Through biochemical research, people can understand the basic processes and mechanisms of organisms, explore the mechanisms of disease occurrence and development, and provide scientific basis for disease prevention, diagnosis, and treatment.
Biochemistry is an interdisciplinary field that aims to reveal the chemical essence behind life phenomena.
Definition of Biochemistry
Biochemistry helps to increase crop yield and improve quality in agriculture, and contributes to the development of nutritious, safe, and reliable new types of food in the food industry.
Large molecules in living organisms, such as proteins, nucleic acids, and polysaccharides, all have carbon as their core.
Carbon atoms can form complex network structures through covalent bonds, which endow biomolecules with high diversity and stability.
牛津深圳版英语八下Unit 1《Helping those in need》基础说课稿一. 教材分析《牛津深圳版英语八下Unit 1》是一篇以帮助有需要的人为主题的文章。
二. 学情分析八年级的学生已经具备了一定的英语基础,他们对英语学习有了一定的认识和理解。
三. 说教学目标1.知识目标:让学生掌握文章中的关键词汇和短语,理解文章的主旨大意。
四. 说教学重难点1.重点:让学生掌握文章中的关键词汇和短语,理解文章的主旨大意。
五. 说教学方法与手段1.教学方法:采用任务型教学法,让学生在完成任务的过程中,掌握知识,提高能力。
六. 说教学过程1.导入:利用图片或故事引入主题,激发学生的学习兴趣。
Unit4 Grammar【课件】八年级英语下册(牛津深圳版)
Complete the article below with the correct forms of the words in brackets.
When we draw a cartoon face, some parts of the face (1) _s_h_o_u_ld__b_e_m__a_d_e__ (should/make) bigger to make the face look funny. So let’s start to draw a cartoon face for the woman!
3.含has的被动语态句型变化: This book has been translated into many languages. 这本书被翻译成多种文字。 This book hasn't been translated into many languages. 这本书没有被翻译成多种文字。 Has this book been translated into many languages? 这本书被翻译成多种文字吗? Yes, it has. / No, it hasn’t. 是的。/ 不,没有。
3. 含 should的被动语态句型变化: Your mistakes should be corrected right now. 你应该现在就改正你的错误。 Your mistakes shouldn't be corrected right now. 你不应该现在就改正你的错误。 Should my mistakes be corrected right now? 我应该现在就改正我的错误吗? Yes, they should. / No, they shouldn't. 是的。/ 不是。
牛津深圳版(广州沈阳通用)八年级英语上册Module 1-Unit1(课后作业)
ii. 根据句子意思,从下面每小题的A、B、C三个选项中选 出恰当的词语完成句子。 ( C )9. A(n) _______ is a book or set of books that has information on a wide variety of topics. A. inventor B. dinosaur C. encyclopaedia ( A )10. A(n) _______ is a person who studies one or more of the natural sciences, for example, physics, chemistry and biology. A. scientist B. engineer C. musician
C. Physics
( C )6. A. when B. how C. why ( C )7. A. see B. worry C. help ( A )8. A. shy B. angry C. excited ( B )9. A. Someone B. No one C. Anyone ( B )10. A. show B. study C. teach
四、完形填空 My best friend is one of my classmates. We have the 1
hobby. We both enjoy music. I am good 2 English, but she isn't. She has great interest in university life and wants to go to university when she 3 school. One day, I found her studying 4 so I wanted to help her with it. 5 she closed the book. I asked, “What are you doing?”
[名词解释]Fc片段(fragmentcrytallizable) [填空题]A型显示超声波探伤仪荧光屏上时基线是由扫描电路产生的()形成的。 [单选]目前我国行政单位会计采用的会计确认和计量的基础是()。A.收付实现制B.实地盘存制C.永续盘存制D.权责发生制 [判断题]材料有受拉伸或压缩时,外力增加到一定数值时,应力不再增加,但应变却急剧增加的阶段为屈服阶段。()A.正确B.错误 [单选]在用于表示设备的符号中,以下哪个符号是用来表示泵。()A.JB.FC.PD.V [问答题,简答题]对各设备及开关进行填料及检修时,必须保证哪些条件方可操作? [填空题]凡进入电气化区段的乘务员,须经《电气化铁路有关人员电气安全规则》有关规定培训考试合格后,方准()进入电气化铁路区段作业。 [问答题,简答题]货运检查站分为那两类?各自定义? [单选]根据我国《公司法》规定,下列选项中可以担任有限责任公司监事、高管人员的是()。A.公司的股东B.公司的经理C.公司的董事D.公司的财务负责人 [单选]ISDN和IDN途述正确的是().A.ISDN和IDN都实现了接入网的数字化B.ISDN和IDN都未实现接入网的数字化C.ISDN实现了接入网的数字化.而IDN没实现 [单选]下列各项中,不属于事业单位净资产项目的是()。A.事业结余B.固定基金C.专用基金D.应缴预算款 [单选]《关于支持循环经济发展的投融资政策措施意见的通知》规定了发展循环经济的()的内容。A.管理制度B.政策导向C.激励措施D.相关投融资政策措施更深化和细化 [问答题,简答题]货车篷布号码是怎样规定的? [单选]女性一生各阶段的生理特点,下列哪项描述不恰当?()A.儿童期儿童体格及内外生殖器同时发育B.月经完全停止1年以上为绝经C.子宫内膜周期性脱落及出血,标志生殖功能成熟D.围绝经期一般历时10余年E.月经初潮,标志青春期开始 [问答题,简答题]C#中的委托是什么?事件是不是一种委托? [名词解释]后生动物 [多选]以公司的国籍为标准,可以将公司分为()。A.本国公司B.外国公司C.总公司D.分公司E.子公司 [单选]具有祛风,通络,止痉作用的药物是()。A.白附子B.木瓜C.蕲蛇D.桑枝E.丝瓜络 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]有关自杀的流行病学资料不正确的是()A.自杀率是指一年期间每10万人中自杀死亡人数B.所有国家自杀未遂率女性高于男性C.教育水平与自杀呈负相关,即文化教育水平低者自杀率高D.在我国,城市人口的自杀率高于农村人口E.我国的研究表明,男女两性的自杀率相 [单选]按照组成系统的要素的性质来划分,下列哪项不属于现实世界中的系统()。A、孤立系统B、自然系统C、复合系统D、人工系统 [多选]会计要素包括()。A.资产B.负债C.所有制权益D.收入E.支出 [单选]糖尿病控制饮食的主要目的不是()A.纠正代谢紊乱B.稳定血糖C.保护胰岛功能D.预防慢性并发症E.控制血脂升高 [填空题]顺磁性气体的体积磁化率与气体的压力成()。 [多选]下列关于剩余收益作为业绩评价指标的优点的表述中,正确的有()。A、可以更好的协调公司各个部门之间的利益冲突,促使公司的整体利益最大化B、有利于防止次优化C、剩余收益着眼于公司的价值创造过程D、便于不同规模的公司和部门的业绩比较 [单选]方位投影大都是透视投影,视点在球外的方位投影称为()。A.心射投影B.极射投影C.外射投影D.日晷投影 [单选]选择零件主视图应考虑()的原则。A、公差B、基本尺寸C、实际尺寸D、加工位置 [单选]下列各项中,不会引起利润总额增减变化的是()。A.销售费用B.管理费用C.所得税费用D.营业外支出 [单选]中国历史上最早的数学专著是()。A.《九章算术》B.《算术书》C.《周髀算经》D.《海岛算经》 [单选]关于三踝骨折错误的是()A.腓骨应作内固定B.完全纠正下胫腓联合分离C.使用坚强的固定,术后早期活动D.后踝骨折占关节面面积1/5,须作内固定E.下胫腓关节固定螺丝钉不能超过3个月 [单选]膨胀土的自由膨胀率一般超过()。A.10%B.20%C.30%D.40% [单选]储层定向分布及内部各种属性都在极不均匀地变化,这种变化称为储层的()性。A、均质B、物性C、特性D、非均质 [单选]()和()之间的交互环境C、人们的经济基础,人们的哲学 [单选,A1型题]下列哪一项不符合复杂性高热惊厥的诊断标准()A.发作呈全身性,有时呈局限性发作B.惊厥持续时间常超过15minC.惊厥在24h内有反复发作D.发作后无神经系统异常E.发作后有暂时性麻痹 [单选,A型题]主要用于片剂的粘合剂是()A、羧甲基淀粉钠B、羧甲基纤维素钠C、干淀粉D、低取代羟丙基纤维素E、交联聚维酮 [单选]一位小学生在没有人督促的情况下,能够独立地完成各项作业,反映了其意志的()品质A.自觉性B.果断性C.自制性D.坚韧性 [单选]流行性斑疹伤寒多于何时出现皮疹()A.第1病日B.第2~3病日C.第4~5病日D.第8~10病日E.第11~14病日 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]下列不属于高压部件的是()A.高压变压器B.灯丝变压器C.高压交换闸D.高压接触器E.高压电缆 [单选]建设工程质量保证金(保修金)是从应付的工程款中预留,用以保证承包人对建设工程出现的缺陷进行维修的资金。该缺陷出现的时间应在()内。A.缺陷责任期B.保修期C.竣工验收期D.工程使用期 [填空题]世界上第一套邮票()的发行日期是1840年5月1日。 [单选]平瓦屋面下,聚合物改性沥青防水垫层的搭接宽度为()。A.60mmB.70mmC.80mmD.100mm
