.2. Does John live near Amy and Sam?Yes, he does.3. Did Lingling drop her ice cream?Yes, she did.Did Amy come back yesterday?todaylast Sunday指一指today yesterday last Sunday last Saturday last weeklast weekend last month last yearGame.开火车以列为单位,从每列第一位同学开始,每人说一个表示过去的时间词,后面的同学不能重复。

外研版六年级英语上册《Module 10 Unit 2》课堂教学课件PPT小学公开课

外研版六年级英语上册《Module 10 Unit 2》课堂教学课件PPT小学公开课

外研版 英语 六年级上册Module 10Unit 2 Go straight on!第一课时第二课时第一课时Free talk.What should we do in the library?Stand in line.Be quiet.What should we not do in the library? Don’t talk in the library.We must obey the rules in the library. We must obey the traffic rules too. Can you tell me some traffic rules?Listen and read after it.The light is red.Please don’t cross.Now it’s green.You can cross.Say and do.Go at the green light.Stop at the red light.Read and recite.The light is red.Please don’t cross.Now it’s green.You can cross.Listen and read.Now we know the traffic lights.Do you know any other traffic signs?Go straight on.Turn right.Turn left.Don’t turn left.Don’t turn right.Don’t ride your bicycle here.Walk!Don’t walk!Go!Don’t go!I say you do.Go straight on.Turn right.Turn left.Be quiet!Walk!Don’t walk!Listen and read after it.Stop! Don’t go!Go! It’sgreen now.Go straight on!Don’t ride yourbicycle here!Don’t walk!Walk!Turn left.Don’t turn righthere!Look and match.1.Walk! 2.Don’t turn right here! 3.Stop! Don’t go! 4.Go straight on!1.Go! It’s green now.2.Don’t ride your bicycle here!3.Don’t walk!4.Turn left.Read and recite.Stop! Don’t go!Go! It’sgreen now.Go straight on!Don’t ride yourbicycle here!Don’t walk!Walk!Turn left.Don’t turn righthere!Now we know the traffic rules.We should remember when we are walking or driving and we must obey the traffic rules.But if we don’t know the way, what should we do? If someone asks you for directions, can you show him?Look at the map. Then give directions.school zoo department store toy shop A: Excuse me. How do I get tothe school?B: Turn right and go to WhiteStreet. Go straight on.Turn left at Red Street. Theschool is on your right.A: Thank you.Short Street Small Street Long Street Red Street W h it e S t r e e t You are here!Toy Shop Department StoreZooSchoolExcuse me. How do I get to the school?此句是询问某人如何达到某地的句型。

外研版五年级英语上册《Module 10 Unit 2》课堂教学课件PPT小学公开课

外研版五年级英语上册《Module 10 Unit 2》课堂教学课件PPT小学公开课

外研版 英语 五年级上册Module 10Unit 2 Don’t shout, please!第一课时第二课时say is do playfind 快速说出单词的过去式。

第一课时What do they mean?Don’t shout.Don’t walk.“Don't”意为:禁止、命令、劝告,通常为向听话者发出命令、提出要求或建议。

Don't run.Don't speak.Baby’s mother : Don’ t shout,please! My baby issleeping.Amy : Sorry. I didn’ t know.Listen and read.Ms Smart: Don’ t climb the tree! It’s dangerous. Sam: Sorry, Mum.Ms Smart: Don’t walk on the grass, Amy !Amy: Sorry. Let’ s go and see the pandas, Sam!Sam: Great! Let’s go!Why can't they shout in the zoo?Becausethe baby is sleeping.Answer the questions.Why can't they climb the tree?Because it's dangerous.危险的dangerousWhy can't they walk on the grass?Because it will hurt grass.Role play.Don’t…!It’s…Sorry…自编情景对话。

A: Don’t…B: Sorry…Look and write. Then say.Don't climb the tree!Don’t walk on the grass!Don’t shout!Don’t swim in the river!一、用所给单词的正确形式填空。

英语课堂十分钟 ppt课件

英语课堂十分钟 ppt课件
• 所以,她在期待你的到来…… • So, she is expecting your arrival
美景期待你的发现 谢谢
There are water Cave, White Cloud Temple, Goddess, Stone Forest scenic and other six were composed of 72 spots.
那时我想,清凉山或许是太荒凉了…… At that time, I think, maybe too deserted of
封龙山以奇山怪石著称。有省内最早的文化历史遗迹封龙书院等多 处景点。封龙山现存两处石窟, 素为历史文化名山。西麓的西石 堂院有窟三个,为省保护文物。
The peculiar mountains and stones known. There remains the province's first cultural history of the College Long Feng and other scenic spots. Fenglong existing two caves, famous historical and cultural factors. West Shek Tong Xi Lu Cave homes have three, as the provincial cultural relics protection.
隆兴寺 规模极大, 千年古刹。主要建筑分布在南北中轴线及其两侧, 有天王殿、大觉六师殿 ( 遗址 ) 摩尼殿、牌楼门、戒坛、慈氏阁 、转轮藏阁、康熙乾隆二御碑亭、大悲阁、御书楼和集庆阁 ( 遗址 ) 弥陀殿、龙泉井亭、毗卢殿等建筑。

