高中英语新闻报道范文及翻译(15篇) The storm bught people closer. We could have heard the stng wind at the door of Alabama. The dark clouds made the sky very dark.There was no light outside. It felt like a midnight TV news report that there was a heavy rain in the area. The neighbors were very busy.My father was coveng the window with wood chips. My mother was se that the flashlight and radio were working. She was still on the table After dinner, the rain be to hit the window violently.They ted to play card s. Howr, there was a seous storm outside, and Ben was hard to find fun. At first he couldn't sleep.Finally, in the early hos of the morning, when the wind gradually weakened, he woke up and the sun se. He and his family walked out of the house and found that the neighborhood was a mess, full of fallen trees, bken windows and garbage. They joined the ranks of the neighbors.中文翻译:暴风雨把人们拉近了距离,可以听到巴马州家门口强风,乌云使天空变得非常黑暗,外面没有灯光,感觉就像午夜电视新闻报道说,这一地区正下着一场大暴雨,邻居们都很忙,正在用木片遮住窗户在确保手电筒和收音机正常工作她还在桌上放了些蜡烛和火柴正在帮做晚饭晚饭晚饭后雨开始猛烈地打在窗户上,他们试图玩纸牌游戏,但是,外面发生了一场严重风暴,很难找到乐趣。
英语报刊新闻文体的特征及翻译摘要: 新闻文体的特点是集大众性、时效性、趣味性、客观性和简洁性于一体的文体。
关键词: 英语报刊新闻文体特征翻译报刊新闻文体是一种常见的实用文体,是指新闻报道及报刊杂志上刊登的各类文章,涉及范围广,内容丰富,题材各异,包含了政治、经济、军事、科技、外交、文体、娱乐、宗教、法律、刑事、日常生活等各个方面的内容。
中国新闻短篇英文翻译作文英文:Recently, I read a piece of news about China's new policy on environmental protection. The government has announced a series of measures to reduce air pollution and improve the quality of the environment. For example, they are promoting the use of clean energy and encouraging people to use public transportation instead of driving their cars. I think this is a great initiative because it shows that the government is taking the issue of environmental protection seriously. It's important for everyone to do their part in protecting the environment, and I believe that these new policies will have a positive impact on the country.中文:最近,我看了一则关于中国新的环保政策的新闻。
English News Feature
• 9.1 Concept of English News Feature • 特写(feature)是一个比较广义的名词,所包括的范围很
广,凡不属于硬新闻(hard news)这一范围的稿件都可 称为特写。在英文报纸上,特写包括的范围极广,体裁也 多种多样,它可以囊括新闻消息以外的一切报道。特写最 初是电影艺术领域中的一个术语,产生于西方,如今已成 为一种成熟的新闻文体,与纯新闻报道和评论共同构成新 闻的三大支柱。美国的丹尼尔·威廉森(Daniel Williamson) 教授对特写作了定义:“特写是一种带有创作性的,有时 也带有主观性的文章,旨在给读者以精神享受,并使他们 对某件事、某种情况或对生活中的某个侧面有所了解。”
• 美国新闻学教授詹姆斯·阿伦森(James Aronson)在他所
语,写的是有关某人、某机构的一桩新闻事件,或某一政 治事件、社会事件。”(转引自梁洪浩、伍于诚,1993: 88)特写突出表现新闻诸要素中的某一个要素或几个要素, 对这一个或几个要素做详细、深入、透彻的描述。可见,
• 其次,特写与消息的写作手法、写作范围和结构等方面也
不相同。特写比消息讲究些,语言一般不会平铺直叙,而 是尽量显得生动、活泼、优美,以引起读者的兴趣。特写 的写作范围可以是有新闻价值的,也可以是无新闻价值的。 特写记者常常有足够的时间细致观察,深入调查,细细琢 磨,精心构思。无疑,写特写比写消息有更多自由发挥的 余地,别出心裁的空间。此外,特写较少受到版面的限制, 可长可短。短的几段,长的一二十页。为了保持读者的兴 趣,使之一口气读完,特写往往在结构上下功夫,既要含 而不露,又要一步步将读者引向阅读高潮,因此特写的结 构灵活多样。而消息最重要的一个特征是赶时效,消息报 道的往往是飞机失事、枪战、暴力、洪水等硬新闻。即使 再重要、再轰动的消息一旦过时就无人问津。
