Old Shanghai老上海

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• Old Shanghai Style Furniture • Old Shanghai Style Furniture is referred to the furniture both in oriental or western style which was made between 1843 and 1949 in Shanghai. The image of Shanghai antique furniture is a commodity combining the western style with Chinese traditional materials. • ♦ Development of Shanghai Antique Furniture • The combination style of Shanghai old furniture was caused by its historical factors. • With the construction of foreign administrators in these areas, more and more western commodities were imported in this city. Furniture was one of the representatives of that time. • And in 1910s to 1920s, the New Culture Movement sprung up. This movement called people to receive the advanced knowledge from the western country. Chinese people gradually accepted western style suite. With this improvement, the Shanghai antique furniture was emerged.
• Life has existed in the narrow alleys for centuries and even though some people have left the longtang for more modern accommodations, the alleys remain an important part of Shanghai. • Wang Anyi once wrote in one of her novels that longtang brought people together: "You could say longtang is a certain type of architecture, but it is actually a way of life."
最早的ART DECO可追溯到汇丰银行大楼的内饰。1925年 诺曼底公寓更是ART DECO惊艳登场。当时在上海相当盛 行装饰艺术的公寓。最高的如峻岭公寓,局部达到18层, 外墙通常采用原色涂料或面砖,配以直线或折线的细部装 饰,立面强调竖向线条的微妙层次。形体从中央成转角部 位层层收分跌落。
THE NIGHTCLUB Old Shanghai wasn’t just crowded with longtang alleyways and opium dens; as most everyone knows, it was also full of garishly-lit clubs, where the drinks flowed freely, and the music played into the early morning. The most famous of these late-night hangouts was the Paramount , or in Chinese, Bai Le Men (百乐门), literally “The Gate of 100 Pleasures.” If you wanted high-class debauchery, this was the place to go.
没 有 弄 堂 , 就 没 有 上 海 , 更 没 有 上 海 人 。
一少 多 起个 少 。记 个 忆故 ,事 与, 石多 库少 门个 ,典 与故 亭, 子多 间少 紧个 紧名 地人 联, 系多 在
石库门(石库门建筑是伴随着里弄而出现的) • 石库门是最具上海特色的居民住宅。上海的旧弄堂一般是石库门建筑, 石库门住宅脱胎于中国传统的四合院。十九世纪后期,在上海开始出 现用传统木结构加砖墙承重建造起来的住宅。由于这类民居的外门选 用石料作门框,故称“石库门”。这种中西建筑艺术相融合的石库门 作为建筑和文化的产物,在中国近代建筑史上留下了深深的烙印。 • 百年石库门建筑群“德安里”于清宣统二年(1910年)由沙逊洋行建造, 德安里位于北苏州路520弄,计327幢,建筑面积4.38万平方米。 石库门里还有二房东,承租人将自己承租的房子,转租或分租给他人, 成为所谓的二房东。二房东的房客再将所祖房屋转租、分租,就成了 三房东……这样一来,原来只居一家的一幢房子,可以分租四五家乃 至八九家,足足容纳二三十人。抗战以后,搭建之风更加厉害,客堂 间等处都加搭阁楼,原来两层的一下子变成了四层楼,三层的变成六 层楼,使用面积往往增加一倍有余,“72家房客”由此而生。
像 雾 像 雨 又 像 风
Old Shanghai, China's Frontier City
神提 马到 ?老 ?上 海 , 你 可 以 想 到
复古风和怀旧情结。 服装,建筑,工艺品,装潢,音乐,摄影等 都被反复利用。 三十年代的老上海像一件工艺品。• Nhomakorabea•

The Paramount was built where the International Settlement met the local quarter. Designed in 1931 by architect Yang Xiliu(杨锡镠 )and financed by businessman Gu Liancheng,(顾联承 )the Paramount was three stories tall and included a kitchen, a banquet hall, a ballroom, and an elegant entry hall. Beautiful rosewood floors in the ballroom were supported by armored plates taken from army trucks; It’s said that the Paramount dance floor could hold over a thousand people at once. In its heyday, the crowd was full of local tycoons, socialites, politicians and the house’s famed international hostesses—beautiful Russian, Japanese, Korean and Chinese dancing girls.
只有30年代的老上海才能够象征品味、格 调、优雅、浪漫、摩登、经典。

有人说30年代的上海 充盈着灯红酒绿,弥漫 着靡靡之音,在昏暗暧 昧的暝色软风中买醉销 魂,只要在电影中看到
跑洋行的买办,穿旗袍 的太太,在教会学校读 英文的小姐,从法国留 学回来的少爷纷纷粉墨 登场以及汇丰银行,圣 约翰大学,百乐门夜总 会,仙乐斯舞厅背 景……那浓浓的老上海 风情扑面而来。
• Yesterday’s Shanghai has long since past. It’s no longer the frontier city full of opium, gangsters, starlets and dance halls. Old Shanghai was a wild place, dangerous and full of intrigue; good and evil mixed together on the seedy streets of this “Paris of the East.” The city was full of pretty women and treacherous gangsters; the pungent smell of opium was thick in the air. Now let’s take a trip into OLD SAHNGHAI.
上海的弄堂因为晾衣架上遮天蔽日的衣服,好像总也不见阳光,加上上海本身潮湿 的环境,让弄堂里更显阴冷。七十二家客因为鸡毛蒜皮的小事喋喋不休、斤斤计较。 北京的四合院到了上海就转变成了弄堂里中西合璧的石库门,上海洋场风情的现代 生活使庭院式的大家庭传统生活被打破,取而代之的是合适单身移民和小家庭居住 的文化。上海恐怕是中国最开始现代的三口之家生活的城市 .
• ♦ Pattern of Old Shanghai Furniture
• The ancestral art of Chinese wood carving was used to create modern pieces following art deco design(ART DECO 就是装饰艺术设计,Art Deco是 Decoration Art的缩写。装饰艺术 (Art Deco) 被视 为优雅、功能性与现代性并重的艺术风格。) Best examples are pairs of seaters separated by a tea table, or mahjong tables that are specific to China. Shanghai Style furniture and other related items such as radio sets and electric fans became ubiquitous in Shanghai. In a city obsessed with modernity, Shanghai Style furniture became the mainstream style like nearly nowhere else. They are now often used by designers in Shanghai to give the feeling of Old Shanghai in an interior.

• Longtang • Shanghai's historic alleys are not known only for the unique architecture, but also for the way of life. • The alleys are commonly referred to as "longtang" in Shanghai. Some people suggest longtang is symbolic of Shanghai, much like the hutong in Beijing. It could be true; Shanghai is one of the world's fastest-growing cities, yet, despite the modern buildings and towering skyscrapers, longtang remain in place.
老上海 Old Shanghai
香格里拉 - 上海老百乐门爵士
• The Lure of Old Shanghai
• Old Shanghai was a very special place in the hearts of Chinese; It was referred to as "Paris of the East" and "paradise for adventurers." Even now, the narrow alleys, the exotic cheongsams and the old buildings, which dot the famous Bund, are rich with nostalgic charm.