牛津深圳版八年级英语上册《Unit 1 Encyclopaedias》导学案(1)
《Unit 1 Encyclopaedias》导学案(第1课时)【学习目标】Mastery words and expressions理解两篇摘自一本百科全书的小文章【重难点预测】重点:通过学习本章的主阅读,学会介绍人物难点:抓住信息点【自主学习】1.()v.发明()n.发明()n.发明家()n.音乐()n.音乐家( ) adj.音乐的总结:以er、or和ian结尾的单词一般表示做这项职业的人。
eg:teach v.教——teach er教师act v.表演——act or演员Italia n.意大利——Ital ian意大利人2.英汉互译(1)intelligence (2)ability(3)include (4)suddenly(5)灭绝(6)去散步3.用线将下列单词和它的中文意思连起来。
ability A.包括born F.突然human B.没有人intelligence G.发明however C.人的sudden ly H.出生nobody D.能力invention I.获胜include E.然而win J.智慧合作交流根据两篇短文的介绍在文章中找出相关的信息。
Da Vinci,Leonardo1. Year of birth2. Year of death3. Career4. Life5. Main contributionsDinosaurs1. When and where they lived2. Appearance3. Food4. Current situation理解重点词汇和句子be bornhuman beingin the countrysideas...asDa Vinci was born in the countryside.From the early age, he showed great intelligence and artistic and sc ience ability. Some dinosaurs were as small as chickens. Others were as big as ten elephants. Nobody knows why. However, we can learn about them from their fossils.五.效果反馈1.他和我一样高(as...as)2. When somebody i s born, he/she_______a. comes out of his/her mother’s bodyb. goes to see a doctorc. leaves his/her parents3. Benny’s grandparents live in th e countryside. They live ___ the city.a inside b. outside c. in the centre of4. The book includes some beautiful photos. These photos are ______ the book.a. part ofb. at the end ofc. connect ed of5. A human being i s a(n) ______.a. animalb. machinec. person6. Birds have a musical ability. They ____ sing.a. singb. cannotc. are happy to六.熟悉全文,掌握两篇短文中介绍的关键信息。
教案首页Step1:GreetingsStep2:Introductions and Requirements1.The teacher introduces self to the Ss firstly.2.Choose some Ss to do self-introduction to the whole class3.Give some requirements to Ss when they study English in this termStep3:Words and Expressions1.Ask Ss to turn to Page 162 and look at the words that are related to lesson 12.Ask Ss to read the new words after the teacher3.The whole class read together4.Choose two Ss to read the new words5.Correct their pronunciationStep4:Explain each partPart 1:Pair practice1.Be sure that each student understands the task of this part firstly2.The teacher explains the conversation to Ss first and then makes up theconversation with one student3.Ask Ss to work in pair and practice the conversation4.Call on a few pairs to perform their conversations for the class5.Correct their pronunciationPart 2.3:Group Practice1.Ask Ss to form groups of four and do self-introduction to three different membersin their groups2.Do the conversation with a student by asking two questions:What’s your name?Where are you from?3.Ask Ss to form groups of four and greet each other by telling their names andwhere they are form4.Choose some groups to act out their conversations5.Give some comments on their performance6.Explain grammar points about statements with be to SsPart 4.5:Say it and wire1.Have Ss look at the information about Alex and Katherine in the cards2.Role play the first conversation with a student , shoring the class how to take turnplaying A and B roles3.Ask Ss to work in pair and practice the conversation by using Frank’s ID card andWang guo’s ID card4.Choose some to act out5.check their mistakes6.Finish part 5 with the whole classPart 6.7: Listen and Group practice1. The whole class read the letters of the alphabet together first2.Ask Ss to work in pairs and finish the following exercises①What’s your n ame ? ②Is your name David ?③Yes, it is ④How do you do ?⑤What’s his name ? ⑥Is her name Marry?⑦No , it isn’tPart 8:Listen and say it1. 1. Have Ss look at the card and be sure that each student understand it2.the whole class read the dialogue together.3.Give five minutes to Ss and let them fill in the passport with their own informationP0art 10.11:Write and Teamwork Task1.Be sure that Ss understand the task of Part 102.ASK a volunteer to read the names in alphabetical order3.Ask Ss to work in teams of four and alphabetize their names4.Call on some teams to read their lists out loudStep 5: Conclusion1.Review how to greet people.2.Review to introduce yourself and others.Step 6:Homework1.Copy new words of lesson 1 in the exercise book2.Preview lesson 2板书设计:Names and Greetingsbe : am, is ,are教案首页Step1:GreetingsStep2:Revision1.The whole class read the words that are related to lesson 12.Review the important language points of lesson 1Step3:Words and Expressions1.Ask Ss to look at the words that are related to lesson 2 and read them after theteacher2.The whole class read it together3.Choose some to read the new words4.Correct their mistakesStep4: Explain each partPart 2: Pair Practice1.Have Ss read the names on the family tree after the teacher2.Give five minutes to Ss and let then practice the questions and answers with apartner3.Check the answers by asking one pairPart3: Listen and say it1.Ask Ss to read the conversation together2.Work in pair and practice the conversation by using the pictures given3.Choose some pairs to act out4.Correct their mistakesCulture TipExplain the culture about introductions to Ss1. For informal introductions, use only