2013年广州市听说考试一模试题、录音稿及参考答案 完美版

13年广东听说高考真题——APartAReadingAloudIntheheartofLondonsitsoneofBritain’smostrecognisablebuildings.Yetitsstoryisoneoftheleastunderstoo d.Butwhatisnowthesiteofasplendidpalacewasonceopencountryside.Asroyalresidencesgo,BuckinghamPalac eissomethingofanewcomer.Thestateroomsarelessthan200yearsold.Yetitshistoryismucholderandmoredrama ticthanyoumightthink.Itsroomsarefilledwithobjectsthatarecluestothecharacterofkingsandqueenspast.Andth eartandarchitecturecombinetomakeastatementaboutBritain’splaceintheworld.101英音视频总长:66秒字数:101words语速:155-160wordsperminute语音:女声英音非原声三问部分:在将来的教室里互联网有什么用?Question1:WhatistheuseoftheInternetinthefutureclassroom?/WhatistheInternetforinthefutureclassroom?/WhatrolewilltheInternetplayinthefutureclassroom?Answer1:TheInternetistheplaceforstudentstogetinformationfrom.Itissoeasytogetinformationbecauseyoucanfindwhatyouneedwithinseconds.将来学生如何参加考试?Question2:Howwillstudentstakeexamsinthefuture?Answer2:StudentscantakeexamsontheInternet,andexamswillbeautomaticallymarkedbythecomputer,notbyt heirteachers.What’smore,studentswillbetestedonhowtouseinformationratherthanknowinginformation.However,Iactuallydon’tknowwhetherthat’sgoodorbadandwhetherit’sgoingtohappen.51将来学生需要学习什么?Question3:Whatwillstudentsneedtostudy/learninthefuture?/Whatisnecessaryforstudentstolearn/studyinthefuture?Answer3:Studentsneedtobecreativebecausethat’sthekeytosuccessinthefuture.Thepurposeoflearningisnotaboutknowingknowledge,butputtingknowledgeintopractice.五答部分:Question1:HowlongisDr.Brown’scourse?语速:140-145wordsperminute字数:202words总时长:1分25秒13年广东听说高考真题——BPartAReadingAloudIn1939,ontheeveoftheSecondWorldWar,AlbertEinsteinwrotealettertotheAmericanPresident.Theletter wasaboutanapplicationofEinstein’sfamousequation,EequalsMCsquaredandhisfearthattheNaziscoulduseitto buildanatomicbomb.EequalsMCsquaredisthesymbolofEinstein’sgenius.It’sanequationthatsumsuponeofthe mostpowerfultruthsabouttheuniverse.Itcombinestwoideas,whichuntilEinsteincamealong,noonehadeverdre amedcouldbeconnectedinsuchapowerfulway.Theideaofmass,andtheideaofenergy.103英音视频总长:66秒字数:103words语速:160wordsperminute语音:男声英音题材:人物类句子分析:倒数第二句为复杂句视频比去年清晰Question1:HowcanImakethemworktogether?/HowdoImakethemworkasateam?/WhatcanIdotomakethemworktogether?Answer1:Youshouldcalleveryonetogetherforameetingandyoushouldmakethemknowthatworkingasateamisimportant.21你认为什么时侯召集开会最好呢?Question2:Whatdoyouthinkisbesttocallthemforameeting?/Whatdoyouthinkisthebesttimetocalleveryoneformeeting?/Whendoyouthinkisbesttocallameeting?Answer2:Assoonaspossible.Youshouldplaytheroleofamonitorinthemeeting,gettingtoknowwhattheyhavedo nesofarandfindingoutwhatstillneedstobedone.Inthisway,youwillbesurethattheprojectisdonecorrectly.46作为领导,我应该怎样对待团队成员呢?Question3:HowshouldItreatmyteammatesasaleader?/HowshouldItreatmyteammembersasamonitor? Answer3:Youcan’tjusttellthemwhattodoorhowtodothings.Agoodleaderlistenstohisteammatesaswellasdirec tsthem.Bylisteningtoyourteammates,yougettoknowhowmuchtheyhaveachievedandyouknow.42五答部分:Question1:Howmanypeopledoyouneedtoworkwith?Answer1:Five.Question2:WhatdoesMarythinktheproblemis?同义转换题Answer2:Mygroupisnotgoodatteamwork.语速:140wordsperminute字数:198words总时长:1分27秒13年广东听说高考真题——CPartAReadingAloudIsaacNewtonhasalwaysbeenaheroofmine,andprobablyeveryphysicistyou’llevermeet.Hewasn’taneasy character.HearrivedinCambridgein1661afteradifficultchildhood.Hisfatherhaddiedbeforehewasbornandhis motherhadabandonedhimattheageofthree.ButtheyoungNewtonshowedhisgeniusatanearlyage.Hewonderedwhatlightmightbemadeofandwantedtoknowhowvisionworked,andhewaspreparedtotryanythingtofindout.O nenightinhisdarkenedlaboratory,hedecidedtoexperimentonhisowneye.100英音视频总长:64秒字数:100words语速:160wordsperminute语音:男声英音题材:人物类视频比去年清晰ingin.36哪些体育运动在英国最流行?Question2:WhatarethemostpopularsportsinBritain/England?/WhatsportsarethemostpopularonesinBritain/England?Answer2:Well,therecanbenodoubtthatfootballisatthetopofthelist.ThegamehaditsorigininBritainandwasplayedi nthemiddleages,orevenearlier.Thoughasanorganizedgameitdatesonlyfromthebeginningofthe19thcentury.47体育运动是不是谈话中的常用话题?Question3:Issportsacommontopicinconversation?/Issportsthethingmosttalkedabout?Answer3:Oh,yes.Infact,Ithinkit’ssafetosaythatapartfromtheweather,it’sthethingmosttalkedaboutinBritain.S oifwewanttostartaconversationwithastranger,we’dbetterstarttalkingabouttheweatherorrecentfootballmatch.Ifyoutrythat,you’llfinditusuallyworks.54五答部分:Question1:WhatsportisMarycrazyabout?同义转换Answer1:Tennis.Question2:WhatsportdoesMaryplaysometimes?同义转换Answer2:V olleyball.语速:140wordsperminute字数:197words总时长:1分25秒13年广东听说高考真题——D(DEF只附与前三套不同特点分析)PartAReadingAloudThemostambitiousmapinhistoryistakingshapebeforeoureyes.Andscientistsareheadingfortheedge.Itma ybethestrangestmapyou’lleversee.Andit’sbiggerthanyoucanbelieve.It’samapoftheentireuniverse.They’reev enbuildingpicturesoftheinvisible.Thisisamapofeverythingweknow.Andit’sgettingbiggereveryday.Theunive rseissobig,wemayneverfindtheedge.Mappingtheuniverseisajobforpioneers.Nickwantstoputourentiregalaxy onthemap.He’sonasingle-handedmission,tophotographtheMilkyWay.(68”)102words你经常带工作回家吗?Question3:Doyouoftenbringworkhome?/Doyouoftentakeworkhome?Answer3:Yes.It’sunavoidable.Sometimesweinvitefriendsforamealtoourhome,notusuallyduringtheweek,though.Andsometimeswegoouttoashow.27words五答部分:Question1(女音):WhatdoesMr.Brownusuallydowhileheishavingbreakfast?Answer1:Watchingtheeighto’clocknews./Hewatchestheeighto’clocknewsatthesametime.Question2:WhyisMr.Brownofteninagreathurryonhiswaytowork?Answer2:Becausehedriveshischildrentoschoolandoneofhischildrenalwaysforgetssomething./Becauseoneofhischildrenalwaysforgetssomething.Question3:Whydoesn’tMr.Browngohomerightafterwork?Answer3:Thetrafficisheavy./Becauseoftheheavytraffic./Toavoidtheheavytraffic./Incaseoftheheavytraffic.Question4:WhatdoesMr.Browndowhenhegetshome?Answer4:Hehelpshiswifegetsupperready./Helpinghiswifegetsupperready./Helpinghiswifewithsupper.(此题信息点来源于三问部分Answer1,但是题目设计得不好,答案容易模棱两可。

