



2012年10月第10期城市道桥与防洪温拌技术对沥青混合料性能的影响分析0前言温拌沥青混合料(WMA )是指相对于同类热拌沥青混合料(HM A ),通过不同技术手段,拌和温度降低30℃以上,且路用性能不降低的沥青混合料。



1温拌技术对沥青混合料性能的影响分析美国NCAT (国家沥青研究中心)比较早地研究了温拌技术,对于各项温拌技术形成了分析报告。

研究表明:(1)对于Sasobit ,可以明显提高沥青混合料的压实性能,同时沥青混合料的抗车辙能力显著提高,但是沥青混合料的水损害风险增加,容易出现沥青剥落现象。

(2)对于沸石发泡温拌技术,采用Aspha-min 可以提高沥青混合料的压实性能,对于沥青混合料的高温稳定性影响不显著,但是水稳定性会显著降低,水敏感性增加,不能满足规范规定。




美国军队工程机构(us army corp of engineers work )分别对比分析了Sasobit 、Evotherm 与Foamed Asphalt 三种温拌沥青混合料的水稳定性,考虑了采用砾石与石灰石集料,在不同温度下成型试件,测定温拌沥青混合料的水稳定性(见图3、图4)。



















剂对 沥青胶 结料 的部 分 高温性 能、 低 温性 能ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ的 影 响。利 用不 同 S a s o b i t 和 E W.
MA . 1掺 量的 沥青 在 不 同温 度 下 的 针 入 度 、 延 度 和 软 化 点 性 能指 标 的 测 试 结 果, 计算 了S a s o b i t 沥青和 E WMA — l沥青 的感温性 能指 标 : 针 入度 指数 和针入 度
温拌 沥青 混合料 的性 能主要 是 由于温 拌剂 改善 了沥青 胶 结料 的性 能 , 本文 基 于 S a s o b i t 和E WMA. 1
两种 温拌 剂 , 通 过试 验 比对 , 研究 了温 拌剂 对沥青 胶结 料性 能 的影响 。 1 沥青胶 结料 试验材 料 1 . 1 基质 沥青
2 . 河南城 建 学院交通 运输 工程 学院 ,河 南 平 顶 山 4 6 7 0 3 6 ; 3 . 郑 州 大学水利 与环 境 学院 , 河南 郑 州 4 5 0 0 0 2 ) 摘 要 : 通过 在基 质沥 青 中分 别掺 入 S a s o b i t 和 E WMA . 1温拌 剂 , 对 比研 究 了两种 温 拌
中图分 类号 : U 4 1 4 . 7 5 文献 标识 码 : A
温拌沥 青技 术是 指 通过 一 定 技 术 手 段 使 沥青 混合 料 在 较 低 的温 度 下进 行 拌 和 、 摊铺 及 压 实 的技 术¨ 。温拌 沥青具 有生 产工 艺简单 、 减 少碳 排 、 节约能源 、 减 少 污染 及 延 长 施工 季节 等 优 点 , 可 应用 于 道路 的新建 及维 修工 程 中 , 尤其 适 用低 温 条 件 沥青 路 面 等 的施 工 引 。近年 来 我 国公 路 建 设 及 养 护工





关键词: 温拌沥青; 拌和温度; 压实度; 水稳定性引言在我国高速公路沥青路面中,水损害己成沥青路面的主要病害之一,也是导致高速公路沥青路面早期损坏的主要原因之一。


新疆地区有关学者已研究出TLA 改性沥青和橡胶沥青在新疆地区道路中的应用,并取得了成果,温拌沥青混合料在新疆地区的应用研究亦取得进展。

温拌沥青混合料( WMA) 是使用特定的技术或添加剂,使拌和及施工温度介于热拌沥青混合料( 150 ~180℃) 和冷拌( 常温) 沥青混合料之间,性能达到热拌沥青混合料的新型沥青混合料的统称。

本文采用不同拌和温度对WMA 进行研究,分析对比了不同拌和温度对WMA 空隙率和水稳定性的影响,确定了WMA 的最佳拌和温度。

一、原材料性质及混合料配合比1、温拌沥青试验采用三种温拌沥青进行组合:#90 基质沥青+温拌剂 A ( 沥青:温拌剂A = 100:3),( 温拌沥青#1) ; SBS 改性沥青+温拌剂A ( 温拌剂掺量同#1)( 温拌沥青#2) ; SBS 改性沥青+温拌剂 B ( 沥青:温拌剂 B =9:1) ( 温拌沥青#3)。

试验采用的基质沥青为AH-90 沥青。



摊 铺 和碾 压 Ⅲ 。热 拌 沥 青 混 合 料 ,一 方 面 加 热 会
实测值 技术标准
7 0 . 5 6 0 — 8 O
4 8 t > 4 6
>1 5 O >1 5 0
2 8 6 ≥2 6 0
0 . 4 1 ± 0 . 8
使沥青发生老化 ,另一方面需要较 多的能源 ,会 造成 能源的浪 费 。相 比于热拌沥青 混合料 ,温 拌沥青混合料的拌和与压实温度较低 ,能源消耗
2 试 验结 果及分 析
2 . 1 沥青结合料的高温性能
按 标准 方法 测定 不 同温拌 剂掺 量 ( 0、1 %、 2 % 、3 % 、4 %和 5 %) 下 沥 青 的 软 化 点 ,研 究 温 拌 剂 掺 量 对 沥 青 高 温 性 能 的 影 响 ,试 验 结 果 见
图 1 。
中图分类号 :U 4 1 4 . 0 1 文献标识码 :B 文章编号 :1 6 7 3 — 8 o 9 8 ( 2 o 1 5 ) o 3 — 0 0 3 2 ~ 0 3
0 引言
表 1 沥青的基本技术指标
针入度 ( 2 5 ℃, 软化 延度 ( 5 e a r / 闪点 R T F O T 后 试验项 目 l O O g , 5 s ) 点, ℃ r a i n, 1 5 ℃) 质量损失
能 的 影 响 , 为 温 拌 沥 青 混 合 料 施 工 提 供 技 术
参考 。
1 试 验 从图1 可 以看 出 ,随着 拌 剂 掺量 的增 大 ,沥
青的软化点 逐渐升高 ,沥青高温性 能得 到明显 改 善 ,例如 ,当温拌剂掺量 由0 增大至 4 %和5 %时 , 软化点分别从 4 7 . 2  ̄ C 增大至 7 9 . 6 ℃和 8 6 . 5 ℃,分别 增大了 6 8 . 6 %和 8 3 . 3 %。这是 因为 ,温拌剂 的凝 固 点为 1 0 0 %,远远大于沥青 的软化点 ,同时熔点为



温度 。本 方法 是测 定 牛顿流 体或 非 牛顿 流体之 剪应 力
l 按 J 22o 路 程 青 沥 混 料 照 T 5 O《 工 沥 及 青 合 J — 0公 0
l 拌 沥 的 入 软 点 延 及T T 化 温 剂 青 针 度、 化 、 度以 F 老 后 O
板 l 201 N O . — 1 1—
据 。 见 表 1 。
表 1 原样沥青与加温拌剂沥青试验比对
7A石 油沥 青 0 S S改 性 沥 青 B
度 3  ̄5 5 0℃ ,减 少 3 % C 。 有害 气体 以及 固体粉 0的 0等
尘 等的排放 。 国一 项数据 指 出 ]l 德 , t热拌沥 青混 合料
的生产 , 伴随着 8L燃料 油 的消耗 , 而拌和 温 度 降低 3 0
试验项 目 标 准要 求 样 沥 青 温拌 剂 准 要 求 样 沥 青 温 拌 剂 原 加 标 原 加
O 1m O m ℃

6 ~ 8 6 0 0 6 0 48 5 .
7 2 4 . 6 0
4 ~6 5 0 0 5 ≥ 6 . 91 5 O O .
M u i ni paland Publc Con r cton i st u i
温拌 剂 对沥 青性 能影 响研 究 分析
口 文 /师 蕾 李 渊 源

