Director 使用技巧
Director MX 2004使用问答
Director MX 2004使用问答Q: 为什么用MX2004打包后会显示标题栏?A:把display template中的titlebat options里的选项都取消就可以了。
Q:如何在DR中打开word文件A:1,在d内打开须使用activex2,在d外打开调用word程序打开即可Q:怎样实现让用户选择不同的背景音乐?A:on mouseUp me,7v@fileobj=new(xtra "fileio")~M+Hhffileobj.setFilterMask("all file, *.*,mp3,*.mp3,wave, *.wav")ifilename=displayOpen(fileobj)^|kHUbif filename="" or filename=void then exitU9closefile(fileobj) jhIsound playFile 2, string(filename)endQ:请问怎么给mpg视频加遮照?A:1,利用open widndow 做视频遮照2,用MPEG advance xtra 插件,在属性窗口中把playback opitions 下的DTS取消了,就可以了,然后就在视频之上的通道里放你遮的图片即可Q:怎么检测本机是否连接到intel网上?A:WinSocket Xtra Ad可以实现,说明:WinSocket Xtra 是一套Sprite Xtra,一共有三个,分别为 TCPServer.X32,TCPClient.X32和UDPSocket.X32。
UDPSocket.X32采用UDP 协议。
详细描述符号和实例的概念,以及它们在Director中 的用途和创建方法。
在Director中,符号是一种可重复使用的元素,可以 包含形状、位图、文本等多种内容。实例是符号的复 制品,可以对其属性进行修改而不影响原始符号。通 过创建符号和实例,可以方便地管理和重复使用元素 ,提高制作效率。创建符号的方法是先在舞台中绘制 或导入元素,然后将其拖拽到符号库中。创建实例的 方法是在舞台中拖拽符号库中的符号。
利用人工智能技术分析学 生的学习习惯和需求,为 每个学生提供定制化的学 习方案。
借助人工智能技术,为学 生提供智能答疑、作业批 改等服务,减轻教师工作 负担。
利用人工智能收集学生的 学习数据,为教学决策提 供科学依据,提高教学质 量。
根据课件的需求,选择合适的数 据库类型,如MySQL、SQLite、
MongoDB等,以满足数据存储 和查询的需求。
了解并掌握与数据库建立连接的方 法,如JDBC、ODBC、ORM等, 以保证课件能够与数据库进行数据 交互。
能够进行基本的数据操作,如增、 删、改、查等,以便于课件中数据 的处理和展示。
详细描述Director软件的界面布局,包括菜单栏、工具 栏、舞台等区域,以及各区域的功能和特点。
Director软件界面简洁明了,分为菜单栏、工具栏、舞 台、属性检查器、脚本编辑器等区域。菜单栏包含文件 、编辑、查看等常用命令。工具栏提供各种常用的工具 ,如选择、画线、矩形等。舞台是展示内容的区域,可 以通过拖拽方式放置和排列元素。属性检查器可以设置 和修改元素属性,如位置、大小、颜色等。脚本编辑器 用于编写和编辑Lingo脚本语言,实现各种交互和动态 效果。
powerdirector 2024激活方法
powerdirector 2024激活方法摘要:1.PowerDirector 2024 简介2.激活PowerDirector 2024 的常用方法3.激活过程中可能遇到的问题及解决方案4.总结正文:PowerDirector 是一款功能强大的视频编辑软件,深受广大用户喜爱。
本文将为您介绍如何激活PowerDirector 2024 版本,并提供一些实用技巧。
一、PowerDirector 2024 简介PowerDirector 2024 继承了前几个版本的优点,如界面简洁、操作便捷、功能丰富等。
为了让用户更好地体验这款软件,以下是激活PowerDirector 2024 的常用方法。
二、激活PowerDirector 2024 的常用方法1.注册码激活:首先,打开PowerDirector 2024,点击“激活”按钮。
3.免费试用:如果您只想体验PowerDirector 2024 的基本功能,可以申请免费试用。
四、总结通过以上方法,您可以顺利激活PowerDirector 2024。
Director中非常有用的一个Xtra是MUI Dialog Xtra,这是D自代的对话框生成器。
在6.0版本中就有这个Xtra了,但是很奇怪大多开发者都只应用了它最基本的特性,如果他们能否充分利用MUI Xtra的话,那么,你就可以自己定义个完全响应的对话框,而不是去用很废内存和磁盘空间的MIAW来实现。
(你可以使用这些Lingo程序来生成特定平台的对话框)对话框种类你可以用MUI Xtra来产生两种对话框:“标准”对话框和“常规应用”对话框。
关于使用标准警告对话框请参考Multimedia Handyman artical。
如果你所需要的对话框包含一组单选按钮(radio buttons)、多选按钮(checkboxes)、弹出列表框、文本输入框、文本标签、滑块、按钮或者图形,那你就需要用“常规应用”对话框来定制。
(为你的程序添加一个选项对话框)你可以这么想,用MUI Xtra来创建一个“标准”对话框就好像应用MUI的第一层,而创建“常规应用”对话框就好像应用MUI的第二层,稍微费力一些,但是仍然需要“第一层”应用的基础。
director 应用技巧
beginsprite for frame 1
stepFrame for frame 1
prepareframe for frame 1
enterFrame for frmae 1
下面的一段程序就能实现暂停/继续播放声音的功能。全部变量必需声明为 global 或 property 类型,并且要初始myResume=1。因为它们是用来记忆当前单击时声音的各种状态,
on mouseUp me
if myResume and soundBusy(mySoundChannel) then -- 等于 1 时是暂停,等于 0 时是播放
open ‘‘c:\windows\rundll.exe user.exe,exitwindows‘‘
若要重新启动计算机,改为 ‘‘c:\windows\rundll.exe user.exe ,exitwindowsexec‘‘
在用Director开发多媒体软件时使用声音是件很平常和容易的事。这都得益于director中众多的声音通道(有8个之多)。在 score 中有两个通道是专门用于播放声音的(如图),也是最常用到的,只要把声音演员拖放到上面,再调整一下它的长短和位置就行了,但是这种方法缺乏灵活性。解决的方法就是用lingo,lingo播放声音的命令有:
sprite(me.spriteNum).cursor=280 --手形光标
IDENTIFYING AND TREATING ATTENTION DEFICIT HYPERACTIVITY DISORDER:A RESOURCE FOR SCHOOL AND HOME2003Identifying and TreatingAttention DeficitHyperactivity Disorder:A Resource for School and Home2003U.S. Department ofEducationThis report was produced under U.S. Department of Education Contract No. HS97017002 with the American Institutes for Research. Kelly Henderson served as technical representative for this project.U.S. Department of EducationRod PaigeSecretaryOffice of Special Education and Rehabilitative ServicesRobert H. PasternackAssistant SecretaryOffice of Special Education ProgramsStephanie LeeDirectorResearch to Practice DivisionLouis C. DanielsonDirectorAugust 2003This report is in the public domain. Authorization to reproduce it in whole or in part is granted. While permission to reprint this publication is not necessary, the citation should be: U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services, Office of Special Education Programs, Identifying and Treating Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: A Resource for School and Home, Washington, D.C., 20202.To order copies of this report,write to: ED Pubs, Education Publications Center, U.S. Department of Education, P. O. Box 1398,Jessup, MD 20794-1398;or fax your request to: (301) 470-1244;or e-mail your request to: edpubs@.or call in your request toll-free: 1-877-433-7827 (1-877-4-ED-PUBS). If 877 service is not yet available in your area, call1-800-872-5327 (1-800-USA-LEARN). Those who use a telecommunications device for the deaf (TDD) or a teletypewriter (TTY), should call 1-800-437-0833.or order online at: /pubs/edpubs.html.This report is also available on the Department’s Web site at: /offices/OSERS/OSEP/.On request, this publication is available in alternate formats, such as Braille, large print, audiotape, or computer diskette. For more information, please contact the Department’s Alternate Format Center at (202) 260-9895 or (202) 205-8113.CONTENTSIdentifying and Treating Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: A Resource for School and Home (1)What Causes ADHD? (2)How Do We Identify ADHD? (3)Legal Requirements for Identification of and Educational Services for Children With ADHD (5)Behavioral Evaluation (6)Educational Evaluation (7)Medical Evaluation (8)What Are the Treatment Options? (9)Behavioral Approaches (9)Pharmacological Approaches (10)Multimodal Approaches (12)How Does ADHD Affect School Performance? (13)Helpful Hints (13)Tips for Home (14)Tips for School (15)References (16)IDENTIFYING AND TREATING ATTENTION DEFICIT HYPERACTIVITYDISORDER: A RESOURCE FOR SCHOOL AND HOMEWe have all had one of these experiences at one time or another. Perhaps it was at the grocery store, watching frustrated parents call their children’s names repeatedly and implore them to “put that down.” Maybe it was a situation at school with a child who could not seem to sit still and was always in motion. Maybe we noticed a child who appears always to be daydreaming in class —the student who will not focus on an activity long enough to finish it. Possibly the child is bored with a task, seemingly as soon as it has begun, and wants to move on to something else. We all puzzle over these challenging behaviors.Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) has many faces and remains one of the most talked-about and controversial subjects in education. Hanging in the balance of heated debates over medication, diagnostic methods, and treatment options are children, adolescents, and adults who must manage the condition and lead productive lives on a daily basis.What is ADHD?Definition Core Categories Comorbidity Social Impact Prevalence•••••Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a neurological condition that involves problems with inattention and hyperactivity-impulsivity that are developmentally inconsistent with the age of the child. We are now learning that ADHD is not a disorder of attention, as had long been assumed. Rather, it is a function of developmental failure in the brain circuitry that monitors inhibition and self-control. This loss of self-regulation impairs other important brain functions crucial for maintaining attention, including the ability to defer immediate rewards for later gain (Barkley, 1998a). Behavior of children with ADHD can also include excessive motor activity. The high energy level and subsequent behavior are often misperceived as purposeful noncompliance when, in fact, they may be a manifestation of the disorder and require specific interventions. Children with ADHD exhibit a range of symptoms and levels of severity. Inaddition, many children with ADHD often are of at least average intelligence and have a range of personality characteristics and individual strengths.Children with ADHD typically exhibit behavior that is classified into two main categories: poor sustained attention and hyperactivity-impulsiveness. As a result, three subtypes of the disorder have been proposed by the American Psychiatric Association in the fourth edition of the Diagostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV): predominantly inattentive, predominantly hyperactive-impulsive, and combined types (Barkley, 1997). A child expressing hyperactivity commonly will appear fidgety, have difficulty staying seated or playing quietly, and act as if driven by a motor. Children displaying impulsivity often have difficultyparticipating in tasks that require taking turns. Other common behaviors may include blurting out answers to questions instead of waiting to be called and flitting from one task to another without finishing. The inattention component of ADHD affects the educational experience of these children because ADHD causes them to have difficulty in attending to detail in directions, sustaining attention for the duration of the task, and misplacing needed items. These childrenoften fail to give close attention to details, make careless mistakes, and avoid or dislike tasks requiring sustained mental effort.Although these behaviors are not in themselves a learning disability, almost one-third of all children with ADHD have learning disabilities (National Institute of Mental Health [NIMH], 1999). Children with ADHD may also experience difficulty in reading, math, and written communication (Anderson, Williams, McGee, & Silva, 1987; Cantwell & Baker, 1991; Dykman, Akerman, & Raney, 1994; Zentall, 1993). Furthermore, ADHD commonly occurs with other conditions. Current literature indicates that approximately 40–60 percent of children with ADHD have at least one coexisting disability (Barkley, 1990a; Jensen, Hinshaw, Kraemer, et al., 2001; Jensen, Martin, & Cantwell, 1997). Although any disability can coexist with ADHD, certain disabilities seem to be more common than others. These include disruptive behavior disorders, mood disorders, anxiety disorders, tics and Tourette’s Syndrome, and learning disabilities (Jensen, et al., 2001). In addition, ADHD affects children differently at different ages. In some cases, children initially identified as having hyperactive-impulsive