Vocabulary: 1. head,nose, eye, ear… 2. cold, fever, headache, … 3. thirsty, tired, stressed out… Key sentences: 1.What’s the matter? 2.I have a … 3.You should drink some tea. You 2020/10/18 shouldn’t go to the part3 y.
sore throat headache
sore back
I have a cold.
What’s the matter?
I have a stomachache. 15
Pattern 1 A What’s the matter? B I have a sore throat.
You should …
Task 3 Give advice
What should I do if I have a …? You should …
第三课时:Section B from 3a to 3c
第四课时:Self-check and revision
Key presence analysis
Identify the key presence of each paragraph
The key presence expresses the paragraph's main idea and commonly appears at the beginning or end of the paragraph
Key vocabulary often has derivative words that can help in understanding the meaning and usage of the root words
Example of vocal application
Domain specific vocabulary
Vocabulary related to a specific subject or domain, such as science, technology, literature, etc
General/basic vocabulary
Common words that are widely used in daily life and have a
Read through the exercise carefully, paying attention to details and making notes as necessary
Writing training
Writing Skills Tips
Use appropriate language
Example sentences
I watch TV every day He watches football games They watch movies on weekends
Can I help you?/ What can I do for you?
Is there anything I can do for you? Millie: Would you please tell me something about…?
Can I have some information about the package tour to …
Pay attention: try to use the sentence patterns句型 in the text on Page33 correctly
I. Translation: 1. 得到一些信息 2. 现在,马上 3. 全包旅行 4. 机票 2. 5. 到明天下午前 6. 为…查查 II. Complete the dialogue: III. A: Is there _______I can do _______you? IV. B: Can I have some information ______ the tour ______Lushan? V. A: Yes. Of course. Here you are. VI. B: Can I have some information about the coach _________? VII. A: I’m ________ I don’t have _________. VIII. B: Can you c_____ for me ______this Saturday? IX. A: OK. Just wait _____________.
1.Read the phrases on textbook Page 34
Daniel found some pictures of Nancy’s and John’s schools. First, help him complete the description of each picture.
1. In a _m_i_x_e_d_ school, boys and girls study _to_g_e_t_h_e_r_.
in class (课堂上) …
After class, they discuss [dɪˈskʌs] questions with friends. vt.讨论
Buddy club [ ˈbʌdi ]
In the club, nb.u伙d伴di们es [ ˈbʌdiz ]
ovftf.e提r[供ˈɒfə] each other help.
1. Baseball 2. Buddy club
Rocky Mountain High School, Denver Twice a week Every Monday 1. Loves the game 2. Listens to his problems and offers him help
Baseball club
You will be happy if your team win[wɪn] the match.
Cooking week
During the cooking week … [ˈdjʊərɪŋ] prep.在…期间
On Friday afternoon, schools end
2. language _e__ b give something to someone
eg: 他几乎不工作。
he hardly works.
He works hard.
Weekend activities
What do you do on weekends?
I usually ___go____ _sw__im_m__in_g_ ,sometimes I _w_a_tc_h__ __T_V____.
4. have …lesson 上….课 eg: 上英语课 have English lesson 上钢琴课 have piano lesson lesson 为可数名词
Yes, sometimes.
watch TV
play sports=exercise read books do my homework help with housework go to the movies play computer games
go shopping
1. What do you do in the evening?
2. What does he do after class? He usually _d_o_e_s__ _h_o_m_e_w_o_r_k(做作业), sometimes he _c_o_o_k_s_ __d_i_n_n_e_r _ (做晚餐).
3. What do they do after school? They always __p_la_y_s___ __fo_o_t_b_a_ll__ (踢足球).
3. How come? 怎么回事?(相当于why) 表示某件事情很奇怪,有点想不通。
但how much 开头的特殊凝问句使用的仍是 陈述句。
Present simple tense
The present simple tense is used to express an action that is habitual, general truth, or not ongoing.
"big," "red," "beautiful," "happy."
An adverb is a word that modifies a verb, adjective, or other adverb to provide more information about its meaning. Adverbs often tell how, when, where, or in what way an action takes place.
Unit 2
Daily English: This unit focuses on practical English, including greetings, introductions, and basic communication skills. Students will practice speaking and listening in real-life scenarios.
写日记可以帮助孩子记录生活,提高语言 表达能力,培养观察力和思考力。
家长可以引导孩子观察周围事物,鼓励他 们用英文表达自己的感受和想法,帮助他 们养成写日记的习惯。
Module 2 unit2 课件(共29张PPT) 外研版八年级英语上册
Fill in the blanks to retell Para 2.
