Bounty of love



• 译文一:
• 伊壁鸠鲁说过一句蹩脚的话 :“人生不过是个大戏台。”似乎本该追 求天堂及一切高尚事物的人类,却碌碌无为地屈膝于爱慕的人面前, 成为了爱情的奴隶 ,尽管没有像野兽那样只顾填饱肚子,但却让自己 的双目被情色所蒙蔽,而上帝赐予人眼睛,是对人有更高的期望的。
• 译文二:
• 埃辟克拉斯曾说过一句笨话:“人生不过是座大戏台。”似乎本应努 力追求高尚事业的人类,却只应象玩偶般地逢场作戏。虽然爱情的奴 隶并不同于那班只顾吃喝的禽兽,但毕竟也只是眼目色相的奴隶,而 上帝赐人以眼睛本来是有更高尚的用途的。

• You must except, nevertheless, Marcus Antonius, the half partner of the empire of Rome, and Appius Claudius, the decemvir and lawgiver; whereof the former was indeed a voluptuous man, and inordinate; but the latter was an austere and wise man: and therefore it seems (though rarely) that love can find entrance, not only into an open heart, but also into a heart well fortified, if watch be not well kept.
• It is a strange thing, to note the excess of this passion, and how it braves the nature, and value of things, by this; that the speaking in a perpetual hyperbole, is comely in nothing but in love. Neither is it merely in the phrase; for whereas it hath been well said, that the arch-flatterer, with whom all the petty flatterers have intelligence, is a man’s self; certainly the lover is more.

A Service of Love 爱的牺牲

A Service of Love 爱的牺牲

A Service of Love爱的牺牲作者介绍欧·亨利(O.Henry)1862-1910,原名威廉·西德尼·波特(William Sydney Porter),美国著名小说家,与法国的莫泊桑、俄国的契诃夫并称为世界三大短篇小说巨匠。


著名作品有:《最后一片藤叶》(The Last Leaf)、《警察与赞美诗》(The Cop and the Anthem)、《麦琪的礼物》(The Gift of the Magi)等。





1enthusiasticadj. 热心的;热情的;热烈的;狂热的2coddle vt.悉心照料,娇惯3languid adj.疲倦的; 没精打采的,呆滞的; 萧条的; 慢吞吞4triumphantlydv.耀武扬威地,得意扬扬地5monotonousadj.枯燥无味的; (声音,话语)单调的,无抑扬顿挫的6widowern.鳏夫7obeliskn.方尖碑8overwhelminglyadv.压倒地,无法抵抗地9game adj.对…有兴趣的;10freight n.货运,货物; 运费; 船运货物; 货运列车11queer adj.古怪的; 可疑的; 不适的12distracted adj.思想不集中的; 心烦意乱的13plaintivelyadv.悲哀地,哀怨地14stubbornnessn.倔强,顽强; 牛性; 牛脾气; 犟劲15confess vt.& vi.承认; 聆听(某人的)忏悔(或告罪、告解)作品赏析:欧·亨利的短片小说大多从“小”处着眼。



season011.Sky Blue And Black(第一集,Rechel看着窗外的雨)top of the world(第七集 carpenters经典曲目,到处都有下载)2.The Odd Couple(一个节目的主题曲,第十二集六个人在咖啡店里哼的那首)3.I Dream of Jeannie(也是十二集哼的,只不过Ross刚起了个头就被大家叫停了)4.New York Minute(老鹰乐队经典之一,马修在医院醒来抓住Ross手指时候的背景音乐)5.March From Bridge(著名口哨曲-桂河大桥,第十八集五个人帮Rechel 准备应聘信函的时候吹的)6.The lion sleeps tonight(马修喜欢听得那个,其实是狮子王立的音乐,建议听Zulu 歌手Soloman Linda那个版本,是Friends里面所用的) 接下来第二季1.Singing in the Rain - 雨中曲,很景点的老歌了,Ross和她的亚裔女友过夜后的早上轻舞街上的配乐2.I Go Blind - 来自 Hootie and the Blowfish 第五集Rros生日,Ross,Monica和Chandler去看Hootie & the Blowfish的演唱会,这是开场的第一首歌,当时另外三个朋友因为没有钱,只好在家里猜Joey的手指玩。