--WORD 格式---可编辑---2013 年广东省高考英语听说考试完整真题及答案 A —F 及 G 套 Part A & Bant052013 年广东高考英语听说考试真题 AWelcome to Computer-based English Listening and Speaking Test. CELST is a module of National Matriculation English Test (Guangdong Version), consisting of three parts. Part A is Reading Aloud. In this part, you are required to watch a video clip and read after the speaker in the video. Part B is Role Play. In this part, you are required to act as a role and complete three communicative tasks: listen to a speaker, ask the speaker three questions and then answer five questions from the computer acting as another role. Part C is Retelling. In this part, you are required to listen to a monologue, and then retell what you have heard in your own words.PART A Reading AloudIn this part, you are required to watch a video clip and read after the speaker in thevideo.任务: (1)就新技术对教育的影响采访 Dr. Brown ;(2)根据谈话内容回答同学的提问。

1you might think. Its rooms are filled with objects that are clues to the character of kings and queens past. And the art and arc hitecture combine to make a statement about Britain’s place in the world. (101 words) 现在你有一分钟的准备时间。
Now you have ONE minute to practise reading. 现在请对照原文,再听一遍录音。
Now listen to the speaker once again. And try to read after the speaker. 现在开始录音。
Now read as the speaker in the video. (解析:视频总长66秒;字数:101 words ;语速:155-160 words per minute ;语音:女声英音非原声;题材:建筑类;句子分析:全为陈述句;视频比去年清晰。
) Part B Role Play In this part, you are required to act as a role and complete three communicative tasks: listen to a speaker, ask the speaker three questions and then answer five questions. Now 开始提问。
Now please ask the speaker three questions. Y ou have twenty seconds to prepare the question. When you hear a beep, begin to ask the question.1. 在将来的教室里互联网有什么用? Question: What is the use of the Internet in the future classroom? / What is the Internet for in the future classroom? / What role will the Internet play in the future classroom? Answer: The Internet is the place for students to get information from. It is so easy to get information because you can find what you need within seconds.2. 将来学生如何参加考试? Question: How will students take exams in the future? Answer: Students can take exams on the Internet, and exams will be automatically marked by the computer, not by their teachers. What’s more, students will be tested on how to use information rather than knowing information. However, I actually don’t know whether that’s good or bad and whether it’s going to happen.3. 将来学生需要学习什么?Question: What will students need to study/ learn in the future? / What is necessary forstudents to learn/ study in the future?2Answer: The Internet.现在请准备回答第四个问题。

2013年广东省高考英语听说考试真题B三问部分:Question 1: How can I make them work together? / How do I make them work as a team? / What can I do to make them work together?Answer 1: You should call everyone together for a meeting and you should make them know that working as a team is important.Question 2: What do you think is best to call them for a meeting? / What do you think is the best time to call everyone for meeting? / When do you think is best to call ameeting?Answer 2: As soon as possible. You should play the role of a monitor in the meeting, getting to know what they have done so far and finding out what still needs to be done. Inthis way, you will be sure that the project is done correctly.Question 3:How should I treat my team members as a monitor? / How should I treat my teammates as a leader?Answer 3:You can’t just tell them what to do or how to do things. A good leader listens to his teammates as well as directs them. By listening to your teammates, you get toknow how much they have achieved and you know...五答部分:Question 1: How many people do you need to work with?Answer 1: Five.Question 2: What does Mary think the problem is?Answer 2: My group is not good at teamwork.Question 3: What should your teammates know in the meeting?Answer 3: Working as a team is important.Question 4: What role should you play in the meeting?Answer 4: A monitor.Question 5: Why do you need to listen to your teammates?Answer 5: I can get to know how much they have achieved.Part C RetellingTom was driving to London when he heard a strange noise. He didn’t find anything wrong, so he kept going. The noise became louder, and Tom saw a big black cloud behind the car. A farmer told him that a queen bee might be somewhere in his car.After another hour, Tom arrived in London. He had a drink in a hotel, and when he came back to his car, he saw that his car was covered with bees. He called the police, and they called a beekeeper. The beekeeper found the queen bee. Then he put all the bees in a large box and took them away.。

2013年广东省高考英语听说考试真题A三问部分:Question 1: What is the use of the Internet in the future classroom? / What is the Internet for in the future classroom? / What role will the Internet play in the future classroom? Answer 1: The Internet is the place for students to get information from. It is so easy to get information because you can find what you need within seconds.Question 2: How will students take exams in the future?Answer 2: Students can take exams on the Internet, and exams will be automatically marked by the compute r, not by their teachers. What’s more, students will be tested onhow to use information rather than knowing information. However, I actuallydon’t know whether that’s good or bad and whether it’s going to happen.Question 3: What will students need to study in the future? / What will students need to learn in the future? / What is necessary for students to learn in the future? / What isnecessary for students to study in the future?Answer 3:Students need to be creative because that’s the key to success in the future. The purpose of learning is not about knowing knowledge, but putting knowledge intopractice.五答部分:Question 1: How long is Dr. Brown’s course?Answer 1: Three months.Question 2: What will the future classroom depend on?Answer 2:New technology.Question 3: Where can students get information from in the future classroom?Answer 3: The Internet.Question 4: What will students be tested on?Answer 4: How to use information rather than knowing information.Question 5: Why do students need to be creative?Answer 5: T hat’s the key to success in the future.Tom was a postman. Every time he went to Mrs. Brown’s house, he got off work very late because she lived far away, but he didn’t mind.Yesterday, when Tom arrived at Mrs. Brown’s house, he didn’t see her. Tom went around back, but the door was locked. When he knocked on the front door, there was no answer.He saw that her milk had not been brought inside, and he worried that she was sick. Tom went inside the house through an open window, and he found Mrs. Brown on the floor. He quickly called for an ambulance.。

试卷类型:A 2013年广州市普通高中毕业班综合测试(一)英语2013.3 第一节完形填空(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从1〜15各题所给的A、B、C和D项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
Johnny, a lizard (蜥蜴),lived between some rocks in the country, where he liked sunbathing every morning. One day, he felt so I doing so 1_____that he didn‟t notice some boys coming up behind him. The boys 2 _____Johnny, and he could only escape from their hands by losing his tail and running to 3 _____.Shocked and 4 _____ ,the trembling lizard spied on the children watching his tail moving about, even though it was no longer 5 _____ to his body. The children soon grew 6 _____, threw the tail away and left. Johnny came out to look for his tail, but could find no 7 _____ of it. Determined to recover his “lost belongings" , Johnny abandoned everything else in his life, devoting himself entirely to the 8 _____ Days and months passed, and Johnny kept looking, asking everyone whether they had seen his tail.One day, someone he asked 9 _____replied, “Why do you need two tails?”Johnny turned and saw that he had grown a new, stronger tail. He suddenly realised how 10 _____ it had been to waste so much time on a problem for which there was no 11 _____ Johnny turned back and headed for home.On the way, he found his old tail on the roadside. Although it looked horrible, Johnny was still 12 _____to have it back. He picked it up and was about to 13 _____ his journey when the truth finally hit him :he was looking at the past.He then decided to 14 _____ his old tail there, leaving with it all his past worries. As he continued his journey, all he took with him were thoughts of the 15 _____ .1. A interested B. relaxed C lonely D nervous2.A. caught B. discoveredC.stopped D.teased3. A. sleep B. sunbathe c. hide D. cry4. A. disabled B. confused c. disappointed D. frightened5 A. added B. attached c. related D. tied6. A. cautious B. desperate c. bored D. worried7. A. proof B. sign c. mark D. use8. A. search B. journey c…countrysideD.hope9. A. hopefully B. generously c. surprisedly D.understandingly10,. A. ,risky B. hard c. careless D silly11. A. ,solution B. response c. evidence D. reason12,. A. .encouraged B ashamed c. upset D.delighted13,. A, .change B. continue c. plan D. end14. A, ,return B. cut c. remove D. drop15 A, .tail B. children c. future D past第二节语法填空(共10小题;每小题I. 5分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空,并将答案填写在答题卡标号为16〜25的相应位置上。

