
飞行员认为自己处于静止状态,则他选取的参考系可能是( )A.天安门城楼B.邻近的直升机C.飞机上的旋翼D.天安门上飘扬的红旗 2.文学作品中往往蕴含着一些物理知识,下列黑体字表示位移的是( )A .飞流直下三千尺,疑是银河落九天B .一身转战三千里,一剑曾当百万师C .坐地日行八万里,巡天遥看一千河D .三十功名尘与土,八千里路云和月3.一辆汽车沿直线运动,先以15m/s 的速度驶完全程的四分之三,剩下的路程以20m/s 的速度行驶,则汽车从开始到驶完全程的平均速度大小为A .16m/sB .16.3m/sC .17.5m/sD .18.8m/s4.电磁打点计时器振针打点周期决定于( )A .交变电压的高地B . 交变电流的频率C .永久磁铁磁性的强弱D . 振针与复写纸之间的距离 5.质点甲、乙做直线运动的位移—时间图像如图所示,则( )A .在运动过程中,质点甲比质点乙运动的快B .当t =t 1时刻,两质点的位移相同C .当t =t 1时刻,两质点的速度相同D .质点甲的加速度大于质点乙的加速度6.物体由静止开始运动,加速度恒定,在第7s 初的速度是2.6m/s ,则物体的加速度是A .0.4m/s 2B .0.37m/s 2C .2.6m/s 2D .0.43m/s 27.如图所示,物体的运动分三段,第1、2s 为第I 段,第3、4s 为第II 段,第5s 为第III 段,则下列说法正确的是A .第1s 内与第5s 内的速度方向相反B .第1s 的加速度大于第5s 的加速度C .第I 段与第III 段的平均速度相等D .第I 段与第III 段的加速度和速度的方向都相同8.一辆农用“小四轮”漏油,假如每隔1s 漏下一滴,车在平直公路上行驶,一同学根据路面上的油滴分布,分析“小四轮”的运动情况(已知车的运动方向)。

)1、将下列各组物质,按单质、氧化物、酸、碱、盐分类顺序排列正确的是()A.银、二氧化硫、硫酸、纯碱、食盐B.碘酒、冰、硫酸氢钠、烧碱、碳酸钙C.氢气、干冰、硝酸、烧碱、硝酸钾D.铜、氧化铜、醋酸、石灰水、碳酸氢钠2、N A代表阿伏伽德罗常数的数值,下列说法正确的是()A.常温常压下,14gN2含有的分子数为0.5N AB.标准状况下,11.2LH2O含有的分子数为0.5N AC.0.1mol⋅L−1的NaOH溶液中含钠离子数为0.1N AD.1.8gNH4+中含有的电子数为0.1N A3、在100mLK2SO4和Fe2(SO4)3的混合溶液中,c(Fe3+)为0.1mol⋅L−1,c(K+)为0.3mol⋅L−1,要将溶液中的SO42−全部转化为沉淀,至少需加0.1mol⋅L−1BaCl2溶液的体积为()A.250mLB.280mLC.300mLD.320mL4、下列关于胶体的叙述不正确的是()A.胶体区别于其他分散系的本质特征是分散质的粒子直径在971010--~m之间B.光线透过胶体时,胶体中可产生丁达尔效应C.用平行光照射NaCl溶液和Fe(OH)胶体时,产生的现象相同3D.Fe(OH)胶体能够使水中悬浮的固体颗粒沉降,达到净水的目的35、下表为各物质中所含有的少量杂质以及除去这些杂质应选用的试剂及操作方法。
正确的一组为()A.①②③④B.③④C.②③④D.①②③6、下列物质能导电且属于电解质的是()A.2CO B.石墨C.3KNO 固体D.熔融的2MgCl 7、下图是某同学用500mL 容量瓶配制10.10mol L -⋅NaOH 溶液的过程:下列关于该实验的叙述正确的是()A.如图所示,用托盘直接称量2.0g 烧碱B.配制的正确顺序为①④③⑤②⑥C.②中定容时仰视刻线会导致溶液浓度偏高D.能用容量瓶贮存配制好的溶液8、部分含氯物质的分类与相应氯元素的化合价的关系如图所示。

高一年级上学期化学期末考试卷(含答案)一、单选题(本大题共18小题)1. 2021年5月9日,我国第一所培养“碳中和”领域专门人才的新型研究型学院——西北大学榆林碳中和学院成立。
下列措施或方法无助于实现“碳中和”的是 A .可用碳酸钠溶液捕捉(吸收)2COB .煤中添加石灰石,以减少二氧化硫对环境的污染C .开发新型光伏电池材料,提高太阳能电池的光电转换效率D .开发新型催化剂直接利用太阳能和水制备氢气,制造氢能汽车2. 注射新冠疫苗能有效防止感染新冠病毒,装载疫苗的玻璃瓶是硼硅药用玻璃瓶,生产硼硅玻璃的主要原料是SiO 2、Na 2B 4O 7·10H 2O 、SiO 2属于下列物质类型中的 A .酸 B .碱 C .盐 D .氧化物3. 下列物质属于电解质的是A .氯水B .酒精C .KNO 3固体D .石墨4. 反应:32243NaCl NH H O CO NH Cl NaHCO +++=+↓可用于联合制碱。
下列表示反应中相关微粒的化学用语正确的是 A .3NH 的电子式:B .氯原子的结构示意图:C .中子数为10的氧原子:168OD .3NaHCO 电离:233NaHCO Na H CO ++-=++5. 下列有关物质性质与用途对应关系正确的是 A .23Na CO 溶液呈碱性,可用于治疗胃酸过多 B .次氯酸具有强氧化性,可用于杀菌消毒 C .2SO 具有还原性,可用于纸浆漂白 D .明矾易溶于水,可用作净水剂6. 下列生活中常见物质主要成分的化学式表示正确的是 A .纯碱-3NaHCO B .钡餐-4BaSO C .熟石灰-CaOD .胆矾-4CuSO7. 室温下,下列各组离子在指定溶液中能大量共存的是A .()120.1mol L Ba OH -⋅溶液:K +、Na +、Cl -、3NO -B .10.1mol L Cl H -⋅溶液:K +、2Mg +、3NO -、3HCO -C .120.1mol L CaCl -⋅溶液:Na +、2Mg +、24SO -、23CO -D .140.1m O ol L KMn -⋅溶液:4NH +、H +、3NO -、2-3SO8. 下列图示对应的操作规范的是A .称量B .过滤C .将剩余钠放回试剂瓶D .转移溶液9. 下列指定的离子方程式正确的是 A .氯气溶于水:22Cl H O2H Cl ClO ++-+++B .碳酸钙溶于醋酸:2322CaCO 2H Ca CO H O +++=+↑+ C .钠和水反应:222Na 2H O 2Na 2OH H +-+=++↑D .硫酸与氢氧化钡溶液反应:22442BaOH SO H BaSO H O +--++++=↓+10. 下列关于NaHCO 3和Na 2CO 3说法正确的是 A .用澄清石灰水鉴别NaHCO 3和Na 2CO 3B .NaHCO 3固体中含少量Na 2CO 3杂质,可通过加热的方法除去C .向同浓度NaHCO 3和Na 2CO 3溶液中滴加几滴酚酞,NaHCO 3的红色较深D .相同温度下,0.1 mol/L 的两种盐溶液分别与同浓度的稀盐酸反应,NaHCO 3较剧烈11. 在题给条件下,下列选项所示的物质间转化能实现的是 A .NaOH2Cl NaClO → B .稀盐酸22nO C M l −−−→ C .浓硫酸Cu2SO −−→ D .2()()通电MgCl aq Mg s −−−→ 12. 下列分离混合物的方法中不正确的是 A .使浑浊的食盐水变澄清——过滤 B .从溴水中分离出溴——萃取、分液C .从酒精和水的混合物中分离出酒精——蒸馏D .把硝酸钾和氯化钾从同一溶液中分离开来——蒸发结晶 13. 关于海水资源的综合利用,下列说法错误的是 A .海水中含量最高的盐是NaCl B .电解饱和食盐水可以制得金属钠C .从海水中提取的镁可用于制造火箭、飞机D .食用含碘丰富的海产品可防治甲状腺肿大14. 下列对浓硫酸的叙述中,正确的是A .常温下不能用铁、铝容器盛放浓硫酸,因为铁、铝是活泼金属B .浓硫酸和碳单质加热反应,表现出强氧化性C .浓硫酸具有吸水性,可以使蔗糖脱水炭化D .滴加浓硫酸使胆矾由蓝色晶体变为无色粉末,属于物理变化15. ClO 2和亚氯酸钠(NaClO 2)都是广泛使用的漂白剂、消毒剂。

【1】图中的天体系统有()A. 1级B. 2级C. 3级D. 4级【2】日食发生时对地球的影响是()A. 造成全球气候变暖B. 影响无线电短波通信C. 产生美丽的极光D. 影响美国太阳能发电【答案】【1】B【2】D【解析】【1】图中有地月系及太阳系两级天体系统。
【1】图示区域大部分位于A. 北半球中纬度B. 北半球低纬度C. 南半球中纬度D. 南半球低纬度【2】图中a、b两点纬度相同,但地球自转的线速度明显不同,原因是A. a点地势高,自转线速度大B. b点地势低,自转线速度大C. a点地势低,自转线速度大D. b点地势高,自转线速度大【答案】【1】A【2】A【解析】【1】地球自转线速度的分布特点是赤道处最大,为1670千米\小时,从赤道向南北两侧递减。
【1】形成石林地貌形态的主要外力作用是A. 流水堆积B. 海浪堆积C. 风力侵蚀D. 流水侵蚀【2】形成石林的岩石,在图3对应的数字代号是A. ①B. ②C. ③D. ④【答案】【1】D【2】C【解析】【1】石林地貌属于喀斯特地貌,喀斯特地貌主要分布在云南、广西等地,石灰岩经流水侵蚀(溶蚀)作用而形成,故D项正确,A项错误;海浪堆积主要分布在沿海地区,故B项错误;风力作用主要分布在干旱、半干旱地区,故C项错误。

2018-2019学年高一上学期期末考试化学试题 Word版含解析 (2)

