



2021-2022学年重庆市某校九年级(上)第三次月考物理试卷一、选择题(每题3分,共24分)1. 下列估测最符合实际情况的是()A.洗澡水的温度大约是90∘CB.重庆市区12月份的平均气温约为−10∘CC.一节新干电池的电压为1.5VD.家用电风扇的额定功率约1.2kW2. 一个物体的温度升高了,其原因是()A.一定是物体对外做了功B.一定是外界对物体做了功C.一定是物体吸收了热量D.可能是物体吸收了热量,也可能是外界对物体做了功3. 三只轻纸球分别用丝线悬挂着,其中任意两只球靠近时都互相吸引,则下列结论正确的是()A.三只小球都带电B.有两只球带同种电荷,第三个球不带电C.只有一个球带电D.有两个球带异种电荷,第三个球不带电4. 如图所示电路,两盏相同的电灯在闭合开关后都能发光.过了一会儿,两盏电灯突然同时都不亮了,且电压表和电流表的示数均变为零.如果电路只有一处故障,则故障可能是()A.电灯L1断路B.电灯L2断路C.电灯L1短路D.电灯L2短路5. 将下列四组不同的电阻分别连入电路中,电源电压都为U,电流I最大的是()A. B. C. D.6. 如图所示,电源电压和电阻R的电阻保持不变,闭合开关S,将滑动变阻器的滑片P向右移动,则()A.电流表示数增大,电压表示数减小B.电流表示数减小,电压表示数增大C.电流表示数增大,电压表示数增大D.电流表示数减小,电压表示数减小7. 如图所示,小强家浴室的浴霸由一只照明灯泡L、两只取暖灯L1和L2以及一个排风扇M组成,它们的额定电压均为220V.其中照明灯和排风扇都可以单独工作,两只取暖灯总是同时工作.图中所示的四个电路图中,符合上述要求的是()A. B. C. D.8. 如图所示,两盏灯L1和L2都标有“6V6W”的字样,电源电压6伏特且保持不变,当K断开时,则两盏灯的电功率为()A.P1=2W,P2=2WB.P1=2W,P2=0C.P1=1.5W,P2=1.5WD.P1=0,P2=2W二、填空题(每空1分,共17分)10月3日,G75兰海高速渝武段出城北碚遂道有一辆货车轮胎自燃主要是通过________的方式改变轮胎的内能;有经验的驾驶员通过喷淋方式往轮胎上喷水,这是因为水的________大,在相同条件下水能带走较多的热量,冷却效果好,从而降低轮胎温度减少安全事故的发生.有两个电阻,已知R1=3R2,把它们串联在电路中,I1:I2=________,U1:U2=________;把它们并联在电路中,I1:I2=________,U1:U2=________.一盏白炽灯泡铭牌上标有“220V100W”字样,接通电路灯泡恰能正常发光,则1min 灯丝消耗的电能为________J.如果灯丝断了之后重新将灯丝搭上,灯丝电阻变为440Ω,通电后灯泡两端电压没有变,则灯泡的实际功率为________W.如图所示的电路,开关闭合后,电压表V1的示数是6V,V2的示数是3.6V,那么电灯L1两端的电压是________V,灯L2两端的电压是________V.如图所示,电能表所显示的是小明家11月初的用电情况,11月末他家电能表的示数为,则11月小明家消耗的电能是________kW⋅ℎ.小明发现家中只有电热水壶工作时,电能表的转盘1min内转过60圈,则这段时间内电热水壶消耗的电能为________kW⋅ℎ,电热水壶的电功率为________W.严寒的冬季,小康家使用如图所示的电热油汀取暖器来提升卧室内空气的温度.电热油汀取暖器是将电热管安装在铁质散热片的腔体内部,在腔体内电热管周围注有导热油(并未注满),能够快速升温.当接通电源后,电热管周围的导热油被加热,升到腔体上部,沿散热管或散热片对流循环,通过腔体壁表面将热量辐射出去,从而加热空间环境,被空气冷却的导热油下降到电热管周围又被加热,开始新的循环.另外只需在散热片旁边的蓄水盒中加入自来水,即可保持空气的湿润.请你结合上述介绍指出与电热油汀取暖器有关的本学期所学的电学或热学物理现象,并依据的物理知识(参照示例)示例:物理现象:铁质散热片物理知识:铁的导热性能好作答:物理现象:________ 物理知识:________.三.实验题(每空1分,共22分)为了研究不同物质的吸热能力是否相同,小雨和小风用了同样的酒精灯分别加热水和煤油,他们所用的实验装置如图所示:(1)小雨刚要开始做实验,细心的小风质疑道“两个烧杯中的液体体积不一样多,你没有控制变量!”,你认为小风说的正确吗?________(选填“正确”或“不正确”)(2)在达成一致后,他们迅速完成了实验,并得到了如上表所示的数据.实验中,水和煤油吸热的多少是通过________来反映的,这种方法叫做转换法(也叫做转化法).下面初中物理实验中,用到该方法的是________(只填对应的字母序号).A.研究电流时,把它与水流相比B.通过磁体吸引大头针的多少来比较其磁性的强弱C.探究压力作用效果与压力大小的关系时,保持了受力面积的大小不变D.探究两个阻值为R的电阻串联时,可用一个阻值为2R的电阻来代替分析上表数据:如果使水和煤油都升高10∘C,他们发现给________加热的时间长,这表明________相等的不同物质升高相同温度时,吸收的热量一般________.正因为如此,物理学中引入比热容这个物理量.某实验小组的同学在“探究欧姆定律”时,选用的器材有:两节新干电池、电流表、电压表、开关、滑动变阻器、一个5Ω的定值电阻,导线若干等.(1)不完整的电路如图(甲)所示.请用笔面线代替导线,将实物图连接完整(要求:导线不交叉,电压表选择介适的量程,滑片P向左移时,变阻器的阻值变大.(2)为保证电路安全,连接电路时.开关应________,闭合开关前应将滑动变阻器的阻值调至________.(3)实验后,同学们用测得的数据绘制了如图(乙)的图象,根据该图象可以得出的结论是:________.(4)在以上实验中.滑动变阻器除了起保护电路的作用,还有________的作用.(5)另一小组的同学想用以上器材做“研究电压不变时,电流与电阻的关系”实验,但是发现缺少部分器材,应该增加________.(6)接第(5)小题,补充器材后,该小组同学实验完成后得到了I与R的关系图象,如图(丙)所示.此次实验中,电压表的示数保持________V不变.小红想要测定额定电压为2.5V的小灯泡正常发光时的电功率.现有如下器材:电流表一只(量程0∼0.6A和0∼3A),电压表一只(量程为0∼3V和0∼15V),滑动变阻器两只(甲“5Ω1A”、乙“20Ω0.5A”),开关一个,电压恒定为6V的电源一个,导线若干.(1)她已连接好如图甲所示的部分电路,有两根导线还没连好,请你帮她完成电路的连接(要求:其它的导线不要变动,滑片左移灯变亮).(2)正确连好电路后,闭后开关前应把滑动变阻器滑片的调到________(填写“最左边”或“最右边”).(3)第一次实验时电流表的示数如图乙所示,电流表的读数为________A,在完成第1次实验后,为了使灯泡正常发光,她应将滑片向________移动.第三次实验后小红继续移动滑片发现灯泡发出耀眼的光后便熄灭,同时电流表示数变为0,电压表的指针超过满刻度,则电路中出现的故障可能是________(故障只发生在用电器上).(4)小红三次实验的数据如表1所示,根据你的估算,小红选用的是________滑动变阻器(选填“甲”或“乙”).表1:(5)她测出得小灯泡的额定功率是________,同时,小红还注意到,这个实验记录也可以用来计算灯丝的电阻,但是她有些纳闷儿:怎么三次计算的灯丝电阻却不一样呢?请你对此作出合理的解释________.(6)实验完成后,小红与其他同学一起交流,表2是他们各自测量得到的灯泡正常发光时的电压和电流,以及灯泡亮度的对比结果,根据他们观察的现象和实验数据分析.你认为灯泡的亮度由________决定.表2:(1)将3千克、10∘C的水烧开时,水总共吸收了多少热量?(2)若不计热量损失,需要完全燃烧多少克煤油?[煤油的热值是4.6×107J/kg](3)若实际燃烧了80克的煤油,则该煤油炉的热效率是多少?如图所示,电阻为8Ω的小灯泡L和电阻为12Ω的定值电阻R0连接在电源电压为10V的电路中,闭合开关S后灯泡恰好正常发光.(电源电压和灯丝电阻均保持不变)求:(1)小灯泡的额定功率.(2)闭合开关S后连续通电5min内整个电路消耗的电能.如图所示的电路图中,R1=30Ω,R2=20Ω,电源电压不变.(设小灯泡的电阻不变)(1)当S1、S2都闭合时,电流表A1的示数为0.5A,小灯泡恰好正常发光,求电源电压.(2)当S1、S2都断开时,电流表A2的示数为0.2A,求小灯泡的电阻和实际功率.(3)小灯泡的额定功率是多少?参考答案与试题解析2021-2022学年重庆市某校九年级(上)第三次月考物理试卷一、选择题(每题3分,共24分)1.【答案】C【考点】温度电压电功率【解析】不同物理量的估算,有的需要凭借生活经验,有的需要简单的计算,有的要进行单位的换算,最后判断最符合实际的是哪一个.【解答】解:A、洗澡水的温度大约是42∘C.故A不符合实际;B、重庆,有时称为“火炉”之城,重庆市区12月份的平均气温应该在0∘C左右.故B不符合实际;C、一节新干电池的电压为1.5V.故C符合实际;D、家用电风扇的额定功率约为60W左右.故D不符合实际.故选C.2.【答案】D【考点】改变内能的两种方式【解析】改变物体内能的方式:做功和热传递,两种方式对于改变物体内能来说是等效的.【解答】解:一个物体的温度升高了,说明其内能一定增大了,内能增大的原因可能是外界对物体做功,也可能是从外界吸收热量,对照选项可知,只有D说法严密,是正确的.故选D.3.【答案】D【考点】物体带电情况的判断【解析】解答此题用到以下知识:(1)带电体可以吸引不带电的轻小物体;(2)异种电荷互相吸引.【解答】解:A.如果三个小球都带电,至少有两个是带同种电荷,当它们两个靠近,会互相排斥,与题意不符;B.当两个带同种电荷的小球靠近时会互相排斥,与题意不符;C.如果只有一个小球带电,那么其他两个不带电的小球靠近时,它们不会吸引,与题意不符;D.如果两个小球带异种电荷,第三不带电,当带异种电荷的两个小球靠近时,互相吸引,而带电小球分别与不带电小球靠近时,也能吸引不带电的小球,D符合题意.故选:D.4.【答案】A【考点】电流表、电压表在判断电路故障中的应用【解析】电路故障分为短路和断路。