subtype are subsequently identified as having the combined subtype as their attention problems surface.These characteristics affect not only the academic lives of students with ADHD, they may affect their social lives as well. Children with ADHD of the predominantly hyperactive-impulsive type may show aggressive behaviors, while children of the predominantly inattentive type may be more withdrawn. Also, because they are less disruptive than children with ADHD who are hyperactive or impulsive, many children who have the inattentive type of ADHD go unrecognized and unassisted. Both types of children with ADHD may be less cooperative with others and less willing to wait their turn or play by the rules (NIMH, 1999; Swanson, 1992; Waslick & Greenhill, 1997). Their inability to control their own behavior may lead to social isolation. Consequently, the children’s self-esteem may suffer (Barkley, 1990a).In the United States, an estimated 1.46 to 2.46 million children (3 percent to 5 percent of the student population) have ADHD (American Psychiatric Association, 1994; Anderson, et al., 1987; Bird, et al., 1988; Esser, Schmidt, & Woemer, 1990; Pastor & Reuben, 2002; Pelham, Gnagy, Greenslade, & Milich, 1992; Shaffer, et al., 1996; Wolraich, Hannah, Pinock, Baumgaertel, & Brown, 1996). Boys are four to nine times more likely to be diagnosed, and the disorder is found in all cultures, although prevalence figures differ (Ross & Ross, 1982).What Causes ADHD?ADHD has traditionally been viewed as a problem related to attention, stemming from an inability of the brain to filter competing sensory inputs such as sight and sound. Recent research, however, has shown that children with ADHD do not have difficulty in that area. Instead, researchers now believe that children with ADHD are unable to inhibit their impulsive motor responses to such input (Barkley, 1997; 1998a).It is still unclear what the direct and immediate causes of ADHD are, although scientific and technological advances in the field of neurological imaging techniques and genetics promise to clarify this issue in the near future. Most researchers suspect that the cause of ADHD is genetic or biological, although they acknowledge that the child’s environment helps determine specific behaviors.Imaging studies conducted during the past decade have indicated which brain regions may malfunction in patients with ADHD, and thus account for symptoms of the condition (Barkley,1998a). A 1996 study conducted at the National Institutes for Mental Health (NIMH) found that the right prefrontal cortex (part of the cerebellum) and at least two of the clusters of nerve cells known collectively as the basal ganglia are significantly smaller in children with ADHD (as cited in Barkley, 1998a). It appears that these areas of the brain relate to the regulation of attention. Why these areas of the brain are smaller for some children is yet unknown, but researchers have suggested mutations in several genes that are active in the prefrontal cortex and basal ganglia may play a significant role (Barkley, 1998a). In addition, some nongenetic factors have been linked to ADHD including premature birth, maternal alcohol and tobacco use, high levels of exposure to lead, and prenatal neurological damage. Although some people claim that food additives, sugar, yeast, or poor child rearing methods lead to ADHD, there is no conclusive evidence to support these beliefs (Barkley, 1998a; Neuwirth, 1994; NIMH, 1999).How Do We Identify ADHD?Although toddlers and preschoolers, on occasion, may show characteristics of ADHD, some of these behaviors may be normal for their age or developmental stage. These behaviors must be exhibited to an abnormal degree to warrant identification as ADHD. Even with older children, other factors (including environmental influences) can produce behaviors resembling ADHD. The criteria set forth by the fourth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders(DSM-IV) are used as the standardized clinical definition to determine the presence of ADHD (see DSM-IV Criteria for ADHD). A person must exhibit several characteristics to be clinically diagnosed as having ADHD:Severity. The behavior in question must occur more frequently in the child than in other children at the same developmental stage.Early onset. At least some of the symptoms must have been present prior to age 7.Duration. The symptoms must also have been present for at least 6 months prior to theevaluation.Impact. The symptoms must have a negative impact on the child’s academic or social life.Settings. The symptoms must be present in multiple settings.The specific DSM-IV criteria are set forth in the following chart.DSM-IV Criteria for Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity DisorderA. According to the DSM-IV, a person with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disordermust have either (1) or (2):(1) Six (or more) of the following symptoms of inattention have persisted for at least6 months to a degree that is maladaptive and inconsistent