新视野大学英语(第三版)读写教程BookIII-Unit3-Section A-Audrey Hepburn-A true angel in this world
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Audrey Hepburn
Section A
— A true angel in this world
To talk about Audrey Hepburn’s life story To fully understand the text To apply the phrases and patterns To master the essay writing skill
1 Audrey Hepburn (奥黛丽· 赫本) 2 Charlie Chaplin (查理· 卓别林)
3 Zhang Ziyi
4 Zhang Yimou
5 Steven Spielberg (史蒂文· 斯皮尔伯格)
Matching up
1. Match the names of the people with the movies
directed or starred by them.
5 Steve Spielberg A. Jurassic Park
2 Charlie Chaplin
D. The Great Dictator
4 Zhang Yimou 1 Audrey Hepburn B. Raise the Red Lantern
Unit 3 Section A
Audrey Hepburn ― A true angel in this world
奥黛丽赫本——人间天使1 Audrey Hepburn thrilled audiences with starring roles in noteworthy films like Breakfast at Tiffany's, Sabrina, Roman Holiday, My Fair Lady, War and Peace, and Always.奥黛丽赫本在《蒂凡尼的早餐》、《龙凤配》、《罗马假日》、《窈窕淑女》、《战争与和平》和《直到永远》等出色电影中主演的许多角色让观众为之陶醉。
2 Despite her success in the film domain, the roles she most preferred portraying were not in movies. She was an exemplary mother to her two sons and a UNICEF (the United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund) Ambassador of Goodwill serving victims in war-torn countries.尽管在电影界获得成功,但她最愿意塑造的角色却并不在影片中,而是做两个儿子的模范母亲和联合国儿童基金会亲善大使,为饱受战争蹂躏的人们服务。
3 As a young girl during the Nazi occupation of her native Holland, Audrey Hepburn was aware of the brutality, death, and destruction of war. She was hungry and malnourished, as her family was bankrupted as a result of the invasion. Audrey's father abandoned the family, and two of her uncles were taken captive and killed. Audrey was grabbed off the street by Nazis and placed in line to be sent to a work camp. When the guards glanced away she darted off, barely escaping, and huddled in a cold, foul basement full of rats.作为一名在纳粹占领下的祖国荷兰生活的小女孩,奥黛丽?赫本清楚战争所带来的野蛮、死亡和破坏。
Unit 1 The Way to SuccessSection A1 Understanding the text.1 He achieved fame for his wit,wisdom,civic duty,and abundant courage.2 They were thought to be slow learners in childhood,but they overcame their childhood difficulties and made magnificent discoveries that benefit the entire world today。
3 His strong will.4 It means to keep their focus on achieving a positive end result,instead of letting small problems get in the way of good results。
5 Because they have the will to overcome profound obstacles and to work diligently in the pursuit of their goals, and have the passion for success.6 Because firms preferred to hire less qualified men rather than risk hiring a female lawyer, which was unprecedented.7 We should never give up on our dream,and one day we can change the world and make ita better place.8 The secret of success is built upon a burning inward desire——-a robust, fierce will and focus———that fuels the determination to act,to keep preparing,to keep going even when we are tired and fail.2 Critical thinking1 You may have tried and failed many times before you finally get success。
Learn a Lesson from Unusual Stories
Book One
Unit 3
Learn a Lesson from Unusual Stories
Around the
Leading in Exploring the Topic Plus Activities
Text A
Around the Topic
Section A
Section B
Section C
2. Love and friendship, can we give up one for the other?
At the very beginning of this clip, we hear a short humorous dialogue between Pumbaa and Timon. Timon believes that the romantic love between Simba and Nala threatens to end the fellowship of them three, their trio (Simba, Pumbaa and Timon). At the end of the song, we can deeply feel the sadness of Pumbaa and Timon. Why are they so sad? Because they all love Simba. They are afraid that Simba would leave them forever because of his reunion with Nala and his regaining of the kingship. Eventually their love for their friends wins them over and they play instrumental roles in Simba’s retaking of Pride Rock later.
新视野大学英语第三版第三册读写教程答案Unit 1 TEXTALanguage focusWord in use[3]1. whereby2. pursuit3. inhibit4. maintain5. patriotic6. transcend7. endeavor8. dedication9. prestige 10. nominateWord building[4]-ant inhabitantinhabit participateparticipant attendattendantpollutepollutant descenddescendant contestcontestanttoleratetolerant resultresultant-ful neglectneglectful resourceresourcefulboastboastfulrespectrespectful[5]1.resultant2. tolerant3. pollutants4. inhabited5. participants6. descendants7. attendants8. respectful9. contestants10. neglectful 11. resourceful12. boastfulBanked cloze[6]1.eventually2. premier3. endeavor4. bypass5. handicaps6. committed7. attained8. transcend9. feats 10. slightest Expressions in use[7]2. removed from 2. failed in3. in pursuit of4. deviated from7. precluded from 6. triumph over 7. work their way into2.written offTEXT BUnderstanding the text[2]CBADBBCDLanguage focusWord in use[4]6.indulge2. propelled3.aggravated4.dazzled5. alleviated10. renowned7.eloquent8. destined9.scorns10. Applause Expressionin use[5]13. up2.in3.on4.up5.to6.on7.as8.outsentence structure[6]2.He prefers to start early rather than leave everything to the lastminute3.She prefers to be the boss, to be in charge andto organize others rather than be organized bysome whom she may not even rate very highly.4. My brother prefers to take the whole blamehimself rather than allow it to fall on the innocent.[7]7. Try as he would8.Search as they would9. Hard as we workTry as we mightCollocation Warm-up1. repeated2.overwhelming3.immense1. heroic2.sound3.substantial1.attained2.fueled3.achieved[8]1.suddenopportunities2. immense obstacles3. amazing determination4. profound difficulties5. overwhelming failures6. poverty-stricken7.substantial hardship8. repeated misfortunes9. sheer persistence 10. dazzle audiences11. achieve fame12.strong willUnit 2Language focusWord in use[3]3.intervene2.underestimate3.recede4.deem5.bleak 8. appraise7.paralyzed8. symptoms9. dismay10. brink Word building[4]dominatedominanceavoidavoidance relyreliance acquaintacquaintanceclearclearanceannoyannoyance admitadmittanceresembleresemblanceassureassuranceborebored privilege privilegeddistractdistracted[5]3. bored2.priviledged3. assurance4. dominance7.aviodance 6. acquaintance7. reliance8. clearance11. distracted 10. annoyance11. admittance12. resemblance Banked cloze[6]14. characterized2.aspects3. amount4. recede5. exposed6.vicious7. challenge8. excessive10.reaction10. paralyzeExpressions in use[7]4. pulled to a stop 2. black out 3. pop up 4. stopped short9. plowed through6. threw himself into7. let yourself go4.grabbed forLanguage focusWord in use[4]8. vertical2.evaporate3.plight4.intent12. abort6.vulnerable7.proximity8.evoke15.lofty10.necessitateExpression in use[5]6.in the event of2.immuned to 3.settled back 4.on board 5.in/into position 6.was? stunned by7.for sure8. hint ofSentence structure[6]11. Nothing excites me as much as a brilliant movie with aninteresting plot, fantastic acting ,wild visual and a strongscript.12.Over the course of her entire life, she 'd longed for nothingas much as knowledge about her mother.13. Her daughter is at a state hospital and wants nothingas much as to be part of a family.[7]2.In teaching practice, it is essential that we (should)teach students proper grammar, sentences structuresand writing skills.3.It is important that students should be given opportunities toexpress their perspectives to cultivate theirresponsibility and independence.4.It is crucial that the younger generation should pursue an active and positive role in promoting environmental protection. CollocationWarm-up2. massive2. incredible3. terrible5. relaxed 5. absolutely6. unremarkable[8]10. emotionally impossible 2. amazing power 3. visibly frightened 5.incredible impact5.impromptus rescues6.instantaneously hysterical9. calm confidence8. true courage9. massive waves13. would-be rescuer 11. vicious waves12. rough waterUnit3 Language focusWord in use[3]16.integral2. cherish3.afflicted4. noteworthy5. portraypliment7.domain8. anonymous9. conscientious14. perpetualWord buildinggeneralgeneralizenormalnormalizepublicpublicize[4]minimumminimizemobilemobilizeinvestinvestordictatedictatorconquerconqueror investigateinvestigator moderatemoderatorelevatorelevate[5]5. normalize2. moderator3.immunized4. investors5. mobilize 3. conqueror7. elevate8. publicizes9. investigator2. minimized11.generalize12.dictatorBanked cloze[6]1) domain2) define3) popularity 4) mentally5) diplomatic6) committed7) devote8) surviving9) embarked10) humanitarianExpressions in use[7]6. embark on2. be deprive of3. turn down11. taken captive5. live on6. share in6. was stricken by8. led by exampleWord in use[4]10. skeptical2. coincidence3. mounted14. contrive5. simulated6. manifest17.divert 8. infected8.upgraded 10.temperamentExpressions in use[5]15.on2.in3.as4. into6. to6.to7. with8. under/onSentence structure[6]4.It is not his carefree attitude that made him seem eccentric;it is his conspicuous interest in film that made his classmates shun and mock him.5.It is not his experience in filmmaking that sabotaged transfer attempts; it is his poor grades that forced film schools to withhold acceptance.6.It is not because things are difficult that we fail to dare; it is because we do not dare that things are difficult.[7]3. see things as they are4. understand the world as it is5. accept people as they are warm-up2.internationally famous2. rigorous schedule5.jeopardize hope4.emotionally draining8.physically dangerous6. overwhelming misery11. perpetually signify12. conspicuous interest 9. repeatedly try[8]1.internationallymittedpassionate 1.repeatedly2.thrill3.terrific 1.overwhelmingly2.desperate3.physically4.rectified7. personal 2.emotionallyUnit4 Language focusWord in use[3]1) c ompulsory2)contemplate 3) imprisoned4) globalize5) offset6) groan7) stubborn8) cluster9) ambiguity10) consoledWord building[4]respectrespectable negotiatenegotiable distinguishdistinguishableavailavailable profitprofitable renewrenewable memorymemorizeauthorauthorized visualvisualize stablestabilizesocialsocialize[5]1) profitable2) renewable3) authorized4) negotiable5) visualize6) socialize7) attributable8) respectable9) avail10) stabilize11) distinguishable12) memorize Bank cloze1) contemplate2) comfort3) sparked4) ventured5) diverse6) witnessed7) stunning8)glimpse9) positive10)dictateExpression in use[7]1)settle for2)more often than not3) mingled with4) traded for 5) was saturated with6) a re open to7)endowed with8)make up forWords in use[4][6]1) ethnic2) conceive3)presumed4) despised5) irritate6) disregarded7) downside8) venerable9) susceptible10)suppressExpression in use[5]1)from/against2) from3) with4)into5)to6) into7) for8)offSentence structure[6]1)The day following was, as it turned out, the last of Mr. Wraxal at Raback.2) A s it turned out, the war went on for more than four years, with horrible losses ofpersonnel and material on both sides.3) M adigan had been studying Mr. Barrett for a couple of month, as it turned out theman was rather mysterious.