
华附、省实、深中、广雅2020届高三年级四校联考数 学(文科)本试卷分选择题和非选择题两部分,共5页,满分150分,考试用时120分钟.注意事项:1. 答卷前,考生务必用黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔将自己的姓名、考号填写在答题卡上.2. 答案一律做在答题卡上,选择题的每小题选出答案后,用2B 铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑;如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其它答案.3. 非选择题必须用黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔用答,答案必须写在答题卡各题目指定区域内的相应位置上;如需改动,先划掉原来的答案,然后再写上新的答案;不准使用涂改液.不按以上要求作答的答案无效.4. 保持答题卡的整洁,不要折叠,不要弄破.第一部分 选择题(共60分)一、选择题:本大题共12小题,每小题5分,共60分. 在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的.1.已知集合{}{}2230,ln()A x x x B x y x =+-≤==-,则A B =I A .[3,0]-B .[3,1]-C .[3,0)-D .[1,0)-2.已知z C ∈,2z i z i ++-=,则z 对应的点Z 的轨迹为 A .椭圆B .双曲线C .抛物线D .线段3.设0.7log 0.8a =,0.911log 0.9 1.1b c ==,,那么 A .a b c << B .a c b << C .b a c <<D .c a b <<4.“干支纪年法”是中国历法上自古以来使用的纪年方法,甲,乙,丙,丁,戊,己,庚,辛,壬,癸被称为“十天干”,子,丑,寅,卯,辰,巳,午,未,申,酉,戌,亥叫做“十二地支”.“天干”以“甲”字开始,“地支”以“子”字开始,两者按干支顺序相配,组成了干支纪年法,其相配顺序为:甲子,乙丑,丙寅,…癸酉,甲戌,乙亥,丙子,…癸未,甲申,乙酉,丙戌,…癸巳,…,共得到60个组合,称六十甲子,周而复始,无穷无尽.2019年是“干支纪年法”中的己亥年,那么2026年是“干支纪年法”中的 A .甲辰年B .乙巳年C .丙午年D .丁未年5.函数3cos 1()x f x x+=的部分图象大致是 A . B .C .D .6.在普通高中新课程改革中,某地实施“3+1+2”选课方案.该方案中“2”指的是从政治,地理,化学,生物4门学科中任选2门,假设每门学科被选中的可能性相等,那么政治和地理至少有一门被选中的概率是 A .16 B .12 C .23D .567.若向量a r ,b r 满足12a b ==r r ,,且3a b -=r r ,则向量a r ,b r的夹角为A .30°B .60°C .120°D .150°8.某程序框图如图所示,其中21()g x x x=+,若输出的20192020S =,则判断框内应填入的条件为 A .2020?n < B .2020?n „ C .2020?n >D .2020?n …9.设等差数列{}n a 的前n 项和为n S ,若28515a a a +=-,则9S 等于 A .18B .36C .45D .6010.已知函数()cos sin f x x x =-,那么下列命题中假命题是 A .()f x 是偶函数 B .()f x 在[,0]π-上恰有一个零点 C .()f x 是周期函数D .()f x 在[,0]π-上是增函数11.在三棱锥P ABC -中,PA PB PC ===AB AC BC ===P ABC -外接球的体积是A .36πB .125π6C .32π3D .50π12.已知椭圆C 的焦点为1(1,0)F -,2(1,0)F ,过2F 的直线与C 交于A ,B 两点.若223AF BF =,125BF BF =,则椭圆C 的方程为A .2212x y +=B .22132x y +=C .22143x y +=D .22154x y +=第二部分 非选择题(共90分)二、填空题:本大题共4小题,每小题5分,共20分. 请将答案填在答题卡的相应位置上. 13.曲线cos y x x =+在点(0,1)处的切线方程为 .14.某工厂为了解产品的生产情况,随机抽取了100个样本.若样本数据1x ,2x ,…,100x 的方差为16,则数据121x -,221x -,…,10021x -的方差为 .15.设F 为双曲线C :22221x y a b-=(a >0,b >0)的右焦点,O 为坐标原点,以OF 为直径的圆与圆222+x y a =交于P Q ,两点.若PQ OF =,则C 的离心率为 .16. 在ABC ∆中,角A ,B ,C 的对边分别为4a b c c a A ==,,,,,且角C 为锐角,则ABC ∆面积的最大值为 .B 1C 1A 1DCBA三、 解答题:满分70分. 解答应写出文字说明、证明过程或演算步骤. 第17~21题为必考题,每个试题考生都必须作答,第22、23题为选考题,考生根据要求作答. (一)必考题:共60分. 17.(本小题满分12分)在等比数列{}n b 中,公比为(01)q q <<,13511111,,,,50322082b b b ⎧⎫∈⎨⎬⎩⎭,,. (Ⅰ)求数列{n b }的通项公式;(Ⅱ)设()31n n n c b -=,求数列{}n c 的前n 项和n T .18.(本小题满分12分)如图,在直三棱柱111ABC A B C -中,1111A B AC ⊥,D 是11B C 的中点,1112A A A B ==.(Ⅰ)求证:1AB ∥平面1A CD ;(Ⅱ)异面直线1AB 和BC 所成角的余弦值为13,求几何体11A B DCA 的体积.19.(本小题满分12分)已知某保险公司的某险种的基本保费为a (单位:元),继续购买该险种的投保人称为续保人,续保人本年度的保费与其上年度出险次数的关联如下:随机调查了该险种的400名续保人在一年内的出险情况,得到下表:该保险公司这种保险的赔付规定如下:(Ⅰ)求本年度续保人保费的平均值的估计值;(Ⅱ)按保险合同规定,若续保人在本年度内出险3次,则可获得赔付()2.5 1.5a a a ++元;若续保人在本年度内出险6次,则可获得赔付()2.5 1.50.5a a a a +++元;依此类推,求本年度续保人所获赔付金额的平均值的估计值; (Ⅲ)续保人原定约了保险公司的销售人员在上午1030:~1130:之间上门签合同,因为续保人临时有事,外出的时间在上午1045:~1105:之间,请问续保人在离开前见到销售人员的概率是多少?20.(本小题满分12分)已知点()1e ,,e ⎛ ⎝⎭在椭圆2222:1(0)x y C a b a b +=>>上,其中e 为椭圆的离心率,椭圆的右顶点为D .(Ⅰ)求椭圆C 的方程;(Ⅱ)直线l 过椭圆C 的左焦点F 交椭圆C 于A ,B 两点, 直线DA ,DB 分别与直线a x e=-交于N ,M 两点,求证: 0NF MF ⋅=u u u r u u u u r.21.(本小题满分12分)已知函数()2()2ln f x x x ax a R =+-∈有两个极值点12x x ,,其中12x x <.(Ⅰ)求实数a 的取值范围;(Ⅱ)当a≥+()()12f x f x -的最小值. (二)选考题:共10分. 请考生从给出的第22、23题中任选一题作答,并用2B 铅笔在答题卡上把所选题目对应的题号涂黑,注意所做题目的题号必须与所涂题号一致,如果多做,则按所做的第一题计分.22.(本小题满分10分) 选修4-4;坐标系与参数方程在直角坐标系xoy 中,以坐标原点O 为极点,x 轴正半轴为极轴,建立极坐标系,曲线21:4sin 20C ρρθ-+=,曲线2:cos 042C πρθ⎛⎫-+= ⎪⎝⎭. (Ⅰ)求曲线12C C ,的直角坐标方程;(Ⅱ)已知曲线1C 与y 轴交于A B ,两点,P 为曲线2C 上任一点,求PA PB +的最小值.23.(本小题满分10分) 选修4-5:不等式选讲已知函数()f x x t =+的单调递增区间为[)2,-+∞. (Ⅰ)求不等式()121f x x +<+的解集M ; (Ⅱ)设a b M ∈,,证明:1a b ab +<+.数学(文科)参考答案一、选择题CDCCB DBACD BA 二、填空题13.10x y -+= 14.64 15.三、解答题17.解:(Ⅰ)因为公比为(01)q q <<的等比数列{}n b 中,13511111,,,,50322082b b b ⎧⎫∈⎨⎬⎩⎭,, 所以,当且仅当135111,,2832b b b ===时成立.----------------------2分 此时公比23114b q b ==,12q = ---------------------------------3分 所以1.2n n b ⎛⎫= ⎪⎝⎭------------------------------------------------5分(Ⅱ)因为1(31)2nn c n ⎛⎫=-⋅ ⎪⎝⎭所以 123n n T c c c c =++++L1231111=258(31)2222nn ⎛⎫⎛⎫⎛⎫⎛⎫⨯+⨯+⨯++-⋅ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭⎝⎭⎝⎭L --------------7分2311111125(34)(31)22222nn n T n n +⎛⎫⎛⎫⎛⎫⎛⎫∴=⨯+⨯++-⋅+-⋅ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭⎝⎭⎝⎭L --------8分123111111123(31)222222n n n T n +⎡⎤⎛⎫⎛⎫⎛⎫⎛⎫⎛⎫∴=⨯+⨯+++--⋅⎢⎥ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭⎝⎭⎝⎭⎝⎭⎢⎥⎣⎦L --------9分11111131(31)222n n n -+⎡⎤⎛⎫⎛⎫=+⨯---⋅⎢⎥ ⎪⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭⎢⎥⎣⎦-------------------------11分5135222nn +⎛⎫=-⋅ ⎪⎝⎭故数列{}n c 的前n 项和15(35)2nn T n ⎛⎫=-+⋅ ⎪⎝⎭----------------------------12分18. 解:(Ⅰ)如图,连结1AC 交1A C 于点E ,连结DE ---------------------------1分 因为在直三棱柱111ABC A B C -中,四边形11AAC C 是矩形所以 点E 是1A C 的中点---------------------------------------------2分因为D 是11B C 的中点所以 DE ∥1AB ---------------------------------------------------3分因为1AB ⊄平面1A CD ,DE ⊂平面1A CD所以 1AB ∥平面1A CD ---------------------------------------------4分(Ⅱ)因为棱柱111ABC A B C -是直三棱柱 所以 111AA AC ⊥因为1111111A B AC A A A B ⊥=,所以 111AC B C =---------------------------------------------------5分因为异面直线1AB 和BC 所成角的余弦值为13所以11cos AB C ∠=分 因为1111112A A A B A A A B ==⊥,所以 1AB 分根据余弦定理,在11AB C ∆中,222111111111=2cos AC B C AB B C AB AB C +-⋅⋅∠可得11B C 分因为111111=2A B AC A B ⊥,,所以 由勾股定理可得 11=3A C 因为11111111111,,C A A B C A A A A A A B A ⊥⊥=I 所以111C A A B ⊥平面同理111A B AC ⊥平面------------------------------------------------9分所以 11111=A B DCA D A AB D AA C V V V --+--------------------------------10分113112223132232=⨯⨯⨯⨯+⨯⨯⨯⨯ 2=所以 几何体11A B DCA 的体积为2.----------------------------------12分19. 解:(Ⅰ)由题意可得0.90.70.2 1.50.06 2.50.0340.01 1.035a a a a a a ⨯+⨯+⨯+⨯+⨯=;----4分(Ⅱ)由题意可得本年度续保人所获赔付金额的平均值的估计值00.7 a a a a ⨯+⨯+⨯+⨯+⨯=;-----8分(Ⅲ)设保险公司销售人员到达的时间为x ,续保人离开的时间为y ,(),x y 看成平面上的点,全部结果所构成的区域为()31=,10.511.5,1011412x y x y ⎧⎫Ω≤≤≤≤⎨⎬⎩⎭, 则区域Ω的面积()11133S Ω=⨯=---------------------------------9分 事件A 表示续保人在离开前见到销售人员,所构成的区域为()31=,,10.511.5,1011412A x y y x x y ⎧⎫≥≤≤≤≤⎨⎬⎩⎭---10分 即图中的阴影部分,其面积()11715==2412336S A ⎛⎫⨯+⨯ ⎪⎝⎭------------------11分 EB 1C 1A 1DCBA111121034y xO 所以()5536P ==1123A ,即续保人在离开前见到销售人员的概率是512--------12分(备注:第Ⅰ、Ⅱ参考答案中的表格填写正确各得2分;示意图不要求作出)20. 解:(Ⅰ)依题意得22222211341e a b e ab ⎧+=⎪⎪⎨⎪+=⎪⎩ 解得222,1a b ==所以 椭圆C 的方程为2212x y +=-----------------------------------3分 (Ⅱ)由(Ⅰ)得2ae=, -----------------------------------------------4分 如图,设()11,A x y ,()22,B x y ,()32,N y -,()42,M y -, 把直线1l x my =-:代入椭圆方程,得()222210m y my +--=所以12122221,22my y y y m m +=⋅=-++--------------------------5分 因为M B D 、、三点共线,得422222x =---------------------------6分 所以))224222222212y y y x my ----==--- ①-------------7分同理,由N A D 、、三点共线,得)1312212y y my --=-- ②-------------8分因为3434=2121NF MF y yk k y y ⋅=⋅-+-+ ③-------------9分所以把①②代入③得2122NF MF y y k k ---⋅=(()()()212221212211y y m y y m y y +=-++++--10分=分=1-所以 0NF MF ⋅=u u u r u u u u r--------------------------------------------------12分21. 解:(Ⅰ)依题意得()f x 的定义域为(0+)∞,,222()x a x f x x-+'=----------1分因为函数()f x 有两个极值点1212x x x x <,,所以方程222=0x ax -+有两个不相等的正根1212x x x x <,,所以21212=160021a a x x x x ⎧∆->⎪⎪+=>⎨⎪⋅=⎪⎩--------------------------------------------3分解得4a >此时()f x 在1(0)x ,和2(+)x ∞,上单调递增,在12()x x ,上单调递减 所以 实数a 的取值范围是()4+∞,-------------------------------4分 (Ⅱ)因为1x ,2x 是方程2220x ax -+=的两个根,所以122ax x +=,121x x = 因为211220x ax -+=,222220x ax -+=所以 21122ax x =+,22222ax x =+---------------------------------6分所以()()2212111222()()2ln 2ln f x f x x x ax x x ax -=+--+-22221112222ln (22)2ln (22)x x x x x x ⎡⎤⎡⎤=+-+-+-+⎣⎦⎣⎦2221122ln 2ln x x x x =-+-222111222ln x x x x x x -=+ 2111222ln x x x x x x =-+--------------------------------8分 令12x t x =()01t <<,1()2ln h t t t t=-+,则 222221221(1)()10t t t h t t t t t -+---'=--+==< 即()h t 在()0,1上单调递减------------------------------------------10分 因为a ≥ 所以122a x x +=≥ 所以221212()x x x x +≥ ,即 22121212212x x x x e x x e ++≥++ 所以 12211x x e x x e +≥+ , 即 11t e t e+≥+ 所以 1()()0t e t e --≥,01t <<所以 10t e<≤------------------------------------------------------11分 因为 ()h t 在10e ⎛⎤ ⎥⎝⎦,上单调递减 所以()h t 的最小值为112h e e e ⎛⎫=-- ⎪⎝⎭即()()12f x f x -的最小值为12e e--.--------------------------------12分 22. 解:(Ⅰ)因为cos sin x y ρθρθ=⎧⎨=⎩, 所以曲线1C 的直角坐标方程为22420x y y +-+=-----------------2分因为()cos cos +sin 1422πρθρθρθ⎛⎫-+=+ ⎪⎝⎭----------------4分所以曲线2C 的直角坐标方程为10x y ++=------------------------5分(Ⅱ)因为曲线1C 与y 轴交于((020,2A B -+,,两点------------6分点A 关于直线10x y ++=的对称点为()1A '---------------8分所以PA PB A B '+≥==所以PA PB +分23. 解:(Ⅰ)依题意得2t =--------------------------------------------------1分 所以不等式()121f x x +<+化为2121x x ++<+当2x <-时,原不等式化为2121x x --+<--,0x <,得2x <-------2分 当122x -≤<-时,原不等式化为+2+121x x <--,43x <-, 得423x -≤<------------------------------------------3分 当12x ≥-时,原不等式化为+2+12+1x x <,2x >,得2x >------------4分 所以,不等式()121f x x +<+的解集4=23M x x x ⎧⎫<->⎨⎬⎩⎭或----------5分 (Ⅱ)要证明1a b ab +<+,只需证明()222212ab ab a ab b ++>++即要证明()22210ab a b --+>--------------------------------------6分 因为423a b x x x ⎧⎫∈<->⎨⎬⎩⎭,或,所以221616,99a b ≥≥---------------8分 因为()()()()22222222111110ab a b a b b b a --+=--+=-->--------9分所以()22210ab a b --+> 即1a b ab +<+得证 ---------------------------------------------10分。

考试用时120分钟注意事项:1. 答卷前,考生务必用黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔将自己的校名、姓名、考号、座位号等相关信息填写在答题卡指定区域内。
2. 选择题每小题选出答案后,请用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑;如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案;不能答在试卷上。
3. 非选择题必须用黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔作答,答案必须写在答题卡各题目指定区域内的相应位置上;如需改动,先划掉原来的答案,然后再写上新的答案;不准使用铅笔和涂改液,不按以上要求作答的答案无效。
4. 考生必须保证答题卡的整洁。
