SBS1 朗文国际一册 最全经典公开课 现在进行时

SBS1 Unit1 重点语法句型总结1. What's your name? My name is_________.2. What's your address? My address is _________.3. What's your phone number? My phone number is _________.4. Where are you from? 你来自哪里?I'm from _________. 我来自国家名/城市。
= Where do you come from? I come from _________.SBS1 Unit2 重点语法句型总结1. Where is (Where’s) the pen(单数)? It is(It’s) on the table.2. Where are (Where’re) the pens (复数)? They are(They’re) on the table.3. Where is(Where’s) Tom(人名前面不加the)? He is(He’s) in the park.4. Where are(Where’re) Tom and Mary? They are(They’re) in the park.注意:人称I 后系动词是am I am=I’mYou We They 后系动词是are You are=You’re We are=We’re They are=They’reHe She It 后系动词是is He is=He’s She is=She’s It is=It’s本单元学习的是Where引导的特殊疑问句,格式为“Where + 系动词is am are + 东西/人?”问什么东西或什么人在哪里?he He’s (He is) Where is she ?She’s (She is) in/o n the…it It’s (It is)we We’re (We are) Where are you ?You’re (You are) in/o n the…they They’re (They are)SBS1 Unit3 重点语法句型总结am I What is he / she / it doing?_____正在做什么?are we / you / theyI am (I’m)He is (He’s)She is (She’s)It is (It’s)eating / cooking / drinking / playing …____正在做什么。
朗文国际英语教程第一册_sbs1 Unit2

post office
library ['laibrəri]
dining room
living room
kitchen [ˈkitʃən]
Where is the chair? [tʃeə] It’s under the ruler.
Where is the globe? It’s on the desk.
New words:
attic [‘ætik](阁楼) yard [jɑ:d] (院子) garage [‘ɡærɑ:dʒ](车库) basement [ˈbeismənt] (地下室)
Where is the notebook? It’s behind the pencil.
Where is the lamp? [læ mp] It’s on the desk.
Where is the flower? ['flaʊə] It’s in the vase.
Where is the pencil? It’s in front of the notebook.
(Where are) Where’re the books? (They are) They’re on the desk.
near [niə]
behind [biˈhaind] (后面)
next to

朗文国际英语教程第一册课程设置朗文国际英语教程第一册课时1 Personal information课时2 Meeting people课时3 Classroom objects ;Rooms in the Home课时4 Cities and Nationalities ;Places around town课时5 Everyday activities (1)课时6 Everyday activities (2)课时7 Gazette 1课时8 Everyday activities (3)课时9 Everyday activities (4)课时10 Describe people and things课时11 Weather课时12 Family members课时13 Describe activities and events课时14 Gazette 2课时15 Places around town ;Locating places课时16 Describing neighborhoods ;Describing apartments 课时17 Clothing ;Colors课时18 Shopping for clothing课时19 Gazette 3课时20 阶段测试课时21 Languages and nationalities课时22 Everyday activities课时23 Habitual actions课时24 People’s in terests and activities课时25 Gazette 4课时26 Describing frequency of actions课时27 Describing people课时28 Feelings and emotions课时29 Describing usual and unusual activities课时30 Gazette 5课时31 Expressing abilities ;Occupations ;Looking for a job课时32 Expressing obligation ;Invitations课时33 Describing future plans and intentions课时34 Intentions ;Expressing wants ;Telling time ;Making predictions 课时35 Gazette 6课时36 Past actions and activities ;Ailments课时37 Describing an event ;Making a doctor’s appointment课时38 Reporting past actions and activities课时39 Giving reasons ;Giving excuses课时40 Television commercials ;Describing physical states and emotions 课时41 Telling about the past ;Biographies and autobiographies课时42 Gazette 7课时43 期末测试课时44。

9. Where am I? You’re in the hospital.
All the students in my English class are absent today. George is absent. He’s in the hospital. Maria is absent. She’s in the dentist. Mr. and Mrs. Sato are absent. They’re at the social security office. Even our English teacher is absent. He’s home in bed!
8. Where’s Kevin? He’s in the garage.
9. Where’s the cell phone? It’s in the kitchen.
The students in my English class are very interesting. Henry is Chinese. He’s from Shanghai. Linda is Puerto Rican. She’s from San Juan. Mr. and Mrs. Kim are Korean. They’re from Seoul.
Where's the map? It's on the wall.
