
第六阶段 洗车(车辆进入洗车房)
第七阶段 (交车)
诸城东风悦达起亚盛邦4S店 张金写于2013.5.14。
Acura 车载配件维护指南说明书

Check the condition of the wiper blades at least every 6months.Replace them if you find signs of cracking in the rubber,areas that are getting hard,or if they leave streaks and unwiped areas when used.Raise the wiper arm off the windshield.If you use non-Acura floor mats,make sure they fit properly and that they can be used with the floor mat anchors.Do not put additional floor mats on top of the anchored mats.If you remove a floor mat,make sure to re-anchor it when you put it back in your vehicle.The driver’s and right rearpassenger’s floor mats that came with your vehicle hook over the floor mat anchors.This keeps the floor mats from sliding forward andpossibly interfering with the pedals (driver’s floor mat)or with the seat weight sensors (right rear floor mat).1.Floor Mats,Wiper BladesFloor MatsWiper Blades228Do not open the hood when the wiper arms are raised,or you will damage the hood and wiperarms.Slide the new wiper blade into theholder until the tabs lock.Slide the wiper blade assemblyonto the wiper arm.Make sure itlocks in place.Lower the wiper arm down againstthe windshield.Disconnect the blade assemblyfrom the wiper arm by pushing inthe lock tab.Hold the lock tab inwhile you push the blade assemblytoward the base of the arm.2. 5.6.7.Wiper BladesMaintenance229However, these tires are not suitable for driving on snow or ice, so all-season or winter tires must be installed for winter driving conditions.See page for winter driving condi tions.Keeping the tires properly inflated provides the best combination of handling, tread life, and riding comfort.Underinflated tires wear unevenly,adversely affect handling and fuel economy, and are more likely to fail from being overheated.Overinflated tires can make your vehicle ride more harshly,are more prone to damage from road hazards, and wear unevenly.To safely operate your vehicle, your tires must be the proper type and size, in good condition with adequate tread,and correctly inflated.The following pages give moredetailed information about your tires,how and when to inspect your tires for damage and wear,and what to do when your tires need to be replaced.Your vehicle is equipped with high performance all-season tires(marked All Season or M S on the sidewalls).These tires provide excellent handling and braking performance in most driving situations.Your vehicle is equipped with high performance summer tires.These tires have a high-traction compound and tread pattern to provide superior acceleration,cornering,and stopping under most driving conditions.234Manual Transmission Models with Summer TiresAll Models Except Manual Transmission Models with Summer TiresInflation Guidelines Tires Tire TypesTires230The compact spare tire pressure is:We recommend thatyou visually check your tires every day.If you think a tire might be low,check it immediately with a tire gauge.We strongly recommend that you not drive faster than posted speed limits and conditions allow.If you decide it is safe to drive at highspeeds (over 118mph or 190km/h),be sure to adjust the cold tirepressures as shown below.If you do not adjust the tire pressure,excessive heat can build up and cause sudden tire failure.Use a gauge to measure the air pressure in each tire at least once a month.Even tires that are in good condition may lose 1to 2psi (10to 20kPa,0.1to 0.2kgf/cm )per month.Remember to check the spare tire at the same time you check all the other tires.CONTINUEDRecommended Tire Pressures for High Speed DrivingTiresMaintenance23160psi (420kPa ,4.2kgf/cm )When you return to normal speed driving, be sure to readjust the tire pressure for normal driving. You should wait until the tires are cold before adjusting the tire pressure.For convenience, the recommended tire sizes and cold tire pressures are on a label on the driver’s doorjamb.For additional technical information,see page .Check the pressure in the tires when the tires are cold.This means the vehicle has been parked for at least three hours.If you have to drive the vehicle before checking pressures,the tires can still be considered ‘‘cold’’if you drive less than 1mile (1.6km).Every time you check inflation,you should also examine the tires for damage,foreign objects,and wear.You should look for:Bumps or bulges in the tread or side of the tire.Replace the tire if you find either of these conditions.Cuts,splits,or cracks in the side of the tire.Replace the tire if you can see fabric or cord.Excessive tread wear.269Tire InspectionTires232Your vehicle’s tires have wear indicators molded into the tread.When the tread wears down to that point,you will see a 1/2inch (12.7mm)wide band running across the tread.This shows there is less than 1/16inch (1.6mm)of tread left on the tire.A tire that is this worn gives very little traction on wet roads.You should replace the tire if you can see the tread wear indicator in three or more places around the tire.To help increase tire life anddistribute wear more evenly,rotate the tires every 7,500miles (12,000km).Move the tires to the positions shown in the chart each time they are rotated.If you purchasedirectional tires,rotate only front-to-back.Tire RotationTiresMaintenance233See page forDOT tire quality grading information,and page for tire size information.Tires marked ‘‘M S’’or ‘‘AllSeason’’on the sidewall have an all-weather tread design suitable for most winter driving conditions.For the best performance in snowy or icy conditions,you should install snow tires or tire chains.They may be required by local laws under certain conditions.If you ever replace a wheel,make sure that the wheel’s specifications match those of the original wheels.It is best to replace all four tires at the same time.If that is not possible or necessary,replace the two front tires or two rear tires as a pair.Replacing just one tire can seriously affect your vehicle’s handling.Replace your tires with radial tires of the same size,load range,speed rating and maximum cold tire pressure rating (as shown on the tire’s side wall).Mixing radial and bias-ply tires on your vehicle can reduce braking ability,traction,and steeringing tires of a different size or construction can cause the anti-lock brake and the vehicle stability assist systems to work inconsistently.If your vehicle is equipped with summer tires,be aware that these tires are not designed for winter driving conditions.For more information,consult your dealer.268269Winter DrivingSummer TiresReplacing Tires and WheelsTires234If you mount snow tires on your vehicle,make sure they are radial tires of the same size and load range as original tires.Mount snow tires on all four wheels.The tractionprovided by snow tires on dry roads may be lower than your original tires.Check with the tire dealer formaximum speed recommendations.Because your vehicle has limited tire clearance,mount only SAE Class ‘‘S’’cable-type traction devices,with rubber chain tensioners on the front e traction devices only when required by driving conditions or local laws.Make sure they are the correct size for your tires.Metal link-type ‘‘chains’’should not be used.Snow TiresTire ChainsTiresMaintenance235。

3. 对齐每个链轮的正时标记,按下列顺序安装正时皮带。 曲轴链轮→惰轮→凸轮轴链轮(左侧)→水泵皮带轮→凸 轮轴链轮(右侧)→张紧器张紧轮。
1) 在此步骤中,1 缸位于上止点(压缩行程)。 2) 如果您用手指,一定要非常小心。
4. 拔出自动张紧器的定位销。
机油滤清器 油泵
凸轮轴(排气) 油压开关
1.7 燃油系统 SPORTAGE 用无回油管燃油系统来减少燃油箱散发出来的蒸气。 燃油泵总成由燃油泵、滤清器、调节器和浮子等组成。 油压由安装在燃油泵总成内的调节器控制。 油压:3.5kg/cm3
第一章 发动机介绍
1. 发动机选配
2.0ℓ汽油(β-II)(CVVT) 2.7ℓ汽油(δ)(VIS) 2.0ℓ柴油(D)
● ●
欧洲 一般地区 澳大利亚
2. 发动机说明
SPORTAGE 配备 3 种发动机,分别为 2.0LΒ-IIDOHC 发动机、2.7LΔ发动机和 2.0LD 发动机。其中, β和Δ发动机是汽油发动机,D 发动机是燃油共轨柴油发动机。全部 SPORTAGE 发动机是 Kia 汽车公 司的。