[7]8. took his behavior with a smile.9. took it with gratitude10. took it with a deep bowCollocationwarm-upoverly fearfuldisorienting diversitysolo travelswap storiesglobalized worldforeign travel[8]12. exotic places2. lovely dream3. multinational excursions7. pleasant experiences5. foreign travel6. valuable open-mindedness11. ample opportunities8. disorienting diversity9. local folklore15. swap stories11. modern aviation12. credible insightsUnit5 Understanding the textWord in use1) gauged2) dedicate3)commonplace4) s uffice5) revenue6) simultaneous7) incentive8) prone9) innovations10)fostered[4]realrealism imperialimperialism commercialcommercialism humanhumanism terrorterrorism recruitrecruitmentresentresentment enrollenrollment refreshrefreshmentshipshipment enforceenforcement[5]1)refreshment2)shipment3) enforcement4) c ommercialism5)realism6) recruitment7) e nrollment8)imperialism9) resentment[3]10) Terrorism11) humanismBanked cloze[6]1) employees2) notion3) primary 4) foster5) reflects6) motivation7) monetary8) aspects9) gossiping10) miserableExpression in use[7]1) correlate with2) refrain from3)count down4) slaving away5) coincide with6) contented with7) be designated as8) conformed toWORD IN USE[4]1) Rash2) specialty 3) ponder4) utilize5) pierce 6) bias 7) ensue 8) impart9) infectious 10) hospitalityExpression in use[5]1) out2) on 3) away 4) to5) to6) in7) away8) upSentence structure[6]11.Although I am already very tall, I wear high heel all of the time,be it day or night.2) A lower euro will actually help European exports become affordable andmore competitive around the world, be they German automobilesor Italian leathers.3) E very time there is a major new event , be it a natural disaster ora historic moment, we take it for granted that there will be pictures and videos.[7]1)find himself eating foods he never heard of before.2) f ound herself faced with a math test.3) found herself standing in front of Tom. 's companycollocationwarm-up1) prideful2) high3) special4) trivial5) sole6) friendly 7) cheerful8) instant9) charitable[8]1) unhappy2) personally3) optimum 4) truly5) monetary6) sole7) personal8) trivial9) special10) high11) friendly12) cheerfulUnit 6 Language focusWord in use[3]1) evacuated2) stray3) diluted4)gigantic5)standpoint6) nutrition7) inflicted8) pervasive9)naive10) permeated[4] momentmomentary supplementsupplementary customcustomary visionvisionary missionmissionary disciplinedisciplinary complexcomplexity fatalfatality availableavailability feasiblefeasibility authenticauthenticity desirabledesirability[5]1) visionary2) fatality3) availability4) customary 5)feasibility6) momentary7) disciplinary8) supplementary9) missionary 10) authenticity 11) complexity 12) desirability Banked cloze [6]1) appalling2) innumerable 3) distinction4) casualties5) unrecorded6) massacres7) foster8) stage9) decline10) stabilizeExpression in use[7]1) flew at2) wove her way through3) radiated from4) conceive of5) was lined with6) dive into7) next to nothing8) stayed downWords in use[4]1) supervise2) petitioned3) clutching4) vicinity5) fragrance6) dispatched7) dwelling8) haunted 9) timid10) enclosesExpression in use[5]1) to/into2) in3) together4) apart5) with6) off7) with8) offSentence structure[6]1) Henry refuses to change his mind because he holds that our advice is worthnext to nothing to him.2) Once a gambler is addicted, all the efforts to help him getrid of the bad habit will beworth next to nothing.3) Y our recommendation isworth next to nothingto those whodo not want to listen.[7]1) looks like it is going to burst.2) l ooks like the work would stretch well into next year.3) l ooked like they planned to invade within the following few days CollocationWarm-up1) A2) C3) B4) B5) C6) B[8]1) emotional intensity2) brilliant sky3) walked briskly4) helplessly wandering5) trembling voice 6) tremendous roar7) d esertedroad8)violentlydipping9)inevitable death10)profound fatigue11) pervasive threat12) dangerous evilUnit7 Language focus Word in use[3]1) donate2) spiral3) termination4) layoff5) subsistence6) spectrum7) complied8) reclaimed9) originated10) expiredWord building[4]emitemissionomitomissionsuspendsuspensionpredictprediction distributedistribution corruptioncorrupt generousgenerosity formalformality locallocalitymature maturitypeculiar peculiarityliableliability[5]1) emission2) suspension3) formalities4) prediction5) omission6) distribution7) locality8) peculiarity9) corrupting 10) generosity11) maturity12) liability Banked cloze [6]1) slump2) mortgages3) incredibility4) crashing5) spread6) promote7) catastrophic8) verge9) oversight10) stabilizeExpressions in use[7]1) put down2) wind up3) scrape together4) on the verge of5) in all likelihood6) deteriorateinto 7) are in a position8) gave way toWord in use[4]1) amplifying2) assimilate3) intrinsic4) entail5) commodity6) mentality7) envisage8) allocated9) equity10) ambiguousExpression in use[5]1) in2) on3) in4) in5) into6) off7) in8) toSentence structure[6]1)what if it rained and then froze all through those months?2) w hat if all children were kind to animals?3) w hat if a major earthquake hit the Seattle area?[7]1) so we ended up seeing a different one2) you might end up getting something you don3) but who knew it would end up being a career. Collocationwarm-up12. constant harassment 2. employment spectrum 3. unsure13. fall sharply5. further increases6. profoundgrief[8] t wantfutures1) falling sharply2) unimaginable situation3) economic slump4) tenant eviction5) purchasing power6) further increases7) stock market crash8) sinking finances9) negative equity10) daily stress11) long-term unemployment12) employment spectrumUnit7Language focusWord in use[3]1) donate2) spiral3) termination4) layoff5) subsistence6) spectrum7) complied8) reclaimed9) originated10) expiredWord building[4]emitemissionomitomissionsuspendsuspensionpredictpredictiondistributedistributioncorruptioncorruptgenerousgenerosityformalformalitylocallocalitymaturematuritypeculiarpeculiarityliableliability[5]1) emission2) suspension3) formalities4) prediction5) omission6) distribution7) locality8) peculiarity9) corrupting 10) generosity11) maturity12) liabilityBanked cloze [6]1) slump2) mortgages3) incredibility4) crashing5) spread6) promote7) catastrophic8) verge9) oversight 10) stabilizeExpressions in use[7]1) put down2) wind up3) scrape together4) on the verge of5) in all likelihood6) deteriorateinto7) are in a position8) gave way toWord in use [4]1) amplifying2) assimilate3) intrinsic4) entail5) commodity6) mentality7) envisage8) allocated9) equity10) ambiguousExpression in use[5]1) in2) on3) in4) in5) into6) off7) in8) toSentence structure[6]1)what if it rained and then froze all through those months?2) w hat if all children were kind to animals?3) w hat if a major earthquake hit the Seattle area?[7]1) so we ended up seeing a different one2) you might end up getting something you don 't want3) but who knew it would end up being a career.Collocationwarm-up13.constant harassment2. employment spectrum3. unsure futures14. fall sharply5. further increases6. profoundgrief[8]1) falling sharply2) unimaginable situation3) economic slump4) tenant eviction5) purchasing power6) further increases7) stock market crash8) sinking finances9) negative equity10) daily stress11) long-term unemployment12) employment spectrum Unit8 Word in use31) indignation 2) provocative3) militant 4) overlap5) conferring 6) defiance 7) hesitant 8) milestone9) cradled 10) preaching Word building 4 manmanhood mothermotherhood calculatecalculationcomplicatecomplication imitateimitation assassinateassassination circulatecirculation accommodationaccommodate accuseaccusation defectdefection exhaustexhaustion51)circulation 2) accusation 3) accommodate4) defection5) manhood6) imitation7) complication8) exhaustion 9) assassination10) calculation11) motherhoodBanked cloze61) automatic 2) charge3) presumption 4) attached5) handy6) confer7) contact8) bounce9) tumble10) intellectExpression in use 71) at their disposal2) insulate him from3) irrespective of4) has a high opinion of5) has authority over 6) for your part 7) get away with8) dispense with9) provide for 10) tiptoeing aroundWord in use41)2)3)4)5)6) 7)8)9)10)Expression in use51) to2) through3) off4) down5) to6) out7) under8) in/backSentence structure14.15. Admittedlytaking measures that are likely to increase the greenhouse effectwill be morally graver than having done nothing to reduce it.16. Admittedlythey are the perfect guides to keep you informed of the various thingshappening around you.17. Admittedlythose who oppose to the viewpoint also have their reasons to a certainextent.8.12.When the time comes to demonstrate your unique set of sporting skillsand physical gifts13.But when the time came to put some money into the home14.when the time comes to pay for my classescollection1) versatile2) shatter3) unquestioning4) stony5) hair-tearing6) substandard81) hair-tearing2) negative3) substandard4)stony5) perfect6) unilateral7) shatter8) secretly9) unquestioning 10) true11) intensity12) ultimate。
Unit1The way to successSection A1.2.1Pre-reading activities(1)1.passionate2.eventually3.amazing4.sacrifice5.map your goals out6.believe in yourself7.take action(2)1.I think there are mainly three reasons leading to most people,s failure to achieve success in the end.First,they do not have the passion. All the successful people love their work and they have a strong passion for it.Second,most people are not clear about what they want.They do not know the exact destination that they want to reach,so they end up going nowhere.Finally,most people do not focus on what they want.They are only focusing on and thinking about what they do not want,but successful people think about their dreams and their goals and how they can achieve them all the time.2.In my opinion,there are at least three steps apart from the ones introduced in the talk.First,we should learn to adopt suitable strategies,which are critical to making your action efficient and effective.Second,we should realize the significance of learning,which can provide us with sufficient knowledge and skills needed for achieving our goals.And finally,we should create or find opportunities rather than wait for opportunities to find us.1. 2.2Reading comprehension(1)1.He achieved fame for his wit,wisdom,civic duty,and abundantcourage.2.They were thought to be slow learners in childhood,but theyovercame their childhood difficulties and made magnificent discoveries that benefit the entire world today.3.His strong will.4.It means to keep their focus on achieving a positive end result,instead of letting small problems get in the way of good results.5.Because they have the will to overcome profound obstacles andto work diligently in the pursuit of their goals,and have the passion for success.6.Because firms preferred to hire less qualified men rather thanrisk hiring a female lawyer,which was unprecedented.7.We should never give up on our dream,and one day we can changethe world and make it a better place.8.The secret of success is built upon a burning inward desire-a robust,fierce will and focus-that fuels the determination toact,to keep preparing,to keep going even when we are tired and fail.