The last I want to say
I guess life comes down to a simple choice: get busy living or get busy dying. 生命归结于一种简单的选择:要么忙着生 存,要么赶着去死。
安迪被指控谋杀妻子,被判无期徒刑 安迪被指控谋杀妻子,被判无期徒刑。监狱中的 无期徒刑。监狱中的 瑞德给安迪找到一把用来雕刻的石锤 瑞德给安迪找到一把用来雕刻的石锤。后来他由 石锤。 于精于财务知识成为了监狱的财务总监。此时他 开始帮助典狱长洗黑钱 开始帮助典狱长洗黑钱。后来,一名囚犯知道安 典狱长洗黑钱。后来,一名囚犯知道安 迪入狱真相,兴奋的安迪希望狱长能帮他翻案。 典狱长暗中却杀死了那名囚犯,因为他想安迪一 直留在监狱帮他做帐 。对自由的希望和十九年 的努力让他在大西洋岸边与好友瑞德见面。安迪 的努力让他在大西洋岸边与好友瑞德见面。安迪 十九年凿穿墙洞,正是靠他对自由的渴望。
Classic words
Fear can hold you soul, hope soul, can set you free. A strong man can save himself, a great man can save another. 懦怯囚禁人的 灵魂, 灵魂,希望可以令你 感受自由。强者自 救,圣者渡人。
The Shawshank Redemption
Plot Summary
Andy was accused of murdering his wife, was sentenced to life imprisonment. In the jail, Andy ask imprisonment. Red for a useful stone hammers, to sculpt. He become sculpt. the prison in the financial director because of his financial knowledge. When he started to help the warden launder money. Later, a prisoner know why money. Andy was jailed, Andy hope the truth to help him get to be released . However, the warden secretly killed the prisoner, because he want to Andy continue to help him. To the desire of freedom and hard of using 19 years to sculpt wall ,He get to the Atlantic ocean shore and meet friends Red. Andy chiseled through-wall in19 throughyears by his the longing for freedom .
肖申克的救赎 英文原版剧本PART5~6
PART 543 INT -- CELLBLOCK FIVE -- 2ND TIER -- NIGHT (1947) 43Brooks Hatlen pushes a cart of books from cell to cell. Therolling library. He finds Red waiting for him. Red slips therock-hammer, wrapped in a towel, through the bars and onto thecart. Next comes six cigarettes to pay for postage.REDDufresne.Brooks nods, never missing a beat. He rolls his cart to Andy's cell, mutters through the bars:BROOKSMiddle shelf, wrapped in a towel.Andy's hand snakes through the bars and makes the object disappear. The hand comes back and deposits a small slip of folded paper along with more cigarettes. Brooks turns his cart around and goes back. He pauses, sorting his books long enough for Red to snag the slip of paper. Brooks continues on, scooping the cigarettes off the cart and into his pocket.44 INT -- RED'S CELL -- NIGHT (1947) 44Red unfolds the slip of paper. Penciled neatly on it is a single word: "Thanks."45 INT -- PRISON LAUNDRY -- DAY (1947) 45We are assaulted by the deafening noise of the laundry lineAndy is doing his job, getting good at it.BOBDUFRESNE! WE'RE LOW ON HEXLITE!HEAD ON BACK AND FETCH US UP SOME!Andy nods. He leaves the line, weaving his way through the laundry room and into --46 INT -- BACK ROOMS/STOCK AREA -- DAY (1947) 46-- a dark, tangled maze of rooms and corridors, boilers and furnaces, sump pumps, old washing machines, pallets of cleaning supplies and detergents, you name it. Andy hefts a cardboard drum of Hexlite off the stack, turns around ---- and finds Bogs Diamond in the aisle. blocking his way. Rooster looms from the shadows to his right, Pete Verness on the left. A frozen beat. Andy slams the Hexlite to the floor, rips off the top, and scoops out a double handful.ANDYYou get this in your eyes, it blinds you.BOGSHoney, hush.Andy backs up, holding them at bay, trying to maneuver through the maze. The Sisters keep coming, tense and guarded, eyes riveted and gauging his every move, trying to outflank him. Andy trips on some old gaint sugglies. That's all it takes. They're on him in an instant, kicking and stomping.Andy gets yanked to his feet. Bogs applies a chokehold from behind. They propel him across the room and slam him against an old four-pocket machine, bending him over it. Rooster jams a rag into Andy's mouth and secures it with a steel pipe, like a horse bit. Andy kicks and struggles, but Rooster and Pete have his arms firmly pinned. Bogs whispers in Andy's ear:BOGSThat's it, fight. Better that way.Andy starts screaming, muffled by the rag. CAMERA PULLS BACK, SLOWLY WIDENING. The big Washex blocks our view. All we see is Andy's screaming face and the men holding him down......and CAMERA DRIFTS FROM THE ROOM, leaving the dark place and the dingy act behind...MOVING up empty corridors, pastconcrete walls and steel pipes...RED (V.O.)I wish I could tell you that Andy fought the good fight, and the Sisters let him be. I wish I could tell you that, but prison is no fairy-tale world.WE EMERGE into the prison laundry past a guard, WIDENING fora final view of the line. The giant steel "mangler" is slapping down in brutal rhythm. The sound is deafening.RED (V.O.)He never said who did it...but we all knew.PRISON MONTAGE: (1947 through 1949)47 Andy plods through his days. Working. Eating. Chipping and 47shaping his rocks after lights-out...RED (V.O.)Things went on like that for a while. Prison life consists of routine, and then more routine.48 Andy walks the yard, face swollen and bruised. 48RED (V.O.)Every so often, Andy would show up with fresh bruises.49 Andy eats breakfast. A few tables over, Bogs blows him a kiss. 49RED (V.O.)The Sisters kept at him. Sometimes he was able to fight them off...sometimes not.50 Andy backs into a corner in some dingy part of the prison, wildly swinging a rake at his tormentors.RED (V.O.)He always fought, that's what I remember. He fought because he knew if he didn't fight, it would make it that much easier not to fightthe next time.The rake connects, snapping off over somebody's skull. They beat the hell out of him.RED (V.O.)Half the time it landed him in the infirmary...51 INT -- SOLITARY CONFINEMENT ("THE HOLE") -- NIGHT (1949) 51A stone closet. No bed, sink, or lights. Just a toilet with no seat. Andy sits on bare concrete, bruised face lit by a faint ray of light falling through the tiny slit in the steel door....the other half, it landed him in solitary. Warden Norton's "grain &drain" vacation. Bread, water, and all the privacy you could want.52 INT -- PRISON LAUNDRY -- DAY (1949) 52Andy is working the line.RED (V.O.)And that's how it went for Andy. That was his routine. I do believe those first two years were the worst for him. And I also believe if things had gone on that way, this place would have got the best of him. But then, in the spring of 1949, the powers-that-be decided that...53 EXT -- PRISON YARD -- DAY (1949) 53Warden Norton addresses the assembled cons via bullhorn:NORTON...the roof of the license-plate factory needs resurfacing. I need a dozen volunteers for a week's work. We're gonna be taking names in this steel bucket here...Red glances around at his friends. Andy also catches his eye.RED (V.O.)It was outdoor detail, and May is one damn fine month to be workin' outdoors.54 EXT -- PRISON YARD -- DAY (1949) 54Cons shuffle past, dropping slips of paper into a bucket.RED (V.O.)More than a hundred men volunteered for the job.Red saunters to a guard named TIM YOUNGBLOOD, muttersdiscreetly in his ear.55 EXT -- PRISON YARD -- DAY (1949) 55Youngblood is pulling names and reading them off. Red exchanges grins with Andy and the others.Wouldn't you know it? Me and some fellas I know were among the names called.56 INT -- PRISON CORRIDOR -- NIGHT (1949) 56Red slips Youngblood six packs of cigarettes.RED (V.O.)Only cost us a pack of smokes per man. I made my usual twentypercent, of course.57 EXT -- LICENSE PLATE FACTORY -- DAY (1949) 57A tar-cooker bubbles and smokes. TWO CONS dip up a bucket oftar and tie a rope to the handle. The rope goes taught. CAMERAFOLLOWS the bucket of tar up the side of the building to --58 THE ROOF 58-- where it is relayed to the work detail. The men are dipping big Padd brushes and spreading the tar. ANGLZ OVER to Byron Hadley bitching sourly to his fellow guards:HADLEY...so this shithead lawyer calls long distance from Texas, and he says, Byron Hadley?I say, yeah. He says, sorry to inform you, but yourbrother just died.YOUNGBLOODDamn, Byron. Sorry to hear that.HADLEYI ain't. He was an asshole. Run off years ago, family ain't heard of him since. Figured him for dead anyway. So this lawyer prick says, your brother died a rich man. Oil wells and shit, close to a million bucks. Jesus, it's frigging incredible h ow lucky some assholes can get.TROUTA million bucks? Jeez-Louise! You get any of that?HADLEYThirty five thousand. That's what he left me.TROUTDollars? Holy shit, that's great! Like winnin' a lottery...(off Hadley's shitty look)...ain't it?HADLEYDumbshit. What do you figger the government's gonna do to me? Take a big wet bite out of my ass, is what.TROUTOh. Hadn't thought of that.HADLEYMaybe leave me enough to buy a new car with. Then what happens? You pay tax on the car. Repairs and maintenance. Goddamn kids pesterin' you to take 'em for a ride...MERTAnd drive it, if they're old enough.HADLEYThat's right, wanting to drive it, wanting to learn on it, f'Chrissake!Then at the end of the year, if you figured the tax wrong, they makeyou pay out of your own pocket. Uncle Sam puts his hand in yourshirt and squeezes your tit till it's purple. Always get the short end. That's a fact. (spits over the side)Some brother. Shit.The prisoners keep spreading tar, eyes on their work.HEYWOODPoor Byron. What terrible fuckin' luck. Imagine inheriting thirty five thousand dollars. REDCrying shame. Some folks got it awful bad.Red glances over -- and is shocked to see Andy standing up, listening to the guards talk.REDHey, you nuts? Keep your eyes on your pail!Andy tosses his Padd in the bucket and strolls toward Hadley.REDAndy! Come back! Shit!SNOOZEWhat's he doing?FLOYDGettin' himself killed.REDGod damn it...HEYWOODJust keep spreadin' tar...The guards stiffen at Andy's approach. Youngblood's hand goesto his holster. The tower guards CLICK-CLACK their rifle bolts. Hadley turns, stupefied to find Andy there.ANDYMr. Hadley. Do you trust your wife?HADLEYThat's funny. You're gonna look funnier suckin' my dick with nofuckin' teeth.ANDYWhat I mean is, do you think she'd go behind your back? Try tohamstring you?HADLZYThat's it! Step aside, Mert. This fucker's havin' hisself an accident.Hadley grabs Andy's collar and propels him violently toward the edge of the roof. The cons furiously keep spreading tar.HEYWOODOh God, he's gonna do it, he's gonna throw him off the roof...SNOOZEOh shit, oh fuck, oh Jesus...ANDYBecause if you do trust her, there's no reason in the world you can'tkeep every cent of that money.Hadley abruptly jerks Andy to a stop right at the edge. In fact, Andy's past the edge, beyond his balance, shoetips scraping the roof. The only thing between him and an ugly drop to the concrete is Hadley's grip on the front of his shirt. HADLEYYou better start making sense.ANDYIf you want to keep that money, all of it, just give it to your wife.See, the IRS allows you a one-time- only gift to your spouse. It's good up to sixty thousand dollars.HADLEYNaw, that ain't right! Tax free?ANDYTax free. IRS can't touch one cent.The cons are pausing work, stunned by this business discussion.HADLEYYou're the smart banker what shot his wife. Why should I believe asmart banker like you? So's I can wind up in here with you?ANDYIt's perfectly legal. Go ask the IRS, they'll say the same thing. Actually, I feel silly telling you all this. I'm sure you would haveinvestigated the matter yourself.HADLEYFuckin'-A. I don't need no smart wife-killin' banker to show me wherethe bear shit in the buckwheat.ANDYOf course not. But you will need somebody to set up the tax-freegift, and that'll cost you. A lawyer, for example...HADLEYAmbulance-chaaing, highway-robbing cocksuckers!ANDY...or come to think of it, I suppose I could set it up for you. That would save you some money. I'll write down the forms you need,you can pick them up, and I'll prepare them for your signature...nearly free of charge.(off Hadley's look)I'd only ask three beers apiece for my co-workers, if that seems fair.TROUT(guffawing)Co-workers! Get him! That's rich, ain't it? Co-workers...Hadley freezes him with a look. Andy presses on:ANDYI think a nan working outdoors feels more like a man if he can have a bottle of suds. That's only my opinion.The convicts stand gaping, all pretense of work gone. They look like they've been pole-axed. Hadley shoots them a look.HADLEYWhat are you jimmies starin' at?Back to work, goddamn it!PART 659 EXT -- LICENSE PLATE FACTORY -- DAY (1949) 59As before, an object is hauled up the side of the building by rope -- only this time, it's a cooler of beer and ice.RED (V.O.)And that's how it came to pass, that on the second-to-last day of the job, the convict crew that tarred the plate factory roof in the spring of '49...60 EXT -- ROOF -- SHORTLY LATER (1949) 60The cons are taking the sun and drinking beer.RED (V.O.)...wound up sitting in a row at ten o'clock in the morning, drinking icycold Black Label beer courtesy of the hardest screw that ever walkeda turn at Shawshank State Prison.HADLEYDrink up, boys. While it's cold.RED (V.O.)The colossal prick even managed to sound magnanimous.Red knocks back another sip, enjoying the bitter cold on his tongue and the warm sun on face.RED (V.O.)We sat and drank with the sun on our shoulders, and felt like free men. We could'a been tarring theroof of one of our own houses. Wewere the Lords of all Creation.He glances over to Andy squatting apart from the others.RED (V.O.)As for Andy, he spent that break hunkered in the shade, a strangelittle smile on his face, watching us drink his beer.HEYWOOD(approaches with a beer)Here's a cold one, Andy.ANDYNo thanks. I gave up drinking.Heywood drifts back to others, giving them a look.RED (V.O.)You could argue he'd done it to curry favor with the guards. Or maybe make a few friends among us cons. Me, I think he did it just tofeel normal again...if only for a short while.61 EXT -- PRISON YARD -- THE BLEACHERS -- DAY (1949) 61Andy and Red play checkers. Red makes his move.REDKing me.ANDYChess. Now there's a game of kings.Civilized...strategic...RED...and totally fuckin' inexplicable. Hate that game.ANDYMaybe you'll let me teach you someday. I've been thinking of getting a board together.REDYou come to the right place. I'm the man who can get things.ANDYWe might do business on a board. But the pieces, I'd like to carve those myself. One side done in quartz... the opposing side in limestone.REDThat'd take you years.ANDYYears I've got. What I don't have are the rocks. Pickings here in theexercise yard are pretty slim.REDHow's that rock-hammer workin' out anyway? Scratch your name on your wall yet?ANDY(smiles)Not yet. I suppose I should.REDAndy? I guess we're gettin' to be friends, ain't we?ANDYI suppose we are.REDI ask a question? Why'd you do it?ANDYI'm innocent, remember? Just like everybody else here.Red takes this as a gentle rebuff, keeps playing.ANDYWhat are you in for, Red?REDMurder. Same as you.ANDYInnocent?REDThe only guilty man in Shawshank.62 INT -- ANDY'S CELL -- NIGHT (1949) 62Andy lies in his bunk after lights out, polishing a fragment of quartz by the light of the moon. He pauses, glancing at all the names scratched in the wall. He rises, makes sure the coast is clear, and starts scratching his name into the cement with his rock-hammer, adding to the record.63 RAY MILLAND 63fills the screen in glorious (and scratchy) black & white, suffering a bad case of DT's...64 INT -- PRISON AUDITORIUM -- NIGHT (1949) 64...while a CONVICT AUDIENCE hoots and catcalls, talking backto the screen. We find Red slouched in a folding chair, watching the movie. Andy enters, backlit by the flickering glare of the projector, and takes a seat next to him. REDHere's the good part. Bugs come out of the walls to get his ass.ANDYI know. I've seen it three times this month already.Ray Milland starts SCREAMING. The entire audience SCREAMS with him, high-pitched and hysterical. Andy fidgets.ANDYCan we talk business?REDSure. What do you want?ANDYRita Hayworth. Can you get her?REDNo problem. Take a few weeks.ANDYWeeks?REDDon't have her stuffed down my pants this very moment, sorry tosay. Relax. What are you so nervous about? She's just a woman.Andy nods, embarrassed. He gets up and hurries out. Red grins, turns back to the movie.65 INT -- AUDITORIUM CORRIDOR -- NIGHT (1949) 65Andy exits the theater and freezes in his tracks. Two dark figures loom in the corridor, blocking his path. Rooster and Pete. Andy turns back -- and runs right into Bogs. Instant bear hug. The Sisters are on him like a flash. They kick a door open and drag him into --66 THE PROJECTION BOOTH 66-- where they confront the startled PROJECTIONIST, an old conblinking at them through thick bifocals.BOGSTake a walk.PROJECTIONISTI have to change reels.BOGSI said fuck off.Terrified, the old man darts past and out the door. Pete slams and locks it. Bogs shoves Andy to the center of the room.ANDYI know. I've seen it three times this month already.Ray Milland starts SCREAMING. The entire audience SCREAMS witt him, high-pitched and hysterical. Andy fidgets.ANDYCan we talk business?REDSure. What do you want?ANDYRita Hayworth. Can you get her?REDNo problem. Take a few weeks.ANDYWeeks?REDDon't have her stuffed down my pants this very moment, sorry tosay. Relax. What are you so nervous about? She's just a woman.Andy nods, embarrassed. He gets up and hurries out. Red grins,turns back to the movie.65 INT -- AUDITORIUM CORRIDOR -- NIGHT (1949) 65Andy exits the theater and freezes in his tracks. Two dark figures loom in the corridor, blocking his path. Rooster and Pete. Andy turns back -- and runs right into Bogs. Instant bear hug. The Sisters are on him like a flash. They kick a door open and drag him into --66 THE PROJECTION BOOTH 66-- where they confront the startled PROJECTIONIST, an old conblinking at them through thick bifocals.BOGSTake a walk.PROJECTIONISTI have to change reels.BOGSI said fuck off.Terrified, the old man darts past and out the door. Pete slams and locks it. Bogs shoves Andy to the center of the room.BOGSAin't you gonna scream?Andy sighs, cocks his head at the projector.ANDYThey'd never hear me over that. Let's get this over with.Seemingly resigned, Andy turns around, leans on the rewind bench -- and curls his fingers around a full 1.000 foot reel of 35mm film. Rooster licks his lips, pushes past the others.ROOSTERMe first.ANDYOkay.Andy whips the reel of film around in a vicious arc, smashing it into Rooster's face and bouncing him off the wall.ROOSTERFuck! Shit! He broke my nose!Andy fights like hell, but is soon overpowered and forced to his knees. Bogs steps to Andy, pulls out an awl with a vicious eight-inch spike, gives him a good long look at it.BOGSNow I'm gonna open my fly, and you're gonna swallow what I giveyou to swallow. And when you d mine, you gonna swallowRooster's. You done broke his nose, so he ought to have somethin' to show for it. ANDYAnything you put in my mouth, you're going to lose.BOGSYou don't understand. You do that, I'll put all eight inches of this steel ii your ear. ANDYOkay. But you should know that sudden serious brain injury causesthe victim to bite down. Hard. (faint smile) In fact, I understand the bite-reflex is so strong the victim's jaws have to be pried open with a crowbar.The Sisters consider this carefully. The film runs out of the projector, flapping on the reel. The screen goes white.BOGSYou little fuck.Andy gets a bootheel in the face. The Sisters start kicking and beating the living shit out of him with anything they can get their hands on. In the theater, the convicts are CHANTING AND CLAPPING for the movie to come back on.RED (V.O.)Bogs didn't put anything in Andy's mouth, and neither did his friends. What they did do is beat him within an inch of his life...。
When Andy knew the truth, decided to go through their Redeemer free! Before you act, he left Reed a mysterious message. Andy through the efforts of success "prison break", the tool is the Bible" salvation", that is the little stone hammer. He took all the money for the washing, and the corruption and evidence of murder to the newspaper, the warden at the Dutch act of despair.