3.Beverly Hills Cop - 一段很有名的配乐,第十五集Ross玩keyboard 的时候的一段底乐。

4.YMCA - 第21集最后,Monica带假奶打工,其他五人去“捧场”,Joey 点歌让Monica和其他职员开始了一段“桌上舞蹈”,就是这首歌。

5.Copacabana - 第22集Rachel在参加 Barry 婚礼上楼内裤出糗,后来上台唱的那首歌。

第三季我常听的就一个Get Ready For This - 也是大家很熟悉的,第9集,他们玩Football的配乐。


欧·亨利创作的短篇小说共有300多篇,收入《白菜与 亨利创作的短篇小说共有300多篇,收入《 国王》(1904)、 四百万》(1906)、 西部之心》(1907)、 国王》(1904)、《四百万》(1906)、《西部之心》(1907)、 《市声》(1908)、《滚石》(1913)等集子,其中以描写纽 市声》(1908)、 滚石》(1913)等集子,其中以描写纽 约曼哈顿市民生活的作品为最著名。他把那儿的街道、小 饭馆、破旧的公寓的气氛渲染得十分逼真,故有“ 饭馆、破旧的公寓的气氛渲染得十分逼真,故有“曼哈顿 的桂冠诗人” 的桂冠诗人”之称。他曾以骗子的生活为题材,写了不少 短篇小说。作者企图表明道貌岸然的上流社会里,有不少 人就是高级的骗子,成功的骗子。欧· 人就是高级的骗子,成功的骗子。欧·亨利对社会与人生 的观察和分析并不深刻,有些作品比较浅薄,但他一生困 顿,常与失意落魄的小人物同甘共苦,又能以别出心裁的 艺术手法表现他们复杂的感情。因此,他最出色的短篇小 说如《爱的牺牲》 说如《爱的牺牲》、《警察与赞美诗》、《带家具出租的 警察与赞美诗》 房间》 房间》、《麦琪的礼物》、《最后一片藤叶》等都可列入 麦琪的礼物》 最后一片藤叶》 世界优秀短篇小说之中。
警察因素 社会因素
The Last Leaf
The story took place in early 20th century in Greenwich Village. Sue and Johns were two young women artists. They met in May, and shared the same studio apartment due to share the same interest. In November, Johnsy was unfortunately got terrible disease pneumonia, and laid in bed waiting for the last leaf of an ivy vine on the brickwall she looked through her window to fall. She was sure that when the last leaf fell, she must go too. Sue was worried about Johnsy and she told her worry to the old Behrman, who was a failure painter ,lived in the apartment below the Two girls, and worked sometime as an artist’s model. After the heavy rainy night, Johnsy was sure that the last leaf must have been fallen. However, the last leaf was still there day after day. Johnsy realized her stupid thought and regained the hope of life. She was getting well soon. At the end of the story , the truth of the last leaf was cleared out. Behrman painted the last leaf in that rainy night when the real last leaf fell from the vine. Two days later from that night, he died of pneumonia



【最新】莫娣影片内容介绍:莫娣,也译为“茉娣”,英文名Maud Leing的状态里。

Being 是此刻我们的存在状态,而becoming是我们正在成为的状态。
























麦琪的礼物--Gift Of The Magi 爱的奉献--A Service Of Love 警察和赞美诗--The Cop And The Anthem 财神与爱神--The Mammon And The Archer 没有完的故事--An Unfinished Story 忙碌经纪人的浪漫史--The Romance Of A Busy Broker 刎颈之交--Telemachus, Friend 婚姻手册--The Handbook Of Hymen 比绵塔薄饼--The Pimienta Pancake 公主与美洲狮--The Princess And The Puma 催眠术家杰甫·彼得斯--Jeff Peters As A Personal Magnet 精确的婚姻学--The Exact Science Of Matrimony 艺术良心--Conscience In Art 双料骗子--A Double-dyed Deceiver 女巫的面包--Withes' Loaves 吉米·海斯和缪里尔--Jimmy Hayes And Muriel 小熊约翰·汤姆的返祖现象--The Atavism Of John Tom Little Bear 提线木偶--The Marionettes 两位感恩节的绅士--Two Thanksgiving Day Gentlemen 最后的常春藤叶--The Last Leaf 丛林中的孩子--Babes In The Jungle 汽车等待的时候--While The Auto Waits 华而不实--Lost On Dress Parade 供应家具的房间--The Furnished Room 索利托牧场的卫生学--Hygeia At The Solito 慈善事业数学讲座--The Chair Of Philanthromathematics 虎口拔牙--Shearing The Wolf 黄雀在后--The Man Higher Up “醉翁之意”--“Next To Reading Matter” 人生的波澜--The Whirligig Of Life


