事故调查发现,A铁矿与周边的4座铁矿越巷开采,井下巷道及未*****区互相贯通,各矿均未形成独立的** 通风系统,且安全出口和标志均不符合安全规定事故调查组确认,该起事故的直接原因是丙在切割与焊接作业时,切割下来的高温金属残块及焊渣掉落在井槽充填护*的**上,造成荆笆着火,引燃****的可燃物,引发火灾。
1、根据《火灾分类》(GB/T4968-2008),A铁矿直竖井发生的火灾类别属于(A)A、A类火灾B、B类火灾C、C类火灾D、D类火灾E、E类火灾2、在A铁矿390平巷直竖井进行切割与焊接作业,应办理的许可手续是(C)A、有限空间作业许可B、带电作业许可C、动火作业许可D、高温作业许可E、潮湿作业许可3、该起事故的直接经济损失为(C)万元A 8523B 12575C 14425D 15005E 150104、根据《生产安全事故报告和调查处理条例》(国务院第493号),针对该起事故的调查处理,下列说法正确的有(AD)。
2013年11月英语二级《笔译实务》试题Part A Compulsory Translation(必译题)The archivists requested a donkey, but what they got from the mayor’s office were four wary black sheep, which, as of Wednesday morning, were chewing away at a lumpy field of grass beside the municipal archives building as the City of Paris’s newest, shaggiest lawn mowers. Mayor Bertrand Delano? has made the environment a priority since his election in 2001, with popular bike- and car-sharing programs, an expanded network of designated lanes for bicycles and buses, and an enormous project to pedestrianize the banks along much of the Seine.The sheep, which are to mow (and, not inconsequentially, fertilize) an airy half-acre patch in the 19th District intended in the same spirit. City Hall refers to the project as “eco-grazing,” and it notes that the four ewes will prevent the use of noisy, gas-guzzling mowers and cut down on the use of herbicides.Paris has plans for a slightly larger eco-grazing project not far from the archives building, assuming all goes well; similar projects have been under way in smaller towns in the region in recent years.The sheep, from a rare, diminutive Breton breed called Ouessant, stand just about two feet high. Chosen for their hardiness, city officials said, they will pasture here until October inside a three-foot-high, yellow electrified fence.“This is really not a one-shot deal,” insisted René Dutrey, the adjunct mayor for the environment and sustainable development. Mr. Dutrey, a fast-talking man in orange-striped Adidas Samba sneakers, noted that the sheep had cost the city a total of just about $335, though no further economic projections have been drawn up for the time being.A metal fence surrounds the grounds of the archives, and a security guard stands watch at the gate, so there is little risk that local predators — large, unleashed dogs, for instance — will be able to reach the ewes.Curious humans, however, are encouraged to visit the sheep, and perhaps the archives, too. The eco-grazing project began as an initiative to attract the public to the archives, and informational panels have been put in place to explain what, exactly, thesheep are doing here.But the archivists have had to be trained to care for the animals. In the unlikely event that a ewe should flip onto her back, Ms. Masson said, someone must rush to put her back on her feet.Part B Optional Translation(二选一题)Topic 1 (选题一)Norman Joseph Woodland was born in Atlantic City on Sept. 6, 1921. As a Boy Scout he learned Morse code, the spark that would ignite his invention.After spending World War II on the Manhattan Project , Mr. Woodland resumed his studies at the Drexel Institute of Technology in Philadelphia (it is now Drexel University), earning a bachelor’s degree in 1947.As an undergraduate, Mr. Woodland perfected a system for delivering elevator music efficiently. He planned to pursue the project commercially, but his father, who had come of age in “Boardwalk Empire”-era Atlantic City, forbade it: elevator music, he said, was controlled by the mob, and no son of his was going to come within spitting distance.The younger Mr. Woodland returned to Drexel for a master’s degree. In 1948, a local supermarket executive visited the campus, where he implored a dean to develop an efficient means of encoding product data. The dean demurred, but Mr. Silver, a fellow graduate student who overheard their conversation, was intrigued. He conscripted Mr. Woodland.An early idea of theirs, which involved printing product information in fluorescent ink and reading it with ultraviolet light, proved unworkable.But Mr. Woodland, convinced that a solution was close at hand, quit graduate school to devote himself to the problem. He holed up at his grandparents’ home in Miami Beach, where he spent the winter of 1948-49 in a chair in the sand, thinking.To represent information visually, he realized, he would need a code. The only code he knew was the one he had learned in the Boy Scouts.What would happen, Mr. Woodland wondered one day, if Morse code, with itselegant simplicity and limitless combinatorial potential, were adapted graphically? He began trailing his fingers idly through the sand.“What I’m going to tell you sounds like a fairy tale,” Mr. Woodland told Smithsonian magazine in 1999. “I poked my four fingers into the sand and for whatever reason — I didn’t know — I pulled my hand toward me and drew four lines. Now I have four lines, and they could be wide lines and narrow lines instead of dots and dashes.’ ”Today, bar codes appears on the surface of almost every product of contemporary life. All because a bright young man, his mind ablaze with dots and dashes, one day raked his fingers through the sand.201211 Passage 1Tucked away in this small village in Buckinghamshire County is the former Elizabethan coaching inn where William Shakespeare is said to have penned part of "A Midsummer Night's Dream."Dating from 1534, the inn, now called Shakespeare House, is thought to have been built as a Tudor hunting lodge. Later it became a stop for travelers between London and Stratford-upon-Avon, where Shakespeare was born and buried.It was "Brief Lives," a 17th-century collection of biographies by John Aubrey, that linked Shakespeare to the inn, saying that he had stayed there and drawn inspiration for the comedy while in the village.One of the current owners, Nick Underwood, said the local lore goes even further: "It is also said he appears at the oriel window on the top floor of the house on April 23 every year -- the date he is said to have been born and to have died.""In later years, the house later became a farmhouse, with 150 acres of land, but, over time, pieces were sold off," Mr. Underwood said. "In the 20th century, it was owned by two American families." Now, he and his co-owner, Roy Elsbury, have put the seven-bedroom property on the market at £1.375 million, or $2.13 million. Despite its varied uses and renovations over the years, the 4,250-square-foot, or 395-square-meter, inn has retained so much of its original character that the organization English Heritage lists it as a Grade II* property, indicating that it is particularly important and of "more than special interest." Only 27 percent of the 1,600 buildings on the organization's register have this designation.We knew of the house before we bought it and were very excited when it came up for sale. It is so unusual to find an Elizabethan property of this size, in this area, and when we saw it, we absolutely fell in love with it," Mr. Underwood said. "We have taken great pleasure in working on it and living here. This house is all about the history."In addition to being the owners' home, the property currently is run as a luxury guest house, with rooms rented for ₤99 to ₤250 a night."Shakespeare