

《水浒传》 简介

《水浒传》 简介
































”成为⼀名⼥⽂青之后,她决定把这本讲好汉故事的书翻译成英⽂版,在⼀位70余岁⽼夫⼦赵雅南的帮助下,她把71回的《⽔浒传》译本完成了,书名定为《All Men are Brothers——Blood of the Leopard》。





宁波大学答题纸(20 —20 学年第学期)《水浒传》解读《水浒传》解读课号:课程名称: 改卷教师:学号:姓名: ______得分:《水浒传》在西方的传播摘要: 在西欧国家,最早翻译这部名著的是法国汉学家巴赞。






关键词: 《水浒传》 ;翻译;西方;节选译本;全译本;语言;文化《水浒传》在国内可谓是妇孺皆知、为世人所喜闻乐见的长篇小说了。


















关键词:读者评论;亚马逊网站;《水浒传》;法国;传播与接受中图分类号:I106文献标识码:A 文章编号:1009-5039(2019)16-0233-02《水浒传》是中国古代四大名著之一,它主题鲜明,歌颂正义,在中国文学史上占有重要地位,已被翻译成多国文字,享誉国内外。

在欧洲,最早翻译《水浒传》的是十九世纪法国著名汉学家巴赞(Antoine Pierre Louis Bazin )。


一直到1978年,雅克·达斯(Jacques Dars )翻译并出版了《水浒传》唯一一个全译本。




一个是由法国Gallimard 出版社在1978年出版的《水浒传》全译本,另一个是该出版社于1997年推出的Folio 口袋书系列。



这多 半是 张艺谋 电影 的功 劳 。正是 电影 《 红 高梁 》 《 活着 》 还有 《 大 红灯 笼高 高 挂 》 的走 红 , 才
将小 说原著 推 向国外 读者 。同样 因张艺 谋一炮走 红 的 ,还 有 已输至 1 7个 国家 的小说 《 山楂 树之
恋》 。
业 落后 , 对 中国书 籍有 巨大 需求 , 连《 喜羊 羊与 灰
国人 同样有着 得天独 厚 的优 势 。 马来 西 亚 、 新 加坡 的华 人 比例 高 , 在 华 语 教
姜汉 忠认 为 , “ 外 国人 喜 , 荷 兰人高罗佩 重新编写
的《 狄公 案 》 , 之所 以风 靡全 球 , 关键 在 于 他 只写
上, 两组 的评 分 则没 有差异 。 纽约 城 市 大 学的 娜 塔 莉 ・
艾 斯金 副教授 的研 究也 表 明 ,
人 们 确 实会 进 行 这 样 不 理 性 的
判 断 。她 的 实验 十 分有 趣 : 首 先, 把被 试 学 生平均 分成 3组 , 在被 试 者认 为的 “ 实验前 的 准
汉文化圈, 与 中国人 思 维 相 近 , 加 上 自身文 化 产

教材 、 旅 游 书籍 及 外商投 资类 的法规 。随 着 中国 经济 的崛起 ,欧美 人渴 望从更 深层 次 了解 中 国,
现 当代 中 国文学 开始 受 关 注 , 莫 言 和余 华 、 苏 童
起 成为 小说海外译 介前三名 。
团 田
J l 》 o ∽ H l 叩 。L A z 冈
据 对 A的印 象进 行评 分 ,其 中
有 涉及“ 积极 ” 或者 “ 消极 ” 这样
的特质 , 也有其他 的 内容 。 研 究



赛珍珠的英译《水浒传》顾钧赛珍珠(Pearl Buck)是第一个因描写中国而获得诺贝尔文学奖的西方作家(1938年),她对于中国文学特别是中国小说十分推崇。



该译本于1933年在美国纽约和英国伦敦同时出版,改书名为《四海之内皆兄弟》(All Men Are Brothers),在欧美风靡一时。













外国人翻译中国名著 只能说太有才了!!

