大众途锐升级凯立德3D导航效果图欣赏! 大众途锐升级凯立德导航效果图欣赏:屏幕显示大众图标界面:主界面:凯立德导航软件界面:凯立德导航开机界面:凯立德导地图:3D实景导航:功能界面:倒车影像界面:新途锐介绍2010年11月27日,2011款新途锐正式上市,标志着新途锐正式登陆中国市场,大众汽车同时公布了新途锐价格区间,售价68.2-90.59万元。
新途锐将搭载3.0TSI和3.0 TDI 两款发动机,一共8款车型。
内饰 配 置 方 面 :新途 锐 在 内饰 方 面 ~ 改沉 稳 的 设 计 风 格 , 保 持 了德 国车 一 贯 的 精 致 和 严 谨 , 辐 式 多 但 四 功 能 方 向盘 替 代 了源 自辉 腾 的 三 辐 式 设 计 。类 似 高 尔 夫 的 多功 能 按 钮 集 成 了影 音 系 统 、 行 车 电脑 、 定 速 巡
最 大 扭 矩 为 3 0 m。 同 时 , 途 锐 还 配 备 了 8 手 自 6 N 新 速
体变速箱 。
众 新款途 锐终于面 市
很关 日 J
芒 现 在 终 于 要 上市 了 , 惜 的 是 频 频 曝 光 的 新 途 锐 混 , 可
Yii 篁 e u jx e n Z I
经 也 使 用过 该 款 发 动 机 ;. L柴 油 发 动 机 则 为 华 泰 20 丰研 发 的采 用 高 压 共 轨 电控 直 喷 技 术 的 高 清 柴 油 发 力 也 - , 是 B1 轿 车 的 最 大 亮 点 。 机 1
内饰 配 置 方 面 : 1内 饰 采 用 中 规 中 矩 的 黑 米 双 Bl 设计 , 向甜 为 四 辐 式 , 有 配 置 音 响 、 航 等 快 捷 方 没 巡 安键 。 中 控 区 有 大 尺 寸 的 液 晶 显 示 屏 , 集 成 音 响 、 ) D 播 放 、 S导 航 等 功 能 ,并 将 集 合 目前 比 较 流 行 V GP 勺3 网络 信 息 系 统 。 G
动 力 方 面 :新 途 锐 搭 载 了 F I 油 发 动 机 , DI S汽 T 柴
油 发 动 机 和 H bi 混 合 动 力 三种 动 力 ,其 中 F I 力 vr d S动
途锐TOUAREG 平面广告文案
车尾采用贯穿式尾灯设计, 且内部回旋镖式造型与前车灯 相 呼 应,点 亮 后 也 有 着 不 错 的 质感。
NEW CAR 新车展厅 13
内饰方面,新车座舱布局整体变化不大,采 用了 12 英寸全液晶仪表盘和 15 英寸内嵌式中
Copyright©博看网. All Rights Reserved.
控屏,且中控屏向驾驶员侧倾斜。另外,为进一步 优化车内数字交互体验,新途锐的数字化驾驶 舱 Innovision Cockpit 得以进一步升级,语音控 制功能基于全新开发实现了优化。12 英寸高清 触控屏操作简单,响应灵敏,画面清晰,还支持 手机投屏功能,方便实用。空调出风口采用的是 具有足够细致处理的氛围灯设计,不仅增加了用 车的乐趣感,还为车内创造出了更好的情境。座 椅的做工与舒适度也都极佳,包裹性非常好,让 人在车内享受乘车的同时更有尊贵。
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
外观方面,新车在前脸以及车尾有着较为 明显的变化,前格栅及进气口均进行增宽设计, 贯穿式前脸强化了视觉张力。格外引人注目的 便是全新智能矩阵式 LED 大灯,车灯内部呈回 旋镖式排列,非常具有辨识度。另外在前车灯下 方,配备分段贯穿式日间行车灯,与横向前格栅 装饰条融为一体,进一步拉伸了视觉宽度。
Copyright©博看网. All Rights Reserved.
12 新车展厅 NEW CAR
关注指数 : ★★★★☆
大众汽车在海外发布了新款途锐的实车官图,并在 2023 年 5 月 24 日正式亮相!作为第三代途锐的改款车型,新途锐在 设计与技术层面均进行了升级,包括全新智能矩阵式 LED 大灯以及数字化驾驶舱 Innovision Cockpit 等方面。据悉, 新途锐计划于 2024 年正式进入中国市场。
自动变速箱: 市区 高速 综合 二氧化碳排量(综合),克/公里
V6 FSI V6发动机,采用FS(I 燃油缸内直喷) 技术。现代化的燃油缸内直喷技术 和改良的发动机结构达到了极高的 效率。在爆发出汹涌如潮的动力的 同时,相比具有同等功率和传统技 术的发动机可节省15%的燃油。最大 输出功率为206千瓦(280马力),最 大扭矩为360牛顿·米,最高时速为 227公里/小时,零至百公里加速更 可臻达8.6秒。
将水平升降系统的调节旋钮顺时针旋转至最大幅度,凭借连续 减震控制的电子调控空气动力悬架将自动调节途锐底盘高度。 现在,即使在580毫米深的水域和33度陡的河岸斜坡,都可从容 驶过。
如 果 您 将 减 震 器 硬 度 调 节 钮 调 至“ 运 动 ”模 式 , 在 千 变 万 化 的 路况下,都能出色控制车辆的稳定性和抓地力,此外,在高速 行驶时,底盘会自动下降35毫米,带给您无穷的驾驶乐趣。
想挑战极限? 需要勇气,力量和一颗雄心。
您想了解途锐的强项之一吗?那么请您把油门踩到底。挑战极限的喜悦将直接从途锐 的发动机罩下开始。两款汽油发动机凭借最现代的电子学和结构学上的解决方案令人 信服。途锐的每一款发动机都是绝无仅有,不可替换的。V6 FSI和V8 FSI发动机各有千秋, 使人觉得是两款完全不同的途锐。请根据您的喜好,挑选出最适合您的发动机。
本 手 册 中 所 附 图 片 仅 供 参 考 ,以 实 际 销 售 为 准 。手 册 中 涉 及 到 的 技 术 参 数 、配置等 信息仅供参考,实际情况敬请垂询大众进口汽车授权经销商,如有变更恕不另行通知。
在这里,您将了解到途锐的各项特性:坚实的底盘系统(第13页),优异的越野性能(第17页),强大的引擎(第19页), 奢华的内饰(第23页),领先的安全性能(第25页)以及丰富的装备(第29页)。途锐带您进入一个没有界限的世界。
保养周期:1.发动机机油更换:途锐发动机机油使用标准为VW 502 00,建议保养周期为每10000公里或12月。
SSP467_途锐V8 TDI 发动机
4.2 l 共轨燃油喷射系统 V8 TDI 发动机
● ● ● ● ● ● ●
Bosch 共轨燃油喷射系统、压电式喷油器 最高喷油压力可达 2000 bar 柴油微粒过滤器 / 氧化催化转换器 带转速传感器的涡轮增压器 创新的热管理系统 (ITM) 低温废气再循环系统 容积可控式机油泵 按需求控制的燃油输送装置 利用超声波测量的机油油位 / 温度传感器
发动机代码 类型 排量 缸径 冲程 每缸气门数 压缩比 最大输出功率 kW 最大扭矩 发动机管理系统 燃油 排气净化系统 CKDA 8- 缸 V 型发动机 4134 cm3 83.0 mm 95.5 mm 16.4 : 1 250 kW/4000 rpm 800 Nm/1750 rpm 2750 rpm Bosch EDC 17 符合 DIN EN590 标准的柴油 废气再循环装置 氧催化转换器 柴油微粒过滤器 EURO 5 239 g/km 扭矩 (Nm) 发动机转速 (rpm) S467_026 4 扭矩 (Nm) 功率和扭矩图
创新的热管理系统 (ITM) 首次用于新 VW Touareg。该系统可在发动机、变速箱和车厢之间合理分配发动机产生 的热量。为了以一种理想的方式分配热量,根据车厢、发动机和变速箱的热需求量及优先权开发了新的软件。 核心部件是发动机控制单元中的热管理装置。确保车厢有舒适的温度,优化热量利用率,将发动机摩擦降至最小 程度。空调与变速箱控制单元通过 CAN 数据总线将热需求量信号传到发动机控制单元,发动机控制单元对空调、 变速箱和发动机热需求量进行加权计算,然后,再根据需要激活各个不同 ITM 部件。 4.2 l V8 TDI 发动机的 ITM 由以下部件组成:
随速转向助力提供了由速度而定 的伺服助力,在高速行驶时确保了 行车的稳定性,在驻车或低速行驶 时使您感受到驾车的轻便性。
可以降低传动比的分动器能确保车辆在任 何路面状况下行驶的稳定性。例如:当选 择分动器“Low”时,发动机转速将获得精 确调节,扭矩输出增大,车辆得以稳定地通 过湿滑路面和越野地形。
多功能真皮方向盘,带有速度调节控 制按扭和多功能显示器的操作按扭。
前排"Cricket"板球皮豪华座椅。可 加热,座椅中间及扶手处有皮革 护罩。并带有12向电动记忆调节, 不仅可调节腰部支撑和座垫角度, 靠背和头枕也均可调节,给您带 来最大限度的乘坐享受。
31 32
电动减震控制系统在快速行驶 时降低车身,您可以在高速公路 上感受空气悬架所带来的运动 性 能 。这 不 仅 降 低 了 空 气 阻 力 和油耗,而且提高了行驶的稳定 性能。带有侧倾补偿功能的驾驶 动力系统,可以进一步优化您的 驾驶行为。
全时四轮驱动 4 MOTION将发 动机的动力分配在前后轴上, 需要时分配到每个轮上。必要时, 全时四轮驱动在一秒钟内会多 次自动更改动力的分配。
23 24
克服 每一个障碍, 无论何种路况。
像途锐这样全能的座驾能够胜任 不同的挑战。途锐拥有最先进的安全 技 术 装 备 ,它 不 仅 有 助 于 在 发 生 碰 撞 时 最 大 限 度 地 保 护 乘 客 ,最 重要的是还可以避免事故的发生。
侧倾补偿 在快速转弯时您可以感受到此作用。 空气弹簧逐个调节减震器,以改善 行车稳定性。同时更敏捷安全。
V8 FSI 同样采用FS(I 燃油缸内直喷)技术的 V8发动机,带来的惊人能量,更是超 乎想象。257千瓦(350马力)的最大 输出功率,440牛顿·米的最大扭矩, 7.5秒零至百公里的加速性,以及244 公里/小时的最高时速,都令对手望 尘 莫 及 。同 时 ,F S I 技 术 的 经 济 性 与 350马力的结合,令150帕的高压泵 将燃油直接喷入汽缸。在优化的燃 烧室内,汽油混合物在千分之一秒 内燃烧,在消耗更少的情况下更好的 监控自发功率。
双 L 形尾 灯 环 绕 车身后 侧 面 板 延伸至 后 备 箱盖。紧急制动时,危险信号灯自动启动; 后灯光反射镜以及后雾灯集成于保险杠内。
两片式全景天窗,前玻璃板可移动或上翘,带电动遮阳帘,令车内始终保证良好的采光,愈显通透,营造豪华舒适的驾乘氛围。同时具备防夹功能,还可 通过钥匙遥控直接开关,将安全性与便捷性完美融汇。
Vienna 真皮座椅 胡桃木内饰 防眩目内后视镜 多功能真皮方向盘带木饰 手动调节方向盘柱 ( 水平和纵向调节 ) 真皮换档杆手把 "Premium" 多功能彩色显示屏和仪表盘 前排舒适座椅 12 向电动调节 前排座椅加热 前后排座椅独立加热 电动调节腰部支撑 后排座椅可电动放倒 前排安全头枕 前排头枕高度和位置可调节 后排座椅可分离式折叠,带两个杯架 手套箱带冷藏功能 后座遮阳帘 通风座椅
全景摄像模式“Area View”四个超广角摄像头,可围绕车身360°取景,彻底消除行驶盲区,时刻让您洞悉全局,从容自若。
“Premium”多功能彩色显示屏和仪表盘, 将 多 项 操 作 信 息 数 据 清 晰 呈 现 ,让 您 一目了然。
无线导航系统“RNS 850”拥有60GB硬盘,及2个SDHC功能的SD卡插槽。DVD播放器可 播放CD,以及MP3、MP4和WMA格式数据,更有领先科技的DVD。它集成数字电视接收器, 数字广播接收器,以及语音功能,为您奉上非凡的驾乘体验。
新途锐混合动力搭载了V6 TSI汽油直喷发动机与电动机驱动的混合动力系统。在纯电动模式下可加速至50公里/小时,真正实现零排放。坚持可持 续发展的前瞻思维,新途锐混合动力更凭借百公里8.2升的超低油耗,为以汽油为燃料的全能越野SUV车型树立了全新标杆。
新途锐混合动力采用领先的并联式混合动力系统,将发动机、离合器、电机与自动变速器集成于同一轴承之上,使车身设计丝毫不受影响,同时更能 降低能量损耗,令每一次的功率输出都能完全传送至车轮,完美彰显卓绝的爬坡能力、托载能力以及越野性能。
Service T rainingSelf Study Program 850103The 8-Speed Automatic T ransmission 0C8 Design and FunctionVolkswagen Group of America, Inc.Volkswagen AcademyPrinted in U.S.A.Printed 08/2010Course Number 850103©2010 Volkswagen Group of America, Inc.All rights reserved. All information contained in this manual is based on the latest information available at the time of printing and is subject to the copyright and other intellectual property rights of Volkswagen Group of America, Inc., its affi liated companies and its licensors. All rights are reserved to make changes at any time without notice. No part of this document may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, nor may these materials be modifi ed or reposted to other sites without the prior expressed written permission of the publisher.All requests for permission to copy and redistribute information should be referred to Volkswagen Group of America, Inc.Always check Technical Bulletins and the latest electronic repair information for information that may supersede any information included in this booklet.Trademarks: All brand names and product names used in this manual are trade names, service marks, trademarks, or registered trademarks; and are the property of their respective owners.iiiThis Self-Study Program provides information regarding the design and function of new models.This Self-Study Program is not a Repair Manual. This information will not be updated.For maintenance and repair procedures, always refer to the latest electronic service information.NoteImportant!Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1T ransmission Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3T ransmission Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17T ransmission Management System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28Electrical Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34Functional Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38Knowledge Assessment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41Page intentionally left blankIntroduction The 0C8 8-speed automatic transmission is based on the previous 09D automatic transmission. This transmission uses the same basic components and has added two more forward speeds, helping both performance and fuel consumption.All 2011 Touareg vehicles will have the 0C8 8-speed automatic transmission.S466_00312IntroductionT echnical DataDeveloper/Manufacturer AISIN AW CO. LTD JapanDesignationT ransmission Features • Electrohydraulically controlled 8-speed planetary transmission with a simple primary planetary gear set and a Ravigneaux planetary gear set • Torque converter with slip-controlled torque converter lock-up clutch• Designed for longitudinal installation in combination with a transfer case• Automatic transmission 0C8• Hydraulic control unit (valve body) in the oil sump with external electronic control module• Dynamic Shift Program DSP with separate sports program in "position S" and "Tiptronic" mode for manual gear changes• Special feature: Starting off in 2nd gear is possible in Tiptronic mode Control System T orque Service Depending on version, up to 737 lb/ft (1000 Nm)For fl uid maintenance and intervals, see ElsaWebDepending on adaptation of the transmission to the engine, between 200 and 240 lb (91 and 108 kg)Weight SpeedDepending on engine, the top speed can be achieved in 6th, 7th or 8th gear3T ransmission DesignS466_006The 8-speed automatic transmission consists of :• The torque converter with lock-up clutch • The ATF pump • The valve body• The Lepellitier planetary transmission con fi guration • The transmission housing• Auxiliary hydraulic pump for transmission oil • ATF preheaterTorque ConverterTransmission Fluid Auxiliary Hydraulic Pump 1 V475HousingValve BodyATF Pre-heaterPlanetaryTransmissionATF Pump4T ransmission DesignS466_042S466_073The T orque ConverterTorqueConverter Lock-up ClutchTorsional Damper StatorTuurbine WheelPump WheelTransfer Case8-Speed Automatic TransmissionEngineElectric Motor/GeneratorThe hydro-mechanical torque converter is a fl uidclutch. It is used both to transfer and multiply torque from the engine. It consists of a turbine, pump, stator and lock-up clutch.Torsional dampers are installed in all torque converters. This allows the engine’s torsional vibrations to be minimized.In hybrid vehicles with combined electric motor and combustion engine, the combustion engine drives the torque converter via a shaft. This shaft runs through the middle of electric motor (electric motor/generator). If the electric motor is used to drive the hybrid vehicle, the torque converter is driven directly by the electric motor.Different torque converters will be used depending on the engine and drive characteristics.5Transmission DesignS466_072S466_216The Connection between the Engine to the T orque ConverterThe torque converter is connected to the different engines via three lugs. Depending on the engine, 3 or 6 bolts are required to connect the lugs to the engine.3.6L V6 FSI Engine3.0L V6 TDI3.0L V6 FSIS466_215S466_214The T orque Converter Lock-up ClutchThe torque converter lock-up clutch is a hydraulic multi-plate clutch. It locks the torque converter’s pump and turbine to eliminate slip.Depending on the vehicle operating status, this can be carried out at any time at engine speeds of over 1000 rpm.TorqueConverter Lock-up ClutchTorque Converter6Transmission DesignS466_007Oil Supply to the Valve BodyATF PumpConverter Housing with Converter HubThe Oil SupplyThe ATF PumpDepending on drivetrain, the 8-speed automatic transmission is equipped with the following oil pressure pumps:• Combustion Engine: The ATF pump inside of the transmission• Hybrid Drivetrain: The ATF pump inside of the transmission and the Transmission Fluid Auxiliary Hydraulic Pump 1 V475In vehicles with combustion engine, the mechanical ATF pump (Automatic Transmission Fluid) isresponsible for supplying the transmission with oil. It draws the ATF out of the oil pan, builds up the oil pressure and supplies the valve body with the hydraulic oil required for changing gears.The oil pump is a crescent pump (duocentric oil pump). It is driven directly by the engine via the converter housing and the converter hub. When driven, the ATF pump’s pinion drive plates engage in two grooves on the converter hub.In hybrid vehicles, this pump is driven by either the combustion engine and/or the electric motor/generator.s466_046AuxiliaryHydraulic PumpT ransmission Fluid Auxiliary Hydraulic Pump 1 V475Hybrid vehicles do not always run the combustion engine. However, it is still necessary for the automatic transmission to have oil pressure for normal operation. The Transmission Fluid Auxiliary Hydraulic Pump 1 V475 is responsible for supplying oil pressure to the transmission when the engine is not running and the vehicle is stationary. It is located under the bell housing.FunctionThe V475 is an electric motor which drives thehydraulic pump. The electric motor is a brushless DC motor that is made up of a stator and a rotor.The pump is a crescent pump (duocentric pump) that draws the ATF fl uid out of the oil pan to pressurize and supply to the rest of the transmission. The oil enters the pump through a one-way check valve The one-way check valve in the V475 prevents the oil pumped by the mechanical ATF pump from fl owing back into the oil pan.Oil Temperature Sensor 2 G664 is located inside of the auxiliary hydraulic pump. This provides the Transmission Control Module J217 with the operating temperature of the pump.Effect in the event of failureBased on the rotational speed of the DC motor, the position sensors detect whether a malfunction is present. The malfunction is reported to thetransmission control module. J217 tells the ECM to start the mechanical ATF pump via the combustionengine or the electric motor.s466_030Brushless Electric MotorDuocentric Hydraulic Pumps466_066Non-return valveThe Planetary T ransmissions466_002DesignThe Lepellitier planetary gear set concept is based on a single planetary gear set (primary planetary transmission) and a downstream, double planetary gear set (Ravigneaux) with freewheeling capability.The special feature of the Lepelletier planetary transmission is the fact that the double planetary gear set's sun gears and planet carrier are driven at different rotational speeds. These different input speeds create a large number of possible gear ratios.In this transmission, the double planetary gear set's sun gears can be driven by the output speeds of the planet carrier or the annulus (sun gear) of the single planetary gear set. At the same time, the double planetary gear set's planet carrier runs at the transmission input speed. This confi guration enables the use of two additional forward gears.Four multi-plate clutches, two multi-disc brakes and the freewheel are used to operate the eight forward gearsand one reverse gear.The Single Planetary Gear Set The single planetary gear set is located in front of the double planetary gear set.The single planetary gear set consists of:• The stationary sun gear S1• The planetary gears P1• The planet carrier PT1• The annulus H1• The multi-plate clutches K1, K3 and K4• The multi-disc brake B1Either four or fi ve planetary gear pairs are installed depending on the engine. These gears make the connection to