Research on the Sino-us Trade Conflict and Countermeasures
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第21卷㊀第6期安徽理工大学学报(社会科学版)Vol.21㊀No.62019年11月JournalofAnhuiUniversityofScienceandTechnology(SocialScience)Nov.2019经济全球化背景下商科类大学生择业行为研究以南京大学商科类学生为研究对象陆雁翎(南京大学商学院ꎬ南京㊀210093)摘㊀要:以社会认知生涯理论(SCCT)为基础ꎬ通过对南京大学商科类在校生的问卷调查ꎬ研究了全球化背景下商科类大学生求职择业行为及其影响因素ꎬ问卷调查中针对当前中美贸易争端对于大学生择业行为的影响进行了专项调研ꎮ研究结果表明外部环境因素尤其是经济环境变化是影响商科类毕业生求职择业行为的主要因素ꎬ教育环境和所学专业是影响大学生求职择业行为的关键因素ꎻ研究发现在经济全球化背景下ꎬ个别地区或国家之间的经济波动对大学生求职择业行为的影响存在弱相关性ꎮ因此ꎬ高校必须采取有效措施引导商科类大学生树立正确的择业观ꎮ关键词:全球化ꎻ商科大学生ꎻ择业行为ꎻ影响因素中图分类号:G647.38㊀㊀文献标识码:A㊀㊀文章编号:1672 ̄1101(2019)06 ̄0101 ̄08收稿日期:2019-10-21作者简介:陆雁翎(1993-)ꎬ女ꎬ江苏宿迁人ꎬ硕士ꎬ研究方向:管理科学与工程ꎮResearchonJob-SeekingofBusinessStudentsundertheBackgroundofEconomicGlobalizationTakingbusinessstudentsofNanjingUniversityasresearchobjectsLUYanling(SchoolofBusinessꎬNanjingUniversityꎬNanjing210093ꎬChina)Abstract:Basedonthesocialcognitivecareertheory(SCCT)ꎬandviaquestionnairesofbusinessstudentsofNanjingUniversityꎬthispaperresearchesontheirjob-seekingandtheinfluencefactorsunderthebackgroundofglobalization.InthequestionnairesurveyꎬaspecialinvestigationwasconductedontheimpactofcurrentSino-UStradedisputesoncollegestudents'careerchoices.Theresultssuggestthatexternalenvironmentalfactorsꎬes ̄peciallyeconomicchangesꎬarethemainfactorsaffectingbusinessgraduates'job-seeking.Theeducationalen ̄vironmentandmajorsarealsothekeyfactors.Thestudyfindsthatunderthebackgroundofeconomicglobaliza ̄tionꎬtheimpactofeconomicfluctuationsinindividualregionsorcountriesonthejob-seekingofcollegestudentsisweaklycorrelated.Thereforeꎬcollegesanduniversitiesmusttakeeffectivemeasurestoguidebusinesscollegestudentstoestablishacorrectoutlookoncareerchoices.Keywords:GlobalizationꎻBusinessstudentsꎻJob-seekingꎬInfluencingfactors㊀㊀经济全球化是当前世界经济发展的主要趋势ꎬ全球化促使全球范围内的国家共同参与生产和消费ꎬ各种生产要素在全世界范围内自由流动和优化配置ꎬ世界各国经济密切相连㊁相互依赖㊁相互影响ꎮ随着我国GDP位列全球第二[1]ꎬ我国参与全球经济建设的广度和深度也进一步提升ꎬ经济全球化观念深刻影响着人们的价值观念㊁思维方式和行为选择ꎬ大学生的求职择业行为也深受影响ꎮ分析和研究大学生择业行为对于提高大学生就业质量ꎬ实现我国人才战略部署具有重要的现实意义ꎮ与文理工农医类大学生不同ꎬ商科大学生毕业后主要从事商贸服务㊁市场营销㊁经济管理等方面工作ꎬ因此ꎬ其求职择业行为会更多受外部经济环境影响ꎮ但全球化背景下商科类大学生的求职择业行为会受到哪些因素影响ꎬ其内在机理是什么ꎬ目前学者们还没有一个明确的研究结论ꎮ因此ꎬ在全球化趋势下研究商科类大学生择业行为的影响因素ꎬ有助于提高高校就业指导课教育教学针对性ꎬ有助于用人单位在招聘录用过程中提高录用率ꎬ更有助于我国商科类大学生人才培养模式的改进ꎬ为全球化背景下商科类人才培养战略的制定提供参考ꎮ一㊁理论基础1994年LentꎬBrown和Hackett提出社会认知生涯理论(socialcognitivecareertheoryꎬSCCT)[2]ꎮ该理论以Bandura[3]的社会认知理论为基础ꎬ是目前职业生涯理论中的主流理论之一ꎮ社会认知生涯理论认为个体生涯发展是多种生涯要素之间相互作用的结果ꎬ既有外部环境因素ꎬ也有个体内部主体性因素(认知的㊁情感的㊁生理的等)影响ꎻ对个体生涯发展的分析要围绕核心认知变量ꎬ同时还要考虑个人特质与环境因素三者间的互动关系ꎮ社会认知生涯理论主要聚焦于四个生涯主题:一是兴趣的形成与发展ꎬ二是做出生涯选择的过程ꎬ三是个体行为表现的影响因素与结果ꎬ四是在教育和职业领域中的满意感或幸福感ꎮLentꎬBrown和Hack ̄ett提出的社会认知生涯理论构架模型如图1所示ꎮ图1㊀社会认知生涯理论模型㊀㊀SCCT理论认为个体生涯成长过程是个人特质㊁环境因素㊁生涯学习经验㊁自我效能感㊁结果预期和职业兴趣等多种生涯要素间交互作用的结果ꎬ是个体与环境互动过程的产物ꎬ个体的行为和认知在职业选择中起着重要作用[4]ꎮ理论突破了前人主要以心理学为研究基础的职业生涯选择理论ꎬ加入了社会因素ꎬ强调学习经历和外部环境对于职业选择的重要性ꎮ对于商科类大学生择业行为及其影响因素ꎬ学者们研究认为全球经济和贸易催生了大量岗位ꎬ市场对于商科类大学生的需求量明显增多ꎬ商科类大学生的就业范围明显增大[5]ꎻ但是更多的商科类大学生更愿意选择经济发展水平高㊁经济发展速度快的地区[6]ꎮ因此ꎬ地区经济发展是影响商科类大学生择业的主要影响因素[7]ꎮ此外ꎬ经济和政治变化对区域内商科大学生的就业流动存在一定影响ꎬ但影响不大[8]ꎮ职业的稳定性和薪酬也成为影响商科类大学生择业行为的因素之一[9]ꎮ201㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀安徽理工大学学报(社会科学版)㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀第21卷国内外学者对于商科类大学生择业的相关研究存在以下几方面问题:一是研究方向比较窄ꎬ主要集中在大学生个人心理因素对求职择业行为的影响ꎬ对社会性因素的研究ꎬ比如薪酬㊁地域等ꎬ尤其是外部经济环境影响的研究不够深入ꎻ二是研究的视野主要在国内ꎬ全球视野内研究商科类大学生择业行为的较少ꎻ三是理论研究多ꎬ实证研究少ꎮ基于以上理论依据和学者已有研究成果ꎬ本文以分析全球化背景下影响商科类大学生择业行为的外部社会因素为重点ꎬ对商科类大学生择业行为及其各种影响因素展开实证研究ꎬ以期对我国商科类大学生就业指导和人才培养提供理论参考ꎮ二㊁研究设计研究以SCCT理论中的个人-环境因素㊁生涯学习经验和结果预期之间的互动关系为基础ꎬ参考国内外学者们的研究成果ꎬ结合Holland[10]和Schaub的生涯学习经验问卷(thelearningexperi ̄encesquestionnaireꎬLEQ)①构建了全球背景下商科类大学生择业行为调查问卷ꎬ开展测量研究ꎮ(一)问卷设计«经济全球化背景下商科类大学生择业调查问卷»共计30题ꎬ问卷内容分为三个部分ꎬ第一部分为调查对象的基本信息(姓名㊁性别㊁年级㊁专业等)ꎬ第二部分为影响求职择业的主要因素ꎬ第三部分重点设计10个问题调查经济全球化背景下中美贸易争端对商科类大学生择业行为的影响情况ꎮ(二)数据来源本次调查为不记名方式ꎬ采用简单随机抽样的方法抽取南京大学商学院全部专业2015-2018级共500名在校本科生进行问卷调查ꎮ500份问卷全部收回ꎬ剔除无效问卷后ꎬ共获得482份有效问卷ꎬ有效应答率为96.4%ꎮ其中男女比例为1ʒ2ꎮ调查结果运用Excel2007和python3.7软件进行数据统计和分析ꎮ三㊁结果分析(一)实证结果1.主要影响因素ꎮ为了解大学生就业过程中主要考虑的就业因素ꎬ调查问卷中设计了 在就业过程中对你影响最大的因素 问项ꎮ结果发现:薪资水平和未来发展潜力是最受商科类大学生关注的就业因素ꎬ个人价值体现㊁工作地点㊁工作内容以及工作环境则依次排在3-6位ꎮ相比于2017年的统计结果ꎬ学生对于薪资水平的关注程度超过了未来发展潜力ꎬ成为最受关注的就业因素ꎬ调查结果如图2所示ꎮ调查问卷关于学生的基本择业观的调查结果如表1所示ꎮ图2㊀商学院学生择业过程中的主要影响因素301第6期㊀㊀㊀陆雁翎:经济全球化背景下商科类大学生择业行为研究 以南京大学商科类学生为研究对象①SchaubM«SocialcognitivetheoryExaminingthemediatingroleofsociocognitivevariablesintherelationofpersonalitytovocationalinter ̄ests»ꎬ见«DissertationAbstractsinternational(SectionA:HumanitiesandSocialSciences)»ꎬ2004ꎬ64(7-A).