London is in the __s_o_u_t_h__ of England and it is on ___th_e__R_iv_e_r_T_h_a_m__e_s. The population of London is about s_e_v_e_n__a_n_d_a__h_a_lf_m__ill_io_n__, so it is _b_ig_g_e_r_
Cambridge is in the east (东部)of England.
London is in the south (南部) of England.
Bristol is in the west (西部)of England.
Manchester is in thenorth(北部) of England.
the year.
It is famous for Big Ben, Buckingham Palace and Tower Bridge.
1)be famous for 因……而著名/闻名 + n 表示出名的原因
eg: My home town is famous for pandas.
There are a lot of old buildings and churches to visit. 这里有许多古老的建 筑和教堂可以参观。
不定式作为后置定语,修饰前面的名词buildings and churches. Water Park is a good place to have fun. We have a lot of work to do.
患者,男性,64岁,右侧腹股沟肿块突出5个月。体格检查:右侧腹股沟可见2cm×3cm的半球形肿块,平卧时肿块消失,压迫内环肿块仍可突出。最可能的诊断是()A.右侧腹股沟直疝B.右侧股疝C.右侧腹股沟斜疝D.腹白线疝E.脐疝 实施性施工组织设计由该工程项目的()负责编制。A.项目经理B.项目总工程师C.项目工程部长 民主人际关系学说促成理论的产生,促进了教育管理理论的繁荣A.科学管理B.科层管理C.量化管理D.行为科学 患者男,58岁,因“上腹不适,偶伴疼痛6个月,进食不畅2个月”来诊。近15d只能进流食,3个月内体重减轻7kg。既往史无特殊。查体:T36.3℃,P80次/min,R22次/min,BP85/130mmHg;ECOG=1;浅表淋巴结无肿大;双肺无异常,HR80次/min,律齐;腹部未触及肿物,无压痛。可以选择的治 以下矿山事故叙述不正确的有。A.劳动行政主管部门和管理矿山企业的主管部门接到死亡事故或者一次重伤4人以上的事故报告后,应当立即报告本级人民政府,并报各自的上一级主管部门B.发生伤亡事故,矿山企业和有关单位应当保护事故现场,因抢救事故,需要移动现场部分物品时,可不作 患者就诊时最感痛苦的症状、体征及其持续时间,属A.现在症B.现病史C.主诉D.生活史E.既往史 某县侦查机关接到特情人员王某密报:某农村多人贩卖鸦片,农民某甲和某乙有贩卖毒品鸦片的嫌疑最大。公安机关立案后,经过公安机关负责人批准,对乙实施技术侦查,采取全天跟踪监控措施。侦查人员嘱王某加强对甲的观察,必要时可以靠上去,确证后再报。王某遂接近某甲,问其是否有 甲公司于2012年2月10日签发一张汇票给乙公司,付款日期为同年3月20日。乙公司将该汇票提示承兑后背书转让给丙公司,丙公司又将该汇票背书转让给丁公司。丁公司于同年3月23日向承兑人请求付款时遭到拒绝。根据票据法律制度的规定,丁公司向甲公司行使追索权的期限是。A.自2012年2月 异相睡眠期电活动相当于.A.慢波四期B.慢波三期C.慢波二期D.慢波一期 发展中医药事业应当依法遵循的原则是。A.继承与创新相结合B.中西医结合C.以人为本D.中医与中药相结合共同发展E.中医药理论与中医药实践相结合 脑疝种类较多,海马回向鞍上池或幕下移位者称为A.天幕孔疝B.扣带回疝C.小脑扁桃体疝D.大脑镰疝E.钩回疝 铝及铝合金管道安装中,其焊接方法可采用。A.手工钨极氩弧焊B.氧-乙炔焊C.二氧化碳气体保护焊D.熔化极半自动氩弧焊 在急性上呼吸道感染发病期间,应注意的事项,以下不正确的是A.戒烟B.休息C.多饮水D.多运动提高免疫力E.保持室内空气流通 [配伍题,B1型题]“刚脏”指的是。</br>“娇脏”指的是。A.肝B.心C.脾D.肺E.肾 一般情况下,测定家畜下列测定点的温度,其中皮温最高的是A、直肠B、腋下C、尾尖D、耳尖 患者男,47岁,因“进行性行走不稳、踏棉花感1个月”来诊。有胃大部切除术史。查体:双下肢震动觉、位置觉减退,肌力Ⅳ级。为明确诊断,应进行的检查包括A.血常规、生化检查B.血清叶酸C.血清维生素BD.胃液分析E.脑脊液F.脊髓MRIG.