with developmental level:Inattention(a) often fails to give close attention to details or makes careless mistakes in schoolwork, work, or other activities(b) often has difficulty sustaining attention in tasks or play activities(c) often does not seem to listen when spoken to directly(d) often does not follow through on instructions and fails to finish schoolwork,chores, or duties in the workplace (not due to oppositional behavior or failure tounderstand instructions)(e) often has difficulty organizing tasks and activities(f) often avoids, dislikes, or is reluctant to engage in tasks that require sustainedmental effort (such as schoolwork or homework)(g) often loses things necessary for tasks or activities (e.g., toys, schoolassignments, pencils, books, or tools)(h) is often easily distracted by extraneous stimuli(i) is often forgetful in daily activities(2) Six (or more) of the following symptoms of hyperactivity-impulsivity havepersisted for at least 6 months to a degree that is maladaptive and inconsistent withdevelopmental level:Hyperactivity(a) often fidgets with hands or feet or squirms in seat(b) often leaves seat in classroom or in other situations in which remaining seatedis expected(c) often runs about or climbs excessively in situations in which it is inappropriate(in adolescents or adults, may be limited to subjective feelings or restlessness)(d) often has difficulty playing or engaging in leisure activities quietly(e) is often “on the go” or often acts as if “driven by a motor”(f) often talks excessively(g) often blurts out answers before questions have been completed(h) often has difficulty awaiting turn(i) often interrupts or intrudes on others (e.g., butts into conversations or games)B. Some hyperactive-impulsive or inattentive symptoms that caused impairment werepresent before age 7 years.C. Some impairment from the symptoms is present in two or more settings (e.g., at school[or work] and at home).D. There must be clear evidence of clinically significant impairment in social, academic,or occupational functioning.E. The symptoms do not occur exclusively during the course of a PervasiveDevelopmental Disorder, Schizophrenia, or other Psychotic Disorder and are not betteraccounted for by another mental disorder (e.g., Mood Disorder, Anxiety Disorder,Disassociative Disorder, or a Personality Disorder).Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, Combined Type: if both Criteria A1 and A2 are met for the past 6 months.Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, Predominantly Inattentive Type: ifCriterion A1 is met but Criterion A2 is not met for the past 6 months.Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, Predominantly Hyperactive-ImpulsiveType: if Criterion A2 is met but Criterion A1 is not met for the past 6 months.Source: American Psychiatric Association: Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition. Washington, DC, American Psychiatric Association, 1994.LEGAL REQUIREMENTS FOR IDENTIFICATION OF ANDEDUCATIONAL SERVICES FOR CHILDREN WITH ADHDTwo important federal mandates protect the rights of eligible children with ADHD—the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (Section 504). The regulations implementing these laws are 34 CFR sections 300 and 104, respectively, which require school districts to provide a “free appropriate public education” to students who meet their eligibility criteria. Although a child with ADHD may not be eligible for services under IDEA, he or she may meet the requirements of Section 504.The requirements and qualifications for IDEA are more stringent than those of Section 504. IDEA provides funds to state education agencies for the purpose of providing special education and related services to children evaluated in accordance with IDEA and found to have at least one of the 13 specific categories of disabilities, and who thus need special education and related services. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder may be considered under the specific category of “Other Health Impairment” (OHI), if the disability results in limited strength, vitality, or alertness, including a heightened alertness to environmental stimuli that results in limited alertness with respect to the educational environment and that is due to chronic or acute health problems.Under IDEA, each public agency—that is, each school district—shall ensure that a full and individual evaluation is conducted for each child being considered for special education and related services. The child’s individualized education program (IEP) team uses the results of the evaluation to determine the educational needs of the child. The results of a medical doctor’s, psychologist’s, or other qualified professional’s assessment indicating a diagnosis of ADHD may be an important evaluation result, but the diagnosis does not automatically mean that a child is eligible for special education and related services. A group of qualified professionals and the parent of the child determine whether the child is an eligible