




























主题:我的语文老师1. 介绍语文老师的基本情况1.1 尊称、芳龄、教龄1.2 教育背景和专业特长1.3 教学风格和教学目标2. 老师的教学方法和风格2.1 课堂教学内容和布置的作业2.2 课堂氛围和师生互动2.3 老师的激励和引导方式3. 对老师的评价3.1 老师的教学有何特点和亮点3.2 学生对老师的习惯和态度3.3 学生的学习情况和成绩4. 我对语文老师的感激和祝愿4.1 我在语文学习中的进步和收获 4.2 对老师的感谢和祝福4.3 我对自己语文学习的规划和目标我的语文老师在我读书的这个阶段,老师对我们的影响至关重要。


1. 介绍语文老师的基本情况1.1 张老师已经在这所学校教书20年了,经验丰富。

1.2 张老师是语文专业毕业的,对传统文学和现代文学都很熟悉。

1.3 张老师的教学风格是严谨而不失幽默,重视学生的基础扎实,注重培养学生的文学素养和语言表达能力。

2. 老师的教学方法和风格2.1 张老师上课很有条理,每节课的内容都有明确的目标,布置的作业也很有针对性。

2.2 课堂氛围轻松而又严肃,学生们很愿意参与讨论,老师也总是耐心地倾听并指导。

2.3 张老师鼓励学生大胆表达思想,善于引导我们去发现文学作品中的内涵和艺术魅力。

3. 对老师的评价3.1 张老师的课堂教学生动、有趣,总能用生动的语言吸引我们的注意力,给我们留下深刻的印象。

3.2 学生们都很喜欢张老师,他总是能够用适当的方式去引导我们,让我们感受到中华优秀文化的魅力。

3.3 在张老师的教导下,我们的语文成绩有了很大的提高,班级的整体素质也得到了明显的提升。

4. 我对语文老师的感激和祝愿4.1 在张老师的教导下,我的语文成绩稳步提高,对文学作品有了更深入的理解,也更加热爱阅读。

4.2 我对张老师的感谢无以言表,但我希望他能继续保持教学的热情和创新精神,让更多的学生受益。

4.3 我希望自己能够在接下来的学习中不断努力,不辜负张老师的期望,争取在语文学习上取得更大的进步。




was once a tool that allowed people to access a vast amount of n。


it has now XXX。

In the past。


was a place where people could learn about different cultures。




has e a place where people are trapped in their own echo chambers。

Social media is a prime example of how the。

has XXX to show users content that they are more likely to engage with。

This means that people are only exposed to content that confirms their existing beliefs and ns。

As a result。

people are not exposed to different perspectives and ideas。


they are trapped in a cycle of XXX.Another way in which the。

has e a walled room is through the use of paywalls。

Many news websites now require users to pay for access to their content。

This means that people who cannot afford to pay for access are XXX een those who can afford to access n and those who cannot。



外研社英语初赛试题答案Part I: Listening Comprehension (20 points)Section A1. The correct answer is C. The conversation indicates that the woman is looking for a book on economics, and the man suggests a specific title by Smith, which is available in the library.2. A. The passage describes the process of photosynthesis, which occurs in plants during daylight hours.3. B. The advertisement is for a new brand of running shoes that are lightweight and durable.4. C. The woman is planning to visit her family in the countryside over the weekend.5. B. The lecture is about the impact of social media on modern society, highlighting both positive and negative aspects.Section B6-7. C and A. The dialogue between the two students reveals that they are discussing a group project. The first student mentions that they need to gather more information, while thesecond student suggests meeting at the library.8-9. B and C. The news report talks about the increasing popularity of electric vehicles. The first reason cited is the reduction in air pollution, and the second is the government's tax incentives for buyers.10. A. The passage is about the discovery of a new species of bird in the Amazon rainforest.Part II: Multiple Choice (30 points)11. B. The sentence implies that the company has recently expanded its operations to new markets.12. C. The phrase "break down" in this context means that the car stopped functioning due to a fault.13. A. The correct usage of "effect" is as a noun, referring to the result or impact of something.14. D. The sentence is most complete and grammaticallycorrect with the phrase "in case of emergency."15. C. The word "meticulous" best fits the context, as it describes someone who is very careful and pays greatattention to detail.16. B. The correct phrase is "in the face of adversity," which means to remain strong or determined when facing difficult situations.17. D. The sentence should read, "As the project progressed, it became increasingly clear that we would need more resources."18. A. The word "subtle" means so delicate or precise as to be difficult to analyze or describe.19. C. The phrase "take advantage of" means to use something to one's benefit.20. D. The correct idiom is "cut corners," which means to do something in a quicker or easier way, but often with less attention to quality.Part III: Cloze Test (20 points)21. A. The word "prosperous" fits the context, as it means successful, especially in terms of wealth.22. C. "Consequently" is the appropriate word to indicate the result of the previous sentence.23. B. "Innovative" is the correct adjective to describe a product that introduces new methods or ideas.24. D. "Essential" is the word that best completes the sentence, as it means absolutely necessary or extremely important.25. A. "Implement" is the correct verb to use when talkingabout putting a plan or decision into effect.26. C. "Consistent" means acting or done in the same way over time, especially to be fair or accurate.27. B. "Neglected" is the right word to describe an area or issue that has not been given enough attention or care.28. D. "Sustainable" refers to the ability to be maintainedat a certain rate or level, often used in the context of environmental or economic practices.29. A. "Compromise" is the act of finding a middle waybetween two different or opposing groups.30. C. "Diverse" means showing a great deal of variety, which is the correct term to describe a range of different cultures.Part IV: Reading Comprehension (30 points)Passage One31. B. The main idea of the passage is that regular exerciseis beneficial for both physical and mental health.32. C. The study found that people who exercised regularly reported lower levels of stress and anxiety.33. A. The author suggests that even short periods ofphysical activity can have a positive impact on mood and cognitive function.34. D. The passage mentions that exercise can help improve sleep quality, which in turn can enhance overall well-being.35. B. The correct answer is that a sedentary lifestyle can lead to various health problems, including obesity and heart disease.Passage Two36. A. The article discusses the impact of technology on education and the role of online learning.37. D. The author argues that while technology has made education more accessible, it also presents challenges in terms of maintaining the quality of learning.38. C. The passage highlights the importance of developing digital literacy skills to navigate the modern educational landscape.39. B. The study mentioned in the article found that。





