



朱永涛《英语国家社会与⽂化⼊门》...第3章美国的起始I.Decide whether the following statements are true(T)or false(F):1.The question“What is an American?”was first asked by J.Hector St.John de Crevecoeur. _____【答案】T【解析】什么样的⼈叫美国⼈?这⼀经典的问题是由法国农⼈赫克托.圣约翰·德克雷夫科尔在他的《美国农⼈书简》⼀书中提出来的。


2.Christopher Columbus discovered America in1492._____【答案】T【解析】克⾥斯托弗·哥伦布是西班⽛著名航海家,于1492年第⼀个发现美洲⼤陆。


3.The first English permanent settlement was founded in California._____【答案】F【解析】1607年,英国有3艘船只⾏驶到北美,殖民者史密斯等在弗吉尼亚亨利⾓登陆,并定居下来。


4.Massachusetts was established by English puritans who separated themselves from the Roman Catholic Church._____【答案】F【解析】这批出逃的清教徒并⾮是从罗马天主教反叛⽽出,⽽是从英国国教中反叛⽽出。


5.The state of Pennsylvania used to be inhabited by the Quakers._____【答案】T【解析】宾⼣法尼亚州曾属于威廉佩恩。





第3章美国的起始Ⅰ. Multiple choices.1. Which of the following is not characteristic of the US Constitution?(北二外2005研)A. It is the oldest written constitution in the world.B. It is the main expression of the American ideal.C. It is short and explicit in meaning.D. It has successfully translated the American ideal into practice.【答案】C【解析】美国宪法诞生于1787年在费城召开的制宪会议上,是世界最古老的成文宪法。



2. Which of the following states refused to participate in the Constitutional Convention?(北二外2008研)A. VirginiaB. Rhode IslandC. New YorkD. Maryland【答案】B【解析】Constitutional Convention制宪会议。


3. Who has extolled the virtues of farmers?(北二外2008研)A. Thomas JeffersonB. Eli WhitneyC. Adam SmithD. Alexander Hamilton【答案】A【解析】托马斯·杰斐逊(Thomas Jefferson),美国第三任总统,独立宣言的主要起草人之一。



第5章英国经济Ⅰ. Multiple choice.1. The service industry is also called _____.A. subsidiary industryB. light industryC. secondary industryD. tertiary industry【答案】D【解析】服务业也称第三产业,指不生产物质产品的行业,或者说是指除第一、二产业以外的其他行业。

2. Which of the following livestock has the biggest number in the UK?A. Beef battleB. Dairy cattleC. ChickenD. Sheep【答案】D【解析】2000年,英国羊的数量达到4226万只,为英国数量最多的家畜。

3. Where is the best agricultural land in Britain?A. In the southeast of England.B. In the northeast of England.C. In the southeast of Scotland.D. In the northeast of Scotland.【答案】A【解析】英国东南部是西欧平原的一部分,最适合发展农业,选A。

4. Which of the following is NOT a company in the energy sector?A. Shell.B. ICI.C. RTZ.D. British Gas.【答案】B【解析】ICI是英国帝国化学工业集团的简称,是闻名的纯碱与肥料的制造厂商,不属于能源公司,故选B。




5. Which civil airline was started in 1924 after the First World War?A. Imperial AirwayB. British AirwaysC. Hawker-Siddeley AviationD. the British Aircraft Corporation【答案】A【解析】A项帝国航空是B项英国航空的前身,于1924年成立。



第6章英国文学Ⅰ. Multiple choice.1. In which of the following periods of the English language did William Shakespeare write?(首都师范大学2009研)A. Old English.B. Middle English.C. Late Middle English.D. Modern English.【答案】D【解析】威廉·莎士比亚(1564—1616),英国文艺复兴时期著名诗人、剧作家;古英语(Old English),从450年盎格鲁-撒克逊人入侵到1066年诺曼征服时期的英语;中古英语(Middle English),从1066年到1476年英国开始采用印刷机时期的英语;现代英语(Modern English),从1476年至今的英语。

