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All Saint’s Day 万圣节

American plan约能源(旅馆的)美国式收费式a soft job 轻松的工作

a widow’s mite 礼轻情义重

beefcake 男性健美照

be free to practice one’s religion 宗教信仰自由“bifocal” vision “双重”视野

break with old customs 抛弃传统

busboy (饭店的)洗碗擦桌子的杂工

Catch-22 无法摆脱的困难;难以逾越的障碍civic values 大众价值观

clash with civilizations 文明的碰撞consumerist creed 消费至上主义

corporate culture 企业文化

country fair 乡村博览会

cross-cultural bridge 跨文化桥梁

cultural borrowing 文化借用

cultural complex 文化情结

cultural development 文化建设

cultural devolution 文化退化

cultural hegemony 文化霸权

cultural identity 文化认同

cultural impact 文化影响

cultural insights 文化视角

cultural lag 文化落后

cultural manifestation 文化诉求

cultural misreading 文化误读

cultural pluralism; multiculturalism 文化多元化culture area 文化区

culture of tolerance 宽容的文化

culture-oriented travel 文化旅游

culture trait 文化特质

dialogue among civilizations 文明间的对话dinner etiquette 餐桌礼仪

dominant culture 主导文化

ethnic origin 种族起源

flower children 配花嬉皮士

Flower Generation 花季的一代

generation X (90年代的)未知的一代

hard drug 硬毒品;易成瘾的烈性毒品(如海洛因、可卡因、吗啡等)

heterogenous culture 异质文化

high culture 优等文化;高级文化

humane historical sites 人文历史遗址

hyper-individualism 超级个人主义

intercultural dialogue 跨文化对话

isomorphic cultural community 同质文化群体

King’s English 纯正英语

language restriction 语言限制主义

Lazy Susan (指一种盛食品的)自动转盘(方便顾客选用的食品)low culture 低等文化;低级文化

low tea 晚餐前茶点

mainstream culture 主流文化

Mary Jane 大麻(烟叶)

“me” generat ion (70年代的)“为我”的一代

midriff 露脐装

national identity and values 民族特性和价值观

national sentiments 民族感情

new-collars (指二战后的第一代婴儿潮中出生的人)

Nobel laureate 诺贝尔获得者

off license 售酒执照

orphan book 孤本

pot culture 大麻文化(指以吸用大麻为中心的生活方式)promote sociability 促进社会交往

sample local culture 领略当地文化

service station 加油站,服务站

silent generation (指50年代成年的人)沉默的一代

soft drug 软毒品;不宜成瘾的毒品

spiritual enhancement 精神升华

the beaten generation 垮掉的一代

The Clash of Civilization 《文明冲突》

the gilded age 镀金时代

the lost generation 迷茫的一代

the Millennials 千禧一代

tolerance and mutual respect 互相宽容和尊重

value of knowledge 知识的价值

value proposition 价值主张

Vietnam War generation 越战的一代(60年代成年的人)

weekly-shoppers throwaways 每周购物一次的人看就随手扔掉的


Yaps (young aspiring professionals) 亚皮士/雅皮士/优皮士(少壮职业人士/年轻、不断得到升迁的专业人士)

yellow boy 金币

These two cultures, which were created in different areas, developed in parallel and without interference.

这两种文化产生于不同的地区,他们的发展并行不悖,互不影响。Any given culture is a reflection of the politics and economics of a given society, and the former in turn has a tremendous influence and effect upon the latter.


Tea is the most quintessential of English drinks.


Most of these nations have contributed to our race, our culture, our knowledge, and our progress.

这些国家对我们的民族、文化、知识和进步都做出过贡献。Only in respecting the wishes and cultures of others countries will we ensure the equality of all nations.

只有尊重其他国家的希望和文化,我们才能做到各国之间的平等。People from different cultures read facial expressions differently.


Because effort and initiative are so important in the U. S. , there are many customs that may be different from those practiced in other countries.


Never talk with your month full. If you are chewing, don’t talk until you are finished.

