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Last summer the drummer became an amateur dramatist dramatically.
summer [ 'sʌmə ] a. 夏季(的) n. 夏季,夏天
drummer [ 'drʌmə ] n. 鼓手
amateur [ 'æmətə, ˌæmə'tə: ] a. 业余的 n. 业余爱好者
dramatist [ 'dræmətist ] n. 剧作家
dramatically [ drə'mætikəli ] ad. 戏剧地,引人注目地从戏剧角度,显著地
Long Tongue League's colleagues are fatigued with cataloguing.

tongue [ tʌŋ ] n. 舌头,语言
league [ li:g ] n. 联盟,社团
colleague [ 'kɔli:g ] n. 同事
fatigue [ fə'ti:g ] n. 疲乏,疲劳 v. 使...疲劳,使...心智衰弱
catalogue [ 'kætəlɔg ] n. 目录,总目 v. 编入目录
The bottle is hidden in the bottom of a ton of cotton the cottage.
bottle [ 'bɔtl ] n. 瓶子
bottom [ 'bɔtəm ] n. 底部;屁股,臀部 a. 底部的
cotton [ 'kɔtn ] a. 棉花(的) n. 棉花
cottage [ 'kɔtidʒ ] n. 村舍,小屋
The pattern of the battery doesn't matter to the battle against the little brittle cattle.

pattern [ 'pætən ] n. 图案,式样,典范 v. 仿造,模仿
battery [ 'bætəri ] n. 电池
matter [ 'mætə ] n. 事件,物质,原因 v. 有关系
battle [ 'bætl ] n. 战争
little [ 'litl ] a. 小的 ad. 毫不 n. 几乎没有
brittle [ 'britl ] a. 易碎的
cattle [ 'kætl ] n. 牛 n. 家畜,马,无价值的人,畜牲
By the biography, the biologist's playing the violet violin violently violated rules.
biography [ bai'ɔgrəfi ] n. 传记
biologist [ bai'ɔlədʒist ] n. 生物学家
violet [ 'vaiəlit ] a. 紫色的 n. 紫罗兰
violin [ ˌvaiə'lin ] n. 小提琴
violently [ 'vaiələntli ] a. 猛烈的,激烈的,极端的
violate [ 'vaiəleit ] v. 违犯,亵渎,干扰
In the faithful waiter's waist exists a list of the ten listeners.

faithful [ 'feiθful ] a. 如实的,忠诚的,忠实的
exist [ ig'zist ] v. 存在
list [ list ] n. 目录,名单,明细表 v. 列出,列于表上,记入名单内
listener [ 'lisnə ] n. 听者,听众
The typist plays Typhoon on the piano in a typical style.

typist [ 'taipist ] n. 打字员
typhoon [ tai'fu:n ] n. 台风
typical [ 'tipikəl ] a. 典型的,有代表性的
style [ stail ] n. 风格,时尚,字体 v. 称呼,设计
piano [ pi'ɑ:nəu, 'pjɑ:- ] n. 钢琴
I pushed aside the crushed cushion in a rush and saw a bushy brush.

push [ puʃ ] n. 推,奋力,决心 v. 推,挤,逼迫
crush [ krʌʃ ] n. 压碎,粉碎,群众 v. 压破,征服,冲入
cushion [ 'kuʃən ] n. 垫子,橡皮软垫 v. 加垫褥
rush [ rʌʃ ] n. 匆促,冲进,急流 v. 冲进,匆促行事,催
brush [ brʌʃ ] n. 刷子,画笔 v. 刷,画
bushy [ 'buʃi ] a. 灌木一样的,灌木茂密的,多毛的
Riding on the ridge of the bridge, the proud bride shouts loudly to the cloud.
ride [ raid ] n. 乘坐,乘车,搭便车 v. 骑,乘坐,克服
ridge [ ridʒ ] n. 脊,山脊,山脉
bridge [ bridʒ ] n. 桥 v. 渡过,架桥
bride [ braid ] n. 新娘
proud [ praud ] a. 骄傲的,自豪的
loudly [ 'laudli ] ad. 大声地
cloud [ klaud ] n. 云,忧色,云状的烟 v. 以云遮敝,笼罩
The decisive decimal point made the acid man decide to suicide.

