0320顾家北 词伙预测班 topic list

名词(noun)动词(verb)下及物动词VI及物动询vt动名词gerund和不定式当类似的成分)现在分词(现在分词其实有点象形容词)Happiness is important to us宾语We pursue happiness in our lives同位语We pursue msny things,such as happinenn in our lives.定语)e education is beneficial to those who have a heavy workload.发语My sister is a nufSB宾补Legislation should makedrinkdnving acriminalultenre.谓语She travels around Asia every year.谓语She found a job last yearK语rave fling is a good way to rBst.To travel overseas is important.(但是这个时候,一般是会用形式主语)宾语She enjoys travelling very much1want to travel overseas.发语Her hobby is travelling around AsiaThe purpose of doing th is job is to makemoney定语Many Chinese students choose to study in English-speaking countnes.状语revelling around Asia she isfamiliarwith manycountries,cultures.发语The effect is devastating过去分词(过去分词其实有点象定语Students from disadvantaged families are not 形容词)confident.表语I'm interested in this language.牛语1had my hair cut last week.t Caught ina heavy rain,he was all wet形容词(adjective)定语The yellow sweater is mine(形容词大部分情况下和表语Mine sweater is yellow/y1want to colorthesweateryellow1,,1BFNVed home,hungry and cold,形容词如果前面加上THE,这主语The new will replace the old.t/i We should respect the old and lovethe young. QQ(adverb)状语He was driving rather fast.介词的宾1have got a gift from abroad.i,We are behind inourplan代词(pronoun)人称代伺主语、宾1like her,and1enjoy living with her.表语The one who broken the glass is her介词的宾Don't forget to reply to by email形容伺性物主代词名词性物主代词 iMineisontheshelf 1 will take mine along with me today.The book with a black cover is another one of mine.宾语of 连接的iThe book in the bag is hers 指示代词 主语It/this/that is a lovely story airThere is a problem about the computer , Iwill settle it 表语Who is that speaking 定语These/those cloths are old fashioned.介词(preposition) y V ;The story is about his own life 虚词不能单•独成为句子成分,一般以介宾短语的形式出现tHetold usthe reason for being late.i/lThere isa new bridge across the river.tFiWe must beBFthe knowledge in mind 冠词的使用如果名词是 选择1:岌数Students have to study many subjects today.可数名词的受数如果前The subjects he studied are related to (特指他所定冠词THE ,往往是特指学的课程)选择2:不定冠词English is an impa rtant subj ect.选择3:定冠词the 《很,多He brings a wherever he goes.(他去哪里都带步it nr 能tur 而•水• +r 、He brings the book wherever he goes. I DU书)选择4:餐冠词(而能是固定的搭配)Every student has the opportunity to go to college.如果名同是不可数名词选择1:零冠词Water is vital to life.(世界上的水都是重要的)选择2:定冠伺the(特指)The water in this lake is now polluted.(特指这个湖的水)主+不及物动词主+系动同+表语主+及物动词+宾语主+及物动词+间接宾语+直接宾语主+及物动词+宾语+宾语补足语主动This problem exists.This is a problem.I have finished this job.This company has given me agood opportunity.His success has encouragedme to further my study.被动无无This job has been finished.I have been given a goodopportunity.I have been encouraged tofurther my study.使用方法:•自己先翻译R对照准确的句了・记住句子中出现的词伙,熟悉其用法和语境-熟悉基本的句型(里面不少句子足十大基本句子).确保自己在不同语境卜M以迅速选择和写出准确的单句-注意观察错误的句了.因为这些句了•般都是常见错误,可以提高你对语法错误的敏感.最后.如果有兴趣.可以通过实杂句的中文「I头翻译R不仅熟悉这句话,也可以提高门语表达的能力NB:基础鬃的同学经常会死背,那样是不会提高的.最好通过翻译提高语法(譬如说分析句子的成分,熟悉单词的词性)翻译1:经常做运动会提高人的自信f ta:Exercise regularly can rise one's confidence.错误1Exercise如果这里是动词,应该用动名词,如果是名词,不能用副词修饰.li@:Regular exercise can increase one's self-confidence.句子结构:主语+及物动词,宾语(confidence)Participating In sports frequently can boost people^con dence.which is Important not only to the youth but also tothe eldest.注:不可以说w regular doing exercise M,大为形容词regular不可以修饰doing中文翻译:经常参加体育活动能够提高人们的自信心,这不但对年轻人而旦对老人很甫要。