2. Shakespeare lived in the period of _____.(中山大学2008研)A. the Middle AgesB. the Victorian ageC. the Elizabethan ageD. the Industrial Revolution【答案】C【解析】伊丽莎白一世统治时期(1558—1603),英国文学,特别是戏剧繁荣发展,达到高峰,涌现出了一大批杰出的文学大师,比如莎士比亚(1564—1616)。

3. Which of the following is not true?(北京交大2006研)A. Beowulf is a hero who helps a Danish king kill a sea monster.B. Beowulf later becomes a king of his own land, Sweden.C. Beowulf stands for Christian virtues.D. Beowulf is said to be descended from Cain, the oldest son of Adam and Eve. 【答案】D【解析】《贝奥武甫》,古代史诗,标志着英国文学的开始;故事含意深刻,主人公代表着基督教的美德。



第2章英国简介(2)Ⅰ. Decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F):1. Ireland is part of Great Britain. _____【答案】F【解析】爱尔兰是一个独立国家,位于爱尔兰岛北部的北爱尔兰才是英国的一部分。

2. “Ulster”, referring to Northern Ireland, was once an ancient Irish Kingdom. _____【答案】T【解析】阿尔斯特指的是北爱尔兰,它曾经是一个古爱尔兰王国的名称。

3. The capital of Belfast is a large city with half a million people. _____【答案】F【解析】贝尔法斯特是北爱尔兰的首府,拥有人口二十余万。

4. Northern Ireland is significant because of its manufacturing industry. _____【答案】F【解析】北爱尔兰重要不仅仅是因为它的工业发达,还因为它在历史上与英国政府的不断冲突,更多是政治意义上的重要性。

5. The majority of Irish people were descendants of the original Celtic people who inhabited British Isles before the Romans arrived 2000 years ago. _____【答案】T【解析】大部分爱尔兰人民是凯尔特人的后代,他们远在罗马人入侵英国的两千年前就在英国居住。

6. Most British people are Protestants while most Irish people are Catholics. _____ 【答案】T【解析】大部分英国人是新教徒,大部分爱尔兰人是天主教徒。



第5章英国经济Ⅰ. Decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F):1. By the 1880’s the British economy was dominant in the world. _____【答案】T【解析】十九世纪八十年代,英国的经济在世界上占据主导地位。



2. Both the US and Canada overtook Britain in economy by 1900. _____【答案】F【解析】1900年,英国的经济被美国和德国超越,失去在世界经济体系中的主导地位。


3. By the end of World War Ⅱ, Britain had gone heavily into debt in order to develop its manufacturing industry and borrowed large amounts from the US and France. _____【答案】F【解析】为了给战争筹集资金,英国已经背上了沉重的债务,这意味着英国在进入战后阶段时已经面临严重的经济问题。


4. Another reason for British decline is the loss of its colonies, especially India, which gained its independence in 1947. _____【答案】T【解析】另外,使得英国衰退的原因还有俗称大英帝国的“皇冠上的珠宝”的印度于1947年赢得了独立,使英国失去了一个巨大的“原料库”。