child with a disability according to IDEA. Children with ADHD also may be eligible for services under the “Specific Learning Disability,” “Emotional Disturbance,” or other relevant disability categories of IDEA if they have those disabilities in addition to ADHD.After it has been determined that a child is eligible for special education and related services under IDEA, an IEP is developed that includes a statement of measurable annual goals, including benchmarks or short-term objectives that reflect the student’s needs. The IEP goals are determined with input from the parents and cannot be changed without the parents’ knowledge. Although children who are eligible under IDEA must have an IEP, students eligible under Section 504 are not required to have an IEP but must be provided regular or special education and related aids or services that are designed to meet their individual educational needs as adequately as the needs of nondisabled students are met.Section 504 was established to ensure a free appropriate education for all children who have an impairment—physical or mental—that substantially limits one or more major life activities. If it can be demonstrated that a child’s ADHD adversely affects his or her learning—a major life activity in the life of a child—the student may qualify for services under Section 504. To be considered eligible for Section 504, a student must be evaluated to ensure that the disability requires special education or related services or supplementary aids and services. Therefore, a child whose ADHD does not interfere with his or her learning process may not be eligible forspecial education and related services under IDEA or supplementary aids and services under Section 504.IDEA and Section 504 require schools to provide special education or to make modifications or adaptations for students whose ADHD adversely affects their educational performance. Such adaptations may include curriculum adjustments, alternative classroom organization andmanagement, specialized teaching techniques and study skills, use of behavior management, and increased parent/ teacher collaboration. Eligible children with ADHD must be placed in regular education classrooms, to the maximum extent appropriate to their educational needs, with the use of supplementary aids and services if necessary. Of course, the needs of some children with ADHD cannot be met solely within the confines of a regular education classroom, and they may need special education or related aids or services provided in other settings.Components of a Comprehensive EvaluationBehavioralEducationalMedical• • •A diagnosis of ADHD is multifaceted and includes behavioral, medical, and educational data gathering. One component of the diagnosis includes an examination of the child’s history through comprehensive interviews with parents, teachers, and health care professionals.Interviewing these individuals determines the child’s specific behavior characteristics, when the behavior began, duration of symptoms, whether the child displays the behavior in various settings, and coexisting conditions. The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) stresses that since a variety of psychological and developmental disorders frequently coexist in children who are being evaluated for ADHD, a thorough examination for any such coexisting condition should be an integral part of any evaluation (AAP, 2000).Behavioral EvaluationSpecific questionnaires and rating scales are used to review and quantify the behavioralcharacteristics of ADHD. The AAP has developed clinical practice guidelines for the diagnosis and evaluation of children with ADHD, and finds that such behavioral rating scales accurately distinguish between children with and without ADHD (AAP, 2000). Conversely, AAPrecommends not using broadband rating scales or teacher global questionnaires in the diagnosis of children with ADHD. They suggest using ADHD-Specific rating scales including: CPRS-R:L-ADHD Index(Conners Parent Rating Scale—1997Revised Version: Long Form, ADHD Index Scale)CTRS-R:L-ADHD Index(Conners Teacher Rating Scale—1997Revised Version: Long Form, ADHD Index Scale)CPRS-R:L-DSM-IV Symptoms(Conners Parent Rating Scale—1997Revised Version: Long Form, DSM-IV Symptoms Scale)CTRS-R:L-DSM-IVSymptoms(Conners Teacher Rating Scale—1997Revised Version: Long Form, DSM-IV Symptoms Scale)SSQ-O-1(Barkley’s School Situations Questionnaire—Original Version, Number of ProblemSettings Scale)SSQ-O-II(Barkley’s School Situations Questionnaire—Original Version, Mean Severity Scale)(Taken from Green, Wong, Atkins, et al. (1999). Diagnosis of AttentionDeficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. Technical Review 3. Rockville, MD: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Agency for Health Care Policy and Research, as cited inAAP, 2000).As with all psychological tests, child-rating scales have a range of measurement error. Appropriate scales have satisfactory norms for the child's chronological age and ability levels.Collecting