表1㊀商学院学生基本择业观调查结果研究问题选项有效百分比/%找专业对口的工作重要吗?非常重要17.42一般ꎬ不对口也要与专业相关65.15不太重要17.01没什么想法0.41对所学专业就业前景的看法热门专业61.83不是热门专业但有发展潜力26.97没有发展潜力4.15不太清楚7.05比较倾向的就业单位行政机关5.60国有企业18.88民营企业24.27外资企业44.4事业单位6.02自主创业0.03从调查结果来看ꎬ90%以上的商科类大学生对本专业就业有着较高的期待ꎮ同时ꎬ大部分学生不会考虑与自己所学专业不相关的岗位ꎮ而对于就业单位的选择ꎬ大部分学生选择倾向于企业ꎬ其中44.4%的学生优先考虑外资企业ꎬ24.27%的学生优先考虑民营企业ꎬ18.88%的学生优先考虑国有企业ꎬ仅有11.65%的学生选择了企业之外的其他选项ꎮ2.薪酬和工作环境影响ꎮ对于学生的择业趋势ꎬ调查结果显示ꎬ绝大多数的学生更倾向于在沿海和发达地区择业就业ꎮ46.68%的学生愿意前往北上广等一线城市工作ꎬ45.02%的学生愿意前往沿海二线城市工作ꎬ还有1.87%的学生选择海外就业ꎬ仅有不到5%的学生将中部二线城市和西部城市定位为自己未来就业择业的地点ꎮ对于就业第一年薪资的期望ꎬ选择北上广等城市的学生中ꎬ10.22%期望值在10万以下ꎬ67.56%期望值在10-20万之间ꎬ22.22%的人期望值在20万之上ꎻ选择沿海二线城市的学生中ꎬ24.42%期望值在10万之下ꎬ69.12%的期望值在10-20万之间ꎬ6.45%期望值在20万之上ꎻ选择中部和西部地区的学生中ꎬ54.1%的学生期望薪资在10万以下ꎬ45.9%的学生期望薪资在10-20万之间ꎮ3.外部经济形势影响ꎮ为考察全球背景下商科类大学生择业行为ꎬ选取对全球经济形势影响较为深刻的中美贸易争端事件对学生展开调查ꎬ考察学生在中美贸易争端环境下择业及就业的认识与选择ꎮ调查结果如表2所示ꎮ表2㊀商学院学生对于中美贸易摩擦影响就业的认识调查结果研究问题选项有效百分比/%贸易摩擦背景下对于就业前景的期望就业前景更加艰难80.00就业前景更加轻松6.67没有影响13.33贸易摩擦背景下学生就业意愿的变化更加倾向于就业26.67更加倾向于升学62.22没有变化11.11贸易摩擦背景下就业压力变化(多选)合适的就业单位要求更高68.89就业岗位更少53.33参与竞争的人数更多57.78发展前景与机会更少51.11不容易找到专业对口的工作24.44对就业压力没有影响4.44∗注:多选百分比为选择了该项的人数占总人数的百分比401㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀安徽理工大学学报(社会科学版)㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀第21卷㊀㊀调查结果显示ꎬ大部分学生认为贸易摩擦会导致就业前景更加艰难ꎬ合适的就业单位要求更高㊁就业岗位减少㊁参与竞争的人数更多㊁发展前景与机会更少四个选项都得到了超过50%学生的选择ꎬ说明学生对于当前国际贸易形势下就业环境的现状有一定的认识ꎮ中美贸易摩擦对于学生就业选择的影响调查结果如表3所示ꎮ表3㊀中美贸易摩擦对于学生就业选择的影响调查结果研究问题选项有效百分比/%贸易摩擦是否会影响就业地点的选择是31.11否68.89对就业地点选择的影响在于(多选)更倾向于一线城市50.00更倾向于东部沿海二线城市92.86更倾向于中部二线城市7.14更倾向于西部地区7.14贸易摩擦是否会影响就业单位的选择是40.46否59.54对就业地点选择的影响在于(多选)更偏向于民营企业22.22更偏向于事业单位55.56更偏向于国有企业77.78更偏向于外资企业16.67更偏向于政府机关61.11贸易摩擦是对期望薪资影响是ꎬ期望薪资更高28.89是ꎬ期望薪资降低22.22否ꎬ对期望薪资没有影响48.89哪些因素对于就业选择的影响力上升(多选)薪资水平53.33个人发展潜力57.78工作稳定性57.78单位所在地区31.11单位福利20.00单位规模24.44国家政策导向75.56哪些因素对于就业选择的影响力下降(多选)薪资水平15.56个人发展潜力8.89工作稳定性17.78单位所在地区31.11单位福利28.89单位规模48.89国家政策导向11.11∗注:多选百分比为选择了该项的人数占总人数的百分比501第6期㊀㊀㊀陆雁翎:经济全球化背景下商科类大学生择业行为研究 以南京大学商科类学生为研究对象㊀㊀从结果中可以看出ꎬ多数学生认为中美贸易摩擦对于自己就业选择没有影响ꎬ68.89%的学生认为中美贸易摩擦对于就业地点选择没有影响ꎬ59.60%的学生认为贸易摩擦对就业单位选择没有影响ꎬ48.89%的学生认为贸易摩擦对个人薪资期望没有影响ꎮ而在就业因素重要性变化的选择中ꎬ超过75%的学生认为国家政策导向对于就业的影响力会上升ꎻ同时48.89%的学生认为单位规模对于就业选择的影响力会下降ꎮ(二)结果分析根据以上调查问卷数据ꎬ可以发现全球背景下ꎬ尤其是当前世界经济形势下商科类大学生求职择业行为呈现出以下几方面特点ꎮ1.商科类大学生对于所学专业就业期望比较高ꎮ商科类大学生就业期望高主要体现在以下三个方面:首先ꎬ90%以上的学生认为本专业在就业方面有着良好的前景ꎬ即至少处于有较大发展潜力的阶段ꎮ问卷调查显示ꎬ大部分学生在选择专业时将就业前景纳入到考虑范围中ꎮ在收集学生选择专业的最重要的三个因素时ꎬ68.83%的学生选择包含了就业前景这一项ꎬ也反映了学生对于商科专业良好就业前景的高度认同ꎻ二是在就业观调查过程中ꎬ大部分学生对于薪酬有着较高的期望值ꎬ大部分学生对于自身的就业竞争力自信有余ꎬ并不具有审慎而理性的就业态度ꎻ三是学生对于就业方向要求较高ꎬ80%以上的学生认为需要找与专业相关联的工作ꎬ其中17.4%的学生认为一定要找专业对口的工作ꎮ2.就业选择区域集中ꎬ竞争压力较大ꎮ由于经济发展水平较高ꎬ东部沿海地区在薪资水平㊁专业应用㊁福利待遇等方面具有较强的竞争力ꎬ相比中西部城市更容易吸引人才[11]ꎮ而对于商科学生ꎬ这种现象更加明显ꎮ商科专业的就业与城市的经济水平和金融业发展水平有着密切关系ꎬ而我国的金融中心㊁贸易发达城市大部分集中在东部沿海地区ꎮ调查发行ꎬ大部分商科学生将自己的就业目的地选择在北上广一线城市以及沿海地区二线城市ꎬ中部以及西部地区少有学生选择ꎮ3.外部经济形势对择业行为有一定影响ꎬ但影响不大ꎮ在调研之前ꎬ本研究预期中美贸易摩擦的存在会对学生的就业选择产生较大的影响ꎬ改变学生就业时考虑因素的优先级ꎬ促使学生进行更加多元化的就业ꎻ但实际研究发现:尽管中美贸易摩擦对学生的就业选择产生了一定影响ꎬ但影响强度并不如预期ꎮ在就业因素重要性变化的调查中ꎬ随着就业压力的提升ꎬ国家政策导向㊁工作稳定性等因素在就业选择中的重要性显著上升ꎬ符合国家需要并且稳定㊁有一定发展潜力的单位会更受学生们的青睐ꎬ事业单位㊁国有企业和政府机关在学生就业选择的优先级上有一定程度的上升ꎬ而公司规模和公司所在地区对就业选择的影响则明显下降ꎮ结合基本就业观调查的结果ꎬ这一定程度上说明学生放宽了个人就业的要求以适应更加艰难的就业环境ꎮ但调研结果也让我们注意到ꎬ尽管大部分学生认为中美贸易摩擦使得就业压力变得更大ꎬ但是60%以上的学生在就业地区和就业单位上还是坚持原有的选择ꎬ并未根据中美贸易摩擦情况下就业紧张的态势主动进行调整ꎬ就业地区选择方面也比较集中ꎬ仅有极少数学生愿意去中部和西部地区就业ꎮ大部分学生在意识到就业形势更加严峻的情况下ꎬ没有选择降低薪资要求ꎬ薪资水平对于学生就业选择的重要性反而有一定程度的上升ꎮ四㊁结论与对策在经济全球化背景下ꎬ外部经济环境对商科类大学生的择业观和就业选择确实产生了一定的影响ꎬ学生从思想上对于复杂的就业形势有心理准备ꎬ但是在具体的职业选择上表现出的仍然是较高的同质化倾向ꎬ主要体现在就业区域㊁就业行业选择上的 群聚 效应ꎮ因此ꎬ全球化背景下商科类大学生的求职择业行为看似理性ꎬ但是如果缺乏有效的就业引导和职业发展教育以及对自我的清晰认识ꎬ商科类毕业生会出现理性而盲目㊁独立而从众ꎬ事与愿违㊁南辕北徹的情况ꎮ社会认知生涯理论认为ꎬ个体职业选择是个人㊁行为㊁环境三方面复杂交互的结果ꎬ对大学生职业选择进行引导要从择业行为的总指导㊁总开关 