外国人翻译中国名著 只能说太有才了!!

外国人翻译中国名著 只能说太有才了!外国人对《红楼梦》书名的翻译更是“洋腔洋调” ,有 一法文版译本充满了欧洲式的浪漫情调,叫《庄园里的爱 情》 。

中国文学对世界文化历来深有影响,其中许多名著早在 几百年前就被翻译到了西方各国。

有趣的是, 由于书名难译, 加之外国翻译者对中华思想理念,及中华文化内涵不能予以 准确的理解,他们翻译的许多中国名著,其书名往往与作品 的内容相去甚远。

施耐庵的《水浒传》 ,早在 300 多年前就流传到世界各 国,先后被译成了 12 种文字。

其中,德文译名《强盗和士 兵》 ,法文译名《中国的勇士》 ,英文译名《发生在河边的故 事》 。

1938 年诺贝尔文学奖获得者、美国女作家布克夫人(中 文名字赛珍珠)的译本,书名谓之《四海之内皆兄弟》 。

意大利人安德拉斯节译《水浒传》中鲁智深的故事,书名《佛节 记》 。

德国人节译杨雄的故事,取名《圣洁的爱》 ;节译武大 郎与潘金莲的故事,取名《卖大饼的武大郎和不忠实的妇 人》 ;节译智取生辰纲的故事,则取名《强盗设置的圈套》 。

如果说前面翻译的《水浒传》书名和内容多少还沾点边 的话,罗贯中《三国演义》书名的翻译,就很不可思议了。

有位美国翻译家翻译的《三国演义》 ,书名竟然叫《战神》 。


英文版通常将《水浒传》 翻译成 Water Margin 或 Outlaws of the Marsh。

在众多译本中, 最早的当属赛珍珠女士在 1920 年代中后期翻译的 All Men Are Brothers(四海之内皆兄弟)。

书名出自 《论语》 “四海之内, 皆兄弟也”。

1933 年出版,是《水浒传》的第一个英文全译 本,当时在美国颇为畅销。


比如书 名的翻译,就不符合原意,受到过鲁迅先生的批评。

对一百 零八将的绰号,也往往望文生义,比如将病尉迟的(Yuchi) 译作"Weichi",将花和尚鲁智深译为 Priest Hwa(花牧师) , 更是将母夜叉孙二娘译为"Night Ogre"(夜间的怪物) 。


适合外国人学习汉语的电视剧— —四大名著
• 适合外国人学习汉语的电视剧有哪些?这是很多 老外都会问到的问题,通过看电视剧或者电影来 学习汉语的确是不错的方法,但是在电视剧的选 择上要慎重,并不是所有的电视剧或者电影都适 合外国人学习汉语的,那么适合外国人学习汉语 的电视剧或者电影有哪些呢?,《 西游 记》等这些电视连续剧很吸引的,用来学中文很 好,是适合外国人学汉语的电视剧。
• 《三国》是由中国传媒大学电视制作中心策划立项的电视 剧,该剧由高希希执导,朱苏进编剧,陈建斌、陆毅、于 和伟、张博、黄维德、倪大红、何润东等主演的大型史诗 电视剧。 • 该剧以《三国演义》原著为蓝本,讲述了从东汉末年群雄 割据,到官渡之战、赤壁之战后形成三国鼎立的局面,再 到司马家族篡夺魏政权后天下归晋的整个过程。
• 《红楼梦》,中国古典四大名著之首,清代作家曹雪芹创 作的章回体长篇小说。早期仅有前八十回抄本流传,原名 《石头记》。程伟元搜集到后四十回残稿,邀请高鹗协同 整理出版百二十回全本 ,定名《红楼梦》。 • 科技发达的时代电影、电视剧把《红楼梦》普及到千家万 户,风靡了整个华人世界 。自1924年以来,改编自小说 《红楼梦》的各类影视作品超过了25 部。每一部作品, 都演绎着当时影视人对这部名著内涵的独特理解。而每一 次新的拍摄,也都是对前一部作品艺术高度的无形挑战 。
• 这四部著作历久不衰,是汉语文学史中不可多得的经典作品。其中的 故事、场景、人物已经深深地影响了中国人的思想观念、价值取向。 四部著作都有很高的文学水平和艺术成就。细致的刻画和所蕴含的深 刻思想都为历代读者所称道。是中国文学史上的四座伟大丰碑。 • 根据这四大名著所改编的电视剧是适合外国人学习汉语逇电视剧首选!