decimal point [ 'desəml'pɔint ] 小数点
acid [ 'æsid ] a. 酸的 n. 酸
decide [ di'said ] v. 决定,判决
decisive [ di'saisiv ] a. 决定性的
suicide [ 'sjuisaid ] a. 自杀(者)(的) v.&n. 自杀
I'm convinced that the provincial government will provide
provisional provisions.

convince [ kən'vins ] v. 说服,使...相信
provincial [ prə'vinʃəl ] n. 乡下人,地方人民 a. 省的,地方的,偏狭的
provisional [ prə'viʒənl ] a. 暂时的,暂定的,临时的
provision [ prə'viʒən ] n. 规定,条款 n. 准备,食物,供应品
provide [ prə'vaid ] vi. 供给,提供 vt. 提供
The hidden division is subdivided into individuals.
division [ di'viʒən ] n. 区分,分开,除法,公司,部门,师(军队里)
subdivide [ 'sʌbdi'vaid ] vt. 细分(细区分,再划分,重分,叠分,分小类)
individual [ ˌindi'vidjuəl ] a. 个别的 n. 个人,个体
The tides slide on the tidy wide beach and collide each other.

tide [ taid ] n. 潮,趋势,潮流 v. 渡过,随潮漂流,克服
slide [ slaid ] n. 滑,幻灯片,雪崩 v. 使滑,滑,跌落
tidy [ 'taidi ] n. 椅子的背罩 a. 整齐的,精简的 v. 弄整齐,收拾
collide [ kə'laid ] v. 碰撞,互撞,砥触
The briber described the tribe head's bribery.
briber [ 'braibə: ] n. 行贿者
describe [ dis'kraib ] v. 描述
tribe [ traib ] n. 部落
bribery [ 'braibəri ] n. 贿络行为,行贿,受贿
The ribbon of the rifle is fabricated with fibre.
ribbon [ 'ribən ] n. 缎带,色带,带状物 v. 用丝带装饰,撕碎
rifle [ 'raifl ] n. 步枪 v. 洗劫,抢劫
fibre [ 'faibə ] n. 纤维,纤维组织,织地
fabricate [ 'fæbrikeit ] v. 制造,建造,装配
The continent continues to control the import of petrol and petroleum.

continent [ 'kɔntinənt ] n. 大陆,洲
continue [ kən'tinju: ] v. 继续,连续
control [ kən'trəul ] v.&n. 克制,控制
petrol [ 'petrəl ] n. 汽油
petroleum [ pi'trəuliəm ] n. 石油
They returned in turn to bury the luxuries burnt in the burst.

return [ ri'tə:n ] n. 返回,归还,报答 v. 返回,归还,回来
luxury [ 'lʌkʃəri ] n. 奢侈,豪华
bury [ 'beri ] v. 埋葬
burst [ bə:st ] n. 破裂,阵,爆发 v. 爆裂,突发
Banned murders in the suburb bring turbulent disturbance and burden to the urban turbine works.
ban [ bæn ] n. 禁令 v. 禁止 vt. 禁止,取缔
murder [ 'mə:də ] v.&n. 谋杀,凶杀 vt. 谋杀
suburb [ 'sʌbə:b ] n. 郊区
turbulent [ 'tə:bjulənt ] a. 狂暴的,吵闹的
disturbance [ dis'tə:bəns ] n. 扰乱,骚动
burden [ 'bə:dn ] n. 负担,重载 v. 使负重,装载,烦扰
urban [ 'ə:bən ] a. 城市的
turbine [ 'tə:bin, -bain ] n. 涡轮
A nice price of the iced rice is offered to the officer.

nice [ nais ] a. 美好的,令人愉快的
price [ prais ] n. 价格,代价,价值 v. 定...的价格,标价
ice [ ais ] n. 冰,矜持 v. 冰冻,结冰
rice [ rais ] n. 稻,饭,米
officer [ 'ɔfisə ] n. 官员
offer [ 'ɔfə ] n. 出价,提议 v. 提供,出价,企图
The poor man in poverty sleeps on the floor at the doorway.

