



cp343-1概述本文档介绍了Siemens S7-300系列的现场总线通信模块–CP343-1。

该模块是一种用于S7-300 PLC的通信接口模块,可实现与现场设备的数据交换和通信。


硬件规格CP343-1模块具有以下硬件规格:•兼容S7-300 PLC,可直接插入PLC的总线接口槽位•支持以太网通信,可通过以太网与其他设备进行数据交换•支持网络配置,可通过配置工具进行网络参数的设置•支持RS485串口通信,可与串口设备进行数据交换•支持多种通信协议,包括TCP/IP、ISO-on-TCP、UDP、S7 Communication等通信协议CP343-1模块支持多种通信协议,以满足不同场景下的通信需求。







S7 CommunicationS7 Communication是西门子公司开发的一种用于PLC之间通信的协议。

CP343-1模块可以使用S7 Communication协议与其他PLC进行数据交换,实现分布式控制和数据共享。

配置方法要使用CP343-1模块进行通信,请按照以下步骤进行配置:1.将CP343-1模块插入S7-300 PLC的总线接口槽位。




SOT-343Document Number 84031Rev. 1.1, 05-Feb-04Vishay Semiconductors 1SOT-343Package Dimensions in mm 2Document Number 84031 Rev. 1.1, 05-Feb-04SOT-343Vishay SemiconductorsOzone Depleting Substances Policy StatementIt is the policy of Vishay Semiconductor GmbH to1.Meet all present and future national and international statutory requirements.2.Regularly and continuously improve the performance of our products, processes, distribution andoperatingsystems with respect to their impact on the health and safety of our employees and the public, as well as their impact on the environment.It is particular concern to control or eliminate releases of those substances into the atmosphere which are known as ozone depleting substances (ODSs).The Montreal Protocol (1987) and its London Amendments (1990) intend to severely restrict the use of ODSs and forbid their use within the next ten years. Various national and international initiatives are pressing for an earlier ban on these substances.Vishay Semiconductor GmbH has been able to use its policy of continuous improvements to eliminate the use of ODSs listed in the following documents.1.Annex A, B and list of transitional substances of the Montreal Protocol and the London Amendmentsrespectively2.Class I and II ozone depleting substances in the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990 by the EnvironmentalProtection Agency (EPA) in the USA3.Council Decision 88/540/EEC and 91/690/EEC Annex A, B and C (transitional substances) respectively. Vishay Semiconductor GmbH can certify that our semiconductors are not manufactured with ozone depleting substances and do not contain such substances.We reserve the right to make changes to improve technical designand may do so without further notice.Parameters can vary in different applications. All operating parameters must be validated for each customer application by the customer. Should the buyer use Vishay Semiconductors products for any unintended or unauthorized application, the buyer shall indemnify Vishay Semiconductors against all claims, costs, damages, and expenses, arising out of, directly or indirectly, any claim of personal damage, injury or death associated with such unintended or unauthorized use.Vishay Semiconductor GmbH, P.O.B. 3535, D-74025 Heilbronn, GermanyTelephone: 49 (0)7131 67 2831, Fax number: 49 (0)7131 67 2423。

ZW3430B ZW3431B ZW3432B 三相电量表使用说明书

ZW3430B ZW3431B ZW3432B 三相电量表使用说明书

ZW3430B/ZW3431B/ZW3432B三相电量表使用说明书(版本号 V 2.00)仪表后缀说明ZW343XB -T -R -S -RS -DI仪表功能型号 特制 继电器输出 模拟量输出 串口输出 开关量输入本文档内容适用于以下型号:★0.5级三相电压表 ZW3430B:可选RS485/232,可选继电器输出★0.5级三相电流表 ZW3431B:可选RS485/232,可选继电器输出★0.2级三相综合表 ZW3432B:标配RS485,标配两路继电器输出产品适用的样机试验合格证书编号:(2001)鲁技计样字第081号目 录第1章 产品概述 (1)1.1产品外观描述 (1)1.2 产品主要特性 (3)1.3 产品主要技术参数 (4)1.4 引用标准 (7)1.5 产品固件版本 (7)第2章使用前的准备 (8)2.1 安全注意事项 (8)2.2 使用前的准备 (8)2.3开机信息说明 (10)2.4其它注意事项 (10)第3章 产品安装指南 (11)3.1产品安装尺寸 (11)3.2产品安装方法 (12)第4章 产品接线指南 (14)4.1 相关内容描述 (14)4.2 产品接线图 (14)第5章产品通讯指南 (24)5.1 关于RS-485通讯 (24)5.2 通讯接线方式 (24)第6章菜单操作指南 (26)6.1操作显示界面图 (26)6.2 ZW3430B/ZW3431B查看操作 (28)6.3 ZW3432B查看操作 (31)6.4 设置操作 (35)6.5 查看仪表信息 (40)第7章 报警控制 (41)7.1 关于报警 (41)7.2 报警设置 (41)7.3 报警示例及注意事项 (41)第8章 装箱清单及产品维护 (44)8.1 装箱清单 (44)8.2 注意事项及产品维护 (45)第1章 产品概述1.1产品外观描述编号 名称 说明1 电压输入端子 待测量电压输入2 继电器输出端子 两组继电器常开常闭 触点输出3 工作电源端子 仪表工作电源输入4 扩展I/O 口连接端子 扩展功能端口5 RS-485 通讯端子 可通过RS-485总线通讯组网6 电流输入端子 待测量电流输入7 标牌 上面有对端子的定义8 软按键 实现对仪表的操作9 显示区域用于显示数据和符号 10产品型号标贴标明产品型号 9 8101.1.1 ZW3430B/ZW3431B/ZW3432B三相电量表显示数据位置在仪表头,接线端子位置在仪表尾,产品标签中记录仪表的重要信息。

CP343-1 LEAN

CP343-1 LEAN

6.4.2 初始化和组态 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
组态和编程实例 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
SEND/RECEIVE接口的特征 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
用于PROFINET IO的特征数据 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
7 Web诊断 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
要求和用法 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3 安装和调试 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



