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Building to rent a contract

1. 立合同当事人:

1. Set the parties to a contract:


Party a (the lessor) :


Party b (lessee) :

2. 租赁标的及用途:

2. Lease mark and use:

经上海欣语房地产经纪事务所(简称“居间方”)的居间服务,甲方将位于上海市松江区三新北路900 弄

The scripture HaiXin language real estate brokerage firm (hereinafter referred to as "intermediate party") of the intermediary service, party a will be located in Shanghai songjiang area sanxin north road 900, lane

` 702 号401 室物业(简称“该房屋”)出租给乙方。签订本合同前,甲方已告知乙方该房屋已(已/ 未)设定抵押。该房屋的建筑面积总计123.18 平方米。交房标准:甲方将该房屋钥匙交付给乙方并由甲、乙双方签署《房屋交接书》(详见附件)。` number 702 401 room property (hereinafter referred to as "the house") lease to party b. Before signing this contract, party a shall inform party b has the houses have (has/has not) set mortgage. The houses are building a total area of 123.18 square meters. Make a room standard: party a will this house key delivery to party b by party a and party b and signed the housing transfer book "(see appendix a).

3. 租赁期限

3. Lease term

租赁期限为壹年,自2012年10 月19日起至2013 年10 月18 日止。

The lease term for one year, since on October 19, 2012 up to on October 18, 2013, stop.


If party a fails to the agreed on hire, party b to deliver to the house, then each one day overdue, party a should press day rent one times pay to party b the overdue liquidated damages, party b until the actual delivery date on this building, and lease inception postpone, the lease term changeless. If party a fails to make a room more than seven days, in addition to pay to party b the overdue penalty outside, without understanding party b under the condition of without authorization as party a termination of the lease relation, party a shall according to the contract article 9 shall bear the liabilities for breach of contract.

4. 租金

4. Rent

4.1 数额:每月人民币币8800.00元(大写:捌千捌百零拾零元整)。

The amount of 4.1: monthly RMB currency 8800.00 yuan (capital: thousands of eight 100 eight pick zero (RMB)).

4.2支付方式:租金按2 个月为一期支付,第一期租金乙方应于2012 年10 月26 日前付清,以后每期租金支付时间应为该期首月的13 日。甲方应于收到每期租金的同时签署全额租金收据给乙方。每期租金由乙方以现金形式支付或以银行划帐方式付至如下甲方指定银行账户:

4.2 payment: rent according to two months for a duration of payment, the first period rent party b shall in October 26, 2012, has paid off, and then rent to pay each time should be the period of advance 13. Party a shall issue upon receipt of the rent and signed a full receipt for rent to party b. The rent issue by party b pay in cash or by bank remit account mode paid to the party a designated bank account:

--- 户名:

- family name:

--- 开户银行:
