移植过程可以分为以下几个步骤:2. 配置编译环境:根据所使用的平台选择合适的编译环境,例如Windows下可以使用MinGW或MSYS23. 配置编译选项:进入源代码目录,运行`./configure`命令来配置编译选项。
4. 编译和安装:运行`make`命令编译源代码,根据所使用的平台可能还需要运行其他命令进行安装。
`ffmpeg -i input.mp4 output.avi`2.剪切:截取视频的一部分。
`ffmpeg -ss 00:00:10 -i input.mp4 -t 00:00:20 output.mp4`3.合并:将多个视频文件合并为一个。
`ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -vn output.mp3`5.转换音频格式:将音频文件转换为另一种格式。
`ffmpeg -i input.mp3 output.wav`通过使用这些命令和其他一些选项,我们可以实现各种音频和视频处理需求。
ffmpeg 和 SDL 教程
• 视频编码标准H.263 – 协议结构
H.263有效载荷头定义了三种格式(模式A、模式B和模式C)。在模式A 中,在实际压缩H.263视频比特流之前存在4字节的H.263有效载荷头。 这样允许在GOB边界有分段。在模式B中,使用的是8字节的H.263有效 载荷头,且每个数据包从MB边界开始,没有PB帧选项。最后,模式C中 使用的是12字节的H.263有效载荷头,采用PB帧选项支持在MB边界的帧 分段。
4:4:4 ,Y、Cb 和Cr 具有同样的水平和垂直清晰度,在每一像素位 置,都有Y,Cb 和Cr分量,即不论水平方向还是垂直方向,每4个亮 度像素相应的有4个Cb和4个Cr色度像素。
Y Cb Cr
• 视频编码的相关术语
1. 场和帧 2. 片和宏块 3. 片组 4. 档次和级 5. SP和SI 6. SPS和PPS 7. 图像序列号(POC) 8. RBSP和SODB
•目标 •重点 •培训内容 •参考资料
培训目标 1. 掌握视频信息和视频编码的相关概念 2. 理解H.264编解码器的工作原理和关键算法 3. 掌握主流的H.264开源编解码器的架构和实
现 4. 掌握H.264视频数据RTP传输封包格式
1988年,ISO/IEC信息技术联合委员会成立了活动图像专家 组(MPEG,Moving Picture Expert Group)。1991年 公布了MPEG-1视频编码标准,码率为1.5Mbps,主要 应用于家用VCD的视频压缩;1994年11月,公布了 MPEG-2标准,用于数字视频广播(DVB)、家用 DVD的视频压缩及高清晰度电视(HDTV)。
ffmpeg 前端用法
ffmpeg 前端用法ffmpeg是一款广泛使用的多媒体处理工具,它提供了丰富的功能和灵活的参数设置,可以用于音视频编码、格式转换、剪辑等各种应用场景。
二、基本命令用法1. 查看ffmpeg版本信息要查看ffmpeg的版本信息,可以使用以下命令:```ffmpeg -version```运行该命令后,会输出ffmpeg的版本号、编译信息等详细信息。
2. 转码视频文件ffmpeg可以将一个视频文件转换成不同的编码格式。
要转码视频文件,可以使用以下命令:```ffmpeg -i input.mp4 output.mp4```其中,input.mp4是输入文件的路径,output.mp4是输出文件的路径。
3. 转码音频文件类似于视频文件的转码,ffmpeg也可以将音频文件转换成不同的编码格式。
要转码音频文件,可以使用以下命令:```ffmpeg -i input.mp3 output.mp3```其中,input.mp3是输入文件的路径,output.mp3是输出文件的路径。
4. 剪辑视频文件ffmpeg还可以对视频文件进行剪辑,即提取其中的一段作为输出。
要剪辑视频文件,可以使用以下命令:```ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -ss 00:00:10 -t 00:00:30 output.mp4```其中,input.mp4是输入文件的路径,output.mp4是输出文件的路径,ss选项指定了起始时间,t选项指定了持续时间。
具体来说,FFmpeg的编解码流程如下:1. 输入阶段在输入阶段,FFmpeg会根据输入文件的格式选择相应的解封装器(demuxer)进行解封装,将音视频数据从容器格式中提取出来。
如果输入文件是网络流或者来自摄像头、麦克风等设备,FFmpeg 会使用相应的输入设备进行数据采集。
2. 处理阶段在处理阶段,FFmpeg会对音视频数据进行解码、滤镜处理、编码等操作。
3. 输出阶段在输出阶段,FFmpeg会将处理后的音视频数据写入输出文件或者推送到网络上。
ffmpeg 技术原理
ffmpeg 技术原理
然后,我们可以使用以下代码来实现转码功能:```cpp#include <iostream>#include <cstdlib>extern "C" {#include <libavformat/avformat.h>#include <libavcodec/avcodec.h>#include <libavutil/imgutils.h>}int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {// 注册所有的编解码器av_register_all();// 打开输入文件AVFormatContext* inputFormatContext = nullptr;if (avformat_open_input(&inputFormatContext, argv[1], nullptr, nullptr) != 0) {std::cerr << "无法打开输入文件" << std::endl;return -1;}// 查找流信息if (avformat_find_stream_info(inputFormatContext, nullptr) < 0) {std::cerr << "无法获取流信息" << std::endl;return -1;}// 打印流信息av_dump_format(inputFormatContext, 0, argv[1], 0);// 查找视频流索引int videoStreamIndex = -1;for (int i = 0; i < inputFormatContext->nb_streams; i++){if (inputFormatContext->streams[i]->codecpar->codec_type == AVMEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO) {videoStreamIndex = i;break;}}if (videoStreamIndex == -1) {std::cerr << "找不到视频流" << std::endl;return -1;}// 获取视频解码器参数AVCodecParameters* videoCodecParameters = inputFormatContext->streams[videoStreamIndex]->codecpar;// 查找视频解码器AVCodec* videoCodec = avcodec_find_decoder(videoCodecParameters->codec_id);if (videoCodec == nullptr) {std::cerr << "找不到视频解码器" << std::endl;return -1;}// 创建视频解码器上下文AVCodecContext* videoCodecContext = avcodec_alloc_context3(videoCodec);if (videoCodecContext == nullptr) {std::cerr << "无法创建视频解码器上下文" << std::endl;return -1;}// 设置视频解码器参数if (avcodec_parameters_to_context(videoCodecContext, videoCodecParameters) < 0) {std::cerr << "无法设置视频解码器参数" << std::endl; return -1;}// 打开视频解码器if (avcodec_open2(videoCodecContext, videoCodec, nullptr) < 0) {std::cerr << "无法打开视频解码器" << std::endl;return -1;}// 创建输出文件AVFormatContext* outputFormatContext = nullptr;if (avformat_alloc_output_context2(&outputFormatContext, nullptr, nullptr, argv[2]) < 0) {std::cerr << "无法创建输出文件" << std::endl;return -1;}// 添加视频流到输出文件AVStream* videoStream = avformat_new_stream(outputFormatContext, nullptr);if (videoStream == nullptr) {std::cerr << "无法添加视频流到输出文件" << std::endl;return -1;}// 复制视频流参数if (avcodec_parameters_copy(videoStream->codecpar, videoCodecParameters) < 0) {std::cerr << "无法复制视频流参数" << std::endl;return -1;}// 打开输出文件if (!