⽬录:第⼀部分 英国、爱尔兰、澳⼤利亚第1章 英国简介(1)第2章 英国简介(2)第3章 英国政府第4章 政治、阶级和社会第5章 英国经济第6章 英国⽂学第7章 英国教育体系第8章 英国的外交关系第9章 英国媒体第10章 英国的体育运动、节假⽇第11章 爱尔兰地理、⼈⽂和历史第12章 爱尔兰政治和经济第13章 爱尔兰的⽂化:爱尔兰⼈的⽣活现状第14章 爱尔兰的⽂化:语⾔,⽂学和艺术第15章 澳⼤利亚的地理特征、怀有“梦创信仰”的民族第16章 澳⼤利亚的⽂化⽣活第17章 ⼯作和家庭⽣活第18章 澳⼤利亚是⼀个⾃由民主的社会第19章 澳⼤利亚的今天第20章 从种族主义到多元⽂化主义第⼆部分 新西兰、美国、加拿⼤第1章 国⼟、⼈民与历史第2章 政治制度、教育与经济第3章 美国的起始第4章 美国的政治制度第5章 美国经济第6章 美国的宗教第7章 美国⽂学第8章 美国的教育第9章 20世纪60年代的社会运动第10章 美国的社会问题第11章 美国⼈的⽣活⽅式:寻找⼀个可靠的概括第12章 美国的妇⼥解放运动第13章 美国的科技第14章 ⼆战后美国外交政策第15章 美国的体育运动与风景名胜第16章 美国的流⾏⽂化:电影和⾳乐第17章 国家与⼈民第18章 加拿⼤政府与政治第19章 加拿⼤——“⽂化镶嵌画”第20章 加拿⼤经济第21章 加拿⼤⽂学第22章 加拿⼤的国际关系第⼀部分 英国、爱尔兰、澳⼤利亚第1章 英国简介(1)Ⅰ. Multiple choice.1. Who were the ancestors of the English and the founders of England?[北⼆外2008研]A. The Anglo-Saxons.B. The Vikings.C. The Normans.D. The Romans.【答案】A【解析】盎格鲁-撒克逊⼈是⽇⽿曼民族的分⽀,于五世纪中期由北欧⼊侵⼤不列颠,成为现今英格兰⼈的祖先。


【答案】T 【解析】电影并不是起源于美国,而是起源于法国。
3. The nickelodeons attracted millions of viewers a week, mostly middle-class people for whom movies presented no linguistic, cultural, or social barriers. _____
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圣才电子书 十万种考研考证电子书、题库视频学习平台

5. Among the 1930s’ most notable attractions were the child star Shirley Temple and Bob Dylan’s “Blowin’ in the Wind.” _____
【答案】T 【解析】直到 19 世纪末,Tin Pan Alley(美国纽约百老汇附近的一个地名的别称)一直是 主要的音乐发行中心。
10. Jazz music is characterized by blue notes, syncopation, swing and improvisation. _____
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圣才电子书 十万种考研考证电子书、题库视频学习平台

13. The Beatles were originally from the industrial port city of Liverpool, on the New England’s coast, U.S.A. _____
【答案】F 【解析】摇滚音乐是迎合年轻观众的音乐,尤其是二战后的婴儿潮一代。
12. Rock was born as a result of changes in the music, broadcasting, advertising and entertainment industries. _____



第6章英国文学Ⅰ. Decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F):1. Much early British literature was concerned with Christianity, and Anglo-Saxons produced many versions of the Bible. _____【答案】T【解析】英国早期文学的主题多围绕基督教展开,例如盎格鲁-撒克逊人编纂过多种版本的圣经,其中以凯尔经最为著名。

2. Beowulf was a sea monster killed by a Swedish warrior. _____【答案】F【解析】贝奥武夫是来自瑞典南部济兹(Geat)的王子。


3. “The Wife of Bath” is one of the tales contained in The Canterbury Tales. _____ 【答案】T【解析】《巴斯夫人》是英国作家乔叟的坎特伯雷故事集中的一个故事。

4. There was a general flowering of culture and intellectual life in Europe during the 17th and 18th centuries which is known as “The Renaissance.” _____【答案】F【解析】15到16世纪,欧洲经历了文化和精神生活的全面繁荣,这被称为文艺复兴。


5. William Shakespeare is a great poet and much is known of his life. _____【答案】F【解析】莎士比亚被誉为英国文学史上最著名的剧作家,因其作品闻名于世界。



第7章英国教育体系Ⅰ.Multiple choice.1.Under the old selective system English children who have high marks in the “eleven plus”examination go on to_____.(北京交大2003研)A.public schoolsB.technical schoolsC.grammar schoolsD.secondary modern schools【答案】C【解析】在英国,初级学校学生在最后一学年要参加十一岁儿童升学考试;其中成绩最好的进入文法学校。

2.Which of the following is a feature of British education as a whole?(北京交大2006研)cation is chaotic.cation is very expensive.cation is highly centralized.cation is rather independent and enjoys a great deal of freedom.【答案】D【解析】英国教育具有自由化的特点,集中体现在实行学校的地方管理措施。