1. 首先,确保狮跑车辆和遥控器的电池都已安装好并正常工作。
2. 打开狮跑车辆和遥控器的电源开关。
3. 然后,按住狮跑车辆上的匹配按钮,并同时按住遥控器上的匹配按钮。
4. 等待一段时间,直到狮跑车辆和遥控器的LED指示灯开始闪烁或发出声音。
5. 在指示灯闪烁或发声的情况下,松开两个匹配按钮。
6. 此时,狮跑车辆和遥控器应该已经成功匹配。

2012 > G 2.4 DOHC > 车身电气系统部件位置检查端子间的导通性。
A: 鼓风机继电器B: 喇叭继电器C: 冷却风扇继电器(低电位)D: 起动继电器E: 防盗喇叭继电器F: 后玻璃除霜器继电器G: ATM 继电器H: 挡风玻璃除冰器继电器I: 冷却风扇继电器(高速)J: A/C 继电器K: 燃油泵继电器L: PTC 加热器继电器#1M: PTC 加热器继电器#2N: PTC 加热器继电器#3O: 燃油滤清器加热器继电器2012 > G 2.4 DOHC > 车身电气系统检查1.分离蓄电池负极端子。
电源继电器的测试(A 型)1.当85号和86号端子分别与电源和搭铁连接时,30号端子和87号端子间应导通。
A: 雨刮器继电器(高速)B: 雨刮器继电器(低速)1.当85号和86号端子分别与电源和搭铁连接时,30号端子和87号端子间应导通。
A: 主继电器1.当85号和86号端子分别与电源和搭铁连接时,30号端子和87号端子间应导通。
2012 > G 2.4 DOHC > 车身电气系统部件位置2012 > G 2.4 DOHC > 车身电气系统说明SJB(智能接线盒)1.规格项目需求备注额定电压DC 12V电压范围DC 9~16V 在此范围内正常工作储存温度-40°C~+80°C工作温度-30°C~+75°C工作湿度85% PCB,防水剂,涂层,等暗电流最大 200uA 所有负荷断开工作电压范围DC 9~16V 在正常范围内正常工作最大使用湿度85% 用 PCB,防水剂,涂层等绝缘。
2013 Nissan Leaf维护与服务指南说明书