书评水浒传英语作文Title: A Review of "Water Margin" (《水浒传》) in English。

"Water Margin," also known as "Outlaws of the Marsh" or "All Men Are Brothers," is one of the Four Great Classical Novels of Chinese literature. It's a timeless epic that depicts the lives of 108 outlaws during the Song Dynasty. Penned by Shi Nai'an and Luo Guanzhong, this masterpiece continues to captivate readers with its intricate plot,rich characters, and profound themes.One of the most remarkable aspects of "Water Margin" is its portrayal of the human condition. Through the stories of its protagonists, the novel explores the complexities of morality, loyalty, and justice. Each character, whether virtuous or flawed, contributes to the overarching narrative, highlighting the diverse facets of human nature. From the noble Song Jiang to the cunning Wu Song, every outlaw embodies a unique set of virtues and vices, makingthem relatable to readers across generations.Moreover, "Water Margin" offers valuable insights into the socio-political landscape of medieval China. Set against the backdrop of a corrupt government and social injustice, the novel reflects the discontent and disillusionment prevalent among the common people. The outlaws, driven to rebellion by injustice and oppression, become symbols of resistance against tyranny. Their exploits, though often characterized by violence and bloodshed, are fueled by a desire for righteous indignation and retribution.The thematic depth of "Water Margin" extends beyond mere rebellion; it delves into the intricacies of friendship, honor, and redemption. Despite their outlaw status, the protagonists form deep bonds of camaraderie, forged through shared experiences and mutual trust. Their camaraderie serves as a beacon of hope amidst the chaos and adversity they face. Furthermore, the novel underscores the possibility of redemption, as many characters strive to atone for their past misdeeds and seek a path to moralrectitude.In terms of literary craftsmanship, "Water Margin" is a masterful work of storytelling. The narrative is repletewith vivid imagery, dynamic dialogue, and suspenseful plot twists that keep readers engaged from start to finish. The authors' skillful use of foreshadowing and symbolism adds layers of depth to the story, inviting readers to uncover hidden meanings and interpretations.Additionally, "Water Margin" has left a lasting impact on Chinese culture and society. Its influence can be seenin various forms of media, including literature, film, television, and theater. The novel's themes and characters continue to resonate with audiences worldwide, transcending temporal and cultural boundaries.In conclusion, "Water Margin" stands as a timeless classic that transcends the confines of time and space. Its enduring relevance lies in its profound exploration of the human experience, its searing indictment of injustice, and its celebration of the indomitable spirit of the human soul.As readers immerse themselves in the epic tale of the 108 outlaws, they are reminded of the enduring power of literature to illuminate the depths of the human condition.。



英文回答,After watching the TV series Water Margin, I was deeply impressed by the characters and the storyline. The way the outlaws in the story fought against injustice and oppression really resonated with me. For example, when Lin Chong was framed by Gao Qiu and exiled to Cangzhou, it was so unfair. But he didn't give up and eventually joined the band of outlaws to seek justice. This reminds me of the saying "where there's a will, there's a way". The characters in the show also showed great loyalty and camaraderie, which is really admirable.