要: 文章提 出在 沥青 中加 入温拌 剂可 以降低 沥青 混合料拌 和及压 实温度 , 少 能量 消 减
耗 , 过试验 研 究表 明温拌 沥青 能达 到 ( 通 或接 近 ) 热拌 沥青 性 能 , 展 能 力增 加 并 延
恒温 发育 l , 青 中的 泡 沫 消 失 , 拌 , 青 混 合 均 沥 h 搅 沥 匀 。取一滴沥 青滴入 显微镜 观 察片上 , 用光学显 微镜观 察, 只观 察 到 黑色 , 见 到 明显 的 白色 原 点 , 时认 为 未 此 沥青与 温拌 剂混合 均匀 。以 同样 的方式 制备 S S改性 B 沥青, 可得 到相 同的结果 的温拌 改性沥 青 。




【引用本文】马斌.温拌剂对沥青性能的影响及其成本分析[J ].企业科技与发展,2023(6):54-58.0引言沥青路面易于施工,可提升路面品质,因此成为我国高等级公路的主要路面结构形式。







马峰等[5]将Aspha-min 、Sasobit 两种温拌剂分别加入基质沥青和SBS 改性沥青中,并开展沥青结合料和沥青混合料性能研究,说明这两种温拌剂有效提升了基质沥青和SBS 改性沥青60℃的动力黏度,并改善了沥青及沥青混合料的高温性能。


ZHANG 等[7]对加入Advera®、13X zeolite 、LTA zeolite 3种不同温拌剂的SBS 复合改性沥青开展研究,发现加入温拌剂的SBS复合改性沥青的高温性能提升、低温性能下降。



本文根据《公路工程沥青及沥青混合料试验规程》(JTG E20—2011)[9],开展25℃针入度、15℃延度、软化点试验、布式旋转黏度试验及高、低温PG 分级试验,分析不同温拌剂对沥青性能的影响。


沥 青 温 拌剂 对 沥青 混 合 料 技术 指 标 的影 响
许凤 莲 , 侯 昌全
( 菏泽市公路管理局 , 山东 菏泽 2 7 1 0 0 0 )
摘要 : 通 过 一定 的技术措 施 , 使 沥青 能在 较低 的温 度下, 进 行拌 和及 施工 , 同时保 持 沥青 混合 料 的各 项技 术指标 满足 规 范要求 。温拌技 术 主 要通 过 外 加剂 材料 降低 沥青 混合料 的高 温粘度 来实现 。 关键词 : 沥青 温拌剂 ; 影响; 技术 指标
加 热 的矿 粉及 粉状 改 性剂 (剂量 为 沥青 用量 的 6 % )
级路 5 8 . 4 0 9 k m( 其 中改建路段 5 5 . 2 7 5 k m, 罩 面 3 . 1 3 4 k m) , 二级路 1 2 . 7 k m( 全部 为挖补罩面 ) 。在 此路段改建 中使用 了低温铺筑技术。 温拌添加剂 X T— W2 型外观为 白色粉末状颗粒 ,
文献 标识 码 : B 2 试 验 步 骤
( 1 ) 按照沥青路面施工技术规范要求 , 确定沥 青 混合料 的级配类型为 A C一 2 0 C型 。将 A C一 2 0 C沥青 混凝土所需 的原材料先进行烘干 , 然后再水洗筛分 。 ( 2 ) 根据筛分结果 , 调出 目标配合 比, 配合 比的控 制范围依据 山东省交通科学研究所 提供的 A C一 2 0 C 的参考范围, 配合 比结果见表 1 。 ( 3 ) 根据配合 比各种集料的比例及沥青用量准备 各种材料的用量 , 包括掺加改性剂和未掺加改性剂共 两组 , 每组 6个试件 。 ( 4 ) 将各种 规格 的集料 及沥青 置 1 0 5± 5 q C的烘 箱中烘干至恒重 , 一般不少于 4~ 6 h , 将烘 干分级 的 粗细集料称其 每组所需 质量 , 在一 金属盘 中混 合均 匀, 矿粉单独放入小盘 中单独加热 , 然后将烘箱加热 至1 4 5  ̄ C, 在未掺加沥青改性剂的正常情况下 , 需将烘 箱调至 1 6 5 ℃。从每组 试件原材料加热起 , 就 比正 常



黑龙江交通科技HEILONGJIANG JIAOTONG KEJI2021年第4期(总第326期)No. 4,2061(Sum No. 326)温拌改性剂对沥青及沥青混合料路用性能影响分析杨凤雷(天津市凯曼德工程技术有限公司,天津300455)摘要:温拌沥青混合料被广泛应用于道路工程中,该材料的特点主要表现为施工温度低,环境污染小等。

所以本文针对温拌沥青 沥青混 进行了研究,主要研究内容有:温拌剂对沥青三大 的 、温拌剂对沥青粘度的剂对沥青混 路用性 °通过不同 剂掺量对基质沥青 性沥青的 ,得到沥青及沥青混 性能的变化。

关键词:热拌沥青混;温拌沥青;温拌沥青混;温拌剂中图分类号:U410.1 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1008 -3383(2221)04 -0014 -020引言基础建设前期,我国路面程中主要采用的 沥青混,这种混身存在缺点2口:扌 度、施工温度高,在道路建 程中会产 、有害气体等,会对人体造成伤害。

为减 沥青混来的危害,我国研究开用 沥青混 来代 沥青混 ,这样源 减 程度,同时沥青混的路用性能° 来 I 一导文明施工2 ,可见 沥青混合料的性 建设的 ,所以研究 沥青混有相当 的意义。

1温拌剂对沥青性能影响分析文选用 主研制的RF 剂,通 :剂对基质沥青 性沥青的性 来RF 温拌剂的作用,并对温拌剂进行评价。

1.1沥青三大指标变化文所选用的原 为72#基质沥青和SBS 改性沥青,通 测两种沥青的测试结果均满足技术 °将 的 剂RF 按法进行 ,掺拌比例分别为2%, 2%, 3%, 4%,5%,然后将 沥青进行 5 min ,保证RF 温拌剂 在沥青中,通过测定沥青的三大指标变化2 剂对沥青的影响。

(1)针入度变化沥青的针入度直接体现在沥青混 的高、低 温性能上,本节在两种沥青 别加入不同质量的RF 温拌剂,进行针入度 。

结 图1和图2所&°图1 70#基质沥青试验结果图图2 SBS 改性沥青试验结果图由图1和图2 :在两种沥青 别加入RF 温拌剂后,沥青在不同温度下的针入度均有不同程度的 ,且出现剂掺量的 I,幅度增大,该现象 RF剂会导致沥青的温度 性 °(6)延度变化延度是指在5 cm/min,5七的条件下,标准试 件被拉伸到断裂程度时对应的沥青长度,本文在两种沥青 别加入不同比例的 剂,将掺量做为变化条件,通过研究不同温度下延度的变化值来说剂对沥青的。

















选 用 B ok ed 度 计 来 进 行 , 并 在 这 一 过 程 中 同 ro f l粘 i 时 测得 在 不 同温 度 下不 同沥青 混 合 料 的施 工 温度 。
试 验项 目