the S1 and the H1. The engine torque is transmitted into the single planetary gear set via the transmission input shaft.The Sun Gear S1This is fi rmly joined to the mechanical ATF pump via a splined connection. As a result of this joint, the S1 isunable to rotate.s466_013s466_014s466_015Splined ConnectionSun Gear S1 B1K4K1K3S1H1P1PT1The Double Planetary Gear SetThe double planetary gear set is attached to the single planetary gear set.The engine torque is transmitted into the double planetary gear set via two routes:The S2 and S3 transfer the torque via the single planetary gear set via K2 to PT2. The output to the transfer case goes from the H2 via the transmission output shaft. The double planetary gear set consists of:• The sun gears S2 and S3• The planetary gear sets P2 and P3• The planet carrier PT2• The annulus H2• The multi-plate clutch K2• The multi-disc brake B2 and• The freewheel FThe Sun Gears S2 and S3Both S2 and S3 can be rotated independently of each other. The axle of S3 runs through S2. Both sun gearscan be driven at different rotational speeds.s466_012s466_022s466_035s466_034P3S3PT2P2S2K2B2F Connection to the SinglePlanetary Gear SetSun Gear S2Sun Gear S3H2Sun Gear S2Section 1Section 2Sun Gear S3Outer Planetary Gears P3Inner Planetary Gears P3Annulus H2Planet Carrier PT2Planet Carrier PT2Annulus H2Planetary Gears P2Section 1Section 2Planet Carrier PT2Outer Planetary Gears P3Planetary Gears P2s466_038s466_049s466_051s466_050The Planetary Gears P2 and P3Planetary gears P2 and outer planetary gears P3 are fi tted together on one single shaft.The torque from sun gear S2 is transferred to P2and to the P3. Only the P3 are joined to annulus H2. These transfer the torque from S2 to H2.The torque from S3 to the H2 is fi rst transmitted to the P3. The P3 transfer the torque to the P3 and to the H2.Depending on the engine, three or four P2 plus P3 planetary gears are used.Brake B1Brake B1 is keyed to the transmission housing. If the Automatic Transmission Pressure Regulating ValveN216 is supplied with current, the brake's discs are pressed together with hydraulic oil pressure. Under these conditions, the sun gear S2 is held.Brake B2B2 is keyed to the transmission housing. It is actuated via the valve body. No pressure regulating valve is required to control B2.When closed, it holds the planet carrier PT2.The engine type determines the number of discs in the brakes.The number of discs can vary between 4 and 7 per brake.T ransmission Housing with the Discs of Brakes B1 and B2Brake B1Brake B2s466_218Clutch K2s466_060Clutches K1, K2, K3 and K4The clutches are opened or closed via the solenoid valves within the valve body. The following list shows the function that each clutch performs in its closed position:1. K1 connects annulus H1 to sun gear S3.2. K2 connects the turbine shaft to planet carrier PT2.3. K3 connects annulus H1 to sun gear S2.4. K4 connects planet carrier PT1 to sun gear S2.The Valve BodyThe valve body is mounted to the bottom of the transmission housing. The clutches and brakes are controlled by the valve body using sliding valves.The slide valves are controlled by solenoid valves which are actuated by the Transmission Control Module J217.In addition to the clutches and brakes, the valve body controls the torque converter clutch and the various pressures throughout the entire transmission (ex. main pressure, control pressure, converter pressure, lubrication pressure, etc.).The valve body is responsible for the entire oil supply. The valve body contains the following components:• The mechanically actuated spool valve• The hydraulic selector valves• Two electrically controlled solenoid valves (3/2-way directional control valves)• Seven electric pressure regulating valves (modulation valves) and• The transmission oil temperature sensors466_005The ValvesThe valve body contains three different types of solenoid valves.Pressure Regulating Valve withAscending Characteristic CurveThe more the pressure regulating valve is supplied with current, the higher the hydraulic pressure. If the pressure regulating valve is not supplied with current, no hydraulic pressure is present.Pressure Regulating Valve with Descending Characteristic CurveThe more the pressure regulating valve is supplied with current, the lower the hydraulic pressure. If the pressure regulating valve is not supplied with current,full hydraulic pressure is present.Pressure regulating valves with ascending characteristic curve Pressure regulating valves with descending characteristic curve Selector valves (ON/OFF valves)Automatic Transmission Pressure Regulating Valve 7 N443Solenoid Valve 1 N88Solenoid Valve 2 N89Automatic Transmission Pressure RegulatingValve 1 N215Automatic Transmission Pressure Regulating Valve 3 N217Automatic Transmission Pressure Regulating Valve 6 N371Automatic Transmission Pressure Regulating Valve 4 N218Automatic Transmission Pressure Regulating Valve2 N216Automatic Transmission Pressure Regulating Valve 5 N233s466_039PIPIPressure regulating valves with ascendingcharacteristic curve (N216, N217, N371 and N443)Pressure regulating valves with descending characteristic curve (N215, N218 and N233)s466_040s466_041Functions of each of the solenoid valves:Valve Function when current applied Direct access to GearResponsibilityAutomatic Transmission Pressure Regulating Valve 1 N215Regulates the ATF pressure and directs iteither directly to clutches K2 and K3 or viasolenoid valves N217, N371 and N216 toclutches K1 and K4 and to brake B1Main pressure R. 1st to 8thAutomatic Transmission Pressure Regulating Valve 2 N216Supplies the ATF pressure to B1 brake, closingthe brakeB1 Brake2nd and 8thAutomatic Transmission Pressure Regulating Valve 3 N217Supplies the ATF pressure to the plates of theK1 clutch, closing the clutchK1 Clutch1st to 5thAutomatic Transmission Pressure Regulating Valve 4 N218Relieves ATF pressure on the K2 clutch,opening the clutchK2 Clutch1st,engine brake5th to 8thAutomatic Transmission Pressure Regulating Valve 5 N233Relieves ATF pressure on the K3 clutch,opening the clutchK3 Clutch R, 3rd , 7thAutomatic Transmisssion Pressure Regulating Valve 6 N371Supplies the ATF pressure to the K4 clutch,closing the clutchK4 Clutch4th and 6thAutomatic Transmission Pressure Regulating Valve 7 N443Supplies ATF pressure for the torque converter lock-up clutchSolenoid Valve 1 N88Supports pressure reduction in clutches K2and K3Solenoid Valve 2 N89Only supplied with current in reverse gearwhen speed is > 7 km/h or 1st gear isengaged in Tiptronic. Prevents pressurereduction in clutches K2 and K3.Both valves operate alternately.LegendN88 - Solenoid Valve 1N89 - Solenoid Valve 2N215 - Automatic Transmission Pressure Regulating Valve 1N216 - Automatic Transmission Pressure Regulating Valve 2N217 - Automatic Transmission Pressure Regulating Valve 3N218 - Automatic Transmission Pressure Regulating Valve 4N233 - Automatic Transmission Pressure Regulating Valve 5N371 - Automatic Transmission Pressure Regulating Valve 6N443 - Automatic Transmission Pressure Regulating Valve 7K1 - Clutch 1K2 - Clutch 2K3 - Clutch 3K4 - Clutch 4B1 - Brake 1B2 - Brake 2F - FreewheelThe Flow of PowerThis is an extremely simpli fi ed diagram