

电气工程及自动化专业英语考试翻译课文Electric Power Systems 电力系统3.1

电气工程及自动化专业英语考试翻译课文Electric Power Systems 电力系统3.1

Section 1 Introduction 第一节介绍The modern society depends on the electricity supply more heavily than ever before.现代社会比以往任何时候对电力供应的依赖更多。

It can not be imagined what the world should be if the electricity supply were interrupted all over the world. 如果中断了世界各地的电力供应,无法想像世界会变成什么样子Electric power systems (or electric energy systems), providing electricity to the modern society, have become indispensable components of the industrial world. 电力系统(或电力能源系统),提供电力到现代社会,已成为产业界的不可缺少的组成部分。

The first complete electric power system (comprising a generator, cable, fuse, meter, and loads) was built by Thomas Edison –the historic Pearl Street Station in New York City which began operation in September 1882. 托马斯爱迪生建立了世界上第一个完整的电力系统(包括发电机,电缆,熔断器,计量,并加载)它就是位于纽约市具有历史意义的珍珠街的发电厂始于1882年9月运作。

This was a DC system consisting of a steam-engine-driven DC generator supplying power to 59 customers within an area roughly 1.5 km in radius. The load, which consisted entirely of incandescent lamps, was supplied at 110 V through an underground cable system. 这是一个直流系统,由一个蒸汽发动机驱动的直流发电机其供电面积约1.5公里至59范围内的客户。

自动化专业英语unit 3 A

自动化专业英语unit 3 A
2. substrate ['sʌbstreit] n. 基质;基片;衬底(等于 substratum)
3. component [kəm'pəunənt] n.成分,元件组件 adj. 组成的,构成的
4. principle ['prinsəpl] n.原理,原则;道义; 本义;根源,源泉
5. metallic [mi'tælik, me-] adj. 金属的,含金属的 n. 金属纤维
adv. 锐利地 n. 内行;尖头
Technical Terms
electronic counter 电子计数器 frequency synthesizer 频率合成器
digital instrument 数字仪器
Language points
1.Integrated circuit,or IC is a combination...to perform definite function involved in converting information.
Language points
4.Each set contains all the components such as transistors,diodes,and resistors which are interconnected with short fine metallБайду номын сангаасc stripes deposited on the wafer surface.
Language points
2. intend to打算做……,倾向于……,想要…… e.g. 1) I intend to work in the information services (service) industry, or market sectors. 我意向从事信息服务行业,或者市场销售行业。 2)I intend to give up my present post in order to get a more challenging opportunity. 为了获得一个更有挑战性的工作机会,本人打算放弃目前的职 位。 3)I intend to become the master of my own body level dream. 我意愿成为精通我自己身体水平梦想的大师。