poor [ puə ] a. 可怜的,贫穷的
poverty [ 'pɔvəti ] n. 贫穷,贫困
floor [ flɔ:, flɔə ] n. 地板,楼层,底部 v. 铺地板,击倒
doorway [ 'dɔ:wei ] n. 门口
In the log lodge he said some illogical apologies.
log [ lɔg ] n. 记录,圆木,日志 v. 伐木,切,航行
lodge [ lɔdʒ ] n. 小屋,门房,支部 v. 临时住宿,安顿
illogical [ i'lɔdʒikəl ] a. 不合逻辑的,不合理的
apology [ ə'pɔlədʒi ] n. 道歉;勉强的替代物
The slogan crier saw the dog and frog jump to and fro in the fog.
slogan [ 'sləugən ] n. 标语,口号
dog [ dɔg ] n. 狗,卑鄙的人 v. 尾随,跟踪
frog [ frɔg ] n. 蛙
fog [ fɔg ] n. 雾 v. 以雾笼罩,被雾笼罩 vt. 以雾笼罩
I recognized the large-sized prize and seized it.

recognize [ 'rekəgnaiz ] v. 认出,认可,承认
size [ saiz ] n. 尺寸,大小 v. 按大小排列或分类 vt. 按大小排列(或分类)
prize [ praiz ] n. 奖,奖品,战利品 v. 珍视,捕获
seize [ si:z ] v. 抓住,突然抓住
The lying liar lied to the dying diet maker that the tie was dyed blue.
lying [ 'laiiŋ ] lie的现在分词
liar [ 'laiə ] n. 说谎者
lie [ lai ] n. 谎言 v. 躺着,说谎,位于
dying [ 'daiiŋ ] a. 垂死的,临终的 n. 死,死亡
diet [ 'daiət ] n. 日常饮食 v. 照规定饮食
tie [ tai ] n. 结,束缚,不分胜负,领带, 领结,鞋带 v. 系,打结,约束
dye [ dai ] n. 染料,染色 v. 染,染色
The unyielding man fiercely pierced the shield in the field.
unyielding [ ʌn'ji:ldiŋ ] a. 不能弯曲的(稳定的,坚强的)
fiercely [ 'fiəsli ] ad. 猛烈地,厉害地
pierce [ piəs ] n. 皮尔斯 v. 刺穿,穿透,洞悉
shield [ ʃi:ld ] n. 盾,防卫物 v. 保护,遮蔽
field [ fi:ld ] a. 野外 n. 地,田地
Perhaps something happy will happen to the unhappy man.

perhaps [ pə'hæps ] ad. 也许,可能
happy [ 'hæpi ] a. 快乐的,幸福的
happen [ 'hæpən ] v. 发生 vi. 发生,碰巧
unhappy [ ʌn'hæpi ] a. 不快乐的,不幸的,不适当的
The Greek checked his cheeks on the weekend.

greek [ gri:k ] a. 希腊(人)的 n. 希腊人,希腊语
check [ tʃek ] n. 检查,支票,阻止物 v. 检查,阻止,核对
cheek [ tʃi:k ] n. 面颊,脸蛋 v. 粗鲁地向...讲
weekend [ wi:k'end, 'wi:kend ] n. 周末
The troop's stoop on the loop became the top topic at the bus stop.

troop [ tru:p ] n. 群,组,多数 v. 群集,结队,成群而行
stoop [ stu:p ] n. 佝偻,屈服 v. 弯下,弯下上身,屈服
loop [ lu:p ] n. 环,圈,弯曲部份 v. 使...成环,以圈结,以环连结 [计算机] 循环
top [ tɔp ] n. 顶端,极点,最高地位;陀螺 a. 最高的,顶上的 v. 高耸,加以顶端,超越
topic [ 'tɔpik ] n. 题目,话题,主题
bus stop [ 'bʌstɔp ] 公共汽车站
The chop shopkeeper let the blood drip to the crops.

chop [ tʃɔp ] n. 厚肉片,排骨 v. 剁碎,砍,切
shopkeeper [ 'ʃɔpki:pə(r) ] n. 店主
blood [ blʌd ] n. 血,血液
crop [ krɔp ] n. 农作物,产量,平头 v. 收割,修剪,种植
drip [ drip ] n. 滴,点滴,乏味的人,水滴 v. 滴下,漏水
The pop song is popular in the populous city.
pop [ pɔp ] n. 取出,砰然声,流行乐曲 a. 流行的,热门的,通俗的 v. 取出,发出爆裂声,突然伸出
popular [ 'pɔpjulə ] a. 大众的,流行的,有销路的
populous [ 'pɔpjuləs ] a. 人口多的,人口稠密的
Regretfully, we can't regulate the irregular liner on the gulf.