(2)1.You may have tried and failed many times before you finally getsuccess.But it does not matter.What matters is whether you can summon up(鼓起)all your courage again and again to face the hardships standing in the way of success.2.Luck,talent,good relationships with your colleagues,etc.3.•When I have realized that I am pursuing something that is hardto achieve,I would try to stick to the goal.But I will begin to think of what I can do to improve the situation.When it still doesn't work,I would try to analyze what the problem is and then make some changesand probably reset my goal.4.•Following the guidance of senior people.1. 3.1Word in use1.whereby,2.pursuit,3.inhibit,4.maintain,5.patriotic,6.transcended,7.endeavors endeavours,8.dedication,9.prestige,10.nominate1. 3.2Word building:Practice(1)1.inhabit2.participant3.attendant4.pollutant5.descendant6.contestant7.tolerant8.resultant9.neglectful10.resourceful11.boastful12.respectful(2)1.resultant,2.tolerant,3.pollutants,4.inhabited,5.contestants,6.descendants,7.attendants,8.respectful,9.participants,10.neglectful,11.resourceful,12.boastful1. 3.4Banked cloze1)eventually,2)premier,3)endeavor,4)bypass,5)handicaps,6)committed,7)attained,8)transcend,9)feats,10)slightest1. 3.5Expressions in use1)eventually,2)premier,3)endeavor,4)bypass,5)handicaps,6)committed,7)attained,8)transcend,9)feats,10)slightest1. 4.2Structured analysis:PracticeA,B,B,C1. 4.2Structured writing:PracticeThey say there,s no place like home.In my case,there isn,t much that is good about my apartment.My apartment has given me nothing but headaches. From the day I signed the lease,I've had to deal with an uncooperative landlord,an incompetent janitor,and inconsiderate neighbors.(1)世界公民是指一个人承认自己是新兴的全球社区的一分子,而且其行动对全球社区的价值打造和实践活动有所贡献。
Uint3II. Basic Listening Practice1.ScriptM: Amy, sit down, we need to talk. Y our mother and I are going to separate.W: What! Are you crazy? You can’t do that! What will my friends say? I just want to have a normal family.Q: What is the girl saying?2.ScriptM: Good evening, Mrs. Jones. The manager sent you these roses and his best wishes to you both for a happy anniversary.W:Thank you. We like the room and the service here, and we especially appreciate the manager’s consideration/Q: What can we learn from the conversation?3. ScriptW: While I’m scrambling the eggs, could you put the flour into the bowl?M: Y ou bet, darling. I’ll also turn the oven on so that it gets warmed up.Q: Where does this conversation probable take place?4. ScriptW: I have a very important meeting tonight, and I’m afraid I can’t miss it.M: But this evening is the parent s’meeting at school, and I was expecting you’d come to it. OK, I’ll phone Dad, maybe he and his girlfriend will come.Q: What can be inferred from the conversation?5. ScriptW1: So you’re still single? If you’d listen to me and used the Internet, you’d have a husband by now.W2: I did use the Internet. I posted an ad that read “Husband Wanted”. There were dozens of e-mail responses. But they all said pretty much the same thing: You can have mine.Q: What can we infer from the conversation?Keys: 1.C 2.A3.B 4.C 5.DIII. Listening InT ask1: Reasons for a DivorceScriptW: I’m divorcing my husband.M: How long have you been married?W: Thirteen years.M: Do you have children?W:Y es, and I have to protect them from any more harm from my husband’s irresponsibilityM: So, what are your grounds for divorce?W: Well, first of all, he keeps changing jobs. We’ve had moved four times in thirteen years!M: And, you believe that will be good grounds for divorce?W: I do have a right to stability for my children and myself, don’t I?M: Aren’t they his children, too?W: But my husband isn’t fulfilling his duties!M: Is he paying the bills?W: Well, yes, but we just live around the poverty line. Our kids are being teased by other kids at school because we can’t dress them in good clothes! We have to live in a small department and drive an old car!M: Does the car run?W: Yes, but it looks OLD!M: Do you yell at him and call him names?W: Well, he yells at me!M: So, those are the reasons to not honor your husband. Are you going to give him joint custody in this divorce?W: No, just visitation rights.M: Why?W: Because the law permits me to.M: And, what about the financial demands of this divorce?W: I’m demanding half of all we have, which isn’t much, and large support payments. After thirteen years marriage, the woman wants to divorce her husband, claiming he is irresponsible. When asked for the specific grounds for divorce, she gives these reasons: First, he keeps changing jobs, and the family has had to move four times in thirteen years, but she wants stability for her children and herself. Second, although he is paying the bills, they just live around the poverty line. Her children are being teased by other children for not dressing good clothes. Also, they had to live in a small apartment and drive an old car, though it still runs. Worse still, the husband yells ather, though she admits she also yell at him and calls him names. As for the divorce arrangements, the woman will give the husband only visitation rights instead of joint custody. Moreover, the woman will demand half of all they have and large support payments.T ask 2: What four-letter words?ScriptDorothy was the only child of her family, born when her parents were mid-aged. They spoiled her badly. At the age of 33 she still lived at home. Her mother and father treat her like a princess. She seemed perfectly content with that situation, so her friends were surprised when she announced she would soon get married. People who knew her well said the marriage wouldn’t last long. But for the present, she and her new husband approached happy.As soon as the newly couple returned from their honeymoon, the bride called her mother.“How does everything go?” her mother asked.“Oh, Mom,”she began, “the honeymoon was lovely! So romantic! We had a wonderful time. But on our back, Bob started using terrible language. Stuff I’d never heard before. Really awful four-letter words. Y ou’ve got to come get me and take me home. Please, Mom!” the new bride sobbed over the telephone.“But, honey,” the mother asked, “What four-letter words?”“I can’t tell you, Mom. They’re too awful! Come get me, please!”“Darling, you must tell me what has upset you so much. Tell me what four-letter words he used.”Still sobbing, the bride said, “Mom, words like dust, wash, iron, and cook.”Keys: FTFFTT ask3: A Woman Who Chose Not to RemarryScriptAfter 17 years of marriage, my husband left me for my best friend, Monica. What I had feared most became reality: I became the single parent of two young children. My daughter grew increasingly unhappy. Seven-year-old Joanna had anxiety attacks when ever she was left alone for more than a few minutes. Five-year-old Sophie would vomit every meal. Under the psychological pressure, I thought about remarriage. Myfriends arranged dinner with single men and invited me to parties to meet the latest “someone special”.But later I changed my mind. A colleague of mine said, “Second marriages usually end in divorce, and children are destroyed by it.”There is some truth in his words. Research published in 2004 showed that children in blended families were no more emotionally healthy than those in single-parent families.Not long ago, my now-teenage daughter and I went to lunch at our favorite Italian restaurant. While eating, we talked about a friend of ours who was divorcing her second husband. We were worried about how the break would harm her three childre n, two of whom were struggling to get free of drugs. Joanna put down her fork and looked at me. “Mom, I’m glad you didn’t remarry,”she said. “If you had divorced again, I might have tried drugs or even consider suicide.” At that moment, I realized, once again, that singleness was right choice for me.1.What was the speaker most afraid of?2.Which of the following is NOT true?3.What did the speaker’s colleague say?4.Which of the following is true?5.If the speaker had divorced again, what might her daughter, Joanna, have done? Kes: 1C 2.A3. B 4.B 5.BIV. Speaking OutMODEL 1 Is youth wasted on the young?Amy: I’d like to talk to you, so stop what you’re doing for a minute.Bill:What is it, Amy? I’m having a hectic time working on this report for tomorrow’s meeting.Amy: Well, you’re always pretty busy, and it’s been more five years, almost six, since we were married.Bill:Y es, time has gone so fast, but they’ve been good years.Amy: I know, but I want to have a baby—I want us to have a baby.Bill:I know you do. But remember, we said we’d wait until we could afford it. Amy: But five years is a long time to wait. Anyway, it’s long enough.Bill:I’m this close to getting a promotion.Amy:What has that got to do with it? We could wait forever if we wait for the “perfect” moment. Soon we’ll be too old to enjoying having a baby.Bill:Y ou know,you have a good point. This report can wait. I’ll do it tomorrow morning. Let’s open a bottle of wine and enjoy ourselves.Now Y our TurnSAMPLE DIALOGA: I’ve got something important to tell you: I’m pregnant.B: What? Y ou’re pregnant? Wow, I’d love to have a baby.A: Well, I understand you want to be a father. It’s been more than three years, almost four, since we were married.B: Y es, time has passed so quickly, but we still didn’t have a baby.A: I know, but we can’t afford to have one now. If I leave my job for more than two weeks, I’ll lose it forever.B: I know you will. But remember, if we don’t have one now, it’ll be too late. We’ll be busier in future.A: There is something in what you said. Four years is a long time to wait. But I really like my job. What’s more, I’m very close to getting promotion.B: But a baby borne by a woman in her 30s may be physically and intellectually less healthy. If we wanted to hold onto your job, we would wait forever. Soon we’ll be too old to enjoy a baby.A: Y ou really have a point. I’ll choose the baby over the job.B: Good, I’ll try harder to make both ends meetMODEL2 So many people in the United States get divorced! ScriptKim: Hi Amy.Amy: Hi! Look at this headline, Kim.Kim: Wow! So many people in the United States get divorced!Amy: But this is not uncommon in west. In some places, the divorce rate can be as high as 50 percent.Kim: It seems strange to me that Westerners fall head heels in love quickly,if not at first sight; but they also leave each other quickly.Amy:Is it the same in your country?Kim: I don’t think so. In my country, some marriages break up, but most couples stay together.Amy:Do people get married young?Kim: Not really. Not many people get married before the age of 20.Amy:Hmm. Do woman usually work after they get married?Kim: No, a lot of women stay home to take care of their families. But more women work