1. What are the speakers talking about?A. A TV programme.B. A detective story.C. A murder case.2. How much did the victim ' s son offer for the information?A. ¥10,000.B. ¥1,000.C. ¥100,000.3. What did the taxi driver see that night?A. The shopkeeper fought with a man with a knife.B. The shopkeeper quarrelled with a young man.C. A young man killed the shopkeeper.听下面一段对话,回答第4-6三个小题。
4. How long has Tom been at school?A. For four years.B. For nearly six years.C. For seven years.5. When Tom has a holiday, where will he be?A. At school.B. At home.C. In the forest.6. What can we learn from the talk?A. Elephants can get good education at school.B. Tom is a clever boy.C. Tom can stay at home for his holiday.听下面一段独白,回答第7-9三个小题。

广东实验中学初三毕业班综合测试(一)一、听力(略)二、语言知识及运用(共两节,满分20分)第一节:单项选择(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)16.Unluckily,Li Ming failed in the final exam again _______he tried really hardA. ifB. thoughC. andD. since17.---What did Miss Li ask you this morning?---She asked me _______this morningA. how did Jim come to schoolB. why was Jim late for schoolC. why Jim didn’t hand in his homeworkD. what was Jim doing18.---Is that our headmaster?---No,it _____be him. He flew to London yesterday.A. must n’tB. can’tC. may notD. needn’t19. ---What do you think about Tom’s driving skill?---He drives _______ than he did three years ago.A.much carefulB. more carefullyC. more carefulD. much carefully20.Tom found_______ difficult to finish all the homework before 11 o’clock tonight.A. thatB. himC. itD. himself21. S moking is bad for your health. You’d better _________A. set it upB. give it upC. pick it upD. look it up22. ---Is there ______in the newspaper?----Yes, but it’s______________A.interesting something, something importantB. anything interesting, nothing importantC. anything important, nothing interestedD. something interesting, nothing important23. There is ________tree in our school.A. a 8-metres-tallB.an-8-metre-tallC.an 8 metres tallD.an8-metre-tall24. You don’t look very well. Why not _____a rest?A. stop havingB. to stop haveC. stop to haveD. to stop to have25.I don’t know if he _____ tomorrow. If he ______,I’ll meet him.A. will come, comesB. comes , comesC. will come, will comeD. comes, will come第二节语法选择(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)people are so busy these days that many people have no time to cook. this becomes__26____problem, because most families love home cooking! the food tastes (吃起来) __27____ and warm, and a family meal brings everyone together. in some families, meals are often the only times everyone sees one___28___at the same time.another reason(原因) people enjoy home cooking is that it is often a way of __29____ love. a parent __30____ makes some cookies (小甜饼) is not just satisfying (满足)a child's sweet tooth. she or he is sending a message. the message __31____, " i care about you enough to spend an hour ___32___cookies that you will eat up in 15 minutes if i let you. "there is___33___something about the smell of home cooking. the smell of home cooking pleases people of all ages. it makes most of us feel good and loved—even if we are__34____doing the cooking! next time you smell a cake making, stop for __35____ a moment and pay attention to(关注) your mood(心情).26.A.a B. an C. the D.不填27.A.bad B.badly C.good D.well28.A.anther B.the other C.others D.other29.A.show B.showing C.to show D.showed30.A.which B.whom C.whose D.who31.A.saying B.said C.says D.is said32.A.make B.makes C.making D.to make33.A.too B.also C.either D.yet34.五、写作(共三节,满分30分)第一节单词拼写(共5小题,每小题1,满分5分)66. English is a very u___________ language for us to study and work in the future.67.Could you give me some a__________ on learning English?68. Practice makes perfect. I am sure your English will i_______ after you work hard.69. If you are t______ after the hard work, you can have a shower and go to sleep.70. They couldn’t d_________ which film to see.第二节完成句子(共5小题,每小题2分,满分10分)71.父母亲应该阻止孩子玩暴力游戏。