• 五千多万亩粮田被淹,很多粮仓被毁。电 视屏幕上,成千上万的农民在设法抢救粮 食。他们或把麻袋装的粮食运到船上,或 者把它们转移到高处。 • 翻译时注意句中“Thousands of peasants have been shown”译成主动 语态更符合汉语表达习惯。
• 第四,时态方面,多使用一般现在时和 现在进行时。这两种时态给人事件正在 进行的效果,给人以真实感和现实感。 如:A Ground War Begins (一场地面 战打响了);Deposits, Loans Rising in HK(存贷款额在港回升)。甚至在said, told, reported, added等动词过去 时后面的that宾语从句中,过去时也常 常为现在时态所替代。
【译文】你不可能察觉不到新一代失业的美国人 在描述当今求职市场的残酷情形时的悲伤 语调。
• 词汇异同 从词汇来看,中文标题喜用动词,英文标题偏爱名词。 相同点是两者都常用缩略语(汉语中如“武警”、 “政协”、“入世”、“安理会”、“人行”等,英 语中如(UN , UK , USA , NATO , WT0 , NASA, EU 等)、“小词”即大众化用词和时髦用语。例如: l)澳洲也兴华文网络热 • Chinese Net Craze in Australia
• 一是对事实的报道;
• 二是新闻的时间性很强; • 三是保持新闻的真实性、客观性是新闻 报道的灵魂。
• 用词新颖,精巧别致
Watergate, zipper-gate, 解说门, 电话门
• 句式多样京因恐怖事件受媒体严厉批评
• 第二,使用“小词”。小词(midget words)即简短词,一般为单音节词。 小词的广泛使用一是由于报纸篇幅有限, 用小词可以免于移行,二是由于小词的 词义范畴很宽,一般比较生动灵活。新 闻英语称这类词为synonyms of all work (万能同义词),如back(支 持), ban(禁止),curb(控制)。
下面是店铺给大家整理的英语作文新闻报道范文及翻译,供大家参阅! 英语作文新闻报道范文及翻译:铁路旅客手指被夹自动门不得不跟随高铁列车一起跑Video footage shows a man forced to run alongside amoving high speed train after getting his fingerclamped between one of the doors.视频显示一名男子手指被夹自动门,不得不跟随高铁列车跑起来。
The video was filmed on May 15 at a station inChangzhou, east China's Jiangsu province, accordingto the People's Daily Online.视频拍摄于5月15号江苏常州站,人民网报道。
After some time, the man manages to pull his fingeraway from the closed doors.一会之后,这名男子成功的将手指挣脱开来。
In the footage the man can be seen moving along with the train.从视频中可以看出男子和列车一起跑了起来。
According to Xinmin, the man boarded the wrong train thinking it was the G7080 train.据称男子上错车,以为那是G7080列车。
As soon as he realised his mistake, he tried to exit the train.意识到自己上错车后,他立马走出车门。
However as he left in a hurry, he got a finger on his left hand trapped in the automatic doors.然而在他匆忙下车时,他左手手指被夹在了自动门里。
系动词、代词、助动词冠词、介词等的省 略…… Anhui accelerates coal mine building. (the building of coal mine)安徽加速煤建设。 名词短语、动词短语、形容词短语、分词 短语作前置定语: Yesterday, the troops were seen off by flag-waving, cheering crowds, their tanks strewn with flowers. (by the crowds who were waving flags and cheering.)
3. 巧用时态,不拘呼应 时态的运用在新闻文体中有其独特之处, 在标题中尤为突出。为生动简短起见, 标题中常用一般现在时,不定式和现在 分词分别表示过去、将来或正在进行的 动作。用一般现在时表达已发生的动作 ,目的是为了增强报道的直接感和同时 感。
US Journalism suffers rough year in credibility. 一年来美国新闻界信誉下 降。 A Ground War Begins. 地面战打响了。 Largest Chinese trade delegation to visit US in Nov. 最大的中国贸易代表团将于 11月访美。
因新事物的出现而催生出新词。这些新 词往往伴随着特定的政治、社会等环境 而产生,从而具有显著的社会性,也易 于为读者所理解和接受。
Tobacco use is the biggest preventableБайду номын сангаасcause of death and disease in Ontario. It kills 13,000 Ontarians each year. As of May 31, 2006, through the SmokeFree Ontario Act, the Ontario Government protects the health of all Ontarians by prohibiting smoking in enclosed workplaces and enclosed public places.
