・操作系统Windows 8/Windows 7/Windows Vista… ………………………………… 25 ・操作系统Windows XP… ………………………………………………………………………… 31
■关于移除硬件的方法……………………………………………………… 36 ■在Mac(苹果系统)的使用方法… ……………………………………… 37 ■疑难解答…………………………………………………………………… 39 ■FAQ(常见问题解答)… ………………………………………………… 43
eSATA连接口 RAID SET键 RAID设定开关 6cm 冷却风扇
【对应HDD(硬盘) 】
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安捷伦 Agilent 3458 A 数字多用表 说明书
Agilent 3458 A数字多用表技术资料突破速度和精度的性能概要直流电压5个量程:0.1 V至1000 V8.5位至4.5位分辨率高达100,000读数/秒(4.5位)最高灵敏度:10 nV0.6 ppm 24小时精度8 ppm(4 ppm可选)/年电压基准稳定度电阻9个量程:10 Ω至1GΩ带偏置补偿的2线和4线欧姆高达50,000读数/秒(5.5位)最高灵敏度:10µΩ2.2 ppm 24小时精度交流电压6个量程:10 mV至1000 V1 Hz至10 MHz带宽高达50读数/秒,所有读数均达到规定精度可选采样或模拟真有效值技术100 ppm最好精度直流电流8个量程:100 nA至1 A高达1,350读数/秒(5.5位)最高灵敏度:1pA14 ppm 24小时精度交流电流5个量程:100µA至1 A10Hz至100 kHz带宽高达50读数/秒500 ppm 24小时精度频率和周期电压或电流量程频率:1 Hz至10 MHz周期:100 ns至1 sec0.01%精度交流或直流耦合最大速度100,000读数/秒,4.5位(16 bits)50,000读数/秒,5.5位6,000读数/秒,6.5位60读数/秒,7.5位6读数/秒,8.5位测量设置速度100,000读数/秒,在GPIB*上,或使用内置存储器110自动量程/秒340次功能或量程改变/秒从内置存储器的后处理运算通过功能强大、使用方便前面板的访问速度和精度便于系统使用的后面板输入端子显示明亮和易于读出的真空荧光显示器16字符显示,易于阅读数据、消息和命令标准功能/量程键使用简单,易于在工作台上进行直流电压、交流电压、电阻、频率和周期测量可选择自动或手动量程菜单命令键立即访问8种常用命令可用移位键容易地访问全部命令菜单数字/用户键常数和测量参数的数字送入移位键(f0至f9)访问多达10种用户定义设置电压/电阻/比率测量端子镀金的碲铜材料,以把热电动势减到最小2线或4线的电阻测量直流/直流或交流/直流比率输入电流测量端子使用装在端子内的熔丝座,便于更换熔丝保护端子和开关得到最大的共模噪声抑制前—后面板端子开关选择前面板或后面板端子外输入可编程TTL 输出脉冲,有5种模式, 适应各种系统接口默认电压表完成脉冲GPIB 接口连接器外触发输入目次测试系统的吞吐率/ 6校准实验室的精度/ 9高分辨率的数字化/ 10技术指标/ 12指标概览/ 12第1节:直流电压/ 13第2节:电阻/ 14第3节:直流电流/ 16第4节:交流电压/ 17第5节:交流电流/ 22第6节:频率/周期/ 23第7节:数字化/ 24第8节:系统指标/ 26第9节:比率/ 27第10节:运算功能/ 27第11节:通用指标/ 28第12节:订货信息/ 29附件/ 29其它电压表/ 30Agilent 3458A多用表突破了生产测试线,研发和校准实验室中速度和精度的性能壁垒。
345 电能质量钳表 用户手册 (简体中文)说明书
®345Power Quality Clamp Meter用户手册(Simplified Chinese)October 2006© 2006 Fluke Corporation. All rights reserved.Product names are trademarks of their respective companies.有限担保和有限责任Fluke担保在正常使用和保养的情况下,其产品没有材料和工艺上的缺陷。
只有通过Fluke 授权的销售店购买的产品或买方已经按适的国际格付款才能享受Fluke的担保支持。
A User’s Guide to Agilent 3458A Front Panel OperationExample 1: Making a measurement with any function after turning on the Agilent 3458A. The ACV function serves as a typical example of the immediate execute keys found in the Function/Range key group. Connect the appropriate signal to the input terminals and press the keys shown.Example 2: Making a precision Vdc measurement on the 10 V range.Example 3: Making a very precise Vac measurement using the Syn-chronous ACV measurement function. (At power-on, the Agilent 3458A is set to the generally more useful Analog ACV measurement function if you select ACV, but you should use Synchronous ACV for very precise measurements of periodic waveforms.)Command Key Group Key SequenceACV Function/Range(Any other function key in the Function/Range Key Group acts similarly; the Agilent 3458A changes function, automatically ranges, and begins measurements.)RESET Function/RangeReset (RESET returns the Agilent 3458A to the powered-on state.)CommandKey GroupKey SequenceRESET Function/Range ResetDCVFunction/Range 10 V RangeFunction/Rangeor(The and keys are pressed until the desired range is displayed: in this case, XX.XXXXX V DC (X is any number).Leading zeros are always displayed for easy range identifica-tion.)NPLC 100MenuNumeric/User(Measurement will take about 3 seconds.)NDIG 8Function/Range MenuNumeric/UserN(Sets the display to 8 1/2 digits.)ACV (blue)(blue)DCVNPLC100Enter(blue)8EnterThe shifted Menu Keys allow alphabetic access to allAgilent 3458A commands and command parameters. The com-mands and command parameters are scrolled from A to Z by using the Menu Scroll keys ( and ) found in the Function/Range keys. Command parameters are accessed by using the Display/Window keys and , also found in the Function/Range keys, after the command is located.CommandKey Group Key SequenceRESET Function/Range ResetACVFunction/RangeSETACV SYNCFunction/RangeMenu S Function/RangeNumeric/User(The MORE INFO annunciator should be illuminated. The MORE INFO annunciator indicates that some part of the measurement configuration is in a non-standard state. To view this information press . Your display should show SETACV SYNC. Now pressagain; the display is returned to the measurement state.)RES .002Function/RangeMenu R Function/RangeNumeric/User (The RES command sets the % resolution of the measurement. A function change causes RES to default to RES .01 (0.01%) with reading rate of 1 per 3 s.)LFILTER ONFunction/RangeMenu L Function/RangeNumeric/User(Suggested for inputs with frequencies below 50kHz.)(blue)ACV (blue)Enter (blue).002Enter(blue)Enter The Agilent 3458A Auto-Calibration (ACAL) function removes measurement errors caused by component temperature and time drift. For maximum accuracy, ACAL should be performed every 24 hours. For example, addi-tional Vdc volts gain errors due to temperature changes are reduced from 1ppm/°C to 0.15ppm/°C (over 6:1) using ACAL. In ACV volts, additional gain error due to temperature changes are reduced from 30ppm/°C to less than 1ppm/°C (over 30:1) using ACAL. The time to perform a complete ACAL is about 12minutes. ACAL ACV takes about 1minute, ACAL DCV takes about 2minutes, and ACAL OHM takes about 9minutes. For monitor-ing temperature changes, the Agilent 3458A provides the TEMP? command (found in the command Menu) to measure the internal instrument tempera-ture. Refer to the User’s Guide for more details. ACAL keystroke sequence. Store and Recall Instrument SetupsStore and Recall can significantly reduce the number of keystrokes neces-sary for a complex configuration. Simply pressing , pressing a NumericKey X (0-127) and pressing , stores the state of the Agilent 3458A as astate to recall by pressing X. Shipped with the Agilent 3458A is a small plastic overlay that fits on key 5 to document your User Key and Stored State definitions. Use Example 3 and perform the following:User Definable KeysIn addition to the State Store and Recall commands, you can also define any of the User keys, F0-F9, in the Numeric/User Key Group to be any string of commands.Let's use Example 3 one more time to show how this feature works.Command Recall Buffer OperationThe command recall buffer recalls previously entered commands. If you have performed the sequence in the User Definable Keys you can expect to have the results listed below.The MENU CommandTo access the commands alphabetically, you use the Menu Keys. As the Agilent 3458A is shipped, only the most commonly used commands are available in this "SHORT" menu. To access all the commands, you have to use the Menu Key with the "FULL' parameter.Configuration for Highly Accurate Measurementswith the Agilent 3458A(You should perform an ACAL every 24 hours for the appropriate function after theAgilent 3458A has been powered-on and in a stable temperature environment for a minimum of four hours.)FunctionCommentKey Sequence____________________________DCV____________________________RESET Power-on state (VDC) ResetNPLC 200Integration Time (1) NDIG 88 1/2 Digits N____________________________ACV____________________________RESET Power-on state ResetACVFunction Vac SETACV SYNC Synchronous AC S RES .002Max AC Reading Res. R LFILTER ON Internal LP Filter (2) L __________________________OHMS____________________________RESET Power-on stateReset OHMF Function Four-Wire Ohms OHMFOCOMP ON For R <= 100 kOhms (3)DELAY 1Adds 1 s delay (4)CNPLC 200Integration Time1.Longer integration times reduce measurement noise and increase measurement resolution.2.Recommended for frequencies less than 50kHz.3.OCOMP ON turns on the offset compensation feature of the Agilent 3458A. OCOMP ON min-imizes the effect of any thermally generated offset voltage from creating errors in resistance measurements.4.Adds 1 s settling delay to reduce effects of dielectric absorption errors of cabling and the resistor under testCal Auto ,3458Enter(blue)NPLC2Enter(blue)8Enter(blue)ACV(blue)Enter(blue).002Enter(blue)Enter(blue)(blue)Comp 9Offset Enter (blue)1EnterNPLC200Enter CommandKey Group Key SequenceSSTATE 1Menu Numeric/User (Stores the Agilent 3458A’s state in stored state 1.)RESET Function/RangeReset (RESET returns the Agilent 3458A to the powered-on state.)RSTATE 1Menu Numeric/User (Returns the Agilent 3458A to stored state 1.)Command Key SequenceDEFKEY DEFAULT Def Key (Clears all previously defined User Definable keys.)DEFKEY F0, "(Ready to accept commands.)FUNC ACVE(three times) (four times) ;(The delimiter used to separate commands is " ; ".The delimiter used to separate parameters is " , ".)SETACV SYNC S ;RES .002 R ;LFILTER ON LDEFKEY F1, "MATH NULLL(four times) (eight times) (MATH NULL displays the difference between the first and subse-quent measurements.)Now Use It! f0 f1 (Note the MATH annunciator is turned on.)CommandKey Group Key SequenceRECALLFunction/Range Numeric/User Recall(MATH NULL should appear in the Display.)CommandKey GroupKey SequenceMENU FULLFunction/Range Numeric/User MenuFunction/Range Numeric/UserState Store EnterState RecallState Store 1Enter(blue)State Recall 1Enter(blue)Enter0(blue)(blue)(blue)(blue)(blue).002(blue)(blue)Enter1(blue)Enter(blue)Enter (blue)Enter(blue)(blue)EnterReading/Menu Display•Alphanumeric Reading, Units, and Functions •Command Menu •Status Annunciators•MORE INFO (additional information viewable with)Function/Range Keys•Immediate Execute Function Keys •MAnual Range and Menu •Display Window •GPIB Bus AddressMenu Keys•Commonly Used Commands •Shifted Alphabetic Entry Points into Command MenuNumeric/User Keys•10-Key Pad for Numeric Entry•Deep RECALL buffer of Executed Commands •MENU type selection•10 Battery Backed Up User Definable Keys F0-F9*03458-90007*03458-90007A 5-Minute Tutorial of Front Panel OperationAuto-Calibration (ACAL)Short Cuts。
8F3E1 Datasheet V1.1说明书