推荐水浒传的作文英文英文:Water Margin, also known as Outlaws of the Marsh, is a classic Chinese novel written by Shi Nai'an in the 14th century. It is one of the Four Great Classical Novels of Chinese literature and tells the story of a group of 108 outlaws who gather at Mount Liang to form a rebel army against the corrupt Song dynasty.The novel is filled with action, adventure, andcolorful characters, making it a timeless masterpiece that has captivated readers for centuries. One of my favorite characters is Wu Song, known for his incredible strength and fierce temper. His iconic battle with a man-eatingtiger in a tavern is a thrilling and unforgettable scene that showcases his bravery and martial arts prowess.What I love most about Water Margin is its exploration of loyalty, friendship, and the struggle against injustice.The bond between the 108 outlaws is incredibly moving, and their unwavering commitment to each other in the face of adversity is truly inspiring. The novel also delves intothe complexities of human nature, portraying its characters with depth and nuance.Water Margin has had a profound impact on Chineseculture and has been adapted into various forms of media, including TV series, films, and even video games. Its enduring popularity is a testament to its universal themes and timeless appeal.中文:《水浒传》,又称《水浒》、《水浒英雄传》,是中国古典小说,作者是施耐庵,创作于14世纪。



喜欢水浒传的理由英语作文100字小学全文共10篇示例,供读者参考篇1I like water margin because it's so exciting! The characters are all super cool, like Lin Chong, Lu Zhishen, and Song Jiang. They are all so brave and strong, and they fight against the bad guys to protect the poor people. It's like a superhero story, but in ancient China!And the battles are so epic! They have amazing fights with swords and spears, and they use their kung fu skills to defeat their enemies. It's like watching a kung fu movie, but better because it's all real and true!I also like how the story talks about friendship and loyalty. The heroes stick together no matter what, and they always help each other out. It's like a lesson in being a good friend and doing the right thing no matter what.Plus, there are so many twists and turns in the story. You never know what's going to happen next, and it keeps you on the edge of your seat. It's like a roller coaster ride of emotions!Overall, I just love water margin because it's exciting, heroic, and full of awesome battles. It's the best book ever!篇2Title: Why I Like Water MarginHey guys! Today I want to tell you why I like Water Margin so much. Water Margin is a really cool book about a group of brave, strong, and loyal heroes who fight against injustice. There are so many reasons why I love this book!First of all, the characters in Water Margin are so amazing. Each hero has their own unique story and special skills. For example, Wu Song is super strong and can defeat enemies with just one punch! And Lin Chong is a skilled warrior who always stands up for what is right. I love reading about their adventures and how they work together to overcome challenges.Secondly, I really enjoy the action in Water Margin. The book is full of exciting battles, sword fights, and clever strategies. It's so much fun to imagine myself fighting alongside the heroes and helping them defeat the villains. Plus, the villains are so mean and malicious that you can't help but root for the heroes to win!Lastly, Water Margin teaches important lessons about courage, friendship, and justice. The heroes in the book never give up, no matter how tough the situation is. They always have each other's backs and stick together through thick and thin. It's inspiring to see how they fight for what is right and stand up against the corrupt officials.In conclusion, Water Margin is a fantastic book that is full of action, friendship, and important life lessons. I highly recommend it to all of you who love adventure and excitement. So go ahead and give it a read - you won't be disappointed!篇3I like the Water Margin because it's super cool! Have you read it? It's about these awesome heroes who are so brave and strong. They fight against bad guys and protect the innocent people. It's really exciting!One of the main reasons I love Water Margin is because of the characters. They are all so different and have their own special powers. Like Wu Song, he is super strong and can defeat anyone with his bare hands. And Lin Chong is really fast and can use a sword like nobody else.Another thing I love about Water Margin is the action. There are so many cool battles and fights in the book. The heroes use all kinds of weapons like swords, spears, and bows. And they have to be really clever to outsmart their enemies.But the best part of Water Margin is the friendship between the heroes. They all come from different backgrounds, but they become like brothers because they fight together and protect each other. It's so touching to see how they care for each other.So that's why I love Water Margin! It's exciting, full of action, and teaches us the importance of friendship. If you haven't read it yet, you should definitely give it a try!篇4I like "Water Margin" because it's super cool! There are so many awesome heroes in the story, like Wu Song, Lin Chong, and Sun Erniang. They all have amazing kung fu skills and they fight against bad guys to protect the people.The story is also really exciting and full of action. There are epic battles, cunning plots, and thrilling adventures. I love reading about how the heroes outsmart their enemies and come up with brave strategies to win the day.Another reason I like "Water Margin" is because of the strong friendships between the heroes. They stick together through thick and thin, always supporting each other and working as a team. It's inspiring to see how they overcome their differences and unite to fight for justice.Finally, I enjoy reading "Water Margin" because it teaches important lessons about loyalty, courage, and justice. The heroes in the story are not perfect, but they always strive to do what is right and stand up for the weak and oppressed. It reminds me to be brave and kind in my own life.In conclusion, "Water Margin" is an awesome book that I love because of its cool heroes, exciting adventures, strong friendships, and valuable lessons. I can't wait to read more adventures of the 108 Stars of Destiny!