now.Now Y our TurnSAMPLE DIALOGA: It seems strange to me that Westerners fall head heels in love quickly, but they also leave each other quickly.B: Is it the same where you live?A: I don’t think so. In my country, most couples stay together.B: What is the divorce rate in your homeland?A: The divorce rate can be as low as 10 percent.B: That’s quite lower than in our country.A: Well, what’s the divorce rate in your country?B: About 50 percent, if I’m not mistaken.A: Oh, that’s really high!B: Do people get married young?A: Not really. Not many people get married before the age of 22.B: Many of our young people get married before 20. Is it common for women in your country to work after they marry?A: Y es, most wives work even after they’ve got a baby.B: In my country, a lot of wives stay home to look after their families.MODEL3 Why not have both our parents here for Christmas? ScriptAmy: Y ou know, Christmas is coming. And I haven’t seen Dad for ages—he always has such great stories to tell.Bill: I know we went t my folks’last year, but my Mom’s been pretty sick. This might be her last Christmas.Amy: She’s been ill, but don’t exaggerate. Y ou just don’t like my mother. That’s why you don’t want to go to my parentsBill:She’s never liked me. Never thought I was good enough for you.Amy: Well, you’re not…But seriously, Mom’s not so sad. She’s just got a thick skin and likes to hide her feelingsBill:I don’t think so.Amy: Why not have our both families here for Christmas?Bill: That would make twenty-two of us if we invited everybody.Amy: Why not just have our parents here for Christmas?Bill: Good idea. Just don’t sit me next to your mother.Now Your TurnSAMPLE DIALOGA: Y ou know, the Spring Festive is coming, and we have to consider where to have the Spring Festive Eve dinner.B: What have you got in mind?A: Since I’ve been busy, I haven’t seen mom for quite some time—she’s always been so kind to us.B: I know we went t my folks’ last year, but my mom’s been sick. She needs comfort. A: My parents also need company. If I don’t have the Spring Festive Eve dinner with them for two years running, they will be extremely disappointed. As a matter of fact, my mom is already blaming me for neglecting them.B: What can we do then?A: Let me think. Why not invite our parents here for the dinner?B: But they live so far away from us. It’s inconvenient for old people.A: Then we can invite four of them to a restaurant near them.B: Good, idea. On the next morning we can visit both our parents.A: And don’t forget to bring gifts.V. Let’s T alkScriptIf you want me to tell you why I remarried, that’s my story.Remarried is the last thing I’d consider for two years after my divorce. I had heard about the high rate of remarriage failure. More importantly, I wondered how remarrying would affect my 10-year-old son. My heart ached when I saw my son draw a picture of himself, my ex-wife and me holding hands, with sadness on our faces. Since my parents have married and divorce eight times altogether, I hope my son would not have to go through the same pain I had experienced. As a result, my primary focus after divorce was my relationship with my son John, not finding a wife. As time went by, my son gradually grew up, and he became of my loneliness and anxiety. One day he asked me to consider dating. The first timer he said this, I ignored him. The second time he brought it up, I reconsidered my reservations about dating. I began to date Maria. As our relationship developed over the following year, I was concerned about my son would actually respond to her. At first, John’s affection for Maria was lukewarm. For instance, he would hug her, but the act seemed mechanical. But after several times, he warmed up to her. Seeing that the time was ripe, I asked Maria to marry me. She accepted, so our family of two smoothly became a family of three. Thinking back, I believe my remarrying was the right choice.Some single-parents are still besitant about remarrying. Now that you’ve heard my story, I hope you won’t hesitate and let golden opportunities slip through your fingers.DebateSAMPLEA: On the whole I don’t support remarriage. Too many remarriages have turned out to be unsuccessful and end in divorce.B:If you say many remarriages have failed, that means other remarriages have survived, or even bloomed. We should not only look at the dark of the issue.A:But ther e’re too many factors contribute to the failure of a second marriage. For example, as you become older, you may find it increasingly difficult to adjust to a different pattern of life with a new mate. Once there’s a conflict neither is willingto give in.B: There’re conflicts everywhere, but you should not neglect that an adult has psychological and physical needs. Without a companion, one may feel lonely and anxious.A: In a new family the husband tends to compare his new wife’s weak point with his ex-wife’s strong point. And the wife does the same.B: I wish you’d seen the film The Sound of Music. The governess Maria blended so smoothly into the Captain’s family.A:It is not easy for children to accept the new mother or father. It is simply impossible for them to forget their birth-mother’s loving care and the happy moments in their childhood.B: But how happy are the Captain’s seven children with their adopted mother Maria! If the new mother shows genuine care for the kids, they will gradually warm to her. On the other hand, many children in a single-parent family are under psychological pressure and suffer from anxiety attack. So, the single life is not the right choice. VI. Further Listening and SpeakingT ask1: Early MarriageScriptAt the age of 12, Lisa has been married for three years to a young man she met just after finishing secondary school. He treated her well. She almost died during the birth of their first child, born a year after their marriage. The second child, born 18 months later, was also a girl. Lately she and her husband quarrel frequently. She wants to go to vocational school to learn skills to add to the family income, but his mother insists she stay home and produce a son.This example is by no means exceptional. Early marriage is common in many parts of the world. Early marriage leads to early motherhood. In some developing countries, 20 percent or over half of the women give birth to their first child before the age of 18.Expectations from parents, in-laws and society are to produce a child as soon as possible. Many young wives feel pressure to bear son. This typically results in early and frequent pregnancies.In developing countries, more than half a million women die every year from causes related to pregnancy. There are four important reasons for these deaths. Birth are either “too soon, too close, too many, or to late”. According to statistics, it is young women who most die during pregnancy.1.At what age did Lisa give birth to her first child?2.What does Lisa want?3.Why do women in some developing countries have babies early?4.What are the reasons women die from childbirth?5.What is the main idea of the passage?Keys: 1.B 2.D3.A 4.D 5.CT ask 2: Nuclear Family Living PatternsScriptA nuclear family is typical in high-industrialized societies. Beginning in the early 20th century, the two-parent family known as the nuclear family was the predominant American family type. Generally children live with their parents until they go away to a college or university, or until they acquir e their own jobs and move into their own apartment or home.In the early mid-20th century, the family typically was the sole wage earner, and the mother was the children’s principle care giver. Today, often both parents hold jobs. Dual-earner families are the predominant type for families with children in the United States.Increasingly, one of the parents has a non-standard shift; that is, a shift that does not start in the morning and end in later afternoon. In these families, one of the parents manages the children while the other works.Prior to school, adequate day care of children is necessary for dual-earner families. In recent years, many private companies and home-based day care centers have sprung up fulfill this need. Increasingly, a company’s arrangement of day care as well as government assistance to parents requiring day care is occurring.T ask3: They are coming for Christmas,ScriptA man in Phoenix calls his son in New Y ork the day before Christmas and says, “I hate to ruin your day, but I have to tell you that your mom and I are divorcing, Forty-five years of misery is enough..”“Dad, what are you talking about?” the son screams.“We can’t stand the sight of each other any longer,”the father says. “We’re sick of each other, and I’m sick of talking about this, so you call your sister in Chicago and tell her.”Frantic, the son calls his sister, who explodes on the phone.“Oh, heck, they’re getting divorced,”she shouts. “I’ll take care of this.”Losing no time, she call her father and screams at him, “Y ou are not getting divorced. Don’t do a single thing until I get there. I’m calling my brother back, and we’ll both be there tomorrow. Until then, don’t do anything! DO YOU HEAR ME?”Then she quickly hangs up.The old man hangs up his phone and heaves a sigh of relief. He turns to his wife and says merrily, “Okay, they are coming back for Christmas and paying their own way.”For Reference:1. He and the boy’s mother are divorcing.2. Forty-five years of misery is enough. They can’t stand the sight of each other any longer. They’re sick of each other.3. He gets frantic and calls his sister.4. They will come back home and stop the parents from divorcing.5. He is happy, for his son and daughter will come back for Christmas and pave their own way.News ReportPrince More Precious Than the DiamondScriptPeople have long known the saying ’s best friend.” But this may be changing. There’s a new stone market, tanzanite, and it is giving diamonds some serious competition.Tanzanite was one of a number of gems discovered in East Africa in the 1960s. The new colors and varieties changed the gem market. But the real gem among these stones was tanzanite, discovered in 1967 in Tanzania. The stone was named after its country of origin by New Y ork’s Tiffany and Co. which introduced it to the world. It draws one’s attention quickly with its color—blue, purple or bronze, depending on the direction it is viewed from.More important for its value, though, is its rarity. Tanzanite has been found in only one small area, near Mount Kilimanjaro, in Tanzania. And its supply will probably befully mined in the next two decades.As one mining official puts it, “It should never have really occurred in the first place. It did occur. And only this one deposit on this entire planet that is known…makes it more than a thousand times rarer than diamonds. And certainly within the next 15 to 20 years, there will be no more tanzanite to be mined.”The current value of the tanzanite market, at U.S. $10 billion, is equivalent to that of diamonds. And so another saying “Diamonds are forever”may lose some of its meaning.。