2013年普通高考英语科广东卷英语听说试题评分参考-PartsB对话(共五则)第一篇:2013年普通高考英语科广东卷英语听说试题评分参考-Parts B对话2013年广东省普通高考《英语听说》试题Parts B对话ContentsA题 (2)B 题 (2)C题 (3)D题 (3)E题 (4)F题 (5)G题 (6)A题Part BRole PlayW: Dr Brown, welcome to our program.M: Thank you.W: We know you are giving a new course this year.What is it about?M: I’m just giving a three-month course on the classroom of the future and the use ofnew technologies in the classroom.W: How will a classroom develop in the future?M: The future classroom will heavily depend upon new technology.But it’s stillrelated to our traditional education.My course introduces what education experts think about the future classroom.W: What’s their idea about the future classroom?M: Uh… Actually, it’s quite a shocking idea for most people, myself included.Generally speaking, the idea is about three parts:the role of the Internet, examination, and learning goals.W: 在将来的教室里互联网有什么用?M: The Internet is the place for students to get information from.It is so easy to getinformation because you can find what you need within seconds.W: 将来学生如何参加考试?M: Students can take exams on the Internet.And exams will be automatically markedby the computer, not by their teachers.What’s more, students will be tested on how to use information rather than knowing information.However, I act ually don’t know whether that’s good or bad and whether it’s going to happen.W: 将来学生需要学习什么?M: Students need to be creative because that’s the key to success in the future.Thepurpose of learning is not about knowing knowledge, but putting knowledge into practice.B 题Part BRole PlayW: Hi Tom, you look worried.M: I’m having trouble with my work.W: What’s the trouble?M: Uh, I am in charge of a team, working with five other people on a project, but weare not very productive.W: Is the project too hard for everyone to work on?M: No, but no one is working together on it.What do you think the problem is? W: I guess your group is not good at teamwork.M: But I don’t know what to do about it.Everyone is just doing his/ her own separatework on it.W: That’s too bad.If your group does not come together, then they will not knowwhat is done and what needs to be done.M: 我怎样才能使他们共同工作呢?W: You should call everyone together for a meeting, and you should make them knowthat working as a team is important.M: 你认为什么时侯召集开会最好呢?W: As soon as possible.You should play the role of a “monitor” in the meeting,getting to know what they have done so far and finding out what still needs to be done.In this way you will be sure that the project is done correctly.M: 作为领导,我应该怎样对待团队成员呢?W: Y ou can’t just tell them what to do or how to do things.A good leader listens tohis teammates as well as directs them.By listening to your teammates, you get to know how much they have achieved and you know...C题Part BRole PlayM: Tell me, Mary, what sports do you play?W: I’m absolutely mad about tennis.M: I love watching tennis matches.W: I also enjoy playing volleyball from time to time.But you may be surprised tohear that in my student days, I used to play on a women’s football team.M: What? Football i s a men’s game.W: Well, women’s football is not at all uncommon in Britain.After all, why shouldfootball be limited to men?M: But I think football is much too rough a game for women to play.W: Perhaps.But… you know, sports are our strong tradition.M: 体育运动在英国中学和大学里重要吗?W: Yes.All of our schools and universities provide amplefacilities for sports likefootball and swimming.We think sports will enable the students to better face everyday life in the highly competitive society we are living in.M: 哪些体育运动在英国最流行?W: Well, there can be no doubt that football is at the top of the list.The game had itsorigin in Britain and was played in the Middle Ages or even earlier;though as an organized game, it dates only from the beginning of the nineteenth century.M: 体育运动是不是谈话中的常用话题?W: Oh, yes, in fact, I think it’s safe to say that apart from the weather, it’s the thingmost talked about in Britain.So if we want to start a conversation with a stranger, we’d better start talking about the weather or a recent football mat ch.If you try that, you’ll find it usually works.D题Part BRole PlayW: Mr Brown, do you find it difficult to wake up in the morning?M: No, not really.I seem to wake up earlier and earlier.I usually get up at about 6:30,and I do about an hour’s work before the newspaper arrives.W: What time do you have breakfast?M: Oh, about eight, because I can watch the 8 o’clock news at the same time.My wifeand I always have breakfast together, but the children are always late.W: What time do they start school?M: Nine fifteen.I drive them to school on my way to work.I’m often in a great hurrybecause one of them always forgets something.W: When is your lunch hour? M: Around one o’clock, but sometimes I havea light lunch at my desk and work rightthrough.W: 你什么时候下班?M: Well, that depends, really.I generally finish at about six o’clock, but I go home abit later.It’s useless going home earlier because of the heavy traffic.After I get home, I usually help my wife get supper ready.W: 你们晚上有哪些活动?M: The kids watch some of th e children’s programmes.And we sometimes watchsports programmes.Normally after supper, we have coffee together and my wife reads to the kids.They go off to bed at about nine o’clock.I usually work for two or three hours every evening during the week.W: 你经常带工作回家吗?M: Yes, it’s unavoidable.Sometimes we invite friends for a meal to our home.Notusually during the week, though.And sometimes we go out to a show.E题Part BRole PlayM: Hello, Mary.How are you?W: Very well, and you?M: Fine, thanks.I haven’t seen you for ages.Where have you been?W: I’ve just come back from England.I’ve been on holiday for two months.M: Have you started working again yet?W: Yes.The new term began last Monday.I heard you were going to study in Britain.When are you leaving?M: In a month.And that’s just what I wanted to talk to you about.What should I take with me?W: How long are you going for?M: Two years.W: Oh well, in that case you’ll need to takeclothes for every season.Temperatures inEngland are not extreme.Our winter is not as cold as Beijing’s, but it’s very rainy.You’ll need several sweaters, an overcoat, a rain-coat and, of course, an umbrella.M: 我还要带其它衣服吗?W: Well, I think one warm suit and one light suit will be necessary.As a student youneed to get dressed up sometimes.M: 英国人喜欢什么样的礼物?W: Anything that is typically Chinese.But since you can take no more than 20 kilosof luggage, it’s best to buy things that don’t weigh too much.Things like silk ties and paper-cuts are light, and they make lovely presents.M: 我去别人家吃饭时,我要带些什么?W: Well, most people just take a bottle of wine.But if you want to be very polite, youcould take something for the hostess—like a bunch of flowers or a box of chocolates.F题Part BRole PlayW: Hi Tom.M: Hi Mary.W: Haven’t seen you for a while.What are you busy with these days?M: You know, I am graduating soon, so I’m busy looking for a job.W: Are you? What kind of job are you looking for?M: I’m thinking of applying for a job with an American company, but I’m worriedabout having an interview in English.Can you give me any suggestions?W: Hmmm.I guess two things are important in an interview.M: Oh, what are they?W: Well, uh, the first thing is to try to make a goodimpression, which is veryimportant because it is a good start.M: 我怎样才能留下良好的印象呢?W: To begin with, you should firmly shake the interviewer’s hand while greeting himor her with a smile.Be sure to keep eye contact, especially when listening to the interviewer.Remember, “body language” is really important.M: 我应该知道的下一个重要的事情是什么?W: The next thing is to have confidence.You get confidence from being prepared.You should know what the company’s business is before the interview.You should also prepare for any possible questions, and think about how you will answer.M: 如果我不记得某一个英语词,该怎么办呢?W: In that case, you have to use other words to explain what you want to say.Forexample, if you forget the word “manufacturing”, you can say “making a product” instead.Or instead of “statistics” you could say “using many big numbers to describe something”.G 题Part BRole PlayM: Mary, is it true you’re afraid of taking a flight?W:Yes, it is.I’ve always been afraid of flying.M: When did it start?W: When I was a kid.M: But you still fly, don’t you?W: I have to because I need to visit my family in another city.M: How about other forms of transport?W: Any other forms of transport would probably take much more time than flying.M: Uh huh.And why is it that you’re afraid? Because of accidents or height or...are there any specific reasons?W: Accidents.Not because of any specific accident, but,generally speaking,accidents.I know that you are more likely to have an accident travelling in a car than you are flying.However, you are more likely to survive in a car accident than in an airplane accident.M: 你为什么如此害怕出事故?W: I’m a cautious person.So I don’t like doing dangerous things.For example, Idon’t play dangerous sports.However, I’m quite happy to admit that being afraid of airplanes is something not very reasonable.I take this attitude of being risk-free in the rest of my life.M: 有多少人不喜欢坐飞机?W: I know nearly 10 percent of the population feel uncomfortable with flying.Ialso know people who just won’t fly.I mean, they will not fly.They will do anything else or they will not go anywhere.M: 有什么其他原因使你不喜欢坐飞机?W: Feeling bored is another reason stopping me from flying.Anyway, now I’m nottoo frightened by flying.I can fly if I have to.第二篇:英语听说对话The trouble of fame/the meaning of a good fame A:Doyouknow?Wenzhang famous again!B: Yes,He betrayed Ma Yili.Almost everyone knew.A:yes.Actually,I want to say:do you want to be famous?B:sure,A: en,Do you think what are the advantages of fame?B:let me see, there are too many benefits.if I become famous,I will getworshipfromfans and praise from peers.and I have much money I can go to wherever I want to go.A:That's right.But fame also bringabout trouble.such as,if you are an artist,you cannot remain idle,when you become bored,your works begins to show a lack ofits appeal and it becomes difficult to sustain the attention of the public.B:you a re right.A:in addition,fame’s spotlighttakes you out of yourself:you must be what the publicthinks you are,not what you really are or could be.B:so I think I will be remains true to myself.one drop of fame won’t contaminate the entire well of my soul,A:right,if you be well-known,you should sustain a good fame.B:The meaning of a good name is the person who achieves success that it doesmore good than harm,try to be happywith who you are and what you do.try to do work that you can be proud of.maybe you won’t b e famous in your own lifetime,but you may create better art.An original person in my life/why being original is important A: you look upset!What's the matter with you?B:the resultof My spoken language test is worse.ACheer up,you should face it for positive attitude.B:I havetried,but,, A:then next step is,…Seriously think aboutyourself,if Learning method is correct.Maybe you can try something new and unique wayB:enA: I'd like to introduce a person to you, she is my teacherB:your teacher? A:yes,My teacher, she is a original andunique person, she always use a different kind of way to teach, you know, almost everyone likes to hear the story, no matter how boringtheory is , she would be in the form of story to tell us.it can bring the students' interest, and can let studentsremember easily.B:yes,wonderfulA :She told me, originality is very important we should learn to build ourselvis own originality.She put the theory into a veryattract people's story, then teach her students.B: Yes, originality is important, it can make themselves stand out from all kinds of game with many players, it also allows you to create their own wealth.But how can I do the originality, how can I let me win from this game? 独创性重要,它能使自己从各种比赛中和众多选手中脱颖而出,它也能让你创造出属于自己的财富。

Here I have some advice for them. First, we shouldn’t use our eyes for a long time without a rest. Our eyes need to rest after working about one hour. We can watch the green plants for away, and we can also do eye exercises. Second, we should choose right places to read books. We can’t read in the sun, in the dark or one the bus. Third, we can’t play too much computer games. It’s bad for our eyes. If you can take my advice, I think you can keep away from the short-sighted. I hope everyone can learn to solve the problems , learn to relax and keep healthy.
二、单项选择 (20小题,每题1分) 26-30 ACADA 31-35 DDCCA 36-40 CBAAD 41-45 CDCBA 三、完型填空 (10小题,每题1分) 46-50CACBA 51-55 DBCAB

A.打肿脸充胖子 B.筹措 C.不赞一词 D.不以为意3.下列句子中,没有语病的一项是A.中央电视台2013年春晚导演组,把多家地方电视台选送的歌手和节目加以重新组合润色,再进行选拔,这是开门办春晚的又一次创新。
A.③④①⑥②⑤ B.③④⑥②⑤① C.④③①⑤②⑥ D.④③⑤②⑥①二、本大题7小题。