下面是店铺给大家整理的新闻评论英语范文带翻译,供大家参阅!新闻评论英语范文带翻译:男子用3D打印自制牙套An undergraduate at New Jersey Institute ofTechnology made his own plastic braces using a 3Dprinter, US$60 of materials, and they actuallyworked.新泽西理工大学的一名本科生用一台3D打印机以及60美元的材料为自己制作了塑料牙箍,而且这些牙箍确实有效。
Amos Dudley had braces in middle school, but hedidn't wear a retainer like he was supposed to, so histeeth slowly shifted back. He didn't want to shell outthousands of dollars for a whole new round ofbraces, so the digital-design major decided to makehis own.阿莫斯·达德利中学的时候就戴上了牙箍,但他没有按要求戴固位体,所以他的牙齿逐渐后移。
The process wasn't exactly easy. He had to research orthodontic procedures and plot theroute of his successive braces, so his teeth would move in the right way.制作牙箍的过程并不简单。
新闻标题1. The peaceful exceptionA new president has worked wonders和平的例外——新总统创造了奇迹2. China coming down the tracks中国正从铁轨上冲下来A railway boom promises to tie South-East Asia together—and boost China’s sway铁路的繁荣将会把东南亚联系在一起——促进中国的影响3. Third of Europe see US as top threat to stability: Poll民意调查:1∕3欧洲人视美国为世界稳定头号威胁因素4. What declining registration rates for post-grad exam mean?“考研热”为何“降温”?5. European Central Bank Makes First Rate Hike Since 2008自2008年以来,欧洲央行首次上调利率6. Police Lesson: Social Network Tools Have 2 Edges警察的一课:社交网络工具是一把双刃剑7. Libya: Nato must do more, say France and UK北约啊,尽力而为吧。
8. Ivory Coast: Gunfire in Abidjan despite Gbagbo arrest哪管洛朗·巴博被捕?阿比让仍炮火轰天新闻导语1. THE rapid expansion of its high-speed railways has got China plenty of attention. Yet ambitions do not stop at the border. On its southern flank China is renewing a push to lay tracks to mainland South-East Asia. The region's leaders have dreamed since the 1990s of seamless rail travel between Singapore and Kunming, capital of the south-western Chinese province of Yunnan. South-East Asia's existing network of railways is creaking, patchy and underfunded. Most goods move about the region by lorry and ship. But that creates choke points while running up fuel bills. An integrated rail system could be just the ticket.中国高速铁路的迅速发展引人注目。
CNN新闻前 50 篇CNN News Item 1 政治:美国因安全问题关闭在也门的大使馆The U.S. government closes its embassy in the Middle Eastern country of Yemen, and that is because of security concerns. One official says that a group called al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula might be planning an attack against the facility. That same group said it was behind an attempted plot to set off an explosive onboard a plane heading to Detroit, Michigan. That took place on Christmas day. The suspect allegedly brought the explosives on the plane in hi s underwear. The plan failed when the device he tried to use didn’t detonate correctly. Some people have asked how the suspect made it past security. One U.S. official says it’s because of human error. President Obama has promised that everyone involved in the attack will be held accountable for it. But some critics argue that the president’s response to the situation hasn’t been fast enough, hasn’t been aggressive enough.美国政府关闭其驻也门的中东国家,那就是由于安全方面的顾虑。
• 北京政府在事故发生后立即派医务人员和专 家前往密云救治受伤者,他们对伤者采取了 及时、有效的救治。现在,所有受伤者均已 脱离危险。 • Die Stadt Beijing hat nach dem Unglück medizinisches Person und Experten zur Behandlung nach Miyun geschickt. Sie haben die Verletzten rechtzeitig und effektiv behandelt. Mittlerweile sind alle Verletzten außer Lebensgefahr.
• 北京游园会受伤者已经脱离危险 • Alle Verletzten bei Laternenfest in Beijing außer Gefahr • 星期四晚上北京郊区的密云县在庆祝正月十 五的游园会上发生了一起恶性事件,导致37 人丧生,25人受伤。 • Am Donnerstagsabend ist während des Laternenfestes in einem Park von Miyun, einem Vorort Beijings, ein Unglück passiert. 37 Millionen sind ums Leben gekommen. Weiter wurden 25 verletzt.
• “神州三号”飞船成功返回 江泽民表示祝贺 • Unbemannte Weltraumkapsel “Shenzhou Ⅲ” gelandet • 中国第三艘无人航天飞船“神州三号”经过近7天 太空飞行后,今天(1日)16时在中国北方内蒙古 中部地区成功着陆。 • Die unbemannte chinesische Weltraumkapsel “Shenzhou Ⅲ” ist nach siebentägigem Flug im All am Montag gegen 16 Uhr in der Inneren Mongolei gelandet. • 当天,中国国家主席江泽民打电话表示祝贺。 • Staatspräsident Jiang Zemin gratulierte am selben Tag telefonisch dazu.