用于高铁和共享单车制造业的重要金属材料是()A.Na﹣K合金B.Cu﹣Sn合金C.Sn﹣Pb合金D.Mg﹣Al合金3.下列气体不会造成大气污染的是()A.二氧化碳B.二氧化硫C.一氧化碳D.氯气4.下列不属于传统无机非金属材料的是()A.碳化硅B.玻璃C.水泥D.陶瓷5.在自然界中既能以游离态存在又能以化合态存在的元素是()A.铝B.硅C.硫D.氯6.在物质的分离提纯实验中,不需要用到的实验装置是()A.B.C.D.7.下列物质中,不能电离出酸根离子的是()A.Na2O B.KMnO4C.NH4NO3D.CaCl28.从元素的化合价分析,下列物质中不能作还原剂的是()A.NH3B.S2﹣C.Na+D.Fe2+9.下列物质不属于电解质的是()A.空气B.氯化氢气体C.氢氧化钠固体D.氯化钠晶体10.具有漂白作用的物质:①臭氧;②二氧化硫;③活性炭;④过氧化钠.其中漂白原理相同的是()A.①③B.②③C.①④D.②④11.下列物质的主要成分及用途均对应正确的是()A.A B.B C.C D.D12.下列过程中水的作用与其他三种不同的是()A.NO2溶于水B.Cl2溶于水C.将Na2O2投入水中D.将Na投入水中二、选择题(本题包括10小题,每小题3分,共30分.每小题只有一个选项符合题意)13.用一定方法可除去下列物质中所含的少量杂质(括号内为杂质),其中所选试剂均足量且能达到除杂目的是()A.NaCl 溶液(I2):CCl4B.Na2CO3(NaHCO3):盐酸C.CO2(SO2):Na2CO3溶液D.FeCl2(FeCl3):Cl214.下列物质加入或通入CaCl2溶液中,有浑浊现象的是()A.SO2B.NaHCO3C.SO3D.CO215.化学概念在逻辑上存在如图所示关系:对下列概念的说法不正确的是()A.纯净物与混合物属于并列关系B.化合物与氧化物属于包含关系C.单质与化合物属于交叉关系D.氧化还原反应与化合反应属于交叉关系16.设N A为阿伏加德罗常数的数值,下列说法正确的是()A.等物质的量的FeCl2与FeCl3,前者比后者少N A个氯离子B.16g CH4和18g NH3所含质子数均为10N AC.1mol过氧化钠与足量水反应时,转移电子的数目为2N AD.常温常压下,相同体积的Cl2、HCl含有的分子数和原子数均相同17.新型纳米材料MFe2O x(3<x<4)中M表示+2价的金属元素,在反应中化合价不发生变化.常温下,MFe2O x能使工业废气中的SO2转化为S,流程如图,则下列判断正确的是()A.MFe2O x是氧化剂B.SO2是该反应的催化剂C.x<y D.MFe2O y是还原产物18.下列离子方程式正确的是()A.Al2O3+2OH﹣=AlO2﹣+H2OB.NH4++OH﹣NH3•H2OC.SO2+H2O+Ca2++2ClO﹣=CaSO3↓+2HClOD.2Na+2H2O+Cu2+=Cu(OH)2↓+2Na++H2↑19.将铝粉投入某无色澄清溶液中产生H2,则下列离子组在该溶液中可能大量共存的是()A.H+、Ca2+、Na+、HCO3﹣B.Na+、Fe2+、Al3+、NO3﹣C.K+、Cl﹣、OH﹣、SO42﹣D.Cu2+、Ba2+、Cl﹣、OH﹣20.下列根据实验操作和现象所得到的结论正确的是()A.A B.B C.C D.D21.标准状况下,分别将充满下列气体的容器倒扣于水槽中(设气体不发生扩散),充分反应后,瓶内溶液的物质的量浓度不等于mol•L﹣1(约0.045mol•L﹣1)的是()A.HCl B.NO2、O2C.SO2、N2D.NO222.常温下,发生下列反应:①16H++10Z﹣+2XO4﹣=2X2++5Z2+8H2O②2A2++B2=2A3++2B﹣③2B﹣+Z2=B2+2Z﹣根据上述反应,下列结论判断错误的是()A.A3+是A2+的氧化产物B.氧化性强弱的顺序为XO4﹣>B2C.反应Z2+2A2+=2A3++2Z﹣在溶液中可发生D.Z2在①③反应中均为还原剂二、非选择题(本题包括5小题,共46分)23.(10分)(1)在VL Al2(SO4)3溶液中,含Al3+的质量为a g,则Al2(SO4)3溶液的物质的量浓度为(2)有以下物质:①AgCl;②CCl4;③医用酒精;④液氧;⑤二氧化碳;⑥碳酸氢钠固体;⑦氢氧化钡溶液;⑧食醋;⑨氧化钠固体;⑩氯化氢气体。
山东省2019-2020学年高一上学期期末考试历史试题 Word版含答案 (2)

2019—2020学年度第一学期期末试卷高一历史2020.1 本试卷共9页,共100分。
”下列能支持其观点的有①推行密折制②创立“秘密建储”制度③设置军机处④完成“改土归流”任务A.①③ B.②④ C.①②③ D.②③④6.某同学参加主题为“明清时期的社会经济”的研究性学习,负责的任务是“明清时期中国社会经济继续发展”,他应采用的论据包括①农副产品商品化趋势加强②一些地方形成实力雄厚的商人群体③城镇商业呈现繁荣的景象④官府实行闭关锁国政策A.①②③ B.②③④ C.①③④ D.①②④7.元世祖至元二十一年(1284年),在杭州、泉州设置市舶都转运司,“官自具船”,选人到海外进行贸易,所得利润中,“官取其七,所易人得其三”。

According to a recent report, some once-hot majors like English, Computer and Law for Chinese students entering college have now fallen out of favor. The reason is that more graduates studying in those fields end up 1 .This year, a sample of 500,000 college 2 from 2021 were surveyed and 220,000 questionnaires were received back for the 2021 report. Among the 3majors, Law graduates had the most difficulty finding jobs, with the 4unemployment rate(比率) of 1% of all the majors in 2021. English majors had the highest 5 of the unemployed for three years, with 15,700 graduates still out of work.“Such majors as Computer, English and Law were the most 6 ones for Beijing students entering universities in 2005, but now these graduates are in a tight corner,〞 said Ba ran, a senior counselor〔参谋〕at a well-known company. Ba said that the expansion〔扩大〕of college enrollment〔注册〕for those hot majors five years ago has 7 an over-supply in the market, making it harder for those graduates to find jobs.On the other side, engineering graduates majoring in Geological Engineering, Ship and Marine Engineering are 8 most in the job market. Engineering majors are more practical in professional skills and work experience, which are favored by many 9 . The graduates arethus armed with a competitive 10 in the cruel job market.The report 11 a system should be set up against majors with a high risk of 12 . Undergraduates studying Law or English are encouraged to change their 13 or obtain a second degree. For some colleges and provinces with 14 employment rates, the report advised a 〔n〕 15 in enrollment numbers or even a temporary (暂时的) stop in enrolling students.1. A. useless B. jobless C. reliable D. grateful2. A. partner B. graduates C. professors D. guidance3. A. unpromising B. favorable C. generous D. educated4. A. quickest B. slowest C. highest D. lowest5. A. rate B. number C. problem D. supply6. A. famous B. risky C. practical D. popular7. A. received B. encouraged C. stopped D. caused8. A. ignored B. enrolled C. favored D. surveyed9. A. employers B. professors C. reporters D. researchers10. A. situation B. advantage C. skill D. major11. A. ignored B. devoted C. suggested D. questioned12. A. insurance B. disaster C. over-supply D. unemployment13. A. favors B. jobs C. majors D. schools14. A. low B. high C. rising D. falling15. A. end B. remove C. cut D. increase第二节:语法填空〔共10小题,每题2分,共20分〕阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空,并将答案填写在答卷标号为16-25的相位置上。