(每小题听一遍)(本题共5分,每小题1分)( )1. What kind of animals can not be seen in the zoo?( )2. Who’s the speaker’s aunt?( )3. How was the weather yesterday morning?( )4. What are the father and son doing?( )5. Which picture is the speaker talking about?B. 听对话。
(每段对话听两遍)(本题共10分,每小题1分)听第1段对话,回答第6题( )6. What does the man want?A. Something to eat.B. A cup of coffee.C. A cup of tea.听第2段对话,回答第7题( )7. What time will they go to the park?A. At eight.B. At nine.C. At ten.听第3段对话,回答第8题( )8.What’s the relationship between these two speakers?A. Mother and son.B. Teacher and student.C. Brother and sister.听第4段对话,回答第9题( )9. Where is the man going?A. To the cinema.B. To the street.C. To the tall buildings.听第5段对话,回答第10题( )10. How long does Peter s pend on all his homework?A. Half an hour.B. An hour.C. Two hours.听第6段对话,回答第11-12题( )11. What does the woman want?A. A large green silk shirt.B. A large green silk T-shirt.C. A medium green silk shirt.( )12.How much should the woman pay?A. Eighty dollars.B. Eighty Yuan.C. Ninety Yuan.听第7段对话,回答第13-15题( )13. When does the conversation happen?A. In the morning.B. In the afternoon.C. In the evening.( )14. What will the man have for his meal?A. Chicken and milk.B. Vegetables and milk.C. Chicken sandwiches and milk.( )15. What was the man doing before the talk?A. Eating.B. Cooking.C. Sleeping.C. 听短文。

