
1952 你想要的就是可乐。
1953 充满精力---安全驾驶 仲夏梦幻。
1955 就像阳光一样带来振奋。
1956 可口可乐---使美好的事情更加美好 轻轻一举,带来光明。
1957 好品味的象征。
1958 清凉,轻松喝可乐。
1959 可口可乐的欢欣人生,真正的活力。
1961 可口可乐,给你带来最佳状态。
Coca-Cola 可口可乐
可口可乐20世纪: 1903年,可口可乐的成分中不再有可卡因。 1915年,可口可乐曲线瓶由AlexanderSamuelson发明,称为 Hobbleskirt。 1921年,可口可乐副总裁HarrisonJone发明了把六罐可乐瓶放在一箱。 1926年,可口可乐公司第一次采用广播广告。 1941年,可口可乐第一次在广告上使用“Coke”。 1955年,可口可乐首次以罐装发售。 1985年,塑胶瓶的可口可乐问世。
Coca-Cola 可口可乐
1925 真正的魅力。 1925 六百万一天(人次)。 1926 口渴与清凉之间的最近距离--可口可乐。 1927 在任何一个角落。 1928 可口可乐--自然风韵,纯正饮品。 1929 世界上最好的饮料。 1932 太阳下的冰凉。 1933 一扫疲惫,饥渴。 1935 可口可乐--带来朋友相聚的瞬间。 1937 美国的欢乐时光。 1938 口渴不需要其它。 1939 只有可口可乐。 1940 最易解你渴。 1941 工作的活力,属于----可口可乐。 1942 只有可口可乐,才是可口可乐 永远只买最好的。 1943 美国生活方式的世界性标志----可口可乐。 1945 充满友谊的生活 幸福的象征。 1946 世界友谊俱乐部---只需5美分。
Coca Cola persentation reference 商科案例可口可乐产品发展分析,英文演讲幻灯片

•Five Alive •Hi-C •Juice To Go •Simply Apple •Fruitopia •Eight O'clock •Sunfill •Delaware Punch •Burn •Buzz •Tab •Powerplay •Full Throttle •Rehab •Samurai •Nestea •Far Coast •Gold Peak •Enviga •Cafe ZU •Earth and sky •Love Body •Mint Shukan
Energy Drinks Low Low
Soft Drinks High
Category Brand Strength
Coca - Cola Soft Drink
•Classic Coke •Diet Coke •Coke Zero •Flavoured Coke’s •Sprite •Fanta •Lift •Raspberry Coke •Lime Coke •New Coke •Black Cherry Coke
Coke line extensions Australia and New Zealand
Diet Vanilla Coke (2005) Coke Zero(2004)
Diet Coke(1982)
Health Perception
Vanilla Coke(2005) Raspberry Coke (introduced 2005) (retrenched 2005)
Stretching and Retrenching Brand strategies in the Coca Cola company
coca cola (可口可乐)PPT

supermark ets grocery stores vending machines
• 3.2.3 In my questionnaire, 70% people worry about the carbonated soft drinks are bad for their health and 30% people don’t worry.
• 3.2.1 In my questionnaire, 70% people get the Coco-Cola’s
information by TV, 20% people get the it by magazines and 10% get information by internet. • In my questionnaire, about 40% people buy the Coco-Cola in the supermarket, 40% buy the Coco-cola in the grocery store and 20% buy Coco-cola in the vending machine.
• 3.1 The history of the Coco-cola
• 3.1.1 In 1886, a doctor who named John . Pemberton, when he is experimenting with a new formula, he choose some special composition and put them in a hybrid heating, configuration into a special syrup, and then he drinks it and feel delicious. And he take the syrup to the Jacob pharmacy, and accidental opportunity, his employees add some soda and ice handed to the guests, and the guests really love that, so a carefree and delicious drinks was born. • 3.1.2 John has an accountant whose name is Poland. Robinson, he make name for the delicious drinks that is “Coca-Cola” and designed a famous Logo, as soon as it become a Atlanta fashion drinks.