安迪知道真相后,决定通过自己的救赎 去获得自由!行动之前,他给瑞德留下 了神秘的留言。安迪通过努力成功“越 狱”,他的越狱工具就是那本圣经里面 的“救赎之道”,那把小小的石锤。他 领走了帮典狱长洗的那些钱,并且将典 狱长贪污与谋杀的证据寄给了报社,典 狱长在案发后为他 留下的礼物,并克 服了假释后的心理 危机,找到了安迪。 两个朋友最终相遇。
cell wall.
不和任何人接触。一 个月后,安迪请瑞德 帮他搞的第一件东西 是一把石锤,想雕刻 一些小东西以消磨时 光,并说自己想办法 逃过狱方的例行检查。 之后,安迪又搞了一 幅丽塔.海华丝的巨幅 海报贴在了牢房的墙
One time, Andy and the other prisoners out of several labor, he inadvertently heard the prison officer was talking about the tax. Andy said he what has a way to make the prison officer legally removed from the amount of tax, as the exchange, and his work prisoners were each given3 bottles of beer. Drinking beer, Reed speculated that Andy just borrow this free enjoy temporary freedom
电影介绍肖申克的救赎英语作文"The Shawshank Redemption" is a timeless masterpiece directed by Frank Darabont, based on Stephen King's novella. The film chronicles the journey of Andy Dufresne, a banker wrongly convicted of murder, and his bond with fellowinmate Ellis "Red" Redding, set against the backdrop of Shawshank State Penitentiary.The story unfolds with Andy's arrival at Shawshank,where he encounters brutality and corruption but retainshis humanity. His resilience and intellect soon earn him favor with the prison staff, notably the corrupt warden Norton. Andy's financial acumen aids Norton in money laundering, leading to privileges for him and his friends.Red, initially skeptical, finds hope through Andy's friendship and integrity. Andy's persistent efforts to maintain dignity in an oppressive environment inspire Red and other inmates. Their friendship becomes a lifeline, offering solace amidst despair.One of the film's central themes is redemption. Andyfinds redemption through acts of kindness, such as helpingfellow inmates and maintaining his innocence. Red seeks redemption for his past crimes and finds it in the form of hope, symbolized by Andy's dream of freedom.The climax of the film sees Andy's daring escape, revealing his meticulous planning over years. His escapenot only exposes the corruption within Shawshank but also serves as a testament to the human spirit's resilience."The Shawshank Redemption" is more than a tale of survival; it's a meditation on hope, friendship, and the indomitable nature of the human spirit. Its enduring popularity stems from its poignant storytelling, powerful performances, and universal themes that resonate across cultures and generations.《肖申克的救赎》是由弗兰克·达拉邦特执导的一部永恒的杰作,根据斯蒂芬·金的中篇小说改编而成。
瑞德1927年因谋杀罪 被判无期徒刑,数次 假释都未获成功。他 现在已经成为肖申克 监狱中的“权威人 物”,只要你付得起 钱,他几乎能有办法 搞到任何你想要的东 西。每当有新囚犯来 的时候,大家会赌谁 将在第一夜哭泣。瑞 德认为弱不禁风的安 迪一定会哭,结果安 迪的沉默使他输掉了 两包烟。
Since a long time ago, Andy almost never contact with any human . A month later, the first thing that Andy asked Reed to help him with a stone hammer, want to carve some small things to kill the time, and think of ways to escape the prison 's routine inspection. Later, Andy has set up a Rita Hayworth. Huge posters in the
一次查房,典狱长拿过了 安迪的圣经,却没有翻开
prison librarian for library books, 便递还给他,并告诉他
update, he writes a letter every “救赎之道,就在其中”,
week, for the library expansion efforts, six years later, he realized
可是典狱长没想到,那 “救赎之道”真的就在其 中。随后,他被派去当监
the dream. After that, he began to 狱的图书馆管理员,为了
help pose as a person of high
肖申克的救赎 双语剧本
肖申克的救赎双语剧本Mr. Dufresne, describe the confrontation you had with your wife the night she was murdered. 请你描述命案当晚和妻子争吵的情形It was very bitter. 我们吵的很凶She said she was glad I knew, that she hated all the sneaking around. 她说她不怕我知道她讨厌偷偷摸摸And she said that she wanted a divorce in Reno. 她还说想去雷诺办离婚- What was your response? - I told her I would not grant one. 你怎样回答?"I'll see you in hell before I see you in Reno." 我拒绝离婚Those were your words, according to your neighbors. “你别想活着去雷诺镇”邻居作证你说过这句话If they say so. 也许吧I really don't remember. I was upset. 我气炸了,记不清楚What happened after you argued with your wife? 你们吵完以后呢?She packed a bag. 她收拾行李She packed a bag to go and stay with Mr. Quentin. 去跟昆丁先生住一起Glenn Quentin, golf pro at the Snowden Hills Country Club... 葛兰昆丁乡村俱乐部的高球教练... whom you had discovered was your wife's lover. 你最近才发现他是你太太的情夫Did you follow her? 你跟踪他吗?I went to a few bars first. 我先去酒吧买醉Later, I drove to his house to confront them. They weren't home. 然后去他家,但没人在I parked in the turnout... 我就在外面等... and waited. 用意何在?With what intention?I'm not sure. 我不确定I was confused... 我醉了,糊里糊涂... drunk.I think... 我只想…吓吓他们... mostly I wanted to scare them.When they arrived, you went up to the house and murdered them. 结果你等他们回来就进屋去杀了他们I was sobering up. 不,我逐渐酒醒I got back in the car and I drove home to sleep it off. 开车回家睡觉Along the way, I threw my gun into the Royal River. 并把枪丢入皇家河I've been very clear on this point. 我已讲的很清楚I get hazy where the cleaning woman shows up the following morning... 但清洁妇次晨上工时...and finds your wife in bed with her lover... 发现床上的双尸身上满是三八的弹孔...riddled with.38-caliber bullets.Does that strike you as a fantastic coincidence, or is it just me? 你不觉得这很巧吗?还是只有我这么想?Yes, it does. 是很巧Yet you still maintain you threw your gun into the river... 但你仍声称丢弃了枪...before the murders took place.That's very convenient. 这种说法很省事It's the truth. 这是实话The police dragged that river for three days, and nary a gun was found... 警方打捞三天都没找到...so no comparison could be made between your gun and the bullets... 这样就无法比对受害者身上的弹痕...taken from the bloodstained corpses of the victims.And that also... 所以呢,这样说很省事...is very convenient. Isn't it, Mr. Dufresne?不是吗,杜弗伦先生?Since I am innocent of this crime... 我无罪...I find it decidedly inconvenient that the gun was never found. 找不到枪反而很费事Ladies and gentlemen, you've heard all the evidence. 一切证据都向各位报告了We have the accused at the scene of the crime. We have footprints. 脚印和胎痕证明被告在场Bullets on the ground bearing his fingerprints. 沾有指纹的子弹散落地面A broken bourbon bottle, likewise with fingerprints. 碎酒瓶上也有指痕And most of all... 最重要的是... we have a beautiful young woman and her lover... 一位美女与情夫相拥而死... lying dead in each other's arms.They had sinned. 他们是有罪的But was their crime so great... 但罪该致死吗?... as to merit a death sentence?While you think about that... 请各位再考虑一件事...think about this: 左轮枪只能装六发,而非八发A revolver holds six bullets, not eight.I submit that this was not a hot-blooded crime of passion. 所以他并非一时冲动That at least could be understood, if not condoned. 冲动并不可宽恕,但可理解No. 然而,这是复仇This was revenge......of a much more brutal, cold-blooded nature. Consider this:残忍而冷血的谋杀Four bullets per victim. 这两人各中四枪Not six shots fired, but eight. 共八枪,而非六枪That means that he fired the gun empty... 因此他是先射完一轮... and then stopped to reload... 再装弹补上两枪编剧:法兰克戴拉朋特... so that he could shoot each of them again.一人添一枪,射穿脑袋An extra bullet per lover...... right in the head.You strike me as a particularly icy and remorseless man, Mr. Dufresne. 你毫无感觉,全无悔意It chills my blood just to look at you. 看见你就令我齿冷By the power vested in me by the state of Maine... 根据缅因州赋予我的权力制片:尼基马文...I hereby order you to serve two life sentences back-to-back... 我判你两个无期徒刑...one for each of your victims. So be it! 为两位死者偿命导演:法兰克戴拉朋特Sit. 坐下We see you've served 20 years of a life sentence? 你判无期徒刑,已关二十年- Yes, sir. - You feel you've been rehabilitated? 是的你改过自新了吗?Yes, sir. Absolutely, sir. 是的,确实如此I mean, I learned my lesson. 我已得到教训I can honestly say that I'm a changed man. 真的,我已洗心革面I'm no longer a danger to society. 上帝为证,我不会危害社会That's God's honest truth.(不准假释)Hey, Red. 瑞德,怎样?How'd it go?Same old shit, different day. 还不是老样子Yeah, I know how you feel. 我了解I'm up for rejection next week. 我下周也准备要吃闭门羹Yeah, I got rejected last week. 我上周才假释被拒It happens. 难兄难弟Hey, Red, bump me a deck. 借一包烟吧Get out of my face, man! You're into me for five packs already. 滚开,你欠我五包Four! 四包五包There must be a con like me in every prison in America. 美国各监狱少不了我这种人I'm the guy who can get it for you. 我什么都弄得到Cigarettes, a bag of reefer, if that's your thing... 香烟啦,大麻啦... bottle of brandy to celebrate your kid's high school graduation. 家有喜事想喝白兰地也行Damn near anything within reason. 几乎什么都没问题Yes, sir! I'm a regular Sears and Roebuck. 是的,我就像…邮购公司So when Andy Dufresne came to me in 1949... 1 9 4 9 年,安迪杜弗伦... and asked me to smuggle Rita Hayworth into the prison for him... 要我把丽泰海华斯弄给他... I told him, "No problem." 我只说“没问题”Andy came to Shawshank Prison... 他在4 7 年初入鲨堡监狱... in early 1947 for murdering his wife and the fella she was banging.因为杀害老婆和情夫On the outside, he'd been vice president of a large Portland bank. 他本来是大银行副总裁Good work for a man so young. 典型的青年才俊瑞德You speak English, butt-steak? 你懂英文吗?跟这位长官走You follow this officer.I never seen such a sorry-Iooking heap of maggot shit in all my life. 我这辈子没看过这么窝囊的人渣Hey, fish! Come over here! 菜鸟,过来菜鸟,过来…Taking bets today, Red? 打个赌吧?Smokes or coin? Bettor's choice. 赌烟或钱?Smokes. Put me down for two. 烟,我赌两根All right, who's your horse? 你挑哪个?That little sack of shit. 那个小个子- Eighth. He'll be first. - Bullshit! I'll take that action. 前头数来第八个他是第一个You're out some smokes, son. 算你瞎眼,我赌了你输定了If you're so smart, you call it. 你聪明,你挑呀I'll take that chubby fat-ass there. 第五个,胖脸肥臀那个The fifth one. Put me down for a quarter deck. 我赌五根烟Fresh fish today! 菜鸟来了We're reeling them in! 菜鸟来罗I admit I didn't think much of Andy first time I laid eyes on him. 说实话,当初我并不看好他Looked like a stiff breeze would blow him over. 弱不禁风的That was my first impression of the man. 这是他给我的最初印象What do you say? 你挑谁?That tall drink of water with the silver spoon up his ass. 面带富贵相的高个儿That guy? Never happen. 他?不可能啦- 10 cigarettes. - That's a rich bet. 我赌十根烟Who's going to prove me wrong? 有种谁要和我赌?Heywood? Jigger? 赫伍?渣哥?Skeets? 史基?福洛?Floyd!Four brave souls. 你们输定了Return to your cellblocks for evening count. 回牢房准备点名All prisoners, return to your cellblocks. 全部回房去Turn to the right! 向右转,看前方Eyes front.This is Mr. Hadley. He's captain of the guards. 他是警备队长海利I'm Mr. Norton, the warden. 我是典狱长诺顿You are convicted felons. 你们因为作奸犯科That's why they've sent you to me. 所以才进监狱Rule number one: 第一条规定:不可渎神No blasphemy.I'll not have the Lord's name taken in vain in my prison. 不准滥呼上主之名The other rules... 其它规矩慢慢学...you'll figure out as you go along. Any questions?When do we eat? 有问题吗?何时吃饭?You eat when we say you eat. 我们叫你吃就吃You shit when we say you shit, and piss when we say you piss. 叫你拉就拉,叫你撒就撒You got that, you maggot-dick motherfucker? 你懂吗,死人渣?On your feet. 起来I believe in two things: 我笃信两件事Discipline and the Bible. 一为管训,二为圣经Here, you'll receive both. 你们两样都少不了Put your trust in the Lord. 把信仰寄托神,把贱命交给我Your ass belongs to me.Welcome to Shawshank. 鲨堡监狱欢迎各位Unhook them. 解铐Turn around. 转身That's enough. 可以了Move to the end of the cage. 走到底Turn around. Delouse him. 转身沥除虱粉Turn around. 转身Move out of the cage. Pick up your clothes and Bible. 到左边领囚衣和圣经Next man up! 下一个To the right. 向右Right. Right.Left.The first night's the toughest. No doubt about it. 头一夜最难熬,绝对如此They march you in naked as the day you were born... 光着屁股行进... skin burning and half-blind from that delousing shit. 火辣的药粉令你半盲And when they put you in that cell... 当你进笼,门闩锁上... and those bars slam home...... that's when you know it's for real. 你才明白这是玩真的Old life blown away in the blink of an eye. 眨眼间,一生就毁了Nothing left but all the time in the world to think about it. 只留下无穷的悔恨Most new fish come close to madness the first night. 新囚在初夜多半濒临疯狂Somebody always breaks down crying. 总会有人哭出来Happens every time. 毫无例外The only question is... 我们只是等着看是谁... who's it going to be?It's as good a thing to bet on as any, I guess. 用这聚赌也挺有趣的I had my money on Andy Dufresne. 我赌杜弗伦Lights out! 熄灯I remember my first night. 我记得我的第一夜Seems like a long time ago. 感觉好远好远Hey, fish.Fish, fish.What are you, scared of the dark? 菜鸟,来嘛Bet you wish your daddy never dicked your mama! 怎么,怕黑吗?后悔爸妈搞出你来?Piggy! Pork! I want me a pork chop.小猪猪,你的肉好香The boys always go fishing with first-timers. 老鸟总是捉弄菜鸟And they don't quit till they reel someone in. 直到惹哭才罢休Hey, Fat Ass. 猪公Fat Ass! 肥臀,说句话嘛Talk to me, boy.I know you're there. I can hear you breathing. 我听得到你呼吸Don't you listen to these nitwits, you hear me? 你别受这些白痴的骗This place ain't so bad. 这儿没那么糟啦Tell you what... 我帮你引见,带你进入状况...I'll introduce you around, make you feel right at home.I know a couple of big old bull queers that'd just... 有些同志想亲近你...Iove to make your acquaintance. 还有你那白肉肥臀Especially that big, white, mushy butt of yours.God! 天哪,我不要坐牢I don't belong here!- We have a winner! - I want to go home! 有人中奖了And it's Fat Ass by a nose! 我要回家肥臀先驰得点猪公赢了Fresh fish! 菜鸟,菜鸟我不要来这里I want to go home! 我要回家,我要妈妈I want my mother!I had your mother! She wasn't that great! 我搞过你妈,不够爽What the Christ is this horseshit? 天杀的,你们在搞什么鬼?He blasphemed. I'll tell the warden. 你滥用主名,我要告典狱长You'll tell him with my baton up your ass! 你屁眼插上警棍再去告Let me out! 放我出去呀What is your malfunction, you fat barrel of monkey spunk? 猴崽子,你哪根筋不对?Please! I ain't supposed to be here. 求求你,别关我Not me! 我不想数到三,连一都不数I won't count to three. Not even to one.You shut up, or I'll sing you a lullaby! 你再不闭嘴,我就要你长眠Shut up, man. Shut up! 求求你,你们弄错了You don't understand. I'm not supposed to be here. 求求你,你们弄错了我不该坐牢的Open that cell. 开门Me neither! They run this place like a fucking prison! 我也不想蹲你这破牢Son of a bitch! 狗娘养的Captain, take it easy!If I hear so much as a mouse fart in here tonight... 再有一人敢哀哀叫...I swear by God and Jesus, you will all visit the infirmary. 我就扁得你们全部住院Every last motherfucker in here. 人人有份Call the trustees. Take that tub of shit down to the infirmary. 把这废人抬去医务室His first night in the joint, Dufresne cost me two packs of cigarettes. 安迪头一夜就害我输两包烟He never made a sound. 他一声都没吭Tier 3 north, clear count! 三北层Tier 2 north, clear count. 二南层到齐Tier 3 south, clear. 三南层到齐一南层到齐四南层到齐Prepare to roll out.准备离房Roll out! 出发Are you going to eat that? 你要吃吗?I hadn't planned on it. 无此打算Do you mind? 给我好吗?That's nice and ripe. 又肥又嫩Jake says thank you. 小杰说谢谢你Fell out of his nest over by the plate shop. 它从巢中掉到地上I'm going to look after him until he's big enough to fly. 我要养到它会飞Oh, no! Here he comes. 讨厌,赫伍来了Morning, fellas. 早安,你快乐吗?Fine morning, isn't it?You know why it's a fine morning, don't you? 真是个美好早晨Send them down. I want them lined up... 烟拿出来,就地排好...just like a pretty little chorus line. 像舞群一样排整齐Look at that. 看呀,真壮观- I can't stand this guy. - Oh, Lord! 真受不了他Yes! Richmond, Virginia. 我的乖乖Smell my ass! 爽,正牌好烟After he smells mine. 闻我的屁吧闻完再闻我的That's a shame about your horse coming in last and all. 瑞德,可惜你大大看走眼But I sure do love that winning horse of mine, though. 不过我真感谢我的猪公I owe that boy a big kiss when I see him. 出院后我得亲亲他Why don't you give him some of your cigarettes instead? Lucky fuck! 请他抽烟才对Hey, Tyrell. 小人得志You pull infirmary duty this week? 泰瑞你在医务室值班吗?How's my horse doing anyway? 那肥仔怎样了?Dead. 挂了Hadley busted his head up pretty good. 海利打烂他的头Doc had gone home for the night. 医生已回家睡觉了Poor bastard lay there till this morning. 他一直僵到天亮By then, there wasn't nothing we could do. 根本无药可救What was his name? 他叫什么名字?What'd you say? 你说什么?I was just wondering if anyone knew his name. 我想知道他的名字What the fuck do you care, new fish? 关你屁事,菜鸟Doesn't fucking matter what his name was. He's dead. 死人还要什么名字有人上过你了吗?Anybody come at you yet?Anybody get to you yet? 你名草有主了吗?Hey, we all need friends in here. 牢里人人需要朋友I could be a friend to you. 我可以当你朋友Hard to get. 不易上手…I like that. 