诱发电位 变速器油正常的工作温度是82度-93度,如果温度超过121度,应当立即关闭发动机。A.正确B.错误 下列哪项是次紧急评估采用“CrashPlan”的顺序A.心脏、呼吸、腹部、脊柱、头颅、骨盆、四肢、动脉、神经B.头颅、心脏、呼吸、腹部、脊柱、骨盆、四肢、动脉、神经C.头颅、神经、心脏、呼吸、腹部、脊柱、骨盆、四肢、动脉D.神经、呼吸、心脏、腹部、脊柱、头颅、骨盆、四肢、动脉 [单选,共用题干题]患者男,14岁,左膝关节上方疼痛,肿胀,关节活动障碍。查体:左膝关节上方肢体较对侧增粗4cm,表面皮温高,可见静脉怒张及局部压痛。X线片示左股骨干骺端溶骨及成骨性破坏,可见骨膜反应及软组织肿块。碱性磷酸酶355U/L。最可能的诊断是。A.骨髓炎B.骨巨细胞瘤 21-三体综合征发病率与下列哪个因素关系最密切A.母孕期前3个月有感冒病史的发病率高B.孕期有放射线接触史的发病率高C.母亲怀ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ的年龄越大,该病的发病率越高D.父母酗酒E.父母系近亲结婚 二战之前,对物流的认识和观念始终处于启蒙与产生之中,关于物流的系统理论A.尚未形成B.正在形成C.已经形成D.不清楚 小儿遗尿辨证属实的为A.小便清长而多B.智力较差C.食欲不振,大便溏薄D.尿黄量少而臊臭E.乏力汗出 ABC会计师事务所为防止同一主任会计师或者经授权签字的注册会计师,由于长期执行某一被审计单位的鉴证业务可能对独立性产生不利影响,应当制定政策和程序,将由于关系密切造成的产生不利影响降至可接受的低水平。A.对所有实体财务报表审计,按照国家有关规定定期轮换项目合伙人B. 自我复制能力最强的细胞是A.网织红细胞B.定向祖细胞C.前体细胞D.造血干细胞E.淋巴细胞 患者,男,71岁,慢性阻塞性肺气肿。上午9时起开始静脉输入5%葡萄糖溶液500ml及0.9%氯化钠溶液500ml,滴速为70滴/分,10时左右,护士来巡房时,发现患者咳嗽、咳粉红色泡沫样痰,呼吸急促,大汗淋漓。根据患者的临床表现,此患者可能出现了下列哪种情况()A.发热反应B.过敏反应C 下列说法中不正确的是。A.选择性是整个高中课程的基本理念B.在教学中,教师要帮助学生养成良好的学习习惯C.在教学过程中,结果是最重要的,老师要时刻关注学生的学习成绩D.新课程标准强调数学文化的重要作用 税率是应纳税额与征税对象数额之间的法定比例,是计算税额和税收负担的尺度,是税收制度的中心环节,一般分为。A.比例税率B.定额税率C.累进税率D.统一税率E.临时税率 汽轮机叶片拉金 发生矿山事故,矿山企业必须立即组织抢救,防止事故扩大,减少人员伤亡和财产损失,对伤亡事故必须立即如实报告和管理矿山企业的主管部门。A.建设行政主管部门B.建设项目规划部门C.劳动行政主管部门或当地政府D.工程质量监督部门 人造冠龈边缘必须高度磨光的主要理由是A.减小对牙龈的刺激B.患者舒服C.加强抗力D.加强固位E.美观 施工单位对列入建设工程概算的安全作业环境及安全施工措施所需费用,不能用于()。A.安全防护用具的采购B.安全生产条件的改善C.安全施工措施的落实D.安全管理人员的加班补贴 乳腺癌骨显像时“超级影像”是指下列哪种情况。A.肾影明显,膀胱内放射性增多,骨影浓而清晰,软组织本底高B.肾影不明显,膀胱内放射性很少,骨影浓而清晰,软组织本底低C.肾影不明显,膀胱内放射性减少,骨影淡而不清晰,软组织本底低D.肾影明显,膀胱内放射性减少,骨影淡而不清 行政机关受理或者不受理行政许可申请,应当出具加盖专用印章和注明日期的书面凭证。 适合治疗阴偏衰的治法是A.阳病治阴B.阴病治阳C.阴中求阳D.阳病治阳E.阴病治阴 钢水的浇注温度就是液相线温度。A.正确B.错误 茶汤中的刺激性滋味物质主要是哪种成分? 三七研末吞服,常用量是。A.3~10gB.10~15gC.30~60gD.1~1.5gE.15~30g 根据《境外投资管理办法》的规定,境内企业自领取《企业境外投资证书》之日起一定期限内未在境外开展投资的,该证书自动失效,该期限是。A.90日B.180日C.1年D.2年 受遗传和环境影响比较明显,受营养短期影响不明显的指标是A.体重B.身高C.胸围D.上臂围E.腹围 关于食管听诊器哪项不正确()A.不能用于新生儿和重症婴儿B.因位于食管内,会导致气道阻塞C.直径有F12、13和F24三种D.心诊器头靠近心脏,心音响且清楚E.容易损伤新生儿食管粘膜
译林版八年级上册英语精品课件unit 2 School life Integrated skills
Her hobby is swimming. 3. Who spends the most time on hobbies?