外研版六年级英语上册《Module 6 Unit 1》课堂教学课件PPT小学公开课

外研版六年级英语上册《Module 6 Unit 1》课堂教学课件PPT小学公开课

外研版 英语 六年级上册Module 6Unit 1 You’ve got a letter from New York.第一课时第二课时第一课时Sing a song: You’ve got …I have got...Look and say.Free talk.I have got many books.Have you got many books?What book have you got?I’ve got some books about China.I’ve got a book about the US.about 的用法小结表示“关于”。


This is a story abouttime.There’re about 40 students on the playground.Have you got a book about China?No, I haven’t.Yes, I have.Have you got a book about China?这是have 引导的一般疑问句,表示“某人有……吗?”have 要随主语的变化而变化,当主语是第三人称单数时,要用 has 。

— Have you got a pet dog?— Yes, I have./No, I haven’t.句型结构:Have/Has + 主语 + got + 其他?肯定回答:Yes, 主语 + have/has.否定回答:No, 主语 + haven’t/hasn’t.关于have /has got 的其他常用固定句式陈述句句型结构:主语 + have/has got + 其他.I have got a new bike.She has gota white dress.关于have /has got 的其他常用固定句式I haven’t got a blue T-shirt.He hasn’t got a book about Hua Mulan.否定句句型结构:主语 + have/has not got + 其他.have/has not 可以缩写为haven’t/hasn’t 。