AOccasions like anniversaries, weddings and reunions call for special event venues (场地).The following places may have a way out. There’s no need to spend money creating atmosphere at special event venues. It’s built right in!Hard Rock Cafe Anchorage415 E. STREET, ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99501Events, like great music are born of inspiration. Featuring a 13,600-square-foot facility that will seat 275 guests with private event space, we pride ourselves on delivering an exceptional experience with a rock and roll twist for each of our guests. Business Expo Center1960 S. ANAHEIM WAY, ANAHEIM, CALIFORNIA 92805The Business Expo Center is Orange County’s premier event venue in Anaheim, California. Our flexible 36,000-square-foot expo center is home to space for conferences, trade shows and celebrations. We pride ourselves on providing a memorable experience with excellent flexibility, servi ces, and cost savings. We won’t charge customers for on-site parking and provide high-speed Wi-Fi.Automobile Driving Museum610 LAIRPORT STREET, EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA 90245Centrally located in the South Bay beach community of El Segundo, California, the ADM offers a wonderful venue for private parties and corporate events. Conveniently located 5 minutes south of LAX, right off the 405 and 105 Freeways, the 610 Lairport space has a vintage feel surrounded by our primary automobile collection. We offer several different venues inside and outside our facility for diverse events. To better our service, reservations are needed.Yamashiro Hollywood1999 N. SYCAMORE AVE., LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 90068Yamashiro Hollywood is a restaurant and therefore, all food and beverages must be handled in house. However, guests are allowed to bring in outside wine and champagne for a corkage fee.21. What can you do in Business Expo Center?A. Enjoy free parking.B. Bring in outside wine.C. Experience a rock and roll twist.D. See some automobile collections.22. Which venue do you need to book in advance?A. Business Expo Center.B. Yamashiro Hollywood.C. Hard Rock Cafe Anchorage.D. Automobile Driving Museum.23. What do the four venues have in common?A. They offer optional places.B. They are open to special events.C. They are located in the same state.D. They enjoy convenient transportation.BKyle Cassidy and three other members of the Annenberg Running Group were stretching on the grounds of the University of Pennsylvania, waiting for a few latecomers. The Penn colleagues and other community members meet three days a week for a roughly 30-minute jog and an occasional lecture. That’s right—during some runs, one of them delivers a talk. Topics range from the brain to Bitcoin.But on this day last January, it would not be their normal run. The first clue that something was off was the man who sprinted past them. “Running at an amazing pace,” Cassidy told Runner’s World admiringly. Cassidy discovered why the sprinter was so fleet of foot when another man ran by, yelling, “Help! He took my phone and laptop!”At that, the group did what running clubs do: They ran, trailing the suspect down the streets of Philadelphia until he ducked into a construction site. The runners split up. Cassidy ran around to the far side of the site to cut the thief off while the others wandered the neighborhood hoping he had dumped the loot (赃物) in a backyard.No luck. So they decided to ask residents whether they’d seen the guy. When they knocked on the door of one row house, they were in for a surprise. Unknown to them, he had already emerged from the construction site—and was hiding behind a bush by that very house. As the owner opened the door, the suspect darted out from behind the bush … and right into the arms of campus police, who’d joined the chase shortly behind the runners.The members of this running group are not hard-core athletes. But they do understand the benefit of a little exercise. “Running is typically a useless sport whe re you turn fat cells into heat,” Cassidy told The Philadelphia Inquirer. “But occasionally it can be useful, and here was one of those opportunities.”24. Why do the group members gather together?A. To do some stretching.B. To have a regular run.C. To deliver a lecture.D. To cover some topics.25. What does the underlined word “sprinted” in Paragraph 2 probably mean?A. Dashed.B. Pushed.C. Jumped.D. Escaped.26. We can infer that the success of the chase is mainly due to _______.A. the assistance of the runnersB. the owner of the row houseC. the campus police on patrolD. the joint efforts of the people27. Which of the following best describes Cassidy?A. Athletic and generous.B. Courageous and ambitious.C. Helpful and humorous.D. Thoughtful and demanding.CFood experts say washing could spread the germs on your turkey in the kitchen sink or nearby food. But it’s been a challenge trying to convince cooks to stop rinsing(冲洗) off raw poultry. Germs that can make people sick are common in the guts of healthy poultry and are legally allowed to be on raw turkey and chicken. The assumption is that nobody eats their poultry raw, and that thorough cooking will kill the bacteria.The do-not-wash raw poultry advice from the USDA is relatively new and perhaps hasn’t caught on because it goes against the common belief that washing makes things clean, said Chapman. Benjamin Chapman, a study author and food safety expert at North Carolina State University, said the instinct to wash raw poultry goes back at least decades when people relied more on visual clues to spot problems with poultry. Meanwhile, washing hands and surfaces are also important.But food preparation is a complicated act, and germs from poultry can be spread even if it’s not washed, especially when birds are removed from packaging.The USDA-funded study stresses that point. Researchers sprayed raw chicken with a harmless strain of E. coli(大肠杆菌) and watched volunteer cooks at test kitchens. Among those who washed their raw chicken, about a quarter ended up spreading the bacteria to their lettuce. But even some of those who did not rinse the chicken got germson the lettuce. And there are other opportunities for germs to survive on turkeys: melting and cooking.To ensure a bird is thoroughly cooked, they say to use a thermometer to check that the deepest and thickest parts of it have reached 165 degrees. Even after the meal is cooked, you aren’t out of the danger zone. To keep turkeys and other leftovers safe, experts say they should be refrigerated after two hours.28. People don’t accept USDA’s advice because _______.A. the advice is relatively newB. cleaning seems more trustworthyC. cooks clean the turkey before cooking itD. heat can kill most germs and no one eats raw food29. What can be concluded from Paragraph 4?A. Food packages carry germs.B. Hands and surfaces are easy to get E. coli.C. Germs from a turkey can be spread whether it is washed or not.D. Multiple methods should be applied to food to get rid of germs.30. Which way may help to cook a turkey safely?A. Rinse off the turkey before it is heated.B. Keep the turkey away from the lettuce and refrigerator.C. Wash hands and packages before taking out the turkey.D. Use a thermometer to check the temperature of the turkey.31. From which section of a magazine is the text probably taken?A. Culture.B. Science.C. Education.D. Medicine.DMicroplastics are everywhere in our en vironment. It’s hardly surprising that the tiny fragments have also been found in humans. A new study shows that Americans are consuming as many as 121,000 particles each year.Measuring 50 to 500 microns in length, microplastics come from a variety of sources, including large plastics that break down into smaller and smaller pieces. Therefore, much remains unknown about the common existence of these materials within the human body, as well as their impact on human health.Hoping to fill in some of these gaps, a research team led by Kieran Cox, a PhD candidate at the University of Victoria, looked at 26 papers assessing the amount of microplastics in commonly consumed food items, among which are seafood, sugars, salts, honey, alcohol and water. The team also evaluated the potential consumption of microplastics through inhalation (吸入) using previously reported data on microplastic concentrations in the air and the Environmental Protection Agency’s reported respiration rates. Based on these data, the researchers calculated that our annualconsumption of microplastics via food and drink ranges from 39,000 to 52,000 particles. When microplastics taken in through inhalation are taken into account, the range jumps to between 74,000 and 121,000 particles per year.The authors of the study found that people who drink exclusively from plastic water bottles absorb an additional 90,000 microplastics each year, compared to 4,000 among those who only consume tap water. “This shows that small decisions, over the course of a year, really matter and have an impact.” Cox says. The new study, according to its authors, was the first to investigate “the accumulative human exposure” to microplastics. But in all likelihood, the research tells only a small part of the entire story. Collectively, the food and drink that the researchers analyzed represent 15 percent of Americans’ caloric intake. The team could not account for food groups like fruits, vegetables and grains because there simply is not enough data on their microplastic content.For those worried about microplastic consumption, cutting down bottled water is a good place to start. But to the heart of the problem, we have to stop producing and using so much plastic.32. What makes it difficult to know microplastics commonly exist in the human body?A. The quality.B. The quantity.C. The shape.D. The size.33. How did Kieran Cox’s team calculate the potential consumption of microplastics?A. By studying papers.B. By comparing the impacts.C. By analyzing the data.D. By conducting experiments.34. Which of the following is true according to the text?A. Drinking less plastic bottled water helps to take in fewer microplastics.B. The study is among the earliest to investigate human exposure to microplastics.C. Cox’s team gained comprehensive information of microplastics taken in by humans.D. People consume 74,000 to 121,000 particles of microplastics per year from foodand drink.35. What is the best title for the text?A. The Potential Problems of MicroplasticsB. Microplastics Coming From Various SourcesC. Microplastics Found Within Human BodiesD. The Impact of Microplastics on Human Health第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。

