




Asthma is a chronic airway disease that causes ongoing inflammation and constriction of the airways.2.根据GINA的标准,支气管哮喘可以分为4个不同的严重程度。

According to the GINA standards, asthma can be classified into 4 different levels of severity.3.第一级轻度持续支气管哮喘的患者通常有较少的症状和发作,可以通过使用急救雾化器来缓解。

Patients with mild persistent asthma at level one usually have fewer symptoms and attacks and can be relieved with the use of a rescue inhaler.4.第二级中度持续支气管哮喘的患者可能会出现较多的症状和发作,需要较长时间的治疗。

Patients with moderate persistent asthma at level two may experience more symptoms and attacks, requiring longer treatment.5.第三级重度持续支气管哮喘的患者通常会有严重的症状和发作,需要更加积极地进行治疗。

Patients with severe persistent asthma at level three usually have severe symptoms and attacks, requiring more aggressive treatment.6.第四级难治性支气管哮喘的患者通常会出现持续的严重症状和发作,需要进行持续的治疗和监控。



Lung functions diagnosis of asthma(3)
Bronchial challenge is positive • therapeutic properties • forbid properties • methods drug induce: methocholiner
3 中度持续 每日有症状 >1次/w 发作时受限 60~80% 20~30%
4 重度持续 症状持续 频繁
<60% >30%
The steps of acute exacerbation asthma
步行,上楼时 稍活动 休息时
可平卧 喜坐位 前弓位
100 20 11-ketone 100~1000
5 0.75 11-ketone 10~30
Inhaled steroids
• Baclomethason dipropionate 必可酮(BDP) 50ug×200
• Budesonide
普米克(BUD) 100ug ×100
GINA: Global Initiative for Asthma(1994) WHO/HLBI
Bronchial asthmatic diagnosis guideline (1997) Chinese Medical Academy
Definitions of asthma
• Chronic airway inflammation • Broncho-hyperresponsiveness, BHR • Airflow limitation



Differ mechanisms in acute and chronic asthma
acute inflammation chronic inflammation airway remodelling
bronchial contraction mucous edema airway secretion↑
Inhaled steroids
• Baclomethason dipropionate 必可酮(BDP) • Budesonide 普米克(BUD) 普米克 都保 普米克令舒 • Fluticasone propionate 辅舒酮(FP) • Fluticasone + Salmeterol 舒利迭 50ug×200 100ug ×100 1mg/2ml 125ug ×100 100/50ug×60 250/50ug×60
inflammation cells ↑ epithelium injury
cell proliferation excellular base↑
airway narrow
airway reversibility↓
Other mechanisms: induced factors
Steroids with vein injection
steroid dose =dose character dose/d (mg) (mg) (mg)
4 20 0.75 11-hydroxide 40~320 11-ketone 11-ketone 100~1000 10~30
methylprednisonlone 40 Hydrocortison dexamethason 100 5


(bronchia asthma,简称哮喘)
1953~1995 因哮喘急性发作 病逝泰国
由于哮喘和 束手无策的 医生而死于 维也纳
全球性哮喘防治创议已成为 目前防治哮喘的权威指南 (Global Initiative for Asthma)
非免疫刺激性 (病毒感染、物理和化学刺激)
细 胞 激 活
肥大细胞 上皮细胞 巨噬细胞 淋巴细胞 嗜酸性粒细胞
炎症细胞 炎症介质 细胞因子
粒细胞反应: 嗜中性粒细胞 嗜酸性粒细胞 嗜碱性粒细胞 活化单核细胞 巨噬细胞 淋巴细胞 气道平滑肌细胞 气道上皮细胞
气道平滑肌收缩 作用于炎症
血管通透性增加 黏膜上皮肿胀、分泌物增多 气道
根据变应原吸入后哮喘发生的时间 可分为:
●速发型哮喘反应(IAR):立即发病,1530min达高峰,2h后逐渐恢复正常。 ●迟发型哮喘反应(LAR):6h左右发病,持续 时间长,可达数天。 ●双相型哮喘反应(DAR)
发病机制(pathogenesis)-免 疫—炎症机制
气道炎症学说认为:哮喘是一种涉及 多种炎性细胞及炎症介质相互作用的 一种慢性气道炎症疾病。 气道炎症是各型各期哮喘的共同病理 学特征,是哮喘的本质 气道炎症是AHR的病理基础
巨噬细胞/ 树突状细胞 Th2 细胞 肥大细胞 中性粒细胞 嗜酸性细胞 上皮细胞 上皮纤维化



每日一病——COPDChronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a type of obstructive lung disease characterized by chronically poor airflow. It typically worsens over time. The main symptoms include shortness of breath, cough, and sputum production. Most people with chronic bronchitis have COPD.Tobacco smoking is the most common cause of COPD, with a number of other factors such as air pollution and genetics playing a smaller role.In the developing world, one of the common sources of air pollution is from poorly vented cooking and heating fires.Long-term exposure to these irritants causes an inflammatory response in the lungs resulting in narrowing of the small airways and breakdown of lung tissue known as emphysema.The diagnosis is based on poor airflow as measured by lung function tests.In contrast to asthma, the airflow reduction does not improve significantly with the administration of medication.COPD can be prevented by reducing exposure to the known causes. This includes efforts to decrease rates of smoking and to improve indoor and outdoor air quality.COPD treatments include: quitting smoking, vaccinations, rehabilitation, and often inhaled bronchodilators and steroids. Some people may benefit from long-term oxygen therapy or lung transplantation. In those who have periods of acute worsening, increased use of medications and hospitalization may be needed.注释:sputum 痰,irritant 刺激物,emphysema 肺气肿,inhale 吸入,bronchodilators 支气管扩张药,hospitalization 住院治疗(内容摘自维基百科英文,注释是自己写的)每日一病2——AsthmaAsthma is a common chronic inflammatory disease of the airways characterized by variable and recurring symptoms, reversible airflow obstructionand mon symptoms include wheezing, coughing, chest tightness, and shortness of breath.Asthma is thought to be caused by a combination of geneticand environmental factors.Its diagnosisis usually based on the pattern of symptoms, response to therapy over time and spirometry.It is clinically classified according to the frequency of symptoms, forced expiratory volume in one second (FEV1), and peak expiratory flow rate.Asthma may also be classified as atopic(extrinsic) or non-atopic (intrinsic) where atopy refers to a predisposition toward developing type 1 hypersensitivityreactions.Treatment of acute symptoms is usually with an inhaled short-acting beta-2 agonist(such as salbutamol) and oral corticosteroids.In very severe cases, intravenous corticosteroids, magnesium sulfate, and hospitalization may be required.Symptoms can be prevented by avoiding triggers, such as allergens and irritants, and by the use of inhaled corticosteroids.Long-acting beta agonists(LABA) or leukotriene antagonists may be used in addition to inhaled corticosteroids if asthma symptoms remain uncontrolled.The occurrence of asthma has increased significantly since the 1970s. In 2011, 235–300 million people globally have been diagnosed with asthma,and it caused 250,000 deaths.注释reversible:可逆的,bronchospas:支气管痉挛,wheezing:喘息,spirometry:肺活量测定,atopic:遗传性过敏症的predisposition:易染病体质hypersensitivity reactions:超敏反应,salbutamol:舒喘灵,corticosteroids:皮质激素类,magnesium sulfate:硫酸镁,leukotriene:白三烯,(文献来自维基百科英文,注释是自己加的)每日一病3——PneumoniaPneumonia is an inflammatory condition of the lung affecting primarily the microscopic air sacs known as alveoli. It is usually caused by infection with viruses or bacteria and less commonly other microorganisms, certain drugs and other conditions such as autoimmune diseases.Typical symptoms include a cough, chest pain, fever, and difficulty breathing. Diagnostic tools include x-rays and culture of the sputum. Vaccines to prevent certain types of pneumonia are available. Treatment depends on the underlying cause. Pneumonia presumed to be bacterial is treated with antibiotics. If the pneumonia is severe, the affected person is, in general, admitted to hospital.Pneumonia affects approximately 450 million people globally per year, seven percent of population, and results in about 4 million deaths, mostly in third-world countries. Although pneumonia was regarded by William Osler in the 19th century as "the captain of the men of death". the advent of antibiotic therapy and vaccines in the 20th century has seen improvements in survival. Nevertheless, in developing countries, and among the very old, the very young, and the chronically ill, pneumonia remains a leading cause of death.注释:alveoli:肺泡貌似这几段相对好理解~嗯,现在只要对医学英语有些感觉就好。











【A】Ⅰ,a-一个aneurism动脉瘤(一个扩大的动脉状态)a + neur + ism∣ ∣∣一个扩大状态Ⅱ,an-无anoxemia缺氧血症an + ox + emia∣ ∣∣无氧血症Ⅲ,angei-,angi-,angio- 血管1,angeitis脉管炎 7,angiochondroma血管软骨瘤angei + itis angio+chondr+oma∣ ∣︱︱︱血管炎血管软骨瘤(angei-中的i被去掉了)2,angiectasis血管扩张 8,angiodermatitis皮血管炎angi + ectasis angio+dermat+itis∣ ∣︱︱︱血管扩张血管皮炎3,angitis脉管炎 9,angiolipoma血管脂肪瘤ang + itis angio+lip+oma∣ ∣ ︱︱︱脉管炎血管脂肪瘤(angi-不的I被去掉了)4,angioblast成血管细胞 10,angioneuromyoma血管神经肌瘤angio + blast angio+neuro+my+oma∣ ∣︱︱︱︱血管成…细胞血管神经肌瘤5,angiocardiography心血管造影术11,angioparalysis血管麻痹病angi + cardio + graphy angio+paraly+sis∣ ∣ ∣ ︱︱︱血管心脏照相术血管麻痹病6,angiocardiopathy心血管病angio+cardio+pathy︱︱︱血管心病Ⅳ,arter-,arteri-,arteria-,arterio-动脉1,artery动脉arte + ry︱︱动脉 n.suf(名词后缀)(arter-中的r被去掉了)2,arterial动脉的arteri + al︱︱动脉 a.suf(…的)(形容词后缀)3,arteriarctia 动脉缩窄arteri + arct + ia︱︱︱动脉缩窄病4,arteriectasia 动脉扩张arteri + ectas + ia︱︱︱动脉扩张病5,arteriectomy 动脉切除术arteri + ectomy︱︱动脉切除术7,angiochondroma血管软骨瘤angio+chondr+oma︱︱︱血管软骨瘤(angei-中的i被去掉了)8,angiodermatitis皮血管炎angio+dermat+itis︱︱︱血管皮炎9,angiolipoma血管脂肪瘤angio+lip+oma︱︱︱血管脂肪瘤(angi-不的I被去掉了)10,angioneuromyoma血管神经肌瘤angio+neuro+my+oma︱︱︱︱血管神经肌瘤11,angioparalysis血管麻痹病angio+paraly+sis︱︱︱血管麻痹病Ⅴ,asthma-气喘1,asthma气喘2,asthmatic气喘的asthmat+ic︱︱气喘a.suf(…的)Ⅵ,ather-athero-粥样的1,atheroma 粥样(粉)瘤ather + oma︱︱粥样(粉)瘤2,atherogenesis 粥样硬化形成athero + gene + sis︱︱︱粥样产生病(指硬化)3,atherogenic 致粥样硬化的athero + gen + ic︱︱︱粥样致a.suf(…的)4,atheromatosis 粥样硬化病athero+matosis︱︱粥样病5,atheronecrosis 粥样坏死athero+necro+sis︱︱︱粥样坏死病6,atherosclerosis 动脉粥样硬化athero + sclero + sis︱︱︱粥样硬化病7,atherosis 粥样硬化athero + sis︱︱粥样病Ⅶ,atri- atrio- 心房1,atrial 心房的 5,atriotome 心房切开刀atri + al atrio + tome︱︱︱︱心房 a.suf 心房 (切开)刀2,atrium 心房 6,atriotomy 心房切开术atri + um atri + otomy︱︱︱︱心房 n.suf 心房切开术3,atriocarotid (心)房颈动脉的 7,atrioventricular 房室的atrio + carotid atrio + ventricul + ar︱︱︱︱︱心房颈动脉的心房室 a.suf(与…有关的)4,atrioseptopecy 房间隔修补术atrio + septo + pexy︱︱︱心房间隔修补术【B】Ⅰ,bi-1,bicuspid 二尖瓣,二尖瓣的 2,bigemina 二联脉bi+cuspid bi + gemin + a︱︱︱︱︱二尖(瓣) 二成对 n.sufⅡ,brady- 徐缓、迟缓1,bradycardia 心动过缓 3,bradydiastole 心舒张期延长brady + cardia brady+diastole︱︱︱︱过缓心(动) 延长舒张期2,bradycrotic 脉搏徐缓的brady+crotic︱︱徐缓脉搏的【C】Ⅰ,capil-, capillar-, capillar-, capillari-, capillaro- 毛细(血管) 1,capillary 毛细血管的 5,capillariomotor 毛细血管运动capill + ary capillario+motor︱︱︱︱毛细血管 a.suf(与…有关的) 毛细血管运动2,capillarectasis 毛细血管扩张 6,capillarioscopy 毛细显微镜检capillar + ectasis capillario+scopy︱︱︱︱毛细血管扩张毛细镜检查3,capillaritis 毛细管炎 7,capillaropathy 毛细管病capillar+itis capillaro+pathy︱︱︱︱毛细炎毛细管病4,capillarity 毛细现象或作用capillari + ty︱︱毛细 n.suf(表特性)Ⅱ,cardia-, cardio- 心1,cardiac 心的 7,cardiant 心兴奋剂cardi + ac cardi + ant︱︱︱︱心a.suf( …的) 心药剂(医学上)(cardia-中的a被省略)2,cardialgia 心痛,胃灼痛 8,cardiasthma 心性喘息cardi + algia cardi + asthma︱︱︱︱心,胃痛心喘息3,cardiamorphia 心畸形 9,cardiovascular 心血管的cardia + morphia cardio + vascul + ar︱︱︱︱︱心形态病心血管 a.suf4,carditis 心炎 10,cardiophonography 心音图card + it is cardio+phono+graphy︱︱︱︱︱心炎心血管 a.suf5,cardiogenic 心原性的 11,cardiopulmonary 心肺的cardio + gen + ic cardio+pulmon+ary︱︱︱︱︱︱心原 a.suf心肺 a.suf6,cardiomegaly 心肥大cardio+megaly︱︱心肥大Ⅲ,catherter 导管catheterization 导管插入catheter+iz+ation︱︱︱导管化 n.sufⅣ,circula- 循环circulation 循环circula + tion︱︱循环 n.suf(表抽象含义)Ⅴ,coron- 冠状coronary 冠状的coron + ary︱︱冠状 a.sufⅥ,cyan-, cyano-, cyanot-, 青紫、绀、蓝、氰1, cyanamide氰酰胺 3, cyanotic青紫的,紫绀的cyan + amide cyanot + ic∣ ∣ ∣∣氰酰胺青紫a.suf(…的,属…的)2, cyanosis紫绀cyano + sis∣ ∣绀病态医学英语词根词缀表a 前缀无ab 前缀从...离开acantho 词根棘,刺acetabulo 词根髋臼acouo 词根听觉acro 词根顶,肢acromio 词根肩峰ad 前缀向...靠近,到...上adeno 词根腺adipo 词根脂肪的adreno 词根肾上腺aero 词根气agglutino 词根凝集agra 后缀严重的疼痛albo 前缀白algesi 词根痛觉的感受algia 后缀痛alveolo 词根肺泡alveolo 词根牙槽amnio 词根羊膜amphi 前缀两侧ampullo 词根壶腹amylo 词根淀粉an 前缀无ana 前缀向上,重回到andro 词根雄aneurysmo 词根异常扩大angino 词根阻塞ankylo 词根弯曲ano 词根肛门ante 前缀在前anti 前缀抗aorto 词根主动脉apico 词根顶apo 前缀离去,从appendico 词根阑尾appendo 词根阑尾aquo 词根水arterio 词根动脉arteriolo 词根小动脉arthro 词根关节articulo 词根关节ase 后缀酶astro 词根星atelo 词根不完全的,有缺陷的athero 词根脂肪堆积atrio 词根腔audio 词根听觉auro 词根耳auro 词根金auto 前缀自axio 词根轴balano 词根龟头bary 前缀重、压baso 词根碱bi 前缀双,倍bili 词根胆汁blast 后缀母细胞blenno 词根粘液blepharo 词根睑brachy 词根短bronchio 词根支气管bronchiolo 词根细支气管broncho 词根支气管bucco 词根颊bulbo 词根球部burso 词根滑液囊caco 词根坏calcaneo 词根跟骨calci 词根钙capillo 词根非常小的血管capnia 后缀二氧化碳carcino 词根癌carcinoma 后缀癌cardio 词根心carpo 词根腕cata 前缀向下cautero 词根燃烧ceco 词根盲肠cele 后缀突出、积水celio 词根腹cemento 词根牙骨质centesis 后缀穿刺术centi 前缀百分之一cerebello 词根小脑cerebro 词根大脑cerumino 词根耵聍cervico 词根颈cervico 词根颈,宫颈cheilo 词根唇chemo 词根化学chlorhydro 词根盐酸chloro 前缀绿chole 词根胆汁cholecysto 词根胆囊choledocho 词根总胆管chondro 词根软骨chromo 词根颜色cineo 词根活动circum 前缀环行clasis 后缀破裂clast 后缀破坏用器械claviculo 词根锁骨cleisis 后缀关闭clysis 后缀洗co 前缀与...在一起cocco 词根球菌coccygo 词根尾骨cochleo 词根耳蜗collo 词根胶colo 词根结肠colpo 词根阴道conjunctivo 词根结膜contra 前缀反,对抗coreo 词根瞳孔,虹膜corneo 词根角,角膜corono 词根冠costo 词根肋cranio 词根颅骨crine 后缀分泌cryo 词根冷crypto 词根隐藏culdo 词根囊袋、窝cuti 词根皮肤cyano 前缀蓝cyclo 词根环cysto 词根膀胱,囊cyte 后缀细胞dacryo 词根眼泪dactylo 词根指头de 前缀去denti 词根牙齿dentino 词根牙本质dermato 词根皮肤dermo 词根皮肤di 前缀双,倍dia 前缀通过diaphoro 词根汗diaphragmato 词根膈diaphragmo 词根膈diplo 前缀双,倍dipso 词根渴dis 前缀离开duodeno 词根十二指肠dys 前缀坏,痛,困难ectasia 后缀扩张ectasis 后缀扩张ecto 前缀外ectomy 后缀切除术ego 前缀我embryo 词根胚胎emeo 词根呕吐emia 后缀血的状况emia 后缀血emphraxis 后缀梗阻en 前缀内encephalo 词根脑endo 前缀内部entero 词根小肠epi 前缀外,上epididymo 词根附睾epiglotto 词根会厌episio 词根外阴ergo 词根工作,能力erythro 前缀红esophago 词根食道esthesio 词根感觉eu 前缀好,正常eustachio 词根咽骨管ex 前缀在外,离开exo 前缀在...之外extra 前缀在外,超过fasciculo 词根束fascio 词根筋膜febri 词根发热feca 词根粪便femoro 词根股骨fero 词根传递,输送ferro 词根铁fibrino 词根纤维素fibro 词根纤维fibro 词根纤维fibulo 词根腓骨fistulo 词根瘘folliculo 词根小腔,囊galacto 词根乳gameto 词根配子ganglio 词根神经节gangliono 词根神经节gastro 词根胃genito 词根生殖器gero 词根年龄geronto 词根年龄geusia 后缀味gingivo 词根牙龈glauco 前缀灰绿glio 词根胶质,粘globo 词根球glomerulo 词根小球glosso 词根舌gluco 词根糖glyco 词根糖gnatho 词根颌gnosis 后缀知识gonado 词根性腺gono 词根生殖器gram 后缀记录granulo 词根结节graph 后缀记录graphy 后缀记录gravido 词根妊娠gyneco 词根女性halo 词根盐haplo 前缀单hebe 前缀青年hecto 前缀百helcosis 后缀溃疡形成hemato 词根血hemi 前缀半hemo 词根血hepato 词根肝hernio 词根疝hidro 词根汗histo 词根组织holo 词根整个humero 词根肱骨hyalo 词根透明的hydro 词根水hyper 前缀超过,高hypno 词根睡眠hypo 前缀低hystero 词根子宫ia 后缀状况iatrics 后缀愈合iatry 后缀愈合ictero 词根黄疸idio 词根自己ileo 词根回肠ilio 词根髂骨immuno 词根免疫in 前缀在内in 前缀不in 后缀素incudo 词根砧骨infra 前缀在下ino 词根纤维inter 前缀在...之间intra 前缀在内iono 词根离子ionto 词根离子irido 词根虹膜iro 词根虹膜ischio 词根坐骨ism 后缀状况iso 词根异,相等ist 后缀者itis 后缀炎ium 后缀部分jejuno 词根空肠kal 词根钾karyo 词根核kerato 词根角质,硬kerato 词根角膜kilo 前缀千kinesia 后缀移动kleisis 后缀关闭klepto 词根偷窃kypho 词根驼背labio 词根唇labyrintho 词根迷路lacrimo 词根眼泪,泪小管lalia 后缀言语lamino 词根椎板laparo 词根腹壁laryngo 词根喉leuko 前缀白linguo 词根舌lipo 词根脂肪lithiasis 后缀结石litho 词根石lobo 词根叶logist 后缀学者logy 后缀学科lordo 词根弯曲luco 词根光,透明lumbo 词根腰lympho 词根淋巴lysis 后缀溶解malacia 后缀软化malleo 词根锤骨mammo 词根乳房mandibulo 词根下颌骨mania 后缀极端、强制、偏见masto 词根乳房maxillo 词根上颌骨mediastino 词根纵隔mega 词根大megalo 词根大melano 前缀黑meningio 词根脑膜meningo 词根脑膜meno 词根月经mento 词根颏mento 词根精神、心理mero 词根部分mesentero 词根肠系膜meso 词根中间的meta 前缀超过,在后metacarpo 词根掌骨metatarso 词根柘骨meter 后缀测量工具metro 词根子宫metry 后缀测量micro 词根微milli 前缀千分之一mono 前缀单muco 词根粘液multi 前缀多musculo 词根肌肉muto 词根变化,突变myco 词根真菌myelino 词根髓myelo 词根脊髓,骨髓myo 词根肌肉myoso 词根肌肉myringo 词根耳鼓myxo 词根粘液narco 词根麻木naso 词根鼻natri 词根钠necro 词根死亡neo 词根新nephro 词根肾neuro 词根神经nigro 前缀黑nodo 词根结nucleo 词根核obstetrico 词根产科occluso 词根牙(牙合) oculo 词根眼odonto 词根牙齿odynia 后缀痛oid 后缀象...样的olecrano 词根肘oligo 词根少oma 后缀瘤omento 词根网膜omphalo 词根脐onco 词根肿瘤,块onycho 词根甲,甲床ooo 词根卵子oophoro 词根卵巢ophthalmo 词根眼opia 后缀视觉or 后缀器具,者orchido 词根睾丸orchio 词根睾丸orexi 词根食欲oro 词根口orrhagia 后缀大量流出orrhaphy 后缀缝合术orrhea 后缀流出、分泌orrhexis 后缀破裂ortho 词根直的osis 后缀病理状况osteo 词根骨ostomy 后缀造口或吻合oto 词根耳ous 后缀含...的,分泌...的ovario 词根卵巢ovo 词根卵子oxo 词根氧oxy 词根氧palato 词根腭pallio 词根减轻palpebro 词根睑pancreato 词根胰腺papillo 词根乳头状突起par(t)o 词根娩出para 前缀旁,异parasympathetico 词根副交感parasympathico 词根副交感parasympatho 词根副交感parathyroido 词根甲状旁腺patello 词根髌骨pathy 后缀病理状况pectoro 词根胸pelvo 词根骨盆penia 后缀不足peno 词根阴茎pento 前缀五pepsi 词根消化pepti 词根消化per 前缀通过peri 前缀周围perineo 词根会阴peritoneo 词根腹膜pexy 后缀固定phaco 词根晶体phago 词根吞噬phalango 词根指骨phallo 词根阴茎pharmaco 词根药pharyngo 词根咽pharyngo 词根咽philo 词根嗜phlebo 词根静脉phobia 后缀害怕photo 词根光,透明phrenia 后缀精神、心理phrenico 词根膈神经phreno 词根膈phylaxis 后缀保卫physis 后缀生长pilo 词根毛发pinealo 词根松果体plasia 后缀形成plasm 后缀形成的东西plasmo 词根浆plasty 后缀成形plegia 后缀麻痹pleuro 词根胸膜pnea 后缀呼吸pneumo 词根气,肺pneumono 词根气,肺poiesis 后缀产生polio 前缀灰白poly 前缀多polypo 词根息肉post 前缀在后pre 前缀在前pro 前缀在后procto 词根肛门和直肠pros 前缀到,靠近,附上prostato 词根前列腺prostho 词根假牙,义肢pseudo 词根假psycho 词根精神、心理ptosis 后缀下垂ptyalo 词根唾液ptyo 词根唾液pubio 词根耻骨pubo 词根耻骨pulmo 词根肺pulmono 词根肺pupillo 词根瞳孔pyelo 词根肾盂pyloro 词根幽门pyo 词根脓pyro 词根热quadri 前缀四quarto 前缀四rachio 词根脊柱radico 词根根治radio 词根放射ramo 词根分支recto 词根直肠reno 词根肾reticulo 词根网retino 词根视网膜retro 词根向后rhino 词根鼻roentgeno 词根X线rub 前缀红saccharo 词根糖sacculo 词根小囊sacro 词根骶骨saliva 词根唾液salpingo 词根管salpingo 词根管,输卵管sarco 词根肉sarco 词根肉瘤sarcoma 后缀肉瘤scapulo 词根肩胛schesis 后缀抑制排出schizo 词根分裂schizo 词根分裂sclero 词根巩膜sclerosis 后缀硬化scolio 词根弯曲scope 后缀镜scopy 后缀镜检查scroto 词根阴囊seco 词根切semi 前缀半semino 词根精子septo 词根腐败sero 词根血清sialadeno 词根唾液腺sialo 词根唾液sidero 词根铁sigmoido 词根乙状结肠silico 词根硅sino 词根窦somato 词根体somni 词根睡眠sono 词根声sopori 词根沉睡spasmo 词根痉挛spermato 词根精子spermo 词根精子sphinctero 词根括约肌sphygmo 词根脉搏spino 词根脊髓spiro 词根呼吸splanchno 词根内脏spleno 词根脾spondylo 词根椎骨stapedo 词根镫骨staphylo 词根束stasis 后缀制止、停止stasis 后缀停止stenosis 后缀狭窄stereo 词根立体sterno 词根胸骨stero 词根固stetho 词根胸stomato 词根口sub 前缀在下submaxillo 词根下颌骨succo 词根分泌sudoro 词根汗super 前缀在上supra 前缀高于surgery 后缀外科surgico 词根外科sympathetico 词根交感sympathico 词根交感sympatho 词根交感syn 前缀合成syndesmo 词根韧带synovio 词根滑液syringo 词根瘘管tacho 词根快速talo 词根踝,距骨tarso 词根踝,跗骨taxis 后缀排列tel 词根远的tele 词根远的tendino 词根腱tendo 词根腱teno 词根腱terato 词根畸胎testo 词根睾丸tetra 前缀四thalamo 词根丘脑therapy 后缀治疗thio 词根硫thoraco 词根胸thrombo 词根凝thymo 词根胸腺thyro 词根甲状腺thyroido 词根甲状腺tibio 词根胫骨toco 词根出生,分娩tome 后缀切开器具tomy 后缀切开术tono 词根紧张度tono 词根紧张tonsillo 词根扁桃体topo 词根地方toxico 词根毒toxo 词根毒trachelo 词根子宫颈tracheo 词根气管trans 前缀通过,穿过tri 前缀三tricho 词根毛发triplo 前缀三tripsy 后缀压碎tropin 后缀激素tubulo 词根小管tumo 词根肿瘤,肿胀tussi 词根咳嗽tympano 词根鼓室ulno 词根尺骨ultra 前缀超umbilico 词根脐unguo 词根甲,爪uni 前缀单uretero 词根输尿管urethro 词根尿道uria 后缀尿uro 词根尿utero 词根子宫utriculo 词根小囊uvulo 词根悬雍垂vagino 词根阴道vago 词根迷走神经valvo 词根瓣varico 词根扭曲的静脉vaso 词根血管vaso 词根输精管veno 词根静脉ventriculo 词根脑室ventro 词根腹侧venulo 词根小静脉verruco 词根疣vertebro 词根椎骨vesico 词根膀胱vesiculo 词根精囊vestibulo 词根中耳的中部viro 词根病毒vito 词根生命vulvo 词根外阴xantho 前缀黄zoo 词根生物。



AsthmaAsthma is a common condition that affects the airways. The typical symptoms are wheeze, cough, chest tightness, and shortness of breath. Symptoms can range from mild to severe. T reatment usually works well to ease and prevent symptoms. T reatment is usually with inhalers. A typical person with asthma may take a preventer inhaler every day (to prevent symptoms developing), and use a reliever inhaler as and when required (if symptoms flare up). This leaflet gives a general overview of asthma. There are other separate leaflets in this series.What is asthma and whom does it affect?Asthma is a condition that affects the smaller airways (bronchioles) of the lungs. From time to time the airways narrow (constrict) in people who have asthma. This causes the typical symptoms. The extent of the narrowing, and how long each episode lasts, can vary greatly.Asthma can start at any age, but it most commonly starts in childhood. At least 1 in 10 children, and 1 in 20 adults, have asthma. Asthma runs in some families, but many people with asthma have no other family members affected.What are the symptoms of untreated asthma?The common symptoms are cough and wheeze. Y ou may also become breathless, and develop a feeling of chest tightness. Symptoms can range from mild to severe between different people, and at different times in the same person. Each episode of symptoms may last just an hour or so, or persist for days or weeks unless treated.What are the typical symptoms if you have mild untreated asthma?Y ou tend to develop mild symptoms from time to time. For example, you may develop a mild wheeze and a cough if you have a cold or a chest infection, or during the hay fever season, or when you exercise. For most of the time you have no symptoms. A child with mild asthma may have an irritating cough each night, but is often fine during the day.What are the typical symptoms if you have moderate untreated asthma?Y ou typically have episodes of wheezing and coughing from time to time. Sometimes you become breathless.Y ou may have spells, sometimes long spells, without symptoms. However, you tend to be wheezy for some of the time on most days. Symptoms are often worse at night, or first thing in the morning. Y ou may wake some nights coughing or with a tight chest. Y oung children may not have typical symptoms. It may be difficult to tell the difference between asthma and recurring chest infections in young children.What are the typical symptoms of a severe attack of asthma?Y ou become very wheezy, have a tight chest, and have difficulty in breathing. Y ou may find it difficult to talk because you are so breathless. Severe symptoms may develop from time to time if you normally have moderate symptoms. Occasionally, severe symptoms develop suddenly in some people who usually just have mild symptoms.What causes asthma?Asthma is caused by inflammation in the airways. It is not known why the inflammation occurs. The inflammation irritates the muscles around the airways, and causes them to squeeze (constrict). This causes narrowing of the airways. It is then more difficult for air to get in and out of the lungs. This leads to wheezing and breathlessness. The inflammation also causes the lining of the airways to make extra mucus which causes cough and further obstruction to airflow.The following diagram aims to illustrate how an episode of asthma develops.。



asthma英文作文I remember the first time I had an asthma attack. Itwas terrifying, like trying to breathe through a straw. Ifelt like I was suffocating, and no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't catch my breath. It was a wake-up call for me to take my asthma more seriously and always carry my inhaler with me.Living with asthma can be challenging. There are days when I feel completely fine, and then suddenly, out of nowhere, I start wheezing and coughing uncontrollably. It's unpredictable and frustrating, but I've learned to manageit by avoiding triggers like smoke, dust, and pollen.One of the hardest parts about having asthma is feeling like you're different from everyone else. When I was younger, I used to be embarrassed about using my inhaler in front of my friends. I thought they would make fun of me or think I was weak. But as I've gotten older, I've realized that it's important to prioritize my health and not worryabout what other people think.Despite the challenges, having asthma has taught me to be more resilient and proactive about my health. I've learned to listen to my body and take care of myself, whether that means getting enough rest, exercising regularly, or taking my medication as prescribed. Asthma may be a part of my life, but it doesn't define me.。



The Challenge of Asthma: A Global HealthPerspectiveAsthma, a chronic inflammatory disease of the airways, has become a significant health burden worldwide. Characterized by recurrent episodes of wheezing, breathlessness, chest tightness, and coughing, asthma can vary in severity from a mild, intermittent condition to a severe, persistent disease that greatly impairs daily activities. The prevalence of asthma has been on a steady rise in recent decades, particularly among children and adolescents, making it a global public health priority.The etiology of asthma is complex and multifaceted, involving both genetic and environmental factors. Genetic predisposition plays a crucial role, as studies have shown that individuals with a family history of asthma are at a higher risk of developing the disease. Environmental triggers, such as allergens, air pollution, and respiratory infections, can also exacerbate asthma symptoms.The management of asthma requires a multifaceted approach that includes avoidance of triggers, regular medication use, and monitoring of symptoms. Inhaledcorticosteroids and long-acting beta2-agonists are commonly prescribed medications for asthma control. However, adherence to treatment regimens can be challenging, especially among children and adolescents, who may find the daily use of inhalers cumbersome and inconvenient.The impact of asthma on quality of life is profound.The frequent episodes of symptoms can interfere with sleep, school, and work, affecting overall performance and well-being. The emotional toll of asthma can also be significant, with patients often experiencing feelings of helplessness, anxiety, and isolation.Globally, the economic burden of asthma is substantial. Direct healthcare costs, including medications, hospitalizations, and emergency department visits, can be considerable. Indirect costs, such as lost productivity and decreased work performance, also contribute to the overall economic impact of asthma.In conclusion, asthma is a significant health burdenthat requires a comprehensive approach to management and prevention. By understanding the etiology of asthma, implementing effective treatment strategies, and promotinghealthy lifestyle choices, we can help reduce the impact of this chronic disease and improve the quality of life for those affected.**哮喘的挑战:全球健康视角**哮喘,这是一种气道慢性炎症疾病,已成为全球范围内重大的健康负担。


Did You Know..
Asthma kills people equally regardless of severity level 1/3 of deaths are in those with mild asthma 1/3 of deaths are in those with moderate asthma 1/3 of deaths are in those with severe asthma
Strong emotional feelings
Diesel fumes Cleaning supplies
RV-Induced Airway Inflammation
Plasma leakage
Mucus hypersecretion
Virus-infected epithelium
Inflammatory cell recruitment and activation
Common Irritants (Triggers)
Cold Air
Chalk Dust
Viral/upper respiratory infections
Air pollution
Tobacco smoke or secondhand smoke
Chemical irritants and strong smells
Airway Hyperresponsiveness
Neural activation
RV-Induced Asthma
Viruses cause asthma exacerbations RVs cause ~60% of virus-induced


Must take them every day for them to work
S), such as steroids and long-acting beta-agonists
Others are taken by mouth (oral)
Quick-relief medicines include:
Short-acting inhaled bronchodilators Oral corticosteroids for when an asthma attack does not go
Peak Flow Meter
Quick-relief Medicines
Also called rescue medicines They are taken for:
Coughing, wheezing, trouble breathing, or an asthma attack
Just before exercising to help prevent asthma symptoms caused by exercise.
Many people with asthma have a personal or family history of allergies or eczema
Asthma Symptoms
Symptoms of asthma include:
Wheezing Coughing, especially early in the morning or at night Chest tightness Shortness of breath
During a checkup the doctor will ask:


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过去认为支气管哮喘是一种Ⅰ型变态反应性疾 病,由抗原通过IgE机制作用于肥大细胞,并 释放出多种介质引起支气管平滑肌收缩。
传统的治疗方法是首先采用支气管扩张剂,然 后试用所谓的“抗过敏剂”,最后才用糖皮质 激素。这样的程序现在已不正确。
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概述 病因和发病机制 病理 临床表现 实验室和其他检查 诊断标准 鉴别诊断 治疗
目的要求: 掌握支气管哮喘的概念、临床表现、诊 断要点和治疗原则及治疗方案。
熟悉支气管哮喘的病因、病理、鉴别诊 断和并发症。
由于哮喘和医生的束 手无策而死于维也纳
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炎症,水肿 粘液,血浆渗出
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Inflammation 非特异性变应性炎 症 嗜酸性粒细胞浸润 为主
Infection 特异性炎症: 红,肿,痛,热 中性粒细胞浸润为 主
丙酸氟替卡松 100~250
– 需要短期加强治疗的患者 – 吸入大剂量激素治疗无效的患者 – 使用半衰期较短的糖皮质激素,如泼尼松、
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3. 静脉用药
• 严重急性哮喘发作时,静脉大剂量琥珀酸氢化可的松(400~ 1500mg/d)或甲泼尼龙(80~500mg/d)



哮喘英语作文英文回答:Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease that causes inflammation and narrowing of the airways. It can cause wheezing, coughing, chest tightness, and shortness of breath. Asthma is a common condition, affecting about 1 in 13 people in the United States.There are many different triggers that can cause an asthma attack, including:Allergens, such as pollen, dust mites, and pet dander。

Irritants, such as smoke, pollution, and strong odors。


Cold air。


Types of Asthma。

Allergic asthma: This type of asthma is caused by allergies. Allergens are substances that trigger anallergic reaction in the body. Common allergens include pollen, dust mites, and pet dander.Non-allergic asthma: This type of asthma is not caused by allergies. Triggers for non-allergic asthma can include exercise, cold air, and stress.Occupational asthma: This type of asthma is caused by exposure to certain substances at work. These substances can include chemicals, dust, and fumes.Exercise-induced asthma: This type of asthma is triggered by exercise. It is a common type of asthma in children.Symptoms of Asthma。

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– History of episodic symptoms of airflow obstruction – Physical: wheeze, hyperinflation – Laboratory: exhaled nitric oxide (eNO), spirometry
Exclude other possibilities
Multiple interacting genes
– At least 20 distinct chromosomal regions with linkage to asthma and asthma related traits have been identified
Chromosome 5q – cytokine gene cluster ADAM33 – bronchial hyperresponsiveness PHF11 – total IgE
Caused by
– Inflammation and edema – Bronchial smooth muscle spasm and hypertrophy – Mucous plugging
– Parent or sibling with asthma – Atopic dermatitis – Aeroallergen sensitivity
Minor criteria
– Food sensitivity – Eosinophilia (>4%) (> – Wheezing apart from infection
Hygiene Hypothesis
Rapid rise in atopy and asthma is greatest in developed countries and urban areas
– Cannot be explained by change in genetic background but is thought to be the result of complex interactions between genes and the environment
Obstruction of large airways
– Foreign body – Congenital malformations – Cardiac disease – Endobronchial tumors – Extrabronchial obstruction – Psychogenic
Adapted from Castro-Rodriquez JA, et al. AJRCCM 2000; 162: 1403
Asthma Classification
Days with symptoms Mild Intermittent Mild Persistent Moderate Persistent Severe Persistent <2x/week Nights with symptoms PEF or FEV1 PEF Variability <20% <2x/month >80%
>2x/month >80%
20-30% 20-
>60>60<80% <60%
Adapted from Guidelines for the Diagnosis and Management of Asthma-Update on Selected Topics 2002. NIH Publication No. 02-5075.
Jenkins, HA, et al. Chest 2003; 124: 32-41.
Asthma Etiology
Asthma is a complex trait
– Heritable and environmental factors contribute to its pathogenesis
/health/asthm a-common-asthma-triggers.html
Diet and Asthma
High sodium diet may result in adverse effects on airway reactivity in patients with asthma
Conditions Mimicking Asthma
Obstruction of small airways
– Aspiration – Chronic lung disease secondary to prematurity – Bronchiolitis – Cystic Fibrosis
Hygiene Hypothesis
Environmental impact on asthma
– – – – Farm exposure Day care/siblings Pets Early infections
Diagnosing Asthma
Clinical diagnosis supported by the certain historical, physical and laboratory findings
Natural History of Asthma
Martinez, FD. J Allergy Clin Immunol 1999; 104: S169-74.
Diagnosing Asthma in Young Children – Asthma Predictive Index
> 4 episodes/yr of wheezing lasting more than 1 day affecting sleep in a child with one MAJOR or two MINOR criteria Major criteria
– No recommendation to implement low salt diets
Potassium and Magnesium effect unclear
Asthma Education
Self management education associated with:
– Improvements in airflow – Improvements in self-efficacy scales self– Reductions in school absence – Reduction in days of restricted activity – Reduction in emergency room visits
Asthma is a disease of chronic airway inflammation; thus, inhaled corticosteroids is the preferred pharmacologic therapy Persistent asthma (those who break the “rules of two”) need a controller medication Children with asthma should all be able to sleep, learn, and play
Asthma Mortality: Mild Patients Are Also at Risk
40 30 20 10 0
Moderate Patin et al. Pediatr Pulmonol. 1992;13:95-100. 1992;13:95-
What is Asthma
Disease of chronic airway inflammation Characterized by
– Airway inflammation – Airflow obstruction – Airway hyperresponsiveness
Cookson W. Nature 1999; 402S: B5-11
Rules of TwoTM
Use of a quick-relief inhaler more quickthan: 2 times per week Awaken at night due to asthma symptoms more than: 2 times per month Refill of a quick-relief inhaler quickprescription more than: 2 times per year
"Rules of Two" is a trademark of the Baylor Health Care System
Goals of Treatment
Is Environmental Control Helpful?
Single allergen reduction not effective “…Treatment by means of allergen avoidance requires the definition of what patients are allergic to, and additional measures beyond the use of mattress covers and education” Thomas Platts-Mills