8F3E1 DatasheetContents Preface (3)Disclaimer (3)Customer Support Overview (3)ESD Warning (4)Precautions (5)Limited Product Warranty (5)Introduction (6)Product Features and Specifications (7)Interface function description (10)Typical Installation (12)Recovery Mode (12)Order Information (13)PrefaceDisclaimerThe information contained within this user’s guide,including but not limited to any product specification,is subject to change without notice.Plink assumes no liability for any damages incurred directly or indirectly from any technical or typographical errors or omissions contained herein or for discrepancies between the product and the user’s guide.Customer Support OverviewIf you experience any difficulties after using the product,please freely contact us directly.Our tech can help you with product installation and difficulties.Our support section is available24hours a day,7days a week on our website at: /en/Jetson.html.Our technical support is always free.ESD WarningElectronic components and circuits are very sensitive to electrostatic discharge.Although the company will do anti-static protection design for the main interface on the circuit board when designing circuit board products,it is difficult to do anti-static safety protection for all components and circuits.Therefore,it is recommended to follow ESD safety precautions when handling any circuit board component.ESD protection measures include but are not limited to the following:-During transportation or storage,place the card in an ESD bag and do not take it out until installation.-Release the static electricity before touching the ing a discharge grounding wrist strap.-Operate the circuit board only in electrostatic discharge safety area.-Avoiding move circuit boards in carpeted areas.-Avoiding contact with components,try to handle the board by the edges.Precautions-Before using the product,please read this manual carefully and keep it properly for future reference-Please pay attention to and follow all warnings and guidelines marked on the product-Please use the matching power adapter to ensure the stability of current and voltage-Please use this product in a cool,dry and clean place-Do not use this product in the environment of alternating cold and heat to avoid condensation and damage to internal components-Do not splash any liquid on the product.It is forbidden to use organic solvent or corrosive liquid to clean the product-Do not use this product in dusty and messy environment.If it is not used for a long time,please pack the product-Do not use it in an environment with excessive vibration.Any falling or knocking may damage the lines and components-Do not plug and unplug the core board and peripheral modules when the power is on-Do not repair or disassemble the product by yourself.If the product fails,contact the company for repair in time-Do not modify or use unauthorized accessories by yourself,and the resulting damage will not be covered by warrantyLimited Product Warranty-Warranty period-Bottom plate and core plate:3years(non-human damage)-Contact informationContacts:RMAAddress:Room718,Jinrongkemao Plaza,No.15Shangdi Xinxi Road,Haidian District,Beijing,ChinaE-mail:******************Telephone:+86-010-********-Mailing instructions:Please contact the sale staff of the company in advance,then arrange technicians to verify and eliminate the errors caused by misoperation as soon as possible.After verification,please mail the equipment to the company.Please attach a list of items and the reason for failure when mailing for easy verification,so as to avoid loss and damage in the process of express delivery.Introduction8F3E1is a IPC with NVIDIA®Jetson™AGX Xavier and AGX ORIN32GB core modules.The main interface is designed for electrostatic safety protection,and a high-reliability power supply application scheme is adopted.The input power supply has over voltage and reverse polarity protection functions,and has a wealth of external interfaces.The internal interface devices are all wide-temperature models.8F3E1provides multiple independent Gigabit network ports through internal M.2ports, miniPCIe ports,and PCIE ports,which is suitable for multi-network port scenarios.Product Features and Specifications-Product size:198mm×197mm×45mm-Power requirements:+12V-Working temperature:-20~+65℃-Weight:1340g-Optional expansion:32GB~1TB SSD storage-Maximum scalability512g TF card memory-4G and WIFI module can be extended-The initial setting can be reset and restored*Remark:when this model is equipped with AGX Xavier module,only one USB Type A supports USB3.0,Supports only one M.2Key M connector and one miniPCIe connectorPanel and interface IDSInterface function descriptionTypical Installation-Ensure power off of all external system-Install the necessary external cables.(e.g.display cable connected to HDMI monitor, power input cable supplying power to the system,USB cable connecting keyboard and mouse...)-Connect the power cord to the power supply-8F3E1could be set as default automatic power on or switch on.Please consult the sales and technical staff of our company for specific methods.Recovery ModeJetson core module can work in normal mode and recovery mode.It can be operated in recovery mode to file system update,kernel update,boot loader update,BCT update and other operationsStep in Recovery mode:-Turn off the system power supply-Use a Micro-USB cable to connect OTG port of the8F3E1with USB of the Jetson developing host-Press and hold on Recovery button(REC)to supply system power.Keep REC button for3seconds above,then release the recovery buttonThe system enters the Recovery mode,and you can perform subsequent operations.Order InformationE-commerce direct purchaseTaobao:https:///Jingdong:https:///index-11467104.html?from=pc Alibaba:https:///。
DESCRIPTIONThe EUP3458 is current mode, step-down switching regulator capable of driving 1.2A continuous load with excellent line and load regulation. The EUP3458 can operate with an input voltage range from 4.5V to 30V and the output can be externally set from 0.8V to 15V with a resistor divider.Fault protection includes cycle-by-cycle current limiting and thermal shutdown. In shutdown mode the regulator draws 1µA of supply current. Internal soft-start minimizes the inrush current and the output overshoot.The EUP3458 is available in SOT23-6 and TSOT23-6 packages.Typical Application CircuitFEATURES1.2A Output Current0.3Ω Internal DMOS Output Switch 4.5V to 30V Input Operating Range Output Adjustable from 0.8V to 15V Up to 92% Efficiency 1µA Shutdown Current Fixed 1.2MHz FrequencyThermal Shutdown and Overcurrent Protection Input Supply Undervoltage LockoutAvailable in SOT23-6 and TSOT23-6 PackagesRoHS Compliant and 100% Lead(Pb)-Free Halogen-FreeAPPLICATIONSDistributed Power Systems Battery ChargerPre-Regulator for Linear Regulators WLED DriversFigure 1. 12V/24V to 3.3V Application CircuitTypical Application Circuit (continued)Figure 2. 12V/24V to 5V Application CircuitPin ConfigurationsPackage TypePin ConfigurationsSOT23-6 TSOT23-6Pin DescriptionPin NameSOT23-6TSOT23-6DESCRIPTIONBS 1 1 High-Side Gate Driver Boostrap Supply. BS provides power to the gate driver of n-channel MOSFET switch. Connect a 10nF or greater capacitor from SW to BS.GND 2 2 Ground. This pin is the voltage reference for the regulated outputvoltage. It should be kept away from the D1 and input capacitor for noise prevention.FB33Output Feedback Input. FB senses the output voltage to regulate that voltage. Connect FB to an external resistor divider to set the output voltage. The value of the divider resistors also set loop bandwidth. EN 4 4Enable Input. EN is a logic input that controls the regulator on or off. Drive EN logic high to turn on the regulator, and set EN logic low to turn it off. Don't leave EN pin floating. Directly connect EN to IN (or through a resistance) for automatic startup.IN 5 5 Input Supply Pin. IN supplies the power to the IC and the power switch. Connect IN to a 4.5V to 30V power source. Bypass IN to GND with a suitably large value capacitor to minimize input ripple to the IC.SW66Power Switcher Output. Connect the output LC filter from SW to the output.Ordering InformationOrder Number Package Type Marking Operating Temperature RangeEUP3458VIR1SOT23-6xxxxxAZ00-40°C to +85°CEUP3458OIR1TSOT23-6xxxxxAZ00-40°C to +85°CEUP3458□□□□Lead Free Code1: Lead Free, Halogen Free 0: LeadPackingR: Tape & ReelOperating temperature rangeI: Industry StandardPackage TypeV: SOTO: TSOTBlock DiagramFigure 3. Functional Block DiagramAbsolute Maximum Ratings (1)Input V oltage (V IN) ----------------------------------------------------------------- -0.3V to 35VEnable Input (V EN) ----------------------------------------------------------------- -0.3V to 35VSwitch V oltage (V SW) ------------------------------------------------------ -1V to V IN +0.3VBoot Strap V oltage (V BS) ------------------------------------------------ V SW-0.3V to V SW +6VAll Other Pins --------------------------------------------------------------------- -0.3V to 6VJunction Temperature ------------------------------------------------------------------- 150°CStorage Temperature ------------------------------------------------------ -65°C to +150°CLead Temp (Soldering, 10sec) ------------------------------------------------------- 260°CThermal Resistance θJA (SOT23-6) ------------------------------------------------- 205°C/WThermal Resistance θJA (TSOT23-6) ----------------------------------------------- 200°C/W Recommend Operating Conditions (2)Supply Voltage (V IN) ------------------------------------------------------------- 4.5V to 30VOperating Temperature Range ----------------------------------------------- -40°C to +85°CNote (1): Stress beyond those listed under “Absolute Maximum Ratings” may damage the device.Note (2): The device is not guaranteed to function outside the recommended operating conditions.Electrical CharacteristicsThe ●denote specifications which apply over the full operating temperature range, otherwise specifications areT A=+25°C. V EN=5V, V IN=12V unless otherwise specified.EUP3458Unit Parameter ConditionsMin. Typ. Max.0.784 0.800 0.816V Feedback V oltage 4.5V≤V IN≤30V●0.776 0.800 0.824 Shutdown Supply Current V EN=0V 1 5 µA Operating Supply Current V EN=2V,V FB=1V, V BS=10V 0.55 1 mA Switch On Resistance 0.3 ΩSwitch Leakage V EN=0V, V SW=0V 5 µA Switch Peak Current Limit 1.6 2.1 A Oscillator Frequency 1 1.2 1.4 MHz Short Circuit Frequency V FB=0V 450 KHz Maximum Duty Cycle V FB=0.7V 90 % Minimum On-Time 100 nsEnable Low V oltage 0.4V Enable High V oltage 1.5Input Undervoltage Lockout Threshold In Rising 3.3 3.6 3.9 VInput Undervoltage Lockout Threshold300 mV HysteresisEnable Leakage Current V EN=0V 0.1 5 µA Thermal Shutdown 165 °CTypical Operating CharacteristicsV IN =12V , V OUT =3.3V , C1 =10µF, C2=22µF, L1=4.7µH, T A =25°C, unless otherwise noted.Figure4.Figure6.Figure8.Figure5.Figure7.Figure9.Typical Operating Characteristics (continued)VIN=12V, VOUT=3.3V, C1 =10µF, C2=22µF, L1=4.7µH, T A=25°C, unless otherwise noted.Figure10.Figure12.Figure14.Figure11.Figure13.Figure15.Typical Operating Characteristics (continued) V IN =12V , V OUT =3.3V , C1 =10µF, C2=22µF, L1=4.7µH, T A =25°C, unless otherwise noted.Figure16.Figure17.Functional DescriptionThe EUP3458 is current-mode step-down switching regulator. The device regulates an output voltage as low as 0.8V from a 4.5V to 30V input power supply. The device can provide up to 1.2Amp continuous current to the output. The EUP3458 uses current-mode architecture to control the regulator loop. The output voltage is measured at FB through a resistive voltage divider and amplified through the internal error amplifier.Slope compensation is internally added to eliminate subharmonic oscillation at high duty cycle. The slope compensation adds voltage ramp to the inductor current signal which reduces maximum inductor peak current at high duty cycles.The device uses an internal n-channel switch to step down the input voltage to the regulated output voltage. Since the n-channel switch requires gate voltage greater than the input voltage, a boostrap BS capacitor is connected between SW and BS to drive the n-channel gate.Application InformationSetting the Output VoltageThe output voltage is set through a resistive voltage divider (see Figure1 or 2). The voltage divider divides the output voltage down by the ratio:Thus the output voltage is :The feedback resistor R1 also sets the feedback loop bandwidth with the internal compensation