Where's the computer? It's on the table.

V OCABULARY P REVIEWTo Be:Introduction4.address5.telephone numberphone numberA aB bC cD dE eF fG gH hI iJ jK kL lM mN nO oP pQ qR rS sT tU uV vW wX xY yZ z0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 101.alphabet2.numbersAnswer these questions.Now practice with other students in your class.*What’s = What is235=two thirty-five741-8906=seven four one – eight nine “oh”sixWhat’s*your name?What’s your address?What’s your phone number?Where are you from?My name is Maria.My address is 235*Main Street.My phone number is 741–8906.*I’m from Mexico City.Meeting PeopleA.Hello. My name is Peter Lewis .B.Hi. I’m Nancy Lee . Nice to meet you.A.Nice to meet you, too.Practice conversations with other students.Interview a famous person. Make up addresses, phone numbers, and cities. Use your imagination! Practice with another student. Then present your role play to the class.A.What’s your name?B.My name is .A.address? number?B..A.Where are you from?B..a famous actora famous actress a famous athletethe president*of your country*president /prime minister /leaderROLE PLA YA Famous PersonWHAT’S YOUR NAME?My name is Peter Black.My address is 378 Main Street,Waterville,Florida.My license number is 921DCG.My name is Susan Miller.My apartment number is 4-B.My name is Mr.Santini.My e-mail address isTeacherJoe@.*My name is David Carter.I’m American.I’m from San Francisco.My name is Mrs.Grant.My phone number is 549-2376.My name is Ms.Martinez.My telephone number is (213) 694-5555.My fax number is (213) 694-5557.My name is William Chen.My address is 294 River Street,Brooklyn,New York.My telephone number is 469-7750.My social security number is 044-35-9862.*“TeacherJoe at worldnet-dot-com”READINGM ATCH a.549-23762.address number c.TeacherJoe@4.apartment number d.William security number e.378 Main Street6.e-mail addressf.044-35-9862Listen and choose the correct answer.Practice the conversation.Now interview students in your class.A.What’s your last name?B.Kelly .A.How do you spell that?B.K-E-L-L-Y .A.What’s your first name?B.Sarah .A.How do you spell that?B.S-A-R-A-H .1. a.Mary Black b.Mrs.Grant2. a.265 River Street b.265 Main Street 3. a.5-C b.9-D4. a.295-4870b.259-40875. a.032-98-6175b.032-89-61796. a.maryb@ b.garyd@READING CHECK-UPLAST NAMEFIRST NAME1.2. NamesCHAPTER SUMMARYT O B EKEY VOCABULARYP ERSONAL I NFORMATION namefirst name last name addresse-mail addresstelephone number phone numberapartment number fax numberM EETING P EOPLE Hello.Hi.My name is _____.I’m _____.Nice to meet you.Nice to meet you,too.I am from Mexico City.(I am)What’s your name?(What is)My name is Maria.Where are you from?am isareListen. Then say it.Say it. Then listen.PRONUNCIA TIONLinked Sounds。
包括不定式、动名词和分词三种形式,它们在句子中充当不同 的成分,如主语、宾语、定语、状语等。
用于表示与实际情况相反的假设情况,或者表达主观愿望、建 议、命令等。虚拟语气有不同的形式和用法,如基本形式、混 合形式、特殊形式等。
用于修饰名词或代词的从句,分为限 制性定语从句和非限制性定语从句。 定语从句的关系词有that、which、 who、whose等。
用于修饰动词、形容词或副词的从句, 表示时间、地点、原因、条件、让步 等关系。状语从句的连接词有when、 where、because、if、although等。
旨在通过系统、科学的教学方法, 提高学生的英语语言能力,培养国 际化人才。
涵盖听、说、读、写 四大技能,全面提高 学生的英语综合应用 能力。
结合真实场景和话题, 设计实用性强、富有 挑战性的学习任务。
按级别划分,逐级递 进,确保学生在不同 阶段获得相应的语言 提升。
鼓励学生在实际生活和学习中积极运 用所学词汇,巩固记忆成果。
将单词放入句子或文章中,让学生在 语境中记忆单词,提高记忆效率。
教程中筛选出各单元出现 频率最高的词汇,帮助学 生快速掌握核心词汇。

05 现在进行时的特殊用法
例如:I can’t stand the noise. (I am not standing the noise.)
例如:He not running. (He is not running.)