就业观开始ꎬ因此ꎬ作为就业行为总指引的就业观教育就显得尤为重要ꎮ根据图3所示社会认知生涯规划与就业观教育示意图ꎬ开展科学㊁系统的就业观教育是当前经济全球化宏观背景下保障商科类大学生高质量的就业ꎬ解决当前商科类毕601㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀安徽理工大学学报(社会科学版)㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀第21卷业生就业问题的关键一环[12]ꎮ图3㊀社会认知生涯规划与就业观教育示意图(一)制定合理的就业观教育目标学校和就业部门首先要制定科学㊁合理的就业观教育目标ꎮ目标是行动的导向ꎬ没有合适的目标ꎬ工作就容易迷失方向ꎬ做无用的努力ꎮ合理的目标能够带领学生树立良好的就业观ꎬ帮助学生在就业过程中认清就业形势ꎬ做出最合适的选择ꎮ树立合理的目标要求学校和就业部门首先要积极引导学生认识到就业的重要性ꎮ就业是实现个人理想与个人价值的通道ꎬ也是推动国家经济社会发展的重要手段ꎮ对于学生个体ꎬ只有通过就业才能将在学校中学习的知识转化为生活来源ꎬ满足社会生活的基本需求ꎻ对于国家ꎬ只有通过就业才能将劳动力与生产资料结合在一起ꎬ生产出社会所需要的物质财富和精神财富ꎮ因此高校和就业部门应当引导学生在就业过程中将个人理想与国家需求有机统一起来ꎬ充分意识到当前的青年一代在实现中华民族伟大复兴中国梦的进程中所肩负的重大使命ꎬ在工作选择的过程中既考虑个人价值的实现ꎬ更应当认识到必须承担的历史责任ꎬ树立艰苦奋斗的精神ꎬ到基层去ꎬ到西部去ꎬ到国家最需要的地方去ꎮ树立合理的目标其次要求帮助学生认识到就业的差异性ꎮ每一个学生都是不同的个体ꎬ而每一个个体在个体素质㊁个人爱好㊁个人理念方面都可能有着截然不同的特性ꎮ学生应当认识到就业是一个差异化的过程ꎬ最适合的就业选择因人而异ꎮ学校和就业部门要引导学生在就业过程中不盲目跟从他人的选择ꎬ认真评估个人特点ꎬ选择最适合自己的就业方式ꎬ避免在就业选择中出现同质化现象ꎮ树立合理的目标最后要求帮助学生认识到就业的长期性ꎮ就业并不是一次性行为ꎬ在初次就业过程中每个人并不一定都能够找到最适合自己的工作ꎮ学校和就业部门应当帮助学生认识到就业过程的长期性和动态变化的特征ꎬ引导学生做好先就业后择业的心理准备ꎬ在二次就业的过程中追寻个人价值和理想的实现ꎮ但是与此同时ꎬ高校择业观教育也要帮助学生建立起慎重的职业选择观念ꎬ要具有高度的职业精神和职业认同感ꎬ避免因为二次就业的存在而疏忽大意ꎬ进行频繁的职业变换ꎬ对未来发展产生不利的影响ꎮ(二)充分利用就业观教育环境就业观的形成和发展受大学生自身所处环境的影响ꎬ充分利用舆论㊁校园㊁家庭等积极的环境因素开展教育引导是就业观教育的重要手段ꎮ人是社会环境中的一部分ꎬ塑造一个良好的教育环境ꎬ有助于帮助学生在成长过程中养成良好的行为和习惯ꎬ自觉建立起正确的人生观㊁世界观和价值观[13]ꎮ针对就业观教育环境ꎬ商科类院系可以从思想引领和实践操作等方面开展工作ꎮ一是利用媒体力量ꎬ特别是新时代的传媒方式ꎬ加强对大学生就业观的舆论引导ꎮ信息化时代媒体是学生获得信息的最主要方式ꎮ学生日常接触到的信息环境是否符合社会主义先进文化的要求ꎬ是青年学生择业教育能否成功的关键因素ꎮ学校和就业部门应当通过包括网络在内的媒体宣传各类就业先进典型ꎬ宣传投身国家经济建设的先进典范ꎬ充分利用信息环境对于大学生择业认知㊁择业理想等的积极塑造作用ꎻ二是建立先进校园文化ꎮ校园是学生接受高等教育期间的长期居住地ꎬ校园环境与学生人生观㊁世界观和价值观的建立息息相关ꎮ广泛开展校园思想政治教育工作ꎬ有助于将社会主义核心价值观实践在学生的日常生活中ꎬ在校园中建立对于社会主义先进文化的探索和追求之风ꎬ进而引领高校学生树立起远大目标ꎬ以 时代新人 的标准自我要求ꎬ自觉认同和实践社会主义共同理想ꎬ理性衡量个人价值和国家民族需求ꎻ三是建设良好的家庭环境ꎮ家庭是青年学生在成长过程中接触最多的环境ꎮ家人ꎬ尤其是父母的意见在青年学生的决策过程中往往具有举足轻重的作用ꎮ当前ꎬ有许多家长习惯于使用片面的标准ꎬ如薪酬高低㊁工作稳定性来评判青年学生就业选择ꎬ从而导致青年学生在就业时不能进行合理的决策ꎮ学校和就业部701第6期㊀㊀㊀陆雁翎:经济全球化背景下商科类大学生择业行为研究 以南京大学商科类学生为研究对象门的工作不应当仅仅关注学生ꎬ也要关注学生家长 就业观 的建立ꎬ通过思想政治宣传工作ꎬ一方面转变部分学生家长观念ꎬ引导学生家长尊重学生选择ꎻ另一方面引导学生将就业选择与家长进行交流ꎬ听取家长的合理意见ꎬ理性择业ꎮ(三)持续创新就业观教育方法当今社会已经进入互联网时代ꎬ在就业观教育方法上也要与时俱进不断创新ꎮ首先ꎬ学校可以结合学生的要求和意见ꎬ逐步建立毕业生信息交流平台和就业求职论坛ꎮ一方面帮助学生更好地了解国家政策ꎬ例如国家鼓励高校毕业生到基层到西部地区就业的有关优惠政策ꎬ帮助学生更好地根据自身的情况选择就业策略ꎬ减少学生在就业过程中因为对政策不了解而出现的就业单位㊁工作地点等选择趋同倾向ꎻ另一方面鉴于商科类大学生就业选择易受经济贸易形势影响ꎬ应建立信息交流渠道ꎬ帮助学生对经济形势有更清楚的认知ꎬ避免学生在就业选择过程中出现过于乐观或悲观的现象ꎮ其次ꎬ学校要在传统的课堂教育方式基础上ꎬ加强理论教育与实践教育的结合ꎬ对商科类大学生更要增加学生与社会实际工作之间的接触ꎬ建立和加强多方合作伙伴关系ꎮ高校设立就业培训学院ꎬ负责专业理论知识和学生综合素质能力培训ꎻ企业作为大学生实习基地ꎬ全面负责实习生的技能培训与考核[14]ꎻ在就业实习和择业实践中强化学生的就业意识ꎬ指导学生做好职业规划ꎬ帮助他们充分了解自身的潜在职业素养[15]ꎬ尽早为之后的就业工作做好准备ꎮ就业是一种积极的社会保障形式ꎬ充分的就业能够保障社会的稳定与和谐[16]ꎮ毕业生就业也是高校办学水平的体现ꎬ更是高校人才培养特色的彰显ꎬ根据外部经济环境变化结合自身专业特点ꎬ树立科学㊁正确的就业观是商科类大学生报效祖国㊁回报社会㊁实现自我的重要环节ꎮ参考文献:[1]㊀世界经济网.2018世界各国GDP排名预测[EB/OL].(2018-10-26)[2019-08-10].[2]㊀LentRWꎬBrownSDꎬHackettG.TowardaUnifyingSocialCognitiveTheoryofCareerandAcademicInterestChoiceandPerformance[J].Journalofvocationalbe 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对中俄贸易的影响英语作文The impact of Sino-Russian trade is significant in the global market. Both countries have strong economic ties and rely on each other for various goods and services.The trade between China and Russia has been growing steadily over the years, with both countries benefiting from the partnership. China is a major importer of Russian oil and natural gas, while Russia imports a wide range of goods from China, including electronics, machinery, and textiles.The trade relationship between China and Russia is not without challenges. Both countries have had disputes over trade practices and tariffs, which have led to tensions in the past. However, the two countries have managed to work through these issues and continue to strengthen their economic ties.The Sino-Russian trade relationship also hasimplications for other countries in the region. As China and Russia increase their trade volume, other countries in Asia may feel the impact on their own economies. This can lead to increased competition and changes in trade patterns in the region.Overall, the Sino-Russian trade relationship is complex and multifaceted, with both countries benefiting from the partnership while also facing challenges and tensions. As the global economy continues to evolve, the impact of Sino-Russian trade will likely continue to play a significant role in shaping international trade dynamics.。
2)游中国当然是必游长城。 A must for all the tourists to China is to visit the Great Wall. 3)中国的国民意识是把追求家庭幸福提到个 人幸福之上,而美国人似乎与此相反。 In the Chinese ideology, the pursuit of family happiness has been elevated to the place before personal happiness, while for the Americans the order seems to be the reverse.