词伙Worst-affected countryAt the international level Diplomatic rowFinancial resources Multinational enterprises Multinational companies Across boundariesGlobal financial centre Business hubsEnhance social integration The domestic market Implications for the economy 最受影响的国家在国际范围内外交争吵资金The adequacy of…跨国企业跨越国界全球金融中心商业中心加强社会融合国内市场经济影响The gap between the haves and the贫富差距Widen…have-notsCompetitive job marketSeek employmentPotential recruitsSuffer stressSuffer from more pressureUrban sprawlUrban expansionProspective citizensNon-English speaking migrants Indigenous peopleLocal residentsCitizenshipGovernment/Public funds Public expenditure(on) Government investment(in) Budget constraintsPolitical leadershipGive priority to…Enforce 竞争激烈的劳动力市场求职潜在的应聘人感到压力城市扩张申请入籍的人母语非英语的移民本土人国籍公共资金、开支预算限制政府领导力把…放在首位制定法律…has profound implication s for the economyFormulateEnact+lawsImprove citizens’living standards Health service 提高居民生活水平医疗服务Social stabilityProduce a better societyReduce traffic congestion Trigger conflictsTechnological devices Massive technological change 社会稳定减少交通堵塞引发冲突技术设备大规模技术变化Online activityE-communicationSocial networking websites Education contentBroaden one’s horizonsWiden our visionExpand knowledgeIncrease/broaden/widen knowledge 上网网络交流社交网站教育性内容enable users to acquire knowledge 开阔眼界扩宽知识Exercise different options Powerful functioning applications Present informationProvide different options Brainstorm ideasEmbrace creative ideasPut ideas into practiceStifleUse Fire Capture creativity imaginationBiotech industry 强大的功能应用提供信息提供不同选项集思广益拥抱创意把想法付诸实践抑制运用创造力促进想象力激发生物技术领域Vulnerable to an attack by online criminalsThe whole ecosystemGlobal environmental problemsGlobal environmental degradation/ destructionStain on environmentAt environment’s expenseHuman activities(Would)suffer sooner or laterGlobal warmingGlaciers MeltingSea level riseRelease/discharge pollutantsCarbon footprintAir pollution/contamination Greenhouse effectAcid trainThe increase of litter/garbage Radioactive waste disposalWater shortageThe shortage of water recoursesD eforestationOvergrazingLower fertilityFood supply problemFamineDeplete nature recoursesNon-renewable resourcesFossil fuelsRenewable resourcesAlternative energy 容易受到网络罪犯的攻击整个生态系统环境问题环境恶化环境压力环境代价人类活动早晚都要遭报应全球变暖冰川融化海平面上升淡水减少汽车尾气排放排放污染物碳足迹Leave carbon footprint大气污染温室效应酸雨污染物增加垃圾增多废水增多放射物的污染处理水资源短缺森林减少过度放牧土地生产力下降食品供应不足饥荒耗尽自然资源不可再生资源化石燃料可再生资源可替代资源Hydro powerWind powerSolar powerTidal powerHydride powerDroughtsFloodsSand stormsViolent stormsMitigate the environmental impact Tackle pollutionSustain the environment Sustainable development世界Global cooperationAchieve/reach the agreementSet international standards for environmentalprotection/conservation/preservation 政府Enforce environmental lawsForbid/curb Unenvironmental behaviourTax disposable packagingLow-carbon economyContain pollutionImprove air qualityTreat wasteff ctivelyInvest in and research…Exploit…Environmental friendly technology Energy-saving technology Renewable green energyLess polluting or fuel-efficient cars/ vehiclesHi-tech solutions企业Conserve energyEnvironmental friendly products 水电风能太阳能潮汐能氢能干旱洪灾沙尘暴雷暴减少对环境的影响减少、处理污染保护环境可持续发展全球合作达成共识制定环境保护的国际标准制定环保政策禁止破坏环境的行为给一次性包装收税鼓励低碳经济发展Encourage Low-carbon控制污染改善空气质量有效地处理垃圾投资研发……大力发展……环保科技节能科技可再生的清洁能源燃油高效性汽车高科技的解决方法节约资源推出环保产品→见可再生资源economyPromote environmental friendly productsGreen consuming habits引导大众绿色消费习惯Lead/guide the public to enter green consuming habits 个人Make a conscious effort to…有意识地Take采取行动icgthiot nagainst climate change抵制气候变化Raise green/environmental awareness提升环保意识Conservation activities保护活动Low-carbon lifestyle倡导低碳生活方式Appeal low-carbon life styleTake public transport,carpool or ride abicycle乘坐公共交通工具、拼车或骑自行车T hrowaway products避免使用一次性产品Avoid using throwaway productsEco-friendly alternatives/substitution使用生态友好型替代品Use eco-friendly alternatives/substitutionSort daily garbage生活垃圾分类Consume less and recycle more少消耗多回收Culture exchange文化交流Inactive lifestyle不同的生活方式The erosion of(some)traditional valuesBe economically better ofBecome financially well-offBecome more affluentMaterial wealthOverworkingWork OvertimeLead a hectic lifePerform poorlyEnjoy the company of familyLuxury goods,such asGrand housesFancy/luxury cars 传统文化价值的缺失经济条件宽裕物质财富pay closer attention to material wealth,注重物质财富but fail to attach importance to family life.忽略家庭生活工作过度加班工作过着忙碌的生活表现很差享受家庭生活奢侈品(房、车、物件)Be able to afford…/Hi-tech gadgetsGet a foot on the property ladder ShopaholicEveryday expenditure Necessities of modern lifeNon-essential itemsResist the temptation toA housing crisisShortage of houses(Unlimited)private car ownership Private car useRestrict the private car use Restrict the use of private car Limit the number of cars Involve fuel consumption Create exhaust fumes Deteriorate air qualitySuffer from respiratory diseases Hospital admission(will)increaseGenetically modified cropsPoor dietF ast foodJunk foodStaple foodLean meatEpidemic of obesityF at contentPhysical degenerationFall sickLose weightGo on a dietDetox dietRegular exerciseImprove individuals’well-being 买自己的房子购物狂日常消费现实生活的必需品不必要的物品克制欲望房屋紧缺私家车的使用限制私家车的使用消耗燃油排放废气破坏大气质量(As)air quality deteriorates,…随着空气质量的破坏遭受呼吸系统疾病入院人数增加转基因农产品不好的饮食垃圾食品主食瘦肉肥胖蔓延脂肪比重体质下降生病减肥节食排毒减肥餐经常锻炼(regular=usual)加强身体健康Travelling overseas Leisure activities 出境游休闲活动Meet admission requirementsMeet entry requirementsMeet entrance standardsSecondary educationReceive a college educationuniversitytertiaryCore coursesOptional coursesIncrease knowledgeConduct academic studies Theoretical knowledgeImprove/enhance students’intellectual skillsBroaden one’s mindKeep abreast of the latest development Gain more knowledge and experience Seize opportunitiesCareer prospectEmployment prospectJob outlookPromising futureJob outlook is brightLeave schoolGraduate 符合入学要求中等教育接受大学教育主课选修curriculum 增加知识做学术研究大学职能理论知识提高学习能力扩宽视野获得更多知识和经验把握机会职业前景好的前景毕业Graduate unemployment毕业生失业率Private fostering收养孩子Guardianship监护权Close family member近亲Birth parents亲生父母Responsible adult靠谱的成年人Fertility watching生育监管机构Target针对小孩Affect consumers’shopping habits and product preferencesCustomer-focusedBoost one’s confidence in(products) Satisfy one’s needPerform important functionsPress baronsMedia exposureThe right to free speech and a free pressThe illegal useViolent crimesRace violenceGun controlGun violenceCriminal offenceBreak the lawDisobey the lawDo something outside the law DelinquencyCrimesCommit suicideReduce crimeCombat crimeCurbDeter Curb Deter +crime+drink driving消费习惯产品偏好以顾客为导向的提高对产品的信心满足需求执行重要功能媒体业巨头媒体曝光言论自由和媒体自由非法使用暴力犯罪种族暴力枪支管制枪支暴力刑事犯罪违法自杀减少犯罪打击犯罪抑制犯罪抑制酒驾Animals which face extinction Be threatened with extinction Endangered speciesKeep these species aliveHuman-caused disturbances Pose a threat to nature habitats 面临灭绝的动物面临灭绝濒危物种保持物种存活人为干扰对自然栖息地构成威胁破坏食物链Destroy/Keep the ecological balance破坏/维持生态平衡Intensive farming密集种植Restrict mobility限制行动Be locked up in cages被关在笼子里Natural behaviour本能Hunting instinct狩猎本能Professional zookeepers专业饲养员Captive breeding programmes圈养繁殖计划Reintroduced to natural habitats重回自然栖息地Preserve biodiversity保护物种多样性Funding for conservation动物保护基金Male-dominated word Fulfil oneself 男人占主导位置的世界(男人支配)实现抱负Rear a child(alone)抚养小孩The focus of public concern Central questionThe inescapable fact is that…Open to discussionThe former/latterTradeofide withSupportersPros and consOutline the cause(of) Propose solutionsTacklandle+the problems Deal withTake measuresto 公众关注焦点核心问题无法回避的问题是值得商榷前者or后者折中条件支持支持者优缺点The pros and cons of…will be discussed below概括原因提出解决方法处理问题采取措施There are many measures we can take to solve this problem,我们可以采取很多措施解决这一问题Deserve immediate attentionPose a threat toPose a potential menaceMake concerted efforts to齐心协力Everything go on as usualLay a foundation forHave a lifelong impact on…Non-essential…The proliferation of…The adequacy of…应立即得到注意and some of them deserve immediate attention.立即引起我们的重视对…造成威胁People from different countries should make concerted efforts to solve this problem.一切照常为…奠定基础一生的影响不必要的……的扩散充足的Be crucial to…至关重要Recognize the value of…认识到…的价值In a wayIn generalAs a general ruleIn many casesMore often than notIn most casesNot surprisingly UndoubtedlyIt is undeniable that…There is no denying that…It is generally accepted that…LikewiseMeanwhileBesidesIn additionWhat’s more 在某种情况下一般而言照例通常通常,多半在绝大多数情况下无可置疑的是众所周知的是同样地、也口语其中一些必须Moreover FurthermoreLet aloneLast but not leastIn extreme casesHoweverNonethelessNeverthelessConverselyMeanwhileOn the other handAt the other extremeOn the negative sideOn the positive/plus sideOn the downsideUnder exceptional circumstances Despite these benefits,it is argued that…AlternativelyInsteadRatherConverselyIn compar ison withBy compar isonBy contrastIn contrastThereforeAs suchFor this reasonHenceThusGiven thisIn view of thisThe consequence is that…For exampleFor instanceIn briefIn a wordPut simply 更不必说最后但并不是最不重要的(不要放在段落开头)在极端情况下然而(轻微转折)虽然如此,但是(重度转折)相反地At the same time but in other places另一方面重度转折,引出相反观点的中心句页11To summariseIn conclusionT o sum upIncrease one’s self-confidence=Boost one’s self-confidenceHave a(adj.)impact on(negative=adverse)Mental arithmetic心算能力Spelling out列举P139Refute否定Means mode/form of travel旅行方式Sightseeing观光Imposing tax penalties加税Boosted振兴P143Brought to the forefront放到了最前沿页12。
顾家北100 句翻译 (纯中文版)