04 现在进行时的疑问句形式
疑问词+be动词+主语+动词ing 疑问词+助动词do/does+主语+动词原形+动词ing
例如:He ain’t running.
表示当前不正在进行的动作 用于否定猜测或怀疑
强调某个动作未发生或不会发生 例如:I don’t think he is coming.
当句子中有否定词或含有否定意义的 词时,现在进行时的否定形式可以省 略助动词“be”
在口语中,现在进行时的否定形式可 以省略助动词“be”,直接使用动词 的现在分词形式表示否定意义
She is babysitting for her neighbor tonight.(她今晚要
03 现在进行时的否定形式
助动词“be”的否定形式+现 在分词

New vocabulary
a person whose job is in charge of something.
New vocabulary-tell me what do you know
New vocabulary-What do you want to be?
Reading 1-Recite.
Reading check up..
On your own-skills
They can't go to Herbert's Party
you Michael
Have to
The affirmative form of have to +verb expresses obligation. The present tense form follows the conjugation of the verb have.
Of course they can.
Of course they can.
Of course they can.
Activity- Guessing game.
1 Give an occputation card to a student 2 Have other students ask Can you... to guess the occputation.
New vocabulary
construction worker
New vocabulary
A person who is skilled in building, using, or repeairing machines.

sbs朗文国际英语教程第一册-听力教程全文共6篇示例,供读者参考篇1Hello everyone! My name is Emma and I'm 8 years old. I love learning English and I'm going to tell you all about my day at school yesterday.I woke up early because I was really excited to go to my English class. We've been learning lots of fun new words and phrases. After getting dressed, I had breakfast with my mom and dad. My little brother Billy was being silly as usual, making funny faces and noises to try and make me laugh when I was eating my cereal."Billy, stop that!" I said, trying not to giggle. "I'm going to be late for the bus."Finally it was time to leave. I grabbed my backpack and lunchbox and ran out the door, waving goodbye to my parents. The school bus was already waiting outside."Good morning Miss Bradley!" I said to my bus driver as I climbed the steps."Good morning Emma," she replied with a smile. "Did you have a good weekend?""Yes, it was lots of fun!" I told her. "My family went to the park and had a picnic."I found a seat near the back next to my best friend Lucy. We talked and giggled the whole way to school about the games we had played at recess on Friday.When we arrived, Lucy and I got off the bus and went straight to the playground to meet our other friends before the bell rang. We played a quick game of tag, taking turns being the one who was "it" and chasing each other around. Soon the bell rang, signaling it was time to line up for class."Okay class, time to come inside!" said Mrs. Henderson, our English teacher. "Line up Single-file, quickly now."We all hurried to get in a straight line, trying not to push or shove. Mrs. Henderson led us into the building and back to our classroom. Once we were all seated at our desks, she began the lesson."Good morning boys and girls," she said in a cheerful voice. "Who can remember the new vocabulary words we learned on Friday?"I raised my hand eagerly, excited to show her what I could remember. She called on me."Emma, can you give me a sentence using one of our new words?" she asked."Yes Mrs. Henderson!" I replied. "My dog is very energetic and loves to run around and play fetch.""Excellent job, Emma!" she praised me. "The word energetic means having a lot of energy. You used it perfectly in that sentence."The rest of the morning, we practiced using the new words in different ways - making up stories, drawing pictures to illustrate their meanings, and playing games like Word Bingo. It was so much fun!Finally, it was time for lunch and recess. My stomach was growling because I was getting hungry. I took my lunchbox out of my backpack and opened it up."Mmm, looks delicious!" exclaimed Lucy, peeking over. "Your mom makes the best sandwiches."I unwrapped my peanut butter and jelly sandwich and began to eat. Lucy and I talked and laughed with our other friends while we ate our lunches. The cafeteria was louder than usual becauseeveryone was so excited - it was Pizza Day! Pizza is my favorite food, but I don't get to have it very often.As soon as we were done eating, we raced out to the playground. Lucy and I decided to swing on the swing set and see who could go the highest. We pumped our legs back and forth, higher and higher into the sky until we were parallel with the crossbar."Wheeee! This is so fun!" I yelled to Lucy from my swing.Too soon, the recess bell rang again to signal it was time to line up and head back inside. We reluctantly jumped off the swings and joined our classmates getting into a line to go back to class.The rest of the afternoon flew by quickly. In math, we learned how to add and subtract bigger numbers. Science was about the life cycle of butterflies. We even got to color pictures showing the different stages. I made my caterpillar purple and green.Before I knew it, the final bell rang and it was time to go home. I gathered up my books and papers and stuffed them into my backpack. Mrs. Henderson reminded us not to forget anyhomework over the weekend as we walked out to meet our buses.I found my bus easily - it was the third one in line in the circular driveway. I waved to Lucy, who was getting on a different bus that goes the other way to her neighborhood. As I climbed the big