of the transmission. The torque paths of the individual gears will beexplained in following pages. The valve body illustration shows which solenoid valves are actuated for each gear.N433N88N89N215N217N371N233N216N218B1K4K3K1FB2K2s466_017K1 Clutch and Freewheel FThe turbine shaft drives the single planetary gear set's planet carrier PT1. The PT1 drives the planetary gears P1, which roll and are supported on stationary sun gear S1. Annulus H1 is driven.The K1 connects H1 to sun gear S3 and transfers the torque into the double planetary gear set. The freewheel blocks planet carrier PT2. From the S3, the torque is transferred to the inner planetary gears P3 and to the outer planetary gears P3. Supported by PT2, the torque is transferred to annulus H2. The H2 is connected to the transmission output shaft.1st GearK1FN217N233N218N88s466_0161st Gear (Tiptronic)B2K1s466_018N217N233N89K1 Clutch and B2 BrakeThe driver may request the engine braking in 1st gear. This can be selected in Tiptronic mode. The torque path is the same as for 1st gear.Use of the engine braking effect in 1st gear can only be enabled by closing B2.Like the freewheel F, the B2 locks the planetary carrier PT2. In contrast to the F, however, B2 holds planet carrier PT2 in both rotational directions. This is necessary Reverse and for engine braking in 1st gear.K1B1N217N233N218N882nd GearK1 Clutch and B1 BrakeThe turbine shaft drives the single planetary gear set's planet carrier PT1. PT1 drives the planetary gears P1, which roll and are supported on stationary S1 sun gear. This causes H1 annulus to be driven.The K1 clutch connects the H1 to the S3 sun gear, transferring torque into the double planetary gear set. The B1 brake locks the S2 sun gear. The S3 transfers torque to the P3 inner planetary gears and from there to the P3 outer planetary gears. The P2 planetary gears roll on S2 and, together with the P3 outer planetary gears, drive H2.s466_019N216K1 and K3 ClutchesThe turbine shaft drives the single planetary gear set's planet carrier PT1. PT1 drives P1 planetary gears, which roll and are supported on stationary S1 sun gear. This causes the H1 annulus to be driven.The K1 clutch connects the H1 to the S3 small sun gear, transferring torque into the double planetary gear set.The K3 clutch connects the H1 to the S2 large sun gear, transferring torque into the double planetary gear set.The planetary gears P2 and P3 are held by the K1 and K3. The PT2 planet carrier rotates along with S2 and S3. This causes the S2 and S3 to transfer torque to the H2 via PT2.3rd GearN217N218N88K1K3s466_020K1 and K4 ClutchesThe turbine shaft drives the PT1 single planetary gear set's planet carrier. PT1 drives P1 planetary gears, which roll and are supported on stationary S1 sun gear. This causes the H1 annulus to be driven.The K1 clutch connects the H1 to the S3 sun gear, transferring torque into the double planetary gear set. The K4 clutch connects PT1 to the S2 sun gear, transferring torque into the double planetary gear set.The S3 is driven more slowly than S2.Planetary gears P2 and P3 roll on S2, which is rotating faster, and drive the H2.4th GearN217N218N88N233N371K1K4s466_021K2 and K3 ClutchesThe turbine shaft drives the PT1 single planetary gear set's planet carrier and K2 clutch's outer plate carrier. The PT1 drives the P1 planetary gears, which roll and are supported on stationary S1 sun gear. This causes the H1 annulus to be driven.The K3 clutch connects the H1 to the S2 sun gear, transferring torque into the double planetary gear set. The K2 clutch connects the turbine shaft to PT2 planet carrier, transferring torque into the double planetary gear set.The P2 planetary gears, which are jointly driven by the S2 and PT2, together with the fi rmly linked P3 outer planetary gears, drive the H2.7th Gears466_025N88K3K2K2 Clutch and B1 BrakeThe B1 brake locks the S2 sun gear. The K2 clutch connects the turbine shaft to PT2 planet carrier of the double planetary gear set, transferring torque into the double planetary gear set. The long P2 planetary gears roll on stationary S2 and, together with the P3 outer planetary gears, drive the H2 annulus.The K1 and K3 clutches are open. The single planetary gear set is not involved in power transmission.8th Gears466_026N88N233B1K2N216K3 Clutch and B2 BrakeThe turbine shaft drives the single planetary gear set's PT1 planet carrier. PT1 drives the P1 planetary gears, which roll and are supported on stationary S1 sun gear. The H1 annulus is drivenThe K3 clutch connects the H1 to the S2 sun gear, transferring torque into the double planetary gear set. In the double planetary gear set, the B2 brake locks the PT2 planet carrier.Torque is then transferred from the S2 to P2 planetary gears and then to the P3 outer planetary gears.Supported by PT2, the torque is transferred to the H2, which is connected to the output shaft. The H2 is driven in the opposite direction of engine rotation.s466_027K3B2N88N218Reverse GearIn SummaryN88 Solenoid Valve 1N89 Solenoid Valve 2N216 Automatic Transmission Pressure Regulating Valve 2N217 Automatic Transmission Pressure Regulating Valve 3N218 Automatic Transmission Pressure Regulating Valve 4N233 Automatic Transmission Pressure Regulating Valve 5N371 Automatic Transmission Pressure Regulating Valve 6K1 to K4 - Clutches 1 to 4B1, B2 - Brakes 1 and 2Pressure regulating valves with ascending characteristic curve Pressure regulating valves with descending characteristic curve Selector valvesThe table shows which valves are actuated by the Transmission Control Module J217, and which clutches andbrakes are closed as a result.Page intentionally left blank28T ransmission Management SystemSystem OverviewSensorsSelector Lever Park Position Lock Switch F319Transmission Control ModuleJ217Comfort System Central Control Module J393Data Bus On Board Diagnostic Interface J533Instrument Cluster Control Module J285Back-Up Switch F41Multifunction Transmission Range SwitchF125Tiptronic Switch F189Transmission Fluid Temperature Sensor G93Transmission Input Speed Sensor G182Transmission Output Speed Sensor G195Oil Temperature Sensor 2 G664*29T ransmission Management SystemActuatorsShift Lock Solenoid N110Cooling Oil Valve N471Solenoid Valve 1 N88Solenoid Valve 2 N89Automatic Transmission Pressure Regulating Valve 1 to 7 N215, N216, N217, N218, N233, N371, N443Transmission Hydraulic Pump Relay J510*Auxiliary Hydraulic Pump Control Module J922*Transmission Fluid Auxiliary Hydraulic Pump 1 V475*Transmission Range Display Y6* With hybrid driveElectromechanical Parking Brake Control Module J540Distance Regulation Control Module 2 J850Adaptive Cruise Control Unit J428Steering Column Electronics Control Module J527ABS Control Module J104Engine Control Module J623s466_07430Transmission Management SystemThe T ransmission Control Module J217The Transmission Control Module J217 is located under the right front seat. It is connected to the gateway via the powertrain CAN - bus.J217 receives information from the sensors inside of the transmission and actuates the solenoid valves in the valve body.If equipped with the Transmission Fluid Auxiliary Hydraulic Pump 1 V475, the Oil Temperature Sensor 2 G664 transmits the