House is a wonderful example of Elizabethan architecture," said DeanHeaviside, the national sales director of Fine real estate agency, which is representing the owners. "It has been beautif-ully restored and offers a unique lifestyle, which brings a taste of the past together with modern-day comfort. It is rare to find a home like this on the market."Passage 2The ancient frozen dome cloaking Greenland is so vast that pilots have crashed into what they thought was a cloud bank spanning the horizon. Flying over it, you can scarcely imagine that it could erode fast enough to dangerously raise sea levels any time soon.Along the flanks in spring and summer, however, the picture is very different. For an increasing number of warm years, a network of blue lakes and rivulets of melt-water has been spreading ever higher on the icecap.The melting surface darkens, absorbing up to four times as much energy from the sun as snow, which reflects sunlight. Natural drainpipes called moulins carry water from the surface into the depths, in some places reaching bedrock.The process slightly, but measurably, lubricates and accelerates the grinding passage of ice towards the sea.Most important, many glaciologists say, is the break-up of huge semi-submerged clots of ice where some large Greenland glaciers, particularly along the west coast, squeeze through fiords as they meet the warming ocean. As these passages have cleared, this has sharply accelerated the flow of many of these creeping, corrugated and frozen rivers.Some glaciologists fear that the rise in seas in a warming world could be much greater than the upper estimate of about 60 centimetres this century made by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change last year. (Seas rose less than 30 centimetres last century.)The panel's assessment did not include factors known to contribute to ice flows but not understood well enough to estimate with confidence. SCIENTIFIC scramble is under way to clarify whether the erosion of the world's most vulnerable ice sheets, in Greenland and west Antarctica, can continue to accelerate. The effort involves fieldand satellite analyses and sifting for clues from past warm periods,Things are definitely far more serious than anyone would have thought five years ago. Passage 1中国是一个发展中国家。
2011年11月发电部二十五项反事故措施考试试题 一、填空题(每空0.5分,共50分)1、汽轮机油系统事故排油阀应设置两个钢制截止门,其操作手轮应设置在距油箱5m 以外 的地方,并有两个以上的通道,操作手轮不允许加锁,并挂有明显的“禁止操作”标志牌。
操作系统阀门时必须使用铜质 工具。
4、为防止电气误操作事故,应严格执行 操作票制度,操作时不允许 改变操作顺序,当操作发生疑问时,应立即停止操作,并报告调度部门,不允许随意修改操作票,不允许随意解除闭锁装置。
6、为防止超(超超)临界锅炉高温受热面内氧化皮大面积脱落,机组运行中,应尽可能的通过燃烧调整,结合平稳使用减温水和吹灰, 减少烟温、 汽温 、受热面壁温偏差,保证各受热面吸热正常,防止超温和温度突变。
7、大容量机组凝结水处理设备严禁 随意退出运行 ,机组启动时应 及时 投入凝结水精处理设备,对直流锅炉应在 启动冲洗时 投入凝结水处理设备,保证精处理出水质量合格。
8、各种压力容器安全阀应定期进行 校验 和 排放 试验。
校验安全阀的顺序是 先高压侧后低压侧,先主汽侧后再热汽侧 。
9、锅炉运行中应精心调整 制粉系统 和 燃烧系统 运行工况,防止未完全燃尽的油和煤粉积存在 尾部受热面 或 烟道 上。
10、如发现回转式空预器停转,应将其隔绝,投入 消防蒸汽 和 盘车装置 ,若档板隔绝不严 或 转子盘不动 ,应立即停炉。
11、锅炉负荷低于 25%额定负荷 时应连续吹灰,锅炉负荷大于 25%额定负荷 时至少8小时吹灰一次,当回转式空预器 烟气侧差压增大 或 低负荷煤油混烧时 时应增加吹灰次数。
2011年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试文科综合能力测试参考答案和评分参考评分说明:1. 非选择题部分,若考生答案与本答案不完全相同,但言之有理,可酌情给分,但不得超过该题所分配的分数。
2. 考生答案中,中国地名出现错别字一般不给分;外国地名应以地图出版社出版的·世界地图集为依据评分,若出现同音字可酌情给分。
I 卷共35小题,每小题4分,共140分。
1. D2. C3. D4. A5. B6. A7. B8. A9. D 10. B 1l. D 12. D 13. D 14. B 15. B 16. D 17. A 18. C 19. C 20. B 21. A 22. A 23. C 24.. C 25. B 26. A 27. D 28. D 29. C 30. D 31. B 32. A 33. D 34. B 35. CⅡ卷共4大题,共160分。
36. (36分)( 1)全年高温(各月均温都高于20。
C);(2分)全年降水量大(达1600毫米以上),(2 分)5~lO月(6~9月)降水较丰(为雨季),(2分)11月至次年4月(10月至次年5月)降水较少(为干季)。
(4分)37. (32分)(1)主要内涵:强调君民相互依存;君主应重视民意,顺应民心。
A、促进就业法B、集体合同法C、劳动合同法D、劳动争议处理法29、影响产业购买者购买决定的主要因素不包括()A、社会因素B、环境因素C、组织因素D、人际因素30、第一个将期望理论运用于工作动机并将其公式化的是()A、赫兹伯格B、亚当斯C、莱文泽尔D、费洛姆31、典型的人力资本类型不包括()A、一般型B、专业型C、创新型D、综合型32、以下关于组织设计理论的说法不正确的是()A、组织设计理论有动态与静态之分B、动态组织理论包含静态组织理论的内容C、组织设计理论又被称为广义的组织理论D、静态组织理论是组织设计的核心内容33、多维立体组织结构的主要管理组织机构系统不包括()A、地区利润中心B、专业成本中心C、产品利润中心D、地区成本中心34、以下关于企业集团智囊机构的说法不正确的是()A、任务之一是搜集整理储存相关信息资料B、可以对集团高层提供给的方案进行决策C、能够参与制定集团战略经营规划D、又被称为战略研究部或信息公司35、组织机构设计的影响因素不包括()A、企业环境B、企业规模C、员工素质D、信息沟通36、以下关于企业组织结构整合的说法不正确的是()A、是一种改良式变革B、是组织设计中的第二步工作C、是企业最常用的组织结构变革方式D、主要解决结构分化时出现的分散倾向和实现相互协调的要求37、以下关于企业人力资源规划的说法不正确的是()A、人员补充计划于人员晋升计划相联系B、人员晋升计划最直接的作用是激励员工C、狭义的人力资源规划特指企业人力规划D、一般来说,三年以上的计划科称为规划38、企业人力供给计划不包括()A、招聘计划B、培训计划C、内部调动计划D、晋升计划39、以下关于企业人员规划的说法不正确的是()A、人员规划是人力资源预测的一部分B、在实现组织目标的同时,也要满足个人的利益C、保证人力资源与未来组织发展各阶段的动态适应D、要求企业人力资源的数量、质量和结构符合其特定的要求40、以下关于企业人力资源预测的方法的说法不正确的是()A、描述法适合于长期预测B、可以分为定量和定性两大类C、德菲尔法师一种定性预测方法D、经验预测法可以采用“自上而下”和“自下而上”两种方法41、反映被测者素质性质的员工素质测评方法是()A、定性测评B、定量测评C、静态测评D、动态测评42、可以对不同类别不同性质的素质测评对象进行量化的方法是()A、等距量化B、当量量化C、类别量化D、模糊量化43、测评试题的含义模糊不清、似是而非的测评技术是()A、访谈技术B、FRC技术C、投射技术D、问卷技术44、以近期记忆代替整个测评时期的全部表现,这属于员工素质测评的()A、晕轮效应B、感情效应C、近因误差D、离散误差45、()是促使面试顺利进行的指导方针( )A、面试问题B、面试评估C、面试指南D、面试结果46、在面试过程中,面试考官应()A、多听多说B、多听少说C、少听多说D、少听少说47、关于应聘者过去所做过的事情的问题属于()A、背景性问题B、知识性问题C、思维性问题D、经验性问题48、以下方法中,适合为那些经常需要人际沟通的岗位选拨员工的是()A、案例分析B、公文筐测验C、管理游戏D、无领导小组讨论49、不属于无领导小组讨论类型的是()A、无情境性讨论B、指定角色的讨论C、情境性的讨论D、指定主持人的讨论50、以下属于员工培训直接培训成本的是()A、培训项目的设计费用B、教材印发购置的费用C、培训项目的评估费用D、培训项目的管理费用51、在培训项目计划中,课程系列计划以()为导向,将看似独立的相关课程练习在一起。
引发这场运动的直接原因是A.新文化运动 B.辛亥革命失败 C.中国在巴黎和会外交失败 D.“二十一条”签订3、1919年5月4日开始爆发了一场蔓延全国的爱国运动,国民之所以有这样高的思想觉悟,与哪一场运动的进行有密切关系?A.新文化运动 B.辛亥革命 C.戊戌变法 D.洋务运动4、1919年是新民主主义革命开始的一年,这是因为当年发生了一场以工人为主力的爱国运动,并取得初步成效,这说明,新民主主义革命“新”在哪里?A.无产阶级登上历史舞台B.采用了新的斗争方式C.引发爱国运动的原因与以往不同D.有新的政党参与运动5、民国八年,在北京《晨报》中可能看到的消息是A.北洋政府罢免曹汝霖等卖国贼职务 B.北伐军进军迅速,连克汀泗桥、贺胜桥C.蒋介石任黄埔军校校长 D.汪精卫叛变革命,屠杀共产党员和革命群众6、红色旅游是当今旅游的热点。
而带领无产阶级政党开始参与中国革命的中国共产党第一任总书记是A.毛泽东B.陈独秀C.李大钊D.邓小平8、中国共产党的成立,“使中国革命面目焕然一新”,对这句话理解正确的是A.资产阶级开始与无产阶级合作 B.无产阶级政党创建了自己的军队C.民众参与革命的意识增强 D.无产阶级政党开始参与领导中国革命9、标志着第一个无产阶级政党成立的事件是A.中共一大召开 B.遵义会议 C.国民党一大召开 D.五四运动10、下列哪一事件不是国共合作完成的A.黄埔军校 B.北伐战争 C.成立南京国民政府 D.抗日战争11、1924年,国民党在广州创办的培养军事政治人才的学校是A、京师同立馆B、马尾船政学堂C、京师大学堂D、黄埔军校12、某校为“纪念孙中山逝世85周年”编排的话剧场景中,孙中山不可能出现的是A.在兴中会发表演讲 B.筹建中国同盟会C.就任中华民国临时大总统 D.与中共磋商第二次合作13、某革命历史题材影片中有这样一组镜头:叶挺率领的第四军独立团正在猛攻武昌城,该影片再现的是A.台儿庄战役 B.渡江战役 C.北伐战争 D.百团大战14、1926年,国民革命军挥师北上,他们要消灭的目标是A.孙传芳、张作霖、蒋介石三大军阀 B.孙传芳、吴佩孚、张作霖三大军阀C.袁世凯、孙传芳、吴佩孚三大军阀 D.袁世凯、汪精卫、阎锡山三大军阀15、关于国民革命失败的论述,不符合事实的是A.南京国民政府成立标志着国民革命失败B.没有完成反帝反封建的任务C.宣告第一次国共合作全面破裂D.标志着北伐战争完全失败16、和“八一”建军节的来历有密切关系的历史事件是:A.南昌起义B.秋收起义C.广州起义D.上海工人起义17、井冈山革命根据地建立的意义在于A.标志新民主主义革命开始B.点燃了中国革命的“星星之火”C.诞生了人民军队D.开辟了建设有中国特色的社会主义道路18、遵义会议最伟大的历史贡献是A.结束了王明左倾错误在中央的统治B.确立了新党中央的正确领导C.标志着中共从幼稚走向成熟D.挽救了党、红军和中国革命19、下面是老红军黄镇在长征途中的速写。
工商导论练习题 及答案