自动化专业英语Introduction:Automation has become an integral part of various industries, including manufacturing, transportation, and healthcare. As a result, it is crucial for professionals in the field of automation to have a strong command of English, as it is the lingua franca of the global business world. This text aims to provide a comprehensive overview of key terms, concepts, and skills related to automation in the English language.1. Basic Terminology:1.1 Automation: The use of technology to perform tasks with minimal human intervention.1.2 Control System: A system that manages and regulates the operation of automation equipment.1.3 Programmable Logic Controller (PLC): A digital computer used for automation of electromechanical processes.1.4 Human-Machine Interface (HMI): A device or software that allows interaction between humans and automation systems.1.5 SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition): A system that collects and analyzes real-time data from various sensors and devices.2. Automation Systems:2.1 Industrial Automation: The application of automation technology in manufacturing processes to improve productivity and efficiency.2.2 Robotic Automation: The use of robots to perform repetitive tasks in industries such as automotive assembly and packaging.2.3 Process Automation: The automation of chemical, oil, and gas processes to enhance safety and accuracy.2.4 Home Automation: The integration of technology to control and monitor household devices and systems.3. Automation Techniques:3.1 Sensor Technology: Devices that detect and measure physical quantities such as temperature, pressure, and proximity.3.2 Actuators: Devices that convert electrical signals into mechanical motion, such as motors and solenoids.3.3 Feedback Control: A control technique that uses sensors to measure the output ofa system and adjust it accordingly.3.4 Artificial Intelligence (AI): The simulation of human intelligence in machines to perform tasks autonomously.3.5 Machine Learning: A subset of AI that enables machines to learn from data and improve their performance without explicit programming.4. Industrial Applications:4.1 Automotive Industry: Automation is extensively used in car manufacturing, including assembly line robots and quality control systems.4.2 Pharmaceutical Industry: Automation ensures precise dosage and packaging in pharmaceutical production.4.3 Food and Beverage Industry: Automation optimizes food processing, packaging, and quality control processes.4.4 Energy Sector: Automation is crucial in power plant operations, grid management, and renewable energy systems.4.5 Healthcare Industry: Automation is utilized in medical imaging, patient monitoring, and laboratory analysis.5. Skills for Automation Professionals:5.1 Programming: Proficiency in programming languages such as C++, Python, and ladder logic for PLC programming.5.2 Data Analysis: Ability to analyze and interpret data collected from automation systems using statistical methods and software tools.5.3 Troubleshooting: Expertise in identifying and resolving issues in automation systems, including hardware and software components.5.4 Project Management: Skills to plan, execute, and monitor automation projects, ensuring timely completion and adherence to budget.5.5 Communication: Effective communication skills to collaborate with cross-functional teams and articulate technical concepts to non-technical stakeholders.Conclusion:Automation plays a pivotal role in today's industries, and proficiency in English is essential for professionals in the field. This text has provided a comprehensive overview of key terms, concepts, and skills related to automation in the English language. By mastering these aspects, automation professionals can enhance their communication, expand their knowledge, and contribute to the advancement of automation technology.。



自动化专业英语翻译A: Electrical NetworksAn electrical circuit or network is composed of elements such as resistors, inductors,and capacitors connected together in some manner. If the network contains no energy sources, such as batteries or electrical generators, it is known as a passive network.On the other hand, if one or more energy sources are present, the resultant combination is an active network. In studying the behavior of an electrical network, we are interested in determining the voltages and currents that exist within the circuit. Since a network is composed of passive circuit elements, we must first define theelectrical characteristics of these elements.一个电路由一些元件,如电阻、电感和电容,以某种方式连接组成。







Unit 1 Metals金属Unit 2 Selection of Construction Materials工程材料的选择淬透性:指在规定条件下,决定钢材淬硬深度和硬度分布的特性。