我喜欢Andy kept pretty much to himself at first. 起初安迪不与人来往I guess he had a lot on his mind... 大概心事重重... trying to adapt to life on the inside. 努力适应牢狱生活Wasn't until a month went by before he opened his mouth... 直到一个月后... to say more than two words to somebody. 他才找人攀谈As it turned out... 那个人,就是我... that somebody was me.I'm Andy Dufresne. 我叫安迪杜弗伦Wife-killing banker. 杀妻的银行家Why'd you do it? 为了什么?I didn't, since you ask. 我没犯罪You're going to fit right in. 你来对地方了Everybody in here's innocent. Didn't you know that? 这里人人都无罪- What you in here for? - Didn't do it. Lawyer fucked me. 赫伍,你为何入狱?我无罪,被律师害了Rumor has it you're a real cold fish. 听说你颇爱耍酷You think your shit smells sweeter than most. Is that right? 难道你的屁比别人香?What do you think? 你说呢?To tell you the truth, I haven't made up my mind. 说老实话,我还不清楚I understand you're a man that knows how to get things. 我知道你很有办法I'm known to locate certain things from time to time. 我能够让你有求必应I wonder if you might get me a rock hammer. 我想要一把石锤A rock hammer. 什么?- What is it and why? - What do you care? 石锤用来干什么?何必问呢?For a toothbrush, I wouldn't ask. I'd quote a price. 若是牙刷,我就直接报价But a toothbrush is a non-lethal object, isn't it? 因为牙刷不危险,对吗?Fair enough. 也有道理A rock hammer is about six or seven inches long. 六,七英寸长,像鹤嘴锄- Looks like a miniature pickax. - Pickax?For rocks. 敲石头用的Quartz? 石英石英And some mica, shale... 云母,页岩...limestone. 石灰石So? 所以呢?So I'm a rock hound. 我曾是石痴At least I was in my old life. I'd like to be again. 我想重拾往日嗜好Or maybe you'd like to sink your toy into somebody's skull. 我看你是想锤人家脑袋No, I have no enemies here. 不是的No? Wait a while. 这儿没有人犯着我没有?且慢Word gets around. 话已传开了The Sisters have taken quite a liking to you. 三姐妹对你有性趣Especially Bogs. 尤其是包格斯Don't suppose it would help if I told them I'm not homosexual. 说我不是圈内人也没用吗?Neither are they. 他们也不算是You have to be human first. They don't qualify. 圈内人也是人,他们是禽兽Bull queers take by force. That's all they want or understand. 想干就干,根本不在乎你If I were you, I'd grow eyes in the back of my head. 我若是,会加倍提防- Thanks for the advice. - Well, that's free. 谢谢你的忠告You understand my concern. 反正不用钱你明白我的顾虑吧If there's trouble, I won't use the rock hammer. 我不用石锤惹事,行吗?Then I'd guess you want to escape. Tunnel under the wall, maybe. 那你想逃狱,挖地道?What did I miss? What's so funny? 有什么好笑?You'll understand when you see the rock hammer. 你看到它就明白了What's an item like this usually go for? 它市价多少?Seven dollars in any rock-and-gem shop. 奇石店卖七元My normal markup's 20 percent. 我通常加两成But this is a specialty item. 不过嘛,价钱随风险调高Risk goes up, price goes up. Let's make it an even 10 bucks.跟你收十元吧Ten it is. 就这样Waste of money, if you ask me. 其实你是白花钱Why's that? 为什么?Folks around this joint love surprise inspections. 狱方喜欢突袭搜房They find it, you're going to lose it. 找到石锤一定没收If they catch you, you don't know me. 到时候别摆我道Mention my name, we never do business again. 否则再也别想跟我做生意Not for shoelaces or a stick of gum. Now you got that? 连口香糖都不卖你I understand. 我懂Thank you, Mr... 谢谢你…Red. 瑞德,叫我瑞德Name's Red. 瑞德Why do they call you that? 为何叫瑞德?也许我是爱尔兰人吧Maybe it's because I'm Irish.I could see why some of the boys took him for snobby. 怪不得有人认为他臭屁He had a quiet way about him... 他闷声不响的... a walk and a talk that just wasn't normal around here. 他的步伐和谈吐简直是异类He strolled... 他像在公园散步,无忧无虑... like a man in the park without a care or a worry in the world.仿佛身披隐形衣Like he had on an invisible coat that would shield him from this place.没错,我打一开始就喜欢他I think it'd be fair to say...... I liked Andy from the start.Let's go! Some of us got a schedule to keep.别耽误我们时间Move it! Come on, move it! 快点How you doing? How's the wife treating you? 你好,老婆待你如何?瑞德Andy was right. 安迪说的对,见到货就明白I finally got the joke.It would take a man about 600 years... 用它挖地道得挖六百年... to tunnel under the wall with one of these.- Book? - Not today. 要书吗?不要Book? 要书吗?不要老布Delivery for Dufresne. 给杜弗伦的货要书吗?要书吗?杜弗伦,你的书Here's your book.Thanks. 谢谢We're running low on hexite. Get on back and fetch us up some. 漂白水不够了你去后面拿This will blind you. 小心我弄瞎你们Honey, hush. 宝贝,别出声That's it. You fight! 你反抗,那更刺激Better that way.I wish I could tell you Andy fought the good fight... 我也希望另一种结局... and the Sisters let him be. 就是安迪打赢,全身而退I wish I could tell you that... 我希望如此... but prison is no fairy-tale world. 然而监狱不是童话世界He never said who did it. 他绝口不提谁,但谁都明白But we all knew.Things went on like that for a while. 这情况持续了一阵Prison life consists of routine... 坐牢是一段段例行公事…... and then more routine. 一段忙完又一段Every so often, Andy would show up with fresh bruises. 安迪随时挂着新伤The Sisters kept at him. 三姐妹不放过他Sometimes he was able to fight them off. 他有时打赢,有时吃败仗Sometimes not.And that's how it went for Andy. 这就是安迪的遭遇That was his routine. 他的例行公事I do believe those first two years were the worst for him. 他毕生没像头两年那么惨And I also believe that if things had gone on that way... 假使再这样下去... this place would have got the best of him. 这黑牢就会毁掉他But then, in the spring of 1949... 不过,在4 9 年春... the powers that be decided: 狱方宣布…The roof of the license-plate factory needs resurfacing. 车牌工厂屋顶要翻修I need a dozen volunteers for a week's work. 我需要 1 2 人做工一周As you know... 你们都知道...special detail carries with it special privileges. 特别的公差享特别的待遇It was outdoor detail... 这是户外公差... and May is one damned fine month to be working outdoors. 五月份出户外公差实在求之不得Stay in line there. 排好队More than a hundred men volunteered for the job. 一百多人志愿报名昂格,瑞丁Wallace E. Unger.Ellis Redding.Wouldn't you know it? 这不是很巧吗?Me and some fellows I know were among the names called. 我的哥儿们全都中签Andrew Dufresne.It only cost us a pack of smokes per man. 其实是每人一包烟买的I made my usual 20 percent, of course. 我照常抽两成So this big-shot lawyer calls me long-distance from Texas. 德州一个律师打电话来I say, "Yeah?" 我问什么事?He says, " Sorry to inform you, but your brother just died." 他说“抱歉,令兄过世”- I'm sorry to hear that. - I'm not. He was an asshole. 糟糕,我很遗撼Ran off years ago. Figured him for dead. 我才不为那烂人遗撼离家多年,生死不明So this lawyer fellow says to me: 这大律师说"He died a rich man." Oil wells and shit. Close to a million bucks. “令兄是位富翁”挖油井赚了一百万A million bucks? 一百万?- Incredible how lucky some assholes get. - You going to see any of that? 对,算他走狗运有你一份吗?Thirty-five thousand. That's what he left me. 三万五,他留给我Dollars? 美金?That's great! That's like winning the sweepstakes. 对简直像中乐透嘛Isn't it? 不是吗?Dumb shit, what do you think the government will do to me? 政府是白混的吗?Take a big wet bite out of my ass is what. 它想大口分掉这大饼Poor Byron. 可怜虫,过路财神Terrible fucking luck, huh? Crying shame.Some people really got it awful. 真够倒霉有人就是命衰Andy, are you nuts? 你疯了?专心干活IKeep your eyes on your mop, man!You'll pay some tax, but you'll still end up...缴了税还剩不少Yeah, maybe enough to buy a new car, and then what? 没错,够换新车I got to pay tax on the car. Repair... 但买车要缴税...maintenance, kids pestering you to take them for a ride all the time. 还要修理,保养孩子吵着要兜风Then if you figure your tax wrong, you pay out of your own pocket. 万一年报错税,全得自付I tell you! Uncle Sam! 告诉你,这就是政府He puts his hand in your shirt and squeezes your tit till it's purple.石头都榨得出血来安迪,安迪- Getting himself killed. - IKeep tarring. 他不想活了Some brother. Shit! 什么哥哥,狗屁Mr. Hadley... 海利先生,你信任老婆吗?...do you trust your wife?Oh, that's funny. 真好笑You'll look funnier sucking my dick with no teeth. 你没了牙吹我喇叭更好笑What I mean is, do you think she'd go behind your back? 她会扯你后腿吗?Step aside, Mert. This fucker's having himself an accident. 够了,他活的不耐烦了He'll push him off! 他要推落安迪If you trust her, you can keep... 她靠得住,你就能领三万五...that 35,000.- What did you say? - Thirty-five thousand. 你说什么?三万五All of it. 全部领到- Every penny. - You better start making sense. 一个子儿也不少If you want to keep it, give it to your wife. 你最好别耍我The IRS allows a one-time-only gift to your spouse for up to $ 60,000. 想领全额,就赠与太太最多六万,一生一次- Bullshit. Tax-free? - Tax-free. 乖乖,免税吗?IRS can't touch one cent. 国税局徵不到一文钱You're that smart banker that killed his wife. 你是那杀妻的银行家?Why should I believe you? So I can end up in here with you? 信任你难道不会害我坐牢?It's legal. Ask the IRS. They'll say the same thing. 完全合法,你去问也一样I feel stupid telling you this. I'm sure you would have investigated. 我不该开口的我以为你会去问I don't need you to tell me where the bear shit in the buckwheat. 我不用你教我这些鸟事Of course not. But you do need someone to set it up for you. 没错,但你要找人填表That'll cost you. A lawyer. 请律师可得花钱A bunch of ball-washing bastards! 没卵的讼棍I suppose I could set it up for you. That would save you some money. 我帮你办,为你省钱You get the forms, I'll prepare them... 你领表我来填,完全免费...nearly free of charge.I'd only ask three beers apiece for each of my coworkers. 只请我同事一人三瓶啤酒"Coworkers." That's rich! 同事?有够鲜A man working outdoors feels more like a man... 做黑手的有酒喝,才有尊严...if he can have a bottle of suds. That's only my opinion...这是我的浅见,大人...sir.What are you jimmies staring at? 看什么看,干活Let's go! Work!And that's how it came to pass... 于是呢,在完工前一天... that on the second-to-last day of the job...... the convict crew that tarred the factory roof in the spring of '49... 4 9 年春的公差犯人在早上十点坐成一堆... wound up sitting in a row at 10:00 in the morning...... drinking icy-cold beer, courtesy of the hardest screw... 喝着冰凉的啤酒... that ever walked a turn at Shawshank State Prison. 鲨堡历来最狠的狱官请客Drink up while it's cold, ladies. 娘儿们,趁凉快喝The colossal prick even managed to sound magnanimous. 这王八蛋还装大方呢We sat and drank with the sun on our shoulders and felt like free men. 阳光沥肩头,仿佛自由人We could have been tarring the roof of one of our own houses. 像在修缮自家屋顶We were the lords of all creation. 我们像是造物之主般自在As for Andy... 安迪呢,他窝在凉荫下... he spent that break hunkered in the shade...... a strange little smile on his face... 脸上挂着奇异微笑... watching us drink his beer. 看着我们喝他的酒Want a cold one? 来一瓶吧?No, thanks. I gave up drinking. 谢谢,我戒酒了You could argue he done it to curry favor with the guards. 你可说,他想拍狱方马屁Or maybe make a few friends among us cons. 或想博取囚犯友谊Me? 但我认为他只想重温自由I think he did it just to feel normal again...... if only for a short while. 即使只一刹那IKing me. 我当王- Chess. Now there's a game of kings. - What? 下棋,是帝王游戏Civilized. Strategic. 什么?讲文明,重谋略And a total fucking mystery. I hate it. 神秘的要死,真讨厌Let me teach you someday. 改天我教你吧Sure. 好呀We could get a board together. 我想买个棋盘You're talking to the right man. I can get things, right? 你找对人了We might do business on a board, and I'll carve the pieces myself. 不论什么都弄得到棋盘用买的,但棋子我来刻One side in alabaster, one in soapstone. What do you think? 一半用雪花石膏,一半用皂石I think it'll take years. 要刻上许多年Years I got. What I don't have are the rocks. 时间有的是,就是缺石头Pickings are pretty slim in the yard. 操场很贫瘠,多半是石子Pebbles, mostly.We're getting to be kind of friends, aren't we? 咱们算是朋友吧?Yeah, I guess. 算是吧Can I ask you something? 我想问你Why'd you do it? 你为何杀人?I'm innocent, Red. 我无罪,跟大家一样Just like everybody else here.What are you in for? 你呢?Murder. Same as you. 跟你一样,杀人Innocent? 无罪吗?Only guilty man in Shawshank. 我是鲨堡唯一的罪犯Where's the canary? 歌女呢?How did you know? 你怎么知道?- How did I know what? - So you don't know. 我知道什么?Come. 原来你不知道This is where the canary is. 歌女在这里Quite a surprise to hear a woman singing in my house, eh? 没想到她来寒舍献唱吧That's quite a... 的确…没想到... surprise.Wait, wait. 瑞德等一下啦Here she comes. 她上场了I like this part when she does that shit with her hair. 我最迷她甩头发的骚样I know. I've seen it three times this month. 这个月过三场了Gilda, are you decent? 她衣着整齐吗?Me? 我?God, I love it. 我爱死了I understand you're a man that knows how to get things. 听说阁下有求必应I'm known to locate certain things from time to time. What do you want? 在下确非浪得虚名- Rita Hayworth. - What? 你要什么?丽泰海华斯Can you get her? 什么?弄得到吗?So this is Johnny Farrel. I've heard a lot about you. 这位就是法罗呀,久仰- Take a few weeks. - Weeks? 要几个星期I don't have her stuffed down the front of my pants right now, sorry to say. 几星期?我又没把她压在下面But I'll get her. 反正弄得到,安啦Relax.Thanks. 谢了的确,你该见见他你说了我来做什么吗?不,我要让他惊喜沉住气哦,法罗先生- Get out! - I got to change reels! 出去I said fuck off! 我得放映呀我叫你滚Ain't you going to scream? 你不尖叫吗?Let's get this over with. 咱们算算总帐He broke my fucking nose! 他打破我鼻子Now... 我要解拉链...I'm going to open my fly......and you'll swallow what I give you to swallow. 叫你含什么你就含Then you'll swallow Rooster's. You broke his nose. 先舔我,再舔公鸡He ought to have something to show for it. 因为你害我流鼻血You put it in my mouth, you lose it. 它进我的嘴,就跟你分家No, you don't understand.Do that and I'll put all eight inches of this in your ear. 不,你没搞懂我会用钻子刺穿你耳朵All right, but you should know that sudden, serious brain injury...脑部遇袭会使人死劲咬...causes the victim to bite down hard.In fact, I hear the bite reflex is so strong... 用力之大呀得用铁橇才扳得开。
肖申克的救赎英语介绍The Shawshank Redemption, directed by Frank Darabont, is a critically acclaimed film that was released in 1994. It is based on the novella of the same name by Stephen King. The movie tells the story of Andy Dufresne, a banker who is wrongfully convicted of murdering his wife and her lover and is sentenced to life in Shawshank State Penitentiary.The film is set in the 1940s and follows Andy's journey as he navigates the harsh realities of prison life. Despite facing violence, corruption, and injustice, Andy manages to maintain his integrity and resilience. He forms an unlikely friendship with Red, a long-time inmate, who becomes his confidant and mentor.One of the central themes of the movie is the power of hope and the indomitable human spirit. Andy refuses to let his circumstances define him and spends his time in prison finding innovative ways to improve the lives of his fellow inmates. He establishes a prison library, educates himself and others, and even helps the corrupt warden with his financial affairs.Through his actions, Andy symbolizes the possibility of redemption and the triumph of the human spirit. The film also explores the concept of institutionalization and thepsychological effects of long-term incarceration on individuals. It delves into the dehumanization of prisoners and the struggle to maintain one's identity within the confines of the prison walls.The performances in The Shawshank Redemption are top-notch, with Tim Robbins delivering a stellar portrayal of Andy Dufresne and Morgan Freeman providing a nuanced and captivating performance as Red. The chemistry between the two leads is palpable, and their friendship forms the emotional core of the film.The Shawshank Redemption received seven Academy Award nominations, including Best Picture, and although it did not win any, it has since gained a cult following and is widely regarded as one of the greatest films of all time. Its powerful storytelling, memorable characters, and thought-provoking themes continue to resonate with audiences worldwide.In conclusion, The Shawshank Redemption is an exceptional film that explores themes of hope, friendship, and the indomitable human spirit. It is a timeless tale of resilience and redemption that continues to captivate viewers with its powerful storytelling and superb performances.。
In the beginning of the film, Andy is portrayed as a quiet and introverted man who maintains his innocence despite the harsh conditions of the prison. He befriends Red, who is known for smuggling contraband into the prison, and the two form a close bond over the years. As the story unfolds, Andy's intelligence and resilience become evident as he navigates through the challenges of prison life.