3.Which of the following statements can not be used to describe universities in Britain?A.All universities are private institutions.B.All students have got high marks in“A”Level.C.They have their own governing councilsD.They now derive nearly all of their funds from state grants.【答案】A【解析】白金汉大学(The University of Buckingham)是全英唯一一所私立独立大学,故答案应该选B。



第1章国土、人民与历史Ⅰ. Multiple choices.1. The largest urban area of New Zealand is _____.A. AucklandB. WellingtonB. HamiltonD. Queenstown【答案】A【解析】奥克兰是新西兰最大的城市,惠灵顿是新西兰首都。

2. New Zealanders have adopted their names from the kiwi, _____.A. which is a native flightless birdB. which was the only mammal in New ZealandC. which was introduced to New Zealand about 1000 years agoD. which is an introduced flightless bird【答案】A【解析】几维鸟(kiwi)是一种体型较大而无飞行能力的鸟类,在英语口语中用来指新西兰人。

3. Who was the first European navigator who arrived in New Zealand in 1642?A. Abel T asmanB. James CookB. a sealerD. a Christian missionary【答案】A【解析】荷兰人阿贝尔·塔斯曼(Abel T asman)成为第一个来到新西兰的欧洲航海家。

4. Which of the following is believed to be a prehistoric survival and described as a “living fossil”?A. The kiwi bird.B. The tuatara.C. The emus.D. The Maoris.【答案】B【解析】几维鸟(kiwi bird)是新西兰的国鸟,是国家的象征。



第7章英国教育体系I. Decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F):1. The purpose of British education is not only to provide children with literacy and the other basic skills but also to socialize children. _____【答案】T【解析】英国教育的一个目的是,教授“3R”,即阅读、写作和算术三种基础科目,为学生积极参与社会提供所需的基本知识和基本技能。


2. The state seldom interferes with the decision of when, where, how and what children are taught. _____【答案】F【解析】英国的教育体制其实对儿童接受教育的时间、方式、地点和内容都有规定,家长们自己有选择权,学校中也主要是校长进行管理。


3. The enduring feature of British education is the continuing debate over what should be taught in schools. _____【答案】F【解析】英国教育中一个长期以来的特点是教育的不平等性。







第4章美国的政治制度Ⅰ. Multiple choices.1. Who influenced the Founding Fathers by his theory of division of powers?(北二外2005研)A. John LockeB. MontesquieuC. Benjamin FranklinD. George Washington【答案】B【解析】孟德斯鸠(Montesquieu),18世纪法国思想家、法学家,他提出的三权分立思想对美国宪法制定者产生了深刻影响。

本杰明·富兰克林(Benjamin Franklin),18世纪美国科学家、政治家。

约翰·洛克(John Locke),英国哲学家,他对宪政民主思想的阐述对美国的开国元勋有很大影响。

乔治·华盛顿(George Washington),美国首任总统,被尊为“美国国父”。

2. Which of the following was NOT one of the authors of the Constitution?(首都师范大学2008研)A. Thomas JeffersonB. George WashingtonC. Benjamin FranklinD. James Madison【答案】A【解析】托马斯·杰斐逊(Thomas Jefferson)起草了美国《独立宣言》。

乔治·华盛顿(George Washington)为制宪会议主席。

本杰明·富兰克林(Benjamin Franklin),政治家,参加起草了《独立宣言》和美国宪法。

詹姆士·麦迪逊(James Madison),美国第四任总统,是制宪会议的著名人物。

3. How many seats does the Senate of the Congress of the Unites States have?(首都师范大学2009研)A. 100B. 345B. 435D. 534【答案】A【解析】国会是美国立法机构,由众议院和参议院组成;其中众议院共有435个席位,参议院共有100个席位。