capacitor. R2 can be determined by:InductorThe inductor is required to supply constant current to the output load while being driven by the switched input voltage. A larger value inductor results in less ripple current and lower output ripple voltage. However, the larger value inductor has a larger physical size, higher series resistance, and lower saturation current. Choose an inductor that does not saturate under the worst-case load conditions. A good rule for determining the inductance is to allow the peak-to- peak ripple current in the inductor to be approximately 30% of the maximum load current. Also, make sure that the peak inductor current (the load current plus half the peak-to-peak inductor ripple current) is below the 2A minimum peak current limit.The inductance value can be calculated by the equation: Where V OUT is the output voltage, V IN is the input voltage, f is the switching frequency, and ∆I is the peak-to-peak inductor ripple current.Input CapacitorThe input current to the step-down converter is discontinuous, and therefore an input capacitor C1 is required to supply the AC current to the step-down converter while maintaining the DC input voltage. A low ESR capacitor is required to keep the noise minimum at the IC. Ceramic capacitors are preferred, but tantalum or low-ESR electrolytic capacitors may also suffice. The input capacitor value should be greater than 10µF, and the RMS current rating should be greater than approximately 1/2 of the DC load current. In Figure 1 or 2, all ceramic capacitors should be placed close to the EUP3458. Output CapacitorThe output capacitor is required to maintain the DC output voltage. Low ESR capacitors are preferred to keep the output voltage ripple low. The characteristics of the output capacitor also affect the stability of the regulator control loop. In the case of ceramic capacitors, the impedance at the switching frequency is dominated by the capacitance. For most application, a 22µF ceramic capacitor will be sufficient. Output Rectifier DiodeThe output rectifier diode supplies the current to the inductor when the switch is off. A schottky diode is recommended to reduce losses due to the diode forward voltage and recovery times. The reverse voltage rating of the diode should be greater than the maximum input voltage, and current rating should be greater than the maximum load current.External Boostrap DiodeAn external boostrap diode may improve the efficiency when input voltage is lower than 5.5V or duty cycle is higher than 65%. The external 5V can be a 5V fixed input from system or a 5V output of the EUP3458.()2R /2R 1R V 8.0V OUT +∗=()()()I f V /V V V L IN OUT IN OUT ∆∗∗−∗=()V 8.02R 1R /2R V V OUT FB =+∗=()18.0/V 1R 2R OUT −=Thermal ConsiderationsTo avoid the EUP3458 from exceeding the maximum junction temperature, the user will need to do a thermal analysis. The goal of the thermal analysis is to determine whether the operating conditions exceed the maximum power dissipation which can be calculated by following formula:Where T J(MAX) is the maximum operation junction temperature, T A is the ambient temperature and the θJA is the junction to ambient thermal resistance.Table 1. External components for typical designs Vin(V) V out(V) L1(µH) C2(µF) R1(K Ω) R2(K Ω) 5 1.2 2.2 22 180 360 5 1.8 3.3 22 62 49.9 12 1.8 3.3 22 62 49.9 12 3.3 4.7 22 75 24 12 5 6.8 22 68 13 243.34.722752424 5 6.8 22 68 13 To simplify design efforts using the EUP3458, the typical designs for common applications are listed in Table 1.()JAA )MAX (J )MAX (L /T T P θ−=Packaging InformationSOT23-6MILLIMETERS INCHESSYMBOLSMIN. MAX. MIN. MAX.A - 1.45 - 0.057A1 0.00 0.15 0.000 0.006b 0.30 0.50 0.012 0.020D 2.90 0.114E1 1.60 0.063e 0.95 0.037E 2.60 3.00 0.102 0.118L 0.3 0.60 0.012 0.024EUP3458 DS3458 Ver0.2 Apr. 201111TSOT23-6MILLIMETERS INCHES SYMBOLSMIN. MAX. MIN. MAX. A- 1.00 - 0.039 A10.00 0.15 0.000 0.006 b0.30 0.50 0.012 0.020 D2.90 0.114 E11.60 0.063 e0.95 0.037 E2.603.00 0.102 0.118 L 0.30.60 0.012 0.024。
克瑞西 P345 气动执行器 技术数据表说明书
SAUNDERS ®P345PNEUMATIC ACTUATORContentsMaterials of Construction........................................................................................................................................... Page 2 Dimensions.................................................................................................................................................................Pages 3-4 Installation and Orientation.......................................................................................................................................Page 5 Actuator Selection/Performance Graphs......................................................................................................Page 6 - 17 Product Coding/How to Order........................................................................................................................Pages 18-1923The SAUNDERS® P345 piston actuator permits remote operation of the valve, either as an alternative to manual operation or as an integral part of a control system. The P345 is a compact, lightweight, piston-type pneumatic actuator which has been developed to deliver superior performance for sterile BioPharm applications.The SAUNDERS® P345 housing is manufactured from a hybrid construction of polished 316 Stainless Steel and glass-filled Polyamide producing a robust design, a clean OD profile and an attractive appearance. It can withstand typical industry wash down regimes.The P345 is a piston-type actuator that provides reliable performance, high cycle life, lower air consumption and more compact design versus diaphragm type actuators.The modular design offers easy-change out of compressors to reduce inventory, and options for limiting travel and direct switch mount variations. All models have a bright yellow visual indicator as standard.• 4.5 Bar operating pressureLower total cost of ownership through reduced air consumption• Industry leading closure performance 8 bar (PTFE diaphragms) & 10 bar (rubber diaphragms) @100% Δp• Light weight construction25% Lighter compared to stainless steel variant • Eco-friendlyAt least 14 ton of co2 emissions less than other saunders actuators4Key Features and BenefitsThe SAUNDERS® P345 has a unique compressor attachment that permits easy conversion of the compressor between rubber and PTFE diaphragms, minimizing the need to hold two sets of actuators in stock.Refer to the Installation, Operation, and Maintenance Manual for complete instructions on compressor conversion.6Item Description Material Qty 1Bonnet SS 1.440812Cap PPA 13Piston Aluminium LM914Spring Silicon Chrome IS4454 Grade 2D15Spindle SS1.440816Indicator HDPE 17Cap ‘O’ Ring Nitrile 18Piston Locknut SS 1.405719Inner Piston ‘O’ Ring Nitrile 110Piston Outer Seal Viton 111Wear Ring Orkot 112Bonnet ‘O’ Ring Nitrile 113Spindle Adaptor SS 1.4057114CompressorSS 1.433081SAUNDERS ®P345Materials of Construction (DN15)7Dimensions 8Operating CharacteristicsNote:• DN8 is rated to 16 bar LP for rubber and PTFE diaphragms• 8 bar LP is the maximum line pressure for PTFE diaphragms• 10 bar LP is the maximum line pressure for rubberdiaphragmsSAUNDERS® P345 – Technical CharacteristicsSize Range• DN8 (0.25”) – DN50 (2.00”)Modes of Operation• Spring-to-CloseMaterial of Construction• Polymer Cover: Polyamide• Bonnet: Stainless Steel Temperature• Max: 100°C (212°F)• Min: -10°C (14°F)Accessory Options• SAUNDERS® VUE Sensors (direct mount)• Limit Open Stop (Spring-to-Close mode)• Positioners Diaphragm Interchangeability• Unique compressor design that permits easy conversionof the compressor between rubber and PTFE Diaphragms Product Marking• Catalogue Code• Valve Size• Mode of Operation• Operating Pressure• Date of Manufacturing9MarkingEach actuator is laser etched, containing the following information:• Model• Size• Mode of Operation• Operating Pressure• Date of Manufacture• QR Code Link to Crane CPE Product Website Available Accessories• Position Feedback Switchboxes• Positioners• Adjustable Limit Open Stop• Other accessories available on requestThe SAUNDERS® M-VUE is an intelligent valve sensor designed specifically for aseptic diaphragm valve applications in the Life Science industry. SAUNDERS® M-VUE has been engineered to compensate for the behavior of diaphragm valves under multiple processing conditions including process, CIP, SIP and varying operating air supply.The SAUNDERS® I-VUE is an Intelligent valve sensor delivering enhanced diagnostics to optimize plant efficiency and providing industry leading accuracy and reliabilityAccessoriesSAUNDERS® M-VUE SAUNDERS® I-VUE1011 CPE-SAUNDERS-P345-TD-EN-A4-2022_05_05Crane Co., and its subsidiaries cannot accept responsibility for possible errors in catalogues, brochures, other printed materials, and website information. Crane Co. reserves the right to alter its products without notice, including products already on order provided that such alteration can be made without changes being necessary in specifications already agreed. All trademarks in this material are the property of the Crane Co. or its subsidiaries. The Crane and Crane brands logotype (CENTER LINE®, COMPAC-NOZ®, CRANE®, DEPA® & ELRO®, DOPAK®, DUO-CHEK®, FLOWSEAL®, GYROLOK®, GO REGUL ATOR®, HOKE®, JENKINS®, KROMBACH®, NOZ-CHEK®, PACIFIC VALVES®, RESISTOFLEX®, REVO®, SAUNDERS®, STOCKHAM®, TEXAS SAMPLING®, TRIANGLE®, UNI-CHEK®, VALVES®, WESTLOCKCONTROLS®, WTA®, and XOMOX®) are registered trademarks of Crane Co. All rights reserved.CRANE CHEMPHARMA & ENERGYCrane Process Flow Technologies Ltd.Grange Road Cwmbran, Gwent NP44 3XX, United Kingdom Tel.: + 44 1633 486666。
二、主要特性:1. 高精度测量能力:3458A采用了先进的测量技术,具有高达8位的测量精度,能够满足用户对精密度和准确性的要求。
2. 多种测量模式:该设备支持多种测量模式,包括DC电压、AC电压、电流、电阻、频率和电容等,满足不同应用领域的需求。
3. 自动校准功能:3458A具备自动校准功能,可以定期对仪器内部进行校准,确保测量结果的准确性和可靠性。
4. 大容量存储空间:设备内部拥有大容量存储空间,可保存多组数据和设置参数,方便用户查阅和分析。
5. 友好的用户界面:3458A配备了直观易用的用户界面,用户可以通过触摸屏和旋钮进行操作,大大简化了操作流程。
三、操作指南:1. 电源连接:将3458A的电源线连接到交流电源插座,并确保电压符合设备规定的工作电压范围。
2. 仪器设置:开机后,按照设备显示屏上的指示进行相关参数设置,如日期、时间、单位等。
3. 测量准备:选择合适的接线方式和测量模式,按照3458A的连接端口将被测试的电路与仪器连接,确保连接牢固可靠。
4. 开始测量:按下仪器面板上相应的测量按钮,仪器将开始进行测量操作。
5. 数据保存:如果需要保存测量结果,可按下面板上的保存按钮,将数据存储到设备内部的存储空间中。
6. 自动校准:根据设备的使用频率和要求,按照操作手册中的指引进行定期的自动校准操作,以确保仪器测量结果的准确性和可靠性。
四、技术规格:1. 测量范围:- DC电压:0~1000V- AC电压:0~750V- 电流:0~10A- 电阻:0~1GΩ- 频率:0~10MHz- 电容:0~1000μF2. 测量精度:8位3. 工作温度范围:0℃~40℃4. 存储容量:1000组数据5. 电源要求:交流电220V,50Hz结语:3458A是一款功能强大、操作简便的精密型数字多用途计,适用于各种精密测量需求。
Rated VR
μA ns pF
IF = 0.5 A, IR = 1.0 A, Irr = 0.25 A 4.0 V, 1 MHz
Notes (1) Pulse test: 300 μs pulse width, 1 % duty cycle (2) Pulse test: Pulse width 40 ms
New Product
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Surface Mount Ultrafast Avalanche Rectifiers
eSMP Series
• Very low profile - typical height of 1.0 mm • Ideal for automated placement • Glass passivated chip junction • Ultrafast recoveray times for high frequency • Low reverse current • Meets MSL level 1, per LF maximum peak of 260 °C J-STD-020,
For use in secondary rectification and freewheeling for ultrafast switching speeds of AC/AC and DC/DC converters in high temperature conditions for both consumer and automotive applications.