the fist namee.g this is my friend Dimitri2.For more formal introductions or business introductions use first and last names or titlese.g This is my teacher ,Eric RyanPart 4:Gronp Practice1.Ask Ss to work in group of four and introduce one of your classmates to anotherclassmate2.Go around the class when Ss are talking3.Choose three groups to act out4.Give some comments on their performancePart 6: Listen and say it1.Teach the culture about wedding ringsIn the U.S married people usually wear a wedding ring on the fourth finger of their left hand2.Ask Ss to read two conversations together3.Work in pairs and practice the conversation by using the three pictures given4.Choose three pairs to act out5.Correct their mistakesGrammar Check .Part 81.Explain the grammar point to Ss:Be : ContractionsFull Form Contraction Example SentencesI am I’m I’m a studentYou are You’re You’re form BrazilHe/she is He’s/She’s He’s/She’s my teacherIt is It’s It’s my phone numberWe/They are We’re/ They’re We’re/ They’re friends2.Finish each sentence using contractions in Part 83.Ask five Ss to read their completed sentences out loud4.Check the answersPart 9:Teamwork Task1.Work in teams of four choose one student volunteer. On a piece of paper draw afamily tree for the student volunteer .Ask the volunteer questions to fill in the family tree. Ask about wife/husband, parents , children ,brothers, and sister , write their names in the family tree .then write sentences about the people in the volunteer’s family2.When Ss are doing the task , go around and offer help when it’s necessary3.Ask two teams to act out in front of the class4.Correct their mistakesStep 5: ConclusionReview how to use the words to family members.Step6.Homework1.Review what they have learnt today and copy new words in the exercise book2.Preview Lesson 3板书设计:Introducing My FamilyBe: I’m You’re He’s She’s It’s We’re They’re教案首页Step1:GreetingsStep2:RevisionThe whole class read the words of lesson 3.Step3:Words and Expressions1.The whole class read the new works of lesson 3 after the teacher2.Ask Ss to read them it3.Choose three Ss to read it4.Correct their mistakesStep4:Explain Each PartPart 1.2:Listen and Pair Practice1.Have Ss read the numbers in Part 1 together2.Work in pairs and finish the exercise below.12:twelve 25 twenty-five102 one hundred and two 159 one hundred and fifty-nine3.Ask Ss to write down their answers on the blackboard4.check the answersPart 3:Listen and say it1.Explain the information in job application card to Ss first2.Teach how to read the zip code in English3.Ask Ss to read the conversation after the teacher4.Work in pairs and practice the conversation using the applications given5.Go around the class and offer help when necessary6.Choose some pairs to act out7.Check their mistakesPart 5.6:Listen and say it , Group Practice1.The whole class read the conversation of Part 5 together2.\Work in pair and practice the conversation again by using the applications given inPart 53.Choose two pairs to act out their dialogues4.Ask Ss to work in groups o three in Part 6 and ask the other students in your grouptheir phone numbers, then write each person’s name and telephone number down 5.Choose two groups to read their dialogues outGrammar Check. & Part :1 .Explain grammar about Possessive Adjectives Pronoun Possessive Adjective Example SentencesI My My name is EricYou your Your area code is 0754He/she his/her His/Her teacher is AmericanIt its its tail is blackWe/they our/their Our/their house is in China2Finish the exercises in part3.Check the answers by asking:Part 8:Listen and say it1.Have Ss look at the job Application Form first and be sure that ss understand it2.Ask Ss to read the conversation after the teacher fist3.Choose two Ss to read it out4.Give five minutes to Ss and let them fill in the application with their owninformation5.Ask some Ss to practice the conversation again by using their own information6.Check their mistakesCulture 7&Part 91.Explain some knowledge about titles to Ss first In formal situations , use one ofthese titles before a per son’s name:Mr=A man (Mr is pronounced mister)Ms=A woman (Ms is pronounced Miz)Miss=A single (Miss is pronounced miss)Mrs=A single woman (Mrs is pronounced missuz)2.Have Ss look at the employee directory and explain it to Ss3.Finish Part 9 by asking some SsPart 12 :Pair Practice1.Explain how to address an envelop to Ss2.Give fifty minutes to Ss and let then finish the envelop according to theinformation given below :Return address: 广州市花都区五华直街15号李华Mailing address广东省广州市花都区宝华路10号林小明(收)3.Ask two Ss to write down their answers on the blackboard4.Check the answersStep 5: ConclusionReview how to write the address an envelope.Step6: Homework1.Review what they have learnt2.Copy new words of lesson 33.Finish all the exercises of Review板书设计:What’s Your Number?Possessive Adjectives: my your his her its our their教案首页2010年9月14日3周Step1:GreetingsStep2 :Revision1.The whole class read the words of chapter 1 together2.Review how to address an envelopeStep3: Explain each partPart Ss do read the story after the teacher first2.Explain the main idea of the story3.Ask Ss to finish part 24.Check the answers