2-2 By means of inference (decide SV based on thorough interpretation)
• 1)发现错误,要改正错误。 Wrongs must be righted when they are discovered.
2)我们的各项工作都取得了一些成就,但不 能因此而骄傲自满。 We have made some achievements in various fields of our work but we must not get conceited and arrogant. 3)我们的自然科学比较落后,要努力向外国 学习。 In natural science, we are rather backward and we should make a special effort to learn from foreign countries.
Customers from various countries and regions are welcome to establish and develop business contacts with us. China’s first atomic blast in October, 1964 was a great shock to the rest of the world. Everything taken into consideration, her proposal seems more practicable. A special fund will be set aside to support these products which fall within five hi-tech spheres— new materials mechatronics, electronic information, biotechnology, new energy resources and energy conservation. It is a general opinion that to simplify formalities and to enhance efficiency are more important than to give preferential economical treatment to enterprises.
中美贸易摩擦对广东高新科技行业的影响——以美国制裁华为为例陈丽敏,张 莉,丘文尉(广东省科技创新监测研究中心,广东广州510033)摘要:近年来,中美贸易摩擦不仅是经济行为和外贸竞争,也是中美高科技的较量,而围堵中国的科研院校和高科技企业是美国打压我国科技发展的主要手段。
关键词:华为;中美贸易;高科技企业中图分类号:G312 文献标志码:A 文章编号:2096-5095(2020)06-0054-07The Impact of Sino-US Trade Friction on Guangdong Hi-tech Industry:Taking the US Sanctions Huawei as an ExampleCHEN Li-min, ZHANG Li, QIU Wen-wei(Guangdong Science and Technology Innovation Monitoring and Research Center, Guangzhou 510033, China) Abstract:I n recent years, Sino-US trade friction is not only a kind of economic behavior and foreign trade competition, but also a battle of high-tech between China and the United States, while blocking China’s scientifi c research institutions and high-tech enterprises is the main means used by the United States to squash China’s scientifi c and technological development. With the overall escalation of the Sino-US trade friction, the United States has been upgrading the technical blockade of Huawei. Taking Huawei as an example, this paper analyzes the impact of Sino-US trade friction on Guangdong’s high-tech industry and puts forward countermeasures and suggestions.Key words: Huawei: Sino-US trade; high-tech enterprise0 引言刚加入WTO时,中国虽处于全球产业链的中下游位置,但充分利用自身在国际贸易中的优势,向全球市场提供低价劳动力,通过人口红利以及资源禀赋换取市场份额和经济利益,因此也有着“世界工厂”的称号[1]。
精选英语听力材料参考【外交部:假如美国升级贸易争端,中国将作出回应】China has reiterated that it is prepared to take countermeasures if the US takes further actions to escalatethe trade friction between the two nations.中国重申,假如美国采取进一步行动加剧两国之间的贸易摩擦,中国预备采取反制措施。
The position was underscored by Geng Shuang, spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in responseto US media reports that the Trump administration is planning to increase pending tariffs on 200 billion US dollars’ worth of Chinese goods to 25 percent from 10 percent.中国外交部发言人耿爽强调了这一立场。
Geng stressed at the ministry’s daily news conference that the Chinese government has always insisted on solving trade disputes through dialogue and consultation.耿爽在外交部例行记者会上强调,中国政府一贯坚持通过对话协商解决贸易争端。
But he added, "China will undoubtedly take countermeasures if the US takes further actions to escalatethe situation to safeguard its legitimate rights andinterests.但他补充说,“假如美国采取进一步行动,使局势升级,以保障其合法权益,中国无疑将采取反制措施。
学年论文题目:中美贸易摩擦的原因、影响及对策学生:王晶晶学号:院(系):管理学院专业:国际经济与贸易指导教师:高莉2013年12月28日中美贸易摩擦的原因、影响及对策国贸112班:王晶晶指导老师:高莉(陕西科技大学管理学院陕西西安 710021)摘要:随着我国加入世界贸易组织以及经济全球化的发展,我国对外贸易得到了迅速的发展,尤其是和美国之间的贸易量和幅度的迅速增大,同时,中美之间的贸易摩擦也不断的加剧,贸易赤字,技术性贸易壁垒,反倾销等成为中美双方贸易摩擦的焦点,贸易摩擦对我国的的对外贸易产生了越来越多的的负面影响,如何化解这些贸易摩擦,已经成为了我国对外贸易政策与国际经济发展中的一个重要课题之一。
关键词:中美贸易,贸易摩擦,原因,影响,对策TitleABSTRACT:This paper is that with China's accession to WTO and the development of economic globalization, China's foreign trade has been rapid development, especially in trade between the United States and theamplitude increases rapidly, while the trade friction between China and the U.S. have continued to intensifies, the trade deficit, technical barriers to trade, anti-dumping and other trade frictions become the focus of Sino-US trade friction on China's foreign trade produced a more negative impact, how to resolve these trade frictions, has become a country one of the key issues of foreign trade policy and international economic development. Based on the cause of Sino-US trade friction and analyze the economic impact on our country, and have put forward corresponding countermeasuresKEY WORDS:China - U.S. trade, trade friction, causes, effects, countermeasures中美两国自从1979年1月建交以来,两国之间的经济贸易往来迅速发展,改革开放以来,我的的经济水平和科技技术得到了迅速的发展,自从中国加入世界贸易组织以后,中美两国的贸易量和贸易幅度得到了进一步的扩大,双边贸易额从1978年的24.51亿美元发展到2012年的5000亿美元。
中美贸易摩擦(Sino-US trade friction)Chinese factors have promoted the rise of the United StatesOn November 15th, President Obama paid a state visit to china. How to avoid trade friction between China and the United States is also an important topic of Obama's trip. Some people in the United States believe that China's large trade surplus with the United States has contributed to the rapid development of China's economy. In fact, today's Sino US trade is a win-win situation for both countries. More than 200 years ago, the newly independent America gained more and greater benefits from its trade with china.1., the United States faces many difficulties after independenceIn November 1782, after 6 years of the war of independence, the United States received the British recognition in the Treaty of Paris. During the war of independence, many states in the United States issued large amounts of paper money to pay for their military expenses, causing serious inflation, and armed revolt against poor citizens and white indentured slaves broke out everywhere. Not only that, but in the early days of independence, the United States faced three difficulties: backward manufacturing, social poverty and tight government revenues. The United States was the lack of an independent system of light industry, per capita industrialization level is much lower than that of Britain and France and other countries in Western Europe, is also lower than China, urban and rural residents can not self necessities of life (for example, before 1840s, the United States can not be large-scaleproduction of porcelain).The harsh international environment has exacerbated the difficulties in the United states. In retaliation for the United States, the United Kingdom not only cancelled all trade preferences for the 13 colonies in North America, but also deliberately raised tariffs on American goods and prohibited American ships from entering Canada and the West indies. Against this background, the ruling elite of the United States turned their attention to the developed, affluent and friendly Eastern powers, China, in their minds.2. Guangzhou residents said the "Citi china"In 1784, under the support of the U.S. government, sailing "China empress of departure from New York, the ship loaded with ginseng, leather, sweater, pepper, cotton, lead and silver goods, with the U.S. government certificate seal cover. The governor of New York, U.S. officials think, "Chinese Queen" will be exposed to China officials at all levels of various important figures, therefore also wrote a series of title certificate: the monarch, the emperor, kings, princes, dukes, earls, barons, and Lord Mayor, members......Six months later, the empress of China arrived at the then China's only maritime trading port, Guangzhou. Guangzhou residents after learning it from a new country, think it's flag there are 13 stars garish, and 13 lines, so the country known as the "American", nicknamed "Citi people" in this country, they shipped ginseng called "Citi ginseng" or "ginseng". Later, even "Citibank" (translated as city bank) was also called"Citibank"".After 4 months, all China empress goods sell, the crew to buy tea, porcelain, silk, ivory carving, lacquer, cinnamon, cinnamon and other goods China gold embroidery, returned to New York in May 1785, and lasted for two months a year. Chinese goods became popular in New York, forming the first "Chinese craze" in American history". George Washington, the first president of the United States, also made a list of some of the goods brought back by the empress of china. The voyage, a total investment of $120 thousand, net profit of $more than 30 thousand. The business agent on a ship called Chinese praised Mao Shan businessmen "intelligent, accurate in the diary, trading punctual", and "good moral character". He submitted a report to the U.S. Congress, called "sailing through the earth with the very Eastern link", Congress on the voyage was satisfied, Samuel Shaw was appointed U.S. ambassador to Guangzhou's first consul.In April 20, 2006, China President Hu Jintao in the United States President Barack Bush in the White House held a welcoming ceremony speech, the one mentioned in the beginning "Chinese empress:" 1784 (Qian Long forty-nine years), American merchant ship "Queen Chinese" across the ocean sea voyage Chinese, opened a prelude to the friendly exchanges between the two peoples."3., China's trade with the United States greatly benefitThe success of the Chinese Queen's maiden voyage made American businessmen feel that direct trade between China and the UnitedStates was indeed profitable. The US government immediately introduced preferential policies such as taxes and subsidies to protect trade with China, and American merchant ships sailed to Guangzhou. The goods bought China businessmen often underfunded American businessman. In this regard, American businessmen believe that Chinese businessmen are "faithful, faithful and reliable" in all transactions and are generous in their compliance with contracts".In 1790, the proportion of trade with China in the United States in foreign trade rose to 1 / 7 ($14.28%), which is even higher than the 2007 China trade accounted for the proportion of American foreign trade (U.S. Commerce Department data released in 2008 12.4%). Since then, the US trade with China has continued to expand. From 1791 to 1841,US