注意:100句每句话翻译的时候,请遵循以下步骤:1 思考可能使用的词伙2 思考可能使用的句子3 对照自己的句子和正确的句子,写出语法错误简单的主谓宾结构翻译1:经常做运动会提高人的自信。
1词伙:2句子结构:3 对比:翻译2:教学质量对学生成绩有很大的影响。
1词伙:2句子结构:3 对比:翻译3:家长和老师应该努力去减少小孩看电视的时间。
1词伙:2句子结构:3 对比:翻译4:经济的下滑导致失业率的上升。
1词伙:2句子结构:3 对比:翻译5:经济的发展需要年轻的劳动者。
1词伙:2句子结构:3 对比:翻译6:工作很多的人没有时间去休息。
1词伙:2句子结构:3 对比:翻译7: 在中国,很多学生晚上都要自习。
1词伙:2句子结构:3 对比:翻译8: 文化遗址因为城市发展而受到威胁。
1词伙:2句子结构:3 对比:翻译9:我们不能够忽视面对面的交流。
1词伙:2句子结构:3 对比:翻译:10:有些公共服务很难做到收支平衡。
1词伙:2句子结构:3 对比:翻译11:我们需要考虑社会和经济的环境。
1词伙:2句子结构:3 对比:翻译12:密度种植对生物多样性造成了威胁。
1词伙:2句子结构:3 对比:翻译13:平等接受教育的机会能够帮助学生解决成绩不好的问题。
1词伙:2句子结构:3 对比:翻译14:接触不同的文化可以促进创新。
1词伙:2句子结构:3 对比:翻译15:政府应该重视社会福利,尤其是医疗服务。
1词伙:2句子结构:3 对比:翻译16:教育或许决定了人的工作前景。
1词伙:2句子结构:3 对比:翻译17:使用化石资源会对环境会造成破坏。
1词伙:2句子结构:3 对比:翻译18:建造住宅楼有助于解决城市的拥堵问题。
1词伙:2句子结构:3 对比:翻译19:贫穷的人可以通过努力工作来提高其社会地位。
1词伙:2句子结构:3 对比:翻译20:因为全球化,人们需要和来自不同背景的人一起工作。
顾家北雅思 复盘

顾家北6月20日22:00Mobile phones have made life easier: anyone can use a mobile phone to answer/make work calls or home calls at any place 7 days a week. Do you think this development has more positive effects or negative effects on the individual and society?A 使用手机B 方便C 增加效率improve efficiency solve problems face-to-face communication qualitytime , activities for leisureA B 在家里工作C 可以担负更多家庭责任New communication technology working peopledomestic responsibilities.do household choresjuggle work and family responsibilitieshigher levels of job satisfaction.A B 私人时间会被影响C 压力大after normal working hourspersonal liferelieve pressureworking lifepoor healthhold back development不看范文,自己思考拓展方法写,可以使用词伙,也可以不使用大家对上课的方式有什么建议和意见也可以提。
顾家北6月21日15:58复盘的要求:1 不看范文,可以使用词伙,也可以不使用,自己写出来2 要写ABC,还有确定至少两种拓展方法(按照我上课的方式)3 规定时间(大概8分钟一段)这样的复盘才有意义和感觉!005同学,大概是6.5分大家写的时候记得不要看范文,一定要自己写,才有感觉Over the past decades, mobile devices have become convenient for us to commute with colleagues, friends and families. I believe that the effect of using mobile phones is positive.Using mobile phone can improve efficiency. People could keep in touch with others whenever they want. It makes our life easier and saves our time. People exchange the information by using phones, instead of go to somewhere to have a face-to-face communication. It is beneficial for the person who is afraid of talking to others in person.This new communication technology also enables working people take on more family responsibilities. People can work from home and commute with office by the phone. This work pattern has made it easierfor the people who have to do household chores and look after babies. Particularly for the working mothers who intend to juggle work and family responsibilities (这个不是句子).On the other hand, mobile phone can put people under pressures. They have to answer the phone calls after normal working hours and standby all the time, which can have a negative effect on their personal life. They do not have enough time to rest and relieve stress. It will lead to a bad result of their health (没有这个表达).In conclusion, I believe that mobile phone paly a positive role in modern life. Although it still cause some pressure problems (这是个从句,不是主句).。

income redistribution
economic overheating
a feeling of isolation
mainstream students
motivation and self discipline
learning outcomes
养成好的生活习惯maintain a healthy lifestyle
符合社会要求 adhere to code of condect
好的动手能力 first-hand knowledge
culture specific
有意义和成功的人meaningful and fulfilling life
出于公共安全考虑on the grounds of public safety
与普遍观念不同 contract to popular belief
well-informed decisions
free admission
as they please
across boundaries
in desperate need of
用积极地眼光 in a positive light
消除语言障碍 bridge the language gap
government sponsorship
家庭背景不好的 of low socio-economic status
of higher socio-economic status
trista 顾家北语法

trista 顾家北语法

何琼01.10听力技巧班链接:/s/1kTyTN19密码:53cr技巧班F71446ECE401A35DFD5818FE5C7CB71C5FE09B25F0CAD80F26何琼0208精听链接:/s/1o6FIVe6密码:s2752月最新多素材/s/1gdFrrsJ 密码: ofbm教主1.23听力预测班链接:/s/1sjlkyk9密码:ledf 老龚1.24阅读预测班链接:/s/1bncP0QV密码:pi2t乐静1.4精读班链接:/s/1gdDVeVL密码:8d91顾家北0106精品班链接:/s/1pJjmuqZ密码:xpsk0115词伙班链接:/s/1hqn45X6密码:m9tt我预测/s/148Zbh 密码: 8pnz梅晗12.1期雅思词汇速记班(词霸营):链接:/s/1hqJrZ5E密码:dyiq顾12月链接:/s/1pGc5E密码:5mdy顾家北写作精品班链接: /s/1im0Y4密码:y8lb顾家北词伙班链接: /s/1b0Sbz密码:9nkn顾家北链接:/s/1uuUG5密码:78af施正南链接:/s/15kqmN 密码:67i5Frank 结构/share/link?shareid=3307952678&uk=253641 3184密码:a3lb乐静阅读强化班链接:/share/link?shareid=2971998998&uk=3912698421 提取密码:appc钱多多/share/link?shareid=599383427&uk=2536413184密码:kljyfrank黄瀚生9月口语预测班/share/link?shareid=3646640594&uk=691022789密码:dwwg王陆8.18期听力高分班链接:/share/link?shareid=3303720425&uk=2805054812 密码:g1wq刘洪波阅读高分真经班链接:/share/link?shareid=3087556391&uk=1630537046密码:wjtp李慧芳听力链接:/s/165WOP密码:qhwy资料杂/share/link?shareid=948196463&uk=3728210677 密码:55oa2个链接雅思网资料下载链接和密码链接:/share/link?shareid=3251491465&uk=2669818586 密码:calp。

Participating in sports frequently can boost people's confidence, which is important not only to the youth but also to the elderly. The quality of teaching can make a huge difference to students’academic performance. and therefore, parents prefer to choose prestigious schools for children. Parents and teachers should make an effort to limit children's screen time, thereby protecting children's eyesight and encouraging them to do more outdoor activities.Economic slowdown has led to a climbing unemployment rate, as people balk at starting up new businesses and a number of giant companies downsize their workforce.A country's economic development relies on a supply of young workers, but the problem is that the aging society has an adverse impact on the labour force.People with a heavy workload do not have adequate time to rest, which can be harmful to their fitness.A large number of students in China have to do self-study at night, so extra-curricular activities have to give way to studies.The development of cities has posed a threat to heritage sites, but the government has no idea whether to protect or demolish these constructions.Internet can enrich our social lives, but we should not ignore face-to-face communication, because this has a direct impact on social relationships.Some public services have problems in breaking even and need government funds.21-30我们需要采取措施去解决一些棘手的问题。