第一部分英国、 爱尔兰、澳大 利亚
第二部分新西 兰、美国、加 拿大
第1章英国简介(1) 第2章英国简介(2) 第3章英国政府 第4章政治、阶级和社会 第5章英国经济 第6章英国文学 第7章英国教育体系 第8章英国的外交关系 第9章英国媒体
第1章国土、人民与历史 第2章政治制度、教育与经济 第3章美国的起始 第4章美国的政治制度 第5章美国经济 第6章美国的宗教 第7章美国文学 第8章美国的教育 第9章 20世纪60年代的社会运动
第一部分英国、 爱尔兰、澳大 利亚
第二部分新西 兰、美国、加 拿大
第1章英国简介(1) 第2章英国简介(2) 第3章英国政府 第4章政治、阶级和社会 第5章英国经济 第6章英国文学 第7章英国教育体系 第8章英国的外交关系 第9章英国媒体
第1章国土、人民与历史 第2章政治制度、教育与经济 第3章美国的起始 第4章美国的政治制度 第5章美国经济 第6章美国的宗教 第7章美国文学 第8章美国的教育 第9章 20世纪60年代的社会运动
朱永涛《英语国家社会与文化 入门》(第3版)配套题库 【课后习题
01 思维导图
03 目录分析 006 作者介绍
文化 文化
这是《朱永涛《英语国家社会与文化入门》(第3版)配套题库【课后习题+章节题库(含名校考研真题)+ 模拟试题】》的读书笔记模板,可以替换为自己的精彩内容摘录。



第9章英国媒体Ⅰ. Multiple choice.1. Which of the following is the most famous of all British newspapers?(北二外2006研)A. The TimesB. The GuardianC. Daily TelegraphD. Daily Mirror【答案】A【解析】The Times《泰晤士报》是英国第一主流大报,是该国最具影响力的报纸。

The Guardian《卫报》。

Daily T elegraph《每日电讯报》,因其时效性而得名。

Daily Mirror《每日镜报》。

2. Which of the following is a tabloid?(北二外2006研)A. New StatesmanB. The SunC. Sunday TimesD. Morning Star【答案】B【解析】The Sun《太阳报》是一家通俗小报,是全英国销量最高的报纸。

New Statesman《新政治家》是一家英国时政周刊。

Sunday Times《星期日泰晤士报》、Morning Star《晨星报》是英国共产党的机关报。

3. Which of the following newspaper is a tabloid?(北二外2008研)A. The TelegraphB. East EndersC. The News of the WorldD. None of the above【答案】C【解析】tabloid通俗小报。

The News of the World是一家英国小报。

The Telegraph《每日电讯报》,它是英国四家全国性“高级”日报中销量最大的一家。

4. Which of the following statements about the BBC is not true?(北京交大2003研)A. The BBC puts out both radio broadcasting services and TV programs.B. There is no advertising on any of the BBC programs.C. The BBC is financed by private funds.D. The BBC World Service broadcasts international news worldwide, using more than 30 languages.【答案】C【解析】BBC英国广播公司除了经营广播节目之外,还经营电视节目;所有节目中都不插播任何广告;资金来自用户的接收费;以40多种语言做全球广播。



朱永涛《英语国家社会与⽂化⼊门》配套题库【课后习题】(美国⽂学)第7章美国⽂学Ⅰ. Decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F):1. American literature is mainly about the seeking of the American people for success and happiness. _____【答案】T【解析】美国⽂学主要是关于美国⼈民追寻成功和幸福。

2. Rip Van Winkle was a character created by James Fenimore Cooper. _____【答案】F【解析】《瑞普·凡·温克》是⼩说家及历史家华盛顿·欧⽂(Washington Irving)的名篇。


3. The Leather-Stocking Tales consist of five novels depicting the American West. _____【答案】T【解析】《⽪袜⼦故事集》是美国作家詹姆斯·费尼莫尔·库柏(James Fenimore Cooper)的系列⼩说,共包含《杀⿅者》(The Deerslayer)、《最后的莫希⼲⼈》(The Last of the Mohicans)、《探路⼈》(The Pathfinder)、《拓荒者》(The Pioneer)和《⼤草原》(The Prairie)等五部⼩说。

4. Before Mark Twain, all major American writers were born on the East Coast. _____ 【答案】T【解析】马克·吐温(Mark Twain),美国作家、演说家,⽣于美国密苏⾥州佛罗⾥达。



第10章美国的社会问题I.Deride whether the following statements are true(T)or false(F):1.The United States was founded on the principle of human equality,and in reality the nation has lived up to that ideal._____【答案】F【解析】直到现在,美国仍然歧视黑人,所以该国还没有实现人类平等这一理想。