Computer-based English Listening and Speaking Test ofGuangdong Version1Part A Reading AloudTortoises, as heavy as four grown men. In their huge bodies they can store enough fat to go for a year without eating or drinking anything. To survive here, it seems you need to be a monster. Or is it just that you need to be different? Their rich at, their giant size made tortoises perfect for the ship’s larder. In 200 years, over 200,000 were taken. On some islands tortoises were completely wiped out. But out of the tragedy came some good. As more people came to Galapagos, a clearer picture of the islands began to appear. Each got its own name. (103 words)1.你能再多说点吗?Question:Could you please speak a little more?Answer:My basic suggestion is to learn a foreign language by talking small steps. Some people think they can learn a foreign language in thirty days, and they become verydiscouraged when they can’t. Learning 5 words a day and learning to use themactively is far better than Learning 30 and forgetting them the next day. But peoplemany have different learning styles.2.你说的学习风格是什么意思?Question:What do you mean by “learning styles?”Answer:I mean different ways of learning. Some prefer to see models of the patterns they are expected to learn; others see the hearing instructions over reading them. Allpreferences are determined by factors so just character, culture and past experiences. 3.你是如何学习外语的?Question: How did you learn a foreign language?Answer:I learned while doing things. Moving around as well as trying to learn helps me. I often recite aloud the words when I cook potatoes and onions for breakfast in the morning.Answer five questions.1. Question: What is Dr. Brown’s book about?Answer: It’s about how to learn a foreign language.2. Question: How long has the woman been learning Spanish?Answer: 4 years.3. Question: What is Dr. Brown’s basic suggestion on learning a foreign language?Answer:To learn a foreign language by taking small steps.4. Question: What factors determine one’s learning styles?Answer: Factors like character, culture and past experiences.5. Question: What does Dr. Brown often do when he prepares his breakfast?Answer: He often recites aloud the words.Tom worked for a big company in a small and remote office last summer vacation. One Friday afternoon when he finished work and was about to go back, he found himself locked in the building. His colleagues had all gone back. He then tried to phone the doorkeeper, but the phones didn't work because they were switched off for the weekends. Suddenly he remembered a phone in the reception room which was always on. Although the reception room was locked, he climbed through the window and succeeded in phoning the doorkeeper.Finally, he could go back after the doorkeeper came.2Part A Reading AloudThe Road tells us stories of cities, stories of wars, all passed on through travelers’ tales. The hardest part of the Silk Road journey was crossing the vast expanse of desert, called “The Sea of Death”. The Mogao Cave is an intersection between the edge of the Silk Road and starting point of the “Desert of Death”. The numerous stories of the Silk Road tale were hidden in the desert. The desert sand wind has two different sides, and the desert does not leave any traces. However, uncovering the Silk Road’s stories is similar to counting the grains of sand in the desert.1. 你如何看待在英国排队的事情?Question:What do you think of the queuing in England?Answer:Well, queuing was a problem too. I mean it really is the national sport here. I still try to get used to it. It just seems such a boring thing to do. You know, to stand in line forsuch a long time. But people many have different learning styles.2. 你能说说英国人吗?Question:Can you talk about English people?Answer:Well, they are very polite. You know, saying ‘please’ and ‘thank you’ all the time. I found it strange at first, all the time. Before I lived here, I used to think English people werevery formal.3. 你还有别的困难吗?Question: Is there any other difficulty?Answer:No, no, not really. Except, I suppose about how to greet people, you know, to kiss or not to kiss.Answer five questions.1. Question: How many years has the man been in England?Answer: 7 years.2. Question: What did man get used to quite quickly?Answer: Driving on the left.3. Question: What does the man think of queuing?Answer:It is such a boring thing to do. / It is boring.4. Question: What did the man think of English people before he came to England?Answer: They were very formal.5. Question: What does the man still find difficult in England?Answer: The way to great people.Tom was a university student. One day, he was late for Professor Brown’s class. He then copied down two math’s problems on the blackboard which he thought as the homework. A few days later, Tom handed in the paper to Professor Brown and apologized for his delay. Prof. Brown asked him to throw the paper on the desk with other papers. Several weeks later, Prof. Brown came to his home in excitement. He told Tom that Tom had worked out the problems that had never been worked out. Tom then realized that the two math’s problems he copied down as homework were very special.3Part A Reading AloudNavigating and surviving in this vast, remote wilderness had proved almost impossible for these experienced sailors. And at times, even the ultimate ocean travelers need help. Natural harbors may be safe havens for sailors, but for the migratory whales they can be death traps. One whale is still alive. Left like this, he will die within days. But he’s held fast. The only option left is to use nets. At last he’s free. But he’s not out of trouble yet. First, he must negotiate the rocky heads of the bay. His sensitive skin, never designed to touch rock, is badly lacerated. He is through and back into the safety of the endless blue.(113 words)1. 英国人喜欢旧车吗?Question:Do the British people like old cars?Answer:In fact, we love new cars. In England, people care much about the first letter of their car number.2.你什么意思呢?Question:What do you mean?Answer:In August, each year, there is a new letter before the number on the registration plate.For example, my car is an “M” registration, which means it was made in 2004. Peoplelove to have a really recent letter on their number plate. An English person would buy abrand new car and drive it if they had a lot of money.3.英国人不太在乎穿什么衣服,对吗?Question: The British people care little about clothes, do they?Answer:We generally don’t care much about clothes, some are even quite proud that they find their clothes in second-hand shops. I guess this is mainly because in England whatreally matters is not clothes but background.Answer five questions.1. Question: Where would the man prefer to live?Answer: He prefers to live in an old house with a garden.2. Question: What do the English people think of modern furniture?Answer: They think lots of modern furniture is poorly made.3. Question: What do English people care about their cars?Answer:In England, people care much about the first letter of their car number.4. Question: When was the man's car made?Answer: It was made in 2004.5. Question: What is really important in England?Answer: In England what really matters is not clothes but background.Mrs. and Mr. Brown kept a dog as a pet whose name is Jacky. Once they were going abroad and left the dog in a pet shop. One month later when they came back, Mr. Brown drove to fetch the dog. When he got home, he told his wife that Jacky hadn’t enjoyed the stay at that place because he barked all the way home. Mr. Brown looked at the dog and replied that it was true that the dog was trying to tell Mr. Brown something. The dog tried to say that Mr. Brown had taken the wrong dog. He was not Jacky.4Part A Reading AloudWe live on an active planet. The rock itself is alive. The history of this planet is written in itsrocks. Over hundreds of millions of years, mountain ranges have risen up, entire continents have drifted apart. Is this how other worlds would be? Earth’s partner, the moon, could hardly be more different. Nothing has happened on this dusty world for billions of years. Its surface shows only the scars of countless impacts by asteroids. The story of the other planets must also be locked on their surfaces. But they are so far away that they are just dots of light in the sky. (104 words)1.你的意思是什么?Question:What do you mean?Answer:Well, growing up in Canada when I was going to high school, for example. I was known as Mary to the outside world, and Sun Ku Yang at home. I would wave hello to myCanadian teachers. But when my parents had Korean visitors to our home, I wouldbow to greet them.2.你认为不同文化对你的行为有不同的要求吗?Question:Do you think you are expected to behave differently in different cultures? Answer:Yes, sure. In high school, I was expected to look straight in the eyes of my teachers, and to talk openly with them. But when Koreans spoke to me, I was expected to look at myfee and to be shy and silent.3.你有没有因为属于两种不同文化而遇上麻烦?Question: Do you run into any troubles because of belonging to two different cultures? Answer:Yes, I sometimes find it difficult to change from one culture to the other and get embarrassed.Answer five questions.1. Question: Where was Mary born?Answer: She was born in Korea.2. Question: How long has Mary been living in Canada?Answer: She has been living there for twenty years.3. Question: What would Mary do to greet Korea visitors?Answer:She would bow to greet them.4. Question: What was Mary expected to do when Koreans spoke to her?Answer: When Koreans spoke to her, she was expected to look at her fee and to be shy and silent.5. Question: What does Mary find difficult sometimes?Answer: She sometimes finds it difficult to change from one culture to the other and get embarrassed.Last year, Mary was invited to a party held by Mr. and Mrs. Brown. As soon as the couple opened the door for her, a cat ran into the house before Mary. Mary liked the cat so that she asked the cat to come to her. When Mary took the seat, the cat sat beside her feet. However, a while after they had the conversation, the cat began to climb over the furniture. It annoyed Mr. and Mrs. Brown a lot. Mary looked at the cat and said to them that their cat was very lovely and friendly. To Mary’s surprise, Mr. and Mrs. Brown thought it was Mary’s cat.5Part A Reading AloudUnder the effect of global warming, the ice cap has lost 40% of its thickness in 40 years. Its surface area in the summer shrinks year by year. It could disappear before 2030. Some predictionssuggest 2015. Soon these waters will be free of ice several summer months a year. The sunbeams that the ice sheet previously reflected back now penetrate the dark water, heating it up. The warming process gathers pace. This ice contains the records of our planet. The concentration of carbon dioxide hasn’t been so high for several hundred thousand years. Humanity has never lived in an atmosphere like this.(103 words)1.你必须要做兼职吗?Question:Do you have to do a part-time job?Answer:Well, fortunately I got a four-year scholarship that pays for all my fees. You know, it is not easy to get. I’m lucky.2.毕业后你想做什么?Question:What do you want to do after graduation?Answer:My parents want me to go on studying for a second or a third degree. They hope I can become a teacher in the university.3.你已决定按照你父母的意愿去做吗?Question: Have you decided to do as your parents told you to?Answer:Well, I haven’t decided for sure. To study for higher degrees will be tough work and it takes years to complete them. It’s not a bad idea to have a job in the computer industrywhen I get my first degree.Answer five questions.1. Question: Where does Frank do his part-time job?Answer: He works as a part-time waiter at a restaurant near his campus.2. Question: What did Maria want to major in when she first started college?Answer: She wanted to major in French when she first started college.3. Question: Why did Maria say that she is lucky?Answer:Because she got a four-year scholarship that paid for all her fees. It is not easy to get.4. Question: What kind of job do Maria’s parent want her to do after graduation?Answer: They wanted her to become a teacher in the university after graduation.5. Question: How does Maria like studying for higher degrees?Answer: She thinks it would be tough work because it takes years to complete them.6Part A Reading AloudNatural medicines, made from flowers, seeds, roots and leaves. The Chinese were the first to discover the power of plants, making medicine for 4000 years. Focus on prevention rather than cure. Popular today in the east and the west. Healthy for mind, body and soul. Past and present, tribal people always made the most of nature. Explorers and botanists made them available to the rest of the world. Western and traditional medicine unite, returning to more natural cures. Copy their chemicals or use them direct. When they fail, we go back to nature for the next magic cure.(98 words)1.你和你的室友相处得如何?Question:How do you get along with your roommates?Answer:Not very well. My roommates never clean the dormitory. They leave dirty clothes and socks everywhere. Sometimes I find someone’s dirty socks and jeans on my bed. Ireally can’t bear it any longer.2.为什么你不直接与他们谈一谈?Question:Why don’t you have a talk directly with them?Answer:My teacher also advises me to do so, but I just don’t know how to say it to them. I feel it’s too direct to tell them they shouldn’t behave that way. We Chinese people arealways saying that “one should save face for others.” What’s more, sometimes theyhelp me with my study. I’m very grateful to them.3.你的老师的建议是什么?Question: What are your teacher’s suggestions? /What is your teacher’s advice?Answer:Well, he tells me to make a suggestion of taking turns to clean the dormitory. He says I should be the first one in turn, then maybe they will accept this idea. But if this doesnot work out, he says I can have a heart-to-heart, friend-to-friend talk with them.Answer five questions.1. Question: What is Jane’s good news?Answer: She passed her swimming test.2. Question: How much time does Jane spend on her way home in the afternoon?Answer: Fifty minutes.3. Question: What does Jane find on her bed sometimes?Answer:Dirty socks and jeans.4. Question: Why is Jane grateful to her roommates?Answer: Sometimes they help her with her study.5. Question: Who does the teacher advise to clean the dormitory first?Answer: Jane.One day, a student named Tom was taking a bus to his middle school. He was going to write an exam that day, which was very important. His parents hoped he’d do well on the exam and then be accepted into a top university. But suddenly a large lorry stopped in the road and the bus crashed into it. Nobody was hurt, but Tom wondered what to do when he got off the bus. He told a police officer at the scene that he was supposed to write a very important exam and that he was worried he’d be late. The police officer understood, and called a police car to come to the scene. When it arrived, Tom got in and the police officer drove as fast as possible. He managed to get Tom to the school ten minutes before the exam started. So Tom was able to write the exam, after all.7Part A Reading AloudThe absence or presence of water governs life on land. It determines where and how animals live. But falling rain is not always welcome. The power of water is immense. Once on land, it begins its journey back to the sea, carving its way through the earth. 65% of the human body is water. It is our absolute necessity. We cannot live without it. We need it for drinking, for bathing and to grow food. And we have gone to great lengths to get it to where we want it to be. Water, the giver of life, essential to all and forever sacred.(103 words)1. 我为什么不能与朋友们一起开车?Question:Why can’t I drive with my friends?Answer:Teenagers are not mature enough to drive carefully, especially when they are driving together. I mean, they speed, they ride for pleasure, they drive around town while aftermidnight. What is more, who really needs a car when a bike can work? I mean, life wasdifferent when I was your age. In fact, I used to go to school by bike.2. 我真的需要这些规则吗?Question: Do I really need these rules? / Are these rules necessary for me?Answer: Absolutely. Oh, where were we? Oh, yes, rule No. 2 –you must always wear your seat belt and obey the rules of the road. OK, rule No.3 –you can’t drive long distances atnight because you might get sleepy and drive off the road. And rule No.4 –youshould never use a mobile phone while driving – that could cause an accident.3. 这些规则有什么用处?Question: What are these rules for? / What’s the use of these rules?Answer: Oh, that’s rule No.5 –remember that I love you and I’m just a loving father who wants his daughter to always be safe and the best dad in the world.Answer five questions.1. Question: What news did you tell your father?Answer:I got my driving license.2. Question: Where did your mother say you could drive to?Answer:School.3. Question: How did your father go to school when he was young?Answer:By bike.4. Question: What’s the danger of driving long distances?Answer: Getting sleepy and driving off the road. / You might get sleepy and drive off the road.5. Question: Why has your father made so many rules?Answer: He loves me and wants me always to be safe.When Tom was six years old, he suffered from a rare disease and was put in a hospital. Bored of watching TV there, he went on the Internet. He soon found a website that taught people how to cook. He found it extremely interesting, and found it kept his mind off everything. He fell in love with cooking. After he recovered, Tom tried his best to learn to cook at home. Most of his spare time was spent learning to cook. He’d try a recipe over and over until he got it right. Now, five years later, Tom is a famous cook and has his own cook book. He uses his skills to raise money for children suffering from the same disease he had. He’s raised over 100000 dollars so far. He says, “Children can do much more than watch TV – they can also learn to cook by themselves.”8Part A Reading AloudMuch of my work here is to show people the diversity of the wildlife and to explain its biology. It's important to get to know sharks. With gray sharks there is tension. They'll eat almost anything. You know, humans are much more dangerous to sharks than they are to us. When you spend time with sharks, you begin to understand them and learn to respect them. But you have to command their respect too. They're a vital link in the chain of life. Like wolves they weed out the sick and the injured. (93 words)1. 这本书有什么问题?Question: What’s the problem of the book?Answer: Well, for one thing, the plot is hard to believe. For another, the characters are not like real people.2. 为什么你认为情节难以相信?Question: Why do you think the plot is hard to believe/ unbelievable?Answer: Here’s an example. The hero Jack joins the army and is sent to the battle against the rebels. He meets with his childhood friend who is then the leader of the rebels. Becauseof their old friendship the rebels easily give in.3. 报纸怎么评论这本书?Question: How do the newspapers comment on/upon this book?/ What are the newspapers’ comments on this book?Answer: Most of the newspapers say that this book is not as good as his other three books. And the writer may not win the award of Novel of the Year, which he won last year.Answer five questions.1. Question: Where did you go last Saturday?Answer: The biggest bookstore in town.2. Question: How did Doctor Brown get the book?Answer: He bought it online.3. Question: What does Doctor Brown say about the characters of the book?Answer: They are not like real people.4. Question: Who does the hero Jack meet with in the battle?Answer: His childhood friend.5. Question: What award did the writer win last year?Answer: The award of Novel of the Y ear.Tom woke up early because he wanted to try out for the school basketball team. He was looking forward to it, but was too nervous to eat breakfast. His mother told him to eat something anyway, because it would give him the energy he needed. Tom felt a bit sick, butate some in the end. Before he went, his mother kissed him and wished him good luck.After Tom got to the basketball court, the coach asked the boys to run, catch, and throw balls. Tom lost the ball a few times, but he still thought he did quite well. Afterwards, Tom was tired and began to walk away. But then a coach called his name. He asked Tom if he would like to join the school basketball team. Even though he was tired, Tom was extremely happy and excited. “That would be really great!” he shouted!样题来源1(2011,B)2(2011,C)3(2011,E)4(2011,F)5(2011,样题)6(2012,A)7(2012,B)8(2012,C)考试大纲1. 听力要求考生听懂所熟悉话题的简短独白和对话。