(合5℃ 拌 1 . ( 115. 5 5 压 实 1q 拌 5) 合O c 压实1 ℃) 3 ℃
的方 式进 行测量 和 检验都 是有 效 的 ,也 就侧面 验证 了其 准确 性和科 学性 。
3 沥 青 的 粘 度 性 能 分 析
对 比试 验 结 果 见 表 l 。
表 1 试 验 段 对 比试 验 结 果
\ 类 型 常 规 热 拌 热 压 R H热 拌 温 压
在 对沥 青 的粘 度性 能进 行检 测和 分析 时 。通 常
23 0 .7
24 4 .9
马 歇 尔 试 件 密 度/gc 3 (/m )
实 测 理 论 密 度/ m ) ( c
239 _6
2 9 . l 4
这 种方 法 的实 际操作 原理是 通 过一转 子在 沥青 试样 中进行 旋转 时直 观测 得 的扭 矩来 表示 转动 阻力 的大 小 ,并 以此 得 出牛顿 流体 或者非 牛顿 流体 的剪 应力 与剪 变率之 间 的 比值 。本 文所进 行 的试验 中 ,具体
其 由 固 态 变 为 粘 稠 状 态 过 程 中温 度 降 低 了 软 化 时
面 就 在 这 一 试 验 的指 导 思 想 和 结 果 下 来 做 进 一 步 的
讨论 。
4 1 试 验 简介 .
本 试 验段 为R H温 拌 改 性 剂 材 料 试 验 段 ,安 排
的温 度 同样 降低 .且 沥青 的硬 度也 有所 降低 。沥青
























关键词:温拌剂;沥青混合料;路用性能;Research on the Influence of Different Types of Warm Mix Additive on the Performance of Asphalt Mixture LvYanChina Railway 14 Bureau Group first Engineering Development Co.Ltd.Shandong Rizhao 276826Abstract In order to study and compare mixing effect of different warm mix asphalt technology,this paper takes the Longchuan-Huaiji Expressway in Guangdong Province as the foundation project,through comparison and analysis of several domestic main warm-mix products,and verifies effect of different warm mix products on the performance of asphalt mixture,and optimizes warm mix additive.Key words warm mix additive;asphalt mixture;pavement performance;1、前言传统沥青混合料拌和技术一般分为热拌与冷拌,热拌沥青混合料耗能多、污染大;冷拌沥青混合料性能不佳,使用范围局限。



2019.5李杰扬州润扬路面工程有限公司并对掺加温拌剂后沥青混合料的路用性能进行高粘沥青;温拌剂;Sasobit ;沸石粉SBS I-D 型沥青+8%TPS 配制Sasobit 是一种长链脂肪族烃,被以薄片、颗粒或粉末的形式存在,其熔点为120℃时,可以完全溶解于沥青胶结料中,降内含时析出。


首先将高粘沥青加热到(150±5)℃,加入温拌剂,Sasobit 采Sasobit (1%、2%、3%、4%、5%)和人工沸石粉(3%、6%、8%、12%)(占原),对温拌改性沥青依据JTJ052-2000《公路工程T0604-2000、T0605-1993、T0606-针入度、软化点和延度的试验。


高粘沥青的粘度随着温拌剂掺量的增加掺量为3%以后、沸石粉掺量在8%以后,沥青150℃之前,不同种类沥青间差异加大,150℃以150℃作为掺加温拌剂高粘公式,建立沥青的粘温曲线方程:n-mlg (T+273.13)(Pa·s );T 为温度(℃);m 、n 为回归系数。


在高粘沥青中掺加3%Sasobit 与掺加8%的沸石15℃左右,3%Sasobit 与8%(二)温拌剂对针入度的影响温拌剂对针入度的影响见图3。


2、相同降粘效果的情况下,沸石粉对针入度的影响大于Sa⁃sobit ,说明沸石粉对沥青的影响更大。





2、相同降粘效果的情况下,Sasobit 对沥青延度的影响大于沸石粉,说明Sasobit 对沥青低温性能的影响更大。



102公路与汽运H ig h w a y s&Autom otive A p p lica tio n s总第181期不同温拌剂对沥青混合料路用性能的影响研究卢林(郴州市新天投资有限公司,湖南郴州423000)摘要:采用Brookfield枯度计测试了捧加Sasobit®、Evotherm™温掉剂的;历青在不同试验温 度下的粘度,通过车辙试验、冻融劈裂试验、低温弯曲试验对比分析了两种温拌沥青混合料和热拌沥青混合料的路用性能。


关键词:公路;温拌剂;沥青混合料;路用性能;影响因素中图分类号:U418.6 文献标志码:A文章编号:1671 —2668(2017)04 —0102 —04目前温拌沥青混合料的制作方法有4种:1)矿物法。

在矿料混合搅拌时加人适量A sp h a-M in,这种材料与沥青发生反应产生大量泡沫,泡沫在拌和过程中起到润滑作用,从而达到温拌目的。









该文选用两种典型温拌剂,即有机添加剂S a s o b it®和表面活性剂E v o­th e rm™ ,通过室内试验研究温拌沥青混合料的路用性能,为其实际应用提供指导。




关键词:温拌剂;体积指标;车辙试验;汉堡轮辙试验;路用性能分析中图分类号:U416.217文献标识码:AAnalysis of the influence of warmmixture on the performance ofasphalt mixtureJI Z heng-Jun1'2,JIANG Zhao-wei",YANXiang-peng",XIA Yu2(1.Shandong Transportation Institute,Shandong Jinan250031 China;2.Key Laboratory f or Road Structure and Material of S handong Province,Shandong Jinan250102China)Abstract:In this paper,based on the SA-1warm mix used in the project under construction,Marshall compaction test,rutting test and Hamburg wheel rutting test are carried out under different mixing amounts.Through data analysis,the range of temperature and viscosity reduction of this warm mix is determined,and the influence of adding warm mix on the road performance of asphalt mix is further analyzed.Key words:warm-mixed agent;volume indicators;wheel tracking test;hamburg wheel-tracking test;analysis on pa vement performance收稿日期:2019—11—19作者简介:季正军(1988—),男,山东济南人,硕士研究生,工程师,研究方向为路面结构设计及路面新材料研发。


第 4期(总第253期)
山 西 交通 科 技
2018年 8月
有机温拌剂对沥青性能 的影响分析
边 睿ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ,薛勇杰
(1.山西省交通科学研 究院,山西 太原 030006;2.福 州大学 土木工程学院,福建 福 州 350116)
摘要 :通过对添加有机温拌剂后沥青的性能进行测试并对指标结果分析 ,有机 温拌剂使 沥 青 高温性 能得 到 改善 ,同时低 温 性 能、感 温性 能 、黏 附性 能 以及黏 结性 能 均 出现 了下 降 ,而 SBS 改性 剂 能够减 弱 温拌 剂对 沥青形 成的 负面作 用。 可 以通过 提 高 沥青延度 、针 入度 指数 、沥青与 石料的黏 附性 、黏结力指标的控制标准,以确保掺加有机温拌剂后沥青的性能。可将沥青黏 附 性与黏结力作为优选有机温拌剂的指标,以确保温拌 沥青在混合料整体结构 中的力学作用。

90号 实测 93 0.95 l18
大 于 等
沥青 要求 8O一1oo 一1.5~+1.0 于 50
50.2 271 1.022 大 于等 大 于等 于 45 于 245 实测
SBS 实 测 76.8 0.42
大 于 等
沥青 要 求 60-80
关键 词 :有机 温拌 剂 ;黏 附性 能 ;SBS改性 剂 ;黏 结力 ;控 制标 准 中图分类 号 :U414.75 文献 标识 码 :A 文章编 号 :1006-3528(2018)04-0013-05
0 引言
1 原 材料
相比普通的热拌热铺沥青混合料 ,温拌沥青混 合料能够降低施工温度从而在经济 、社会等方面带 来巨大效益 ,因此 ,温拌技术在道路新建及养护维修 中有较 好 的应用 前 景【1]。目前 国 内外 的 温拌 技术 与产 品种类繁多 ,但根据其降温原理可将温拌技术分为 有机 降黏 型 、发泡 沥青 降黏 和乳化 沥青 降黏 温拌 技 术 3种。有机降黏温拌技术是在沥青或沥青混合料 中添加 一定 量 的有机 降黏 剂 ,利用 产 品本身 的物 理 特性来 降 低施 工温 度囱。有 机 温拌剂 通 常为石 油工 业 经特 殊工 艺加 工得 到 的产 品 ,其 主要成 分是 与道 路 沥青结构相近的大分子有机聚合物 ,以蜡或蜡状物 为主 ,如 Sasobit Fr硬蜡 、Asphaltan—B酯 化蜡 等 。