EUP150T-1H24V-0 产品说明书
EUP150T-1H24V-0 (--)Product FeatureDimension(mm)ELV200VAC-240VAC 50/60Hz 89%(Typical)/45A@230VAC 2A@230VAC 260*78.3*45mm(L*W*H)IP20-20℃~50℃-40℃~85℃, 20-90%RH 75℃Metal 30,000h@tc:75℃±3%200mVp-p Triac>15,000 times16.3A/24VDC/151.2W EUP150T-1H24V-0Tc LifetimeMaterialDimensionPacking Size IP Rating Working Temp.Storage Temp.; Humidity Dimming Mode Dimming Range 1-100% Dimming to offSwitch Cycle 3 years Warranty Condition Turn On Delay Time<1s, at 230Vac Efficiency CurrentInrush Current Dimming voltage range 40-240VAC Current/Voltage/Power Ripple CurrentChannel Voltage Tolerance Voltage FrequencyPower Factor Over PowerShort Circuit Over voltage Limit the output power to 110% - 150% of the rated powerClose the output, restart to recover since fault condition is removed for 10s Hiccup, recovers after fault condition is removed OthersFunctionModelOutputInputProtectionTechnical Parameters·Single-channel constant voltage output, 6.3A Max.·Support Leading edge (Triac) and Trailing edge (ELV)Dimmer.·Dimming range from 40VAC to 240V AC.·Dimming effect smooth, no flicker ·High efficiency: up to 89%.·Over Power protection; Over voltage protection;Short circuit protection;·Suitable for indoor LED lighting applicationNet weight: 842g±5%/PCS; 20PCS/Carton; 18kg±5%/Carton; Carton Size: 367*292*289mm(L*W*H) Wall WasherLED TubeApplication260mm78.30mm45mmWiring DiagramCautions1.The product shall be installed and serviced by a qualified person.2.This product is non-waterproof. Please avoid the sun and rain. When installed outdoors please ensure it is mounted in a water proof enclosure.3.Good heat dissipation will prolong the working life of the controller. Please ensure good ventilation.4.Please check if the output voltage and current of any LED power supplies used comply with the requirement of the product.5.Please ensure that adequate sized cable is used from the controller to the LED lights to carry the current. Please also ensure that the cable is secured tightly in the connector.6.For safety consideration, PVC or rubber cord of 0.75-1.5mm2 is recommended for input and output terminal(s) . Flat power cord is not suitable. Ensure all wire connections and polarities are correct before applying power to avoid any damages to the LED lights.7.If a fault occurs please return the product to your supplier. Do not attempt to fix this product by yourself.※ The contents of this manual are updated without prior notice. If the function of the product you are using is inconsistent with the instructions, the function of the product shall prevail.Please contact us if you have any questions.EUP150T-1H24V-0 (--)产品特点·单通道恒压输出,最大输出电流6.3A ·支持前沿 (Triac) 和后沿(ELV)调光·调光电压范围 40VAC- 240VAC.·调光曲线平滑,无抖动·高效率达89%·过功率保护;过压保护;短路保护;·适用于室内LED 灯具后沿可控硅200VAC-240VAC 50/60Hz 89%(典型)/45A@230VAC 2A@230VAC 40-240VAC 260*78.3*45(长*宽*高)IP20-20℃~50℃-40℃~85℃, 20-90%RH 75℃金属30,000小时@tc:75℃±3%200mVp-p 前沿1-100% 变暗至关闭>15,000次1EUP150T-1H24V-0tc寿命材质尺寸包装重量防水等级工作温度储存温度、湿度调光方式调光范围开关周期3年质保启动延时/效率电流调光电压范围浪涌电流电流/电压/功率波纹电流通道电压精度电压频率功率因素短路过功率过压将输出功率限值在额定功率的110%-150%锁死,去除故障 10s 后重新上电可恢复打嗝,去除故障后自恢复其它功能型号输出输入产品尺寸保护技术参数净重: 842g±5%/个; 20个/箱; 18kg±5%/箱; 外箱尺寸: 367*292*289mm(L*W*H) 6.3A/24VDC/151.2W 洗墙灯LED硬灯条应用260mm78.30mm45mm应用接线图注意事项1. 本产品请由具有专业资格的人员进行调试安装。
赛米控丹佛斯电子 SEMiX453GB17E4I50p 数据表
Rev. 1.0–28.02.20201SEMiX ®3p shuntGB + shuntTrench IGBT ModulesSEMiX453GB17E4I50p Features*•Homogeneous Si•Trench = Trenchgate technology •V CE(sat) with positive temperature coefficient•High short circuit capability•Press-fit pins as auxiliary contacts •Current sensing shunt resistor •UL recognized, file no. E63532Typical Applications•AC inverter drives •UPS•Renewable energy systemsRemarks•Product reliability results are valid for T j =150°C•V isol between temperature sensor and power section is only 2500V•For storage and case temperature with TIM see document “TP(*) SEMiX 3p”Absolute Maximum Ratings SymbolConditions Values UnitIGBT V CES T j =25°C 1700V I C T j =175°CT c =25°C 731A T c =80°C555A I Cnom 450A I CRMI CRM = 3 x I Cnom 1350A V GES -20 (20)V t psc V CC =1000V V GE ≤ 15V V CES ≤ 1700 V T j =150°C10µs T j -40...175°C Inverse diodeV RRM T j =25°C 1700V I F T j =175°CT c =25°C 557A T c =80°C412A I Fnom 450A I FRM I FRM = 2xI Fnom900A I FSM t p =10ms, sin 180°, T j =25°C2565A T j -40 (175)°C Module I t(RMS)T c = 80°C600A T stg module without TIM -40...125°C V isolAC sinus 50Hz, t =1min4000VCharacteristics SymbolConditionsmin.typ.max.UnitIGBT V CE(sat)I C =450A V GE =15V chiplevel T j =25°C 1.90 2.20V T j =150°C 2.26 2.45V V CE0chiplevel T j =25°C 1.10 1.20V T j =150°C 1.00 1.10V r CE V GE =15V chiplevelT j =25°C 1.78 2.2m ΩT j =150°C2.83.0m ΩV GE(th)V GE = V CE , I C =18mA5.2 5.86.4V I CES V GE =0V,V CE =1700V, T j =25°C 5mA C ies V CE =25V V GE =0Vf =1MHz 36.0nF C oes f =1MHz 1.50nF C res f =1MHz1.14nF Q G V GE =- 8 V...+ 15 V 3600nC R Gint T j =25°C 1.7Ωt d(on)V CC =900V I C =450AV GE =+15/-15V R G on =2.7ΩR G off =2.7Ωdi/dt on =4300A/µs di/dt off =2200A/µs dv/dt =3200V/µs L s =21nH T j =150°C 270ns t r T j =150°C 90ns E on T j =150°C 153mJ t d(off)T j =150°C 815ns t f T j =150°C 200ns E off T j =150°C 150mJR th(j-c)per IGBT0.06K/W R th(c-s)per IGBT (λgrease =0.81 W/(m*K))0.029K/W R th(c-s)per IGBT, pre-applied phase change material0.02K/W2Rev. 1.0–28.02.2020© by SEMIKRONSEMiX ®3p shuntGB + shuntTrench IGBT ModulesSEMiX453GB17E4I50p Features*•Homogeneous Si•Trench = Trenchgate technology •V CE(sat) with positive temperature coefficient•High short circuit capability•Press-fit pins as auxiliary contacts •Current sensing shunt resistor •UL recognized, file no. E63532Typical Applications•AC inverter drives •UPS•Renewable energy systemsRemarks•Product reliability results are valid for T j =150°C•V isol between temperature sensor and power section is only 2500V•For storage and case temperature with TIM see document “TP(*) SEMiX 3p”Characteristics SymbolConditionsmin.typ.max.UnitInverse diodeV F = V EC I F =450AV GE =0V chiplevelT j =25°C 1.98 2.37V T j =150°C 2.11 2.52V V F0chiplevel T j =25°C 1.32 1.56V T j =150°C 1.08 1.22V r FchiplevelT j =25°C 1.46 1.80m ΩT j =150°C2.3 2.9m ΩI RRM I F =450A di/dt off =4850A/µs V GE =-15VV CC =900VT j =150°C 350A Q rr T j=150°C130µC E rr T j =150°C 73mJR th(j-c)per diode0.1K/W R th(c-s)per diode (λgrease =0.81 W/(m*K))0.048K/W R th(c-s)per diode, pre-applied phase change material0.038K/W Module L CE 20nH R CC'+EE'measured per switch, shuntexcludedT C =25°C 0.95m ΩT C =125°C 1.25m ΩR th(c-s)1calculated without thermal coupling 0.009K/W R th(c-s)2including thermal coupling,Ts underneath module (λgrease =0.81 W/(m*K))0.014K/W R th(c-s)2including thermal coupling,Ts underneath module, pre-applied phase change material 0.010K/W M s to heat sink (M5)36Nm M t to terminals (M6)36Nm Nm w350g Temperature Sensor R 100T c =100°C (R 25=5 k Ω)493 ± 5%ΩB 100/125R (T)=R 100exp[B 100/125(1/T-1/T 100)]; T[K];3550 ±2%KCharacteristics SymbolConditions min.typ.max.UnitShunt R Shunt Tolerance = ±1 %, T c = 20°C0.50m Ωα50ppm/K T Shunt 170°C R th(r-c)3K/W P ShuntT c =80°C30W© by SEMIKRON Rev. 1.0–28.02.202034Rev. 1.0–28.02.2020© by SEMIKRONSEMiX 3p shuntpinoutRev. 1.0–28.02.20205This is an electrostatic discharge sensitive device (ESDS), international standard IEC 60747-1, chapter IX.*IMPORTANT INFORMATION AND WARNINGSThe specifications of SEMIKRON products may not be considered as guarantee or assurance of product characteristics ("Beschaffenheitsgarantie"). The specifications of SEMIKRON products describe only the usual characteristics of products to be expected in typical applications, which may still vary depending on the specific application. Therefore, products must be tested for the respective application in advance. Application adjustments may be necessary. The user of SEMIKRON products is responsible for the safety of their applications embedding SEMIKRON products and must take adequate safety measures to prevent the applications from causing a physical injury, fire or other problem if any of SEMIKRON products become faulty. The user is responsible to make sure that the application design is compliant with all applicable laws, regulations, norms and standards. Except as otherwise explicitly approved by SEMIKRON in a written document signed by authorized representatives of SEMIKRON, SEMIKRON products may not be used in any applications where a failure of the product or any consequences of the use thereof can reasonably be expected to result in personal injury. No representation or warranty is given and no liability is assumed with respect to the accuracy, completeness and/or use of any information herein, including without limitation, warranties of non-infringement of intellectual property rights of any third party. SEMIKRON does not assume any liability arising out of the applications or use of any product; neither does it convey any license under its patent rights, copyrights, trade secrets or other intellectual property rights, nor the rights of others. SEMIKRON makes no representation or warranty of non-infringement or alleged non-infringement of intellectual property rights of any third party which may arise from applications. Due to technical requirements our products may contain dangerous substances. For information on the types in question please contact the nearest SEMIKRON sales office. This document supersedes and replaces all information previously supplied and may be superseded by updates. SEMIKRON reserves the right to make changes.6。
Phaseo ABL8RPS24050 universal power supply数据手册说明书