重庆中学数学七年级上册第三月考全真试卷及答案分析第Ⅰ卷选择题(共30分)一、选择题(本大题共10个小题,每小题3分,共30分.在每个小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项符合题目要求,请选出并在答题卡上将该项涂黑)1.经过平面上的四个点,可以画出来的直线条数为()A.1B.4C.6D.前三项都有可能2、如图,检测4个足球,其中超过标准质量的克数记为正数,不足标准质量的克数记为负数,从轻重的角度看,最接近标准的是()A B C D3.如果收入50元,记作+50元,那么支出30元记作( )A.+30元B.﹣30元C.+80元D.﹣80元4.地球的表面积约为510 000 000 km2,用科学计数法表示为()km2 A.51×108B.5.1×108C.51×107D.5.1×1075.按如下方法,将△ABC的三边缩小到原来的1/2,如图,任取一点O,连接AO、BO、CO,并取它们的中点D、E、F,得到△DEF,则下列说法错误的是…………………………()A.△ABC与△DEF是位似图形B.△ABC与△DEF是相似图形C.△ABC与△DEF的面积之比为4:1D.△ABC与△DEF的周长之比为1:26.延长线段AB到C,下列说法正确的是()A.点C在线段AB上B.点C在直线AB上C.点C不在直线AB上D.点C在直线BA的延长线上7.如图,数轴上每相邻两点之间相距1个单位长度,点A对应的数为a,B对应的数为b,且b -2a=7,那么数轴上原点的位置在…………………………………………()A.点A B .点B C.点C D.点D12345678x 0 -3 8.在快速计算法中,法国的“小九九”从“一一得一”到“五五二十五”和我国的“小九九”算法是完全一样的,而后面“六到九”的运算就改用手势了.如计算时,左手伸出根手指,右手伸出根手指,两只手伸出手指数的和为,未伸出手指数的积为,则.那么在计算时,左、右手伸出的手指数应该分别为( )A .2 、3B . 2 、 1C . 3 、2D . 1 、29、下列各数中互为相反数的有( ). A 、+(-5.2)与-5.2; B 、+(+5.2)与-5.2; C 、-(-5.2)与5.2;D 、5.2与1/5.210.如图,是一个正方体纸盒的展开图,若在其中的三个正方形A ,B ,C 内分别填入适当的数,使得它们折成正方体后相对的面上的两个数互为相反数,则填入正方形内的三个数依次为( )A .1,﹣2,0B .0,﹣2,1C .﹣2,0,1D .﹣2,1,0第Ⅱ卷 非选择题(共90分)二、填空题(本大题共5个小题,每小题3分,共15分)11.我国现采用国际通用的公历纪年法,如果我们把公元2013年记作+2013年,那么,处于公元前500年的春秋战国时期可表示为__________.12. 光的传播速度大约是300 000 000米/秒,用科学记数法可表示为 米/秒.13.甲乙丙三地的海拔高度分别为20米, -15米, -10米,那么最高的地方比最低的地方高 ( )A .5米B .10米C .25米D .35米14.如图,将一刻度尺放在数轴上(数轴的单位长度是1cm ),刻度尺上“0cm ”和“8cm ”分别对应数轴上的-3和x ,那么x 的值为 .15、平面上5条直线两两相交,任何三条直线不交于同一点,则一共形成____对同旁内角.三、解答题 (本大题共8个小题,共75分.解答应写出文字说明、证明过程或演算步骤)16.计算:(1) (34 + 56-712)÷ 124 (2) -14-|-5| + 8× (-12) 217.计算:(本题满分16分,每小题4分)⑴ -16+23+(-17)-(-7) (2) -212 +÷(-2)×(-)18.已知:A =2a 2+3ab -2a -1,B =-a 2+ab +1 (1)当a =-1,b =2时,求4A -(3A -2B )的值; (2)若(1)中的代数式的值与a 的取值无关,求b 的值.19.如图,某中学为合理安排体育活动,在全校喜欢乒乓球、排球、羽毛球、足球、篮球五种球类运动的1000 名学生中,随机抽取了若干名学生进行调查,了解学生最喜欢的一种球类运动,每人只能在这五种球类运动中选择一种.调查结果统计如下:球类名称乒乓球排球羽毛球足球篮球人数 a 12 36 18 b解答下列问题:(1)本次调查中的样本容量是;a= ,b= ;(3)试估计上述1000 名学生中最喜欢羽毛球运动的人数.20.如图,纸上有五个边长为1的小正方形组成的图形纸,我们可以把它剪开拼成一个正方形。



2020届重庆市聚奎中学校高三英语第三次联考试卷及答案解析第一部分阅读(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项AThere have been many great painters in the rich history of Chinese art. Here are four of the greatest painters from China.Li Cheng (919—967, Five Dynasties and early Song Dynasty)Li Cheng contributed greatly to one of the golden ages of landscape paintings in world history. During his time, he was considered the best landscape painter ever. He is remembered especially for the winter landscapes he created and for simple compositions of tall, old evergreens set against a dry landscape. Several of his paintings are in thin ink which gives them a foggy appearance.Fan Kuan (990—1020 , Song Dynasty)Fan Kuan began his career by modeling Li Cheng's work but later created his own style, claiming that the only true teacher was nature. His finest workTravelers among Mountains and Streamsis a masterpiece of landscape painting and many future artists turned to it for inspiration.Qi Baishi (1864-1957)One of the greatest contemporary Chinese painters, Qi Baishi is known for not being influenced by Western styles like most painters of his time. He can be considered as the last great traditional painter of China. He painted almost everything from insects to landscapes. He is regarded highly in Chinese art for the freshness that he brought to the familiar types of birds and flowers, insects and grass.Wu Guanzhong (1919—2010)Widely considered as the founder of modern Chinese painting , Wu Guanzhong has painted various aspects of China, like its architecture, plants, animals, people and landscapes. Wu went on to combine Western and Chinese styles to create a unique form of modem art. In 1992, he became the first living Chinese artist whose work was exhibited at the British Museum.1.What do we know about Li Cheng?A.He loved landscape paintings.B.He copied many artists' work.C.His work gained worldwide recognition.D.He was considered as Fan Kuan's teacher.2.What is the main feature of Qi Baishi's paintings?A.They have foggy appearances.B.They lack diversity in the theme.C.They come under Western influence.D.They show advanced traditional painting skills.3.What did the four Chinese painters have in common?A.They were all modern painters.B.They all created landscape paintings.C.They were all impacted by Western art.D.They were all pioneers intraditional art history.BWhile the arts can' t stop the COVID-19 virus or the social unrest we see in the world today, they can give us insight into the choices we make when moving through crises and chaos. The arts invite everyone to think in new ways.We often experience works of art as something that's pleasing to our senses without a full understanding of the creative effort. Great art often shows us contradictions and crises, and we can learn a great deal from their resolutions(解决). Through our understanding of art, we can gain a deeper understanding of how we might overcome our own challenges. In understanding extremes of contrast, we can see the beauty in art with themes that are not simply pleasing for their magnificent features or qualities.Beethoven offers a wonderful example of moving artfully through crises and chaos. He composed his Symphony No. 9 as his hearing loss became more and more pronounced. The opening of the symphony seems to come out of nowhere, from near silence in the opening to a full expression of what many consider to be the joy of freedom and universal brotherhood with Schiller’s Ode to joy(欢乐颂). Beethoven appears to have created a work of art that not only freed him from his personal struggles, but one that also speaks to the joy of living together in peace and harmony.Have a dialogue between the two opposing parts and you will find that they always start out fighting each other until we come to an appreciation of difference—a oneness of the two opposingforces.The arts offer many lessons that can help us gain the knowledge we need to move more confidently in today’ s competitive and uncertain environment. An openness to arts-based solutions will give you more control over your future.4. What value does art have beyond pleasing people's senses?A. It brings people inner peace.B. It contributes to problem-solving.C. It reduces the possibility of crises.D. It deepens understanding of music.5. What can we learn about Beethoven's Symphony No. 9?A. It celebrates freedom and unity.B. It aims to show crises and chaos.C. It opens with Schiller's Ode to Joy.D. It is unfinished due to his hearing loss.6. What is the author's suggestion on dealing with conflicting forces?A. Leaving things as they are.B. Making a choice between them.C. Separating them from each other.D. Engaging them in a conversation.7. Which of the following can be the best title for the text?A. How COVID-19 changes artB. Essentials of Symphony No. 9C. Moving artfully through crisesD. Joy in the eyes of BeethovenCThe climate change is already eating into the output of the world's agricultural systems, with productivity much lower than it would have been if humans hadn't rapidly heated the planet, new research has found.Advances in technology, fertilizer (化肥)use and global trade have allowed food production to keep pace with an increasing global population since the 1960s. But rising temperatures in this time have acted as a handbrake (手刹) to farming productivity of crops, according to the new research, published in Nature Climate Change. Productivity has actuallyslumpedby 21% since 1961, compared to if the world hadn't been affected by global heating.With the global population set to rise to more than 9 billion by 205, the UN'S Food and Agriculture Organization has estimated that food production will have to increase by about 70%,with annual crop productionincreasing by almost 1 billion tons and meat production by more than200mtons a year by this point. Meanwhile, global temperatures are rising at a rate that scientists warn is extremely dangerous for human civilization.“The impact already is larger than I thought it would be,” said Ariel Ortiz-Bobea, an economist atCornellUniversitywho led the research. “It was a big surprise to me. The worry I have is that research and development in agriculture takes decades to translate into higher productivity. The projected temperature increase is so fast that I don't know if we are going to keep pace with that.”Weston Anderson, a researcher of food security (安全) and climate at Columbia University who didn't take part in the study, said the new research provides fresh insight into the importance of the impact upon agriculture.“The regions that this paper highlights as experiencing the largest reductions in agricultural productivity-CentralAmericaand theSahel- contain some of the least food secure countries in the world, which is a real concern,” he said.8. What does the underlined word “slumped” in paragraph 2 mean?A. Fallen.B. Gathered.C. Approached.D. Benefited.9. What is Ariel Ortiz-Bobea worried about?A. Fertilizer is used in food production.B. Population will rise to over 9 billion.C. Global temperatures are rising too fast.D. Agricultural research needs many years.10. What can we learn about Weston Anderson?A. He puts forward a different solution.B. He proposes carrying on with the research.C. He pays more attention to food insecure regions.D. He supports improving agricultural productivity.11. What is the best title for the text?A. The Impact of Growth in Farm ProductivityB. Productivity in Agriculture is GrowingC. Causes and Effects of Global HeatingD. Rapid Global Heating is Hurting Farm ProductivityDYou've probably heard it suggested that you need to move more throughout the day, and as a general rule of thumb, that "more" is often defined as around 10,000 steps. With many Americans tracking their stepsvia new fitness-tracking wearables, or even just by carrying their phone, more and more people use the 10,000-step rule as their marker for healthy living. Dr. Dreg Hager, professor of computer science at Johns Hopkins, decided to take a closer look at that 10,000-step rule, and he found that usingitas a standard may be doing more harm than good for many.“It turns out that in 1960 in Japan they figured out that the average Japanese man, when he walked 10,000 steps a day burned something like 3,000 calories and that is what they thought the average person should consume so they picked 10,000 steps as a number” Hager said.According to Hager, asking everyone to shoot for 10,000 steps each day could be harmful to the elderly or those with medical conditions, making it unwise for them to jump into that level of exercise, even if it's walking. The bottom line is that 10,000 steps may be too many for some and too few for others. He also noted that those with shorter legs have an easier time hitting the 10,000-step goal because they have to take more steps than people with longer legs to cover the distance. It seems that 10,000 steps may be suitable for the latter.A more recent study focused on older women and how many steps can help maintain good health and promote longevity (长寿).The study included nearly 17,000 women with an average age of 72. Researchers found that women who took 4,400 steps per day were about 40% less likely to die during a follow-up period of just over four years: Interestingly, women in the study who walked more than 7,500 steps each day got no extra boost in longevity.12. What does the underlined word "it' in Paragraph 1 refer to?A. The phone recording.B. The 10,000-step rule.C. The healthy living.D. The fitness-tracking method.13. What does Paragraph 2 mainly talk about?A. How many steps a Japanese walks.B. How we calculate the number of steps.C. If burning 3,000 calories daily is scientific.D. Where 10,000 steps a day came from.14. Who will probably benefit from 10,000 steps each day according toHager?A. Senior citizens.B. Young short-legged people.C. Healthy long-legged peopleD. Weak individuals.15. How many steps may the researchers suggest senior citizens take each day?A. 4,400 steps.B. 10,000 steps.C. 2,700 steps.D. 7,500 steps.第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。



2021年重庆江津区聚奎中学高三物理月考试卷含解析一、选择题:本题共5小题,每小题3分,共计15分.每小题只有一个选项符合题意1. 如右图所示,竖直面内的固定圆环光滑,两个有孔的小球A和B套在环上.中间用一根轻绳相连,B处在过圆心的水平线上,绳与水平方向的夹角为30°时A、B均保持静止,已知B 的质量为m,下列判断正确的是()A.绳的张力大小等于mgB.A的质量为2mC.剪断细绳的瞬间A的加速度大小为g/2D.剪断细绳的瞬间A的加速度大小为g参考答案:B2. 2005年北京时间7月4日下午1时52分,地球发射的探测器成功撞击“坦普尔一号”彗星,实现了人类历史上第一次对彗星的“大对撞”,如图所示.假设此彗星绕太阳运行的轨道是一个椭圆,其运动周期为5.74年,则下列关于“坦普尔一号”彗星的说法中,错误的是()A.它绕太阳运动的角速度不变B.它经过近日点时的线速度大于经过远日点时的线速度C.它经过近日点时的加速度大于经过远日点时的加速度D.其椭圆轨道半长轴的立方与周期的平方之比是一个与太阳质量有关的常数参考答案:A3. 如图所示,PQ为等量异种点电荷A、B连线的中垂线,C为中垂线上的一点,M、N分别为AC.BC的中点.若取无穷远处的电势为零,则下列判断正确的是()A.M、N两点场强相同B.M、Ⅳ两点电势相同C.负电荷由无穷远处移到Ⅳ点时,电势能一定增加D.负电荷由无穷远处移到C处,电场力做功为零参考答案:CD考点:电场的叠加;电势;电势能..专题:电场力与电势的性质专题.分析:根据电场线的分布确定电场强度的大小和方向,根据沿电场线方向电势逐渐降低,判断电势的高低.根据电场力做功判断电势能的变化.解答:解:A、根据等量异种电荷周围的电场线分布知,M、N两点的场强大小相等,方向不同,故A 错误.B、沿着电场线方向电势逐渐降低,可知M、N两点电势不等.故B错误.C、等量异种电荷连线的中垂线是等势线,将负电荷从无穷远处移到N点处,电场力做负功,电势能一定增加,故C正确.D、等量异种电荷连线的中垂线是等势线,负电荷由无穷远处移到C处,电场力做功为零.故D正确.故选:CD.点评:解决本题的关键知道等量异种电荷周围电场线的分布,知道电场力做功与电势能的变化关系.4. (多选)爱因斯坦因提出了光量子概念并成功地解释光电效应的规律而获得1921年诺贝尔物理学奖.某种金属逸出光电子的最大初动能Ekm与入射光频率ν的关系如图所示,其中ν0为极限频率.从图中可以确定的是.(填选项前的字母)A.逸出功与ν有关B.Ekm与入射光强度成正比C.当ν>ν0时,会逸出光电子D.图中直线的斜率与普朗克常量有关E.遏止电压的大小只由入射光的频率决定参考答案:CD5. (单选)如图所示,无限长导线,均通以恒定电流I.直线部分和坐标轴接近重合,弯曲部分是以坐标原点O为圆心的相同半径的一段圆弧,已知直线部分在原点O处不形成磁场,则图乙中O处磁感应强度和图甲中O处磁感应强度相同的是( )参考答案:二、填空题:本题共8小题,每小题2分,共计16分6. 某研究性学习小组进行了如下实验:如图所示,在一端封闭的光滑细玻璃管中注满清水,水中放一个红蜡做成的小圆柱体R。