自动化专业英语 翻译

自动化专业英语 翻译

1.1In recent years the performance requirements for process plant have become increasingly difficult to satisfy. Stronger competition, tougher (更加严苛的) environmental and safety regulations (法规), and rapidly changing economic conditions have been key factors in the tightening of plant product quality specifications (产品质量规范).A further complication (复杂) is that modern processes have become more difficult to operate because of the trend toward larger, more highly integrated plants with smaller surge capacities (谐振能力) between the various processing units. Such plants give the operators little opportunity to prevent upsets (扰乱) from propagating from one unit to other interconnected units. In view of (考虑到,由于) the increased emphasis placed on safe, efficient plant operation, it is only natural that the subject of process control has become increasingly important in recent years. In fact, without process control it would not be possible to operate most modern processes safely and profitably (有利的), while satisfying plant quality standards.近年来,对过程系统的性能改善需求变得越来越困难.更为激烈的竞争,更加严格的环境和安全规范,以及快速变化的经济条件都是加强工厂产品质量规范的关键因素更为复杂的情况是,由于现代制造业朝着规模更大,集成度更高的方向发展,而使不同的加工环节之间的应变能力更低, 所以加工过程更难控制近年来,考虑到工业制造逐渐加强的安全、高效需求,过程控制这个课题变得越来越受重视. 实际上,对于大多数现代工业,要满足安全、高效,产品质量的要求,没有控制系统是不可能的.It is assumed that the inlet and outlet flow rates are identical (相同的) and that the liquid density ρ (rho) remains consant,that is, the temperature variations are small enough that the temperature dependence of ρ can be neglected. Under these conditions the volu me V of liquid in the tank remains constant.假设输入和输出流量是相等的,并且液体密度保持恒定,也就是说温度变化足够小,密度对温度的影响可以忽略不计. 在这些条件下,槽内液体的体积保持恒定Use a larger tank. If a larger tank is used, fluctuations (波动) in Ti will tend to be damped out (阻尼,衰减) due to the larger thermal capacitance of the tank contents. However, increased volume of tankage would be an expensive solution for an industrial plant due to the increased capital costs of the larger tank.Note that this approach is analogous to the use of water baths in chemistry laboratories where the large thermal capacitance of the bath serves as a heat sink (散热装置) and thus provides an isothermal (恒温的) environment for a small-scale research apparatus (仪器).使用一个更大的槽. 如果使用更大的槽,因为更大的热容,Ti的波动会趋向于衰减. 然而,体积增加使得开支增加,会使工厂系统的解决方案变得更加昂贵.要指出的是这个方法类似于化学实验室中水缸的使用,水缸的大热容量可以看作散热装置,因此可以为小型研究仪器提供一个恒温环境.Note that in feedforward control, the controlled variable T is not measured.在前馈控制中,被控变量T是没有被测量的.1.2The motivation of using feedback, illustrated (说明) by the examples in Section (1), is somewhat oversimplified.In these examples, the use of feedback is shown to be for the purpose of reducing the error between the reference input and the system output.However, the significance of theeffects of feedback in control systems is more complex than is demonstrated by these simple examples.The reduction of system error is merely (仅仅) one of the many important effects that feedback may have upon a system. We show in the following sections that feedback also has effects on such system performance characteristics as stability (稳定性), bandwidth (带宽), overall gain (总增益), disturbance (扰动), and sensitivity (灵敏度).第一节事例中,应用反馈的动机有些过于简单。



《自动化专业英语教程》-王宏文主编-全文翻译PART 1Electrical and Electronic Engineering BasicsUNIT 1A Electrical Networks ————————————3B Three-phase CircuitsUNIT 2A The Operational Amplifier ———————————5B TransistorsUNIT 3A Logical Variables and Flip-flop ——————————8B Binary Number SystemUNIT 4A Power Semiconductor Devices ——————————11B Power Electronic ConvertersUNIT 5A Types of DC Motors —————————————15B Closed-loop Control of DC DriversUNIT 6A AC Machines ———————————————19B Induction Motor DriveUNIT 7A Electric Power System ————————————22B Power System AutomationPART 2Control TheoryUNIT 1A The World of Control ————————————27B The Transfer Function and the Laplace Transformation —————29 UNIT 2A Stability and the Time Response —————————30B Steady State—————————————————31 UNIT 3A The Root Locus —————————————32B The Frequency Response Methods: Nyquist Diagrams —————33 UNIT 4A The Frequency Response Methods: Bode Piots —————34B Nonlinear Control System 37UNIT 5 A Introduction to Modern Control Theory 38B State Equations 40UNIT 6 A Controllability, Observability, and StabilityB Optimum Control SystemsUNIT 7 A Conventional and Intelligent ControlB Artificial Neural NetworkPART 3 Computer Control TechnologyUNIT 1 A Computer Structure and Function 42B Fundamentals of Computer and Networks 43UNIT 2 A Interfaces to External Signals and Devices 44B The Applications of Computers 46UNIT 3 A PLC OverviewB PACs for Industrial Control, the Future of ControlUNIT 4 A Fundamentals of Single-chip Microcomputer 49B Understanding DSP and Its UsesUNIT 5 A A First Look at Embedded SystemsB Embedded Systems DesignPART 4 Process ControlUNIT 1 A A Process Control System 50B Fundamentals of Process Control 52UNIT 2 A Sensors and Transmitters 53B Final Control Elements and ControllersUNIT 3 A P Controllers and PI ControllersB PID Controllers and Other ControllersUNIT 4 A Indicating InstrumentsB Control PanelsPART 5 Control Based on Network and InformationUNIT 1 A Automation Networking Application AreasB Evolution of Control System ArchitectureUNIT 2 A Fundamental Issues in Networked Control SystemsB Stability of NCSs with Network-induced DelayUNIT 3 A Fundamentals of the Database SystemB Virtual Manufacturing—A Growing Trend in AutomationUNIT 4 A Concepts of Computer Integrated ManufacturingB Enterprise Resources Planning and BeyondPART 6 Synthetic Applications of Automatic TechnologyUNIT 1 A Recent Advances and Future Trends in Electrical Machine DriversB System Evolution in Intelligent BuildingsUNIT 2 A Industrial RobotB A General Introduction to Pattern RecognitionUNIT 3 A Renewable EnergyB Electric VehiclesUNIT 1A 电路电路或电网络由以某种方式连接的电阻器、电感器和电容器等元件组成。