Make a survey
Length of school days in a year
Number of students in each class
210 days 38
Do theial or interesting things
They can study magic. There …
Brazil [brə'zɪl]
Kenya [ki:njə] 肯尼亚
three schools, American students spend (6) _t_h_e__l_e_a_s_t_
(the least/few/less) time on homework, and they have
(7) t_h__e__lo__n_g_e_s_t__ (long/longer/the longest) summer holiday. Chinese students spend (8) _t_h_e__m__o_s_t__ (the
weeks off for the summer holiday than British students.
Complete the article
British students spend (5) __le_s_s___ (more/few/less) time
doing homework than Chinese students. Among the
八年级上册英语课件 (2)
八年级上册英语课件1. IntroductionWelcome to the 8th grade English course! In this semester, we will cover a diverse range of topics that will help you improve your English language skills. This course will focus on developing your reading, writing, listening, and speaking abilities. To assist with your learning, we have prepared engaging and interactive course materials.2. Course OverviewIn this section, we will provide an overview of the topics that we will be covering throughout the semester. Each topic is carefully designed to enhance your language skills and expand your vocabulary. The main topics that will be covered include:•Unit 1: Greetings and Introductions•Unit 2: Family and Friends•Unit 3: School Life•Unit 4: Hobbies and Interests•Unit 5: Daily Routines•Unit 6: Food and Health•Unit 7: Travel and Adventure•Unit 8: Environment and Sustainability3. Course StructureThis course is divided into eight units, with each unit consisting of several lessons. Each lesson will have specific learning objectives and activities to help you achieve those objectives. We will use a combination of textbooks, multimedia resources, and interactive exercises to enhance your learning experience.4. Lesson FormatIn each lesson, we will follow a structured format to ensure effective learning. The lesson format includes the following sections:•Warm-up activity: This activity is designed to activate your prior knowledge and set the context for the lesson.•Vocabulary: You will learn new words and phrases related to the topic of the lesson.•Reading comprehension: You will read a passage and answer questions to check your understanding.•Grammar focus: We will cover grammar rules and provide examples to improve your understanding of English grammar.•Listening practice: You will listen to audio clips and answer comprehension questions.•Speaking practice: We will provide opportunities for you to practice your speaking skills through group activities and discussions.•Writing practice: You will be given writing tasks to practice your written English skills.•Review and assessment: At the end of each lesson, there will be a review of the key points covered and a short assessment to test yourunderstanding.5. Course MaterialsTo support your learning, you will be provided with the following course materials:•Textbooks: You will be provided with a textbook for each unit that contains reading passages, vocabulary lists, and grammar explanations.•Audio materials: You will have access to audio clips that accompany the reading passages and listening exercises in the textbook.•Supplementary materials: We will provide additional resources, such as videos, interactive quizzes, and online exercises, to enhance your learning experience.6. Assessment and GradingThroughout the semester, you will be assessed on your progress and understanding of the course materials. The assessment methods include quizzes, tests, homework assignments, and classroom participation. Your final grade will be based on your overall performance in these assessments.7. ConclusionWe are excited to embark on this English learning journey with you. This course will help you build a strong foundation in the English language and develop essential language skills. By the end of the semester, we hope that you will have improved your reading, writing, listening, and speaking abilities. If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out to your teacher. Let’s make this a successful semester!。
Grammar application scenarios
详细描述:语法学习的最终目的是为 了实际应用。在教学过程中,教师应 提供各种实际应用的场景,让学生在 实际交流中运用所学的语法知识,从 而提高语言交际的能力。同时,通过 实际应用,学生还可以更好地理解语 法的实际意义和作用。
Speaking clearly
The students are taught to pronounce words correctly
and speak clearly, with proper enunciation and intonation.