1. 如图为甲、乙、丙三个神经元(部分)成的突触结构神经元兴奋时,Ca2+通道开放,使Ca2+内流,由此触发突触小泡前移,并释放神经递质。

下列相关叙述正确的是( )A.突触是突触小体的一部分,包括突触前膜、突触间隙和突触后膜B.乙酰胆碱和5一羟色胺都是信息分子,能与相应突触后膜上的特定受体结合C.据图判断,若乙神经元的Ca2+通道被抑制甲神经元兴奋后会引起丙兴奋D.细胞间的信息传递离不开神经递质,因而神经递质会全部被回收重复利用2. 细胞是绝大多数生物体结构和功能的基本单位。

下列说法错误的是()A.除病毒外,所有生物体都是由细胞构成的B.细胞的生长过程中都能进行遗传信息的表达C.原核细胞无线粒体和叶绿体,其DNA只位于拟核中D.通过观察沙眼衣原体的细胞结构可断定其是原核生物3. 下列有关生物膜的结构特点的叙述,最恰当的一项是()A. 构成生物膜的磷脂分子可以运动B. 构成生物膜的蛋白质分子可以运动C. 构成生物膜的磷脂分子和蛋白质分子是静止的D. 构成生物膜磷脂分子和大多数蛋白质分子可以运动4. 下列有关实验的叙述正确的是()A.当渗透装置中长颈漏斗内液面不再升高时,漏斗内溶液浓度等于烧杯内溶液浓度B.观察质壁分离及复原现象实验操作流程:取材→滴加质量分数为0.3g/mL的蔗糖溶液→制片→观察一清水换液→观察C.探究温度对淀粉酶活性的影响,不可用斐林试剂对产物进行检测D.分离叶绿体中色素的实验中,色素带的宽度反映了色素在层析液中溶解度的大小5. 下图是下丘脑参与人体生命活动调节的部分途径示意图,据图分析下列说法不正确的是()A. 若图中的内分泌腺为甲状腺,则缺碘会导致激素③、③的含量增加B. 若图中的内分泌腺为卵巢,则激素③的靶器官主要是雌性生殖器官C. 若图为体温调节示意图,则在寒冷条件下的调节作用途径有③③③③③③D. 若图为水盐平衡调节示意图,当食用较咸食物时大脑皮层可产生渴觉6. 关于如图的相关叙述中,不正确的是()A. 若某水平放置的植物幼苗表现出根的向地生长现象,且测得其根的远地侧生长素浓度为f,则根的近地侧生长素浓度范围应为(2f,h)B. 若某水平放置的植物幼苗表现出茎背地性,测得茎的近地侧生长素浓度为2f,则茎的远地侧生长素浓度范围应为(0,f)C. 除草剂灭草的原理是使杂草的生长素浓度处于大于h状态下D. 若某植物顶芽的生长素浓度为g,产生顶端优势现象的侧芽生长素浓度可能大于h7. 下列各组物质中,由相同种类元素组成的是()A.纤维素、脂肪、糖原B.维生素D、磷脂、脂肪酶C.氨基酸、核苷酸、丙酮酸D.性激素、淀粉、胰岛素8. 数学模型是用来描述一个系统或它的性质的数学形式,常见的表现形式有曲线图、数学方程式等。




)1. 在学习、生活中所涉及到的物理量,你认为最接近实际情况的是()A.电风扇的功率约为2000WB.人体的安全电压为36VC.正常工作的电冰箱的电流约为1.1AD.实验室用的一根导线的电阻约为1000Ω2. 如图所示的滑动变阻器中所标出的部件中,是绝缘体的是()A.接线柱B.金属杆C.金属滑片D.瓷筒3. 在如图所示的各电路中,开关闭合后,小灯泡L1、L2都能发光的是()A. B.C. D.4. 如图所示的电路,以下说法正确的是()A.闭合开关S、S1后灯L1、L2串联B.闭合开关S、S1后,电流表A1测L2的电流C.闭合开关S、S1后,电流表A2示数等于A1的示数D.先闭合开关S、S1,再断开开关S1后,电流表A1示数不变,电流表A2示数变小5. 下列说法中正确的是()A.空调比灯泡做功多B.两只灯泡的两端电压相等,它们一定是并联的C.电压是产生电流的原因,但是电路中有电压却不一定有电流D.导体的电阻与导体两端的电压成正比,与通过导体的电流成反比6. 学习了电阻的串并联,初三9班的小杨同学归纳了如下结论,其中正确的是()A.串联电路的总电阻比每个分电阻都小B.并联电路的总电阻比每条支路的电阻都小C.串联电路的任何一个分电阻变大,总电阻都变小D.并联电路的任何一个支路的电阻变大,总电阻都变小7. 学习了静电知识后,小米做了以下实验:如图甲,毛皮与塑料丝摩擦;如图乙,毛皮与pvc管摩擦;如图丙,被摩擦后的塑料丝和pvc管相互排斥。

下列说法错误的是()A.甲图,毛皮与塑料丝摩擦后靠近,会互相吸引B.乙图,毛皮与pvc管摩擦时,束缚电子能力强的带负电C.乙图,毛皮与pvc管摩擦时,产生的瞬时电流方向与电子的定向移动方向相同D.丙图,塑料丝和pvc管相互排斥是因为带了同种电荷8. 同学们最近学习的电学实验中,其中三个实验都用到如图的电路图,下列说法正确的是()A.研究“电流与电压的关系”可以用灯泡代替定值电阻进行实验B.研究“电流与电阻的关系”每次更换电阻后,都要移动滑动变阻器使电流表示数不变C.“伏安法”测定值电阻,多次实验的目的是求平均值,减小误差D.在A、B、C选项的三个实验中,滑动变阻器的作用是完全一样的9. 如图所示电路,当开关闭合,两灯正常发光,使用中发现两灯突然熄灭,电流表无示数,电压表示数增大,则故障可能是()A.灯L1被短路B.灯L2断路C.灯L1断路D.灯L2被短路10. 在如图中,要使L1与L2串联,在“〇”处接入电流表或电压表,测量电路中的电流、L1两端的电压.以下做法正确的是()A.a为电流表,b为电流表B.a为电压表,b为电流表C.a为电流表,b为电压表D.a为电压表,b为电压表11. 如图所示的电路图中,下列分析错误的是()A.只闭合S1、S3,L1、L2串联B.只闭合S2、S4,L2、L3串联C.只闭合S1、S2、S4,L2、L3并联D.只闭合S1、S2、S3则L2被短路12. 妮妮连了一个两灯串联的电路;她发现闭合开关后,灯L1亮,灯L2暗,下列说法错误的是()A.灯L1的电阻比灯L2大B.通过灯L1的电流比灯L2大C.灯L1的实际功率比灯L2大D.加在灯L1两端的电压比灯L2大13. 今年年初,武汉爆发新冠肺炎疫情,全国打响疫情防控阻击战,目前形势持续良好。



(1)(2) ……(3) (4)重庆市九年级下学期第三次月考数学试题(总分150分 120分钟完卷)一.选择题(本大题12小题,每小题4分,共48分)1、下列各数中,比-1小的是( )A.-2B.0C.2D.32.计算422x x ÷的结果正确的是( ) A .2xB .22xC .62xD .82x3.如图,AB //CD ,∠B =40°,则∠ECD 的度数为A .160°B .140°C .50°D .40°4. 下列图形中,既是轴对称图形,又是中心对称图形的是( )5.已知2x =是方程31x a -=的解,则a 的值是( )A .7B .7-C .5D .5-6、下列说法正确的是( )A 、在一个装有白球和红球的袋中摸球,摸出红球是必然事件B 、了解湖南卫视《爸爸去哪儿》的收视率情况适合用抽样调查C 、今年1月份某周,我市每天的最高气温(单位:℃)分别是10,9,10,6,11,12,13,则这组数据的极差是5℃D 、如果甲组数据的方差22S =甲,乙组数据的方差21.6S =乙,那么甲组数据比乙组数据稳定7、如图,AB 为⊙O 的直径,C 、D 为⊙O 上两点,60ABC ∠=,则D ∠的度数为( ) A 、75 B 、60 C 、45 D 、308、方程12013x x -=-+的解是( ) A 、5x = B 、1x = C 、12x = D 、原方程无解9、已知一个多边形的内角和等于900°,则这个多边形的边数是( )A.6B.7C.8D.910、五一节,小明一家开车前往缙云山竹海,车离开住处时,由于车流量大,行进非常缓慢,十几分钟后,终于行驶在高速公路上,大约五十分钟后,汽车顺利达到缙云山收费站,经停车缴费后,进入通畅的道路,很快就顺利到达了缙云山竹海.在以上描述中,汽车行驶的路程s (千米)与所经历时间的t (小时)之间的大致图像是( )A .B .C .D .11.下列图形都是由同样大小的正方形按一定的规律组成,其中第(1)个图形中正方形的个数是1,第(2)个图形中正方形的个数是5,第(3)个图形中正方形的个数是14,第(4)个图形中正方形的个数是30,……,则第(7)个图形中正方形的个数是( ) A .136 B .140 C .148 D .15612、如图,双曲线y=x3与矩形OABC 的对角线OB 相交于点D ,且DB :OD=2:3,则矩形OABC 的ABC D E3题图xBy OCDA12题面积为( ) A 、325 B 、322 C 、323 D 、8 二、填空题(本大题共6小题,每小题4分,共24分)13、函数32y x =-的自变量x 的取值范围是。