篇5I like Water Margin because it has so many cool characters and exciting adventures. Water Margin is a famous Chinese novel written by Shi Nai'an. It tells the story of 108 outlaws who fight against corruption and injustice during the Song Dynasty.One of the reasons I like Water Margin is because of the characters. Each of the 108 outlaws has their own uniquepersonality and special skills. For example, there is Wu Song, who is super strong and can defeat anyone with his bare hands. Then there is Lu Zhishen, who is a skilled fighter and has a big heart. I love reading about their brave deeds and how they work together to fight for what is right.Another reason I like Water Margin is because of the adventures. The outlaws go on all sorts of missions and face many dangerous challenges. They have to fight against powerful enemies, escape from traps, and overcome obstacles. It's so exciting to read about their daring escapes and epic battles.In conclusion, I like Water Margin because it has awesome characters and thrilling adventures. It's a story of friendship, courage, and justice that I enjoy reading again and again. If you haven't read it yet, I highly recommend it!篇6Oh! Water Margin is my favorite book! I love it so much! There are so many reasons why I like it.First of all, the characters in Water Margin are so cool! They are all heroes and they fight against bad guys. Each character has their own unique personality and skills. For example, Lu Zhishenis super strong, Wu Song is a great fighter, and Lin Chong is really brave. I want to be like them when I grow up!Secondly, there are lots of exciting adventures in Water Margin. The heroes go on so many missions and battles to protect the weak and punish the evil. It's like a real-life action movie! I feel like I'm on an adventure too when I read the book.Lastly, the story of Water Margin teaches us about loyalty, friendship, and justice. The heroes always stick together and help each other out. They never give up, even when things get tough. It's a really inspiring story that makes me want to be a better person.That's why I love Water Margin so much! It's the best book ever!篇7I like the Water Margin for many reasons. It's such a cool book! The characters are so brave and daring, and the stories are full of excitement and adventure.First of all, I love the strong bond of brotherhood between the characters in the Water Margin. They stick together through thick and thin, always supporting each other. It's so touching tosee how they fight for justice and help those in need. It teaches me the importance of loyalty and friendship.Secondly, the battles and fights in the Water Margin are so thrilling! The heroes are always facing danger and challenges, but they never give up. It's so inspiring to see them use their skills and bravery to overcome obstacles. It makes me want to be brave and face my own challenges with courage.Lastly, I enjoy the clever strategies and tactics used by the characters in the Water Margin. They are so smart andquick-witted, always coming up with creative solutions to outsmart their enemies. It's like a game of chess, where each move is calculated and strategic. It teaches me the importance of thinking ahead and using my brain to solve problems.Overall, the Water Margin is a fantastic book that teaches me valuable lessons about friendship, courage, and intelligence. I will always love this book and the brave heroes in it!篇8I like 'Water Margin' because it's so cool! There are lots of adventures and battles in the story. The characters are all so brave and strong. They fight against bad guys and protect their friends. It's like a big superhero team!The main character, Wu Song, is my favorite. He's really powerful and never gives up. He fought a tiger with his bare hands! How amazing is that? And Lin Chong is so smart and brave. He's a great leader and can outsmart anyone. I want to be like him when I grow up.Another reason I like 'Water Margin' is because it's full of exciting stories. There are so many twists and turns that keep me guessing. I never get bored reading it. It's like a rollercoaster ride of emotions!The best part of the story is the friendship between the characters. They all stick together and help each other out. They are like a big family. It teaches me the importance of friendship and loyalty.Overall, 'Water Margin' is a great story that I can read over and over again. It has everything I love - action, adventure, friendship, and bravery. I hope I can be as brave as the characters one day!篇9I like Water Margin for many reasons! First of all, the characters in the story are really cool. There's Wu Song, the strong and brave fighter, and Lin Chong, the loyal and righteousman. They all have their own unique personalities and skills, which makes the story so interesting.Secondly, the adventures in Water Margin are really exciting. The heroes have to fight against corrupt officials and evil bandits, and they always come up with clever ways to outsmart their enemies. There are also lots of battles and action scenes that keep me on the edge of my seat.I also love the friendships and loyalty in Water Margin. The heroes all stick together through thick and thin, and they always have each other's backs. It's really heartwarming to see how they care for one another and work together to overcome obstacles.Lastly, Water Margin teaches me important lessons about bravery, loyalty, and justice. It shows me that no matter how tough things get, as long as you have courage and stand up for what's right, you can overcome any challenge.In conclusion, Water Margin is a great story that has everything I love – awesome characters, thrilling adventures, strong friendships, and valuable lessons. That's why I like it so much!篇10I like Water Margin because it is a very exciting and fun story. It is full of adventures, battles, and interesting characters. I love the way the band of heroes fight against injustice and help the poor people. It is also very cool how they have special abilities and unique skills.Another reason I like Water Margin is because it teaches us about loyalty, friendship, and standing up for what is right. The characters in the story are very brave and they never give up, no matter how difficult the situation is. I admire their courage and determination to fight for justice.Moreover, Water Margin is a classic story with a lot of history and culture. It is set in ancient China and it gives us a glimpse into the life and customs of that time. I enjoy learning about the different traditions and beliefs of the people in the story.In conclusion, I like Water Margin because it is a fun, exciting, and meaningful story. It teaches us valuable lessons about courage, loyalty, and justice. I hope more people will read this amazing book and enjoy it as much as I do!。