金山中学2019学年度第一学期高一年级英语学科期末考试II. Grammar and Vocabulary (40分)Section A(10分)Directions: Choose which is the best answer to the following blanks.1. —Remember the first time we met, Jack?— Of course I do. You ______ in the library.A. have readB. were readingC. had readD. read【答案】B2. My dictionary ________ . I have looked for it everywhere but still ______ it.A. has lost; do not findB. is missing; do not findC. has lost; have not foundD. is missing; have not found【答案】D3.Guilin is such a beautiful place ______ people all over the world are eager to visit it.A. whereB. asC. thatD. for【答案】C4.The price of diamond rings has risen sharply, ______ the price of gold rings has gone down.A. whenB. whichC. whileD. otherwise 【答案】C5.You will find taxis waiting at the bus station ______ you can hire to reach your host family.A. whichB. whatC. whenD. how【答案】A6.She was looking for her bicycle key ______ she thought she might have put it.A. wheneverB. whereverC. whicheverD. whatever 【答案】Bst month, part of Southeast Asia was struck by floods, ______ effects people are still suffering from.A. thatB. thoseC. whichD. whose【答案】D8.The thought of going back home was all ______ kept him happy while he was working abroad.A. whichB. whereC. howD. that【答案】D9.______ the medicine works in human body is a question ______ not everyone can fully understand.A. How; thatB. That; whichC. What; whichD. How; what 【答案】A10.—I prefer shutting myself in and listening to music all day on Sunday.—That is ______ I don’t agree to. You should have a more active life.A. whichB. howC. whyD. what【答案】DSection B (10分)Directions: Read the following two passages. Fill in each blank with one proper word or the proper form of the given word to make the passage coherent. Make sure that your answers are grammatically correct.The Origin of New Year’s ResolutionsHappy New Year! For many in the UK, if the New Year means anything, it means ___11___ (turn) over new leaf. And to do this, many of us make New Year’s resolutions---a list of ways ___12___ we intend to improve ourselves in the year ahead. We reflect on our past mistakes and make up our minds not to do them again. ___13___ (give) up smoking is ever popular, as is a promise to take up more exercise or spend more time with family.什么从句?But have you ever wondered when the idea of a New Year’s resolution comes from? The answer might lie in ancient Babylonia, according to History. com. The Babylonians ___14___ (believe) to be the first to hold recorded celebrations for the New Year. The 12 day-long celebration, ___15___ (name) Akitu, allowed them not only ___16___ (show) their loyalty to the King, but also to appeal to the gods to pay their debts and return the borrowed objects.The ancient Romans too had similar traditions. New Year’s Day was a time ___17___ all government officers would take an oath(发誓) that they ___18___ obey the laws and support the city leader. Incidentally, (顺便提一句) the month of January is named after the Roman god Janus. He is the god of beginnings, transitions and time, among other things and is described as having twofaces---one looking to the past and ___19___ facing forward to the future.Whether you’re looking at a quick behavioral change ___20___ a huge personality checkup, you’re taking part in a tradition that goes back centuries. I wish you all the best sticking to your resolutions. Happy New Year!【答案】11. turning 12. that/in which 13. Giving 14. are believed 15. named16. to show 17. when 18. must/should 19. the other 20. orSection C(15分)Directions: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.It was ___21___that students did not write details of how they arrived at their answers or conclusions. I decided to help students write in more detail about what they were thinking when they solved their problems or when they wrote about their ideas.I chose a common, everyday task that all of us ___22___ in: choosing what to wear. When I asked them how they decided what they wore that day, there was a(n) ___23___ moment of silence. It seemed a ___24___ silly question. A few just said “they wore what they wore.” This was a perfect beginning as it was the same kind of response they were giving as to how they were getting their math answers. I told them how I decided what I wore that day.First I checked the weather in the paper and by looking outside. I had to decide between wearing a dress or skirt since either could make a difference in the ___25___ I wish to give. Most of the girls relate d to(和…有关) this one. I had to be sure what I wanted to wear was clean and ironed. They ___26___ no one ironed clothes any more. I had to check to see if I had shoes that went with the possible outfit. I thought about what I had worn ___27___ as I usually don’t wear the same clothes in the same week. I thought about the color I felt like wearing. I thought about the ___28___ I would be doing that day both at school and after school.Each new consideration brought out comments from the students. I could expand on(详述)each or just mention it and go on, ___29___ on how long I wanted the lesson to go. After this discussion, it was clear to students that their thinking process is richer than they first suspect ed. It was a good lesson for showing details of the thinking process of which we weren’t ___30___.【答案】21. K 22. D 23. H 24. J 25. B26. I 27. E 28. A 29. C 30. GIII. Reading Comprehension (45分)Section A(15分)Directions: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D in each blank with the word or phrase that best fit the context.When you say that someone has a good memory, what exactly do you mean? Are you saying that the person has fast recall or that he or she ___31___ information quickly? Or maybe you just mean that the person remembers a lot about her or his childhood. The truth is that it is ___32___ to say exactly what memory is. Even scientists who have been studying memory for decades say they are still trying to ___33___ exactly what it is. But we do know that a particular memory is not just one thing stored somewhere in the brain. ___34___ , a memory is made up of bits and pieces(零碎东西) of information stored all over the brain. Perhaps the best way to ___35___ memory is to say that it is a process---a process of recording, storing, and getting back information. Practice and repetition can help to ___36___ the pieces that make up our memory of that information.Memory can be negatively affected by a number of things. ___37___ nutrition can affect a person’s ability to store information. Excessive alcohol use can also ___38___ memory and cause permanent ___39___ to the brain over the long term. A vision or hearing problem may affect a person’s ability to notice certain things, thus making it ___40___ to record information in the brain.When people talk about memory, they often ___41___ both short-term memory and long-term memory. If you want to call a store or an office that you don’t call often, you look in the telephone book for the number. You dial the number, and then you forget it! You use your short-term memory to remember the number. Your short-term memory lasts about 30 seconds, or half a minute. ___42___ , you don’t need to look in the telephone book for your best friend’s number, because you already know it. This number is in your long-term memory, which ___43___ information aboutthings you have learned and experienced through the years.Why do you forget things sometimes? The major reason for forgetting something is that you did not learn it well enough ___44___. For example, if you meet some new people and right away forget their names, it is because you did not ___45___ the names at the first few seconds when you heard them.31. A. collects B. examines C. publishes D. absorbs32. A. necessary B. important C. difficult D. convenient33. A. figure out B. take out C. put out D. give out34. A. After all B. Instead C. By contrast D. Besides35. A. recall B. refresh C. describe D. decrease36. A. lose B. organize C. identify D. strengthen37. A. Poor B. Adequate C. Special D. Various38. A. increase B. weaken C. promote D. maintain39. A. benefit B. offence C. effect D. damage40. A. easier B. more impressive C. harder D. more convenient41. A. refer to B. apply for C. come across D. break down42. A. Furthermore B. However C. Consequently D. Otherwise43. A. leaks B. transmits C. checks D. stores44. A. in the middle B. at the end C. in the beginning D. ahead of time45. A. restore B. record C. replace D. respond【答案】31. D 32. C 33. A 34. B 35. C36. D 37. A 38. B 39. D 40. C41. A 42. B 43. D 44. C 45. BSection B(22分)Directions: Read the following passages. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them, there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.(A)Now, let’s talk about earthquakes on our planet. Some countries have large numbers of earthquakes. Japan is one of them. Others do not have many. For example, there are few earthquakes in Britain. There is often a great noise during an earthquake. The ground vibrates (震动). Houses fall down. Trains run off the lines. Sometimes, there is a heavy loss of human lives.Earthquakes often happen near volcanoes, but this is not always true. The centers of some earthquakes are under the sea. The bottom of the sea suddenly moves. The powerful forces inside the earth break the rocks. The coast is shaken and great waves appear. These waves, also known as seismic waves(地震波), or tsunamis(海啸) can travel long distances and rush over the land when they reach it. They are strong enough to break down houses and other buildings. Very often fires follow the most serious earthquakes. In 1906, the numbers of fires were burning in the city. The water pipes were also shaken and broken, so it was not possible to put the fire out. There was no water. The Tokyo Earthquake of 1923 happened just before noon. People were cooking meals on their fires at that time. When the ground shook, the fires shook, too. Hot materials were thrown on the different parts of the houses, some of which were made of wood. Soon 134 fires were burning in the city.What kind of building stands up best in an earthquake? A building with concrete walls is perhaps the best. A steel frame will make it even stronger. The frame holds the different parts together and the walls so not easily fall. There is less chance of fire because concrete and steel do not burn. Over the years, scientists studied the results of the earthquake in different parts of the world, and they are convinced that this kind of building is the safest.46. What can we know about earthquake from the first paragraph?A. Britain has large numbers of earthquake.B. There is often a great noise during an earthquake.C. There is a heavy loss of human lives in every earthquake.D. Trains will not run off the lines during the earthquake.47. Some of the undersea earthquakes were caused by ______.A. the breakout of the volcanoB. the seismic wavesC. the tsunamiD. the powerful forces inside the earth48. What can be inferred from the last paragraph?A. A building with concrete walls and a steel frame stands up best in an earthquake.B. There is no chance of fire in a building with concrete walls.C. Scientist studied the causes of the earthquake to get the conclusion.D. A steel frame has no help in making the house stronger.49. This text is probably a ______.A. book reviewB. popular science reportC. newspaper adD. fairy tale【答案】46. B 47. D 48. A 49. B(B)We Want you!CONTACT INFORMATIONDESCRIPTIONEmbassy Suites Hotel San Luis is currently accepting applications for front Desk Services Agent. Full time day and part time night positions open.Availability must include weekends and holidays.This position has a combination of duties mainly related, but not limited to checking-in hotel guests.We are seeking candidates who have the ability to:⊙Understand guest inquires and provide responses in a helpful, courteous(礼貌的) manner.⊙Promote positive relations with all individuals who approach the Front Desk and enter the hotel.⊙Focus on the guest needs remaining calm and courteous.⊙Work well under pressure.⊙Input and access(存取) data in the computer.⊙Ensure security and confidentiality(机密性) of guest and hotel information.➢Confidence n.机密,秘密confidential adj.机密的⊙Work cooperatively with other departments and co-workers as part of a team.REQUIREMENTSCustomer service experience preferredPlease apply online by submit ting a resume, including a cover letter.OR:Apply in person, by submitting an application for employment, from the executive offices located within the hotel.50. Those interested in this job may contact Rebecca Hyre ______.A. by e-mailB. by faxC. by sending short messagesD. by post51. Which of the following is needed for the job?A. College diploma or above.B. Necessary PC skills.C. Speaking at least three languages.D. Five-year working experience.52. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?A. People without customer service experience cannot apply for the position.B. The candidates can only apply online by submitting an application.C. The job candidates are expected to work during holidays.D. The job has a combination of duties limited to hotel guests.【答案】50. A 51. B 52. C(C)The name of the race comes from the name of an Alaska gold rush town, Iditarod. It means “distant” or “distant place.” It comes from one of the languages of native Alaskans.More than sixty sled(雪橇) teams begin the race in Anchorage. When the teams reach the outskirts(郊外) of town, they get a taste of Alaska’s wilderness. For about two weeks, they will fight the unbearable cold, wind, snow, and ice to complete the race. The temperature on the trail is often well below zero degrees. The Iditarod trail extend s for about a thousand miles. It has many rendezvous points. (汇聚点) At these meeting places, the race teams “check in” to let the officials know how they are doing. Some teams get into trouble along the way. Officials will stop them and give them the help they need. For example, officials might stop a team’s progress to give first aid, or to collect an injured or tired dog. These dogs are well cared for and will be reunite d with their owners after the race.The Iditarod trail is an important part of Alaska’s history. A part of the trail was used by some heroic dogs and humans in 1925. In Nome, Alaska, many people were catching the deadly disease Diphtheria. (白喉) So the whole town was in quarantine, or isolation, in order to stop this disease. The only way to get medicine to Nome was by dogsled. About twenty "mushers, "or dogsled drivers, offered to help. They wanted to save the people of Nome from this terrible disease.Today the Iditarod race shows honors to this special heroic journey and to all of the journeys on the famous trail. As the race organizers say, the Iditarod is “the last great race on Earth.”53. Which of the following is TRUE about the Iditarod race?A. It is held every year in the downtown streets in Anchorage.B. It usually lasts about two weeks in freezing cold weather.C. It is held to honor the gold seekers who once lived in Iditarod.D. Its trail is totally different from the one used by some heroic dogs.54. In the race, it’s possible for a seriously injured dog ______.A. to finish the race unnoticedB. to meet its owner againC. to work for a new ownerD. to get timely treatment55. When a town is in quarantine (in Paragraph 3), people in the town ______.A. can get whatever they want easilyB. have to exchange gold for medicineC. are not allowed to go out freelyD. will be remembered as heroes56. The passage is mainly about ______.A. life in AlaskaB. a dogsled race of AlaskaC. a period of Alaska’s historyD. heroic dogs and people in Alaska 【答案】53. B 54. D 55. C 56. BSection C(8分)Directions: Read the following passage and choose the most suitable sentences to fill in the blanks and complete the passage. There are two extra sentences you do not need.A. They were having problems with their school work.B. These are for the two girls he’s going to visit this morning.C. They live in a small village not very far, though only one of the girls is still living at home.D. She display ed a talent for handwriting, writing her three-character name neatly and beautifully.E. The thought of students drop ping out of school bothers me so much that I can’t get to sleep at night.F. Of course, some people question why I would want to give up my retirement to go to so much trouble.On a typical hot August day in Xianyou County, Fujian Province, Zeng Demei, a retired worker in his seventies, hurries down a busy street. In his hand is a black leather bag. Zeng opens his bag, taking out two forms. ___57B___Each of the forms contains detailed information of a student. On his arrival two hours later, a woman greets him and leads him to her office where another man is waiting. They are the two village officials. They inspect the forms handed to them by Zeng and immediately recognize the girls. ___58C___ “It’s a pity but it doesn’t matter,” says Zeng, who wastes no time in deciding to look for the remaining child, Su Qinju.After half an hour, they stop outside a small house made of mud brick. A middle-aged man and a girl in a faded pink dress greet them. Su Qiuju is eight years old. She was forced to drop out ofschool after both her parents died. She is now living with her uncle who cannot afford his own children’s education. However, the year of education Su Qiuju did complete was a successful one. ___59D___When they are about to leave, Zeng says, “I must find a supporter for this girl to sponsor her education.” Zeng has made it his retirement task to help children complete their schooling. Back in 1999, Zeng took part in a campaign started by the local women’s organization to help students from poor families. He was so overcome by the tough situation of many poor children that he donated all his money to help out a girl.His task had begun and since then he has spent his time persuading his friends and neighbors and others to donate money. “To me, children’s education is the most important. ___60E___ I have to find sufficient funding before the school opens in September.”When asked how long he will keep up his vital(重要的) work as the community’s guardian angel, he has a simple reply, “Not until my eyes can’t see, and my feet can’t move.”【答案】57. B 58. C 59. D 60. E【解析】这是一篇记叙文。

高中英语学习材料***鼎尚图文理制作***天津一中、益中学校2016‐2017‐1 高一年级期末英语试卷I. 听力(10%)第一节(共5 小题) 听下面5 段对话。
每段对话后有一道小题,从每题所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。
听完每段对话后,你将有10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。
1.When is the next train to Chicago?A. At 8:00B. At 8:30.C. At 8:40.2.Why does the man want to leave his job?A.He doesn’t get on with his workmates.B.He thinks the job is too boring.C.The working place is too far.3.What is wrong with the man?A.He’s got a headache.B. He can’t fall asleep at night.C. He doesn’t feel the pain.4.What will the man do next?A.Leave.B. Phone Linda.C. Keep on waiting.5.What are the speakers mainly talking about?A.James’ daily life.B. James’ business.C. James’ family.第二节(共15 小题) 听下面5 段对话或独白。
每段对话或独白后有几道小题,从每题所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。
听每段对话或独白前,你将有5 秒钟的时间阅读每小题;听完后,每小题将给出5 秒钟的作答时间。
听第6 段材料,回答第6、7 题。
6.What does the woman suggest the man do?A.Call Ms Hall.B.Phone the guy back.C.Give the guy’s number to Ms Hall.7.What do we know about Ms Hall?A.She will call the guy after lunch.B.She doesn’t bring her cell phone.C.She will come in this afternoon .听第7 段材料,回答第8、9 题。

自贡市中职校2023-2024学年度高一上末考试数学试卷 (含答案)

中职高一数学上期末试卷 第1页 共9页自贡市中等职业学校2023-2024学年高一年级上学期期末考试数 学本试题卷分第Ⅰ卷(选择题)和第Ⅰ卷(非选择题)两部分.考生作答时,须将答案答在答题卡上,在本试题卷、草稿纸上答题无效.满分150分,考试时间120分钟.考试结束后,将本试题卷和答题卡一并交回.第Ⅰ卷(选择题 共60分)注意事项:1.选择题必须使用2B 铅笔在答题卡上将所选答案对应的标号涂黑.2.第I 卷共1个大题,15个小题.每个小题4分,共60分.一、选择题(每小题4分,共60分.在每小题给出的4个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的)1. 设集合{}1,2,3A =,集合{}3,4,5B =,则AB =( )A. φB. {}3C. {}1,2D. {}1,2,3,4,5 2.函数()f x =)A. {}|2x R x ∈≠B. {}|<2x R x ∈C. {}|2x R x ∈≥D. {}|>2x R x ∈3. 已知函数()y f x =的对应关系如下表,函数()y g x =的图象是如图的曲线ABC ,其中(1, 3)(2, 1)(3, 2)A B C ,,,则()()2f g 的值为( )A. 3B. 2C. 1D. 0中职高一数学上期末试卷 第2页 共9页4. 若>a b ,下列说法正确的是( )A. 1>2a b +-B. >ac bcC. 22>ac bcD. 2>2b a 5. (1)(2)0x x -+≤的解集为( )A. {}|12x x -≤≤B. {}|21x x -≤≤C. {}|21x x x ≤-≥或D. {}|12x x x ≤-≥或 6. 函数1()f x x=的单调递减区间是( ) A . (, 0)(0, +)-∞∞和 B . (, 0)(0, +)-∞∞C . (, 0)-∞D . (0, +)∞7. 已知()y f x =是定义在R 上的奇函数,且(1)3f =,则(1)f -=( ) A. 1- B. 3- C. 3 D. 1 8. 下列所给图象是函数图象的个数为( )A. 1B. 2C. 3D. 4 9. “>0x ”是“>1x ”的( )A. 充分条件B. 必要条件C. 充要条件D. 既不充分也不必要条件 10. 下列不等式中,解集为{}11x x -<<的是( )A. 210x -≤B. 10x -≤C.()()1011x x ≤+-D. 101x x -≤+中职高一数学上期末试卷 第3页 共9页11. 已知函数1()(>1)x f x a a -=,则该函数图象必经过定点( ) A. (0, 1) B. (0, 2) C. (1, 2) D. (1, 1)12. 若函数2()21f x x mx =+-在区间(3, )-+∞上是增函数,则实数m 的取值范围是( ) A. 3m ≥ B. 3m ≤ C. 3m ≥- D. 3m ≤-13. 《西游记》《三国演义》《水浒传》和《红楼梦》是中国古典文学瑰宝,并称为中国古典小说四大名著.某中学为了解本校学生阅读四大名著的情况,随机调查了100位学生,其中阅读过《西游记》或《红楼梦》的学生共有90位,阅读过《红楼梦》的学生共有80位,阅读过《西游记》且阅读过《红楼梦》的学生共有60位,则随机调查的100位学生阅读过《西游记》的学生人数为( )A. 50B. 60C. 70D. 8014. 已知函数()f x 是定义在()(),00,∞-+∞上的奇函数,且()10f -=,若对于任意两个实数x 1,()20,x ∈+∞且12x x ≠,不等式()()12120f x f x x x -<-恒成立,则不等式()0xf x >的解集是( )A. ()(),10,1-∞-B. ()(),11,-∞-+∞C. ()()1,01,-+∞ D. ()()1,00,1-15. 计算0122222()x x N ++++∈,令0122222x S =++++Ⅰ,将Ⅰ两边同时乘以2:123122222x S +=+++Ⅰ,用Ⅰ−Ⅰ得到:2S S -=1231(2222)x ++++_012(2222)x ++++,得到121x S +=-;观察该式子的特点,每一项都是前一项的2倍(除第一项外);运算思路是将代数式每一项乘2后再与原式相减,数学上把这种运算的方法叫做“错位相减”,那么当 0121013333S =++++时候,则1S 的值为( )A. 1131- B. 1031- C. 11312- D. 10312-中职高一数学上期末试卷 第4页 共9页第Ⅱ卷(非选择题 共90分)注意事项:1. 非选择题必须用0.5毫米黑色墨迹签字笔在答题卡上题目所指示的答题区域内作答.答在试题卷上无效.2. 本部分共2个大题,12个小题.共90分.二、填空题(本大题共5小题,每小题4分,共20分) 16. 不等式2<1x -的解集为 .(注意:用区间表示)17. 分段函数()22, 11, 2<1x x f x xx x ⎧+≥⎪=⎨⎪+-≤⎩,则分段函数的定义域为________. 18. 若()12f x x =-,则(2)f -= .19. 2023年第31届世界大学生运动会(成都大运会)是中国大陆第三次举办世界大学生夏季运动会,也是中国西部第一次举办的世界性综合运动会,有关吉祥物“蓉宝”的纪念徽章、盲盒等商品成为抢手货,市场供不应求。