2019-2020学年重庆市聚奎中学校高三英语三模试卷及答案第一部分阅读(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项AWhat to See InHarbinParks inHarbin: Snow Sculpture Expo on theSunIslandPark: massive and beautifully carved sculptures of snow. Ice Lantern Festival: where large ice buildings and statues constructed with lights inside that make them glow.SiberianTigerPark: The park has several large caged areas where the tigers roam freely and live as they-would in their natural environment. We enter these caged areas in a specially designed van with large windows to get a look at these beautiful beasts. Live pheasants (雉) are let loose (if you pay) in order to show you the tigers' natural hunting skills.Russian Architecture: Blessed with grace and character, the city is famous for its unique, Russian-influenced architecture. Remnants (残存) from the days when Harbin wasan important stop on the Russian Manchurian Railroad, the dome-shaped structures remind people of pre-revolutionary Russia. The strong Russian flavor continues to impact the city today due to new trade and tourism betweenHarbinandRussia.TheCentral Avenue: Passers-by only street, a perfect remaining part of the busy international business activities at the turn of the 20th century. The 1.4-km long street is a worthy museum of European architectural styles, including Baroque and Byzantine facades, Jewish architectural wonders, little Russian bakeries, French fashion houses, American snack food outlets, and Japanese restaurants.Guogeli Avenue:Harbin's second biggest shopping district dotted with Russian buildings. A tram track is still preserved in the centre of the road. The street is named after Nikolay (Vasilyevich) Gogol (1809-1852); great Russian novelist, dramatist, satirist, founder of the so-called critical realism in Russian literature, best-known for his novel MERTVYE DUSHI I-II (1842, Dead Souls).Saint Sophia Church (built in 1903): The Orthodox church is a wonderful example of Russian Architecture. We only tour the outside of the church. The inside has been turned into some painters' market and is a big disappointment to all who visit it. You are welcome to venture into the church. Entrance fees are RMB20 per person.1. From where does the author look at the tigers?A. Through the windows of his house.B. In the closed areas of tigers.C. In the areas for walking.D. In their natural environment.2. Where can visitors see the most diverse styles of architecture?A. At Ice Lantern Festival.B. On the Russian Manchurian Railroad.C. On TheCentral Avenue.D. OnGuogeli Avenue.3. When walking in the city ofHarbin, what can visitors still strongly feel?A. The Russian flavor.B. The influence of Guogeli's realism.C. The damage to Saint Sophia Church.D. The mixture of American and Japanese cultures.BResearchers at CU Boulder have developed a wearable device that changes the human body into a biological battery. The device is stretchy(弹性的) enough that you can wear it like a ring, sport band or any other thing that touches your skin. It also taps into a person's natural heat-employing thermoelectric generators to change the body's internal temperature into electricity. "In the future, we want to be able to power your wearable electronics without having to include a battery," said Jianliang Xiao, an associate professor at CU Boulder.The concept may sound like something out of The Matrix film series, in which a race of robots have enslaved humansto harvest their precious organic energy. Xiao and his colleagues aren't that ambitious: Their devices can generate about 1 volt (伏特) of energy for every square centimeter of skin space-less volt per area than what most existing batteries provide but stillenough to power electronics like watches or fitness trackers.Scientists have previously experimented with similar wearable devices, but Xiao's is stretchy, can heal itself when damaged and is fully recyclable-making it a cleaner alternative to traditional electronics. "Whenever you use a battery, you're depleting(消耗) that battery and will, eventually, need to replace it," Xiao said. "The nice thing about our device is that you can wear it, and it provides you with constant power."Just pretend that you're out for a jog. As you exercise, your body heats up, and thatheat will radiate out to the cool air around you. Xiao's device captures that flow of energy rather than let it go to waste. "The thermoelectric generators are in close contact with the human body, and they can use the heat that would normally be sent into the environment," Xiao said.4. What does Xiao expect of his device at present?A. It will be used for medical purposes.B. It will be made smaller and wearable.C. It will change natural power into electricity.D. It will supply constant power to wearable devices.5. Why does the author mentionThe Matrixseries in the text?A. To give an explanation.B. To make a comparison.C. To introduce a topic.D. To analyze the cause.6. What does the third paragraph mainly talk about?A. The strengths of Xiao's device.B. The convenience of using a battery.C. The replacement of wearable devices.D. The development of traditional electronics.7. What do we know about Xiao's device from the text?A. It operates with plenty of power.B. It is designed for practical use.C. It benefits people's health in a way.D. It's based on traditional electronics.CImust have always known reading was very important because the first memories I have as a child deal with books. There was not one night that I don’t remember mom reading me a storybook by my bedside. I was extremely inspired by the wonderful way the words sounded.I always wanted to know what my mom was reading. Hearing mom say, “I can’t believe what’s printed in the newspaper this morning,” made me want to grab it out of her hands and read it myself. I wanted to be like my mom and know all of the things she knew. So I carried around a book, and each night, just to be like her, I would pretend to be reading.This is how everyone learned to read. We would start off with sentences, then paragraphs, and then stories. It seemed an unending journey, but even as a six-year-old girl I realized that knowing how to read could open many doors. When mom said, “The C-A-N-D-Y is hidden on the top shelf,” I knew where the candy was. My progress in reading raised my curiosity, and I wanted to know everything. I often found myself telling my mom to drive more slowly, so that I could read all of the road signs we passed.Most of my reading through primary, middle and high school was factual reading. I read for knowledge, and to make A’s on my tests. Sometimes, I would read a novel that was assigned, but I didn’t enjoy this type of reading.I liked facts, things that are concrete. I thought anything abstract left too much room for argument.Now that I’m growing and the world I once knew as being so simple is becoming more complex, I find myselfneeding a way to escape. By opening a novel, I can leave behind my burdens and enter into a wonderful and mysterious world where I am now a new character. In these worlds I can become anyone. I don’t have to write down what happened or what technique the author was using when he or she wrote this. I just read to relax.We’re taught to read because it’s necessary for much of human understanding. Reading is an important part of my life. Reading satisfies my desire to keep learning. And I’ve found that the possibilities that lie within books are limitless.8. Why did the author want to grab the newspaper out of mom’s hands?A. She wanted mom to read the news to her.B. She couldn’t wait to tear the newspaper apart.C. She couldn’t help but stopmom from reading.D. She was eager to know what had happened.9. According to Paragraph 3, the author’s reading of road signs shows___________.A. her own way to find herselfB. her eagerness to develop her reading abilityC. her growing desire to know the world around herD. her effort to remind mom to obey traffic rules10. The author takes novel reading as a way to___________.A. explore a mysterious landB. develop an interest in learningC. get away from a confusing worldD. learn about the adult world11. What could be the best title for the passage?A The Pleasure of Reading B. Growing Up with ReadingC. The Magic of ReadingD. Reading Makes a Full ManDEvery day in the United States animals are beaten, ignored, or forced to struggle for survival. Left in poor conditions with no food or water, they have little hope as they live out their days without the mercy they deserve. Some are found and rescued, given the chance to experience how great life and humans can be; others aren't so lucky. To grow as a nation, we must fight for these abused(受虐待的) animals’ rights and seriously punish heartless owners.One of the first steps in protecting animals and creating effective cruelty laws is to know what animal cruelty actually is. There are two categories: passive cruelty and active cruelty. The first involves acts of omission, meaning the abuse happens as a result of ignorance or lack of action. Passive cruelty might seem less serious, but that is not the case; it can lead to terrible pain and suffering, and finally death. Examples include starvation, inadequate shelter in extreme weather conditions, and the failure to get medical care. Passive cruelty is sometimes due to the owner's ignorance, so many animal control officers will first try to educate ignorant owners on how to properly care for animals before giving them a citation(传票) or putting them in prison.Active cruelty, on the other hand, is more well-known and disturbing. Sometimes referred to as non-accidental injury, this type of abuse involves purposeful harm on an animal in order to feel more powerful or gain control. Active cruelty against animals should be taken very seriously, since it can be a sign that a person has serious psychological issues and may commit more acts of violence---possibly against humans.It is hard to tell just what drives people to harm innocent animals. Most animal abusers find some sort of achievement or power in torturing a victim that they know can't fight back. While not all animal abusers become serial killers, it is important to take every case seriously.As a nation we need to make it our right to come together and ensure the safety of our beloved pets. As Margaret Mead once said, “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.”12. What is the first step to do with the passive cruelty abusers?A. To throw them into prison.B. To bring the case to the court.C. To teach them how to treat animals.D. To give them a strong warning.13. We can learn from Para.3 that active cruelty ______.A. is actually a sign of power or controlB. has been taken seriously in the nationC. may lead to serious psychological problemsD. may cause acts of violence against humans14. What is the author’s attitude towards animal cruelty?A. Uncertain.B. Doubtful.C. Concerned.D. Pessimistic.15. The author wrote this passage to ______.A. warn those heartless pet ownersB. tell people the harm of animal crueltyC. explain the reasons why people harm animalsD. call on people to fight for the abused animals第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。





1. 通过对缺少某种蛋白的癌细胞进行研究,发现染色体在一些关键位置处于展开状态,使一系列基因被激活,癌细胞因此能够持续分裂。

下列相关叙述正确的是A. 癌细胞基因表达调控与染色体状态无关B. 正常细胞内控制该蛋白合成相关的基因突变可能导致正常细胞分裂失控C. 抑制该蛋白合成的药物有助于攻克癌症D. 在正常细胞中该蛋白基因处于关闭状态2. 由COVID-19病毒引发的疾病至今仍在全球肆虐,对人类健康和全球经济、社会发展造成了极大的破坏。



下列说法错误的是()A.人体内不同细胞的形态和结构存在差异,但其DNA上都存在编码ACE2的基因B.病毒通过识别ACE2入侵细胞,体现了细胞间可以通过直接接触进行信息交流C.ACE2的合成过程需要核糖体、内质网、高尔基体等结构的参与才能完成D.宿主细胞的溶酶体能够将侵入的COVID-19病毒吞噬、分解,分解产物被排出细胞或再利用3. 选取长度相同的幼苗,实验装置如图甲所示,给予光照,在不同时间测定胚芽鞘伸长的长度,结果如图乙。

能正确表示对照组、实验组光照侧和背光侧胚芽鞘伸长长度的曲线依次是A. ①①①B. ①①①C. ①①①D. ①①①4. 如图为T4噬菌体感染大肠杆菌后,大肠杆菌内放射性RNA与T4噬菌体DNA及大肠杆菌DNA的杂交结果。

下列叙述错误的是()A.可在培养基中加入3H尿嘧啶核糖核苷酸用以标记RNAB.参与分子杂交的放射性RNA为相应DNA的转录产物C.第0 min时,与DNA杂交的RNA来自T4噬菌体及大肠杆菌的转录D.随着感染时间增加,噬菌体DNA的转录增加,细菌基因活动受到抑制5. 研究生态系统中的能量流动规律,可以帮助人们最有效地利用能量。





1. 下列关于糖类的化学组成和功能的叙述,错误的是()A. 糖原是动物细胞的储能物质,B. 淀粉是植物细胞中的储能物质C. 淀粉、纤维素和糖原的基本单位均为葡萄糖D. 葡萄糖和果糖的组成元素都是C、H、O、N2. 熊猫的祖先是肉食性动物,经过长期进化,现在的大熊猫大多以竹子为食,而小熊猫仍然保持肉食习性。

下列相关叙述正确的是()A. 大熊猫由肉食性到植食性的转变过程中发生了定向变异B. 自然环境的改变可能对大熊猫的进化产生了决定性影响C. 熊猫进化过程中,有害的突变不能为其进化提供原材料D. 大熊猫和小熊猫食性不同,表明它们之间存在生殖隔离3. 下列有关检测生物组织中还原糖、脂肪和蛋白质三个实验的叙述中,不正确的是()A. 进行蛋白质鉴定实验时,向2 mL蛋白质溶液中加入适量的CuSO4溶液后,摇匀,再注入4滴NaOH溶液,摇匀,溶液呈紫色B. 只有脂肪检测需要使用显微镜C. 检测还原糖、蛋白质所用试剂成分相同,但是溶液浓度、使用比例和方法不同D. 三个实验的显色反应均不相同4. 下列不属于分泌蛋白的是A.抗体B.血红蛋白C.胰岛素D.胃蛋白酶5. 人体免疫可分为非特异性免疫和特异性免疫。

下列生理过程属于特异性免疫的是()A. 皮肤、黏膜等抵御病原体的攻击B. 体液中杀菌物质消灭病原体C. 吞噬细胞吞噬病原体并将之消化D. 抗体与相应的抗原发生免疫反应6. 下列有关细胞中“一定”的说法正确的是()①生物膜一定是对生物体内所有膜结构的统称;①原核生物一定进行无氧呼吸,因为他们没有线粒体;①DNA中不同的核苷酸的连接方式一定不同;①以RNA为遗传物质的生物一定是原核生物;①所有生物的蛋白质一定是在核糖体上合成;①有中心体的生物一定不是水稻.A. ①①①①B. ①①①C. ①①D. ①①7. 如图为突触结构模式图,下列说法不正确的是()A. ①处的液体为组织液,传递兴奋时含有能被①特异性识别的物质B. 突触小体可完成“电信号→化学信号→电信号”的转变C. 突触前神经元释放递质的过程与高尔基体、线粒体有关D. 图中所示生理过程体现了细胞膜具有控制物质进出细胞和信息交流的作用8. 溶酶体具有消化功能,其内部水解酶的最适pH在5.0左右,细胞质基质的pH为7.2,下列叙述错误的是()A.溶酶体内的水解酶是由核糖体合成的B.溶酶体执行功能时伴随着膜组分的更新C.细胞质基质中的H+被转运到溶酶体内需消耗能量D.人体在正常生理状态下,溶酶体对自身的细胞结构无分解作用9. 下列有关生长素的说法中,错误的是()A.生长素的合成部位通常在生长旺盛区域B.生长素是由色氨酸转化来的C.生长素在植物任何部位的运输方式都是极性运输D.生长素在极性运输过程中需要消耗细胞呼吸产生的A TP10. 如图是植物细胞某种生理实验过程的图解,下列说法不正确的是()A.农作物施肥后出现烧苗现象与图中甲过程相似B.2、3、4构成了该细胞的原生质层C.细胞在图中乙变化过程中吸水能力逐渐降低D.外界的蔗糖分子可进入1和311. 我们对暂时使用的电话号码需要记录下来以防遗忘,对自己亲人的号码却张口就来。