肖申克的救赎剧本SHAWSHANK REDEMPTIOND.A.:Mr. Dufresne, describe the confrontation you had with your wife the night she was murdered.ANDY:It was very bitter. She said she was glad I knew, that she hated all the sneaking around. She said she wanted a divorce in Reno.D.A.:What was your response?ANDY:I told her I would not grant one.D.A.:"I'll see you in Hell before I see you in Reno." Those were the words you used, Mr. Dufresne, according to the testimony of your neighbors.ANDY:If they say so. I really don't remember. I was upset.D.A.:What happened after you and your wife argued?ANDY:She packed a bag and went to stay with Mr. Quentin.D.A.:Glenn Quentin. The golf pro at the Falmouth Hills Country Club. The man you had recently discovered was her lover.(Andy nods) Did you follow her?ANDY:I went to a few bars first. Later,I decided to drive to Mr. Quentin's home and confront them. They weren't there...so I parked my car in the turnout...and waited.D.A.:With what intention?ANDY:I'm not sure. I was confused. Drunk.I think mostly I wanted to scare them.D.A.:You had a gun with you?ANDY:Yes. I did.D.A.:When they arrived, you went up to the house and murdered them?ANDY:No. I was sobering up. I realized she wasn't worth it. I decided tolet her have her quickie divorce.D.A.:Quickie divorce indeed. A .38 caliber divorce, wrapped in a handtowel to muffle the shots,isn't that what you mean? And then you shot her lover!ANDY:I did not. I got back in the car and drove home to sleep it off. Along the way, I stopped and threw my gun into the Royal River. I feel I've been very clear on this point.D.A.:Yes, you have. Where I get hazy,though, is the part where the cleaning woman shows up the next morning and finds your wife and her lover in bed, riddled with .38 caliber bullets. Does that strike you as a fantastic coincidence, Mr.Dufresne, or is it just me?ANDY:(softly)Yes. It does.D.A.:I'm sorry, Mr. Dufresne, I don't think the jury heard that.ANDY:Yes. It does.D.A.:Does what?ANDY:Strike me as a fantastic coincidence.D.A.:On that, sir, we are in accord...D.A.:You claim you threw your gun into the Royal River before the murders took place. That's rather convenient.ANDY:It's the truth.D.A.:You recall Lt. Mincher's testimony?He and his men dragged that river for three days and nary a gun was found. So no comparison can be made between your gun and the bullets taken from the bloodstained corpses of the victims. That's also rather convenient, isn't it, Mr. Dufresne?ANDY:(faint, bitter smile)Since I am innocent of this crime,sir, I find it decidedly inconvenient the gun was never found.D.A.:Ladies and gentlemen, you've heard all the evidence, you know all the facts. We have the accused at the scene of the crime. We have foot prints. Tire tracks. Bullets scattered on the ground which bear his fingerprints. A broken bourbon bottle, likewise with fingerprints.Most of all, we have a beautiful young woman and her lover lying dead in each other's arms. They had sinned. But was their crime so great as to merita death sentence?D.A.:I suspect Mr. Dufresne's answer to that would be yes. I further suspect he carried out that sentence on the night of September 21st, this year of our Lord, 1946, by pumping four bullets into his wife and another four into Glenn Quentin. And while you think about that, think about this...A revolver holds six bullets, not eight. I submit to you this was not a hot-blooded crime of passion! That could at least be understood, if not condoned. No, this was revenge of a much more brutal andcold-blooded nature. Consider! Four bullets per victim! Not six shots fired, but eight! That means he fired the gun empty...and then stopped to reload so he could shoot each of them again! An extra bullet per lover...right in the head.I'm done talking. You people are all decent, God-fearing Christian folk. You know what to do.JUDGE:You strike me as a particularly icy and remorseless man, Mr. Dufresne.It chills my blood just to look at you. By the power vested in me by the State of Maine, I hereby order you to serve two life sentences,back to back, one for each of your victims. So be it.………………………………MAN #1:Sit.MAN #2:we see by your file you've served twenty years of a life sentence.MAN #3:you feel you've been rehabilitated?RED:yes, sir. Absolutely. I've learned my lesson. I can honestly say I'm a changed man. I'm no longer a danger to society. That's the God's honest truth. No doubt about it.………………………………RED (V.O.):There's a con like me in every prison in America, I guess. I'm the guy who can get it for you. Cigarettes, a bag of reefer if you're partial, a bottle of brandy to celebrate your kid's high school graduation. Damn near anything, within reason.RED (V.O.) :yes sir, I'm a regular Sears &Roebuck.RED (V.O.): So when Andy Dufresne came to me in 1949 and asked me to smuggle Rita Hayworth into the prison for him, I told him no problem. And it wasn't.………………………………RED (V.O.):Andy came to Shawshank Prison in early 1947 for murdering his wife and the fella she was bangin'.On the outside, he'd beenvice-president of a large Portland bank.Good work for a man as young as he was, when you consider how conservative banks were back then.CON:Fresh fish! Fresh fish today!TOWER GUARD:All clear!HADLEYOn your feet before I fuck you upso bad you never walk again.13 ON THE BLEACHERS 13REDThere they are, boys. The HumanCharm Bracelet.HEYWOOD:Never seen such a sorry-lookin' heap of maggot shit in my life.JIGGER:Comin' from you, Heywood, you beingso pretty and all...FLOYD:Takin' bets today, Red?RED:(pulls notepad and pencil)Bear Catholic? Pope shit in the woods?Smokes or coin, bettor's choice.FLOYD:Smokes. Put me down for two.RED:High roller. Who's your horse?FLOYD:That gangly sack of shit, third from the front. He'll be the first.HEYWOOD:Bullshit. I'll take that action.ERNIE:Me too.HEYWOOD:You're out some smokes, son. Take my word.FLOYD:You're so smart, you call it.HEYWOOD:I say that chubby fat-ass...let's see...fifth from the front. Put me down for a quarter deck.RED:That's five cigarettes on Fat-Ass.Any takers?RED (V.O.):I must admit I didn't think much of Andy first time I laid eyes on him.He might'a been important on the outside, but in here he was just a little turd in prison grays. Looked like a stiff breeze could blow him over. That was my first impressionof the man.SKEET:What say, Red?RED:Little fella on the end. Definitely.I stake half a pack. Any takers?SNOOZE:Rich bet.RED:C'mon, boys, who's gonna prove me wrong?(hands go up)Floyd, Skeet, Joe, Heywood. Four brave souls, ten smokes apiece. That's it,gentlemen, this window's closed.VOICE (amplified):Return to your cellblocks for evening count.………………………………HADLEY:Eyes front.NORTON:This is Mr. Hadley, captain of the guard. I am Mr. Norton, the warden.You are sinners and scum, that's why they sent you to me. Rule number one: no blaspheming. I'll not have the Lord's name taken in vain in my prison. The other rules you'll figure out as you go along.Any questions?CON:When do we eat?HADLEY:YOU EAT WHEN WE SAY YOU EAT! YOU PISS WHEN WE SAY YOU PISS! YOU SHIT WHEN WE SAY YOU SHIT! YOU SLEEP WHEN WE SAY YOU SLEEP! YOU MAGGOT-DICK MOTHERFUCKER!NORTON:Any other questions?(there are none)I believe in two things. Disciplineand the Bible. Here, you'll receive both.(holds up a Bible)Put your faith in the Lord. Your ass belongs to me. Welcome to Shawshank.HADLEY:Off with them clothes! And I didn't say take all day doing it, did I?HADLEYFirst man into the shower!Hadley shoves the FIRST CON into a steel cage open at thefront. TWO GUARDS open up with a fire hose. The con is slammedagainst the back of the cage, sputtering and hollering.Seconds later, the water is cut and the con yanked out.HADLEYDelouse that piece of shit! Nextman in!The con gets a huge scoop of white delousing powder thrown allover him. Gasping and coughing, blinking powder from his eyes,he gets shoved to a trustee's cage. The TRUSTEE slides a shortstack of items through the slot -- prison clothes and a Bible.All the men are processed quickly -- a blast of water, powder,clothes and a Bible...15 INT -- INFIRMARY -- NIGHT (1947) 15A naked CON steps before a DOCTOR and gets a cursory exam.A penlight is shined in his eyes, ears, nose, and throat.DOCTORBend over.The con does. A GUARD with a penlight in his teeth spreads his cheeks, peers up his ass, and nods. Andy is next up. He getsthe same treatment.16 INT -- PRISON CHAPEL -- NIGHT (1947) 16CAMERA TRACKS the naked newcomers shivering on hard woodenchairs, clothes on their laps, Bibles open.CHAPLAIN (O.S.)...maketh me to lie down in greenpastures. He leadeth me beside thestill waters. He restoreth my soul...17 INT -- CELLBLOCK FIVE -- NIGHT (1947) 17Three tiers to a side, concrete and steel, gray and imposing.Andy and the others are marched in, still naked, carryingtheir clothes and Bibles. The CONS in their cells greet themwith TAUNTS, JEERS, and LAUGHTER. One by one, the new men areshown to their cells and locked in with a CLANG OF STEEL.RED (V.O.):The first night's the toughest, no doubt about it. They march you in naked as the day you're born, fresh from a Bible reading, skin burning and half-blind from that delousing shit they throw on you......andwhen they put you in that cell, when those bars slam home,that's when you know it's for real.Old life blown away in the blink of an eye...a long cold season in hell stretching out ahead...nothing left but all the time in the world to think about it.RED (V.O.):Most new fish come close to madness the first night. Somebody alwaysbreaks down crying. Happens every time. The only question is, who's it gonna be?RED (V.O.):It's as good a thing to bet on as any, I guess. I had my money on Andy Dufresne...GUARD:That's lights out! Good night, ladies.RED (V.O.):I remember my first night. Seems a long time ago now.VARIOUS VOICES (O.S.):Fishee fishee fisheeee...You're gonna like it here, new fish. A whooole lot...Make you wish your daddies never dicked your mommies...You takin' this down, new fish? Gonna be a quiz later. (somebody LAUGHS) Sshhh. Keep it down. The screws'll hear...Fishee fishee fisheeee...RED (V.O.):The boys always go fishin' with first-timers...and they don't quit till they reel someone in.HEYWOOD (O.S.):Fat-Ass...oh, Faaaat-Ass. Talk to me, boy. I know you're in there. I can hear you breathin'. Now don't you listen to these nitwits, hear?HEYWOOD (O.S.):This ain't such a bad place. I'll introduce you around, make you feel right at home. I know some big ol' bull queers who'd love to make your acquaintance...especially that big white mushy butt of yours...FAT-ASS:OH GOD! I DON'T BELONG HERE! I WANNA GO HOME!HEYWOOD:AND IT'S FAT-ASS BY A NOSE.'VOICES:Fresh fish...fresh fish...fresh fish...fresh fish...FAT-ASS:I WANNA GO HOME! I WANT MY MOTHER.'VOICE (O.S.):I had your mother! She wasn't that great!HADLEY:What the Christ is this happy shit?VOICE (O.S.):He took the Lord's name in vain!I'm tellin' the warden! HADLEY:(to the unseen wit)You'll be tellin' him with my baton up your ass! HADLEY:What's your malfunction you fat fuckin' barrel of monkey-spunk? FAT-ASS:PLEASE! THIS AIN'T RIGHT! I AIN'T SUPPOSED TO BE HERE! NOT ME!HADLEY:I ain't gonna count to three! Not even to one! Now shut the fuck up 'fore I sing you a lullabye!HADLEY:Get this tub of shit down to the infirmary.(peers around)If I hear so much as a mouse fart in here the rest of the night, by God and Sonny Jesus, you'll all visit the infirmary. Every last motherfucker here.RED (V.O.):His first night in the joint, Andy Dufresne cost me two packs of cigarettes. He never made a sound...………………………………BROOKS:You gonna eat that?ANDY:Hadn't planned on it.BROOKS:You mind?BROOKS:Mmm. Nice and ripe.BROOKS:Jake says thanks. Fell out of his nest over by the plate shop. I'm lookin' after him till he's old enough to fly.JIGGER:Oh, Christ, here he comes.HEYWOOD:Mornin', boys. It's a fine mornin'.You know why it's fine?HEYWOOD:That's right, send 'em all down. I wanna see 'em lined up in a row, pretty as a chorus line.FLOYD:Smell my ass...HEYWOOD:Gee, Red. Terrible shame, your horse comin' in last and all.Hell, I sure do love that horse of mine. I believe I owe that boy a big sloppy kiss when I see him.RED:Give him some'a your cigarettes instead, cheap bastard.HEYWOOD:Say Tyrell, you pull infirmary duty this week? How's that winnin' horseof mine, anyway?TYRELL:Dead.(the men fall silent)Hadley busted his head pretty good.Doc already went home for the night. Poor bastard lay there till this morning. By then...ANDY:What was his name?HEYWOOD:What? What'd you say?ANDY:I was wondering if anyone knew his name.HEYWOOD:What the fuck you care, new fish?(resumes eating)Doesn't matter what his fuckin' name was. He's dead.………………………………BOGS: You're some sweet punk. You been broke in yet?BOGS:Hard to get. I like that.………………………………ANDY:(offers his hand)Hello. I'm Andy Dufresne.RED:The wife-killin' banker.ANDY:How do you know that?RED:I keep my ear to the ground. Why'd you do it?ANDY:I didn't, since you ask.RED:Hell, you'll fit right in, then.(off Andy's look)Everyone's innocent in here, don'tyou know that? Heywood! What are you in for, boy?HEYWOOD:Didn't do it! Lawyer fucked me!ANDY:What else have you heard?RED:People say you're a cold fish. They say you think your shit smells sweeter than ordinary. That true?ANDY:What do you think?RED:Ain't made up my mind yet.ANDY:I understand you're a man who knows how to get things.RED:I'm known to locate certain things from time to time. They seem to fall into my hands. Maybe it's 'cause I'm Irish.ANDY:I wonder if you could get me a rock-hammer?RED:What is it and why?ANDY:You make your customers' motives a part of your business?RED:If you wanted a toothbrush, I wouldn't ask questions. I'd just quote a price. A toothbrush, see,is a non-lethal sort of object.ANDY:Fair enough. A rock-hammer is about eight or nine inches long. Looks like a miniature pickaxe, with a small sharp pick on one end, and a blunt hammerhead on the other. It's for rocks.RED:Rocks.RED:Quartz?ANDY:Quartz, sure. And look. Mica. Shale.Silted granite. There's some graded limestone, from when they cut this place out of the hill.RED:So?ANDY:I'm a rockhound. At least I was, in my old life. I'd like to be again,on a limited scale.RED:Yeah, that or maybe plant your toy in somebody's skull?ANDY:I have no enemies here.RED:No? Just wait.RED:Word gets around. The Sisters have taken a real shine to you, yes they have. Especially Bogs.ANDY:Tell me something. Would it help if I explained to them I'm not homosexual?RED:Neither are they. You have to be human first. They don't qualify.(off Andy's look)Bull queers take by force, that's all they want or understand. I'd grow eyes in the back of my head if I were you.ANDY:Thanks for the advice.RED:That comes free. But you understand my concern.ANDY:If there's trouble, I doubt a rock-hammer will do me any good.RED:Then I guess you wanna escape.Tunnel under the wall maybe?(Andy laughs politely)I miss the joke. What's so funny?ANDY:You'll know when you see the rock-hammer.RED:What's this item usually go for?ANDY:Seven dollars in any rock and gem shop.RED:My standard mark-up's twenty percent, but we're talkin' about a special object. Risk goes up, price goes up. Call it ten bucks even.ANDY:Ten it is.RED:I'll see what I can do.(rises, slapping dust)But it's a waste of money.ANDY: Oh?RED:Folks who run this place love surprise inspections. They turn a blind eye to some things, but not a gadget like that. They'll find it, and you'll lose it. Mention myname, we'll never do business again. Not for a pair of shoelaces or a stick of gum.ANDY:I understand. Thank you, Mr...?RED:Red. The name's Red.ANDY:Red. I'm Andy. Pleasure doing business with you.RED (V.O.):I could see why some of the boys took him for snobby. He had a quiet way about him, a walk and a talk that just wasn't normal around here. He strolled. like a man in a park without a care or worry. Like he had on an invisible coat that would shield him from this place.(resumes playing catch)Yes, I think it would be fair to say I liked Andy from the start.………………………………RED (V.O.):He was a man who adapted fast.BOB:DUFRESNE! WE'RE LOW ON HEXLITE!HEAD ON BACK AND FETCH US UP SOME!ANDY:You get this in your eyes, it blinds you.BOGS:Honey, hush.BOGS:That's it, fight. Better that way.RED (V.O.):I wish I could tell you that Andy fought the good fight, and the Sisters let him be. I wish I could tell you that, but prison is no fairy-tale world.RED (V.O.):He never said who did it...but we all knew.