2013年广东省高考英语听说考试真题E三问部分:Question 1: Shall I take other clothes?/ Do I need to take other clothes?/ Do I have to take other clothes?/ Is it necessary for me to take other clothes?Answer 1: Well, I think one warm suit and one light suit will be necessary. As a student, you need to get dressed up sometimes.Question 2: What kind of gifts do the English like?/ What kind of presents are the British people fond of?/ What kind of presents do the British like?Answer 2: Anything that is typically Chinese, but since you can take no more than 20 kilos of luggage, it’s best to buy things that don’t weigh too much. Things like silk tiesand paper-cuts are light, and they make lovely presents.Question 3: What shall I take when I go to others’ to have meals?/ What shall I take when I have meals at others’home?/ What should I take if I go to others’house fordinner?/What should I take if I visit others for dinner?/ What should I take if I aminvited to others’ for dinner?Answer 3: Well, most people just take a bottle of wine, but if you want to be very polite, you could take something for the hostess, like a bunch of flowers or a box of chocolate.五答部分:Question 1: How long was Mary on holiday?Answer 1: For two months./ Two months.Question 2: When did the new term begin?Answer 2:Last Monday.Question 3: What kind of suits should you take?Answer 3: One warm suit and one light suit. /A warm one and a light one.Question 4: Why does Mary advise you to take something light?Answer 4: Because I can take no more than 20 kilos of luggage.Question 5: What present did Mary suggest for the hostess if you are invited to dinner? Answer 5: A bunch of flowers or a box of chocolate.参考复述:Two weeks before Teachers’ Day, Tom’s mother remembered to buy some cards to give to her son’s teachers. She put the cards on a table, but she was too busy to write them. WhenTom came home from school, his mother asked him to write all the cards, and she gave him everything he needed to do it. Tom said nothing and walked into his room. Tom was very quiet, so his mother didn’t say anything, but she was a little mad. She just wanted to teach her son to be thankful. After a minute, Tom came back with a box full of cards that were all finished. Tom’s mother was very surprised. Tom told her that he had already bought the cards and written them all by himself. Tom’s mother was very happy to hear this. She was so proud of her son.。

2013年广州市听说考试一模试题、录音稿、参考答案及评分说明(文字稿)A卷(2013年1月11日上午使用)Part A Reading AloudOne of Indonesia’s most important natural resources is its rainforests, which cover 75 percent of the land or almost 360 million acres. In fact, Indonesia is sometimes called the “lungs of the earth” because the plant life of the vast rainforests “breathe in”polluted air and “breathe out”oxygen. The Indonesia government understands the vital role that the rainforests play. It is working with international organizations to protect the local ecosystem, which provides a home for many species of animals and plants. More than 500 of the species are protected by law, and some of these rare species are found nowhere else on the earth.Part B Role Play1. Now please listen to the speaker.W: Hey, Li Hua. How was the time you spent in the US?M: Well, it’s absolutely wonderful. I really loved it. W: I am glad to hear that. What was America like? M: Great. But the people there are very different.W: You mean Chinese and American people think differently?M: That’s right.W: Could you give me an example?M: On the first day, I went to a restaurant for lunch with my American friend Tom. At the end of the meal, he took out his wallet to pay. But he only gave half of the money.2. 1) Tom为什么要这样做呢?Why did Tom do that / like this?M:In America, when people go out for lunch ordinner, they usually pay for their ownmeal. But in China, of course, the hostwill pay for everyone.2) 去美国人家里做客要带礼物吗?Should you bring a gift to the host when visitingin America?/ Are you expected to bring a giftwhen invited to an American’s home? / Is itnecessary to bring a gift when you visitsomeone’s home in America?M: No, it’s not necessary. But something small likeflowers, or a box of chocolate is alwaysappreciated. And most people open giftsas soon as they receive them.3) 你在美国还发现了什么不同?What other difference did you see in America(there)? Do you find any otherdifference in America?M: Well, in America, drivers always stop at the red lights and follow all the traffic rules, so peoplefeel safe when they cross the road.3. 1) How was Li Hua’s trip to the US?(It was) absolutely wonderful. / He really lovedit.2) What did Li Hua and Tom do on the first day?They had lunch together at a restaurant. / They went to a restaurant for lunch.3) Who will pay for dinner in China?The host (will pay).4) When will most Americans open the gift from their guests?As soon as they receive them.5) Why do people feel safe when crossing the road in America?Because drivers stop at the red lights and follow the traffic rules.Part C Story RetellingSeveral years ago, a plane crashed in the mountains and killed its pilot. Unbelievably, the plane’s only passengers, a young woman and her two baby daughters, were unhurt. It was the middle of winter, and the ground was covered in thick snow. The woman knew that the nearest village was miles away, so there would be no rescue until the next morning. When it grew dark, she turned a suitcase into a bed and put the children inside, covering them with all the clothes she could find to keep them warm. During the night, it got terribly cold. The woman kept as near as she could to the children and even tried to get into the suitcase herself, but it was too small. Early next morning, she heard planes passing overhead and wondered how she could send a signal. Then she had an idea. Using her feet, she stamped out the letters “SOS”in the snow. Thankfully, a pilot saw the signal and sent a message by radio to the nearest town. Soon after, a helicopter arrived on the scene to rescue the mother and herchildren.复述参考要点:1. 飞机坠毁,飞行员遇难。
2013年广东高考英语听说考试A 试题及答案