information about the child’s ADHD symptoms from several different sources helps ensure that the information is accurate. Appropriate sources of information include the child’s parents, teachers, other diagnosticians such as psychologists, occupational therapists, speech therapists, social workers, and physicians. It is also important to review both the child’s previous medical history as well as his or her school records.Educational EvaluationAn educational evaluation assesses the extent to which a child’s symptoms of ADHD impair his or her academic performance at school. The evaluation involves direct observations of the child in the classroom as well as a review of his or her academic productivity.Behaviors targeted for classroom observation may include:• • • • Problems of inattention, such as becoming easily distracted, making careless mistakes, or failing to finish assignments on time;Problems of hyperactivity, such as fidgeting, getting out of an assigned seat, running around the classroom excessively or striking out at a peer;Problems of impulsivity, such as blurting out answers to the teacher’s questions or interrupting the teacher or other students in the class; andMore challenging behaviors, such as severe aggressive or disruptive behavior.Classroom observations are used to record how often the child exhibits various ADHD symptoms in the classroom. The frequency with which the child with ADHD exhibits these and other target behaviors are compared to norms for other children of the same age and gender. It is also important to compare the behavior of the child with ADHD to the behaviors of other children in his or her classroom.It is best to collect this information during two or three different observations across several days. Each observation typically lasts about 20 to 30 minutes.In order to receive special education and related services under Part B of IDEA, a child must be evaluated to determine (1) whether he or she has a disability and (2) whether he or she, because of the disability, needs special education and related services. The initial evaluation must be a full and individual evaluation that assesses the child in all areas related to the suspected disability and uses a variety of assessment tools and strategies. As discussed in the section on Legal Requirements (above), a child who has ADHD may be eligible for special education and related services because he or she also meets the criteria for at least one of the disability categories, such as specific learning disability or emotional disturbance. It is important to note that the assessment instruments and procedures used by educational personnel to evaluate other disabilities—such as learning disabilities—may not be appropriate for the evaluation of ADHD. A variety of assessment tools and strategies must be used to gather relevant functional and developmental information about the child.An educational evaluation also includes an assessment of the child’s productivity in completing classwork and other academic assignments. It is important to collect information about boththe percentage of work completed as well as the accuracy of the work. The productivity of the child with ADHD can be compared to the productivity of other children in the class.Once the observations and testing are complete, a group of qualified professionals and the parents of the child will review the results and determine if the child has a disability and whether the child needs special education and related services. Using this information, the child’s IEP team, which includes the child’s parents, will develop an individualized educational program that directly addresses the child’s learning and behavior. If the child is recommended for evaluation and determined by the child’s IEP team not to meet the eligibility requirements under IDEA, the child may be appropriate for evaluation under Section 504.Medical EvaluationA medical evaluation assesses whether the child is manifesting symptoms of ADHD, based onthe following three objectives:•• • To assess problems of inattention, impulsivity, and hyperactivity that the child is currently experiencing;To assess the severity of these problems; andTo gather information about other disabilities that may be contributing to the child’s ADHD symptoms.Part B of IDEA does not necessarily require a school district to conduct a medical evaluation for the purpose of determining whether a child has ADHD. If a public agency believes that a medical evaluation by a licensed physician is needed as part of the evaluation to determine whether a child suspected of having ADHD meets the eligibility criteria of the OHI category, or any other disability category under Part B, the school district must ensure that this evaluation is conducted at no cost to the parents (OSEP Letter to Michel Williams, March 14, 1994, 21 IDELR 73).In May 2000, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) published a clinical practice guideline that provides recommendations for the assessment and diagnosis of school-aged children with ADHD. The guideline, developed by a committee comprised of pediatricians and experts in the fields of neurology, psychology, child psychiatry, child development, and education, as well as。