Unit 1 Metals金属绝对纯净的金属从来也没有被生产出来过。



如果是有害the crystals of the various grains are ran domly orie nted in space. The gra ins are everywhere in in timate con tact with oneanother and joined together on an atomic scale. The region at which they join is known as a grain boun dary.An absolutely pure metal (i.e. one composed of only one type of atom) has never been produced. Engin eers would not be particularly in terested in such a metal even if it were to be produced, because it would be soft and weak. The metals used commercially in evitably con ta in small amounts of one or more foreig neleme nts, either metallic or nonmetallic. These foreig neleme nts may be detrimental , they may be 它们的重量占所有生产出来的金属重量的98%在结构应用(也就是说,可以承受载荷的结构)中居于其次位置的是铝、铜、镍和钛。



自动化专业英语第四版课文翻译Unit 1现在工业电子系统使用的是被称为晶体管的装置。






















从数学角度看,Ib=Ie-IcUnit 2一个运算放大器的内部结构相当复杂,常常包含大量的分立元件。












自动化专业英语 原文和翻译 P1U5

自动化专业英语 原文和翻译 P1U5

第五单元A Types of DC Motors直流电机分类The types of commercially available DC motors basically fall into four categories: ⑴permanent-magnet DC motors, ⑵series-wound DC motors, ⑶shunt-wound DC motors, and ⑷compound-wound DC motors. Each of these motors has different characteristics due to its basic circuit arrangement and physical properties.[1]现在可以买到的直流电机基本上有四种:⑴永磁直流电机,⑵串励直流电机,⑶并励直流电机,⑷复励直流电机。


Permanent-magnet DC Motors永磁直流电机The permanent-magnet DC motors, shown in Fig. 1-5A-1, is constructed in the same manner as its DC generator counterpart. The permanent-magnet DC motor is used for low-torque applications.When this type of motor is used, the DC power supply is connected directly to the armature conductors through the brush/commutator assembly. The magnetic field is produced by permanent magnets mounted on the stator. The rotor of permanent magnet motors is a wound armature.永磁直流电机,如图Fig. 1-5A-1所示,是用与直流发电机同样的方法建造的。



机械设计制造及自动化专业英语翻译Translation of Mechanical Design, Manufacturing, and Automation MajorIntroductionKey Concepts2. Manufacturing: This refers to the transformation of raw materials into finished products through various production processes. It includes techniques such as casting, machining, welding, and assembly. The goal is to optimize efficiency, quality, and cost-effectiveness.Courses1. Engineering Mechanics: This course covers the fundamental principles of mechanics, including statics, dynamics, and strength of materials. Students learn how to analyze and predict the behavior of mechanical systems and structures underdifferent conditions.3. Manufacturing Processes: This course introduces students to various manufacturing techniques, such as machining, casting, and welding. They learn how to select the appropriate processfor different types of products and understand the factors that affect production efficiency and quality.4. Industrial Robotics: This course provides an in-depth understanding of robotic systems and their applications in industrial settings. Students learn about robot programming, control, and integration to automate manufacturing processes and improve productivity.5. Control Systems: This course covers the principles of control theory and their application in automation. Students learn about sensor technology, feedback control loops, and programming techniques to design and implement control systems for mechanical processes.Conclusion。