………………………………RED (V.O.):Things went on like that for a while. Prison life consists of routine, and then more routine.RED (V.O.):Every so often, Andy would show up with fresh bruises.RED (V.O.):The Sisters kept at him. Sometimes he was able to fight them off...sometimes not.RED (V.O.):And that's how it went for Andy. That was his routine. I do believe those first two years were the worst for him. And I also believe if things had gone on that way, this place would have got the best of him.But then, in the spring of 1949,the powers-that-be decided that...………………………………NORTON:...the roof of the license-plate factory needs resurfacing. I need a dozen volunteers for a week's work.We're gonna be taking names in this steel bucket here...RED (V.O.):It was outdoor detail, and May is one damn fine month to be workin' outdoors.RED (V.O.):More than a hundred men volunteered for the job.RED (V.O.):Wouldn't you know it? Me and some fellas I know were among the names called.Only cost us a pack of smokes per man. I made my usual twenty percent, of course.………………………………HADLEY:...so this shithead lawyer calls long distance from Texas, and he says, Byron Hadley? I say, yeah. He says, sorry to inform you, but your brother just died.YOUNGBLOOD:Damn, Byron. Sorry to hear that.HADLEY:I ain't. He was an asshole. Run off years ago, family ain't heard of him since. Figured him for dead anyway.So this lawyer prick says, your brother died a rich man. Oil wells and shit, close to a million bucks. Jesus, it's frigging incredible how lucky some assholes can get.TROUT:A million bucks? Jeez-Louise! You get any of that?HADLEY:Thirty five thousand. That's what he left me.TROUT:Dollars? Holy shit, that's great!Like winnin' a lottery...(off Hadley's shitty look)...ain't it?HADLEY:Dumbshit. What do you figger the government's gonna do to me? Take abig wet bite out of my ass, is what.TROUT:Oh. Hadn't thought of that.HADLEY:Maybe leave me enough to buy a new car with. Then what happens? Youpay tax on the car. Repairs and maintenance. Goddamn kids pesterin' you to take 'em for a ride...MERT:And drive it, if they're old enough.HADLEY:That's right, wanting to drive it,wanting to learn on it,f'Chrissake!Then at the end of the year, if you figured the tax wrong, they make you pay out of your own pocket.Uncle Sam puts his hand in your shirt and squeezes your tit till it's purple. Always get the short end. That's a fact.(spits over the side)Some brother. Shit.HEYWOOD:Poor Byron. What terrible fuckin' luck. Imagine inheriting thirty five thousand dollars.RED:Crying shame. Some folks got it awful bad.RED:Hey, you nuts? Keep your eyes on your pail!RED:Andy! Come back! Shit!SNOOZE:What's he doing?FLOYD:Gettin' himself killed.RED:God damn it...HEYWOOD:Just keep spreadin' tar...ANDY:Mr. Hadley. Do you trust your wife?HADLEY:That's funny. You're gonna look funnier suckin' my dick with no fuckin' teeth.ANDY:What I mean is, do you think she'd go behind your back? Try to hamstring you?HADLZY:That's it! Step aside, Mert. This fucker's havin' hisself an accident.HEYWOOD:Oh God, he's gonna do it, he's gonna throw him off the roof...SNOOZE:Oh shit, oh fuck, oh Jesus...ANDY:Because if you do trust her, there's no reason in the world you can't keep every cent of that money.HADLEY:You better start making sense.ANDY:If you want to keep that money, all of it, just give it to your wife.See, the IRS allows you a one-time-only gift to your spouse. It's good up to sixty thousand dollars.HADLEY:Naw, that ain't right! Tax free?ANDY:Tax free. IRS can't touch one cent.HADLEY:You're the smart banker what shot his wife. Why should I believe a smart banker like you? So's I can wind up in here with you?ANDY:It's perfectly legal. Go ask the IRS, they'll say the samething.Actually, I feel silly telling you all this. I'm sure you would have investigated the matter yourself.HADLEY:Fuckin'-A. I don't need no smart wife-killin' banker to show me where the bear shit in the buckwheat.ANDY:Of course not. But you will need somebody to set up the tax-free gift, and that'll cost you. A lawyer, for example...HADLEY:Ambulance-chaaing, highway-robbing cocksuckers!ANDY:...or come to think of it, I suppose I could set it up for you.That would save you some money.I'll write down the forms you need,you can pick them up, and I'll prepare them for your signature...nearly free of charge.(off Hadley's look)I'd only ask three beers apiece for myco-workers, if that seems fair.TROUT:(guffawing)Co-workers! Get him! That's rich,ain't it? Co-workers...ANDY:I think a nan working outdoors feels more like a man if he can have a bottle of suds. That's only my opinion.HADLEY:What are you jimmies starin' at?Back to work, goddamn it!………………………………RED (V.O.):And that's how it came to pass,that on the second-to-last day of the job, the convict crew that tarred the plate factory roof in the spring of '49...RED (V.O.):...wound up sitting in a row at ten o'clock in the morning, drinking icy cold Black Label beer courtesy of the hardest screw that ever walked a turn at Shawshank State Prison.HADLEY:Drink up, boys. While it's cold.RED (V.O.):The colossal prick even managed to sound magnanimous.RED (V.O.):We sat and drank with the sun on our shoulders, and felt like free men. We could'a been tarring the roof of one of our own houses. We were the Lords of all Creation.RED (V.O.):As for Andy, he spent that break hunkered in the shade, a strange little smile on his face, watching us drink his beer.HEYWOOD:(approaches with a beer)Here's a cold one, Andy.ANDY:No thanks. I gave up drinking.RED (V.O.):You could argue he'd done it to curry favor with the guards. Or maybe make a few friends among us cons. Me, I think he did it just to feel normal again...if only for a short while.………………………………RED:King me.ANDY:Chess. Now there's a game of kings.Civilized...strategic...RED:...and totally fuckin' inexplicable. Hate that game.ANDY:Maybe you'll let me teach you someday. I've been thinking of getting a board together.RED:You come to the right place. I'm the man who can get things.ANDY:We might do business on a board. But the pieces, I'd like to carve those myself. One side done in quartz...the opposing side in limestone.RED:That'd take you years.ANDY:Years I've got. What I don't have are the rocks. Pickings here in the exercise yard are pretty slim.RED:How's that rock-hammer workin' out anyway? Scratch your name on your wall yet?ANDY:(smiles)Not yet. I suppose I should.RED:Andy? I guess we're gettin' to be friends, ain't we?ANDY:I suppose we are.RED:I ask a question? Why'd you do it?ANDY:I'm innocent, remember? Just like everybody else here.ANDY:What are you in for, Red?RED:Murder. Same as you.ANDY:Innocent?RED:The only guilty man in Shawshank.………………………………RED:Here's the good part. Bugs come out of the walls to get his ass.ANDY:I know. I've seen it three times this month already.ANDY:Can we talk business?RED:Sure. What do you want?ANDY:Rita Hayworth. Can you get her?RED:No problem. Take a few weeks.ANDY:Weeks?RED:Don't have her stuffed down my pants this very moment, sorry to say. Relax.………………………………BOGS:Take a walk.PROJECTIONIST:I have to change reels.BOGS:I said fuck off.BOGS:Ain't you gonna scream?ROOSTER:Fuck! Shit! He broke my nose!BOGS:Now I'm gonna open my fly, and you're gonna swallow what I give you to swallow. And when you d mine, you gonna swallow Rooster's. You done broke his nose,so he ought to have somethin' to show for it.ANDY:Anything you put in my mouth,you're going to lose.BOGS:You don't understand. You do that,I'll put all eight inches of this steel ii your ear.ANDY:Okay. But you should know that sudden serious brain injury causes the victim to bite down. Hard.(faint smile)In fact, I understand the bite-reflex is so strong the victim's jaws have to be pried open with a crowbar.BOGS:You little fuck.RED (V.O.):Bogs didn't put anything in Andy's mouth, and neither did his friends.What they did do is beat him within an inch of his life...Andy spent a month in traction.Bogs spent a week in the hole.………………………………GUARD:Time's up, Bogs.VOICE (O.S.):Return to your cellblocks for evening count.RED (V.O.):Two things never happened again after that. The Sisters never laid a finger on Andy again...RED (V.O.):...and Bogs never walked again. They transferred him to a minimum security hospital upstate. To my knowledge,he lived out the rest of his days drinking his food through a straw.RED:I'm thinkin' Andy could use a nice welcome back when he gets out of the infirmary.HEYWOOD:Sounds good to us. Figure we owe him for the beer.RED:Man likes to play chess. Let's get him some rocks.………………………………FLOYD:That ain't quartz. Nor limestone.HEYWOOD:What are you, fuckin' geologist?SNOOZE:He's right, it ain't.HEYWOOD:What the hell is it then?RED:Horse apple.HEYWOOD:Bullshit.RED:No, horse shit. Petrified.RED (V.O.):Despite a few hitches, the boys came through in fine style...RED (V.O.):...and by the week Andy was due back, we had enough rocks saved up to keep him busy till Rapture.RED (V.O.):Also got a big shipment in that week. Cigarettes, chewing gum, shoelaces, playing cards with naked ladies on 'em, you name it...(pulls a cardboard tube)...and, of course, the most important item.………………………………ERNIE:Heads up. They're tossin' cells.ANDY:Good evening.。
肖申克的救赎 英文原版剧本PART17~18
PART 17260 INT -- NORTON'S OFFICE -- DAY (1966) 260Norton is staring out the window as they approach the building. He goes to his desk, opens a drawer. Inside lies a revolver and a box of shells.RED (V.O.)Norton had no intention of goin' that quietly.261 INT -- PRISON CORRIDORS -- DAY (1966) 261The D.A. marches along amidst a phalanx of TROOPERS.262 INT -- NORTON'S OFFICE -- DAY (1966) 262Norton sits blankly at his desk, revolver before him. The doorknob rattles, a VOICE is heard:D.A. (O.S.)Samuel Norton? We have a warrant for your arrest! Open up!The POUNDING starts. Norton dumps the box of bullets out on thrdesk. He starts sorting them to see which ones he likes.263 OUTSIDE HIS OFFICE 263Troopers hustle the hapless duty guard to Norton's door as he fumbles nervously with a huge key ring.DUTY GUARDI'm not sure which one it is...He starts trying keys in the lock. And as the keys go sliding in one after another... 264 INT -- NORTON'S OFFICE -- DAY (1966) 264...so do the bullets. Norton is riveted to the door. For every key, he loads another bullet. Methodical and grim. He gets the final bullet in just as the right key slams home. The door bursts open. Men muscle in. Somebody SHOUTS. Troopers dive in all directions as Norton raises the gun ---- and jams it under his chin. His head snaps back as the wall goes red. His swivelchair does a slow half-turn and creaks to a final stop. Troopers rise slowly, gazing in horror.RED (V.O.)I like to think the last thing that went through his head...other thanthat bullet...was to wonder how the hell Andy Dufresne ever got thebest of him.PUSH SLOWLY to the wall to reveal Mrs. Norton's framed samplertrickling blood and brains...and we get our final Bible lesson for today: "HIS JUDGMENT COMETH AND THAT RIGHT SOON."265 EXT -- PRISON YARD -- DAY (1966) 265Mail call. Red hears his name. They pass him a postcard.RED (V.O.)Not long after the warden deprived us of his company, I got a postcard in the mail. It was blank. But the postmark said, "McNary, Texas."266 INT -- LIBRARY -- DAY (1966) 266Red sits with an atlas, tracing his finger down the page.RED (V.O.)McNary. Right on the border. That's where Andy crossed.(shuts the book)When I picture him heading south in his own car with the top down, itmakes me laugh all over again...267 EXT -- MEXICO -- HIGHWAY -- DAY (1966) 267A red convertible rips along with Andy at the wheel, cigar jutting from his grin, warm wind fluttering his tie.RED (V.O.)Andy Dufresne, who crawled through a river of shit and came out clean on the other side. Andy Dufresne, headed for the Pacific.268 INT -- MESS HALL -- DAY (1966) 268Heywood is regaling the table with some anecdote about Andy.RED (V.O.)Those of us who knew him best talk about him often. I swear, the stuff he pulled. It always makes us laugh.A wild burst of laughter. PUSH IN on Red. Feeling melancholy.RED (V.O.)Sometimes it makes me sad, though, Andy being gone. I have to remind myself that some birds aren't meant to be caged, that's all. Their feathers are just too bright...269 EXT -- FIELDS -- LATE DAY (1966) 269Convicts hoe the fields. Guards patrol on horseback.RED (V.O.)...and when they fly away, the part of you that knows it was a sin tolock them up does rejoice...but still, the place you live is that much more drab and empty that they're gone.A DISTANT RUMBLE OF THUNDER. Red pauses, gazes off. Storm clouds coming in, backlit by the sun. A light drizzle begins.RED (V.O.)I guess I just miss my friend.270 INT -- PRISON CELL -- NIGHT (1966) 270Red is sleeping. He wakes with a start.RED (V.O.)But there are times I curse him for the dreams he left behind...He senses a presence, looks over his shoulder. There's a RitaHayworth poster on his wall. He gets out of bed. Rita justkeeps smiling, inscrutable. As Red watches, a brilliant round glow builds behind the poster, shining from the tunnel. The poster rips free, charred to ash in the blink of an eye as a shaft of holy white light stabs into the cell. Sunlight. Red staggers back against the glare.A whirlwind kicks up, whipping everything into the air. The hole in the wall is like a giant vacuum cleaner -- papers, book, toiletries, bedding -- if it ain't nailed down, it gets sucked down the hole toward the light. Red fights it, but the suction drags him closer and closer...271 RED'S POV 271...and CAMERA rockets into the hole, getting sucked down an endless tunnel at impossible speed, the ROAR of air mixing with his drawn-out SCREAM, closer and closer to the light......and erupting out the other side into total silence and a beautiful white beach. The Pacific Ocean before us. Enormous. Mind-blowing. Beautiful beyond description. All we hear now are the gentle sound of waves.RED (V.O.)...dreams where I am lost in a warm place with no memory.A lone figure stands at water's edge. CAMERA KEEPS MOVING,coming up behind him and TRACKING AROUND to reveal -- Red.RED (V.O.)An ocean so big it strikes me dumb. Waves so quiet they strike me deaf. Sunshine so bright it strikes me blind. It is a place that is bluebeyond reason. Bluer than can possibly exist. Bluer than my mindcan possibly grasp.272 AERIAL SHOT 272Nothing for a million miles but beach, sky, and water. Red is a tiny speck at water's edge. Just another grain of sand.RED (V.O.)I am terrified. There is no way home.273 INT -- RED'S CELL -- NIGHT (1966) 273Red wakes from the nightmare. He gets out of bed. Moves to thebarred window of his cell. Peers up at the stars.RED (V.O.)Andy. I know you're in that place. Look at the stars for me just aftersunset. Touch the sand...wade in the water...and feel free.FADE TO BLACK274 AN IRON-BARRED DOOR 274slides open with an enormous CLANG. A stark room beyond.CAMERA PUSHES through. SIX MEN AND ONE WOMAN sit at a long table. An empty chair faces them. We are again in:INT -- SHAWSHANK HEARINGS ROOM -- DAY (1967)Red enters, sits. 20 years older than when we first saw him.MAN #1Your file says you've served forty years of a life sentence. You feelyou've been rehabilitated?Red doesn't answer. Just stares off. Seconds tick by. The parole board exchanges glances. Somebody clears his throat.MAN #1Shall I repeat the question?REDI heard you. Rehabilitated. Let's see now. You know, come to think of it, I have no idea what that means.MAN #2Well, it means you're ready to rejoin society as a--REDI know what you think it means. Me, I think it's a made-up word, a politician's word.A word so young fellas like you can wear a suit and tie and have a job. What do you really want to know? Am I sorry for what I did?- -----MAN g2Well...are you?REDNot a day goes by I don't feel regret, and not because I'm in here or because you think I should. I look back on myself the way I was...stupid kid who did that terrible crime...wish I could talk sense to him. Tell him how things are. But I can't. That kid's long gone, this old man is all that's left, and I have to live with that.