1. 询问Tom的意图,为什么他想参加国际志愿者活动;2. 表达对Tom参加国际志愿者活动的支持,并举例说明志愿者活动的好处;3. 提出建议,包括选择合适的志愿者项目、了解相关事宜和做好准备。

范文:Dear Tom,I hope this letter finds you well. I was thrilled to hear that you are planning to participate in an international volunteer program. I'm curious about your motivation and would love to know more about your intentions.Firstly, could you please share with me why you are interested in joining a volunteer program abroad? Is it because you want to make a difference in other people's lives, or do you simply want to explore a different culture? Understanding your reasons will help me provide better advice and support.I must say that I fully support your decision to become a volunteer. Being a volunteer can bring tremendous benefits to both the volunteers and the communities they serve. Not only can you contribute your skills and knowledge to those in need, but you will also gain valuable life experiences and broaden your horizons. For example, when I volunteered at a local orphanage last summer, I was able to see how my efforts made a positive impact on the children's lives. Additionally, I developed a deeper understanding and appreciation for different perspectives and cultures, which has greatly enriched my own life.As for the practical aspects, I would suggest that you carefully choose a volunteer project that aligns with your interests and skills. You should consider what kind of work you would like to engage in and what impact you hope to make. Moreover, it would be wise to research the organization or program you are interested in to make sure they have a good reputation and a clear mission. Additionally, it is important to understand the local customs and regulations of the country you will be visiting. This will help you adapt quickly and make meaningful connections with the locals.Lastly, I encourage you to prepare yourself physically and mentally for the challenges ahead. Volunteering can sometimes be physically demanding and emotionally draining. Therefore, it's essential to be fit, maintain a positive mindset, and be open to new experiences. Remember, flexibility and a willingness to learn are key to success in any volunteer program.I hope these suggestions will be helpful to you. Please keep me updated on your progress and let me know if there's anything I can do to assist you.Best wishes and good luck on your upcoming volunteer journey! Sincerely,Li Hua。



2013“外研社杯”全国英语写作大赛(初赛)试卷(A 卷)姓名_______________ 年级_______________ 学号_______________ Part I (50%) Directions: Readthe story starter and continue the story. Complete the story in 600-800 words.The little man came up to me as I was about to enter the telephone box, and asked me whether I had a match.“I’m sorry,” I said. “I don’t smoke, so I haven’t any. You had better ask someone else.”He looked rather disappointed, hesitated, and then turned away. I watched him walk slowly down the street before I picked up the telephone directory to look up the number I meant to dial.I am not used to a public call box so, at my first attempt to get through, the warning pips had stopped before I realized I had to insert a coin.When I was at last able to speak, I was told that the person whom I urgently wanted to give a message to had just that minute gone out. Swearing slightly under my breath, I emerged from the box and came face to face with the little man, who was looking as pathetic as a stray dog. As he raised his hat again, I could see he was quite bald. A thin line, resembling a dueling scar, crossed one cheek. He spoke nervously.“Excuse my troubling you again,” he said. “May I walk along with you a little way? I must confide in someone. I need help desperately.”Part II (50%)Directions: Read the following two paragraphs with contradicting views, and write a passage on the issue. You should clearly state your opinion and explain the reasons for your opinion. You should write about 800 words.Tablets are the ideal system of organization in schools. They are convenient, in which much information is stored in small sizes and kept together in one place, and cheap, as digital information is now becoming more affordable than print. As evolution continues to rock the modern world, digital devices will become more and more reliable. Someday, they will entirely replace print books, and hopefully, that day will come soon.Many may argue that tablets are much more convenient than paper books. But not everyone shares this preference of tablets or finds them convenient. In fact, in a study conducted by Book Industry Study Group (BISG), it was found that 75% of college students preferred traditional textbooks in which they can highlight the key words and write notes. Also, some may suggest that it is cheaper to invest in tablets than textbooks. In fact, in a 2008 study of public schools in Kentucky it was estimated that the cost of textbooks and supplies totaled around $44 million. The cost per school was around $988 for textbooks and supplies. That is roughly the cost of only two tablets. To provide tablets to all the students in a school would be an enormous sum. Therefore, we may conclude that while tablets have their purposes, they should not replace the printed books used in schools._____________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________。