(outputFormatContext->oformat->flags & AVFMT_NOFILE)) {if (avio_open(&outputFormatContext->pb, argv[2], AVIO_FLAG_WRITE) < 0) {std::cerr << "无法打开输出文件" << std::endl;return -1;}}// 写入文件头if (avformat_write_header(outputFormatContext, nullptr) < 0) {std::cerr << "无法写入文件头" << std::endl;return -1;}// 分配AVPacket和AVFrameAVPacket* packet = av_packet_alloc();AVFrame* frame = av_frame_alloc();// 读取帧数据并写入输出文件while (av_read_frame(inputFormatContext, packet) >= 0){if (packet->stream_index == videoStreamIndex) {// 解码视频帧if (avcodec_send_packet(videoCodecContext, packet) < 0) {std::cerr << "无法解码视频帧" << std::endl; break;}while (avcodec_receive_frame(videoCodecContext, frame) >= 0) {// 编码视频帧AVPacket* outputPacket = av_packet_alloc(); if (avcodec_send_frame(videoCodecContext, frame) < 0) {std::cerr << "无法编码视频帧" << std::endl;break;}if(avcodec_receive_packet(videoCodecContext, outputPacket) < 0) {std::cerr << "无法编码视频帧" <<std::endl;break;}outputPacket->stream_index = videoStream->index;// 写入输出文件if(av_interleaved_write_frame(outputFormatContext, outputPacket) < 0) {std::cerr << "无法写入输出文件" << std::endl;break;}av_packet_unref(outputPacket);}av_packet_unref(packet);} else {av_packet_unref(packet);}}// 写入文件尾av_write_trailer(outputFormatContext);// 释放资源av_packet_free(&packet);av_frame_free(&frame);avcodec_close(videoCodecContext);avcodec_free_context(&videoCodecContext);avformat_close_input(&inputFormatContext);avformat_free_context(outputFormatContext);return 0;}```上述代码中,我们首先通过调用`av_register_all()`函数来注册所有的编解码器。
以下是FFmpeg的一些常用操作命令:1. 安装FFmpeg:首先,需要安装FFmpeg。
在Linux系统上,可以使用以下命令进行安装:```shellsudo apt-get updatesudo apt-get install ffmpeg```2. 转换视频格式:使用以下命令将输入文件()转换为输出文件():```cssffmpeg -i```3. 截取视频片段:使用以下命令将视频的第10秒到第30秒保存为新的文件():```cssffmpeg -i -ss 00:00:10 -t 00:00:20```4. 调整视频分辨率:使用以下命令将视频的分辨率调整为640x480:```cssffmpeg -i -vf "scale=640:480"```5. 添加水印:使用以下命令将一个图像文件()添加到视频的左上角作为水印:```cssffmpeg -i -i -filter_complex "movie= [watermark]; [in][watermark] overlay=W-w-10:H-h-10 [out]"```6. 添加音频:使用以下命令将音频文件()添加到视频中:```cssffmpeg -i -i -c:v copy -c:a aac```7. 合并视频:使用以下命令将两个视频文件(和)合并为一个文件():```cssffmpeg -i "concat:"```。
1. 安装FFmpeg:首先,您需要在您的计算机上安装FFmpeg。
2. 配置开发环境:确保您的开发环境已经配置了必要的库和头文件。
3. 创建项目:使用您喜欢的集成开发环境(IDE)或文本编辑器创建一个新
4. 编写代码:根据您的需求,开始编写FFmpeg的代码。
5. 编译项目:使用Makefile或构建工具(如CMake)编译您的项目。
6. 测试:运行您的程序并测试其功能。
7. 调试:如果遇到问题或错误,使用调试器逐步执行代码,并检查变量的值和状态,以帮助您找到问题所在。
8. 优化:根据需要优化您的代码以提高性能和效率。
9. 维护和更新:定期更新和维护您的项目,以适应FFmpeg的新版本和变化。
// Retrieve stream information if(av_find_stream_info(pFormatCtx)<0)
return -1; // Couldn't find stream information
这个函数为 pFormatCtx->streams 填充上正确的信息。我们引进一个手工调试的 函数来看一下里面有什么:
} if(videoStream==-1)
return -1; // Didn't find a video stream
// Get a pointer to the codec context for the video stream pCodecCtx=pFormatCtx->streams[videoStream]->codec;
fprintf(stderr, "Unsupported codec!\n"); return -1; // Codec not found } // Open codec if(avcodec_open(pCodecCtx, pCodec)<0) return -1; // Could not open codec
// Is this a packet from the video stream? if(packet.stream_index==videoStreபைடு நூலகம்m) {
唯一的问题是它的文档基本上是没有的。有一个单独的指导讲了它的基本原理另 外还有一个使用 doxygen 生成的文档。这就是为什么当我决定研究 FFMPEG 来弄 清楚音视频应用程序是如何工作的过程中,我决定把这个过程用文档的形式记录 并且发布出来作为初学指导的原因。
ffmpeg 封装函数调用过程
ffmpeg 封装函数调用过程使用FFmpeg进行音视频处理是一项常见的任务。
下面是使用FFmpeg进行音视频处理的一般步骤:1. 安装FFmpeg:首先需要下载并安装FFmpeg工具。
2. 调用命令行:FFmpeg是一个命令行工具,需要通过命令行界面来使用。
3. 导航到FFmpeg的安装目录:在命令行界面中,使用cd命令导航到FFmpeg安装目录。
例如,如果FFmpeg安装在C盘的Program Files文件夹下,可以使用以下命令导航到该目录:```cd C:\Program Files\ffmpeg```4. 执行FFmpeg命令:使用FFmpeg的命令行参数来执行所需的音视频处理操作。
以下是一些常见的示例命令:- 视频转码:将一个视频文件转码为另一种格式,可以使用以下命令:```ffmpeg -i input.mp4 output.avi```其中,input.mp4是要转码的原视频文件,output.avi是转码后的目标文件。
- 视频剪辑:从一个视频文件中提取出指定时间段的片段,可以使用以下命令:```ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -ss 00:01:00 -t 00:00:30 output.mp4```其中,input.mp4是原视频文件,-ss参数指定起始时间(例如01:00表示从1分钟处开始),-t参数指定持续时间(例如00:00:30表示提取30秒),output.mp4是剪辑后的目标文件。
- 音频提取:从一个视频文件中提取出音频,可以使用以下命令:```ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -vn -acodec copy output.mp3```其中,input.mp4是原视频文件,-vn参数指定只提取音频,-acodec copy参数表示直接将音频流复制到目标文件中,output.mp3是提取的音频文件。
FFmpeg开发笔记(九):ffmpeg解码rtsp流并使⽤SDL同步播放前⾔ ffmpeg播放rtsp⽹络流和摄像头流。
Demo 使⽤ffmpeg播放局域⽹rtsp1080p海康摄像头:延迟0.2s,存在马赛克 使⽤ffmpeg播放⽹络rtsp⽂件流:偶尔卡顿,延迟看不出 使⽤vlc软件播放局域⽹rtsp1080p海康摄像头:演⽰2s,不存在马赛克 使⽤vlc软件播放⽹络rtsp⽂件流:不卡顿,延迟看不出FFmpeg基本播放流程ffmpeg解码流程 ffmpeg新增API的解码执⾏流程。
新api解码基本流程如下:步骤⼀:注册: 使⽤ffmpeg对应的库,都需要进⾏注册,可以注册⼦项也可以注册全部。
步骤⼆:打开⽂件: 打开⽂件,根据⽂件名信息获取对应的ffmpeg全局上下⽂。
步骤三:探测流信息: ⼀定要探测流信息,拿到流编码的编码格式,不探测流信息则其流编码器拿到的编码类型可能为空,后续进⾏数据转换的时候就⽆法知晓原始格式,导致错误。
步骤四:查找对应的解码器 依据流的格式查找解码器,软解码还是硬解码是在此处决定的,但是特别注意是否⽀持硬件,需要⾃⼰查找本地的硬件解码器对应的标识,并查询其是否⽀持。
(注意:解码时查找解码器,编码时查找编码器,两者函数不同,不要弄错了,否则后续能打开但是数据是错的)步骤五:打开解码器 开打解码器的时候,播放的是rtsp流,需要设置⼀些参数,在ffmpeg中参数的设置是通过AVDictionary来设置的。
AVDictionary *pAVDictionary = 0// 设置缓存⼤⼩ 1024000byteav_dict_set(&pAVDictionary, "buffer_size", "1024000", 0);// 设置超时时间 20sav_dict_set(&pAVDictionary, "stimeout", "20000000", 0);// 设置最⼤延时 3sav_dict_set(&pAVDictionary, "max_delay", "30000000", 0);// 设置打开⽅式 tcp/udpav_dict_set(&pAVDictionary, "rtsp_transport", "tcp", 0);ret = avcodec_open2(pAVCodecContext, pAVCodec, &pAVDictionary);if(ret){LOG << "Failed to avcodec_open2(pAVCodecContext, pAVCodec, pAVDictionary)";return;}步骤六:申请缩放数据格式转换结构体 此处特别注意,基本上解码的数据都是yuv系列格式,但是我们显⽰的数据是rgb等相关颜⾊空间的数据,所以此处转换结构体就是进⾏转换前到转换后的描述,给后续转换函数提供转码依据,是很关键并且⾮常常⽤的结构体。
ffmpeg-python 使用方法
ffmpeg-python 使用方法ffmpegpython 使用方法FFmpeg是一个开源的多媒体框架,可以用于处理音频和视频文件。
在命令行中运行以下命令即可安装ffmpegpython库:pip install ffmpegpython这将安装ffmpegpython库及其相关依赖项。
可以使用以下代码行将其导入:import ffmpeg第三步:使用ffmpegpython库的功能ffmpegpython库提供了许多功能,可以用于处理音频和视频文件。
以下是一些常见的用例和使用方法:1. 转码视频文件:使用`ffmpeg.input`函数指定要转码的视频文件路径,使用`ffmpeg.output`函数指定要生成的输出文件路径。
以下是一个简单的示例:pythoninput_file = ffmpeg.input('input_video.mp4')output_file = ffmpeg.output(input_file, 'output_video.avi') 裁剪视频文件:使用`ffmpeg.input`函数指定要裁剪的视频文件路径,并使用`ffmpeg.filter`函数应用剪切过滤器。
以下是一个示例:pythoninput_file = ffmpeg.input('input_video.mp4')output_file = ffmpeg.output(input_file, 'output_video.mp4',ss='00:01:00', t='00:00:10')上面的示例将从视频的第1分钟开始,裁剪出10秒钟的视频。
1. 安装ffmpegffmpeg可以通过官网下载安装包进行安装,也可以使用包管理器进行安装。
在Windows系统中,可以在命令行下输入ffmpeg -version来检查是否安装成功。
2. 转换视频格式要将一个视频文件格式转换为另一个格式,可以使用以下命令:ffmpeg -i input.mp4 output.avi其中,input.mp4是原始视频文件,output.avi是目标视频文件。
3. 压缩视频大小如果视频文件太大,可以通过压缩来减小文件大小。
可以使用以下命令进行压缩:其中,-s 640x480是指定视频分辨率为640x480,-b:v 512k是指定视频比特率为512kbps。
4. 剪辑视频如果要去掉视频开头或结尾的片段,并保留中间的部分,可以使用以下命令:其中,-ss 00:01:00是指定从视频的第1分钟开始剪辑,-t 00:02:00是指定剪辑2分钟。
其中,-vf "crop=480:360:0:0"是指定裁剪视频分辨率为480x360,起点坐标为(0,0)。
6. 处理音频文件ffmpeg也可以处理音频文件,包括转换、剪辑、裁剪等功能。
可以使用以下命令来转换音频格式:7. 注意事项在使用ffmpeg时,需要注意以下一些问题:(1)文件路径中不要包含中文和特殊字符,否则可能会出现编码或路径错误的问题。
下面详细介绍一些常用的FFmpeg 命令及其使用方法。
使用以下命令可以提取MP4文件的音频:```````这里的`-vn`参数表示不处理视频流,`-acodec copy`表示直接复制音频流。
例如,若要将一个视频文件转换为另一种格式,可以使用以下命令:ffmpeg -i input.mp4 output.avi其中,"-i"表示输入参数,后面跟着源文件的路径和文件名;"output.avi"表示输出参数,指定了转换后的文件格式和文件名。
例如,我们可以将视频按照时间段进行剪辑,可以使用以下命令:ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -ss 00:01:30 -t 00:00:30 output.mp4其中,"-ss"表示起始时间,"00:01:30"表示从视频的1分30秒处开始剪辑;"-t"表示持续时间,"00:00:30"表示剪辑后的视频长度为30秒;"output.mp4"为输出文件名。
如果我们想将视频和音频合并成一个文件,可以使用以下命令:ffmpeg -i video.mp4 -i audio.mp3 -c:v copy -c:a copy output.mp4其中,"-i"分别表示输入的视频文件和音频文件;"-c:v copy"表示视频流的编码方式保持不变,"-c:a copy"表示音频流的编码方式保持不变;"output.mp4"为输出文件名。
ffmpeg库 使用方法
以下是使用ffmpeg库的一般步骤:1. 安装ffmpeg库在命令行中使用FFmpeg库,可以使用以下命令在Linux或MacOS 上安装:```sudo apt-get install ffmpeg```或者```npm install ffmpeg```2. 定义要转换的文件格式在FFmpeg库中,可以使用“-f”选项指定要转换的文件格式,例如:```ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -f mp4 output.mp4```该命令将 input.mp4 文件转换为 .mp4 格式的输出文件。
3. 设置转换参数除了格式选项外,还有许多其他转换选项可用。
```ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -v -acodec libx264 -t 30 output.mp4 ```该命令将 input.mp4 文件转换为 .mp4 格式,并使用 libx264编码器进行视频转换,同时设置转换时间为 30 秒。
4. 转换完成后,保存文件转换完成后,可以使用以下命令保存转换后的文件:```ffmpeg -f output.mp4 -i input.mp4 -t 30 output.mp4```该命令将文件保存到指定的位置,并在转换完成后设置文件大小为 30 秒。
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An ffmpeg and SDL TutorialPage 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 End Prev Home NextTutorial 01: Making ScreencapsCode: tutorial01.cOverviewMovie files have a few basic components. First, the file itself is called a container, and the type of container determines where the information in the file goes. Examples of containers are AVI and Quicktime. Next, you have a bunch of streams; for example, you usually have an audio stream and a video stream. (A "stream" is just a fancy word for "a succession of data elements made available over time".) The data elements in a stream are called frames. Each stream is encoded by a different kind of codec. The codec defines how the actual data is COded and DECoded hence the name CODEC. Examples of codecs are DivX and MP3. Packets are then read from the stream. Packets are pieces of data that can contain bits of data that are decoded into raw frames that we can finally manipulate for our application. For our purposes, each packet contains complete frames, or multiple frames in the case of audio. At its very basic level, dealing with video and audio streams is very easy:10 OPEN video_stream FROM video.avi 20 READ packet FROM video_stream INTO frame 30 IF frame NOT COMPLETE GOTO 20 40 DO SOMETHING WITH frame 50 GOTO 20 Handling multimedia with ffmpeg is pretty much as simple as this program, although some programs might have a very complex "DO SOMETHING" step. So in this tutorial, we're going to open a file, read from the video stream inside it, and our DO SOMETHING is going to be writing the frame to a PPM file.Opening the FileFirst, let's see how we open a file in the first place. With ffmpeg, you have to first initialize the library. (Note that some systems might have to use <ffmpeg/avcodec.h> and <ffmpeg/avformat.h> instead.)#include <avcodec.h> #include <avformat.h> main(int argc, charg *argv[]) { av_register_all(); This registers all available file formats and codecs with the library so they will be used automatically when a file with the corresponding format/codec is opened. Note that you only need to call av_register_all() once, so we do it here in main(). If you like, it's possible to register only certain individual file formats and codecs, but there's usually no reason why you would have to do that. Now we can actually open the file:AVFormatContext *pFormatCtx; // Open video file if(av_open_input_file(&pFormatCtx, argv[1], NULL, 0, NULL)!=0) return -1; // Couldn't open file We get our filename from the first argument. This function reads the file header and stores information about the file format in the AVFormatContext structure we have given it. The last three arguments are used to specify the file format, buffer size, and format options, but by setting this to NULL or 0, libavformat will auto-detect these. This function only looks at the header, so next we need to check out the stream information in the file.:// Retrieve stream information if(av_find_stream_info(pFormatCtx)<0) return -1; // Couldn't find stream information This function populates pFormatCtx->streams with the proper information. We introduce a handy debugging function to show us what's inside: // Dump information about file onto standard error dump_format(pFormatCtx, 0, argv[1], 0); Now pFormatCtx->streams is just an array of pointers, of sizepFormatCtx->nb_streams, so let's walk through it until we find a video i; AVCodecContext *pCodecCtx; // Find the first video stream videoStream=-1; for(i=0; i<pFormatCtx->nb_streams; i++) if(pFormatCtx->streams[i]->codec->codec_type==CODEC_TYPE_VIDEO) { videoStream=i; break;} if(videoStream==-1) return -1; // Didn't find a video stream // Get a pointer to the codec context for the video stream pCodecCtx=pFormatCtx->streams[videoStream]->codec; The stream's information about the codec is in what we call the "codec context." This contains all the information about the codec that the stream is using, and now we have a pointer to it. But we still have to find the actual codec and open it: AVCodec *pCodec; // Find the decoder for the video stream pCodec=avcodec_find_decoder(pCodecCtx->codec_id); if(pCodec==NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Unsupported codec!\n"); return -1; // Codec not found } // Open codec if(avcodec_open(pCodecCtx, pCodec)<0) return -1; // Could not open codec Some of you might remember from the old tutorial that there were two other parts to this code: adding CODEC_FLAG_TRUNCATED to pCodecCtx->flags and adding a hack to correct grossly incorrect frame rates. These two fixes aren't in ffplay.c anymore, so I have to assume that they are not necessary anymore. There's another difference to point out since we removed that code: pCodecCtx->time_base now holds the frame rate information.time_base is a struct that has the numerator and denominator (AVRational). We represent theframe rate as a fraction because many codecs have non-integer frame rates (like NTSC's 29.97fps).Storing the DataNow we need a place to actually store the frame:AVFrame *pFrame; // Allocate video frame pFrame=avcodec_alloc_frame(); Since we're planning to output PPM files, which are stored in 24-bit RGB, we're going to have to convert our frame from its native format to RGB. ffmpeg will do these conversions for us. For most projects (including ours) we're going to want to convert our initial frame to a specific format. Let's allocate a frame for the converted frame now. // Allocate an AVFrame structurepFrameRGB=avcodec_alloc_frame(); if(pFrameRGB==NULL) return -1; Even though we've allocated the frame, we still need a place to put the raw data when we convert it. We use avpicture_get_size to get the size we need, and allocate the space manually: uint8_t *buffer; int numBytes; // Determine required buffer size and allocate buffer numBytes=avpicture_get_size(PIX_FMT_RGB24, pCodecCtx->width, pCodecCtx->height); buffer=(uint8_t *)av_malloc(numBytes*sizeof(uint8_t));av_malloc is ffmpeg's malloc that is just a simple wrapper around malloc that makes sure thememory addresses are aligned and such. It will not protect you from memory leaks, double freeing, or other malloc problems. Now we use avpicture_fill to associate the frame with our newly allocated buffer. About the AVPicture cast: the AVPicture struct is a subset of the AVFrame struct - the beginning of the AVFrame struct is identical to the AVPicture struct.// Assign appropriate parts of buffer to image planes in pFrameRGB // Note that pFrameRGB is an AVFrame, but AVFrame is a superset // of AVPicture avpicture_fill((AVPicture *)pFrameRGB, buffer, PIX_FMT_RGB24, pCodecCtx->width, pCodecCtx->height); Finally! Now we're ready to read from the stream!Reading the DataWhat we're going to do is read through the entire video stream by reading in the packet, decoding it into our frame, and once our frame is complete, we will convert and save frameFinished; AVPacket packet; i=0; while(av_read_frame(pFormatCtx, &packet)>=0) { // Is this a packet from the video stream? if(packet.stream_index==videoStream) { // Decode video frame avcodec_decode_video(pCodecCtx, pFrame, &frameFinished,, packet.size);// Did we get a video frame? if(frameFinished) { // Convert the image from its native format to RGB img_convert((AVPicture *)pFrameRGB, PIX_FMT_RGB24, (AVPicture*)pFrame, pCodecCtx->pix_fmt, pCodecCtx->width, pCodecCtx->height); // Save the frame to disk if(++i<=5) SaveFrame(pFrameRGB, pCodecCtx->width, pCodecCtx->height, i); } } // Free the packet that was allocated by av_read_frame av_free_packet(&packet); }A note on packets Technically a packet can contain partial frames or other bits of data, but ffmpeg's parser ensures that the packets we get contain either complete or multiple frames. The process, again, is simple: av_read_frame() reads in a packet and stores it in theAVPacket struct. Note that we've only allocated the packet structure - ffmpeg allocates the internal data for us, which is pointed to by This is freed by the av_free_packet() later. avcodec_decode_video() converts the packet to aframe for us. However, we might not have all the information we need for a frame after decoding a packet, so avcodec_decode_video() sets frameFinished for us when we have the next frame. Finally, we use img_convert() to convert from the native format (pCodecCtx->pix_fmt) to RGB. Remember that you can cast an AVFrame pointer to an AVPicture pointer.Finally, we pass the frame and height and width information to our SaveFrame function. Now all we need to do is make the SaveFrame function to write the RGB information to a file in PPM format. We're going to be kind of sketchy on the PPM format itself; trust us, it works.void SaveFrame(AVFrame *pFrame, int width, int height, int iFrame) { FILE *pFile; char szFilename[32]; int y;// Open file sprintf(szFilename, "frame%d.ppm", iFrame);pFile=fopen(szFilename, "wb"); if(pFile==NULL) return; // Write header fprintf(pFile, "P6\n%d %d\n255\n", width, height); // Write pixel data for(y=0; y<height; y++) fwrite(pFrame->data[0]+y*pFrame->linesize[0], 1, width*3, pFile); // Close file fclose(pFile); } We do a bit of standard file opening, etc., and then write the RGB data. We write the file one line at a time. A PPM file is simply a file that has RGB information laid out in a long string. If you know HTML colors, it would be like laying out the color of each pixel end to end like#ff0000#ff0000.... would be a red screen. (It's stored in binary and without the separator,but you get the idea.) The header indicated how wide and tall the image is, and the max size of the RGB values. Now, going back to our main() function. Once we're done reading from the video stream, we just have to clean everything up:// Free the RGB image av_free(buffer); av_free(pFrameRGB); // Free the YUV frame av_free(pFrame); // Close the codec avcodec_close(pCodecCtx); // Close the video file av_close_input_file(pFormatCtx); return 0; You'll notice we use av_free for the memory we allocated with avcode_alloc_frame and av_malloc. That's it for the code! Now, if you're on Linux or a similar platform, you'll run:gcc -o tutorial01 tutorial01.c -lavutil -lavformat -lavcodec -lz lavutil -lm If you have an older version of ffmpeg, you may need to drop -lavutil: gcc -o tutorial01 tutorial01.c -lavformat -lavcodec -lz -lm Most image programs should be able to open PPM files. Test it on some movie files.>> Tutorial 2: Outputting to the ScreenTutorial 02: Outputting to the ScreenCode: tutorial02.cSDL and VideoTo draw to the screen, we're going to use SDL. SDL stands for Simple Direct Layer, and is an excellent library for multimedia, is cross-platform, and is used in several projects. You can get the library at the official website or you can download the development package for your operating system if there is one. You'll need the libraries to compile the code for this tutorial (and for the rest of them, too). SDL has many methods for drawing images to the screen, and it has one in particular that is meant for displaying movies on the screen - what it calls a YUV overlay. YUV (technically not YUV but YCbCr) * A note: There is a great deal of annoyance from some people at the convention of calling "YCbCr" "YUV". Generally speaking, YUV is an analog format and YCbCr is a digital format. ffmpeg and SDL both refer to YCbCr as YUV in their code and macros. is a way of storing raw image data like RGB. Roughly speaking, Y is the brightness (or "luma") component, and U and V are the color components. (It's more complicated than RGB because some of the color information is discarded, and you might have only 1 U and V sample for every 2 Y samples.) SDL's YUV overlay takes in a raw array of YUV data and displays it. It accepts 4 different kinds of YUV formats, but YV12 is the fastest. There is another YUV format called YUV420P that is the same as YV12, except the U and V arrays are switched. The 420 means it is subsampled at a ratio of 4:2:0, basically meaning there is 1 color sample for every 4 luma samples, so the color information is quartered. This is a good way of saving bandwidth, as the human eye does not percieve this change. The "P" in the name means that the format is "planar" — simply meaning that the Y, U, and V components are in separate arrays. ffmpeg can convert images to YUV420P, with the added bonus that many video streams are in that format already, or are easily converted to that format. So our current plan is to replace the SaveFrame() function from Tutorial 1, and instead output our frame to the screen. But first we have to start by seeing how to use the SDL Library. First we have to include the libraries and initalize SDL:#include <SDL.h> #include <SDL_thread.h> if(SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_VIDEO | SDL_INIT_AUDIO | SDL_INIT_TIMER)) { fprintf(stderr, "Could not initialize SDL - %s\n", SDL_GetError()); exit(1); }SDL_Init() essentially tells the library what features we're going to use. SDL_GetError(), of course, is a handy debugging function.Creating a DisplayNow we need a place on the screen to put stuff. The basic area for displaying images with SDL is called a surface:SDL_Surface *screen; screen = SDL_SetVideoMode(pCodecCtx->width, pCodecCtx->height, 0, 0); if(!screen) { fprintf(stderr, "SDL: could not set video mode - exiting\n"); exit(1); } This sets up a screen with the given width and height. The next option is the bit depth of the screen - 0 is a special value that means "same as the current display". (This does not work on OS X; see source.) Now we create a YUV overlay on that screen so we can input video to it:SDL_Overlay*bmp;bmp = SDL_CreateYUVOverlay(pCodecCtx->width, pCodecCtx->height, SDL_YV12_OVERLAY, screen); As we said before, we are using YV12 to display the image.Displaying the ImageWell that was simple enough! Now we just need to display the image. Let's go all the way down to where we had our finished frame. We can get rid of all that stuff we had for the RGB frame, and we're going to replace the SaveFrame() with our display code. To display the image, we're going to make an AVPicture struct and set its data pointers and linesize to our YUV overlay:if(frameFinished) {SDL_LockYUVOverlay(bmp); AVPicture pict;[0] = bmp->pixels[0];[1] = bmp->pixels[2];[2] = bmp->pixels[1]; pict.linesize[0] = bmp->pitches[0]; pict.linesize[1] = bmp->pitches[2]; pict.linesize[2] = bmp->pitches[1]; // Convert the image into YUV format that SDL uses img_convert(&pict, PIX_FMT_YUV420P, (AVPicture *)pFrame, pCodecCtx->pix_fmt, pCodecCtx->width, pCodecCtx->height); SDL_UnlockYUVOverlay(bmp); } First, we lock the overlay because we are going to be writing to it. This is a good habit to get into so you don't have problems later. The AVPicture struct, as shown before, has a data pointer that is an array of 4 pointers. Since we are dealing with YUV420P here, we only have 3 channels, and therefore only 3 sets of data. Other formats might have a fourth pointer for an alpha channel or something. linesize is what it sounds like. The analogous structures in our YUV overlay are the pixels and pitches variables. ("pitches" is the term SDL uses to refer to the width of a given line of data.) So what we do is point the three arrays of at our overlay, so when we write to pict, we're actually writing into our overlay, which of course already has the necessary space allocated. Similarly, we get the linesize information directly from our overlay. We change the conversion format to PIX_FMT_YUV420P, and we use img_convert just like before.Drawing the ImageBut we still need to tell SDL to actually show the data we've given it. We also pass this function a rectangle that says where the movie should go and what width and height it should be scaled to. This way, SDL does the scaling for us, and it can be assisted by your graphics processor for faster scaling:SDL_Rect rect; if(frameFinished) { /* ... code ... */ // Convert the image into YUV format that SDL uses img_convert(&pict, PIX_FMT_YUV420P,(AVPicture *)pFrame, pCodecCtx->pix_fmt, pCodecCtx->width, pCodecCtx->height); SDL_UnlockYUVOverlay(bmp); rect.x = 0; rect.y = 0; rect.w = pCodecCtx->width; rect.h = pCodecCtx->height; SDL_DisplayYUVOverlay(bmp, &rect); } Now our video is displayed! Let's take this time to show you another feature of SDL: its event system. SDL is set up so that when you type, or move the mouse in the SDL application, or send it a signal, it generates an event. Your program then checks for these events if it wants to handle user input. Your program can also make up events to send the SDL event system. This is especially useful when multithread programming with SDL, which we'll see in Tutorial 4. In our program, we're going to poll for events right after we finish processing a packet. For now, we're just going to handle the SDL_QUIT event so we can exit:SDL_Eventevent;av_free_packet(&packet); SDL_PollEvent(&event); switch(event.type) { case SDL_QUIT: SDL_Quit(); exit(0); break; default: break; } And there we go! Get rid of all the old cruft, and you're ready to compile. If you are using Linux or a variant, the best way to compile using the SDL libs is this: gcc -o tutorial02 tutorial02.c -lavutil -lavformat -lavcodec -lz -lm \ `sdl-config --cflags --libs` sdl-config just prints out the proper flags for gcc to include the SDL libraries properly. You may need to do something different to get it to compile on your system; please check the SDL documentation for your system. Once it compiles, go ahead and run it. What happens when you run this program? The video is going crazy! In fact, we're just displaying all the video frames as fast as we can extract them from the movie file. We don't have any coderight now for figuring out when we need to display video. Eventually (in Tutorial 5), we'll get around to syncing the video. But first we're missing something even more important: sound!>> Playing SoundTutorial 03: Playing SoundCode: tutorial03.cAudioSo now we want to play sound. SDL also gives us methods for outputting sound. TheSDL_OpenAudio() function is used to open the audio device itself. It takes as arguments an SDL_AudioSpec struct, which contains all the information about the audio we are going tooutput. Before we show how you set this up, let's explain first about how audio is handled by computers. Digital audio consists of a long stream of samples. Each sample represents a value of the audio waveform. Sounds are recorded at a certain sample rate, which simply says how fast to play each sample, and is measured in number of samples per second. Example sample rates are 22,050 and 44,100 samples per second, which are the rates used for radio and CD respectively. In addition, most audio can have more than one channel for stereo or surround, so for example, if the sample is in stereo, the samples will come 2 at a time. When we get data from a movie file, we don't know how many samples we will get, but ffmpeg will not give us partial samples - that also means that it will not split a stereo sample up, either. SDL's method for playing audio is this: you set up your audio options: the sample rate (called "freq" for frequency in the SDL struct), number of channels, and so forth, and we also set a callback function and userdata. When we begin playing audio, SDL will continually call this callback function and ask it to fill the audio buffer with a certain number of bytes. After we put this information in theSDL_AudioSpec struct, we call SDL_OpenAudio(), which will open the audio deviceand give us back another AudioSpec struct. These are the specs we will actually be using — we are not guaranteed to get what we asked for!Setting Up the AudioKeep that all in your head for the moment, because we don't actually have any information yet about the audio streams yet! Let's go back to the place in our code where we found the video stream and find which stream is the audio stream.// Find the first video stream videoStream=-1; audioStream=-1; for(i=0; i < pFormatCtx->nb_streams; i++) {if(pFormatCtx->streams[i]->codec->codec_type==CODEC_TYPE_VIDEO && videoStream < 0) { videoStream=i; } if(pFormatCtx->streams[i]->codec->codec_type==CODEC_TYPE_AUDIO && audioStream < 0) { audioStream=i; } } if(videoStream==-1) return -1; // Didn't find a video stream if(audioStream==-1) return -1; From here we can get all the info we want from the AVCodecContext from the stream, just like we did with the video stream: AVCodecContext *aCodecCtx; aCodecCtx=pFormatCtx->streams[audioStream]->codec;Contained within this codec context is all the information we need to set up our audio:wanted_spec.freq = aCodecCtx->sample_rate; wanted_spec.format = AUDIO_S16SYS; wanted_spec.channels = aCodecCtx->channels; wanted_spec.silence = 0; wanted_spec.samples = SDL_AUDIO_BUFFER_SIZE; wanted_spec.callback = audio_callback; wanted_erdata = aCodecCtx; if(SDL_OpenAudio(&wanted_spec, &spec) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "SDL_OpenAudio: %s\n", SDL_GetError()); return -1; } Let's go through these:• •freq: The sample rate, as explained earlier. format: This tells SDL what format we will be giving it. The "S" in "S16SYS" stands for"signed", the 16 says that each sample is 16 bits long, and "SYS" means that the endianorder will depend on the system you are on. This is the format that•avcodec_decode_audio2 will give us the audio in. channels: Number of audio channels.• • • •silence: This is the value that indicated silence. Since the audio is signed, 0 is ofcourse the usual value.samples: This is the size of the audio buffer that we would like SDL to give us when itasks for more audio. A good value here is between 512 and 8192; ffplay uses 1024.callback: Here's where we pass the actual callback function. We'll talk more aboutthe callback function later.userdata: SDL will give our callback a void pointer to any user data that we want ourcallback function to have. We want to let it know about our codec context; you'll see why.Finally, we open the audio with SDL_OpenAudio. If you remember from the previous tutorials, we still need to open the audio codec itself. This is straightforward:AVCodec*aCodec;aCodec = avcodec_find_decoder(aCodecCtx->codec_id); if(!aCodec) { fprintf(stderr, "Unsupported codec!\n"); return -1; } avcodec_open(aCodecCtx, aCodec);QueuesThere! Now we're ready to start pulling audio information from the stream. But what do we do with that information? We are going to be continuously getting packets from the movie file, but at the same time SDL is going to call the callback function! The solution is going to be to create some kind of global structure that we can stuff audio packets in so our audio_callback has something to get audio data from! So what we're going to do is to create a queue of packets. ffmpeg even comes with a structure to help us with this: AVPacketList, which is just a linked list for packets. Here's our queue structure:typedef struct PacketQueue { AVPacketList *first_pkt, *last_pkt; int nb_packets; int size; SDL_mutex *mutex; SDL_cond *cond; } PacketQueue; First, we should point out that nb_packets is not the same as size — size refers to a byte size that we get from packet->size. You'll notice that we have a mutex and a condtion variable in there. This is because SDL is running the audio process as a separate thread. If wedon't lock the queue properly, we could really mess up our data. We'll see how in the implementation of the queue. Every programmer should know how to make a queue, but we're including this so you can learn the SDL functions. First we make a function to initialize the queue:void packet_queue_init(PacketQueue *q) { memset(q, 0, sizeof(PacketQueue)); q->mutex = SDL_CreateMutex(); q->cond = SDL_CreateCond(); } Then we will make a function to put stuff in our queue: int packet_queue_put(PacketQueue *q, AVPacket *pkt) { AVPacketList *pkt1; if(av_dup_packet(pkt) < 0) { return -1; } pkt1 = av_malloc(sizeof(AVPacketList)); if (!pkt1) return -1; pkt1->pkt = *pkt; pkt1->next = NULL;SDL_LockMutex(q->mutex); if (!q->last_pkt) q->first_pkt = pkt1; else q->last_pkt->next = pkt1; q->last_pkt = pkt1; q->nb_packets++; q->size += pkt1->pkt.size; SDL_CondSignal(q->cond); SDL_UnlockMutex(q->mutex); return 0; }SDL_LockMutex() locks the mutex in the queue so we can add something to it, and then SDL_CondSignal() sends a signal to our get function (if it is waiting) through our conditionvariable to tell it that there is data and it can proceed, then unlocks the mutex to let it go.Here's the corresponding get function. Notice how SDL_CondWait() makes the function block (i.e. pause until we get data) if we tell it quit = 0; static int packet_queue_get(PacketQueue *q, AVPacket *pkt, int block) { AVPacketList *pkt1; int ret; SDL_LockMutex(q->mutex); for(;;) { if(quit) { ret = -1; break; } pkt1 = q->first_pkt; if (pkt1) { q->first_pkt = pkt1->next; if (!q->first_pkt) q->last_pkt = NULL; q->nb_packets--; q->size -= pkt1->pkt.size; *pkt = pkt1->pkt; av_free(pkt1); ret = 1; break; } else if (!block) { ret = 0; break; } else { SDL_CondWait(q->cond, q->mutex); } } SDL_UnlockMutex(q->mutex); return ret; } As you can see, we've wrapped the function in a forever loop so we will be sure to get some data if we want to block. We avoid looping forever by making use of SDL's SDL_CondWait() function. Basically, all CondWait does is wait for a signal from SDL_CondSignal() (orSDL_CondBroadcast()) and then continue. However, it looks as though we've trapped itwithin our mutex — if we hold the lock, our put function can't put anything in the queue! However,what SDL_CondWait() also does for us is to unlock the mutex we give it and then attempt to lock it again once we get the signal.In Case of FireYou'll also notice that we have a global quit variable that we check to make sure that we haven't set the program a quit signal (SDL automatically handles TERM signals and the like). Otherwise, the thread will continue forever and we'll have to kill-9 the program. ffmpeg alsohas a function for providing a callback to check and see if we need to quit some blocking decode_interrupt_cb(void) { return quit; } ... main() { ... url_set_interrupt_cb(decode_interrupt_cb); ... SDL_PollEvent(&event); switch(event.type) { case SDL_QUIT: quit = 1; ... This only applies for ffmpeg functions that block, of course, not SDL ones. We make sure to set the quit flag to 1.Feeding PacketsThe only thing left is to set up our queue:PacketQueue audioq; main() { ... avcodec_open(aCodecCtx, aCodec); packet_queue_init(&audioq); SDL_PauseAudio(0);SDL_PauseAudio() finally starts the audio device. It plays silence if it doesn't get data;which it won't right away. So, we've got our queue set up, now we're ready to start feeding it packets. We go to our packetreading loop:。