regretfully [ ri'gretfəli ] ad. 遗憾地
regulate [ 'regjuleit ] v. 有系统的管理,规定,调节
irregular [ i'regjulə ] n. 不合规格之物 a. 不规则的,不整齐的,不合法的
liner [ 'lainə ] n. 班机,班轮
gulf [ gʌlf ] n. 海湾
The pig is obliged to dig a big pit for the pigeon.

pig [ pig ] n. 猪
dig [ dig ] v. 挖,翻土
big [ big ] a. 大的
pigeon [ 'pidʒin ] n. 鸽子
pit [ pit ] n. 深坑,核,矿井,陷阱,(英国剧场的)正厅后排 v. 使...有伤痕,去...之核,使...竞争
oblige [ ə'blaidʒ ] v. 强制,赐,施恩惠
In this district I can strictly distinguish the distinct distinctions of bees' stings by instinct.

district [ 'distrikt ] n. 区,地区,行政区 v. 区,区域,地区
strictly [ 'striktli ] ad. 严格地
distinguish [ dis'tiŋgwiʃ ] v. 区别,辨别,表现突出
distinct [ dis'tiŋkt ] a. (from)独特的,不同的,明显的,清楚的
distinction [ dis'tiŋkʃən ] n. 差别,不同,对比,区分,辨别
instinct [ 'instiŋkt ] a. 充满的 n. 本能,天性,直觉
sting [ stiŋ ] n. 刺,讽刺 v. 刺,长著刺,使苦恼
In the Administration, this minister is in charge of registering regional religions.

administration [ ədminis'treiʃən ] n. 行政,管理,中央政府
minister [ 'ministə ] n. 部长,大臣 v. 伺候 vi. 照顾,给予帮助
register [ 'redʒistə ] v. 记录,登记,注册,挂号 n. 暂存器,记录,登记簿
regional [ 'ri:dʒən(ə)l ] a. 地区的,局部的
religion [ ri'lidʒən ] n. 宗教;宗教信仰
The energetic enemy submerged in the water on the verge of the emergency.
energetic [ ˌenə'dʒetik ] a. 精力旺盛的
enemy [ 'enimi ] a. 敌人的 n. 敌人
submerge [ səb'mə:dʒ ] v. 使浸水,潜入水中,使陷入
verge [ və:dʒ ] n. 边缘
emergency [ i'mə:dʒnsi ] a. 紧急的 n. 紧急情况,突发事件
The muscular musician found the bud in the mud in the museum.

muscular [ 'mʌskjulə ] a. 肌肉的,肌肉发达的
musician [ mju:'ziʃən ] n. 音乐家
bud [ bʌd ] n. 芽,花蕾 v. 发芽,萌芽
mud [ mʌd ] n. 泥,泥浆 v. 弄脏,使沾污泥
museum [ mju(:)'ziəm ] n. 博物馆
I also heard of the false pulses elsewhere.
false [ fɔ:ls ] a. 不真实的,错误的,人造的,假的,虚伪的
pulse [ pʌls ] n. 脉冲,脉波,脉搏 v. 跳动,脉跳
elsewhere [ 'els'hwɛə ] ad. 在别处,到别处
The kid kidnapper can't get rid of a ridiculous kidney disease.

kid [ kid ] n. 小孩 v. 开玩笑,哄骗,嘲弄
kidnapper [ kid'næpə ] n. 绑架者,拐骗者
kidney [ 'kidni ] n. 肾,腰子
ridiculous [ ri'dikjuləs ] a. 荒谬的,可笑的
My niece sacredly sacrificed a piece of pie to the God.
niece [ ni:s ] n. 侄女,外甥女
scarify [ 'skɛərifai ] v. 在(皮肤上)划痕
piece [ pi:s ] n. 块,片,篇 v. 修补,结合
pie [ pai ] n.饼图 n.派,馅饼,杂乱,喜鹊,爱说话的人 vt.弄乱
The sinful single singer's finger skin is singular.

sin [ sin ] n. 罪,罪孽 v. 犯罪
skin [ skin ] n. 皮肤,外皮 v. 剥皮,长皮
sinful [ 'sinful ] a. 有罪的,罪恶的
single [ 'siŋgl ] a. 单身的,单纯的,单一的
singer [ 'sindʒə ] n. 歌手
finger [ 'fiŋgə ] n. 手指,指针
singular [ 'siŋgjulə ] a. 单数的,独一的,唯一的,非凡的 n. 单数
“The enterprise will be supervised by a group comprising prominent men,” the despising chairman said concisely with no compromise.