[02:49.50]My heart goes da da da de da de done
[02:52.93]da da da da li da li
[02:54.39]da da da de da de done
[02:56.56]da da da da li da li
[02:08.32]da da da de da de done
[02:10.99]The rhythm of love
[02:14.52]My heart goes da da da de da de done
[02:21.38]Boy your look so sexy and fine
[01:48.60]My heart goes da da da de da de done
[01:51.98]da da da da li da li
[01:53.34]da da da de da de done
[01:55.61]da da da da li da li
[01:56.97]da da da de da de done
[02:23.93]Why do not you wanna commine
[02:26.80]Close your eyes and feel the groove
[02:30.48]Come on everybody let the rhythm fly
[02:34.83]My heart goes dali dali dali dali
[00:13.22]Turn up the volume and groove to this jam

贝奥武夫影评 英文

贝奥武夫影评 英文

Lady in the Water symbolizes both the human desire for greed, the dark side of a class, wealth and sex with power and position to lure the hero, and actor who is probably a symbol system, one system has proved both by the Wu Zhu temptations, the Department of yield to the temptation, or even deceive ourselves both good friends with love, and Lady in the Water no way a person is killed is also a symbol of the dark side of both the Department of death to kill Well, since people with the same dark side to produce a monster, with Lebanon will be affected by both the Department of conscience are often disastrous consequences of both, but the Department of monster has weaknesses, the two monsters are not only leading man with a conscience, defeat, also shows that the conscience of the most valuable and weapons systems, and Lady in the Water fame not only betray a position of authority also speaks all the all the wealth generated by the dark side of both lines will betray Jiye you have a disaster not only are your revenge水妖象征欲望贪婪一类既人性阴暗面,用权力地位财富美色去诱惑男主角, 而男主角大概系象征人, 事实证明人系受唔住诱惑既,系诱惑面前屈服,甚至欺骗自己既好友同所爱,而水妖无办法被杀死也象征人既阴暗面系杀唔死既, 人同阴暗面结合以后就产生怪物,带黎既往往系会受良心谴责既灾难性后果,但系怪物都有弱点, 两只怪物都被带有良知既男主角打败,也说明良知系人最宝贵而武器,而水妖既背叛亦说明一切名誉权力地位财富一切一切由阴暗面产生既野都系会背叛你,产生灾难相你报复既Beowulf(2007)。

The power of love 中英文歌词对照

The power of love 中英文歌词对照

阳澄湖大闸蟹The power of loveThe whispers in the morning 清晨的呢喃中of lovers sleeping tight 情侣们正在熟睡are rolling by like thunder now 那轻语如雷般回荡As I look in your eyes 当我看着你的眼睛I hold on to your body 紧紧拥抱着你的身体and feel each move you make 感受你做的每一个动作your voice is warm and tender 你的声音温暖柔和a love that i could not forsake 这是我不能舍弃的爱Cause I'm your lady 因为我是你的女人and you are my man 而你是我的男人Whenever you reach for me 无论何时你来到我身边I'll do all that i can 我将为你而做一切Even though there may be times 即使有些时候it seems I'm far away 看起来我会远离你Never wonder where I am 不要惊讶我去了何方cause i am always by your side 因为我的心都永远陪在你身边Cause i‘m your lady 因为我是你的女人and you are my man 而你是我的男人Whenever you reach for me 无论何时你来到我身边I'll do all that i can 我将为你而做一切We're heading for something 我们朝向共同的目标somewhere i've never been 那个我从未到达的地方Sometimes i am frightened 有时我会感到恐惧无助but I'm ready to learn 但我已准备好去领悟about(for)the power of love 爱的力量The sound of your heart beating 你心跳的声音made it clear suddenly 使它突然清晰The feeling that i can't go on 我不能坚持下去的感觉is light years away 也是若干光年般不可及Cause i‘m your lady 因为我是你的女人and you are my man 而你是我的男人Whenever you reach for me 无论何时你来到我身边I'm gonna do all that i can 我将为你而做一切We're heading for something 我们朝向共同的目标somewhere I've never been 那个我未曾到达的地方Sometimes i am frightened 有时我会感到恐惧无助[2]but i'm ready to learn 但我准备好去领悟about(for) the power of love 这爱的力量The power of love 爱的力量阳澄湖大闸蟹。