新视野大学英语第三版视听说教程3答案Unit 1: Access to SuccessListening to the WorldSharing:In this n。
the topics covered include bungee jumping。
having a cup of tea。
feeling good。
and achieving success。
The correct order for the statements in Task 3 is C-D-E-B-A。
and the correct answers for Task 4 are 1.2.and 4.The answers for Task 5 are B。
and B。
Task 6 discusses the story of a person who XXX about life。
and even after being imprisoned。
XXX.XXX:In this n。
Task 2 includes ns 1-6.9.10.and 11.ic 2 has three details to consider。
and ic 3 has two details to consider.Viewing:Task 3 in this n has only one answer。
which is 3.Task 4 asks for the correct order of the events。
which is e-g-c-b-f-a-d。
Task 5 discusses the XXX in just 90 minutes。
He had to focus and make this challenge。
which involved running seven miles。
in just four months.Speaking for nRole-play:In Task 1.the correct answer is B。
TEXT AAudrey Hepburn — A true angel in this world奥黛丽·赫本——人间天使1 Audrey Hepburn thrilled audiences with starring roles in noteworthy films like Breakfast at Tiffany's, Sabrina, Roman Holiday, My Fair Lady, War and Peace, and Always.奥黛丽·赫本在《蒂凡尼的早餐》、《龙凤配》、《罗马假日》、《窈窕淑女》、《战争与和平》和《直到永远》等出色电影中主演的许多角色让观众为之陶醉。
2 Despite her success in the film domain, the roles she most preferred portraying were not in movies. She was an exemplary mother to her two sons and a UNICEF (the United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund) Ambassador of Goodwill serving victims in war-torn countries.尽管在电影界获得成功,但她最愿意塑造的角色却并不在影片中,而是做两个儿子的模范母亲和联合国儿童基金会亲善大使,为饱受战争蹂躏的人们服务。
3 As a young girl during the Nazi occupation of her native Holland, Audrey Hepburn was aware of the brutality, death, and destruction of war. She was hungry and malnourished, as her family was bankrupted as a result of the invasion. Audrey's father abandoned the family, and two of her uncles were taken captive and killed. Audrey was grabbed off the street by Nazis and placed in line to be sent to a work camp. When the guards glanced away she darted off, barely escaping, and huddled in a cold, foul basement full of rats.作为一名在纳粹占领下的祖国荷兰生活的小女孩,奥黛丽·赫本清楚战争所带来的野蛮、死亡和破坏。
新视野大学英语第三版第三册读写教程答案Unit 1 TEXTALanguage focusWord in use[3]1. whereby2. pursuit3. inhibit4. maintain5. patriotic6. transcend7. endeavor8. dedication9. prestige 10. nominateWord building[4]-ant inhabitantinhabit participateparticipant attendattendantpollutepollutant descenddescendant contestcontestanttoleratetolerant resultresultant-ful neglectneglectful resourceresourcefulboastboastfulrespectrespectful[5]1.resultant2. tolerant3. pollutants4. inhabited5. participants6. descendants7. attendants8. respectful9. contestants10. neglectful 11. resourceful12. boastfulBanked cloze[6]1.eventually2. premier3. endeavor4. bypass5. handicaps6. committed7. attained8. transcend9. feats 10. slightest Expressions in use[7]2. removed from 2. failed in3. in pursuit of4. deviated from7. precluded from 6. triumph over 7. work their way into2.written offTEXT BUnderstanding the text[2]CBADBBCDLanguage focusWord in use[4]6.indulge2. propelled3.aggravated4.dazzled5. alleviated10. renowned7.eloquent8. destined9.scorns10. Applause Expressionin use[5]13. up2.in3.on4.up5.to6.on7.as8.outsentence structure[6]2.He prefers to start early rather than leave everything to the lastminute3.She prefers to be the boss, to be in charge andto organize others rather than be organized bysome whom she may not even rate very highly.4. My brother prefers to take the whole blamehimself rather than allow it to fall on the innocent.[7]7. Try as he would8.Search as they would9. Hard as we workTry as we mightCollocation Warm-up1. repeated2.overwhelming3.immense1. heroic2.sound3.substantial1.attained2.fueled3.achieved[8]1.suddenopportunities2. immense obstacles3. amazing determination4. profound difficulties5. overwhelming failures6. poverty-stricken7.substantial hardship8. repeated misfortunes9. sheer persistence 10. dazzle audiences11. achieve fame12.strong willUnit 2Language focusWord in use[3]3.intervene2.underestimate3.recede4.deem5.bleak 8. appraise7.paralyzed8. symptoms9. dismay10. brink Word building[4]dominatedominanceavoidavoidance relyreliance acquaintacquaintanceclearclearanceannoyannoyance admitadmittanceresembleresemblanceassureassuranceborebored privilege privilegeddistractdistracted[5]3. bored2.priviledged3. assurance4. dominance7.aviodance 6. acquaintance7. reliance8. clearance11. distracted 10. annoyance11. admittance12. resemblance Banked cloze[6]14. characterized2.aspects3. amount4. recede5. exposed6.vicious7. challenge8. excessive10.reaction10. paralyzeExpressions in use[7]4. pulled to a stop 2. black out 3. pop up 4. stopped short9. plowed through6. threw himself into7. let yourself go4.grabbed forLanguage focusWord in use[4]8. vertical2.evaporate3.plight4.intent12. abort6.vulnerable7.proximity8.evoke15.lofty10.necessitateExpression in use[5]6.in the event of2.immuned to 3.settled back 4.on board 5.in/into position 6.was? stunned by7.for sure8. hint ofSentence structure[6]11. Nothing excites me as much as a brilliant movie with aninteresting plot, fantastic acting ,wild visual and a strongscript.12.Over the course of her entire life, she 'd longed for nothingas much as knowledge about her mother.13. Her daughter is at a state hospital and wants nothingas much as to be part of a family.[7]2.In teaching practice, it is essential that we (should)teach students proper grammar, sentences structuresand writing skills.3.It is important that students should be given opportunities toexpress their perspectives to cultivate theirresponsibility and independence.4.It is crucial that the younger generation should pursue an active and positive role in promoting environmental protection. CollocationWarm-up2. massive2. incredible3. terrible5. relaxed 5. absolutely6. unremarkable[8]10. emotionally impossible 2. amazing power 3. visibly frightened 5.incredible impact5.impromptus rescues6.instantaneously hysterical9. calm confidence8. true courage9. massive waves13. would-be rescuer 11. vicious waves12. rough waterUnit3 Language focusWord in use[3]16.integral2. cherish3.afflicted4. noteworthy5. portraypliment7.domain8. anonymous9. conscientious14. perpetualWord buildinggeneralgeneralizenormalnormalizepublicpublicize[4]minimumminimizemobilemobilizeinvestinvestordictatedictatorconquerconqueror investigateinvestigator moderatemoderatorelevatorelevate[5]5. normalize2. moderator3.immunized4. investors5. mobilize 3. conqueror7. elevate8. publicizes9. investigator2. minimized11.generalize12.dictatorBanked cloze[6]1) domain2) define3) popularity 4) mentally5) diplomatic6) committed7) devote8) surviving9) embarked10) humanitarianExpressions in use[7]6. embark on2. be deprive of3. turn down11. taken captive5. live on6. share in6. was stricken by8. led by exampleWord in use[4]10. skeptical2. coincidence3. mounted14. contrive5. simulated6. manifest17.divert 8. infected8.upgraded 10.temperamentExpressions in use[5]15.on2.in3.as4. into6. to6.to7. with8. under/onSentence structure[6]4.It is not his carefree attitude that made him seem eccentric;it is his conspicuous interest in film that made his classmates shun and mock him.5.It is not his experience in filmmaking that sabotaged transfer attempts; it is his poor grades that forced film schools to withhold acceptance.6.It is not because things are difficult that we fail to dare; it is because we do not dare that things are difficult.[7]3. see things as they are4. understand the world as it is5. accept people as they are warm-up2.internationally famous2. rigorous schedule5.jeopardize hope4.emotionally draining8.physically dangerous6. overwhelming misery11. perpetually signify12. conspicuous interest 9. repeatedly try[8]1.internationallymittedpassionate 1.repeatedly2.thrill3.terrific 1.overwhelmingly2.desperate3.physically4.rectified7. personal 2.emotionallyUnit4 Language focusWord in use[3]1) c ompulsory2)contemplate 3) imprisoned4) globalize5) offset6) groan7) stubborn8) cluster9) ambiguity10) consoledWord building[4]respectrespectable negotiatenegotiable distinguishdistinguishableavailavailable profitprofitable renewrenewable memorymemorizeauthorauthorized visualvisualize stablestabilizesocialsocialize[5]1) profitable2) renewable3) authorized4) negotiable5) visualize6) socialize7) attributable8) respectable9) avail10) stabilize11) distinguishable12) memorize Bank cloze1) contemplate2) comfort3) sparked4) ventured5) diverse6) witnessed7) stunning8)glimpse9) positive10)dictateExpression in use[7]1)settle for2)more often than not3) mingled with4) traded for 5) was saturated with6) a re open to7)endowed with8)make up forWords in use[4][6]1) ethnic2) conceive3)presumed4) despised5) irritate6) disregarded7) downside8) venerable9) susceptible10)suppressExpression in use[5]1)from/against2) from3) with4)into5)to6) into7) for8)offSentence structure[6]1)The day following was, as it turned out, the last of Mr. Wraxal at Raback.2) A s it turned out, the war went on for more than four years, with horrible losses ofpersonnel and material on both sides.3) M adigan had been studying Mr. Barrett for a couple of month, as it turned out theman was rather mysterious.[7]8. took his behavior with a smile.9. took it with gratitude10. took it with a deep bowCollocationwarm-upoverly fearfuldisorienting diversitysolo travelswap storiesglobalized worldforeign travel[8]12. exotic places2. lovely dream3. multinational excursions7. pleasant experiences5. foreign travel6. valuable open-mindedness11. ample opportunities8. disorienting diversity9. local folklore15. swap stories11. modern aviation12. credible insightsUnit5 Understanding the textWord in use1) gauged2) dedicate3)commonplace4) s uffice5) revenue6) simultaneous7) incentive8) prone9) innovations10)fostered[4]realrealism imperialimperialism commercialcommercialism humanhumanism terrorterrorism recruitrecruitmentresentresentment enrollenrollment refreshrefreshmentshipshipment enforceenforcement[5]1)refreshment2)shipment3) enforcement4) c ommercialism5)realism6) recruitment7) e nrollment8)imperialism9) resentment[3]10) Terrorism11) humanismBanked cloze[6]1) employees2) notion3) primary 4) foster5) reflects6) motivation7) monetary8) aspects9) gossiping10) miserableExpression in use[7]1) correlate with2) refrain from3)count down4) slaving away5) coincide with6) contented with7) be designated as8) conformed toWORD IN USE[4]1) Rash2) specialty 3) ponder4) utilize5) pierce 6) bias 7) ensue 8) impart9) infectious 10) hospitalityExpression in use[5]1) out2) on 3) away 4) to5) to6) in7) away8) upSentence structure[6]11.Although I am already very tall, I wear high heel all of the time,be it day or night.2) A lower euro will actually help European exports become affordable andmore competitive around the world, be they German automobilesor Italian leathers.3) E very time there is a major new event , be it a natural disaster ora historic moment, we take it for granted that there will be pictures and videos.