温拌剂对改性沥青及其混合料性能的影响发表时间:2019-04-18T15:56:38.920Z 来源:《基层建设》2019年第6期作者:吴宇峰[导读] 摘要:如今,随着全球化环境问题的不断出现,能源节约和环境保护已经成为了各个行业的发展基本。

新昌县公路管理局浙江绍兴 312500摘要:如今,随着全球化环境问题的不断出现,能源节约和环境保护已经成为了各个行业的发展基本。






图1 一般改性沥青温度测量然而,温拌沥青混合料具有节能环保、延长施工周期及保护现场施工人员健康等一系列优点。目前,国内外学者致力于研究温拌沥青及其混合料性能,研究热点集中于基于有机添加剂机理的温拌剂和基于表面活性机理的温拌剂。大量的研究人员对比分析了两种不同机理的温拌剂的路用性能及降温效果,但定量分析其影响因素的较少。因此,本文从温拌剂对改性沥青及其混合料性能的影响,以期选出能有效反映沥青混合料性能的温拌沥青指标。1.温拌剂对沥青性能的影响对原SBS改性沥青及掺加2种温拌剂的沥青按《公路工程沥青及沥青混合料试验规程》(JTGE20-2011)的要求进行相应的沥青常规指标试验,结果如表4所示。由表4可以看出:温拌剂的加入对SBS改性沥青的针入度和延度无明显影响,表明2种温拌剂对SBS改性沥青稠度和低温性能几乎无影响;添加Ipave-S型温拌剂后,SBS改性沥青的软化点明显降低,而添加RH型温拌剂后,SBS改性沥青的软化点无明显变化,表明RH型温拌剂对SBS改性沥青高温性能影响不大,而Ipave-S型温拌剂对SBS改性沥青的高温性能会产生不利影响;在135℃时,分别加入温拌剂后的SBS改性沥青的布氏黏度大幅降低,说明这2种温拌剂能有效降低改性沥青黏度,其原因类似于有机降黏类温拌剂的原理,Ipave-S型和RH型温拌剂中添加了合成蜡,其熔点较低,在135℃高温时,合成蜡融化,使得加入这2种温拌剂的沥青黏度较原样沥青低;添加2种温拌剂后的沥青与原样沥青老化后的质量损失和残留延度基本持平,而添加Ipave-S型温拌剂后沥青老化的残留针入度比下降幅度大于添加RH型温拌剂的沥青,表明Ipave-S型温拌剂的加入对SBS改性沥青的抗老化性会产生不利影响。表1温拌剂对SBS改性沥青常规指标的影响2.温拌剂对沥青混合料性能的影响为研究温拌沥青混合料的各项性能,根据规范要求进行马歇尔配合比试验,控制三个实验组的温度指标分别制作试件,温拌剂组采用120℃的拌合温度,原样组采用150℃热拌温度,表2为马歇尔试验各项指标测试结果。试验的最佳油石比为4.8%。温拌沥青混合料的各项性能,根据规范要求进行马歇尔配合比试验,控制三个实验组的温度指标分别制作试件,温拌剂组采用120℃的拌合温度,原样组采用150℃热拌温度,表2为马歇尔试验各项指标测试结果。试验的最佳油石比为4.8%。表3浸水马歇尔试验结果表表4沥青混合料弯曲试验结果表。