with the whole class5.Work in pairs and finish part 36.Call on some pair and ask them read out their writing7.Check the mistakes8.Finish park 4 with SsPart 5 6 7:1.Ask Ss to write the words for the numbered items in the picture in part 52.Choose one student to read the answers out3.Check the answers with Ss4.Give ten minutes to Ss and let then read the information of part 6 , then address theenvelope5.Ask two Ss to write down their answers on the board6.Check the answers with Ss7.Give a model example of part 7 and ask Ss to finish the application form with theirpersonal informationPart 8:Teamwork Task1.Ask Ss to work in groups of four and create a directory of names, addresses ,andtelephone numbers of all the students on their teams2.Be sure that Ss understand all the steps of this task3.Go around the class and offer help when necessary4.Explain the goals listed in the box and ask Ss to evaluate they master them or notPart 9.10: Write and Group Practice1.Ask Ss to fill in the missing words in the cartoon story with the words given2.Choose some Ss to read out their answers3.Check the answers with the whole class4.The whole class read the story together5.Work in groups of three , one to be as Alberto another to be as Rosa and the lastone to be as Cindy , then practice the conversation6.Ask sore groups to read it out7.Correct their pronunciationsStep 4: ConclusionReview the important parts of this chapter.Step 5:Homework1.Review the words of chapter 1and be ready for dictation2.Preview Lesson 1 Chapter 2。
Unit5 Reading【课件】八年级英语下册(牛津深圳版)
Because they want pandas' fur. 6. Should we protect pandas?
Yes, we should.
C Vocabulary
C1 The words in italics are from the article on page 67. Circle their correct meanings. 1. The giant panda has a small population.
Answer the following questions. 1. What do pandas eat in zoos? Bamboo, apples and carrots. 2. How long do pandas spend eating?
More than hours a day. 3. Why are pandas losing their homes?
Life Pandas live for about 20 years in the wild, but in zoos they can live for up to 35 years. The future People are cutting down forests, so the pandas are losing their homes. Some people are killing them for their fur. It is cruel of them to do so. There are not many pandas in the world now. It is important for us to protect them.
牛津深圳版八年级下册 unit 1语法 讲解+练习 (答案不全)
8B Unit1 Helping those in need 语法课Grammar:动词不定式动词不定式由“to+动词原形”构成,有时可以不带to。
具体用法见下表:用法例句作宾语offer, plan, hope, choose, refuse, decide, learn,wish等动词之后作宾语:Finally he offered to go shopping with me. 最后他主动提出跟我一起购物。
I have decided not to think about it.我已决定不去想它。
我们也可以在know.decide,learn和remember等动词之后用“疑问词+动词不定式”作宾语I don't want to stay at home, but I don't know where to go.我不想呆在家里,但是我不知道去哪里作宾语补足语teach,ask,allow,invite,order,advise等动词之后用不定式作宾补:You should ask him to turn off the light. 你应该要求他关掉灯。
My parents allow me to play computer games at weekends.我父母允许我周末玩电脑游戏。
let,make和have之后用省略to的不定式:My mother often makes me clean the windows.我妈妈常常让我擦窗户。
They are working hard to save the injured tiger.他们正在努力工作营救那只受伤的老虎。
【基础知识巩固训练】1. The workers want us ______ together with them.A. workB. workingC. to workD. worked2. There isn’t any difference between the two. I really don’t know _________.A. where to chooseB. which to chooseC. to choose whatD. to choose which3. The teacher told them ____make so much noise.A. don’tB. notC. will notD. not to4.He gave us some advice on how____ English.A. learning B . learned C. to learn D . learn5.I’m thirsty. Would you please give me something ________.A .drunkB .to drinkC .to be drunkD .for drinking6.Tom is the first _____ to school.A . getB . to get C. getting D . Got7. The boy wanted to ride his bicycle in the street, but his mother told him ______.A. not toB. not to doC. not do itD. do not to8. I saw him _______ out of the room. A. go B. had gone C. has gone D. goes9.---_______ more about tomorrow’s weather, call 121. ---OK, I will. Thank you.A. KnowB. KnowingC. To knowD. Known10.We must do everything we can ____ waste water from running into rivers.A. keepB. keptC. to keepD. keeping11.Let’s ____ play in the street. Father tells me __ do so.A. not to;not toB. not;not toC. don’t;to notD. not to;don’t12.When I came into the room, he pretended ____ his homework.A. to doB. be doingC. doingD. to be doingCBDC BBAA CCBA二.用括号中动词的适当形式填空。
牛津深圳版(广州沈阳通用)八年级下册英语课件:Unit 5
上海教育出版社 八年级 | 下册
1. 在野生环境中_______i_n__t_h_e_wild 2. 出生时_____a_t_b__ir_t_h________ 3. 独自_____o_n__o_n__e_’s__o_w_n_____ 4. 几乎;接近________c_l_o_s_e_t_o__ 5. 把……扔进_______t_h_r_o_w__…__i_nto 6. 写信给……________w__r_i_te__t_o_ 7. 谈论______t_a_lk__a_b__o_u_t_______ 8. 照顾______t_a_k_e__c_a_r_e_o_f______
上海教育出版社 八年级 | 下册
Complete the sentences with the words you have learnt. The initial letters have been given.
• A newborn baby usually weighs about three k_i_lo_g_ra_m__s . • Many people are working hard to keep e_n_d_a_n_ge_r_e_d____ animals from dying out. • We can find wild giant pandas in the mountains in C_e_n_tr_al__ and Western China. • Now let’s read the fact f_il_e_____ about South China tigers. •I hurt my s_ou_l_d_er___ when I was throwing the ball. •Nowadays, we cannot see many giant pandas or South China tigers in the w_il_d_____.