1. 哇塞,外国人说水浒传里的英雄好汉那可真是太酷啦!就像他们是从漫画里走出来的超级英雄一样!比如鲁智深,力大无穷,多厉害啊!
2. 嘿,外国人觉得水浒传里的故事简直太精彩啦!那情节跌宕起伏的,不就跟他们喜欢的大片似的嘛!像武松打虎,多震撼呀!
3. 哎呀呀,外国人惊叹水浒传里的人物形象好鲜明啊!这不就跟他们熟悉的那些经典角色一样嘛!像宋江,多有领导范儿啊!
4. 哇哦,外国人对水浒传里的兄弟情义那叫一个佩服啊!这简直就跟他们追求的友谊一样深厚呀!像林冲和鲁智深的友情,多感人啊!
5. 哟呵,外国人说水浒传里的战斗场面太刺激啦!简直和他们的魔幻大片有得一拼啊!像三打祝家庄,多激烈呀!
6. 哈哈,外国人觉得水浒传里的计谋太妙啦!就好像他们玩的策略游戏一样!像吴用的智谋,多牛啊!
7. 咦,外国人对水浒传里的江湖气息可着迷啦!这不就跟他们向往的冒险世界一样嘛!像梁山好汉的生活,多潇洒啊!
8. 哇,外国人说水浒传展示了一个独特的世界啊!那感觉就跟他们喜欢的奇幻小说里的世界似的!像水泊梁山,多神秘啊!
9. 嘿哟,外国人感慨水浒传里的文化底蕴好深厚啊!这可跟他们的一些经典文学有的比呀!像那些诗词,多有意境啊!
10. 呀,外国人说水浒传绝对是一部不朽的杰作啊!就如同他们心中的那些伟大作品一样!像这样的经典,真的太难得啦!