T h e i n f o r m a t i o n p r o v i d e d i n t h i s d o c u m e n t a t i o n c o n t a i n s g e n e r a l d e s c r i p t i o n s a n d /o r t e c h n i c a l c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s o f t h e p e r f o r m a n c e o f t h e p r o d u c t s c o n t a i n e d h e r e i n .T h i s d o c u m e n t a t i o n i s n o t i n t e n d e d a s a s u b s t i t u t e f o r a n d i s n o t t o b e u s e d f o r d e t e r m i n i n g s u i t a b i l i t y o r r e l i a b i l i t y o f t h e s e p r o d u c t s f o r s p e c i f i c u s e r a p p l i c a t i o n s .I t i s t h e d u t y o f a n y s u c h u s e r o r i n t e g r a t o r t o p e r f o r m t h e a p p r o p r i a t e a n d c o m p l e t e r i s k a n a l y s i s , e v a l u a t i o n a n d t e s t i n g o f t h e p r o d u c t s w i t h r e s p e c t t o t h e r e l e v a n t s p e c i f i c a p p l i c a t i o n o r u s e t h e r e o f .N e i t h e r S c h n e i d e r E l e c t r i c I n d u s t r i e s S A S n o r a n y o f i t s a f f i l i a t e s o r s u b s i d i a r i e s s h a l l b e r e s p o n s i b l e o r l i a b l e f o r m i s u s e o f t h e i n f o r m a t i o n c o n t a i n e d h e r e i n .Product data sheetCharacteristicsABL8RPS24050universal power supply, Phaseo, 1 or 2 phase,100 to 500 V, 24 V, 5 AProduct availability: Stock - Normally stocked in distribution facilityMainRange of product Phaseo Product or component typePower supplyPower supply type Regulated switch modeInput voltage 100...120 V AC single phase N-L1200...500 V AC phase to phase L1-L2Output voltage 24 V DC Rated power in W 120 WProvided equipment Power factor correction filter IEC 61000-3-2Power supply output current5 AOutput protection typeAgainst overload manual or automatic reset Against overvoltage 30...32 V, manual reset Against short-circuits manual or automatic reset Against undervoltage tripping if U < 21.6 V Thermal automatic resetAmbient air temperature for operation122…140 °F (50…60 °C) with derating factor)-13…122 °F (-25…50 °C) without)ComplementaryInput voltage limits 85...132 V 170...550 V Network frequency 47...63 Hz Inrush current 30 A 2 ms Cos phi 0.51 240 V 0.59 120 V Efficiency87 %Output voltage limits 24...28.8 V adjustable Power dissipation in W 15.5 W Line and load regulation 1...3 %Holding time>= 120 ms 400 V >= 20 ms 100 V >= 40 ms 240 V Permissible temporary current boost 1.5 x In for 4 s)Connections - terminalsDiagnostic relay removable screw terminal block 2 x 2.5 mm²Input connection screw type terminals 3 x 0.5...3 x 4 mm² AWG 22...AWG 12Input ground connection screw type terminals 1 x 0.5...1 x 4 mm² AWG 22...AWG 12Output connection screw type terminals 4 x 0.5...4 x 4 mm² AWG 22...AWG 12Output ground connection screw type terminals 1 x 0.5...1 x 4 mm² AWG 22...AWG 12MarkingCEMounting support 35 x 15 mm symmetrical DIN rail 35 x 7.5 mm symmetrical DIN rail Operating position VerticalOperating altitude 6561.68 ft (2000 m)Output couplingParallel SeriesName of test Electrostatic discharges EN/IEC 61000-4-2Induced electromagnetic field EN/IEC 61000-4-6Magnetic field EN 61000-4-8Primary outage IEC 61000-4-11Radiated electromagnetic field EN/IEC 61000-4-3Rapid transient IEC 61000-4-4Surge EN/IEC 61000-4-5Conducted emissions on the power line EN 55022 class BRadiated emissions EN 55022 class BHarmonic current emission EN/IEC 61000-3-2Status LED Output voltage 1 LED green and red)Output current 1 LED green, red and orange)Depth 4.92 in (125 mm)Height 5.63 in (143 mm)Width 2.20 in (56 mm)Net weight 1.54 lb(US) (0.7 kg)EnvironmentMTBF reliability100 V with UTE C80-810200...500 V with UTE C80-810Product certifications CCSAusEACKCRCMULStandards CSA C22.2 No 60950-1UL 508Environmental characteristic EMC EN 61000-6-1EMC EN 61000-6-3EMC EN 55024EMC EN/IEC 61000-6-4EMC EN/IEC 61204-3Safety EN/IEC 60950-1Safety EN/IEC 61204-3Safety SELVIP degree of protection IP20 EN/IEC 60529Ambient air temperature for storage-40…158 °F (-40…70 °C)Relative humidity0…90 % during operation0…95 % in storageOvervoltage category Class I VDE 0106-1Dielectric strength3500 V between input and ground4000 V between input and output500 V between output and groundOrdering and shipping detailsCategory22525 - ABL8 AND ABL7 POWER SUPPLIEDiscount Schedule CP12GTIN00785901593683Package weight(Lbs)0.89 kg (1.97 lb(US))Returnability YesCountry of origin PHOffer SustainabilitySustainable offer status Green Premium productREACh Regulation REACh DeclarationREACh free of SVHC YesEU RoHS Directive Pro-active compliance (Product out of EU RoHS legal scope)EU RoHS Decla-rationMercury free YesRoHS exemption information YesChina RoHS Regulation China RoHS DeclarationEnvironmental Disclosure Product Environmental Profile Circularity Profile End Of Life InformationContractual warrantyWarranty18 monthsDimensions DrawingsRegulated Switch Mode Power Supplies DimensionsConnections and SchemaRegulated Switch Mode Power SupplyInternal Wiring DiagramRegulated Switch Mode Power SupplyLine Supply Wiring DiagramSingle-phase (L-N) 100 to 120 VPhase-to-phase (L1-L2) 200 to 500 VSingle-phase (L-N) 200 to 500 VRegulated Switch Mode Power SuppliesSeries or Parallel ConnectionSeries Connection(1)Two Shottky diodes Imin = power supply In and Vmin = 50 VParallel ConnectionNOTE: Series or parallel connection is only recommended for products with identical references.For better availability, the power supplies can also be connected in parallel using the ABL8RED24400 Redundancy module.Product data sheetABL8RPS24050Performance CurvesRegulated Switch Mode Power SuppliesDeratingThe ambient temperature is a determining factor that limits the power an electronic power supply can deliver continuously. If the temperature around the electronic components is too high, their life will be significantly reduced.The nominal ambient temperature for the Universal range of Phaseo power supplies is 50°C. Above this temperature, derating is necessary up to a maximum temperature of 60°C.The graph below shows the power (in relation to the nominal power) that the power supply can deliver continuously, depending on the ambient temperature.X Maximum operating temperature (°C)ABL 8RPM, ABL 8RPS, ABL 8WPS mounted verticallyDerating should be considered in extreme operating conditions:●Intensive operation (output current permanently close to the nominal current, combined with a high ambient temperature)●Output voltage set above 24 Vdc (to compensate for line voltage drops, for example)●Parallel connection to increase the total powerRegulated Switch Mode Power SupplyLoad LimitManual Reset Protection Mode(1)Boost 4sAutomatic Reset Protection Mode(1)Boost 4s“Boost” Repeat AccuracyThis type of operation is described in detail in the user manual, which can be downloaded from the website.。
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更新纪录:2015/01 V10 针对EzUILet028_V10版本模块目 录模块简介 (1)1.1 特点 (1)1.2 主要功能与基本参数 (2)1.3 结构及引脚示意 (3)1.4 模块下载资源文件 (5)1.5 显示屏坐标点映射关系 (5)1模块简介1.1特点EzUILet028是EzUI系列串口智能显示模块中的一款,模块显示器为2.8英寸(对角线)彩色TFT 显示屏,240×320点阵,16位色彩深度;模块内部有4M bytes大小的资源存储器。
而为满足有特殊要求的用户,EzUILet系列模块还保留有大部分显示控制指令(与MzTH 系列模块类似),以便于用户可以更自由的对模块显示进行控制。
EzUILet系列当中的无触摸版本需要用户MCU发送按键消息,并由这些按键消息触发模块内部GUI 系统的事件,这点与带触摸的EzUI系列模块是最大的不同之处。
A User’s Guide to Agilent 3458A Front Panel OperationExample 1: Making a measurement with any function after turning on the Agilent 3458A. The ACV function serves as a typical example of the immediate execute keys found in the Function/Range key group. Connect the appropriate signal to the input terminals and press the keys shown.Example 2: Making a precision Vdc measurement on the 10 V range.Example 3: Making a very precise Vac measurement using the Syn-chronous ACV measurement function. (At power-on, the Agilent 3458A is set to the generally more useful Analog ACV measurement function if you select ACV, but you should use Synchronous ACV for very precise measurements of periodic waveforms.)Command Key Group Key SequenceACV Function/Range(Any other function key in the Function/Range Key Group acts similarly; the Agilent 3458A changes function, automatically ranges, and begins measurements.)RESET Function/RangeReset (RESET returns the Agilent 3458A to the powered-on state.)CommandKey GroupKey SequenceRESET Function/Range ResetDCVFunction/Range 10 V RangeFunction/Rangeor(The and keys are pressed until the desired range is displayed: in this case, XX.XXXXX V DC (X is any number).Leading zeros are always displayed for easy range identifica-tion.)NPLC 100MenuNumeric/User(Measurement will take about 3 seconds.)NDIG 8Function/Range MenuNumeric/UserN(Sets the display to 8 1/2 digits.)ACV (blue)(blue)DCVNPLC100Enter(blue)8EnterThe shifted Menu Keys allow alphabetic access to allAgilent 3458A commands and command parameters. The com-mands and command parameters are scrolled from A to Z by using the Menu Scroll keys ( and ) found in the Function/Range keys. Command parameters are accessed by using the Display/Window keys and , also found in the Function/Range keys, after the command is located.CommandKey Group Key SequenceRESET Function/Range ResetACVFunction/RangeSETACV SYNCFunction/RangeMenu S Function/RangeNumeric/User(The MORE INFO annunciator should be illuminated. The MORE INFO annunciator indicates that some part of the measurement configuration is in a non-standard state. To view this information press . Your display should show SETACV SYNC. Now pressagain; the display is returned to the measurement state.)RES .002Function/RangeMenu R Function/RangeNumeric/User (The RES command sets the % resolution of the measurement. A function change causes RES to default to RES .01 (0.01%) with reading rate of 1 per 3 s.)LFILTER ONFunction/RangeMenu L Function/RangeNumeric/User(Suggested for inputs with frequencies below 50kHz.)