ROMEOHe jests at scars that never felt a wound.罗密欧没有受过伤的才会讥笑别人身上的创痕。

[JULIET appears above at a window](朱丽叶自上方窗户中出现)But,soft!what light through yonder window breaks?轻声!那边窗子里亮起来的是什么光?It is the east,and Juliet is the sun.那就是东方,朱丽叶就是太阳!Arise,fair sun,and kill the envious moon,起来吧,美丽的太阳!赶走那妒忌的月亮,Who is already sick and pale with grief,她已经气得面色惨白了That thou her maid art far more fair than she:因为她的女弟子比她美得多Be not her maid,since she is envious;既然她这样妒忌着你,你不要忠于她吧;Her vestal livery is but sick and green脱下她给你的这一身惨绿色的贞女的道服,And none but fools do wear it;castit off.它是只配给愚人穿的。

It is my lady,O,it is my love!那是我的意中人;啊!那是我的爱;O,that she knew she were!唉,但愿她知道我在爱着她!She speaks yet she says nothing:what of that?她欲言又止,Her eye discourses;I will answer it.可是她的眼睛已经道出了她的心事。

待我去回答她吧;I am too bold,'tis not to me she speaks:不,我不要卤莽,她不是对我说话。

The Pursuit of Love《追爱》

The Pursuit of Love《追爱》

The Pursuit of Love《追爱》作者:尤安·富兰克林来源:《英语世界》2021年第11期Many of the best period dramas are social satires,beautifully disguised. Nancy Mitford’s interwar classic The Pursuit of Love goes further: mirthfully and tragically dismantling the very idea of love among the British upper classes. Relic actor Emily Mortimer writes, directs, produces,and stars in this new BBC adaptation, which feels much more liberated than the regular output of stiff, Austenian scenarios.We’re between the Worl d Wars, following the lives of the sensibly shy Fanny (Emily Beecham) and her passionately extroverted best friend Linda (Lily James). As teenagers, they discuss their romantic fantasies of bagging1 the Prince of Wales or the local farmer: their imaginations confined to the family manor, Alconleigh. Once their adolescence reaches adulthood,they pursue more realistic options—but Linda never lets go of her fairytale perceptions of love.The very English social fears ripple through, but the lavish Jazz Age atmosphere spills with cocktails and parties and a rockin’ soundtrack. Mortimer pursues a more modern, sexy, and freewheeling style: painted with entertaining freeze frames and calligraphic titles2, skirting3 the likeness of a Baz Luhrmann film.But unlike Luhrmann,Mortimer doesn’t dance enough in that world and creates a scattered pace that arbitrarily brakes and accelerates. Some characters are even left stranded4 at the side, with little context around them. The series would’ve benefited from another episode, just to dwell in that company for longer and understand them better.Lily James (The Dig) plays the fun and flighty5 Linda, who is, by far, the most open and radiant member of the Radlett family. Fanny narrates her life, dic tating Mitford’s funny and delectable prose. Their friendship is the stuff of dreams, an unbreakable bond that endures so manyaches and never falters. But Linda doesn’t fully appreciate that,choosing instead to ‘aspire to true love, the kind which only c omes once in a lifetime and lasts forever’.These unreasonable aspirations engender relationships with a stuffy conservative (The Crown’s Freddie Fox), a serious socialist (Creation Stories6’ James Frecheville), and a Parisian playboy (Call My Age nt’s Assaad Bouab). It’s easy to mock Linda, especially considering the grown-up company around her,but you can’t help but fall in love with her childish ideals.James carries Linda’s anxieties beautifully, keeping a perfectly composed face in front of others but often breaking in their absence. She has a frustrating yet infectious energy, which spreads to her friends and family—even her comically traditional and furiously xenophobic7 father (brilliantly played by Dominic West).James’s s unny limelight is almost stolen by the glorious Andrew Scott, who plays the attractively eccentric Lord Merlin. He’s Linda and Fanny’s first encounter with the bohemian lifestyle, filled with booze and art and creative abandon—releasing the women from the rigor mortis8 of Radlett living. It’s a shame there isn’t more of him, as he provides a spirited9 voice of reason in Linda’s life.Although these characters come and go quickly,to the series’ detriment10, you come to love all their vivacious personalities. The Pursuit of Love is a short, sharp and opulent shot of the interwar social scene. It’s richly charming, but annoyingly scattered—much like Linda.許多最优秀的年代剧都是社会讽刺作品,只是不易察觉。




