December 2004Revision 21/11■Adjustable output voltage: 1.24 to 24V ■Several precision @ 25°C ±2%, ±1%, ±0.5% and ±0.25%■Sink current capability: 0.4 to 100mA■Industrial temperature range: -40 to +125°C ■Performances compatible with industry standard TL431DescriptionThe TS3431 is a programmable shunt voltage reference with guaranteed temperature stability over the entire temperature range of operation (-40 to +125°C). The output voltage may be set to any value between 1.24V and 24V with an external resistor bridge.Available in SOT23-3 surface mount package, it can be designed in applications where space saving is a critical issue.Applications■Computers■Instrumentation ■Battery chargers■Switch mode power supply ■Battery operated equipmentsPin Connections (top view)Order CodesPart NumberTemperature RangePackage Packaging Marking TS3431ILT/AILT/BILT/CILT-40, +125°CSOT23-3LTape & Reel L280-L281L282-L283TS3431IZ/AIZ/BIZ/CIZTO-92Bulk TS3431IZT/AIZT/BIZT/CIZTTape & Reel TS3431IZ-AP/AIZ-AP/BIZ-AP/CIZ-APAmmo packTS34311.24V Programmable Shunt Voltage ReferenceTS3431Absolute Maximum Ratings1 Absolute Maximum RatingsTable 1.Key parameters and their absolute maximum ratingsSymbol ParameterValue Unit V KA Cathode to Anode Voltage 25V I K Reverse Breakdown Current -100 to +150mA I REF Reference Current -0.05 to10mA P D Power Dissipation 1SOT23-3TO921)Pd has been calculated with T amb = 25°C and T j = 150°C andRthjc = 66°C/W, Rthja = 200°C/W for the TO92 packageRthjc = 110°C/W, Rthja = 340°C/W for the SOT23-3L package360625mW T std Storage Temperature-65 to +150°C ESD Human Body Model (HBM)2kV Machine Model (MM)200V TleadLead Temperature (soldering, 10 seconds)250°CTable 2.Operating ConditionsSymbol ParameterValue Unit I K Cathode Operating Current 0.5 to 100mA V K Cathode Operating Voltage1.24 to 24V T operOperating Free Air T emperature Range-40 to +125°C2 Electrical CharacteristicsTable 3.Tamb = 25°C (unless otherwise specified)SymbolParameterTest Condition Min.Typ.Max.UnitV KReference input voltage I K = 10mATS3431 (2%) 1.215 1.24 1.265V TS3431A (1%) 1.228 1.252TS3431B (0.5%) 1.234 1.246TS3431C (0.25%)1.2371.243∆V KVariation of reference input voltage over temperature 0°C < T < +70°C 10mV -40°C < T < +105°C18-40°C < T < +125°C21T C Temperature coefficient -40°C < T < +125°C 100ppm/°C I KMINMinimum Operating CurrentT = 25°C0.350.4mA -40°C < T < +125°C0.5Ratio of change in reference input volt-age to change in cathode to anode volt-ageI K =10mAV K = 24 to 1.24V 1.2 1.5mV/V-40°C < T < +125°C 2I REFReference input currentI K =10mA, R1=10K Ω, R2=+T=25°C0.91.5µA -40°C < T < +125°C 2∆I REFReference input current deviation I K =10mA, R1=10K Ω, R2=+0°C < T < +70°C 0.51µA -40°C < T < +125°C 0.9 1.5I OFF Off-state cathode current V K =24VT=25°C35500nA -40°C < T < +105°C 1000-40°C < T < +125°C 2000R KA Reverse Static Impedance I K = 1 to 100mA 0.20.4ΩE NWideband NoiseI K = 10mA1kHz < f < 100kHz100nV/√HzNote: Limits are 100% production tested at 25°C. Limits over temperature are guaranteed through correlation and by design.∆Vref ∆Vka---------------∞Figure 1. Reference voltage vs. temperatureFigure 2. Cathode voltage vs cathode currentFigure 3. Reference input current vstemperatureFigure 4. Test circuit for V K = VrefFigure 5. Minimum operating current vstemperatureFigure 6.Dynamic impedance vs frequencyFigure 7. Off-State current vs temperatureFigure 8. Ratio of change in reference inputvoltage to change in Vka voltage vs temperatureFigure 9. Phase and gain vs frequencyFigure 10. Test circuit for off-state currentmeasurementFigure 11. Test circuit for V K > V REFFigure 12. Test circuit for phase and gainmeasurementFigure 13. Pulse response at Ik=1mAFigure 14. Pulse response at Ik = 10mAFigure 15. Block diagramFigure 16. Test circuit for pulse response at Ik= 1mAFigure 17. Test circuit for pulse response at Ik= 10mAFigure 18. Equivalent input noise vsfrequencyPackage Mechanical Data TS34313 Package Mechanical Data3.1 3 Pins - Plastic Package TO-92 (tape & reel)limetersInches Min.Typ.Max.Min.Typ.Max.AL5.00.197A 5.00.197T 4.00.157d 0.450.018I1 2.50.098P 11.712.713.70.4610.5000.539PO 12.412.7130.4880.5000.512P2 5.95 6.35 6.750.2340.2500.266F1/F2 2.4 2.5 2.80.0940.0980.110∆h -101-0.03900.039∆P -101-0.03900.039W 17.518.019.00.6890.7090.748W0 5.76 6.30.2240.2360.248W18.599.750.3350.3540.384W20.50.020H 200.787H015.51616.50.6100.6300.650H1250.984DO Mechanical Data3.2 3 Pins - Plastic Package TO-92 (tape ammo pack)limetersInches Min.Typ.Max.Min.Typ.Max.AL 5.00.197A 5.00.197T 4.00.157d 0.450.018I1 2.50.098P 11.712.713.70.4610.5000.539PO 12.412.7130.4880.5000.512P2 5.95 6.35 6.750.2340.2500.266F1/F2 2.4 2.5 2.80.0940.0980.110∆h -101-0.03900.039∆P -101-0.03900.039W 17.518.019.00.6890.7090.748W0 5.76 6.30.2240.2360.248W18.599.750.3350.3540.384W20.50.020H 200.787H015.51616.50.6100.6300.650H1250.984DO Mechanical Data TS3431TS3431Package Mechanical DataRevision History TS34314 Revision H istory DateRevision Description of Changes01 Jan. 20041First Release01 Dec. 20042Specific content changes as follows:•CI version added in Table:Order Codes on page 1•Rthjc information added in Table1:Key parameters and their absolute maximum ratings on page 2•Test condition added in Table3:Tamb = 25°C (unless o herwisespecified) on page 3Information furnished is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, STMicroelectronics assumes no responsibility for the consequences of use of such information nor for any infringement of patents or other rights of third parties which may result from its use. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of STMicroelectronics. Specifications mentioned in this publication are subject to change without notice. This publication supersedes and replaces all information previously supplied. STMicroelectronics products are not authorized for use as critical components in life support devices or systems without express written approval of STMicroelectronics.The ST logo is a registered trademark of STMicroelectronicsAll other names are the property of their respective owners© 2004 STMicroelectronics - All rights reservedSTMicroelectronics group of companiesAustralia - Belgium - Brazil - Canada - China - Czech Republic - Finland - France - Germany - Hong Kong - India - Israel - Italy - Japan -Malaysia - Malta - Morocco - Singapore - Spain - Sweden - Switzerland - United Kingdom - United States of America元器件交易网。


V-engine (without OM 407)V型发动机(不含柴油机407)
Truck 卡车
Diesel engine 柴油发动机
700 - 799
Major units 主要部件
Remarks: Vito 638 According to its usage , it can be listed in passenger car or commercial car
Network Development
Mercedes-Benz China Ltd.
Vehicle Data 车辆数据
Chassis Number 底盘号
WDB 124 026 1 B 141623 0 2 B
A, B, C, D, E F,G,H J,K 7,X
Mercedes-Benz China
E=diesel-powered 4-matic 柴油车,4驱 Starting with model 210 the 4 number of model (from of body coded
F=0(saloon) 标准轴距轿车
G=1(extendedd wheelbase) 长轴距
Unit Number
Part Number System 配件编码
Network Development
Mercedes-Benz China
Mercedes-Benz China Ltd.
Vehicle Data 车辆数据
Data card passenger Car’s






