Characterization of rutting performance of warm additive modified asphalt mixturesWenbin Zhao ⇑,Feipeng Xiao,Serji N.Amirkhanian,Bradley J.PutmanDepartment of Civil Engineering,Clemson University,Clemson,SC 29634-0911,United Statesa r t i c l e i n f o Article history:Received 21June 2011Received in revised form 27December 2011Accepted 27December 2011Available online 28January 2012Keywords:Warm mix asphalt (WMA)Warm additive RuttingPermanent deformation Binder rheologya b s t r a c tDriven by the reduction in fuel consumption and CO 2emission in producing and placing asphalt concrete,the warm technology has gained a lot of interests in the recent years in academia and/or industry.Warm additives are available both in a liquid and solid state;there are concerns over the rutting performance of WMA.The purpose of this study is to investigate and characterize the effects of various warm additives on the rutting performance of asphalt concrete with different binders and mixing temperature applica-tions.The results showed that the lowered mixing temperature increases the rutting susceptibility due to reduced binder aging.The wax warm additives stiffen the binder,and can offset the rutting problem rendered by the lowered mixing temperature,while the chemical warm additives have the same rutting performance as the control mixtures.Ó2012Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved.1.IntroductionThe technologies that are used to produce and place asphalt concrete at a relatively lower temperature than the traditional hot mix asphalt (HMA)are generally referred to as warm mix asphalt (WMA).The occurrence of these technologies was origi-nated in Europe in the attempt to reduce fuel consumption in pro-ducing asphalt concrete in the face of stringent environmental regulations (CO 2and noxious substances emission from traditional asphalt mixture production).Now it has generated waves of inter-est in US among industry practitioners and academic researchers.The general information,industry practices,and environmental benefits about WMA technology can be found in literature [1,2].Rutting is one of the most important distresses for asphalt pave-ments.It is caused by material consolidation and lateral movement due to repeated heavy wheel loadings on the various pavement layers/subgrade.The distress is manifested by a depressed rut along the wheel path on the pavement surface.The rutting distress is viewed as not a structure failure,but a serious safety hazard to vehicles because hydroplaning can occur in the presence of rutting in rainy weather,resulting in serious traffic accidents.Moreover,vehicles tend to be pulled towards the rut path,making it difficult to drive.Many factors can contribute to the rutting distress of pavement,such as environment (high temperature),truck speed and tire contact pressure;the methods to prevent the rutting are primarily through engineering an asphalt mixture with improved shear resistance to withstand problems posed by the environment and traffic loadings.However,the addition of warm mix additives into the asphaltic mixture can complicate the engineering process;more knowledge is needed to assess the influence of the warm additives to the pavement rutting performance.The rutting performances with some of the commonly used warm additives have been investigated individually by previous research.Research showed that Sasobit Òand Evotherm Òdo not increase the rutting potential,and rutting potential did increase due to lowered mixing temperature [3,4].Xiao et al.did research on the WMA rutting performance with moist aggregate [5],the results showed the mixture with Sasobit Òadditive exhibited the best rutting resistance,while the mixture containing Asphamin Òand Evotherm Òadditives generally showed a similar rut resistance to the control mixture.However,the research did not quantitatively separate the possible effect the warm additives on the asphalt bin-der from the effect of lowered temperature due to reduced aging,and there is possible interaction effect between warm additives and aging rate.Further,the WMA technology has been evolved since its emergence;various warm additive products are available in the market.The chemical components and physical properties vary from product to product.The diversity in the warm additives makes the selection of warm additives different;apple-to-apple comparison on their rutting performance should be gained through further research to facilitate the warm additive selection.The objective of this research is by incorporating various warm additives in the study to compare the rutting performance of these0950-0618/$-see front matter Ó2012Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved.doi:10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2011.12.101Corresponding author.E-mail address:yzsjswb.zhao@ (W.Zhao).additive modified asphaltic mixtures with the control group and among themselves,and further to characterize the influence of warm mix modification on permanent deformation performance.2.Experimental planA three-factor,full level,well balanced experiment was planned and carried out in a well-controlled lab environment to fulfill the objectives of this study.Three experimental factors are warm additive,mixing and compacting temperaturesand asphalt binder source.Only one aggregate source is utilized.The Asphalt Pave-ment Analyzer(APA)was conducted to evaluate the rutting performance of the mixtures.After the APA test,the binders were extracted from some selected mix-ture types,identifying the possible causative relationship between rheological properties and the rutting performance.The experimental designflow chart is pre-sented in Fig.1.The rationales for the main experimental factors utilized are pre-sented in the following paragraphs.2.1.Warm additiveTo characterize the rutting performance of warm mix asphaltic mixtures,vari-ous warm additives are needed for further inductive reasoning with respect to more general inference.Four warm additive products were identified and employed in this study,so that their performance can be compared to the traditional HMA con-trol mix and among themselves as well.All the additives are not involved in foam-ing technology/mechanism.Two additives are in solid state at the room temperature,while the other two additives are viscous liquid.The warm additives were selected in such a way that the characterization of the products from these two categories(wax and chemical)could be possibly investigated.2.2.Mixing temperatureThree levels of mixing and compaction temperatures were adopted in the study. Warm mix asphalt is produced at temperatures in the range of16–55°C(30–100°F)lower than the typical hot mix asphalt[2].The range of mixing temperature from120°C to150°C was studied through three temperature levels with an inter-val of15°C(Table1).Further,this temperature arrangement allows the effect of temperatures on rutting performance to be separated from the warm additives. The temperature arrangement can also allow the effect to be evaluated through changes in binder aging during the production process.The compaction tempera-tures are lower than the mixing temperatures by15°C at every treatment level.2.3.Binder sourceThree binder sources and one aggregate were utilized in the study.Asphalt is comprised of various compounds,and is usually melted into a liquid state by apply-ing heat to a predetermined temperature before mixing with aggregates.In this study,the utilized warm additives were either organic waxes or chemicals;at the elevated mixing temperature,the chemicals in the asphalt and warm additives may interact with each other in various ways such as physical interaction or chem-ical reaction.The alleged interactions can further influence the properties of the asphaltic mixtures made with the warm pared with asphalt,the min-eral components in aggregate material are relatively stable and inert;therefore, warm additives are more likely to interact and undergo chemical reaction with bin-der than aggregate.It is very important to examine whether the effects of the warm additives on the mixture properties,if any that would be found in this study,will be valid just in one particular asphalt binder or many binders.Utilizing binder from difference sources/grades can provide a wide context in which the warm additive effects would be characterized.3.Materials3.1.Warm additivesFour warm additive products were investigated in the experi-ment;the binder without any additive was the control and referred as‘‘virgin binder’’throughout this paper.All the additives involve no foaming mechanism in producing WMA.The manufacturer rec-ommended dosages were adopted to add the warm additives into the asphalt mixtures.Additives A and B are wax products;both were added at a rate of1.5%by the weight of asphalt binder.Addi-tives C and D are identified as chemical products at the room tem-perature,and added at a rate of0.3%and0.5%by the weight of asphalt binder,respectively.The physical properties of the warm additives are presented in Table2.All the additives were added into the binder before mixing,and the uniformity of the subsequent binders were achieved by thor-ough hand blending at the target mixing temperatures.During this blending process,a certain amount of physical effort was required to overcome the resistance of the binder to the blending spatula. The degree of resistance was a reflection of the viscosities of the modified binders at the corresponding pared to the virgin binder(no warm additives),the same level of blending effort was noticed to stir the additives A and B modified binders. However,an appreciable lower blending effort was required in blending binder with additives C or D,as compared with the effort in blending virgin binder(no warm additives).This may indicate the manufacturer recommended additive dosage might not be en-ough to obtain and adequate viscosity level such as the one speci-fied for HMA mixing(0.28±0.03Pa s).When the binders were mixed with aggregate to produce asphaltic mixtures,the mixing time at lower temperatures for virgin and chemical-modified bind-ers(additives A and B)was extended to a longer period to obtain a uniform binder coating.The viscosity reduction and workability of WMA binder using the same warm additives can be found in an-other study[6].Nevertheless,this paper mainly focuses on the effects and characterization of warm additives on the rutting performance of WHA mixtures,rather than the workability.3.2.Asphalt bindersTwo PG62-22binders were used in this study.They were desig-nated as binder C and I,respectively.One PG58-28softer binder was utilized and designated as binder N;it came from the same as-phalt binder terminal as binder I.The Superpave binder physical properties are listed in Table3.It should be noted that the ranking of the G⁄/sin d for the original binders Rolling Thin Film Oven(RTFO) residue binders is the same:at their corresponding test tempera-tures,binder C has the highest value,followed by binder N,then by binder I.3.3.AggregateThe aggregate used in this research was from a quarry in South Carolina.It is composed predominantly of quartz and potassium feldspar.The related physical properties of the aggregate are re-ported in Table4.Table1Mixing and compacting temperatures.Treatment levels Mixing temperatures Compacting temperatures°C°F°C°FHigh level150302135275Medium level135275120248Low level120248105221266W.Zhao et al./Construction and Building Materials31(2012)265–2724.Gradation,mix design and specimen fabricationThe South Carolina Department of Transportation (SCDOT)technical specification for Hot-Mix Asphalt material properties [7]was followed to conduct the aggregate gradation and mix de-sign.Aggregate gradation chart is shown in Fig.2;along with it are the curves of other restrictive requirements,such as the SC high and low spec limits,AASHTO control points,and Superpave maxi-mum density line.The designed aggregate gradation meets the type B surface course (high volume primary roads)requirements stipulated by the SC DOT technical specifications.The nominal maximum aggregate size (NMAS)is 12.5mm.The optimum binder content was determined to correspond to the air voids content of 4%in the total mix under 75gyrations.The optimum binder con-tent is 5.35%in this study.Identical specimens were prepared by compacting the samples using Superpave Gyratory compactor for both the HMA and WMATable 2Warm additive physical and chemical properties.Properties ABCDIngredients Solid saturated hydrocarbons Fatty polyamines,polymer,non-ionic components,fatty amine,glycol Polymer,fatty acid amine Modified tall oil fatty acid polyamine condensate water Physical state Pastilles,flakesSolid pellets LiquidViscous liquid Color Off-white to pale brown BrownAmber (dark)OderPractically odorless Amine like Fishy,amine-like Molecular weight Approx.1000g/mole ––Specific gravity 0.9(25°C)– 1.0 1.03–1.08Vapor density –––<1Bulk density ––– 1.03g/cm 3Ph values Neutral ––9–11Boiling point –––>100°C Flash point285C (ASTM D92)Closed cup:>93.3°C >100°C –Solubility in waterInsolubleInsoluble in cold waterInsolubleSolubleTable 3Superpave binder properties for the virgin binders.ParametersBinder source C (PG64-22)I (PG64-22)N (PG58-28)OriginalViscosity,Ps-s (135°C)0.6260.4050.31G ⁄/sin d ,(Pa)(64/58°C)180112071378RTFO residueMass change,(%)(165°C)À0.24À0.02–G ⁄/sin d ,(Pa)(64/58°C)460828153875PAV residue G ⁄sin d ,(kPa)(25/19°C)242029704064Stiffness (60s),(MPa)(À12/À18°C)129183249m -value (60s)(À12/À18°C)0.3540.3110.281Table 4Aggregate physical properties.Coarse aggregate L.A.abrasion loss (%)Absorption (%)Specific gravity Soundness %loss at 5cycles Sand equivalentHardnessDry (BLK)SSD (BLK)Apparent 3/4’’–3/8’’3/8’’–#4300.52.632.642.661.74.1536Fine aggregate Fineness modulus Absorption (%)Specific gravity,SSD (BLK)Soundness %loss et al./Construction and Building Materials 31(2012)265–272267mixtures involved in this study.The target air voids content was set at4%for the APA rut test.Two replicates were fabricated for each treatment combination.5.Test method5.1.The APA testAsphalt Pavement Analyzer was utilized to investigate the rutting susceptibility of the mixtures.The standard test procedure that was followed in this study can be found in AASHTO TP63-03, determining rutting susceptibility of Hot-Mix Asphalt(HMA)Using the Asphalt Pavement Analyzer.The APA test is a simulative test; the load on the samples applied by the rolling wheels through the pressurized hose simulates the loading situations of heavy vehicles as their tires are passing on the pavement.Not only the load mag-nitude but also the repeated loading mode makes the test a good candidate to evaluate an asphaltic material’s resistance to rutting. Research shows the APA test results have a good correlation with the rutting performance under the accelerated pavement testing with a heavy vehicle simulator[8].Other researchers have shown the APA rut depths are correlated well tofield performances when loading and environmental conditions are appropriate[9,10].In this study the test temperature was set at either64°C(147°F) or58°C(136°F),depending on the binder high temperature grade. The hose pressure was set at700±35kPa(100±5psi),cylinder load on each wheel was set445±22N(100±5lbf.);after8000 loading cycles,the rut depths were measured manually.5.2.Binder extractionTo identify the possible correlation between the rheological properties of the warm additive modified binders and the rutting performance,the effort was made to extract the binders from the mixtures and conduct binder test subsequently.Since the binder extraction requires tremendous lab work,only nine mixtures were subjected to binder extraction;their mix codes(treatment combi-nation)are listed in Table5.A Rotavapor evaporator and other centrifuge devices were used to conduct the binder extraction.The test protocol was per SCDOT test designation:SC-T-95[11].5.3.Binder rheology testThe Dynamic Shear Rheometer(DSR)was used to conduct the binder rheology test for the recovered binders.Initially,the values of the test parameters,such as the plate oscillation speed and sam-ple strain control level were adopted from a RTFO residue sample DSR test.However,the aging degree during the mixing and com-paction did not reach the same level as a RTFO aging process can have,which made the test impossible.The parameter values were adopted by following the DSR tests for original binders,namely an oscillation speed of10rad/s and12%of strain control.6.Results and discussionsA general linear model procedure was carried out to conduct the statistical analysis.In this3-factored experiment,the rut depth results can be partitioned into8sections:3main factor terms,3 two-way factor interaction terms,1three-way interaction term, and an experimental error term.The Analysis of Variance(ANOVA) test was used to determine whether each of the factor effects was significant or not.The level of test significance was set at5%;in other words,there are5%of chances to make a type I error in the hypothesis test.If the p-value of a test result is less than5%, the alternative hypothesis that not all treatment means are the same will be accepted as true.The ANOVA table of the statistical test is presented in Table6,and detailed discussions are given in the following sections.6.1.Main factor effectsStatistical analysis shows that the binder source had a signifi-cant effect on the mixtures’rutting performance.The binder source effects due to binder source difference are presented in Fig.3. Mixtures using binder source C had the best rut performance and binder N(PG58-28)was better than binder I(PG64-22).It should be noted that the APA test temperature for binder N was58°C, while the test temperature for binder I was64°C.Virgin binder high temperature parameter,G⁄/sin d,is an index of the stiffness of the virgin binders.The values of the parameter(in Table3)de-crease from binder C to binder I,following the same pattern as their effects on rutting performance.The agreement between the binder G⁄/sin d values and their corresponding rutting performance indicates that the validity of using this parameter to predict rutting performance due to the virgin binder stiffness.The effects of mixing and compacting temperatures on rut depth were statistically significant in this study.Their effects are presented in Fig.4.The mean rut depth for those mixtures mixed at a high mixing temperature is the lowest;as the mixing temper-ature lowers,rut depths increase.The results are consistent with the authors’expectation.The reason is that less binder age-harden-ing will occur as the mixing temperature lowers;therefore,the binder becomes less stiff and more susceptible to rutting as com-pared to the traditional HMA mixtures.This might warrant that a stiffer binder or an asphaltic material such as a reclaimed asphalt pavement(RAP)can be used to offset the rutting problem when lower mixing temperature is involved.The relationship between the temperature change and the rut depth appears to be nonlinear in Fig.4.From the medium to low mixing temperature,the increase in the mean rut depth is greater, as compared to the high to medium production temperature range. This indicates a nonlinear binder aging rate across the lowered temperature;when the mixing temperature drops,the rate of aging slows down correspondingly.The statistical analysis reveals that the warm additive effect on rutting results was significant.The alternative hypothesis is that not all the warm additive treatment means are the same.The gra-phic illustration of the warm additive effect is presented in Fig.5. As noticed,the mean rut depths of chemical warm additives are at the same level as the control binder(no additive).It is necessary to conduct multiple comparison analysis to discern which warm additive treatments are different from the control binder.Turkey’s analysis was conducted,and the results are shown in Table7.As noticed,the mean values of rut depths of the A and B (wax)modified mixtures are different from the control mixture and the chemical additive modified mixtures.While no distinct dif-ference between the control binder and chemical additive treated binders was observed,they were categorized into one statistical group.When wax additives were added into the binder,they stiff-Table5Mixes subjected to binder extraction.Mix code Binder source Mixing temperature Warm additiveIL0I(PG64-22)Low0(no additive)ILA I(PG64-22)Low AILB I(PG64-22)Low BILC I(PG64-22)Low CILD I(PG64-22)Low DIMA I(PG64-22)Mid/medium AIHA I(PG64-22)High ACLA C(PG64-22)Low ANLA N(PG64-22)Low A268W.Zhao et al./Construction and Building Materials31(2012)265–272ened the binder and the rutting resistance increases accordingly. Chemical additives added at the studied dosages did not soften the binder;their rutting behaviors are statistically the same as the virgin binder.Wax additives can increase the binder stiffness, and offset the rutting susceptibility due to a lower production tem-perature associated with WMA technology.However,the stiffening effect of wax additives might have negative influence on mixtures’resistance to cracking.6.2.2-way interactionStrong evidence(p-value=0.91)shows that no interaction occurred between warm additives and the binder source.This is very important because thefinding regarding the warm additive effects is valid across all of the asphalt binders employed in this study,even though the binders came from different source and dif-fer in the properties.This indicates that the warm additive effects are not binder-specific and can be interpreted to be applicable to a wider range of binder sources.The interaction plot is presented in Fig.6.The statistical analysis shows that there was no sufficient evi-dence(p-value=7.4%)to claim an interaction effect between warm additives and mixing temperatures with regard to the rutting re-sults.As noticed in Fig.7,overall,there is no interaction effect. Since the warm additive effect is the focus of this study,this no interaction result indicates that the warm additive effects are valid, regardless of the mixing/compaction temperatures employed in this study.Therefore,the additive effects on rutting performance are not mixing temperature specific.Moreover,Additive C had a relatively lower variability across the mixing temperatures as com-pared to other warm additives.It can be inferred that the aging ef-fect is not sensitive to mixing temperature and additive C might have some anti-aging effect.In other words,when mixing temper-ature is elevated for mixtures containing additive C,the oxidation degree does not increase as much as observed in other warm addi-tive modified mixtures.On the other hand,it appears the mean rut depths in the mixtures containing additive D scatter to a larger ex-tent compared to the wax additive modified mixtures.This indi-cates that the binder aging might be sensitive to temperature change in the presence of additive D.However,the degree of data scattering across the mixing temperatures might be attributed to uncontrollable experimental errors.The real reason remains unknown;whether some chemical additives can accelerate or slow the aging process requires further investigations.Table6ANOVA table of the statistical analysis.Source DF Seq SS Adj SS Adj MS F statistic P value Significant?Binder sources(BS)28.70711.843 5.922 6.0300.005Yes Temperatures(T)240.99136.10618.05318.3900.000Yes Warm additives(WA)4116.148112.25528.06428.5900.000Yes BSÃT419.34218.864 4.716 4.8000.002Yes BSÃWA8 3.205 3.2060.4010.4100.910No TÃWA815.31815.346 1.918 1.9500.074No BSÃTÃWA1651.73751.737 3.234 3.2900.001Yes Error4746.14246.1420.982Total91301.590W.Zhao et al./Construction and Building Materials31(2012)265–272269Strong statistical evidence shows there was an interaction effect between binder source and mixing temperature.The interaction profile is presented in Fig.8.Binder I is temperature sensitive:an increase in mixing temperature leads to an increase in rut depths. This can be attributed to the aging characteristic of the binder due to the change in mixing temperature.In the case of binders C and N,the sensitivity is similar to binder I in the mixing temperature range from mid to high.However,the rut depths appeared not to be sensible to the change in temperature from low to mid.The interaction between binder source and mixing temperature on rut-ting performance could be attributed to the possible difference in their chemical compositions of the binders.6.3.Statistical modelAfter investigating the individual effects of the experimental factors,it is necessary to put all the factors into one picture and evaluate the collective effects due to any combinations of changes in the values of these factors on the rutting performance.Since many factors were proven significant to the rutting results,a mul-tivariate linear regression model was developed to summarize the data in this study.Not only can such a model,if built properly, express the test results well,it can also be used to predict the rut-ting performance for the same or similar mixtures.Therefore,it would be easy for engineers to conduct quantitative sensitivity analysis due to multi-variable changes.Through trial and error method,the proposed statistical model adopts four independent variables:voids in total mix(VTM), G⁄/sin d,additive,and temperature.These four variables account for the rutting effects of the mixture’s density level,virgin binder high temperature rheological property,warm additive type,and mixing temperature,respectively.The equation is given as follows: Rut Depth¼16:4þ0:627VTMÀ0:00226GÃ=sin dÀ2:25AdditiveÀ0:0630Tð1Þwhere Rut Depth is the dependent variable,in millimeters, VTM=voids in total mix,in percent,G⁄/sin d=the virgin binder rhe-ological property tested at the high performance grade temperature, in Pa,Additive=warm additive type,a categorical parameter:0for virgin binder or chemical warm additive type,and1for wax warm additives,T=temperature,in°C.Table7Turkey’s multiple comparisonanalysis.270W.Zhao et al./Construction and Building Materials31(2012)265–272From Table8,The R-square value is67.5%,and it is an indicator of the model’s capability to capture the effects due to the factor treatments.It should be noted that no factor interaction terms are used in the model;therefore,the R-square value does not cover the part of variability contributed by factor interaction effects. Secondly,asphalt mixture is a highly heterogeneous material in nature;variability due to this characteristic is not accounted forin the model.Additionally,there were other unknown or uncontrol-lable factors during the lab sample fabrications that could also introduce variability into the APA test results.Given all the factors mentioned above,the R-square value indicates that the proposed model can well summarize the experimental data and the model can potentially be used to predict the rut depth of a similar asphalt mixture.Further,the warm additive variable in the model is cate-gorical:virgin binder(no warm additive)or chemical warm addi-tives are assigned with value of zero,and wax additives are assigned a value of one.This categorization is based on the previous discussion of no softening effect of chemical additives and the stiff-ening effect of wax additives.It should be noted that categorizing the warm additives in such a way is very effective in the model; as seen in Table8,it accounts for48.23%of the variability reduction of the model.The standardized residual normality plot is presented in Fig.9.A normal probability plot tests whether the data is normally dis-tributed.As observed,the standardized residual data fall on or close to the normality line;this indicates that no additional vari-able needs to be incorporated into the model to account for further variability reduction.In addition,the predicted and measured rut depths are presented in Fig.10.The regression-fitted line coincides with the equality line.Finally,when other variables in the model are held constant, lowering the mixing temperature(as practiced in WMA technology)alone will increase rut depth.Adding chemical warm additives has no bearing on a mixture’s rutting performance;on the other hand, adding wax additives can reduce rut depths,as predicted by the equation,which will offset to some extent the adverse effect due to a lowered mixing temperature.From the quantitative relation-ship of the proposed model,when a studied wax additive is added, a reduction of temperature by35.7°C(2.25/0.063)can be achieved without the occurrence of a negative overall effect on rutting.6.4.Binder rheological resultsThe G⁄/sin d values of the extracted binders tested at the corre-sponding high temperatures and their APA rutting results are presented in Fig.11,and the G⁄/sin d values for the binders blended with the additives are also presented for the purpose of compari-son.All the DSR test results were higher than the threshold value of 1.0kPa,regardless of whether the binder was extracted or blended binder.Except for Binder C(C64-22),the G⁄/sin d values for extracted binders were higher than the blended binders, reflecting that aging occurred during the mixing processes.The in-creases in aging for the additives0(control)and A modified binder in the combination of Binder I(I64-22)and low temperature were much higher,as compared to other binders in a similar situation.The rheological properties of the extracted binders should reflect the combined effects introduced by various factors into the binder rheology,such as the binder source,binder modification by the added warm additives,and aging/oxidation degree during mixing(related to mixing temperature).The factors that change the binder rheology in turn will be reflected in their APA rutting test results.However,the correlation between the rutting results and the binder G⁄/sin d(both extracted and blended)is very poor. For instance,in the case of low temperature,the G⁄/sin d values for Binder I(I64-22)with additives B,D and0(control)are at a comparable level,but their rut depths are noticeably different from each other.The Pearson correlation analysis conducted between the binder G⁄/sin d values and rutting depths shows a correlation coefficient ofÀ0.36andÀ0.49for extracted binder and blended binder,respectively.This can be interpreted that using the high temperature rheological parameter(G⁄/sin d)conducted on either the extracted or blended WMA binders would not give a good indi-cation to their mixture rutting performance.The reason might be that the presence of a warm additive in the binder complicates the rheological properties of the binder as a whole,therefore,mak-ing the parameter ineffective in reflecting the rutting resistance of the corresponding warm mix mixtures.Table8The variability reduction due tofitted model and factor contribution.DF(degree of freedom)SS(sum ofsquares)Factor weight inthe model(%)Total89358.118Regression4241.720VTM55.30522.88 G⁄/sin d17.7897.36 Additive116.57748.23 T52.04921.53 Residual error85R-Sq=67.5%,R-Sq(adj)=66.0%W.Zhao et al./Construction and Building Materials31(2012)265–272271。