®OWNER’S LITERATURE INFORMATION (2)INTRODUCTIONNissan Maintenance (3)Why Nissan Service? (4)NISSAN MAINTENANCE&REPAIR SUPPORTExtended Service Plans (5)Genuine Nissan Collision Parts (7)Complimentary Multi-Point Inspection (12)Genuine Nissan Parts You Can Rely On..................................14,15Nissan Services Designed With You in Mind...............................18,20SCHEDULED MAINTENANCE GUIDEDetermining the Proper Maintenance Interval (8)Explanation of Scheduled Maintenance Items (9)Maintenance Schedule (11)Maintenance Log (37)1INDEX OF TOPICS WHERE TO FIND INFORMATIONRecommended Lubricants,Fluids.........Owner’s Manual:chapter9Radio/CD Operation/Heater/AC Operation...Navigation Manual:chapter4Charging Your Vehicle.................Owner’s Manual:chapter CHStarting and Driving Your Vehicle..........Owner’s Manual:chapter5Security System Operation..............Owner’s Manual:chapter2If You Have a Flat Tire..................Owner’s Manual:chapter6New Vehicle Limited Warranty............Warranty Information Booklet:“2013New Vehicle LimitedWarranty”Tire Pressure/Rotation.................Owner’s Manual:chapter8Tire Warranties/Safety Information.........Warranty Information Booklet:Individual tire manufacturerwarranty sectionsConsumer Affairs Assistance.............Warranty Information Booklet:“Nissan’s Customer Care Program”Customer Care/Lemon Law Information Booklet* Do It Yourself Information...............Owner’s Manual:chapter8General Maintenance..................Owner’s Manual:chapter8*Not applicable outside the United States2Maintain Your InvestmentPreventative scheduled maintenance is an important investment tooptimize the performance,reliability,durability,safety and resale value ofyour Nissan.Scheduling your electric vehicle’s maintenance at therecommended intervals will ensure your electric vehicle functions at itsbest.We want you to enjoy your Nissan electric vehicle.This Service andMaintenance Guide is designed to help you make sure your electricvehicle receives proper and timely maintenance that is necessary.Keyservices are explained in detail,along with an outline of scheduledmaintenance to help you maintain your electric vehicle.Your localNissan LEAF certified dealer can assist you in determining the bestschedule based on your driving habits and local conditions.Failure to perform scheduled maintenance may result in excludingportions of your electric vehicle from warranty coverage and may reducethe performance,safety,reliability,durability and/or resale value of yourelectric vehicle.See your Warranty Information Booklet and Owner’sManual for details.3To preserve the quality,reliability and safety of your elec-tric vehicle,an authorized Nissan LEAF certified dealer is recommended for maintenance or repair.Only an autho-rized Nissan LEAF certified dealer offers you these advan-tages:●Nissan trained and ASE certified technicians●Immediate access to warranty service history andNissan technical information●Latest diagnostic,special tools and service techniques ●Genuine Nissan Parts that meet Nissan’s demandingstandards●12month/12,000mile parts and labor limited warrantywhen Genuine Nissan Parts are installed by your dealer ●Lifetime limited warranty on select replacement parts ●Complimentary Multi-Point Inspections(at participat-ing dealers)●Clear,up-front estimates●Time guaranteed Express Services(at participatingdealers)●Shuttle service/Courtesy van(at participating dealers)Your Nissan LEAF certified dealer is a full-service mainte-nance and repair center.We recommend using authorized Nissan Service and genuine Nissan Parts that we have designed for their reliability,safety and suitability for your Nissan electric vehicle.We are committed to providing you with quick,efficient,and competitively priced service and parts.**May differ or not apply outside the United States,please inquire of your Nissan LEAF certified dealer.GENUINE SERVICE4EXTENDED PROTECTION PLANSIf someone told you,you could drive your new Nissan for the next8years or100,000miles,almost worry-free of unexpected repair costs,would you be interested? Nissan’s Security+Plus family of extended service con-tracts delivers the peace of mind that does just that. Security+Plus Extended Protection Plans can cover everything from over600up to900vehicle components to roadside assistance to rental vehicle costs,and pro-vide:Nationwide Coverage;utilizing:Genuine Nissan Parts(new or in some cases remanufactured);installed by:Factory-Trained Technicians(trained by us to work on your vehicle).And you’ll be protected against future inflation(rising cost of parts and labor).Security+Plus Extended Protection Plans can be pur-chased any time within your vehicle’s original 3-year/36,000-mile basic limited warranty period.Just contact your selling Nissan LEAF certified dealer and tell them you’d like to take advantage of one of the best mechanical breakdown plans available for your Nissantoday.5PREPAID MAINTENANCE PLANSDo you currently have someone that maintains your yard?Cleans your house?Maintains your vehicle?WithSecurity+Plus Prepaid Maintenance Plans you’ll be hir-ing Nissan to maintain your vehicle to factory specifica-tions by factory-trained technicians.Like our ExtendedProtection Plans,you’ll benefit from Nationwide Cover-age,Genuine Nissan Parts,Factory-Trained Tech-nicians,and you’ll be protected against future inflation(rising costs of parts and labor).What could be easier?Security+Plus Prepaid Maintenance offers two servicelevels,one service interval and five time and mileageperiods.So it’s easy to find a plan that’s right for you.Didn’t purchase Prepaid Maintenance Plan at the timeof vehicle delivery?Don’t sweat the small stuff,‘New’Security+Plus prepaid maintenance contracts can bepurchased any time within the first6months/7,500milesof original vehicle sale date.Just contact your sellingNissan LEAF certified dealer and tell them you’d like totake advantage of one of the best maintenance plansavailable for your Nissan today.*These products not available outside the United States.See your participating Nissan LEAF certified dealer for details.6If you have an accident,insist on Genuine Nissan Collision Parts.If you want your electric vehicle to be restored using parts made to Nissan’s original exacting specifications–if you want it to last,help to protect your personal safety and to help hold its resale value,the solution is simple.Tell your insurance agent and your repair shop to use only Genuine Nissan Collision Parts.Many non-genuine parts are copies made from impres-sions of Nissan parts and may not match the specifica-tions and performance standards of Genuine Nissan Parts.As a result,non-genuine parts may not look or fit right,and may be less safe.The hood on your electric vehicle is a good example. Nissan designed it with hood buckling creases to help prevent the hood from penetrating the interior of your electric vehicle in an accident.Non-genuine parts may not provide such built-in safeguards.In some states,the law says you must be advised if non-genuine parts are used to repair your electric vehicle. Why should you take a chance?Replacement Panel Limited Lifetime Corrosion Warranty*If you have your collision damage repaired using Genuine Nissan Outer Sheet Metal Panels you don’t have to worry about corrosion.That’s because these panels are war-ranted against inside out rust-through perforation for as long as you own your Nissan.Another reason to insist on Genuine Nissan Collision Repair Parts.Vehicle Lease agreements,such as those offered by Nissan Motor Ac-ceptance Corporation,may require that ONLY Genuine Nissan replace-ment parts be utilized for collision repairs to the vehicle.