2020届重庆市聚奎中学校高三英语第三次联考试题及答案第一部分阅读(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项ABird migration is described as the regular, seasonal movement of bird populations from one place to another and back again.The longer days and rich food of the northern summer provide greater chances for birds to feed their young. The longer daylight hours and enormous food resources allow birds to lay larger eggs than those of related non-migratory species that remain in the tropics all year round. As the days shorten in autumn and the breeding period is over, the birds return to warmer regions where the available food supply differs little with the seasons changing. The advantages of migration make up for the high stress, physical exertion(消耗), and other risks of the migration.Day length is the primary environmental factor that encourages birds to prepare for migration. They have an increased appetite which results in weight gaining, giving them the fat reserves that provide energy for their migratory flight. They also show more activity at night, which is when most birds migrate. While the length of day is the primary reason for migration, birds also respond to temperature changes. For example, if a spring is late and the temperature is lower than normal, birds delay migration; if a spring is early, birds also begin migration early.The timing of the migratory cycle must allow birds to arrive on the breeding site so that there is time tobuild a breeding place, mate, lay the eggs, and hatch the young before the rich food is available to feed the young in the nest. Similarly, if birds wait until the climate in their northern breeding grounds becomes tolerable(可忍受的), there will be no time togain the necessary weight that provides the energy needed for their southbound migration.1. Why do birds migrate to the north in spring?A The temperature in the south has risen.B. They like traveling and enjoy the journey.C. The summer there is warmer than that in the south.D. The environment there is more suitable for them to feed their baby birds.2. What are the two factors that cause birds to migrate?A. Day length and food supply.B. Night length and high stress.C. Temperature changes and daylength.D. Food supply and temperature changes.3. Which can be the best title for the text?A. Birds' LifeB. Birds' MigrationC. Birds' Breeding HabitsD. Birds' Living EnvironmentB"Long time no see." is a very interesting sentence. When I first read this sentence from an American friend's e-mail, I laughed. I thought it was a perfect example of Chinglish.Obviously, it is a word-by-word literal translation of the Chinese greeting with wrong English grammar and structure! Later on, my friend told me that it is a standard American greeting. I was too surprised to believe her. Her words were unbelievable at all. So I did research onGoogle. com. To my surprise, there are over 60 thousand web pages containing "Long time no see." Though it is sort of informal, it is part of the language that Americans use daily. Interestingly, if you type this phrase in Microsoft Word, the software will tell you that the grammar needs to be corrected.Nobody knows the origin of this Chinglish sentence. Some people believe that it came from Charlie Chan's movies. In the 1930s, Hollywood moviemakers successfully created a worldwide famous Chinese detective named "Charlie Chan" on wide screens. Detective Chan liked to teach Americans some Chinese wisdom by quoting Confucius. "Long time no see." was his symbol. Soon after Charlie Chan, "Long time no see." became a popular expression in America thanks to the popularity of these movies.Some scholars compare America to a hugemelting pot. All kinds of cultures are mixed in the pot together, and they change the colour and taste of each other. Language is usually the first thing to be influenced in the mixed pot.You can have some examples from other countries such as pizza from Italian, sushi from Japanese, and déjà vu from French etc. There is a long list! Since Americans admire Chinese culture more and more nowadays, I believe more Chinese words will become American English in the future. In this way, the American's melting pot keeps adding richness and flavour.4. What did the writer himself feel surprised at?A. The Chinglish expression "Long time no see."B. So many literal translations of the expressions used in America.C. "Long time no see." is used as a standard American English greeting.D. Finding out Americans use the expression every day.5. What do the underlined words "melting pot" in Paragraph 4 probably mean?A. Confucius's words.B. Culture mixture.C. A kind of cooked dish.D. American changing cultures.6. According to the passage, what can be inferred?A. Detectives translated the phrase "Long time no see."B. Cultures cannot be changed in the huge melting pot.C. The huge melting pot greatly affects all kinds of languages.D. Hollywood made "Long time no see." popular.7. What is the main idea of the passage?A. Some Chinese expressions are introduced into English.B. You'll not be surprised at a tofu and peanut butter hamburger in a restaurant in America.C. Some American expressions can be used in China.D. American English keeps being enriched by different cultures.CBack about 20 months ago I started college and just struggled with everything, such as classes and friends. I quickly became depressed and angry at myself for not being about to do better in school, in addition to lack of friends due to poor social and communication skills.This went on for months until my 19th birthday. My parents sent me a cake, which was a great cake. But I remember having this large cake and ly no one to share it with. I ended throwing out the cake after having one piece, with about 90 % of it leftover. That night I was depressed that I decided to go outside to the freezing temperature of the winter and run. I put my earphones in, went outside and ran about 2 miles at 11 p.m. on my birthday.When I got back inside I was content. I was proud of what I was able to do. The next night I did the same. I wasn’t quick or fit but you know that I went outside and did something. This continued for about 2 months until I finally worked up the courage to go to the gym, where I started swimming again as I used to in high school. A month went by and I started lifting weights and continually running.Looking back I can see that exercise helped cure my depression but it didn’t only do that. At the gym I met new friends and back at my dorm I grew confidence to go to the end of the hall seeing people playing Super Smash Brothers and ask if I could join.So go forward to present now. I exercise every day and look forward to that hour and a half I get daily to do what I love with people who love it as well. I hope this helps someone who may be or have been in a similar situation.8. What made the author decide to run at night?A. His l9th birthday.B. His parents’ cake.C. His loneliness.D. His friends.9. Which of the following best describes the author?A. Traditional.B. Determined.C. Humorous.D. Generous.10. What is the biggest benefit of the author’s running?A. Regaining his confidence.B. Losing his weight.C. Playing with his brothers.D. Joining other activities.11. Why do you think the author wrote this passage?A. To recall his life in college.B. To show his gratitude to his parents.C. To emphasize the importance of friendship.D. To share his experience of dealing with hardship.DEarthquakes are a natural disaster—except when they're man-made. The oil and gas industry has forcefully used the technique known as hydraulic fracturing (水力压裂法) to destroy sub-surface rock and liberate the oil and gas hiding there. But the process results in large amounts of chemical-filled waste water. Horizontal drilling (水平钻孔) for oil can also produce large amount of natural, unwanted salt water. The industry deals with this waste water by pumping it into deep wells.On Monday, the US Geological Survey published for the first time an earthquake disaster map covering both natural and “induced” quakes. The map and a report show that parts of the central United States now face a ground-shaking disaster equal to the famously unstable terrain (不稳定地形) of California.Some 7 million people live in places easily attacked by these man-made quakes, the USGS said The list ofplaces at highest risk of man-made earthquakes includes Oklahoma, Kansas, Texas, Arkansas, Colorado, New Mexico, Ohio and Alabama. Most of these earthquakes are ly small, in the range of magnitude (震级) 3, but some have been more powerful, including a magnitude 5.6 earthquake in 2011 in Oklahoma that was connected to waste water filling.Scientists said they do not know ifthere is an upper limit on the magnitude of man-made earthquakes; this is an area of active research Oklahoma has had prehistoric earthquakes as powerful as magnitude 7.It's not immediately clear whether this new research will change industry practices, or even whether it will surprise anyone in the areas of newly supposed danger. In Oklahoma, for example, the natural rate of earthquakes is only one or two a year, but there have been hundreds since hydraulic fracturing and horizontal drilling, with the waste water filling, became common in the last ten years.12. What kind of human activities can cause earthquakes?A. The man-made produced waste water in the factories.B. The process of digging deep wells in those poor areas.C. The advanced techniques used to deal with waste water.D. The oil or gas industry's work connected with the earth.13. What does the underlined word “induced” in paragraph 2 mean?A. Man-made.B. Reduced.C. Newly-built.D. Controlled.14. How much magnitude can man-made earthquakes reach?A. It's been said as small as magnitude 3.B. It has been said as high as magnitude 7.C. It's being studied without a final conclusion.D. It has risen by an average of magnitude 5. 6.15. What is the best title for the text?A. Natural Earthquakes in America Are Disappearing NowB. 7 Million Americans at Risk of Man-Made EarthquakesC. Time for Oil and Gas Industry Change Their Working PracticeD. More Often Earthquakes as Powerful as Magnitude 7 in America第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。



2021年重庆市聚奎中学校高三英语第三次联考试卷及答案解析第一部分阅读(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项AIt looks like 2017 is shaping up to be a record-breaking year in movie History. Here is a list of some of the year’s biggest blockbusters so far.Kong: Skull IslandA reboot (重启) of King Kong would normally get laughed at in this day and age, but it looks like this modem version of the story will be worth watching. With US actress Brie Larson and UK actor Tom Hiddleston in the mix, this film is set to be this year’s biggest monster tale.Release Date:3/10/17Beauty and the BeastDirector Bill Condon is bringing back a part of our childhood in live action, complete with the songs we all remember and love. With British stars Emma Watson and Dan Stevens leading thecast, the classic Walt Disney story already sounds like it’ll be a delight for both children and adults.Release Date:3/17/17The Fate of the FuriousThere was doubt that we’d even get a Fast 8, especially after the fitting ending US actor Paul Walker’s character was given at the end of Furious 7. Fans thought they’d never see Dom and the rest of the crew back in action, but thankfully, US star Vin Diesel himself confirmed that The Fate of the Furious is fueling up for another go.Release Date:4/14/17Spider-Man: HomecomingSpider Man is heading home to Marvel Studios for the first time. The movie will show us Peter Parker’s high school days, and will continue the threads we saw formed during his initial appearance in Captain America: Civil War. We know that Michael Keaton is playing The Vulture in this story, and that both Happy Hogan and Tony Stark, played by US actors Jon Favreau and Robert Downey Jr., are along for the ride.Release Date:7/7/171.Which of the following movies can’t you see on May Day?A.Kong: Skull Island.B.Beauty and the Beast.C.The Fate of the Furious.D.Spider-Man: Homecoming.2.What can we know about Beauty and the Beast?A.It is fueling up for another go.B.It is produced by Marvel StudiosC.It’ll show us Peter Parker’s school days.D.It’ll be enjoyable for both children and adults.3.What does the underlined word “cast” probably mean?A.Characters.B.Actors.C.Directors.D.Teachers.BThere are 195 countries in the world today but almost none of them have purple on their national flag. So what’s wrong with purple? It’s such a popular color1 today. Why would no country use it in their flag? The answer is really quite simple. Purple was just for too expensive.The color1 purple has been associated with royalty power and wealth for centuries. Queen Elizabeth I forbade anyone except close members of the royal family to wear it. Purple’s high status comes from the rarity and cost of the dye (染料)originally used to produce it. Fabric traders got the dye from a small sea snail (海螺)that was only found in the Tyre region of the Mediterranean. More than 10,000 snails were needed to create just one gram of purple; not to mention a lot of work went into producing the dye, which made purple dye so expensive.Since only wealthy rulers could afford to buy and wear the color1 , it became associated with the royal family. Sometimes, however, the dye was too expensive even for royalty. Third century Roman Emperor Aurelio famously wouldn’t allow his wife to buy a scarf made from purple silk because it cost three times its weight in gold. A single pound of dye cost three pounds of gold, which equals 56,000 dollars today. Therefore, even the richest countries couldn’t spend that much having purple on their flags.The dye became more accessible to lower-class about a century and a half ago. In 1856, 18-year-old English chemist William Henry Perkin accidentally created a man-made purple compound (化合物)while attemptingto produce an anti-malaria drug. He noticed that the compound could be used to dye fabrics, so he patented the dye, manufactured it and got rich. Purple dye was then mass-produced so everybody could afford it.Till now, a handful of new national flags have been designed and a few of them have chosen to use purple in their flag. So don’t be making any bets just yet.4. Why was color1 purple expensive in the past?A. Because only royal families were allowed to wear purple.B. Because it took a long time to get purple dye from gold.C. Because purple was worth as much as its weight in gold.D. Because purple dye used to be rare and hard to produce.5. Why did Roman Emperor Aurelio forbid his wife to buy a purple scarf?A. Because of poor quality.B. Because of long tradition.C. Because of bad taste.D. Because of high price.6. What is purple's situation now?A. Purple has been widely used on national flags.B. Purple dye is now affordable to ordinary people.C. Royal family stop using purple because it’s toocommon.D. Fewer snails are used to produce purple dye than before.7. Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?A. No Purple Flags?B. Purple vs GoldC. How to Produce Purple Dye?D. The Birth of Purple ColorCIf you ever find yourself trapped in the wilderness without food, you'llhave to figure out how to feed yourself. Many plants in the wild areedible, but many are also poisonous. So it is necessary to learn how to determine whether the plants you find can be eaten safely.Avoid using this method without careful planning. Some plants can be deadly, and even if you follow these guidelines perfectly, there is always a chance that a plant will make you seriously ill. Prepare yourself for wilderness outings by learning about the local plants, and carry a guidebook to help you identify plants. Even if you are unprepared and cannot find food you know to be safe, remember that, depending on your activity level, the human body can go for days without food, and you’re better off being hungry than being poisoned.Testing the plant in your mouth is dangerous, so go forward very slowly and carefully. First, hold a small portion of the prepared plant part against your lip for 3 minutes. Do not put the plant in your mouth. If you notice any burning, tingling (刺痛), or other reactions, discontinue testing. Second, place another small portion of the plant part on your tongue. Hold the plant on your tongue without chewing for 15 minutes. Discontinue testing if you notice any reaction. Third, chew the plant and holdit in your mouth for 15 minutes. Chew the plant well, anddo not swallow. Discontinue testing if you notice any reaction. Fourth, swallow the small portion of the plant. Wait 8 hours. Do not eat or drink anything during this period except purified water. If you feel sick, immediately throw up what you eat and drink plenty of water. If activated charcoal (活性炭) is available, take that with the water.8. What’s the meaning of the underlined world “edible” in paragraph 1?A. Suitable for using as food.B. Widely spread.C. Existing in large quantities.D. Not widely known.9. What can we know from paragraph 2?A. Planning is unnecessary when using the method.B. Not all plants in the wild can serve as food generally.C. Suffering hunger can be more dangerous than testing plants.D. Following the method perfectly can ensure safety.10. Which is the correct order of testing plants in the mouth?① wait and see ② chew it in the mouth③ put it on the tongue④ put it against lips ⑤ swallow itA. ③④②①⑤B. ④③②①⑤C. ③④②⑤①D.④③②⑤①11. Where might the passage come from?A. A student’s diary.B. A science report.C. A guide book for camping.D. A doctor’ s notebook.DDengue is a very painful illness spread by mosquitoes. In severe cases, dengue can even be deadly. Dengue is a serious disease affecting people in around 120 countries. It can cause high fevers, headaches, and severe pain. It’s caused by a virus spread by bites from mosquitoes. Therefore, dengue is more common in warm areas. Every year, roughly 390 million people get dengue, and as many as 25,000 die from it.Now scientists seem to have found a way to protect humans from dengue by first protecting mosquitoes. Dengue fever is caused by a virus. Though it may seem strange to think of it this way, the mosquitoes that spread the dengue virus are also infected with it. But the virus doesn’t seem to hurt the mosquitoes.Wolbachia is a kind of bacteria commonly found in many insects. In some insects, Wolbachia can keep some viruses fromduplicatingthemselves, which is how viruses grow inside a body. Wolbachia isn’t naturally found inmosquitoes. But by infecting these mosquitoes with Wolbachia, scientists can keep the mosquitoes from catching the dengue virus. Even better, the young mosquitoes coming from the eggs of the infected mosquitoes also carry Wolbachia.Researchers working with the World Mosquito Program (WMP) ran a 27-month study in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. They split a 10-square-mile area up into 24 smaller areas. In half of the areas, the scientists did nothing. In the other half, they set out containers of eggs from mosquitoes that had Wolbachia. They did this every two weeks for just 4 to 6 months.Ten months later, 80% of the mosquitoes in the treated areas carried Wolbachia. The researchers report the number of dengue cases in the treated areas was reduced by 77% and that the number of people needing hospital care for dengue dropped by 86%.Because the results of the experiment were so good, the WHO has placed Wolbachia-infected mosquito eggs in all parts of Yogyakarta and surrounding areas. The WHO says that within a year, their efforts will protect 2.5 million people against dengue and that their efforts will be turned into a program that can be repeated worldwide.12. What kind of disease is dengue?A. It is likely to cause death.B. It causes no pain but fevers.C. It happens less often in hot areas.D. It hurts both people and mosquitoes.13. The underlined word “duplicating” in paragraph 3 most probably means “________”.A. worsening the harm ofB. expanding the size ofC. increasing forces ofD. making copies of14. What can be inferred about the method from the figures listed in paragraph 5?A. Its wide use.B. Its effectiveness.C. Its complexity.D.Its easy operation.15. What’s the WHO’s attitude towards the method?A. Ambiguous.B. Positive.C. Tolerant.D. Skeptical.第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。