外研社杯全国中学生外语素养大赛初赛题目一、听力(每小题1分,共15分)1.What does the man mainly want to do?A. Visit a museum.B. Take a tour.C. Go shopping.2.What did the man do?A. He went to the library.B. He read a magazine.C. He watched a movie.3.What does the woman suggest?A. Going to the park.B. Eating out.C. Taking a bus.4.What did the woman do last night?A. She went to the movies.B. She stayed at home.C. She went to a party.二、阅读理解(每小题2分,共20分)The following is an advertisement for a language school. Welcome to our language school! We offer a variety of classes forboth adults and children. Our classes are designed to help students improve their language skills and gain confidence in speaking. We have experienced teachers who will guide you through the process of learning a new language. We also have a wide range of resources that can help you practice and improve your language skills. So come join us and start your journey to becoming a more confident speaker!5. What kind of classes does the language school offer?A. Classes for adults only.B. Classes for children only.C. Classes for both adults and children.6. What can students gain from the classes?A. Knowledge of a new language.B. Confidence in speaking.C. Experience in teaching.。



2017“外研社杯”全国英语写作大赛初赛样题2017“外研社杯”全国英语写作大赛初赛Task 1 Argumentative WritingWrite an essay in response to the passage below. You should state clearly whether you agree or disagree with the passage and explain your reasons for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the author’s opinion might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position. You should write about 500 words.If you still think of the Internet as a means of opening up a vast world of information to people, you may be completely wrong. Playing a positive role in its early days, the Internet is now enclosing people in a walled room.Have you noticed that when different people google the same thing, for example, “Chinese culture” or “America”, they get different search results? Websites selectively guess which information is appropriate to a user based on his/her location, past-click behavior and search history, and tailor information and recommendations accordingly. The more one uses the Internet, the more likely one is kept away from different opinions, and trapped in one’s own cultural ideological bubble. The situation worsens when Internet-boosted social networks creep into every corner of our lives. Although there seems to be a large amount of information updated almost every second, the information is only available from people’s friend-circles or the subscriptions (公众号) they choose. Beyond these circles and choices, people do notreally have access to the unknown. They become imprisoned in a confined world.Task 2 Expository WritingThe following graphs show the development of the mobile Internet and its use for reading in China. Write an essay based on the graphs. In your essay, you shouldsummarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant. You should write at least 300 words but no more than 500 words.Graph 1: Number of mobile Internet users and annual growth rates (2011-2017)Graph 2: Market size for mobile Internet reading products and annual growth rates (2011-2017)(Predicted)Annual growth rate (Predicted) (Predicted)(Predicted) Annual growth rate。