ICS343 Field Programmable T riple Output SS VersaClock SynthesizerDescriptionThe ICS343 is a low cost, triple-output, field program-mable clock synthesizer. The ICS343 can generate three output frequencies from 250 kHz to 200 MHz, using up to three independently configurable PLLs. The outputs may employ Spread Spectrum techniques to reduce system electro-magnetic interference (EMI). Using ICS’ VersaClock™software to configure the PLL and output, the ICS343 contains a One-Time Program-mable (OTP) ROM to allow field programmability. Using Phase-Locked Loop (PLL) techniques, the device runs from a standard fundamental mode, inexpensive crys-tal, or clock. It can replace multiple crystals and oscilla-tors, saving board space and cost.The device also has a power down feature thattri-states the clock outputs and turns off the PLLs when the PDTS pin is taken low.The ICS343 is also available in factory-programmed custom versions for high-volume applications.Features•8-pin SOIC package•Highly accurate frequency generation•M/N Multiplier PLL: M = 1...2048, N = 1 (1024)•Output clock frequencies up to 200 MHz •Spread spectrum capability for lower system EMI •Center or Down Spread up to 4% total •Selectable 32 kHz or 120 kHz modulation •Input crystal frequency from 5 to 27 MHz•Input clock frequency from 2 to 50 MHz •Operating voltage of 3.3 V, using advanced, low power CMOS process•For one output clock, use the ICS341. For two output clocks, see the ICS342. For more than three outputs, see the ICS345 or ICS348.•Available in Pb (lead) free packagingBlock DiagramPin AssignmentOutput Clock Selection Table Pin DescriptionsExternal ComponentsSeries Termination ResistorClock output traces over one inch should use series termination. To series terminate a 50Ω trace (a commonly used trace impedance), place a 33Ω resistor in series with the clock line, as close to the clock output pin as possible. The nominal impedance of the clock output is 20Ω.Decoupling CapacitorAs with any high-performance mixed-signal IC, the ICS343 must be isolated from system power supply noise to perform optimally.A decoupling capacitor of 0.01µF must be connected between VDD and the PCB ground plane.Crystal Load CapacitorsThe device crystal connections should include pads for small capacitors from X1 to ground and from X2 to ground. These capacitors are used to adjust the stray capacitance of the board to match the nominally required crystal load capacitance. Because load capacitance can only be increased in this trimming process, it is important to keep stray capacitance to a minimum by using very short PCB traces (and no vias) been the crystal and device. Crystal capacitors must be connected from each of the pins X1 and X2 to ground. The value (in pF) of these crystal caps should equal (C L -6 pF)*2. In this equation, C L= crystal load capacitance in pF. Example: For a crystal with a 16 pF load capacitance, each crystal capacitor would be 20 pF [(16-6) x 2] = 20.PCB Layout RecommendationsFor optimum device performance and lowest output phase noise, the following guidelines should be observed.1) The 0.01µF decoupling capacitor should be mounted on the component side of the board as close to the VDD pin as possible. No vias should be used betweenCLK2 CLK2CLK3 OutputFrequencyUserConfigurableUserConfigurableUserConfigurable SpreadAmountUserConfigurableUserConfigurableUserConfigurablePin NumberPinNamePinTypePin Description1X1/ICLK XI Connect this pin to a crystal or external clock input.2VDD Power Connect to +3.3 V.3GND Power Connect to ground.4CLK1Output Clock output. Weak internal pull-down when tri-state.5CLK3Output Clock output. Weak internal pull-down when tri-state.6CLK2Output Clock output. Weak internal pull-down when tri-state.7PDTS Input Powers down entire chip. Tri-states CLK outputs when low. Internal pull-up. 8X2XO Connect this pin to a crystal, or float for clock input.the decoupling capacitor and VDD pin. The PCB trace to VDD pin should be kept as short as possible, as should the PCB trace to the ground via. Distance of the ferrite bead and bulk decoupling from the device is less critical.2) The external crystal should be mounted just next to the device with short traces. The X1 and X2 traces should not be routed next to each other with minimum spaces, instead they should be separated and away from other traces.3) To minimize EMI, the 33Ω series termination resistor (if needed) should be placed close to the clock output.4) An optimum layout is one with all components on the same side of the board, minimizing vias through other signal layers. Other signal traces should be routed away from the ICS343. This includes signal traces just underneath the device, or on layers adjacent to the ground plane layer used by the device.ICS343 Configuration CapabilitiesThe architecture of the ICS343 allows the user to easily configure the device to a wide range of output frequencies, for a given input reference frequency.The frequency multiplier PLL provides a high degree of precision. The M/N values (the multiplier/divide values available to generate the target VCO frequency) can be set within the range of M = 1 to 2048 and N = 1 to 1024. The ICS343 also provides separate output divide values, from 2 through 20, to allow the two output clock banks to support widely differing frequency values from the same PLL.Each output frequency can be represented as:ICS VersaClock SoftwareICS applies years of PLL optimization experience into a user-friendly software that accepts the user’s target reference clock and output frequencies and generates the lowest jitter, lowest power configuration, with only a press of a button. The user does not need to have prior PLL experience or determine the optimal VCO frequency to support multiple output frequencies.VersaClock software quickly evaluates accessible VCO frequencies with available output divide values and provides an easy to understand, bar code rating for the target output frequencies. The user may evaluate output accuracy, performance trade-off scenarios in seconds.Spread Spectrum ModulationThe ICS343 utilizes frequency modulation (FM) to distribute energy over a range of frequencies. By modulating the output clock frequencies, the device effectively lowers energy across a broader range of frequencies; thus, lowering a system’selectro-magnetic interference (EMI). The modulation rate is the time from transitioning from a minimum frequency to a maximum frequency and then back to the minimum.Spread Spectrum Modulation can be applied as either “center spread” or “down spread”. During center spread modulation, the deviation from the target frequency is equal in the positive and negative directions. The effective average frequency is equal to the target frequency. In applications where the clock is driving a component with a maximum frequency rating, down spread should be applied. In this case, the maximum frequency, including modulation, is the target frequency. The effective average frequency is less than the target frequency.The ICS343 operates in both center spread and down spread modes. For center spread, the frequency can be modulated between +/- 0.125% to +/-2.0%. For down spread, the frequency can be modulated between -0.25% to -4.0%.Both output frequency banks will utilize identical spread spectrum percentage deviations and modulation rates, if a common VCO frequency can be identified. Spread Spectrum Modulation RateThe spread spectrum modulation frequency applied to the output clock frequency may occur at a variety of rates. For applications requiring the driving of“down-circuit” PLLs, Zero Delay Buffers, or those adhering to PCI standards, the spread spectrum modulation rate should be set to 30-33 kHz. For other applications, a 120 kHz modulation option is available.OutputFreqREFFreqOutputDivide--------------------------------------MN----⋅=Absolute Maximum RatingsStresses above the ratings listed below can cause permanent damage to the ICS343. These ratings, which are standard values for ICS commercially rated parts, are stress ratings only. Functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions above those indicated in the operational sections of thespecifications is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods can affect product reliability. Electrical parameters are guaranteed only over the recommended operating temperature range.Recommended Operation ConditionsDC Electrical CharacteristicsUnless stated otherwise, VDD = 3.3V ±5%, Ambient Temperature -40 to +85°CParameterConditionMin.Typ.Max.UnitsSupply Voltage, VDD Referenced to GND 7V Inputs Referenced to GND -0.5VDD+ 0.5V Clock Outputs Referenced to GND -0.5VDD+ 0.5V Storage Temperature -65150°C Soldering Temperature Max 10 seconds260°C Junction Temperature125°CParameterMin.Typ.Max.UnitsAmbient Operating Temperature (ICS343M)0+70°C Ambient Operating Temperature (ICS343MI)-40+85°C Power Supply Voltage (measured in respect to GND)+3.15+3.3+3.45V Power Supply Ramp Time4msParameterSymbolConditionsMin.Typ.Max.UnitsOperating VoltageVDD3.153.33.45V Operating Supply Current Input High VoltageIDDConfiguration Dependent - See VersaClock TM EstimatesmAThree 33.3333 MHz outputs, PDTS = 1, No load Note 114mAPDTS = 020µA Input High Voltage, PDTS V IH VDD-0.5V Input Low Voltage, PDTS V IL 0.4V Input High Voltage V IH ICLK VDD/2+1VInput Low VoltageV ILICLKVDD/2-1V.AC Electrical CharacteristicsUnless stated otherwise, VDD = 3.3V ±5%, Ambient Temperature -40 to +85° CNote 1: Measured with 15 pF load.Note 2: Duty Cycle is configuration dependent. Most configurations are minimum 45% and maximum 55%.Note 3: ICS test mode output occurs for first 170 clock cycles on CLK3 for each PLL powered up.Output High Voltage (CMOS High)V OH I OH = -4 mA VDD-0.4V Output High Voltage V OH I OH = -12 mA 2.4VOutput Low Voltage V OL I OL = 12 mA0.4V Short Circuit Current I OS ±70mA Nominal Output ImpedanceZ O 20ΩInternal Pull-up Resistor R PUP PDTS pin 250k ΩInternal Pull-down Resistor R PD CLK output 525k ΩInput CapacitanceC INInputs4pFParameterSymbolConditionsMin.Typ.Max.UnitsInput Frequency F INFundamental Crystal 527MHz Input Clock250MHz Output Frequency 0.25200MHz Output Rise Time t OR 20% to 80%, Note 11ns Output Fall Time t OF80% to 20%, Note 11nsDuty Cycle Note 24049-5160%Power-up timePLL lock time from power-up, Note 3410ms PDTS goes high untilstable CLK output, Spread Spectrum Off, Note 30.22msPDTS goes high untilstable CLK output, Spread Spectrum On, Note 347msOne Sigma Clock Period Jitter Configuration Dependent 50ps Maximum Absolute Jitter t jaDeviation from Mean. Configuration Dependent+200psParameterSymbolConditionsMin.Typ.Max.UnitsThermal CharacteristicsParameter Symbol Conditions Min.Typ.Max.UnitsThermal Resistance Junction to Ambient θJA Still air150°C/W θJA 1 m/s air flow140°C/W θJA 3 m/s air flow120°C/WThermal Resistance Junction to CaseθJC40°C/WPackage Outline and Package Dimensions (8-pin SOIC, 150 Mil. Body)Package dimensions are kept current with JEDEC Publication No. 95Ordering Information“LF” denotes Pb (lead) free package.While the information presented herein has been checked for both accuracy and reliability, Integrated Circuit Systems (ICS) assumes no responsibility for either its use or for the infringement of any patents or other rights of third parties, which would result from its use. No other circuits, patents, or licenses are implied. This product is intended for use in normal commercial applications. Any other applications such as those requiring extended temperature range, high reliability, or other extraordinary environmental requirements are not recommended without additional processing by ICS. ICS reserves the right to change any circuitry or specifications without notice. ICS does not authorize or warrant any ICS product for use in life support devices or critical medical instruments.Part / Order Number Marking (for both)Shipping packagingPackageTemperatureICS343MP 343MP (top line)Tubes 8-pin SOIC 0 to +70° C ICS343MIP 343MIP (top line)Tubes 8-pin SOIC -40 to +85° C ICS343MLF343MLF (top line)Tubes8-pin SOIC0 to +70° C。



11在无其他适配器的情况下首次怎样和以太网模块cp343-1,cp343-1lean连接首次的连接必须要用以太网模块的mac的地址连接,在PG/PC中设置连接方式为ISO AND Ethernet ,这种连接方式是网卡间通过mac地址的连接方式。

其它与用pc适配器连接方法相同,在第一次连接上后,如果将来使用的是TCP/IP 协议,则在硬件组态里设置好IP地址,没有网关选择无网关。





由于cp343-1 lean 无mac地址,那么其第一次连接必须通过其他适配器写入地址后才能完成,同时也就不支持ISO AND Ethernet 的通讯方式。

通过CP343-1模块,如何实现2套S7-300之间的以太网通讯?我们首先搭建一套测试设备,设备的结构图如下:2套S7-300系统由PS307电源、CPU314C-2DP、CPU314C-2PTP、CP343-1、CP343-1 IT、PC、CP5611、STEP7组成,PLC系统概貌如下图:如下将向您一步一步展示如何实现2套S7-300之间的以太网通讯:第一步:打开SIMATIC Manager,根据我们系统的硬件组成,进行系统的硬件组态,如图:插入2个S7300的站,进行硬件组态:分别组态2个系统的硬件模块:设置CP343-1、CP343-IT模块的参数,建立一个以太网,MPI、IP地址:组态完2套系统的硬件模块后,分别进行下载,然后点击Network Configration按钮,打开系统的网络组态窗口NetPro,选中CPU314,如下图:在窗口的左下部分点击鼠标右键,插入一个新的网络链接,并设定链接类型为ISO-on-TCP connection 或TCP connection或UDP connection 或ISO Transport connection,如下图:点击OK后,弹出链接属性窗口,使用该窗口的默认值,并根据该对话框右侧信息进行后面程序的块参数设定:当2套系统之间的链接建立完成后,用鼠标选中图标中的CPU,分别进行下载,这里略去CPU314C-2DP的下载图示:到此为止,系统的硬件组态和网络配置已经完成。