2020届重庆市聚奎中学校高三英语三模试题及答案解析第一部分阅读(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项ANo one knows when the first printing press was invented or who invented it. but the oldest known printed text originated in China during the first millennium (千年) AD.The Diamond Sutra (《金刚经》), a Buddhist book from Dunhuang, China during the Tang Dynasty, is said to be the oldest known printed book.The Diamond Sutrawas created with a method known as block printing (雕版印刷), which used boards of hand-carved wood blocks in reverse.It was said that the moveable type was developed by Bi Sheng. He was fromYingshan,Hubei,China, living from 970 to 1051 AD. His method replaced panels of printing blocks with moveable individual Chinese characters that could be reused. The first moveable Chinese Characters were carved into clay and baked into hard blocks that were then arranged onto an iron frame that was pressed against an iron plate.The earliest mention of Bi Sheng’s printing press is in the bookDream Pool Essays, written in 1086 by Shen Kuo, who noted that his nephews came into possession of Bi Sheng’s typefaces (字体) after his death. Shen Kuo explained that Bi Sheng did not use wood because the texture is inconsistent (不一致的) and absorbs wetness too easily.By the time of the Southern Song Dynasty, which ruled from 1127 to 1279 AD, books had become popular in society and helped create a scholarly class of citizens who had the capabilities to become civil servants. Large printed book collections also became a status symbol for the wealthy class.1. When was Bi Sheng’s printing press first introduced in history?A. After Bi Sheng died and his nephews owned his typefaces.B. When books became popular in the Southern Song Dynasty.C. After the block printing was replaced by the moveable type printing.D. WhenThe Diamond Sutrawas printed into a book.2. What can we infer from the passage?A. Shen Kuo made great contributions to printing.B. The moveable type printing was invented earlier than block printing.C. Printed books were hard to get in the Song Dynasty.D. By the Southern Song Dynasty, books had helped people get to higher social positions.3. Why does the author write this passage?A. To show that Buddhism was popular in the Tang Dynasty.B. To introduce the early history of printing.C. To memorize Bi Sheng, developing the moveable type printing.D. To indicate the advantages of moveable type printing.BTo hear people talk about Internet friendships, you would think it was one giant web of cat-fishing and e-crime. While we all undoubtedly have to take measures to remain safe online, assuming every friendship or connection made on Instagram, Twitter or Facebook is cheating or insincere would be a mistake.As a woman who works in the creative industry, I have found real joy in seeking out a community I couldn’t find elsewhere, and making some great friends along the way. My first online friendship was on Twitter with my(now) best friend, during the university exam period. We exchanged study notes in dozens of direct messages, set a study date, and haven’t looked back since.Drawn to each other by similar circumstances, friendships online are similar to offline in that they tend to begin because of shared interest or common ground-maybe they’ve read the post on Instagram. Maybe they have the same taste in food or politics. Or maybe they just love memes too. If online friendships start similar to friendships offline, they grow in the same way, too. Often through mutual support: apart from calling a friend to congratulate him on that new job, you also re-tweet his jokes and praise his Instagram story.Despite my positive experiences when I tell people, most are still suspicious. Eyebrows are raised higher when I explain not only have I found a community online but have made friendships with people I meet face-to-face too. Actually, these are just as valid as other friendships, according to behavioural psychologist Jo Hemmings, who says online friendships can be real.So how do you know if people are there for the real you or just because you’re popular on Instagram? Hemmings has simple rules. She tells me “You have to equally feel comfortable that you’re getting something of each other instead of being used to enable something that isn’t friendship.”Therefore, if all a “friend” online is asking you to do is to promote their work or personal brand and rarely takes an interest in you, then there may be room to question the basis of the friendship. On that note it is worth remembering that just because someone has a lot of followers, it doesn’t necessarily mean they have lots of friends.4. What is most people’s attitude towards online friendship?A. Negative.B. Positive.C. Objective.D. Neutral.5. Why does the writer share her own experience in paragraph 2?A. To introduce the background information of the text.B. To convey the writer’s attitude and give the related example.C. To prove the likely risk for people to develop friendship online.D. To remind people of the various benefits of making friends online.6. How can online and offline friendships be deepened?A. They should be based on shared interest.B. They need to have common ground.C. They require support from each other.D. They can’t live without social media.7. According to the author, what’s the golden rule to make friends online?A. A friend to all is a friend to none.B. Without confidence there is no friendship.C. A friend without faults will never be found.D. Friendship cannot stand always on one side.CWhen visitors enter Planet Word, a new museum in Washington, D. C , they will see Speaking Willow, a tall art piece representing a tree. As they pass under the artwork, they can hear recordings of speech in hundreds of languages coming from the tree. Most words sound foreign to the listeners. The different voices also speak at the same time. The resultingclamoris similar to that made in a crowded theater before a show begins.Rafael Lozano-Hemmer completed the piece last year. On his website, the artist says that Speaking Willow “reminds us that language is what defines our specific communities and connects our many cultures.” Lozano-Hemmer made the piece specially for the museum.It is the first of many immersive (身临其境的) experiences for visitors at Planet Word, a museum all about words and language. The exhibits playfully explore the lager and complex subject of language.In one room, a video plays, showing babies saying their first words. Another room, called “Where Do Words Come From”, teaches the history of some common English words. The space includes a 22-foot-tali “Wall of Words”, where visitors speak into devices and learn about the roots of the English language.Another room invites listeners to speak and learn about different languages. Native speakers of 28 languages and two sign languages teach people sayings in those languages. They also explain how language shapes their understanding of the world and how words cannot be separated from culture.Other rooms explore the different ways language is used — from humor and song writing to public speaking and advertising. Visitors can sing karaoke while learning about song writing, record a famous speech, play a joke-telling game, and teach a computer how to make cartoons. Almost every exhibit is interactive and most ask visitors to speak aloud.One exhibit room is all about books. It is designed to look like an old, rich library. Books line the shelves. When a book is placed on the table, a recorded reading begins and pictures appear.8. What does the underlined word “clamor” in paragraph 1 probably mean?A. Scene.B. Noise.C. Language.D. Appearance.9. The SpeakingWillowwas created ______.A specially B. accidentallyC. on requestD. out of curiosity10. What can we learn from the video in the room?A. Words and cultures.B. Different languages.C. The history of words.D. The first words newborns say.11. In which paragraph can you find the methods of using languages?A. 3.B. 4.C. 6.D. 7.DA Chinese space mining company has designed a robot that can capture waste material left behind by spacecraft in outer space with a big net.The state-run Xinhua news agency recently reported that the robot launched on the government's Long March 6 rocket along with several satellites. The robot will also investigate deep space to observe small objects in the universe. The 30-kilogram robot, called NEO-01 , was developed by Origin Space. Pounded in 2019 and basedin the southern Chinese tech hub(技术中心)Shenzhen, Origin Space has been devoted to exploring and using space resources, according to the company. The company says the robot will lead the way for future technologies capable of mining on asteroids(小行星).The world's first asteroid mining company, Planetary Resources, was established in 2009. Since then, more than 12 businesses around the world have entered the industry, including 3D Systems of the United States and Japan's Astroscale. Astroscale's technology uses magnets (磁铁)to gather up space waste. But a report on the Origin Space website says NEO-01 will use a net to capture waste and then bum it. Thousands of satellites have been launched worldwide. As they are used too long, many end up as waste and put other operating satellites at risk.Su Meng is the founder of Origin Space. He said the company plans to launch many space telescopes and more spacecraft to begin the first for-profit mining of asteroids by 2045. Su added that NEO-01 will serve as a prototype (雏形)of future space mining robots, which can use rich mineral resources on asteroids to support the development of the space industry.The Xinhua news agency reported that China was increasing efforts to land a spacecraft on a near-Earth asteroid to collectmaterials. China is also speeding up a plan to build a defense system against near-Earth asteroids. The country aims to follow Russia and the United States in becoming a major space power by 2030.12. Which of the following can correctly describe NEO-01?A. It weighs 60 kilograms.B. It was created by Planetary Resources.C. It will be burnt after finishing its mission.D. It is mainly used to catch space waste.13. What can be inferred from the text?A. China will be the most powerful in space by 2030.B. Origin Space will open more mines on asteroids.C. It is those useless satellites that make space waste.D. The robot will look into deep space for more waste.14. What does Su Meng think of NEO-01 ?A. It is promising and rewarding.B. It has benefited the space industry.C. It's a long way to produce it.D. It'll help make money for the company.15. What can be the best title for the text?A. NEO-01 , A Smart Robot Used in SpaceB. A Chinese Robot Can Catch Space WasteC. A New Robot Makes China a SpacePowerD. NEO-01 , the Pioneer of Future Space Robots第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。