议论文1:Given the importance of human creativity, one would think it should have a high priority among our concerns. But if we look at the reality, we see a different picture. Basic scientific research is minimized in favor of immediate practical applications. The arts are increasingly seen as dispensable luxuries. Yet as competition heats up around the globe, exactly the opposite strategy is needed.Adapted from Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, Creativity: Flow and the Psychology of Discovery and InventionAssignment:Is creativity needed more than ever in the world today? Plan and write an essay in which you develop your point of view on this issue. Support your position with reasoning and examples taken from your reading, studies, experience, or observations.范文In a world where economic prosperity and “getting ahead”in work and technology are highly valued, creativity and the arts are often shunted in favor of more “practical”pursuits. Students abandon dreams of acting or painting in order to major in medicine, computer technology, or engineering: highly profitable and scientific fields. Even with the advances in these fields, however, there is still a need for creativity in our world, because seeing things in a new way can make all the difference.Today, more and more public schools are forced to abandon their arts programs to make time for subjects like science and math: subjects in which all students must have a basic knowledge in order to succeed in higher education. However, by leaving these programs behind, children are deprived of the creative stimulation that the arts provide, and are taught to view the world in “black and white”terms: one right answer to every problem. With a view such as this, how will children perform in the future? It may be assumed that allpeople will see things the same way, and propose only one solution to a problem, failing to see the bigger picture.Creativity has obviously influenced earlier generations in a positive way, so there is no need to eliminate creativity from our world. What would have happened if Franklin Roosevelt had never proposed his New Deal? The Great Depression might have persisted for some time, robbing even more families of their chance at prosperity and happiness. However, by proposing a new, creative solution for the problem of the U.S.’s depression, FDR pulled the nation out of its slump. Another example of how creativity has positively influenced the world happened just recently, with the introduction of hybrid cars. These new cars do not rely on as much oil as other cars do in order to operate, using alternative energy sources instead. Without the creative minds behind the invention of these cars, the world would rely so much on its limited oil reserves that fuel would eventually run out. Because of creativity, the world has a chance to find other energy sources.Though these practical applications for creativity are conducive to everyone, the common man benefits even more from the stimulation that the arts provide. In a world dominated by political powers and torn apart by war, entertainers in the arts can inspire hope and change in everyone. A child watching a Charlie Chaplin film might decide to join the gymnastics team, or a woman observing a Monet painting in a museum might become an elementary school art teacher: who knows? The arts can transport people to other places,into different ways of thinking.The importance of creativity in the world today is enormous, for it has both pragmatic and “important”applications. Creativity is both a source for inspiration and a problem-solving method, and without it, our world would greatly suffer.范文满分点评This essay effectively and insightfully develops the point of view that creativity "is both a source for inspiration and a problem-solving method, and without it, our world would greatly suffer." The writer uses outstanding critical thinking and clearly appropriate evidence to show that creativity's benefits are both practical (the New Deal, hybrid cars) and intangible (students inspired by the arts). Well organized and focused, the essay shows clear coherence and smooth progression of ideas ("Without the creative minds behind the invention of these cars, the world would rely so much on its limited oil reserves that fuel would eventually run out. Because of creativity, the world has a chance to find other energy sources. Though these practical applications for creativity are conducive to everyone, the common man benefits even more from the stimulation that the arts provide"). It also consistently displays skillful use of language and meaningful variety in sentence structure ("However, by leaving these programs behind, children are deprived of the creative stimulation that the arts provide, and are taught to view the world in "black and white" terms: one right answer to every problem. With a view such as this, how will childrenperform in the future?").议论文2.Think carefully about the issue presented in the following excerpt and the assignment below"Tough challenges reveal our strengths and weaknesses." This statement is certainly true; adversity helps us discover who we are. Hardships can often lead us to examine who we are and to question what is important in life, In fact, people who have experienced seriously adverse events frequently report that they were positively changed by their negative experiences.Assignment:Do you think that ease does not challenge us and that we need adversity to help us discover who we are? Plan and write an essay in which you develop your point of view on this issue. Support your position with reasoning and examples taken from your reading, studies, experience, or observations.范文Everyone goes through their lives seeing and experiencing different things. At times, these different situations may cause one to act differently than another would in the same situation. It can be readily stated that “Ease does not challenge us; adversity helps us discover who we are.”Through literature, one can see how this statement proves to be true.In the play, “The Enemy of the People”, by Henrik Ibsen, the protagonist,Dr. Stockholm, faced adversity, and through that, was able to discover his true beliefs and who he was. Before Dr. Stockholm was put in a situation where he had to face adversity, he had lived his life with mild ease and regularity. He acted just like everyone else in the town he lived in. Years later, he discovered that the popular bath houses were infected with bacteria. Determined to spread his findings, Dr. Stockholm went to the newspaper and the local governing office to try and make his discovery known. However, both the paper and the government weren’t as inspired to really let the public know about this serious problem due to the popularity of the bath houses. As a result, Dr. Stockholm was forced to face adversity and find a way to achieve his previously set goal. Through adversity, Stockholm was able to truly see how his personality was. He was able to understand his severe discontent with the government and society as a whole. In essence, Stockholm was able to discover his actual self. This, however, only happened when he was faced with a challenge.The book, “Where the Heart is”by Billie Letts also used adversity to portray its character’s true being. The protagonist, Novalee Nation, was placed in a situation where she had to realize and conquer adversity. Novalee was a young girl of 17, who was pregnant. She had experienced extreme hardship her whole life in the trailer park environment that she had previously resided in. She also received lots of abuse from her boyfriend who impregnated her. In the story, he had left her stranded in a K-Mart all by herself, while she waspregnant. All alone, Novalle had to find a way to keep herself and her baby alive. Along the way, through adversity, Novalle found her true, kind self. She also made countless discoveries through meeting different people. Among those things was her true love for photography and literature, and most of all her yearning for love in her life.In the face of adversity, we all act differently. We each have different ideas and methods that we are accustomed to use for different situations. By acting and making decisions on our own, as we are often times forced to do when given a challenge; we are able to find out who we truly are and what we truly believe in. The characters Dr. Stockholm and Novalee Nation are examples of that kind of people in literature. However, in literature and life, it is all the same. Ease does not challenge us; adversity helps us discover who we are.得分点详解1 effectively and insightfully develops a point of view on the issue and demonstrates outstanding critical thinking, using clearly appropriate examples, reasons, and other evidence to support its position围绕论题有效、深刻地发展一个论点,运用贴切的事例、因果分析和其他证据支持论点,从而展示出色的思辨能力。





















议论文1:Given the importance of human creativity, one would think it should have a high priority among our concerns. But if we look at the reality, we see a different picture. Basic scientific research is minimized in favor of immediate practical applications. The arts are increasingly seen as dispensable luxuries. Yet as competition heats up around the globe, exactly the opposite strategy is needed.Adapted from Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, Creativity: Flow and the Psychology of Discovery and InventionAssignment:Is creativity needed more than ever in the world today? Plan and write an essay in which you develop your point of view on this issue. Support your position with reasoning and examples taken from your reading, studies, experience, or observations.范文In a world where economic prosperity and “getting ahead”in work and technology are highly valued, creativity and the arts are often shunted in favor of more “practical”pursuits. Students abandon dreams of acting or painting in order to major in medicine, computer technology, or engineering: highly profitable and scientific fields. Even with the advances in these fields, however, there is still a need for creativity in our world, because seeing things in a new way can make all the difference.Today, more and more public schools are forced to abandon their arts programs to make time for subjects like science and math: subjects in which all students must have a basic knowledge in order to succeed in higher education. However, by leaving these programs behind, children are deprived of the creative stimulation that the arts provide, and are taught to view the world in “black and white”terms: one right answer to every problem. With a view such as this, how will children perform in the future? It may be assumed that allpeople will see things the same way, and propose only one solution to a problem, failing to see the bigger picture.Creativity has obviously influenced earlier generations in a positive way, so there is no need to eliminate creativity from our world. What would have happened if Franklin Roosevelt had never proposed his New Deal? The Great Depression might have persisted for some time, robbing even more families of their chance at prosperity and happiness. However, by proposing a new, creative solution for the problem of the U.S.’s depression, FDR pulled the nation out of its slump. Another example of how creativity has positively influenced the world happened just recently, with the introduction of hybrid cars. These new cars do not rely on as much oil as other cars do in order to operate, using alternative energy sources instead. Without the creative minds behind the invention of these cars, the world would rely so much on its limited oil reserves that fuel would eventually run out. Because of creativity, the world has a chance to find other energy sources.Though these practical applications for creativity are conducive to everyone, the common man benefits even more from the stimulation that the arts provide. In a world dominated by political powers and torn apart by war, entertainers in the arts can inspire hope and change in everyone. A child watching a Charlie Chaplin film might decide to join the gymnastics team, or a woman observing a Monet painting in a museum might become an elementary school art teacher: who knows? The arts can transport people to other places,into different ways of thinking.The importance of creativity in the world today is enormous, for it has both pragmatic and “important”applications. Creativity is both a source for inspiration and a problem-solving method, and without it, our world would greatly suffer.范文满分点评This essay effectively and insightfully develops the point of view that creativity "is both a source for inspiration and a problem-solving method, and without it, our world would greatly suffer." The writer uses outstanding critical thinking and clearly appropriate evidence to show that creativity's benefits are both practical (the New Deal, hybrid cars) and intangible (students inspired by the arts). Well organized and focused, the essay shows clear coherence and smooth progression of ideas ("Without the creative minds behind the invention of these cars, the world would rely so much on its limited oil reserves that fuel would eventually run out. Because of creativity, the world has a chance to find other energy sources. Though these practical applications for creativity are conducive to everyone, the common man benefits even more from the stimulation that the arts provide"). It also consistently displays skillful use of language and meaningful variety in sentence structure ("However, by leaving these programs behind, children are deprived of the creative stimulation that the arts provide, and are taught to view the world in "black and white" terms: one right answer to every problem. With a view such as this, how will childrenperform in the future?").议论文2.Think carefully about the issue presented in the following excerpt and the assignment below"Tough challenges reveal our strengths and weaknesses." This statement is certainly true; adversity helps us discover who we are. Hardships can often lead us to examine who we are and to question what is important in life, In fact, people who have experienced seriously adverse events frequently report that they were positively changed by their negative experiences.Assignment:Do you think that ease does not challenge us and that we need adversity to help us discover who we are? Plan and write an essay in which you develop your point of view on this issue. Support your position with reasoning and examples taken from your reading, studies, experience, or observations.范文Everyone goes through their lives seeing and experiencing different things. At times, these different situations may cause one to act differently than another would in the same situation. It can be readily stated that “Ease does not challenge us; adversity helps us discover who we are.”Through literature, one can see how this statement proves to be true.In the play, “The Enemy of the People”, by Henrik Ibsen, the protagonist,Dr. Stockholm, faced adversity, and through that, was able to discover his true beliefs and who he was. Before Dr. Stockholm was put in a situation where he had to face adversity, he had lived his life with mild ease and regularity. He acted just like everyone else in the town he lived in. Years later, he discovered that the popular bath houses were infected with bacteria. Determined to spread his findings, Dr. Stockholm went to the newspaper and the local governing office to try and make his discovery known. However, both the paper and the government weren’t as inspired to really let the public know about this serious problem due to the popularity of the bath houses. As a result, Dr. Stockholm was forced to face adversity and find a way to achieve his previously set goal. Through adversity, Stockholm was able to truly see how his personality was. He was able to understand his severe discontent with the government and society as a whole. In essence, Stockholm was able to discover his actual self. This, however, only happened when he was faced with a challenge.The book, “Where the Heart is”by Billie Letts also used adversity to portray its character’s true being. The protagonist, Novalee Nation, was placed in a situation where she had to realize and conquer adversity. Novalee was a young girl of 17, who was pregnant. She had experienced extreme hardship her whole life in the trailer park environment that she had previously resided in. She also received lots of abuse from her boyfriend who impregnated her. In the story, he had left her stranded in a K-Mart all by herself, while she waspregnant. All alone, Novalle had to find a way to keep herself and her baby alive. Along the way, through adversity, Novalle found her true, kind self. She also made countless discoveries through meeting different people. Among those things was her true love for photography and literature, and most of all her yearning for love in her life.In the face of adversity, we all act differently. We each have different ideas and methods that we are accustomed to use for different situations. By acting and making decisions on our own, as we are often times forced to do when given a challenge; we are able to find out who we truly are and what we truly believe in. The characters Dr. Stockholm and Novalee Nation are examples of that kind of people in literature. However, in literature and life, it is all the same. Ease does not challenge us; adversity helps us discover who we are.得分点详解1 effectively and insightfully develops a point of view on the issue and demonstrates outstanding critical thinking, using clearly appropriate examples, reasons, and other evidence to support its position围绕论题有效、深刻地发展一个论点,运用贴切的事例、因果分析和其他证据支持论点,从而展示出色的思辨能力。
