Kong: 爱情降临/爱的罗曼史 满天繁星/星尘 花环夫人 天使之争 俏女佣 月光女神 皇家儿媳 突然的新娘
乡村之恋/乡村爱之真言 怕雨的新娘 爱情债
Son: 新凤凰血 愿时光凝结 花环夫人
家的依恋 Yod Ya Yee 早安 搞笑商店 月亮下的雪 工厂天使
aum : 爱的被告 最后的救赎 焦糖 牡丹花的最后一瓣, 无谓的心, 嫉妒魔咒/嫉妒 心之藤蔓/心的约束 征途/龙魂传
暗香面具 筑梦庄园/园梦村庄(喜马拉雅/流向雪之国) 双雄/双鼎/双枭
天庭龙宫 亲爱的女士 爱的牵绊 星舞/星之舞
paul经典泰剧+mv : 嫉妒的密码 爱恨交织 珍贵的宝石 掩饰的爱 舞蹈娃娃 爱之血系 替身女友
weir经典泰剧+mv : 命定之爱 旋转的爱 女神小姐 超级明星爸爸 情定湄公河 虎纹月亮 你是我的生命 爱神的阴影 时光的魔咒
pae: 我家的天使与恶魔 你和他,我们的爱
mos: 甜心巧克力 世袭家族 超级明星的秘密 我心中的星光/爱之奇迹 美人劫 坚实的爱情 警长情圣
win: 过去的爱情伤痕 水滴之城 欺诈天使 家族禁爱
wier: 命定之爱 /王子与公主的童话 旋转的爱 虎纹月亮 女神小姐 我爸爸是超级大明星 爱神的阴影 时光的魔咒 情定湄公河
你是我的生命 三系情緣 战天斗地
mart : 爱的宿命 花花公子养成记/变身万人迷 燃烧的彩虹 儿夫村庄, 甜心女孩 花嫁/未婚女子的诡计 浮华世家
梦中的男孩 (电影:旧情人 情人节)
paul: 珍贵的宝石 掩饰的爱, 嫉妒的密码 , 爱恨交织, 血缘, 偷偷爱上你, 舞蹈娃娃 爱之血系 替身女友 摆脱单身俱乐部
小骗子 Krong Petch 爱的离别 Nang Meaw Yom Sii 小骗子 Rachanee Morlum 迷 Payuk Sao Sab Eelee 爱的领悟

all out of love歌词

all out of love歌词

• i can't be too late to say that i was so wrong 我现在承认我真的错了,还来得及吧 • i can't be too late to say that i was so wrong 我现在承认我真的错了,还来得及吧
• ooh, what are you thinking of 哦,你在想什么 呢? • what are you thinking of 你在想什么呢? • what are you thinking of 你在想什么呢? • what are you thinking of 你在想什么呢? • i'm all out of love, i'm so lost without you 我 没有了爱,失去你让我感到失落 • i know you were right, believing for so long 我 知道你是对的,长久以来一直相信 • i'm all out of love, what am i without you 我没 有了爱,没有你我迷茫了
• and said that i can't hold on?告诉你我已撑不下去 • there's no easy way, it gets harder each day 没有更好 的方法,一天比一天更难熬 • please love me or i'll be gone, i'll be gone 请爱我,否则 我将离去,我将离去 • i'm all out of love, i'm so lost without you 我没有了爱, 失去你让我感到失落 • i know you were right, believing for so long 我知道你 是对的,长久以来一直相信 • i'm all out of love, what am i without you 我没有了爱, 没有你我迷茫了 • i can't be too late to say that i was so wrong 我现在承 认我真的错了,还来得及吧