2021年重庆市聚奎中学校高三英语三模试卷及答案解析第一部分阅读(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项AThailand is a country with a long and rich history. It is also one of those countries which have many traditions which modern times fortunately have not affected. Thailand is famous for its unique culture. It is well worth noting that Thai culture hasbeen handed down from one generation to the next.Thai Classical DanceThe inspiring culture includes local music and wonderful Thai dances. The dances of course have something to do with its deep-rooted Buddhist religion, fighting arts and beautiful clothing. Thai classical dance performances are generally performed by gracious (高雅的) Thai ladies wearing beautiful Thai local costumes. Most resort (旅游胜地) areas and many hotels frequently offer these Thai culture dance shows for foreign visitors.Thai GreetingThe unique Thai gesture of greeting another person, the wai, is especiallyone of the great aspects of Thai culture. The wai is when a person joins both hands to either head or chest level while bending their head slightly towards his hands. This way of greeting is especially done when a younger person greets an older person and it indicates a sign of respect to their elders. Employees would also wai their managers even if the manager would be younger than themselves.BangkokBangkok is the culture center of Thailand and has been the Thai capital since the end of the eighteenth century. Observing Thai culture in Bangkok can be great experience as the combination of modern times and traditions have created a kind of unique atmosphere. Bangkok offers a package of Thai culture which is shown by numerous beautiful Buddhist temples and many examples of modern Thai architecture.Bangkok National MuseumAnother location in Bangkok where one can enjoy and see Thai culture is at the famed Bangkok national museum, which offers tourists an opportunity to view national treasures and unique Thai art pieces with its culture feature dating back as early as the late sixteenth century.1.Thai classical dance is related to ________.A.its living level and educationB.its history and architectural styleC.its customsD.its religious belief2.In Thailand a worker uses the gesture, the wai , to greet________.A.his close friend.B.a young stranger.C.his younger colleagues.D.his young boss.3.What make Thai culture in Bangkok so unique?A.The long history and fine weather of Bangkok.B.The mixture of the modern culture and traditions.C.A number of beautiful Thai Buddhist templesD.Many examples of modern Thai architecture.BDad’s comb was jade green. I heard he bought it when he married Mum, which made the comb two years older than I was. Every night, he wouldsmile, hand me the comb and say, “Be a good girl and help Daddy clean it, OK?”I was more than happy to do it. At age five this mundane task brought me such joy. I would excitedly turn the tap on, then brush the comb with a used toothbrush as hard as I could. Satisfied that I’d done a good job, I would proudly return the comb to Dad. He would smile at me and place the comb on top of his wallet.About two years later, Dad left his sales job and started his own wholesale business. I started primary school. That was when things started to change. He didn’t come home as much as he used to – just a couple of times a week. And when he did come home, it was always late and I’d already be in bed. I started to get mad. I stopped waiting for him to come home, and stopped going downstairs to check on him.Today, I’m no longer a kid. I’ve graduated from college and got a job. Dad’s business has got back on track. Things are better now. Yet the uncomfortable silence between Dad and me persisted.Two days before my birthday last year, Dad came home early. As usual, I helped him carry his bags into his study. When I turned to leave, he said, “Hey, would you like to help me clean my comb?” I looked at him a while, then took the comb and headed to the sink.I passed the clean comb back to Dad. He looked at it and smiled. But this time, I noticed something different. My dad has aged. He has wrinkles next to his eyes when he smiles, yet his smile is still as heartwarming as before. The smile of a father who just wants a good life for his family. Dad carefully placed his comb on top of his wallet.After so many years, he still organizes his personal items in the same meticulous way. I guess some things never change. And for that, I’m glad.4. What caused the uncomfortable silence between Dad and me?A. Generation gap.B. Dad’s failure in business.C. My ignorance of Dad.D. Dad’s absence from the family.5. Which of the following can best describe Dad?A. Gentle but strict.B. Hardworking and caring.C. Cautious and realistic.D. Demanding but patient.6. Why did Dad ask his daughter to clean his comb before her birthday?A. To give her a lesson.B. To follow his old habit.C. To fix their relationship.D. To praise her helpfulness.7. Which saying concludes the text best?A. Yesterday once more.B. Let bygones be bygones.C. Some things never change.D. Like father, like daughter.CEmojis are very popular among mobile phone and social media users. While there are emojis of almost every kind imaginable, from dinosaurs to joyful tears and eggplants, there is no emoji for forgiveness. Seeing the need to show understanding, aFinnish group decided it was time for a "forgiveness" emoji.Every year, the Unicode Consortium, which sets the standards, adds new emojis to the emoji keyboard on mobile phones and computers. In 2019, the Forgivemoji campaign was launched. Forgivemoji's site made an open call to the public to give their designs for a new forgiveness emoji, with the goal of presenting the symbol to the Unicode Consortium and getting it accepted by people.Tuomo Pesonen, communications director of the Unicode Consortium, explained why the forgiveness emoji isindispensablein today's world. “In our modern communication culture, emojis are an important way of expressing human feelings beyond words.” The campaign gained popularity, reaching over two million people around the world. They received many designs, including a bandaged heart, two holding hands, and people from different cultures hugging.After hundreds of people offered their ideas for this emoji, the winner was announced in February 2020. Former Finnish president Tarja Halonen was selected to choose the winner as she has been important in building bridges between people. The emoji that will be presented to the Unicode Consortium is an image of two hands giving a thumbs-up symbol in front of a heart. If the Unicode Consortium accepts the design, it will become available to the public in late 2021.The Forgivemoji campaign goes far beyond having a strong influence on social media. The message of showing forgiveness and understanding is helpful for the world at large.8. What's the idea behind the Fogivemoji campaign?A. people develop pleasant habits.B. To get people more friendly to each other.C. To pick a forgiveness emoji for the public to use.D. To make mobile phones and computers more convenient to use.9. What does the underlined word “indispensable” in Paragraph 3 mean?A. Necessary.B. Different.C. Changeable.D. Interesting.10. Why was Tarja Halonen selected to choose the winner for the campaign?A. She launched the campaign herself.B. She designed the most popular emoji.C. She was familiar with the emoji history.D. She played an important role in relating people.11. What can be the best title for the text?A. Forgiveness is important for peopleB. Emoji for forgiveness is on the wayC. Emojis are becoming interestingly popularD. Finnish people explore the stories of emojisDWhen I was 9, we packed up our home in Los Angeles and arrived atHeathrow, London on a gray January morning. Everyone in the family settled quickly into the city except me. Without my beloved beaches and endless blue—sky days, I felt at a loss and out of place. Until I made a discovery.Southbank, at an eastern bend in the Thames, is the center of British skateboarding, where the continuous crashing of skateboards left your head ringing .I loved it. I soon made friends with the local skaters. We spoke our own language. And my favorite: Safe. Safe meant cool. It meant hello. It meant don't worry about it. Once, when trying a certain trick on the beam(横杆), I fell onto the stones, damaging a nerve in my hand, and Toby came over, helping me up: Safe, man. Safe. A few minutes later, when I landed the trick, my friends beat their boards loud, shouting: “Safe! Safe! Safe!” And that's what mattered—landing tricks, being a good skater.When I was 15, my family moved to Washington. I tried skateboarding there, but the locals were far less welcoming. Within a couple of years, I'd given it up.When I returned to London in 2004, I found myself wandering down to Southbank, spending hours there. I've traveled back several times since, most recently this past spring. The day was cold but clear: tourists and Londoners stopped to watch theskaters. Weaving(穿梭)among the kids who rushed by on their boards, I found my way to the beam. Then a rail—thin teenager, in a baggy white T—shirt, skidded(滑)up to the beam. He sat next to me. He seemed not to notice the man next to him. But soon I caughta few of his glances. “I was a local here 20 years ago,” I told him. Then, slowly, he began to nod his head. “Safe, man. Safe.”“Yeah,” I said. “Safe.”12. What can we learn about the author soon after he moved to London?A. He felt disappointed.B. He gave up his hobby.C. He liked the weather there.D. He had disagreements with his family.13. What do the underlined words “Safe! Safe! Safe!” probably mean?A. Be careful!B. Well done!C. No way!D. Don't worry!14. Why did the author like to spend time in Southbank when he returned to London?A. To join the skateboarding.B. To make new friends.C. To learn more tricks.D. To relive his childhood days15. What message does the author seem to convey in the text?A. Children should learn a second language.B. Sport is necessary for children's health.C. Children need a sense of belongingD. Seeing the world is a must for children.第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。





1. 甲状腺激素分泌的调节是通过下丘脑-垂体-甲状腺轴来进行的。


下列说法错误的是()A.人的下丘脑或垂体发生病变都可能引起甲亢B.甲亢患者通常会出现反应迟钝的症状C.TSH和甲状腺激素可能对TRH的分泌均具有反馈调节作用D.轴系中多级反馈调节有利于精细调控,从而维持机体的稳态2. 下列有关细胞膜的流动镶嵌模型的叙述,正确的是()A. 细胞膜上磷脂分子的疏水端朝向两侧,亲水端朝向内侧B. 细胞膜上的糖类全部都与蛋白质结合形成糖蛋白C. 细胞膜的流动性是细胞膜的功能特性D. 细胞膜上的糖蛋白与细胞表面的识别有关3. 在细胞的化学成分中,含量最多的化合物和含量最多的有机化合物分别是()A. 水和蛋白质B. 糖类和蛋白质C. 蛋白质和水D. 蛋白质和脂质4. 将人的红细胞放入4 ℃蒸馏水中,一段时间后红细胞破裂,主要原因是()A.红细胞膜具有水溶性B.红细胞的液泡体积增大C.蒸馏水大量进入红细胞D.低温时红细胞膜流动性增大5. 当环境温度达到40℃时,人体散热的有效途径是()A. 传导B. 对流C. 辐射D. 出汗6. 如图是探究酵母菌呼吸方式的装置,下列相关叙述错误的是()A. 假设装置一中的液滴左移,装置二中的液滴不动,说明酵母菌只进行有氧呼吸B. 假设装置一中的液滴不动,装置二中的液滴右移,说明酵母菌只进行无氧呼吸C. 假设装置一中的液滴左移,装置二中的液滴右移,说明酵母菌既进行有氧呼吸又进行无氧呼吸D. 假设装置一和装置二的液滴均不移动,说明酵母菌只进行有氧呼吸或只进行无氧呼吸7. 双缩脲试剂(A液:0.1g/mL的NaOH溶液,B液:0.01g/mL的CusO4溶液)可以用来检测生物组织中是否存在蛋白质。



