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Ⅰ. Multiple choice.

1. When was the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) founded?(北二外2008研)

A. In 1955.

B. In 1945.

C. In 1948.

D. In 1949



2. All of the following play a part in formulating and carrying out the government’s foreign policy decisions except _____.

A. the Prime Minister and Cabinet

B. The Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO)

C. the Ministry of Defence

D. the Treasury


【解析】财政部(the Treasury)决定各部门得到多少财政预算,并不直接参与政府外交政


3. The goals of the current Commonwealth include _____.

A. working towards peace through the United Nations

B. promoting personal freedom and racial equality and opposition to colonial domination

C. reducing the gap between wealthy and poor segments of humanity

D. all of the above



4. The British Empire was replaced by the British Commonwealth or the Commonwealth of Nations in _____.

A. 1921

B. 1931

C. 1945

D. 1950



“地位平等,在内政和外交的任何方面互不隶属,唯有依靠对英王的共同效忠精神统一在一起”。1931年,《威斯敏斯特法案》从法律上对此予以确认,英联邦正式形成。不列颠帝国(the British Empire)自1931年起被英联邦所取代。

5. As a result of the First World War, the _____ was established in 1920.

A. League of Nations

B. British Commonwealth

C. British East India Company

D. United Nations


【解析】第一次世界大战后,在《凡尔赛和约》中,成立了第一个世界性的国际组织——国际联盟(the league of nations),宗旨是减少武器数量,平息国际纠纷及维持民众的生活水平,但是国际联盟并没能阻止二战的爆发,在二战结束后被联合国取代。

6. The British Empire ended in _____

A. the 1920s

B. the 1930s

C. the 1940s

D. the 1950s




Ⅱ. Fill in the blanks.

1. After World War Ⅱ, the first two colonies of the old British Empire that became free were _____ and _____.(首都师范大学2008研)



2. The United Kingdom has been a member of _____ since 197


【答案】European Union


3. In 1945, Britain became a permanent member of the _____.

【答案】Security Council of the United Nations


Ⅲ. Explain the item.

1. The Commonwealth(北二外2010研)

【答案】The Commonwealth is a voluntary association of states made up mostly of former British colonies. It was set up as a forum for continued cooperation and as a