【第六十四回】 呼延灼夜月赚
【第六十五回】托塔 天王梦中显圣浪里白
【第六十六回】时迁 火烧翠云楼吴用智取
【第六十七回】宋江 赏马步三军关胜降水 火二将
【第六十八回】宋公 明夜打曾头市卢俊义 活捉史文恭
【第六十九回】东平 府误陷九纹龙宋公明
【第五十七回】徐宁 教使钩镰枪宋江大破
【第五十八回】三山 聚义打青州众虎同心 归水泊
【第五十九回】吴用 赚金铃吊挂宋江闹西 岳华山
【第六十回】 公孙胜芒砀山
【第六十一回】 吴用智赚玉麒
【第六十二回】 放冷箭燕青救
【第六十三回】 宋江兵打北京
【第五十一回】 插翅虎枷打白
【第五十二回】 李逵打死殷天
【第五十三回】 戴宗智取公孙
【第五十四回】 入云龙斗法破
【第五十五回】 高太尉大兴三
【第五十六回】吴用 使时迁盗甲汤隆赚徐
01 思维导图
03 读书笔记 05 目录分析
02 内容摘要 04 精彩摘录 06 作者介绍



我推荐水浒传的理由英语作文带中文I highly recommend the classic Chinese novel "Water Margin" to readers for several compelling reasons.First and foremost, "Water Margin" is a literary masterpiece that offers a rich and immersive experience of traditional Chinese culture and history. Through its vivid portrayal of the adventures and struggles of the 108 outlaws, the novel provides a fascinating glimpse into the social and political landscape of ancient China. Readers will gain valuable insights into the dynamics of power, loyalty, and honor within the context of Chinese society during the Song Dynasty.Moreover, "Water Margin" boasts a cast of unforgettable characters, each with their own unique personality and story. From the valiant and noble Song Jiang to the cunning and resourceful Wu Song, the novel presents a diverse array ofpersonalities that will capture the imagination and leave a lasting impression on readers. The complex relationships and interactions among the characters add depth and nuance to the narrative, making it a truly engrossing and rewarding read.In addition, "Water Margin" is filled with thrilling and action-packed scenes that are sure to keep readers on the edge of their seats. The exploits of the outlaws, their daring escapes and epic battles against oppressiveauthorities are executed with skillful storytelling and a keen sense of drama. The novel's blend of adventure and intrigue offers an exhilarating reading experience that is both entertaining and thought-provoking.Furthermore, "Water Margin" addresses universal themes such as justice, heroism, and the struggle for freedom, making it a timeless and relevant work of literature. The moral dilemmas faced by the characters and their quest for righteousness resonate with readers of all ages andbackgrounds, offering valuable lessons and insights that are as pertinent today as they were centuries ago.In conclusion, "Water Margin" is a literary treasure that deserves to be celebrated and cherished by readers around the world. Its compelling narrative, rich cultural insights, memorable characters, and timeless themes make it a must-read for anyone interested in exploring the depth and beauty of Chinese literature. I wholeheartedly recommend "Water Margin" as an essential addition to any reading list, and I am confident that it will captivate and inspire all who embark on this epic literary journey.我向读者强烈推荐中国经典小说《水浒传》,有几个令人信服的理由。



介绍水浒传的五年级英语作文六句话篇一:Water Margin is one of the Four Great Classic Novels in Chinese literature。

It is based on the story of the historical figure Song Jiang and his companions’rebellion against the feudal emperor。

The story has been very popular among Chinese readers for hundreds of years。

Without exaggeration,nearly every Chinese can recognize some of the main characters in the novel。