[7]1)find himself eating foods he never heard of before.2) f ound herself faced with a math test.3) found herself standing in front of Tom. 's companycollocationwarm-up1) prideful2) high3) special4) trivial5) sole6) friendly 7) cheerful8) instant9) charitable[8]1) unhappy2) personally3) optimum 4) truly5) monetary6) sole7) personal8) trivial9) special10) high11) friendly12) cheerfulUnit 6 Language focusWord in use[3]1) evacuated2) stray3) diluted4)gigantic5)standpoint6) nutrition7) inflicted8) pervasive9)naive10) permeated[4] momentmomentary supplementsupplementary customcustomary visionvisionary missionmissionary disciplinedisciplinary complexcomplexity fatalfatality availableavailability feasiblefeasibility authenticauthenticity desirabledesirability[5]1) visionary2) fatality3) availability4) customary 5)feasibility6) momentary7) disciplinary8) supplementary9) missionary 10) authenticity 11) complexity 12) desirability Banked cloze [6]1) appalling2) innumerable 3) distinction4) casualties5) unrecorded6) massacres7) foster8) stage9) decline10) stabilizeExpression in use[7]1) flew at2) wove her way through3) radiated from4) conceive of5) was lined with6) dive into7) next to nothing8) stayed downWords in use[4]1) supervise2) petitioned3) clutching4) vicinity5) fragrance6) dispatched7) dwelling8) haunted 9) timid10) enclosesExpression in use[5]1) to/into2) in3) together4) apart5) with6) off7) with8) offSentence structure[6]1) Henry refuses to change his mind because he holds that our advice is worthnext to nothing to him.2) Once a gambler is addicted, all the efforts to help him getrid of the bad habit will beworth next to nothing.3) Y our recommendation isworth next to nothingto those whodo not want to listen.[7]1) looks like it is going to burst.2) l ooks like the work would stretch well into next year.3) l ooked like they planned to invade within the following few days CollocationWarm-up1) A2) C3) B4) B5) C6) B[8]1) emotional intensity2) brilliant sky3) walked briskly4) helplessly wandering5) trembling voice 6) tremendous roar7) d esertedroad8)violentlydipping9)inevitable death10)profound fatigue11) pervasive threat12) dangerous evilUnit7 Language focus Word in use[3]1) donate2) spiral3) termination4) layoff5) subsistence6) spectrum7) complied8) reclaimed9) originated10) expiredWord building[4]emitemissionomitomissionsuspendsuspensionpredictprediction distributedistribution corruptioncorrupt generousgenerosity formalformality locallocalitymature maturitypeculiar peculiarityliableliability[5]1) emission2) suspension3) formalities4) prediction5) omission6) distribution7) locality8) peculiarity9) corrupting 10) generosity11) maturity12) liability Banked cloze [6]1) slump2) mortgages3) incredibility4) crashing5) spread6) promote7) catastrophic8) verge9) oversight10) stabilizeExpressions in use[7]1) put down2) wind up3) scrape together4) on the verge of5) in all likelihood6) deteriorateinto 7) are in a position8) gave way toWord in use[4]1) amplifying2) assimilate3) intrinsic4) entail5) commodity6) mentality7) envisage8) allocated9) equity10) ambiguousExpression in use[5]1) in2) on3) in4) in5) into6) off7) in8) toSentence structure[6]1)what if it rained and then froze all through those months?2) w hat if all children were kind to animals?3) w hat if a major earthquake hit the Seattle area?[7]1) so we ended up seeing a different one2) you might end up getting something you don3) but who knew it would end up being a career. Collocationwarm-up12. constant harassment 2. employment spectrum 3. unsure13. fall sharply5. further increases6. profoundgrief[8] t wantfutures1) falling sharply2) unimaginable situation3) economic slump4) tenant eviction5) purchasing power6) further increases7) stock market crash8) sinking finances9) negative equity10) daily stress11) long-term unemployment12) employment spectrumUnit7Language focusWord in use[3]1) donate2) spiral3) termination4) layoff5) subsistence6) spectrum7) complied8) reclaimed9) originated10) expiredWord building[4]emitemissionomitomissionsuspendsuspensionpredictpredictiondistributedistributioncorruptioncorruptgenerousgenerosityformalformalitylocallocalitymaturematuritypeculiarpeculiarityliableliability[5]1) emission2) suspension3) formalities4) prediction5) omission6) distribution7) locality8) peculiarity9) corrupting 10) generosity11) maturity12) liabilityBanked cloze [6]1) slump2) mortgages3) incredibility4) crashing5) spread6) promote7) catastrophic8) verge9) oversight 10) stabilizeExpressions in use[7]1) put down2) wind up3) scrape together4) on the verge of5) in all likelihood6) deteriorateinto7) are in a position8) gave way toWord in use [4]1) amplifying2) assimilate3) intrinsic4) entail5) commodity6) mentality7) envisage8) allocated9) equity10) ambiguousExpression in use[5]1) in2) on3) in4) in5) into6) off7) in8) toSentence structure[6]1)what if it rained and then froze all through those months?2) w hat if all children were kind to animals?3) w hat if a major earthquake hit the Seattle area?[7]1) so we ended up seeing a different one2) you might end up getting something you don 't want3) but who knew it would end up being a career.Collocationwarm-up13.constant harassment2. employment spectrum3. unsure futures14. fall sharply5. further increases6. profoundgrief[8]1) falling sharply2) unimaginable situation3) economic slump4) tenant eviction5) purchasing power6) further increases7) stock market crash8) sinking finances9) negative equity10) daily stress11) long-term unemployment12) employment spectrum Unit8 Word in use31) indignation 2) provocative3) militant 4) overlap5) conferring 6) defiance 7) hesitant 8) milestone9) cradled 10) preaching Word building 4 manmanhood mothermotherhood calculatecalculationcomplicatecomplication imitateimitation assassinateassassination circulatecirculation accommodationaccommodate accuseaccusation defectdefection exhaustexhaustion51)circulation 2) accusation 3) accommodate4) defection5) manhood6) imitation7) complication8) exhaustion 9) assassination10) calculation11) motherhoodBanked cloze61) automatic 2) charge3) presumption 4) attached5) handy6) confer7) contact8) bounce9) tumble10) intellectExpression in use 71) at their disposal2) insulate him from3) irrespective of4) has a high opinion of5) has authority over 6) for your part 7) get away with8) dispense with9) provide for 10) tiptoeing aroundWord in use41)2)3)4)5)6) 7)8)9)10)Expression in use51) to2) through3) off4) down5) to6) out7) under8) in/backSentence structure14.15. Admittedlytaking measures that are likely to increase the greenhouse effectwill be morally graver than having done nothing to reduce it.16. Admittedlythey are the perfect guides to keep you informed of the various thingshappening around you.17. Admittedlythose who oppose to the viewpoint also have their reasons to a certainextent.8.12.When the time comes to demonstrate your unique set of sporting skillsand physical gifts13.But when the time came to put some money into the home14.when the time comes to pay for my classescollection1) versatile2) shatter3) unquestioning4) stony5) hair-tearing6) substandard81) hair-tearing2) negative3) substandard4)stony5) perfect6) unilateral7) shatter8) secretly9) unquestioning 10) true11) intensity12) ultimate。
新视野大学英语第三版第三册读写教程答案Unit 1 TEXTALanguage focusWord in use[3]1.whereby2. pursuit3. inhibit4. maintain5. patriotic6.transcend7. endeavor8. dedication9. prestige 10. nominateWord building[4]-antinhabitantinhabitparticipateparticipantattendattendantpollutepollutantdescenddescendantcontestcontestanttoleratetolerantresultresultant-fulneglectneglectfulresourceresourcefulboastboastfulrespectrespectful[5]1.resultant2. tolerant3. pollutants4. inhabited5.participants6. descendants7. attendants8. respectful9.contestants10. neglectful 11. resourceful12.boastfulBanked cloze[6]1.eventually2. premier3. endeavor4. bypass5. handicapsmitted7. attained8. transcend9. feats 10. slightest Expressions in use[7]2. removed from 2. failed in3. in pursuit of4. deviated from 7.precluded from 6. triumph over 7. work their way into 2.written offTEXT BUnderstanding the text[2]CBADBBCDLanguage focusWord in use[4]6.indulge2. propelled3.aggravated4.dazzled5. alleviated10.renowned7.eloquent8. destined9.scorns10. ApplauseExpressionin use[5]13.up2.in3.on4.up5.to6.on7.as8.outsentence structure[6]2.He prefers to start early rather than leave everything to the last minute3.She prefers to be the boss, to be in charge andto organize others rather than be organized bysome whom she may not even rate very highly.4.My brother prefers to take the whole blamehimself rather than allow it to fall on the innocent.[7]7.Try as he would8.Search as they would9.Hard as we workTry as we mightCollocation Warm-up1.repeated2.overwhelming3.immense1.heroic2.sound3.substantial1.attained2.fueled3.achieved[8]1.suddenopportunities2. immense obstacles3. amazing determination4.profound difficulties5. overwhelming failures6. poverty-stricken7.substantial hardship8. repeated misfortunes9. sheer persistence 10.dazzle audiences11. achieve fame12.strong willUnit 2Language focusWord in use[3]3.intervene2.underestimate3.recede4.deem5.bleak8.appraise7.paralyzed8. symptoms9. dismay10. brinkWord building[4]dominatedominanceavoidavoidance relyreliance acquaintacquaintanceclearclearanceannoyannoyanceadmitadmittanceresembleresemblanceassureassuranceborebored privilege privilegeddistractdistracted[5]3.bored2.priviledged3. assurance4. dominance7.aviodance 6. acquaintance7. reliance8. clearance11.distracted 10. annoyance11. admittance12. resemblance Banked cloze[6]14.characterized2.aspects3. amount4. recede5.exposed6.vicious7. challenge8. excessive10.reaction10. paralyzeExpressions in use[7]4.pulled to a stop 2. black out 3. pop up 4. stopped short 9.plowed through6. threw himself into7. let yourself go 4.grabbed forLanguage focusWord in use[4]8.vertical2.evaporate3.plight4.intent12.abort6.vulnerable7.proximity8.evoke15.lofty10.necessitateExpression in use[5]6.in the event of2.immuned to 3.settled back 4.on board 5.in/into position 6.was⋯stunned by7.for sure8. hint ofSentence structure[6]11.Nothing excites me as much as a brilliant movie with aninteresting plot, fantastic acting ,wild visual and a strongscript.12.Over the course of her entire life, she’d longed for nothingas much as knowledge about her mother.13.Her daughter is at a state hospital and wants nothingas much as to be part of a family.