2013年广东高考英语听说考试AMichelle’sPart A: Reading Aloud录像原文:根据音频朗读并标出重音′、停顿/ 、连读⌒、升调↗、降调↘,并注意黑体单词音标。
In the heart of London sits one of Britain’s most recognisable buildings. Yet its story is one of the least understood. But what is now the site of a spendid palace was once open countryside. As royal residences go, Buckingham Palace is something of a newcomer. The state rooms are less than 200 years old. Yet its history is much older and more dramatic than you might think. Its rooms are filled with objects that are clues to the character of kings and queens past. And the art and architecture combine to make a statement about Britain’s place in the world.Part B: Role Play角色:你是校电视台记者Mary任务:(1)就新技术对教育的影响采访Dr. Brown;(2)根据谈话内容回答同学们的提问。
1. Please get ready to ask three questions in English according to the following Chinese tips. (1) Please get ready to ask the first question in English.中文呈现:在将来的教室里互联网有什么用?提问:?(2) Please get ready to ask the second question in English.中文呈现:将来学生如何参加考试?提问:?(3) Please get ready to ask the third question in English.中文呈现:将来学生需要学习什么?提问:?2. Please get ready to answer five questions in English.(1) Please get ready to answer the first question.回答:.(2) Please get ready to answer the second question.回答:.(3) Please get ready to answer the third question.回答:.(4) Please get ready to answer the fourth question.回答:.(5) Please get ready to answer the fifth question.回答:. Part C: Retelling你将听到一段独白,独白播两遍。

2013年广东高考英语听说考试真题AW elcome to Computer-based English Listening and Speaking T est. CELST is a module of National Matriculation English Test (Guangdong Version), consisting of three parts. Part A is Reading Aloud. In this part, you are required to watch a video clip and read after the speaker in the video. Part B is Role Play. In this part, you are required to act as a role and complete three communicative tasks: listen to a speaker, ask the speaker three questions and then answer five questions from the computer acting as another role. Part C is Retelling. In this part, you are required to listen to a monologue, and then retell what you have heard in your own words.PART A Reading AloudIn this part, you are required to watch a video clip and read after the speaker in the video.In the heart of London sits one of Britain’s most recognisable buildings. Y et its story is one of the least understood. But what is now the site of a splendid palace was once open countryside. As royal residences go, Buckingham Palace is something of a newcomer. The state rooms are less than 200 years old. Yet its history is much older and more dramatic than you might think. Its rooms are filled with objects that are clues to the character of kings and queens past. And the art and arc hitecture combine to make a statement about Britain’s place in the world. (101 words) 现在你有一分钟的准备时间。
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2013年广州市听说考试一模试题、录音稿及参考答案(文字稿)A卷(2013年1月11日上午使用)Part A Reading AloudOne of Indonesia’s most important natural resources is its rainforests, which cover 75 percent of the land or almost 360 million acres. In fact, Indonesia is sometimes called the “lungs of the earth”because the plant life of the vast rainforests “breathe in”polluted air and “breathe out”oxygen. The Indonesia government understands the vital role that the rainforests play. It is working with international organizations to protect the local ecosystem, which provides a home for many species of animals and plants. More than 500 of the species are protected by law, and some of these rare species are found nowhere else on the earth.Part B Role Play1. Now please listen to the speaker.W: Hey, Li Hua. How was the time you spent in the US?M: Well, it’s absolutely wonderful. I really loved it.W: I am glad to hear that. What was America like?M: Great. But the people there are very different.W: You mean Chinese and American people think differently?M: That’s right.W: Could you give me an example?M: On the first day, I went to a restaurant for lunch with my American friend Tom. At the end of the meal, he took out his wallet to pay. But he only gave half of the money.2. 1) Tom为什么要这样做呢?Why did Tom do that / like this?M: In America, when people go out for lunch or dinner, they usually pay for their own meal. But in China, of course, the host will pay for everyone.2) 去美国人家里做客要带礼物吗?Should you bring a gift to the host when visiting in America? / Are you expected to bring a gift when invited to an American’s home? / Is it necessary to bring a gift when you visit someone’s home in America?M:No, it’s not necessary. But something small like flowers, or a box of chocolate is always appreciated. And most people open gifts as soon as they receive them.3) 你在美国还发现了什么不同?What other difference did you see in America (there)? Do you find any other difference in America?M: Well, in America, drivers always stop at the red lights and follow all the traffic rules, so people feel safe when they cross the road.3. 1) How was Li Hua’s trip to the US?(It was) absolutely wonderful. / He really loved it.2) What did Li Hua and Tom do on the first day?They had lunch together at a restaurant. / They went to a restaurant for lunch.3) Who will pay for dinner in China?The host (will pay).4) When will most Americans open the gift from their guests?As soon as they receive them.5) Why do people feel safe when crossing the road in America?Because drivers stop at the red lights and follow the traffic rules.Part C Story RetellingSeveral years ago, a plane crashed in the mountains and killed its pilot. Unbelievably, the plane’s only passengers, a young woman and her two baby daughters, were unhurt. It was the middle of winter, and the ground was covered in thick snow. The woman knew that the nearest village was miles away, so there would be no rescue until the next morning. When it grew dark, she turned a suitcase into a bed and put the children inside, covering them with all the clothes she could find to keep them warm. During the night, it got terribly cold. The woman kept as near as she could to the children and even tried to get into the suitcase herself, but it was too small. Early next morning, she heard planes passing overhead and wondered how she could send a signal. Then she had an idea. Using her feet, she stamped out the letters “SOS” in the snow. Thankfully, a pilot saw the signal and sent a message by radio to the nearest town. Soon after, a helicopter arrived on the scene to rescue the mother and her children.复述参考要点:1. 飞机坠毁,飞行员遇难。
2. 母亲及其两个婴儿幸存未损。
3. 寒冬,冰天雪地。
4. 第二天早上才可能有救援。
5. 寒夜来临,母亲巧用提箱做床安顿婴儿。
6. 寒冷难捱,母亲亦想入箱御寒,无奈箱子太小。
7. 第二天一早,母亲听见飞机经过,苦思如何发送信号。
8. 急中生智,雪地里踩出SOS。
9. 飞行员看见信号,通知救援。
10. 母女得救。
2013年广州市听说考试一模试题、录音稿及参考答案(文字稿)B卷(2011年1月11日下午使用)Part A Reading AloudFor centuries, travelers to China have told tales of magical landscapes and surprising creatures. China is the world’s oldest country and has the largest population with well over a billion people. It is home to more than 50 different nationalities often living in close partnership with nature and a range of traditional lifestyles. We know that China faces huge social and environmental problems. But there is great beauty here, too. China is home to the world's highest mountains, vast deserts ranging from searing hot to freezing cold. It has steaming forests, harboring rare creatures, grassy plains beneath clear skies and rich tropical seas.Part B1. Now please listen to the speaker.M: Hello, Rose.W: Hello, Jack. I haven’t seen you for a long time. Where have you been?M: I went to Cambodia last month.W: How was your stay there?M: It was great. It’s certainly worth a visit.W: Actually I’m planning a trip across South East Asia next year. Maybe I’ll spend a week in Cambodia. Are there any places you think I should visit?M: You should definitely go to Angkor Wat.W: What’s that?M: It means the "City of Temples". It’s the most famous tourist attraction in the country.2. 1) 柬埔寨的天气怎么样?What is the weather like in Cambodia? / How is the weather in Cambodia? / (What / How aboutthe weather in Cambodia?)M: Cambodia is quite hot all year round. But it’s best to go between November and February.That’s the dry season. It’s still hot in the day but quite cool at night. The temperature is only around 22℃in the evenings.2) 你的旅行花了多少钱?How much did you spend on your trip? / How much did the trip cost you? / What is the cost of your trip?M: In total, it cost me about 400 dollars. But most of that was spent on transport and food, because I stayed at my Cambodian friend’s house. That saved me a lot of money.3) 你喜欢那里的食物吗?Did you enjoy / like the food in Cambodia/ there?M: Yes. Cambodian food has a special taste because they use a lot of lemon.3. 1) How long does Rose plan to stay in Cambodia?For a week.2) What does “Angkor Wat” mean in the local language? (The) City of Temples.3) How is the night in the dry season?It’s cool and the temperature is about 22℃. (22℃读成“twenty-two”, “twenty-two degrees”都给分。