N. Y. Officials Want More DNA Samples
纽约市官员需要更多DNA 样本
US, DPRK resume talks on nuke issue 美国和朝鲜民主主义共和国恢复核武器问题
的会谈 Australia‟s GDP growth outlook improves 澳大利亚国内生产总值稳定增长 Record SAR admissions to mainland universities 香港学生北上升学人数倍增
二、英文标题的语法特点 (Grammatical Features)
广泛使用现在时, 兼用其他
时态 广泛使用非谓语动词(Nonfinite Verbs) 从句法结构上讲,省略是标题 的最大特点
Journalistic Present Tense ( 新闻现在时)
French Culture Is In The Doldrums 法国文化颓然不振 Husband And Wife Team Unlocks New Gene
广泛使用非谓语动词(Non-finite Verbs)
Five Ways To Be Romantic 浪漫五法 New Efforts To Learn About Planet Mars 探测火星
的新举措 Helping the Homeless to Help Themselves 帮助无 家可归者自强自立 Looking Back to Look Ahead 回首往昔 展望未来 Film Star Clint Eastwood Honored in Gala Tribute 影星克林特伊斯特伍德受庆典嘉奖 Four Killed and Five Hurt in a House Fire 房
国际新闻英文作文带翻译1. The US presidential election results were announced on November 7, 2020, with Joe Biden winning the presidency and Kamala Harris becoming the first female, first Black, and first South Asian vice president-elect in American history. The election was highly contentious, with President Trump refusing to concede and alleging widespread voter fraud without evidence. However, Biden and Harris have begun their transition to the White House and are expected to take office on January 20, 2021.2. The COVID-19 pandemic continues to ravage the world, with over 60 million confirmed cases and 1.4 million deaths as of November 2020. Countries have implemented various measures to contain the virus, including lockdowns, social distancing, and mask mandates. The pandemic has also had a significant impact on the global economy, with many businesses struggling to stay afloat and unemployment rates skyrocketing.3. In August 2020, Belarus held a presidential election that was widely criticized as fraudulent. The incumbent president, Alexander Lukashenko, claimed victory with over 80% of the vote, but opposition leader Svetlana Tikhanovskaya and her supporters alleged widespread voter suppression and demanded a new election. Protests erupted across the country, and the government responded with a brutal crackdown, arresting thousands of demonstrators and using violence to disperse crowds.4. The Black Lives Matter movement gained momentum in 2020 following the killing of George Floyd, a Black man, by a white police officer in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Protests against police brutality and systemic racism spread across the United States and around the world, with millions of people taking to the streets to demand justice and equality. The movement has sparked important conversations about race and policing, and has led to calls for significant reformsin law enforcement.5. The United Kingdom officially left the EuropeanUnion on January 31, 2020, after years of negotiations andcontroversy. The move, known as Brexit, has had significant implications for the UK and the EU, including changes to trade, immigration, and security policies. The UK is currently in a transition period until December 31, 2020, during which it will continue to follow EU rules and regulations while negotiating a new relationship with the bloc.1. 美国总统选举结果于2020年11月7日公布,乔·拜登赢得总统职位,卡玛拉·哈里斯成为美国历史上第一位女性、第一位黑人和第一位南亚裔副总统当选人。
1. 御览:皇帝亲自阅读。
2. 天下日报:报纸名称,相当于现代的“新闻报纸”。
3. 科学家团队:一群科学家组成的团队。
4. 环保材料:对环境保护有益的材料。
5. 绿光膜:新型环保材料的名称。
6. 有效降低:有效减少。
7. 能源消耗:能源的消耗量。
8. 减轻环境污染:减少环境污染的程度。
9. 反响热烈:表示反应强烈,大家都很关注。
10. 专家称:专家们称之为。
11. 重大突破:非常重要的成就。
关于比赛的英语新闻报道带翻译Bristol golfer Chris Wood is being helped by Ryder Cup star Darren Clarke as he settles in on the European Tour.布里斯托尔高尔夫球手克里斯·伍德在莱德杯明星达伦·克拉克的帮助下开始了欧洲巡回赛。
The 21-year-old finished fifth at this summer's Open at Royal Birkdale as an amateur and subsequently turned pro.这位21岁的业余选手在今年夏天的皇家鸟巢网球公开赛中获得第五名,随后成为职业选手。
And,after another top 10 finish at the Portugal Masters last weekend,he told BBC Radio Bristol:"Darren Clarke has been a good help to me giving me tips.上周末,在葡萄牙大师赛上又一次取得前十名的成绩后,他告诉英国广播公司布里斯托尔电台:“达伦·克拉克给了我很多建议,对我很有帮助。
"I can just text him when I want,give him a call and go out for dinner.And another of my mates is Rory McIlroy.".“我可以随时给他发短信,给他打个电话,然后出去吃饭。
Wood's ambition now is to win his European Tour card for 2009 next month at Tour School in Spain.伍德现在的目标是下个月在西班牙的巡回学校赢得2009年欧洲巡回赛的入场券。
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3.Already, the presence of large number of
Third World immigrants produced chronic racial
tension in Great Britain.