*This warranty does not apply to vehicles or parts not distributed by Nissan North America and/or sold outside the United States.7As a condition of your electric vehicle’s warranty,you are responsible for properly maintaining your electric vehicle.In maintaining your electric vehicle,you should follow either Schedule1or Schedule2as listed e these guidelines to determine which maintenance schedule to use.SCHEDULE1(more severe operating conditions)Use Schedule1if you primarily operate your electric vehicle under any of these conditions:●Repeated short trips of less than5miles in normal temperatures or less than10miles in freezing temperatures●Stop-and-go traffic in hot weather or low speed driving for long dis-tances●Driving in dusty conditions or on rough,muddy,or salt-spread roads ●Using a car-top carrier SCHEDULE2(less severe operating conditions)Schedule2features7,500-mile service intervals;with Schedule2 fewer maintenance items are regularly checked or replaced than with Schedule1.Generally,Schedule2applies only to highway driving in temperate e Schedule2only if you primarily operate your electric vehicle under conditions other than those listed in Schedule1.8The following descriptions are pro-vided to give you a better understand-ing of the scheduled maintenance items that should be regularly checked or replaced.The mainte-nance log indicates at which mileage/time intervals each item re-quires service.In addition to scheduled mainte-nance,your Nissan requires that some items be checked during nor-mal day-to-day operation.You can find these items listed under“General Maintenance”in Chapter8of your Owner’s Manual.Items marked with“*”are recom-mended by Nissan for reliable electric vehicle operation.You are not re-quired to perform maintenance on these items in order to maintain the warranties which come with your Nissan.Other maintenance items and intervals are required.When applicable,additional informa-tion can be found in the“Maintenance and do-it-yourself”section in Chapter8of your Owner’s Manual.NOTE:Nissan North America doesnot advocate the use of non-OEMapproved aftermarket flushing sys-tems and strongly advises againstperforming these services on aNissan product.Many of the aftermar-ket flushing systems use non-OEMapproved chemicals or solvents,theuse of which has not been validatedby Nissan North America.For recommended lubricants,fluids,grease,and refrigerant,refer toChapter9in your Owner’s Manual.EV SystemCharging Port*Check the charging port for any signsof contamination,dust,sand,etc.Charging Port Sealing Cap*Use only compressed air with propereye protection to clean any contami-nation from the sealing cap.EV Battery Usage ReportTo maximize the life of your Li-ion bat-tery,have the EV Battery Usage Re-port generated and reviewed withyou.Review of the EV Battery UsageReport is required as a condition ofEV battery warranty.Refer to your2013LEAF warranty informationbooklet for details.Both the12monthand24month inspections will be per-formed by your Nissan LEAF certifieddealer at no cost to the vehicle owner.CoolantReplace coolant at the interval speci-fied below.When adding or replacingcoolant,be sure to use only GenuineNissan Long Life Antifreeze/Coolant(Blue)or equivalent with the propermixture.(Refer to the Owner’s Manualto determine the proper mixture foryour area.)The recommended ser-vice interval of the factory-fill coolantis125,000miles(200,000km)or15years,whichever comes first.Sub-sequent replacement of Genuine9Nissan Long Life Antifreeze/Coolant (Blue)should occur every 75,000miles(120,000km)or 5years whichever comes first. NOTE:Mixing any other type of cool-ant or the use of non-distilled water will reduce the recommended service interval of the coolant.Chassis and Body Maintenance:Brake Lines and Cables Visually inspect for proper installa-tion.Check for chafing,cracks,dete-rioration,and signs of leaking.Re-place any deteriorated or damaged parts immediately.Brake Pads&RotorsCheck for wear,deterioration and fluid leaks.Replace any deteriorated or damaged parts immediately.In-Cabin MicrofilterReplace at specified intervals.Whendriving for prolonged periods in dustyconditions,replace the filter more fre-quently.Steering Gear and Linkage,Axleand Suspension Parts,DriveShaft BootsCheck for damage,looseness,andleakage of oil or grease.Under severedriving conditions,inspect more fre-quently.Tire RotationTires should be rotated every7,500miles according to the instruc-tions in the Owner’s Manual.Whenrotating tires,check for damage anduneven wear.Replace if necessary.Reduction Gear OilVisually inspect for signs of leakage atspecified intervals.Off-Road MaintenanceCheck the following items frequentlywhenever you drive off-road throughdeep sand,mud or water:●Brake pads and rotors●Brake lines and hoses●Reduction gear oil●Steering linkage10The following Maintenance Schedule has been compiled by Nissan toassist you in performing the recommended maintenance services andkeeping appropriate records of services performed.Along with therelated repair invoices,receipts,and other such records,a properlydocumented maintenance history could enhance the value of yourelectric vehicle should you ever wish to sell it.The services listedrepresent the minimal Nissan recommended requirements for eachtime/mileage interval,up to120,000miles/96months.Beginning onpage37you will find a log that should be used to track when andwhere services were performed.Ask your Service Advisor to updateyour log each time your electric vehicle is serviced.11❑For the ultimate in preventative maintenance,ask your Service Advisor for a complimentary Multi-Point Inspection every time you visit your partici-pating Nissan LEAF certified dealer.See page 12for more information on Multi-Point Inspections.13MAINTENANCE SCHEDULEIn-Cabin MicrofilterThe In-Cabin Microfilter filters the air you breathe in your electric vehicle.This system filters both outside and re-circulated air used by the air conditioning system in your electric vehicle.Replacing the Microfilter every year or 15,000miles is the best way to help prevent road dust,pollen and other air pollutants from entering the interior of your electric vehicle and the air you breathe.If your electric vehicle is not equipped with an In-Cabin Micro-filter system –see your Nissan LEAF certified dealer about getting one installed –you’ll breatheeasier.15MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE❑For the ultimate in preventative maintenance,ask your Service Advisor for a complimentary Multi-Point Inspection every time you visit your partici-pating Nissan LEAF certified dealer.See page 12for more information on Multi-Point Inspections.17MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE<This check must be performed based solely on the number of service months,not mileage>❑For the ultimate in preventative maintenance,ask your Service Advisor for a complimentary Multi-Point Inspection every time you visit your partici-pating Nissan LEAF certified dealer.See page 12for more information on Multi-Point Inspections.1Review of the EV Battery Usage Report is required as a condition of EV battery warranty.Refer to your 2013LEAF warranty information booklet for details.Both the 12month and 24month inspections will be performed by your Nissan LEAF certified dealer at no cost to the vehicle owner.19MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE❑For the ultimate in preventative maintenance,ask your Service Advisor for a complimentary Multi-Point Inspection every time you visit your partici-pating Nissan LEAF certified dealer.See page 12for more information on Multi-Point Inspections.21MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE❑For the ultimate in preventative maintenance,ask your Service Advisor for a complimentary Multi-Point Inspection every time you visit your partici-pating Nissan LEAF certified dealer.See page 12for more information on Multi-Point Inspections.23MAINTENANCE SCHEDULEnot mileage>Inspection every time you visit your par-LEAF warranty information booklet for details.❑For the ultimate in preventative maintenance,ask your Service Advisor for a complimentary Multi-Point Inspection every time you visit your partici-pating Nissan LEAF certified dealer.See page 12for more information on Multi-Point Inspections.25MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE❑For the ultimate in preventative maintenance,ask your Service Advisor for a complimentary Multi-Point Inspection every time you visit your partici-pating Nissan LEAF certified dealer.See page 12for more information on Multi-Point Inspections.27MAINTENANCE SCHEDULEnot mileage>Inspection every time you visit your par-LEAF warranty information booklet for details.❑For the ultimate in preventative maintenance,ask your Service Advisor for a complimentary Multi-Point Inspection every time you visit your partici-pating Nissan LEAF certified dealer.See page 12for more information on Multi-Point Inspections.29MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE❑For the ultimate in preventative maintenance,ask your Service Advisor for a complimentary Multi-Point Inspection every time you visit your partici-pating Nissan LEAF certified dealer.See page 12for more information on Multi-Point Inspections.31MAINTENANCE SCHEDULEnot mileage>Inspection every time you visit your par-LEAF warranty information booklet for details.When replacing the Li-ion battery assembly or module,be sure to record the ID in the space provided.Please confirm the service manual for modulelocation.333435367,500Miles or6Months Dealer Name:Date:Mileage:DealerStamp:15,000Miles or12MonthsDealer Name:Date:Mileage:DealerStamp:22,500Miles or18MonthsDealer Name:Date:Mileage:DealerStamp:30,000Miles or24Months Dealer Name:Date:Mileage:DealerStamp:37,500Miles or30MonthsDealer Name:Date:Mileage:DealerStamp:45,000Miles or36MonthsDealer Name:Date:Mileage:DealerStamp:52,500Miles or42Months Dealer Name:Date:Mileage:DealerStamp:60,000Miles or48MonthsDealer Name:Date:Mileage:DealerStamp:67,500Miles or54MonthsDealer Name:Date:Mileage:DealerStamp:37。