2021届重庆市聚奎中学校高三英语三模试题及答案解析第一部分阅读(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项AWashingtonD.C.SightseeingWith the information below, you’re not missing anything in D.C.! Click Here to find the perfect hotel for your stay as well.TheOldTownTrolley TourIt offers something for the whole family. Not only will it give them something fun to do, but it will give them a history lesson. This tour will last about three hours and it’s proper for people of all ages.African American History TourBe sure to take this tour because African Americans have had an important role in the making of our country. Take this historical four-hour tour, where you will visit some important sites includingMuseumofAfrican American Historyand Culture.Comedy WalksWashingtonD.C.This is a great experience allowing you to enjoy the capital in a new way. The walking tour lasts for about one hour and thirty minutes, which takes place in less than a mile journey from the starting place.D.C. Twilight TourCheck out the D.C. Twilight Tour for a unique view of some of the most famous sites! What makes this two-hour guided tour truly unique is that you can view many wonderful sites at night time!1. Which tour is recommended to a tourist who is fond of hiking?A. TheOldTownTrolley TourB. African American History TourC. Comedy WalksWashingtonD.C. D. D.C. Twilight Tour2. Which tour lasts longest?A. TheOldTownTrolley TourB. African American History TourC. Comedy WalksWashingtonD.C. D. D.C. Twilight Tour3. Where will you read this text most likely?A. In a guidebook.B. In a magazine.C. In a newspaper.D. On the Internet.BAn unmanned Chinese spacecraft left the earth on a trip to the planet Mars on Thursday. The launch(发射)marks the start of one of China's most important space explorations. China's national space agency launched the spacecraft called Tianwen-1 fromthe Wenchang Spacecraft Launch Center on Hainan Island.The name Tianwen means “Questions to Heaven” in Chinese. The spacecraft took off on China's largest carrier rocket, the Long March 5, and about 36 minutes later, the spacecraft, including an orbiter(轨道飞行器)and a rover(漫游车),was sent into the Earth-Mars orbit. It is expected to reach the orbit of the red planet next February. Tianwen-1 will finish three scientific goals—orbiting the red planet, landing on the Mars and sending a rover to the landing site.Tianwen-1 carries several scientific instruments to observe the planet's atmosphere and surface. It will do a series of scientific researches on the planet's soil, geological structure, environment, atmosphere and water. Besides its daily work of exploring the surface of Mars for 90 days, it will also report back to the earth about its experiences on the red planet, which is millions of miles away. According to experts, discovering signs of life will be its first and most important scientific goal.Tianwen-1's successful landing will make China the second nation to place a spacecraft on Mars. The United States has landed eight vehicles on Mars since 1976. China will be the first to successfully orbit, land and place a vehicle in the same mission. This is China's first independent mission to Mars. The task in 2011 failed when a Russian rocket carrying a Chinese orbiter had problems after launch, and was unable to escape the Earth orbit. Last year, China's Chang e-4 spacecraft became the first to make a landing on the far side of the moon.4. When will Tianwen-1 enter the orbit of Mars?A. 36 minutes later.B. Next Thursday.C. In 90 days.D. Next February.5. What is the main task of Tianwen-1 according to experts?A. Orbiting the Mars.B. Landing on the Mars.C. Discovering signs of life.D. Sending a rover to the landing site.6. Which of the following statements is mentioned in the text?A. Tianwen-1 is the second vehicle landed on the Mars.B. The United States is the first to land vehicles on the Mars.C. Russia helped China place Tianwen-1 on the Mars.D. Chang,e-4 was the first to make a landing on the moon.7. Where can you find this article?A. In a newspaper.B. In a diary.C. In a sci-fi novel.D. In a guide book.CHardware in general,and smartphones in particular,have become a huge environmental and health problem in the Global South's landfill sites(垃圾填埋场).Electronic waste(e-waste) currently takes up 5 percent of all global waste,and it is set to increase rapidly as more of us own more than one smartphone,laptop and power bank They end up in places like Agbogbloshie on theoutskirts of Ghana's capital,Accra. It is the biggest e-waste dump in the world,where 10,000 informal workers walk through tons of abandoned goods as part of an informal recycling process.They risk their health searching for the precious metals that are found in abandoned smartphones.But Agbogbloshie should not exist.The Basel Convention,a 1989 treaty,aims to prevent developed nations from unauthorized dumping of e-waste in less developed countries.The e-waste industry,however,circumventsregulations by exporting e-waste labelled as "secondhand goods' to poor countries like Ghana,knowing full well hat it is heading for a landfill site.A recent report found Agbogbloshie contained some of the most dangerous chemicals.This is not surprising: smartphones contain chemicals like mercury(水银),lead and even arsenic(砷).Reportedly, one egg from a free-range chicken in Agbogbloshie contained a certainchemical which can cause cancer and damage the immune system at a level that's about 220 times greater than a limit set by the European Food Safety Authority(EFSA).Most worryingly,these poisonous chemicals are free to pollute the broader soil and water system.This should concern us all, since some ofGhana's top exports are cocoa and nuts.Some governments have started to take responsibility for their consumers' waste.For example,Germanyhas started a project that includes a sustainable recycling system at Agbogbloshie,along with a health clinic for workers.However,governments cannot solve the problem alone, as there is an almost limitless consumer demand for hardware,especially when governments' green policies are focused on issues like climate change.Only the manufacturers can fix this.A more economically sustainable and politically possible solution is through encouraging hardware manufacturers to make the repair, reuse and recycling of hardware profitable,or at least cost-neutral8. What can we infer from Paragraph 2?A. Electronic waste requires more landfill sites acrossGhana.B. Electronic waste is too complex to get fully recycleC. Electronic products need to be improved urgentlyD. Electronic pollution is a burning question in Agbogbloshie9. What does the underlined word "circumvents"in Paragraph 3 mean?A. AbolishesB. TightensC. Brings inD. Gets around10. What should be the best concern according to the text?A. The thread of polluted food around the worldB. The damage of chicken’s immune systemC. The lack of diversity inGhana's exportsD. The violation of EFSA's standards11. What does the author think is the best solution to the e-waste problem?A. Manufacturers' developing a sustainable hardware economyB. Governments’ adjusting their green policies about e-waste.C. Reducing customers' demands for electronic productsD. Manufacturers’ urging the government to make effective policies to ensure more profit.DTo Rehan Staton, his childhood was a life of privilege — loving parents, a supportive big brother and a pleasant, private school education. Everything changed when his mother left the country and his father lost his job.He had to sleep with a heavy jacket on when it was cold. He was always hungry. He said he couldn't concentrate at school and would sleep during class. He went from straight. As to near the bottom of his class. A teacher told him he needed special education, which made him hate school.Staton spent his high school years as an excellent athlete, raining to become a professional boxer. He had won a lot of martial arts competitions.But a tragedy struck him in his senior year when Staton suffered serious tendonitis (肌腱炎), in both shoulders. He couldn’t lift either arm for months. His dream of becoming a professional player failed. He struggled to apply to colleges but was refused byall of them.Staton’s body slowly recovered from martial arts and he got a job as a rubbish collector. Many co-workers couldn't help but ask him a simple question, “What are you doing here? You’re smart. You are too young to behere. Go to college.” It was the first time someone outside his family had spoken highly of his intelligence. It was the co-workers thatem enedhim to return to school.Several co-workers put Staton in touch with a professor atBowieStateUniversity. The professor was impressed with their conversation and persuaded the admissions board to change its former decision.Going to college forced Staton’s older brother, Reggie, to drop out. They both knew someone had to be working full time along with their dad. It was a decision Reggie made on his own.After receiving a 4.0, Staton succeeded in becoming a student at theUniversityofMaryland. But he still had a long way to go to attend Harvard Law eventually...12. What finally changed Rehan Staton’s happy childhood?A. His brother’s losing the job.B. His serious health problem.C. His father’s sudden death.D. His mother’s leaving the country.13. What does the underlined word “em ened” in the fourth paragraph mean?A. Force.B. Direct.C. Encourage.D. Accompany.14. Why did Staton’s elder brother have to drop out of school?A. He wanted his brother to study further.B. His father asked him to leave school.C. He had lost interest in most lessons.D. He had to go out to find his mother.15. What will the writer mainly talk about next?A. What Rehan Staton planned to do after entering Harvard.B. How Rehan Staton managed to be admitted to Harvard.C. Why Rehan Staton decided to choose to go to Harvard.D. When Rehan Staton would be successful in Harvard Law.第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。



2024届重庆市江津、聚奎中学中考三模化学试题注意事项1.考试结束后,请将本试卷和答题卡一并交回.2.答题前,请务必将自己的姓名、准考证号用0.5毫米黑色墨水的签字笔填写在试卷及答题卡的规定位置.3.请认真核对监考员在答题卡上所粘贴的条形码上的姓名、准考证号与本人是否相符.4.作答选择题,必须用2B铅笔将答题卡上对应选项的方框涂满、涂黑;如需改动,请用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案.作答非选择题,必须用05毫米黑色墨水的签字笔在答题卡上的指定位置作答,在其他位置作答一律无效.5.如需作图,须用2B铅笔绘、写清楚,线条、符号等须加黑、加粗.一、单选题(本大题共10小题,共20分)1.下列有关“守恒”的叙述中,正确的是A.镁带在空气中燃烧后,生成物的质量跟原镁带的质量一定相等B.在反应Cu+4HNO3=Cu(NO3)2+2X↑+2H2O中的X的化学式是NOC.某纯净物在氧气中燃烧后生成CO2、SO2和CO,该物质中一定含有C、S、O元素D.加热24.5gKClO3和8gMnO2的混合物,反应一段时间后,剩余固体27.7g,则O2的质量为4.8g2.如图是微信热传的“苯宝宝表情包”,苯(化学式C6H6)、六氯苯(化学式C6Cl6)都是重要的化工原料,下列有关说法正确的是( )A.苯分子的相对分子质量为78gB.六氯苯中碳氯两种元素的质量比为1:1C.苯中氢元素的质量分数为1612616⨯⨯+⨯×100%D.六氯苯由6个碳原子和6个氯原子构成3.青色的生虾煮熟后颜色会变成红色。


就这些同学的“看法”而言,应属于科学探究中的()A.假设B.实验C.观察D.做结论4.下列物质的溶液长期放置在空气中,溶液质量因发生化学变化而减小的是A.石灰水B.饱和食盐水C.苛性钠溶液D.浓硫酸5.用“”和“”分别代表两种不同单质A2和B2分子,A2和B2在一定条件下发生化学反应,其反应的微观示意图如下,下列说法正确的是()A.在反应过程中分子保持不变B.该反应为化学变化C.参加反应的A2和B2分子数之比为3:2D.生成物有两种6.2017年,哈佛大学科学家将微小的固态氢置于488万个大气压下,使固体中所有的氢气分子破裂为氢原子,制得具有金属性质的金属氢,下列说法正确的是()A.金属氢是由原子直接构成的B.金属氢与氢气的化学性质相同C.金属氢不能导电D.金属氢形成过程中,氢原子核发生了改变7.下列实验中利用提供的方案能达到目的的是选项实验目的实验方案A 提纯混有少量Na2CO3的NaCl固体加入稀硫酸,蒸发B 粗略测定空气中氧气的含量用木炭代替红磷在空气中燃烧C 鉴别羊毛制品和涤纶制品观察色泽D 分离KCl与MnO2的固体混合物加足量水充分溶解后,过滤、洗涤、烘干、蒸发A.A B.B C.C D.D8.如图是钠元素和氯元素在元素周期表中的信息和有关的4种粒子结构示意图,下列说法正确的是( )A.钠、氯都属于金属元素B.氯化钠是由a,d两种粒子构成的C.氯的相对原子质量是35.45gD.a表示的是一种阴离子9.A、B两种物质的溶解度曲线如图所示,下列说法错误的是A.A、B两种物质的溶解度都随温度升高而增大B.t1°C时,A.B两种物质的饱和溶液中,溶质质量分数相等C.t2°C时,A的溶解度大于B的溶解度D.t2°C时,100gA的饱和溶液中含溶质A的质量为30g10.将pH=2与pH=6的两种溶液相互混合,所得溶液的pH可能是()A.1 B.3 C.8 D.无法确定二、填空题(本大题共1小题,共4分)11.某同学进行中和反应实验:取适量氢氧化钠溶液于烧杯中,滴加几滴紫色石蕊溶液,然后逐渐滴入稀硫酸,测得溶液的pH及颜色变化情况如下表。


























)1. (NH4)2SO4在一定条件下发生如下反应:4(NH4)2SO4=N2 +6NH3 +3SO2 +SO3+7H2O,将反应后的混合气体通入Ba(NO3)2溶液,产生的沉淀为A.BaSO4和BaSO3 B.BaSO4 C.BaSO3 D.BaS参考答案:B试题分析:SO3溶于水后形成H2SO4,NO3-在酸性条件下具有强氧化性,能把SO2氧化成SO42-,即产生的沉淀是BaSO4,故选项B正确。

2. 下列各物质分别滴加浓硫酸后,现象描述正确的是()A.胆矾晶体由蓝色变无色B.pH试纸变红C.蓝色石蕊试液褪色D.白纸变黑参考答案:D解析:A.浓硫酸具有吸水性,胆矾晶体由蓝色变白色,故A错误;B.浓硫酸具有酸性和脱水性,所以pH试纸先变红后变黑,故B错误;C.浓硫酸具有酸性和脱水性,所以蓝色石蕊试液褪色先变红后变黑,故C错误;D.浓硫酸具有脱水性,所以白纸变黑,故D正确;故选:D.3. 反应A+2B 2C(g);正反应为放热反应。


D.达到新平衡后加入B,平衡向正反应方向移动参考答案:A4. X、Y、Z、W有如图所示的转化关系,则X、W可能是()①C、O2②AlCl3、NaOH③Fe、HNO3④S、O2A.①②③ B.①② C.③④ D.①②③④参考答案:A略5. 中国历史悠久,很早就把化学技术应用到生产生活中。

下列与化学有关的说法不正确的是A、闻名世界的中国陶瓷、酿酒、造纸技术都充分应用了化学工艺B、四大发明之一黑火药是由硫黄、硝石、木炭三种物质按一定比例混合制成C、侯氏制碱法的工艺过程中应用了物质溶解度的差异D、由于中国大部分地区都缺碘,而缺碘就会引起碘缺乏病,80年代国家强制给食用的氯化钠食盐中加入碘单质参考答案:D【考点】化学史.【分析】A.陶瓷、酿酒、造纸都发生了化学变化;B.根据黑火药的成分分析;C.侯氏制碱法中生成了溶解度较小的碳酸氢钠;D.加碘盐是加入碘酸钾.【解答】解:A.陶瓷、酿酒、造纸等工艺过程中都发生了化学变化,充分应用了化学工艺,故A正确;B.黑火药的成分是硫磺、硝石和木炭,三者按照1:2:3的组成混合在一起,故B正确;C.侯氏制碱法是用饱和的氯化钠溶液中通入氨气和二氧化碳,反应生成了溶解度较小的碳酸氢钠,故C正确;D.加碘盐是加入碘酸钾,单质碘有毒,而且易升华,故D错误.故选D.【点评】本题考查了化学知识在生产生活中的应用,题目难度不大,侧重于基础知识的考查,注意学习时理论联系实际.6. 下列属于可再生能源的是A. 汽油B. 可燃冰C. 沼气D. 核燃料参考答案:CA. 汽油B. 可燃冰D. 核燃料是自然界存在的一次能源不能再生,故错误;C. 沼气可以经过加工在制取的二次能源,可以再生。

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11、15 12、-3或4 13、 1.9 14、 4 15、 5
16、试题解析:(1)∵是与的等差中项, ∴,又数列是首项是2,
. 公比为q的等比数列,解得,∴


试题分析:(Ⅰ)设出首项a1和公差d ,利用等差数列通项公式,就可求出,再利用等
差数列前项求和公式就可求出;(Ⅱ)由(Ⅰ)知,再利用 ,(),就可求出,再利用错位相减法就可求出.
21、(文)试题解析:(Ⅰ)设等差数列{a n}的首项为a1,公差为d ∵,
= (1- + - +…+-) =(1-) =所以数列的前项和= .