[7]2.In teaching practice, it is essential that we (should)teach students proper grammar, sentences structuresand writing skills.3.It is important that students should be given opportunities toexpress their perspectives to cultivate theirresponsibility and independence.4.It is crucial that the younger generation should pursue anactive and positive role in promoting environmental protection. CollocationWarm-up2.massive2. incredible3. terrible5. relaxed 5. absolutely6. unremarkable[8]10.emotionally impossible 2. amazing power 3. visibly frightened 5.incredible impact5.impromptus rescues6.instantaneously hysterical 9.calm confidence8. true courage9. massive waves13.would-be rescuer 11. vicious waves12. rough waterUnit3 Language focusWord in use[3]16.integral2. cherish3.afflicted4. noteworthy5. portraypliment7.domain8. anonymous9. conscientious14.perpetualWord building[4]generalgeneralizenormalnormalizepublicpublicizeminimumminimizemobilemobilizeinvestinvestordictatedictatorconquerconqueror investigateinvestigator moderatemoderatorelevatorelevate[5]5.normalize2. moderator3.immunized4. investors5. mobilize 3.conqueror7. elevate8. publicizes9. investigator2.minimized11.generalize12.dictatorBanked cloze[6]1)domain2) define3) popularity 4) mentally5) diplomatic6) committed7) devote8) surviving9) embarked10) humanitarianExpressions in use[7]6.embark on2. be deprive of3. turn down11.taken captive5. live on6. share in6.was stricken by8. led by exampleWord in use[4]10.skeptical2. coincidence3. mounted14.contrive5. simulated6. manifest17.divert 8. infected8.upgraded 10.temperamentExpressions in use[5]15.on2.in3.as4. into6.to6.to7. with8. under/onSentence structure[6]4.It is not his carefree attitude that made him seem eccentric;it is his conspicuous interest in film that made his classmates shun and mock him.5.It is not his experience in filmmaking that sabotaged transfer attempts; it is his poor grades that forced film schools to withhold acceptance.6.It is not because things are difficult that we fail to dare; it is because we do not dare that things are difficult.[7]3.see things as they are4.understand the world as it is5.accept people as they arewarm-up2.internationally famous2. rigorous schedule5.jeopardize hope4.emotionally draining8.physically dangerous6. overwhelming misery11.perpetually signify12.conspicuous interest 9. repeatedly try[8]1.internationallymittedpassionate1.repeatedly2.thrill3.terrific1.overwhelmingly2.desperate3.physically4.rectified 7.personal 2.emotionallyUnit4 Language focusWord in use[3]1)compulsory2)contemplate 3) imprisoned4) globalize 5) offset6) groan7) stubborn8) cluster9) ambiguity10) consoledWord building[4]respectrespectablenegotiatenegotiabledistinguishdistinguishableavailavailableprofitprofitablerenewrenewablememorymemorizeauthorauthorizedvisualvisualizestablestabilizesocialsocialize[5]1) profitable2) renewable3) authorized4) negotiable 5) visualize6) socialize7) attributable8) respectable 9) avail10) stabilize11) distinguishable12) memorize Bank cloze[6]1) contemplate2) comfort3) sparked4) ventured5) diverse6) witnessed7) stunning8)glimpse9) positive10)dictateExpression in use[7]1)settle for2)more often than not3) mingled with4) traded for 5) was saturated with6)are open to7)endowed with8)make up forWords in use[4]1)ethnic2) conceive3)presumed4) despised5) irritate6) disregarded7) downside8) venerable9) susceptible10)suppressExpression in use[5]1)from/against2) from3) with4)into5)to6) into7) for8)offSentence structure[6]1)The day following was, as it turned out, the last of Mr. Wraxal’lsstay at Raback.2)As it turned out, the war went on for more than four years, with horrible losses ofpersonnel and material on both sides.3)Madigan had been studying Mr. Barrett for a couple of month, as it turned out theman was rather mysterious.[7]8.took his behavior with a smile.9.took it with gratitude10.took it with a deep bowCollocationwarm-upoverly fearfuldisorienting diversitysolo travelswap storiesglobalized worldforeign travel[8]12.exotic places2. lovely dream3. multinational excursions7.pleasant experiences5. foreign travel6. valuable open-mindedness11.ample opportunities8. disorienting diversity9. local folklore15.swap stories11. modern aviation12. credible insightsUnit5 Understanding the textWord in use[3]1) gauged2) dedicate3)commonplace4)suffice5) revenue6) simultaneous7) incentive8) prone9) innovations10)fostered[4]realrealism imperialimperialism commercialcommercialismhumanhumanismterrorterrorism recruitrecruitmentresentresentment enrollenrollment refreshrefreshmentshipshipmentenforceenforcement[5]1)refreshment2)shipment3) enforcement4)commercialism5)realism6) recruitment7)enrollment8)imperialism9) resentment10) Terrorism11) humanismBanked cloze[6]1) employees2) notion3) primary 4) foster5) reflects6) motivation7) monetary8) aspects9) gossiping10) miserableExpression in use[7]1) correlate with2) refrain from3)count down4) slaving away5) coincide with6) contented with7) be designated as8) conformed toWORD IN USE[4]1) Rash2) specialty 3) ponder4) utilize5) pierce 6) bias 7) ensue 8) impart9) infectious 10) hospitalityExpression in use[5]1) out2) on 3) away 4) to5) to6) in7) away8) upSentence structure[6]11.Although I am already very tall, I wear high heel all of the time,be it day or night.2)A lower euro will actually help European exports become affordableand more competitive around the world, be they German automobilesor Italian leathers.3)Every time there is a major new event , be it a natural disaster ora historic moment, we take it for granted that there will be pictures and videos.[7]1)find himself eating foods he never heard of before.2)found herself faced with a math test.3)found herself standing in front of Tom.’s companycollocationwarm-up1) prideful2) high3) special4) trivial5) sole6) friendly 7) cheerful8) instant9) charitable[8]1) unhappy2) personally3) optimum 4) truly5) monetary6) sole7) personal8) trivial9) special10) high11) friendly12) cheerfulUnit 6 Language focusWord in use[3]1)evacuated2) stray3) diluted4)gigantic5)standpoint6) nutrition7) inflicted8) pervasive9)naive10) permeated[4]momentmomentarysupplementsupplementarycustomcustomaryvisionvisionarymissionmissionarydisciplinedisciplinarycomplexcomplexityfatalfatalityavailableavailabilityfeasiblefeasibilityauthenticauthenticitydesirabledesirability[5]1) visionary2) fatality3) availability4) customary5)feasibility6) momentary7) disciplinary8) supplementary 9) missionary 10) authenticity 11) complexity 12) desirability Banked cloze[6]1) appalling2) innumerable 3) distinction4) casualties5) unrecorded6) massacres7) foster8) stage9) decline10) stabilizeExpression in use[7]1) flew at2) wove her way through3) radiated from4) conceive of5) was lined with6) dive into7) next to nothing8) stayed downWords in use[4]1) supervise2) petitioned3) clutching4) vicinity5) fragrance 6) dispatched7) dwelling8) haunted 9) timid10) encloses Expression in use[5]1) to/into2) in3) together4) apart5) with6) off7) with8) offSentence structure[6]1) Henry refuses to change his mind because he holds that our advice is worthnext to nothing to him.2) Once a gambler is addicted, all the efforts to help him get rid of the bad habit will beworth next to nothing.3)Your recommendation isworth next to nothingto those whodo not want to listen.[7]1) looks like it is going to burst.2)looks like the work would stretch well into next year.3)looked like they planned to invade within the following few days CollocationWarm-up1) A2) C3) B4) B5) C6) B[8]1) emotional intensity2) brilliant sky3) walked briskly4) helplessly wandering5) trembling voice 6) tremendous roar7)desertedroad8)violentlydipping9)inevitable death10)profound fatigue11) pervasive threat12) dangerous evilUnit7 Language focus Word in use[3]1) donate2) spiral3) termination4) layoff5) subsistence6) spectrum7) complied8) reclaimed9) originated10) expiredWord building[4]emitemissionomitomissionsuspendsuspensionpredictprediction distributedistribution corruptioncorruptgenerousgenerosityformalformalitylocallocalitymature maturitypeculiar peculiarityliableliability[5]1) emission2) suspension3) formalities4) prediction 5) omission6) distribution7) locality8) peculiarity 9) corrupting 10) generosity11) maturity12) liability Banked cloze [6]1) slump2) mortgages3) incredibility4) crashing5) spread6) promote7) catastrophic8) verge9) oversight10) stabilizeExpressions in use[7]1) put down2) wind up3) scrape together4) on the verge of5) in all likelihood6) deteriorateinto 7) are in a position8) gave way toWord in use[4]1) amplifying2) assimilate3) intrinsic4) entail5) commodity6) mentality7) envisage8) allocated9) equity10) ambiguousExpression in use[5]1) in2) on3) in4) in5) into6) off7) in8) toSentence structure[6]1)what if it rained and then froze all through those months?2)what if all children were kind to animals?3)what if a major earthquake hit the Seattle area?[7]1) so we ended up seeing a different one2) you might end up getting something you don’t want3) but who knew it would end up being a career.Collocationwarm-up12. constant harassment 2. employment spectrum 3. unsure futures13.fall sharply5. further increases6. profoundgrief[8]1) falling sharply2) unimaginable situation3) economic slump4) tenant eviction5) purchasing power6) further increases7) stock market crash8) sinking finances9) negative equity10) daily stress11) long-term unemployment12) employment spectrumUnit7Language focusWord in use[3]1) donate2) spiral3) termination4) layoff5) subsistence6) spectrum7) complied8) reclaimed9) originated10) expiredWord building[4]emitemissionomitomissionsuspendsuspensionpredictpredictiondistributedistributioncorruptioncorruptgenerousgenerosityformalformalitylocallocalitymaturematuritypeculiarpeculiarityliableliability[5]1) emission2) suspension3) formalities4) prediction5) omission6) distribution7) locality8) peculiarity9) corrupting 10) generosity11) maturity12) liabilityBanked cloze [6]1) slump2) mortgages3) incredibility4) crashing5) spread6) promote7) catastrophic8) verge9) oversight 10) stabilizeExpressions in use[7]1) put down2) wind up3) scrape together4) on the verge of5) in all likelihood6) deteriorateinto7) are in a position8) gave way toWord in use [4]1) amplifying2) assimilate3) intrinsic4) entail5) commodity6) mentality7) envisage8) allocated9) equity10) ambiguousExpression in use[5]1) in2) on3) in4) in5) into6) off7) in8) toSentence structure[6]1)what if it rained and then froze all through those months?2)what if all children were kind to animals?3)what if a major earthquake hit the Seattle area?[7]1) so we ended up seeing a different one2) you might end up getting something you don’t want3) but who knew it would end up being a career.Collocationwarm-up13.constant harassment2. employment spectrum3. unsure futures14.fall sharply5. further increases6. profoundgrief[8]1) falling sharply2) unimaginable situation3) economic slump 4) tenant eviction5) purchasing power6) further increases7) stock market crash8) sinking finances9) negative equity10) daily stress11) long-term unemployment12) employment spectrumUnit8 Word in use31) indignation 2) provocative3) militant 4) overlap5) conferring 6) defiance 7) hesitant 8) milestone9) cradled 10) preachingWord building 4manmanhoodmothermotherhoodcalculatecalculationcomplicatecomplicationimitateimitation assassinateassassinationcirculatecirculationaccommodationaccommodateaccuseaccusationdefectdefectionexhaustexhaustion51)circulation 2) accusation 3) accommodate4) defection5) manhood6) imitation7) complication8) exhaustion 9) assassination10) calculation11) motherhoodBanked cloze61) automatic 2) charge3) presumption 4) attached5) handy6) confer7) contact8) bounce9) tumble10) intellect Expression in use 71) at their disposal2) insulate him from3) irrespective of4) has a high opinion of5) has authority over 6) for your part 7) get away with8) dispense with9) provide for 10) tiptoeing aroundWord in use41)2)3)4)5)6)7)8)9)10)Expression in use51) to2) through3) off4) down5) to6) out7) under8) in/backSentence structure14.15.Admittedlytaking measures that are likely to increase the greenhouse effectwill be morally graver than having done nothing to reduce it.16.Admittedlythey are the perfect guides to keep you informed of the various thingshappening around you.17.Admittedlythose who oppose to the viewpoint also have their reasons to a certainextent.8.12.When the time comes to demonstrate your unique set of sporting skillsand physical gifts13.But when the time came to put some money into the home14.when the time comes to pay for my classescollection1) versatile2) shatter3) unquestioning4) stony5) hair-tearing6) substandard81) hair-tearing2) negative3) substandard4)stony5) perfect6) unilateral7) shatter8) secretly9) unquestioning 10) true11) intensity12) ultimate。