2.The largest of the racial and ethnic minorities in the United States now is the blacks,or Afro-Americans,who account for11.7%of the population._____【答案】F【解析】白人是美国最大的族群,据2000年人口普查数据显示,美国有2.11亿白人,占全国总人数的75%。


3.In1863,President Abraham Lincoln signed The Emancipation Proclamation which together with the l3th Amendment to the Constitution in1865legally abolished the slavery._____【答案】T【解析】1983年美国总统亚伯拉罕·林肯公布《解放黑人奴隶宣言》(The Emancipation Proclamation),其主张所有美利坚联邦叛乱下的领土之黑奴应享有自由,然而豁免的对象未包含未脱离联邦的边境州,以及联邦掌控下的诸州。



A. it used to be a great imperial power. B. it had a strong military power and prestige. C. it defeated Hitler’s army. D. it got support from its former colonies. 【答案】B 【解析】二战以后,英国成为西欧大陆上最强大的军事力量,它具有很高的声望。因此作者 认为它使得战后的国际秩子书

【解析】安理会由 5 个常任理事国和 10 个非常任理事国组成。5 个常任理事国是中国、法
国、俄罗斯、英国、美国。其中,英国于 1945 年成为常任理事国。
3. How much of the globe did Britain rule in its imperial prime? A. A fourth of the globe. B. A fifth of the globe. C. A third of the globe. D. Two-thirds of the earth.
【答案】C 【解析】在英国帝国主义盛行时期,它将世界三分之一的地区纳入自己的殖民体系之中
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9. Britain is not a member of the NATO due to its disagreement with some European countries on defence policy. _____ 【答案】F 【解析】英国是北大西洋公约组织的一员,尽管它对某些成员国的防御政策不完全赞同。
2. Which countries are the permanent members of the UN Security Council? A. France, China, Germany, Russia and Britain. B. The United States, France, Britain, Germany and Russia. C. China, Russia, France, Britain and the United States. D. China, Britain, France, the United States and Japan.



第10章美国的社会问题Ⅰ. Multiple choices.1. Which of the following used human beings as guinea pigs to test drugs like LSD?(北二外2008研)A. The FBIB. Richard NixonC. CongressD. The CIA【答案】D【解析】美国中央情报局曾(The CIA)多次实施人体迷幻药(LSD)实验。

2. Who was the first US President resigned from office?(首都师范大学2011研)A. Andrew JohnsonB. Gerald FordC. Richard NixonD. Jimmy Carter【答案】C【解析】尼克松(Richard Nixon),美国第37位总统。


3. Which of the following was not a true description of southern blacks’ situation after the Civil War ?(中山大学2008研)A. They were provided separate but equal facilities and services.B. They were second-class citizens.C. They were terrorized by the Ku Klux Klan.D. Their freedom was restricted by “black codes”.【答案】A【解析】美国内战介绍后,黑人名义上获得了平等,但事实上,他们的地位依然很低,权利也得不到保障;他们还受到三K党的暴力威胁。

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第8章英国的外交关系Ⅰ. Multiple choice.1. When was the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) founded?(北二外2008研)A. In 1955.B. In 1945.C. In 1948.D. In 1949【答案】D【解析】北大西洋公约组织(北约)成立于1949年,是美国与西欧、北美主要发达国家建立的国际军事集团。

2. All of the following play a part in formulating and carrying out the government’s foreign policy decisions except _____.A. the Prime Minister and CabinetB. The Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO)C. the Ministry of DefenceD. the Treasury【答案】D【解析】财政部(the Treasury)决定各部门得到多少财政预算,并不直接参与政府外交政策的制定。

3. The goals of the current Commonwealth include _____.A. working towards peace through the United NationsB. promoting personal freedom and racial equality and opposition to colonial dominationC. reducing the gap between wealthy and poor segments of humanityD. all of the above【答案】D【解析】英联邦是一个松散的、政治经济磋商和合作组织,旨在促进和平和自由、反对殖民主义、消除联邦成员国的贫富差距,故A、B、C项均符合题意。