THERMAL CHARACTERISTICS DC CHARACTERISTICS AC CHARACTERISTICS (ANALOG) AC CHARACTERISTICS (DIGITAL) APPLICATION INFORMATION PACKAGE OUTLINE SOLDERING Introduction to soldering surface mount packages Reflow soldering Wave soldering Manual soldering Suitability of surface mount IC packages for wave and reflow soldering methods DATA SHEET STATUS DEFINITIONS DISCLAIMERS
• I2S-bus, MSB-justified and LSB-justified format compatible • Three combinational data formats with MSB data output and LSB 16, 18 or 20 bits data input • 1fs input and output format data rate. 1.3 DAC digital sound processing
• Digital dB-linear volume control (low microcontroller load) • Digital tone control, bass boost and treble • Digital de-emphasis for 32, 44.1 or 48 kHz audio sample frequencies (fs) • Soft mute. 1.4 Advanced audio configuration

tx-sr343_manual_cs (1)说明书

tx-sr343_manual_cs (1)说明书

Cs-2目录特色●配备5声道放大器●配有兼容 4K 的 HDMI IN/OUT 插孔(以播放 4K 或 1080p 视频,使用高速 HDMI 线缆或高速 HDMI 以太网线缆●支持 HDMI Standby Through 功能,允许在待机状态下从播放设备向电视传输信号●支持HDCP2.2,严格的版权保护提供高品质的内容 ●支持ARC(音频回传通道) ●支持 Bluetooth 连接●A/V 同步功能,可纠正音频和视频偏差●32位DSP(数字信号处理器),具有优异的计算性能 ●用于压缩的数字音乐文件的 Music Optimizer™ ●相位匹配低音系统●支持多种屏显菜单语言:英语、德语、法语、西班牙语、意大利语、荷兰语、瑞典语、俄语和中文当输入选择器设为 "BLUETOOTH" 时,不显示屏显菜单。




高级手册被制作成一种可轻松地在 PC 或智能手机上阅读的格式。

高级手册包含以下内容:●AM/FM 接收详情●使用遥控器操作音乐文件 ●使用聆听模式 ●高级设置●使用遥控器操作其他组件 ●连接并操作 Onkyo RI 组件 ●故障排除 ●参考信息高级手册在此处/manual/txsr343/adv/cs.html基本手册(本手册)前面板 ..............................................................................................3后面板 . (4)步骤1:连接 ������������������������������������������������������������51 连接电视和播放器 .....................................................................5 ●连接到电视 (5)●与具有 HDMI 接口的播放器连接........................................6 ●与没有 HDMI 接口的播放器连接........................................62 连接 AM/FM 天线 ......................................................................63 连接扬声器 ..................................................................................7 ●关于如何连接扬声器的说明 . (8)步骤2:设置 ������������������������������������������������������������91 开启电源 ......................................................................................92 进行扬声器设置 ..........................................................................9 ●更改扬声器配置 ......................................................................9 ●设置扬声器距离 .....................................................................10 ●调节扬声器音量 .....................................................................103 HDMI设置 .. (10)●HDMI CEC (RIHD)....................................................................10 ●HDMI Standby Through (10)●ARC(音频回传通道) .........................................................10步骤3:回放 ���������������������������������������������������������111 基本操作 (11)●遥控器的零件名称和功能 (11)●显示屏......................................................................................122 Bluetooth ....................................................................................123 AM/FM 无线电 ..........................................................................134 快捷设置菜单 .............................................................................135 其他有用功能 .............................................................................14故障排除 .........................................................................................15规格 .................................................................................................16显示屏分辨率表 ............................................................................17HDMI 支持的分辨率 ....................................................................17附件 ............................................................................................封底其他Cs-16规格放大器部分额定输出功率 5 ch × 100 W(6 Ω,1 kHz),1 声道驱动 1% (IEC)最大有效输出功率 5 ch × 120 W(6 Ω,1 kHz),1 声道驱动 (JEIT A)动态功率 ( )¼ IEC60268短期最大输出功率 160 W(3 Ω,前) 125 W(4 Ω,前) 85 W(8 Ω,前)THD+N(总谐波失真率+噪声) 0.08%(20 Hz - 20 kHz,半功率)输入灵敏度和阻抗(不平衡) 200 mV/47 kΩ(LINE,1 kHz 100 W/8 Ω)额定RCA输出电平和阻抗 1 V/470 Ω(SUBWOOFER PRE OUT)频率响应 10 Hz - 100 kHz/+1 dB,–3 dB(Direct 模式)音调控制特性 ±10 dB,20 Hz(BASS) ±10 dB,20 kHz(TREBLE)信噪比 100 dB(LINE,IHF-A)扬声器阻抗 6 Ω - 16 Ω视频部分信号电平1.0 Vp-p/75 Ω(分量Y) 0.7 Vp-p/75 Ω(色差分量 Pb/Cb、Pr/Cr) 1.0 Vp-p/75 Ω(复合)色差视频支持的最大分辨率 480i/576i调谐器部分FM调频范围87.5 MHz - 108.0 MHz,RDS AM调频范围 522/530 kHz - 1611/1710 kHz 预设频道 40Bluetooth 部分通讯系统Bluetooth 规格2.1版本+EDR(增强型数据速率)最大通讯范围 视距约 15 米 ( )频段 2.4 GHz 波段调制方法 FHSS(跳频扩频)可兼容的 Bluetooth 规范 A2DP 1.3(高级音频传输模式) AVRCP 1.5(音频视频远程控制配置文件)支持的编解码器 SBC传输范围(A2DP) 20 Hz - 20,000 Hz(采样频率44.1 kHz)¼ 实际范围取决于设备之间的障碍、微波炉周围的磁场、静电、无绳电话、接收灵敏度、天线的性能、操作系统、软件应用程序等因素。



Operating Temp Range -40°C to 125°C -40°C to 125°C -40°C to 125°C -40°C to 125°C
Package Type TSSOP-28 TSSOP-28 TSSOP-28 TSSOP-28
Package Drawing MXA28A MXA28A MXA28A MXA28A
■ 3-channel programmable LED current ■ High accuracy linear current regulation ■ Analog and digital PWM dimming control ■ Up to 25kHz dimming frequency ■ >100:1 contrast ratio ■ Integrated Boost controller ■ 5V-36V input voltage range ■ Adjustable switching frequency up to 1MHz ■ LED short and open protection ■ Selectable fault shutdown or automatic restart ■ Programmable fault delay ■ Programmable cycle by cycle current limit ■ Output Over Voltage Protection ■ No Audible Noise ■ Enable pin ■ LED Over-Temperature shutdown input ■ Thermal Shutdown ■ TSSOP-28 exposed pad package