(blue)ACV (blue)Enter (blue).002Enter(blue)Enter The Agilent 3458A Auto-Calibration (ACAL) function removes measurement errors caused by component temperature and time drift. For maximum accuracy, ACAL should be performed every 24 hours. For example, addi-tional Vdc volts gain errors due to temperature changes are reduced from 1ppm/°C to 0.15ppm/°C (over 6:1) using ACAL. In ACV volts, additional gain error due to temperature changes are reduced from 30ppm/°C to less than 1ppm/°C (over 30:1) using ACAL. The time to perform a complete ACAL is about 12minutes. ACAL ACV takes about 1minute, ACAL DCV takes about 2minutes, and ACAL OHM takes about 9minutes. For monitor-ing temperature changes, the Agilent 3458A provides the TEMP? command (found in the command Menu) to measure the internal instrument tempera-ture. Refer to the User’s Guide for more details. ACAL keystroke sequence. Store and Recall Instrument SetupsStore and Recall can significantly reduce the number of keystrokes neces-sary for a complex configuration. Simply pressing , pressing a NumericKey X (0-127) and pressing , stores the state of the Agilent 3458A as astate to recall by pressing X. Shipped with the Agilent 3458A is a small plastic overlay that fits on key 5 to document your User Key and Stored State definitions. Use Example 3 and perform the following:User Definable KeysIn addition to the State Store and Recall commands, you can also define any of the User keys, F0-F9, in the Numeric/User Key Group to be any string of commands.Let's use Example 3 one more time to show how this feature works.Command Recall Buffer OperationThe command recall buffer recalls previously entered commands. If you have performed the sequence in the User Definable Keys you can expect to have the results listed below.The MENU CommandTo access the commands alphabetically, you use the Menu Keys. As the Agilent 3458A is shipped, only the most commonly used commands are available in this "SHORT" menu. To access all the commands, you have to use the Menu Key with the "FULL' parameter.Configuration for Highly Accurate Measurementswith the Agilent 3458A(You should perform an ACAL every 24 hours for the appropriate function after theAgilent 3458A has been powered-on and in a stable temperature environment for a minimum of four hours.)FunctionCommentKey Sequence____________________________DCV____________________________RESET Power-on state (VDC) ResetNPLC 200Integration Time (1) NDIG 88 1/2 Digits N____________________________ACV____________________________RESET Power-on state ResetACVFunction Vac SETACV SYNC Synchronous AC S RES .002Max AC Reading Res. R LFILTER ON Internal LP Filter (2) L __________________________OHMS____________________________RESET Power-on stateReset OHMF Function Four-Wire Ohms OHMFOCOMP ON For R <= 100 kOhms (3)DELAY 1Adds 1 s delay (4)CNPLC 200Integration Time1.Longer integration times reduce measurement noise and increase measurement resolution.2.Recommended for frequencies less than 50kHz.3.OCOMP ON turns on the offset compensation feature of the Agilent 3458A. OCOMP ON min-imizes the effect of any thermally generated offset voltage from creating errors in resistance measurements.4.Adds 1 s settling delay to reduce effects of dielectric absorption errors of cabling and the resistor under testCal Auto ,3458Enter(blue)NPLC2Enter(blue)8Enter(blue)ACV(blue)Enter(blue).002Enter(blue)Enter(blue)(blue)Comp 9Offset Enter (blue)1EnterNPLC200Enter CommandKey Group Key SequenceSSTATE 1Menu Numeric/User (Stores the Agilent 3458A’s state in stored state 1.)RESET Function/RangeReset (RESET returns the Agilent 3458A to the powered-on state.)RSTATE 1Menu Numeric/User (Returns the Agilent 3458A to stored state 1.)Command Key SequenceDEFKEY DEFAULT Def Key (Clears all previously defined User Definable keys.)DEFKEY F0, "(Ready to accept commands.)FUNC ACVE(three times) (four times) ;(The delimiter used to separate commands is " ; ".The delimiter used to separate parameters is " , ".)SETACV SYNC S ;RES .002 R ;LFILTER ON LDEFKEY F1, "MATH NULLL(four times) (eight times) (MATH NULL displays the difference between the first and subse-quent measurements.)Now Use It! f0 f1 (Note the MATH annunciator is turned on.)CommandKey Group Key SequenceRECALLFunction/Range Numeric/User Recall(MATH NULL should appear in the Display.)CommandKey GroupKey SequenceMENU FULLFunction/Range Numeric/User MenuFunction/Range Numeric/UserState Store EnterState RecallState Store 1Enter(blue)State Recall 1Enter(blue)Enter0(blue)(blue)(blue)(blue)(blue).002(blue)(blue)Enter1(blue)Enter(blue)Enter (blue)Enter(blue)(blue)EnterReading/Menu Display•Alphanumeric Reading, Units, and Functions •Command Menu •Status Annunciators•MORE INFO (additional information viewable with)Function/Range Keys•Immediate Execute Function Keys •MAnual Range and Menu •Display Window •GPIB Bus AddressMenu Keys•Commonly Used Commands •Shifted Alphabetic Entry Points into Command MenuNumeric/User Keys•10-Key Pad for Numeric Entry•Deep RECALL buffer of Executed Commands •MENU type selection•10 Battery Backed Up User Definable Keys F0-F9*03458-90007*03458-90007A 5-Minute Tutorial of Front Panel OperationAuto-Calibration (ACAL)Short Cuts。
3458A Multimeter Product Overview
Keysight 3458A MultimeterShattering performance barriers of speed and accuracyData Sheet2DC volts– 5 ranges: 0.1 V to 1000 V – 8.5 to 4.5 digit resolution – Up to 100,000 readings/sec (4.5 digits)– Maximum sensitivity: 10 nV – 0.6 ppm 24 hour accuracy – 8 ppm (4 ppm optional)/year voltage reference stabilityOhms– 9 ranges: 10 Ω to 1 GΩ– Two-wire and four-wire ohms with offset compensation– Up to 50,000 readings/sec (5.5 digits)– Maximum sensitivity: 10 µΩ– 2.2 ppm 24 hour accuracyAC volts– 6 ranges: 10 mV to 1000 V – 1 Hz to 10 MHz bandwidth– Up to 50 readings/sec with all readings to specified accuracy – Choice of sampling or analog true rms techniques– 100 ppm best accuracyDC current– 8 ranges: 100 nA to 1 A – Up to 1,350 readings/sec (5.5 digits)– Maximum sensitivity: 1 pA – 14 ppm 24 hour accuracyAC current– 5 ranges: 100 µA to 1 A – 10 Hz to 100 kHz bandwidth – Up to 50 readings/sec – 500 ppm 24 hour accuracyFrequency and period– Voltage or current ranges – Frequency: 1 Hz to 10 MHz – Period: 100 ns to 1 sec – 0.01% accuracy – AC or DC coupledMaximum speeds– 100,000 readings/sec at 4.5 digits (16 bits)– 50,000 readings/sec at 5.5 digits – 6,000 readings/sec at 6.5 digits – 60 readings/sec at 7.5 digits – 6 readings/sec at 8.5 digitsMeasurement set-up speed– 100,000 readings/sec over GPIB or with internal memory – 110 autoranges/sec– 340 function or range changes/sec – Post-processed math from internal memoryPerformance HighlightsDisplay– Bright, easy-to-read, vacuum fluorescent display– 16 character alpha-numeric display to easily read data, messages, and commandsStandard function/range keys – Simple to use, for bench measurements of DCV, ACV, ohms, current, frequency and period– Select autorange or manual ranging Menu command keys– Immediate access to eight common commands– Shifted keys allow simple access to complete command menu Numeric/user keys– Numeric entry for constants andmeasurement parameters– Shifted keys (f0 through f9) accessup to ten user-defined setupsVolts/ohms/ratio terminals– Gold-plated tellurium copper forminimum thermal emf– 2-wire or 4-wire ohms measurements– DC/DC or AC/DC ratio inputsCurrent measurementterminals– Easy fuse replacement with fuseholder built into terminalGuard terminal and switch– For maximum common mode noiserejectionFront-rear terminal switch– Position selects front or rearmeasurement terminalsAccess Speed and AccuracyThrough a Powerful, Convenient Front Panel34A System Multimeter with BOTH High Speed and High AccuracyThe Keysight Technologies, Inc. 3458A Multimeter shatters long-standing performance barriers ofspeed and accuracy on the production test floor, in R&D, and in the calibra-tion lab. The 3458A is simply the fast-est, most flexible, and most accurate multimeter ever offered by Keysight. In your system or on the bench, the 3458A saves you time and money with unprecedented test system throughput and accuracy, seven func-tion measurement flexibility, and low cost of ownership.Select a reading rate of 100,000 readings/second for maximal test throughput. Or achieve highest levels of precision with up to 8.5 digits of measurement resolution and 0.1 part per million transfer accuracy. Add to this, programming compatibility through the Keysight Multimeter Language (ML) and the 3458A’s simplicity of operation and you have the ideal multimeter for your most demanding applications.ContentsTest System Throughput / 6Calibration Lab Precision / 7High Resolution Digitizing /8Technical Specifications / 9Section 1: DC Voltage / 10Section 2: Resistance / 11Section 3: DC Current / 13Section 4: AC Voltage / 14Section 5: AC Current / 19Section 6: Frequency/Period / 20Section 7: Digitizing / 21Section 8: System Specifications / 23Section 9: Ratio / 24Section 10: Math Functions / 24Section 11: General Specifications / 25Section 12: Ordering Information / 26High test system throughput Calibration lab precision High resolution digitizing Faster testing– Up to 100,000 readings/sec– Internal test setups > 340/sec– Programmable integration times from 500 ns to 1 secGreater test yield– More accuracy for tighter test margins – Up to 8.5 digits resolutionLonger up-time– Two-source (10 V,10 kΩ) calibration, including AC– Self-adjusting, self-verifying auto- calibration for all functions and ranges, including ACSuperb transfer measurements – 8.5 digits resolution– 0.1 ppm DC volts linearity– 0.1 ppm DC volts transfer capability – 0.01 ppm rms internal noise Extraordinary accuracy– 0.6 ppm for 24 hours in DC volts– 2.2 ppm for 24 hours in ohms– 100 ppm mid-band AC volts– 8 ppm (4 ppm optional) per year volt-age reference stabilityGreater waveform resolution and accuracy– 16 to 24 bits resolution– 100,000 to 0.2 samples/sec– 12 MHz bandwidth– Timing resolution to 10 ns– Less than 100 ps time jitter– Over 75,000 reading internal memoryThe 3458A Multimeter for:5The Keysight 3458A System Multimeter heightens test perfor-mance in three phases of your pro-duction test: faster test system start-up, faster test throughput, and lower cost of ownership through longer system uptime, designed-in reliability, and fast and easy calibration. Faster system start-upThe value of a fast system multimeter in production test is clear. But it is also important that the dmm programs easily to reduce the learning timefor new system applications. The Keysight Multimeter Language (ML) offers a standard set of commands for the multimeter user that consists of easily understood, readable com-mands. Easier programming and clearer documentation reduce system development time.Faster measurements and setupsNow you can have a system dmm with both fast and accurate measure-ments. The 3458A optimizes your measurements for the right combi-nation of accuracy, resolution, and speed. The 3458A Multimeter fits your needs from 4.5 digit DC volts measurements at 100,000/second,to 8.5 digit DC volts measurements at 6/second, or anywhere in between in 100 ns steps.Even the traditionally slower measure-ment functions, such as AC volts, are quicker with the 3458A. For example,you can measure true rms ACV at upto 50 readings/second with fullaccuracy for input frequencies greaterthan 10 kHz.Besides high reading rates, the3458A’s design was tuned for themany function and level changesrequired in testing your device. The3458A can change function andrange, take a measurement, andoutput the result at 340/second.This is at least 5 times faster thanother dmms. In addition, the 3458Atransfers high speed measurementdata over GPIB or into and out of its75,000 reading memory at 100,000readings/second.You can reduce your data transferoverhead by using the unique non-volatile program memory of the 3458Ato