4. The British Empire was replaced by the British Commonwealth or the Commonwealth of Nations in _____.A. 1921B. 1931C. 1945D. 1950【答案】B【解析】第一次世界大战后,英国慑于日益高涨的殖民地民族解放运动,调整了同原英帝国其他成员之间的关系。



不列颠帝国(the British Empire)自1931年起被英联邦所取代。

5. As a result of the First World War, the _____ was established in 1920.A. League of NationsB. British CommonwealthC. British East India CompanyD. United Nations【答案】A【解析】第一次世界大战后,在《凡尔赛和约》中,成立了第一个世界性的国际组织——国际联盟(the league of nations),宗旨是减少武器数量,平息国际纠纷及维持民众的生活水平,但是国际联盟并没能阻止二战的爆发,在二战结束后被联合国取代。

6. The British Empire ended in _____A. the 1920sB. the 1930sC. the 1940sD. the 1950s【答案】C【解析】二战之后,印度于1947年宣布独立,缅甸于1948年宣布独立,纽芬兰于1949年加入加拿大自治领。


Ⅱ. Fill in the blanks.1. After World War Ⅱ, the first two colonies of the old British Empire that became free were _____ and _____.(首都师范大学2008研)【答案】Jordan;India【解析】二战后,英属殖民地中约旦和印度最先获得独立。

2. The United Kingdom has been a member of _____ since 1973.【答案】European Union【解析】英国于1973年加入欧盟,欧盟总部设在比利时首都布鲁塞尔,是一个集政治实体和经济实体于一身、在世界上具有重要影响的区域一体化组织。


3. In 1945, Britain became a permanent member of the _____.【答案】Security Council of the United Nations【解析】安理会由5个常任理事国和10个非常任理事国组成。



Ⅲ. Explain the item.1. The Commonwealth(北二外2010研)【答案】The Commonwealth is a voluntary association of states made up mostly of former British colonies. It was set up as a forum for continued cooperation and as asort of support network. There are 50 members of the Commonwealth: many of these are developing countries like India; others are developed nations like Canada and New Zealand.Ⅳ. Answer the questions.1. Britain is said to be “an awkward partner”in the European Union by some critics. Comment and give your reasons.(北外2006研)【答案】Britain has always been regarded as an awkward partner in the EU, because it is often at odds with its partners. However, the membership in the European Union is of significance to Britain in the daily running of its affairs. After three times of application, Britain eventually joined the European Economic Community in 1973. This was an important psychological decision for the country because traditionally Britain had looked beyond its European neighborhoods, feeling that it had more in common with the US and the Commonwealth. But in reality, British economic, political and military interests were already deeply bound up with other European countries.Through its involvement in NATO, Britain was committed to European defense cooperation. Although the US was an important trade partner, so were Western European countries. T oday, Britain’s participation in the European Unio n remains controversial. Britain doesn’t have a harmonious relationship with the EU.At the centre of the controversy is the fact that it is not clear what the EuropeanUnion is and what it will become. On the one hand, the UK has always been very interested in supporting free trade between nations and is therefore very supportive of the EU as a free trade area. On the other hand, the UK has always been less enthusiastic about giving up its national sovereignty to a European government. The UK likes to think of the EU as a place where economic cooperation is possible. It is less certain about the possibility of the EU becoming a federal “super-state” where national governments have their powers reduced, becoming provinces subservient to a kind of European federal government.Because there are many controversies between Britain and its European partners about the future of the EU, looking from outside Britain is “an awkward partner” which seems not really committed to Europe. Britain, while often at the centre of policy controversies with its fellow EU partners, is nevertheless deeply committed to it. Even though Britain has had to accept some EU policies which they do not entirely agree with, they are team members and abide by the rules.2. Analyze and assess how the end of British imperialism influenced the making of Britain’s foreign policy.(北外2004研)【答案】One of the most important single factors that have influenced British policy-makers is its history. The contemporary foreign policy of Britain has been influenced greatly by its imperial history. Since Britain lost its empire so recently, British policy-makers frequently forget that Britain is not as influential as it used to。