2022-2023学年高一上期期末考试 物理试题学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________满分:100分 考试时间:90分钟一、单选题(共9小题,每题3分,共27分)1.2021年9月17日8:00整,第十四届全国运动会铁人三项比赛在陕西省汉中市正式开赛。
选手们依次进行了1.5 km 游泳、40 km 自行车和10 km 跑步三项不间断比赛,李明旭以01:52:24的成绩揽获男子个人冠军。
下列说法正确的是( )A .40 km 是指位移B .8:00整是指时间C .01:52:24的成绩是指时刻D .研究李明旭10 km 跑步的时间时,可以将李明旭看作质点2.如图所示,有A 、B 两物体,A B 2m m =,用细绳连接后放在光滑的固定斜面上,在它们下滑的过程中( )A .它们的加速度sin a g θ=B .它们的加速度sin a g θ<C .细绳的张力T B 2sin 3F m g θ= D .细绳的张力T B 1sin 3F m g θ= 3.某中学秋季趣味运动会中,高一同学参加了拔河比赛,如果绳质量不计,且保持水平,在甲、乙两队的拔河比赛中,甲队获胜,则下列说法中正确的是( )A .甲对乙的拉力始终大于乙对甲的拉力B .甲把乙加速拉过去时,甲对乙的拉力大于乙对甲的拉力C .只有当甲把乙匀速拉过去时,甲对乙的拉力大小才等于乙对甲的拉力大小D .甲对乙的拉力大小始终等于乙对甲的拉力大小,只是地面对甲的最大静摩擦力大于地面对乙的最大静摩擦力4.伽利略在著名的斜面实验中,让小球分别沿倾角不同、阻力很小的斜面从静止开始滚下,他通过实验观察和逻辑推理,得到的正确结论有( )A .倾角一定时,小球在斜面上的位移与时间成正比B .倾角一定时,小球在斜面上的速度与时间成正比C .斜面长度一定时,小球从顶端滚到底端时的速度与倾角无关D .斜面长度一定时,小球从顶端滚到底端所需的时间与倾角无关5.如图所示,一物块置于水平地面上。
陕西省咸阳市2023-2024学年高一上学期期末考试 数学含答案

2023~2024学年度第一学期期末教学质量检测高一数学试题(答案在最后)注意事项:1.本试题共4页,满分150分,时间120分钟.2.答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名和准考证号填写在答题卡上.3.回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用2B 铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑.如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其它答案标号.回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上.写在本试卷上无效.4.考试结束后,监考员将答题卡按顺序收回,装袋整理;试题不回收.第Ⅰ卷(选择题共60分)一、选择题(本题共8小题,每小题5分,共40分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的)1.命题“*2,2a a a ∀∈≥N ”的否定是()A .*2,2a a a ∃∈≥N B .*2,2a a a ∃∈<N C .*2,2a a a ∀∈<N D .*2,2a a a ∀∈>N2.化简32的结果为()A .5B C .5-D .3.若,a c b c >>,则()A .2ab c>B .2ab c <C .2a b c +>D .2a b c+<4.若幂函数()f x x α=的图象经过点(,则()f x 的图象是()A .B .C .D .5.与函数tan 24y x π⎛⎫=+⎪⎝⎭的图象不相交的一条直线是()A .2y π=B .2x π=C .8y π=D .8x π=6.若52,lg20.30102x=≈,则x 的值约为()A .1.322B .1.410C .1.507D .1.6697.“不等式240mx x m ++>在R 上恒成立”的一个必要不充分条件是()A .14m >B .104m <<C .18m >D .108m <<8.如图,一根绝对刚性且长度不变、质量可忽略不计的线,一端固定,另一端悬挂一个沙漏.让沙漏在偏离平衡位置一定角度(最大偏角)后在重力作用下在铅垂面内做周期摆动.若线长为cm l ,沙漏摆动时离开平衡位置的位移s (单位:cm )与时间t (单位:s)的函数关系是[)3cos ,0,3s t π⎫=+∈+∞⎪⎭,取210m /s g =,如果沙漏从离开平衡位置到下一次回到平衡位置恰用0.5s ,则线长约为(精确到0.1cm )()A .25.3cmB .12.7cmC .101.3cmD .50.7cm二、选择题(本题共4小题,每小题5分,共20分.在每小题给出的选项中,有多项符合题目要求.全部选对的得5分,部分选对的得2分,有选错的得0分)9.下列各选项给出的两个函数中,表示相同函数的有()A .()()0,1f x xg x ==B .()()3,f x g x x==C .()()24,22x f x g x x x -==+-D .()()221,1f x xg t t =-=-10.下列选项中,与11sin 6π⎛⎫- ⎪⎝⎭的值相等的是()A .2sin15cos15︒︒B .cos18cos 42sin18sin 42︒︒-︒︒C .22cos 151︒-D .2tan 22.51tan 22.5-︒︒11.将函数()213f x x π⎛⎫=+- ⎪⎝⎭的图象向左平移3π个单位长度,再向上平移1个单位长度,得到函数()g x 的图象,则下列结论正确的有()A .()g x1-B .()g x 的图象关于y 轴对称C .()g x 在,2ππ⎡⎤⎢⎥⎣⎦上单调递增D .()g x 的图象关于点,04π⎛⎫⎪⎝⎭成中心对称12.已知实数,,a b c 满足1ln 2ba c t -===(t 为常数),则下列关系式中可能成立的是()A .a c b>>B .c b a>>C .c a b>>D .a b c>>第Ⅱ卷(非选择题共90分)三、填空题(本题共4小题,每小题5分,共20分)13.在半径为10cm 的圆上,有一条弧的长是5cm ,则该弧所对的圆心角(正角)的弧度数是________.14.已知函数()321,1,,1,x x f x x ax x ⎧+<=⎨-≥⎩若()()02f f =-,则实数a =________.15.已知函数()13xf x ⎛⎫= ⎪⎝⎭的图象与()g x 的图象关于直线y x =对称,则()21g x +的值域为________.16.写出函数()[]()sin cos ,f x x x x ππ=+∈-的一个单调递增区间为________.四、解答题(本题共6小题,共70分.解答应写出文字说明、证明过程或演算步骤)17.(本小题满分10分)已知角α的终边经过点()1,3P -.(Ⅰ)求sin ,cos ,tan ααα;(Ⅱ)求()sin sin 2cos sin πααπαα⎛⎫-+ ⎪⎝⎭--的值.18.(本小题满分12分)已知非空集合{}212A x a x a =-<≤+,函数()f x =的定义域为B .(Ⅰ)若1a =-,求()R A B ð;(Ⅱ)在①A B B = ;②()A A B ⊆ ;③A B =∅ 这三个条件中任选一个,求满足条件的实数a 构成的集合P .注:如果选择多个条件分别作答,则按第一个条件的解答计分.19.(本小题满分12分)已知定义在R 上的函数()21ax bf x x+=+为偶函数,且()01f =.(Ⅰ)求()f x 的解析式;(Ⅱ)判断()f x 在[)0,+∞的单调性,并用单调性定义证明.20.(本小题满分12分)已知函数()2sin 3f x x πω⎛⎫=+ ⎪⎝⎭在()0,π上恰有两个零点,其中*ω∈N .(Ⅰ)求ω的值;(Ⅱ)若()65f x =,求sin 12x π⎛⎫- ⎪⎝⎭的值.21.(本小题满分12分)某乡镇全面实施乡村振兴战略,大力发展特色产业,为提升特色产品的知名度,在一家广告设计公司制作了一批宣传特色产品的展牌.该公司制作()*x x ∈N张展牌与其总成本y (元)之间的函数关系可近似地表示为2320030000y x x =-+.(Ⅰ)当制作多少张展牌时,能够使得每张展牌的平均成本最小?(Ⅱ)若该公司每张展牌的售价为550元,公司要想盈利,对制作展牌张数有何要求?制作多少张展牌可盈利最大?(盈利=总售价-总成本)22.(本小题满分12分)已知()f x 是定义在[]4,4-上的奇函数,当[]4,0x ∈-时,()()143x xaf x a =-∈R .(Ⅰ)求()f x 在[]0,4上的解析式;(Ⅱ)若当[]1,0x ∈-时,不等式()223x xm f x ≤-恒成立,求实数m 的取值范围.2023~2024学年度第一学期期末教学质量检测高一数学试题参考答案及评分标准一、选择题(本题共8小题,每小题5分,共40分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的)1.B2.A 3.C4.D5.D6.A 7.C8.A二、选择题(本题共4小题,每小题5分,共20分.在每小题给出的选项中,有多项符合题目要求,全部选对的得5分,部分选对的得2分,有选错的得0分)9.BD10.ABD11.BD12.ACD三、填空题(本题共4小题,每小题5分,共20分)13.1214.315.(],0-∞16.,4ππ⎛⎫--⎪⎝⎭(答案不唯一,只要在,4ππ⎡⎤--⎢⎥⎣⎦或0,4π⎡⎤⎢⎥⎣⎦内即可)四、解答题(本题共6小题,共70分.解答应写出文字说明、证明过程或演算步骤)17.解:(Ⅰ)由三角函数定义得310sin 10α===,cos 10α===-,3tan 31α==--.(Ⅱ)()()sin sin sin cos tan 13122cos sin cos sin 1tan 13παααααπααααα⎛⎫-+ ⎪----⎝⎭====----------.18.解:(Ⅰ)由()()150x x +-≥,得{}15B x x =-≤≤,{}15B x x x ∴=<->R 或ð,当1a =-时,集合{}31A x x =-<≤,(){}31A B x x ∴=-<<-R ð.(Ⅱ)若选①A B B = ,则A B ⊆,由A ≠∅,得3a <,211,25,a a -≥-⎧∴⎨+≤⎩解得03a ≤<,∴满足条件的实数a 构成的集合{}03P a a =≤<.若选②()A AB ⊆⋂,则A B ⊆,由A ≠∅,得3a <,211,25,a a -≥-⎧∴⎨+≤⎩,解得03a ≤<,∴满足条件的实数a 构成的集合{}03P a a =≤<.若选③A B =∅ ,由A ≠∅,得3a <,215a ∴-≥或21a +<-,解得3a <-,∴满足条件的实数a 构成的集合{}3P a a =<-.19.解:(Ⅰ)由定义在R 上的函数()21ax bf x x +=+为偶函数,得()()f x f x -=,则有2211ax b ax bx x-++=++,即ax b ax b -+=+,必有0a =,由()01f =,得11b=,即1b =,()211f x x ∴=+.(Ⅱ)()f x 在[)0,+∞单调递减,证明如下:任取12,x x ,且120x x ≤<,()()()()()()21211222221212111111x x x x f x f x x x x x +--=-=++++,22122121120,0,0,10,10x x x x x x x x ≤<∴+->+>+>> ,()()120f x f x ∴->,即()()12f x f x >,故()f x 在[)0,+∞单调递减.20.解:(Ⅰ)0,333x x ππππωωπ<<∴<+<+ ,()f x 在()0,π上恰有两个零点,233ππωππ∴<+≤,解得5833ω<≤,*,2ωω∈∴=N (Ⅱ)由(Ⅰ)知,()2sin 23f x x π⎛⎫=+⎪⎝⎭,()63,sin 2535f x x π⎛⎫=∴+= ⎪⎝⎭ ,又322,cos 223665x x x ππππ⎛⎫⎛⎫⎛⎫-+=--∴-= ⎪ ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭⎝⎭,由二倍角公式得2312sin 125x π⎛⎫--= ⎪⎝⎭,解得sin 125x π⎛⎫-= ⎪⎝⎭.21.解:(Ⅰ)由于制作x 张展牌与其总成本y (元)之间的函数关系可近似地表示为2320030000y x x =-+,故每张展牌的平均成本为300003200y x x x=+-,300003200200400y x x x =+-≥-=,当且仅当300003x x=,即100x =时等号成立,∴当制作100张展牌时,能够使得每张展牌的平均成本最小.(Ⅱ)设公司盈利为()f x 元,则()()22550320030000375030000f x x x x x x =--+=-+-,令()23750300000f x x x =-+->,得50200x <<,故公司要想盈利,制作展牌张数需满足集合{}*50200x x ∈<<N ;又()223750300003(125)16875f x x x x =-+-=--+,当125x =时,()f x 取到最大值16875,故制作125张展牌可盈利最大.22.解:(Ⅰ)()f x 是定义在[]4,4-上的奇函数,当[]4,0x ∈-时,()143x xaf x =-,()0010043af ∴=-=,解得1a =,∴当[]4,0x ∈-时,()1143x xf x =-,当[]0,4x ∈时,[]()114,0,4343x xx x x f x ---∈-∴-=-=-,又()()(),43x x f x f x f x -=-∴-=-,故()34x x f x =-,()f x ∴在[]0,4上的解析式为()34x x f x =-.(Ⅱ)由(Ⅰ)知,当[]1,0x ∈-时,()1143xx f x =-,()223x x m f x ∴≤-,可化为1124323x x x x m -≤-,整理得1223xxm ⎛⎫⎛⎫≥+ ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭,令()1223xxg x ⎛⎫⎛⎫=+ ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭,根据指数函数单调性可得,12xy ⎛⎫= ⎪⎝⎭与23xy ⎛⎫= ⎪⎝⎭都是减函数,()g x ∴也是减函数,当[]1,0x ∈-时,不等式()223xx m f x ≤-恒成立,等价于()m g x ≥在[]1,0x ∈-上恒成立,∴只需()max 37()1222m g x g ≥=-=+=,。