Part One(20%)I .Multiple Choice(1%X20 =20%)Direcnions:In this part, there are items 1-20. For each item, there are fourchoices marked A,B,C and D. Choose the best one end write your answers on the Answer Sheet.I .A(n)_is an association of two or more persons to carry on as co-owners of a business for profit.A. sole proprietorshipB. partnershipC. corporationD. franchising2. Colombia, Brazil and China’s Yunnan Province have a(n)_in growing cof-fee beams, because in terms of climate those areas are more favourable for growing coffee beans than other parts of the world.A. absolute advantageB. comparative advantageC: definite advantage D. indefinite advantage3. Based on the findings of the job analysis,a(n)_lists theobjectives,respon-sibilities,main tasks of the job,the conditions under which the job is to be done,and its relationship to other jobs.A. job descriptionB. job specificationC. job forecastingD. job scouting4. Which of the following does NOT belong to Non-Tariff Barriers?A. quotasB. state monopolyC. revenueD. import license system5._is the cheapest mode of transportation, particularly suitable for low-cost bulk cargoes such as coal, ore,grain, timber and construction materials.A. RailB. WaterC. TruckD. Pipeline6.A_is a business that has one owner.A. partnershipB. CorporationC. franchisingD. sole proprietorship7. Which of the following ere goods that consumers would make an extra effort to purchase?A.Shopping products B. specialty productsC. convenience productsD. product mix commodities8. Shipwaith Paper Products produces a variety of goods which are sold to whole sal ers. The wholesalers then distribute the products m a wide variety of office supply stares and discount stores that sell to the final customers. The distribution channelused for Ship waith’s products is an example of a_.A. network and node distribution systemB. one-level channel distribution systemC. two-level channel distribution systemD. direct-level channel distribution system9. The risk of relying on a single key employee can be reduced by_A. purchasing key person insuranceB. narrowing the job descriptionC. task specializationD. automating tasks10. According to its attributes,property can be classified into three types. They are the following EXCEPT for_.A. tangible real propertyB. tangible personal propertyC. intangible personal propertyD. inventory11. A(n)_is a tax a government imposes on imported goods.A. tariffB. quotaC. excise taxD. exchange rate12. Which of the following is NOT one of the managerial skills?A. technical skillsB. mission skillsC. conceptual skillsD. human skills13. When the employees are haired,it is important to train and develop them until they are qualified for the jobs. The methods can include the following EXCEPT _.A. orientationB. on-the-job methodC. off-the-job methodD. performance appraisal14. According to the Herzberg study, managers can motivate employees to be more productive by _A. increasing their responsibilitiesB. increasing their salariesC. providing a safe work environmentD. creating job security15. The programs that determine the specific tasks a computer will perform at any given time are called _A. hardwareB. softwareC. virtual realityD. megahertz16. One of the following terms is NOT included in the types of economic system. It is _.A. capitalismB. socialismC. mixed economyD. equalitarianism17. A major advantage of railroads as a mode of transporting goods is that they_.A. can reach almost my location quicklyB.. are very inexpensive when transporting goods short distanceC. are often the least expensive way of transporting heavy items long distancesD are the only way to transport gas anJoil safely over long distances18. The composition of debt versus equity financing is known as_.A. retained earningsB. revenueC. working capitalD. capital structure19. The following are regarded as intellectual properties protected by laws EXCEPT for _.A. trademarkB. copyrightC. patentD. stock20. The management function that coordinates a firm’s employees and other resources in order to achieve the organization’s goals is_A. planningB. organizingC. leadingD. controllingPart Two(60%)Ⅱ.Gap-Filling(1%x10=10%)Directions:Complete statements 21-25.,filling in each gap with a proper word or phrase:21._insurance covers losses resulting from damage to other people or oth-er people’s property._insurance protect businesses from riskinvolving the damage and loss to their own property.22. Liabilities are what a firm owes to others. Liabilities are those that can be cleared within one year while_liabilities are those that cannot be paid off within one year.23. Fed can use such instruments as_,discount rates and_tocontrol the money supply.24._pricing strategy is also called_pricing, which makes prices appear more acceptable or contain positive indication to customers.25. Besides advantages, sole proprietorships have some disadvantages, such as_,limited access to capital, _and unshared loss.Ⅲ. T/F Questions (1%x10=10%)Directions:Read statements 26-35. Decide whether they are tune or false by writing "T" for true and "F" for false.26. Brokers work as manufacturers’ sales representatives on a relatively permanent basis, while agents work as go betweens for sellers and buyers on a deal-by-deal basis.27. For money of a country to function at all,it must be made legal tender forthat country by its government and be acceptable to the public.28. Countries with advantages in producing one type of goods will trade for goods they have disadvantages in producing.29. Liability losses are those losses to property due to fire, theft, or weather conditions.30. The market for dealings with stocks and bonds is collectively called the securities market.31.Large firms may obtain funds by issuing dividends, which are long-term debt securities(IOUs) purchased by investors.32. Lost or stolen traveler’s checks can usually be replaced if you promptly inform the issuing company of the serial numbers of the lost checks.33. While middlemen add cost, they add value as well.34. Milk, newspapers,soda, and chewing gum are examples of shopping products.35. Owners of a corporation can earn a return on their investment either by receiving dividends or by selling the stock.Ⅳ. Fundamentals of business(1%x25=25%)sole proprietorship 商个体,个体户partnership 商合伙,合伙公司shareholder 股东financing 筹集的资金,融资marketing 营销channels of distribution 分销渠道,销售渠道market segmentation 市场细分product life cycle 产品生命周期pricing 定价wholesaler 批发商promotion mix 促销组合product advertising 产品广告checking account 支票帐户credit card 信用卡debit card 借记卡Fed 美联储copyright 版权motivate 激励,激发owner's equity 所有者权益gross profit margin 毛利润率net profit margin 净利润率current assets 流动资产fixed assets 固定资产premium 保险费creditor 债权人V. Clone ( 1%x25 =25%)Directions: Read the following passage and fill in blanks(41-65)with appropriate words from the list at the end of the passage.Note that there are more words in the list than the blanks in the passage,Investment in one country (41)_individuals organizations (42)_Another is an important aspect of international business. Investment may be. for(43)_in the form of securities or direct capital in the form of productive facilities. Colonialism and(44)_have often been described in terms of powerful nations exploiting the(45)_and natural resources of weaker,less-developed Countries. While some exploitation (46)_till remain,most developing as well as(47)_nations now substantially control the types,(48)_and owner-ship terms of investments(49)_by foreigners. Much of the (50) _private investment is now made by multinational(51)_(MNCs).Technical distinctions in(52)_such global corporations are sometimes made to reflect(53)_multinational investments(54)_operations are made exclusively by an executive(55)_from one nation or by(56) _of different national investment leaders. Clearly; thesemultinational organizations (57) ____ major role in world trade and investments (58)__of their demonstrated management skills,(59)_,financial resources,and related advantages.(MNCs), nevertheless,must (60)_frequently governmental and other(61)_who contend that such far-flung companies are able to (62)____ or avoid national regulation by virtue of their ability to(63)_new(and at times old) investments from one country to another. Some governments have adopted exacting(64)_which Macs must follow in their countries the most common of which requires a majority or significant (65)_of domestic as opposed to foreign ownership.VI. Traaslation (5% x2=10%)Directions Translate sentences into English.66.张伟达和陈浩建立了自己的合伙企业,启动资本为7万元69宏雅可使用长期贷款和短期贷款相结合的资金组合形式。