Advanced AMS3431 Monolithic PRECISION ADJUSTABLE SHUNT REGULATOR SystemsRoHS compliantFEATURES APPLICATIONS• Trimmed 0.25% Reference • Battery Powered Systems • Wide Operating Current Range 250µA to 150mA • Switching Power Supplies • Low Dynamic Output Impedance • Adjustable Power Supplies • Low Output Noise • Linear Regulators • Nominal Temperature Range to 85°C • Error Amplifiers • Temperature-Compensated: 60ppm/°C • Notebook/Personal Computer • Internal Amplifier with 150mA Capability • Monitors/ VCR/ TV • PagersGENERAL DESCRIPTIONThe AMS3431 is a three-terminal adjustable shunt regulator with guaranteed temperature stability over the entire range of operation. The output voltage can be set to any value between 2.5V (VREF) and 36V by adding two external resistors. Due to the sharp turn-on characteristics this device is an excellent replacement for zener diodes in many applications. AMS3431 is available in the space saving SOT-23 package and in the TO-92 package.ORDERING INFORMATION:TOL. PACKAGE TYPEOPERATINGTO-92 3 LEAD SOT-23 TEMPERATURE RANGE±0.25%AMS3431AN AMS3431AM -40 to +85°C ±0.5% AMS3431BN AMS3431BM -40 to +85° C ±1.0% AMS3431CN AMS3431CM -40 to +85° CPIN CONNECTIONSTO-923L SOT-23Plastic Package (N)(M)CATHODE REFBottom ViewTop View/AMSAMS3431ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (Note 1)Cathode Voltage (V Z) 37V Internal Power Dissipation (P D) Continuous Cathode Current (I Z) -10mA to +150mA TO-92 Package 0.78WReference Input Current (I REF) 10mA SOT-23 Package 0.28WJunction Temperature (T J) -40°C to +125°C Thermal Resistance (ϕJA)Storage Temperature -65°C to +150°C TO-92 Package 160°C/WLead Temperature (Soldering, 25sec.) 265°C SOT-23 Package 410°C/WNote 1:Absolute Maximum Ratings indicate limits beyond which damage to the device may occur. Operating Ratings indicate conditions for which thedevice is intended to be functional, but do not guarantee specific performance limits. For guaranteed specifications and test conditions, see the ElectricalCharacteristics. The guaranteed specifications apply only for the test conditions listed.ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICSElectrical Characteristics at I Z =10 mA and T A = +25°C unless otherwise specified.Parameter ConditionsAMS3431AMin Typ MaxAMS3431BMin Typ MaxAMS3431CMin Typ Max UnitsReference Voltage 2.489 2.495 2.501 2.483 2.495 2.507 2.470 2.495 2.520 VDeviation of Reference Input Voltage over Temperature V Z = V REF (circuit 1)T A = +25°C to +85°CT A = -40°C to +25°C8.08.015158.08.015158.08.01515mVmVRatio of Change in V Z from V REF to 10V -0.5 -2.7 -0.5 -2.7 -0.5 -2.7mV/V Reference Voltage toCathode VoltageV Z from V REF to 36V -1.0 -2.0 -1.0 -2.0 -1.0 -2.0 mV/VReference Input Current R1 =10kΩ, R2 = ∞Ω(test circuit 2)0.5 4.0 0.5 4.0 0.5 4.0 µAReference Input Current Deviation over Temperature R1 =10kΩ, R2 = ∞ΩT A = Full Range(test circuit 2)0.4 1.2 0.4 1.2 0.4 1.2 µAOff State Cathode Current V Z = 36V, V REF =0V( test circuit 3)0.04 0.5 0.04 0.5 0.04 0.5 µADynamic Output Impedance f < 1KHz, V Z = V REFI Z =100µA to 100mA(test circuit 1)0.25 0.5 0.25 0.5 0.25 0.5 ΩMinimum Operating Current V Z = V REF(test circuit 1)100 250 100 250 100 250 µARECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONS:MinMax Cathode Voltage, (V Z)V REF36 VCathode Current, (I Z)0.25mA 120mA/AMSTEST CIRCUITSV Z = V REFVV ZV V ZFigure 1. Test Circuit for V Z =V REF Figure 2. Test Circuit for V REF vs I ZTest circuit for I REF .Figure 3. Test Circuit for Off-State CurrentTYPICAL APPLICATIONSShunt RegulatorSingle Supply Comparator withTemperature Compensated ThresholdV+V OV O ≈ (1+R1/R2)V REFOUTGNDINSeries RegulatorHigher Current Shunt RegulatorV+V OV O ≈(1+R1/R2)V REFV OV+V O ≈ (1+R1/R2)V REFTYPICAL APPLICATIONS (Continued )Over Voltage/Under VoltageProtection CircuitVoltage Monitor< HIGH V+LOW LIMIT ≈ V REF ( 1+R1B/R2B)+V BE LOW LIMIT ≈ V REF ( 1+R1A/R2A)V+LOW LIMIT ≈ V REF ( 1+R1B/R2B)+V BE LED ON WHENLOW LIMIT ≈ V REF ( 1+R1A/R2A) LOW LIMIT < V + < HIGH LIMITDelay TimerCurrent Limiter or Current SourceOFFDELAY = R*C*l n *V+/(V+)-V REFV+I O =V REF /R CLConstant Current SinkI O = V REF /R SAMS3431TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS0100200300400500Input Current vs V ZCATHODE VOLTAGE (V)I N P U T T C U R R E N T (µA )1000500125R E F E R E N C E V O L T A G E (V )Thermal InformationTEMPERATURE (° C)10050100150Input Current vs V ZCATHODE VOLTAGE (V)I NP U T T C U R R E N T (m A )PACKAGE DIMENSIONS inches (millimeters) unless otherwise noted.3L TO-92 PLASTIC PACKAGE (N)N (TO-92 ) AMS DRW# 042391/AMSAMS3431 PACKAGE DIMENSIONS inches (millimeters) unless otherwise noted (Continued).3 LEAD SOT-23 PLASTIC PACKAGE (M)。

Siemens 电子产品说明书

Siemens 电子产品说明书

全集成自动化 — 机场解决方案西门子(中国)有限公司工业业务领域工业自动化集团驱动技术集团楼宇科技集团本宣传册中提供的信息只是对产品的一般说明和特性介绍。




如有变动,恕不事先通知订货号:E20001-A-0163-C700-X-5D007018-SH905836-05101西门子公司版权所有北方区北京北京市朝阳区望京中环南路7号邮政编码:100102电话:(010)6476 8888传真:(010)6476 4915济南济南市舜耕路28号舜华园商务会所5楼邮政编码:250014电话:(0531)8266 6088传真:(0531)8266 0836西安西安市高新区科技路33号高新国际商务中心28层邮政编码:710075电话:(029)8831 9898传真:(029)8833 8818天津天津市和平区南京路189号津汇广场写字楼1401室邮政编码:300051电话:(022)8319 1666传真:(022)2332 8833青岛青岛市香港中路76号青岛颐中皇冠假日酒店405室邮政编码:266071电话:(0532)8573 5888传真:(0532)8576 9963郑州郑州市中原中路220号裕达国贸中心写字楼2506室邮政编码:450007电话:(0371)6771 9110传真:(0371)6771 9120唐山唐山市建设北路99号火炬大厦1308房间邮政编码:063020电话:(0315)317 9450/51传真:(0315)317 9733太原太原市府西街69号国际贸易中心西塔16层1610B 邮政编码:030002电话:(0351)868 9048传真:(0351)868 9046乌鲁木齐乌鲁木齐市五一路160号鸿福饭店C 座918室邮政编码:830000电话:(0991)582 1122传真:(0991)584 6288洛阳洛阳市中州西路15号洛阳牡丹大酒店4层415房间邮政编码:471003电话:(0379)6468 0295传真:(0379)6468 0296兰州兰州市东岗西路589号锦江阳光酒店21层2111室邮政编码:730000电话:(0931)888 5151传真:(0931)881 0707石家庄石家庄市中山东路303号石家庄世贸广场酒店1309室邮政编码:050011电话:(0311)8669 5100传真:(0311)8669 5300烟台烟台市南大街9号金都大厦16F1606室邮政编码:264001电话:(0535)212 1880传真:(0535)212 1887淄博淄博市张店区共青团西路95号钻石商务大厦19层L 单元邮政编码:255036电话:(0533)230 9898传真:(0533)230 9944无锡无锡市解放路1000号金陵饭店24层2401-2403邮政编码:214007电话:(0510)8273 6868传真:(0510)8276 8481徐州徐州市彭城路93号泛亚大厦18层邮政编码:221003电话:(0516)8370 8388传真:(0516)8370 8308合肥合肥市濉溪路278号财富广场27层2701、2702室邮政编码:230041电话:(0551)568 1299传真:(0551)568 1256宜昌宜昌市东山大道95号清江大厦2011室邮政编码:443000电话:(0717)631 9033传真:(0717)631 9034连云港连云港市连云区中华西路千樱小区B 幢3单元601室邮政编码:222042电话:(0518)8231 3929传真:(0518)8231 3929扬州杨州市江阳中路43号九州大厦7楼704房间邮政编码:225009电话:(0514)8778 4218传真:(0514)8787 7115杭州杭州市西湖区杭大路15号嘉华国际商务中心1710室邮政编码:310007电话:(0571)8765 2999传真:(0571)8765 2998温州温州市车站大道高联大厦9楼B1室邮政编码:325000电话:(0577)8606 7091传真:(0577)8606 7093苏州苏州市新加坡工业园苏华路2号国际大厦11层17-19单元邮政编码:215021电话:(0512)6288 8191传真:(0512)6661 4898宁波宁波市沧海路1926号上东商务中心25楼2511室邮政编码:315040电话:(0574)8785 5377传真:(0574)8787 0631南昌南昌市北京西路88号江信国际大厦1401室邮政编码:330046电话:(0791)630 4918传真:(0791)630 4918常州常州市关河东路38号九洲寰宇大厦911室邮政编码:213001电话:(0519)8989 5801传真:(0791)8989 5802绍兴绍兴市解放北路玛格丽特商业中心西区2幢玛格丽特酒店10层1020 室邮政编码:312000电话:(0575)8820 1306传真:(0575)8820 1632/1759南通南通市人民中路20号中城大酒店(汉庭酒店)9楼9988邮政编码:226001电话:(0513)8532 2488传真:(0513)8532 2058扬中扬中市扬子中路199号华康医药大厦703室邮政编码:212200电话:(0511)8327 566传真:(0511)8323 356华南区广州广州市天河路208号天河城侧粤海天河城大厦8-10层邮政编码:510620电话:(020)3718 2888传真:(020)3718 2164福州福州市五四路136号中银大厦21层邮政编码:350003电话:(0591)8750 0888传真:(0591)8750 0333南宁南宁市金湖路63号金源现代城 9层 935室邮政编码:530022电话:(0771)552 0700传真:(0771)556 0701深圳深圳市华侨城汉唐大厦9楼邮政编码:518053电话:(0755)2693 5188传真:(0755)2693 4245东莞东莞市南城区宏远路1号宏远大厦1403-1405室邮政编码:523087电话:(0769)2240 9881传真:(0769)2242 2575厦门厦门市厦禾路189号银行中心21层2111-2112室邮政编码:361003电话:(0592)268 5508传真:(0592)268 5505佛山佛山市汾江南路38号东建大厦19楼 K 单元邮政编码:528000电话:(0757)8232 6710传真:(0757)8232 6720海口海口市大同路38号海口国际商业大厦1042房间邮政编码:570102电话:(0898)6678 8038传真:(0898)6678 2118珠海珠海市景山路193号珠海石景山旅游中心229房间邮政编码:519015电话:(0756)337 0869传真:(0756)332 4473汕头汕头市金海湾大酒店1502房邮政编码:515041电话:(0754)848 1196传真:(0754)848 1195湛江湛江市经济开发区乐山大道31号湛江皇冠假日酒店1616单元邮政编码:524022电话:(0759)338 1616/3232 传真:(0759)338 6789西南区成都成都市人民南路二段18号川信大厦18/17楼邮政编码:610016电话:(028)8619 9499传真:(028)8619 9355重庆重庆市渝中区邹容路68号大都会商厦18层1809-12邮政编码:400010电话:(023)6382 8919传真:(023)6370 0612昆明昆明市北京路155号红塔大厦1204室邮政编码:650011电话:(0871)315 8080传真:(0871)315 8093攀枝花攀枝花市炳草岗新华街泰隆国际商务大厦B 座16层B2-2邮政编码:617000电话:(0812)335 9500/01传真:(0812)335 9718宜宾宜宾市长江大道东段67号华荣酒店0233号房邮政编码:644002电话:(0831)233 8078传真:(0831)233 2680绵阳绵阳市高新区火炬广场西街北段89号长虹大酒店四楼商务会议中心邮政编码:621000电话:(0816)241 0142传真:(0816)241 8950贵阳贵州省贵阳市新华路富中国际广场15层C 区邮政编码:550002电话:(0851)551 0310传真:(0851)551 3932西宁西宁市新宁路新宁花苑A 座紫恒国际公寓16楼21613室邮政编码:800028电话:(0971)550 3390传真:(0971)550 3390售后维修服务中心西门子工厂自动化工程有限公司(SFAE )北京市朝阳区仙桥东路9号A1栋8层邮政编码:100016电话:(010)8459 7000传真:(010)8459 7070上海西门子工业自动化有限公司(SIAS ) 上海市中山南二路1089号徐汇苑大厦22-25楼邮政编码:200030电话:(021)5410 8666 传真:(021)6757 9500技术培训北京:(010)8459 7518上海:(021)6281 5933-305/307/308广州:(020)3810 2015武汉:(027)8548 6688-6400沈阳:(024)22949880/82518219重庆:(023)6382 8919-3002 技术资料北京:(010)6476 3726技术支持与服务热线电话:400-810-4288传真:(010)6471 9991E-mail :*************************Web: 亚太技术支持(英文服务)及软件授权维修热线电话:(010)6475 7575传真:(010)6474 7474Email:***********************************银川银川市北京东路123号太阳神大酒店A 区1507房间邮政编码:750001电话:(0951)786 9866传真:(0951)786 9867塘沽天津经济技术开发区第三大街广场东路20号滨海金融街东区E4C 座三层15号邮政编码:300457电话:(022)5981 0333传真:(022)5981 0335东北区沈阳沈阳市沈河区北站路59号 财富大厦E 座13层邮政编码:110013电话:(024)8251 8111传真:(024)8251 8597大连大连市高新园七贤岭广贤路117号邮政编码:116001电话:(0411)8369 9760传真:(0411)8360 9468哈尔滨哈尔滨市南岗区红军街15号奥威斯发展大厦30层A 座邮政编码:150001电话:(0451)5300 9933传真:(0451)5300 9990长春长春市西安大路569号长春香格里拉大饭店401房间邮政编码:130061电话:(0431)8898 1100传真:(0431)8898 1087包头包头市钢铁大街 66号国贸大厦 2107室邮政编码:014010电话:(0472)590 8380传真:(0472)590 8385鞍山鞍山市铁东区园林路333号鞍山四海大酒店716室邮政编码:114010电话:(0412)6388 888传真:(0412)6388 716呼和浩特呼和浩特市乌兰察布西路内蒙古饭店15层1508房间邮政编码:010010电话:(0471)693 8888-1508传真:(0471)628 8269华东区上海上海市浦东新区浦东大道1号中国船舶大厦10楼邮政编码: 200120 电话: (021)3889 3889传真: (021)5879 5155 长沙长沙市五一大道456号亚大时代2101房邮政编码:410011电话:(0731)8446 7770传真:(0731)8446 7771南京南京市玄武区中山路228号地铁大厦18层邮政编码:210008电话:(025)8456 0550传真:(025)8451 1612武汉武汉市汉口江汉区建设大道709号建银大厦18层邮政编码:430015电话:(027)8548 6688传真:(027)8548 6668目录机场全集成自动化2机场的首选:SIMATIC 控制器可根据机场大小和吞吐量选择型号 4高效的操作和监视:SIMATIC HMI6从传送系统直至机场运行中心的统一通讯:SIMATIC NET8随需应变的可靠驱动解决方案 10功能强大的高效传感器:SIMATIC 传感器 14全集成智能楼宇控制系统 16多样的化的产品为您提供更多解决方案 17稳定可靠的配电系统 18致力于满足您的业务需求 20技术支持与服务 — 卓越的国际化技术支持与服务团队与您携手共步成功! 22精彩实例:北京机场行李处理系统 24应用实例25机场是一个综合性项目,通过创新和整合推动一个机场的变革,使其运营更为高效以下是西门子为优化机场运营,提高客户满意度,增强机场安保措施,绿色节能等理念,提出的全方位系统解决方案。