牛津深圳版八年级下册 unit 1词汇 讲解+练习 (答案不全)
8B Unit1 Helping those in needKey words and Phrases:1. raise v. 筹集;提升;增加raise = keep 有“饲养,抚养”的意思常见搭配:raise one’s voice 提高嗓门raise a family 养家糊口raise money 筹款;raise price 提高价格;raise one’s spirits 打起精神raise children(抚养孩子)辨析:raise, rise(rise--rose--risen)的区别(1) 这两个词都有“提高,上升,增加”的意思,但其用法不同。
例如:The sun rises and bathes the earth. 太阳升起,普照大地。
(2) raise和rise用于同一事物时含义不同。
例如:The price of TV sets has been raised recently. 最近电视机提价了。
(政府或厂家主动行动)The price of TV sets has risen recently. 最近电视机提价了。
(市场调节)2. permission n. = agreement 准许;批准Write a letter to the head teacher to ask permission to raise money.给校长写一封信请求允许筹钱。
同根词:permit v. = allow许可,准许;默许常用短语:permit/allow sb. to do sth.The guards permitted me to bring my camera and tape recorder.卫兵允许我带照相机和录音机。
3. disabled adj. 有伤残的;丧失能力的;不中用I taught disabled children to sing. 我教残疾的孩子唱歌。
英语:Chapter 2 《Computers》Reading课件(1)(牛津沈阳版九年级上)
Inside your TV set/telephone
washing machine.
Can you answer these questions?
What things can a human brain do better than a computer?
Creating new ideas.
They can calculate adv.很少。表否定 very fast and rarely =seldom give wrong answers.
他年纪大了,很少外出。 He is old and rarely goes out. Our history teacher is very popular because he rarely ____ gives wrong answers. (rare) They can also type, print and draw things like diagrams and graphs. simple drawing They can teach you and play games with you.
It was said that the doctor operated on the injured man yesterday. 据说医生昨天给那位受伤的人作了手术。 For these reasons, we often call them electronic brains I called him last night. The teacher called out the children’s names. Let’s call on John [at John’s house]. 表示看望或拜访某人,后接介词 on 或 upon; 表 示到某地拜访,后接介词 at。
Guess who they are.
1. He is the tallest player in his basketball team.
2. She has short hair and a long face.
Tip s
Guess what sports they are doing.
Answer these questions.
Do you often watch TV?
How long do you watch TV in the evening?
What did your family watch on TV from August 8th to 24th?
What can you see in the Olympic Games? People do sports in the Olympic games.
9. Why does everyone like Li Ming? Because he is very friendly to everyone round him.
Find out the useful expressions:
1. 戴着眼镜 2. 在右边 / 左边 3. 乐意做…… 4. 在世界上 5. 最好的游泳选手 之一 6. 擅长….. 7. 在…旁边; 隔壁 8. 对某人友好
a _f_o_o_t_b_a_ll_ c __t_a_b_le__te_n__n_is_ e _te_n_n__is_ b b__a_d_m_i_n_to__n_ d _r_u_g_b_y__ f _s_w_i_m_m__in_g
Liu Mei is a girl who likes playing table tennis
牛津深圳版八年级下册综合复习题1.Afterwards he felt sorry for his rudeness.A. Before thatB. At that timeC. LaterD. After2.In this accident, three children were injured.A. savedB. pleasedC. hitD. hurt3.Smoking is connected with many diseases.A. belongs toB. has a link withC. is joined toD. is closed to4.___ you obey the rules, you will be punished.A. IfB. SinceC. BecauseD. unless5.If you plant seeds in soil, ___.A. it growsB. they growC. you growD. it will grow6. –Is it true that some parts of our brain can grow bigger ___ we use ____ a lot?-- Yes, scientists think so.A. if, itB. unless, itC. if, themD. unless, them7.I shall telephone the police and complain about it ____ the noise ____.A. if, stopsB. unless, stopsC. if not, stopsD. unless, stop8. He always takes medicine with him ____ he catches cold.A. soB. so thatC. in caseD. in order that9.We had a lot of fun in London. It was a(n) ____ trip.A. boringB. excitedC. enjoyableD. well10.A washing machine makes housework ___. A. easier B. easilyC. be easy D. to be easy11.The tiger made me ___.A. frightenedB. frighteningC. interestingD. exciting12. I feel ____. I’ve got nobody to talk to. A. happy B. lonely C. alone D. lone13. I feel sorry for the poor old woman.A. laugh atB. say sorry toC. show sympathy forD. show kindness to14. Sometimes I quarrel with my sister Tracy.A. argue angrily withB. talk happily withC. am angry withD. am sorry for15. I haven’t had an opportunity to think about it yet.A. a positionB. an ideaC. a decisionD. a chance16. It was ____ we went fishing in the open air yesterday. A. such a nice weatherB. so nice weather thatC. such nice weather thatD. a nice weather so that17. Mr Black threw away ____ Mr White last month.A. as much plastic asB. as many newspaper asC. as many metal asD. as much tins as18. We are the same ____ but different ____.A. ages, weightsB. age, weightC. ages, weightD. age, weights19. Keep quiet, please. It’s ____ noisy here.A. many tooB. too manyC. much tooD. too much20. Joyce writes ___Mike. A. as careless asB. as good asC. much better thanD. as careful as21. Cotton ____ nice and soft. A. is felt B. is feeling C. feels D. felt22. – You have never been to the Science Museum, ___? No, I haven’t.A. have youB. haven’t youC. don’t youD. do you23. Do you think English words are ____ to memorize?A. hardlyB. difficultyC. hardD. easily24. Bags made of leather are more expensive than ____ made of plastic.A. thoseB. thatC. the oneD. this25. They had to stay there for a night because of the rain, ____?A. haven’t theyB. hadn’t theyC. didn’t theyD. don’t they26. Take exercise every day, ___ you’ll become stronger and healthier.A. orB. andC. butD. while27. Helen has ____ bicycle ____ I have.A. the different, asB. a different, fromC. the same, asD. a same, as28. The child had nobody ___.A. to playB. to play withC. play withD. playing with29. She reared seven children by herself in those days.A. plantedB. grewC. namedD. raised30. A lot of money was collected to support the programme.A. developB. build and startC. help and encourageD. watch31. She was punished for her mistake.A. made to sufferB. praisedC. made unhappyD. educated32. Pansy hurt her legs ___ that she ____ not able to walk for half a year.A. so bad, wasB. so badly, wasC. so badly, isD. very badly, was33.The teacher raised her voice so that the whole class ____ hear her clearly.A. mayB. mightC. canD. will34 – Why is Frank taking a bottle of drinking water? -- He’s taking it in case he ___ thirsty.A. will beB. isC. wasD. has been35. The boy saw ___ car accident that he dreamed a lot of terrible dreams.A. so terribleB. such terribleC. so a terribleD. such a terrible36. ___ people came to see the film that the cinema got very crowded.A. So fewB. So muchC. So manyD. Such many37. I’ll take my umbrella with me in case it _____.A. is rainingB. will rainC. is going to rainD. rains38. We should try to protect pandas ___ they will not disappear from Earth.A. in order toB. so as toC. thatD. in order that39.I’d like to go swimming ____ the water is not too cold.A. forB. unlessC. ifD. whether40.When ____ English with Mr. Green, you should focus all of your attention on your pronunciation.A. speakB. speakingC. to speakD. speak in41.It makes him ___ . A. feel angrily B. feel angry C. to feel angry D. feeling angry42.We don’t know if it ___. If it ___, we won’t go out for a walk.A. rains, will rainB. rains, rainsC. will rain, will rainD. will rain, rains43.You’ll miss your train if you don’t put on your clothes ___.A. fastlyB. soonC. quickD. quicker44.She lives in ___ room, but she is very happy.A. very a smallB. a quite smallC. quite smallD. quite a small45.It’s very kind ___you __me. A. of, to helpB. for, to helpC. of, helping D.for, helping46.