2011年下半年系统集成项目管理工程师下午试卷试题一(15分)阅读以下说明,请回答问题1至问题3,将解答填在答题纸对应栏内【说明】某大型企业集团拟在生产园区建立一套无线网络,覆盖半径大约1 5公里,要求能够支持高速数据传输、无缝漫游以及多种类型数据业务等。
张某亲自到B公司的国内代理商C公司进行了实地考察,并在C 公司进行了产品演示实验,感到效果良好随后,张某和李某沟通后,A公司正式与C公司签订了采购台同,并很快进行了系统的安装部署。
两省相比,黑龙江省粮食商品率高的主要原因是A.耕地面积广B.生产规模大C.机械化水平高D.人口较少图1示意流域水系分布(a)和该流域吧、内一次局地暴雨前后甲,乙两水文站观测到的河流流量变化曲线(b),读图1完成4~5题4. 此次局地暴雨可能出现在图1a中的A ①地B ②地C ③地D ④地5. 乙水文站洪峰流量峰值小于甲水文站,主要是因为甲,乙水文站之间A 河道淤积B 河谷变宽C 湖泊分流D 湖水补给量减小读图 2 ,完成6~7题6. 根据图是信息可以推断,A 1月平均气温甲城市高于乙城市B 1月平均气温甲城市低于乙城市C 7月平均气温甲城市高于乙城市D 7月平均气温甲城市低于乙城市7. 图中甲乙两城市分别位于A 关中平原,浙闽丘陵B 江汉平原,山东丘陵C 汗水谷地,黄淮平原D 汾河谷地,松嫩平原图3表示某区域在一定时期内剩余劳动力数量,人均工资的变化,以及甲、乙两类企业在该区域维持最低经济效益所能支付人均工资的变化,读图3,完成8-9题8.由图3可以推断,该区域A.T0年工业基础雄厚 B.T0¯—T1年吸引的工业企业类型最多C. T1—T2年经历产业结构调整D. T2年以后工业生产衰退9.甲、乙两类企业相比A.甲类企业在该区域维持发展的时间更长B.甲类企业趋向廉价劳动力区位C.乙类企业进入该区域的时间更早D.乙类企业产品的附加值较低图4示意某小区域地形,图中等高距为100米,瀑布的落差为72米,据此完成10-11题10.Q地的海拔可能为A.90米B.230米C.340米D.420米11.桥梁附近河岸与山峰的高差最接近A.260米B.310米C.360米D.410米12.货币最早以足值的金属货币形式出现的。
2、对一个频带受限于 ,L H f f Hz 的高频窄带信号进行抽样,其最低的无失真抽样频率近似等于_____Hz 。
3、某二进制信源的输出速率为1/Mbit s ,信源输出经过一个编码速率为2/3的卷积编码器后再用8P AM 系统传输,则符号速率为________KBaud 。
若信道带宽为400KHz ,则该基带传输系统应该采用滚降因子≤______的升余弦滚降滤波。
4、采用第1类部分响应波形传输信息速率为200K bit s 的数字信息,所需要的信道带宽为______KHz ,发送机输出的电平数量有____种。
6、计算机以太网中,五类双绞线中传输10M bit s 数据的线路接口码型为____________,该信号占用宽带为_____MHz 。
7、发送信号()x t 通过恒参信道不失真的要求是输出信号()y t ___________。
8、产生m 序列的本原多项式为 251f x x x ,其归一化周期性自相关函数的最小值为_______,最大值为________。
9、已知16QAM 信号的表达式为 cos 2sin 2c s i T c i T c s t a g t f t a g t f t ,0s t T ,c i a 和s i a 的取值集合为 1,3 ,基带成形滤波器冲激响应()T g t 的能量为g E 。
若取归一化基函数为1cos 2T c f t t f t , 2sin 2T c f t t f t ,0s t T ,则16QAM 信号波形的二维矢量表示为____________,两信号矢量间的最小欧式距离为________。
2011年11月翻译资格考试二级英语笔译实务真题及答案第一部分英译汉试题一Study Finds Hope in Saving Saltwater FishCan we have our fish and eat it too? An unusual collaboration of marine ecologists and fisheries management scientists says the answer may be yes.In a research paper in Friday‟s issue of the journal Science, the two groups, long at odds with each other, offer a global assessment of the world‟s saltwater fish and their environments.Their conclusions are at once gloomy — overfishing continues to threaten many species — and upbeat: a combination of steps can turn things around. But because antagonism between ecologists and fisheries management experts has been intense, many familiar with the study say the most important factor is that it was done at all.They say they hope the study will inspire similar collaborations between scientists whose focus is safely exploiting specific natural resources and those interested mainly in conserving them.“We need to merge those two communities,” said Steve Murawski, chief fis heries scientist for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. “This paper starts to bridge that gap.”The collaboration began in 2006 when Boris Worm, a marine ecologist at Dalhousie University in Halifax, Nova Scotia, and other scientists made an alarming prediction: if current trends continue, by 2048 overfishing will have destroyed most commercially important populations of saltwater fish. Ecologists applauded the work. But among fisheries management scientists, reactions ranged from skepticism to fury over what many called an alarmist report.Among the most prominent critics was Ray Hilborn, a professor of aquatic and fishery sciences at the University of Washington in Seattle. Yet the disagreement did not play out in typical scientific fashion wi th, as Dr. Hilborn put it, “researchers firing critical papers back and forth.” Instead, he and Dr. Worm found themselves debating the issue on National Public Radio.“We started talking and found more common ground than we had expected,” Dr. Worm said. D r. Hilborn recalled thinking that Dr. Worm “actually seemed like a reasonable person.”The two decided to work together on the issue. They sought and received financing and began organizing workshops at the National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis, an organization sponsored by the National Science Foundation and based at the University of California, Santa Barbara.At first, Dr. Hilborn said in an interview, “the fisheries management people would go to lunch and the marine ecologists would go to lunch” — separately. But soon they were collecting and sharing data and recruiting more colleagues to analyze it.Dr. Hilborn said he and Dr. Worm now understood why the ecologists and the management scientists disagreed so sharply in the first place. For one thing, he said, as long as a fish species was sustaining itself, management scientists were relatively untroubled if its abundance fell to only 40 or 50 percent of what it might otherwise be. Yet to ecologists, he said, such a stock would be chara cterized as “depleted” —“a very pejorative word.”In the end, the scientists concluded that 63 percent of saltwater fish stocks had been depleted “below what we think of as a target range,” Dr. Worm said.But they also agreed that fish in well-managed areas, including the United States, were recovering or doing well. They wrote that management techniques like closing some areas to fishing, restricting the use of certain fishing gear or allocating shares of the catch to individualfishermen, communities or others could allow depleted fish stocks to rebound.The researchers suggest that a calculation of how many fish in a given species can be caught in a given region without threatening the stock, called maximum sustainable yield, is less useful than a standard that takes into account the health of the wider marine environment. They also agreed that solutions did not lie only in management techniques but also in the political will to apply them, even if they initially caused economic disruption.Because the new paper represents the views of both camps, its conclusions are likely to be influential, Dr. Murawski said. “Getting a strong statement from those communities that there is more to agree on than to disagree on builds confidence,” he said.At a news conference on Wednesday, Dr. Worm said he hoped to be alive in 2048, when he would turn 79. If he is, he said, “I will be hosting a seafood party —at least I hope so.”参考译文:渔业发展能否做到“鱼与熊掌”兼得?海洋生态学家与渔业管理学家之间进行的非同寻常的合作表明,二者或可兼得。
2011年11月中英合作商务管理与金融管理专业管理段证书课程考试市场与市场营销试题(课程代码 11741)注意事项:试题包括必答题与选答题两部分,必答题满分60分,选答题满分40分。
1.对基本经济问题最准确的描述是DA.充分就业B.价格稳定C.收支平衡 D.生产什么、如何生产和为谁生产2.对“生产什么”这一经济问题的最佳表述是AA.生产哪种产品或服务及生产的数量B.生产满足个人需求的产品或服务C.生产会使社会效益最大化的产品或服务 D.将产品或服务组合起来用于生产3.对混合经济最恰当的描述是AA.由政府计划和市场体系对资源进行调配 B.既有农业,又有工业C.顾客决定生产哪种产品或服务 D.生活在城市和乡村的人口数量相当4.下列不属于生产要素的是CA.矿藏B.技术工人C.参加全日制教育的儿童 D.机器的技术改进5.企业家的收入称为BA.工资B.利润C.租金 D.利息6.计划经济中调配资源的是CA.价格B.消费者C.政府 D.企业家7.市场经济中决定组织生产何种产品或服务的是CA.组织认为能够产生最高效的产品或服务B.广告中宣传产品或服务的成功性C.消费者的购买需求D.政府决策8.下列最有可能导致对“鱼肉”需求下降的是DA.捕鱼水域原油泄漏B.对鱼肉征税C.加强鱼肉的广告宣传力度 D.对食用鱼肉影响健康的恐慌9.对成功的广告宣传效果最恰当的描述是BA.供应曲线会向右移动,需求曲线会向左移动B.供应曲线会成为常数,需求曲线会向右移动C.供应曲线会向左移动,需求曲线会向右移动D.供应曲线会成为常数,需求曲线会向左移动10.对失业的机会成本最恰当的解释是DA.由失业引起的损耗B.政府为失业所支出的福利C.政府不能获得所得税 D.由于失业不创造任何产品,国家产出受到损失二、名词解释。