enterprise [ 'entəpraiz ] n. 企业,事业
supervise [ 'sju:pəvaiz ] v. 监督,管理,指导
prominent [ 'prɔminənt ] a. 杰出的,显著的,突出的
concisely [ kən'saisli ] ad. 简明地
compromise [ 'kɔmprəmaiz ] n. 妥协,折衷,折衷案 v. 妥协处理,危害 v. 妥协,让步
The promising singer underwent mysterious misery.
promising [ 'prɔmisiŋ ] a. 有希望的,有前途的
mysterious [ mis'tiəriəs ] a. 神秘的
misery [ 'mizəri ] n. 痛苦,悲惨
undergo [ ˌʌndə'gəu ] v. 遭受,经历,忍受
The physician made a physical examination to the
sophisticated philosopher and physicist.

physician [ fi'ziʃən ] n. 内科医生
physical [ 'fizikəl ] a. 身体的,物理的,物质的 n. 体检
philosopher [ fi'lɔsəfə ] n. 哲学家
physicist [ 'fizisist ] n. 物理学家
examination [ igˌzæmi'neiʃən ] n. 检查,考试
sophisticate [ sə'fistikeit ] n. 久经世故的人,老油条 v. 玩弄诡辩,掺合,弄复杂
Bowing its elbow, the owl sows in the bowl.

bow [ bəu ] n. 弓,船头,鞠躬 v. 鞠躬,弯腰
elbow [ 'elbəʊ ] n. 手肘,急弯,扶手 v. 用手肘推开,推挤
owl [ aul ] n. 猫头鹰
sow [ sau ] n. 母猪 v. 播种,散布
bowl [ bəul ] n. 碗 v. 打保龄球 vt. 把(球)投向球瓶
The cowardly cow vows not to tow vowels.

cowardly [ 'kaʊədli ] a. 懦弱的,卑怯的,胆小的
cow [ kau ] n. 母牛,母兽
vow [ vaʊ ] n. 誓约
tow [ təu ] n. 拖,拖曳所用之绳,麻的粗纤维 v. 拖,曳
vowel [ 'vaʊəl ] n. 母音,元音
The answer is: Owing to a shower, the powerful powder is no longer on show.

owe [ əu ] v. 欠 vi. 欠钱 vt. 欠(债等),归功于,应感谢
shower [ 'ʃauə ] n. 阵雨,淋浴 v. 淋浴,淋湿,下骤雨
powerful [ 'pauəful ] a. 强有力的
powder [ 'paudə ] n. 粉,粉末 v. 洒粉于
show [ ʃəu ] n. 显示,表现,表演 v. 表示,显现,展现
The biscuit compels the mosquitoes quit the equipment.
biscuit [ 'biskit ] n. 饼干
mosquito [ məs'ki:təu ] n. 蚊子
equipment [ i'kwipmənt ] n. 设备,装备
compel [ kəm'pel ] v. 强迫,迫使
What a nuisance, the suit is ruined due to the unsuitable style.
nuisance [ 'nju:sns ] n. 讨厌的东西,讨厌的人
suit [ sju:t ] n. 套装,诉讼,请求 v. 适合,取悦,满足
ruin [ ruin; 'ru:in ] n. (pl.)废墟,毁灭 v. 毁坏,破坏 vi. (使)破产,毁灭vt. 毁坏,毁灭
unsuitable [ 'ʌn'sju:təbl ] a. 不适合的
The judge has prejudice to the juicy fruit.

judge [ dʒʌdʒ ] n. 法官 v. 裁决,判断,审判 vt. 断定,判断
prejudice [ 'predʒudis ] n. 偏见,成见,伤害 v. 使...存偏见,使...有成见,伤害
juicy [ 'dʒu:si ] a. 多汁的
fruit [ fru:t ] n. 水果 v. 结果实
The guide disguised his guilty of mixing the liquor with a liter of liquid.
guide [ gaid ] n. 引导者,指南,路标 v. 指导,支配,管理
disguise [ dis'gaiz ] n. 假面目,假装 v. 假装
guilty [ 'gilti ] a. 有罪的,内疚的
liquor [ 'likə ] n. 酒
liquid [ 'likwid ] a. 液体的,液态的 n. 液体
liter [ 'li:tə ] n. 升(容量单位)。