cp343-11. IntroductionThe cp343-1 is a communication processor module manufactured by Siemens that is used in automation systems. It is a powerful and versatile module that facilitates communication between various devices in an industrial environment. This document provides a comprehensive overview of the cp343-1 module, including its features, installation process, and configuration options.2. FeaturesThe cp343-1 module offers several key features that make it a popular choice for communication in automation systems:•Support for a wide range of communication protocols, including TCP/IP, ISO-on-TCP, UDP, and more.•Dual Ethernet ports for connecting to the local network and the equipment being controlled.•Internal memory for storing configuration data and program files.•Support for various programming languages, such as C++, Java, and Python, enabling flexible implementationand customization.•Built-in diagnostics and monitoring tools for efficient troubleshooting and maintenance.•Integrated web server for remote access and configuration.3. Installation3.1 Hardware InstallationTo install the cp343-1 module, follow these steps:1.Ensure that the power to the automation system is turned off.2.Locate the appropriate slot in the system’s rack for the cp343-1 module.3.Carefully align the module with the slot and insert it firmly.4.Secure the module in place using the provided screws or locking mechanism.5.Connect the module’s power supply to the system’s power source.6.Turn on the power to the automation system and verify that the module is powered and properly installed.3.2 Software InstallationOnce the hardware installation is complete, the next step is to install the necessary software for configuring and programming the cp343-1 module. Siemens provides a software package called Step 7 that includes the required tools. Follow these steps to install the software:1.Insert the Step 7 installation disc into theappropriate drive.2.Run the installer and follow the on-screeninstructions to complete the installation.3.Once the installation is complete, launch the Step 7software.4.Connect the cp343-1 module to the computer usingan Ethernet cable.5.In the Step 7 software, select the option to add a newdevice.6.The software will automatically detect theconnected module and prompt for its configuration.7.Follow the configuration wizard to set up themodule according to your specific requirements.4. ConfigurationThe cp343-1 module offers various configuration options to adapt to different communication needs. The configuration process involves the following steps:1.Open the Step 7 software and connect to the cp343-1 module.2.Access the configuration menu and select thedesired communication protocol.3.Specify the network settings, such as IP address,subnet mask, and default gateway.4.Set up the communication parameters, includingport numbers and data format.5.Configure any additional features, such asdiagnostics and security settings.6.Save the configuration settings and apply them tothe cp343-1 module.5. UsageOnce the cp343-1 module is installed and configured, it can be used to establish communication between various devices in an automation system. The module acts as a bridge, enabling data exchange and control between different components. Some common use cases of the cp343-1 module include:•Interfacing with Human-Machine Interface (HMI) devices to display real-time data and enable operatorcontrol.•Connecting to Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs) to exchange data and control signals.•Enabling communication with external sensors, actuators, and other peripherals.•Integrating with supervisory control systems for centralized monitoring and control.6. TroubleshootingIn case of any issues or errors related to the cp343-1 module, refer to the following troubleshooting guide:1.Check the module’s power supply and ensure that itis properly connected.2.Verify the network settings, including IP addressand subnet mask.e the module’s diagnostics tools to identify anycommunication errors.4.Review the configuration settings to ensure they arecorrect and compatible with the connected devices.5.Update the module’s firmware to the latest version,if available.6.Consult the user manual or contact Siemenstechnical support for further assistance.7. ConclusionThe cp343-1 module is a versatile communication processor that plays a crucial role in automation systems. Its wide range of features, easy installation process, and flexible configuration options make it a popular choice among industrial users. By enabling seamless communication between various devices, the cp343-1 module enhances the efficiency and effectiveness of automation systems.。

TSC TTP-2410M Pro 346M Pro 644M Pro TTP-246M Pro 3

TSC TTP-2410M Pro 346M Pro 644M Pro TTP-246M Pro 3

©2011 TSC Auto ID Technology Co., Ltd,本手冊和手冊中所述之條碼印表機軟體和韌體版權均歸TSC Auto ID Technology Co., Ltd所有。


CG Triumvirate is a trademark of Agfa Corporation. CG Triumvirate Bold Condensed font is under license from the Monotype Corporation. Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation.所有其他品牌名稱、產品名稱或商標,利署於其他個別擁有者。