1. 2011年度国家最高科学技术奖得主是()。
A.谢家麟和吴良镛B.师昌绪和王振义B.C.孙家栋和谷超豪 D.吴文俊和袁隆平2. 货币政策是国家宏观调控经济的一项重要政策。
A.存款准备金、公开市场业务、利率B.存款准备金、利率、国债C.存款准备金、公开市场业务、国债D.公开市场业务、利率、国债3. 下列关于人民币升值的说法错误的是()。
A.人民币升值意味着人民币的购买力增强B.人民币升值有利于扩大国内消费者对进口产品的需求,使他们得到更多实惠C.人民币升值将对我国出口企业特别是技术密集型企业造成冲击D.人民币升值或贬值是由汇率直观反映出来的4. 下列有关利率的说法错误的是()。
A.利率又称利息率,表示一定时期内利息量与本金的比率,通常用百分比表示B.利率是宏观经济调控的重要工具,当经济过热、通货膨胀上升时,应当提高利率C.基准利率是人民银行公布的商业银行存款、贷款、贴现等业务的指导性利率D.中央银行在制定存款利率水平的理想状态为:物价上涨率<有价证券收益率<银行存款利率5. 甲委托乙为其购买木材,乙为此花去了一定的时间和精力,但甲不想要这批木材,于是电话告诉乙取消委托,乙不同意。
A.甲无权单方取消委托,否则应赔偿乙的损失B.甲可以单方取消委托,但必须以书面形式进行C.甲可以单方取消委托,但需承担乙受到的损失D. 甲可以单方取消委托,但仍需按合同约定支付乙报酬第二部分言语理解与表达本部分包括表达与理解两方面的内容。
6. 行业壁垒表现为行业收入差距的不_______,原本只要劳动力的价值相等即使在不同行业也可以获得相同报酬,但是在行业壁垒存在的情况下,即使能力相等的人也会因为所在行业不同,而获得_______的待遇和报酬。
填入文段横线处恰当的一项是:()A.合理大相径庭B.公平截然不同C.合适相差甚远D.统一天壤之别7. 在介绍产品时应实事求是,着重宣传本企业产品与市场上同类产品的不同点和优越性,切忌故弄玄虚,_______。
2013年11月英语二级《笔译实务》试题Part A Compulsory Translation(必译题)The archivists requested a donkey, but what they got from the mayor’s office were four wary black sheep, which, as of Wednesday morning, were chewing away at a lumpy field of grass beside the municipa l archives building as the City of Paris’s newest, shaggiest lawn mowers. Mayor Bertrand Delano? has made the environment a priority since his election in 2001, with popular bike- and car-sharing programs, an expanded network of designated lanes for bicycles and buses, and an enormous project to pedestrianize the banks along much of the Seine.The sheep, which are to mow (and, not inconsequentially, fertilize) an airy half-acre patch in the 19th District intended in the same spirit. City Hall refers to the project as “eco-grazing,” and it notes that the four ewes will prevent the use of noisy, gas-guzzling mowers and cut down on the use of herbicides.Paris has plans for a slightly larger eco-grazing project not far from the archives building, assuming all goes well; similar projects have been under way in smaller towns in the region in recent years.The sheep, from a rare, diminutive Breton breed called Ouessant, stand just about two feet high. Chosen for their hardiness, city officials said, they will pasture here until October inside a three-foot-high, yellow electrified fence.“This is really not a one-shot deal,” insisted René Dutrey, the adjunct mayor for the environment and sustainable development. Mr. Dutrey, a fast-talking man in orange-striped Adidas Samba sneakers, noted that the sheep had cost the city a total of just about $335, though no further economic projections have been drawn up for the time being.A metal fence surrounds the grounds of the archives, and a security guard stands watch at the gate, so there is little risk that local predators — large, unleashed dogs, for instance — will be able to reach the ewes.Curious humans, however, are encouraged to visit the sheep, and perhaps the archives, too. The eco-grazing project began as an initiative to attract the public to the archives, and informational panels have been put in place to explain what, exactly, thesheep are doing here.But the archivists have had to be trained to care for the animals. In the unlikely event that a ewe should flip onto her back, Ms. Masson said, someone must rush to put her back on her feet.Part B Optional Translation(二选一题)Topic 1 (选题一)Norman Joseph Woodland was born in Atlantic City on Sept. 6, 1921. As a Boy Scout he learned Morse code, the spark that would ignite his invention.After spending World War II on the Manhattan Project , Mr. Woodland resumed his studies at the Drexel Institute of Technology in Philadelphia (it is now Drexel University), earning a bachelor’s degree in 1947.As an undergraduate, Mr. Woodland perfected a system for delivering elevator music efficiently. He planned to pursue the project commercially, but his father, who had come of age in “Boardwalk Empire”-era Atlantic City, forbade it: elevator music, he said, was controlled by the mob, and no son of his was going to come within spitting distance.The younger Mr. Woodland returned to Drexel for a master’s degree. In 1948, a local supermarket executive visited the campus, where he implored a dean to develop an efficient means of encoding product data. The dean demurred, but Mr. Silver, a fellow graduate student who overheard their conversation, was intrigued. He conscripted Mr. Woodland.An early idea of theirs, which involved printing product information in fluorescent ink and reading it with ultraviolet light, proved unworkable.But Mr. Woodland, convinced that a solution was close at hand, quit graduate school to devote himself to the problem. He holed up at his grandparents’ home in Miami Beach, where he spent the winter of 1948-49 in a chair in the sand, thinking.To represent information visually, he realized, he would need a code. The only code he knew was the one he had learned in the Boy Scouts.What would happen, Mr. Woodland wondered one day, if Morse code, with itselegant simplicity and limitless combinatorial potential, were adapted graphically? He began trailing his fingers idly through the sand.“What I’m going to tell you sounds like a fairy tale,” Mr. Woodland told Smithsonian magazine in 1999. “I poked my four fingers into the sand and for whatever reason —I didn’t know — I pulled my hand toward me and drew four lines. Now I have four lines, and they could be wide lines and narrow lines instead of dots and dashes.’ ”Today, bar codes appears on the surface of almost every product of contemporary life. All because a bright young man, his mind ablaze with dots and dashes, one day raked his fingers through the sand.201211 Passage 1Tucked away in this small village in Buckinghamshire County is the former Elizabethan coaching inn where William Shakespeare is said to have penned part of "A Midsummer Night's Dream."Dating from 1534, the inn, now called Shakespeare House, is thought to have been built as a Tudor hunting lodge. Later it became a stop for travelers between London and Stratford-upon-Avon, where Shakespeare was born and buried.It was "Brief Lives," a 17th-century collection of biographies by John Aubrey, that linked Shakespeare to the inn, saying that he had stayed there and drawn inspiration for the comedy while in the village.One of the current owners, Nick Underwood, said the local lore goes even further: "It is also said he appears at the oriel window on the top floor of the house on April 23 every year -- the date he is said to have been born and to have died.""In later years, the house later became a farmhouse, with 150 acres of land, but, over time, pieces were sold off," Mr. Underwood said. "In the 20th century, it was owned by two American families." Now, he and his co-owner, Roy Elsbury, have put the seven-bedroom property on the market at £1.375 million, or $2.13 million. Despite its varied uses and renovations over the years, the 4,250-square-foot, or 395-square-meter, inn has retained so much of its original character that the organization English Heritage lists it as a Grade II* property, indicating that it is particularly important and of "more than special interest." Only 27 percent of the 1,600 buildings on