1.3 工作部件
UD 离合器
OD 离合器
2nd 制动器
1) ★:从 1 档换至 2 档时,OWC 工作。 2) 车速约大于 5KPH 时,L&R 制动器在 1 档释放。
LR 制动器
◆ ◆
~ ~ ~ ◆
REV 离合器
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ◆
Beta 2.0L
Delta 2.7L
D-2.0L WGT
4.407(4WD) 4.042 (2WD)
5 个 (PWM:占空比控制) 可变
2组 (输出行星齿轮组/超速档行星齿轮组)
A/T 控制继电器
控制继电器给电磁阀提供电源 A/T 控制继电器 ON 时,蓄电池电压直接供给电磁阀且当 TCM 搭铁负极端子时,电磁阀工作。 ☞ 在失效保护状态下,电源被切断,变速器 3 档固定。
A/T 控制继电器 B+
关于 A/T 继电器的故障代码(A/T 继电器断路或短路)由 P1723 变更为 P0885,以满足 OBD 的更新调 整。
- 结构图 (CAN)

2012 > G 2.7 DOHC > 一般事项序言
2012 > G 2.7 DOHC > 一般事项故障查找指令
转向灯 & 危险警告灯
转向灯 & 危险警告灯
2012 > G 2.7 DOHC > 指示灯 & 仪表指示灯 & 仪表
指示灯 & 仪表
指示灯 & 仪表
指示灯 & 仪表
遥控 & 防盗系统
遥控 & 防盗系统
巡航控制系统 (汽油)
巡航控制系统 (汽油)
尾灯,制动灯 & 牌照灯
尾灯,制动灯 & 牌照灯
2012 > G 2.7 DOHC > 天窗天窗
2012 > G 2.7 DOHC > 天窗天窗

F2F311. 前言前言........................................................1-2北京现代汽车公 司...........................................1-2如何使用本使用说明书........................................1-3安全信息....................................................1-3燃油规格 ...................................................1-4车辆改装....................................................1-6车辆磨合程序前言1-2前言感谢并恭喜您选择北京现代汽车。