1.已知全集,集合,则()A. B. C. D.2.某学校有高中学生1500人,初中学生1000人.学生社团创办文创店,想了解初高中学生对学校吉祥物设计的需求,用分层抽样的方式随机抽取若干人进行问卷调查.已知在初中学生中随机抽取了100人,则在高中学生中抽取了()A.150人B.200人C.250人D.300人3.命题“”的否定是()A. B.C. D.4.方程组的解集是()A. B.C. D.5.某部门调查了200名学生每周的课外活动时间单位:,制成了如图所示的频率分布直方图,其中课外活动时间的范围是,并分成五组.根据直方图,判断这200名学生中每周的课外活动时间不少于14h的人数是()A.56B.80C.144D.1846.若实数a,b满足,则下列不等式成立的是()A. B. C. D.7.函数的零点所在的区间为()A. B. C. D.8.在同一个坐标系中,函数的部分图象可能是()A. B.C. D.9.下列函数中,既是奇函数,又在上单调递减的是()A. B. C. D.10.已知,则实数a,b,c的大小关系是()A. B. C. D.11.已知函数,则“”是“为奇函数”的()A.充分不必要条件B.必要不充分条件C.充要条件D.既不充分也不必要条件12.已知函数,则不等式的解集为()A. B. C. D.13.科赫曲线是几何中最简单的分形.科赫曲线的产生方式如下:如图,将一条线段三等分后,以中间一段为边作正三角形并去掉原线段生成1级科赫曲线“”,将1级科赫曲线上每一线段重复上述步骤得到2级科赫曲线,同理可得3级科赫曲线……在分形中,一个图形通常由N个与它的上一级图形相似,且相似比为r的部分组成.若,则称D为该图形的分形维数.那么科赫曲线的分形维数是()A. B. C.1 D.14.已知函数,若存在非零实数,使得成立,则实数a的取值范围是()A. B. C. D.二、填空题:本题共6小题,每小题5分,共30分。