应用拉拔试验评价集料温度对沥青与集料粘附性的影响王端宜;王鹏【摘要】集料和沥青之间的粘附性能的好坏是评价沥青混合料抗水损害能力的重要指标,也是沥青混合料形成强度的基础.通过改进的拉拔试验方法,以拉拔力损失率和剥落率两个指标进行粘附性评价,并与沥青混合料残余稳定度建立联系.结果表明改进的拉拔试验能够有效的评价沥青和石料之间的粘附性,同时石灰岩较花岗岩与沥青之间有更好的粘结性能和水稳定性,并随着石料温度的增加,集料吸附沥青效果更好,这对提高沥青和石料粘附性、增强抗水损害能力具有一定的指导意义.%The adhesion between aggregate and asphalt blinder is an important index to evaluate the anti-water damage ability,and it is also the foundation of the formation strength of asphalt mixture.This thesis discuss the properties of the interface adhesion between aggregate and asphalt blinder by the improved pull-out test and establish the relationship between the stability of the residual stability through the pull-out force loss rate and stripping rate.The results indicate that the improved pull-off test can effectively evaluate the adhesion between asphalt and stone,and limestone have better bonding properties and water stability than granite,and with the increase of temperature of stone,aggregate-asphalt absorption effect is better,this research has certain guiding significance to improve asphalt-stone adhesion and enhance the water damage resistant performance.【期刊名称】《公路工程》【年(卷),期】2017(042)006【总页数】6页(P69-74)【关键词】粘附性;水损害;拉拔;拉拔力损失率;剥落率【作者】王端宜;王鹏【作者单位】华南理工大学土木与交通学院,广东广州 510640;华南理工大学土木与交通学院,广东广州 510640【正文语种】中文【中图分类】U414.10 引言随着道路技术的发展,车辙和水损害正逐渐成为沥青路面的主要病害,相关文献指出这类病害在很大程度上依赖于沥青与集料间的粘附性[1-3]。