人教版九年级英语上册《Unit 6 Section B 2a-2e》课堂教学课件PPT初中公开课

人教版九年级英语上册《Unit 6 Section B 2a-2e》课堂教学课件PPT初中公开课

Unit 6Section B 2a-2e人教版 英语 九年级上册u To learn the new words and expressions :the Olympics, Canadian, basket, hero, divide ...into..., not only...but also..., look up to...u To retell when and how basketball was invented.u If you like, you can talk more about basketball.ØLead-inWhat are the sports that are usually played indoors?ping-pong swimmingWhat are the sports that are played outdoors?runningbasketballfootballDo you like basketball?Do you like basketball?Do you watch basketball games?How much do you know about this sport? Discuss the sport with your partner and share your ideas with the class.Equipment about basketballbasketballbasket 篮筐backboard 篮板net篮网wooden floorbasketball court2a Do you like basketball? Do you watch basketball games? How much do you know about this sport? Discuss the sport with your partner and shareyour ideas with the class.professional basketball playersthe most famous team in Americathe most famous team in China Basket is not only a popular sport to play, but also a popular sport to watch.1. Where can we play basketball?2. Why do many people love playing basketball? We can see people playing in parks, schools and even factories.They play basketball for fun or exercise. That is to say, basketball is a much-loved and active sport.Do you know how to play a basketball game?Where : It’s played inside on a______floor.How many teams :______people _____two teams Rules : get the ball in the other team’s_________.At the same time, _____the competing team ____getting the ball into their own basket.hard divide into basket stop from2b Read the passage quickly. What is the mainidea of each paragraph?Do You Know When Basketball Was Invented?Basketball is a much-loved and active sport that is enjoyed by many for fun and exercise. It is over 100 years old and is played by more than 100 million people in over 200 countries. It is believed that the first basketball game in history was played on December 21, 1891. Then in 1936 in Berlin, it became an event at the Olympics.Basketball was invented by a Canadian doctor named James Naismith, who was born in 1861. When he was a college teacher, he was asked to think of a game that could be played in the winter. Dr. Naismith created a game to be played inside on a hard floor. Dr. Naismith divided the men in his class into two teams and taught them to play his new game. Players on the same team must work together to get the ball in the other team’s basket. At the same time, theyneed to stop the competing team from getting the ball into their own basket.Today, the popularity of basketball has risen around the world, with many young people dreaming of becoming famous players. In China, you can sometimes see people playing basketball in parks, schools and even factories. Basketball has not only become a popular sport to play, but it has become a popular sport to watch. Although America’s NBA games are the most famous,the CBA games are becoming more popular in China. The number of foreign players, including Chinese players, in the NBA has increased. There are also more and more foreign players in the CBA. Many young people look up to these basketball heroes and want to become like them. These stars encourage young people to work hard to achieve their dreams.Match the main ideas with each paragraph.Para1. Para2. Para3.How basketball was invented Introduction to basketball The popularity of basketball today.Paragraph 1: Introduction to basketball.Whyhow oldwhowhereOnDecember21,1891In 1936for fun and exerciseover 100 years oldis played by more than 100 million peoplein over 200 countriesthe first basketball game was playedbecame an event at the OlympicsParagraph 2 How basketball was invented.inventorname Nationality(国籍)job was born JamesCanadian doctor in 1861 NaismithDr. Naismith: was asked to….created……divided….into… and taught….players: must work together to….need to stop…from…Paragraph 3 the popularity of basketball today.In china, you can see_____________________________________________America’s NBA games are the most________________.China’s CBA games are becoming ______________________.The number of foreign players in NBA has_____________.There are_______________ foreign players in the CBA.people playing in parks, schools and even factories famous more and more popular increased more and moreMany young people: dream of look up to ________________________The basketball stars___________ young people _____workhard to _______ their dreams.The writer thinks basketball is___________and___________sport. He also thinks it’s _________a popular sport to play,___________ a popular sport to watch. becoming famous playerthese basketball heroes to encourage achieve much-loved active not only but also2c Complete the mind map with the information in the passage. What else can you add to the mind map?Game DevelopmentPopularity•played inside on a hard ______ •_______ teams •get ____________ into other team’s ______ •invented by ___________•first game on __________•became Olympic event in ______ in the year ________ •most famous games:_______________•popular games in China: _________•played by _________________people •over _____ countries floor two the ball basket James Naismith 12.21.1891Berlin 1936NBA CBAmore than 100 million2002d Use the mind map to summarize what youand your partner remember about thedevelopment of basketball. Use the followingquestions to help you.1. Who invented basketball and how is it played?2. When was the first basketball game in history played?3. Why were the Berlin Olympics important for basketball?4. What are the professional basketball groups in America and China?5. How popular is basketball?1. Who invented basketball and how is it played? Dr. James Naismith invented basketball. There are two teams and players on the same team must work together to get the ball into the other team’s basket.2. When was the first basketball game inhistory played?On December 21, 1891.3. Why were the Berlin Olympics importantfor basketball?Because basketball became an Olympic event then. 4. What are the professional basketball groups in America and China?NBA in America and CBA in China.5. How popular is basketball?It is over 100 years old and is played by morethan 100 million people in over 200 countries.2e What do you think of famous basketball players? Make a list of good and difficult things aboutbeing a famous basketball player.good things difficult thingsbe a famous basketba ll player •can receive manycheers from fans•have moreopportunities to contactwith different people•must sacrifice yourown freedom andspaces , even yourpersonal life1.Basketball was invented by a Canadiandoctor named James Naismith, who wasborn in 1861.篮球是由加拿大一位名叫詹姆斯·奈史密斯的博士发明的。

英语课堂十分钟 PPT课件

英语课堂十分钟 PPT课件
• 偶遇绵绵细雨时,我们宅在家里,只贪恋小 窝的舒适
• Occasional drizzle, we stay home, only eager for the comfort of room
• 阴天雨天,我们一样乐此不疲,蹉跎青春的 岁月
• Cloudy rainy days, we do it this way, wasted days of youth
伏羲台 高低错落,主要建筑有 龙师殿、六佑殿、寝宫 、东西朝房、钟鼓二楼 、殿宇等近百间。台庙 一体。主配分明,结构 严谨。
Taiwan Fu Xi The level of scattered, the main temple building has long division, six Yu Temple, Palace, East and West toward the room, bells and drums on the second floor, among hundreds of temples, etc.. Taiwan temple one. Primary service is clear, well-structured. 9
• 所以,她在期待你的到来…… • So, she is expecting your arrival
美景期待你的发现 谢谢
南岸是凤凰山, 北岸是青龙山。两山夹一湖 ” 因而得名 “ 龙凤湖 ” 青龙山上有龙角石、风动 石、小石林、石龟驮崽等自然景观;凤凰山主 峰南北侧各有一座小山与之紧紧相连,如同两 翼。
Dragon Lake South Bank is the Phoenix Mountains, North Shore is Qinglongsshan . Two Mountains and One Lake clip, "hence the name" Dragon Lake ", c. Qinglongshan on stone, wind stone, small stone forest, stone turtle cub pack and other natural landscape; Phoenix Mountain have a hill north of the main peak of the South are closely linked with them, as wings.