自动化专业英语原文和翻译Automation in the Field of EngineeringIntroduction:Automation plays a crucial role in various industries, including engineering. As a result, proficiency in both English and technical knowledge is essential for professionals in the field of automation. This article will provide an original text and its translation in English, focusing on the importance of automation in engineering.Original Text:自动化是一种通过使用计算机技术和控制系统来实现自动操作和控制的技术。









自动化专业英语翻译:Automation is a technology that enables automatic operations and control through the use of computer technology and control systems. In the field of engineering, automation finds extensive applications in various sectors such as manufacturing, energy, transportation, and communication. The development of automation technology allows engineers to efficiently complete tasks, enhance productivity, and reduce human errors. Automation systems can be used for monitoring and controlling various devices andprocesses, enabling applications such as automated production lines, intelligent transportation systems, and smart homes.Automation finds wide-ranging applications in the field of engineering. For instance, in the manufacturing industry, automation systems can be employed for automated assembly and production line control, thereby improving product quality and productivity. In the energy sector, automation systems can be utilized for monitoring and controlling the operation of power plants, facilitating efficient utilization of energy resources. In the transportation domain, automation technology can be applied to intelligent traffic signal control and vehicle navigation systems, enhancing traffic efficiency and safety. In the communication field, automation systems can be used for network management and fault diagnosis, ensuring stable operation of communication networks.Conclusion:The integration of automation in the field of engineering has revolutionized various industries, enabling efficient and reliable operations. Proficiency in both technical knowledge and English language skills is essential for professionals in the automation field to effectively communicate and implement automation solutions. By harnessing the potential of automation, engineers can optimize processes, improve productivity, and contribute to the advancement of the engineering industry.。