Using appropriate language
Writing training
Writing Skills Guide
Content guide
Provide clear guidance on the content and structure of different types of writing tasks, including narratives, essays, and letters.
Unit Introduction
Unit objectives
Language Skills Development
This unit aims to improve students' reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills through a variety of texts and tasks.
• Text A: "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer" by Mark Twain: This classic American novel will provide students with a foundation for understanding the themes and styles of 19th-century literature.
What’ s wrong with him? What should he do?
My clothes are out of style. What should I do?
Maybe you should buy some new clothes.
I argued with my best friend. What should I do?
1.You should say you are sorry. 2.You could write a letter to her. 3.Maybe you could go to her house and say sorry.
Well done! Thank you!
;诺亚娱乐 诺亚娱乐
老子绝世天才"夜刀"给他留下の武道心经里面提到过,将军境界前全凭个人天赋,将军境界之后则全凭勤奋修炼和悟性.而三百年前风家也有名绝世天才,在七岁时突破到将军境界,震惊大陆,只是后面这名绝世天才因为修炼懒惰最后修为反而不高.白重炙虽然也是几个月时间从精英境一重 修炼到将军境一重.把白家无数人惊得一傻一愣の.但是他知道如果他不继续依如前十年一样,勤奋修炼の话,他の结局也会和风家の那名绝世天才般,昙花一现,最后彻底沉寂下去…… 将军境之后,需要积累大量の战气,将战气在丹田里压缩,变成液态战气.而往往修炼了一天の战气,最后压 缩完,才变成发丝那么大の一滴液态战气.而白重炙情况更为严重,他体内の那只圣智小白,每日都需要吸食大量の战气,来完成它の成长,它の蜕变.所以白重炙の时间更为紧迫,他の战气修炼时间必须比别人更多,更勤奋才能,快速の晋级. 估计是因为到了夜晚,夜间行路更加容易碰到传送 阵の缘故.三族の练家子没有晚上赶路,而是躲在幽冥岛の各
八上 unit2课件(PPT 22页)
Name each part of the body
天马行空官方博客:/tmxk_docin ;QQ:1318241189
eye foot
leg hand 天马行空官方博客:/tmxk_docin ;QQ:1318241189
have a headache have a sore back
have a sore throat
have a stomachache
A: What’s the matter with him? B: He has a….
What should they do?
What’s the matter with her? She has a cold.
He has a headache.
He has a toothache. He has a stomachache.
have a cold have a fever have a toothache
have a sore neck
-- What’s the matter with you? -- I have a cold.
You should have a rest. B: Thank you .That’s a good idea. A: I hope you feel better soon.
have a cold
sore throat
Do you have any matter? What should we do to keep healthy?
八年级英语上册Unit 2课件3
A: What’s the matter? B: I’m not feeling well. I have a ____. A: When did it start? B: About _____ ago. A: Oh, that’s too bad. You should _____. B: Yes, I think so. A: I hope you feel better soon.
3a Fill in the blanks in the conversation.
A: What’s the matter? cold B: I’m not feeling well. I have a ________. A: When did it start? two days ago. B: About _________ get some rest A: Oh, that’s too bad. You should ______. B: Yes, I think so. A: I hope you feel better soon.Βιβλιοθήκη faceeyebrow
ear tooth throat
chin下巴 hair eyelash 睫毛 cheek脸颊 forehead额头 eye tongue舌头 nose mouth
Follow me:
• • • • • • • Everybody moves your body Nod your head and touch your face Touch your nose and close your eyes Touch your ears and clap your hands Raise your arms and look at your back Touch your stomach and tap your foot Sit down and move your legs
11. 你去购物吗? _D_o_ _y_o_u_ go shopping?
12. 不,我从不去购物。 No, I n__ev_e_r_ _g_o__ shopping.