stairs up into the bus, I saw my brother Billy way at the back with some of his friends."Hey Squirt!" he called out teasingly. Billy is only one year younger than me but he loves calling me that silly nickname.I just rolled my eyes and took a seat near the front, not wanting to get into a fight with him on the bus. Miss Bradley did attendance and then we were off, driving through our neighborhood to drop kids off at their houses one by one.About halfway through the route, we came to my stop. I scrambled off the bus, clutching my backpack and lunchbox."Thanks Miss Bradley! Have a great evening!" I called over my shoulder as I hurried up my driveway.I could see my mom waiting for me on the front porch. I ran up and gave her a big hug."Hi sweetie! Did you have a nice day at school?" she asked, smiling down at me."Yes, it was so much fun!" I told her excitedly. "We learned lots of new words in English class, and it was Pizza Day at lunch!"I chattered away about my whole day as we went inside the house. I couldn't wait to tell her and Dad all about it over dinner. Every day at school is a new adventure when you're learning English!篇2My English Class is Fun!Hi there! My name is Emma and I'm 8 years old. I go to Oakwood Elementary School and I just started learning English this year. It's been really fun so far!We use these cool books called the SBS Longman International English course books. The books are really colorful and have lots of pictures, which I love. The pictures help me understand what we're learning about.My favorite part of the books are the fun stories we read about kids like me who go on adventures and learn English along the way. There's this group of friends - Sam, Lily, Zak and Ina - who are the main characters. They remind me of my own group of friends at school.In one story, Sam and his friends went camping and had to follow directions to set up their tent. I remember learning words like "hammer", "stake" and "mallet" from that story. Another time, Lily and her friends baked cookies and had to follow a recipe. I learned kitchen words like "whisk", "batter" and "preheat". The stories make it easy to pick up new vocabulary!Along with the stories, we also do listening exercises that go with each unit. That's where the SBS Longman Listening Practice book comes in really handy. We listen to conversations or instructions and have to answer questions or follow directions.At first, I found the listening kind of challenging because everything sounds so fast! But my teacher gives us strategies like listening for key words and predicting what might happen next. She also lets us listen multiple times, which is super helpful.What I really like about the listening exercises is that they use the same characters and situations from the stories in our main book. So the contexts are already really familiar to me. It's sort of like I'm just eavesdropping on my friends Sam, Lily, Zak and Ina as they go about their day!The listening tracks have different speakers too - kids around my age, adults like teachers or parents, even characterswith funny voices or accents. I think listening to all those different voices has really helped train my ear for English.Some of the listenings are conversations about everyday topics like shopping, hobbies, weekend plans and so on. Those have helped me learn functional language for real-life situations. But we've also listened to crazy funny stories, instructions for active games, and even video game tutorials! My favorite was the listening where the characters put on a play. It was just like listening to a movie or audio book.Apart from the main listening exercises, we sometimes get to singing songs and do chants or rhymes from the listening book. Those are always a blast, especially when we can march or clap along with the rhythm. I've found that singing the lyrics has really helped me remember new vocab and grammar patterns.The listening book even has listening scripts at the back, so we can follow along with the text as we listen. That's really useful for picking up on details or tricky words I might have missed. My teacher also uses those scripts to model things like intonation, pause and sentence stress.Overall, I've found the SBS Longman listening materials to be incredibly helpful for developing my English listening skills. The variety of contexts, speakers and accents has exposed me to somany different ways of speaking English. Plus, connecting the listenings to the fun stories we read has made everything more engaging and memorable.English class definitely doesn't feel like a boring lecture. It's been more like tagging along with Sam, Lily, Zak and Ina on a series of awesome adventures and escapades! Thanks to these great materials, I already feel much more confident understanding spoken English. I can't wait to see what other exciting travels await me in the next book!