the organization's register have this designation.We knew of the house before we bought it and were very excited when it came up for sale. It is so unusual to find an Elizabethan property of this size, in this area, and when we saw it, we absolutely fell in love with it," Mr. Underwood said. "We have taken great pleasure in working on it and living here. This house is all about the history."In addition to being the owners' home, the property currently is run as a luxury guest house, with rooms rented for ₤99 to ₤250 a night."Shakespeare House is a wonderful example of Elizabethan architecture," said DeanHeaviside, the national sales director of Fine real estate agency, which is representing the owners. "It has been beautif- ully restored and offers a unique lifestyle, which brings a taste of the past together with modern-day comfort. It is rare to find a home like this on the market."Passage 2The ancient frozen dome cloaking Greenland is so vast that pilots have crashed into what they thought was a cloud bank spanning the horizon. Flying over it, you can scarcely imagine that it could erode fast enough to dangerously raise sea levels any time soon.Along the flanks in spring and summer, however, the picture is very different. For an increasing number of warm years, a network of blue lakes and rivulets of melt-water has been spreading ever higher on the icecap.The melting surface darkens, absorbing up to four times as much energy from the sun as snow, which reflects sunlight. Natural drainpipes called moulins carry water from the surface into the depths, in some places reaching bedrock.The process slightly, but measurably, lubricates and accelerates the grinding passage of ice towards the sea.Most important, many glaciologists say, is the break-up of huge semi-submerged clots of ice where some large Greenland glaciers, particularly along the west coast, squeeze through fiords as they meet the warming ocean. As these passages have cleared, this has sharply accelerated the flow of many of these creeping, corrugated and frozen rivers.Some glaciologists fear that the rise in seas in a warming world could be much greater than the upper estimate of about 60 centimetres this century made by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change last year. (Seas rose less than 30 centimetres last century.)The panel's assessment did not include factors known to contribute to ice flows but not understood well enough to estimate with confidence. SCIENTIFIC scramble is under way to clarify whether the erosion of the world's most vulnerable ice sheets, in Greenland and west Antarctica, can continue to accelerate. The effort involves fieldand satellite analyses and sifting for clues from past warm periods,Things are definitely far more serious than anyone would have thought five years ago. Passage 1中国是一个发展中国家。
员工安全培训试题及答案【考点梳理】单位:_______ 姓名:_______ 时间:_______ 分数:______ 满分:100一、单选题(25题每题1分,共25分)1.( )是我国第一部规范安全生产的综合性法律。
A.安全管理人员B.技术人员C.所有人员3.生产经营单位的从业人员有依法获得安全生产保障的权利,并应当依法履行( )方面的义务。
A.安全管理B.安全监督C.安全生产D.安全保障4.球形容器仅用作( )。
A.2002年11月1日B.2007年6月1日C.2011年12月1日D.2014年12月1日7.用人单位按照职业病防治要求,用于预防和治理职业病危害、工作场所卫生检测、健康监护和职业卫生培训等费用,支出方式为( )。
A.在生产成本中据实列支B.国家和企业共同负担C.企业和受益员工8.如果某处发生电气火灾,最好选择( A )灭火。
A.干粉灭火器B.泡沫灭火器C.用水9.点燃的火柴竖直向上,火柴杆不易继续燃烧,其原因是( )。
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北京地区成人本科学士学位英语统一考试2011.11.05PartⅠReading Comprehension (30%)Directions: There are three passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice and blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.Passage 1Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage:The reflective towers of New York City, which is on the Atlantic migrating(迁徙的)route , can be deadly for birds. “We live in an age of glass,”said urel, an architect.(76)“It can be a perfect mirror in certain lights, and the larger the glass, t he more dangerous it is.” About 90,000 birds are killed by flying into building in the city each year. Often, they strike the lower levels of glass towers after searching for food in nearby parks. Such crashes are the second-leading cause of death for migrating birds, after habitat(栖息地)loss, with an estimated number of death ranging up to a billion a year.(77)As glass office and apartment towers have increased in the last decade, so, too, have calls to make them less deadly to birds. San Francisco adopted bird-safety standard for new building in July. The United States Green Building Council, a nonprofit industry group that encourages the creation of environmentally conscious buildings, will introduce a bird-safety credit this as part of its environmental certification process.There are no easy fixes, however. A few researchers are exploring glass designs that use ultraviolet(紫外线的)signals, but they are still in their infancy. Covers, dot patterns, shades and net are the main options available.Often, only one section of a building needs to be changed. “You don't necessarily have to treat every window,”urel said. “It would be too expensive to do the whole building.”The Jacob Convention Center, which has been undergoing alterations, is the most recent building to voluntarily correct the problem of bird crashes. The architects used less reflective glass and dot patterns.1. What is the main idea of the passage?A. New York is a city of glass towers.B. Glass tower are dangerous for migrating birds.C. New York adopted new safety standards for buildings.D. Glass towers are a new trend in the United States.2. What is the number one cause of death for migrating birds?A. Climate changeB. Habitat lossC. Lack of foodD. Crashing into buildings.3. What does the word “fixes”in the third paragraph probably mean?A. ChoicesB. ExplanationsC. SolutionsD. Developments4. _____are used in the alteration of the Jacob K. Javits Convention Center.A. Dot patternsB. ShadesC. NetsD. Covers5. Which of the fowling statements is TRUE according to the passage?A. In many cases, the whole building needs to be altered to prevent bird crashes.B. The Jacob K.Javits Convention Center is the first building to deal with the problem of bird crashes.C. About 90,000 birds are killed due to habitat loss in New York City each year.D. Unfortunately, glass designs that use ultraviolet signals are still in their early stages.Passage 2Question 6 to 10 are based on the fowling passage:Today's students have grown up hearing more about Bill Gates than F.D.R., and they live in a world where amazing innovations(革新)are common. The current 18-year-olds, after all, were 8 when Google was founded by two students at Stanford; Mark Zuckerberg founded Facebook in 2004 while he was Harvard and they were entering high school. Having grown up digital(数字的),they are impatient to get on with life.The easiest way to find kids like these is to check in on entrepreneurship(企业家才能)education, in which colleges and universities try to prepare their students to recognize opportunities and seize them.A report published last year by the Kauffman Foundation, which finances programs to promote innovation on campuses, noted that more than 50,000 entrepreneurship programs are offered on two-and four-year campuses—up from just 250 courses in 1985. Lesa Mitchell , a Kauffman vice president, says that the foundation is extending the reach of its academic influence, which used to be found only in business schools. Now, the concept of entrepreneurship is blooming in engineering programs and medical school, and even in the liberal arts. “Our interest is the programs,” she says. “We need to spread out from the business school.”Either as class projects or on their own, students in a variety of majors are coming up with ideas, writing business plans and seeing them through to prototype and, often, market. In their spare time, students in agricultural economics at Purdue invent new uses for bean; industrial design majors at Syracuse, in a special laboratory, create wearable technologies.