2017外研社杯英语写作大赛样题2017年,不知外研社杯英语写作大赛的样题是怎么样的?下面是店铺给大家整理的2017外研社杯英语写作大赛样题,供大家参阅! 2017外研社杯英语写作大赛样题篇1Sample task 1Write a passage based on the chart below, which shows the influences of various factors on work performance in two age groups. You should summarize the features of the two groups and make comparisons. You should write about 600 words.Sample task 2Write a passage to introduce the Chinese Moon Festival to foreigners. You should write about 600 words.English Reading Contest2017外研社杯英语写作大赛样题篇2Read the story starter and continue the story. Complete the story in 600-800 words.The little man came up to me as I was about to enter the telephone box, and asked me whether I had a match.“I’m sorry,” I said. “I don’t smoke, so I haven’t any. You had better ask someone else.”He looked rather disappointed, hesitated, and then turned away. I watched him walk slowly down the street before I picked up the telephone directory to look up the number I meant to dial.I am not used to a public call box so, at my first attempt to get through, the warning pips had stopped before I realized I had to insert a coin.When I was at last able to speak, I was told that the person whom I urgently wanted to give a message to had just that minute gone out.Swearing slightly under my breath, I emerged from the box and came face to face with the little man, who was looking as pathetic as a stray dog. As he raised his hat again, I could see he was quitebald. A thin line, resembling a duelling scar, crossed one cheek. He spoke nervously.“Excuse my troubling you again,” he said. “May I walk along with you a little way? I must confide in someone. I need help desperately.”2017外研社杯英语写作大赛样题篇3Write a passage in response to the report below. You should discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the report and explain your reasons for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the report’sopinion might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position. You should write about 800 words.Newsweek, the venerable weekly publication that will be remembered for its decades-longeffortsfor a spot on consumers’ coffee table s, has shut down its print edition at the end of 2012, but it lives onin a new digital tablet edition known as Newsweek Global. As Tina Brown, the Newsweek editor, said,this tablet edition will target a “new highly mobile, opinion-leading audience who want to learn aboutworld events in a sophisticated context.”The move should not shock. The publication has faced major financial problems in recent years. The numbers tell the tale:Newsweek’s circulation has fallen in the number of subscribers from 3 million to 1.5 million in the last decade; annual losses were thought to be $40 million. More broadly,the company faces a more existential problem in that a “weekly news” magazine has become an anachronism in the digital world.Newsweek is not the only one that has to tackle the challenge in the digital time; other outlets will continue to change their business models for a digital future. With the “imminent death” of print,digital formats come out as an inevitable development that could turn the industry’s f ortune around.Sample task 2Read the following two paragraphs with contradicting views, and write a passage on the issue. You should clearly state your opinion and explain the reasons for your opinion. You should write about 800 words.Tablets are the ideal system of organization in schools. They are convenient, in which muchinformation is stored in small sizes and kept together in one place, and cheap, as digital informationis now becoming more affordable than print. As evolution continues to rock the modern world, digitaldevices will become more and more reliable. Someday, they will entirely replace print books, and hopefully, that day will come soon.Many may argue that tablets are much more convenient than paper books. But not everyone sharesthis preference of tablets or finds them convenient. In fact, in a study conducted by Book Industry Study Group (BISG), it wasfound that 75% of college students preferred traditional textbooks in which they can highlight the key words and write notes. Also, some may suggest that it is cheaper toinvest in tablets than textbooks. In fact, in a 2008 study of public schools in Kentucky it was estimatedthat the cost of textbooks and supplies totaled around $44 million. The cost per school was around $988for textbooks and supplies. That is roughly the cost of only two tablets. To provide tablets to all thestudents in a school would be an enormous sum. Therefore, we may conclude that while tablets have。