Cola-Cola operates a soft drink themed tourist attraction in downtown Atlanta, Ga; the "World of Coca-Cola" is a multi-storied exhibition of the many flavors sold by the company as well as a museum to the history of the company.
Brand portfolio
• The Coca-Cola Company is the world's biggest drinks company, controlling more than half the global market .Besides the Coca-Cola, the Company has a portfolio of more than 3,300 beverages, from diet and regular sparkling beverages to still beverages such as 100 percent fruit juices and fruit drinks, waters, sports and energy drinks, including teas and coffees. their variety spans the globe. It owns four of the world's five
Company profile
The Coca-Cola Company corporate headquarters in Atlanta

– Coca-Cola
Increasing profit: Under price competition in financial crisis
Source: Coca-Cola annual review of 2008
Sustainable development - Coca-Cola
Coca-Cola: International Success factors
Marketing: -advertising -brand loyalty
“Glocal” strategy:
-global&local marketing -eliminate the cultural barriers
Strategy Global expansion Health consciousness
PepsiCo Coca-cola Evidences
VS. 56.6 billion dollar
The most impressible corporation 98.4 billion VS 97.9 billion
Gross income oversea: from $3.012bn to $3.329bn
(increased by 19.66% compared with same period last year)
(Source: Financial report of third quarter in 2008 of PepsiCo.)
Pepsi VS Coca-cola

Asa Griggs Candler
Woodruff is one of the most famous CEO of Coca-Cola Company. Coca-
During World War 2
Every man in uniform gets a bottle of cocacoca-cola for 5 cents ,wherever he is, whatever is the loss of the company
That’s all for Coca Cola. Thanks for listening!
2. Publicity strategy
Create a special feeling of their product successfully; Attractive advertisements Publicizing in multiple ways and format ; Their product always can suit the public's taste;
1. The Coca-Cola Company Coca2.Coca2.Coca-Cola 3.Production 4.The Secret Of Success 5.The End
The origin of the company
Some information of the company
(July 8, 1831 – August 16, 1888)
CocaCoca-Cola like witches’ potions
The first Logo of Coca-Cola Coca-

可口可乐 的历史
可口可乐 的产品
可口可乐 的品牌形 象
可口可乐 的市场地 位
可口可乐 的社会责 任
可口可乐:经典口味,全球销量最高 零度可乐:无糖无热量,适合健康人士 健怡可乐:低糖低热量,适合减肥人士
雪碧:柠檬味汽水,口感清新 芬达:橙味汽水,口感独特 怡泉:矿泉水,口感纯净
经典可乐:原 味可乐,深受 全球消费者喜
零度可乐:无 糖可乐,适合 追求健康生活
健怡可乐:低 热量可乐,适 合注重身材的
2008年,可口可乐收购汇源果汁, 但被中国商务部否决
2015年,可口可乐推出无糖可乐, 受到消费者欢迎
独特的配方:可口可乐的配方独特,口感独特,深受消费者喜爱 品牌营销:可口可乐的品牌营销策略成功,使其成为全球知名品牌 创新产品:可口可乐不断推出新产品,满足消费者需求 国际化战略:可口可乐的国际化战略成功,使其成为全球饮料巨头
樱桃可乐:樱 桃口味可乐, 满足消费者多 样化口味需求
经典红色包装: 可口可乐的经 典红色包装设 计,已成为其 品牌形象的重
瓶身设计:可 口可乐的瓶身 设计简洁大方, 易于识别和记
标签设计:可 口可乐的标签 设计注重品牌 信息的传达, 同时也注重环 保和可持续性
(可口可乐公司市场分析ppt英文版)Inside the minds and pockets of

How consumers build price perception and its impact on retailers
Research launched for: The Coca-Cola Retailing Research Council Latin America by: McKinsey&Company
Paulo Goelzer
IGA, Inc. Brazil
Antonio Coto Gutierrez
Dia Internacional Argentina
Tim Hammonds
Nicolás Ibáñez
D&S Chile
Gonzalo Restrepo
Éxito Colombia
10% of study focus
Understand the implications of pricing approaches on retailers and manufacturers
Specific objectives
Understand how price ranks among the key factors in the consumer preferred store selection process*
Qualitative survey Focus groups to test initial hypothesis
Quantitative survey ~3,000, 30-minute interviews
Correlate consumer research results with AC Nielsen scantrack information

The challenge of Coca-Cola
In 1886,the first recipe was invented in a drugstore in Columbus,Georgia by john pemberton
Coca -Cola
Carbonated water
It is said that only two executives have access to the formula
Advertising. It was first advertised as a remedy for headaches and exhaustion and it has been advertising on television for 50 years. The songs used in CocaCola commercials have become popular such as <<Wavin’Flag >>.
• 2000 Coca-cola. Enjoy
• 2001 Life tastes good • 2010 你想和谁分享新年第一瓶
• 1995年 百事之外,别无选择 • 1996年 改变新的一页:百事可
• 1998年 新一代的选择 渴望无 限
• 1999年 百事,渴望无限 快乐 的可乐
• 2003年 百事,这就是可乐 • 2004年 突破渴望 敢于第一 • 2007年 突破 创造 发现 More • 2008年 全民携手 舞动中国 • 2008年 欢聚时刻 共享百事 • 2009年 百事我创
Natural flavourings

the Coca Cola company
• Brand Stretching refers to the use of an
established brand name for products in unrelated markets.
• “Fit” the Brand’s Equity? • Long-term Profitability?
Master Brand Strategy
• One of Retrenching Strategies • Marketing and Promoting a Single, Core and
• Brand hierarchy
• Brand’s equity influences
Advห้องสมุดไป่ตู้nBtraagned extension
• Tqachuceicekaplbtyai,linintcycerteooafstiannreggwectpucsrootodnmsuucemtrebearasssieerm. aking
• •
Rtheedumcaersketht.e risk of bringing new products to Ethnehamnacsetserthberabnrdan. d awareness and attitude of
•Vitamin Water
•Toppur •Smart Water