篇3My English Listening AdventuresHi there! My name is Emma and I'm 8 years old. I just started learning English this year and it's been such a fun adventure! My teacher uses these really cool listening materials called the SBS Longman International English Course Book 1 Listening Program. Let me tell you all about my experiences with it!When I first saw the listening book, I was a little nervous. Learning a new language seemed hard. But my teacher made it super easy and enjoyable right from the start. The book has these bright, colorful pictures that grabbed my attention. Andthe recordings have friendly voices that walk you through each lesson step-by-step.One of my favorite parts is the conversations. They use really simple words and sentences, so I can understand what's being said. But they still feel like natural, real-life dialogues. I've learned how to greet people, introduce myself, talk about my family and lots more! Listening to those conversations over and over has helped the new vocabulary and phrases really stick in my mind.There are also cute little stories and songs that make me smile every time. The stories are about children just like me going on fun adventures and learning English along the way. Whenever I listen, I imagine myself tagging along on their journeys! And the songs are so catchy and repetitive that I find myself humming the tunes all day long. That really helps cement what I'm learning.My teacher is always mixing up the activities too, which keeps things interesting. Sometimes we just listen and repeat phrases. Other times we act out the conversations or sing and dance along to the songs. We even play fun games testing our listening comprehension. I get so excited for English class because I never know what we'll be doing next!Having the listening materials has been incredibly helpful for improving my English skills. At first, I could barely recognize any words when the recordings played. But now after lots of practice, I can understand most of what's being said! My reading and speaking have improved a ton too. Whenever I see words we've learned, I can sound them out confidently. And I'm getting braver about using the new phrases in my own sentences.The best part is, the more I use the listening program, the more my enthusiasm for English grows. What used to seem scary and confusing has become an exciting adventure. I find myself counting down the days until my next English lesson. Sometimes I'll even practice my listening at home just for fun! Whenever my mom asks what I want to do, I'll grab my listening book and shout "English time!"My friends who aren't using the same program are all jealous of how quickly I'm learning. They think English is this big, impossible mountain to climb. But with the listening materials, I've been able to tackle it step-by-step, building my skills gradually through fun, engaging activities. It's making me love the journey of learning a new language.I know I'm just getting started, and English will keep getting trickier as I progress. But as long as I have my trusty listeningmaterials, I'm confident I can take on any challenge. The recordings, conversations, stories and songs provide the perfect guided path for my little English adventurer mind. Who knows where my listening skills will take me next?I can't wait to continue my English journey using the awesome SBS Longman Listening Program. Maybe I'll pick up a new language afterwards too! The world of languages is my oyster, just waiting to be explored. This little English adventurer is ready for the quest. Thanks to the listening materials, I've got the best walking stick and map to guide me every step of the way. The adventure continues!篇4My English Listening Adventures!Hi there! My name is Emma and I'm a 3rd grade student. I just started using this really cool English listening book called "SBS Longman International English Course Listening Book 1" and I'm super excited to tell you all about my adventures with it so far!When I first got the book, I was a little nervous because learning to listen to English can be kind of tricky sometimes. But as soon as I opened it up, I could tell it was going to be lots offun. The pictures are so colorful and engaging - there are cool drawings of kids just like me along with objects, animals, and scenes from everyday life. It really makes me feel like I'm part of the story.The first unit was all about numbers and colors. I learned how to say and recognize numbers from 1 to 20 in English, which is going to be so helpful in math class. And now I can name all the colors like red, blue, green, yellow and more. The audio recordings have kids' voices which I love because they sound just like my friends. I've been practicing counting my crayons and saying the color names out loud.Next up was a unit on basic phrases like "Hello, how are you?" and "Thank you, you're welcome." Learning these simple conversations has been awesome practice for talking to my English-speaking classmates and teachers. I feel way more confident introducing myself. My favorite part was the fun chant at the end - we get to sing along and it really helps the phrases stick in my head!One of the units I just finished focused on different family members like mom, dad, brother, sister, etc. This one was pretty easy for me since I already know my family in English. But I learned some new words like "aunt," "uncle," and "cousin." Therecordings had a kid describing