___ children there are in a family, ___ their life will be.A. The less, the betterB. The fewer, the betterC. Fewer, richerD. More, poorer47.What a ___ cough! You seem ___ ill.A. terrible, terriblyB. terribly, terribleC. terrible, terribleD. terribly, terribly48. Lucy and Lily are twins. But they differ ___.A. a fewB. fewC. a littleD. little49.How can we make the work ____ than we have planned?A. successfulB. successfullyC. more successfulD. more successfully50.She played the piano ___ than we had thought.A. successfulB. successfullyC. more successfulD. more successfully一.词汇1.My grandfather are ______ a lot ____ continuous headache these days(受…的折磨)2.Are you _____________(frighten) of tigers?3.He made an ____________(apologize) for stepping on my foot.4.To my __________(amaze), the boy was killed in the accident.5.To everyone’s ____________(surprised), he who is very good at English didn’t pass the exam.6.The ______ of the scientist was a great loss to our country. Luckily, he _______ without any pain. (die) 7._____________ (practise)makes perfect.8.The teacher made a _________(suggest) to the former students to __________(募捐) money for the sick child.9.Draw a _______(直的) line along the wall.10.They jumped up and down in __________(excite).11.I think it is well worth __________(see) again because it is very ____________(mean).12.He stood up and answered the question ___________.(confident)13.His parents want to make him ___________(succeed) than others.14.His new play was an overnight__________( successful).15.Were you __________ ( success )in persuading her to change her mind?16.I __________( success ) persuaded her to change her mind.17.May I take the o________(机会)to everyone for their hard work on the project?18. A large a__________ of money has been spent on this project.19.Linda ___________________ (印象)well in the interview. Finally she got the job.20.He _____ ______ _______ (给人的印象是) a hardworking student.21.He ______ ________(偶然发现) some old letters when he was cleaning the drawer.22.Everyone arrived late at the party for _____ ______ __________(各种不同的) reasons.23.He often ______ about his wife’s safety(worry).24.He is often ________ about his wife’s safety(worry).25.He has great _________(difficult) __________ (understand) foreigners.26.He is h________ for a job.27.Pandas can be mainly found in ______and_______ (中西部) China.28.The only __________(explain)to his illness is that he works too much. 29.Please give a _______ (detail) ___________(describe)of the ________(miss) panda. 30.He joined in the speaking _______ (compete)and won the first p________.31.I don’t feel like _____ (go) fishing this afternoon.32.I wouldn’t like __________ (go) fishing this afternoon.33.You’d better not _______ (go) fishing this afternoon.34.My memory is badly hurt. I can’t remember things _______(happen) recently. 35.When ________( talk) with foreigners, you should pay attention to your manners. 二.介词填空1.There are some difference ________ the two singers ______ singing style.2.He gets ________ well ______ his classmates.3.Congratulations _____you ______your passing the driving test.4.I always want someone to talk ______.5.He has a good memory _____ names.6.He has great success ______everything.7.He often plays jokes _____ others.8.He often makes fun _____ others.9.It is very foolish _____ you to do such things.10.He always disagrees ______ me .11.Do you agree ______ my suggestion?12.He makes a living ______ hunting.13.He spends lots of money _____clothes.14.He spends lots of money ______ buying clothes.15.He is angry ______ me _________ my poor study.16.I need your help ______ my housework. I can finish it only ____ your help.17.The killer was punished ______ breaking the law.18.My parents are strict _______us______ everything.19.Your speech left a deep impression ________ us.20.He put _____ a performance last night.21.Believe ______ yourself .= Be confident _______yourself.22.He is regarded ______ my best friend.23.His new car differs _____mine____color.24.The robber robbed him ____his wallet.三.解释句子1.What do you think of his English?= ___________________his English?2.In my opinion, history is easy to learn.= In my _______ , history is easy to learn.3.The boy is so young that he cannot go to school.= The boy is ________ old __________ to go to school.4.Mary lent me this book in order that I could read about a new diet.=Mary lent me this book _________ __________ I could read about a new diet.5.I have a lot of trouble with English reading.=I have a lot of trouble __________ __________.ics are exciting to read.=It is ___________ to __________ comics.7.He was very excited. He couldn’t say a word.=He was _________ excited ________ he couldn’t say a word.8.He ran fast in order to catch up with me.=He ran fast _________ ________ he could catch up with me.9.It is an interesting film. I have seen it twice and have been deeply moved.=It is _______ an interesting film ________ I have seen it twice and have been deeply moved.10.He is the tallest student in his class.=No one is _________ _______ him in this class.。
八年级英语下册 Chapter 1 A letter from a pen-friend (1) 上海牛津版 知识精讲
八年级英语下册Chapter 1 A letter from a pen-friend (1)上海牛津版【本讲教育信息】一. 教学内容:Chapter One: Reading二. 重点词汇:1. at the top-right corner 在右上角,注意“在”用的是介词at,而不是in2. take a look at=have a look at看一看3. at the end 在末尾,尽头与end 相关的词组还有in the end 最后= at last4. write to sb. 给某人写信收到某人的来信是: get a letter from sb.= receive a letter from sb.= heard from sb.5. want to do sth. 想要做某事want sb. to do sth. 想让某人做某事6. in the magazine 在杂志上7. short black hair 黑色的短发,注意颜色放在名词之前,也就是颜色要紧紧挨着所修饰的词8. play football 踢足球play the violin 弹小提琴注意:运动的前面不加定冠词,乐器的前面一定要加定冠词。
9. come from 从……来=be from10. walk to school 步行去上学= go to school on foot11. be keen on 喜爱be keen on doing sth. =like doing sth. = enjoy doing sth.12. be friendly to sb. 对某人友善e.g: He is friendly to everyone13. at school 与in the school 的区分:at school 前不加冠词,表示在学校,强调的是地点in the school 前加冠词, 也表示在学校,但强调的是在学校学习这件事。
Unit 7 Memory 词汇讲解 课件 2022-2023学年牛津深圳版英语八年级上册
•16. cycle n. 循环; 自行车
•The film is about the life cycle of butterflies. 这部电影是关于蝴蝶的生命周期。
•What about going for a cycle ride on Sunday? 我们星期天骑自行车去兜风如何?