1A01.爱情与金钱Love or Money内容简介:《爱情与金钱》讲述了:你是一名不错的侦探,是吗如果是的话,那你得比沃尔什探长先找出凶手。












1 ChapterThe Clarkson family lived in the country near Cambridge,about half a mile from the nearest village and about a mile from the river.They had a big,old house with a beautiful garden,a lot of flowers and many old trees.One Thursday morning in July,Jackie came in from the garden.She was a tall,fat woman,thirty years old.It was the hottest day of the year,but she wore a warm brown skirt and yellow shirt.She went into the kitchen to get a drink of water.Just then the phone rang.'Cambridge 1379,'Jackie said.'Hello.This is Diane.I want to talk to Mother.''Mother isn't here,'Jackie said.'She's at the doctor's.''WhyWhat's Wrong'*'Nothing's wrong,'Jackie said.'Why are you telephoning You are going to come this weekend Mother wants everyone to be here.' 'Yes,I want to come,'Diane said.'I'm phoning because I have no money for the train ticket.''No money!Mother is always giving you money!''This phone call is very expensive,'Diane said coldly.'Tell Mother please.I need the money.'Jackie put the phone down.She took a cigarette from her bag and began to smoke.She felt angry because her sister al-ways asked for money.Diane was twenty years old, the youngest in the family.She lived in London,in one room of a big house.She wanted to be a singer.She sang very well but she could never get work.Jackie went back into the kitchen and began to make some sandwiches.Just then the back door opened,and her mother came in.'It's very hot!'Molly said.She took off her hat and put it down on the table.She was a tall,dark woman with beautiful eyes.Two big,black dogs came into the kitchen after her and ran across to her.She sat down and put her hands on their heads.Jackie put the sandwiches on the table.'Mother,'she said,'Diane phoned.She wants money for her train ticket.'Molly closed her eyes for a minute.Then she stood up.'This afternoon I want you to get the house ready for the weekend,'she said.'Oh,and please go to the village later and get my tablets.''Yes,Mother,'Jackie said."Molly went to the door.'Mother,please wait a minute,'Jackie said.'Peter Hobbs came here this morning.He's very angry with you about that letter.He lost his job,you know.Why did you write to his officeHe wants to talk to you about it.''Well,I don't want to talk to him,'Molly said.She opened the door.'But Mother,you don't understand.He's seventeen,and it was his first job.He's very,very angry.He says… he says he's going to kill you!'Molly did not answer.She went out of the room and closed the door.1克拉克森家住在剑桥附近的乡下,离最近的村庄约有半英里路,距离河有1英里左右。