B学习要点A基本概念Fra bibliotekB学习要点
附录1不规 则的单复数
附录2易被 认为是可数 名词的不可 数名词
顾家北手把手教你24小时搞懂 英文语法(不含习题版)
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顾家北 微信推送词伙 2014年6月

顾家北微信推送词伙2014年6月【6.30】Shouldgovernments make decisions about people's lifestyle, or should people maketheir own decisions?This question seems difficult, but if you take "smoking" as anexample of a lifestyle choice, it becomes a lot easier. Here's my paragraph:In some cases, governments can help people to make better lifestyle choices. In theUK, for example, smoking is now banned in all workplaces, and itis even prohibited for people to smoke in restaurants, bars and pubs. As a result, many people who used to smoke sociallyhave now given up. At the same time, the government has ensured that cigarette prices keep going up, and there have been several campaigns to highlight the health risks ofsmoking. These measures have also helped to reduce the number of smokers inthis country.学习点1:in some cases 引导段落的好处,就是作者暗示这个观点在某些时候有道理,为下面一段的折衷铺垫。

• 1 不准背材料乱套(要注意审题)不准用大词! 大词必死! • 2 不准滥用连接词 (moreover, in this way, for example 等) • 3 不准犯语法错误 (100句翻译反复做,lecture 1-‐4的资料都 要做) • 4 不准写虚的东西 (什么陶冶情操、精神文明、男女搭配干活 不累,不准写!) • 5 不准乱写从句 (特别是定语从句、分词、倒装等) • 6 不准凑字 (要具体解释,不准重复,不准用套句!) • 7 不准翻译大脑里所有的中文 (要用自己熟悉的表达和词伙!) 不要翻译ABC! • 8 不准在开头段和结尾段浪费时间 (主体部分决定一切!) • 9 不准乱换词 (特别是小作文!除非你确定替换的词是对的) 变化必死! • 10 要听话, 其他老师靠广告,顾家北靠的是学生成绩
步骤5: 拓展段落 how to expand the paragraph to ensure that you can meet the word limit?
• 很多时候,ABC只能写两句话,这个时候,拓展段落就很重要了! • 拓展段落: • 1背景化 (类似于前提)(1 这个观点或者话题发生的背景 2 很多 时候可以用到although, but这样的词 3 特别适用于中心句是改写C的时 候 4 背景化一般放在中心句的后面 ) • 2解释 (解释前面一个相对比较晦涩和抽象的名词,或者解释前面一个 事情怎么完成) • 3 举例 (前面出现一个名词的复数,而且观点比较抽象) • 4 对比 (A 题目里有完全不同的两个事物 B 某个事情如果不做) • 5 强调结果 (比较适合于观点确定A的时候,而C可以不断拓展) • 6 特定化 (A 国家或者地区 B 人 C 出于什么原因 D 在什么情形)

共83句翻译及83句拓展练习翻译1:经常做运动会提高人的自信错误的句子:Exercise regularly can rise one's confidence。
错误1 Exercise 如果这里是动词,应该用动名词,如果是名词,不能用副词修饰错误2 rise 不及物动词正确的句子:Regular exercise can increase one’s self—confidence。
句子结构:主语+及物动词+宾语(confidence)可以用定语从句扩充:Participating in sports frequently can boost people’s confidence, which is important not only tothe youth but also to the elderly.注:不可以说“regular doing exercise”,因为形容词regular 不可以修饰doing中文翻译:经常参加体育活动能够提高人们的自信心,这不但对年轻人而且对老人很重要。
翻译2:依赖计算器会影响人的心算能力(mental arithmetic)。
错误的句子:Rely heavily on calculators will have negative impact on human beings` mentalarithmetic。

雅思作文怎样评分常用四项评分标准雅思作文有4个评分标准,分别是扣题和完成任务(Task Response)、连贯和紧凑(Coherence and Cohesion)、词汇(Lexical Resource)及语法的灵活性和准确性(Grammatical•Off-topic(偏题):考生答卷和题目不符合。
•Underlength(安数不够):Task 1至少150字,Task 2至少250字。
•No.of words(字数):基本同上。
Grammatical Range and Accuracy(语法的灵活性和准确性)•减少语法错误。
Task 2 作文第1步审题和确定文章结构概述雅思Task 2 作文题目一般分3个部分:(1)背景(background information)(2) 关注的话题(issue of concern)(3) 问题(task requirement)背景一般是引出后面的话题,并不是所有的题目都会出现背景。
假设考场上遇到下面5个题目,虽然话题类似,但是问题的不同导致论述结构的不同:题目1(论述类题目):Some people argue that the government should discourage private car ownership while other people suggest that they can choose any means of travel as they like. Discuss both views and give your opinion.[大意]有的人觉得政府不应该鼓励个人使用汽车,而其他人觉得他们可以选择他们喜欢的交通方式。

112 start primary school
113 provide rich language experiences
114 feel like outsiders
115 have a bilingual ability
116 speak a mixture of two languages
156 come with an environmental price-tag 有环境的代价
157 the environmental cost
11 serve as decoration
12 afford spiritual enrichment
13 means of artistic expression
14 camera images
15 handmade creations
16 handmade works of art
81 exact definition
82 achieve standards
83 meet targets and deadlines
84 progress in my career
85 a sense of achievement
86 exceptional abilities
107 monolingual schoolmates