her family members which was cool to listen to. At the end, I got to describe my own family just like in the audio!Oh oh, I almost forgot about the unit on animals! This was probably my favorite so far. We learned the names of pets like dogs, cats, and hamsters. But we also covered farm animals like cows, pigs and horses. And some wild ones too like elephants, lions and monkeys! The voices were SO realistic and made the coolest animal sounds. I've been going around my house doing all the animal impressions which my little brother thinks is hilarious.One thing I really like about the book is how it combines listening with speaking, reading, and even writing activities. For example, after hearing a conversation between two kids, I'll have to read a similar dialogue and fill in the blanks. Or I'll listen to a story and then have to rewrite the key details and events. It's a great way to practice my overall English skills while still focusing on listening comprehension.The last unit I want to tell you about covered school subjects like math, science, music and art. Listening to the audio about the different classes was really neat because it felt like I was getting a tour of an English-speaking school. Hearing the voicesof students and teachers talking about their favorite subjects got me excited to learn more English vocabulary for my own school subjects. I can't wait to show off what I learned by describing my weekly schedule and classes to my parents.Overall, I'm having an absolute blast with this listening book! The short, engaging recordings make it feel like a game rather than hard work. The sounds, voices, and dialogues are all super clear and easy for me to understand as a young learner. And the cute illustrations and characters make me smile every time I open the book.With each unit, I'm building my listening skills and vocabulary bit by bit. Simple words, phrases, and conversations are slowly becoming more natural and automatic. My parents have already noticed an improvement in how I can follow and respond to English directions and questions. I'm feeling way more confident when it comes to listening comprehension.I still have so many more units to discover - there are ones about places around town, transportation, clothes, food, and more! I honestly can't wait to continue my English listening journey with Book 1. Who knows, maybe I'll be an expert listener by the end! If you're just starting to learn English listening likeme, I definitely recommend checking out the SBS Longman series. Get ready for an exciting adventure!篇5Hi there! My name is Emma and I'm 8 years old. I just started learning English this year at school and I'm really excited about it! We're using this cool English course called "SBS Longman International English".In our English class, we spend a lot of time listening to the audio materials that come with the course. It's really helpful for learning pronunciation and getting used to hearing English. The listening course has all sorts of fun activities and stories.One of my favorite parts is the conversations we listen to. They have simple dialogues between kids or family members talking about everyday things like going to school, playing outside, or what they had for lunch. Listening to these little conversations makes it easier for me to understand how English actually sounds when people speak it naturally.The stories are awesome too! They tell tales about children going on adventures, learning life lessons, or just being silly. The stories always have great sound effects and different character voices which makes them really entertaining to listen to. And thebest part is, the stories are recorded at just the right level for beginners like me. I can follow along without getting lost or confused.After we listen to a conversation or story, our teacher asks us questions to see if we understood what we heard. Sometimes she'll pause the audio and we have to predict what will happen next. Other times, she'll play a section again and we have to listen closely for specific details. It's like a little exercise for our "listening muscles"!The listening course also has songs and chants for us to practice rhythm, pronunciation, and vocabulary. The songs are so catchy and fun that I sometimes catch myself singing them at home without even realizing it. My little brother thinks it's hilarious when I walk around singing words he can't understand yet.Overall, I'm super glad we use the SBS Longman listening course at school because it makes learning English feel more like a game than studying. Listening to English doesn't seem so strange or difficult anymore. In fact, it's becoming one of my favorite parts of the day! I can't wait to move on to the next listening course book.Maybe I'll be fluent in English before my parents know it. Then I can surprise them by answering everything in perfect English. That would be hilarious! Though I probably shouldn't trick them too much or they might make me do extra chores as punishment. An English genius has to pick her battles wisely, after all!