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毁灭之路£圣城RiYoo.归来 昏睡£圣城RiYoo.归来 火龙(国粤)£圣城RiYoo.归来 机器人历险记£圣城我喜欢水晶 基督再临£圣城RiYoo.归来 极度深寒£圣城RiYoo.归来 极端行为£圣城RiYoo.归来 加菲猫合集£圣城RiYoo.归来 降落区£圣城我喜欢水晶 姐弟恋£圣城我喜欢水晶 借刀杀人£圣城我喜欢水晶 筋疲力尽£圣城我喜欢水晶 锦衣卫[港版 国粤语]£圣城RiYoo.归来 锦衣卫[国粤]£圣城RiYoo.归来 禁闭岛(修复版)£圣城RiYoo.归来 精彩世界£圣城我喜欢水晶 精武英雄[国粤语]£圣城RiYoo.归来 九£圣城RiYoo.归来 绝地战警£圣城RiYoo.归来 绝对权力£圣城RiYoo.归来 绝密飞行£圣城RiYoo.归来 绝世天劫£圣城RiYoo.归来 可爱的骨头£圣城RiYoo.归来 孔子£圣城我喜欢水晶 恐怖列车£圣城我喜欢水晶 快活林£圣城RiYoo.归来 狼人[修复]£圣城RiYoo.归来 狼人£圣城RiYoo.归来 老大靠边闪2 歪打正着£圣城我喜欢水晶 老大靠边闪£圣城我喜欢水晶 老家伙£圣城我喜欢水晶 乐团狂飙(更新)£圣城我喜欢水晶 良医妙药£圣城RiYoo.归来 了不起的狐狸爸爸£圣城我喜欢水晶 裂缝(修复版)£圣城RiYoo.归来 裂缝£圣城RiYoo.归来 邻家特工£圣城RiYoo.归来 灵歌势力£圣城我喜欢水晶 六月日记£圣城RiYoo.归来 绿色地带£圣城RiYoo.归来 迈克尔杰克逊:月球漫步£圣城RiYoo.归来 没用的圣诞老人£圣城RiYoo.归来 美版中毒£圣城我喜欢水晶 梦精记2£圣城我喜欢水晶 谜一样的双眼£圣城我喜欢水晶 灭门£圣城我喜欢水晶 明亮的星£圣城RiYoo.归来
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precarious adj. 不稳定的
unalterable adj. 不能变更的
consolation n. 安慰 , 起安慰作用的人或事物
Lesson2 Parent-children relationship
The value of parental affection to children lies largely in the fact that it is more reliable than any other affection. One's friends like one for one's merits, one's lovers for one's charms; if the merits or the charms diminish, friends and lovers may vanish. But it is in times of misfortune that parents are most to be relied upon, in illness, and even in disgrace if the parents are of the right sort.
When I _______ and went home, I was giv of my letters, all neatly bound with a green tape, more than six hundred of them altogether, _____from 1925 to 1945, each one in its original envelope with the old stamps still on them. ______________________________________________________.
bounty 慷慨 spine 脊柱
Lesson22 Bounty of Love
My mother had a habit of keeping my letters, binding them carefully in neat bundles with green tape, but this was her own secret. She never told me she was doing it. In 1957, when she knew she was dying, I was in hospital in Oxford having a serious operation on my spine and I was unable to write to her. So she had a telephone specially installed beside her bed in order that she might have one last conversation with me.
We all feel pleasure when we are admired for our merits, but most of us are _______ modest at heart to feel that such________ is precarious. Our parents love us because we are their children and this is an ________ fact, so that we feel safer with them than with anyone else. In times of success this may seem _________, but in times of failure it affords _________________ not to be found elsewhere.
Lesson2 Parent-children relationship
The value of ____________ to children lies largely in the fact that it is more ________ than any other affection. One's friends like one for one's _______, one's lovers for one's _______; if __________________, friends and lovers may _______. But it is in times of ________ that parents are most to be relied upon, in illness, and even in ________ if the parents are of the right sort.
When I recovered and went home, I was given this vast collection of my letters, all neatly bound with a green tape, more than six hundred of them altogether, dating from 1925 to 1945, each one in its original envelope with the old stamps still on them. I am very lucky to have something like this to refer to in my old age.
precarious adj. 不稳定的
unalterable adj. 不能变更的
consolation n. 安慰 , 起安慰作用的人或事物
Lesson22 Bounty of Love
My mother had a habit of keeping my letters, ______ them carefully in neat _______ with green tape, but this was her own secret. She never told me she was doing it. In 1957, when she knew she was dying, I was in hospital in Oxford having a serious operation on my ______ and I was unable to write to her. So she had a telephone specially _______ beside her bed in order that she might have one last ________ with me.
We all feel pleasure when we are admired for our merits, but most of us are sufficiently modest at heart to feel that such admiration is precarious. Our parents love us because we are their children and this is an unalterable fact, so that we feel safer with them than with anyone else. In times of success this may seem unimportant, but in times of failure it affords a consolation and a security not to be found elsewhere.
She didn't tell me she was dying, nor did anyone else for that matter, because I was in a fairly serious condition myself at the time. She simply asked me how I was and hoped I would get better soon and sent me her love. I had no idea that she would die the next day. She knew _____________________________________, but she still wanted to reach out and speak to me for the last time.
She didn't tell me she was dying, nor did anyone else for that matter, because I was in a fairly serious condition myself at the time. She simply asked me how I was and hoped I would get better soon and sent me her love. I had no idea that she would die the next day. She knew perfectly that her life was numbered in hours, but she still wanted to reach out and speak to me for the last time.