(78)The entrepreneurship movement has its critics, especially among those who see college as a time for extensive academic exploration. “I just don't think that entrepreneurship ranks so high in terms of national need,”says Daniel S.Greenberg, author of Science for sale: The perils, Rewards and Delusions of Campus Capitalism.Leonard A.Schlesinger, Babson College's president, says that the question of whether innovation can really be taught is “an age-old argument”.6. When Google and Facebook were established, the founders were still_____.A. in high schoolB. in the armyC. in primary schoolD. at college7. According to the passage, what is the main purpose of entrepreneurship education?A. To prepare students for future academic lifeB. To prepare students to find opportunities and seize them.C. To prepare students for overseas career.D. To prepare student to develop interpersonal skills.8. The word “prototype”in the fourth paragraph is most likely to mean_____.A. modelB. strategyC. methodD. stage9. What does Daniel S.Grennberg think of entrepreneurship education?A. Entrepreneurship, or at least certain elements of it, can be taught.B. An entrepreneurship program can help students find what they really like and entrepreneurship isn't all about business.C. Entrepreneurship should be spread across different fields.D. Colleges shouldn't put too much emphasis on entrepreneurship programs.10. What is the main idea of the passage?A. Entrepreneurship courses in business schools.B. Qualities of an entrepreneur.C. Entrepreneurship education in colleges.D. Kids in the information age.Passage 3Question 11 to 15 are based on the following passage:Regret is as common an emotion as love or fear, and it can be nearly as powerful. So, in a new paper, two researchers set about trying to find out what the typical American regrets most. In telephone surveys, Neal Rose, a psychologist and professor of marketing at the School of Management at Northwestern University, and Mike Morrison, a doctoral candidate in psychology at University of Illinois, asked 370 Americans, aged 19 to 103,to talk about their most notable regret .Participants were asked what the regret was, when it happened, whether it was a result of something they did or didn't do, and whether it was something that could still be fixed.The most commonly mentioned regret involved romance (浪漫的事)(18%)——lost loves or unfulfilled relationships. Family regrets came in second (16%),whit people still feeling badly about being unkind to their brothers or sisters in childhood. Other frequently reported regrets involved career (13%),education (12%),money(10%)and parenting(9^%).Rose and Morrison's study, which is to be published in Social Psychological and Personality Science, is significant in that it surveyed a wide range of the American public, including people of all ages and socio-economic and educational backgrounds. Previous studies on regret have focused largely on college students, who predictably tend to have education-focused regrets, like wishing they had studied harder or a different major. The new survey shows that in the larger population, a person's “life circumstances—accomplishments, shortcomings, situation in life—inject conside rable fuel into the fires of regret,” the authors write.(79)People with less education, for instance were more likely to report education regret. People with higher levels of education had the most career regrets. And those with no romantic partner tended to hold regrets regarding love.Broken down(分解、细分)by sex, more women(44%)than men (19%)had regrets about love and family—not surprising, since women “value social relationships more than men,”the authors write. In contrast ,men (34%)were more likely than women (27%)to mention work-related regrets, wishing they'd chosen a different career path, for instance ,or followed their passion.(80)Many participants also reported wishing they had worked less to spend more time with their children.There was an even split between regrets about inaction (not doing something)and action (do something you wish you didn't). But, like previous studies, the current researchfound that some regrets are more likely than others to persist over time: people tend to hang on longer to the regret of inaction; meanwhile, regrets of action tend to be more recent.11. In the second paragraph, the author shows ______.A. the researchers' findingsB. the importance of familyC. the importance of moneyD. the importance of career12. According to the passage, college student participants mainly had regrets about their ______.A. family and childhoodB. study and majorC. career and jobD. romance and fear13.The word “notable”in the first paragraph is closest in meaning to ______.A. commonB. capableC. wonderfulD. remarkable14. Which of the following statements is TRUE?A. The less education he or she has, the more regrets she or he would have.B. The more education he or she has, the less regrets she or he would have.C. More women than men had regrets about love and family.D. The regret of action seems to last longer than that of inaction.15. What is the main idea of this passage?A. How regret is understood by a typical American.B .Common regrets is more important than love and hate.C. Why regret is more important than love and hate.D. How regret has shaped Americans.PartⅡVocabulary and Structure (30%)Directions: In this part there are 30 incomplete sentences. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentences. Then blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.16. Mr Smith is coming to visit us soon. We'd better get everything ready before he _______.A. arrivesB. arriveC. will arriveD. arrived17._______yesterday, you would have met Professor Jones. But now he has left for London.A. Did you comeB. Had you comeC. Should you comeD. Were you to come18. The man denied_____ into the neighbor's garden and ______his cow.A. going……stealingB. going…stoleC. went…stealingD. went…stole19. Ted worked like a horse in his youth, ______contributed to his great success later as a businessman.A. thatB. whoC. whatD. which20. A few hours ago, a small suitcase with some important papers _______ stolen from the general manager's office.A. isB. areC. wereD. was21.