5 年/10 万公里
特殊件 音响、油漆、皮带类、橡胶类、点火线圈、玻璃、 传感器、继电器。
A 类:空调滤清器、燃油滤清器、空气滤清器、 火花塞、制动摩擦片、离合器片、轮胎、 蓄电池、灯泡、保险丝、遥控器电池。
3 年/10 万公里 1 年/2 万公里
包修期从整车 销售开票之日起计
B 类:机油滤清器、雨刮片
他腐蚀性物质)造成的损伤。 l 因时间流逝造成的损坏(喷涂表面的自然褪
色、电镀表面金属薄膜剥落和其他劣化)。 m 因全部或部分浸没在水里造成的腐蚀及故
障。 n 因无法控制的飞石或外部擦伤造成的表面腐
蚀。 2 包修(不包括一般维修),不包括诸如机油、
火花塞、滤清器等保养项目。同样,零部件在正常功 能状态被认为是属于损耗性项目的(例如离合器片、 减震器、制动片、制动盘、雨刷片、轮胎、蓄电池、 灯泡、保险丝等)不属于包修范围,除非存在制造缺 陷,(参照零部件包修期限执行)。
1 13
如果您在接车时对您的东风悦达起亚汽车状况 不满意,请告知东风悦达起亚汽车服务店并让其重新 进行调整。
首次保养必须在 2500 公里或 3 个月内(以先到 期限者为准)完成。
服务店: 年月日
(盖 章) 年月日
为您的汽车享受免费首次保养的凭证,请您在提车时务必检查是否有首次保养凭证,没有首次保养凭证 之车辆将不能享受首次免费保养,请您拒绝接收。
用户详细资料 车主姓名 详细地址 邮政编码 电话号码 联系人 详细地址 邮政编码 电话号码

月6121824303642485460667278849096102108114120×1000公里1017.52532.54047.55562.57077.58592.5100107.5115122.5130137.5145152.5I I I I I I R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R RR RR RR RR RR RR RR RR RR RR I I I R I I I R I I IIR IIRIIR IIRIR R RRR IIIIIII I I I IIIII II I I I I I I I I I I I I IIII I I I I I I I IIIIIIIIII I I IIII IIIIIIII I I I I I I I I I I I I II II II II II II II II II II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II II II II II II II II II II I I I I II I I I 空调冷却器空调压缩机如车辆在以下状况下行驶则按照重点保养表进行保养●重复短距离行驶●经常性高速行驶●行驶在多尘、多山地区●行驶时频繁刹车●行驶在不平路面或泥路●把车当巡逻车、出租车、牵引车使用●行驶在有盐粉或其他腐蚀物质之地区●怠速运转或低速行驶时间过多 ●长期行驶在低温或过度潮湿之气候之下每15000公里更换一次每年检查一次每年检查一次东风悦达起亚汽车定期保养项目表月数或里程km,以先达到的为准驱动轴防尘罩底盘/悬架螺母及螺栓门锁及铰链排气系统热屏每7000公里清洁,每15000公里更换一次每年更换一次每3年或40000公里更换一次每40000公里更换一次油箱、线路、软管空调空滤元件★排放管路制动线路接插件转向操作及连接前悬球连接火花塞★传动皮带★汽油滤清器★制动系统★转向系统★碳罐发动机机油★机油滤清器★自动变速箱油★间隔时间项目发动机冷却液怠速★手动变速箱油★冷却系统★发动机正时皮带★空气滤清器滤芯★。

制动盘径向跳动量极限值:0.04 mm(0.0016 in.)2.如果制动盘径向跳动量超过极限值,更换制动盘,然后再测量径向跳动量。
2012 > G 2.7 DOHC > 制动系统结构图2012 > G 2.7 DOHC > 制动系统拆卸1.升高车辆后部,确认车辆被安全支撑。

温馨提示: 尊敬的用户,您好!以下为我公司通用汽修设备的常规保养维护知识,仅供您参考。

1 不要使发动机高速空转。
2 不论车速快慢都不要维持同一车速太久。
3 除非是紧急情况,否则请尽量避免紧急制动,让制动装置正常地起作用。
4 避免节气门全开起动。
1.车门闭锁/开锁按钮2.电动门窗开关3.室外后视镜控制开关(如有配备)4.发动机盖释放杆5.仪表盘照明(如有配备)6.牵引力控制系统(如有配备)7.4WD LOCK按钮(如有配备)8.方向盘倾斜9.制动踏板10.加速踏板11.座椅12.驻车制动杆13.燃油加油口门释放杆1.驾驶席安全气囊(如有配备)2.灯光控制/转向信号3.仪表盘4.雨刮器/喷水器5.点火开关6.方向盘7.数字钟8.危险警告灯9.音响控制器(如有配备)10.空调控制器(如有配备)11.助手席安全气囊(如有配备) 12.通风口控制13.杂物箱14.烟灰缸15.点烟器16.变速杆17.后雾灯(如有配备)CVVT持续可变气门正时系统(如有配备)一、功能说明降低燃油消耗量因为增加了气门重叠度而减少泵送损失。
Porsche 车辆维护手册说明书

Vehicle identification no.___________________Working instructionfor order no. Intermediate maintenanceAt 30,000, 90,000, 150,000, 210,000 km/18,000, 54,000, 90,000, 126,000 miles etc.(Labour operation 03 14 00 ..)For a description of the various models, see Technical ManualContinued overleafCopyright byDr. Ing. h. c. F. Porsche AGVertrieb After Sales TechnikPrinted in Germany - 09/09The term 'checking' includes all necessary subsequent work such as adjusting, readjusting, correcting and topping up, but doesnot include repairing, replacing and reconditioning parts or assemblies.Replace spark plugs: See Additional maintenanceTyres: Check condition and tyre pressureElectrical equipment, warning and indicator lights: Check operationVehicle lighting: Check function All headlights: Check adjustment Horn: Check operationWindscreen wiper/washer system, headlight cleaning system: Check fluid level and nozzle settings; check window cleaner or antifreeze, depending on time of year; check wiper bladesChange engine oil and oil filter (please observe oil change service plan for the 911 Turbo)Drive shafts: Visual inspection of the boots for leaks and damageBrake system: Visual inspection of brake pads and brake discs for wear (without removing and fitting wheels)Vehicle underside and engine compartment: Visual inspection for leaks (oils and fluids) and abrasion (lines and hoses) Underbody panels: Visual inspection for completeness, secure installation and damageCoolant hoses: Check condition Radiators and air inlets: Visual inspection for external contamination and blockage Coolant: Check level and antifreezeBrake hoses and lines: Visual inspection for leaks, damage, routing and corrosionParticle filter: Replace filter elementNote: If the mileage for a regular service is not reached, intermediate maintenance must be carried out after 2, 6, 10...... years.As of 2010 model9Mix fuel in fuel tank with additive (Keropur from Porsche; Part No. 000 043 206 89)Battery: Check functional state and fluid levelCheck that the door locks, lid locks and safety hook of the front lid are secure and function properlyDiagnostic system: Read out fault memory; reset maintenance intervalVehicle identification no._________________Working instruction for order no. Additional maintenance for spark plugs(Labour operation 03 81 00 ..)9 Additional maintenance for drive belt (Labour operation 03 60 00 ..)(Labour operation 03 70 00 ..)Additional maintenance every 90,000 km/54,000 miles or every 6 years (Labour operation 03 83 00 ..)Additional maintenance every 180,000 km/108,000 miles or every 12 years (Labour operation 03 88 00 ..) Every 2 years Every 4 years After 4 years, then every 2 years After 4, 8, 10 then every 2 yearsSignature (mechanic): ____________________________Test drive:Oils, fluids: Visual inspection for leaksSignature (final check): _________________________Copyright byDr. Ing. h. c. F. Porsche AGVertrieb After Sales TechnikPrinted in Germany - 09/09Porsche Centre Remote control, front seats, foot and parking brakes (also actuation travel), engine, clutch, steering, transmission, ParkAssist, cruise control, PSM switch, PASM switch, sports switch, heating, air conditioning and instruments: Check operation every 20,000 km/12,000 miles or every 4 years 911 Turbo Manual transmission: Change oilPDK transmission: Change clutch fluidevery 30,000 km/18,000 miles or every 2 years All-wheel final drive: Change oilControlled all-wheel drive (911 Turbo): Change oilAncillary unit mounts and running gear: Visual inspection of all rubber mountings and boots for damageChange brake fluidCheck tyre pressure monitoring system batteryPDK transmission: Change transmission oilPrepare condition report for long-life guaranteeVisual inspection of airbag unitsReplace tyre sealantReplace drive beltAs of 2010 modelat 60,000 km/36,000 miles or every 4 years Check drive beltCheck drive belt Check drive beltat 150,000 km/90,000 miles or every 10 years at 240,000 km/144,000 miles or every 16 years Additional maintenance for convertible topService and maintain convertible top。
2014 Nissan LEAF服务和维护指南说明书

