四级听力 4招巧解短文理解

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Lecture 2第二讲4招巧解短文理解



【例1】(07 12 Passage One)


26. [A]They care a lot about children.

[B]They need looking after in their old age.

[C]They want to enrich their life experience.

[D]They want children to keep them company.

27.[A]They are usually adopted from distant places.

[B]Their birth information is usually kept secret.

[C]Their birth parents often try to conceal their birth information.

[D]Their adoptive parents don t want them to know their birt h parents.


预览四道题各选项,由选项中多次出现的children,adopted,birth parents,natural parents,adoptive parents等可推知,本文与收养孩子有关。

26. 选项都是与“they”的需求有关,根据选项[A]和[D]中的宾语children以及之前对主题的预测可知,本题很可能是问收养孩子的原因。

27. 根据各选项内容可知,they,their在此处都是指“被收养的孩子”。由[B]、[C]选项28.[A]They generally hold bad feelings towards their birth parents.

[B]They do not want to hurt the feelings of their adoptive parents.

[C]They have mixed feelings about finding their natural parents.

[D]They are fully aware of the expenses involved in the search.

29.[A]Early adoption makes for closer parent child relationship.

[B]Most people prefer to adopt children from overseas.

[C]Understanding is the key to successful adoption.

[D]Adoption has much to do with love.中出现的birth information可知,本题很可能是问被收养的孩子不知道他们的出生信息的原因。

28.根据各选项内容可知,they在此处指“被收养的孩子”。由各选项中的bad feelings…,hurt the feelings…,mixed feelings…可知,本题应该是关于“被收养的孩子对他们的亲生父母与养父母的感情”。[A]、[B]、[C]三个选项都与此有关,只有[D]是关于费用的,故其为答案的可能性较小。

29. 四个选项主题各异,由此可知本题很可能是对文中某点进行提问。在听音时应重点关注与选项相关的信息。


When couples get married, they usually plan to have children. Sometimes, however, a couple can not have a child of their own. In this case, they may decide to adopt a child. In fact, adoption is

very common today. There are about 60 thousand adoptions each year in the US alone. Some people prefer to adopt infants, others adopt older children. Some couples adopt children from their own countries; others adopt children from foreign countries. [26][29①]In any case, they all adopt children for the same reason —they care about children and want to give their adopted child a happy life.Most adopted children know that they are adopted. Psychologists and child care experts generally think this is a good idea. However, many adopted children or adoptees have very little information about their biological parents. [27]As a matter of fact, it is often very difficult for adoptees to find out about their birth parents because the birth records of most adoptees are usually sealed. The information is secret so no one can see it. Naturally, adopted children have different feelings about their birth parents. Many adoptees want to search for them, but others do not. [28]The decision to search for birth parents is a difficult one to make. Most adoptees have mixed feelings about finding their biological parents. Even though adoptees do not know about their natural parents, [29②]they do know that their adopted parents want them, love them and will care for them.


26. According to the speaker, why do some couples adopt children?

【解析】选[A]。细节题。文中提到,不论是收养婴儿还是收养年龄较大的孩子,不论是收养自己国家的孩子还是收养别国的孩子,收养这一行为的产生有一个共同的原因,即收养人care about children(喜欢孩子),并且希望给被收养的孩子一个快乐的生活,故答案为[A]。

27. Why is it difficult for adoptees to find out about their birth parents?

【解析】选[B]。细节题。文中明确提到,被收养人之所以很难找到他们的亲生父母在于他们的birth records(出生记录)都是被sealed(密封)了的,即他们的出生记录都是保密的,故答案为[B]。

28.Why do many adoptees find it hard to make the decision to search for their birth parents?

【解析】选[C]。细节题。文中提到对大多数被收养的孩子来说,要做出寻找亲生父母的决定是很难的,因为他们对寻找biological parents有mixed feelings(复杂的情感)。[C]中的natural parents ≈ biologica l parents,故为答案。

29. What can we infer from the passage?

【解析】选[D]。推断题。文章开头处提到,一些人收养孩子是因为他们care about children (喜欢孩子);短文结尾处也提到,被收养的孩子知道他们的养父母want them(需要他们),love them(爱他们)并且将会care for them(照顾他们)。由这两处可推断,收养这一行为的产生很大程度上与love有关,故答案为[D]。


【例2】(09 12 26)

[A]There were no planets without moons.

[B]There was no air or water on Jupiter.

[C]Life was not possible in outer space.

[D]The mystery of life could not be resolved.

Since early times, people have been fascinated with the idea of life existing somewhere else besides earth. Until recently, scientists believe that life on other planets was just a hopeful dream. But now they are beginning to locate places where life could form.