operating temperature of the pump.The dynamic shift program is also integrated into J217. It selects gear changes based on the operating status (aerodynamic drag and rolling resistance and driving style).J217 under the right front seats466_06131Transmission Management SystemAuxiliary Hydraulic Pump Control ModuleThe Auxiliary Hydraulic Pump Control Module J922 is located in the right front wheel well for highventilation. This pump has a high control rate due to the hybrid design.J922 is controlled by the transmission controlmodule and activates the Transmission Fluid Auxiliary Hydraulic Pump 1 V475 for providing transmission fl uid pressure when the vehicle is stationary without the combustion engine running.J922 in the right wheel housings466_07532T ransmission Management SystemMore information on the thermalmanagement system can be found in SSP 890203, The Touareg Hybrid.The Thermal Management SystemOnce the combustion engine has reached its operating temperature, the coolant can be used to pre-heat the transmission fl uid. The Transmission Control Module J217 receives information through the Powertrain CAN-Bus that the engine has reached its operating temperature and the transmission can be heated.J217 supplies the Cooling Oil Valve N471 with current. As a result, the pneumatic cut-off valve (rotary piston valve) is opened by releasing vacuum, and the warm coolant fl ows through the ATF pre-heater mounted on the transmission. The ATF pre-heater consists of a set of plates joined together to form a heat exchanger between coolant and ATF.Rotary Piston ValveCooling Oil Valve N471ATF Pre-HeaterThermostatAir Heat Exchanger for ATFs466_06533Transmission Management Systems466_077The Hill-Holder FunctionThis secures the vehicle to prevent it from rolling back on an incline, enabling comfortable start off on slopes.The hill-holder function is controlled by the electronic parking brake via the ABS control unit at an ATF temperature of less than approx. 10°C (50°F).At temperatures above 10°C, the function isperformed by the transmission. If the Transmission Control Module J217 detects a slope based on the rolling resistance, wile simultaneously detecting a vehicle speed of 0 mph, it shifts to 2nd gear.Rolling back is not possible in 2nd gear, because the locking freewheel will not allow the double planetary gear set’s annulus to rotate backwards.The freewheel is only released when the starting torque is greater than the resistance of the grade, allowing the vehicle to move off comfortably.。
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Service T rainingSelf Study Program 850103The 8-Speed Automatic T ransmission 0C8 Design and FunctionVolkswagen Group of America, Inc.Volkswagen AcademyPrinted in U.S.A.Printed 08/2010Course Number 850103©2010 Volkswagen Group of America, Inc.All rights reserved. All information contained in this manual is based on the latest information available at the time of printing and is subject to the copyright and other intellectual property rights of Volkswagen Group of America, Inc., its affi liated companies and its licensors. All rights are reserved to make changes at any time without notice. No part of this document may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, nor may these materials be modifi ed or reposted to other sites without the prior expressed written permission of the publisher.All requests for permission to copy and redistribute information should be referred to Volkswagen Group of America, Inc.Always check Technical Bulletins and the latest electronic repair information for information that may supersede any information included in this booklet.Trademarks: All brand names and product names used in this manual are trade names, service marks, trademarks, or registered trademarks; and are the property of their respective owners.iiiThis Self-Study Program provides information regarding the design and function of new models.This Self-Study Program is not a Repair Manual. This information will not be updated.For maintenance and repair procedures, always refer to the latest electronic service information.NoteImportant!Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1T ransmission Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3T ransmission Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17T ransmission Management System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28Electrical Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34Functional Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38Knowledge Assessment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41Page intentionally left blankIntroduction The 0C8 8-speed automatic transmission is based on the previous 09D automatic transmission. This transmission uses the same basic components and has added two more forward speeds, helping both performance and fuel consumption.All 2011 Touareg vehicles will have the 0C8 8-speed automatic transmission.S466_00312IntroductionT echnical DataDeveloper/Manufacturer AISIN AW CO. LTD JapanDesignationT ransmission Features • Electrohydraulically controlled 8-speed planetary transmission with a simple primary planetary gear set and a Ravigneaux planetary gear set • Torque converter with slip-controlled torque converter lock-up clutch• Designed for longitudinal installation in combination with a transfer case• Automatic transmission 0C8• Hydraulic control unit (valve body) in the oil sump with external electronic control module• Dynamic Shift Program DSP with separate sports program in "position S" and "Tiptronic" mode for manual gear changes• Special feature: Starting off in 2nd gear is possible in Tiptronic mode Control System T orque Service Depending on version, up to 737 lb/ft (1000 Nm)For fl uid maintenance and intervals, see ElsaWebDepending on adaptation of the transmission to the engine, between 200 and 240 lb (91 and 108 kg)Weight SpeedDepending on engine, the top speed can be achieved in 6th, 7th or 8th gear3T ransmission DesignS466_006The 8-speed automatic transmission consists of :• The torque converter with lock-up clutch • The ATF pump • The valve body• The Lepellitier planetary transmission con fi guration • The transmission housing• Auxiliary hydraulic pump for transmission oil • ATF preheaterTorque ConverterTransmission Fluid Auxiliary Hydraulic Pump 1 V475HousingValve BodyATF Pre-heaterPlanetaryTransmissionATF Pump4T ransmission DesignS466_042S466_073The T orque ConverterTorqueConverter Lock-up ClutchTorsional Damper StatorTuurbine WheelPump WheelTransfer Case8-Speed Automatic TransmissionEngineElectric Motor/GeneratorThe hydro-mechanical torque converter is a fl uidclutch. It is used both to transfer and multiply torque from the engine. It consists of a turbine, pump, stator and lock-up clutch.Torsional dampers are installed in all torque converters. This allows the engine’s torsional vibrations to be minimized.In hybrid vehicles with combined electric motor and combustion engine, the combustion engine drives the torque converter via a shaft. This shaft runs through the middle of electric motor (electric motor/generator). If the electric motor is used to drive the hybrid vehicle, the torque converter is driven directly