®OWNER’S LITERATURE INFORMATION (2)INTRODUCTIONNissan Maintenance (3)Why Nissan Service? (4)NISSAN MAINTENANCE&REPAIR SUPPORTExtended Service Plans (5)Genuine Nissan Collision Parts (7)Complimentary Multi-Point Inspection (12)Genuine Nissan Parts You Can Rely On.................................14,15Nissan Services Designed With You in Mind...............................18,20SCHEDULED MAINTENANCE GUIDEDetermining the Proper Maintenance Interval (8)Explanation of Scheduled Maintenance Items (9)Maintenance Schedule (11)Maintenance Log (37)1INDEX OF TOPICS WHERE TO FIND INFORMATIONRecommended Lubricants,Fluids.........Owner’s Manual:chapter9Radio/CD Operation/Heater/AC Operation...Navigation Manual:chapter4Charging Your Vehicle.................Owner’s Manual:chapter CHStarting and Driving Your Vehicle..........Owner’s Manual:chapter5Security System Operation..............Owner’s Manual:chapter2If You Have a Flat Tire..................Owner’s Manual:chapter6New Vehicle Limited Warranty............Warranty Information Booklet:“2014New Vehicle LimitedWarranty”Tire Pressure/Rotation.................Owner’s Manual:chapter8Tire Warranties/Safety Information.........Warranty Information Booklet:Individual tire manufacturerwarranty sectionsConsumer Affairs Assistance.............Warranty Information Booklet:“Nissan’s Customer Care Program”Customer Care/Lemon Law Information Booklet* Do It Yourself Information...............Owner’s Manual:chapter8General Maintenance..................Owner’s Manual:chapter8*Not applicable outside the United States2Maintain Your InvestmentPreventative scheduled maintenance is an important investment tooptimize the performance,reliability,durability,safety and resale value ofyour Nissan.Scheduling your electric vehicle’s maintenance at therecommended intervals will ensure your electric vehicle functions at itsbest.We want you to enjoy your Nissan electric vehicle.This Service andMaintenance Guide is designed to help you make sure your electricvehicle receives proper and timely maintenance that is necessary.Keyservices are explained in detail,along with an outline of scheduledmaintenance to help you maintain your electric vehicle.Your localNissan LEAF certified dealer can assist you in determining the bestschedule based on your driving habits and local conditions.Failure to perform scheduled maintenance may result in excludingportions of your electric vehicle from warranty coverage and may reducethe performance,safety,reliability,durability and/or resale value of yourelectric vehicle.See your Warranty Information Booklet and Owner’sManual for details.3To preserve the quality,reliability and safety of your elec-tric vehicle,an authorized Nissan LEAF certified dealer is recommended for maintenance or repair.Only an autho-rized Nissan LEAF certified dealer offers you these advan-tages:●Nissan trained and ASE certified technicians●Immediate access to warranty service history andNissan technical information●Latest diagnostic,special tools and service techniques ●Genuine Nissan Parts that meet Nissan’s demandingstandards●12month/12,000mile parts and labor limited warrantywhen Genuine Nissan Parts are installed by your dealer ●Lifetime limited warranty on select replacement parts ●Complimentary Multi-Point Inspections(at participat-ing dealers)●Clear,up-front estimates●Time guaranteed Express Services(at participatingdealers)●Shuttle service/Courtesy van(at participating dealers)Your Nissan LEAF certified dealer is a full-service mainte-nance and repair center.We recommend using authorized Nissan Service and genuine Nissan Parts that we have designed for their reliability,safety and suitability for your Nissan electric vehicle.We are committed to providing you with quick,efficient,and competitively priced service and parts.**May differ or not apply outside the United States,please inquire of your Nissan LEAF certified dealer.GENUINE SERVICE4EXTENDED PROTECTION PLANSIf someone told you,you could drive your new Nissan for the next8years or100,000miles,almost worry-free of unexpected repair costs,would you be interested? Nissan’s Security+Plus family of extended service con-tracts delivers the peace of mind that does just that. Security+Plus Extended Protection Plans can cover ev-erything from over600up to900vehicle components to roadside assistance to rental vehicle costs,and provide: Nationwide Coverage;utilizing:Genuine Nissan Parts(new or in some cases remanufactured);installed by:Factory-Trained Technicians(trained by us to work on your vehicle).And you’ll be protected against future inflation(rising cost of parts and labor).Security+Plus Extended Protection Plans can be pur-chased any time within your vehicle’s original 3-year/36,000-mile basic limited warranty period.Just contact your selling Nissan LEAF certified dealer and tell them you’d like to take advantage of one of the best mechanical breakdown plans available for your Nissantoday.5PREPAID MAINTENANCE PLANSDo you currently have someone that maintains your yard?Cleans your house?Maintains your vehicle?WithSecurity+Plus Prepaid Maintenance Plans you’ll be hir-ing Nissan to maintain your vehicle to factory specifica-tions by factory-trained technicians.Like our ExtendedProtection Plans,you’ll benefit from Nationwide Cover-age,Genuine Nissan Parts,Factory-Trained Techni-cians,and you’ll be protected against future inflation(rising costs of parts and labor).What could be easier?Security+Plus Prepaid Maintenance offers two servicelevels,one service interval and five time and mileageperiods.So it’s easy to find a plan that’s right for you.Didn’t purchase Prepaid Maintenance Plan at the timeof vehicle delivery?Don’t sweat the small stuff,‘New’Security+Plus prepaid maintenance contracts can bepurchased any time within the first6months/7,500milesof original vehicle sale date.Just contact your sellingNissan LEAF certified dealer and tell them you’d like totake advantage of one of the best maintenance plansavailable for your Nissan today.*These products not available outside the United States.See your participating Nissan LEAF certified dealer for details.6If you have an accident,insist on Genuine Nissan Collision Parts.If you want your electric vehicle to be restored using parts made to Nissan’s original exacting specifications–if you want it to last,help to protect your personal safety and to help hold its resale value,the solution is simple.Tell your insurance agent and your repair shop to use only Genuine Nissan Collision Parts.Many non-genuine parts are copies made from impres-sions of Nissan parts and may not match the specifica-tions and performance standards of Genuine Nissan Parts.As a result,non-genuine parts may not look or fit right,and may be less safe.The hood on your electric vehicle is a good example. Nissan designed it with hood buckling creases to help prevent the hood from penetrating the interior of your electric vehicle in an accident.Non-genuine parts may not provide such built-in safeguards.In some states,the law says you must be advised if non-genuine parts are used to repair your electric vehicle. Why should you take a chance?Replacement Panel Limited LifetimeCorrosion Warranty*If you have your collision damage repaired using GenuineNissan Outer Sheet Metal Panels you don’t have to worryabout corrosion.That’s because these panels are war-ranted against inside out rust-through perforation for aslong as you own your Nissan.Another reason to insist on Genuine Nissan Collision Repair Parts.Vehicle Lease agreements,such as those offered by Nissan Motor Ac-ceptance Corporation,may require that ONLY Genuine Nissan replace-ment parts be utilized for collision repairs to the vehicle.7As a condition of your electric vehicle’s warranty,you are responsible for properly maintaining your electric vehicle.In maintaining your electric vehicle,you should follow either Schedule1or Schedule2as listed e these guidelines to determine which maintenance schedule to use.SCHEDULE1(more severe operating conditions)Use Schedule1if you primarily operate your electric vehicle under any of these conditions:●Repeated short trips of less than5miles in normal temperatures or less than10miles in freezing temperatures●Stop-and-go traffic in hot weather or low speed driving for long dis-tances●Driving in dusty conditions or on rough,muddy,or salt-spread roads ●Using a car-top carrier SCHEDULE2(less severe operating conditions)Schedule2features7,500-mile service intervals;with Schedule2 fewer maintenance items are regularly checked or replaced than with Schedule1.Generally,Schedule2applies only to highway driving in temperate e Schedule2only if you primarily operate your electric vehicle under conditions other than those listed in Schedule1.*This warranty does not apply to vehicles or parts not distributed by Nissan North America and/or sold outside the United States. 8The following descriptions are pro-vided to give you a better understand-ing of the scheduled maintenance items that should be regularly checked or replaced.The mainte-nance log indicates at which mileage/time intervals each item re-quires service.In addition to scheduled mainte-nance,your Nissan requires that some items be checked during nor-mal day-to-day operation.You can find these items listed under“General Maintenance”in Chapter8of your Owner’s Manual.Items marked with“*”are recom-mended by Nissan for reliable electric vehicle operation.You are not re-quired to perform maintenance on these items in order to maintain the warranties which come with your Nissan.Other maintenance items and intervals are required.When applicable,additional informa-tion can be found in the“Maintenance and do-it-yourself”section in Chapter8of your Owner’s Manual.NOTE:Nissan North America doesnot advocate the use of non-OEMapproved aftermarket flushing sys-tems and strongly advises againstperforming these services on aNissan product.Many of the aftermar-ket flushing systems use non-OEMapproved chemicals or solvents,theuse of which has not been validatedby Nissan North America.For recommended lubricants,fluids,grease,and refrigerant,refer toChapter9in your Owner’s Manual.EV SystemCharging Port*Check the charging port for any signsof contamination,dust,sand,etc.Charging Port Sealing Cap*Use only compressed air with propereye protection to clean any contami-nation from the sealing cap.EV Battery Usage ReportTo maximize the life of your Li-ion bat-tery,have the EV Battery Usage Re-port generated and reviewed withyou.Review of the EV Battery UsageReport is required as a condition ofEV battery warranty.Refer to your2014LEAF warranty informationbooklet for details.Both the12monthand24month inspections will be per-formed by your Nissan LEAF certifieddealer at no cost to the vehicle owner.CoolantReplace coolant at the interval speci-fied below.When adding or replacingcoolant,be sure to use only GenuineNissan Long Life Antifreeze/Coolant(Blue)or equivalent with the propermixture.(Refer to the Owner’s Manualto determine the proper mixture foryour area.)The recommended ser-vice interval of the factory-fill coolantis125,000miles(200,000km)or15years,whichever comes first.Sub-sequent replacement of Genuine9Nissan Long Life Antifreeze/Coolant (Blue)should occur every 75,000miles(120,000km)or 5years whichever comes first. NOTE:Mixing any other type of cool-ant or the use of non-distilled water will reduce the recommended service interval of the coolant.Chassis and Body Maintenance:Brake Lines and CablesVisually inspect for proper installa-tion.Check for chafing,cracks,dete-rioration,and signs of leaking.Re-place any deteriorated or damaged parts immediately.Brake Pads&RotorsCheck for wear,deterioration and fluid leaks.Replace any deteriorated or damaged parts immediately.In-Cabin MicrofilterReplace at specified intervals.Whendriving for prolonged periods in dustyconditions,replace the filter more fre-quently.Steering Gear and Linkage,Axleand Suspension Parts,DriveShaft BootsCheck for damage,looseness,andleakage of oil or grease.Under severedriving conditions,inspect more fre-quently.Tire RotationTires should be rotated every7,500miles according to the instruc-tions in the Owner’s Manual.Whenrotating tires,check for damage anduneven wear.Replace if necessary.Reduction Gear OilVisually inspect for signs of leakage atspecified intervals.Off-Road MaintenanceCheck the following items frequentlywhenever you drive off-road throughdeep sand,mud or water:●Brake pads and rotors●Brake lines and hoses●Reduction gear oil●Steering linkage10The following Maintenance Schedule has been compiled by Nissan toassist you in performing the recommended maintenance services andkeeping appropriate records of services performed.Along with therelated repair invoices,receipts,and other such records,a properlydocumented maintenance history could enhance the value of yourelectric vehicle should you ever wish to sell it.The services listedrepresent the minimal Nissan recommended requirements for eachtime/mileage interval,up to120,000miles/96months.Beginning onpage37you will find a log that should be used to track when andwhere services were performed.Ask your Service Advisor to updateyour log each time your electric vehicle is serviced.11❑For the ultimate in preventative maintenance,ask your Service Advisor for a complimentary Multi-Point Inspection every time you visit your participating Nissan LEAF certified dealer.See page 12for more information on Multi-Point Inspections.13MAINTENANCE SCHEDULEIn-Cabin MicrofilterThe In-Cabin Microfilter filters the air you breathe in your electric vehicle.This system filters both outside and re-circulated air used by the air conditioning system in your electric vehicle.Replacing the Microfilter every year or 15,000miles is the best way to help prevent road dust,pollen and other air pollutants from entering the interior of your electric vehicle and the air you breathe.If your electric vehicle is not equipped with an In-Cabin Micro-filter system –see your Nissan LEAF certified dealer about getting one installed –you’ll breatheeasier.15MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE❑For the ultimate in preventative maintenance,ask your Service Advisor for a complimentary Multi-Point Inspection every time you visit your participating Nissan LEAF certified dealer.See page 12for more information on Multi-Point Inspections.17MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE<This check must be performed based solely on the number of service months,not mileage>❑For the ultimate in preventative maintenance,ask your Service Advisor for a complimentary Multi-Point Inspection every time you visit your participating Nissan LEAF certified dealer.See page 12for more information on Multi-Point Inspections.1Review of the EV Battery Usage Report is required as a condition of EV battery warranty.Refer to your 2014LEAF warranty information booklet for details.Both the 12month and 24month inspections will be performed by your Nissan LEAF certified dealer at no cost to the vehicle owner.19MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE❑For the ultimate in preventative maintenance,ask your Service Advisor for a complimentary Multi-Point Inspection every time you visit your participating Nissan LEAF certified dealer.See page 12for more information on Multi-Point Inspections.21MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE❑For the ultimate in preventative maintenance,ask your Service Advisor for a complimentary Multi-Point Inspection every time you visit your participating Nissan LEAF certified dealer.See page 12for more information on Multi-Point Inspections.23MAINTENANCE SCHEDULEnot mileage>Inspection every time you visit yourLEAF warranty information booklet for details.❑For the ultimate in preventative maintenance,ask your Service Advisor for a complimentary Multi-Point Inspection every time you visit your participating Nissan LEAF certified dealer.See page 12for more information on Multi-Point Inspections.25MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE❑For the ultimate in preventative maintenance,ask your Service Advisor for a complimentary Multi-Point Inspection every time you visit your participating Nissan LEAF certified dealer.See page 12for more information on Multi-Point Inspections.27MAINTENANCE SCHEDULEnot mileage>Inspection every time you visit yourLEAF warranty information booklet for details.❑For the ultimate in preventative maintenance,ask your Service Advisor for a complimentary Multi-Point Inspection every time you visit your participating Nissan LEAF certified dealer.See page 12for more information on Multi-Point Inspections.29MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE❑For the ultimate in preventative maintenance,ask your Service Advisor for a complimentary Multi-Point Inspection every time you visit your participating Nissan LEAF certified dealer.See page 12for more information on Multi-Point Inspections.31MAINTENANCE SCHEDULEnot mileage>Inspection every time you visit yourLEAF warranty information booklet for details.When replacing the Li-ion battery assembly or module,be sure to record the ID in the space provided.Please confirm the service manual for modulelocation.333435367,500Miles or6Months Dealer Name:Date:Mileage:DealerStamp:15,000Miles or12MonthsDealer Name:Date:Mileage:DealerStamp:22,500Miles or18MonthsDealer Name:Date:Mileage:DealerStamp:30,000Miles or24Months Dealer Name:Date:Mileage:DealerStamp:37,500Miles or30MonthsDealer Name:Date:Mileage:DealerStamp:45,000Miles or36MonthsDealer Name:Date:Mileage:DealerStamp:52,500Miles or42Months Dealer Name:Date:Mileage:DealerStamp:60,000Miles or48MonthsDealer Name:Date:Mileage:DealerStamp:67,500Miles or54MonthsDealer Name:Date:Mileage:DealerStamp:37。
203 Care and Maintenance - Honda 车辆维护指南说明书