(beat)"Rehabilitated?" That's a bullshit word, so you just go on ahead andstamp that form there, sonny, and stop wasting my damn time. Truthis, I don't give a shit.The parole board just stares. Red sits drumming his fingers.CLOSEUP -- PAROLE FORMA big rubber stamp SLAMS down -- and lifts away to reveal theword "APPROVED" in red ink.275 EXT -- SHAWSHANK PRISON -- DAY 275TWO SHORT SIREN BLASTS herald the opening of the main gate. It swings hugely open, revealing Red standing in his cheap suit, carrying a cheap bag, wearing a cheap hat. He walks out, still looking stunned.276 INT -- BUS -- DAY 276Red rides the bus, clutching the seat before him, gripped by terror of speed and motion.277 EXT -- BREWSTER HOTEL -- LATE AFTERNOON 277Red arrives at the Brewster, three stories high and even less to look at than it used to be.27B INT -- BREWSTER -- LATE DAY 278A BLACK WOMAN leads Red up the stairs toward the top floor.279 INT -- RED'S ROOM -- LATE DAY 279Small, old, dingy. An arched window with a view of Congress Street. Traffic noise floats up. Red enters and pauses, staring up at the ceiling beam. Carved into the wood are the words: "Brooks Hatlen was here."280 INT -- FOODWAY MARKET -- DAY 280Loud. Jangling with PEOPLE and NOISE. We find Red bagginggroceries. Registers are humming, kids are shrieking. Red calls to the STORE MANAGER:REDSir? Restroom break sir?MANAGER(motions him over)You don't need to ask me every time you go take a piss. Just go. Understand?PART 1828l INT -- EMPLOYEE RESTROOM -- DAY 281Red steps to the urinal, stares at himself in the wall mirror.RED (V.O.)Thirty years I've been asking permission to piss. I can't squeezea drop without say-so.A strange east Indian guitar-whine begins. The Beatles. GeorgeHarrison's "Within You Without You..."282 EXT -- STREET -- DAY 282...which carries through as Red walks. People and traffic. He keeps looking at the women. An alien species.RED (V.O.)Women, too, that's the other thing. I forgot they were half the humanrace. There's women everywhere, every shape and size. I find myselfsemi-hard most of the time, cursing myself for a dirty old man.TWO YOUNG WOMEN stroll by in cut-offs and t-shirts.RED (V.O.)Not a brassiere to be seen, nipples poking out at the world. Jeezus,pleeze-us. Back in my day, a woman out in public like that would have been arrested and given a sanity hearing.283 EXT -- PARK -- DUSK 283Red finds the park filled with HIPPIES. Hanging out. Happening. Here's the source of the music: a radio. A HIPPIE GIRL gyrates to the Beatles, stoned, in her own world. RED (V.O.)They're calling this the Summer of Love. Summer of Loonies, you ask me.284 INT -- PAROLE OFFICE -- DAY 284Red sits across from his PAROLE OFFICER. The P.O. is filling out his report.P.O.You staying out of the bars, Red?REDYes sir. That I am.P.O.How you doing otherwise? Adjusting okay?REDThings got different out here.P.O.Tell me about it. Young punks protesting the war. You imagine?Even my own kid. Oughtta bust his fuckin' skull.REDGuess the world moved on.285 INT -- FOODWAY -- DAY 285Bagging groceries. CHILDREN underfoot. One points a toy gun atRed, pumping the trigger. Red focuses on the gun, listening to it CLICKETY-CLACK. Sparky wheel grinding.The kids get swept off by MOM. Red starts bagging the nextcustomer. SLOW PUSH IN on Red. Surrounded by MOTION and NOISE.Feeling like the eye of a hurricane. People everywhere, whipping around him like a gale. Strange. Loud. Dizzying. It gets distorted and weird, slow and thick, pressing in on him from all sides. The noise level intensifies. The hollering of children deepens and distends into LOW EERIE HOWLS.He's in the grip of a major anxiety attack. Tries to shake himself out of it. Can't. Fumbles the final items into the bag. Walks away. Trying not to panic. Trying not to run.He makes his way through the store. Blinking sweat. He bumps into a lady's cart, mumbles an apology, keeps going. Breaks into a trot. Down the aisle, cut to the left, through the door into the back rooms, faster and faster, running now, slamming through a door marked "Employees Only" into --286 INT -- EMPLOYEE RESTROOM -- DAY 286-- where he slams the door and leans heavily against it, shutting everything out,breathing heavily. Alone now.He goes to the sink, splashes his face, tries to calm down. He can still hear them out there. They won't go away. He glances around the restroom. Small. Not small enough.He enters a stall. Locks the door. Puts the toilet lid down and sits on the john. Better. He can actually reach out and touch the walls now. They're close. Safe. Almost small enough. He draws his feet up so he can't be seen if somebody walks in.He'll just sit here for a while. Until he calms down.287 EXT -- STREET -- DUSK 287Red is walking home.RED (V.O.)There is a harsh truth to face. No way I'm gonna make it on theoutside.He pauses at a pawnshop window. An array of handguns.RED (V.O.)All I do anymore is think of ways to break my parole.The SHOPKEEPER appears at the glass, locking the door andflipping the sign: CLOSED.288 INT -- RED'S ROOM -- NIGHT 288Red lies smoking in bed. Unable to sleep.RED (V.O.)Terrible thing, to live in fear. Brooks Hatlen knew it. Knew it all too well. All I want is to be back where things make sense. Where I won't have to be afraid all the time. He glances up at the ceiling beam. "Brooks Hatlen was here."RED (V.O.)Only one thing stops me. A promise I made to Andy.289 EXT -- COUNTRY ROAD -- MORNING 289A pickup truck rattles up the road trailing dust and pulls toa stop. Red hops off the back, waves his thanks. The truckdrives on. Red starts walking. PAN TO a roadside sign: BUXTON.290 EXT -- MAINE COUNTRYSIDE -- DAY 290High white clouds in a blazing blue sky. The trees fiery withautumn color. Red walks the fields and back-roads, cheapcompass in hand. Looking for a certain hayfield.291 EXT -- COUNTRYSIDE -- DAY 291Walking. Searching. The day turning late. Red finds himselfstaring at a distant field. There's a long rock wall, likesomething out o f a Robert Frost poem. Big oak tree. Red checkshis compass. North end. He crosses a dirt road into the field.292 EXT -- HAYFIELD -- DAY 292Red walks the long rock wall, nearing the tree. A squirrel scolds him from a low branch, scurries up higher. Red studies the base of the wall. Nothing unusual here. Just a bunch of rocks set in stone. He sighs. Fool's errand. Turns to go.Something catches his eye. He walks back, squats, peering closer. Wets a fingertip and rubs a stone. A layer of dust comes off. Volcanic glass. Gleaming black. He tries to get the rock out, anticipation growing. It won't come; it's too smooth. He pulls a pocketknife and levers the rock free. It tumbles at his feet, leaving a ragged hole.Red leans down and solves the mystery at last, staring at the object buried under the rock. Stunned. It's an envelope wrapped in plastic. Written on it is a single word: "Red."Red pulls the envelope out and rises. He just stares at it for a while, almost afraid to open it. But open it he does. Inside is a smaller envelope and a letter. Red begins to read:ANDY (V.O.)Dear Red. If you're reading this, you've gotten out. And if you'vecome this far, maybe you're willing to come a little further. Youremember the name of the town, don't you? I could use a good manto help me get my project on wheels. I'll keep an eye out for you and the chessboard ready.(beat)Remember, Red. Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies. I will be hoping that this letter finds you, and finds you well. Your friend. Andy.By now, tears are spilling silently down Red's cheeks. He opens the other envelope and fans out a stack of new fifty- dollar bills. Twenty of them. A thousand dollars. 293 INT -- RED'S ROOM -- DAY (1967) 293Red is dressed in his suit. He finishes knotting his tie, puts his hat on. His bag is by the door. He takes one last look around. Only one thing left to do. He pulls a wooden chair to the center of the room and gazes up at the ceiling beam.RED (V.O.)Get busy living or get busy dying. That is goddamn right.He steps up on the chair. It wobbles under his weight.294 INT -- BREWSTER -- RED'S DOOR -- DAY (1967) 294The door opens. Red exits with his bag and heads down the stairs, leaving the door open. CAMERA PUSHES through, BOOMINGUP to the ceiling beam which reads: "Brooks Hatlen was here."A new message has been carved alongside the old: "So was Red."295 INT -- GREYHOUND BUS STATION -- DAY (1967) 295TRACKING SHOT reveals a long line of people at the counter.RED (V.O.)For the second time in my life, I am guilty of committing a crime.CAMERA brings us to Red, next in line, bag by his feet.RED (V.O.)Parole violation. I doubt they'll toss up any roadblocks for that.Not for an old crook like me.RED(steps up)McNary, Texas?296 EXT -- TRAVELING SHOT -- DAY (1967) 296A gorgeous New England landscape whizzes by, fields and treesa blur of motion. ANGLE SHIFTS to reveal a Greyhound Sceni-Cruiser barreling up the road, pulling abreast of us. CAMERATRAVELS from window to window, passing faces. We finally cometo Red gazing out at the passing landscape.RED (V.O.)I find I am so excited I can barely sit still or hold a thought in my head. I think it is the excitement only a free man can feel, a free man at the start of a long journey whose conclusion is uncertain...297 THE BUS 297ROARS past camera, dwindling to a mere speck on the horizon.RED (V.O.)I hope I can make it across the border. I hope to see my friend and shake his hand.I hope the Pacific is as blue as it has been in my dreams.(beat)I hope.298 EXT -- BEACH -- WIDE PANORAMIC SHOT -- DAY (1967) 298A distant boat lies on its side in the sand like an old wreck that's been left to rot in the sun. There's someone out there.299 CLOSER ON BOAT 299A MAN is meticulously stripping the old paint and varnish by hand, face hidden with goggles and kerchief mask.Red appears b.g., a distant figure walking out across the sand, wearing his cheap suit and carrying his cheap bag.The man on the boat pauses. Turns slowly around. Red arrives with a smile as wide as the horizon. The other man raises his goggles and pulls down his mask. Andy, of course.ANDYYou look like a man who knows how to get things.REDI'm known to locate certain things from time to time.Red shrugs off his jacket and picks up a sander. Together, they start sanding the hull as we fade outTHE END。
肖申克的救赎简短英文介绍"The Shawshank Redemption" is a timeless tale of hope and redemption set against the backdrop of a brutal prison. The story follows the life of Andy Dufresne, a banker wrongfully convicted of murder, and his journey to find freedom and justice within the confines of Shawshank State Penitentiary.Inside the prison, Andy forms an unlikely friendship with Ellis "Red" Redding, a fellow inmate who has been institutionalized by his long sentence. Through his intelligence and resourcefulness, Andy manages to improve the lives of his fellow prisoners, earning their respect and admiration.The film masterfully portrays the power of hope and the human spirit to overcome adversity. Andy's unwavering determination to prove his innocence and the lengths he goes to achieve it serve as an inspiration to all who watch.The narrative is filled with memorable moments, from the iconic rooftop scene where the inmates enjoy a brief taste of freedom, to the climactic escape that leaves the audience on the edge of their seats."The Shawshank Redemption" is not just a film about prison life; it is a profound exploration of the themes of friendship, hope, and the indomitable will to survive against all odds. Its message resonates deeply, making it a belovedclassic that continues to captivate audiences around the world.The cinematography and performances are equally exceptional, with Tim Robbins and Morgan Freeman delivering powerful portrayals that bring the characters to life. The film's score, composed by Thomas Newman, adds an emotional depth that complements the story perfectly.In conclusion, "The Shawshank Redemption" stands as a testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the transformative power of hope. It is a must-watch for anyone seeking a deeply moving and thought-provoking cinematic experience.。
关于电影肖申克的救赎的英语作文全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1The Shawshank Redemption is a classic film that has touched the hearts of audiences worldwide since its release in 1994. Directed by Frank Darabont and based on a novella by Stephen King, the film tells the story of Andy Dufresne, a banker who is wrongly convicted of murder and sentenced to life in Shawshank State Penitentiary.Throughout the film, Andy forms a strong bond with fellow inmate Red, played by Morgan Freeman, and uses his intelligence and resourcefulness to navigate the harsh realities of prison life. Despite facing numerous challenges and setbacks, Andy never loses hope and plans a daring escape that ultimately leads to his freedom.One of the key themes of The Shawshank Redemption is the power of friendship and human connection. The deep bond that develops between Andy and Red transcends the confines of the prison walls and serves as a source of strength and inspiration for both men. This friendship not only provides emotionalsupport, but also gives them the motivation to persevere in the face of adversity.Another important theme of the film is the resilience of the human spirit. Despite the injustices and hardships that he faces, Andy remains determined to hold onto his sense of self-worth and dignity. He refuses to let the walls of Shawshank Penitentiary define him and instead uses his intelligence and skills to carve out a life for himself within the confines of the prison.The Shawshank Redemption also explores the themes of redemption and forgiveness. Throughout the film, characters are forced to confront their past mistakes and find a way to move forward. Andy's act of helping to secure the release of a fellow inmate, Tommy, serves as a powerful example of how even in the darkest of circumstances, redemption is possible.In conclusion, The Shawshank Redemption is a timeless film that reminds us of the power of hope, friendship, and the indomitable human spirit. Through its compelling story and memorable characters, the film inspires us to never give up, no matter how insurmountable the obstacles may seem. Its message of redemption and resilience continues to resonate with audiences around the world, making it a truly unforgettable cinematic experience.篇2The Shawshank Redemption is a classic film based on a novella written by Stephen King in 1982. The film, directed by Frank Darabont and released in 1994, has since become a beloved favorite among audiences for its powerful storytelling, brilliant performances, and themes of hope, friendship, and redemption.The film follows the story of Andy Dufresne, a banker who is sentenced to life in Shawshank State Penitentiary for the murder of his wife and her lover, a crime he did not commit. Within the walls of Shawshank, Andy befriends fellow inmate Red, a seasoned prisoner serving a long sentence.Throughout the film, we witness Andy's resilience and perseverance in the face of adversity. Despite the harsh conditions and injustices of prison life, Andy remains determined to prove his innocence and maintains his dignity and integrity. He is portrayed as a quiet yet determined man, whose intelligence and skills are ultimately what set him apart from the rest of the inmates.One of the key themes of the film is the power of hope. In the darkest of times, Andy holds onto the belief that there is away out of Shawshank, even when all hope seems lost. He spends years secretly tunneling his way out of the prison, never giving up on his dream of freedom. This unwavering hope is what ultimately leads to his redemption and escape from Shawshank.Another important aspect of The Shawshank Redemption is the bond of friendship between Andy and Red. Despite their differences in background and temperament, the two men form a strong connection that transcends the confines of the prison. Their friendship provides them with solace, support, and companionship in times of despair, and it is ultimately what allows them to find redemption and a sense of purpose beyond the prison walls.Overall, The Shawshank Redemption is a powerful and poignant film that resonates with audiences around the world. Its themes of hope, friendship, and redemption are universal, and its message of resilience and perseverance in the face of adversity is both inspiring and heartwarming. The film has rightfully earned its place as a cinematic masterpiece and continues to be celebrated for its timeless story and unforgettable characters.篇3Title: The Redemption of Shawshank: A Masterpiece of Human ResilienceThe Shawshank Redemption, directed by Frank Darabont and based on a novella by Stephen King, is a timeless classic that explores the themes of hope, friendship, and redemption in the face of seemingly insurmountable odds. Set in the 1940s, the film follows the story of Andy Dufresne, a banker who is wrongfully convicted of murder and sentenced to life in Shawshank State Penitentiary.From the moment Andy steps foot in Shawshank, he is faced with the harsh realities of prison life – violence, corruption, and despair. Despite these challenges, Andy maintains his dignity and integrity, earning the respect of his fellow inmates and the prison staff. His friendship with Red, a seasoned inmate and narrator of the film, becomes a source of strength and solace for both men as they navigate the harsh realities of prison life.One of the most powerful themes of the film is the idea of hope – the belief that no matter how dark the circumstances may seem, there is always a glimmer of light at the end of the tunnel. Andy's unwavering faith in the power of hope is what ultimately drives him to plan his elaborate escape from Shawshank, a feat that requires years of patience, resourcefulness, and courage.The film also explores the concept of redemption – the idea that individuals are capable of change and growth, no matter their past mistakes or transgressions. Through his friendship with Andy, Red is able to confront his own demons and find the courage to embrace his own redemption, symbolized by his journey to the Pacific Ocean at the film's conclusion.The Shawshank Redemption is a testament to the resilience of the human spirit, showing that even in the darkest of times, there is always a glimmer of hope to guide us towards a brighter future. It is a film that reminds us of the power of friendship, the importance of integrity, and the redemptive nature of forgiveness. As Andy famously says, "Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies."。