trade with China has increased by 6 times.Before 1792, the United States had become China's second largest trading partner, second only to the United kingdom. In 1833, China's total imports from the United States accounted for 19.3% of China's total imports from Europe and the United states. Of course, as foreign trade accounted for a small share of China's total economy, China did not rely on the US market as much as it does today.The massive trade with China has benefited the business, the bourgeoisie, the common people and the government of the United states.As for the ordinary people as producers, the trade with Chinahas brought market demand and income has increased. At the beginning of the Sino US trade, American businessmen learned that the Chinese loved a kind of "fragrant grass roots", so they bought ginseng on a large scale throughout the country. The United States all over the newspapers are filled with the acquisition of ginseng advertising, then along the Hudson River and the new men and women, old and young in the west of England, the hills mining wild ginseng. In the 1804~1829 year, the United States exports 1817 ginseng to China every year. ("burden" is a unit of volume, about 50 kilograms of solid objects.).For ordinary consumers as a consumer, trade with China has also reduced the cost of living and improved the quality of life. 1800~1804 years, Americans bought 68.7% of China's exports of cotton cloth from Guangzhou, and Chinese porcelain was widely regarded by Western businessmen as "goods of extremely high value and low price". In 1797, the average number of Nanjing blue and white tea sets in Guangzhou was 9 cents a piece, and the tableware was 12 cents a piece. Dealer in Philadelphia Woln wrote in 1820: "Chinese porcelain has been replaced by a British vessel, high and middle class all use, even the poorest families can also boast their work after a buy several pieces of porcelain Chinese. The girl got married, almost no dowry send China tea." Therefore, he believes that Chinese goods (porcelain, silk, tea) have become the necessities of the United States, the importance of almost the same as bread.For the commercial bourgeoisie, trade with China is a huge profit (exports of fur, wood, to 10 times the original price to 20 times sold in Guangzhou; the acquisition of Guangzhou in China, in the United States in 2 times the original price forsale), New York, Philadelphia, Boston city merchants, through trade with China realized the original accumulation of capital.At the beginning of the founding of the United States, the high tariff policy of trade protectionism, which accounted for about 1 / 7 of China's total foreign trade, brought huge tax to the US government and eased the financial difficulties. In China for example, the United States government since 1796 on American ships carrying China porcelain 15% levy ad valorem taxes for other countries, China porcelain vessels carrying is 16.5% tax.4. the United States shipbuilding and shipping technology thus developedThe Americans came to Guangzhou when the face is almost unlimited Chinese market, but the industry was also developed, sparsely populated with (independent only about 2000000), higher labor costs, domestic goods are competitive in the market is not much Chinese. As a result, American merchant ships transported a third country cargo to china. In 1825, US exports to China were worth about $5 million 410 thousand (another source called $5 million 500 thousand) for third country goods, worth only $160 thousand, and third country goods were 30 times more expensive than American goods.In search of goods that can be sold in Guangzhou, Americans are active all over the world.In 1787, starting from Boston's "Columbia" and "Washington" around the southern tip of the horn to the northwest coast ofNorth America, with its chisel contained a class of iron tools and buttons, snuffboxes, earrings and other cheap gadgets for Indian sea otter, then go to Guangzhou in exchange for tea, home via Cape of Good Hope. The "alliance", starting from Philadelphia, via South Australia to Guangzhou. At the same time, American businessmen also carry out seals, sandalwood, trade, these goods can be equivalent to the original price 10 times to 30 times the price sold in Guangzhou.Around 1805, American traders began exporting opium to China, and almost all American traders who were trading with China took part in the dirty business. At that time, the main opium producing region, India, was monopolized by the British East India Co, and American businessmen could not afford to encroach on it. American businessmen discovered opium and Persian opium in Turkey. American merchant Astor bought furs from the northwest coast of North America and shipped them to the Mediterranean port of Osman, Turkey's empire, in exchange for opium from Turkey and then shipped opium to china. In the process, as American merchant ships were attacked by pirates, the American Navy entered the Mediterranean, attacked pirates, and attacked the North African seaport city, the first naval operation by the United States navy. In addition, for the British American businessman from India shipped to Guangzhou for sale with opium, commission and 1% from 3% in the bonus.American ocean navigation focusing on opening up China market,The United States has greatly contributed to the development of the shipbuilding industry and shipping technology, American merchant ship speed so that Britain and France's surprise, theQing Dynasty "Guangzhou Customs record" in the United States "ready to ship, as he can do the export country, the beginning of August and September". In 1839, the United States Merchant "Akbar" was created in 109 days to travel from New York to Guangzhou record.In addition, the ocean shipping at that time had a strong military nature. The European and American merchant ships were usually equipped with guns for the purpose of preventing pirate attacks, and the crew of warships and merchant ships often exchanged with each other. In this way, trade with China promoted the American merchant fleet to sail around the world, and gradually accumulated rich experience in navigation, commerce, diplomacy, military affairs and piracy. The American businessman with opium smuggling ship armed against Qing Dynasty Guangdong navy ships, but also accumulated a lot of coastal and estuarine areas of combat experience.5. China knows very little about the United StatesFrom the early rise of the United States, China also gained some economic benefits, but the spread of opium smuggling after a large number of export Chinese wealth in return, is the poison of physical and mental health and undermine social stability in water. Over 50 years of Sino American trade, hundreds of American ships came to China, but no Chinese merchant ship went to the United states. America's growing understanding of China has found that China is just a rich but weak country. However, China's understanding of the United States has been stuck in ignorance, more and more passive.In the first Opium War, the United States remained neutral on the surface, and essentially followed the British aggression against china. In 1844, the United States forced the Qing government to sign the "Sino American Wangxia treaty", the end of the two equal communication history.Since then, Chinese factors in the rise of the United States to continue to exist, such as trade with China has become one of the North American continent, America West and Pacific Islands to China to promote the expansion of textile exports after the American Civil War South economic recovery, Chinese workers for the United States to build the transcontinental Pacific railway.。
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Business Negotiations154 从奥巴马演讲的不同译文看语域理论在翻译中的应用155 功能对等理论视角下英语言语幽默的翻译—以《老友记》为例156 功能对等理论视角下的商务合同翻译研究157 A Comparative Study of American and Chinese Spatial Language in Business Negotiation 158 英汉双语词典中的语用信息159 文化背景知识在英语教学中的作用160 尼斯湖和西湖—中西方旅游性格差异研究161 游戏在小学英语课堂中的运用162 英文商业广告的语言特点163 哥特元素在《宠儿》中的运用164 《洛丽塔》悲剧结局因素探析165 从习语来源看中西文化之不同166 论性别歧视167 《红字》中女权主义意识探析168 中美脱口秀会话分析对比研究169 托马斯•哈代《德伯家的苔丝》中的自然主义170 Sister Carrie’s Stepping Stone to Success171 《蝴蝶君》中两位主角的心理冲突172 《京华烟云》中姚思安的性格分析173 思维对汉英句子结构的影响---以《飞蛾之死》及其译文为例英语专业全英原创毕业论文,公布的题目可以用于直接使用和参考(贡献者ID 有提示)174 从语言功能考察汉语公示语英译175 超越性别的美——以《道林格雷的画像》为例176 从《一间自己的房间》分析弗吉尼亚•伍尔夫的女性主义思想177 Cooperative Learning: An Effective Way to Improve Junior Students’ Integrative Language Ability178 英汉广告互译的顺应化研究179 从释意学理论看中英口译180 Psychological Analysis of Holden in The Catcher in the Rye181 中西方社交礼仪差异研究——以商务礼仪为例182 从妇女主义角度分析《紫色》中三位女性人物特征183 作者菲茨杰拉德在《了不起的盖茨比》中所表现的双重人格184 《名利场》和《嘉莉妹妹》女主角形象对比185 论文化软实力的提升对中国在国际社会中的影响力186 电影字幕汉译的归化与异化187 The Pragmatic Analysis of English Euphemism188 广告翻译中的模因传播189 论《觉醒》中艾德娜女性意识的觉醒190 委婉语的跨文化交流及其语用功能191 爱与正义:《杀死一只知更鸟》主人公阿提克斯•芬奇形象解读192 从文化差异视角看英语新闻标题的翻译193 中西方饮食文化对比194 论关联理论在商业广告翻译中的运用195 The Conditioning Factors of Juvenile Delinquency in the United States (-)196 世纪年代鲁迅与梁实秋之间的翻译论战197 《芭芭拉少校》中的现实主义198 差异、对立与和谐——浅析伍尔夫的双性同体观199 试谈黑人英语在美国电影中的渗透200 《鲁滨逊漂流记》“星期五”被殖民化分析。
中美贸易战英语作文The Sino-US Trade War。