驻马店市2022~2023学年度第一学期期终考试高一数学试考试时间120分钟满分150分本试题卷分为第I 卷(选择题)和第II 卷(非选择题)两部分.考生作答时,将答案答在答题卡上,在本试题卷上答题无效.注意事项:1.答题前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写(涂)在答题卡上.考生要认真核对答题卡上粘贴的条形码的“准考证号、姓名”与考生本人准考证号、姓名是否一致.2.第I 卷每小题选出答㝝后,用2B 铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答亲标号涂黑,如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其它答案标号.第II 卷用黑色,墨水签字笔在答题卡上书写作答,在试题上作答,答案无效.3.考试结束,监考教师将答题卡收回.第I 卷(选择题共60分)一、单项选择题:本大题共8小题,每小题5分,共40分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的.1.若集合(){}{10,2x A x x x B x =-≤=∣∣,则A B = ()A .[]0,1B .[)0,1C .1,12⎛⎤ ⎥⎝⎦D .1,12⎛⎫⎪⎝⎭2.若命题“2,10x R x ax ∃∈-+≤”是假命题,则实数a 的取值范围是()A .2{|}2a a -≤≤B .2{2}|a a a ≤-≥或C .2{}2|a a a <->或D .2{|2}a a -<<3.已知p :44x a -<-<,q :()()230x x -->,若p ⌝是q ⌝的充分条件,则实数a 的取值范围是()A .(],1-∞-B .[]1,6-C .()[),16,-∞+∞ D .[)6,+∞4.根据如图所示的频率分布直方图,可以估计数据的中位数,众数与平均数,那么这三个数据的60%分位数为()A .12.5B .13C .13.5D .145.1n 和2n 分别表示一容器中甲、乙两种细菌的个数,且甲、乙两种细菌的个数乘积为定值1010.为了方便研究,科学家用12,P P 分别来记录甲、乙两种细菌的信息,其中1122lg ,lg P n P n ==.以下说法正确的是()A .12100P P +=B .11P ≥C .若今天的1P 值比昨天的1P 值增加1,则今天的甲细菌比昨天的甲细菌增加了10个.D .已知lg50.7≈,假设科学家将乙菌的个数控制为5万,则此时15 5.5P <<6.函数()21x f x x-=的大致图象为()A .B .C .D .7.已知0.110.592log 3,log 0.55,2-===a b c ,则()A .a c b <<B .c<a<bC .a b c<<D .b<c<a8.已知正数,a b12a b +=+,则以下结论中(1)21a b +=(2)22a b +=(3)12a b+的最小值为9(4)12a b+的最小值为3.正确结论个数为()A .1B .2C .3D .4二、多选题:本大题共4小题,每小题5分,共20分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,有若干个选项符合题目要求,全部选对的得5分,选对但不全的得2分,有选错的得0分.9.从一批产品中取出三件产品,设{A =三件产品全是正品},{B =三件产品全是次品},{C =三件产品不全是次品},则下列结论不正确的是()A .A 与B 互斥且为对立事件B .B 与C 为对立事件C .A 与C 存在着包含关系D .A 与C 不是互斥事件10.中国传统文化中很多内容体现了数学的“对称美”,如图所示的太极图是由黑白两个鱼形纹组成的图案,俗称阴阳鱼,太极图展现了一种相互转化,相对统一的和谐美,定义:圆O 的圆心在原点,若函数的图像将圆O 的周长和面积同时等分成两部分,则这个函数称为圆O 的一个“太极函数”,则()A .对于圆O ,其“太极函数”有1个B .函数()()()2200x x x f x x x x ⎧-≥⎪=⎨--<⎪⎩是圆O 的一个“太极函数”C .函数()33f x x x =-不是圆O 的“太极函数”D .函数())lnf x x =是圆O 的一个“太极函数”11.若0m >,12n >,且()222log 15mm n n ⋅=+=,则()A .2log 3m m +<B .25log 22n n+>C .2log 1m n =-D .52mn =12.已知函数e,e (),1e x x f x a b x x x -≥⎧⎪=⎨⎛⎫-+<< ⎪⎪⎝⎭⎩的最小值为0,(e 为自然常数,e 2.71818=⋅⋅⋅),则下列结论正确的是()A .若()1,0a ∈-,则e eab ≥+B .若()0,1a ∈,则1b a ≤+C .若()2,e a ∈-∞-,则22e e a b <--D .若()2e ,a ∞∈+,则1b a ≥+第II 卷(非选择题共90分)三、填空题:本大题共4小题,每小题5分,共20分.13.袋子中有四个小球,分别写有“中、华、民、族”四个字,有放回地从中任取一个小球,直到“中”“华”两个字都取到才停止.用随机模拟的方法估计恰好抽取三次停止的概率,利用电脑随机产生0到3之间取整数值的随机数,分别用0,1,2,3代表“中、华、民、族”这四个字,以每三个随机数为一组,表示取球三次的结果,经随机模拟产生了以下18组随机数:232321230023123021132220001231130133231031*********233由此可以估计,恰好抽取三次就停止的概率为____________.14.幂函数y=xa ,当a 取不同的正数时,在区间[0,1]上它们的图象是一组美丽的曲线(如图),设点A (1,0),B (0,1),连接AB ,线段AB 恰好被其中的两个幂函数y=xa ,y=xb 的图象三等分,即有BM =MN =NA ,那么ab =______.15.已知正数a ,b 满足222a ba b ab++≥,则2+a b 的最小值为______.16.已知函数()()2ln 1,1,21,1,x x f x x x x ⎧->⎪=⎨++≤⎪⎩若关于x 的方程()()1f x m m =≠有4个解,分别为1x ,2x ,3x ,4x ,其中1234x x x x <<<,则3411x x +=______,12341111x x x x +++的取值范围是______.四、解答题:本题共6小题,共70分.解答应写出文字说明、证明过程或演算步骤.17.设全集为R ,{}12A x a x a =-<<,B x y ⎧⎪==⎨⎪⎩.(1)若5a =,求A B ⋂;(2)若A ≠∅,是否存在实数a 使得x A ∈是x B ∈的_________,存在求实数a 的取值范围,不存在请说明理由.请在_________处从“①充分不必要条件”、“②必要不充分条件”中选择一个再作答.18.某学校对高一某班的50名同学的身高(单位:cm )进行了一次测量,将得到的数据进行适当分组后(每组为左闭右开区间),画出如图所示的频率分布直方图.(1)求直方图中m 的值,估计全班同学身高的中位数;(2)若采用分层抽样的方法从全班同学中抽取了4名身高在[)180,200内的同学,再从这4名同学中任选2名去参加跑步比赛,求选出的2名同学中恰有1名同学身高在[)190,200内的概率.19.已知函数()132f x x +=+,二次函数()g x 满足()110g =-,且不等式()()1g x f x +<的解集为()2,4-.(1)求()f x ,()g x 的解析式;(2)设()()g x h x x=,根据定义证明:()h x 在()0,∞+上为增函数.20.已知函数()f x 的定义域为R ,且()22f x x --为奇函数,()f x x +为偶函数.(1)求()f x 的解析式;(2)已知0a ≠,对任意的x ∈R ,()21x ax bx c f x +≤++≤恒成立,求3bc a +的最大值.21.新能源开发能够有效地解决我国能源短缺和传统能源使用带来的环境污染问题,国家鼓励新能源企业发展,已知某新能源企业,年固定成本50万元,每生产()*x x N ∈台设备,另需投入生产成本y 万元,若该设备年产量不足20台,则生产成本230y x x =+万元;若年产量不小于20台,则生产成本270053285y x x=+-万元,每台设备售价50万元,通过市场分析,该企业生产的设备能全部售完.(总成本=固定成本+生产成本;利润=销售总额-总成本)(1)写出年利润()f x (万元)关于年产量x (台)的关系式;(2)年产量为多少时,该企业所获年利润最大?22.定义:若函数()f x 对于其定义域内的某一数0x ,有()00f x x =,则称0x 是()f x 的一个不动点,已知函数2()(1)1(0)f x ax b x b a =+++-≠.(1)当1a =,2b =-时,求函数()f x 的不动点;(2)若函数()f x 有两个不动点,且()y f x =图像上两个点A 、B 的横坐标恰是函数()f x 的两个不动点,且A 、B 的中点C 在函数24()541ag x x a a =-+-+的图像上,求b 的最小值.(参考公式:()11,A x y ,()22,B x y 的中点坐标为1212,22x x y y ++⎛⎫⎪⎝⎭)参考答案1.C 【分析】根据一元二次不等式解法可得[]0,1A =,由指数不等式可得1,2B ⎛⎫=+∞ ⎪⎝⎭,根据交集运算即可得出结果.【详解】由题意可得(){}[]1100,A xx x =-≤=∣,利用指数不等式可得{121222,2xx B x x ⎧⎫⎛⎫==>=+∞⎨⎬ ⎪⎝⎭⎩⎭∣∣,所以1,12A B ⎛⎤= ⎥⎝⎦.故选:C 2.D 【分析】将命题“2,10x R x ax ∃∈-+≤”是假命题,转化为命题“2,10x R x ax ∀∈-+>”是真命题,利用判别式法求解.【详解】因为命题“2,10x R x ax ∃∈-+≤”是假命题,所以命题“2,10x R x ax ∀∈-+>”是真命题,所以240a ∆=-<,解得22a -<<,所以实数a 的取值范围是2{|2}a a -<<故选:D 3.B 【分析】根据p ⌝是q ⌝的充分条件列不等式,由此求得a 的取值范围.【详解】依题意:p :44a x a -<<+,q :23x <<,p ⌝:4x a ≤-或4x a ≥+;q ⌝:2x ≤或3x ≥,由于p ⌝是q ⌝的充分条件,所以4243a a -≤⎧⎨+≥⎩,所以16a -≤≤.故选:B 4.B 【分析】根据众数的定义,用频率分布直方图中最高矩形的底边中点的横坐标估计得12.5,中位数是把频率分布直方图分成两个面积相等部分的平行于纵轴的直线的横坐标,分析计算得13,用每组的中点值为代表估计平均数,运算得13,结合百分位的概念分析运算.【详解】众数是频率分布直方图中最高矩形的底边中点的横坐标,则众数是12.5.中位数是把频率分布直方图分成两个面积相等部分的平行于纵轴的直线的横坐标,第一个矩形的面积是0.2,第二个矩形的面积是0.5,故将第二个矩形分成3:2即可,则中位数是13.平均数为7.⨯+⨯+⨯=.三个数由小到大排列为12.5,13,13,因为30.6 1.8⨯=,由百分位数的定义可得60%分位数为13,故选:B .5.D 【分析】根据对数运算法则可知1210P P +=,A 错误;易知甲细菌的个数1101,10n ⎡⎤∈⎣⎦,所以[]10,10P ∈,B 错误;若今天的1P 值比昨天的1P 值增加1,利用对数运算性质可得今天的细菌数是昨天细菌数的10倍,C 错误;若乙菌的个数控制为5万,此时1 5.3P ≈,可得D 正确.【详解】由题意可得011210n n =,所以()10121212lg lg lg lg1010P P n n n n +===+=,即A 错误;易知1101,10n ⎡⎤∈⎣⎦,所以[]110,10lg P n ∈=,即B 错误;可设昨天的1P 值为1P ',细菌个数为1n ',即11lg P n ='';则今天的1P 值满足()111lg lg 1011P n n ''+=='+,即今天的细菌数是昨天细菌数的10倍,不是只增加了10个,所以C 错误;若乙菌的个数控制为5万,即42510n =⨯,则61210510101n n ==⨯,此时1166lg lg 31501lg 5.5P n ⎛⎫=⨯=-≈ ⎪⎭=⎝,即15 5.5P<<.所以D 正确.故选:D 6.D 【分析】根据函数奇偶性可排除A ,再根据区间内函数值的正负可排除C ,利用函数单调性可排除B ,即可得出结果.【详解】由题意可知,函数()21x f x x-=的定义域为()(),00,∞∞-⋃+,所以()()21x f x f x x--==--,即()f x 为奇函数,所以A 错误;当0x >时,()210x f x x-=>,所以C 错误;当1x =时,()10f =;当1x >时,()211x f x x x x-==-,且101x <<,随着x 的增大,()1f x x x =-的值也随之增大,即B 错误;故选:D 7.A 【分析】根据给定条件利用指数函数、对数函数单调性,借助“媒介”数比较大小作答.【详解】函数0.59log y x =,12log y x =在(0,)+∞上都是单调递减的,而0.590.55>,则0.590.59log 0.55log 0.591>=,又31>,则1122log 3log 10<=,2x y =在R 上单调递增,则0.102102-<=<,所以a c b <<.故选:A8.B 【分析】变形给定等式,利用函数()f x x =的单调性导出12a b -=,再结合均值不等式“1”的妙用判断作答.【详解】1212a b a b +=++-=令函数()f x x =,显然函数()f x 在[0,)+∞上单调递增,当0x <时,()f x =y y x ==-在(,0]-∞上都单调递减,即y x =-在(,0]-∞上单调递减,因此()f x =(,0]-∞上单调递增,于是函数()f x x =在R 上单调递增,显然原等式为(1)(2)f a f b -=,则12a b -=,即21a b +=,(1)正确,(2)错误;121222(2)()559b a a b a b a b a b +=++=++≥+=,当且仅当22b a a b =,即13a b ==时取等号,于是12a b+的最小值为9,(3)正确,(4)错误,所以正确结论个数为2.故选:B 9.A 【分析】根据题意,列出所有基本事件,从而得到事件,,A B C 所包含的基本事件,进而利用互斥事件与对立事件的概念对选项逐项分析判断即可.【详解】从一批产品中取出三件产品,其基本事件有:三件次品,一正两次品,两正一次品,三件正品,{A =三件产品全是正品},它包含的事件是三件正品,{B =三件产品全是次品},它包含的事件是三件次品,C 为{三件产品不全是次品},它包含的事件是一正两次品,两正一次品,三件正品,共三个事件,由此知:A 与B 是互斥事件,但不对立,故A 错误;B 与C 是互斥事件,也是对立事件,故B 正确;A 与C 存在包含关系,不是互斥事件,故CD 正确.故选:A.10.BD【分析】根据题意,只需判断所给函数的奇偶性即可得答案.【详解】解:对于A 选项,圆O ,其“太极函数”不止1个,故错误;对于B 选项,由于函数()()()2200x x x f x x x x ⎧-≥⎪=⎨--<⎪⎩,当0x ≥时,()()2f x x x f x -=-+=-,当0x <时,()()2f x x x f x +-==-,故()()()2200x x x f x x x x ⎧-≥⎪=⎨--<⎪⎩为奇函数,故根据对称性可知函数()()()2200x x x f x x x x ⎧-≥⎪=⎨--<⎪⎩为圆O 的一个“太极函数”,故正确;对于C 选项,函数定义域为R ,()()33f x x x f x -=-+=-,也是奇函数,故为圆O 的一个“太极函数”,故错误;对于D 选项,函数定义域为R ,()))()lnln ln x x f x f x ⎛⎫=-==--=-⎪⎭-,故为奇函数,故函数())ln f x x =是圆O 的一个“太极函数”,故正确.