中英文对照外文翻译Automation of professional developmentAutomation in the history of professional development, "industrial automation" professional and "control" professional development of the two main line, "industrial automation" professional from the first "industrial enterprises electrified" professional.In the 1950s, the New China was just founded, the 100-waste question, study the Soviet Union established system of higher education, Subdivision professional. Corresponding to the country in the construction of industrial automation and defense, military construction in automatic control, successively set up the "electrification of industrial enterprises" professional and "control" professional (at that time in many schools, "Control" professional secrecy is professional) . After several former professional name of evolution (see below), and gradually develop into a "biased towards applications, biased towards strong," Automation, and the latter to maintain professional name of "control" basically unchanged (in the early days also known as the "automatic learning And remote learning, "" Automatic Control System "professional), and gradually develop into a" biased towards theory, biased towards weak, "the automation professional, and come together in 1995, merged into aunified" automatic "professional . In 1998, according to the Ministry of Education announced the latest professional undergraduate colleges and universities directory, adjusted, the merger of the new "automated" professional include not only the original "automatic" professional (including "industrial automation" professional and "control" professional ), Also increased the "hydraulic transmission and control of" professional (part), "electrical technology" professional (part) and "aircraft guidance and control of" professional (part).Clearly, one of China's automation professional history of the development of China's higher education actually is a new development of the cause of a microcosm of the history, but also the history of New China industrial development of a miniature. Below "industrial automation" professional development of the main line of this example, a detailed review of its development process in the many professional name change (in real terms in the professional content changes) and its industrial building at the time of the close relationship.First a brief look at the world and China's professional division history. We know that now use the professional division is largely from the 19th century to the beginning of the second half of the first half of the 20th century stereotypes of the engineering, is basically industry (products) for the objects to the division, they have been the image of people Known as the "industry professionals" or "trade associations." At present the international education system in two categories, with Britain and the United States as the representative of the education system not yet out of "industry professionals" system, but has taken the "generalist" the road of education and the former Soviet Union for Europe (close to the Soviet Union) as the representative The education system, at the beginning of theimplementation of "professionals" education, professional-very small, although reforms repeatedly, but to the current "industry professionals" are still very obvious characteristics.In the 1950s, just after the founding of New China, a comprehensive study and the Soviet Union and sub-professional very small; Since reform and opening up, only to Britain and the United States to gradually as the representative of the education system to move closer, and gradually reduce the professional, the implementation of "generalist" education through a number of professional Restructuring and merger (the total number of professionals from the maximum of 1,343 kinds of gradually reducing the current 249 kinds), although not out of "industry professionals" and "Mei Ming," but many of the colleges and universities, mostly only one of a Professional, rather than the past more than a professional.Before that, China's first professional automation from the National University in 1952 when the first major readjustment of the establishment of professional - electrified professional industrial enterprises. At that time, the Soviet Union assistance to the construction of China's 156 large industrial enterprises, automation of much-needed electrical engineering and technical personnel, and such professional and technical personnel training, and then was very consistent with China's industrial construction. By the 1960s, professional name changed to "industrial electric and automation," the late 1970s when to resume enrollment "Electric Industrial Automation" professional. This is not only professional name changes, but has its profound meaning, it reflects China's industries from "electrified" step by step to the "automatic" into the real history and that part of the development trend of China's automation professional reflects how urgent countries Urgent for the country'seconomic construction services that period of history and development of real direction.1993, after four years of the third revision of the undergraduate professional directories, the State Education Commission issued a call "system integrity, more scientific and reasonable, the harmonization of norms," the "ordinary professional directory of undergraduate colleges and universities." "Electric Industrial Automation" and "production process automation" merger of the two professional electrician to set up a kind of "industrial automation" professional, by the then Ministry of Industry Machinery centralized management colleges and universities to set up industrial automation teaching guide at the Commission, responsible for the "Industrial Automation "professional teaching and guiding work at the same time," Control "was attributable to the professional category of electronic information, the then Ministry of Industry of electronic centralized management control to set up colleges and universities teaching guide at the Commission, responsible for the" control " Professional teaching guide our work. After the professional adjustment, further defined the "industrial automation" professional and "control" professional "- both strong and weak, hardware and software into consideration and control theory and practical system integration, and the movement control, process control and other targets of control "The common characteristics with the training objectives, but also the basic set of" industrial automation "biased towards strong, professional, biased towards applications," Control "professional biased towards weak, biased towards the theory of professional characteristics and pattern of division of labor. 1995, the State Education Commission promulgated the "(University) undergraduate engineering leading professional directory", the electrical category "industrialautomation" professional and the original electronic information such as "control" of professional electronic information into a new category of "automatic" professional . As this is the leading professional directory, are not enforced, coupled with general "industrial automation" strong or weak, both professional "into" a weak professional category of electronic information is not conducive to professional development and thus many Schools remain "industrial automation" professional and "control" the situation of professional co-exist. Since 1996 more, again commissioned by the Ministry of National Education Ministry of Industry and electronic machinery industries of other parts of the establishment of the new session (second session) centralized management guidance at the University Teaching Commission, making the leading professionals have not been effective Implemented.1998, to meet the country's economic construction of Kuan Koujing personnel training needs, further consolidation of professional and international "generalist" education track by the Ministry of Education announced a fourth revision of the latest "Universities Undergraduate Catalog." So far in the use of the directory, the total number of professionals from the third amendments to the 504 kinds of substantially reduced to 249 species, the original directory is strong, professional electrician and a weak professional category such as electronics and information into categories Electric power, the unity of Information, a former electrician at the same time kind of "industrial automation" professional and the type of electronic information "control" professional formal merger, together with the "hydraulic transmission and control of" professional (part) , "Electric technology" professional (part) and "aircraft guidance and controlof" professional (part), the composition of the new (enforcement) are electrical information such as "automatic" professional. According to statistics, so far the country has more than 200 colleges and universities set up this kind of "automatic" professional. If the name of automation as part of their professional expertise (such as "electrical engineering and automation," "mechanical design and manufacturing automation," "agricultural mechanization and automation" and other professionals) included Automation has undoubtedly is the largest in China A professional.Of the characteristics of China's automation professional:Recalling China's professional history of the development of automation, combined with the corresponding period of the construction of China's national economy to the demand for automation and automated the development of the cause, it is not difficult to sum up following professional characteristics:(1) China's automation professional is not only a relatively long history (since 1952 have been more than 50 years), and from the first day of the establishment of professional automation, has been a professional one of the countries in urgent need, therefore the number of students has also been The largest and most employers welcome the allocation of the professional one.(2) China's automation is accompanied by a professional from the electrification of China's industrial automation step by step to the development of stable development, professional direction and the main content from the first prominent electrified "the electrification of industrial enterprises" step by step for the development of both the electric and automation " Industrial electric and automation ", highlighting the electrical automation" Electric Industrial Automation "and prominent automation" industrial automation ", then the merger of professional education reform in1995 and" control "of professional content into a broader" automated " Professional. From which we can see that China's automation professional Although the initial study in the Soviet education system established under the general environment, but in their development and the Soviet Union or the United States and Britain did not copy the mode, but with China's national conditions (to meet national needs for The main goal) from the innovation and development of "cross-industry professionals," features the professional.自动化专业的发展自动化专业的发展历史中,有“工业自动化”专业与“自动控制”专业两条发展主线,其中“工业自动化”专业最早源于“工业企业电气化”专业。