store complete measurementsequences. These test sequences canbe programmed and initiated from thefront panel for stand-alone operationwithout a controller.Finally, the 3458A Multimeter makesfast and accurate measurements.Consider the 3458A’s 0.6 ppm 24 hourDC volts accuracy, 100 ppm AC voltsaccuracy and its standard functions ofDCV, ACV, DCI, ACI, ohms, frequencyand period. Greater measurementaccuracy from your dmm means higherconfidence and higher test yields.More functions mean greater versatilityand lower-cost test systems.Longer system up-timeThe 3458A Multimeter performs acomplete self-calibration of all func-tions, including AC, using high stabil-ity internal standards. This self- orauto-calibration eliminates measure-ment errors due to time drift andtemperature changes in your rack oron your bench for superior accuracy.When it’s time for periodic calibrationto external standards, simply con-nect a precision 10 VDC source anda precision 10 kΩ resistor. All rangesand functions, including AC, are auto-matically calibrated using precisioninternal ratio transfer measurementsrelative to the external standards.The 3458A’s reliability is a product ofKeysight’s “10X” program of defectreduction. Through extensive envi-ronmental, abuse, and stress testingduring the design stages of productdevelopment, has reduced the num-ber of defects and early failures in itsinstruments by a factor of ten overthe past ten years. Our confidencein the 3458A’s reliability is reflectedin the low cost of the option foradditional years of return-to-repair.For High Test System Throughput – Faster system start-upMultimeter Language (ML) compat-ible– Faster measurementsand setups100,000 readings/sec in 4.5 digits50,000 readings/sec in 5.5 digits340 function or range changes/sec– Longer system up-timeMultimeter Language (ML)compatible6In the calibration lab, you’ll find the 3458A’s 8.5 digits to have extraordi-nary linearity, low internal noise, and excellent short term stability. The linearity of the 3458A’s Multislope A to D converter has been characterized with state-of-the-art precision. Using Josephsen Junction Array intrinsic standards, linearity has been mea-sured within ± 0.05 ppm of 10 volts. The 3458A’s transfer accuracy for10 volts DC is 0.1 ppm over 1 hour± 0.5° C. Internal noise has been reduced to less than 0.01 ppm rms yielding 8.5 digits of usable resolution. So, the right choice for your calibration standard dmm is the 3458A.DCV stabilityThe long term accuracy of the 3458A is a remarkable 8 ppm per year—more accurate than many system dmms are after only a day. Option 002 gives you a higher stability voltage reference specified to 4 ppm/year for the ultimate performance. Reduced-error resistanceThe 3458A doesn’t stop with accurate DCV. Similar measurement accuracy is achieved for resistance, ACV, and current. You can measure resistance from 10 µΩ to 1 GΩ with midrange accuracy of 2.2 ppm.Finally, the 3458A, like its dmm pre-decessors, offers offset-compensatedohms on the 10 Ω to 100 kΩ rangesto eliminate the errors introduced bysmall series voltage offsets. Usablefor both two- and four-wire ohms, the3458A supplies a current through theunknown resistance, measures thevoltage drop, sets the current to zero,and measures the voltage drop again.The result is reduced error forresistance measurements.Precision ACVThe 3458A introduces new heights oftrue rms AC volts performance with achoice of traditional analog or a newsampling technique for higher accu-racy. For calibration sources and peri-odic waveforms from 1 Hz to 10 MHz,the 3458A’s precision sampling tech-nique offers extraordinary accuracy.With 100 ppm absolute accuracy for45 Hz to 1 kHz or 170 ppm absoluteaccuracy to 20 kHz, the 3458A willenhance your measurement capabili-ties. Accuracy is maintained for up to2 years with only a single 10 volt DCprecision standard. No AC standardsare necessary. For higher speed andless accuracy, the analog true rmsAC technique has a midband absolutemeasurement accuracy of 300 ppmusing the same simple calibrationprocedure. With a bandwidth of 10 Hzto 2 MHz and reading rates to 50/second, is an excellent choice for highthroughput computer-aided testing.Easy calibrationThe 3458A gives you low cost ofownership with a simple, two-sourceelectronic calibration. With its superiorlinearity, the 3458A is fully calibrated,including AC, from a precision 10 VDCsource and a precision 10 kΩ resistor.All ranges and functions are automat-ically calibrated using precise internalratio transfer measurements relativeto these external standards. In addi-tion, the 3458A’s internal voltagestandard and resistance standard arecalibrated. Now you can perform aself-verifying, self- or auto-calibrationrelative to the 3458A’s low drift inter-nal standards at any time with theACAL command. So, if your dmm’senvironment changes, auto-calibrationoptimizes your measurement accuracy.Calibration securityUnlike other dmms, the 3458A goesto great lengths to assure calibrationsecurity. First, a password securitycode “locks” calibration values andthe self-calibration function. Next, youcan easily store and recall a securedmessage for noting items, such ascalibration date and due date. Plus,the 3458A automatically incrementsa calibration counter each time you“unlock” the dmm — another safe-guard against calibration tampering.If you have a unique situation ordesire ultimate security, use the inter-nal dmm hardwired switch to forceremoval of the instrument covers toperform calibration.For Calibration Lab Precision– 8.5 digits resolution– 0.1 ppm DCV linearity– 100 ppm ACV absoluteaccuracy– 4 ppm/year optionalstability78For High Resolution Digitizing– 16 bits at100,000 samples/sec – Effective rates to 100 Msamples/sec – Signal bandwidth of 12 MHz– 10 ns timing with < 100 psjitterEasily acquire waveformsSimple, application-oriented commands in the Keysight Multimeter Language (ML) make the task of waveform digitizing as easy as measuring DCV. Simply specify the sweep rate and number of samples.Integration or track-and-hold pathsThe 3458A gives you the choice of two configurations for high speed measurements: a 150 kHz bandwidth integrating path with a variable aper-ture from 500 ns to 1 second or a 12 MHz bandwidth path with a fixed 2 ns aperture and 16-bit track-and-hold. Use the integration path for lower noise, but use the track-and-hold path to precisely capture the voltage at a single point on a waveform.Direct sampling functionThe 3458A has two samplingfunctions for digitizing wave-forms: direct sampling and sequential or sub-sampling. With direct sampling, the 3458A samples through the 12 MHz path followed by the 2 ns track-and-hold providing 16 bits of resolution. The maximum sample rate is 50,000 samples/second or 20 µs between samples. Samples can be internally paced by a 0.01% accurate timebase with time increments in 100 ns steps. Data transfers directly to your computer at full speed or into the dmm’s internal reading memory. Waveform reconstruction consists of simply plotting the digitized voltage readings versus the sampling interval of the timebase.Sequential sampling functionSequential or sub-sampling uses the same measurement path asdirect sampling; however sequential sampling requires a periodic input signal. The 3458A will synchronize to a trigger point on the waveform set by a level threshold or external trigger. Once synchronized, the dmm automatically acquires the waveform through digitizing successive periods with time increment steps as small as 10 ns, effectively digitizing at rates up to 100 Msamples/second. All you specify is the effective timebase and the number of samples desired, the 3458A automatically optimizes its sampling to acquire the waveform in the least amount of time. Then, for your ease of use, the 3458A automati-cally re-orders the data in internal memory to reconstruct the waveform.93458A Technical SpecificationsEXAMPLE 5:Absolute Accuracy; 90 DayAssuming the same conditions as Example 4, but now add the traceability error to establish absolute accuracy.(4.1 ppm x 10 V) + (0.05 ppm x 10 V) = 42 µV T emperature Coefficient (specification is per °C):(0.15 ppm x 10 V + 0.01 ppm x 10 V) x 10 °C = 16 µV factory traceability error of 2 ppm:(2 ppm x 10 V) = 20 µV T otal absolute error = 78 µVAdditional errorsWhen the 3458A is operated at power line cyclesbelow 100, additional errors due to noise and gainbecome significant. Example 6 illustrates the errorcorrection at 0.1 PLC.EXAMPLE 6:Operating temperature is 28°C; 0.1 PLCAssuming the same conditions as Example 2, but now add additional error.(4.1 ppm x 10 V) + (0.05 ppm x 10 V) = 42 µVReferring to the Additional Errors chart and RMSNoise Multiplier table, additional error at 0.1 PLC is:(2 ppm x 10 V) + (0.4 ppm x 1 x 3 x 10 V) = 32 µV T otal relative error = 74 µV Section 1: DC Voltage 10 Section 7: Digitizing 21Section 2: Resistance 11 Section 8: System Specifications 23Section 3: DC Current 13 Section 9: Ratio 24Section 4: AC Voltage 14 Section 10: Math Functions 24Section 5: AC Current 19Section 11: General Specifications 25Section 6:Frequency/Period 20Section 12: Ordering Information 26IntroductionThe Keysight 3458A accuracy is specified as a part per million (ppm) of the reading plus a ppm of range for DCV, Ohms, and DCl. In ACV and ACl, the speci-fication is percent of reading plus percent of range. Range means the name of the scale, e.g. 1 V, 10 V, etc.; range does not mean the full scale reading, e.g. 1.2 V, 12 V, etc. These accuracies are valid for a specific time from the last calibration.Absolute versus Relative AccuracyAII 3458A accuracy specifications are relative to the calibration standards. Absolute accuracy of the 3458A is determined by adding these relative accuracies to the traceability of your calibration standard. For DCV, 2 ppm is the traceability error from the factory. That means that the absolute error relative to the U.S. National Institute of Standards and T echnology (NIST) is 2 ppm in addition to the DCV accuracy specifications. When you recalibrate the 3458A, your actual traceability error will depend upon the errors from your calibration standards. These errors will likely be different from the error of 2 ppm.EXAMPLE 1:Relative Accuracy; 24 hour operating temperature is Tcal ±1 °CAssume that the ambient temperature for the measurement is within ± 1 °C of the temperature of calibration (T cal). The 24 hour accuracy specification for a 10 V DC measurement on the 10 V range is 0.5 ppm + 0.05 ppm. That accuracy specificationmeans:0.5 ppm of Reading + 0.05 ppm of Range For relative accuracy, the error associated with themeasurement is:(0.5/1,000,000 x 10 V) + (0.05/1,000,000 x 10 V) =± 5.5 µV or 0.55 ppm of 10 VErrors from temperature changesThe optimum technical specifications of the 3458A are based on auto-calibration (ACAL) of the instru-ment within the previous 24 hours and following ambient temperature changes of less than ±1 °C. The 3458A ’s ACAL capability corrects for measure-ment errors resulting from the drift of critical components from time and temperature.The following examples illustrate the error correc-tion of auto-calibration by computing the relative measurement error of the 3458A for various temperature conditions. Constant conditions for each example are:10 V DC input 10 V DC range T cal = 23 °C90 day accuracy specificationsEXAMPLE 2:Operating temperature is 28 °C; with ACALThis example shows basic accuracy of the 3458A using auto-calibration with an operating tempera-ture of 28 °C. Results are rounded to 2 digits.