小绿书5.0版全文翻译的词伙提示(完整版)小绿书5.0版全文翻译1的词伙提示句1词伙提示:obey different rules/follow rules句2词伙提示:strict discipline, have an adverse impaction/limit the development of, problem-solving abilities句3词伙提示:hold somebody accountable for/be responsible for, develop good behavior patterns/exhibit good behavior, from a young age句4词伙提示:be aware of/be conscious of, bad behavior, set rules, behave in a socially acceptable way/behavioral norms句5词伙提示:greet others, make polite requests, show table manners句6词伙提示:forbid inappropriate behaviors, use profanity/speak rudely, interrupt teachers句7词伙提示:have a positive influence on/have a positive impact on, establish the strict rules, give priority to句8词伙提示:rely heavily on, solve problems/tackle problems句9词伙提示:manage time, cope with demands/meet requirements句10词伙提示:have a fulfilling career, achieve succession, succeed in句11词伙提示:stifle one’s creativity/limit imagination句12词伙提示:put one’s ideas into practice, disobey rules/fail to comply with rules句13词伙提示:write essays, express one’s ideas/thoughts句14词伙提示:in the real world/in the workplace, use imagination小绿书5.0版全文翻译2的词伙提示句1词伙提示:technological advances, technological development, accumulate wealth, become better off, life expectancy, live longerlives句2词伙提示:senior citizens, older people, contribute significantly to society, demographic change, cause problems, problems arise from句3词伙提示:population ageing, an ageing population, medical costs, impose a burden/add a burden句4词伙提示:medical needs, medical costs,medical expenses, in the last years of life, in later decades句5词伙提示:care for/look after, vitalservices, essential services, underfunded/ short of money句6词伙提示:slow pace of work, seniorworkers, workers in their 50s句7词伙提示:with age, as people age,absorb information/knowledge, complete work, perform tasks句8词伙提示:delay retirement, put offretirement, younger employees, junior staff句9词伙提示:extend working life, a valuableasset, a productive asset句10词伙提示:live healthier lives, healthyeating, healthy diet句11词伙提示:impart knowledge, pass onskills to, share knowledge with句12词伙提示:manage a company, run abusiness, provide good services, high quality services句13词伙提示:extension of life expectancy,increase in life expectancy, put strains on, put pressure on, reduceproductivity句14词伙提示:economic development/economicgrowth, make good use of, make optimal use of小绿书5.0版全文翻译3的词伙提示句1词伙提示:watch television, educational programmes/informative programmes, an effective method of learning/learning method, audio-visual information, attract students’attention/grab attention, engage their interest句2词伙提示:TV programmes, educational value, increase screen time句3词伙提示:television viewing, interfere with children’s studies句4词伙提示:get distracted easily, without adults’ supervision/presence/guidance句5词伙提示:watch television frequently, concentrate on learning tasks, poor grades/poor academic performance句6词伙提示:attend interactive activities, promote brain development/improve intelligence句7词伙提示:long screen time, havean adverse impact/effect on, social development句8词伙提示:sit in front of TV, play games句9词伙提示:express their views/opinions, understand thoughts/read emotions句10词伙提示:good communication skills, acquire/gain knowledge, draw upon the ideas of, achieve academic success/succeed academically 句11词伙提示:expose children to a world of knowledge句12词伙提示:educational programmes, gain an insight into句13词伙提示:historical events, foreign language channel, acquire foreign languages/learn foreign languages句14词伙提示:complement句15词伙提示:impose restrictions on/restrict, television viewing, endorse this habit句16词伙提示:havean adverse impact on/affect …adversely, improve academic performance/ improveschool grades小绿书5.0版全文翻译4的词伙提示句1词伙提示:for a long time/for along period of time句2词伙提示:throw-away culture, reverse this trend句3词伙提示:increase wealth/accumulate wealth, afford products句4词伙提示:technologicalinnovations/technological progress, mass production, reduce the cost ofproduction, improve the productivity of the workforce/give productivity a boost句5词伙提示:electronic products/devices, at low prices/at a discount,fix broken items句6词伙提示:thelatest/ the newest generation of, up-to-date features句7词伙提示:lack environmentalawareness/not environmentally conscious句8词伙提示:waysof life/lifestyle choices, energy consumption, cause waste/ create waste句9词伙提示:householdappliances/equipment, end up in landfill sites, non-biodegradable products, hasa destructive effect on the environment/cause environmental destruction句10词伙提示:lifestyles sustainable/ go green句11词伙提示:overconsumption ofconsumer goods, take some measures/take action, mitigate this problem句12词伙提示:raisingenvironmental awareness, dispose of products句13词伙提示:environmentalgroups, disseminate the knowledge of, recycle/reuse disposable goods, householdappliances/electrical equipment 句14词伙提示:enforcesome laws/enact laws, deter…from…, throw away goods句15词伙提示:taxpenalty, disposable products, plastic bags, eco-friendly shopping bags句16词伙提示:disposableincome, excessive/relentless consumption of, disposable items句17词伙提示:toaddress/tackle this problem, the top priority, raise people’s awareness ofenvironmental protection, change lifestyles.小绿书5.0版全文翻译5的词伙提示句1词伙提示:rural areas, migrate to cities/move to cities句2词伙提示:find employment/find jobs, enjoy a better quality of life, the movement ofpopulation, urban areas/urban centres,句3词伙提示:flock to cities/live in cities句4词伙提示:job opportunities/employment opportunities, earn more money句5词伙提示:living standards/the standards of living, consumer goods/consumer products句6词伙提示:employment opportunities, underdeveloped industries, buying power/purchasing power句7词伙提示:citydwellers, have access to, public services, health care/medical care, enjoy better standards of living句8词伙提示:send somebody to good schools/receive a good education, break the cycle of poverty句9词伙提示:urban dwellers, put huge pressure on housing and facilities句10词伙提示:accommodate a large population, the shortage of land/land scarce句11词伙提示:end up living in slums, endure poor living conditions, afford home ownership句12词伙提示:poor health, urban facilities, meet the growing demand, clean water, dispose of household waste, manage sewage 句13词伙提示:associated with/related to, a rural-to-urban shift, rural-urban income disparity/regional divergence句14词伙提示:educational and employment opportunities句15词伙提示:the shortage of labour, rural communities, revitalise the local economy/economic regeneration句16词伙提示:commit crimes, the widening gap between rich and poor句17词伙提示:employment prospects, sluggish local economies, the population shift句18词伙提示:a worrying trend小绿书5.0版全文翻译6的词伙提示句1词伙提示:low-cost air travel, travel across borders/travel abroad句2词伙提示:cheap flights/cheap airlines, benefit the masses/benefit the public, unnecessary journeys句3词伙提示:travel to different countries, have a better understanding of, career opportunities/job prospects句4词伙提示:visit other countries, find jobs/find employment, earn higher salaries/earn higher incomes句5词伙提示:discover business opportunities/find business opportunities, earn profits/make money, exporting or importing products 句6词伙提示:miss out on these opportunities, the cost of flights句7词伙提示:raising airfares, reduce the environmental impact, the airlineindustry句8词伙提示:discourage...from, travel great distances/travel a long distance句9词伙提示:greenhouse gases, air flights句10词伙提示:the aviation sector, noise pollution, the environmental destruction句11词伙提示:air services, potential passengers, an affordable holiday句12词伙提示:working people/working adults, lead a hectic life, feel stressed句13词伙提示:air tickets, exotic locations句14词伙提示:tropical countries,sample local food句15词伙提示:impose restrictions on, air travel, cheap airlines句16词伙提示:air companies, technological innovations, reduce the strain of小绿书5.0版全文翻译7的词伙提示句1词伙提示:impose rules on,句2词伙提示:play an important role in, regulate one’s behaviour, strict laws, restrict one’s freedom,句3词伙提示:in chaos, the economy collapses,句4词伙提示:obey traffic regulations, traffic accidents/road accidents, traffic congestion/traffic jams,句5词伙提示:fake products/counterfeit goods, shopping on the internet/shopping online, suffer economically/economy suffers,句6词伙提示:follow moral principles/the code of ethics,conform to social norms/societal norms,develop a relationship/form strong bonds,句7词伙提示:be motivated by self-interest,be harmful to others/do something harmful to others/hurt others,句8词伙提示:betray the trust of friends,work together/cooperate with,be under threat,句9词伙提示:fulfill one’s promises/keep one’s words/abide by one’s words, conduct business,reduce productivity,句10词伙提示:restrain one’s freedom,hamper/hinder/obstruct social progres,句11词伙提示:have restrictions on,the business world,the business activity,句12词伙提示:high income earners,be subject to,high income tax rates,lack motivation to/lack enthusiasm,make greater efforts to,increase one’s income/earnings,句13词伙提示:relax regulations/rules,foster innovations,句14词伙提示:operate well without laws and rules,句15词伙提示:act at will/act freely/do anything as they please,create a society,live in harmony小绿书5.0版全文翻译8的词伙提示第1句词伙提示the advent of the internet,live one’s lives,complete work,work patterns第2句词伙提示a growing number of,an increasing number of ,distance education,complete a degree第3句词伙提示distance learning,traditional college educationreceive education,educational opportunities第5句词伙提示attend lectures,take classes,watch videos第6句词伙提示digest information,click the pause button,replay the video,understand the content/absorb information第7句词伙提示lead a hectic life,live a busy life,have internet access,access to the internet第8句词伙提示online education,communicate with/interact with第9句词伙提示use interactive communication tools,in virtual classes第10句词伙提示get lecturers’ guidance,complete courses第11句词伙提示top universities,prestigious universities第12句词伙提示improve social skills/interpersonal skills/soft skills,group assignments第13句词伙提示complete one’s degree,make friends with/make acquainted with第14句词伙提示build up a network of contacts/enlarge the circle of friends, have a negative impact on,career development/advancement第15句词伙提示distance learning,university education/higher education/college education第16句词伙提示achieve learning outcomes小绿书5.0版全文翻译9的词伙提示第1句词伙提示a financial burden,disposable income第2句词伙提示pay tax,tax revenue第3句词伙提示public facilities,receive funds/get financial support第4句词伙提示a public transport system,travel to and from work,traffic congestion/traffic jams,reduce work efficiency/reduce productivity第5句词伙提示public schools,educational opportunities, gain/acquire knowledge, economic growth/development第6句词伙提示the private sector,the low profit margin第7句词伙提示achieve the goal/objective,income redistribution/wealth redistribution第8句词伙提示the high income group,pay high tax,the low income group,get assistance/receive support第9句词伙提示levy taxes/impose taxes,regulate one’s behaviour第10句词伙提示show self-restraint,change habits/break habits第11句词伙提示the heavy tax on,discourage people from第12句词伙提示improve the well-being of people,ease the pressure/alleviate the pressure,the medical system第13句词伙提示have the incentive to,set up a business/start a business第14句词伙提示improve/raise living standards,gain a sense of accomplishment,have a sense of achievement第15句词伙提示show one’s talents,the welfare system第16句词伙提示the lifeblood of the economy,high taxes,have an adverse effect on,economic growth小绿书5.0版全文翻译10的词伙提示第1词伙提示the next generation/the younger generation,increase knowledge/gain new knowledge,improve employability/acquire job skills第2词伙提示academic subjects,career achievement,the difference/distinctions between right and wrong,working lives/professional life第3词伙提示concentrate on/focus their minds on,core subjects,enter university/attend university第4词伙提示academic courses,a firm grounding,find decent jobs第5词伙提示acquire mathematical skills,build models,analyse data,financial analysts第6词伙提示key disciplines,moral principles,behaviour norms/the code of conduct第7词伙提示impart important virtues into,moral values,motivate the next generation,make good use of/make the most of,contribute positively to第8词伙提示confidential documents第9词伙提示social responsibilities,socially responsible,design safe products,第10词伙提示perform well in exams/ good performance at school,have a moral compass,achieve success第11词伙提示distinguish right from wrong/boundaries of behaviour/differences between acceptable and unacceptable behaviour, the younger generation第12词伙提示learn politeness,social rules/social norms,get along well with,develop a strong working relationship第13词伙提示fast food/junk food,cause obesity第14词伙提示interfere with studies,career achievement小绿书5.0版全文翻译11的词伙提示第1句词伙提示government funding,struggle with,budget deficits/budget constraints第2句词伙提示give priority to,have a budget surplus,fund the arts,support the arts financially第3句词伙提示public funds,artistic appeal,visually attractive/spectacularpublic places/public spaces第5句词伙提示the art industry,architectural styles,enjoy urban life第6句词伙提示exposure to artworks,reduce the pressure/reduce stress,put somebody in a good mood第7句词伙提示public money,public funds第8句词伙提示water and