CE CLASS AEN 55022:2006 +A1:2007EN 55024:1998+A1:2001+A2:2003EN 61000-4 SERIES REQULATIONSFCC CFR Title 47 Part 15 Subpart B:2010-Section 15.107 and 15.109ICES-003 Issue 4:2004 Class AAS/NZS CISPR 22:2009CLASS AGB-4953-2001GB9254-2008 (CLASS A) GB17625.1-2003此为A 级产品,在生活环境中,该产品可能会造成无线电干扰,在这种情况下,可能需要用户对干扰采取切实可行的措施。

UL 60950-1(2nd Edition)EN 60950-1/A1:2010IEC 60950-1/A1:2009IEC 60950-1:2005(2nd Edition)Wichtige Sicherheits-Hinweise1. Bitte lesen Sie diese Hinweis sorgfältig durch.2. Heben Sie diese Anleitung fűr den späteren Gebrauch auf.3. Vor jedem Reinigen ist das Gerät vom Stromentz zu trennen. Verwenden Sie keine Flüssig-oder Aerosolreiniger. Am besten eignet sich ein angefeuchtetes Tuch zur Reinigung.4. Die Netzanschluß-Steckdose soll nahe dem Gerät angebracht und leichtzugänglich sein.5. Das Gerät ist vor Feuchtigkeit zu schűtzen.6. Bei der Aufstellung des Gerätes ist auf sicheren Stand zu achten. EinKippen oder Fallen könnte Beschädigungen hervorrufen.7. Beachten Sie beim Anschluß ans Stromnetz die Anschlußwerte.8. Dieses Gerät kann bis zu einer Außentemperatur von maximal 40℃betrieben werden.重要安全說明:1.閱讀所有這些說明,並保留以備未來使用。

ST TS3431 数据手册

ST TS3431 数据手册

June 2007 Rev 31/10TS34311.24V programmable shunt voltage referenceFeatures■Adjustable output voltage: 1.24 to 24V ■Several precision levels @ 25°C ±2%, ±1%, ±0.5% and ±0.25%■Sink current capability: 0.4 to 100mA■Industrial temperature range: -40°C to +125°C ■Performance compatible with industry standard TL431Applications■Computers ■Instrumentation ■Battery chargers■Switch mode power supply ■Battery operated equipmentDescriptionThe TS3431 is a programmable shunt voltage reference with guaranteed temperature stability over the entire operating temperature range(-40°C to +125°C). The output voltage can be set to any value between 1.24V and 24V with an external resistor bridge.Available in SOT23-3 surface mount package, it can be used in application designs where space saving is critical.Block diagram TS34312/101 Block diagram2 Absolute maximum ratingsTable 1.Absolute maximum ratings (AMR)Symbol ParameterValue Unit V KA Cathode to anode voltage 25V I K Reverse breakdown current -100 to +150mA I REF Reference current-0.05 to10mA P d Power dissipation (1)SOT23-3L 1.P d is calculated with T amb = 25°C, T j = 150°C, R thjc = 110°C/W, R thja = 340°C/W.360mW T stg Storage temperature -65 to +150°C ESD Human body model (HBM)2kV Machine model (MM)200V T leadLead temperature (soldering, 10 seconds)250°CTable 2.Operating conditionsSymbol ParameterValue Unit I K Cathode operating current 0.5 to 100mA V K Cathode operating voltage1.24 to 24V T operOperating free air temperature range-40 to +125°C3/103 Electrical characteristicsTable 3.T amb = 25°C (unless otherwise specified)(1)SymbolParameter Test conditions Min.Typ.Max.UnitV K Reference input voltage I K = 10mATS3431 (2%)1.215 1.241.265VTS3431A (1%) 1.228 1.252TS3431B (0.5%) 1.234 1.246TS3431C (0.25%) 1.2371.243ΔV KVariation of reference input voltageover temperature 0°C < T < +70°C10mV-40°C < T < +105°C 18-40°C < T < +125°C21T C T emperature coefficient -40°C < T < +125°C 100ppm/°C I KminMinimum operating currentT = 25°C0.350.4mA-40°C < T < +125°C 0.5Ratio of change in reference input voltage to change in cathode to anode voltageI K =10mAV K = 24 to 1.24V 1.2 1.5mV/V-40°C < T < +125°C 2I REF Reference input currentI K =10mA, R1=10K Ω, R2=+T= 25°C0.9 1.5µA-40°C < T < +125°C 2ΔI REFReference input current deviation I K =10mA, R1=10K Ω, R2=+0°C < T < +70°C 0.51µA-40°C < T < +125°C 0.9 1.5I OFF Off-state cathode current V K =24VT= 25°C35500nA-40°C < T < +105°C 1000-40°C < T < +125°C2000R KA Reverse static impedance I K = 1 to 100mA 0.20.4W E NWideband noiseI K = 10mA1kHz < f < 100kHz100nV/√ Hz1.Limits are 100% production tested at 25°C. Behavior at the temperature range limits is guaranteed through correlation andby design.ΔVref ΔVka ---------------∞Figure 4.Cathode voltage vs cathode current Figure 5.Minimum operating current vsFigure 6.Reference input current vs Figure 7.Dynamic impedance vs frequency4/10Figure 8.Off-state current vs temperature Figure 9.Test circuit for off-state currentFigure 10.Ratio of change in reference inputFigure 11.Test circuit for V K > V REFvoltage to change in V KA voltage vs5/10Figure 14.Pulse response at I K = 10mA Figure 15.Test circuit for pulse response atFigure 16.Phase and gain vs frequency Figure 17.Equivalent input noise vsFigure 18.Test circuit for phase and gain6/10TS3431Package information7/104 Package informationIn order to meet environmental requirements, STMicroelectronics offers these devices inECOPACK ® packages. These packages have a lead-free second level interconnect. The category of second level interconnect is marked on the package and on the inner box label, in compliance with JEDEC Standard JESD97. The maximum ratings related to soldering conditions are also marked on the inner box label. ECOPACK is an STMicroelectronics trademark. ECOPACK specifications are available at: .Package information TS34318/10TS3431Ordering information9/105 Ordering information6 Revision historyTable 4.Order codesPart numberTemperaturerangePackagePackagingMarking TS3431ILT TS3431AILT TS3431BILT TS3431CILT-40°C, +125°C SOT23-3L Tape & reelL280L281L282L283Date RevisionChanges1-Jan-20041Initial release.1-Dec-20042Specific content changes as follows:–CI version added in Table 4: Order codes .–R thjc information added in Table 1: Absolute maximum ratings (AMR).–T est condition added in electrical characteristics T able 3.26-Jun-20073Removed TO-92 package information and associated order codes.Re-ordered electrical characteristics figures.TS343110/10Please Read Carefully:Information in this document is provided solely in connection with ST products. STMicroelectronics NV and its subsidiaries (“ST”) reserve the right to make changes, corrections, modifications or improvements, to this document, and the products and services described herein at any time, without notice.All ST products are sold pursuant to ST’s terms and conditions of sale.Purchasers are solely responsible for the choice, selection and use of the ST products and services described herein, and ST assumes no liability whatsoever relating to the choice, selection or use of the ST products and services described herein.No license, express or implied, by estoppel or otherwise, to any intellectual property rights is granted under this document. If any part of this document refers to any third party products or services it shall not be deemed a license grant by ST for the use of such third party products or services, or any intellectual property contained therein or considered as a warranty covering the use in any manner whatsoever of such third party products or services or any intellectual property contained therein.UNLESS OTHERWISE SET FORTH IN ST’S TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SALE ST DISCLAIMS ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY WITH RESPECT TO THE USE AND/OR SALE OF ST PRODUCTS INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE (AND THEIR EQUIVALENTS UNDER THE LAWS OF ANY JURISDICTION), OR INFRINGEMENT OF ANY PATENT, COPYRIGHT OR OTHER INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHT. UNLESS EXPRESSLY APPROVED IN WRITING BY AN AUTHORIZED ST REPRESENTATIVE, ST PRODUCTS ARE NOT RECOMMENDED, AUTHORIZED OR WARRANTED FOR USE IN MILITARY, AIR CRAFT, SPACE, LIFE SAVING, OR LIFE SUSTAINING APPLICATIONS, NOR IN PRODUCTS OR SYSTEMS WHERE FAILURE OR MALFUNCTION MAY RESULT IN PERSONAL INJURY, DEATH, OR SEVERE PROPERTY OR ENVIRONMENTAL DAMAGE. ST PRODUCTS WHICH ARE NOT SPECIFIED AS "AUTOMOTIVE GRADE" MAY ONLY BE USED IN AUTOMOTIVE APPLICATIONS AT USER’S OWN RISK.Resale of ST products with provisions different from the statements and/or technical features set forth in this document shall immediately void any warranty granted by ST for the ST product or service described herein and shall not create or extend in any manner whatsoever, any liability of ST.ST and the ST logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of ST in various countries.Information in this document supersedes and replaces all information previously supplied.The ST logo is a registered trademark of STMicroelectronics. All other names are the property of their respective owners.© 2007 STMicroelectronics - All rights reservedSTMicroelectronics group of companiesAustralia - Belgium - Brazil - Canada - China - Czech Republic - Finland - France - Germany - Hong Kong - India - Israel - Italy - Japan - Malaysia - Malta - Morocco - Singapore - Spain - Sweden - Switzerland - United Kingdom - United States of America。



西门子S7300 PLC 以太网模块 CP343-1的区别组态注意事项:300系列中的工业以太网CP 在其硬件接口和通信功能包括数量框架在内有所不同。

下表显示了区别: 通信处理器CP343-1CP343-1CP343-1 ITCP343-1 PN CP343-1 Lean MLFB 6GK7 343- 1EX11- 0XE06GK7 343- 1EX21- 0XE06KG7 343-1GX21- 0XE06GK7 343- 1HX00- 0XE06GK7 343- 1CX00- 0XE0连接 ITP, RJ45, AUIRJ45 RJ45ITP, RJ45, AUIRJ45应用ISO 传输协议 X X 1) X 2) - - ISO-on-TCP 传输协议 X X X X X TCP/IP 传输协议 XXX X X UDP 传输协议 X XXXXS7通信 X X X X X 5)IT 通信 - - - - - PG/OP 通信 X X X X XPROFINET 通信 -XXX 4)-S7路由 X X X X X 数量框架S5-兼容通信3) 16 16 161616用户数据量TCP 8 K 字节 8 K 字节 8 K 字节 8 K 字节 8 K 字节 用户数据量UDP 2 K 字节 2 K 字节 2 K 字节 2 K 字节 2 K 字节 S7通信数 16 16 16 16 4PG/OP通信数(非循环效16 16 16 16 4用)48 48 48 32 12多协议(同时操作的所有连接总数)16816组播 16161)早期的CP343-1EX20模块既不支持ISO协议也不支持PROFINET2)早期的CP343-1GX20模块既不支持ISO协议也不支持PROFINET3)同时操作的所有TCP/UDP连接总数4)只支持PROFINET CBA版本V1.0(非实时)5)只支持服务器功能区别标准的描述:ISO传输协议:ISO传输连接用于S5站和S7站或PC站之间的数据交换(S5兼容通信)。

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December 2004Revision 21/11■Adjustable output voltage: 1.24 to 24V ■Several precision @ 25°C ±2%, ±1%, ±0.5% and ±0.25%■Sink current capability: 0.4 to 100mA■Industrial temperature range: -40 to +125°C ■Performances compatible with industry standard TL431DescriptionThe TS3431 is a programmable shunt voltage reference with guaranteed temperature stability over the entire temperature range of operation (-40 to +125°C). The output voltage may be set to any value between 1.24V and 24V with an external resistor bridge.Available in SOT23-3 surface mount package, it can be designed in applications where space saving is a critical issue.Applications■Computers■Instrumentation ■Battery chargers■Switch mode power supply ■Battery operated equipmentsPin Connections (top view)Order CodesPart NumberTemperature RangePackage Packaging Marking TS3431ILT/AILT/BILT/CILT-40, +125°CSOT23-3LTape & Reel L280-L281L282-L283TS3431IZ/AIZ/BIZ/CIZTO-92Bulk TS3431IZT/AIZT/BIZT/CIZTTape & Reel TS3431IZ-AP/AIZ-AP/BIZ-AP/CIZ-APAmmo packTS34311.24V Programmable Shunt Voltage ReferenceTS3431Absolute Maximum Ratings1 Absolute Maximum RatingsTable 1.Key parameters and their absolute maximum ratingsSymbol ParameterValue Unit V KA Cathode to Anode Voltage 25V I K Reverse Breakdown Current -100 to +150mA I REF Reference Current -0.05 to10mA P D Power Dissipation 1SOT23-3TO921)Pd has been calculated with T amb = 25°C and T j = 150°C andRthjc = 66°C/W, Rthja = 200°C/W for the TO92 packageRthjc = 110°C/W, Rthja = 340°C/W for the SOT23-3L package360625mW T std Storage Temperature-65 to +150°C ESD Human Body Model (HBM)2kV Machine Model (MM)200V TleadLead Temperature (soldering, 10 seconds)250°CTable 2.Operating ConditionsSymbol ParameterValue Unit I K Cathode Operating Current 0.5 to 100mA V K Cathode Operating Voltage1.24 to 24V T operOperating Free Air T emperature Range-40 to +125°C2 Electrical CharacteristicsTable 3.Tamb = 25°C (unless otherwise specified)SymbolParameterTest Condition Min.Typ.Max.UnitV KReference input voltage I K = 10mATS3431 (2%) 1.215 1.24 1.265V TS3431A (1%) 1.228 1.252TS3431B (0.5%) 1.234 1.246TS3431C (0.25%)1.2371.243∆V KVariation of reference input voltage over temperature 0°C < T < +70°C 10mV -40°C < T < +105°C18-40°C < T < +125°C21T C Temperature coefficient -40°C < T < +125°C 100ppm/°C I KMINMinimum Operating CurrentT = 25°C0.350.4mA -40°C < T < +125°C0.5Ratio of change in reference input volt-age to change in cathode to anode volt-ageI K =10mAV K = 24 to 1.24V 1.2 1.5mV/V-40°C < T < +125°C 2I REFReference input currentI K =10mA, R1=10K Ω, R2=+T=25°C0.91.5µA -40°C < T < +125°C 2∆I REFReference input current deviation I K =10mA, R1=10K Ω, R2=+0°C < T < +70°C 0.51µA -40°C < T < +125°C 0.9 1.5I OFF Off-state cathode current V K =24VT=25°C35500nA -40°C < T < +105°C 1000-40°C < T < +125°C 2000R KA Reverse Static Impedance I K = 1 to 100mA 0.20.4ΩE NWideband NoiseI K = 10mA1kHz < f < 100kHz100nV/√HzNote: Limits are 100% production tested at 25°C. Limits over temperature are guaranteed through correlation and by design.∆Vref ∆Vka---------------∞Figure 1. Reference voltage vs. temperatureFigure 2. Cathode voltage vs cathode currentFigure 3. Reference input current vstemperatureFigure 4. Test circuit for V K = VrefFigure 5. Minimum operating current vstemperatureFigure 6.Dynamic impedance vs frequencyFigure 7. Off-State current vs temperatureFigure 8. Ratio of change in reference inputvoltage to change in Vka voltage vs temperatureFigure 9. Phase and gain vs frequencyFigure 10. Test circuit for off-state currentmeasurementFigure 11. Test circuit for V K > V REFFigure 12. Test circuit for phase and gainmeasurementFigure 13. Pulse response at Ik=1mAFigure 14. Pulse response at Ik = 10mAFigure 15. Block diagramFigure 16. Test circuit for pulse response at Ik= 1mAFigure 17. Test circuit for pulse response at Ik= 10mAFigure 18. Equivalent input noise vsfrequencyPackage Mechanical Data TS34313 Package Mechanical Data3.1 3 Pins - Plastic Package TO-92 (tape & reel)limetersInches Min.Typ.Max.Min.Typ.Max.AL5.00.197A 5.00.197T 4.00.157d 0.450.018I1 2.50.098P 11.712.713.70.4610.5000.539PO 12.412.7130.4880.5000.512P2 5.95 6.35 6.750.2340.2500.266F1/F2 2.4 2.5 2.80.0940.0980.110∆h -101-0.03900.039∆P -101-0.03900.039W 17.518.019.00.6890.7090.748W0 5.76 6.30.2240.2360.248W18.599.750.3350.3540.384W20.50.020H 200.787H015.51616.50.6100.6300.650H1250.984DO Mechanical Data3.2 3 Pins - Plastic Package TO-92 (tape ammo pack)limetersInches Min.Typ.Max.Min.Typ.Max.AL 5.00.197A 5.00.197T 4.00.157d 0.450.018I1 2.50.098P 11.712.713.70.4610.5000.539PO 12.412.7130.4880.5000.512P2 5.95 6.35 6.750.2340.2500.266F1/F2 2.4 2.5 2.80.0940.0980.110∆h -101-0.03900.039∆P -101-0.03900.039W 17.518.019.00.6890.7090.748W0 5.76 6.30.2240.2360.248W18.599.750.3350.3540.384W20.50.020H 200.787H015.51616.50.6100.6300.650H1250.984DO Mechanical Data TS3431TS3431Package Mechanical DataRevision History TS34314 Revision H istory DateRevision Description of Changes01 Jan. 20041First Release01 Dec. 20042Specific content changes as follows:•CI version added in Table:Order Codes on page 1•Rthjc information added in Table1:Key parameters and their absolute maximum ratings on page 2•Test condition added in Table3:Tamb = 25°C (unless o herwisespecified) on page 3Information furnished is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, STMicroelectronics assumes no responsibility for the consequences of use of such information nor for any infringement of patents or other rights of third parties which may result from its use. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of STMicroelectronics. Specifications mentioned in this publication are subject to change without notice. This publication supersedes and replaces all information previously supplied. STMicroelectronics products are not authorized for use as critical components in life support devices or systems without express written approval of STMicroelectronics.The ST logo is a registered trademark of STMicroelectronicsAll other names are the property of their respective owners© 2004 STMicroelectronics - All rights reservedSTMicroelectronics group of companiesAustralia - Belgium - Brazil - Canada - China - Czech Republic - Finland - France - Germany - Hong Kong - India - Israel - Italy - Japan -Malaysia - Malta - Morocco - Singapore - Spain - Sweden - Switzerland - United Kingdom - United States of America元器件交易网。