高中英语开学第一节课 PPT课件 图文

高中英语开学第一节课 PPT课件 图文

1.去年,李雷离家前往上海读书,他饱受孤独之苦。suffer from loneliness 2. 他的父母非常担心他的生活与安全。be concerned about 3.一年后,李雷渐渐喜欢上了上海,并且与同学相处融洽。 get along with
4. 面对困难时,他懂得了如何度过难关。 go through
There’s a saying: Reading thousands of books is equal to walking thousands of miles. But I want to say: walking thousands of miles is equal to Reading thousands of books. It’s really good to have journeys .How about your summer vacation?
品 牌
舒肤佳 Safeguard 保护
标 识
标 识
微博 Micro blog
山寨 copycat
水货 smuggled goods
裸婚 naked wedding
网 炫富
flaunt wealth
络 骨感美女 boney beauty 热 人肉搜索 flesh search

watch sister 表妹
Requests for learning Senior English 高三英语学习要求
1. 抓词汇、习语、句型的理解、记忆和运用
2. 重视听、说、读、写四项基本能力,学会用英 语思维
3. 扩充阅读材料,拓展知识面,扩充知识量
4. 加大练习量,提高语言综合运用能力
5. 养成良好的学习英语习惯,学会与他人合作学 习
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教“水果类”单词时,把 准备 好的水果装进一个大包 里, 用What’s in the bag ? 的句型提问
在教数字的时候,老师带来一个彩色的 “魔方”,一上课,就对同学们说“Let’s play a game today .Who is lucky ?”
Cherry Penny
英语课堂导入是英语教师在一 项新的教学内容和活动开始前,引导 学生进入学习的行为方式。
俗话说,“良好的开端是成功的一半”, 巧妙的导入同样是英语课堂成功的开始。 新颖、有效的导人不仅在上课之初就能 紧紧吸引学生的注意力,提起他们学习 本课知识的浓厚兴趣,而且在接下来的 上课时间里可以生生互动,师生互动, 圆满地完成教学任务。

在以传授新知识为主的课堂教 学中,先安排3-5分钟的口语复习 时间,采取多种问答形式,针对实 际情况进行问答。

在导入Go1-Unit 5-Let’s Talk 这一课时,说下 周是Jenny的生日,我们来给她开一个生日party, 请同学们做好准备。在导入新课时,干脆把教室 布置一下,找一位同学扮演Jenny,请同学们把 带来的礼物gift 送给她:“Here’s your present . ” 老师拿出准备好的生日蛋糕cake ,师生一起点 生日蜡烛candle ,分吃蛋糕,共唱生日快乐歌 “Happy birthday to you !”。把日常生活情景搬 进课堂,让学生在交际交往中表情达意,极大地 激发了学生的好奇心与求知欲,从而激发起学生 们学习英语的热情。
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
直接导入 法
当第一节课时,老师走进教室热情 地向同学们打招呼说“Hello”或“Hi”。 与近处的同学握手,向远处的同学挥 手。表扬那些用英语向你打招呼的同 学说“Very good . Well done.”或 “Clever boy/girl .”。紧接着展示本课 的图片,让同学们观察图片,说说图 中的人物在学校门口和同学们干什么? 让同学们回想一下老师怎样用英语同 你打招呼的? 直接呈现课文的主旨, 同学们很快就学会了用英语打招呼。
Arouse(激励;启发) Advertise(引起注意) Advance(促进)
英语课堂导入方式都有哪些 ?
英语TPR活动导入、 歌曲活动导入、 游戏 活动导入、 故事导入、绘画活动导入、 趣
味情景表演活动导入,韵句导入法,猜想导 入法等.
生搬硬套, 过于牵强。
有些英语课堂对于较沉稳班级和较活跃 班级的同一教材、同一内容采用相同的导入 方法,却无法达到同等的教学效果。而有些 课堂对同一个班级总是使用几种老套的导入 方法,让学生感觉枯燥乏味。“导”无定法, 切忌生搬硬套。
课堂导入因人因时因地不同,方法多 种多样,不拘一格,要根据实际情况灵活运 用。
由一个学生预先说出一种颜色,另外一个同 学指出所说的颜色,并且数一数这种颜色的 方块一共有几个? 全班分成几组来做,哪一组 说得准确率高,哪一组就是最幸运的人。
多媒体成了目前教学中教师普 遍采用的一种教学手段。由于多 媒体具有集图形、声音、动作、 板书于一身的特点,对生性好动 的小学生们而言,多媒体教学可 以激发他们耳、眼、口、鼻、脑 器官的整合。
学习Body(身体)时,单 词多又难,不易记忆,先让学 生 听一首“人体部位”的 《Head and shoulders ,knees and toes》按照歌词用手指向身
思有了初步的认识,然后再播放 几遍,边唱边指。
有些英语课堂没有针对性,只是为 了“导入”而“导入新课”。这样 就使得这节课一开始就中心不明, 无法引起学生的注意力,反而误导 学生.