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0 引 言
沥青混合料的生产 温 度 通 常 达 到 1 6 0 ℃ 以 上, 需要消耗大量的燃料 , 这不仅增加了 C O 2 和废气的 排放 , 加剧雾霾的产生 , 而且也造成了资源的严重浪 费 。2 温拌 沥 青 技 术 应 运 而 生 , 其 0 世纪 9 0 年代末 , 生产温度比普通沥青混合料降低了 3 不仅 0 ℃ 以上 , 可以减少燃料的消耗 , 节约大量的资源 , 还减少了废 气的排放 , 有益 于 环 境 保 护 。 由 于 温 拌 沥 青 混 合 料 中集料的烘干温度 较 低 , 使得集料中水份不能完全 滞留在集料中的残留水份容易聚集在沥青 -集 排除 , 料界 面 上 , 从 而 影 响 沥 青 -集 料 界 面 的 粘 附 能 力 , 导 致水损害的发生 。 因 此 , 越来越多的专家学者开始 研究温拌沥青技术的水损害问题 。 目前用于 研 究 沥 青 -集 料 界 面 粘 附 性 的 理 论 主 力学理论 、 化 学 反 应 理 论、 表面自由能理论 要包括 : 越来越多的学者应用 及分子定向理论 等 。 近 年 来 , 表面自由能理论对沥青 -集料界面粘附性进行研究 。 E l h i n s t o n e等 首次提出表面自由能理论可 以 用 p g 来评价热拌沥青混 合 料 的 水 损 害 和 疲 劳 破 坏 , 指出
12 23 12 12 23 , , J f f S S XU I J i e UO Z h i N B o H I Y u e e n S h i a - - ,WE g , , , , , ,
, , ( a n d A r c h i t e c t u r e o f C i v i l E n i n e e r i n U n i v e r s i t B e i i n S c h o o l o f C i v i l a n d T r a n s o r t a t i o n E n i n e e r i n 1. g g y j g p g g ; R e s e a r c h T e c h n o l o U r b a n T r a n s o r t a t i o n I n f r a s t r u c t u r e E n i n e e r i n 1 0 0 0 4 4, C h i n a 2. B e i i n B e i i n g y p g g j g j g ; , C o l l a b o r a t i v e I n n o v a t i o n C e n t e r f o r M e t r o o l i t a n 1 0 0 0 4 4, C h i n a 3. B e i i n C e n t e r B e i i n p j g j g ) , 1 0 0 0 4 4, C h i n a T r a n s o r t a t i o n B e i i n p j g
收稿日期 : 0 0 0 1 4 8 7 2 - - ) ; ) 基金项目 : 北京市属高等学校高层次人才引进与培养计划项目 ( 国家自然科学基金项目 ( XM 2 0 1 3 1 4 2 1 0 0 0 1 6 5 P 5 1 4 7 8 0 2 8 0 0 - - : 。 , 作者简介 : 女, 河南信阳人 , 季 节( 教授 , 工学博士 , i i e u c e a . e d u. c n 9 7 2 a i l 1 E-m -) @b j j
检测项目 ( ·c 密度/ m-3) g 熔点/℃ 2 5 ℃ 针入度/ 0. 1mm S a s o b i t 0. 9 5 3 1 0 3 0 RH 0. 9 1 4 1 0 8 0
1. 2 基质沥青 选取 S 其性能测 K 7 0和 S K 9 0 两种基 质 沥 青 , - - 试结果见表 2。