故选:BD11.ABD【分析】由25m m ⋅=变形后取对数,根据对数函数性质判断A ,同理得出n 的关系式,利用对数函数的单调性判断B ,已知等式同构变形,构造函数()2log f x x x =+,由函数的单调性可判断C ,由AC 中的等式变形可得mn ,从而判断D .【详解】由25m m ⋅=,得52m m=,所以22log 5log m m =-,即22log log 53m m +=<,A 正确.由()22log 15n n +=,得25log 12n n +=,所以225log 2log 12n n n +>+=,B 正确.由251log 122n n n ⎛⎫+=> ⎪⎝⎭,得()2222log log 1log 5log 2n n +=-,即()()2222log 1log log 1log 5n n +++=,构造函数()2log f x x x =+,因为()f x 在()0,∞+上单调递增,且()()22log 1log 5f m f n =+=,所以2log 1m n =+,C 错误.将2log 1m n =+代入22log log 5m m +=,得222log 1log log 5n m ++=,即2225log log log 2m n +=,解得52mn =,D 正确.故选:ABD .12.AD【分析】由已知得当1e x <<时,()min 0f x ≥,对于AC ,当a<0时,()a f x b x x ⎛⎫=-+ ⎪⎝⎭为()1,e 上的减函数,则()0e f ≥,代入解不等式得解;对于BD ,当0a >时,由对勾函数a y x x=+在(x ∈上单调递减,在)x ∈+∞上单调递增,判断()a f x b x x ⎛⎫=-+ ⎪⎝⎭的单调性,求出最小值即可判断.【详解】由函数e,e (),1e x x f x a b x x x -≥⎧⎪=⎨⎛⎫-+<< ⎪⎪⎝⎭⎩的最小值为0,当e x ≥时,()e 0f x x =-≥,即[)()0,f x ∈+∞,故当1e x <<时,()a f x b x x ⎛⎫=-+ ⎪⎝⎭的值域为[)0,∞+的子集,即()min 0f x ≥对于AC ,当a<0时,()a f x b x x ⎛⎫=-+ ⎪⎝⎭为()1,e 上的减函数,又()()min e e e a f b f x ⎛⎫=-+ ⎝=⎪⎭,则e 0e a b ⎛⎫-+≥ ⎪⎝⎭,即e e a b ≥+,故A 正确,C 错误;当0a >时,对勾函数a y x x =+在(x ∈上单调递减,在)x ∈+∞上单调递增,对于B ,当()0,1a ∈时,对勾函数a y x x=+在()1,e 上单调递增,则函数()a f x b x x ⎛⎫=-+ ⎪⎝⎭在()1,e 上单调递减,由A 知,e e a b ≥+,故B 错误;对于D ,当()2e ,a ∞∈+时,对勾函数a y x x =+在()1,e 上单调递减,则函数()a f x b x x ⎛⎫=-+ ⎪⎝⎭在()1,e 上单调递增,又()()11f b a =-+,则()10b a -+≥,即1b a ≥+,故D 正确;故选:AD13.29【分析】利用古典概型的随机数法求解.【详解】由随机产生的随机数可知恰好抽取三次就停止的有021,001,130,031,共4组随机数,所以恰好抽取三次就停止的概率约为42189=,故答案为:2914.1【分析】求得,M N 的坐标,进而求得,a b ,从而求得ab .【详解】依题意,BM MN NA ==,所以,M N 是线段AB 的三等分点,而()()1,0,0,1A B ,所以1221,,3333M N ⎛⎫⎛⎫ ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭,所以1221,3333a b ⎛⎫⎛⎫== ⎪ ⎝⎭⎝⎭,121233332121log ,log ,log log 13333a b ab ===⋅=.故答案为:115.2【分析】右边化简可得()211115222222a b b a a b ab a b a b a b a b +⎛⎫⎛⎫=++=++ ⎪ ⎪++⎝⎭⎝⎭,利用基本不等式,计算化简即可求得结果.【详解】()21111591222222222a b b a a b a b ab a b a b a b a b a b+⎛⎫⎛⎫+≥=++=++≥⨯ ⎪ ⎪+++⎝⎭⎝⎭,故()2922a b +≥,则22a b +≥,当且仅当2a b ==时,等号成立.故答案为:216.1()5,1,3⎡⎫∞-⋃+∞⎪⎢⎣⎭【分析】作出()f x 图象,将方程()()1f x m m =≠有4个解,转化为()y f x =图象与(1)y m m =≠图象有4个交点,根据二次函数的对称性,对数函数的性质,可得的12,x x 、34,x x 的范围与关系,结合图象,可得m 的范围,综合分析,即可得答案.【详解】作出()f x 图象,由方程()()1f x m m =≠有4个解,可得()y f x =图象与(1)y m m =≠图象有4个交点,且1234x x x x <<<,如图所示:由图象可知:04m <≤且1m ≠因为1234()()()()f x f x f x f x ===,所以1234112x x x x <-<<<<<,由34()()f x f x m ==,可得()()34ln 1ln 1x x -=-,因为342x x <<,所以()()34ln 1ln 1x x -=--所以()()34111x x --=,整理得34111x x +=;当1x ≤时,令221x x m ++=,可得2210x x m ++-=,由韦达定理可得12122,1x x x x m+=-=-所以121212112211x x x x x x m m +-+===--,因为04m <≤且1m ≠,所以111m <--或1113m ≥-,则2111m +<--或25113m +≥-,所以()12341111251,1,13x x x x m ∞∞⎡⎫+++=+∈--⋃+⎪⎢-⎣⎭故答案为:1,()5,1,3⎡⎫-∞-⋃+∞⎪⎢⎣⎭.【点睛】解题的关键是将函数求解问题,转化为()y f x =图象与(1)y m m =≠图象求交点问题,再结合二次函数,对数函数的性质求解即可,考查数形结合,分析理解,计算化简的能力,属中档题.17.(1){}46A B x x ⋂=<≤(2)答案见解析【分析】(1)根据题意可得603x x-≥-,结合分式不等式解法运算求解;(2)若选择①:分析可得包含关系,根据真子集的概念列式运算;若选择②:分析可得包含关系,根据真子集的概念列式运算.【详解】(1)当5a =时,{}410A x x =<<,因为y =603x x -≥-,解得36x <≤,所以{}36B x x =<≤.所以{}46A B x x ⋂=<≤.(2)若选择①充分不必要条件,则A 是B 真子集,因为A ≠∅,故121326a a a a -<⎧⎪-≥⎨⎪≤⎩,不等式无解,即不存在实数a 使得x A ∈是x B ∈的充分不必要条件.若选择②必要不充分条件,则B 是A 的真子集,所以1326a a -≤⎧⎨>⎩,解得34a <≤,所以实数a 的取值范围为34a <≤.18.(1)0.004m =,中位数为167.5cm (2)12【分析】(1)利用频率分布直方图中所有矩形的面积之和为1可求得m 的值,设中位数为x ,利用中位数左边的矩形面积之和为0.5列等式可求得x 的值;(2)分析可知所抽取的4名学生,身高在[)180,190的学生人数为3,分别记为a 、b 、c ,身高在[)190,200的学生人数为1,记为A ,列举出所有的基本事件,确定所求事件所包含的基本事件,利用古典概型的概率公式可求得所求事件的概率.【详解】(1)解:由图可得()20.0120.0160.0240.040101m ++++⨯=,解得0.004m =.设中位数为x ,前两个矩形的面积之和为()0.0040.016100.2+⨯=,前三个矩形的面积之和为0.20.04100.60.5+⨯=>,可知()160,170x ∈,所以,()0.040.161600.040.5x ++-⨯=,解得167.5=x ,故估计全班同学身高的中位数为167.5cm .(2)解:所抽取的4名学生,身高在[)180,190的学生人数为0.012430.0120.004⨯=+,身高在[)190,200的学生人数为0.004410.0120.004⨯=+,设身高在[)180,190内的同学分别为a 、b 、c ,身高在[)190,200内的同学为A ,则这个试验的样本空间可记为()()()()()(){},,,,,,,,,,,a b a c a A b c b A c A Ω=,共包含6个样本点,记事件:M 选出的2名同学中恰有一名同学身高在[)190,200内.则事件M 包含的基本事件有(),a A 、(),b A 、(),c A ,共3种,故()3162P M ==.19.(1)()31f x x =-,()256g x x x =--;(2)证明见解析.【分析】(1)配凑法求出函数()f x 的解析式,借助一元二次不等式解集求出()g x 的解析式作答.(2)由(1)求出()h x ,再利用单调性定义推理作答.【详解】(1)依题意,()13(1)1f x x +=+-,因此()31f x x =-,设二次函数()2g x ax bx c =++,不等式()()1g x f x +<为:()2320ax b x c +++-<,则2,4-是关于x 的一元二次方程()2320ax b x c +++-=的两个实根,且0a >,于是得3228b a c a+⎧-=⎪⎪⎨-⎪=-⎪⎩,即2382a b a c +=-⎧⎨+=⎩,又(1)10g a b c =++=-,解得1a =,=5b -,6c =-,于是得()256g x x x =--,所以()31f x x =-,()256g x x x =--.(2)由(1)知,()65h x x x=--,任取()12,0,x x ∈+∞,且12x x <,12212166))5(((5)h x h x x x x x -=-----12126()(1)x x x x =-+因120x x <<,有120x x -<,120x x >,12610x x +>,则()()120h x h x -<,因此()()12h x h x <,所以函数()()g x h x x =在()0,∞+上为增函数.20.(1)()22f x x x =-+(2)32【分析】(1)根据奇函数性质得到()()224f x f x x +-=+,根据偶函数性质得到()()2f x f x x --=-,相加得到答案.(2)取1x =得到2a b c ++=,根据()()211410b a c ∆=---≤化简得到10a c -+=,故2133222bc a a ⎛⎫+=--+ ⎪⎝⎭,根据二次函数求最值再验证20∆≤得到答案.【详解】(1)()22f x x --为奇函数,则()()()2222f x x f x x ⎡⎤--=-----⎣⎦,即()()224f x f x x +-=+;()f x x +为偶函数,则()()f x x f x x +=--,即()()2f x f x x --=-;两式相加得到()22242f x x x =+-,故()22f x x x =-+.(2)()21x ax bx c f x +≤++≤,即2212x ax bx c x x +≤++≤-+,取1x =,得到22a b c ≤++≤,故2a b c ++=,21x ax bx c +≤++,即()2110ax b x c +-+-≥,故0a >且()()211410b a c ∆=---≤,()()()()()222141214110b a c a c a c a c ---=-----=-+≤,故10a c -+=,222ax bx c x x ++≤-+,即()()21120a x b x c -+++-≤,故10a -<且()()()2214120b a c ∆=+---≤,得到:01a <<,2a b c ++=,10a c -+=,即1c a =+,12b a =-,()()221331213221222bc a a a a a a a ⎛⎫+=-++=-++=--+ ⎪⎝⎭,当12a =时,3bc a +有最大值为32,验证()()()2214121100b a c ∆=+---=-=≤成立.综上所述:3bc a +有最大值为32.21.(1)22050,020()27003235,20x x x f x x x x ⎧-+-<<⎪=⎨--+≥⎪⎩(2)年产量为30台时,该企业所获年利润最大【分析】(1)根据已知条件,结合利润=销售收入-年固定成本-产品生产成本的公式,分020x <<,20x ≥两种情况讨论,即可求解.(2)根据已知条件,结合二次函数的性质,以及基本不等式的公式,分别求解分段函数的最大值,再通过比较大小,即可求解.【详解】(1)解:(1)当020x <<时,22()5050(3)2050f x x x x x x =--+=-+-,当20x ≥时,27002700()5050(53285)3235f x x x x x x=--+-=--+,故22050,020()27003235,20x x x f x x x x ⎧-+-<<⎪=⎨--+≥⎪⎩;(2)当020x <<时,22()2050(10)50f x x x x =-+-=--+,当10x =时,()f x 的最大值为50,当20x ≥时,27002700()3235(3)23523555f x x x x x =--+=-++≤-=,当且仅当27003x x=,即30x =时,等号成立,5550> ,故年产量为30台时,该企业所获年利润最大,最大利润为55万元.22.(1)不动点为3和1-;(2)4-【分析】(1)根据不动点定义令()00f x x =,则有200230x x --=,解出即可;(2)令2(1)1ax b x b x +++-=,化简得到210ax bx b ++-=,利用韦达定理和中点公式得到22244541121a b a a a --==-+⎛⎫-+ ⎪⎝⎭,最终得到b 的最小值,再代回检验即可.【详解】(1)()23f x x x =--,令()00f x x =,则200230x x --=得03x =或01x =-,所以函数()f x 的不动点为3和1-;(2)令2(1)1ax b x b x +++-=,则210ax bx b ++-=.①则方程①有两个不等实根1x ,2x ,且()2410b a b ∆=-->,满足()11f x x =,()22f x x =,可设()11,A x y ,()22,B x y (12x x ≠).因为AB 的中点在函数()g x 上,所以12122422541x x x x a a a ++=-+-+,∴1224541b a x x a a a +=-=-+,∴2222444154112145a b a a a a a ---===-+⎛⎫-+ ⎪⎝⎭-+.所以当12a=,即12a =时,min 4b =-,此时满足()()2144412602∆=--⋅--=>,成立.【点睛】本题考查函数新定义,不动点理论在函数与数列中具有重要的意义,对于这类具有丰富数学内涵的新定义问题,一定要充分理解其定义,根据其定义解题,本题还涉及韦达定理,中点公式(题目末尾给出,要注意既然给出此公式一定会运用),题目关键是12x x +的两种表达,这样得到关于,a b 的方程,再用a 表示b ,再求出此函数的最值即可,最后不忘回头检验此时∆是否大于0.。