频度副词 词 义 频 率 英 文 释 义 always 总是 100﹪ all the time usually 通常 80﹪ often, generally often 经常 60﹪ ( at ) many times
指导: 首先,通读所有答语句子理解大意。然 后,判断问句是一般疑问句还是特殊问 句,来先确定答案的范围。最后,根据 问答句在主语及句意上的联系来确定答 案。
答案:1. c 2. f 3. e 4. a 5. b 6. d
1. maybe意为“大概;或许;可能”, 是副词,常位于句首或句中。 e.g. 或许他们将去海滩度假。 _M_a_y_b__e they are going to the beach for vacation.
How often do you …? ...
How often do you… read English books?
Names Frequency Lin Ying twice a week
go to English club
Hu Tao
watch English movies Su Lei
write to a pen friend Ma Li keep an English diary Hu Tao
➢ Key words & phrases:
maybe,least,at least,once a month,stay up, twice a week,eat a healthy breakfast,go to bed, play sports,after school
Having students review each other's work for grammar, punctuation, and content.
Teacher feedback
Providing individualized feedback to students on their writing, pointing out strengths and areas for improvement.
Multiple choice
Choose the best answer based on the reading material.
Short answer
Answer a question in a few sentences based on the reading material.
The present simple tense is used to describe habitual or general truths in the present time.
It is formed by using the present tense of the verb without any auxiliary verb. Example: "I eat apples every day."
Course Introduction
Language Skills Development
To enhance students' ability in listening, speaking, reading, and writing.
Cultural Understanding
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Language points
Have +一段时间+for (doing) sth. =have +一段时间+to do sth. 有半小时做作业
have half an hour for doing homework have half an hour to do homework
Practice reading!
有半小时做…… 下象棋
只有半小时做我的爱 好 看些书 在我们四个人中
在他爱好上花最多的 时间
have half an hour for doing sth. play chess have only half an hour for my hobbies do some reading among the four of us spend the most time on his hobbies
American students spend the least time on homework. 4. 中国学生暑假少休息几周。 Chinese students have fewer weeks off for summer holiday.
5. 做早操对学生有好处。
It’s good for students to do morning exercises. 6. 我们中秋节休息了三天。 We had three days off for the Mid-autumn Festival. 7. 米莉比她班里其他女生学习更努力。
• 2 ___A_______ number of boys are playing basketball.
• 3 _T_h_e_n_u__m_b_e_r__o_f __the teachers in our school is 200. • 4 _A__n_u_m__b_e_r_o_f____teachers are hard-working. • 形容数量多少用big/large和small
3. have more weeks off 多休息几周 have +一段时间+ off “ 休息一段时间”
=take …off 休息两周/一个月have/take two weeks off
have/take a month off
4. spend v. 花费
spend time on sth.
Millie works harder than any other girl in her class.
• 1.the number of+ 可数n.(复)+单数v. …的数量 • a number of + 可数n.(复)+复数v.=many 很多 • 1 __T_h_e_______ number of the boys in our class is 24.
• 6 The number of wild animals is becoming __sm__a_l_le_r_a_n_d__s_m__a_ll_e_r__越来越少。
• 7 The number of computers in our school is becoming _b_i_g_g_e_r_a_n_d__b_ig_g_e_r_______越来越多。
Speak-up: listen and fill in
Names hobbies Time spend on hobbies
Millie reading half an hour Daniel computer an hour
games /chess
Simon sports two hours Amy swimming half an hour
1. _T_h_e_n_u_m)2000. 2. 电脑的数量变得越来越多。
The number of computers become bigger and bigger.
3. 美国学校在作业上花的时间最少。
spend time doing sth. 他们每天花半小时读英语。 They spend half an hour reading/on English every day. 我每天花两小时做作业。 I spend two hours doing/on homework every day. spend v. 度过 度过这个假期 spend the holiday 度过愉快的一天 spend a happy day
Unit 2 Speak-up and Study skills
学生的数量 穿校服 做早操 多休息几周 花最少的时间做家作 学习最努力 少休息几周 花较少的时间做家作
the number of students wear uniforms do morning exercises have more weeks off spend the least time on homework work the hardest have fewer weeks off spend less time doing homework
have one and a half hours for reading have one and a half hours to read
• 8_A__n_u_m__b_e_r_o_f___ 许多boys __a_re___ fond of football. • ……的数量是多少?What’s the number of ……=How
much/how many
2. do morning exercises 做早操 exercise v. 锻炼 exercise u.n. 锻炼 exercise c.n. 练习 经常锻炼 exercise often 多做锻炼 do lots of exercise=exercise a lot 做眼保健操 do eye exercises