Director MX 2004教程Director MX 2004教程--哪些人适合使用Director本教程将结合网络上相关资讯与本人经验而成。
当一个名叫 VideoWorks 的简单的动画制作小软件 1985 年首次出现在 Macintosh 的桌面系统时,没有人会想到日后它会发展成多媒体编著行业的领导软件,它就是 Macromedia Director 的前身。
在过去的十九年中, Director 一直致力于为人们提供一个更加强大易用的多媒体编著环境。
目前, Director 的最新版本 Director MX 2004 已经发展成为全功能的编著软件,它允许你将图像、文字、声音、音乐、视频甚至三维物体联合成具有交互性的“电影”当中。
同时,它还提供了多种发布作品的方式,你可以以CD-ROM 的形式来传播你的作品,也可以以流媒体的形式在网络上发布。
Director 是一种比较大众化的软件,几乎每个人都能在 Director 里找到自己所需要的。
没有编程经验的的用户可以通过 Director 的脚本语言( Lingo )给电影添加灵活的交互功能,而有编程经验的用户则可以通过 Lingo 实现一些专业效果,其功能一点也不比目前主流的程序设计语言差。
总而言之, Director 的功能比较强大,几乎可以制作出能所能想象出来的一切东西。
套用一句广告词: The limit is your imagination! 下面我们来看看那些用户正在使用 Director 。
动画设计师使用 Director 制作动画作品,并以流媒体的形式在网络上发布或者使用光盘发布作品。
网络开发人员使用 Director 为自己的网页添加音乐、交互或者数据处理能力。
游戏和娱乐开发人员使用 Director 开发单机版游戏,并以 CD 或者 DVD-ROM 的作为媒介发布自己的作品,或者开发多用户的在线游戏。
工具栏位于 Director 窗口的上方,可以快速的执行一些常 用的 Director 命令。
如果我们关闭或者移动了某个面板,使用下面的方法可以 恢复到第一次运行时的状态。依次选择 Window > Panel Sets > Default 。
Macromedia Director的文件管理
在 开 始 使 用 Director 之 前 , 我 们 来 介 绍 一 下 Director 的工作界面 ,如下图。本节中,我们简单介绍 Director 工作界面的几个主要组成部分以及他们相互之间 的关系。 Director 的暗喻, Director 将每一个工程都形象地称 为电影( Movie ),组成电影的元素成为演员( Cast ), 电影情节发生的地方称为舞台( Stage ),控制情节的窗 口叫做剧本( Score )。
如果你正在制作一个作品,建议你使用 File 菜单下的 Save As (另存为)命令,使用该命令可以保存同一个作品不 同时期的版本,一个好的作法是在文件名的后面加上不同的字 母。这样当你制作过程中出现了问题,而使用 Undo 功能又无 法撤销时,可以方便的返回到前一个版本。 如果你需要测试电影或者是发布电影,请选择 File 菜单 下的 Save and Compact 命令。 Director 将会自动对电影文 件进行优化,主要是重新安排演员表中的演员,减少电影文件 的大小,并释放一些占用的空间。
Director 是以拍摄电影的概念,来制作多媒体产品的。比如 说一部电影的拍摄,首先我们要找到电影演员(Cast Member),在 Director 中,这些演员就是图像、文字、声音和动画等素材文件, 演员找到后,就要按照剧本(Score)的情节安排演员的出场顺序以 及出场方式,再来加上特效和交互的功能,最后制作成播放器 (Projector)发布。
在Director 8中,系统提供了的Behavior Library(行为库),库中有成百个行为。
此外,还可以使用Behavior Inspector(行为监测器)来进行无脚本编程,从而创建交互动画。
在Behavior Inspector中,系统已经将很多常用的交互方式作成了模块,用户只需要简单的鼠标选择就可以完成复杂的Lingo程序。
一、e化多媒体步骤1、输入文字:在编排表(Space Score)窗口,用鼠标选中通道5的第100帧。
然后点右上方工具条中的,打开Text Window窗口,在其中输入“宇风多媒体”,设置字号、颜色等文字属性,再用鼠标按住(Drag Cast Member),就可将“宇风多媒体”拖到舞台,如图1所示。
图1将文字拖拽到舞台,编排表上会显示对变应的动画条步骤2、设置精灵属性:在顶部工具栏点按钮,打开Property Inspector,在栏点开墨水(Ink)效果下拉列表,从中选Matte,就可除去“宇风多媒体”的白色背景。
F. Y. I刚进外企的时候,收到很多别人转过来的信上都有这三个字母,过了好久才知道意思是:For Your Information。
因为对方如果要你采取行动,一定会说清楚“Catherine, please……”而不会只是F.Y.I了事。
当然看到自己的名字在CC 那一栏里是比较开心的,因为那意味着那就是这封信不用回,看看就可以,有人会回复的。
潜台词:你这个事情也许会出岔子,你要好好注意,别弄砸了!My understanding is …这句话的字面意思是:“我的理解是…”,往往是在你发表一个观点或看法时,对方会说“My understanding is …”。
Director-使用技巧Director 提高开发效率核心提示:尽管使用 Director 的菜单(如 File, Edit, View 等)可以执行一些相应的命令,通常情况下我们会使用快捷菜单或者快捷键,这将大大提高我们的开发效率。
尽管使用 Director 的菜单(如 File, Ed it, View 等)可以执行一些相应的命令,通常情况下我们会使用快捷菜单或者快捷键,这将大大提高我们的开发效率。
如何显示快捷菜单:在某个电影元素如演员或者是 Director 窗口上右击,将显示相应的快捷菜单。
如图 2-11如何知道快捷键使用快捷键无疑将会大大提高开发效率,熟练的使用快捷键,给人的感觉是非常大虾。
那么,怎样才能得到快捷键呢?在 Director 的操作环境中就提供了相关的信息,打开某个菜单,快捷键通常都列在命令的后面。
如图 2-12但在使用此插件的时候有两个问题必须注意,否则可能会……第一:应确保应在File菜单的Prefer ences->General中勾选Animate in Back grou nd,否则运行程序时将不会播放影片,而是停在一帧上止。
第二:Director 7.02存在一个路径搜索方面的Bug,如果媒体文件和运行程序不在同一目录下的时候,就会发生找不到文件的情况,必须在主程序的相同目录中包含一个名为L ingo.ini的文件,内容如下:on startup——添加文件搜索路径,添加在主程序目录下的"media"目录——的方法如下:global tbsearchpath set tbsearchpat h=[] append(tbsearchpath, the applicati onPath & "media\")end startup只要加上这个文件就没问题啦!尽情体验DirectMedia的强大功能吧!Director 里几个save命令的区别9分出处:2345软件大全时间:2011-04-28 人气:575核心提示:为什么director 里关于save的命令有三个,这三个到底有什么不同,我该选择哪一个来save 我的文件?Director 里几个save命令的区别Director 里save , save as 和 sav e and compact 的区别好多朋友问过这个问题,为什么dire ctor 里关于save的命令有三个,这三个到底有什么不同,我该选择哪一个来save我的文件?其实回答这个问题还得先了解一点di rector的文件结构,一个Director movie文件包含的主要信息是cast, 和score,cast含有所有电影所需的原始资源而score则负责控制电影的播放流程,可见cast 对文件的大小贡献最大,对movie最后的整体表现影响也非常大。
本课件教学设计合理、重点突出、层次分明、交互性好,悉心讲解了Director的强大功能和使用方法,由浅入深地介绍了多媒体制作软件Director的操作技巧,并兼顾初级和中级用户的需求进行制作,展现了Director 软件强大的多媒体集成功能,使用户可以快速入门并逐步提高。
BladeCenter配置技巧适用机型:所有BladeCenter; 所有BladeCenter HS20; 所有BladeCenter HS40; 所有BladeCenter JS20; 所有BladeCenter LS20; 所有BladeCenter T文档内容:IBM eServer BladeCenter被很多人认为只是Intel处理器构架的服务器。
这其实不够准确,BladeCenter是一种平台设备,它可以混合使用2路(HS20)和4路(HS40)Intel处理器构架的服务器,2路(JS20)PowerPC 970处理器构架的服务器,2路(LS20)AMD Opteron处理器构架的服务器。
Director 提高开发效率核心提示:尽管使用 Director 的菜单(如 File, Edit, View 等)可以执行一些相应的命令,通常情况下我们会使用快捷菜单或者快捷键,这将大大提高我们的开发效率。
尽管使用 Director 的菜单(如 File, Edit, View 等)可以执行一些相应的命令,通常情况下我们会使用快捷菜单或者快捷键,这将大大提高我们的开发效率。
如何显示快捷菜单:在某个电影元素如演员或者是 Director 窗口上右击,将显示相应的快捷菜单。
如图 2-11如何知道快捷键使用快捷键无疑将会大大提高开发效率,熟练的使用快捷键,给人的感觉是非常大虾。
那么,怎样才能得到快捷键呢?在 Director 的操作环境中就提供了相关的信息,打开某个菜单,快捷键通常都列在命令的后面。
如图 2-12DirectMedia Xtra 在Director 中的应用技巧6分出处:2345软件大全时间:2011-04-28 人气:1050核心提示:Director对媒体的支持不如Authorware好,不过非常庆幸的是有很多极酷的 Xtras 外部插件可以完美地解决这一问题。
Director对媒体的支持不如Authorware好,不过非常庆幸的是有很多极酷的 Xtra s 外部插件可以完美地解决这一问题。
但在使用此插件的时候有两个问题必须注意,否则可能会……第一:应确保应在File菜单的Preferences->General中勾选Animate in Back g round,否则运行程序时将不会播放影片,而是停在一帧上止。
第二:Director 7.02存在一个路径搜索方面的Bug,如果媒体文件和运行程序不在同一目录下的时候,就会发生找不到文件的情况,必须在主程序的相同目录中包含一个名为Lingo.ini的文件,内容如下:on startup——添加文件搜索路径,添加在主程序目录下的"media"目录——的方法如下:global tbsearchpath set tbsearchpath=[] append(tbsearchpath, the appl icationPath & "media\")end startup只要加上这个文件就没问题啦!尽情体验DirectMedia的强大功能吧!Director 里几个save命令的区别9分出处:2345软件大全时间:2011-04-28 人气:575核心提示:为什么director 里关于save的命令有三个,这三个到底有什么不同,我该选择哪一个来save 我的文件?Director 里几个save命令的区别Director 里save , save as 和 save and compact 的区别好多朋友问过这个问题,为什么director 里关于save的命令有三个,这三个到底有什么不同,我该选择哪一个来save我的文件?其实回答这个问题还得先了解一点director的文件结构,一个Director movie 文件包含的主要信息是cast, 和score,cast含有所有电影所需的原始资源而score则负责控制电影的播放流程,可见cast 对文件的大小贡献最大,对movie最后的整体表现影响也非常大。
3. 注意不同语境下的缩写。
例如,在医学领域,“MD”表示医学博士,而在警察部门,“MD”表示"Managing Director"(总监)。
电影制作团队组成人员1.导演 (Director)导演是电影制作中最重要的角色之一。
2.编剧 (Screenwriter)编剧是电影制作团队中的创意核心。
3.摄影师 (Cinematographer)摄影师负责电影的视觉效果和摄影技术。
4.剪辑师 (Editor)剪辑师负责将拍摄好的素材进行剪辑和组合,创造出最终的电影成品。
5.音乐指导 (Music Composer)音乐指导负责为电影创作原创音乐或选择合适的音乐作为背景音乐。
6.剧务统筹 (n Coordinator)剧务统筹负责协调和组织电影制作过程中的各种事务。
7.演员 (Actors)演员在电影中扮演故事的角色。
8.美术指导 (Art Director)美术指导负责电影的视觉设计和布景。
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
Director 提高开发效率核心提示:尽管使用 Director 的菜单(如 File, Edit, View 等)可以执行一些相应的命令,通常情况下我们会使用快捷菜单或者快捷键,这将大大提高我们的开发效率。
尽管使用 Director 的菜单(如 File, Edit, View 等)可以执行一些相应的命令,通常情况下我们会使用快捷菜单或者快捷键,这将大大提高我们的开发效率。
如何显示快捷菜单:在某个电影元素如演员或者是 Director 窗口上右击,将显示相应的快捷菜单。
如图 2-11如何知道快捷键使用快捷键无疑将会大大提高开发效率,熟练的使用快捷键,给人的感觉是非常大虾。
那么,怎样才能得到快捷键呢?在 Director 的操作环境中就提供了相关的信息,打开某个菜单,快捷键通常都列在命令的后面。
如图 2-12DirectMedia Xtra 在Director 中的应用技巧6分出处:2345软件大全时间:2011-04-28 人气:1050核心提示:Director对媒体的支持不如Authorware好,不过非常庆幸的是有很多极酷的 Xtras 外部插件可以完美地解决这一问题。
Director对媒体的支持不如Authorware好,不过非常庆幸的是有很多极酷的 Xtras 外部插件可以完美地解决这一问题。
但在使用此插件的时候有两个问题必须注意,否则可能会……第一:应确保应在File菜单的Preferences->General中勾选Animate in Back grou nd,否则运行程序时将不会播放影片,而是停在一帧上止。
第二:Director 7.02存在一个路径搜索方面的Bug,如果媒体文件和运行程序不在同一目录下的时候,就会发生找不到文件的情况,必须在主程序的相同目录中包含一个名为Lingo.ini的文件,内容如下:on startup——添加文件搜索路径,添加在主程序目录下的"media"目录——的方法如下:global tbsearchpath set tbsearchpath=[] append(tbsearchpath, the applic ationPath & "media\")end startup只要加上这个文件就没问题啦!尽情体验DirectMedia的强大功能吧!Director 里几个save命令的区别9分出处:2345软件大全时间:2011-04-28 人气:575核心提示:为什么director 里关于save的命令有三个,这三个到底有什么不同,我该选择哪一个来save 我的文件?Director 里几个save命令的区别Director 里save , save as 和 save and compact 的区别好多朋友问过这个问题,为什么director 里关于save的命令有三个,这三个到底有什么不同,我该选择哪一个来save我的文件?其实回答这个问题还得先了解一点director的文件结构,一个Director movie文件包含的主要信息是cast, 和score,cast含有所有电影所需的原始资源而score则负责控制电影的播放流程,可见cast 对文件的大小贡献最大,对movie最后的整体表现影响也非常大。
通常多媒体开发人员都会考虑电影优化的问题,例如,导入优化过的图形文件和视频文件,不过更加常见的情形是导入了很多资源,实际上并没有完全使用,还有就是导入时, 是按照开发者的需要来导入,并非是movie播放的需要,cast members在cast窗口里的位置和次序并不是呈现优化的状态。
头一种情形,可以find unused members, 然后delete;第二种情形就要用到下面的save and compact命令了。
save:保存你所有自从上次save后的改变,改变的信息是加在原有的版本之上,换句话说,如果你一直不断的save, 文件会越来越大,即使你删除了某个cast member,然后save, 文件还是不会减小,适用于编辑状态。
我常常告诉学生,ctrl + S是世界上最便宜的保险政策,作为一个职业的开发者,每五分钟 ctrl + S一次,应该是下意识的举动。
save as:这个大家都知道,当你新保存一个文件的时候,用save as。
不过对direc tor来说,这个命令还意味着,保存文件之前,先优化文件,例如同样是上面列举的情形,删除的cast members一定会在文件的大小上显示出来。
有些情形下,director拒绝工作,save as, 再保存一次为新文件,就会为你解困。
save and compact: 这个指令和save as一样,先优化,再保存,和save as 不同的是,保存后自动删除旧文件,只留下最新的优化过的文件。
对于shockwave 和 CD-ROM的开发来说,这个指令的重要性是不言而喻的。
publish as shockwave之前,必须执行一次sa ve and compact。
而如果有什么意外发生,无法使用sava指令的时候,save and compac t就成了不可或缺的救急措施。
最后简单的介绍一下director文件优化的次序:首先被写入文件的是一个director文件的文件头部分,也就是说将要首先载入RAM的内容是关于cast, score的纪录以及编译好的lingo script, 这些内容通常会始终保留在RAM中,而且占用的内存空间很小。
接下来就是真实的媒体内容,嵌入式的媒体cast members先载入,优化时,这些mem bers按照他们在score窗口出现的先后次序重排,尽管你在cast 窗口没有办法看到重排的次序,但当你用save as 或 save and compact 的时候,它是实实在在的发生了,也就是说score中的第一个帧所需要的所有的cast members都会先被写入文件。
最后director会检查所有还没有写入的嵌入的媒体members, 这次是按照它们在cas t 窗口里的次序写入文件。
例如按钮的over 和down 状态的members, 他们通常是被lin go来调用而不是直接显示在score窗口里的。
还有一个小窍门,如果你有一些cast libraries, 需要和你的项目里的多个movies 都保持外部连接的方式,那你不必要每一个movie都使用sava and compact, 你可以使用菜单栏 Xtras --> update movies, 选择update movies, 这好像是一个save and compac t 的批处理命令。
Director中的调色板9分出处:2345软件大全时间:2011-04-28 人气:541核心提示:Director中调色板索引色必须是第一个色彩是白色#FFFFFF,最后一个色彩是黑色#000000,这样的调色板才能被导入到director中。
Director中调色板索引色必须是第一个色彩是白色#FFFFFF,最后一个色彩是黑色# 000000,这样的调色板才能被导入到director中。
如果一个图片是带有调色板的,但调色板不符合上面的规律,那么将不能被导入到di rector中,这个时候导入提示框palette 选项将是灰色的,并且显示(Image has inv alid palette)。
1.怎样创建自己的调色板打开photoshop,新建一个空白文件,把图片的模式改变成indexed color.点 image-> mode -> indexed color ,不改变里面的默认值,确定。
之后,点image-> mode -> color table出现下面的窗口这里需要确定的是红色圈中的两个地方颜色需要是第一个为白色,最后一个为黑色。
配置好颜色后,点 save 保存,这样的调色板就可以在director中导入了。
真彩图片转化成 256 色的时候,可以先手动调整调色板索引色,让他符合上面说明的标准。
点 image-> mode -> indexed color ,点forced 中的 custom 选项,出现forced colors窗口,调整窗口中的第一格,让他为白色 #ffffff,点OK.然后按照1中说明调整color table中最后一个颜色,让他是黑色的。
如果图片已经是indexed color 的模式,可以先转成 rgb 模式,然后再作上面的转化步骤。
director 应用技巧7分出处:2345软件大全时间:2011-04-28 人气:833核心提示:director 应用技巧教程。
director 应用技巧1、设置movie,使之自动缩放以适应屏幕大小A:使用如下script:on preparemovie(the stage).rect=(the desktoprectlist).[1](the stage).drawrect=(the desktoprectlist).[1]end2、制作带阴影效果的textfield可以作出阴影效果,但在field中应用中文容易死机,我们可以用一个text member 但多个sprite,各sprite位置稍稍错开,并适当设置其blend即可。
frame script中含有以下代码,以实现‘‘定格\‘‘:on exitframe mego the frameend再把以下behavior拖到filmloop sprite即可:on exitframe me--但用prepareframe不行?!tell sprite(me.spriteNum)if the frame = the lastframe thenploopcnt = 1end ifend tellif ploopcnt thengo next --或改为其它命令end ifend5、对filmloop的控制。