篇6SBS Longman Listening Fun for Little Learners!Hi there friends! My name is Lily and I'm going to tell you all about the awesome listening course I'm using to learn English. It's called the SBS Longman International English Course Book 1 Listening Course. What a mouthful, right? Let's just call it the Listening Fun for short!The Listening Fun has been such a great way for me to practice my English listening skills. There are so many cool activities and stories that make it super engaging and not boring at all. My favorite part is probably the songs and chants. They are so catchy and fun to sing along to! The melodies really help the new words and phrases stick in my head.One of the songs is all about colors. It goes "Red and yellow, blue and green, colors bright, colors clean! Purple orange, pinkand white, name those colors, get it right!" I find myself humming and dancing along to that one all the time. My little brother even learned all the color words because the song is that catchy!There are also a bunch of great stories and conversations to listen to. They use really common situations that I can totally relate to, like going to school, playing with friends, talking about hobbies and pets, and more. Hearing how the characters interact in natural English dialogues has been incredibly helpful for my comprehension.The stories are dramatized too, which makes them more lively and interesting than just a person flatly reading out loud. The narrator uses different voices for each character and adds fun sound effects. There's one story called "The Zig Zag Zoo" that's my absolute favorite. It's about these two mischievous kids who sneak into the zoo after hours and end up having the wildest adventure with all the animals running loose! Whenever I listen to that one, I can so vividly picture the whole crazy scene in my mind.In addition to songs and stories, the Listening Fun has dedicated vocabulary lessons that introduce new words and phrases in context, rather than just as a random list. There arealso grammar focus sections that break down different concepts, like verb tenses, prepositions, articles, and more. I'll be honest, some of that grammar stuff still makes my brain hurt a bit, but having it integrated with fun listening makes it much more bearable!One of the coolest components are the listening games and activities. They really get you engaged and thinking critically about what you're hearing. There are sorting games where you put pictures in the right order based on the story, multiple choice questions to test your comprehension, and spelling exercises where you have to identify the right letters you hear. My best friend and I sometimes do the activities together and race to see who can finish fastest!Overall, the SBS Longman Listening Fun has been an amazing tool to boost my English listening abilities. The varied content and interactive nature of the course keep me motivated and having fun, instead of feeling bored out of my mind like I do with some other learning materials. Highly recommended for any kids out there looking to level up their language skills!I think I've covered all the key parts of the Listening Fun, but I could probably keep rambling for ages about how great it is. If you want to learn more or grab a copy for yourself, just ask yourEnglish teacher or parents. Now if you'll excuse me, I've got a hot date with the "Wheels on the Bus" chant video!。

Present Continuous Tense 朗文国际一册
请记忆 0281191206
What daily activities do you know?
e.g. have breakfast, read books, wash face···
Test your eyesight
Look at the pictures and compete to say what they do.
read newspaper
play the piano
play baseball
•watching TV
•playing cards
•What's wrong?
•Sh•eShise cisocookoinkgddininnere.r. •Sh•Sehies
•《朗文国际英语教程》是在亚洲地区销量突破1800万 册的美式英语教程。以交际对话为主线,注重语言知识 和交际能力的协调发展,辅以其他各项技能的综合训练 。
• 游戏教学; • 情境教学; • 国外引进的3P教学模式:
presentation(呈现) practice(操练) production(产出)
• 朗文国际一册
总课时: 总费用:

《朗文国际英语教程》(Side by Side)课程说明《朗文国际英语教程》(Side by Side)是一套面向青少年学生的初级至中高级英语教材。
1.语法成体系------有清晰的语法主线,从SBS1最基本的动词to be ,小学需掌握的四大时态到SBS2将来进行时,过去进行时,形容词与副词的比较级和最高级等,同时通过在一定的情景中呈现,使学生记语法不再是“难题”而是乐趣。
朗文第一册及第二册教材内容:SBS1 由17课组成。
SBS1包含的语法知识:词汇学什么?语法讲哪些?交际口语学些啥?个人信息词汇询问他人姓名,地址等句型自我介绍教室物品,房间,公共场所词汇1.人称代词的主格2.be动词3.where引导的特殊疑问句4.方位介词on 的用法询问人或物的方位日常活动相关动词及动词短语(15个)1.现在进行时2.what引导的特殊疑问句现在进行时的特殊疑问句日常活动相关的动词(7个)1.所有格2.一般疑问句及回答一般疑问句形容词(24个) 1.形容词的使用2.选择疑问句1.描述人与物的特征2.如何描述天气家庭成员词汇(21个) 1.复习who, what, where特殊疑问词的句型2.简单的方位介词1. 询问他人的信息公共场所词汇(20个) 1.方位介词2.there be 句型1.询问地方2.询问数量的多少3.如何描述小区颜色及服饰词汇(25个) 1.名词的单复数2.指示代词1.用形容词描述物品2.购物用语日常活动必备动词及短语(15个)国家及语言词汇1. 一般现在时 1. 简单的自我描述2. 如何询问他人信息日常生活词汇星期(16个)1. 一般现在时的一般疑问句及特殊疑问句1. 描述自己的日常活动2. 对于一般疑问句的简短回答时间词汇(9个) 1.频率副词与一般现在时2.人称代词的宾格形式3.动词及动词的三单4.have,has 的用法1.如何描述人物2.如何描述日常行为及习惯描述情感状态的形容词(12个)1.一般现在时与现在进行时的对比2.与与感觉和情感相关的动作行为1.如何询问原因及解释问题职业名词(13个)工作技巧词汇1.情态动词can 的用法2.短语have to 和has to 的意义及使用1.询问能力2.如何作出邀请及回答月份,时间,四季词汇(20个)1.一般将来时be going to的用法2.时间的表达及运用3.短语want to 的用法1.如何表达意愿及预测将来的句型疾病词汇(9个) 1.一般过去时2.一般过去时中规则动词的变化规律1.如何表达过去发生的事情2.与医生预约不规则动词的过去式(12个)1.一般过去时的一般疑问句及回答2.wh-引导的特殊疑问词1. 如何表达原因常用形容词(18个) 1. be动词的一般过去式 1. 比较过去与现在2. 描述个人传记教材的目的及普及性:意在鼓励学生参与到积极,有意义的语言交流实践中去。

跳舞者;舞蹈演员;舞 蹈家;舞女
mechanic [mi'kæ nik] 机械工,修理工,技工
occupation [,ɔkju'peiʃən] 工作,职业[C]
What do you want to be? I want to be an actor.