17. similar adj.相似的 be similar to 与…相似 All big cities are quite similar. 所有的大城市都十分的相似。 Your idea is similar to mine. 你的观点和我的有点相似。
4. improve n. 改进,改善 (P98) (= make…better) improvement n.改进之处
We need to improve our environment. 我们需要改善环境。 Peter must improve his spelling. 彼得必须要改进他的拼写了。
13. trouble
trouble 不可数名词,前面可以用some, a lot of, any, no等来修饰。
have trouble (in) doing sth. 意为“做某事有困难”,其中,介词in可以省略.
同义词短语: have problems/difficulty doing sth 做某事有困难 have trouble /problems/difficulty with sth 在某方面有困难
Unit 7 Memory
1. Memory Corner (P99) memory n. 记忆力, 回忆 a memory for sth 对某事的记忆 memorize v (=remember) He has a good memory . 他有很好的记忆力。
牛津深圳版英语八上Unit 7《Memory》单元教学设计
牛津深圳版英语八上Unit 7《Memory》单元教学设计一. 教材分析牛津深圳版英语八上Unit 7《Memory》是一篇关于记忆力的文章。
二. 学情分析学生在学习这个单元之前,已经掌握了相应的语言知识,具备一定的听说读写能力。
三. 教学目标1.知识目标:学生能熟练朗读并理解文章内容,掌握关键词汇和语法结构。
四. 教学重难点1.重点:学生能熟练朗读并理解文章内容,掌握关键词汇和语法结构。
五. 教学方法1.任务型教学法:通过完成各种任务,激发学生的学习兴趣,培养他们的实践能力。
六. 教学准备1.教师准备:熟悉教材内容,了解学生的学习情况,设计相应的教学活动。
七. 教学过程1.导入(5分钟)教师通过提问方式引导学生谈论记忆力,激发学生的兴趣。
如:“Do you think you have a good memory? Can you remember some interestingthings about memory?”2.呈现(10分钟)教师播放课文录音,让学生跟读并模仿语音语调。
牛津英语(沪)8b chapter1 p2-p3 详解(一)
牛津英语(上海教育出版社)8B chapter1 p2~p3详解1.flag 法国国旗在微风中飘扬。
The French flag is flying in the breeze. 2.Happen(happened-happened)=take placeWhen did the accident happen?When did the robbery take place?(take place多指计划好的事情发生)●Sth happen to sb●Happen to do sth 偶然(碰巧)做某事。
3.Sail 航行sail to/for sp4.Lose-lost-lostLose one’s life丧命lose one’s way迷路lose one’s head被砍头lose the battle/match输掉战争/比赛lose oneself in sth 沉迷于5. Defeat +sb 多指战争中击败某人Win +sth win one million/the prize(奖品)Beat +sb 用棍棒打,有节奏地打。
6.Now that =since 引导原因状语从句既然7. start to do = start doing sth当1.it 指老天(It start to rain)2.start本身是进行时时3.Start+心理动词(understand, know)时只用start to do sth8.go aboard 上船/飞机go abroad去国外9.Spread(spread-spread)●伸展,展开spread one’s wings/arms●传播,蔓延The disease spread quickly10.visit v. visit sb/spn. be on a visit to sp11. Coast. 在海岸线上on the coast of12.in addition = as wellIn addition, she can dance.=She can dance .13.be excellent for sth /doing sth 极适合于14.…的中心the centre of15.grow(grew-grown)●种植grow crops●生长The trees grow up quickly in spring.16.such as 例如+多个名词或动名词(sth,doing sth)For example+句子/n.17.go on=continue go on to do sth 做另一件事go on doing sth 做同一件事。
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• • • • • • • • • •
memorize记忆=remember remember to do /doing memorize sth cost花费 sth cost sb. +money =spend …(money)in doing sth =spend …(money) on sth =pay…(money) for sth repair修理 have sth repaired 修理某物
Try to put t个笑话来结束这个会议。
(3)我想写一篇关于记忆的文章。 (4)你应该把他记在心里。 (并把它改为同义句。) (5)你能尽快修理你的单车吗? (6)这只笔花了我十三元。
• He concluded/ended the meeting with a joke.
Chapter 1
New words and expressions
Let’s play a memory game
Key words
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • memory 记忆 (C) article文章 mind大脑 ,头脑(C) make up one’s mind to do something = decide to do something 当动词时,“介意,照顾,留心 ” mind doing sth. -Would you mind sb’s doing something? -No, not at all. Never mind. 没关系。 brain 也有大脑的意思 an injured brain topic主题 smile 微笑 a sweet smile the Guinness Book of Records <<吉尼斯世界纪录大全>> spider 蜘蛛
• death 死亡 the death of sb. • die(v) →dead(adj)→dying(adj) →died(past form) • excuse借口 ,理由 There is no excuse this time. 这次没有理由了。 Excuse me. • president 总统 vehicle车辆(C) sitting room起居室 • charity 慈善组织 note纸币 • wallet皮夹(男用) purse(女用) • millionaire 百万富翁
• He found his wallet at last. • I’d like to write an article on memory. • You should remember him in your mind. • You should keep him in your mind. • This pen cost me 30 yuan.