by the electric motor.Different torque converters will be used depending on the engine and drive characteristics.5Transmission DesignS466_072S466_216The Connection between the Engine to the T orque ConverterThe torque converter is connected to the different engines via three lugs. Depending on the engine, 3 or 6 bolts are required to connect the lugs to the engine.3.6L V6 FSI Engine3.0L V6 TDI3.0L V6 FSIS466_215S466_214The T orque Converter Lock-up ClutchThe torque converter lock-up clutch is a hydraulic multi-plate clutch. It locks the torque converter’s pump and turbine to eliminate slip.Depending on the vehicle operating status, this can be carried out at any time at engine speeds of over 1000 rpm.TorqueConverter Lock-up ClutchTorque Converter6Transmission DesignS466_007Oil Supply to the Valve BodyATF PumpConverter Housing with Converter HubThe Oil SupplyThe ATF PumpDepending on drivetrain, the 8-speed automatic transmission is equipped with the following oil pressure pumps:• Combustion Engine: The ATF pump inside of the transmission• Hybrid Drivetrain: The ATF pump inside of the transmission and the Transmission Fluid Auxiliary Hydraulic Pump 1 V475In vehicles with combustion engine, the mechanical ATF pump (Automatic Transmission Fluid) isresponsible for supplying the transmission with oil. It draws the ATF out of the oil pan, builds up the oil pressure and supplies the valve body with the hydraulic oil required for changing gears.The oil pump is a crescent pump (duocentric oil pump). It is driven directly by the engine via the converter housing and the converter hub. When driven, the ATF pump’s pinion drive plates engage in two grooves on the converter hub.In hybrid vehicles, this pump is driven by either the combustion engine and/or the electric motor/generator.s466_046AuxiliaryHydraulic PumpT ransmission Fluid Auxiliary Hydraulic Pump 1 V475Hybrid vehicles do not always run the combustion engine. However, it is still necessary for the automatic transmission to have oil pressure for normal operation. The Transmission Fluid Auxiliary Hydraulic Pump 1 V475 is responsible for supplying oil pressure to the transmission when the engine is not running and the vehicle is stationary. It is located under the bell housing.FunctionThe V475 is an electric motor which drives thehydraulic pump. The electric motor is a brushless DC motor that is made up of a stator and a rotor.The pump is a crescent pump (duocentric pump) that draws the ATF fl uid out of the oil pan to pressurize and supply to the rest of the transmission. The oil enters the pump through a one-way check valve The one-way check valve in the V475 prevents the oil pumped by the mechanical ATF pump from fl owing back into the oil pan.Oil Temperature Sensor 2 G664 is located inside of the auxiliary hydraulic pump. This provides the Transmission Control Module J217 with the operating temperature of the pump.Effect in the event of failureBased on the rotational speed of the DC motor, the position sensors detect whether a malfunction is present. The malfunction is reported to thetransmission control module. J217 tells the ECM to start the mechanical ATF pump via the combustionengine or the electric motor.s466_030Brushless Electric MotorDuocentric Hydraulic Pumps466_066Non-return valveThe Planetary T ransmissions466_002DesignThe Lepellitier planetary gear set concept is based on a single planetary gear set (primary planetary transmission) and a downstream, double planetary gear set (Ravigneaux) with freewheeling capability.The special feature of the Lepelletier planetary transmission is the fact that the double planetary gear set's sun gears and planet carrier are driven at different rotational speeds. These different input speeds create a large number of possible gear ratios.In this transmission, the double planetary gear set's sun gears can be driven by the output speeds of the planet carrier or the annulus (sun gear) of the single planetary gear set. At the same time, the double planetary gear set's planet carrier runs at the transmission input speed. This confi guration enables the use of two additional forward gears.Four multi-plate clutches, two multi-disc brakes and the freewheel are used to operate the eight forward gearsand one reverse gear.The Single Planetary Gear Set The single planetary gear set is located in front of the double planetary gear set.The single planetary gear set consists of:• The stationary sun gear S1• The planetary gears P1• The planet carrier PT1• The annulus H1• The multi-plate clutches K1, K3 and K4• The multi-disc brake B1Either four or fi ve planetary gear pairs are installed depending on the engine. These gears make the connection to the S1 and the H1. The engine torque is transmitted into the single planetary gear set via the transmission input shaft.The Sun Gear S1This is fi rmly joined to the mechanical ATF pump via a splined connection. As a result of this joint, the S1 isunable to rotate.s466_013s466_014s466_015Splined ConnectionSun Gear S1 B1K4K1K3S1H1P1PT1The Double Planetary Gear SetThe double planetary gear set is attached to the single planetary gear set.The engine torque is transmitted into the double planetary gear set via two routes:The S2 and S3 transfer the torque via the single planetary gear set via K2 to PT2. The output to the transfer case goes from the H2 via the transmission output shaft. The double planetary gear set consists of:• The sun gears S2 and S3• The planetary gear sets P2 and P3• The planet carrier PT2• The annulus H2• The multi-plate clutch K2• The multi-disc brake B2 and• The freewheel FThe Sun Gears S2 and S3Both S2 and S3 can be rotated independently of each other. The axle of S3 runs through S2. Both sun gearscan be driven at different rotational speeds.s466_012s466_022s466_035s466_034P3S3PT2P2S2K2B2F Connection to the SinglePlanetary Gear SetSun Gear S2Sun Gear S3H2Sun Gear S2Section 1Section 2Sun Gear S3Outer Planetary Gears P3Inner Planetary Gears P3Annulus H2Planet Carrier PT2Planet Carrier PT2Annulus H2Planetary Gears P2Section 1Section 2Planet Carrier PT2Outer Planetary Gears P3Planetary Gears P2s466_038s466_049s466_051s466_050The Planetary Gears P2 and P3Planetary gears P2 and outer planetary gears P3 are fi tted together on one single shaft.The torque from sun gear S2 is transferred to P2and to the P3. Only the P3 are joined to annulus H2. These transfer the torque from S2 to H2.The torque from S3 to the H2 is fi rst transmitted to the P3. The P3 transfer the torque to the P3 and to the H2.Depending on the engine, three or four P2 plus P3 planetary gears are used.Brake B1Brake B1 is keyed to the transmission housing. If the Automatic Transmission Pressure Regulating ValveN216 is supplied with current, the brake's discs are pressed together with hydraulic oil pressure. Under these conditions, the sun gear S2 is held.Brake B2B2 is keyed to the transmission housing. It is actuated via the valve body. No pressure regulating valve is required to control B2.When closed, it holds the planet carrier PT2.The engine type determines the number of discs in the brakes.The number of discs can vary between 4 and 7 per brake.T ransmission Housing with the Discs of Brakes B1 and