-or actor doctor editor
-ist dentist scientist …
-ian musician librarian magician
Memory Game
What do I do ? I’m a teacher.
What do you do? You are students.
According to the description of their jobs, guess what do they do.
Are you ready? Go!!
I work in a restaurant and I always carry some fruits and dishes. I often ask people: What would you like? I am really very busy. So, what do I do?

• 朗文国际一册
总课时: 总费用:
•They are dancing.
They are watching TV.
They are talking.
•They are swimming.
Look at the pictures and compete to say what they do.
read newspaper Nhomakorabea2019/12/26
play the piano
play baseball
•She is drinking.
•What is it doing?
•It is listening to music.
•What is it doing?
•It is skating.
Do and guess
• one student come to the stage, look at the card and do action
•cooking dinner
•washing clothes
•watching TV
•playing cards
•What's wrong?

May June March
Thanksgiving Day is in this month.
Septembe r
The month before July.
April May June
New vocabulary
March May June
The school year starts in this month.
June February
Septembe r
Saint Valentine’s day is in this month.
June April February
He cooks Chinese food .
He doesn't cook Chinese food.
Does he cook Chinese food? Yes, he does. No, he doesn't.
What kind of food does he cook? When does he cook?
Wednesday Saturday
A shopping day called “Black … “
Thursday Friday
The day before friday. Thursday Monday
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•She skating. •She is is skateing.
Guessing game
• What are they doing?
•They are dancing.
They are watching TV.
Jason Emily
Homework • Make a survey: ask at least 3 people what they are doing and make records. • draw a picture of your family and introduce what everybody is doing.
• A:What am I doing? • B:You are --ing.
•cooking dinner
•washing clothes
Look and say
•What is he doing?
•He •is • eating •now.
•What is he doing?
•He •is •swimming •now.
•What is she doing?
They are talking.
•They are swimming.
•They are writing.
• 游戏教学; • 情境教学; • 国外引进的3P教学模式:
presentation(呈现) practice(操练) production(产出)
• 朗文国际一册
总课时: 总费用:
•She is drinking.
•What is it doing?
•It is listening to music.
•What is it doing?
•It is skating.
Do and guess
• one student come to the stage, look at the card and do action • other students try to guess and say the whole sentence
Present Continuous Tense
What daily activities do you know? e.g. have breakfast, read books, wash face·· ·
Test your eyesight
Look at the pictures and compete to say what they do.
read newspaper
play the piano
play baseball
plant trees
•watching TV
•playing cards
•What's wrong?
•He reading a book. •He isreading a book.
•She is cooking dinner. •She is cook
•《朗文国际英语教程》为英语学习者提供积极互动的 交际型语言学习途径,通过引导会话的方式,帮助学生 运用精心策划的语法结构进行会话,并鼓励他们突破课 本局限,自行组织会话。这套教材以语法和功能为核心 ,教学活动均通过引导式会话练习展开,后面附有读、 写、听、发音、分角色扮演和讨论等多项配套练习,以 强化和扩展这种会话核心。课本图文并茂,色彩鲜艳, 趣味性极强。 •《朗文国际英语教程》是在亚洲地区销量突破1800万 册的美式英语教程。以交际对话为主线,注重语言知识 和交际能力的协调发展,辅以其他各项技能的综合训练 。