大 大批第
此句中的already 被置于句首,句式显得,尤其是在标题的 写作上。标题必须言简意骇,故用多语法成分或词语 常被省略,主要是省虚词,留实词。大致有以下几种 情况:
1.略冠词。如: Patient loses heart, gets 3rd (= A patient loses heart, gets the 3rd ) 一病人两度移植心脏 37 killed in Italian plane crash (= 37 kill in an Italian plane crash) 一驾意大利飞机失事,37人丧生。 2.省略系动词。如: Courses on Practical Skill Popular with Students ( =Courses on Practical Skill Remain Popular with Students) 实用技能课程仍受学生欢迎 Cops under Fire( =Cops are under Fire)警察遭枪击
“对于每个美国人来说,这一天定是我们一生中最 值得骄傲的日子,”总统对宇航员们说,“在人类 历史上极其珍贵的时刻,地球上所有的人真正形成 了一体。” 5.“He has never acted as anything but a candidate,” say a senior Western diplomat. “He has always been an outsider looking in.” “他一直在做 候选人,”一位资深西方外交官说,“他总是站在 局外,却关注着局内。”
新闻报道常用引语,这既可增加报道的真实 感和生动性,又能提高所述内容的客观性, 使读者确信记者未掺杂个人观点。转述或援 引提供消息和发表意见人士所说的话,离不 开使用“说”的句式。如一味用“某某人说+ 引语”的句式未免显得单调,沉闷。因此老 练的记者总是注意灵活运用不同句式,既可 将“某人说”放在所说的话的前面,也可置 于句中,还可以置于句尾。
1.Asked whether he was homosexual or bisexual, she said, “I know of no indication whatsoever that my husband had a male encounter.” 当问到他是同性恋还是 异性恋时,她说:“我只知道没有任何迹象表明我丈夫有 男性伙伴。” 2.“These things may seem kind of Mickey Mouse,” says William Damon, chairman of the education department at Brown. “ 这些事情看起来或许不重要”,教育部长威 廉·戴蒙在布郎说。 3.An armed man who bolted past the Pentagon Security guards in an apparent dash toward the National Command Centre yesterday was shot and later died, authorities said. 权威人士说:昨天一名持枪男子闯过两名 五角大楼卫兵,似乎想冲向国家指挥中心。该男子被枪击 中,后丧命。
1.Bucking the trends are much of the middle East and Sub-Sahara Africa. 撒哈拉南部非洲和中东许多地区的 情况与这些趋势正相反。 此句为倒装句,正常语序是:Much of the Middle East and Sub-Sahara Africa are bucking the trends. 2.More important, it is questionable whether market forces will prompt private employers to make way for many older workers anytime soon. 更为重要 的是,市场力量是否会促使私营雇主尽快向许多老工 人让步还值得怀疑。 本句采用了省略形式,More important 等于 What’s more important.
4.“For every American, this has to be the proudest day of our lives,” the President told the astronauts. “For one priceless moment in the whole history of man, all the people on this earth are truly one.”
由于英汉语言表达的差异,引语句式的多样化在译 文中难以完全体现,因为汉语中作为主语的人与谓 语动词“说”的词序是不能颠倒的。翻译引语时仍 应以符合汉语表达习惯为原则。
富与弹性是新闻文体句式的另一特点。句子长短不 一,松紧兼备。作者常紧凑句式,浓缩信息,具体表 现为省略句式的普遍使用和高度浓缩的前置修饰。新 闻报道中有时也会出现一些较为庞杂的句式,其目的 是提供丰富的背景材料,反映相关人员的观点看法。 表现形式为定语、状语结构的充分展开和插入语的适 当镶嵌。
第六章 新闻文体翻译 (二)
英美报刊的句法结构灵活多变,不拘一格。 表现在富于变化和富有弹性两个方面。
第一,报刊文字中的句式富于变化。在新闻报 道中有倒装句,有省略形式,有借助副词、 动词变化的句式等。形式多样,变化无常的 句式使新闻语言生动活泼,趣味盎然。
4.Says Dary Reading of Gowrie: “It makes you
mad. We are good at what we do, but we still
can’t make a living.” 高瑞的达里·雷丁说:“这让
这是一个将动词say 放在句首的句式。这种谓