B2Brake B1Brake B2s466_218Clutch K2s466_060Clutches K1, K2, K3 and K4The clutches are opened or closed via the solenoid valves within the valve body. The following list shows the function that each clutch performs in its closed position:1. K1 connects annulus H1 to sun gear S3.2. K2 connects the turbine shaft to planet carrier PT2.3. K3 connects annulus H1 to sun gear S2.4. K4 connects planet carrier PT1 to sun gear S2.The Valve BodyThe valve body is mounted to the bottom of the transmission housing. The clutches and brakes are controlled by the valve body using sliding valves.The slide valves are controlled by solenoid valves which are actuated by the Transmission Control Module J217.In addition to the clutches and brakes, the valve body controls the torque converter clutch and the various pressures throughout the entire transmission (ex. main pressure, control pressure, converter pressure, lubrication pressure, etc.).The valve body is responsible for the entire oil supply. The valve body contains the following components:• The mechanically actuated spool valve• The hydraulic selector valves• Two electrically controlled solenoid valves (3/2-way directional control valves)• Seven electric pressure regulating valves (modulation valves) and• The transmission oil temperature sensors466_005The ValvesThe valve body contains three different types of solenoid valves.Pressure Regulating Valve withAscending Characteristic CurveThe more the pressure regulating valve is supplied with current, the higher the hydraulic pressure. If the pressure regulating valve is not supplied with current, no hydraulic pressure is present.Pressure Regulating Valve with Descending Characteristic CurveThe more the pressure regulating valve is supplied with current, the lower the hydraulic pressure. If the pressure regulating valve is not supplied with current,full hydraulic pressure is present.Pressure regulating valves with ascending characteristic curve Pressure regulating valves with descending characteristic curve Selector valves (ON/OFF valves)Automatic Transmission Pressure Regulating Valve 7 N443Solenoid Valve 1 N88Solenoid Valve 2 N89Automatic Transmission Pressure RegulatingValve 1 N215Automatic Transmission Pressure Regulating Valve 3 N217Automatic Transmission Pressure Regulating Valve 6 N371Automatic Transmission Pressure Regulating Valve 4 N218Automatic Transmission Pressure Regulating Valve2 N216Automatic Transmission Pressure Regulating Valve 5 N233s466_039PIPIPressure regulating valves with ascendingcharacteristic curve (N216, N217, N371 and N443)Pressure regulating valves with descending characteristic curve (N215, N218 and N233)s466_040s466_041Functions of each of the solenoid valves:Valve Function when current applied Direct access to GearResponsibilityAutomatic Transmission Pressure Regulating Valve 1 N215Regulates the ATF pressure and directs iteither directly to clutches K2 and K3 or viasolenoid valves N217, N371 and N216 toclutches K1 and K4 and to brake B1Main pressure R. 1st to 8thAutomatic Transmission Pressure Regulating Valve 2 N216Supplies the ATF pressure to B1 brake, closingthe brakeB1 Brake2nd and 8thAutomatic Transmission Pressure Regulating Valve 3 N217Supplies the ATF pressure to the plates of theK1 clutch, closing the clutchK1 Clutch1st to 5thAutomatic Transmission Pressure Regulating Valve 4 N218Relieves ATF pressure on the K2 clutch,opening the clutchK2 Clutch1st,engine brake5th to 8thAutomatic Transmission Pressure Regulating Valve 5 N233Relieves ATF pressure on the K3 clutch,opening the clutchK3 Clutch R, 3rd , 7thAutomatic Transmisssion Pressure Regulating Valve 6 N371Supplies the ATF pressure to the K4 clutch,closing the clutchK4 Clutch4th and 6thAutomatic Transmission Pressure Regulating Valve 7 N443Supplies ATF pressure for the torque converter lock-up clutchSolenoid Valve 1 N88Supports pressure reduction in clutches K2and K3Solenoid Valve 2 N89Only supplied with current in reverse gearwhen speed is > 7 km/h or 1st gear isengaged in Tiptronic. Prevents pressurereduction in clutches K2 and K3.Both valves operate alternately.LegendN88 - Solenoid Valve 1N89 - Solenoid Valve 2N215 - Automatic Transmission Pressure Regulating Valve 1N216 - Automatic Transmission Pressure Regulating Valve 2N217 - Automatic Transmission Pressure Regulating Valve 3N218 - Automatic Transmission Pressure Regulating Valve 4N233 - Automatic Transmission Pressure Regulating Valve 5N371 - Automatic Transmission Pressure Regulating Valve 6N443 - Automatic Transmission Pressure Regulating Valve 7K1 - Clutch 1K2 - Clutch 2K3 - Clutch 3K4 - Clutch 4B1 - Brake 1B2 - Brake 2F - FreewheelThe Flow of PowerThis is an extremely simpli fi ed diagram of the transmission. The torque paths of the individual gears will beexplained in following pages. The valve body illustration shows which solenoid valves are actuated for each gear.N433N88N89N215N217N371N233N216N218B1K4K3K1FB2K2s466_017K1 Clutch and Freewheel FThe turbine shaft drives the single planetary gear set's planet carrier PT1. The PT1 drives the planetary gears P1, which roll and are supported on stationary sun gear S1. Annulus H1 is driven.The K1 connects H1 to sun gear S3 and transfers the torque into the double planetary gear set. The freewheel blocks planet carrier PT2. From the S3, the torque is transferred to the inner planetary gears P3 and to the outer planetary gears P3. Supported by PT2, the torque is transferred to annulus H2. The H2 is connected to the transmission output shaft.1st GearK1FN217N233N218N88s466_0161st Gear (Tiptronic)B2K1s466_018N217N233N89K1 Clutch and B2 BrakeThe driver may request the engine braking in 1st gear. This can be selected in Tiptronic mode. The torque path is the same as for 1st gear.Use of the engine braking effect in 1st gear can only be enabled by closing B2.Like the freewheel F, the B2 locks the planetary carrier PT2. In contrast to the F, however, B2 holds planet carrier PT2 in both rotational directions. This is necessary Reverse and for engine braking in 1st gear.K1B1N217N233N218N882nd GearK1 Clutch and B1 BrakeThe turbine shaft drives the single planetary gear set's planet carrier PT1. PT1 drives the planetary gears P1, which roll and are supported on stationary S1 sun gear. This causes H1 annulus to be driven.The K1 clutch connects the H1 to the S3 sun gear, transferring torque into the double planetary gear set. The B1 brake locks the S2 sun gear. The S3 transfers torque to the P3 inner planetary gears and from there to the P3 outer planetary gears. The P2 planetary gears roll on S2 and, together with the P3 outer planetary gears, drive H2.s466_019N216K1 and K3 ClutchesThe turbine shaft drives the single planetary gear set's planet carrier PT1. PT1 drives P1 planetary gears, which roll and are supported on stationary S1 sun gear. This causes the H1 annulus to be driven.The K1 clutch connects the H1 to the S3 small sun gear, transferring torque into the double planetary gear set.The K3 clutch connects the H1 to the S2 large sun gear, transferring torque into the double planetary gear set.The planetary gears P2 and P3 are held by the K1 and K3. The PT2 planet carrier rotates along with S2 and S3. This causes the S2 and