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Vocabulary( 10 minutes, 10 points>

Section A (0. 5 point each>

Directions: There are ten sentences in this section. Each sentence has one word or a set of words underlined. Below the sentence are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Choose the word or phrase that is closest in meaning to the underlined one. Mark the corresponding letter with a single bar across the square bracket on your Answer Sheet.

The draught has caused the depletion of supplies and rising of prices.

16 A. storageB. Reference C. exhaustion D. exchange

注释: depletion耗尽,用尽;reference提及,涉及;exhaustion 竭尽;storage存储;exchange交换。

Social interaction lectures for the purpose of accomplishing some aim and is always directed toward specific other people.

17 A. interplay B. event C. behavior D. action



The century-old hostilities between the two tribes eventually terminated through the persistent efforts of the

local government.

18 A. vanished B. diminished C. worsened D.




缩>; worsen恶化。p1EanqFDPw

Many new medicines today tan eradicate diseases before they become too widespread.

19 A. wrap in B. work out C. wear out D. wipe outDXDiTa9E3d


eradicate根除,消除;wipe out消灭;wear out 穿破;work out 可以解决;wrap in包裹于。

Modern farms are enterprising businesses which keep only

the livestock that can pay its way.

20 A. be profitable B. pay in cash C. pay back the debts

D. be tradedRTCrpUDGiT

正确答案:A注释:be profitable与pay its way都有“有益的,

有利的”意思。be traded被交换;pay back the debts偿还债

务}pay in cash支付现款。

I couldn’t understand where he got the fantastic idea that other people were poisoning him.

21 A. fatal B. fascinating C. fanciful D.



The Chinese nation which has the historical record of 5,000 years' civilization is distinguished for its diligence and courage.

22 A. consolidated B. distorted C. distracted D. celebratedjLBHrnAILg

正确答案:D注释:拥有5 000年文明的中华民族以勤劳勇敢著称。distinguished卓著的,著名的;distracted心烦意乱的;distorted扭歪的,受到曲解的;celebrated著名的;consolidate 巩固,强化。xHAQX74J0X

These steps will principally serve the interests of the economically dominant groups who want to protect their assets and resources from the forces of change.

23 A. invariably B. primarily C. increasingly D. presumablyLDAYtRyKfE