Brake discs; calipers and pads
Brake drums, wheel cylinders and linings
Brake lines and hoses
Parking brake
Every 3,750 miles (6,000 km)
• Driving in dusty areas
• Towing a trailer
or 3 months
Change rear axle oil –
Every 15,000 miles (24,000 km)
Care and Maintenance 205
Main Menu
Table of Contents
Maintenance Schedule
The Maintenance Schedule specifies how often you should have your vehicle serviced and what things need attention. It is essential that you have your vehicle serviced as scheduled to retain its high level of safety, dependability, and emission control performance.
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1 不要使发动机高速空转。
2 不论车速快慢都不要维持同一车速太久。
3 除非是紧急情况,否则请尽量避免紧急制动,让制动装置正常地起作用。
4 避免节气门全开起动。
1.车门闭锁/开锁按钮2.电动门窗开关3.室外后视镜控制开关(如有配备) 4.发动机盖释放杆5.仪表盘照明(如有配备)6.牵引力控制系统(如有配备) 7.4WD LOCK按钮(如有配备) 8.方向盘倾斜9.制动踏板10.加速踏板11.座椅12.驻车制动杆13.燃油加油口门释放杆1.驾驶席安全气囊(如有配备) 2.灯光控制/转向信号3.仪表盘4.雨刮器/喷水器5.点火开关6.方向盘7.数字钟8.危险警告灯9.音响控制器(如有配备)10.空调控制器(如有配备)11.助手席安全气囊(如有配备)12.通风口控制13.杂物箱14.烟灰缸15.点烟器16.变速杆17.后雾灯(如有配备)CVVT持续可变气门正时系统(如有配备)一、功能说明降低燃油消耗量因为增加了气门重叠度而减少泵送损失。
如果使用零件市场出售的钥匙,则点火开关在置于START位置后可能无法返回ON 位置。
>$@遥控器在下列任何一种情况下均不工作:1 点火开关钥匙在点火开关内。
2 超出操作距离极限(10m)。
3 遥控器里的蓄电池电量不足。
4 信号受其它车辆或物体阻碍。
5 天气太冷。
6 遥控器接近能干扰遥控器正常工作的无线电台等无线电发射器或飞机场。
>$@ 1 使用不良电池会导致遥控器故障。
2 不要使遥控器掉落、暴露在潮湿及高温或日光环境中,以免损坏。
>$@ 1 如果任意车门或后备箱门/窗或发动机盖处于打开状态,系统不能进入警戒状态。
2 如果出现上述情况,按前面的说明使系统重新进入警戒状态。
1 前门或后门在未使用点火开关钥匙或遥控器的情况下被打开。
2 后备箱门/窗在未使用点火开关钥匙或遥控器的情况下被打开。
3 发动机盖被打开。
>$@ 解除警戒状态按下遥控器上的开锁按钮或使用点火开关钥匙开锁车门,会解除系统的警戒状态:按下开锁按钮后,危险警告灯会闪烁两次,提示您系统已解除警戒状态。
从车外操作车门锁1 向车前方向旋转钥匙闭锁车门,向车后方向旋转钥匙开锁车门。
2 也可以使用遥控器按钮(如有配备)闭锁和开锁车门。
3 车门一旦被开锁,可以拉动车门把手打开车门。
4 关闭车门时,用手推车门。
5 如果用钥匙闭锁/开锁前车门,所有车门将自动闭锁/开锁。
>$@从车内操作门锁使用门锁机械操纵钮1 要开锁车门,把门锁机械操纵钮拉到“UNLOCK(开锁)”位置。
2 要闭锁车门,把门锁机械操纵钮(①)推到“LOCK(闭锁)”位置。
3 要打开车门,请朝外拉车门把手(③)。
4 如果点火开关钥匙在点火开关内且车门被打开,则不能闭锁前车门。
(如有配备)5 如果使用门锁机械操纵钮闭锁前车门,所有车门会自动闭锁。
1 按下中央门锁操纵开关的前部(①)时,所有车门闭锁。
2 按下中央门锁操纵开关的后部(②)时,所有车门开锁。
3 但是,如果点火开关钥匙在点火开关内且有前车门在打开状态,按压中央门锁操纵开关的前部时,车门不闭锁。
>$@ 1 车辆行驶中车门应完全关闭并应闭锁,以免车门意外打开。
2 打开车门时应小心,并察看车门侧道路附近是否有汽车、摩托车、自行车或行人。