S3 to transfer torque to the H2 via PT2.3rd GearN217N218N88K1K3s466_020K1 and K4 ClutchesThe turbine shaft drives the PT1 single planetary gear set's planet carrier. PT1 drives P1 planetary gears, which roll and are supported on stationary S1 sun gear. This causes the H1 annulus to be driven.The K1 clutch connects the H1 to the S3 sun gear, transferring torque into the double planetary gear set. The K4 clutch connects PT1 to the S2 sun gear, transferring torque into the double planetary gear set.The S3 is driven more slowly than S2.Planetary gears P2 and P3 roll on S2, which is rotating faster, and drive the H2.4th GearN217N218N88N233N371K1K4s466_021K2 and K3 ClutchesThe turbine shaft drives the PT1 single planetary gear set's planet carrier and K2 clutch's outer plate carrier. The PT1 drives the P1 planetary gears, which roll and are supported on stationary S1 sun gear. This causes the H1 annulus to be driven.The K3 clutch connects the H1 to the S2 sun gear, transferring torque into the double planetary gear set. The K2 clutch connects the turbine shaft to PT2 planet carrier, transferring torque into the double planetary gear set.The P2 planetary gears, which are jointly driven by the S2 and PT2, together with the fi rmly linked P3 outer planetary gears, drive the H2.7th Gears466_025N88K3K2K2 Clutch and B1 BrakeThe B1 brake locks the S2 sun gear. The K2 clutch connects the turbine shaft to PT2 planet carrier of the double planetary gear set, transferring torque into the double planetary gear set. The long P2 planetary gears roll on stationary S2 and, together with the P3 outer planetary gears, drive the H2 annulus.The K1 and K3 clutches are open. The single planetary gear set is not involved in power transmission.8th Gears466_026N88N233B1K2N216K3 Clutch and B2 BrakeThe turbine shaft drives the single planetary gear set's PT1 planet carrier. PT1 drives the P1 planetary gears, which roll and are supported on stationary S1 sun gear. The H1 annulus is drivenThe K3 clutch connects the H1 to the S2 sun gear, transferring torque into the double planetary gear set. In the double planetary gear set, the B2 brake locks the PT2 planet carrier.Torque is then transferred from the S2 to P2 planetary gears and then to the P3 outer planetary gears.Supported by PT2, the torque is transferred to the H2, which is connected to the output shaft. The H2 is driven in the opposite direction of engine rotation.s466_027K3B2N88N218Reverse GearIn SummaryN88 Solenoid Valve 1N89 Solenoid Valve 2N216 Automatic Transmission Pressure Regulating Valve 2N217 Automatic Transmission Pressure Regulating Valve 3N218 Automatic Transmission Pressure Regulating Valve 4N233 Automatic Transmission Pressure Regulating Valve 5N371 Automatic Transmission Pressure Regulating Valve 6K1 to K4 - Clutches 1 to 4B1, B2 - Brakes 1 and 2Pressure regulating valves with ascending characteristic curve Pressure regulating valves with descending characteristic curve Selector valvesThe table shows which valves are actuated by the Transmission Control Module J217, and which clutches andbrakes are closed as a result.Page intentionally left blank28T ransmission Management SystemSystem OverviewSensorsSelector Lever Park Position Lock Switch F319Transmission Control ModuleJ217Comfort System Central Control Module J393Data Bus On Board Diagnostic Interface J533Instrument Cluster Control Module J285Back-Up Switch F41Multifunction Transmission Range SwitchF125Tiptronic Switch F189Transmission Fluid Temperature Sensor G93Transmission Input Speed Sensor G182Transmission Output Speed Sensor G195Oil Temperature Sensor 2 G664*29T ransmission Management SystemActuatorsShift Lock Solenoid N110Cooling Oil Valve N471Solenoid Valve 1 N88Solenoid Valve 2 N89Automatic Transmission Pressure Regulating Valve 1 to 7 N215, N216, N217, N218, N233, N371, N443Transmission Hydraulic Pump Relay J510*Auxiliary Hydraulic Pump Control Module J922*Transmission Fluid Auxiliary Hydraulic Pump 1 V475*Transmission Range Display Y6* With hybrid driveElectromechanical Parking Brake Control Module J540Distance Regulation Control Module 2 J850Adaptive Cruise Control Unit J428Steering Column Electronics Control Module J527ABS Control Module J104Engine Control Module J623s466_07430Transmission Management SystemThe T ransmission Control Module J217The Transmission Control Module J217 is located under the right front seat. It is connected to the gateway via the powertrain CAN - bus.J217 receives information from the sensors inside of the transmission and actuates the solenoid valves in the valve body.If equipped with the Transmission Fluid Auxiliary Hydraulic Pump 1 V475, the Oil Temperature Sensor 2 G664 transmits the operating temperature of the pump.The dynamic shift program is also integrated into J217. It selects gear changes based on the operating status (aerodynamic drag and rolling resistance and driving style).J217 under the right front seats466_06131Transmission Management SystemAuxiliary Hydraulic Pump Control ModuleThe Auxiliary Hydraulic Pump Control Module J922 is located in the right front wheel well for highventilation. This pump has a high control rate due to the hybrid design.J922 is controlled by the transmission controlmodule and activates the Transmission Fluid Auxiliary Hydraulic Pump 1 V475 for providing transmission fl uid pressure when the vehicle is stationary without the combustion engine running.J922 in the right wheel housings466_07532T ransmission Management SystemMore information on the thermalmanagement system can be found in SSP 890203, The Touareg Hybrid.The Thermal Management SystemOnce the combustion engine has reached its operating temperature, the coolant can be used to pre-heat the transmission fl uid. The Transmission Control Module J217 receives information through the Powertrain CAN-Bus that the engine has reached its operating temperature and the transmission can be heated.J217 supplies the Cooling Oil Valve N471 with current. As a result, the pneumatic cut-off valve (rotary piston valve) is opened by releasing vacuum, and the warm coolant fl ows through the ATF pre-heater mounted on the transmission. The ATF pre-heater consists of a set of plates joined together to form a heat exchanger between coolant and ATF.Rotary Piston ValveCooling Oil Valve N471ATF Pre-HeaterThermostatAir Heat Exchanger for ATFs466_06533Transmission Management Systems466_077The Hill-Holder FunctionThis secures the vehicle to prevent it from rolling back on an incline, enabling comfortable start off on slopes.The hill-holder function is controlled by the electronic parking brake via the ABS control unit at an ATF temperature of less than approx. 10°C (50°F).At temperatures above 10°C, the function isperformed by the transmission. If the Transmission Control Module J217 detects a slope based on the rolling resistance, wile simultaneously detecting a vehicle speed of 0 mph, it shifts to 2nd gear.Rolling back is not possible in 2nd gear, because the locking freewheel will not allow the double planetary gear set’s annulus to rotate backwards.The freewheel is only released when the starting torque is greater than the resistance of the grade, allowing the vehicle to move off comfortably.。