AI read an interesting article recently about how music played an important role in helping two elders in a nursing home find each other.They were listening to a waltz on the radio and began dancing with each other!Music is around us all the time—it’s on the radio,television,and in movies and commercials(商业广告).Music can soothe you and make you happy or sad.I hear music in grocery stores,in lifts and just about everywhere I go.I grew up with music.My mom used to do housework listening to the FM radio when it was all classical music.My dad liked the dance bands that included Sammy Kaye,Guy Lombardo,Glenn Miller and Jan Garber.Many of these bands broadcast live on the radio from dancehall sin Chicago.My great grandfather,Joseph Bapst,played in a brass band in the 1870s and80s.My great uncle,George Keller,played the trumpet(小号)in the band,as did my dad and mother.My great aunt taught piano and had a degree in music.So I really didn’t have a choice when it came to music and a career.For me,it was music!My love was marches(进行曲)and band music.American March King John Philip Sousa said that a good march could make a man with a wooden leg get up and march!In1948,the Cities Service Band of America went on radio and played a half-hour live band concert every Monday night at8:30on NBC.Conductor Paul Lavalle led a band made up of the best musicians in the New York City area.In1949,I asked my dad to get a television set.He said,“We don’t need one.”Well,at the end of the1949season,the Cities Service Band announced that beginning in September,they were going to appear on television every Monday night.My dad bought a TV the next week!Music has been a great and wonderful part of my life—and it still is. 1.What is“the interesting article”mentioned in the first paragraph about?A.How old people prefer soft music.B.How music help sold people stay fit and happy.C.How old people are sensitive to music.D.How music helps connect people.2.What does paragraph3mainly talk about?A.Why the author loves marches.B.The strong link the author’s family has with music.C.The author’s journey of learning music.D.How the author formed his taste in music.3.Why did the author’s father buy a TV in the end?A.He earned enough to buy one.B.TVs were becoming trendy.C.He was eager to watch a music show on TV.D.He was repeatedly asked to buy one. 4.What is the author’s main purpose in writing this article?A.To describe his love for music.B.To introduce his family’s most-loved bands.C.To explain the benefits of music.D.To show how music brought his family together.5.Which can be a suitable title for the text?A.My music,my love B.Loving music at any ageC.How music changed my life D.Focusing on the music around youBFruit tea,cakes,flowers,coffee,handicrafts…Step out of your home and head to an outdoor space when night falls,where dozens of cars are decorated with colored lights.All of the things mentioned can be found at the back of the cars,with more goods yet to beexplored.Since this summer,car trunk fairs(集市)have emerged as trendy activities mainly among young people in cities across China.Drivers open their car trunks and setup stalls(小摊)outside their vehicles,while customers relax nearby in camping chairs,listening to live bands and enjoying the soft summer evening.After the camping crazes,this is another outdoor activity attracting a great number of participants looking to satisfy their desire to go outside during the COVID-19pandemic.This time,however,things are slightly different as it is no longer an activity purely for relaxation, but a business opportunity and a way to make a living in a situation where a mass of people have lost their jobs due to the impact of the pandemic.For the past six months,selling hand-made coffee at car trunk fairs in Xi’an,Shaanxi province has been Li Lei’s main way of supporting his family.After he lost his job last year, Li turned to this emerging business.Without much starting cost,he started his coffee stall with a l6-year-old secondhand car at a car trunk fair beside a lake and earned50to2,000 yuan a day.For customers,car trunk fair is a brand-new,relaxing approach to outdoor socializing.“People don’t just come for coffee;they like to sit and talk,often staying into the night,”Li said to China Daily.“Someone brings a guitar and an amplifier(扩音器),and after singing a song together,everyone gets to know each other.”In addition,a car trunk fair can be a spreader of popular thoughts and emotions.Zhuang Shenyang,a drink seller at car trunk fairs in Shenzhen,Guangdong province,named his lemon tea stall“A Tea House in Debt(债务)”with self-deprecating(自贬的)humor.“I want to show an attitude that,even though I am in debt,I will never let it be,”Zhuang said.He added that,although many people’s incomes had been affected by the pandemic,they didn’t “lie flat”at home;instead,they work hard to improve their circumstances.As increasingly popular and life-supporting as it is,the car trunk fair business still has its own problems which need more regulation.For example,hosting sites should be instructed to establish safety,sanitation(卫生),epidemic prevention and other rules to protect the rights and interests of both consumers and stall owners.6.What do we know about car trunk fairs?A.They combine business and fun.B.They mainly sell secondhand goods. C.They are open round the clock.D.They are located in downtown areas. 7.What does Paragraph3focus on regarding car trunk fairs?A.Their influence.B.Reasons for their popularity. C.Their economic values.D.People’s attitude toward them. 8.What does a car trunk fair mean to Li?A.A new way of socializing.B.A chance to get closer to nature. C.A means of making a living.D.An opportunity to realize his dream. 9.Why did Zhuang name his stall“A Tea House in Debt”?A.To call for help from other people.B.To attract attention from customers. C.To show his displeasure about pandemic.D.To express his positive attitude toward life.10.What probably will talk about in the next paragraph?A.Stall owners need to attract more customers.B.Government need to made certain regulations.C.Personal safety will be concerned about.D.Young generation will create more possibilities.CDuring the COVID-19pandemic,many people developed new hobbies at home. However,the17-year-old Benjamin Choi,a high schooler in Virginia,US,began working on an invention that would quickly go beyond the scale of just a“pandemic project”.He set out to design and build an affordable robotic,prosthetic(假体的)arm that could bemind-controlled without requiring any brain surgery,reported Smithsonian magazine.Choi was inspired by a60-minute video he’d watched in third grade where researchers implanted tiny sensors into a patient’s brain,allowing her to move a robotic arm using her thoughts.“I was really amazed but also alarmed that they require this risky open brain surgery.”Choi set out to design an improved version himself.With past experience in programming and robotics,he was able to independently design the first version of his robotic arm using his sister’s3D printer.This initial version worked,using brainwave data and head gestures.The brain wave interpretation algorithm(算法)he had to write from scratch,for which he’s now acquired a provisional patent(临时专利权),was still to come.In October2020,he received a support in money from poly Spectra,a company that produces durable3D-printed materials.They helped to produce his arm,moving it out of the prototype(原型)stage and making it working for daily use.After over75designs,Choi’s non-invasive,mind-controlled arm is now made from engineering-grade materials.It operates using the algorithm,which is driven by artificial intelligence that interprets a user’s brainwaves.The arm remains affordable—it costs under $300(around2,000yuan)to make.Now,the invention has earned him a spot in the top40finalists of one of the oldest and most prestigious science and math competitions for US high school seniors.Choi wants to continue to improve his prosthetic arm in the future.11.What inspired Choi to create a mind-controlled arm?A.A brain surgery he read about in a magazine.B.A famous science competition.C.A video he watched before.D.A documentary about tiny sensors.12.What did he do to create the mind-controlled arm?A.He used a small3D printer sponsored by poly Spectra.B.He wrote a brainwave interpretation algorithm himself.C.He learned programming and robotics from other experts.D.He and his sister designed the first version of the robotic arm.13.What do we know about the latest version of the prosthetic arm?A.A tiny sensor was implanted into it.B.Choi wrote a whole new algorithm for it.C.It is able to categorize brainwave patterns.D.It is made from engineering-grade materials.14.Which of the following words best describe the mind-controlled arm?A.Safe and affordable.B.Creative but unstable. C.Advanced and complicated.D.Unique but expensive. 15.Where is this text most likely from?A.A students’blog.B.A scientific website.C.A natural magazine.D.A machine brochure.第二节(共5小题;每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)阅读下面短文,从短文后选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
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高一上学期期末考试试题(2)第Ⅰ卷 选择题(共60分)一、选择题:本大题共12小题,每小题5分,共60分,在每小题给出的四个选项(4)已知空间三条直线.l m n 、、若l 与m 异面,且l 与n 异面,则m 与n 必异面. 其中正确命题的个数是A .0 B.1 C.2 D.34.在平面直角坐标系xOy 中,直线3450x y +-=与圆224x y +=相交于A 、B 两点, 则弦AB 的长等于 A.B.CD .15.若两个函数的图象经过若干次平移后能够重合,则称这两个函数为“同形”函数.给出四个函数: ()x x f 21log 2=,()()2log 22+=x x f ,223log )()(x x f =,()x x f 2log )(24=. 则“同形”函数是A .()x f 1与()x f 2B .()x f 2与()x f 3C .()x f 1与()x f 4D .()x f 2与()x f 46.如图,已知四棱锥ABCD P -为正方形,⊥PA 平面给出下列命题:①AC PB ⊥;②平面PAB 与平面PCD 的交线与AB ③平面⊥PBD 平面PAC ;④PCD ∆为锐角三角形. 其中真命题的序号是.A ②③ .B ①②③④ .C ③④ .D ②③④7.定义在R 上的函数)(x f y =,在),(a -∞上是增函数,且函数)(a x f y +=是偶 函数,当a x a x ><21,,且a x a x -<-21时,有A.)()(21x f x f >B. )()(21x f x f ≥C. )()(21x f x f <D. )()(21x f x f ≤8.圆056222=++-+a y x y x 关于直线2y x b =+成轴对称图形,则b a -的取值范围是A .)4,(-∞B .)0,(-∞C .),4(+∞-D .),4(+∞9.设函数121()log ()2x f x x =-,2121()log ()2x f x x =-的零点分别为12,x x ,则A .1201x x <<B .121x x =C .1212x x <<D .122x x ≥10.已知三棱锥S ABC -的所有顶点都在球O 的求面上,ABC ∆是边长为1的正三角形,SC 为球O 的直径,且2SC =;则此棱锥的体积为A.6 B.6 C.3 D.211.已知函数3443)(-+-=x x x f ,则)(x f 的值域是A .[0,5]B .[3,4]C .[3,5]D .[4,5]12.已知函数)(x f y =是定义在R 上的奇函数,当0≤x 时,22)(x x x f +=.若存 在正数b a ,,使得当],[b a x ∈时,)(x f 的值域为]1,1[ab ,则b a +=A.1B.251+ C.251+ D.253+第Ⅱ卷 非选择题(共90分)二、填空题:本大题共4小题,每小题5分,共20分.13.对任意实数x ,不等式kx x >-1恒成立,则k 的取值范围是 . 14.设四面体的六条棱的长分别为和a ,且长为a面,则a 的取值范围是 .出文字说明,证明过程或演算步骤. 17.(本题满分10分)设函数x a x x f +=)(的图象过点)25,2(A . (I )求实数a 的值,并证明()f x 的图象关于原点对称;f x在)1,0(上是减函数.(Ⅱ)证明函数()18. (本题满分12分)如图,几何体E ABCD-是四棱锥,△ABD为正三角形,=⊥.,CB CD EC BD(Ⅰ)求证:BE DE=;(Ⅱ)若∠120BCD=︒,M为线段AE的中点,求证:DM∥平面BEC.如图,平面直角坐标系xOy中,AOBA-,∆和COD∆为两等腰直角三角形,(2,0) C(a,0)(a>0).设AOB∆的外接圆圆心分别为M,N∆和COD(Ⅰ)若⊙M与直线CD相切,求直线CD的方程;(Ⅱ)若直线AB截⊙N所得弦长为4,求⊙N的标准方程.20. (本题满分12分)设22,3上的=++∈R.若2f x x bx c b c()(,)x≥时,()0f x在区间(]f x≥,且()最大值为1,(I ) 求(3)f的值;(Ⅱ)若2=++不存在零点,求b的范围,并求22f x x bx c()+的最大值;b c(III)若2=++存在零点,求b的值.f x x bx c()在棱长为a 的正方体1111D C B A ABCD -中,E 、F 分别是棱AB 和BC 上的动点,且BF AE =. (I )求证:E C F A 11⊥;(Ⅱ)当a BF AE 32==时,求三棱锥11EFC A -的体积.22.(本小题满分12分)已知函数)(x f 是定义在()()+∞∞-,00, 上的奇函数,当0>x 时,x x f 2log )(=.(Ⅰ)求当0<x 时,函数)(x f 的表达式; (Ⅱ)求满足1)1(-<+x f 的x 的取值范围; (Ⅲ)已知对于任意的N k ∈,不等式12+≥k k 恒成立,求证:函数)(x f 的图象与直线x y =没有交点.4、8、19题先不做(全心全意的投入,保证解题速度和解题过程的规范,限时90分钟)CA参考答案:又由21x x <,得021<-x x ,于是0)()(21>-x f x f ,即)()(21x f x f >.所以函数()f x 在)1,0(上是减函数. ………(10分) 18.(I)设BD 中点为O ,连接OC ,OE ,则由BC CD =知 ,CO BD ⊥,又已知CE BD ⊥,所以BD ⊥平面OCE . 所以BD OE ⊥,即OE 是BD 的垂直平分线, 所以BE DE =.(II)取AB 中点N ,连接,MN DN , ∵M 是AE 的中点,∴MN ∥BE , ∵△ABD 是等边三角形,∴DN AB ⊥.由∠BCD =120°知,∠CBD =30°,所以∠ABC =60°+30°=90°,即BC AB ⊥,所以ND ∥BC ,所以平面MND ∥平面BEC ,故DM ∥平面BEC .19解:(Ⅰ)圆心(1,1)M -.∴圆M 方程为22(1)(1)2x y ++-=,直线CD 方程为0x y a =+-. ……2分∵⊙M 与直线CD 相切, ∴圆心M 到直线CD 的距离= 化简得: 2a =±(舍去负值). ∴直线CD 的方程为20x y =+-. ………………6分(Ⅱ)直线AB 方程为:20x y -+=,圆心N (,)22a a. ∴圆心N 到直线AB距离为= ……………8分 ∵直线AB 截⊙N 的所得弦长为4,∴22222a +=.∴a=± (舍去负值) . ∴⊙N的标准方程为22((6x y += ……………………12分20.解:(1)由题意函数图象为开口向上的抛物线,且()f x 在区间(]2,3上的最大值为⊂F A 1 平面11BCD A F A D C 11⊥∴ BF AE =ABF Rt ADE Rt ∆≅∆∴ A D E B A F ∠=∠∴ DE AF ⊥∴A AF AA DE AA =⊥ 11, ⊥∴DE 平面AF A 1 DE F A ⊥∴1D D C DE =1 ⊥∴F A 1平面DE C 1 ⊂E C 1 平面DE C 1∴E C F A 11⊥ (2)解:在BC 上取a BG 31=,连接EG a AE 32=11//C A EG ∴A 1//EG ∴平面11FC A ∴G 与E 到平面11FC A 的距离相等318131213111111111a a a a V V V V GFC A FC A G FC A E EFC A =⋅⋅⨯⨯====∴----∴三棱锥11EFC A -的体积为3181a22、(本小题12分)解:(Ⅰ)当0<x 时,)(log )(2x x f --=.---------2分(Ⅱ)()⎩⎨⎧<-->=0)(log )0(log )(22x x x x x f ,∴[]()[]()⎩⎨⎧-<+--->+=⎩⎨⎧<++-->++=+1)1(log )1()1(log 01)1(log )01()1(log )1(2222x x x x x x x x x f因为1)1(-<+x f ,∴⎩⎨⎧-<+->1)1(log 12x x 或[]⎩⎨⎧-<+---<1)1(log 12x x∴3-<x 或211-<<-x . ------------------- 7分 (Ⅲ)根据对称性,只要证明函数)(x f 的图象与直线x y =在()+∞∈,0x 上无交点即可。
令()+∞∈,0x ,函数x y x y ==221log ,① 当(]1,0∈x 时,212100y y y y <>≤,则, ② 当21211121)](22(y y k y k y N k x k k k <+≥>+≤∈∈+,则,时,,则在()+∞∈,0x 上直线x y =始终在x y 2log =的图象之上方.综上所述,由于对称性可知,函数)(x f 的图象与直线x y =没有交点.----- 12分。