V o l . 2 8 N o . 7 2 0 1 5 J u l y
水、 温拌剂对沥青 - 集料界面粘附能力的影响
2 3 2 2 3 , , , , 索 智2, 文 博1, 石越峰1, 徐世法2, 季 节1,
( 北京 1 1.北京建筑大学 土木与交通工程学院 , 0 0 0 4 4; 2.北京市城市交通基础设施建设工程技术研究中心 , ) 北京 1 北京 1 0 0 0 4 4; 3.首都世界城市顺畅交通协同创新中心 , 0 0 0 4 4
[ 1]
1 试验概况
1. 1 温拌剂 采用 S 其性能测试 a s o b i t 和 RH 两 种 温 拌 剂 , 结果见表 1。
表1 S a s o b i t和 R H 的性能 T a b . 1 P r o e r t i e s o f S a s o b i t a n d R H p
2 6
中 国 公 路 学 报 2 0 1 5年 面粘附能力影响的还相对较少 。 本文采用表面自由能理论来分析水 、 温拌剂对沥 青 -集料界面粘附能力的影响 , 探讨水 、 温拌剂对沥青- 集料界面之间粘附能力的影响规律 , 以期为提高温拌 沥青混合料的水稳定性能起到一定的指导作用 。
摘要 : 为评价水 、 温拌剂对沥青 -集料界面 粘 附 能 力 的 影 响 , 基 于 表 面 自 由 能 理 论, 建立了无水及有 水条件下沥青 -集料和温拌剂 -沥青 -集料界面的粘附模型 , 计算无水及有水条件下沥青 -集料和温拌 利 用能 量 参数 的 大 小来 分 析水、 剂 -沥青 -集料之间的粘附功 , 构建能量参数 EP 温拌剂对沥 P 1和 E 2, 青 -集料界面粘附能力的影响规律 。 结果表明 : 在无水条件下 , 温拌剂的加入可以提高沥青 -集料界 面的粘附能力 ; 但在有水条件下 , 温拌剂对水的敏感性极强 , 其加入使得沥青 -集料界面的粘附能力 急剧下降 。 关键词 : 道路工程 ; 沥青 -集料界面 ; 粘附模型 ; 粘附能力 ; 能量参数 ; 温拌剂 中图分类号 : 4 1 4. 1 文献标志码 : A U
表2 S K 7 0和 S K 9 0 的性能 - - T a b . 2 P r o e r t i e s o f S K 7 0a n d S K 9 0 - - p
f f e c t s o f W a t e r a n d W a r m M i x A e n t o n A d h e s i o n E g a C a a c i t o f A s h a l t r e a t e I n t e r f a c e - g p y p g g
: A b s t r a c t I n o r d e r t o e v a l u a t e t h e e f f e c t s o f w a t e r a n d w a r m m i x a e n t o n a d h e s i o n c a a c i t o f g p y , , a a s h a l t t h e a d h e s i o n m o d e l s o f a s h a l t r e a t e i n t e r f a c e b a s e d o n s u r f a c e f r e e e n e r t h e o r - - g p g g g y y p a a a r e a t e i n t e r f a c e a n d w a r m m i x a e n t s h a l t r e a t e i n t e r f a c e w i t h o r w i t h o u t w a t e r w e r e - - g g g g g p g g a e s t a b l i s h e d .T h e a d h e s i o n w o r k s b e t w e e n a s h a l t r e a t e i n t e r f a c e a n d w a r m m i x a e n t - - g p g g g a a EP EP s h a l t r e a t e i n t e r f a c e w i t h o r w i t h o u t w a t e r w e r e c a l c u l a t e d . E n e r a r a m e t e r s n d - g p g g g y p 1a 2 w a e r e c o n s t r u c t e d t o a n a l z e t h e a d h e s i o n c a a c i t o f a s h a l t r e a t e i n t e r f a c e a f f e c t e d b w a t e r - g y p y p g g y a a n d w a r m m i x a e n t .T h e r e s u l t s s h o w t h a t a d h e s i o n c a a c i t o f a s h a l t r e a t e i n t e r f a c e i s - g g p y p g g ,w i m r o v e d b a d d i n w a r m m i x a e n t w i t h o u t w a t e r .H o w e v e r a r m m i x a e n t s a r e v e r p y g g g y , s e n s i t i v e t o w a t e r s o a d d i n w a r m m i x a e n t d e c r e a s e s s h a r l t h e a d h e s i o n c a a c i t o f a s h a l t - g g p y p y p a r e a t e i n t e r f a c e w i t h w a t e r . g g g : ; ; ; ; a K e w o r d s r o a d e n i n e e r i n a s h a l t r e a t e i n t e r f a c e a d h e s i o n m o d e l a d h e s i o n c a a c i t - g g g p g g p y y ; e n e r a r a m e t e r w a r m m i x a e n t g y p g