USA Presidents
Some practice
• • • • •
(1)The boy ____to catch his classmate.
这个男孩下决心赶上其他同学。(改为同义句) (2)Do you ___if I park the car here? 你介意我把车停在着吗? (3)用die的适当形式填空 ①The poor man ___three years ago. ②He has been ___for two years.
You’d batter not watch TV.
• (5)我的表出现问题了。 My watch has gone wrong. Something is wrong with my watch.
网赚/ 网络赚钱/ 网上赚钱/ 新手网赚论坛/shelp.asp 调查赚钱网站/diaochazhuanqian.html 挣钱的好方法/zhengqiandehaofangfa.html 全自动挂机赚钱软件/quanzidongguajizhuanqianruanjian.html 推广赚钱/tuiguangzhuanqian.asp 打游戏赚钱/dayouxizhuanqian.html 看广告赚钱/kanguanggaozhuanqian.html
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • have an accident 发生事故 several=a few 几个 fall down 掉下 land on one’s head 某人头着地 turn into 变为 be away from school =be absent 没去上学 try hard to do sth 努力去做某事 write a shopping list 写一张购物清单 stay in one’s mind 记在某人脑中 find out sth 找出…… park the car 停车 complain about 抱怨…… switch……off(on )=turn ……off(on) 关掉(打 开)…… had better do sth 最好做某事
• Can you repair this bike as quickly as possible?
• • • • • • • • •
形容词(adj): sensible合理的 short-term→long-term injured受伤的 =be hurt strange奇怪的 dramatic戏剧性的 something dramatic amazed吃惊的 amazing amaze(v) some amazing things
• (1)在《吉尼斯世界纪录大全》中,有一些关 于记忆的令人惊异的故事。 • (2)如果一些戏剧性的是发生了,我们通常会 记得很好。
• 副词(adv): • exactly 正好 • That’s exactly what I expected.
• 这正是我所期待的。
• 短语(phrase): • go wrong 出现问题 • for example 例如 • break down 抛锚 • pay attention to 注意
出十篇纸来,去交给福晋。”“丫鬟,您要交哪十篇呢?”“你看着拿吧,反正够十篇就行了!其它的,你帮我收到小柜里,也别扔掉 了。”吟雪既不认字也不会写字,当然不知道哪些写得好哪些写得坏,反正丫鬟说让交十篇,于是她就从表面上随便捡了捡,凑够了十 篇,赶快送到了霞光苑。福晋从红莲的手中接过据说是年侧福晋交来的十篇《女诫》,心中暗喜,谢天谢地,等了十来天,终于等到了 天仙妹妹交上来的处罚成果!于是她长长地出了壹口气,随意看了看这些纸页。雅思琦是好奇年妹妹这字写得如何,于是任凭她左看看、 右看看,看了半天她也看不懂这些字写得到底如何,不过,怎么看着不像平常见到的那些汉字方方正正的?全都是乱糟糟的,不像是写 出来,反而像是画出来似的。反正看也看不明白,她就直接让红莲将这十篇《女诫》送到了朗吟阁。第壹卷 第117章 重罚今天王爷没 有府里用晚膳,回到府里的时候,已经快要到壹更天了。当他进入书房之后,立即就看到了摆在桌子上的这十篇《女诫》,茫然不知所 措。秦顺儿见状,赶快上前壹步:“启禀爷,这是福晋送来的,说是年侧福晋受处罚而写的十篇《女诫》,请爷过目。”他这才想起来, 上次给福晋布置了处罚年氏的事情,这些日子壹忙,他都快把这件事情忘记了,看来福晋用的是抄书的处治法子!疑惑之间,他随手拿 起来看了壹眼。不看还好,这壹看,他简直就是气不打壹处来!上次她写家信的时候用的是颜体,他就曾经无情地批驳过她:还没有学 会走就想学跑。现在再看到冰凝初学米芾的狂草,这回他已经实在是懒得再批发成语了,而是惜字如金地只给了四字:东施效颦!也该 着冰凝走背运,吟雪这个不识字的丫环因为不知道丫鬟哪篇写得好,以为凭丫鬟那么出众的才学,哪壹篇写得都壹样呢,于是就随便捡 了十篇。可是她随便那么壹捡的那些,居然就是丫鬟刚刚开始学习米芾的那前十几篇,虽然后面那三、四十篇也没有达到多高的水平, 但总比这初练的十几篇要强很多。对于年氏小小年纪,不知天高地厚的表现,他心中的憎恶情绪陡然升起,当即认为罚抄《女诫》实在 是太轻了!于是随手将这十篇《女诫》摔到秦顺儿的手里,同时吩咐他:“给福晋传话:就凭这几篇《女诫》,根本起不起惩戒作用! 必须再加重处罚!”福晋得到爷的吩咐,也不知道天仙妹妹这书抄得哪个方面不合爷的意,又惹了爷哪里不痛快。可是还让她再加重处 罚的措施,简直是难为死她了!壹方面她觉得冰凝还是个小孩子,爷这么大人了,何苦跟个孩子置气呢!另壹方面,爷的话就是金科玉 律,必须不折不扣地遵照执行!被逼无奈的雅思琦足足憋了两天时间,才算勉强又凑出来了两条处罚措施:罚三个月的月银,禁足
• (1)Tom 上周发生了事故。
Tom had an accident last week.
• (2)如果你加热水,它会变成水蒸气。
If you heat water, it turns into steam.
• (3)这幅图一直记在我脑中。 I have kept this picture in my mind all the time. • (4)你最好不要看电视。
• ③His ___is the saddest thing in our district(地区).
• ④Look, he is ___. We can’t save it.
(1)makes up his mind (2)mind
• 动词(verb): • imagine想象→imagination(v) • ※imagine后面可接名词(n)、代词(pron)、 从句(clause)、动名词(v+ing),但不能 接动词不定式(to do) 。 • end以……结尾 end…with… • He ended the story with a question. • 他以一个问题结束了这个故事。 • 当名词时,at the end of(在……的末尾) • by the end of (在……快结束/末尾的 • 时候)in the end (最后,终于)