electricity supply networks, living standards,the standard of living第9句词伙提示good sanitation,improve public health,reduce diseases,disseminate knowledge,improve job prospects第10句词伙提示luxury items/lavish goods,tangible benefits第11句词伙提示promote economy development,grow the economy第12句词伙提示the transport system,improve productivity,daily commuting,high-speed railway systems,deliver cargo第13句词伙提示attract investment/lure investment, experience an improvement in the standard of living 第14句词伙提示create returns/generate an immediate financial payoff,in a short time第15句词伙提示the wellbeing of the general public,artistic projects小绿书5.0版全文翻译12的词伙提示volunteer work,unpaid work第2句词伙提示unpaid work,be of great value第3句词伙提示community service,develop positive qualities第4句词伙提示be confronted with challenges,voluntary services第5句词伙提示raise funds,organise events,communicate with benefactors第6句词伙提示boost one’s confidence/improve one’s confidence, improve one’s problem-solving abilities第7句词伙提示the younger generation,learn responsibility,develop a sense of responsibility,find enjoyment,serve the community第8句词伙提示a sense of community,make a positive difference to第9句词伙提示Receive a good education,make a fair and happy society,promote fairness第10句词伙提示create a closely-knit community第11句词伙提示rule out the possibility,a wasteful use第12句词伙提示volunteer work programmes,a rewarding experience,educational value第13句词伙提示devote time to do/spend time on doing第14句词伙提示take away one’s study time,interfere with one’s study/interrupt one’s study第15句词伙提示take away one’s study time,interfere with one’s study/interrupt one’s study第16句词伙提示sharpen skills,improve job prospects,improve social progress第17句词伙提示suit one’needs/satisfy one’s needs小绿书5.0版全文翻译13的词伙提示第1句词伙提示impose sentences,commit offence/commit serious crime,a correctional method第2句词伙提示reform offenders/rehabilitate offenders第3句词伙提示stiff sentences,have a deterrent effect on/act as a deterrent,prospective offenders,habitual offenders/repeat offenders第4句词伙提示violate laws/break lows,lose freedom,take a consequence第5句词伙提示the criminal record/criminal history第6句词伙提示commit crimes第7句词伙提示a prison term,fight crime/combat crime,community service第8句词伙提示minor crimes/petty crimes,law-abiding citizens第9句词伙提示be sentenced to prison,pose a threat to/pose risks to第10句词伙提示educational opportunities,vocational training,interpersonal skills/soft skills,job skills/practical skills第11句词伙提示juvenile offenders/young criminals,first-time offenders,break the law/violate the law,social experience,low socio-economic status/socially disadvantaged第12句词伙提示find work/find employment,understand legal responsibilities第13句词伙提示isolate criminals from society,acquire practical skills,reintegrate into society第14句词伙提示the harsh penalty/severe punishment,deter crime第15句词伙提示rehabilitation programs,build a happy and stable society小绿书5.0版全文翻译14的词伙提示第1句词伙提示university students/college students,share a flat/share accommodation,university accommodation第2句词伙提示a rite of passage,maintain day-to-day contact with,keep in touch with第3句词伙提示live an independent life第4句词伙提示develop life skills,do housekeeping/do house chores,manage finances,get along with flatmates/roommates第5句词伙提示handle matters/conduct tasks,in the workplace第6句词伙提示keep everything organized,clean/tidy one’s bedrooms第7句词伙提示college students,enjoy freedom,social life,make friends/initiate new friendships第8句词伙提示do a wide range of activities/take part in some activities第9句词伙提示go to the gym,attend lectures,do assignments,do part-time work第10句词伙提示improve social skills,draw upon personal resources第11句词伙提示the emotional tie/the emotional bonds第12句词伙提示keep up to date with the news第13句词伙提示feel helpless,solve problems第14句词伙提示the attitude towards family life第15句词伙提示family relationship小绿书5.0版全文翻译15的词伙提示第1句词伙提示frequent fast-food restaurants/outlets,the fast pace of life,irregular working hours第2句词伙提示pose a threat to,traditional cuisine/means of food preparation,put emphasis on,arise from第3句词伙提示a health issue/health problem,overweight people/obesity epidemic第4句词伙提示be high in fat,sugar,salt and calories,in large portions第5句词伙提示suffer from obesity,contract heart diseases/have cardiovascular disease,normal-weight people第6句词伙提示pour money in/invest money in,the medical system,have an adverse/a negative effect on,the economic development/hold back the economy第7句词伙提示affect one’s ways of life,dietary habits第8句词伙提示food preparation,cooking styles,traditional dishes第9句词伙提示fast food chains,fried chicken第10句词伙提示traditional recipes第11句词伙提示family relationship/family bonds,family meals,family gatherings/get-togethers第12句词伙提示improve mutual understanding第13句词伙提示eat outside,keep up to date with,family issues,emotional needs第14句词伙提示become dispersed,feel lonely and helpless,in daily lives第15句词伙提示fast food/convenient food/pre-prepared meal第16句词伙提示cuisine culture,social relationships小绿书5.0版全文翻译16的词伙提示第1句词伙提示have different views about/mixed feelings about/ people are divided over, theoretical knowledge,第2句词伙提示due to the fact that,a considerable number of,receive a university education,achieve success in careers第3句词伙提示a fulfilling career第4句词伙提示gain a full understanding of/ have a good grasp of,build expertise第5句词伙提示identify therapies/medical treatment,mental health problems第6句词伙提示empirical knowledge,practical implications,good prospects,earn a fortune,advance innovations/push innovation forward第7句词伙提示learn theories,improve problem-solving abilities,exercise creative potential/show creativity第8句词伙提示improve research skills,collect information,different subject matters第9句词伙提示theoretical knowledge,broaden people’s minds,improve critical thinking skills,push forward the boundaries of knowledge第10句词伙提示go to university/college,receive practical training,deal with general problems,in the face of unusual problems第11句词伙提示the only determinant of success/element in success/ a key factor in success. 第12句词伙提示第13句词伙提示overcome difficulties,cooperate/collaborate with others,achieve success第14句词伙提示social network/a network of frriends,receive information/gain information,draw upon ideas,gain access to resources第15句词伙提示maintain a good relationship with第16句词伙提示higher education,handle problems,acquire knowledge第17句词伙提示social relationships/personal resources小绿书5.0版全文翻译17的词伙提示第1句词伙提示receive a university education/college education,find work/employment第2句词伙提示increase the investment in/spending on,high tuition/cost of learning第3句词伙提示pay tuition,students from disadvantaged backgrounds/from less well-off backgrounds, financial help/support第4句词伙提示study hard,cherish this valuable/precious opportunity第5句词伙提示finish assignments,pass exams,obtain the degree/gain qualifications.第6句词伙提示bear the cost,provide free tuition,take it for granted,fail exams.第7句词伙提示lighten/reduce the burden onallocate/divert resources to,middle or primary education,reduce/eliminate illiteracy,attend university第9句词伙提示postgraduate courses,provide subsidies,technological advances/ development,promote technological innovation第10句词伙提示low income families,exempt from tuition,第11句词伙提示attend university/college,improve skills,acquire skills,increase knowledge第12句词伙提示close the wealth gap,economic divide,create a fair/equitable society第13句词伙提示drop out of university,explore/reach potential.第14句词伙提示educational opportunities,have access to education第15句词伙提示disadvantaged students/students from poor homes,abolish tuition小绿书5.0版全文翻译18的词伙提示第1句词伙提示are exposed to advertisements,in the modern world/in today’s world第2句词伙提示video games第3句词伙提示advertisements aimed at children/directed at children.第4句词伙提示advertisement campaigns directed at children,pester/nag parents to do sth.第5句词伙提示satisfy/fill/meet sb’s needs第6句词伙提示be obsessed with,fashionable clothes/stylish clothes第7句词伙提示put low income families under pressure,be bombarded with advertisements/overwhelmed with第8句词伙提示be responsible for,behavioural problems,lifestyle issues第9句词伙提示be overwhelmed by,fast food advertisements第10句词伙提示lose temper easily/ bad-tempered,violent electronic games,advertising firms第11句词伙提示pose a threat to health,pose health risks,endanger one’s health第12句词伙提示recognise the advantages第13句词伙提示disseminate information about,nourishing food第14句词伙提示sth. of educational value第15句词伙提示purchase the best products,make the best purchases第16句词伙提示the tight control over,tight regulation on第17句词伙提示promote good products小绿书5.0版全文翻译19的词伙提示第1句词伙提示the world is globalised,the exchange of commodities,across the border,at an astounding rate第2句词伙提示living standards,improvements in the standard of living第3句词伙提示goods imported from overseas/imported goods,competitively priced/at a highly affordable cost第4句词伙提示export goods,reduce the cost of production/manufacturing cost,affordable products第5句词伙提示textile products,many parts of the world第6句词伙提示imported goods,challenge domestic manufacturers’ dominance/break monopoly,intensify competition/encourage competition,cut prices/lower prices第7句词伙提示domestic customers,the cost of living/living expenses第8句词伙提示have diverse options/alternatives第9句词伙提示alleviate the food shortage,abnormal weather/unpredictable weather第10句词伙提示excessive reliance on,underdevelopment of some domestic industries/homegrown companies第11句词伙提示go bankrupt,go out of business第12句词伙提示be harmful/detrimental to,a self-contained economy小绿书5.0版全文翻译20的词伙提示句1 词伙提示: at the present time/in modern times, aglobal language/an international language句2 词伙提示:itis worth mentioning that…, its negative effect句3 词伙提示:be viewed in a positive light句4 词伙提示:the extensive use of English,promote international cooperation, a universal language, overcome languagebarriers, in the global setting句5 词伙提示:conduct business together, set upa company/a business, import products,native languages/mother tongue languages句6 词伙提示:the main language/common language,international conferences, academic groups句7 词伙提示: share knowledge and ideas/exchange ideas,complete projects句8 词伙提示:it would be no exaggeration to saythat, the dominance of English, expand knowledge/increase knowledge, broadenhorizons句9 词伙提示: publish articles in English, master thislanguage, on the web/on the Internet, learn about the world句10 词伙提示: have proficiency in twolanguages, travel in different parts of the world with ease, deepen sb’sunderstanding of句 11 词伙提示:themain culprit of/the primary cause of, the loss of language diversity句12 词伙提示:the idea lies in the fact that…,make an effort to do sth., mother tongue/native language句13 词伙提示:the favorite language forinternational media; English-speaking countries;句 14 词伙提示:cultural diversity/rich culture句15 词伙提示:traditional therapies, religiouspractices, traditional ceremonies /rituals句16 词伙提示:play a vital role in/ play a keyrole in句17 词伙提示: endanger some minoritylanguages, not supported with evidence小绿书5.0版全文翻译21的词伙提示句1 词伙提示:(the)healthy lifestyle, has a directbearing on, dignity and well-being句2 词伙提示:lifestylechoices, personalmatter, adopt a healthy lifestyle, the government intervenes句3 词伙提示:how to livetheir lives句4 词伙提示:develop andmaintain healthy habits, bring enjoyment to their lives句5 词伙提示:pay attentionto, fruit and vegetables, keep fit, increase someone’s confidence, in work andsocial lives句6 词伙提示:live underenormous pressure, be obsessed with, follow the government’s lifestyleguideline句7 词伙提示:tighten regulation on somebehaviours, be proven to be damaging to health句8 词伙提示:lack discipline句9 词伙提示:it is commonknowledge that, endanger their health句10 词伙提示: impose thetobacco tax, forbid sb. to do sth., smoke publicly句11 词伙提示:educate the public, offer guidance句12 词伙提示:bewell-informed, ways of life句13 词伙提示:office workers,exercise regularly, launch campaigns, convey the messagethat, a sedentary job,affect health adversely, reduce life expectancy句14 词伙提示:awarenesscampaigns, health problems, eat fast food, healtheating, the nutritionalinformation on food packaging小绿书5.0版全文翻译22的词伙提示句1 词伙提示: in this rapidly changing world/fast-changing world, have a permanent job/stay in the same job forever句2 词伙提示:be dismissed/laid off, take action to, cope with, job security句3 词伙提示:unpredictable factors, the business world, go bankrupt/go out of business句4 词伙提示:in times of economic recession/in tough economic times, lay off some employees/cut jobs, reduce the running cost, lose their jobs 句5 词伙提示:upgrade their skills, meet the requirements of their employers句6 词伙提示:lose employment, the newest generation of software/latest software, keep pace with, the changes in the workplace句7 词伙提示:a varied career, switch jobs, from time to time/every now and then句8 词伙提示:discover talents/where their talents lie, fulfill sb’s potential/reach potential句9 词伙提示:improve skills, increase earnings/earn a higher salary句10 词伙提示: work for start-ups, be trusted with more responsibilities句11 词伙提示:the uncertainty about job prospects, working adults/people in the workforce句12 词伙提示:sharpen our skills, receive education, adapt to an ever-changing world/constantly changing world.句13 词伙提示:acquire/learn a second language, in a globalised world句14 词伙提示:cope with all financial matters/endure economic hardships。