In recent years, the trade war between China and the United States has become a hot topic in the international community. The two largest economies in the world have been engaged in a tit-for-tat tariff battle, with both sides imposing tariffs on each other's goods. This has not only affected the two countries' economies, but also had a significant impact on the global economy.The trade war began when the United States accused China of unfair trade practices, such as intellectual property theft and forced technology transfer. In response, the US imposed tariffs on Chinese goods, prompting China to retaliate with tariffs of its own. The situation escalated further when the US blacklisted Chinese tech giant Huawei, and China suspended purchases of US agricultural products.The trade war has had far-reaching consequences forboth countries. In the United States, the tariffs have ledto higher prices for consumers and disrupted supply chains for businesses. In China, the economy has also been affected, with exports declining and businesses facing uncertainty. The trade war has also had a ripple effect on other countries, as global trade has slowed and investment has been put on hold.Despite the negative impact of the trade war, bothChina and the United States have shown a willingness to negotiate and find a resolution. In December 2019, the two countries reached a "phase one" trade deal, which included commitments from China to purchase more US goods andaddress intellectual property concerns. However, the trade war is far from over, and both sides continue to engage in talks to resolve their differences.The trade war between China and the United States has highlighted the importance of fair and open trade practices. It has also underscored the interconnectedness of theglobal economy, and the need for countries to work together to address trade disputes. While the trade war has hadnegative consequences, it has also provided an opportunity for both countries to reevaluate their trade policies and work towards a more balanced and mutually beneficial relationship.In conclusion, the Sino-US trade war has had a significant impact on the global economy, and has highlighted the need for fair and open trade practices. While the trade war has caused disruptions and uncertainty, it has also provided an opportunity for both countries to address their differences and work towards a more balanced trade relationship. It is important for China and the United States to continue engaging in dialogue and negotiations to find a resolution to the trade war, and to ensure that their trade practices are fair and beneficial for both countries.。
US-China Trade War:A Classic Conflict of
作者: [美]斯蒂芬·S.罗奇[1]
作者机构: [1]耶鲁大学杰克逊全球事务研究所,美国纽黑文
出版物刊名: 中央社会主义学院学报
页码: 10-15页
年卷期: 2020年 第1期
主题词: 贸易战;中美关系;相互依存;“冷战2.0”
On Intercultural Communication in Sino-US Business Negotiation论中美商务谈判的跨文化交际AbstractNegotiators with different cultural backgrounds need to employ different negotiating strategies. Cultural differences will certainly result in cultural conflicts. In Sino-US business negotiation, it is key for successful intercultural communications to learn two different cultures and negotiating styles and use strategies which are adapt to them.This thesis focuses on the differences between Chinese and American cultures and analyses roots of the differences and twodifferent negotiating styles. It is developed by three important parts: differences between Chinese and American cultures and their roots; factors of culture that influence business negotiation; the embodiment of intercultural communication in business negotiations; recommendations for successful business negotiations.不同文化背景的谈判者需要运用不同的谈判方式和策略,而文化差异则必然会引起文化冲突。
--Gaining a competitive edge on the global stage, therefore, no longer depends on the exploitation of natural comparative advantages in factors of production, but on the ability to develop and, most crucially, capitalize on new knowledge and technologies.2. 中国拥有广大的市场和发展需求,日本拥有先进的科学技术和巨大的物质力量,两国之间有着很强的经济互补性。
--China boasts a huge and great demand for development, while Japan owns advanced science and technology as well as enormous material strength, which have together contributed to the strong economic complementarity between the two countries.3. 这里,我想就中国纺织品出口的问题谈些看法,希望有助于诸位对现状的了解。
--Here, I would like to make some observations on China’s textile export, which I hope will help you understand the present situation better.--Here, I would like to make an account on the export of China’s textile products in the hope that all of you will have a clearer picture on the present situation.4. 中美两国贸易中时常出现摩擦和纠纷,此起彼伏、接连不断,在摩擦中前进。
中美贸易摩擦论文 HEN system office room 【HEN16H-HENS2AHENS8Q8-HENH1688】中美贸易摩擦现状及对策Research on Current Situation of Sino-America Trade Conflicts andCountermeasures学院:经济学院专业/班级:国际经济与贸易 0701 班学号:学生姓名:指导教师:2011 年 6 月26日摘要近年来,中美贸易摩擦愈演愈烈,中美摩擦已经成为了阻碍中美贸易以及经济发展的绊脚石。
关键词:中美贸易摩擦;贸易保护主义;WTOAbstractSino-US trade frictions are becoming more and more fierce in recent years. Sino-US trade friction has become the barriers of the development of Sino-US trade and paper attempts to describe theSino-US trade friction status and characteristics in recent years so as to identify the main reasons for the Sino-US trade friction andfind out the corresponding countermeasures.After the study ,we found that Sino-US trade frictions are showing new , the The yuan to the dollar exchange rate legislation have been introduced by the , Sino-US trade friction are showing diverse, comprehensive, and concealed features. Third, anti-subsidy has become the focus of Sino-US trade friction.Sino-US trade friction is the result of the comprehensivation of China ,the and environmental factors of the world. Factors fromChina leading to Sino-US trade friction are as following : Our government offers a variety of incentives, Vicious competition in China's enterprises are brought out due to our government offering a variety of trade association’ systems dealing with trade frictions are not very enterprises are on the blind persuit of the increase of goods numbers,and “a large number of goods are for sale at lowprices ” are widespread. The sense of self-protection and strategyof our enterprises are very from the US are: "China threat" has been in the US for a long time .They are worried about the development of China will affect the intrests of their take some measures to curb China's intrests group in the US are playing a important role in promoting Sino-US trade friction. In addition, Sino-US trade friction is also caused by the world economic situation.So the efforts paid by two countries’ orgnization,enterprisesand the world are needed. The key measures to ease Sino-US are : WTO promote the fairness of the trade regulation; Our government should strengthen cooperation with the . government and relevant interest groups in the same, our government should adjust and improve economic and trade government also should expanse domestic demandand develop inward-looking ,we should learn how to use the WTO trade rules.Key words: Sino-US trade fliction; trade protectionism; WTO目录第1章引言选题的背景、目的与意义2008年一场对全球经济具有极大杀伤力的经济危机席卷全球,世界各国采取了各种各样刺激经济增长的措施。
Australian Buyer: That’s great. I am here to confirm the deal that we talked about yesterday. I think we still need to reach some consensus on certain details, right? 那好,我今天来是想和你确认昨天谈过的那笔交易。
Suzhou Exporter: Indeed. I showed you our sample last time and I believe its quality is beyond reproach. We just signed some purchasing contracts with several overseas companies these days. Our past sales and usage records could also prove its high quality.Australian Buyer: I have no doubt about that. Actually one of my colleagues recommended you before I traveled here and sure I did some homework. What I am interested in today is to see whether you can provide me a more competitive price. You know the financial tsunami and things like that. 这点我并不怀疑。
贸易冲突英文作文Trade conflicts are causing tensions between countries, leading to tariffs and trade barriers being imposed. This has resulted in a decrease in global trade and economic growth, affecting businesses and consumers worldwide.The trade conflicts have also led to a disruption in supply chains, making it difficult for businesses to source raw materials and components. This has increased production costs and led to higher prices for goods and services, impacting the affordability of products for consumers.In addition, the trade conflicts have created uncertainty in the business environment, making itdifficult for companies to make long-term investment decisions. This has led to a decrease in business confidence and investment, further affecting economic growth and employment.Furthermore, the trade conflicts have also sparkedretaliatory measures from affected countries, leading to a cycle of escalation. This has further strained diplomatic relations and increased geopolitical tensions, creating a challenging environment for international cooperation and negotiation.Moreover, the trade conflicts have raised concerns about the future of the global trading system, with some countries turning towards protectionism. This has raised questions about the effectiveness of international trade agreements and the role of organizations such as the World Trade Organization in resolving trade disputes.Overall, the trade conflicts have had far-reaching implications, affecting not only the economies of countries involved but also the stability of the global economy. Itis crucial for countries to find a resolution to these conflicts through dialogue and cooperation in order to mitigate the negative impact on businesses and consumers.。
关键词:中美贸易摩擦; ; 232调查; GATT(1944)第21条;Abstract:Sino-US trade frictions have gone beyond thetraditional anti-dumping,anti-subsidy and safeguard measures,involvingnational security. The USA launched the232 Reportsmainly to suppress the transformation of manufacturing industry and economic development in China so as to promote their own manufacturing industry. As a major steel and aluminum exporter,China has become the largest target of the investigation. This would violate the most favored nation treatment obligation in Article 1 and the tariff concession commitment in Article 2 of GATT( 1994). The US side defends that it complies with the safety exception of Article 21 of GATT( 1944). China should actively advocates multilateral mechanisms and firmly opposes unilateral sanctions,using the dispute settlement mechanism under the WTO framework to solve the frictional disputes. Also,we will adopt theBelt and Roadstrategy to further transfer the steel and aluminum market to the countries involved.Keyword:Sino-US trade frictions; national security; 232 Reports; Article 21 of GATT(1944);2017年4月20日,美国发动232调查认定进口钢铁产品和铝产品对美国的影响。