肖申克的救赎英语作文英文回答:"The Shawshank Redemption" is a classic film that has left a deep impression on me. The story is about a man named Andy Dufresne who is wrongly convicted of murder and sentenced to life in Shawshank State Penitentiary. Throughout the film, Andy faces numerous challenges and injustices, but he never loses hope and always maintains his dignity. 。
One of the most memorable scenes for me is when Andy plays an opera record over the prison's loudspeakers, filling the entire prison yard with beautiful music. This moment symbolizes the power of hope and the human spirit, as it brings a sense of freedom and beauty to the inmates who are otherwise trapped in a bleak and oppressive environment. It also shows Andy's resilience and determination to hold onto his humanity in the face of adversity.Another powerful aspect of the film is the friendship between Andy and Red, a fellow inmate. Their bond transcends the harsh realities of prison life and provides a source of support and companionship for both of them. The famous quote, "Get busy living, or get busy dying,"reflects the resilience and determination of the human spirit, as well as the importance of making the most out of our circumstances.The film's message about hope, friendship, and the indomitable human spirit resonates deeply with me. It serves as a reminder that no matter how dire the circumstances may seem, there is always a glimmer of hope and the potential for redemption. "The Shawshank Redemption" is a timeless tale of resilience and the enduring power of the human spirit, and it continues to inspire and uplift audiences around the world.中文回答:《肖申克的救赎》是一部经典影片,给我留下了深刻的印象。
关于电影肖申克的救赎的英语作文The Shawshank Redemption is a remarkable film directed by Frank Darabont and based on a novella by Stephen King. Released in 1994, the movie has since become a classic and is widely regarded as one of the greatest films of all time. The Shawshank Redemption tells the story of Andy Dufresne, a banker who is wrongfully convicted of murdering his wife and her lover, and is sentenced to life in Shawshank State Penitentiary.Throughout the film, Andy faces numerous challenges and injustices, but he never loses hope or his sense of dignity. Instead, he uses his intelligence, resourcefulness, and integrity to navigate the brutal prison environment and ultimately achieve his freedom. One of the most powerful themes of the film is the transformative power of friendship and the importance of maintaining one's humanity in the face of adversity.The friendship between Andy and his fellow inmate, Red, is central to the story and serves as a source of strength and support for both characters. Despite their differences in background and circumstances, Andy and Red form a deep bond based on mutual respect and trust. This friendship not only helpsthem survive their time in prison but also enables them to find redemption and a sense of purpose in their lives.The Shawshank Redemption is also a meditation on the nature of freedom and the human spirit. Through Andy's perseverance and resilience, the film reminds us that even in the darkest of circumstances, there is always hope and the possibility for redemption. The final scene of the movie, in which Andy escapes from Shawshank and finds freedom on the beach, is a powerful and moving symbol of the triumph of the human spirit over oppression and injustice.In conclusion, The Shawshank Redemption is a timeless masterpiece that explores themes of friendship, resilience, and the enduring power of the human spirit. Through its powerful storytelling and unforgettable characters, the film continues to inspire and resonate with audiences around the world. Andy Dufresne's journey from despair to redemption is a testament to the strength of the human will and the transformative power of hope.。
The Power of Redemption in "TheShawshank Redemption"In the heart of a bleak and unforgiving prison, two men find an unexpected bond of friendship and hope in the timeless tale of "The Shawshank Redemption." This film, directed by Frank Darabont and adapted from Stephen King's novella "Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption," tells a story of perseverance, resilience, and the redemptive power of the human spirit.At the helm of the story is Andy Dufresne, a wrongly accused banker sentenced to life in Shawshank Prison. His arrival marks a turning point for the prison's inmate Red, an experienced criminal who has lost hope in the face of institutionalized brutality. As Andy settles into his new life, he quietly challenges the oppressive regime, winning respect and friendships with his intelligence and kindness. The film's power lies in its subtle exploration of themes like friendship, hope, and the human spirit. Through Andy's perseverance, we see the transformative power of resilience. Despite the constant reminder of his innocence being denied, he finds solace in the small joys of life,such as the library he helps establish or the music he plays over the prison's PA system. His actions inspire others to question their own circumstances and seek change. Red, on the other hand, represents the jaded andcynical view of the world. But through his interactions with Andy, he gradually begins to see the world through a different lens. Their friendship, built on mutual respect and understanding, becomes a beacon of hope in an otherwise hopeless place.The film's climactic moment comes when Andy escapes from prison, using his meticulous planning and years of hard work. His escape is not a triumph of lawlessness but a testament to the redemptive power of the human spirit. It's a powerful reminder that even in the face of insurmountable odds, hope and perseverance can lead to freedom.The beauty of "The Shawshank Redemption" lies in its ability to touch the soul. It's a film that transcends genre and cultural boundaries, speaking to the universal themes of humanity. It reminds us that in the end, it's not our circumstances that define us but our choices and the power of the human spirit.In conclusion, "The Shawshank Redemption" is a timeless tale of redemption and hope. It teaches us that even in the darkest of times, a spark of hope and perseverance canlight the way to freedom. The film's powerful message and emotional depth make it a must-watch for anyone seeking inspiration and hope.**《肖申克的救赎》中的救赎之力**在荒凉而冷酷的监狱深处,两位男子在斯蒂芬·金的小说《丽塔海华丝及萧山克监狱的救赎》改编、弗兰克·德拉邦特执导的不朽之作《肖申克的救赎》中,找到了出乎意料的友谊与希望。
PART 767 INT -- INFIRMARY -- DAY (1949) 67Andy lies wrapped in bandages.RED (V.O.)Andy spent a month in traction.68 INT -- SOLITARY CONFINEMENT -- DAY (1949) 68RED (V.O.)Bogs spent a week in the hole.Bogs sits on bare concrete. The steel door slides open.GUARDTime's up, Bogs.69 INT -- CELLBLOCK FIVE -- 3RD TIER -- DUSK (1949) 69Bogs comes up the stairs, smoking a cigarette. Not many cons around; the place is virtually deserted. A VOICE echoes dimly over the P.A. system:VOICE (O.S.)Return to your cellblocks for evening count.Bogs enters his cell. Dark in here. He fumbles for the light cord, yanks it. The sudden light reveals Captain Hadley six inches from his face, waiting for him. Mert steps in behind Bogs. hemming him.Before Bogs can even open his mouth to say "what the fuck," Hadley rams the tip of his baton brutally into his solar plexus. Bogs doubles over, gagging his wind out.70 GROUND FLOOR 70Ernie comes slowly around the corner, rolling a steel mop cart loaded with supplies.71 2ND TIER 71Red is darning a sock in his open cell. He pauses, frowning, hearing strange THUMPING sounds. What the hell is that?72 3RD TIER 72It's Hadley and Mert methodically and brutally pulping Bogs with their batons, and kicking the shit out of him for good measure. He feebly tries to ward them off.73 2ND TIER 73Puzzled, Red steps from his cell, following the sound. It dawns on him that it's coming from above. He moves to the railing and leans out, craning around to look up --74 RED'S POV 74-- just as Bogs flips over the railing and comes sailingdirectly toward us, eyes bugging out, SCREAMING as he falls.75 RED (SLOW MOTION) 75jumps back as Bogs plummets past, missing him by inches, arms swimming and trying to grab the railing (but missing that too), SCREAMING aaaaalll the way down --76 GROUND FLOOR 76-- and impacting on Ernie's gassing mop cart in an enormous eruption of solvents and cleansers. The cart is squashed flat, shooting out from under Bogs and skidding across the cellblock floor like a tiddly wink, kicking up sparks for thirty yards. Ernie is left gaping in shock at Bogs and all the Bogs-related wreckage at his feet.77 2ND TIER 77Red is stunned. He very tentatively leans out and looks up. Above him, Hadley and Mert lean on the 3rd tier railing. Hadley tilts the cap back on his head, shakes his head.MERTDamn, Byron. Look'a that.HADLEYPoor fella must'a tripped.A tiny drop of blood drips off the toe of Hadley's shoe and splashes across Red's upturned cheek. He wipes it off, then looks down at Bogs. Cons and guards are racing to the scene.RED (V.O.)Two things never happened again after that. The Sisters never laid a finger on Andy again...7B EXT -- PRISON YARD/LOADING DOCK -- DAY (1949) 78Bogs, wheelchair-bound and wearing a neck brace, is loaded onto an ambulance for transport. Behind the fence stand Red and his friends, watching.RED (V.O.)...and Bogs never walked again. They transferred him to a minimum security hospital upstate. To my knowledge, he lived out the rest of his days drinking his food through a straw.REDI'm thinkin' Andy could use a nice welcome back when he gets out of the infirmary.HEYWOODSounds good to us. Figure we owe him for the beer.REDMan likes to play chess. Let's get him some rocks.79 EXT -- FIELD -- DAY (1949) 79A HUNDRED CONS at work. Hoes rise and fall in long waves. GUARDS patrol on horseback. Heywood turns up a rocky chunk, quickly shoves it down his pants. He maneuvers to Red and the others, pulls out the chunk and shows it to them.FLOYDThat ain't quartz. Nor limestone.HEYWOODWhat are you, fuckin' geologist?SNOOZEHe's right, it ain't.HEYWOODWhat the hell is it then?REDHorse apple.HEYWOODBullshit.REDNo, horse shit. Petrified.Cackling, the men go back to work. Heywood stares at the rock. He crumbles it in his hands.RED (V.O.)Despite a few hitches, the boys came through in fine style...80 INT -- PRISON LAUNDRY -- BACK ROOM -- DAY (1949) 80A huge detergent box is filled with rocks, hidden in the shadows behind a boiler furnace.RED (V.O.)...and by the week Andy was due back, we had enough rocks saved up to keep him busy till Rapture.ANGLE SHIFTS to Red as he plops a bag of "laundry" on the floor. Leonard and Bob toss a few more down. Red starts pulling out contraband, giving them their commissions.RED (V.O.)Also got a big shipment in that week. Cigarettes, chewing gum, shoelaces, playing cards with naked ladies on 'em, you name it... (pulls a cardboard tube)...and, of course, the most important item.81 INT -- CELLBLOCK FIVE -- NIGHT (1949) 81Andy, limping a bit, returns from the infirmary. Red watches from his cell as Andy is brought up and locked away.82 INT -- ANDY'S CELL -- NIGHT (1949) 82Andy finds the cardboard tube lying on his bunk.GUARD (O.S.)Lights out!The lights go off. Andy opens the tube and pulls out a large rolled poster. He lets it uncurl to the floor. A small scrap of paper flutters out, landing at his feet. The poster is the famous Rita Hayworth pin-up -- one hand behind her head, eyes half closed, sulky lips parted. Andy picks up the scrap of paper. It reads: "No charge. Welcome back." Alone in the dark, Andy smiles.83 INT -- CELLBLOCK FIVE -- MORNING (1949) 83The BUZZER SOUNDS, the cells SLAM OPEN. Cons step from their cells. Andy catches Red's eye, nods his thanks. As the menshuffle down to breakfast, Red glances into Andy's cell --84 RED'S POV -- DOLLYING PAST 84-- and sees Rita in her new place of honor on Andy's wall.Sunlight casts a harsh barred shadow across her lovely face.85 INT -- CELLBLOCK FIVE -- NIGHT (1949) 85Ernie is mopping the floor. He glances back and sees Warden Norton approach the cellblock with an entourage of a DOZEN GUARDS. Still mopping, Ernie mutters to the nearest cell:ERNIEHeads up. They're tossin' cells.Word travels fast from cell to cell. Cons scramble to tidy up and hide things. Norton enters, nods to his men. The guards pair off in all directions, making their choices at random.GUARDWhat kind'a contraband you hiding in there, boy?Cells are opened, occupants displaced, items scattered, mattresses overturned. Whatever contraband is found gets tossed out onto the cellblock floor. Mostly harmless stuff.A GUARD pulls a sharpened screwdriver out of a mattress, shoots a nasty look at the CON responsible.NORTONSolitary. A week. Make sure he takes his Bible.CONToo goddamn dark to read down there.NORTONAdd another week for blasphemy.The man is taken away. Norton's gaze goes up.NORTONLet's try the second tier.86 2ND TIER 86Norton arrives, makes a thin show of picking a cell at random. He motions at Andy on his bunk, reading his Bible. The door is unlocked. Norton enters, trailed by his men. Andy rises.ANDYGood evening.Norton gives a curt nod. Hadley and Trout start tossing the cell in a thorough search. Norton keeps his eyes on Andy, looking for a wrong glance or nervous blink. He takes the Bible out of Andy's hand. NORTONI'm pleased to see you reading this. Any favorite passages?ANDY"Watch ye therefore, for ye know not when the master of the house cometh."NORTON(smiles)Luke. Chapter 13, verse 35. I've always liked that one.(strolls the cell)But I prefer: "I am the light of the world. He that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life."ANDYJohn. Chapter 8, verse 12.NORTONI hear you're good with numbers. How nice. A man should have a skill. HADLEYYou wanna explain this?Andy glances over. Hadley is holding up a rock blanket, a polishing cloth roughly the size of an oven mitt.ANDYIt's called a rock blanket. It's for shaping and polishing rocks. Little hobby of mine.Hadley glances at the rocks lining the window sill, turns to Norton. HADLEYLooks pretty clean. Some contraband here, nothing to get in a twist over.Norton nods, strolls to the poster of Rita.NORTONI can't say I approve of this...