Happiness Passion Vigor
Focus on the Market
Focus on needs of our consumers, customers and franchise partners Get out into the market and listen, observe and learn Possess a world view
SWOT Analysis Chart
1.It can satisfy the young peoples need,and has a world-wide reputation. 2.It has a large market share. 3.The company takes an active part in the public service activities, such as being the sponsor of the Olympic Games.
First of all innovation can be used.This may certainly give coca-cola competitive advantage because it introduces a new product,which many people will want to try.People will like to purchase the commodity even though price is high because no substitutes are available.It may also give coca-cola brand loyalty which means customers will stay loyal to them no matter what happens. Another factor is marketing.This is a very important factor for coca-cola.In order for the company to maintain its strong market position,coca-cola needs tocontinuously strengthen its brand to maintain brand loyalty and positive responses and differentiate itself from its competitors. They should installed hi-tech water recycling system so that they can save 50% water savings of its operations. Many of coca-cola’s plastic bottles are recycled and as a result less resources are lost and costs decrease.Through diversification & innovation in water &juices business supported with aggressive advertising strategy coca-cola company can attracts a new market segment.This will mean they will have a higher revenue increasing long term profitability and improve credit rating. Conclusion

Understand the implications of pricing approaches on retailers and manufacturers
Specific objectives
Understand how price ranks among the key factors in the consumer preferred store selection process*
• Primary population of interest for the CCRRC
• Only respondents able to provide answers and
crossable data for: – Accuracy of price perception – Price perception drivers for modern format – Effectiveness of promotional activity in price
Source: Team analysis
• 673 consumer surveys • 6 retailers (90% market share) • 30 categories (~3,500 SKUs)
• 600 consumer surveys • 11 retailers (95% market share) • 30 categories (~3,700 SKUs)
penetration of modern format, what is not the scope of this project

Coca-Cola International Marketing
4A Strategy
• Accessibility买得到 • Affordability 买得起 • Acceptability乐得买 • Activation零售启动
Coca-cola’s educations system covers:
6. Teachers’ Training Program.
• • • • • • • • • • • • • •
1886 1917 1925 1932 1944 1952 1957 1963 1969 1976 1982 1987 1993 2001
Drink Coca-Cola Three Million a day Six Million a day Ice cold sunshine Global high sign What you want is Coke Sing of Good Taste Thing go better with Coke It’s the Real thing Have a Coke and a smile Coke is it Can’t beat the feeling Always Coca-Cola Life tastes good
Members: 乔羽、刘丽艳、黄超、 张云静、张宁宁、费冬 齐思宇
Coca-Cola Company
• It was founded in 1892 and headquartered in Atlanta, United States Ochoa, the world's largest beverage company, has a 48% market share worldwide and the global top three drinks of two (Coca-Cola rankings First, Pepsi second, low-calorie Coca-Cola third).