中文4750字RMB appreciationAbstract: At present, the RMB's appreciation has attracted wide attention because exchange rate movements on the impact of a country's economy and international interests of all economies is closely related toCaused by the yuan appreciation are also external factors, both internal and therefore a variety of measures to be taken and requested the co-ordination of the main stakeholders in order to cope with the impact of the appreciation.This paper analyzes the causes and impact of RMB appreciation that the appreciation should seize the opportunities and to actively respond to challenges, to avoid sharp fluctuations in the Chinese economy.一.An appreciation of the renminbi because(1).An appreciation of the yuan external causesFirst, the RMB revaluation pressure from the United States.The US government believes that the long-term Sino-US trade surplus with the US dollar and China's pegged exchange rate policies, the depreciation of the dollar can be put into the role of trade, but to make Chinese products more competitive, there is an urgent demand appreciation of the RMB.However, the US trade deficit is determined by its sharp increase in foreign direct investment is too large, personal consumption expenditures is much higher than savings, and so a variety of factors, appreciation of the renminbi alone could not rescue its economy recession.Secondly, the pressure from Japan.90 years since the Japanese economy has entered a long period of depression, inexpensive Chinese products in the Japanese market share rising, the Japanese government that the low prices of Chinese goods to foreign sales, not only Japan's current account deficit in the state, but also to the Japanese domestic market has brought the threat of deflation.Therefore, Japan strongly want to change the yuan revaluation of the domestic economy continues to slump and the decline in international competitiveness of the state.Once again, the pressure from the European Union.The continuing depreciation of dollar against the euro makes the link with the devaluation of the yuan against the euro, is also relatively recent years, China-EU trade continued to grow, the depreciation of the renminbi against the euro, European companies in China led to the rising costs of goods, business loss, then Canada, the European Union and other countries and regions have to revalue its currency in order to take some of the effects of dollar depreciation.(2)the internal causes of the appreciation of yuanFirst of all, China's capital projects and current 'double surplus' led to the huge foreign exchange reserves are the most important internal reason for the yuan appreciation.Second, China's continued rapid economic growth laid the economic foundation of the RMB exchange rate. Moreover, the United States spreads upside down has further boosted the yuanappreciation.China's current excess liquidity there and asset prices, inflation rates remained high, the central bank needs to tighten monetary policy to deal with these issues, including improving the RMB deposit and lending rates.However, the US interest rate cut in a row after the rate cut is still possible, the situation of Sino-US spreads upside down from the United States makes a large number of short-term capital outflows are more likely to flow into China, causing upward pressure to the yuan.二the RMB appreciation on China's Economy(1)The appreciation of the renminbi reduces the profitability of China's export productsYuan revaluation, if China's commodity prices in foreign currencies marked change, places yuan marked prices, in this case, although China's exports will not be affected, but the corporate profit margins will decline.If the price of the RMB marked change, places mark up the price of foreign currency, China's export products in the international market, declining competitiveness, reduced exports, corporate profits will fall.Yuan revaluation caused a decline in level of corporate profit margins out of date due to the different types of products and different.For the primary products of its labor-intensive products and low value-added products, the most influential of these products is to use cheap labor to reduce internal costs, export prices down in order to obtain the international competitiveness of the industry itself, due to intense competition, small profit margins appreciation of the yuan to its greater impact. Its for the deep processing, with higher value-added, as well as enterprises with independent little effect on national brands, or even no effect.Export products of these enterprises have the advantage of non-price products, companies can negotiate with the client consultation, lock exchange rate risk, etc. to resolve to reduce the pressure on profits.(2)appreciation of the renminbi is conducive to reduce import costs and improve trade structure For the import-dependent companies, the RMB appreciation to lower import prices of products, the same funds can import more resources, enterprise importing raw materials and the more the better it will reduce production costs, improving product competitiveness.RMB appreciation is also really beneficial to China's enterprises to import advanced equipment, the introduction of the scarcity of technological achievements, and the promotion of enterprise products upgrading and improve productivity.An increase in imports in the short term may lead trade deficit, but in the long run, the survival of the fittest caused by appreciation of the renminbi and the reallocation of resources will play an adjustment of trade, export structure, promote industrial upgrading effect.For Chinese enterprises to go global, improve trade structure and opportunities.(3)The appreciation of the renminbi to promote enterprise product upgradesAppreciation of the RMB to bring pressure for export enterprises and enhance their own competitiveness of its order to reduce the adverse impact of the appreciationAlthough China has an export trading power.However, the structure of export products is still dominated by labor-intensive, capital-intensive products, most of which are from the processing trade, a very small proportion of high-tech products, export products are mostly dependent on low-cost-based price advantage.Chinese enterprises need to change the thinking, the price becomes a quality win to win appreciation of the yuan could to a certain extent, to promote export enterprises to adjustproduct structure, from production of primary products with low added value to gradually shift production of high technology products, while promoting business technical innovation and management innovation:(4)the RMB appreciation on China's international balance of payments impactIn theory, a country's currency exchange rate makes the country's foreign currency prices of goods, external goods prices in this currency, which reduced exports, increased imports, the country's trade surplus to reduce or turn to deficits.However, since the appreciation of the RMB has been.China's trade surplus is not reduced, but still continued to increase.(5)RMB appreciation on China's capital flowsCapital, including the long-term investment capital and short-term speculative capital appreciation of the renminbi is significantly influenced by these two kinds of capital.Makes the appreciation of foreign currency converted into an equivalent value of the yuan down, and will enhance our production costs relative to other countries, especially labor costs, investment income less profitable, leading to foreign direct investment in China will be reduced.The short-term capital inflows in general there are two reasons, first, the short-term interest rates are at a high point, or still higher, the second was about the short-term exchange rate appreciation, the current domestic existence of an upward trend in interest rates and exchange rates would give rise to short-term capital inflows.This is because the appreciation of the renminbi is expected to remain the case, if the appreciation of foreign currency into RMB before, so that investors receive the appreciation and the appreciation of the magnitude corresponding benefitsAfter the short-term capital inflows will be a substantial flock to stocks and real estate sectors, these capital addition to proceeds from the appreciation of yuan would be value-added benefits.To speculative inflows of capital for the purpose of export and trade surplus will lead to overvalued, greater external imbalances.(6)RMB appreciation on China's employmentIn theory, in a perfectly competitive market, exchange rate movements affect the import and export trade through further impact employment in related industriesThe increase in exports will lead to the increase in employment related industries, while imports increased employment will be two effects: first, making a direct reduction in domestic employment in the same industry; the second is that if the imports are intermediate products, it will stimulate an increase in output and thus increase employmentIn general, the currency depreciation would promote job growth, unemployment is down; currency appreciation makes reduction in employment and rising unemployment.Relevant departments of a country or the higher degree of openness, exchange rate fluctuations, the greater the impact on employment.三.China's foreign trade enterprises ways to deal with the appreciation of yuanContinuing the current US dollar weakness is still the main reason is to accelerate the appreciation of the RMB. Market for the US economy into recession is expected to become increasingly strong, the Fed may still cut interest rates to stimulate future market risk preference.In addition, the sub-prime crisis, the consequences have not yet fully apparent, which triggered the devaluation of financial assets is still a large number of investors to sell dollar-denominated assets, but also the dollar continue to fall.Therefore, the yuan's appreciation trend will not change, even if the break is still possible to accelerate the appreciation of the post, appreciation and magnitude of increase accelerated to bring about economic and social impact of increasingly prominent, the most directimpact is to curb China's exports.How to adjust in order to reduce the negative impact of the appreciation of China's economic significance.