英语参考答案第一部分阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)21-23 ADB 24-27 BADC 28-31 BCDB 32-35 DCAC 36-40 GDCEA第二部分英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)41-45 CDDAB 46-50 ACCBD 51-55 BBACA 56-60 DDABC第二节语篇填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)61. but 62. heard 63. a 64. on 65. running66. which 67. himself 68. truly 69. to remain 70. Photographers 评分标准:内容、时态、大小写、单复数都与答案完全一致才得分。
第三部分写作(共两节,满分35分)第一节短文改错(共10处;每处1分,满分10分)People always say that we lack of the eyes of re alizing the beauty in life. I can’t agree complete. Lastcompletely Friday, I wake up very early and decided to take a walk. In the square there many senior citizens woke/waked wherewere dancing, I found several elders absorb in feeding birds. Without many cars, I realized the city lookedabsorbedso clean but beautiful. Some coffee shop, which used to be old and shabby, were decorated pretty well and and shopscaught my attention. On both sides of the streets were big trees covering the whole city, making∧ a greenitcity. At that moment , I found a city so interesting. How I regret ignore its beauty before!the ignoring书面表达(满分25分)A Possible Version:Dear Jason,I’m Li Hua, chairman of the students’ union. On behalf of the students, I’d like to express our heartfelt gratitude for inviting us to your school’s upcoming Chinese Culture Week. To get further information, I’m writing to make some inquiries concerning the event.Firstly, I’m wondering on what date the event is scheduled to start so that we can apply for visas and book air tickets in advance. Also, I want to ask about the specific activities throughout the week, because the information can help us make better preparations and promote our participation. Lastly, could you please tell us what type of accommodation(s) will be provided? If possible, we hope to stay in the school dormitory, which will offer us more opportunities for cultural exchange with your students.Thanks again for your kind invitation. It would be highly appreciated if you could deal with my inquiries at your convenience. Looking forward to your early reply.Yours sincerely,Li Hua。

2020-2021学年广东省华附、省实、广雅、深中高二下学期四校联考英语试题★祝考试顺利★(含答案)本试卷分选择题和非选择题两部分,共 12 页,满分 150 分,考试用时 120 分钟。
第一部分选择题(共 85 分)一、单项选择(共 20 题;每小题 1 分,满分 20 分)请从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
1. The percentage of students at high schools who ______ newly diagnosed with depressionnot dropped significantly.A. was; hasB. were; hasC. was; haveD. were; have2. The boy made a hole in the wall, he could see was going on inside the house.A. from which; thatB. in which; whatC. through which; whatD. what; which3. the examination score is the only criterion for his academic performance, a student isdriven to memorize mechanically rather than creatively.A. Though; to thinkB. As; thinkingC. Though; thinkingD. As; to think4. brought them to the public’s attention was they were condemned in someillegal business practices to obtain their current position in the market.A. What; that; to be involvedB. That; that; to be involvedC. What; whether; to involveD. That; whether; to involve5. Hardly that the early identification of those children’s special educational needssuch a huge difference to them.A. he believed; madeB. did he believe; madeC. he believes; had madeD. did he believe; had made6. He still hesitated on he would rent the apartment, only drawback wasit was too small.A. whether; whose; thatB. what; which; thatC. what; which; /D. whether; whose; /7. With every care , they managed to ensure the accuracy of all information in this leaflet.A. taking; givingB. taken; givenC. being taken; givenD. to be taken; giving8. with the information you have gathered, you can preparing your business plan.A. Armed; set outB. Arming; set offC. Armed; set aboutD. Arming; set aside9. an arrangement to postpone the house project in the village, we movedto discusswe should carry out the farming modernization there.A. Having made; whenB. Making; whatC. Having made; thatD. Making; where10. In the critical times, anyone would be by such disturbing newshe told.A. broken down; asB. cast down; asC. paid off; thatD.carried away; that11. Anne the midnight oil to make full preparations for the coming final exams in expectationof to her dreamed school.A. burned; admittingB. had burned; admittingC. burned; being admittedD. had burned; being admitted12. So cruel that he never shows any mercy to is against his opinion.A. the man is; whoeverB. is the man; whomeverC. the man is; whomeverD. is the man; whoever13.When making scientific experiments, .A. temporary setbacks would easily discourage peopleB. one should not be discouraged by temporary setbacksC. what discourages people may be those temporary setbacksD. it is important to avoid being discouraged by temporary setbacks14. was it distinguished her her classmates?A. What; that; fromB. Which; that; fromC. What; which; withD. Which; which; with15. In the past 10 years it the doctors the new drug has great significance for thetreatment of the disease.A. puzzled; whereB. has puzzled; whetherC. puzzles; thatD. had puzzled; how16. Which of the following sentences is wrong?A. He spoke abruptly, in barely comprehensible Arabic.B. We overlook our own roles in shaping children’s minds.C. After losing her sight, her other senses grew more sensitive.D. Multivitamins are no substitute for exercise and a balanced diet, ofcourse.17. , he stood out competence from all his fellows.A. Bad-tempered as he was; in terms ofB. As he was bad-tempered; in spite ofC. Bad-tempered though he was; in favour ofD. Though he was bad-tempered; by means of18. The two sides called off the fighting and they seemed .A. having made an acquaintanceB. having reaching a compromiseC. to have made an acquaintanceD. to have reached a compromise19. As boys generally learn best through touch, and are physically more active, they needmore “hands-on” lessons they are allowed to walk around.A. giving; whereB. to be given; whereC. being given; whenD. given; when20. Arthur has made a recommendation, he wants her to put before the board at a specialmeeting for tomorrow afternoon.A. what; to be scheduledB. that; will be scheduledC. which; scheduledD. where; scheduling二、阅读理解(共两节,满分 42.5 分)第一节(共 12 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 30 分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

⼴东省实验中学⾃主招⽣试题⼴东省实验中学⾃主招⽣试题数学素质考查卷⼀.选择题:(本⼤题共12个⼩题,每个4分,共48分,将所选答案填涂在机读卡上) 1、下列因式分解中,结果正确的是()A.2322()x y y y x y -=-B.424(2)(x x x x -=+-C.211(1)x x x x x--=--D.21(2)(1)(3)a a a --=--2、“已知⼆次函数2y ax bx c =++的图像如图所⽰,试判断a b c ++与 0的⼤⼩.”⼀同学是这样回答的:“由图像可知:当1x =时0y <,所以0ab c ++<.”他这种说明问题的⽅式体现的数学思想⽅法叫做()A.换元法B.配⽅法C.数形结合法D.分类讨论法 3、已知实数x 满⾜22114x x x x ++-=,则14x-的值是()A.-2B.1C.-1或2D.-2或14、若直线21y x =-与反⽐例函数k y x =的图像交于点(2,)P a ,则反⽐例函数ky x=的图像还必过点() A. (-1,6)B.(1,-6)C.(-2,-3)D.(2,12)5、现规定⼀种新的运算:“*”:*()m n m n m n -=+,那么51*22=()A.54B.5C.3D.9 6、⼀副三⾓板,如图所⽰叠放在⼀起,则AOB COD ∠+∠=()A.180°B.150°C.160°D.170°7、某中学对2005年、2006年、2007年该校住校⼈数统计时发现,2006年⽐2005年增加20%,2007年⽐2006年减少20%,那么2007年⽐2005年()A.不增不减B.增加4%C.减少4%D.减少2%8、⼀半径为8的圆中,圆⼼⾓θ为锐⾓,且θ=,则⾓θ所对的弦长等于()A.8B.10C.D.169、⼀⽀长为13cm 的⾦属筷⼦(粗细忽略不计),放⼊⼀个长、宽、⾼分别是4cm 、3cm 、16cm 的长⽅体⽔槽中,那么⽔槽⾄少要放进()深的⽔才能完全淹没筷⼦。


考 联 校 四
10.《Journal of Energy Chemistry》报导我国科学 家设计 CO2 熔盐捕获与转化装置如右图。下 列有关说法正确的是
2.选择题每小题选出答案后,用 2B 铅笔把答题卷上对应题目的答案标号涂黑;如需改动,用 橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其它答案;不能答在试卷上。
3.非选择题必须用黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔作答,答案必须写在答题卷各题目指定区域内的相 应位置上;如需改动,先划掉原来的答案,然后再写上新的答案;不准使用铅笔和涂改液;必须保 持答题卷的整洁。不按以上要求作答的答案无效。
D.a 点水的电离程度小于 b 点水的电离程度
二、选择题:本题共 8 小题,每小题 6 分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,第 14~18 题只有一项符合
题目要求,第 19~21 题有多项符合题目要求.全部选对的得 6 分,选对但不全的得 3 分,有选
错的得 0 分.
14.如图 1 所示某质点做直线运动的 v-t 图象为正弦图,下列说法中正确的是
图2 确的是
A.vl=v2 B.vl:v2=1:2 C.vl:v2=2:1 D.vl:v2=1:4 18.完全相同的两个小滑块甲和乙,可视为质点,分别从质量相同,底边长相同的两个斜面体顶端
由静止滑下,如图 3 所示,已知斜面倾角为α和β,且α>β,两个滑块和斜面之间的动摩擦因数相 同,下滑过程中斜面体均保持静止,下列说法正确的是 A.甲滑块滑到斜面底端的速度比乙大 B.甲滑块在斜面上滑动的时间一定比乙长 C.甲滑块下滑过程中,机械能的变化量比乙大
2020年广东华附、省实、深中、广雅2020届高三年级四校联考 理科数学 试卷与答案

项 和 分 别 为 An 和 Bn , 且
An = 3n +1 , 则 Bn n +1
a2 + a5 + a8 = ***. b3 + b7
15. 已知随机变量 X~B(2,p),Y~N(2,σ2),若 P(X≥1) = 0.64,P(0<Y<2) = p,则 P(Y>4) = ***.
16. 在△ ABC 中,角 A , B ,C 所对的边分别为 a ,b , c , 2= b2 2a2 + c2 ,当 tan ( B − A) 取最
第一部分 选择题 (共 60 分)
一、选择题:本大题共 12 小题,每小题 5 分,共 60 分. 在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是 符合题目要求的.
集合 M
= x
=k 2
1 4
= x
=k + 4
1 2
A. M = N
B.M ⊂≠ N
C.N ⊂≠ M
π 2
π 2
C. 奇函数且它的图象关于 x = π 对称
D. 偶函数且它的图象关于 x = π 对称
7. 已知函数 f ( x) 的图象连续且在 (2, +∞) 上单调,又函数=y f ( x + 2) 的图象关于 y 轴对称,
号涂黑;如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其它答案; 3.非选择题必须用黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔作答,答案必须写在答题卡各题目指定区域内的相应位

3 ,则向量 a, b 的夹角为(
A. 30° 【答案】B 【解析】
B. 60°
C. 120°
D. 150°【分析】源自由| a b | 3 ,平方求出 a b ,代入向量夹角公式,求出 a, b 的夹角余弦值,即可得结果.
【详解】设 a, b 的夹角为
rr | a b |
r a
r b |2
条件为( )
A. n 2020? n 2020 ?
【答案】A 【解析】 【分析】
B. n 2020?
C. n 2020?
1 n2
nn 1
1 n
1 n 1
n 1
2019 2020
在△ BF1F2 中,由余弦定理可得 cos BF2F1
33 22 a
根据 cos AF2O cos BF2 F1
0 ,可得
1 a
3 2a2 a
0 ,解得 a2
b2 a2 c2 2 1 1.
所以椭圆 C 的方程为: x2 y2 1 .
故选 A .
【点睛】本题考查了椭圆的定义及余弦定理,属中档题. 第二部分非选择题(共 90 分)
r (a
r b)2
r2 a
r 2a
r b
r2 b
rr 2a b
r a
华附、省实、深中、广雅2020届高三年级四校联考 英语试题(Word版,含答案)

考试用时120分钟注意事项:1. 答卷前,考生务必用黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔将自己的校名、姓名、考号、座位号等相关信息填写在答题卡指定区域内。
2. 选择题每小题选出答案后,请用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑;如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案;不能答在试卷上。
3. 非选择题必须用黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔作答,答案必须写在答题卡各题目指定区域内的相应位置上;如需改动,先划掉原来的答案,然后再写上新的答案;不准使用铅笔和涂改液,不按以上要求作答的答案无效。
4. 考生必须保证答题卡的整洁。
AOccasions like anniversaries, weddings and reunions call for special event venues (场地).The following places may have a way o ut. There’s no need to spend money creating atmosphere at special event venues. It’s built right in!Hard Rock Cafe Anchorage415 E. STREET, ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99501Events, like great music are born of inspiration. Featuring a 13,600-square-foot facility that will seat 275 guests with private event space, we pride ourselves on delivering an exceptional experience with a rock and roll twist for each of our guests.Business Expo Center1960 S. ANAHEIM WAY, ANAHEIM, CALIFORNIA 92805The Business Expo Center i s Orange County’s premier event venue in Anaheim, California. Our flexible 36,000-square-foot expo center is home to space for conferences, trade shows and celebrations. We pride ourselves on providing a memorable experience with excellent flexibility, ser vices, and cost savings. We won’t charge customers for on-site parking and provide high-speed Wi-Fi.Automobile Driving Museum610 LAIRPORT STREET, EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA 90245Centrally located in the South Bay beach community of El Segundo, California, the ADM offers a wonderful venue for private parties and corporate events. Conveniently located 5 minutes south of LAX, right off the 405 and 105 Freeways, the 610 Lairport space has a vintage feel surrounded by our primary automobile collection. We offer several different venues inside and outside our facility for diverse events. To better our service, reservations are needed.Yamashiro Hollywood1999 N. SYCAMORE AVE., LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 90068Yamashiro Hollywood is a restaurant and therefore, all food and beverages must be handled in house. However, guests are allowed to bring in outside wine and champagne for a corkage fee.21. What can you do in Business Expo Center?A. Enjoy free parking.B. Bring in outside wine.C. Experience a rock and roll twist.D. See some automobile collections.22. Which venue do you need to book in advance?A. Business Expo Center.B. Yamashiro Hollywood.C. Hard Rock Cafe Anchorage.D. Automobile Driving Museum.23. What do the four venues have in common?A. They offer optional places.B. They are open to special events.C. They are located in the same state.D. They enjoy convenient transportation.BKyle Cassidy and three other members of the Annenberg Running Group were stretching on the grounds of the University of Pennsylvania, waiting for a few latecomers. The Penn colleagues and other community members meet three days a week for a roughly 30-minute jog and an occasional lecture. That’s right—during some runs, one of them delivers a talk. Topics range from the brain to Bitcoin.But on this day last January, it would not be their normal run. The first clue that something was off was the man who sprinted past them. “Running at an amazing pace,” Cassidy told Runner’s World admiringly. Cassidy discovered why the sprinter was so fleet of foot when another man ran by, yelling, “Help! He took my phone and laptop!”At that, the group did what running clubs do: They ran, trailing the suspect down the streets of Philadelphia until he ducked into a construction site. The runners split up. Cassidy ran around to the far side of the site to cut the thief off while the others wandered the neighborhood hoping he had dumped the loot (赃物) in a backyard.No luck. So they decided to ask residents whether they’d seen the guy. When the y knocked on the door of one row house, they were in for a surprise. Unknown to them, he had already emerged from the construction site—and was hiding behind a bush by that very house. As the owner opened the door, the suspect darted out from behind the bu sh … and right into the arms of campus police, who’d joined the chase shortly behind the runners.The members of this running group are not hard-core athletes. But they do understand the benefit of a little exercise. “Running is typically a useless sport w here you turn fat cells into heat,” Cassidy told The Philadelphia Inquirer. “But occasionally it can be useful, and here was one of those opportunities.”24. Why do the group members gather together?A. To do some stretching.B. To have a regular run.C. To deliver a lecture.D. To cover some topics.25. What does the underlined word “sprinted” in Paragraph 2 probably mean?A. Dashed.B. Pushed.C. Jumped.D. Escaped.26. We can infer that the success of the chase is mainly due to _______.A. the assistance of the runnersB. the owner of the row houseC. the campus police on patrolD. the joint efforts of the people27. Which of the following best describes Cassidy?A. Athletic and generous.B. Courageous and ambitious.C. Helpful and humorous.D. Thoughtful and demanding.CFood experts say washing could spread the germs on your turkey in the kitchen sink or nearby food. But it’s been a challenge trying to convince cooks to stop rinsing(冲洗) off raw poultry. Germs that can make people sick are common in the guts of healthy poultry and are legally allowed to be on raw turkey and chicken. The assumption is that nobody eats their poultry raw, and that thorough cooking will kill the bacteria.The do-not-wash raw poultry advice from the USDA is relatively new and perhaps hasn’t caught on because it goes against the common belief that washing makes things clean, said Chapman. Benjamin Chapman, a study author and food safety expert at North Carolina State University, said the instinct to wash raw poultry goes back at least decades when people relied more on visual clues to spot problems with poultry. Meanwhile, washing hands and surfaces are also important.But food preparation is a complicated act, and germs from poultry can be spread even if it’s not washed, especially when birds are removed from packaging.The USDA-funded study stresses that point. Researchers sprayed raw chicken with a harmless strain of E. coli(大肠杆菌) and watched volunteer cooks at test kitchens. Among those who washed their raw chicken, about a quarter ended up spreading the bacteria to their lettuce. But even some of those who did not rinse the chicken got germs on the lettuce. And there are other opportunities for germs to survive on turkeys: melting and cooking.To ensure a bird is thoroughly cooked, they say to use a thermometer to check that the deepest and thickest parts of it have reached 165 degrees. Even after the meal is cooked, you aren’t out of the danger zone. To keep turkeys and other leftove rs safe, experts say they should be refrigerated after two hours.28. People don’t accept USDA’s advice because _______.A. the advice is relatively newB. cleaning seems more trustworthyC. cooks clean the turkey before cooking itD. heat can kill most germs and no one eats raw food29. What can be concluded from Paragraph 4?A. Food packages carry germs.B. Hands and surfaces are easy to get E. coli.C. Germs from a turkey can be spread whether it is washed or not.D. Multiple methods should be applied to food to get rid of germs.30. Which way may help to cook a turkey safely?A. Rinse off the turkey before it is heated.B. Keep the turkey away from the lettuce and refrigerator.C. Wash hands and packages before taking out the turkey.D. Use a thermometer to check the temperature of the turkey.31. From which section of a magazine is the text probably taken?A. Culture.B. Science.C. Education.D. Medicine.DMicroplastics are everywhere in our environment. It’s hardly surprising that the tiny fragments have also been found in humans. A new study shows that Americans are consuming as many as 121,000 particles each year.Measuring 50 to 500 microns in length, microplastics come from a variety of sources, including large plastics that break down into smaller and smaller pieces. Therefore, much remains unknown about the common existence of these materials within the human body, as well as their impact on human health.Hoping to fill in some of these gaps, a research team led by Kieran Cox, a PhD candidate at the University of Victoria, looked at 26 papers assessing the amount of microplastics in commonly consumed food items, among which are seafood, sugars, salts, honey, alcohol and water. The team also evaluated the potential consumption of microplastics through inhalation (吸入) using previously reported data on microplastic concentrations in the air and the Environmental Protection Agency’s reported respiration rates. Based on these data, the researchers calculated that our annual consumption of microplastics via food and drink ranges from 39,000 to 52,000 particles. When microplastics taken in through inhalation are taken into account, the range jumps to between 74,000 and 121,000 particles per year.The authors of the study found that people who drink exclusively from plastic water bottles absorb an additional 90,000 microplastics each year, compared to 4,000 among those who only consume tap water. “This shows that small decisions, over the course of a year, really matter and have an impact.” Cox says. The new study, according to its authors, was the first to investigate “the accumulative human exposure” to microplastics. But in all likelihood, the research tells only a small part of the entire story. Collectively, the food and drink that the researchers analyzed represent 15 percent of Americans’ caloric intake. The team could not account for food groups like fruits, vegetables and grains because there simply is not enough data on their microplastic content.For those worried about microplastic consumption, cutting down bottled water is a good place to start. But to the heart of the problem, we have to stop producing and using so much plastic.32. What makes it difficult to know microplastics commonly exist in the human body?A. The quality.B. The quantity.C. The shape.D. The size.33. How did Kieran Cox’s team calculate the potential consumption of microplastics?A. By studying papers.B. By comparing the impacts.C. By analyzing the data.D. By conducting experiments.34. Which of the following is true according to the text?A. Drinking less plastic bottled water helps to take in fewer microplastics.B. The study is among the earliest to investigate human exposure to microplastics.C. Cox’s team gained comprehensive information of microplastics taken in by humans.D. People consume 74,000 to 121,000 particles of microplastics per year from food anddrink.35. What is the best title for the text?A. The Potential Problems of MicroplasticsB. Microplastics Coming From Various SourcesC. Microplastics Found Within Human BodiesD. The Impact of Microplastics on Human Health第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。

3.非选择题必须用黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔作答,答案必须写在答题卷各题目指定区域内的相 应位置上;如需改动,先划掉原来的答案,然后再写上新的答案;不准使用铅笔和涂改液;必须保 持答题卷的整洁。不按以上要求作答的答案无效。
可能用到的原子量:H 1 C 12 N 14 O 16 Cu 64
第一部分 选择题(共 126 分)
一、选择题:本题共 13 小题,每小题 6 分,共 78 分。在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合 题目要求的。
1.下列关于细胞结构与成分的叙述,正确的是 A.线粒体膜上有葡萄糖的载体,没有氧气的载体 B.细胞中的色素不是分布在叶绿体中,就是分布在液泡中 C.含有蛋白质的细胞器不一定含有核酸,含核酸的细胞器一定含有蛋白质 D.微量元素可参与某些复杂化合物的组成,如 Fe、Mg 分别参与蛋白质和叶绿素的组成
B.该物质能发生氧化反应、还原反应、加聚反应和取代反应 C.该物质的一氯代物共有 5 种 D.该物质所有的碳原子不可能共平面
10.《Journal of Energy Chemistry》报导我国科学
家设计 CO2 熔盐捕获与转化装置如右图。下 列有关说法正确的是
A.b 为正极
B.熔盐可用 KOH 溶液代替 C.d 极电极反应式为 CO32-+4e-= C+3O2- D.转移 lmol 电子可捕获 CO2 5.6L 11.短周期元素 X、Y、Z、M 的原子序数依次增
大,其中 X、Y、Z 三种元素中,可形成含二
种元素的 10 电子微粒 m、n、p、q,且有反应 m+n 化物为无机含氧酸中的最强酸。则下列说法正确是

中学自主招生数学试卷一.选择题(每题3分,满分36分)1.﹣的倒数是()A.B.﹣C.D.﹣2.下列标志的图形中,是轴对称图形的是但不是中心对称图形的是()A.B.C.D.3.下列运算中,结果是a6的式子是()A.a2•a3B.a12﹣a6C.(a3)3D.(﹣a)64.下列调查方式,你认为最合适的是()A.了解北京市每天的流动人口数,采用抽样调查方式B.旅客上飞机前的安检,采用抽样调查方式C.了解北京市居民”一带一路”期间的出行方式,采用全面调查方式D.日光灯管厂要检测一批灯管的使用寿命,采用全面调查方式5.若x=﹣4,则x的取值范围是()A.2<x<3 B.3<x<4 C.4<x<5 D.5<x<66.已知|a|=3,b2=16,且|a+b|≠a+b,则代数式a﹣b的值为()A.1或7 B.1或﹣7 C.﹣1或﹣7 D.±1或±7 7.无论a取何值时,下列分式一定有意义的是()A.B.C.D.8.在平面直角坐标系中,将点A(1,﹣2)向上平移3个单位长度,再向左平移2个单位长度,得到点A′,则点A′的坐标是()A.(﹣1,1)B.(﹣1,﹣2)C.(﹣1,2)D.(1,2)9.如图,△ABO∽△CDO,若BO=6,DO=3,CD=2,则AB的长是()A.2 B.3 C.4 D.510.如图,AB为半圆O的直径,C是半圆上一点,且∠COA=60°,设扇形AOC、△COB、弓形BmC的面积为S1、S2、S3,则它们之间的关系是()A.S1<S2<S3B.S2<S1<S3C.S1<S3<S2D.S3<S2<S111.如图,已知菱形ABCD中,∠A=40°,则∠ADB的度数是()A.40°B.50°C.60°D.70°12.已知二次函数y=ax2+bx+c(a≠0)的图象如图,则下列结论中正确的是()A.abc>0 B.b2﹣4ac<0 C.9a+3b+c>0 D.c+8a<0二.填空题(满分18分,每小题3分)13.据测算,我国每年因沙漠造成的直接经济损失超过5 400 000万元,这个数用科学记数法表示为万元.14.已知扇形的弧长为4π,圆心角为120°,则它的半径为.15.如图,在⊙O中,CD是直径,弦AB⊥CD,垂足为E,连接BC,若AB=2cm,∠BCD=22°30′,则⊙O 的半径为 cm .16.如图,将直线y =x 向下平移b 个单位长度后得到直线l ,l 与反比例函数y =(x >0)的图象相交于点A ,与x 轴相交于点B ,则OA 2﹣OB 2的值为 .17.若一次函数y =(1﹣2m )x +m 的图象经过点A (x 1,y 1)和点B (x 2,y 2),当x 1<x 2时,y 1<y 2,且与y 轴相交于正半轴,则m 的取值范围是 .18.如图(1)是重庆中国三峡博物馆,又名重庆博物馆,中央地方共建国家级博物馆图(2)是侧面示意图.某校数学兴趣小组的同学要测量三峡博物馆的高GE .如(2),小杰身高为1.6米,小杰在A 处测得博物馆楼顶G 点的仰角为27°,前进12米到达B 处测得博物馆楼顶G 点的仰角为39°,斜坡BD 的坡i =1:2.4,BD 长度是13米,GE ⊥DE ,A 、B 、D 、E 、G 在同一平面内,则博物馆高度GE 约为 米.(结果精确到1米,参考数据tan27°≈0.50,tan39°≈0.80)三.解答题19.(6分)计算:(1)sin30°﹣cos45°+tan260°(2)2﹣2+﹣2sin60°+|﹣|20.(6分)求不等式组的非负整数解.21.(8分)如图,在平行四边形ABCD中,对角线AC与BD相交于点O,点E,F分别为OB,OD的中点,延长AE至G,使EG=AE,连接CG.(1)求证:△ABE≌△△CDF;(2)当线段AB与线段AC满足什么数量关系时,四边形EGCF是矩形?请说明理由.22.(8分)今年西宁市高中招生体育考试测试管理系统的运行,将测试完进行换算统分改为计算机自动生成,现场公布成绩,降低了误差,提高了透明度,保证了公平.考前张老师为了解全市初三男生考试项目的选择情况(每人限选一项),对全市部分初三男生进行了调查,将调查结果分成五类:A、实心球(2kg);B、立定跳远;C、50米跑;D、半场运球;E、其它.并将调查结果绘制成以下两幅不完整的统计图,请你根据统计图解答下列问题:(1)将上面的条形统计图补充完整;(2)假定全市初三毕业学生中有5500名男生,试估计全市初三男生中选50米跑的人数有多少人?(3)甲、乙两名初三男生在上述选择率较高的三个项目:B、立定跳远;C、50米跑;D、半场运球中各选一项,同时选择半场运球、立定跳远的概率是多少?请用列表法或画树形图的方法加以说明并列出所有等可能的结果.23.(9分)随着经济水平的不断提升,越来越多的人选择到电影院去观看电影,体验视觉盛宴,并且更多的人通过淘票票,猫眼等网上平台购票,快捷且享受更多优惠,电影票价格也越来越便宜.2018年从网上平台购买5张电影票的费用比在现场购买3张电影票的费用少10元,从网上平台购买4张电影票的费用和现场购买2张电影票的费用共为190元.(1)请问2018年在网上平台购票和现场购票的每张电影票的价格各为多少元?(2)2019年“元旦”当天,南坪上海城的“华谊兄弟影院”按照2018年在网上平台购票和现场购票的电影票的价格进行销售,当天网上和现场售出电影票总票数为600张.“元旦”假期刚过,观影人数出现下降,于是该影院决定将1月2日的现场购票的价格下调,网上购票价格保持不变,结果发现现场购票每张电影票的价格每降价0.5元,则当天总票数比“元旦”当天总票数增加4张,经统计,1月2日的总票数中有通过网上平台售出,其余均由电影院现场售出,且当天票房总收益为19800元,请问该电影院在1月2日当天现场购票每张电影票的价格下调了多少元?24.(9分)如图所示,△ABC内接于⊙O,AB是⊙O的直径,点D在⊙O上,过点C的切线交AD的延长线于点E,且AE⊥CE,连接CD.(1)求证:DC=BC;(2)若AB=5,AC=4,求tan∠DCE的值.25.(10分)若关于x的二次函数y=ax2+bx+c(a,b,c为常数)与x轴交于两个不同的点A(x1,0),B(x2,0)与y轴交于点C,其图象的顶点为点M,O是坐标原点.(1)若A(﹣2,0),B(4,0),C(0,3)求此二次函数的解析式并写出二次函数的对称轴;(2)如图1,若a>0,b>0,△ABC为直角三角形,△ABM是以AB=2的等边三角形,试确定a,b,c的值;(3)设m,n为正整数,且m≠2,a=1,t为任意常数,令b=3﹣mt,c=﹣3mt,如果对于一切实数t,AB≥|2t+n|始终成立,求m、n的值.26.(10分)已知:如图,抛物线y=ax2+bx+3与坐标轴分别交于点A,B(﹣3,0),C(1,0),点P是线段AB上方抛物线上的一个动点.(1)求抛物线解析式;(2)当点P运动到什么位置时,△PAB的面积最大?(3)过点P作x轴的垂线,交线段AB于点D,再过点P作PE∥x轴交抛物线于点E,连接DE,请问是否存在点P使△PDE为等腰直角三角形?若存在,求点P的坐标;若不存在,说明理由.参考答案一.选择题1.解:﹣的倒数是:﹣.故选:B.2.解:A、不是轴对称图形,不是中心对称图形,不合题意;B、不是轴对称图形,不是中心对称图形,不合题意;C、不是轴对称图形,不是中心对称图形,不合题意;D、是轴对称图形,不是中心对称图形,符合题意.故选:D.3.解:A、a2•a3=a5,故本选项错误;B、不能进行计算,故本选项错误;C、(a3)3=a9,故本选项错误;D、(﹣a)6=a6,正确.故选:D.4.解:A、了解北京市每天的流动人口数,采用抽样调查方式,正确;B、旅客上飞机前的安检,采用全面调查方式,故错误;C、了解北京市居民”一带一路”期间的出行方式,抽样调查方式,故错误;D、日光灯管厂要检测一批灯管的使用寿命,采用抽样调查方式,故错误;故选:A.5.解:∵36<37<49,∴6<<7,∴2<﹣4<3,故x的取值范围是2<x<3.故选:A.6.解:∵|a|=3,∴a=±3;∵b2=16,∴b=±4;∵|a+b|≠a+b,∴a+b<0,∴a=3,b=﹣4或a=﹣3,b=﹣4,(1)a=3,b=﹣4时,a﹣b=3﹣(﹣4)=7;(2)a=﹣3,b=﹣4时,a﹣b=﹣3﹣(﹣4)=1;∴代数式a﹣b的值为1或7.故选:A.7.解:当a=0时,a2=0,故A、B中分式无意义;当a=﹣1时,a+1=0,故C中分式无意义;无论a取何值时,a2+1≠0,故选:D.8.解:∵将点A(1,﹣2)向上平移3个单位长度,再向左平移2个单位长度,得到点A′,∴点A′的横坐标为1﹣2=﹣1,纵坐标为﹣2+3=1,∴A′的坐标为(﹣1,1).故选:A.9.解:∵△ABO∽△CDO,∴=,∵BO=6,DO=3,CD=2,∴=,解得:AB=4.故选:C.10.解:作OD⊥BC交BC与点D,∵∠COA=60°,∴∠COB=120°,则∠COD=60°.=;∴S扇形AOCS=.扇形BOC在三角形OCD中,∠OCD=30°,∴OD=,CD=,BC=R,∴S△OBC =,S弓形==,>>,∴S2<S1<S3.故选:B.11.解:∵四边形ABCD是菱形,∴AB∥CD,∠ADB=∠CDB,∴∠A+∠ADC=180°,∵∠A=40°,∴∠ADC=140°,∴∠ADB=×140°=70°,故选:D.12.解:A、∵二次函数的图象开口向下,图象与y轴交于y轴的正半轴上,∴a<0,c>0,∵抛物线的对称轴是直线x=1,∴﹣=1,∴b=﹣2a>0,∴abc<0,故本选项错误;B、∵图象与x轴有两个交点,∴b2﹣4ac>0,故本选项错误;C、∵对称轴是直线x=1,与x轴一个交点是(﹣1,0),∴与x轴另一个交点的坐标是(3,0),把x=3代入二次函数y=ax2+bx+c(a≠0)得:y=9a+3b+c=0,故本选项错误;D、∵当x=3时,y=0,∵b=﹣2a,∴y=ax2﹣2ax+c,把x=4代入得:y=16a﹣8a+c=8a+c<0,故选:D.二.填空题13.解:5 400 000=5.4×106万元.故答案为5.4×106.14.解:因为l=,l=4π,n=120,所以可得:4π=,解得:r=6,故答案为:615.解:连结OB,如图,∵∠BCD=22°30′,∴∠BOD=2∠BCD=45°,∵AB⊥CD,∴BE=AE=AB=×2=,△BOE为等腰直角三角形,∴OB=BE=2(cm).故答案为:2.16.解:∵平移后解析式是y=x﹣b,代入y=得:x﹣b=,即x2﹣bx=5,y =x ﹣b 与x 轴交点B 的坐标是(b ,0),设A 的坐标是(x ,y ),∴OA 2﹣OB 2=x 2+y 2﹣b 2=x 2+(x ﹣b )2﹣b 2=2x 2﹣2xb=2(x 2﹣xb )=2×5=10,故答案为:10.17.解:∵当1<2时,y 1<y 2,∴函数值y 随x 的增大而增大,∴1﹣2m >0,解得m <∵函数的图象与y 轴相交于正半轴,∴m >0,故m 的取值范围是0<m <故答案为0<m <18.解:如图,延长CF 交GE 的延长线于H ,延长GE 交AB 的延长线于J .设GE =xm .在Rt △BDK 中,∵BD =13,DK :BK =1:2.4,∴DK =5,BK =12,∵AC =BF =HJ =1.6,DK =EJ =5,∴EH =5﹣1.6=3.4,∵CH ﹣FH =CF ,∴﹣=12,∴﹣=12,∴x=12.6≈13(m),故答案为13.三.解答题19.解:(1)原式==(2)原式==20.解:解不等式组得﹣2<x≤5,所以原不等式组的非负整数解为0,1,2,3,4,5.21.证明:(1)∵四边形ABCD是平行四边形,∴AB=CD,AB∥CD,OB=OD,OA=OC,∴∠ABE=∠CDF,∵点E,F分别为OB,OD的中点,∴BE=OB,DF=OD,∴BE=DF,在△ABE和△CDF中,∴△ABE≌△CDF(SAS);(2)解:当AC=2AB时,四边形EGCF是矩形;理由如下:∵AC=2OA,AC=2AB,∴AB=OA,∵E是OB的中点,∴AG⊥OB,∴∠OEG=90°,同理:CF⊥OD,∴AG∥CF,∴EG∥CF,∵EG=AE,OA=OC,∴OE是△ACG的中位线,∴OE∥CG,∴EF∥CG,∴四边形EGCF是平行四边形,∵∠OEG=90°,∴四边形EGCF是矩形.22.解:(1)被调查的学生总人数:150÷15%=1000人,选择B的人数:1000×(1﹣15%﹣20%﹣40%﹣5%)=1000×20%=200;补全统计图如图所示;(2)5500×40%=2200人;(3)根据题意画出树状图如下:所有等可能结果有9种:BB、BC、BD、CB、CC、CD、DB、DC、DD,同时选择B 和D 的有2种可能,即BD 和DB ,P (同时选择B 和D )=.23.解:(1)设现场购买每张电影票为x 元,网上购买每张电影票为y 元.依题意列二元一次方程组∵经检验解得(2)设1月2日该电影院影票现场售价下调m 元,那么会多卖出张电影票.依题意列一元二次方程:(45﹣m )[(600+)×(1﹣)]=19800﹣25×(600+)(1﹣)整理得:16m 2﹣120m =0m (16m ﹣120)=0解得m 1=0(舍去) m 2=7.5 答:(1)2018年在网上平台购票和现场购票的每张电影票的价格分别为25元和45元;(2)1月2日当天现场购票每张电影票的价格下调了7.5元.24.(1)证明:连接OC . (1分)∵OA =OC ,∴∠OAC =∠OCA .∵CE 是⊙O 的切线,∴∠OCE =90°. (2分)∵AE ⊥CE ,∴∠AEC =∠OCE =90°.∴OC ∥AE .∴∠OCA =∠CAD .∴∠CAD =∠BAC . (4分)∴.∴DC =BC . (5分)(2)解:∵AB 是⊙O 的直径,∴∠ACB =90°.∴BC==3.(6分)∵∠CAE=∠BAC,∠AEC=∠ACB=90°,∴△ACE∽△ABC.(7分)∴.∴,.(8分)∵DC=BC=3,∴.(9分)∴tan∠DCE=.(10分)25.解:(1)函数的表达式为:y=a(x+2)(x﹣4)=a(x2﹣2x﹣8),则﹣8a=3,解得:a=﹣,故抛物线的表达式为:y=﹣x2+x+3;(2)如图所示,△ABC为直角三角形,则∠ACB=90°,∵△AMB是等边三角形,则点C是MB的中点,则BC =MC =1,则BO =BC =,同理OC =,OA =2﹣=,则点A 、B 、C 的坐标分别为(﹣,0)、(,0),(0,﹣),则函数的表达式为:y =a (x +)(x ﹣)=a (x 2+x ﹣),即﹣a =﹣,解得:a =,则函数表达式为:y =x 2+x ﹣;(3)y =ax 2+bx +c =x 2+(3﹣mt )x ﹣3mt ,则x 1+x 2=mt ﹣3,x 1x 2=﹣3mt ,AB =x 2﹣x 1==|mt +3|≥|2t +n |,则m 2t 2+6mt +9≥4t 2+4tn +n 2, 即:(m 2﹣4)t 2+(6m ﹣4n )t +(9﹣n 2)≥0,由题意得:m 2﹣4>0,△=(6m ﹣4n )2﹣4(m 2﹣4)(9﹣n 2)≤0,解得:mn =6,故:m =3,n =2或m =6,n =1.26.解:(1)∵抛物线y =ax 2+bx +3过点B (﹣3,0),C (1,0)∴ 解得:∴抛物线解析式为y =﹣x 2﹣2x +3(2)过点P 作PH ⊥x 轴于点H ,交AB 于点F∵x =0时,y =﹣x 2﹣2x +3=3∴A (0,3)∴直线AB 解析式为y =x +3∵点P 在线段AB 上方抛物线上∴设P (t ,﹣t 2﹣2t +3)(﹣3<t <0)∴F (t ,t +3)∴PF =﹣t 2﹣2t +3﹣(t +3)=﹣t 2﹣3t∴S△PAB =S△PAF+S△PBF=PF•OH+PF•BH=PF•OB=(﹣t2﹣3t)=﹣(t+)2+∴点P运动到坐标为(﹣,),△PAB面积最大(3)存在点P使△PDE为等腰直角三角形设P(t,﹣t2﹣2t+3)(﹣3<t<0),则D(t,t+3)∴PD=﹣t2﹣2t+3﹣(t+3)=﹣t2﹣3t∵抛物线y=﹣x2﹣2x+3=﹣(x+1)2+4∴对称轴为直线x=﹣1∵PE∥x轴交抛物线于点E∴y E=y P,即点E、P关于对称轴对称∴=﹣1∴x E=﹣2﹣x P=﹣2﹣t∴PE=|x E﹣x P|=|﹣2﹣2t|∵△PDE为等腰直角三角形,∠DPE=90°∴PD=PE①当﹣3<t≤﹣1时,PE=﹣2﹣2t∴﹣t2﹣3t=﹣2﹣2t解得:t1=1(舍去),t2=﹣2∴P(﹣2,3)②当﹣1<t<0时,PE=2+2t ∴﹣t2﹣3t=2+2t解得:t1=,t2=(舍去)∴P(,)综上所述,点P坐标为(﹣2,3)或(,)时使△PDE为等腰直角三角形.中学自主招生数学试卷一.选择题(每题3分,满分36分)1.﹣的倒数是()A.B.﹣C.D.﹣2.下列标志的图形中,是轴对称图形的是但不是中心对称图形的是()A.B.C.D.3.下列运算中,结果是a6的式子是()A.a2•a3B.a12﹣a6C.(a3)3D.(﹣a)64.下列调查方式,你认为最合适的是()A.了解北京市每天的流动人口数,采用抽样调查方式B.旅客上飞机前的安检,采用抽样调查方式C.了解北京市居民”一带一路”期间的出行方式,采用全面调查方式D.日光灯管厂要检测一批灯管的使用寿命,采用全面调查方式5.若x=﹣4,则x的取值范围是()A.2<x<3 B.3<x<4 C.4<x<5 D.5<x<66.已知|a|=3,b2=16,且|a+b|≠a+b,则代数式a﹣b的值为()A.1或7 B.1或﹣7 C.﹣1或﹣7 D.±1或±7 7.无论a取何值时,下列分式一定有意义的是()A.B.C.D.8.在平面直角坐标系中,将点A(1,﹣2)向上平移3个单位长度,再向左平移2个单位长度,得到点A′,则点A′的坐标是()A.(﹣1,1)B.(﹣1,﹣2)C.(﹣1,2)D.(1,2)9.如图,△ABO∽△CDO,若BO=6,DO=3,CD=2,则AB的长是()A.2 B.3 C.4 D.510.如图,AB为半圆O的直径,C是半圆上一点,且∠COA=60°,设扇形AOC、△COB、弓形BmC的面积为S1、S2、S3,则它们之间的关系是()A.S1<S2<S3B.S2<S1<S3C.S1<S3<S2D.S3<S2<S111.如图,已知菱形ABCD中,∠A=40°,则∠ADB的度数是()A.40°B.50°C.60°D.70°12.已知二次函数y=ax2+bx+c(a≠0)的图象如图,则下列结论中正确的是()A.abc>0 B.b2﹣4ac<0 C.9a+3b+c>0 D.c+8a<0二.填空题(满分18分,每小题3分)13.据测算,我国每年因沙漠造成的直接经济损失超过5 400 000万元,这个数用科学记数法表示为万元.14.已知扇形的弧长为4π,圆心角为120°,则它的半径为.15.如图,在⊙O中,CD是直径,弦AB⊥CD,垂足为E,连接BC,若AB=2cm,∠BCD =22°30′,则⊙O的半径为cm.16.如图,将直线y=x向下平移b个单位长度后得到直线l,l与反比例函数y=(x>0)的图象相交于点A,与x轴相交于点B,则OA2﹣OB2的值为.17.若一次函数y =(1﹣2m )x +m 的图象经过点A (x 1,y 1)和点B (x 2,y 2),当x 1<x 2时,y 1<y 2,且与y 轴相交于正半轴,则m 的取值范围是 .18.如图(1)是重庆中国三峡博物馆,又名重庆博物馆,中央地方共建国家级博物馆图(2)是侧面示意图.某校数学兴趣小组的同学要测量三峡博物馆的高GE .如(2),小杰身高为1.6米,小杰在A 处测得博物馆楼顶G 点的仰角为27°,前进12米到达B 处测得博物馆楼顶G 点的仰角为39°,斜坡BD 的坡i =1:2.4,BD 长度是13米,GE ⊥DE ,A 、B 、D 、E 、G 在同一平面内,则博物馆高度GE 约为 米.(结果精确到1米,参考数据tan27°≈0.50,tan39°≈0.80)三.解答题19.(6分)计算:(1)sin30°﹣cos45°+tan 260° (2)2﹣2+﹣2sin60°+|﹣|20.(6分)求不等式组的非负整数解.21.(8分)如图,在平行四边形ABCD中,对角线AC与BD相交于点O,点E,F分别为OB,OD的中点,延长AE至G,使EG=AE,连接CG.(1)求证:△ABE≌△△CDF;(2)当线段AB与线段AC满足什么数量关系时,四边形EGCF是矩形?请说明理由.22.(8分)今年西宁市高中招生体育考试测试管理系统的运行,将测试完进行换算统分改为计算机自动生成,现场公布成绩,降低了误差,提高了透明度,保证了公平.考前张老师为了解全市初三男生考试项目的选择情况(每人限选一项),对全市部分初三男生进行了调查,将调查结果分成五类:A、实心球(2kg);B、立定跳远;C、50米跑;D、半场运球;E、其它.并将调查结果绘制成以下两幅不完整的统计图,请你根据统计图解答下列问题:(1)将上面的条形统计图补充完整;(2)假定全市初三毕业学生中有5500名男生,试估计全市初三男生中选50米跑的人数有多少人?(3)甲、乙两名初三男生在上述选择率较高的三个项目:B、立定跳远;C、50米跑;D、半场运球中各选一项,同时选择半场运球、立定跳远的概率是多少?请用列表法或画树形图的方法加以说明并列出所有等可能的结果.23.(9分)随着经济水平的不断提升,越来越多的人选择到电影院去观看电影,体验视觉盛宴,并且更多的人通过淘票票,猫眼等网上平台购票,快捷且享受更多优惠,电影票价格也越来越便宜.2018年从网上平台购买5张电影票的费用比在现场购买3张电影票的费用少10元,从网上平台购买4张电影票的费用和现场购买2张电影票的费用共为190元.(1)请问2018年在网上平台购票和现场购票的每张电影票的价格各为多少元?(2)2019年“元旦”当天,南坪上海城的“华谊兄弟影院”按照2018年在网上平台购票和现场购票的电影票的价格进行销售,当天网上和现场售出电影票总票数为600张.“元旦”假期刚过,观影人数出现下降,于是该影院决定将1月2日的现场购票的价格下调,网上购票价格保持不变,结果发现现场购票每张电影票的价格每降价0.5元,则当天总票数比“元旦”当天总票数增加4张,经统计,1月2日的总票数中有通过网上平台售出,其余均由电影院现场售出,且当天票房总收益为19800元,请问该电影院在1月2日当天现场购票每张电影票的价格下调了多少元?24.(9分)如图所示,△ABC内接于⊙O,AB是⊙O的直径,点D在⊙O上,过点C的切线交AD的延长线于点E,且AE⊥CE,连接CD.(1)求证:DC=BC;(2)若AB=5,AC=4,求tan∠DCE的值.25.(10分)若关于x的二次函数y=ax2+bx+c(a,b,c为常数)与x轴交于两个不同的点A(x1,0),B(x2,0)与y轴交于点C,其图象的顶点为点M,O是坐标原点.(1)若A(﹣2,0),B(4,0),C(0,3)求此二次函数的解析式并写出二次函数的对称轴;(2)如图1,若a>0,b>0,△ABC为直角三角形,△ABM是以AB=2的等边三角形,试确定a,b,c的值;(3)设m,n为正整数,且m≠2,a=1,t为任意常数,令b=3﹣mt,c=﹣3mt,如果对于一切实数t,AB≥|2t+n|始终成立,求m、n的值.26.(10分)已知:如图,抛物线y=ax2+bx+3与坐标轴分别交于点A,B(﹣3,0),C(1,0),点P是线段AB上方抛物线上的一个动点.(1)求抛物线解析式;(2)当点P运动到什么位置时,△PAB的面积最大?(3)过点P作x轴的垂线,交线段AB于点D,再过点P作PE∥x轴交抛物线于点E,连接DE,请问是否存在点P使△PDE为等腰直角三角形?若存在,求点P的坐标;若不存在,说明理由.参考答案一.选择题1.解:﹣的倒数是:﹣.故选:B.2.解:A、不是轴对称图形,不是中心对称图形,不合题意;B、不是轴对称图形,不是中心对称图形,不合题意;C、不是轴对称图形,不是中心对称图形,不合题意;D、是轴对称图形,不是中心对称图形,符合题意.故选:D.3.解:A、a2•a3=a5,故本选项错误;B、不能进行计算,故本选项错误;C、(a3)3=a9,故本选项错误;D、(﹣a)6=a6,正确.故选:D.4.解:A、了解北京市每天的流动人口数,采用抽样调查方式,正确;B、旅客上飞机前的安检,采用全面调查方式,故错误;C、了解北京市居民”一带一路”期间的出行方式,抽样调查方式,故错误;D、日光灯管厂要检测一批灯管的使用寿命,采用抽样调查方式,故错误;故选:A.5.解:∵36<37<49,∴6<<7,∴2<﹣4<3,故x的取值范围是2<x<3.故选:A.6.解:∵|a|=3,∴a=±3;∵b2=16,∴b=±4;∵|a+b|≠a+b,∴a+b<0,∴a=3,b=﹣4或a=﹣3,b=﹣4,(1)a=3,b=﹣4时,a﹣b=3﹣(﹣4)=7;(2)a=﹣3,b=﹣4时,a﹣b=﹣3﹣(﹣4)=1;∴代数式a﹣b的值为1或7.故选:A.7.解:当a=0时,a2=0,故A、B中分式无意义;当a=﹣1时,a+1=0,故C中分式无意义;无论a取何值时,a2+1≠0,故选:D.8.解:∵将点A(1,﹣2)向上平移3个单位长度,再向左平移2个单位长度,得到点A′,∴点A′的横坐标为1﹣2=﹣1,纵坐标为﹣2+3=1,∴A′的坐标为(﹣1,1).故选:A.9.解:∵△ABO∽△CDO,∴=,∵BO=6,DO=3,CD=2,∴=,解得:AB=4.故选:C.10.解:作OD⊥BC交BC与点D,∵∠COA=60°,∴∠COB=120°,则∠COD=60°.=;∴S扇形AOCS=.扇形BOC在三角形OCD中,∠OCD=30°,∴OD=,CD=,BC=R,∴S△OBC =,S弓形==,>>,∴S2<S1<S3.故选:B.11.解:∵四边形ABCD是菱形,∴AB∥CD,∠ADB=∠CDB,∴∠A+∠ADC=180°,∵∠A=40°,∴∠ADC=140°,∴∠ADB=×140°=70°,故选:D.12.解:A、∵二次函数的图象开口向下,图象与y轴交于y轴的正半轴上,∴a<0,c>0,∵抛物线的对称轴是直线x=1,∴﹣=1,∴b=﹣2a>0,∴abc<0,故本选项错误;B、∵图象与x轴有两个交点,∴b2﹣4ac>0,故本选项错误;C、∵对称轴是直线x=1,与x轴一个交点是(﹣1,0),∴与x轴另一个交点的坐标是(3,0),把x=3代入二次函数y=ax2+bx+c(a≠0)得:y=9a+3b+c=0,故本选项错误;D、∵当x=3时,y=0,∵b=﹣2a,∴y=ax2﹣2ax+c,把x=4代入得:y=16a﹣8a+c=8a+c<0,故选:D.二.填空题13.解:5 400 000=5.4×106万元.故答案为5.4×106.14.解:因为l=,l=4π,n=120,所以可得:4π=,解得:r=6,故答案为:615.解:连结OB,如图,∵∠BCD=22°30′,∴∠BOD=2∠BCD=45°,∵AB⊥CD,∴BE=AE=AB=×2=,△BOE为等腰直角三角形,∴OB=BE=2(cm).故答案为:2.16.解:∵平移后解析式是y=x﹣b,代入y=得:x﹣b=,即x2﹣bx=5,y =x ﹣b 与x 轴交点B 的坐标是(b ,0),设A 的坐标是(x ,y ),∴OA 2﹣OB 2=x 2+y 2﹣b 2=x 2+(x ﹣b )2﹣b 2=2x 2﹣2xb=2(x 2﹣xb )=2×5=10,故答案为:10.17.解:∵当1<2时,y 1<y 2,∴函数值y 随x 的增大而增大,∴1﹣2m >0,解得m <∵函数的图象与y 轴相交于正半轴,∴m >0,故m 的取值范围是0<m <故答案为0<m <18.解:如图,延长CF 交GE 的延长线于H ,延长GE 交AB 的延长线于J .设GE =xm .在Rt △BDK 中,∵BD =13,DK :BK =1:2.4,∴DK =5,BK =12,∵AC =BF =HJ =1.6,DK =EJ =5,∴EH =5﹣1.6=3.4,∵CH ﹣FH =CF ,∴﹣=12,∴﹣=12,∴x=12.6≈13(m),故答案为13.三.解答题19.解:(1)原式==(2)原式==20.解:解不等式组得﹣2<x≤5,所以原不等式组的非负整数解为0,1,2,3,4,5.21.证明:(1)∵四边形ABCD是平行四边形,∴AB=CD,AB∥CD,OB=OD,OA=OC,∴∠ABE=∠CDF,∵点E,F分别为OB,OD的中点,∴BE=OB,DF=OD,∴BE=DF,在△ABE和△CDF中,∴△ABE≌△CDF(SAS);(2)解:当AC=2AB时,四边形EGCF是矩形;理由如下:∵AC=2OA,AC=2AB,∴AB=OA,∵E是OB的中点,∴AG⊥OB,∴∠OEG=90°,同理:CF⊥OD,∴AG∥CF,∴EG∥CF,∵EG=AE,OA=OC,∴OE是△ACG的中位线,∴OE∥CG,∴EF∥CG,∴四边形EGCF是平行四边形,∵∠OEG=90°,∴四边形EGCF是矩形.22.解:(1)被调查的学生总人数:150÷15%=1000人,选择B的人数:1000×(1﹣15%﹣20%﹣40%﹣5%)=1000×20%=200;补全统计图如图所示;(2)5500×40%=2200人;(3)根据题意画出树状图如下:所有等可能结果有9种:BB、BC、BD、CB、CC、CD、DB、DC、DD,同时选择B 和D 的有2种可能,即BD 和DB ,P (同时选择B 和D )=.23.解:(1)设现场购买每张电影票为x 元,网上购买每张电影票为y 元. 依题意列二元一次方程组∵经检验解得(2)设1月2日该电影院影票现场售价下调m 元,那么会多卖出张电影票.依题意列一元二次方程:(45﹣m )[(600+)×(1﹣)]=19800﹣25×(600+)(1﹣)整理得:16m 2﹣120m =0 m (16m ﹣120)=0 解得m 1=0(舍去) m 2=7.5答:(1)2018年在网上平台购票和现场购票的每张电影票的价格分别为25元和45元;(2)1月2日当天现场购票每张电影票的价格下调了7.5元. 24.(1)证明:连接OC . (1分) ∵OA =OC , ∴∠OAC =∠OCA . ∵CE 是⊙O 的切线,∴∠OCE =90°. (2分) ∵AE ⊥CE ,∴∠AEC =∠OCE =90°.∴OC ∥AE . ∴∠OCA =∠CAD .∴∠CAD =∠BAC . (4分) ∴.∴DC =BC . (5分)(2)解:∵AB 是⊙O 的直径, ∴∠ACB =90°.∴BC==3.(6分)∵∠CAE=∠BAC,∠AEC=∠ACB=90°,∴△ACE∽△ABC.(7分)∴.∴,.(8分)∵DC=BC=3,∴.(9分)∴tan∠DCE=.(10分)25.解:(1)函数的表达式为:y=a(x+2)(x﹣4)=a(x2﹣2x﹣8),则﹣8a=3,解得:a=﹣,故抛物线的表达式为:y=﹣x2+x+3;(2)如图所示,△ABC为直角三角形,则∠ACB=90°,∵△AMB是等边三角形,则点C是MB的中点,则BC =MC =1,则BO =BC =,同理OC =,OA =2﹣=,则点A 、B 、C 的坐标分别为(﹣,0)、(,0),(0,﹣),则函数的表达式为:y =a (x +)(x ﹣)=a (x 2+x ﹣), 即﹣a =﹣,解得:a =,则函数表达式为:y =x 2+x ﹣;(3)y =ax 2+bx +c =x 2+(3﹣mt )x ﹣3mt , 则x 1+x 2=mt ﹣3,x 1x 2=﹣3mt ,AB =x 2﹣x 1==|mt +3|≥|2t +n |,则m 2t 2+6mt +9≥4t 2+4tn +n 2,即:(m 2﹣4)t 2+(6m ﹣4n )t +(9﹣n 2)≥0,由题意得:m 2﹣4>0,△=(6m ﹣4n )2﹣4(m 2﹣4)(9﹣n 2)≤0, 解得:mn =6,故:m =3,n =2或m =6,n =1.26.解:(1)∵抛物线y =ax 2+bx +3过点B (﹣3,0),C (1,0) ∴解得:∴抛物线解析式为y =﹣x 2﹣2x +3(2)过点P 作PH ⊥x 轴于点H ,交AB 于点F ∵x =0时,y =﹣x 2﹣2x +3=3 ∴A (0,3)∴直线AB 解析式为y =x +3 ∵点P 在线段AB 上方抛物线上 ∴设P (t ,﹣t 2﹣2t +3)(﹣3<t <0) ∴F (t ,t +3)∴PF =﹣t 2﹣2t +3﹣(t +3)=﹣t 2﹣3t∴S△PAB =S△PAF+S△PBF=PF•OH+PF•BH=PF•OB=(﹣t2﹣3t)=﹣(t+)2+∴点P运动到坐标为(﹣,),△PAB面积最大(3)存在点P使△PDE为等腰直角三角形设P(t,﹣t2﹣2t+3)(﹣3<t<0),则D(t,t+3)∴PD=﹣t2﹣2t+3﹣(t+3)=﹣t2﹣3t∵抛物线y=﹣x2﹣2x+3=﹣(x+1)2+4∴对称轴为直线x=﹣1∵PE∥x轴交抛物线于点E∴y E=y P,即点E、P关于对称轴对称∴=﹣1∴x E=﹣2﹣x P=﹣2﹣t∴PE=|x E﹣x P|=|﹣2﹣2t|∵△PDE为等腰直角三角形,∠DPE=90°∴PD=PE①当﹣3<t≤﹣1时,PE=﹣2﹣2t∴﹣t2﹣3t=﹣2﹣2t解得:t1=1(舍去),t2=﹣2∴P(﹣2,3)②当﹣1<t<0时,PE=2+2t ∴﹣t2﹣3t=2+2t解得:t1=,t2=(舍去)∴P(,)综上所述,点P坐标为(﹣2,3)或(,)时使△PDE为等腰直角三角形.中学自主招生数学试卷一.选择题(每题3分,满分36分)1.﹣的倒数是()A.B.﹣C.D.﹣2.下列标志的图形中,是轴对称图形的是但不是中心对称图形的是()A.B.C.D.3.下列运算中,结果是a6的式子是()A.a2•a3B.a12﹣a6C.(a3)3D.(﹣a)64.下列调查方式,你认为最合适的是()A.了解北京市每天的流动人口数,采用抽样调查方式B.旅客上飞机前的安检,采用抽样调查方式C.了解北京市居民”一带一路”期间的出行方式,采用全面调查方式D.日光灯管厂要检测一批灯管的使用寿命,采用全面调查方式5.若x=﹣4,则x的取值范围是()A.2<x<3 B.3<x<4 C.4<x<5 D.5<x<66.已知|a|=3,b2=16,且|a+b|≠a+b,则代数式a﹣b的值为()A.1或7 B.1或﹣7 C.﹣1或﹣7 D.±1或±7 7.无论a取何值时,下列分式一定有意义的是()A.B.C.D.8.在平面直角坐标系中,将点A(1,﹣2)向上平移3个单位长度,再向左平移2个单位长度,得到点A′,则点A′的坐标是()A.(﹣1,1)B.(﹣1,﹣2)C.(﹣1,2)D.(1,2)9.如图,△ABO∽△CDO,若BO=6,DO=3,CD=2,则AB的长是()A.2 B.3 C.4 D.510.如图,AB为半圆O的直径,C是半圆上一点,且∠COA=60°,设扇形AOC、△COB、弓形BmC的面积为S1、S2、S3,则它们之间的关系是()A.S1<S2<S3B.S2<S1<S3C.S1<S3<S2D.S3<S2<S111.如图,已知菱形ABCD中,∠A=40°,则∠ADB的度数是()A.40°B.50°C.60°D.70°12.已知二次函数y=ax2+bx+c(a≠0)的图象如图,则下列结论中正确的是()A.abc>0 B.b2﹣4ac<0 C.9a+3b+c>0 D.c+8a<0二.填空题(满分18分,每小题3分)13.据测算,我国每年因沙漠造成的直接经济损失超过5 400 000万元,这个数用科学记数法表示为万元.14.已知扇形的弧长为4π,圆心角为120°,则它的半径为.15.如图,在⊙O中,CD是直径,弦AB⊥CD,垂足为E,连接BC,若AB=2cm,∠BCD =22°30′,则⊙O的半径为cm.16.如图,将直线y=x向下平移b个单位长度后得到直线l,l与反比例函数y=(x>0)的图象相交于点A,与x轴相交于点B,则OA2﹣OB2的值为.17.若一次函数y =(1﹣2m )x +m 的图象经过点A (x 1,y 1)和点B (x 2,y 2),当x 1<x 2时,y 1<y 2,且与y 轴相交于正半轴,则m 的取值范围是 .18.如图(1)是重庆中国三峡博物馆,又名重庆博物馆,中央地方共建国家级博物馆图(2)是侧面示意图.某校数学兴趣小组的同学要测量三峡博物馆的高GE .如(2),小杰身高为1.6米,小杰在A 处测得博物馆楼顶G 点的仰角为27°,前进12米到达B 处测得博物馆楼顶G 点的仰角为39°,斜坡BD 的坡i =1:2.4,BD 长度是13米,GE ⊥DE ,A 、B 、D 、E 、G 在同一平面内,则博物馆高度GE 约为 米.(结果精确到1米,参考数据tan27°≈0.50,tan39°≈0.80)三.解答题 19.(6分)计算: (1)sin30°﹣cos45°+tan 260°(2)2﹣2+﹣2sin60°+|﹣|20.(6分)求不等式组的非负整数解.21.(8分)如图,在平行四边形ABCD中,对角线AC与BD相交于点O,点E,F分别为OB,OD的中点,延长AE至G,使EG=AE,连接CG.(1)求证:△ABE≌△△CDF;(2)当线段AB与线段AC满足什么数量关系时,四边形EGCF是矩形?请说明理由.22.(8分)今年西宁市高中招生体育考试测试管理系统的运行,将测试完进行换算统分改为计算机自动生成,现场公布成绩,降低了误差,提高了透明度,保证了公平.考前张老师为了解全市初三男生考试项目的选择情况(每人限选一项),对全市部分初三男生进行了调查,将调查结果分成五类:A、实心球(2kg);B、立定跳远;C、50米跑;D、半场运球;E、其它.并将调查结果绘制成以下两幅不完整的统计图,请你根据统计图解答下列问题:(1)将上面的条形统计图补充完整;(2)假定全市初三毕业学生中有5500名男生,试估计全市初三男生中选50米跑的人数有多少人?(3)甲、乙两名初三男生在上述选择率较高的三个项目:B、立定跳远;C、50米跑;D、半场运球中各选一项,同时选择半场运球、立定跳远的概率是多少?请用列表法或画树形图的方法加以说明并列出所有等可能的结果.23.(9分)随着经济水平的不断提升,越来越多的人选择到电影院去观看电影,体验视觉盛宴,并且更多的人通过淘票票,猫眼等网上平台购票,快捷且享受更多优惠,电影票价格也越来越便宜.2018年从网上平台购买5张电影票的费用比在现场购买3张电影票的费用少10元,从网上平台购买4张电影票的费用和现场购买2张电影票的费用共为190元.(1)请问2018年在网上平台购票和现场购票的每张电影票的价格各为多少元?(2)2019年“元旦”当天,南坪上海城的“华谊兄弟影院”按照2018年在网上平台购票和现场购票的电影票的价格进行销售,当天网上和现场售出电影票总票数为600张.“元旦”假期刚过,观影人数出现下降,于是该影院决定将1月2日的现场购票的价格下调,网上购票价格保持不变,结果发现现场购票每张电影票的价格每降价0.5元,则当天总票数比“元旦”当天总票数增加4张,经统计,1月2日的总票数中有通过网上平台售出,其余均由电影院现场售出,且当天票房总收益为19800元,请问该电影院在1月2日当天现场购票每张电影票的价格下调了多少元?24.(9分)如图所示,△ABC内接于⊙O,AB是⊙O的直径,点D在⊙O上,过点C的切线交AD的延长线于点E,且AE⊥CE,连接CD.(1)求证:DC=BC;(2)若AB=5,AC=4,求tan∠DCE的值.25.(10分)若关于x的二次函数y=ax2+bx+c(a,b,c为常数)与x轴交于两个不同的点A(x1,0),B(x2,0)与y轴交于点C,其图象的顶点为点M,O是坐标原点.(1)若A(﹣2,0),B(4,0),C(0,3)求此二次函数的解析式并写出二次函数的对称轴;(2)如图1,若a>0,b>0,△ABC为直角三角形,△ABM是以AB=2的等边三角形,试确定a,b,c的值;(3)设m,n为正整数,且m≠2,a=1,t为任意常数,令b=3﹣mt,c=﹣3mt,如果对于一切实数t,AB≥|2t+n|始终成立,求m、n的值.。

3.已知平面向量 a , b 是非零向量,| a |=2, a ⊥( a +2 b ),则向量 b 在向量 a 方向上的投影为(
A. 1
B. -1
C. 2
D. -2
先根据向量垂直得到 a ( a +2 b ),=0,化简得到 a b =﹣2,再根据投影的定义即可求出.
故答案为: 4
An 和 Bn ,且
An Bn
3n 1 n 1 ,则
a2 a5 a8
1 2
上的动点 M (cos ,sin ) 与点 A(2,1) 连线的斜率 k ,由图象,得 0 k 1,即函数 f (x) 的
值域为[0,1],故选 C.
sin 1 是利用 1 x2 的形式和平方关系联想到三角代换,二是由 cos 2 的形式联想到过两点的
性的判断依次如下,正确的是( )
A. 真,假,真
B. 假,假,真
C. 真,真,假
D. 假,假,

华附、省实、深中、广雅2020届高三年级四校联考英语本试卷8页, 满分120分。
考试用时120分钟注意事项:1. 答卷前,考生务必用黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔将自己的校名、姓名、考号、座位号等相关信息填写在答题卡指定区域内。
2. 选择题每小题选出答案后,请用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑;如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案;不能答在试卷上。
3. 非选择题必须用黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔作答,答案必须写在答题卡各题目指定区域内的相应位置上;如需改动,先划掉原来的答案,然后再写上新的答案;不准使用铅笔和涂改液,不按以上要求作答的答案无效。
4. 考生必须保证答题卡的整洁。
AOccasions like anniversaries, weddings and reunions call for special event venues (场地).The following places may have a way o ut. There’s no need to spend money creating atmosphere at special event venues. It’s built right in!Hard Rock Cafe Anchorage415 E. STREET, ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99501Events, like great music are born of inspiration. Featuring a 13,600-square-foot facility that will seat 275 guests with private event space, we pride ourselves on delivering an exceptional experience with a rock and roll twist for each of our guests.Business Expo Center1960 S. ANAHEIM WAY, ANAHEIM, CALIFORNIA 92805The Business Expo Center i s Orange County’s premier event venue in Anaheim, California. Our flexible 36,000-square-foot expo center is home to space for conferences, trade shows and celebrations. We pride ourselves on providing a memorable experience with excellent flexibility, ser vices, and cost savings. We won’t charge customers for on-site parking and provide high-speed Wi-Fi.Automobile Driving Museum610 LAIRPORT STREET, EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA 90245Centrally located in the South Bay beach community of El Segundo, California, the ADM offers a wonderful venue for private parties and corporate events. Conveniently located 5 minutes south of LAX, right off the 405 and 105 Freeways, the 610 Lairport space has a vintage feel surrounded by our primary automobile collection. We offer several different venues inside and outside our facility for diverse events. To better our service, reservations are needed.Yamashiro Hollywood1999 N. SYCAMORE AVE., LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 90068Yamashiro Hollywood is a restaurant and therefore, all food and beverages must be handled in house. However, guests are allowed to bring in outside wine and champagne for a corkage fee.21. What can you do in Business Expo Center?A. Enjoy free parking.B. Bring in outside wine.C. Experience a rock and roll twist.D. See some automobile collections.22. Which venue do you need to book in advance?A. Business Expo Center.B. Yamashiro Hollywood.C. Hard Rock Cafe Anchorage.D. Automobile Driving Museum.23. What do the four venues have in common?A. They offer optional places.B. They are open to special events.C. They are located in the same state.D. They enjoy convenient transportation.BKyle Cassidy and three other members of the Annenberg Running Group were stretching on the grounds of the University of Pennsylvania, waiting for a few latecomers. The Penn colleagues and other community members meet three days a week for a roughly 30-minute jog and an occasional lecture. That’s right—during some runs, one of them delivers a talk. Topics range from the brain to Bitcoin.But on this day last January, it would not be their normal run. The first clue that something was off was the man who sprinted past them. “Running at an amazing pace,” Cassidy told Runner’s World admiringly. Cassidy discovered why the sprinter was so fleet of foot when another man ran by, yelling, “Help! He took my phone and laptop!”At that, the group did what running clubs do: They ran, trailing the suspect down the streets of Philadelphia until he ducked into a construction site. The runners split up. Cassidy ran around to the far side of the site to cut the thief off while the others wandered the neighborhood hoping he had dumped the loot (赃物) in a backyard.No luck. So they decided to ask residents whether they’d seen the guy. When the y knocked on the door of one row house, they were in for a surprise. Unknown to them, he had already emerged from the construction site—and was hiding behind a bush by that very house. As the owner opened the door, the suspect darted out from behind the bu sh … and right into the arms of campus police, who’d joined the chase shortly behind the runners.The members of this running group are not hard-core athletes. But they do understand the benefit of a little exercise. “Running is typically a useless sport w here you turn fat cells into heat,” Cassidy told The Philadelphia Inquirer. “But occasionally it can be useful, and here was one of those opportunities.”24. Why do the group members gather together?A. To do some stretching.B. To have a regular run.C. To deliver a lecture.D. To cover some topics.25. What does the underlined word “sprinted” in Paragraph 2 probably mean?A. Dashed.B. Pushed.C. Jumped.D. Escaped.26. We can infer that the success of the chase is mainly due to _______.A. the assistance of the runnersB. the owner of the row houseC. the campus police on patrolD. the joint efforts of the people27. Which of the following best describes Cassidy?A. Athletic and generous.B. Courageous and ambitious.C. Helpful and humorous.D. Thoughtful and demanding.CFood experts say washing could spread the germs on your turkey in the kitchen sink or nearby food. But it’s been a challenge trying to convince cooks to stop rinsing(冲洗) off raw poultry. Germs that can make people sick are common in the guts of healthy poultry and are legally allowed to be on raw turkey and chicken. The assumption is that nobody eats their poultry raw, and that thorough cooking will kill the bacteria.The do-not-wash raw poultry advice from the USDA is relatively new and perhaps hasn’t caught on because it goes against the common belief that washing makes things clean, said Chapman. Benjamin Chapman, a study author and food safety expert at North Carolina State University, said the instinct to wash raw poultry goes back at least decades when people relied more on visual clues to spot problems with poultry. Meanwhile, washing hands and surfaces are also important.But food preparation is a complicated act, and germs from poultry can be spread even if it’s not washed, especially when birds are removed from packaging.The USDA-funded study stresses that point. Researchers sprayed raw chicken with a harmless strain of E. coli(大肠杆菌) and watched volunteer cooks at test kitchens. Among those who washed their raw chicken, about a quarter ended up spreading the bacteria to their lettuce. But even some of those who did not rinse the chicken got germs on the lettuce. And there are other opportunities for germs to survive on turkeys: melting and cooking.To ensure a bird is thoroughly cooked, they say to use a thermometer to check that the deepest and thickest parts of it have reached 165 degrees. Even after the meal is cooked, you aren’t out of the danger zone. To kee p turkeys and other leftovers safe, experts say they should be refrigerated after two hours.28. People don’t accept USDA’s advice because _______.A. the advice is relatively newB. cleaning seems more trustworthyC. cooks clean the turkey before cooking itD. heat can kill most germs and no one eats raw food29. What can be concluded from Paragraph 4?A. Food packages carry germs.B. Hands and surfaces are easy to get E. coli.C. Germs from a turkey can be spread whether it is washed or not.D. Multiple methods should be applied to food to get rid of germs.30. Which way may help to cook a turkey safely?A. Rinse off the turkey before it is heated.B. Keep the turkey away from the lettuce and refrigerator.C. Wash hands and packages before taking out the turkey.D. Use a thermometer to check the temperature of the turkey.31. From which section of a magazine is the text probably taken?A. Culture.B. Science.C. Education.D. Medicine.DMicroplas tics are everywhere in our environment. It’s hardly surprising that the tiny fragments have also been found in humans. A new study shows that Americans are consuming as many as 121,000 particles each year.Measuring 50 to 500 microns in length, microplastics come from a variety of sources, including large plastics that break down into smaller and smaller pieces. Therefore, much remains unknown about the common existence of these materials within the human body, as well as their impact on human health.Hoping to fill in some of these gaps, a research team led by Kieran Cox, a PhD candidate at the University of Victoria, looked at 26 papers assessing the amount of microplastics in commonly consumed food items, among which are seafood, sugars, salts, honey, alcohol and water. The team also evaluated the potential consumption of microplastics through inhalation (吸入) using previously reported data on microplastic concentrations in the air and the Environmental Protection Agency’s reported respiration rates. Based on these data, the researchers calculated that our annual consumption of microplastics via food and drink ranges from 39,000 to 52,000 particles. When microplastics taken in through inhalation are taken into account, the range jumps to between 74,000 and 121,000 particles per year.The authors of the study found that people who drink exclusively from plastic water bottles absorb an additional 90,000 microplastics each year, compared to 4,000 among those who only consume tap water. “This shows that small decisions, over the course of a year, really matter and have an impact.” Cox says. The new study, accordin g to its authors, was the first to investigate “the accumulative human exposure” to microplastics. But in all likelihood, the research tells only a small part of the entire story. Collectively, the food and drink that the researchers analyzed represent 15 percent of Americans’ caloric intake. The team could not account for food groups like fruits, vegetables and grains because there simply is not enough data on their microplastic content.For those worried about microplastic consumption, cutting down bottled water is a good place to start. But to the heart of the problem, we have to stop producing and using so much plastic.32. What makes it difficult to know microplastics commonly exist in the human body?A. The quality.B. The quantity.C. The shape.D. The size.33. How did Kieran Cox’s team calculate the potential consumption of microplastics?A. By studying papers.B. By comparing the impacts.C. By analyzing the data.D. By conducting experiments.34. Which of the following is true according to the text?A. Drinking less plastic bottled water helps to take in fewer microplastics.B. The study is among the earliest to investigate human exposure to microplastics.C. Cox’s team gained comprehensive information of micropl astics taken in by humans.D. People consume 74,000 to 121,000 particles of microplastics per year from food anddrink.35. What is the best title for the text?A. The Potential Problems of MicroplasticsB. Microplastics Coming From Various SourcesC. Microplastics Found Within Human BodiesD. The Impact of Microplastics on Human Health第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。

华附、省实、深中、广雅2020届高三年级四校联考理科综合本试卷分选择题和非选择题两部分,共14 页,满分300分,考试用时150分钟。
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可能用到的原子量:H 1 C 12 N 14 O 16 Cu 64第一部分选择题(共126 分)一、选择题:本题共13小题,每小题6分,共78分。

广东省华附、省实、广雅、深中2020届高三上学期期末联考数学(文)试题一、选择题(本大题共12小题,共60.0分)1.若集合,,则A. B. C. D.2.已知为虚数单位,若,则复数的模等于().A. B. C. D.3.设,是非零向量,记与所成的角为,下列四个条件中,使成立的充要条件是().A. B. C. D.4.随着人民生活水平的提高,对城市空气质量的关注度也逐步增大,下图是某城市1月至8月的空气质量检测情况,图中一、二、三、四级是空气质量等级,一级空气质量最好,一级和二级都是质量合格天气,下面四种说法正确的是().①1月至8月空气合格天数超过20天的月份有5个②第二季度与第一季度相比,空气合格天数的比重下降了③8月是空气质量最好的一个月④6月的空气质量最差A. ①②③B. ①②④C. ①③④D. ②③④5.若函数是偶函数,则的单调递增区间是A. B. C. D.6.齐王与田忌赛马,田忌的上等马优于齐王的中等马,劣于齐王的上等马,田忌的中等马优于齐王的下等马,劣于齐王的中等马,田忌的下等马劣于齐王的下等马,现从双方的马匹中各随机选一匹进行一场比赛,则田忌马获胜的概率为().A. B. C. D.7.若函数的部分图像如图所示,则的解析式可能是().A. B.C. D.8.若,满足约束条件,则的最小值为().A. 0B. 2C. 4D. 139.等比数列中,是关于x的方程的两个实根,则().A. 8B.C.D.10.若函数有3个零点,则实数的取值范围是().A. B. C. D.11.某几何体的三视图如图所示,则该几何体的表面积为().A. B.C. D.12.设,分别是椭圆的左、右焦点,若在直线其中上存在点P,使线段的垂直平分线经过点,则椭圆离心率的取值范围是A. B. C. D.二、填空题(本大题共4小题,共20.0分)13.函数在处的切线方程是____.(其中为自然对数的底数)14.已知双曲线的离心率为2,且它的一个焦点到一条渐近线的距离为,则双曲线的标准方程是____15.等差数列的前n项和为,,,对一切恒成立,则的取值范围为____.16.体积为的正四棱锥的底面中心为,与侧面所成角的正切值为,那么过的各顶点的球的表面积为____.三、解答题(本大题共7小题)17.已知分别是锐角的内角的对边,.(1)求;(2)若,且边上的高为,求的周长.18.如图,在三棱柱中,,,为的中点,点在平面内的射影在线段上.(1)求证:;(2)若是正三角形,求三棱柱的体积.19.为提倡节能减排,同时减轻居民负担,广州市积极推进“一户一表”工程非一户一表用户电费采用“合表电价”收费标准:元度“一户一表”用户电费采用阶梯电价收取,其11月到次年4月起执行非夏季标准如下:单位:单位:元度例如:某用户11月用电410度,采用合表电价收费标准,应交电费元,若采用阶梯电价收费标准,应交电费元.为调查阶梯电价是否能取到“减轻居民负担”的效果,随机调查了该市100户的11月用电量,工作人员已经将90户的月用电量填在下面的频率分布表中,最后10户的月用电量单位:度为:88、268、370、140、440、420、520、320、230、380.(1)在答题卡中完成频率分布表,并绘制频率分布直方图;根据已有信息,试估计全市住户11月的平均用电量同一组数据用该区间的中点值作代表;设某用户11月用电量为x度,按照合表电价收费标准应交元,按照阶梯电价收费标准应交元,20.已知动圆与直线相切且与圆外切。
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1. 语文:从王维和罗丹对美的阐述,你对“生活处处有美”的这个观点,发表
2. 数学:分析y=ax2+bx+1的最值
3. 英语:推荐一本书,阐述内容和你喜欢它的理由(用英语)
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3. 数学:y=x2-2ax, 求最值
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问题举例:二次函数y = ax^2 + bx + c中a, b, c的意义。