The exciting tales have been told over and over again in teahouses,on theater stages,by radios,televisions and movies,and in millions of families。

As a matter of fact,the influence of this novel has gone far beyond the national boundaries。

More and more foreign readers have found this stories moving and intriguing。

《水浒传》(Water Margin)是中国文学四大经典小说之一。






喜欢水浒传的原因英语作文英文回答:I love Water Margin for several reasons. First of all,I am fascinated by the rich and complex characters in the novel. Each character has their own unique personalitytraits and background stories, which makes them feel like real people rather than just fictional characters. For example, I really admire the loyalty and bravery of Wu Song, as well as the cunning and resourcefulness of Lu Zhishen.Secondly, I enjoy the action-packed plot of Water Margin. The novel is full of thrilling battles, daring escapes, and unexpected twists and turns. It keeps me onthe edge of my seat and always leaves me wanting to know what will happen next. One of my favorite scenes is whenthe outlaws successfully ambush the convoy of government officials, showcasing their skills and tactics in athrilling showdown.Lastly, I appreciate the themes of brotherhood, justice, and rebellion that are prevalent throughout the novel. The camaraderie between the outlaws and their unwavering senseof righteousness in the face of corruption and oppression are truly inspiring. It reminds me of the importance of standing up for what is right and sticking together with friends and allies in times of adversity.Overall, Water Margin is a timeless classic that continues to captivate readers with its compelling characters, exciting plot, and powerful themes.中文回答:我喜欢《水浒传》有几个原因。
















"Water Margin",known as one of the Four Great Classical Novels of Chinese literature,is a masterpiece that I recently had the pleasure of reading. Written by Shi Nai'an and Luo Guanzhong during the late Yuan and early Ming dynasties,the novel tells the story of 108 heroes who gather at Liangshan Marsh,rebel against oppression,grow in strength,and eventually surrender to the Song dynasty before going on to fight against invaders and rebels.The narrative is epic in scale,spanning from the causes of the Song dynasty's rebellion to the tragic downfall of the heroes. Throughout this journey,the authors artfully portray the societal roots of the uprising and the ideological aspirations of the protagonists,while also revealing the historical reasons for their downfall.Reading "Water Margin" has been an eye-opening experience. The loyalty and righteousness that permeates every page is something that has left a deep impression on me. The characters,each with their own distinct personalities and motivations,are incredibly well-developed. Their unwavering commitment to each other,to justice,and to their country is something that I find truly admirable.From a literary perspective,the use of vernacular Chinese in the novel makes it accessible and engaging to a wide audience. Additionally,the authors' masterful use of foreshadowing,characterization,and plot development creates a rich and immersive reading experience.Overall,"Water Margin" is a must-read for anyone interested in Chinese literature and history. It offers a unique insight into the social and political conditions of the time,while also providing a thought-provoking commentary on loyalty,righteousness,and the human condition.中文大意:我最近有幸阅读了中国四大古典名著之一的《水浒传》。

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所有这些,都不能算是《水浒》在西欧的全译本。译得最好的要数1933年年美国出版的《四海之内皆兄弟》(《All Men Are Brothers》),译者是1938年诺贝尔文学奖获得者、美国女作家布克夫人。布克夫人自幼随父来到中国,跟中国教师读中文经书,精通中国文字,熟悉中国社会,她还取了个中国名字,叫赛珍珠。她根据金圣叹七十回本翻译的《水浒》,准确、生动、忠于原著,连鲁迅先生在给友人的信中都赞誉:“近看布克夫人翻译的水浒,确实不错。”可见其译本之成功。稍后,在苏联也出现了翻译得较好的全译本。
匿名回答采纳率:20.9%2009-10-20 12:19
回答人的补充 2009-10-20 12:21 詹纳尔教授(BillJenner)长期从事中国古典文学的研究,是中国古典名著《西游记》的英文版译者。