coca cola‘s adsthe strategy of coca cola‘s adsBefore the speech, I want to invite a person to you. (picture) Do you know what is it? (Santa Claus) and when you think about the Santa Claus , what kind of image come to your mind?(pictures) but do you know that one hundred years ago, the Santa Claus was totally different from the one that you always see today. (picture) as you can see, he was still a thin and serious guy in green 100 years ago. What gives him such a big change? it wasn’t change by the culture the government or the crazy artist, it was changed by coca cola and his fantastic advertisement.All the strategy of its advertisement can summed as three P. Pervasiveness, Preference and Price to Value.• Pervasiveness:that means coca cola must can be bought easily every time and everywhere. “Everywhere” not just means every supermarket or every stores. It really means wherever you go you can get it; wherever you need it, you can get it.When you are playing computer games in a net bar you can find coca cola is on the shelf. When you are at the gas station and feeling empty in your mouth, you’ll find coca cola in the station. When you are in a small town and want to buy sth. to drink. You went into a small store nearby, but suddenly found that the names of the drinks on the shelf were so weird that you have hardly seen them and of course , you’ll wonder whether it’s safe to drink them. But finally, you’ll find a familiar name, coca cola.The coca cola is so reliable that even more reliable than your girl friend. You needn’t afraid of losing it when you are in need. What will you think when you facing such a product? Will you give your heart to it?•Preference: that means if you want to drink, coca cola may be your first choice.To a achieve this goal, it is obvious that it must be delicious and unique. You can all finger it out. But what makes it stand out from other brands is their advertisement. They show their attitude to the society in the advertisement and it’s wins people’s heart. Now let me show you a piece of their advertisement.This kind of advertisement not only helped people which is ignored by the society, but also leave a good impression to the society. It was this impression that makes coca cola popular and acceptable.•the last but the most important one, Price to Value: what will you lose when you buy something to drink? Money, of course. You all care about money you have, don’t you? So, when you buy something, you must make sure that the thing is worth the cost. That’s the thought all the companies use to making ads. Coca cola is cheap and unique. People can achieve the coolest feeling when drinking this drink. but not only the cool feeling.their advertisement on the Valentine’s Day helped people gain love and bonds. The coca cola build a special machine for Valentine’s Da y. when people come to this machine alone, nothing happened. But when a couple passed by, it will bring them a magic immediately.Not just love, family love , friendship, energy and so on. The ads shows a wide field that you can gain from buying coca cola. (情人节广告)Every company knows these rules but no one can do it as well as coca cola. The coca cola knows what the consumers need is, and they have creativity which can touch people’s hearts.The coca cola’s advertisement has already been an unique part of the company. Just like the words of Coca Cola Co's former boss Woodruff: "99.61% of the contains in Coca-Cola is carbonate, water and sugar syrup. Without advertising, then who will drink it?"。
可口可乐 百事可乐 竞争力分析 幻灯片 presentation

for Coca-Cola: Glocal strategy Management for crisis Internal training Flexibility
for Pepsi Efficient distribution network Broader brand portfolio innovation Health consciousness
Source: sustainable review of coca-cola in 2008
Reducing Energy using
Water using
Future prospect - PepsiCo.
Gross income of Latin America: from $2.926bn to $2.933bn
More efficient distribution network Direct-store-delivery(DSD) system Customer warehouse Foodservice and vending distribution system
Future prospect
△Changing Preference : form soda to energy drink
Change & Improvements
- PepsiCo.
set the target consumer groups on the young people
improve the management of sales
Strategy Global expansion Health consciousness
Coca-Cola PPT

Coca Cola is a powerful beverage brand. Coca Cola is the industry leader with high market share. Products have the advantage of convenience unique flavor and production process standardization. Coca Cola has high ability in innovation and development.
Coca Cola has large organizations that is hard to control. Consumer have formed a inherent impression with the brand ”Coca”. The sense of identity in sense major consumer groups slightly inferior than product of Pepsi’s.
CocaCoca-Cola 48.1% Pepsi 34.2% Others 17.7%
Coca-Cola Pepsi Others
Coca-Cola Coca- NhomakorabeaOpportunities
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•Logo •Marketing strategy •Production •Advertising slogan •Educations system •Succeed
Coca-Cola logo
• First Coca-Cola logo appeared in the Atlanta Journal Constitution on Saturday May 23 1886.
• Coca-Cola in 200 countries with 160 kinds of drinks brands, including soft drinks, sports drinks, dairy drinks, fruit juice, tea and coffee, fruit juice is the world's largest beverage distributors.
Thank you!
6. Teachers’ Training Program.
• • • • • • • • • • • • • •
1886 1917 1925 1932 1944 1952 1957 1963 1969 1976 1982 1987 1993 2001
Drink Coca-Cola Three Million a day Six Million a day Ice cold sunshine Global high sign What you want is Coke Sing of Good Taste Thing go better with Coke It’s the Real thing Have a Coke and a smile Coke is it Can’t beat the feeling Always Coca-Cola Life tastes good
1. Primary School Subsidy
2. Middle School Hope Star Scholarships 3. High School Hope Star Scholarships
4. Rural University Scholarships
5. Graduate Sc刘丽艳、黄超、 张云静、张宁宁、费冬 齐思宇
Coca-Cola Company
• It was founded in 1892 and headquartered in Atlanta, United States Ochoa, the world's largest beverage company, has a 48% market share worldwide and the global top three drinks of two (Coca-Cola rankings First, Pepsi second, low-calorie Coca-Cola third).
Ensure product quality and brand value
Established distribution network
within reach
Give customers a special meeting
1.建立伸手可及的销售网 2.给予顾客一种特殊的满足 3.保证产品的质量与品牌的价值
Coca-Cola International Marketing
4A Strategy
• Accessibility买得到 • Affordability 买得起 • Acceptability乐得买 • Activation零售启动
Coca-cola’s educations system covers: