The Great Debaters2007伟大的辩论家
Debate is blood sport. It's combat. But your weapons are words.辩论就是一项血腥的运动,是战斗。
Who's the judge? The judge is God.Why is he God?Because he decides who wins or loses, not my opponent.Who is your opponent?He doesn't exist.Why does he not exist?He's merely a dissenting voice to the truth I speak.谁是裁判?上帝是裁判。
----- The Great Debaters《伟大辩手》Round 1: 选拔辩手时的辩论练习Resolved: Welfare discourages hard work. Welfare takes away a man's strongest reason for working, which is survival, and that weakens the will of the poor. How would you rebut that?辩题是:福利措施不利于让人努力工作。
你准备怎么反驳啊?I would say it does not. Most of the New Deal goes to children, anyway,and to the handicapped, and to old people...我认为并不是这样。
比尔盖茨在2007年哈佛毕业典礼上的演讲President Bok, former President Rudenstine, incoming President Faust, members of the Harvard Corporation and the Board of Overseers, members of the faculty, parents, and especially, the graduates:尊敬的Bok校长,Rudenstine前校长,即将上任的Faust校长,哈佛集团的各位成员,监管理事会的各位理事,各位老师,各位家长,各位同学:I've been waiting more than 30 years to say this: "Dad, I always told you I'd come back and get my degree."有一句话我等了三十年,现在终于可以说了:“老爸,我总是跟你说,我会回来拿到我的学位的!”I want to thank Harvard for this timely honor. I'll be changing my j ob next year … and it will be nice to finally have a college degree on my resume.我要感谢哈佛大学在这个时候给我这个荣誉。
I applaud the graduates today for taking a much more direct route to your degrees. For my part, I'm just happy that the Crimson has called me "Harvard's most successful dropout." I guess that makes me valedictorian of my own special class … I did the best of everyone who failed.我为今天在座的各位同学感到高兴,你们拿到学位可比我简单多了。
电影:The Great Debaters伟大辩手
中文名:伟大辩手外文名:The Great Debaters其它译名:伟大的辩论家出品时间:2007年出品公司:米高梅制片地区:美国导演:丹泽尔·华盛顿编剧:Robert Eisele 制片人:Molly Allen 类型:剧情,传记主演:丹泽尔·华盛顿,福里斯特·惠特克片长:126 分钟上映时间:2007-12-25(美国)分级:PG-13对白语言:英语色彩:彩色imdb编码:t t0427309剧情介绍在20世纪30年代的德州,政府依旧沿用着自19世纪70年代开始制定的对黑人实行种族隔离或种族歧视的法律——黑人被剥夺选举权,并在学校、住区、公共交通、公共场所以及就业、司法、军役、婚姻等各方面,受到残酷的隔离和歧视。
他反叛的精神和他激烈的教学方式也不断的被人们炮轰,但他始终坚持着自己信念,最终和辩论队员们一起进入了哈弗大学的辩论殿堂……演职员表职员表∙▪制作人:Molly Allen;托德·布莱克/Todd Black;David Crockett;乔·罗斯/Joe Roth;丹泽尔·华盛顿/Denzel Washington;奥普拉·温弗瑞/Oprah Winfrey∙▪导演:丹泽尔·华盛顿∙▪副导演(助理):George Bott;Natalie S. Brown∙▪编剧:Robert Eisele∙▪摄影:菲利普·鲁斯洛特/Philippe Rousselot∙▪配乐:詹姆斯·纽顿·霍华德/James Newton Howard∙▪剪辑:Hughes Winborne;John Breinholt∙▪选角导演:Denise Chamian∙▪艺术指导:David J. Bomba∙▪美术设计:John R. Jensen∙▪服装设计:Sharen Davis∙▪布景师:Patrick Cassidy幕后花絮黑人的问题对于标榜自由民主的美国来说一直是难以解决的一块软肋。
1. 马丁·路德·金(Martin Luther King)马丁·路德·金是20世纪最伟大的民权运动领导者之一。
2. 乔治·华盛顿(George Washington)乔治·华盛顿是美国历史上的重要人物之一,也是美国的第一任总统。
3. 玛丽·居里(Marie Curie)玛丽·居里是一位伟大的科学家,她是第一个获得两个诺贝尔奖的人,也是女性中唯一获得诺贝尔奖的科学家。
4. 尼尔·阿姆斯特朗(Neil Armstrong)尼尔·阿姆斯特朗是第一个登上月球的人类。
5. 威廉·莎士比亚(William Shakespeare)威廉·莎士比亚是英国文学史上最杰出的戏剧家和诗人,他的作品被广泛翻译和演绎。
斯蒂芬 威廉 霍金
基本信息栏中文名:斯蒂芬·威廉·霍金外文名:Stephen William Hawking国籍:英国出生地:英国牛津出生日期:1942年1月8日职业:科学家毕业院校:牛津大学、剑桥大学获得奖项1、1989年获得英国爵士荣誉称号2、是英国皇家学会学员和美国科学院外籍院士3、伦敦皇家天文学会的埃丁顿勋章4、梵蒂冈教皇科学学会十一世勋章5、霍普金斯奖6、美国丹尼欧海涅曼奖7、麦克斯韦奖8、英国皇家学会的休斯勋章9、1978年获物理界最有威望的大奖—阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦奖10、与罗杰·彭罗斯共同获得了1988年的沃尔夫物理奖11、1988年霍金的书《时间简史:从大爆炸到黑洞》获沃尔夫基金奖12、2009年8月12日,获得自由勋章霍金名言1.当你面临着夭折的可能性,你就会意识到,生命是宝贵的,你有大量的事情要做。
150部精彩法律探案电影大合集【法律周边】150部精彩法律&探案电影大合集!绝对够你看的,快点收藏吧!!PS:每次看这种类型的电影,都是对自己认知能力的一种升华,very nice1、《十二怒汉》12 Angry Men (1957):西德尼·鲁迈特导演的第一部作品,个人认为在法律电影中排名第一,在imdb的排名也相当靠前。
2、《大审判》The Verdict (1982):西德尼·鲁迈特导演作品,保罗·纽曼演一个穷困于酒的律师办一个重振雄风的案子。
3、《判我有罪》Find Me Guilty(2006):西德尼·鲁迈特导演作品。
4、《在魔鬼知道你死前》Before the Devil Knows You’re Dead(2008):西德尼·鲁迈特导演作品。
”(May you be in heavenh alf an hour before the devil knows you’redead)。
5、《性书大亨》The People vs. Larry Flynt(1997):柏林电影节金熊奖影片,曾执导过《飞跃疯人院》《莫扎特传》的著名导演米洛斯·福曼作品,一个激荡人心的故事,一切关于言论自由,一切关乎宪政理想。
The Great Debaters《激辩风云(2007)》完整中英文对照剧本
伟大的辩论家伟大的天父我们以最卑微的方式Heavenly Father, we come before Thee,来到您的面前knee bent and body bowed卑躬屈膝in the humblest way that we know how.无所不知无所不能的主啊Father, who controls and knows all things,掌管一切生命的生与死both the living and dying of all creatures.给予我们生活的智慧和力量Give us the strength and the wisdom to do Thy work.让我们以主的名义祈祷In God's name we pray.所有主的仆从一起说 "阿门"And all God's people say, "Amen."阿门Amen.当亚加薇醒酒以后When Agave sobered up,她向下看到了她儿子潘西亚斯的头she looked down and saw the head of her son Pentheus- 就躺在她的臂弯里 - 她觉得他就是一只野兽- right there in her hands. - She thought he was a wild animal. 迪奥奈西斯就是这样复仇的That's how Dionysus got his revenge.你就是个异端亨利You a heathen, Henry.你知道我在这里弄到了什么吗?You know what I got right here?- 什么啊? - 那种很特别的酒- What? - Some of that very wine.当我还是个孩子时我像孩子一样说话"When I was a child, I spake as a child.像孩子一样理解"I understood as a child.像孩子一样思考"I thought as a child.但是当我变成一个男人之后"But when I became a man,我就摒弃了所有小孩子的东西I put away all childish things."新生课堂Freshman class...我觉得我们是美国最有特权的人I believe we are the most privileged people in America,因为我们在从事着美国最重要的工作because we have the most important job in America:教育我们的年轻一代The education of our young people.特鲁戴尔Trudell!- 这他妈的是谁啊 - 哦他是我丈夫- Who the hell is he? - Oh, he's just my husband.我非得把你的头割下来不可I'm gonna cut your head off.我们必须向我们的年轻一代施加压力We must impress upon our young people让他们知道自己将要面对的困难that there will be difficulties that they face.快点特鲁戴尔好好教训他一下Come on, Trudell. Come get this whuppin', boy.- 把他弄倒啊特鲁戴尔 - 害怕了对吧?- Get him down, Trudell. - Scared, ain't ya?嗯?你拿着刀块头也是我的两倍Huh? You with the razor and twice my size?他们必须要击败他们They must defeat them!为了能去做他们自己想做的他们首先要去做他们必须要做的They must do what they have to do in order to do what they want to do. 来啊快点Come on, now.快点亲爱的Come on, baby!教育是让我们摆脱无知的Education is the only way out.快点亲爱的站起来啊亲爱的Come on, baby. Get up! Get up, baby. Come on!唯一途径The way out of ignorance...喜欢拿刀砍人啊?Like cuttin' people, huh, boy?想要砍人特鲁戴尔嗯?Want to cut people, Trudell, huh?把你的手拿开Get your hands off me!摆脱黑暗的唯一途径The way out of darkness!并让我们Into...沐浴荣耀的光芒the glorious light.1935年德克萨斯州马歇尔市行了把它还给我Come on, now! Give it back!- 还给我 - "给我们珍爱的汉密尔顿..."- Give it back! - "To our precious Hamilton..."别闹了快点还给我This isn't funny. Come on. Dunbar, give it back.你以为你是谁啊?杰西·欧文斯?Who do you think you are? Jesse Owens?坐吧Have a seat.我是..."I am...黑暗的兄弟"the darker brother.他们让我在有客人来时去厨房♥吃东西"They send me to eat in the kitchen when company comes. 但是我笑了吃的也不错"But I laugh, and I eat well,并且越来越强壮"and I grow strong.明天客人们再来时我就坐在桌边"Tomorrow, I will sit at the table when company comes. 再没有人敢对我说"Nobody'll dare say to me,去厨房♥吃吧"'Eat in the kitchen' then.此外他们还要还会看到我有多漂亮"Besides, they'll see how beautiful I am,并因此而自惭形秽"and be ashamed.我也是美国人I, too, am America."谁写的?Who wrote that?蓝斯顿·休斯, 1924年Langston Hughes, 1924.1925年1925.对你的憎恨将会是一场冷血的游戏"Hating you shall be a game played with cool hands."革命思念将它的手放在你的胸膛上"Memory will lay its hands upon your breast,你就会明白我的仇恨and you will understand my hatred."格温多林·班尼特写的Gwendolyn Bennett wrote that.1902年出生的She was born in 1902.并非官方说法Unofficially.你们都看到了在大多数州You see, in most states,黑人都没有出生证明Negroes were denied birth certificates,也就是说下半辈子我都可以隐瞒我的年龄which means I can lie about my age the rest of my life.你们觉得很有意思吗?You think that's funny?生下来To be born...却没有证明without record.里德先生把这个发下去Mr. Reed, hand these out.这个学期我将要给你们介绍一些新的内容I'm going to introduce you to some new voices this semester. 在北方纽约的哈莱姆区(黑人聚居区)There's a revolution going on.正在发生一场革命In the North. In Harlem.他们正在改变美国黑人的思维方式They're changing the way Negroes in America think. 我是说休斯和班尼特这些诗人I'm talking about poets like Hughes, Bennett,佐拉·尼尔·赫斯顿康提·科伦Zora Neale Hurston, Countee Cullen...有人用牙齿咬住银匙"Some are teethed on a silver spoon,因为一个喋喋不休的人而紧张的要命"with the stars strung up for a rattle.而我却像黑熊一样"I cut my teeth as a black raccoon...为了战斗而咬掉了牙齿...for implements of battle."下课后找我一下Meet me after class.一个教授会在午夜时分打扮的What's a professor doing in the middle of the night 和棉花间苗机一样的要干啥?dressed like a cotton-chopper?为什么一个学生会在午夜时分What is a student doing in the middle of the night置自己的生命于不顾呢?throwing his life away?真有意思我觉得我是在自卫It's funny. I thought I was defending myself.嗯Mm.我记得你I remember you.好像很多年了你后来就不见了Couple of years ago. Then you disappeared.出什么事了?What happened?我来去自♥由♥ 随心所欲I come and go whenever it suits me.- 被停学? - 请长假- Suspensions? - Leaves of absence.那你怎么又回来了?Why'd you come back?学校是唯一一个可以让你全天都可以读书的地方School's the only place you can read all day.当然除了监狱之外Except prison.我希望你今晚能到我家来 7:30I want you to come by my house tonight, 7:30.- 就在六月街和校园街的街角 - 我为什么要去?- Corner of June and Campus. - Why would I do that?为辩论队进行选拔Holding tryouts for the debate team.- 你确定你要找的人是我吗? - 不确定- You sure you want somebody like me? - No.这正是你要参加选拔的原因That's why you're trying out.7:307:30.六月街和校园街June and Campus.为风所动为风所驱"Driven by the wind and tossed..."加油年轻人Do well tonight, Junior.在威利学院的360名学生中Of the 360 students here at Wiley College,只有45个人能够进入辩论选拔队only 45 of you were brave enough to try out for the debate team. 这45个人当中呢只有4个人Of that 45, only four of you will remain standing才能在选拔结束时留在这里为什么呢?when the tryouts are over... why?因为辩论就是一项血腥的运动是战斗Because debate is blood sport. It's combat.但是你们的武器就是语言But your weapons are words.进来吧Come on in.现在法默来了我们可以开始了Now that Mr. Farmer has joined us, we can begin.坐下吧法默先生Sit down, Mr. Farmer.不是那儿是那边Not right there. Over there.- 是的先生 - 詹姆斯这边- Yes, sir. - James. Right this way.晚上好托森太太Good evening, Mrs. Tolson.- 晚上好 - 抱歉- Evening. - Excuse me.我们都在等你法默先生We're waiting for you, Mr. Farmer.我来了先生I'm going, sir.多谢法默先生你身上闻起来好香啊法默先生Thank you, Mr. Farmer. You smell very good, Mr. Farmer. - 多谢先生 - 不必客气- Thank you, sir. - You're very welcome.先生们女士们Gentlemen and lady.这里就是...This is...焦点所在the hot spot.你们要自己冒险闯入You will enter it at your own risk.托森先生, 去年的辩手们怎么样了?Mr. Tolson, what about the debaters from last year?不要对你已经知道答案的问题提问了Don't ask a question you already know the answer to.站起来你第一个Get up here. You'll be first.过来吧到焦点这儿来Get right here. Hot spot.辩论首先要从陈述观点开始Debate starts with a proposition.With an idea..."Resolved: 论题:联邦政♥府♥应该对童工加以规范Child labor should be regulated by the federal government." 第一位辩手做正方The first debater argues the affirmative.正方就意味着你支持什么Affirmative means that you are for something.里德先生你来做正方Mr. Reed will argue the affirmative.第二位辩手做反方The second debater argues the negative.反方意味着什么呢?Negative means that you are what?反对Against.说得好伯吉斯先生Brilliant, Mr. Burgess.你要陈述正方观点里德先生开始吧You shall argue the affirmative, Mr. Reed. Go.好的先生我想从引用诗人克莱亨的诗作开始Well, sir, I'd begin with a quote from the poet Cleghorn. 高尔夫球场离磨坊是如此的接近"The golf links lie so near the mill,因此几乎每天"that almost every day,童工们都会向外张望然后"the laboring children can look out and...然后and..."看到那些在玩乐的人们# And watch the men at play #这就是你从去年学到的东西吗里德先生?Is that what you learned from last year, Mr. Reed?开始说一件事情却不了了之了?To start something, and not finish it?- 是吗? - 不是先生- Is it? - No, sir.坐下吧Sit down.下一个是谁呢?你?站起来Who's next? You? Stand up.站起来Stand up.很晚了你还要躲藏多久呢?It's getting late. How much longer can you hide?我并没有躲藏我是从别的学校转学过来的I'm not hiding, sir. I transferred from my college刚到这儿想加入你的辩论队just to come here and try out for your team.深受感动啊你叫什么名字?I am deeply moved. What's your name?萨曼莎·布可(布可)Samantha Booke.书(Book)?(谐音差一个字母e)Book?还有一个"e"With an "e."请起立布可小姐带"e"的Arise, Miss Booke. With an "e."到这里来带"e"的布可小姐Into the hot spot, Miss Booke with an "e."你知道的还从没有女生参加过辩论队You know, there's never been a female on the debating team, ever. 是的我知道Yes, sir. I know that.你为什么觉得自己会成为第一个呢?What makes you think you should be the first?因为先生我觉得我不比...Because, sir, I am just as qualified as...- 不要口吃布可小姐 - 这里的其他人差- quit stammering, Miss Booke. ...anybody else here.- 性别应该不是... - 辩题是- My gender has nothing... - "Resolved:福利措施不利于让人努力工作Welfare discourages hard work."- 你做反方 - 好吧- You'll argue the negative. - All right.福利措施会消磨掉人们工作欲望中最重要的因素Welfare takes away a man's strongest reason for working,那就是求生欲which is survival.并会使穷♥人♥们意志消沉And that weakens the will of the poor.你准备怎么反驳啊带"e"的布可小姐How would you rebut that, Miss Booke with an "e"?我会说并不是这样I would say it does not.多数新的条款都是针对小孩子Most of the New Deal goes to children, anyway,还有残疾人以及老人and to the handicapped, and to old people...- 是事实还是推断呢? - 是事实- Is that fact, or conjecture? - It is a fact.- 大点声 - 是事实- Speak up. - It is a fact.- 信息来源呢? - 总统?- What's your source? - The president.- 美国的吗? - 是的先生- Of the United States? - Yes, sir.这是你的主要信息来源吗? 你跟罗斯福总统亲自谈过?That's your primary source? You spoke to President Roosevelt personally? 当然没有我没有跟他面对面谈过Of course not. I did not speak to him personally,但我听过他的"炉边倾谈"but I listened to his Fireside Chat.- 哦是广播啊 - 是的- Oh, a radio broadcast. - Yes.- 还有其他的信息渠道吗? - 那个...- Any other sources? - Well...其他的信息渠道?Any other sources?是的还有其他的Yes, there are other sources.就像是看到一个母亲无法抚养自己孩子时的眼神一样Like that look in a mother's eyes when she can't feed her kids.如果没有了福利措施托森先生, 人们就会挨饿Without welfare, Mr. Tolson, people would be starving.谁会挨饿布可小姐Who's starving, Miss Booke?- 没有工作的人啊 - 伯吉斯先生也在这儿呢- The unemployed are starving. - Mr. Burgess here.他也没有工作显然也没有被饿着He's unemployed. Obviously, he's not starving.你被套住了布可小姐I drew you in, Miss Booke.你给出了一个有问题的前提然后你后面的三段论就分崩离析了You gave a faulty premise, so your syllogism fell apart.- 三段论? - 你的逻辑出现了问题- "Syllogism"? - Your logic fell apart.主要前提:没工作的人会挨饿Major premise: The unemployed are starving.次要前提:伯吉斯先生没有工作Minor premise: Mr. Burgess is unemployed.结论:伯吉斯先生会挨饿Conclusion: Mr. Burgess is starving.你的前提建立在了一个有缺点的假设上Your major premise was based on a faulty assumption.典型的谬误谁来下一个?Classic fallacy. Who's next?你是对的You were right.先说说你的名字Tell us your name.我叫亨利·罗也带个"e"I'm Henry Lowe. With an "e."好吧罗先生我指定一个题目All right, Mr. Lowe. I will name a subject.你说几个词引用自世界名著You speak a few words... a pertinent quote from world literature. 开始吧Go ahead.美丽Beauty.我听很老很老的人说过"I heard the old, old men say,所有的美丽都会消逝就像流水一样all that is beautiful drifts away, like the waters."很好Very good.历史这次要说出作者History. And name the author this time.历史就像是我想努力从中醒来的噩梦一样"History is a nightmare, from which I am trying to awake."詹姆士·裘伊斯James Joyce.自怨自艾Self-pity.我从未见过野蛮的事物会为自己难过"I never saw a wild thing sorry for itself."D.H.罗伦斯D.H. Lawrence.我喜欢D.H.罗伦斯你有没有读过...[Whispers] I love D.H. Lawrence. Have you ever read...法默先生Mr. Farmer.是的先生?Yes, sir?我脑后也有眼睛两边还有耳朵起立I have eyes in the back of my head and ears on both sides. Stand up. 跟我说一下伯利恒钢铁公♥司♥这个名字的反讽意味Tell me the irony in the name "Bethlehem Steel Corporation."伯利恒是基♥督♥的出生地和平的圣地Bethlehem is the birthplace of Jesus, Prince of Peace,伯利恒钢铁公♥司♥却为战争制♥造♥武器and Bethlehem Steel makes weapons of war.很好坐下Very good. Sit down.很好Good.谁是下一个啊?Who's next?还不错我们如何知道我们做的好坏呢That went well. How will we know how we did?萨曼莎Samantha.萨曼莎Samantha.托森很难缠是不是?Tolson's tough, isn't he?他当然是了He sure is.我叫詹姆士I'm James.你的父亲是詹姆士·法默博士?Is your father Dr. James Farmer?是... 没错是他Yes... yes, he is.我跟他学习神学他可真是巧舌如簧I'm taking theology from him, and that man speaks in tongues.法语希腊语希伯来语拉丁语French, Greek, Hebrew, Latin...他会说几种语言啊?How many languages does he speak?- 7种 - 7种?- Seven languages. - "Seven languages."他一定是德克萨斯州最聪明的人He must be the smartest man in Texas.哦也说明不了什么问题Well, that's not saying much.那你为什么想参加辩论队?So why do you want to be on the team?- 我觉得会是个不错的训练 - 为了什么啊?- I think it would be good training. - For what?当律师啊Bein' a lawyer.律师?太棒了Lawyer? That's great.你知道咱们州有多少个黑人女性从事法律工作吗?You know how many Negro women practice law in this state? - 两个 - 没错- Two. - Exactly.其中一个是我的姑姑One of them's my aunt.哦看看你法默先生Well, look at you, Mr. Farmer.不过你到底多大了呢?How old are you, anyway?马上就16岁了...I'll be 16...还有21个月in 21 months.年轻的女士詹姆士我刚想要谢谢你呢Young lady. James. I just wanted to thank you.为了什么啊?For what?为了你今晚的表现Well, for your performance tonight.我是说还有多少其他的学生跟托森顶过呢?I mean, how many other students ever stand up to Tolson? - 我啊 - 你没有- I did. - No.你只不过回答了个问题而我引用了很多名著You answered a question, and I spouted a few quotes. 带"e"的布可小姐Miss Booke with an "e,"- 她反击了 - 然后输了- she fought back. - And lost!但是你本不会输的But you didn't have to lose.为什么"炉边倾谈"不能是合理的信息来源呢?Why isn't a Fireside Chat a legitimate source?因为托森这么说的?Because Tolson says so?没有人比总统更了解这些数据啊Nobody has better access to those statistics than the president.现在如果你再跟托森讨论这事儿你就会赢了Now, if you'd have called Tolson on that, you would have won.我不知道我敢肯定他会再编出个什么理由I don't know. I'm sure that man would have come up with something. 晚安了詹姆士Good night, James.你能相信他...[Samantha] Can you believe he's- 晚安萨曼莎. - 14岁他已经上大学了?- Good night, Samantha. - 14 years old, and he's in college?你们都很有天赋所有人都是You are gifted, all of you.所以我想让你们知道目前队员的选择只是平衡的结果So I want you to know that I chose this team for balance,你们任何一个人都没有必要and none of you should take it as a failure...把落选当作是你们聪明才智的一场失败as a denigration of your intellect.毁誉送给你们的一个词Denigrate. There's a word for you.来自于拉丁单词"niger" 是诽谤和抹黑的意思From the Latin word "niger," to defame, to blacken.总会这样不是吗? 甚至是在字典里It's always there, isn't it? Even in the dictionary.甚至是在一名黑人教授的演说中Even in the speech of a Negro professor.不知道为什么 "黑色"总是和失败划等号♥Somehow, "black" is always equated with failure.那好吧写在你们自己的字典上Well, write your own dictionary.把它当成一个新的开始And mark this as a new beginning,不管你是入选与否whether you make the team or not.1935-1936年度威利学院辩论队的成员是The Wiley College Forensics Society of 1935-1936 is as follows: 辩手是...The debaters...来自上一年度队伍的汉弥尔顿·伯吉斯先生will be Mr. Hamilton Burgess from last year's team...- 耶 - 坐下伯吉斯先生- Yea! - Sit down, Mr. Burgess.亨利·罗先生Mr. Henry Lowe.我们的替补之一Our alternates.带"e"的萨曼莎·布可小姐Miss Samantha Booke. With an "e."还有最后的是...And finally...小詹慢点Junior, slow down.- 爸爸呢? - 安静点他在写讲稿呢- Where's Dad? - Quiet. He's writing a lecture.- 爸爸 - 小詹- Dad. - Junior.男人最大的弱点是什么?What is the greatest weakness of man?不相信?怀疑?Not believing? Doubt?就是这个多谢了小詹That's it. Thank you, Junior.马太福音14章31节Matthew 14:31.- 就是个教训 - 爸爸- That will be the lesson. - Dad."缺乏信念你为什么要怀疑我呢?""O you of little faith, why do you doubt me?"爸爸?Dad?怎么了儿子?What is it, son?我入选辩论队了I made the debate team.哦祝贺你Well, congratulations.你们队里都有谁呢?And who is on your team?哦有四个人我是替补之一Um, there's four of us. I'm one of the alternates.你前面还有谁Who's ahead of you?汉弥尔顿·伯吉斯和亨利·罗Hamilton Burgess and Henry Lowe.还有一个替补是萨曼莎·布可And the other alternate's Samantha Booke.女孩儿吗?There's a girl?她想当律师She wants to be a lawyer.- 律师? - 她很聪明- A lawyer? - She's very intelligent.漂亮吗?Is she pretty?我不知道我没有注意过I don't know. I never really noticed.虽然课余活动例如辩论队很好Because extracurricular activities like the debate team are fine, 但你也不要顾此失彼啊儿子but you must not take your eye off the ball, son.- 明白 - 嗯- Yes, sir. - Hmph.那我们在这儿干嘛呢?So what do we do here?我们要做我们必须做的这样我们才能做我们想做的We do what we have to do, so we can do what we want to do. 那你现在必须做什么呢?What do you have to do right now?- 我的作业 - 那就去吧- My homework. - So get to it.是的Yes, sir.我爸爸开了一家杂货店里面有苹果香蕉饼干My daddy owns a grocery store that has apples, bananas, cookies, 油炸圈鸡蛋无花果doughnuts, eggs, figs,还有"刚佐拉"豆and "gonzola" beans.没错刚佐拉豆是什么?Right. What's a gonzola bean?- 猪食 - 猪食- Hogwash! - Hogwash!"刚佐拉"豆?"Gonzola" bean?准备好了走Ready, set, go!- 杏还有... - 猪食- Apricots, uh... - Hogwash.什么没有杏?What, no apricots?小心Look out!那是什么啊?What was that?我也不敢肯定I'm not sure.坐下Sit down.你们都坐下You stay put.呆着别动Be still.这是什么?What is it?是只猪It's a pig.撞了只猪Hit a pig.闭嘴Shut up, dog!小詹回到车上去Junior, get in the car.我的猪这是怎么了?What the hell happened to my hog?很抱歉我也不知道怎么跑出来的Sorry about that. Came out of nowhere.我没有看到它跑出来I didn't see it coming.你把我的猪给撞死了You done killed my hog, boy.很抱歉我会赔偿你们的损失的Truly sorry. Gladly pay you for it.多少...你们想要多少?How much... How much you want?差不多得25块钱吧It's gonna cost you $25.我现在身上只带了几块钱不过我...Only have a few bucks on me right now, but I can... 我有支票I do have a check.马歇尔市威利大学的月付支票My monthly check, for Wiley College in Marshall. 有17块3毛6It's for $17.36.你们可以拿去You may have that.我会签给你们I will endorse that over to you.你要干嘛?You'll do what?我会给你们签张支票I will sign the check over to you.好吧让我们看看Well, let me see it.在车里呢我妻子那里It's in the car, with my wife.走到车那边去Gonna walk to the car now.小詹回到车里去Junior, get in the car.把那张薪水支票给我 Pearl.Give me that salary check, Pearl.我们需要那笔钱詹姆士.We need that money, James.把支票给我Just give me the check.快点Go on.他老婆拿着呢His wife has it.我记得就在这儿呢I thought it was in here.放松点别着急Just relax. It's all right.就在这儿没事It's in here. You'll find it.在这儿呢Here it is.在这儿呢Here it is.这支票最好没有问题伙计That check better be good, boy.没有问题It's good.行了捡起来吧Well, pick it up!给你Here it is.哦哦哦你想去哪里啊?Whoa, whoa, whoa! Where the hell do you think you're going?你得帮我们把猪抬到卡车上去You got to help us get this hog in my truck.快点抓住尾巴那边Come on. Grab the tail end of that, boy.好吧等我数到三All right, on three.一二三One, two, three!这些黑鬼还真以为自己是什么优雅人士不能把手弄脏呢Town niggers. They think they're too good to get their hands dirty. - 爸爸... - 我告诉你让你回车上去- Dad... - I told you to get in the car.我让你去做什么事情时你就要去做When I tell you to do something, Junior, you do it.谁是裁判?Who's the judge?上帝是裁判The judge is God.为什么是上帝?Why is he God?因为他能决定谁胜谁负Because he decides who wins or loses,而不是对手not my opponent.谁是你的对手?Who is your opponent?根本不存在He doesn't exist.为什么不存在?Why does he not exist?因为他只不过是我所说出真理的反对声音He's merely a dissenting voice to the truth I speak.谁是裁判?Who's the judge?- 上帝是裁判 - 上帝是裁判- The judge is God! - The judge is God!为什么是上帝?Why is he God?因为他能决定谁胜谁负而不是我的对手Because he decides who wins or loses, not my opponent! 谁是你的对手?Who is your opponent?根本不存在He doesn't exist!为什么不存在?Why doesn't he exist?因为他只不过是我所说出真理的反对声音Because he is merely a dissenting voice to the truth I speak! 谁是裁判?Who's the judge?上帝是裁判The judge is God!为什么是上帝?Why is he God?因为他能决定谁胜谁负而不是我的对手Because he decides who wins or loses, not my opponent! 谁是你的对手?Who's your opponent?根本不存在He doesn't exist!为什么不存在?Why does he not exist?因为他只不过是我所说出真理的反对声音Because he is merely a dissenting voice to the truth I speak!谁是裁判?Who's the judge?上帝是裁判The judge is God!大声点Louder!上帝是裁判The judge is God!为什么是上帝?Why is he God?因为他能决定谁胜谁负而不是我的对手Because he decides who wins or loses, not my opponent!谁是你的对手?Who's your opponent?根本不存在He doesn't exist!为什么不存在?Why does he not exist?因为他只不过是我所说出真理的反对声音Because he is merely a dissenting voice to the truth I speak!说出真理Speak the truth!说出真理Speak the truth!是的先生我愿意说Yes, sir, I do like to talk.是优点还是缺点?Is that a virtue or a vice?哦我必须承认我本想做安静神秘型的Well, I have to admit I've always wanted to be the quiet, mysterious type, 但是我却难以长时间控制住我的嘴巴不说话only I couldn't keep my mouth shut long enough.你和人打架时会打自己吗伯吉斯先生?Would you punch yourself in a street fight, Mr. Burgess?不会的先生No, sir.和别人进行言语战争时也别打自己Then don't punch yourself in a word fight.你也不需要开自己的玩笑You don't have to make fun of yourself.要用你的幽默对付你的对手Use your humor against your opponent.法默先生Mr. Farmer!在Yes, sir.快乐的法默先生Happy Mr. Farmer.告诉大家一件我们不知道的你父亲的事情Tell us one thing we don't know about your father.他是第一个黑人的博...He was the first Negro Ph...关于你父亲我们不知道的事情法默先生?One thing we don't know about your father, Mr. Farmer.他从佛罗里达走到马萨诸塞去波士顿大学一所学院上的学He walked from Florida to Massachusetts to go to college at Boston University. 他以极优等的成绩获得了学位He graduated magna cum laude.罗先生Mr. Lowe!跟我们说说你的父亲Tell us about your father.为什么你不跟我们说一下你的父亲?Why don't you tell us something about your father?我们正在尝试互相了解罗先生We're trying to get to know each other, Mr. Lowe.我想试着了解你托森先生I was trying to get to know you, Mr. Tolson.我并不是辩论队的成员啊I'm not the one on the debate team.难道我们现在没有在辩论吗?Are we not engaged in a debate right now?好的All right.我来正方I'll take the affirmative.让最卑鄙粗陋的黑鬼Take the meanest... most restless nigger,扒去他身上的衣服strip him of his clothes而且是在其他的男的女的in front of the remaining male niggers, female niggers,还有婴儿黑鬼面前and nigger infants.在他们身上用柏油沾满羽毛Tar and feather him.分别把两条腿绑在面朝不同方向的两匹马身上Tie each leg to a horse facing an opposite direction,将他架在火上set him on fire,不停的鞭打两匹马直到把他撕成两半and beat both horses until they tear him apart在所有的男女和婴儿黑鬼面前in front of the male, female, and nigger infants.并且还要鞭打其他的黑鬼们Bullwhip and beat the remaining nigger males within an inch of their life. 不必杀了他们但要让他们感到恐惧Do not kill them, but put the fear of God in them,因为将来他们还有用处for they can be useful for future breeding.有谁知道威利·林区吗?Anybody know who Willie Lynch was?有人吗请举手Anybody? Raise your hand.没有吧?No one?他是一个西印度的可恶的奴隶主He was a vicious slave owner in the West Indies.弗吉尼亚的奴隶主The slave-masters in the colony of Virginia在控制他们奴隶的时候存在麻烦were having trouble controlling their slaves,然后他们就派林区先生去教给他们他的方法so they sent for Mr. Lynch to teach them his methods.那个单词"林区刑"(私刑)就来自他的名字The word "lynching" came from his last name.他的方法都很简单但却变♥态♥His methods were very simple, but they were diabolical. 让奴隶们身体很强壮精神却很脆弱Keep the slave physically strong but psychologically weak 对奴隶主的依赖性很高and dependent on the slave master.维持他们的身体控制他们的思想Keep the body, take the mind.我和这个校园内的其他教授I... and every other professor on this campus要在这里帮助你们are here to help you...去找到拿回来to find, take back,并且保有你心里正当的信念and keep your righteous mind...因为很明显的你们已经丢掉了because obviously you have lost it.这就是你们对我所要了解的罗先生That's all you need to know about me, Mr. Lowe.下课Class dismissed.嘿Hey!走吧亲爱的Here you go, honey.多谢Thank you.想跳舞吗?Want to dance?当然Yes.来吧Come on.你跳的真好You're a good dancer.多谢我...Thank you. L...我自己在家里练的I practice in my room.这样挺好。
伟大的辩论家观后感英文版My Impressions on the Great DebatersRecently, I had the opportunity to watch the movie "The Great Debaters," and I must say it left a lasting impression on me. Directed by Denzel Washington, the film was released in 2007 and is based on the true story of a debate team from Wiley College in the 1930s. With a compelling storyline and exceptional performances, this film showcases the power of words and the importance of fighting for what you believe in.From the very beginning, the movie captivates the audience with its portrayal of the racial tensions prevailing during that time in America. It sheds light on the struggles faced by African Americans, not only in terms of racial discrimination, but also the limited access to quality education. Despite these adversities, the debate team, led by their coach Melvin B. Tolson, takes on the challenge of competing against prestigious all-white universities.One of the most impressive aspects of the film is the emphasis placed on the art of debate. As the team prepares for their debates, they are taught the intricacies of rhetoric, logic, and persuasion. This education not only prepares them for the debates themselves but also empowers them to question societal norms and advocate for change. Through their eloquence and well-structured arguments, the debaters challenge notions of racial hierarchy and inspire others to confront injustice.The characters in the film are portrayed with depth and sensitivity. The main protagonist, James Farmer Jr., impresses with his intellectual prowessand fierce determination. He embodies the struggle for equality and strives to break free from the chains of racial oppression. The other debaters, Samantha Booke and Henry Lowe, also shine in their roles, each bringing their own unique perspective to the team.While the film focuses on the power of words, it also acknowledges the role of action in bringing about change. The characters face numerous obstacles, both within and outside of the debate arena, but they never lose sight of their ultimate goal. They use their skills as debaters not only to win arguments but also to ignite the flames of justice. Their fight is not just about winning debates; it is about breaking down barriers and ensuring equal rights for all."The Great Debaters" also excels in portraying the importance of mentorship and guidance. Melvin B. Tolson, played by Denzel Washington himself, serves as a guiding force for the debaters. His unwavering belief in their abilities, coupled with his rigorous teaching methods, pushes them beyond their limits. He instills in them the value of knowledge and teaches them that education is a powerful tool for liberation.Beyond the inspiring story and stellar performances, the film's cinematography and soundtrack also contribute to its overall impact. The visuals beautifully capture the era, transporting the viewers back to the 1930s. The music, comprising a mix of jazz and gospel, adds an emotional depth to the narrative and enhances the intensity of the debate scenes.In conclusion, "The Great Debaters" is a thought-provoking and emotionally charged film that masterfully depicts the challenges faced by African Americans in the 1930s. It highlights the power of words, thestrength of conviction, and the importance of education as a means of empowerment. This gripping tale of resilience and triumph serves as a reminder that the fight for justice is a collective effort, and that every voice has the potential to make a difference.。
The Great Debaters 激辩风云观后感
The Great Debater-Who is the judge?-The judge is God.-Why is he God?-Because he decides who wins or loses, not my opponent.-Who is your opponent?-He doesn’t exist.-Why does he not exit?-Because he is merely a dissenting voice to the truth I speak.This movie is adapted from the reality. Melvin Tolson was an American poet, educator, columnist, and politician. He worked as a debate coach in Willey College (a black school), and he led the team to defeat white college in the segregated South. At that time, it was a few years before the civil rights movement, and black people were still segregated from the white. There was someone that had been awaken and fought for their rights. This can foreshadow the civil right movement,In this movie, Mr. Tolson is a talented teacher in Willey College. In the new semester, he decides to recruit three new members in the debate team. Henry Lowe, he is not a typical good student and is traitorous. He has the courage to question the teacher and puts forward different ideas. He is somewhat like an adult, but a little more impetuous. James Farmer Jr., he is kind of cowardly but he has his own thought. Although when he firstly debated, he was so afraid that he couldn’t speak fluently, he finally helped the team to succeed. Samantha Booke, she was the only female in the team. She was a brilliant girl as well as very brave. She had her explicit goal at the beginning that she wanted to be a lawyer, and finally she succeeded. So Mr. Tolson and his three students defeated many teams and finally defeated Harvard.So next I want to talk about some details that I think is very attracting to me in this movie.1.The Complexity of Human NatureIn this movie, there is another character named James Farmer. He is the father of James Farmer Jr. He was the headmaster of the college, and we could see in the movie that he loved reading and there were many books in his house. When he first appeared, he murmured “Driven by the wind and tossed by the wind.” So from this point, he deserved to be called as a gentleman and get the respect from others. However, his son just thought he was somewhat cowardly. And all this because once he drove his whole family out of the town, they accidently hit a pig. The owner of the big is a white farmer, he asked for 25 dollars as compensation. However, that pig didn’t deserve so much money that was almost equivalent to Mr. Farmer’s mensal salary. James Jr. wanted to argue for their benefits, but his father just shouted at him and let him to go back into the car. And then he signed a check for the white, picked up the check that the white threw on the ground in order to humiliate him and even helped the farmer lift the pig on the truck. Jr. saw all of these in the car, and he feltvery ashamed. So when he secretly went to Mr. Tolson’s assembly and went back home late, his father asked where he had been, he had an argument with his father and shouted back “Why should I apologize? Like you apologized to that pig farmer?” From this we could see his discontentment of his father. In every boy’s heart, father is the model and like the pillar, father is like a concentration of fortitude, justice, brave and all of the good merits. So we can imagine how disappointed James Jr. was when he saw his father apologize to the fig farmers in a humiliating way and a weak position.However, the human nature is complex. When Mr. Tolson was arrested, because in the assembly, he told the farmers to fight for their rights, Mr. Farmer came to the police office and talked to the police in a firm and tactical way to persuade the police release Mr. Tolson. What left a deep impression on me was that he said “An unjust law is no law at all.” He showed his own bravery and mended the relationship with his son. In Jr.’s heart, he was still an admirable father.So human could be weak, but also could be brave and firm. It depends on what is valued more. When facing with the white who had guns, he need protect his family, so he just bent down. When facing with the police, his own faith is valued more than his safety. So he could negotiate with the police and even threat the police. Although he made different decisions, what he did was to protect the much more important thing in his heart, he always stuck to his rule. So the human nature is complex, because before we do something, we always need to value a lot more in our heart, and these concerns always lead to different results.And another character is Henry Lowe. At the begging of the movie, many things happen in different place are mixed together. And these disordered scenes show these three students’ conditions. James Jr. was listening at his father’s speech, Samantha was on the bus to Willey College, while Henry he was in a bar and flited with a woman and finally had a fight with her husband. It is ironic that he fought with that husband in a low bar while Mr. Farmer said ”We must impress upon our young people that there will be difficulties that they face.…Education is the only way out of ignorance into the glorious light.”Maybe this wants to show a comparison and indicates that how young people like this could realize his responsibility. Actually, Henry was not a good student. He is the kind of person that is self-conceit and insolent on account of his ability. At first, he went to selection of the debate team because Mr. Tolson asked him to go. And I think he decided to join the team because he wanted to draw the attention of Samantha. And I think at first he didn’t have a serious attitude to the debate.But he had his own faith in his heart. He would feel sad about the black people suffered from abuse and wanted to save him. And at last, he took up his responsibility. As Mr. Tolson didn’t go to Harvard with them, he took the role as a captain. Finally, he let James to debate and he just watched as an audience. At that time, he was somewhat like Mr. Tolson, a firm backup, a trusted leader.So in him, we could see his frivolousness, impetuous, traitorous and we also could find his responsible, firm and brave. So this also shows the complexity of human nature. As the old saying said “Never judge a book from its cover”, human natureshowed its differences in different pages.2.The Law and The SegregationIn this movie, the law has been mentioned for many times. I think this shows a contrast and sarcasm. We can see in the movie, the white people respected the law that had already existed, and they claimed that we should obey it, but the black people respected a fair and equal law because in the segregated south, there weren’t any real laws.The white said that we mustn’t break the law, however, it were the white who broke the law. Even the police official, he even led an attack on the sharecroppers who were having a peaceful and lawful gathering. An unjust law is no law at all. The white always required people to obey the law, but they were always in a high social statue, they didn’t think what they did was wrong, was against the law. This idea had been rooted in their thought that the Black and the White should be segregated. They never experienced the same thing as the Black, so they never thought that was a big deal. So in the debate about whether Negros should be admitted to state universities, the white could take it for granted and said that the time would come when the white and the black were on the same campus, but sadly the day is not today. He talked about it in such an easy way that drove me feel very uncomfortable. He never felt the discrimination, how could he say things like that? He just acted like a moralist, citing Dr. DuBois, and finally drew the conclusion that the black shouldn’t have the equal rights. What he had done was just immortal and lack of sympathy just like most of the white. In the last debate, the students from Harvard said that nothing that eroded the rule of law can be moral, no matter what name we give it. James fought back in a wonderful way by saying that the black had the right even a duty to resist with violence or civil disobedience, but they chose the latter. This is just a powerful counterattack which should make the white feel ashamed.So I think this movie also shows a contradiction between the segregation and the laws. Just as St. Augustine said, “An unjust law is no law at all.” In the south, there is no real law, the law has been depressed and ruined by the discrimination and inequality. The white wanted to maintain the segregation as well as keep the law, which was impossible. The segregation was just the cause of the unfair law.3.The Desperate Situation of The BlackThis movie kind of foreshadowed the revolt of the black. In this movie, we can tell from many details to know the discrimination of the black people.First is in the education, in the context, we can see that white students and black students were separated. From the second debate, the topic was whether Negros should be admitted to state university. And from that we could see that black people didn’t have the equal rights to receive the education as the white people. Even in Harvard, when they visited the hall they were going to have a debate, the staffer said to them that they were not supposed to be there. Even the best college in the U.S., people still couldn’t get rid of the prejudiced had been rooted in their heart for so long, the how difficult it will be for the black to gain the equality.And next lies in the social statue. Although Mr. Farmer was a gentleman, he need bend down and apologize to the inurbane, immoral and disgusting pig farmers who had three children and lived a poor life. From every aspect, Mr. Farmer was much better that that farmer, just because he was a black man, he was in a low statue. That farmer could have a gun but he didn’t have the right to hold one, he could only bend down and endure the humiliation. The black was considered as the appendant of the white, and the white held groundless maliciousness against the black. When they drove to participate in a debate, they saw a white was hanged on the shelf and a fire was set under him. When the white saw them on the car, they didn’t ask them who they were; they just chased after them and wanted to catch them. I can’t imagine live a life that is always under panic and always worry about my own safety, and even don’t have the right to protect myself. How desperate that is!During the narration of the movies, there are many details that show the condition of the white fluently, though not very fierce, make us feel depressive and desperate. But I still think there are some defects in this film. This film tried to focus on four main characters, so I think it can’t totally make audience understand the characteristics of the characters. For example, I think the description of Henry is not very thorough, the movie doesn’t fully show his personality. So maybe the movie just focuses on one character and describes his change will be much better.And finally, I want to say that this movie may be a little boring and difficult to understand at first, but after you watch it for some times, especially the debating part, you will find it an interesting and meaningful movie。
thegreatdebaters观后感《The Great Debaters》是一部由丹泽尔·华盛顿主演和导演的电影,于2007年上映。
林肯──道格拉斯辩论林肯──道格拉斯辩论The Lincoln──Douglas Debates1858年,林肯从伊利诺伊州和斯蒂芬?道格拉斯参议员竞选美国参议院席位。
高智商名人戈特弗里德·威廉·莱布尼茨戈特弗里德威廉莱布尼茨戈特弗里德威廉莱布尼茨(Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz,1646年7月1日-1716年11月14日),德意志哲学家、数学家,历史上少见的通才,被誉为17世纪的亚里士多德。
早年生活戈特弗里德威廉莱布尼茨(Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz,1646年7月1日-1716年11月14日),德意志哲学家、数学家。
The big bang theory
Sheldon Cooper
Jim Parsons
Rajesh Koothrappali
Leonard Hofstadter
Johnny Galecki
Howard Wolowitz
Simon Helberg
Kaley Cuoco
One day ,a beautiful girl ,Penny, becomes their neighbour.
Star Dream ,sweet, and normal IQ
She is the second one who can deals with Sheldon. As an American standard sweet girl, she leaves home for her star dream
• Feel ignored ,selective mutism(缄默) and shy Indian
• His selective mutism makes him silent before girls. But everything changes after he drinks alcohol.
1.They are rational(理性的),and cannot bear confusion(混乱).
2.Special laugh
3.They have communication obstacles(障碍) with out-group .
4.They have high IQ.
7 Seasons
The Big Bang Theory is
an American sitcom which premiered on CBS on September 24, 2007.
《伟大辩手》里面的经典对话《伟大辩手》里面的经典对话之一Melvin B. Tolson: Who is the judge?The Debaters: The judge is God.Melvin B. Tolson: Why is he God?The Debaters: Because he decides who wins or loses, Not my opponent Melvin B. Tolson: Who is your opponent?The Debaters: He does not exist.Melvin B. Tolson: Why does he not existThe Debaters”Because he is a mere dissenting voice of the truth I speak!教练: 谁是裁判,队员们:上帝是裁判。
教练:你们的对手是谁,队员们:他不存在、教练:为什么不存在,队员们:因为他只是我讲述的真理反对的声音~Anything, anything that pops into your head, dear, big deal!You can talk anything to him, just like what you do to other colleagues, things shouldnot be this hard, dear. He's now living in a totally different environment, do you think he really cares about what you'll talk to him?I bet he'll feel much better if you can come up with some daily stuffs at first, like long have you been in China? Do you have any brothers or sisters? So it's just you who's in China or your wholefamily are here?...blah blah things lead to another...andyou're never gonna finish it, i tell ya.记住:聊天不是一问一答,一问一答的那叫审问,不舒服的。
究竟如何获得美德呢?亚里士多德按照获得方 究竟如何获得美德呢 式的不同将美德分为两类:理智德性 品格德 理智德性和品格德 理智德性 性(或道德德性)。理智、理解和明智是理 智德性,而像慷慨、节制、勇敢等则属于道 德德性。理智德性通过教育获得,道德德性 理智德性通过教育获得, 理智德性通过教育获得 来自习惯养成。两种德性密不可分,德性为 来自习惯养成 我们确定目的,明智使我们选择实现目的正 确手段,离开道德德性不可能有明智,离开 明智也不会有严格意义的善。
2.雅典时期的德性论述 雅典时期的德性论述
在公元前5世纪的雅典,一些思想家开始探讨 古典社会的德性,发现荷马社会对家庭乃至 家族的要求已转化为了对雅典、斯巴达等城 邦的要求,这就使美德概念适用的共同体由 血缘集团拓展到了城邦国家。伴随着道德权 道德权 威中心的转移,美德概念也被重新界定,美 威中心 德概念己和社会角色概念相分离。
1971年罗尔斯发表了其作《正义论》。麦金太尔 于1981年发表了著作《追寻美德》一书,在该书中, 他从历史主义角度,提出了自己的美德理论,认为 美德是实现正义的基础,而非权利,从而对罗尔斯 的正义理论提出了有力的批评。为了展开进一步的 对话,麦金太尔相继于 麦金太尔相继于1988年发表了《谁之正义? 年发表了《 麦金太尔相继于 年发表了 谁之正义? 何种合理性?》 何种合理性 》,1990年《三种对立的到的探究样 年 式》。可以说《谁之正义?何种合理性?》一书是 作为麦金太尔与一罗尔斯为代表新自由主义者们论 战的产物而出现的。
相信有了新概念英语,你也可以成为“⼤神”级别的⼈物!还在等什么?快来加⼊学习吧!⼩编与您⼀起学习进步! True nobility is exempt from fear.——Byron 真正⾼尚的⼈是⽆所畏惧的。
拜伦(品德篇) The higher the objective is , the more precious the ideal is ?---Cervantes ⽬标愈离,志向就愈可贵。
塞万提斯(理想篇) Trouble is only opportunity in work clothes.---H J. Kaiser 困难只是穿上⼯作服的机遇。
凯泽(逆境篇) All great truths begin as blasphemies.--Geroge Bernard Shaw 许多伟⼤的真理开始的时候都被认为是亵渎⾏为。
萧伯纳(真理篇) Patriotism is the key element of developing a country ?--Chen Duxiu 爱国⼼为⽴国之要素。
陈独秀(祖国篇) The basic spirit of science is forming insights.--Liang Qichao 科学根本精神,全在养成观察⼒。
梁启超(科技篇) The most promising successor is not the talented, but those who are good at seizing every opportunity to explore.--Socrates 最有希望的成功者,并不是才⼲出众的⼈,⽽是那些最善于利⽤每⼀时机去发掘开拓的⼈。
苏格拉底(奋⽃篇) We should put the career in the first place in life and should not give it up until the last minute.--Wu Yuzhang ⼈⽣在世,事业为重,⼀息尚存,绝不松劲。
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• In the film--The Great Debaters, there are several sentences Firstly, the writer uses a method of questions-and-answers to attract audiences’ attention. And the questions-and-answers go forward one by one. That reflects the teaching theories of Professor. Tolson’s. These words are very catchy and easy to understand. • Secondly, students can get more from these simple words. When we face the difficulties, nothing can defeat us totally except ourselves. And even if you fail in doing something, it does not mean you are a loser. Since the opponents can’t judge the consequences, we can have a strong faith in ourselves. The great debaters show us the beauty of languages. These words can be a weapon even more powerful than people can imagine.
Reflections on those favorite lines
The light of the film ---- words are weapons
The Great Debaters describes a story about the black people’s struggle aggainst racial discrimination and segregation.Instead of revealing the theme of it through the black people’s violent fight against the white, the director chooses the debate as a medium,because he knows that words are weapons , they can be more powerful than violence.There are maቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱy inspiring debates in this film and the content of each debate reflects the black people’s persistent struggle under pressure of racial discrimination .Debate gives them the chance to speak out what is in their mind. Meanwhile,this film allows others to know more about the black people’s condition. In this film black students not only debate for honor on the stage,also they yell with open arms for freedom, equality and human
• Henry: smart, fearless, rebellious(反叛) •Samantha: the first woman ever to make the team, articulate • James: 14-year-old, righteous • Hamilton: dutiful(忠实), pressured by his family to drop out when Melvin’s radical(激进) political organizing comes to light
There is no rule of law in the South, not when Negroes are denied housing, turned away from schools, hospitals. St. Augustine said: “An unjust law is no law at all.” which means I have a right, even a duty to resist with violence or civil disobedience(温和抵 抗). You should pray I choose the latter. ------James
Great Debaters: Henry Lowe Samantha Booke James Farmer
• Wiley College , 1935
• Racial Discrimination(种族歧视)
• Black School , Debate Teams
• Melvin Tolson, Henry, Samantha,
the professor of Wiley College which is a school of African Americans---As a knowledgeable man, he tried to do what he can do for the African Americans. On one hand, he secretly organized the union members to fight against the unfairness put on them by the whites. On the other hand,he set up the first team of debaters of the school which consisted of four students, hoping they can defeat their opponents by their powerful words, and he trained them very strictly.
Although his fierce teaching method was not always approved of and he was even arrested once, he firmly believed the power of debate and words and never gave up. And the final results turned out that he was right and his efforts were not in vain: his debate team defeated the winner team of Harvard eventually.
one scene
The scene impressed me most is that when Dr. Farmer went out for panic with his family, he was insulted by the whites. On the way to the place for panic, he drove over a pig by accident. Unfortunately, the pig belonged to a white man. So Dr. Farmer made a sincere apology and showed his willingness to pay for it. But the farmer raised the pay on purpose and asked Dr. Farmer to pay him 25 dollars. Though Dr. Farmer’s monthly salary was only 17 dollars and his family was in need of the money, he accepted the farmer’s requirement. However, it did not end. The farmer tried to insult Dr. Farmer by throwing the check to ask him to pick it up and ordering him to move the pig onto the car as if he were a servant. We may consider it ridiculous that a professor should be insulted by a farmer like this. But it did happen at that time when the blacks had no social position in front of the whites. What was worse, the blacks might be killed without any judgment of the law. At that time they can do nothing but to give in. The racial discrimination that the blacks were inferior to the whites and they should be treated unfairly frightened me. I do believe that no matter what color your skin is, you are equal to any other people and you should fight for your own rights.