第六单元A AC Machines交流机In troductio n简介The electrical mach ine that conv erts electrical en ergy into mecha ni cal en ergy, and vice versa, is the workhorse in a drive system. A machi ne is a complex structure electrically, mechanically, and thermally.Although machines were introduced more than one hun dred years ago, the research and developme nt in this area appears to be n ever-e nding. However, the evoluti on of machi nes has bee n slow compared to that of power semic on ductor devices and power electr onic con verters.Traditi on ally, AC machines with a constant frequency sinusoidal power supply have been used in con sta nt-speed applicatio ns, whereas DC mach ines were preferred for variable-speed drives. But in the last two or three decades,we have seen extensive research and development efforts for variable-frequency, variable-speed AC machine drive tech no logy, and they will progressively replace DC drives. In most cases, new applicati ons use AC drives.将电能转换成机械能或将机械能转换成电能的电机是传动系统中的主要组成部分。



P2U1A The World of Control 生词与短语regulate v. 调整abound v. 大量存在aerodynamic adj。

空气动力学的power boost 功率助推装置damp v。

阻尼,减幅,衰减yaw n. 偏航altitude n. 海拔attitude n。

姿态intuition n。

直觉trail—and—error n. 试凑法dynamic response 动态响应disturbance n。

扰动parameter n. 参数modification n。

修正,修改transfer function 传递函数domain n。

域,领域advent n. 出现state variable 状态变量matrix algebra 矩阵代数approach n. 途径,方法;研究proponent n。

提倡者detractor n。

批评者tutorial adj. 指导性的subsequent adj。

后序的open-loop n. 开环closed—loop n. 闭环discrete adj. 离散的differential equation 微分方程difference equation 差分方程interval n. 间隔sampled—data n. 采样数据nonlinear adj. 非线性的time—invariant adj. 时不变的coefficient n. 系数stationary adj. 静态的lumped parameter 集中参数distributed parameter 分散参数spatial adj。

空间的spring n。

弹簧lead n. 导线resistance n. 阻抗uniform adj. 一致的elastic adj。

有弹性的ordinary differential equation 常微分方程partial differential equation 偏微分方程deterministic adj. 确定的stochastic adj. 随机的predictable adj。