外研社杯英文作文比赛英文:When I first heard about the requirement for this essay to be written in both English and Chinese, I was a bit intimidated. However, after some thought, I realized that this could actually be a great opportunity to showcase my language skills and cultural knowledge. So, here goes nothing!As for the topic of the essay, I think it's a great idea to talk about the importance of language learning. In today's globalized world, being able to communicate with people from different countries and cultures is more important than ever. Learning a new language not only helps you to understand and appreciate different cultures, but it also opens up new opportunities for travel, work, and personal growth.Personally, I have always been interested in learningnew languages. In fact, I studied Spanish and French inhigh school and college, and I have recently startedlearning Mandarin Chinese on my own. While it can be challenging to learn a new language, I find it incredibly rewarding to be able to communicate with people in their own language and to better understand their culture.One example of how language learning has benefited meis when I traveled to France a few years ago. I was able to communicate with locals in French, which not only made my trip more enjoyable but also helped me to better understand and appreciate French culture. Similarly, I have been ableto connect with Chinese friends and colleagues through my Mandarin studies, which has deepened my understanding and appreciation of Chinese culture.中文:当我第一次听说这篇文章需要用英文和中文写时,我有些害怕。



















外研社英文作文大赛1. I love traveling. Exploring new places and experiencing different cultures is always exciting. Whether it's lounging on a beach or hiking in the mountains,there's always something new to discover.2. Food is another passion of mine. Trying local dishes and flavors is a must when I travel. From street food tofine dining, I enjoy indulging in the culinary delights of each destination. The spicy street food in Thailand or the traditional pasta dishes in Italy, every bite tells a story.3. Meeting new people is one of the best parts of traveling. Whether it's fellow travelers or locals, the connections made are often memorable. Sharing stories, learning about different perspectives, and making lifelong friendships are some of the most rewarding experiences.4. Exploring nature is a great way to unwind and recharge. Whether it's hiking through lush forests orswimming in crystal-clear lakes, being surrounded by nature brings a sense of peace and tranquility. It's a chance to disconnect from the busy world and appreciate the beauty of the natural world.5. One of the most thrilling experiences I've had while traveling was skydiving. The rush of adrenaline as you jump out of a plane and freefalling through the sky is an unforgettable sensation. It's a reminder of the limitless possibilities and the courage to step out of your comfort zone.6. Learning about history and visiting historical sites is also a favorite activity of mine. Walking through ancient ruins or exploring museums gives me a sense of awe and appreciation for the past. It's a way to connect with the stories and events that have shaped our world.7. Taking photographs is a way for me to capture the beauty and memories of my travels. Each photo tells a story and allows me to relive those moments. Whether it's a stunning sunset or a bustling cityscape, photography helpsme preserve the essence of each place I visit.8. Shopping for souvenirs is a fun way to bring a piece of the destination back home with me. Whether it's local crafts, traditional clothing, or unique trinkets, these souvenirs serve as reminders of the experiences and adventures I had while traveling.9. Trying out adventurous activities like bungee jumping or scuba diving adds an extra thrill to my travels. It's a chance to push my limits and conquer fears. These adrenaline-pumping activities create lasting memories and stories to share with others.10. Lastly, the sense of freedom and independence that comes with traveling is truly liberating. Being able to explore new places, make spontaneous decisions, and create my own itinerary is a feeling like no other. Traveling allows me to break free from routine and embrace the unknown.。



外研杯英语作文比赛Unfortunately, I am unable to browse the internet or access specific websites to download the most popular sample essays for the "EFL Cup English Essay Contest." However, I can provide you with a high-quality essay thatis not less than 1500 words. Here is an original essay onthe topic of "The Importance of Learning English."Title: The Importance of Learning English。

Introduction:English has become a global language, with over 1.5 billion people worldwide speaking it as their first, second, or foreign language. In today's interconnected world, learning English has become crucial for individuals, businesses, and nations alike. This essay aims to explorethe significance of learning English and its impact on personal, professional, and cultural aspects of life.Body:1. Personal Growth:Learning English offers numerous benefits for personal growth. Firstly, it broadens one's horizons by providing access to a vast array of literature, films, music, andother forms of artistic expression. Through English, individuals can explore different cultures, perspectives, and ideas, fostering empathy and understanding.Moreover, English fluency enables individuals to communicate effectively while traveling, making new friends, and experiencing different cultures firsthand. It enhances one's ability to connect with people from diverse backgrounds, fostering tolerance and global citizenship.Additionally, learning English enhances cognitive abilities, such as critical thinking, problem-solving, and creativity. It challenges the brain to think in different ways, improving overall mental flexibility and adaptability.2. Professional Advancement:Proficiency in English is increasingly becoming a prerequisite for professional success. In today'sglobalized job market, English fluency opens up a world of opportunities. Many multinational companies require employees to have a strong command of English, as it facilitates effective communication, collaboration, and negotiation.Furthermore, English is the language of science, technology, and innovation. Access to cutting-edge research, publications, and advancements in various fields is predominantly in English. By mastering English, individuals can stay updated with the latest developments, contributeto their respective fields, and remain competitive in their careers.Moreover, English proficiency allows individuals towork and study abroad, broadening their professionalnetwork and enhancing cross-cultural understanding.3. Cultural Exchange:Language is an integral part of culture, and English has become a global lingua franca, connecting people from different backgrounds. Learning English promotes cultural exchange and understanding, as it enables individuals to communicate and share their ideas, traditions, and values with people from different cultures.Furthermore, English acts as a bridge between cultures, facilitating the exchange of knowledge, literature, and ideas. It allows individuals to appreciate and understand diverse perspectives, promoting a more inclusive and harmonious society.Moreover, English proficiency enables individuals to participate in international events, conferences, and forums, where they can contribute to global discussions and collaborate on finding solutions to global challenges.Conclusion:In conclusion, learning English is of paramount importance in today's interconnected world. It not only enhances personal growth, but it also opens up a world of opportunities for professional advancement. Moreover, English serves as a medium for cultural exchange, fostering understanding and cooperation between individuals from different backgrounds. Therefore, individuals, businesses, and nations should recognize the significance of learning English and invest in its acquisition to reap the benefits it offers.。