______ on the New World, he felt like crying.A .land B. LandedC. To landD. Having landed22. Visit our store. Nowhere else ______ such good bargains.A. you findB. find youC. do you findD. you do find23. After______ seemed an endless wait, it was his turn to go into the doctor's office.A, this B. that C. which D. what24. Ever since the Smiths moved to the lake area a year ago, they ______ better health.A. could have enjoyedB. had enjoyedC. have been enjoyingD. are enjoying25. The boss doesn't want to talk about the accident; now he is in no ______ to do so.A. feelingB. attitudeC. emotionD. Mood26. I can't understand why you regard it as music. It ______ me mad!A. putsB. setsC. driversD. changes27. Yesterday Mr Blake was caught in the rain and got wet through.______ he caught a bad cold.A. ConsequentlyB. FinallyC. LatelyD. Strangely28. William likes to eat out, but he is not ______ about what he eats.A. peculiarB. unusualC. particularD. special29. Their house stands at a hilltop, _____ the Hudson River down below.A. seeingB. viewingC. looking atD. overlooking30. I can't understand why my boss is always _____fault with my work.A. findingB. seekingC. lookingD. making31. This is the same knife _____ I lost yesterday.A. whichB. whatC. likeD. as32. ——When will you be back?——I'll be back _____a couple of days.A. afterB. forC. aboutD. in33. We hear that they will _____ a new school here.A. set downB. set upC. set offD. set out34. He will never forget the days _____ he spent in Japan.A. whenB. afterC. thatD. how35. Interestingly enough, the two brothers have noting in_______.A. ordinaryB. commonC. general D .particular36. The scientists are trying to find out the facts to _______ their theory.A. supportB. carryC. designD. raise37. The performance of the English team was ________. They played much worse than expected.A. disappointB. disappointingC. disappointedD. to disappoint38. You are welcome to order the goods now. But payment should be made________.A. for advanceB. from advanceC. in advanceD. to advance39. Speak louder so that you can make yourself _______.A. heardB. to hearC. hearingD. have been heard40. Now it won't be long before we meet again, ________?A. will itB. do weC. won't weD. does it41. Americans eat______ vegetables per person today as they did in the 1960s.A. more than twiceB. as twice manyC. twice as manyD. more than twice as many42. I was so familiar with her that I recognized her voice ______ I picked up the phone.A. the momentB. sinceC. beforeD. while43. The education of ________ young is always ______ hot and serious topic.A. /, /B. the, aC. /, theD. the, the44. Dad wondered where I'd been, and I ________ a story about being at Grandma'sA. made outB. made upC. looked outD. looked up45. Your sister doesn't study as _______ as you do.A. hardB. hardlyC. harderD. hardestPartⅢIdentification (10%)Directions: Each of the following sentences has four underlined parts marked A, B, C and D. Identify the one that is not correct. Then blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.46. No sooner had they entered the room when the telephone rang.A B C D47. As a graduate from high school, Tom is faced with three choices: attending college,A B Cfinding a job or the army.D48. Those freshmen hope to offer some part-time jobs to support themselves financially.A B C D49. It was his nervousness in the interview what probably caused him to lose the job.A B C D50. Lucy's parents give her everything she asks; what else does she need?A B C D51. I must work hard, however I'll fail in the exam.A B C D52. I am used to read the paper after lunch. That's one of the things I really enjoy.A B C D53. He told us that John, as well as his brother, were coming to the party.A B C D54. Ted has sat at the table and drank more beer than is good for his health.A B C D55. With no one to turn over for help in such a frightening situation, she was in despair.A B C DPart IV Cloze (10%)Directions: There are 20 blanks in the following passage, and for each blank there are 4 choices marked A , B , C , and D at the end of the passage. You should choose ONE answer that best fits into the passage. Then blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.Experts suggest using a different password for every website you visit, and changing the password every few months. It takes trouble to keep them in mind, but it's well worth the 56 .Be 57 .with your passwords and make it difficult it is for someone to enter your 58 .The more 59 you make your password, the more difficult it is for someone else to figure it60 .Use privacy settings(设置)on social websites to 61 entry into your personal information and limit the 62 of private information you share. Even seemingly innocent information you expose about yourself could be used 63 you. I once read about a burglary(入室盗窃). It 64 that the thieves selected that particular home 65 they discovered the owner was out of town by 66 a Facebook message.According to personal safety experts, it isn't a(n)67 experience. The information you post on websites can 68 criminal activity. You may not think 69 about posting the concert you are going to or your weekend away, but could be a(n)70 for trouble.Information on the Internet has made it easier for thieves to steal any information about you. Never 71 your full birth date. Never respond to e-mails 72 personal or financial information. Do not freely offer personal information to anyone 73 you are certain who you are dealing with. 74 the necessary precautions(预防措施)is the best way to 75 you and your personal information stay protected.56. A. effect B. effort C. labor D. matter57. A. proud B. true C. honest D. creative58. A. accounts B. records C. directions D. collections59. A. complex B. careful C. diligent D. elastic60. A. away B. on C. out D. in61. A. respond B. resign C. restrict D. resemble62. A. number B. amount C. pile D. piece63. A. with B. for C. about D. against64 A. turned out B. turned in C. picked out D. picked up65. A. which B. while C. because D. although66. A. knowing B. reading C. inspecting D. realizing67. A. impacted B. collected C. repaired D. isolated68. A. lead to B. result from C. see off D. make up69. A. out B. aloud C. once D. twice70. A. resistance B. statement C. invitation D. struggle71. A. reveal B. revise C. resemble D. require72. A. threatening B. requesting C. worshipping D. delivering73. A. since B. as C .when D. until74. A. Replacing B. Liberating C. Taking D .Depending75. A. ensure B. separate C. spread D. switchPart ⅤTranslation(20%)Section ADirections: In this part there are five sentences which you should translate into Chinese. These sentences are all taken from the 3 passages you have just read in Reading Comprehension. You can refer back to the passages to identify their meanings in the context.76. It can be a perfect mirror in certain lights, and the larger the glass, the more dangerous it is.77. As glass office and apartment towers have increased in the last decade, so, too, have calls to make them less deadly to birds.78. The entrepreneurship movement has its critics, especially among those who see collegeas a time for extensive academic exploration.79. People with less education, for instance were more likely to report education regrets.80. Many participants also reported wishing they had worked less to spend more time with their children.Section BDirections: In this part there are five sentences in Chinese. You should translate them into English. Be sure to write clearly.81.他站在窗户旁边,思考着自己的学习计划。