(1)the use of financial means to deal with the risk of RMB appreciation1994-2005, China adopted a managed floating exchange rate regime, the RMB exchange rate floating range is quite small, is always fluctuating within a range of 8.2766-8.2799, so exporters have to worry about currency fluctuation However, in the current stage of the RMB appreciation, export companies in order to maintain business stability, and must take certain financial measures.s, it seldom used for hedging risks. Because China's financial institutions in response to exchange rate risk derivative products fewer choices are available for businesses and foreign currency swaps, forward exchange settlement and sales trading.Forward exchange settlement and sales can be pre-lock exchange rates to lock in the cost of yuan appreciation to circumvent the risks of its main business of production and long-term enterprises, can greatly reduce the uncertainty caused by exchange rate movements RMB and foreign currency swap transactions in spot foreign exchange trading and reverse combination of long-term foreign exchange trans Business of both import export business, foreign trade enterprise can choose such financial instrumentsctions.In addition, the export enterprises can enter into the contracts used in consultation with the importer against payment at sight letter of credit or receive the payment settlement as early as possible in order to reduce losses caused by appreciation of the RMB.First, select your billing currency to be flexibleChina's foreign trade companies have long been accustomed to US dollars as a settlement currency, the dollar continued to weaken the trend appreciation of the renminbi is still exist, if the enterprise does not change the original settlement practices, the exchange will take on more risk.Foreign trade enterprises should be based on specific trading partners, as well as the status of the different buyers and sellers select the appropriate settlement currencies, export enterprises should use the hard currency exchange earnings, increase in foreign currency other than US dollars settlement in the border trade actively promote the use of RMBThe second is to appropriately raise the export prices, a move to bring the appreciation of some of the export increase in the cost passed on to the price of export products, and importers share the profits resulting from loss of RMB appreciationHowever, this method has serious limitations, only in our country have greater bargaining advantage of export products to use.Third, it could appropriately raise the proportion of import and export businessRMB appreciation will help to import is not conducive to exports and imports for both large enterprises have export trade, it can be continued appreciation of the yuan, trade surplus and high level of trade friction, will gradually shift their focus from export import , to avoid appreciation of the risks.(2)the use of operational methods to deal with the risk of RMB appreciationAlthough the financial instruments and financial instruments is relatively simple, but only as a temporary expedient to avoid foreign exchange risks, can not fundamentally eliminate the risk of hidden dangers. Enterprises to achieve long-term development, we must adopt operating adjustment means.1.adjustment and upgrading of product mix, walking brand, the difference of the road: RMB appreciation will be by raising the export prices of products to reduce our internationalcompetitiveness of export enterprises, which export enterprises of China's cheap exports of the original model presented a challenge overseas investment, the implementation of 'going out' strategy, I am a single channel of the domestic capital investment, capital is not fully utilized, although has a high savings rate, but can not be effectively translated into investment. Yuan appreciation reduced the cost of domestic enterprises to invest overseas, to China's enterprises 'going global' strategy has provided an opportunity.3.actively explore diversified markets.China's export markets mainly in the United States, Japan, the European Union hold the world's major currencies of countries and regions, exports to these markets depends heavily on, the yuan appreciation pressures from these countries and regions.To change this situation, to reduce excessive dependence on the market needs to set out the various countries and regions, the export share of the adjustment, and explore potential international markets, through increased and transfer of these countries exports to compensate for the yuan against major currencies appreciation of the export losses caused by ease yuan pressure for further appreciation.四.China's response to the pressure of RMB appreciation Suggestions(1)following the principle of gradual appreciation of the renminbi, to avoid overshooting the exchange rateSince 2008, the RMB exchange rate against the US dollar dramatically accelerate the pace and keep a record low, and this was accompanied by a continuous increase in trade deficit down there.The trade impact of renminbi appreciation has become increasingly prominent. While the appreciation of the RMB would help China adjust the imbalance of international payments, but if the appreciation of the rapid and sustained appreciation expectations will be short-term capital inflows, causing further upward pressure, the international trade balance would be reversed.Japan is a typical example, huge current account deficits lead to capital flight and, ultimately, led to Japan's financial crisis.Slight gradual appreciation of the RMB to China's export enterprises have enough time to adjust product mix, product upgrades, changes in China's trade growth.China should learn from international lessons.To prevent the yuan from appreciating too much, we should pay attention to the huge surplus in international balance of payments adjustments to ease the pressure of RMB appreciation; in policy should be adjusted as soon as the prevailing export sectors and enterprises excessive incentives and increase the oil, minerals and other important strategic resources and key technology and equipment and other important elements of imports. (2)speed up industrial restructuring, change the mode of economic growthThe face of pressure of RMB appreciation, China should readjust the industrial structure as soon as possible, through administrative means and the market operation rules out high energy consumption, high pollution and low-tech and low added value production enterprises, so that labor-intensiveTo determine the advantages of China's industries, make full use of limited human resources and economic resources, improve product technology level; to develop new technical standards and rules and gradually with the international standards. capital-intensive sector capital flows based sectors. Implementation of our products from low labor cost advantage to the changes in technology, and brand advantages, reduce trade friction, improve our overall competitiveness of export products.(3)expanding domestic demand and reduce excessive dependence on international marketsSince reform and opening, China established an export-oriented strategy for economic development has played a huge role in promoting, China has become the world's third largest trading nation, the economy's external dependence on increased every year. However, excessive dependence on external means that China's economy vulnerable to external shocks, real exchange rate fluctuations also pose a challenge to our economy, the foreign dependency rate should be controlled within a certain range, and actively expand domestic demand.Insufficient domestic demand makes some of the products have sold to overseas markets at a low price, which has accumulated a large number of foreign exchange reserves, resulting in huge trade surplus. Less need to stimulate economic growth is the long-term stable development of China's economy the only way, so to expand domestic demand, especially consumer demand, to achieve people's consumption upgrade, the growth of domestic demand, stimulating economic development.(4)eliminating the expected appreciation of the RMBSumming up the international financial events have emerged, to a certain extent, can be said that the market expectations on the financial events more terrible than the event itself, while the exchange rate appreciation is expected to impact on the market is much more important and special.As the US dollar's slide accelerated in the near future, although the yuan against the US dollar record low against the euro and the yen, but it is still the devaluation, coupled with a serious domestic inflation, the yuan appreciation is expected to linger, to eliminate the market for the renminbi appreciation is expected to become particularly important.中文翻译:人民币升值.摘要:目前,人民币升值引起了广泛关注,因为对一个国家的经济和各国经济利益的影响,国际汇率变动是密切相关的。
•These new measures will, we believe, increase the people’s purchasing power and lead to thriving financial and commercial conditions rather than make a mess of the country’s finances as some people argue.
汉语的主谓单句,从外形结构 上来看,跟英语的“主谓”结构是 相似的,但它的主语和谓语表达却 与英语有许多不同的地方。所以翻 译汉语主谓单句时,至少应注意几 个问题。
1、防止主语的机械对应。 中国近几年来发生了巨变。 ①There have been great changes in China these years. ②These years have seen (witnessed) great changes in China. ③Great changes have taken place in China these years. ④China crackles with the dynamics of changes these years.
汉语造句以名词为重心,以词组、散句和 分句为手段,善于按时间、逻辑顺序进行横 排式叙述,有时断句不严,外形松散。有人 称汉语是时间型的动态结构,主要体现于形 式自由,富于弹性。
英语则以“主—谓”主干结构为重心来统 领各种语言成分,句界分明,外形严密。 因此,汉语各种句型译成英语时,不仅在 逻辑关系上而且在外形上都应该体现出英语 句法结构的特点。
2-3 Reversing • 1)沿路都是小商店。 Small shops dot the way. • 2)他这样悍然行事使我们非常气恼。 Hot anger burned in our minds against him at his rashness.