Control Engineering and TechnologySome Advances in TechnologyControl engineering is driven by available technology and the pace of the relevant technology advances is now rapid . In this section we mention a few of the advances in technology that currently have ,or will have ,an impact on control engineering . More specific details can be found in the Notes and References at the end of this chapter.1.3 控制工程和技术1.3.1 一些技术上的进步控制工程是由可用的技术和相关技术快速进步的步伐所推动的。



note n. 注释,说明;[金融] 票据reference n. [图情] 参考文献;参照;推荐信Integrated and Intelligent SensorsOver the past decade the technology of integrated sensors has been developed . Integrated sensors are built using the techniques of microfabrication originally developed for integrated circuits ; they often include the signal conditioning and interface circuitry on the same chip, in which case they are called intelligent sensors. This signal conditioning might include, for example, temperature compensation. Integrated sensors promise greater reliability and linearity than many conventional sensors, and because they are typically cheaper and smaller than conventional sensors, it will be possible to incorporate many more sensors in the design of control systems than is currently done.集成智能传感器在过去的十年中集成传感器的技术已经得到了发展。

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PART 3 Computer Control TechnologyUNIT 1A 计算机的结构与功能这一节介绍计算机的内部体系结构,描述了指令如何存储和译码,并解释了指令执行周期怎样分解成不同的部分。



对于通用可编程计算机,四个必要部件是存储器、中央处理单元(CPU,或简称处理器),外部处理器总线,输入/输出系统,正如图 3-1A-1所示。

外部处理器总线存储器CPU输入/输出图 3-1A-1 计算机的基本元件存储器储存指令和数据。
















































总线缓冲区总线缓冲区总线缓冲区指令寄存器控制器时钟寄存器程序计数器算术和逻辑单元(ALU) 内部处理器总线中断请求总线或DMA请求复位请求CPU标志寄存器外部数据总线外部控制总线外部地址总线图3-1A-3 中央处理单元(CPU)CPU的这些及其其他部件和它们在指令周期的分享将在后面的章节中说明。





寄存器 CPU内的一系列寄存器是用于存储信息的。







3程序计数器(指令指针) 下一指令的地址位于称作程序计数器的寄存器中。

数据寄存器 当一指令用寄存器存储数据,指令中的寄存器参考被称作寄存器寻址。


地址寄存器 内部寄存器也可用于储存存储器数据的地址。





内部处理器总线 内部处理器总线使数据在内部存储器间移动。

总线是一套分组的电导线,它能在CPU 的功能块间传送数据、地址和控制信息。


控制器 控制器提供了程序周期内取自寄存器每条指令的控制信号的适宜顺序。



同时,利用控制线上的一个代码,CPU 通知所有连接到总线上的设备,即CPU 正执行一个“操作码取回”的机器周期。






图3-1A-4 “操作代码读取”的时序图有效读 有效数据 C1 C2 C3 C4 有效地址 逻辑电平 时钟 状态 =OF 16位地址 8位数据 1位控制 = 读 Not specif ied 时间 OF= Op-code fetch To address the memory location Memory data on bus To enable the memory data onto the data bus Data latched into CPU instruction register外部提示请求停止正常的指令处理顺序往往是必要的。























5UNIT 4A 单片机基础单片机是本世纪两大引起争论的重大发明创新即数字计算机与集成电路发展的顶点。





图3-4A-1 哈佛类 图3-4A-2 传统的普林斯顿计算机图 3-4A-3 微计算机的主要特征 只读存储器(ROM ) ROM 通常用于永久的、不易变的应用程序的存储。


显然,由于在生产后不能产生变化,因此这意味着要有一个ROM 代码开发的严格的方法。


程序存储器 数据存储器 CPU 输入& 输出单元 存储器 CPU 输入 & 输出单元外部定时器件复位 CPU 系统时钟 ROM 并联I/O 串联 I/O 定时器/ 计数器RAM中断 电源一些生产商提供了包括带用户可编程存储器范围内设备的附加ROM可选项。