environmental degradation 环境恶化 join forces 合力 on a global scale 世界范围的 environmentally friendly 环保 take the initiative 主动 resource commitment 资源的投入 at an astounding rate 以惊人的速度 in desperate need of 急需 in a positive light 用积极地眼光 bridge the language gap 消除语言障碍 government sponsorship 政府赞助 家庭背景不好的 of low socio-economic status of higher socio-economic status 背景好的 带来不确定因素 add uncertainty to access to education 接受教育 high income earners 高收入人群 freedom of speech 言论自由 act at will 随心所欲 emerging economies 新兴经济 national wealth 国家财富 ever-increasing 不断提高的 class conflict 阶级矛盾 以牺牲环境为代价 at environment`s expense at affordable price 更便宜地 access to clean water 干净的水源 buying power 消费力 law enforcement 执法机关 mainstream students 主流学生 motivation and self discipline 积极和自律 learning outcomes 学习效果 technological innovation 技术革新 sense of alienation 疏远感 be accustomed to 习惯于 take full advantage of 充分利用 food poisoning 食物中毒 spell out 列举 self-expresion 自我表达 matter of concern 关注的事情 出于公共安全考虑 on the grounds of public safety 与普遍观念不同 contract to popular belief well-informed decisions 合理的决定 free admission 免费入场 as they please 随意地 across boundaries 跨越国界 reduce the strain on environment 减少环境压力 brought to the forefront 最前沿 central question is 核心的问题 trade-off 折中条件 soil erosion 水土流失 time conscious 时间观念 nuclear family 核心家庭 double-edged sword 双刃剑 不礼貌的语言 foul language aggressive behaviours 暴力行为 反社会的行为 antisocial behaviours eccentric behaviour 心理不正常 character flaws 性格有缺陷 repeat offenders 惯犯 peer pressure 同伴的压力 on the spur of the moment 一时冲动 造成严重的伤亡 cause serious injury or death has deterrent effects 有震慑力 stiff sentence 严厉刑罚 serious offence 严重罪行 correctional method 改造方法 rehabilitation programs 改造计划 habitual offenders 重犯 prospective offenders 潜在的罪犯 repeat criminals 惯犯 serial killers 连环杀人犯 重新回到社会 reintegrate into society juvenile offenders 青少年罪犯 juvenile delinquency 青少年犯罪 疏于管教和关 a lack of proper parental supervision and neglect 爱