(turns to Andy)...but I suppose exceptions can always be made.Norton exits, the guards follow. The cell door is slammed and locked. Norton pauses, turns back.NORTONI almost forgot.He reaches through the bars and returns the Bible to Andy. NORTONI'd hate to deprive you of this. Salvation lies within.Norton and his men walk away.RED (V.O.)Tossin' cells was just an excuse. Truth is, Norton wanted to sizeAndy up.87 INT -- PRISON LAUNDRY -- DAY (1949) 87Andy is working the line. Hadley enters and confers briefly with Bob. Bob nods, crosses to Andy, taps him. Andy turns, removes an earplug. Bob shouts over the machine noise:BOBDUFRESNE! YOU'RE OFF THE LINE!88 INT -- WARDEN NORTON'S OFFICE -- DAY (1949) 88Andy is led in. Norton is at his desk doing paperwork. Andy's eyes go to a framed needle-point sampler on the wall behind him that reads: "HIS JUDGMENT COMETH AND THAT RIGHT SOON."NORTONMy wife made that in church group.ANDYIt's very pretty, sir.NORTONYou like working in the laundry?ANDYNo, sir. Not especially.NORTONPerhaps we can find something more befitting a man of your education.PART 889 INT -- MAIN BUILDING -- STORAGE ROOMS -- DAY (1949) 89A series of bleak rooms stacked high with unused filingcabinets, desks, paint supplies, etc. Andy enters. He hears a FLUTTER OF WINGS. An adult crow lands on a filing cabinet and struts back and forth, checking him out. Andy smiles.ANDYHey, Jake. Where's Brooks?Brooks Hatlen pokes his head out of the back room.BROOKSAndy! Thought I heard you out here!ANDYI've been reassigned to you.BROOKSI know, they told me. Ain't that a kick in the ass? Come on in, I'll give you the dime tour.90 INT -- SHAWSHANK PRISON LIBRARY -- DAY (1949) 90Brooks leads Andy into the bleakest back room of all. Rough plank shelves are lined with books. Brooks' private domain.BROOKSHere she is, the Shawshank Prison Library. Along this side, we got the National Geographics. That side, the Reader's Digest Condensed books. Bottom shelf there, some Louis L'Amours and Erle StanleyGardners. Every night I pile the cart and make my rounds. I write down the names on this clipboard here. Well, that's it. Easy, peasy, Japanesey. Any questions?Andy pauses. Something about this doesn't make any sense.ANDYBrooks? How long have you been librarian?BROOKSSince 1912. Yuh, over 37 years.ANDYIn all that time, have you ever had an assistant?BROOKSNever needed one. Not much to it, is there?ANDYSo why now? Why me?BROOKSI dunno. Be nice to have some comp'ny down here for a change. HADLEY (O.S.)Dufresne!91 Andy steps back into the outer rooms and finds Hadley with 91 another GUARD, a huge fellow named DEKINS.HADLEYThat's him. That's the one.Hadley exits. Dekins approaches Andy ominously. Andy stands his ground, waiting for whatever comes next. Finally:DEKINSI'm Dekins. I been, uh, thinkin' 'bout maybe settin' up some kinda trust fund for my kids' educations.Andy covers his surprise. Glances at Brooks. Brooks smiles.ANDYI see. Well. Why don't we have a seat and talk it over?BROOKSPull down one'a them desks there.Andy and Dekins grab a desk standing on end and tilt it to the floor. They find chairs and settle in. Brooks returns with a tablet of paper and a pen, slides them before Andy.ANDYWhat did you have in mind? A weekly draw on your pay?DEKINSYuh. I figured just stick it in the bank, but Captain Hadley said check with you first.ANDYHe was right. You don't want your money in a bank.DEKINSI don't?ANDYWhat's that gonna earn you? Two and a half, three percent a year? Wecan do a lot better than that.(wets his pen)So tell me, Mr. Dekins. Where do you want to send your kids? Harvard? Yale?92 INT -- MESS HALL -- DAY (1949) 92FLOYDHe didn't say that!BROOKSGod is my witness. And Dekins, he just blinks for a second, then laughs his ass off. Afterward, he actually shook Andy's hand.HEYWOODMy ass!BROOKSShook his fuckin' hand. Just about shit myself. All Andy needed was asuit and tie, a jiggly little hula girl on his desk, he would'a been Mister Dufresne, if you please.REDMakin' yourself some friends, Andy.ANDYI wouldn't say "friends." I'm a convicted murderer who provides sound financial planning. That's a wonderful pet to have.REDGot you out of the laundry, didn't it?ANDYMaybe it can do more than that.(off their looks)How about expanding the library? Get some new books in there. HEYWOODHow you 'spect to do that, "Mr. Dufresne-if-you-please?"ANDYAsk the warden for funds.LAUGHTER all around. Andy blinks at them.BROOKSSon, I've had six wardens through here during my tenure, and I have learned one great immutable truth of the universe: ain't one of 'em been born whose asshole don't pucker up tight as a snare drum when you ask for funds.93 INT -- MAIN BUILDING HALLWAY -- DAY (1949) 93DOLLYING Norton and Andy up the hall:NORTONNot a dime. My budget's stretched thin as it is.ANDYI see. Perhaps I could write to the State Senate and request funds directly from them.NORTONFar as them Republican boys in Augusta are concerned, there's only three ways to spend the taxpayer's hard-earned when it come to prisons.More walls. More bars. More guards.ANDYStill, I'd like to try, with your permission. I'll send a letter a week. They can't ignore me forever.NORTONThey sure can, but you write your letters if it makes you happy. I'll even mail 'em for you, how's that?94 INT -- ANDY'S CELL -- NIGHT (1949) 94Andy is on his bunk, writing a letter.RED (V.O.)So Andy started writing a letter a week, just like he said.95 INT -- GUARD DESK/NORTON'S OUTER OFFICE -- DAY (1949) 95 Andy pops his head in. The GUARD shakes his head.RED (V.O.)And just like Norton said, Andy got no answers. But still he kept on.96 INT -- PRISON LIBRARY/ANDY'S OFFICE -- DAY (1950) 96Andy is doing taxes. Mert Entwhistle is seated across from him. Other off-duty guards are waiting their turn.RED (V.O.)The following April, Andy did tax returns for half the guards at Shawshank.97 INT -- PRISON LIBRARY -- ONE YEAR LATER (1951) 97Tax time again. Even more guards are waiting.RED (V.O.)Year after that, he did them all... including the warden's.98 EXT -- BASEBALL DIAMOND -- DAY (1952) 98A BATTER in a "Noresby Marauders" baseball uniform WHACKS theball high into left field and races for first.RED (V.O.)Year after that, they rescheduled the start of the intramural season to coincide with tax season...99 INT -- PRISON LIBRARY/ANDY'S OFFICE -- DAY (1952) 99The Batter sits across from Andy. The line winds out the door.RED (V.O.)The guards on the opposing teams all remembered to bring their W-2's. ANDYMoresby Prison issued you that gun, but you actually had to pay for it? THE BATTERDamn right, and the holster too.ANDYSee, that's all deductible. You get to write that off.RED (V.O.)Yes sir, Andy was a regular H&R Block. In fact, he got so busy at tax time, he was allowed a staff.ANGLE SHIFTS to reveal Red and Brooks doing filing chores.ANDYSay Red, could you hand me a stack of those 1040s?RED (V.O.)Got me out of the wood shop a month out of the year, and that was fineby me.100 INT -- GUARD DESK/NORTON'S OUTER OFFICE -- DAY (1953) 100 Andy enters and drops a letter on the outgoing stack.RED (V.O.)And still he kept sending those letters...101 INT -- ANDY'S CELL -- NIGHT (1953) 101Dark. Andy's in his bunk, polishing a four-inch length of quartz. It's a beautifully-crafted chess piece in the shape of a horse's head, poise and nobility captured in gleaming stone.He puts the knight on a chess board by his bed, adding it to four pieces already there: a king, a queen, and two bishops. He turns to Rita. Moonlight casts bars across her face.102 EXT -- EXERCISE YARD -- DAY (1954) 102Floyd runs into the yard, scared and winded. He finds Andy and Red on the bleachers.FLOYDRed? Andy? It's Brooks.103 INT -- PRISON LIBRARY/ANDY'S OFFICE -- DAY (1954) 103Floyd rushes in with Andy and Red at his heels. They find Jigger and Snooze trying to calm Brooks, who has Heywood in a chokehold and a knife to his throat. Heywood is terrified.JIGGERC'mon, Brooksie, why don't you just calm the fuck down, okay? BROOKSGoddamn miserable puke-eatin' sons of whores!He kicks a table over. Tax files explode through the air.REDWhat the hell's going on?SNOOZEYou tell me, man. One second he was fine, then out came the knife. I better get the guards.REDNo. We'll handle this. Ain't that right, Brooks? Just settle down and we'll talk about it, okay?BROOKSNothing left to talk about! It's all talked out! Nothing left now but to cut his fuckin' throat!REDWhy? What's Heywood done to you?BROOKSThat's what they want! It's the price I gotta pay!Andy steps forward, rivets Brooks with a gaze. Softly:ANDYBrooks, you're not going to hurt Heywood, we all know that. Even Heywood knows it, right Heywood?HEYWOOD(nods, terrified) Sure. I know that. Sure.ANDYWhy? Ask anyone, they'll tell you. Brooks Hatlen is a reasonable man. RED(cuing nods all around)Yeah, that's right. That's what everybody says.ANDYYou're not fooling anybody, so just put the damn knife down and stop scaring the shit out of people.BROOKSBut it's the only way they'll let me stay.Brooks bursts into tears. The storm is over. Heywood staggers free, gasping for air. Andy takes the knife, passes it to Red. Brooks dissolves into Andy's arms with great heaving sobs.ANDYTake it easy. You'll be all right.HEYWOODHim? What about me? Crazy old fool! Goddamn near slit my throat! REDYou've had worse from shaving. What'd you do to set him off? HEYWOODNothin'! Just came in to say fare-thee-well.(off their looks)Ain't you heard? His parole came through!Red and Andy exchange a surprised look. Andy wants to understand. Red just motions to let it be for now. He puts his arm around Brooks, who sobs inconsolably. Softly:REDAin't that bad, old hoss. Won't be long till you're squiring pretty young girls on your arm and telling 'em lies.104 EXT -- PRISON YARD BLEACHERS -- DUSK (1954) 104ANDYI just don't understand what happened in there, that's all. HEYWOODOld man's crazy as a rat in a tin shithouse, is what.REDHeywood, enough. Ain't nothing wrong with Brooksie. He's just institutionalized, that's all.HEYWOODInstitutionalized, my ass.REDMan's been here fifty years. This place is all he knows. In here, he's an important man, an educated man. A librarian. Out there, he's nothing but a used-up old con with arthritis in both hands. Couldn't even get a library card if he applied. You see what I'm saying?FLOYDRed, I do believe you're talking out of your ass.REDBelieve what you want. These walls are funny. First you hate 'em, then you get used to 'em. After long enough, you get so you depend on'em. That's "institutionalized."JIGGERShit. I could never get that way.ERNIE(softly)Say that when you been inside as long as Brooks has.REDGoddamn right. They send you here for life, and that's just what they take. Part that counts, anyway.内容总结。
Anothing thing is , do you think Andy is just keeping digging every day
during the 19 years? Of course not. I think this is the most amazing part of
the movie. He played music ,every man felt free;he expanded the library by
Red: I look back on the way I was then a young stupid kid who
committed that terrible crime. I want to talk to him, I want to try and talk some sense to him. Tell him the way things are. But I can't. That kid's long gone, and this old man is all that's
writing one letter one week to the government to ask for funds; he helped
Tommy to read from ABC's.
What's more,he helped the guards do tax returns, even including
One of the Best Movies I've Ever Seen
The Shawshank Redemption
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The Shawshank Redemption(肖申克的救赎)A:Andy(影片主角,被误判为杀死妻子的凶手,为追求公正和自由从不言弃)R:Red(Andy的狱中好友,40年的监狱生活让Red大彻大悟)W:Warden(肖申克监狱典狱长)C:Cellmate(Andy和Red在肖申克监狱的狱友)H:Hadley(肖申克监狱狱警长)Scene 1Warden和Hadley对监狱进行突击检查,在Andy狱中的一幕.注:Andy手中拿着<<圣经>>H: (严厉地对Andy喝到)Turn around and face the warden.W: (佯装和蔼地)Pleased to see you reading this. (从Andy手中接过<圣经>)Any favorite passages?A: (镇定地)”Watch ye, therefore, for ye know not when the master of the house cometh.”W: Mark 13:35.I’ve always liked that one. But I prefer…”I am the light of the world.Ye that followeth me shall have the light of life.”A: John,chapter 8,verse 12.W:I hear you’re good with numbers. How nice. Man should have a skill.H: (拿着Andy用于刻石的磨砂纸问道)Explain this.A: (镇定地)It’s called a rock blanket.It’s for shaping and polishing rocks.A little hobby of mine.H: (环视监狱一周)It’s pretty clean.Some contraband here,but nothing to get ina twist over.W: (指着墙上的美女海报,说道)I can’t say I approve of this.But I suppose…exceptions can be made.Warden和Hadley向外面走去H: (高喝道)Lock them up!W: (从监狱外向Andy)I almost forgot. I’d hate to deprive you of this.” (将<圣经>还给Andy) Salvation lies within.”A: Yes,sir.此幕结束Scene 2监狱食堂,R\C在吃饭聊天时,Andy刚刚从禁闭室释放,坐下和R\C聊天R: (兴奋地)Hey,look who’s here.C: (同样高兴地)Maestro!R: Was it worth two weeks?A: Easiest time I ever did.C: (不可思议状)Oh,no such thing as easy time in the hole.A week in the hole is like a year.Damn straight.A: (微笑道)I had Mr.Mozart to keep me company.C:So they let you tote that record player down there.huh?A:It was in here.(指着脑袋)In here.(指着心)That’s the beauty ofmusic.They…can’t get that from you.(对着Red)Haven’t you ever felt that way about music?R:Well,I played a mean harmonica as a younger man.Lost interest init,though.Didn’t make much sense in here.(指监狱)A:Here’s where it makes the most sense.You need it so you don’t forget.R:Forget?A: (觉得不解解释道)Forget that there are…places…in the world that aren’t made out of stone.There’s something…inside…that they can’t get to…that they can’t touch.That’s yours.R:What are you talking about?A:Hope.R:Hope…….(意味深长地说道). Let me tell you something,my friend.Hope is a dangerous thing.Hope can drive a man insane.It got no use on theinside.You’d better get used to that idea.A: Like Brooks did?(若有所指地反问道)Andy说罢Red摇着头离开并深深叹了一口气.Scene 3Andy和Red在监狱中的空地上,Andy低落地坐在地上,Red在旁边站着A: (自言自语道)My wife used to say I’m a hard man to know.Like a closed book.She was beautiful.God,I loved her.I killed her,Red.I didn’t pull the trigger…but I drove her away.That’s why she died,because of me…the way I am.R: (安慰A道)That don’t make you a murderer.Bad husband,maybe.Feel bad about it if you want,but you didn’t pull the trigger.A:No,I didn’t.Somebody else did.And I wound up in here.Bad luck,I guess. R:Yeah…(叹了一口气,靠近A坐了下来)A:It floats around.It’s got to land on somebody.It was my turn,that’s all.I just didn’t expect the storm would last as long as it has. (顿了顿对R说道)Think you’ll ever get out of here?R: (迟疑)Me?Yeah.(自我调侃地道)One day,when I got a long,white beard…and two or three marbles rolling around upstairs.A: (充满向往地)I tell you where I’d go.Zihuatanejo(芝华塔尼奥)R:Say what?(疑惑)A: (无限向往地)Zihuatanejo.It’s in Mexico.A little place on the Pacific Ocean.You know what the Mexicans say about the Pacific?R:No.(想象着)A: (微笑着,心中描绘美好图景)They say it has no memory.That’s where I want to live the rest of my life.A warm place with no memory.Open up a littlehotel…right on the beach.Buy some worthless old boat…and fix it upnew.Take my guests out…charter fishing.R: Zihuatanejo.A:In a place like that,I could use a man that knows how to get things.(鼓动Red) R: (叹了一口气)I don’t think I could make it on the outside.I been in here most of my life.I’m an institutional man now.Just like Brooks was.A:You underestimate yourself.(鼓励R)R: (强烈地)I don’t think so.In here I’m the guy who can get things foryou,but,outside all you need is the Yellow Pages.I wouldn’t know where to begin.Pacific Ocean?Shit.Scare me to death,something tha big.Not me.A: (坚决地)I didn’t shoot my wife,and I didn’t shoot her lover.Whatever mistakes I made,I’ve paid for them and then some.That hotel,that boat…I don’t think that’s too much to ask.R: (劝服A不要沉溺于无端的想象)You shouldn’t be doing this to yourself.This is just shitty pipe dreams.Mexico is way down there and you’re in here…and that’s the way it is.A: (感叹道,并坚毅地说)Yeah,right.That’s the way it is.It’s down there and I’m in here.I guess it comes down to a simple choice.Get busy living…or get busy dying.Scene 4Warden和Hardley发现Andy越狱成功.生气地来到A的房间.在途中W:I want every man on this cellblock questioned.Start with that friend of this. H:Who?W:Him.(指着C)H:Open 237.W\H\C来到A的房间W: (愤怒地对H喝到)What do you mean,”He just was n’t here”?Don’t say that to me. Don’t tell me that again.H: (无奈并无辜地说道)But sir,he wasn’t.W: (愤怒)I can see that,Haig!Think I’m blind?Is that what you’re saying?Am I blind?H:No,sir!W:What about you?You blind?Tell me what this is.H: Last night’s count.W:You see Dufresne’s name there?H:I sure do.Right there. “Dufresne”(无奈)W:He was in his cell...at lights out.Reasonable he’d be here in the moring.I want him found.Not tomorrow,not after breakfast.Now!(极度愤怒)H:Yes,sir!Let’s go.Move it!H急匆匆离开A的房间W:Well.(阴笑着对C)C:Well,what?(不解)W: (咄咄逼人地)I see you two all the time. You’re thick as thieves, you are. He must have said something.C: No, sir, Warden. Not a word.W: Lord, it’s a miracle! (怒吼)Man vanished like a fart in the wind. Nothing left….but some damn rocks on a windowsill.(看着墙上的美女海报) And that cupcake on the wall. Let’s ask her. Maybe she knows. What say there,fuzzy-britches?Feel like talking?Guess not.This is a conspiracy.(极端地愤怒)And everyone’s in on it! Including her! (拿着Andy雕饰好的石头砸向海报女孩,但发现海报破了一个洞)原来Andy是凭借在海报后面凿出一个洞穴直达监狱外,越狱成功的.Scene 5H坐在办公室中,等待着审批C提前释放的申请.C缓步走来H:Please sit down.H:Ellis Boyd Redding…your files say you’ve served 40 years of a life sentence.You feel you’ve been rehabilitated?C:Rehabilitated?Well,now,let me see.I don’t have any idea what that means. H:It means you’re ready to rejoin society…C:(打断)I know what you think it means,sonny.To me it’s just a made-up word.A politician’s word so that…young fellas like yourself can wear a suit and a tie…and have a job.What do you really want to know?Am I sorry for what I did?H:Well,are you?C:There’s not a day goes by I don’t feel regret.Not because I’m in here or because you think I should.I look back on the way I was then…a young stupid kid who committed that terrible crime.I want to talk to him.I want to try and talk some sense to him.Tell him the way things are.But I can’t.That kid’s long gone…and this old man is all that’s left.I got to live with that.H: (在档案上书写记录,并为Red(由Cellmate饰演)盖章,通过提前释放的请求)。