(4.1 ppm x 10 V) + (0.05 ppm x 10 V) = 42 µV T otal relative error = 42 µV EXAMPLE 3:Operating temperature is 38 °C; without ACAL The operating temperature of the 3458A is 38 °C, 14 °C beyond the range of T cal ±1 °C. Additional measurement errors result because of the added temperature coefficient without using ACAL.(4.1 ppm x 10 V) + (0.05 ppm x 10 V) = 42 µV T emperature Coefficient (specification is per °C):(0.5 ppm x 10 V + 0.01 ppm x 10 V) x 14 °C = 71 µV T otal error = 113 µV EXAMPLE 4:Operating temperature is 38°C; with ACALAssuming the same conditions as Example 3, but using ACAL significantly reduces the error due to temperature difference from calibration tempera-ture. Operating temperature is 10 °C beyond the standard range of T cal ±5 °C.(4.1 ppm x 10 V) + (0.05 ppm x 10 V) = 42 µV T emperature Coefficient (specification is per °C):(0.15 ppm x 10 V + 0.01 ppm x 10 V) x 10 °C = 16 µVT otal error = 58 µVSection 1: DC Voltage10Section 2: Resistance11Measurement ConsiderationKeysight recommends the use of PTFE* cable or otherhigh impedance, low dielectric absorption cable for thesemeasurements.12Section 3: DC CurrentMeasurement ConsiderationsKeysight recommends the use of PTFE cable or other highimpedance, low dielectric absorption cable for low currentmeasurements. Current measurements at rates < NPLC 1are subject to potential noise pickup. Care must be takento provide adequate shielding and guarding to maintainmeasurement accuracies.1314Section 4: AC Voltage Synchronous Sub-sampled Mode (ACV Function, SETACV SYNC)General InformationThe Keysight 3458A supports three techniques for measuring true rms AC voltage, each offering unique capabilities. The desired measurement technique is selected through the SETACV command. The ACV functions will then apply the chosen method for subsequent measurements.The following section provides a brief description of the three operation modes along with a summary table helpful in choosing the technique best suited to your specific measurement need.SETACV SYNC Synchronously Sub-sampled Computed true rms technique.This technique provides excellent linearity and the most accurate measurement results. It does require that theinput signal be repetitive (not random noise for example). The bandwidth in this mode is from 1 Hz to 10 MHz.SETACV ANA Analog Computing true rms conversion technique.This is the measurement technique at power-up or following an instrument reset. This mode works well withany signal within its 10 Hz to 2 MHz bandwidth and provides the fastest measurement speeds.SETACV RNDM Random Sampled Computed true rms technique.This technique again provides excellent linearity, however the overall accuracy is the lowest of the three modes.It does not require a repetitive input signal and is threfore well suited to wideband noise measurements. Thebandwidth in this mode is from 20 Hz to 10 MHz.15Analog Mode(ACV Function, SETACV ANA) 16Random Sampled Mode(ACV Function, SETACV RNDM)171819Section 5: AC Current20Section 5: AC Current continued Section 6: Frequency/Period21Section 7: DigitizingStandard DC Volts Digitizing (DCV Function)General InformationThe Keysight 3458A supports three independent methods for signal digitizing. Each mehtod is discussed below to aid in selecting the appropriate setup best suited to your specific application.DCV Standard DCV function.This mode of digitizing allows signal acquisition at rates from 0.2 readings/sec at 28 bits resolution to 100 k read-ings/sec at 16 bits. Arbitrary sample apertures from 500 ns to 1 sec are selectable with 100 ns resolution. Inputvoltage ranges cover 100 mV to 1000 V full scale. Input bandwidth varies from 30 kHz to 150 kHz depending on themeasurement range.DSDCDirect Sampling DC Coupled measurement technique.DSAC Direct Sampling AC Coupled measurement technique.In these modes the input is sampled through a track/hold with a fixed 2 ns aperture which yields a 16 bit resolutionresult. The sample rate is selectable from 6000 sec/sample to 20 µs/sample with 100 ns resolution. Input voltageranges cover 10 mV peak to 1000 V peak full scale. The input bandwidth is limited to 12 MHz.SSDCSub-Sampling (Effective time sampling) DC Coupled.SSAC Sub-Sampling (Effective time sampling) AC Coupled.These techniques implement synchronous sub-sampling of a repetitive input signal through a track/hold with a 2 nssample aperture which yields a 16 bit resolution result. The effective sample rate is settable from 6000 sec/sampleto 10 ns/sample with 10 ns resolution. Sampled data can be time ordered by the instrument and output to the GPIB.Input voltage ranges cover 10 mV peak to 1000 V peak full scale. The input bandwidth is limited to 12 MHz.Section 7: Digitizing continuedDirect and Sub-sampled Digitizing(DSDC, DSAC, SSDC and SSAC Functions) 2223Section 8: System SpecificationsSection 9: RatioSection 10: Math Functions 24Operating environment0 to 55 °COperating humidity rangeUp to 95% RH at 40 °CPhysical characteristics88.9 mm H x 425.5 mm W x 502.9 mm DNet weight: 12 kg (26.5 lbs)Shipping weight: 14.8 kg (32.5 lbs) IEEE-4888 interfaceComplies with the following:IEEE-488.1 Interface StandardIEEE-728 Codes/Formats StandardHPML (Multimeter Language) Storage temperature–40 to +75 °CWarm-up time4 hours to published specifications Power requirements100/120 V, 220/240 V ± 10%48-66 Hz, 360-420 Hz automaticallysensed< 30 W, < 80 VA (peak)Fused: 1.5 @ 115 V or 0.5 A @ 230 V Designed in accordance withSafety: IEC 348, UL 1244, CSA7n: Classified underMIL-T-28800D as Type III,Class 5, Style E, and Color R.Warranty periodOne yearInput terminalsGold-plated tellurium copperIncluded with 3458A34137A Test lead set for 3458Acalibration certificate25Kelvin probe and clip set Keysight 3458A multimeter Array (with GPIB, 20 k bytes reading memory, and 8 ppm stability)3458A-001 Extended reading memory(Expands total to 148 k bytes)3458A-002 High stability (4 ppm/year) reference3458A-A6J ANSI Z540 compliant calibration3458A-907 Front handles kit (P/N 5063-9226)3458A-908 Rack mount kit (P/N 5063-9212)3458A-909 Rack mount kit with handles (P/N 5063-9219)3458A-ABD German manual3458A-ABF French manual3458A-ABJ Japanese manual3458A-ABZ Italian manualAccessories10833A GPIB cable (1 m)10833B GPIB cable (2 m)10833C GPIB cable (4 m)10833D GPIB cable (0.5 m)11059A Kelvin probe set (4-wires, 1 m)11060A Surface mount device (SMD) test probes11062A Kelvin clip set (2 each)34137A Deluxe test lead set for the 3458A34308A Thermistor kit34330A 30 A current shuntE2308A Thermistor temperature probe26myKeysight/find/mykeysightA personalized view into the information most relevant to you.AdvancedTCA® Extensions for Instrumentation and Test (AXIe) is anopen standard that extends the AdvancedTCA for general purpose and semiconductor test. Keysight is a founding member of the AXIe consortium.LAN eXtensions for Instruments puts the power of Ethernet and theWeb inside your test systems. Keysight is a founding member of the LXI consortium.PCI eXtensions for Instrumentation (PXI) modular instrumentation delivers arugged, PC-based high-performance measurement and automation system.Three-Year Warranty/find/ThreeYearWarrantyKeysight’s commitment to superior product quality and lower total costof ownership. The only test and measurement company with three-yearwarranty standard on all instruments, worldwide.Keysight Assurance Plans/find/AssurancePlansUp to five years of protection and no budgetary surprises to ensure yourinstruments are operating to specification so you can rely on accuratemeasurements./qualityKeysight Electronic Measurement GroupDEKRA Certified ISO 9001:2008Quality Management SystemKeysight Channel Partners/find/channelpartnersGet the best of both worlds: Keysight’s measurement expertise and productbreadth, combined with channel partner convenience./find/multimetersFor more information on KeysightTechnologies’ products, applications orservices, please contact your local Keysightoffice. The complete list is available at:/find/contactus27 | Keysight | 3458A Multimeter - Data SheetThis information is subject to change without notice.© Keysight Technologies, 1996 - 2014Published in USA, July 31, 20145965-4971E。
两根电缆(正极和负极)将高 电压电池与功率电子模块连接 一根电缆将功率电子模块 与空调压缩机连接
切勿触摸高电压电缆或元件,或将工具放在上面。 禁止在高电压元件附近使用切削工具、锋利的或有尖锐边缘的工具作业,或进行热源作
业,如焊接、软焊、热空气和热粘合。 高电压线路不得严重弯曲或扭结。 如果有任何不明确事宜,应立即向高电压技师咨询。
如果不确定高电压电缆或元件是否仍带电,切勿触摸它们。 务必确保高电压系统已由高电压技师断电。
在高电压车辆或配有电气混合驱动的车辆上开始工作前以及工作完成后,必须对工作区中的 高电压元件进行全面目检。高电压电缆为橙色,并且横截面较大。 高电压电缆的绝缘部分是否完整无损? 高电压电缆是否异常变形?
只能对高电压电缆状况进行目检。如果高电压电缆损坏,请通知高电压技师。 必须更换这些电缆。
识别高电压车辆 以下标签和警告标记表示车辆采用了高电压技术:
声明 本指导说明允许您从事高电压车辆上的一般性工作,其中包括在12 V车辆电气系统内的作业 活动。 不允许在高电压元件附近使用切削工具、锋利的或有尖锐边缘的工具作业,或进行热源作业, 如焊接、软焊、热空气和热粘合。 允许您在高电压技师的指导下在高电压元件上工作。即使只是高电压车辆上的一般性工作任 务,也只能由相关负责的高电压技师分配给您,其他人都无权这样做。
Audi 高电压技术安全操作
Audi 经销商接受过电气培训人员(EuP)操作注意事项(供参考) 电子/医学生命和健康维持装置的健康风险 电磁兼容性(EMC)是指技术设备没有因为意外的电气或电磁效应而产生相互干扰的状态。 直接靠近处于工作状态的电机或高电压系统会对电子/医学生命和健康维持装置产生负面作 用。
DCV 自动校准增加了短期测量所有功能的准确性和OHMS 校准提高了电阻测量和电流测量的准确性。
下面是DCV 自动校准、OHMS 校准的命令:10 OUTPUT 722;"ACAL DCV"20 OUTPUT 722; "ACAL OHMS"30 END通常在执行自动校准时不要给万用表连接任何信号,否则,将影响自动校准和随后的测量.使用自动校准的情况为了实现最大的精确度,我们推荐使用ACAL ALL每隔24小时或当万用表的温度与上一次校准时的温度变化达到±1℃时(我们建议通过CALSTR?命令存储万用表内部校准温度;该温度数据以后可以用CALSTR?命令读取)下面的例子演示了如何使用TEMP?命令监控万用表内部的温度(摄氏度)。