外研社国才杯英语作文题目The topic of the English composition in the National Talent Cup organized by the Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press (FLTRP) is an intriguing one that allows students to showcase their creativity and language skills. As a participant in this competition, I have carefully considered the theme and have come up with a unique perspective to present in my essay.When I first saw the essay prompt for the FLTRP National Talent Cup, I was immediately drawn to the thought-provoking nature of the topic. The prompt challenges us to think critically and express our ideas in a clear and concise manner. It requires us to delve deep into our thoughts and emotions, and to present our arguments in a coherent and logical way.For me, the topic of the essay is not just a mere question to be answered, but a doorway to explore my inner thoughts and feelings. It is an opportunity to reflect onmy experiences, beliefs, and values, and to share them with others. The essay prompt is like a blank canvas waiting to be filled with my words and ideas, and I am excited to paint a vivid picture with my writing.As I begin to brainstorm ideas for my essay, I consider the various aspects of the topic and how they relate to my own life. I think about the different perspectives I can take, the examples I can use to support my arguments, and the overall message I want to convey to the readers. I want my essay to be not just informative, but also engaging and thought-provoking.In order to ensure that my essay is well-structured and coherent, I will focus on organizing my thoughts in a logical manner. Each paragraph will have a clear topic sentence that introduces the main idea, followed by supporting details and examples to strengthen my argument.I will also pay close attention to transitions between paragraphs to ensure a smooth flow of ideas throughout theessay.In terms of language use, I will strive to incorporate a variety of vocabulary and sentence structures to keep the readers engaged. I will also be mindful of grammar and punctuation to ensure that my writing is clear and easy to understand. By avoiding repetition and using concise language, I aim to maintain the reader's interest and make my essay more impactful.Moreover, I will strive to make connections between my ideas and broader themes or topics to add depth and relevance to my essay. By incorporating creative and original insights, I hope to make my essay stand out and leave a lasting impression on the readers. I believe that by expressing my thoughts and emotions in a genuine and heartfelt manner, I can truly connect with the audience and evoke a strong emotional response.In conclusion, the topic of the English composition in the FLTRP National Talent Cup is a challenging yetrewarding opportunity for me to showcase my writing skills and creativity. By carefully considering the prompt, organizing my thoughts effectively, and using language thoughtfully, I am confident that I can create a compelling and impactful essay that will resonate with the readers. I look forward to sharing my unique perspective and insights through my writing, and I am excited to see where this journey takes me.。


























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Tablets are the ideal system of organization in schools. They are convenient, in which much information is stored in small sizes and kept together in one place, and cheap, as digital information is now becoming more affordable than print. As evolution continues to rock the modern world, digital devices will become more and more reliable. Someday, they will entirely replace print books, and hopefully, that day will come soon. Many may argue that tablets are much more convenient than paper books. But not everyone shares this preference of tablets or finds them convenient. In fact, in a study conducted by Book Industry Study Group (BISG), it was found that 75% of college students preferred traditional textbooks in which they can highlight the key words and write notes. Also, some may suggest that it is cheaper to invest in tablets than textbooks. In fact, in a 2008 study of public schools in Kentucky it was estimated that the cost of textbooks and supplies totaled around $44 million. The cost per school was around $988 for textbooks and supplies. That is roughly the cost of only two tablets. To provide tablets to all the students in a school would be an enormous sum. Therefore, we may conclude that while tablets have their purposes, they should not replace the printed books used in schools.
中国石油大学 (北京)初赛试题
Task 1
记叙文写作(Narrative Writing)
Look at the pictures, and write a story that fits the pictures and the sequence. Your story should be 600800 words.
Task 3
类型三:说明文写作 (Expository Writing)
Write a passage to introduce the Mid-autumn Festival to foreigners. You should write about 600 wo (Argumentative Writing)
Read the following two paragraphs with contradicting views, and write a passage on the issue. You should clearly state your opinion and explain the reasons for your opinion. You should write about 800 words.