顾家北雅思写作词伙收集2.4.2老龄化社会Life expectancyPersonal wealthContribute extraordinarily to societyDemographic change人口变化An aging populationHealth care costImpose a burden on taxpayerMedical needsIn the last years of lifeEssential serviceFinancial supportSlow pace of workSenior workersA conservative attitude towardsAdopt cutting-edge technology(前沿科技)Delay retirementProductivityBe a valuable asset to societyImpart their knowledge and skills(传授他们的知识技巧)Draw upon the expertise of older people(借鉴专业知识)Considerable extension of life expectancy寿命的急剧延长2.4.3看电视学习Informative televisionMethod of learningAudio-visual informationEngage their interestsEducational valueIncreasing screen timeInterfere with children’s studiesGet distractedInteractive activitiesPromote brain developmentSit in front of a screenSuffer obesity , poor eyesight and fatigueExpose children to a world of knowledgeCope with the demand ofEducational programmesHistorical eventsAcquire foreign languageImprove their academic performance2.4.4消费社会报告类Throw-away cultureReverse(反转、颠倒) this trend Technological innovationsMass productionReduce the cost ofElectronic productsAt low pricesUp-to-date featuresEnvironmental awarenessEnergy consumptionHousehold appliancesEnd up in landfill sitesNon-biodegradable不可消解的Have a destructive effect onMake lifestyle more sustainableReuse productsConsume goodsPervasive=generalMitigate the problemEnvironmental groupsDisseminate the knowledgeRecycle disposable goods (一次性用品) Enforce some laws to deter consumer from..Tax penaltyDisposable incomeTo address this problem successfully Excessive consumption2.4.5城乡转移Migrate to cities入住城市Find employment and enjoy a better quality of life The movement of populationDensely populatedJob opportunitiesEarn more moneyImproving living standardConsumer goodsBuying powerCity dwellersPublic serviceBreak the cycle of povertyAccommodate a large populationThe shortage of landPoor living conditionsAfford home ownershipBe prone to poor healthMeet the growing demand ofDipose of household wasteA rural-to-urban shiftIncome disparityEducational and employment opportunitiesShortage of labourRevitalize(振兴) the locao economyCommit crimes实施犯罪Widening gapPoor employment prospectsSluggish local economyWorrying tend2.4.6廉价航空服务Across borders跨国界Unnecessary journeys不要的旅行Travel all over the world 周游世界Experience different cultures体验不同文化Broaden one’s horizon扩展某人眼界Earn higher salaries获得更高收入Discover business opportunities发现商机Earn profits获利Raising airfares机票上涨Reduce the environmental impact of减少…对环境的影响The airline industry航空行业Travel great distances to other places去较远的地方旅行Aviation sector航空部门Noise pollution噪音污染Environmental destruction环境破坏Mitigate消除Lead a hectic life生活繁忙Air tickets机票Exotic locations奇异的、吸引人的地方Tropical countriees热带国家Sample local food 品尝当地美食Air companies航空公司Reduce the strain on the environment减小环境压力2.4.7法律和社会Regulate your behaviorRestrict our freedomMaintain order and embrace more opportunitiesTraffic regulationsTraffic accidentTraffic congestionFake productsLawless societyA sense of securityHave a negative impact onIn a peaceful ,closely-kint societyFollow rules and behave in a responsible waySocial normsLive in harmonyBe conscious of business etiquetteKeep voice down when talking on the phone in the workplaceThis also applies to the whole societyLimit freedom and stifle creativityBuilding a prosperous societyHigh income earnersBe subject to high tax ratesLack the information to make greater efforts increase their income Relax regulations to foster innovationsContribute to social progressFrom what has been discussedIt is reasonable to argue that a society cannot operate well Alternatively要不然Be too restrictive…。
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0320 词伙预测班 topic list
4. Some people think the main purpose of schools is to turn the children into good citizens and workers, rather than to benefit them as individuals. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion? 教育
5. In most societies the roles played by a mother and a father are different. What is the reason and do you think it will change in the future? 弱势群体
6. Recently the freedom to work and live anywhere has become the main trend due to the development of communication technology and transportation. Do the advantages of these developments outweigh the disadvantages? 科技
7. A teacher is very important in imparting knowledge to students compared to learning based on television and computers. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 教育
8. Some people think that it is the responsibility of the supermarkets to reduce the packaging of their products, but others think that it is consumers’ responsibility. Discuss both views and give your opinion. 环境
9. Some people think personal happiness is directly related to economic success, while others believe this depends on other factors. Discuss both sides and give your own opinion.社会观念
10. Rich countries often give financial aid to poor countries, but it does not solve poverty, so rich countries should give other types of help to the poor countries rather than financial aid. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 全球化
11. Many countries face violent football supporters. What are the reasons for this problem and what can be done to solve it? 媒体和犯罪
12. Some people think the governments should act to decide how people live in order to make a healthier life. Others think individual should decide their own lifestyle. Discuss both views and give your opinion. 政府
13. In many countries today there is insufficient respect to old people. What are the reasons? What problems might it bring to the society? 老年人
14. More and more people are reading newspapers online, but their printed version still remains the main source of news for the masses. To what extent do you agree
or disagree? 媒体
15. The traditional lifestyle of developing countries has been attracting an increasing number of tourists. The side effect of this has been preventing the people in developing countries from adopting modern ways of living. Do you agree or disagree with the statement? 全球化。