第三版新视野大学英语读写教程Unit3uint31.选词填空response反应,响应transform使改观,使变形focus焦点重点,集中于... analyze分析,剖析est imate估计,估算competitive竞争性强的,有竞争力的compensate补偿,弥补adopt采用采纳收养typical典型的有代表的regulate调整校准调节1.To make our companies_ competitive in the market, we have to be more creative andproductive.2. People are beginning to realize that to_ transform nature at. will is the bi ggestmistake that man has ever made.3.It is difficult to conclude what a(n) typical_ student does in his spare timebecause every student has different interests.4. A month ago I wrote to the store complaining about its bad service, but I haven' tgotten a(n) - re sponse yet5. Some of your suggestions have been adopted but others have been turned down asthey are not w orkable.6.A11 of a sudden, he lost his interest in engineering, and_ focused his attention onlearning a forei gn language.7. If a company decreaseshealth benefits for its employees, they should increasesalaries to compen sate the workers.8. I failed to pass the exam although I had worked very hard.I should analyze thecauses of my fail ure.9. When you do yoga, try to regulate_ your breathing. Don; t breathe too fast and makesure you breathe only through your nose.10. It was difficult to_ estimate how many people had been wounded in the ear thquake.2.15选10preferred提出,提升require要求undergraduate大学生大学的accountable可解释的可说明的acquire获得得到. tranmits传输传送indi spensable不可或缺的creativity创造性,创造力referred 提及,针对seeks寻找,追求post邮件,张贴,快速行进connectivity连通性transform改变改观There have been increased demands for higher education to provide students with bettercoursess a nd more opportunities. To deal with this (1) complex issue, colleges anuniversities are turning to t he Internet for quick(2)access tts rich educationalresources. Now the Internet has been accepted as the, (3) preferred technology to manyother methods in colleges and universities. Many teachers n ow routinely (4)post theirteaching materials online. A growing number of schools offer at least so me (5) coursesover the Internet. There are two different models of making use of the Internet forhi gher education. The first model (6) undergraduate toimprove existing courses byusing the Internet. This model provides high- speed Internet (7)connectivity to allstudents, faculty, and staff. While t his model usess the Internet, it doesn'; t(8) require many changes, and it keeps most existing insti t utional struc tures unchanged.i different, more revolutionary model regards the Internet as (9) indi spensable to animportant change in hi gher education, for it is believed that the Internet can(10) tra nsform teacher- -centered instruction into student- -centered learning. This, as aresult, will bring a bout basic change to our university education.3.选词组keep up with保持,同步,和朋友保持联系set up 建立设立创立fire off 开枪,匆忙发出take the lead 树立榜样,带头add to 增加,增添stand out显眼,突出,出色in large part 多半,在很大程度上visit with叙谈闲谈account for 占据,是...的原因,解释at a disadvantage处于不利地位的1. I fired off a letter of complaint to the manager of the store as soon as I foundthey had sold me a pair of mi smatched shoes.2.keep up with (懒得打反正没人看这是答案)3. The university has_ set up another large laboratory for students to design morecompl icated rob ots.4. I find it very difficult to account for the fact that two of our best studentsfailed the exam.5. In the current economy, with unemployment high and competition for jobs fierce, yourresume n eeds to stand out for all the right reasons.6. She is getting popular since she appeared in a TV interview last month. Her newmovie will no d oubt_ add to her growing fame.7The developed countries should take the lead in reduc ing greenhouse gas emi ssions(Hix) and pr ovide support for the developing nations to follow.8. If your spoken English is not very good, then you may be at a disadvantage when youare looking for a job.10. He has been so occupied with his work these days that he barely has time to visitwith his friend s.4.翻译The London Underground is a rapid transit (交通运输系统)system in the Uni ted Kingdom, serving a large part of Greater London. The underground system i s also known as the Tube, due to the characteristic shape of the subway tunnels. It all startedin the mid- 1800s. The Tube was the world'; s first underground trainsystem, with the first section openi ng in 1863. Since thenit has grown to an underground masterpiece (杰作) of 12lines,275 stations, and over 250 miles of rail track, 45% of which is underground. Itis the fourth largest metro system in the world in terms of route miles. It also hasone of the largest numbers of stations. As an affordable and easy way to get aroundLondon, the Tube remains the first choice for million s of commuters each day, as wellas tourists visiting the city on holidays. The Tube has been an inte rnational icon forLondon. The London Underground celebrated its 150 years of operation in 2013 withvarious events marking the milestone (里程碑).China'; s space industry was launched in 1956. Over the past decades, China'; s spaceindustry has created one miracle after another. In 1970 China launched its firstman- made earth sat ellite, ranking China the fifth country in the world to independentlydevelop and launch man made earth satellites. In 1992 China began to carry- -o1t themanned spaceflight program. In 2003 China launched Shenzhou-5, a manned spaceshiThesuccessful launch made China the third country to l aunch manned spacest人Chang'; e-1,the first lunar-orbiting man-made satellite,was sent to speShenzhou-10,the fifth manned spaceship, was launched successfully, laying. the伦敦地铁是英国的一个快速交通运输系统,服务于大伦敦的大部分地区。
新视野大学英语(第三版)Book3 Unit3 知识点
Book 3 Unit 3 教材总结Text A一、单词1. noteworthy a. 值得注意的;显著的2. domain n. [C](活动、兴趣或知识的)领域,范围,范畴portray vt. 1扮演(角色)2 (~ sb. / sth. as sth.)把某人/某物描写成某种样子Lawyers tend to portray their clients as misguided underprivileged youths.律师往往将自己的当事人描述成受人误导的贫困青年。
3. exemplary a. 模范的;可作楷模的ambassador n. [C]大使4. brutality n. [C, U]野蛮行为;野蛮事件The ruler's brutality forced unarmed citizens to defend themselves.统治者的野蛮行径迫使手无寸铁的市民进行自卫。
5. captive a. 被关押的;遭监禁的6. dart vi. 猛冲;突进7. huddle v. (因生病、寒冷或烦恼)蜷缩着身体8. foul a. t 肮脏的;难闻的;难吃的9. anonymous a. 无名的;不署名的10. refugee n. [C]难民;避难者11. fragile a. 脆弱的;易碎的;易损坏的This great recession clearly demonstrates how fragile the markets are.这次经济大萧条清楚地表明市场是多么脆弱。
12. fragility n. [U] 脆弱13. afflict vt. 使受痛苦;折磨14. immigrant n. [C](外来)移民15. rigorous a. 1严酷的;严厉的To get a doctoral degree, you are required to have rigorous training in research and specialized knowledge in your subject areas.要想获得博士学位,你得在研究方面进行严苛的训练,还得有课题方面的专业知识。
have been guessed out in the last step. 2. Multiple choices designing 1) Students read up on Text A individually and finish the comprehension
Using signal words properly
4) Every two groups exchange the multiple choices they have designed. Students in groups work together and finish the 10 multiple choices the other group has designed. (8 minute)
2. Students work in pairs and discuss which of these celebrities you admire most and why on page 62.
1. Skimming 1) Students guess the main idea of each paragraph on the basis of the
Language points: Vocabulary: ①Words for reading: Students work in pairs and read the text again to
underline a maximum of six words or phrases they don’t understand. Once chosen students show their words/phrases to their partner to see whether they can help in guessing meanings out. Finally, they are allowed to look up their words in the dictionaries and record both the words and the meanings. ②Exercises: Language focus ③Quiz: old to new 1. The teacher checks the writing work of students before giving feedback 2. The teacher concludes and provides feedback in general 3. Students check by themselves according to the feedback and make self-evaluation 4. Students check works of their peers according to the feedback and make evaluation
Text A
强调父母需要积极面对孩子的挑战,并鼓励其他父母勇敢地面对类似的情况 。
Text B
The Importance of a Good Night's Sleep for Children's Mental Health
Translation exercises:包括中 译英和英译中等练习题。
Text B
练习1:根据Text A和 Text B的内容,回答以 下问题。
选择题,测试学生对文章的理解 程度。
阅读理解题,测试学生对文章的 理解程度。
填空题,要求学生填写与大学英 语学习相关的词汇和短语。
翻译题,要求学生将英文句子翻 译成中文。
03 Unit 3 Part 3
Text A
The Role of Technology in Developing Countries
问题1:Text A中提到 作者通过哪些方式来克 服养育发育迟缓的孩子 的挑战?请列举出其中 的三种方式并简要说明 。
奥黛丽赫本——人间天使1 Audrey Hepburn thrilled audiences with starring roles in noteworthy films like Breakfast at Tiffany's, Sabrina, Roman Holiday, My Fair Lady, War and Peace, and Always.奥黛丽赫本在《蒂凡尼的早餐》、《龙凤配》、《罗马假日》、《窈窕淑女》、《战争与和平》和《直到永远》等出色电影中主演的许多角色让观众为之陶醉。
2 Despite her success in the film domain, the roles she most preferred portraying were not in movies. She was an exemplary mother to her two sons and a UNICEF (the United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund) Ambassador of Goodwill serving victims in war-torn countries.尽管在电影界获得成功,但她最愿意塑造的角色却并不在影片中,而是做两个儿子的模范母亲和联合国儿童基金会亲善大使,为饱受战争蹂躏的人们服务。
3 As a young girl during the Nazi occupation of her native Holland, Audrey Hepburn was aware of the brutality, death, and destruction of war. She was hungry and malnourished, as her family was bankrupted as a result of the invasion. Audrey's father abandoned the family, and two of her uncles were taken captive and killed. Audrey was grabbed off the street by Nazis and placed in line to be sent to a work camp. When the guards glanced away she darted off, barely escaping, and huddled in a cold, foul basement full of rats.作为一名在纳粹占领下的祖国荷兰生活的小女孩,奥黛丽?赫本清楚战争所带来的野蛮、死亡和破坏。
新视野大学英语第三册Unit3课文翻译新视野大学英语第三册Unit 3课文翻译“Where Principles Come First”是新视野大学英语读写教程第三册Unit 3的主题,下面是店铺整理的课文翻译,欢迎阅读!新视野大学英语第三册Unit 3课文翻译【1】海德中学的办学宗旨是:如果你向学生传授诸如求真、勇敢、正直、领导能力、好奇心和关心他人等美德的话,学生的学习成绩自然就会提高。
新视野大学英语(第三版) 视听说教程3 unit1-unit8
新视野大学英语(第三版) 视听说教程3目录新视野大学英语(第三版) 视听说教程3 unit1新视野大学英语(第三版) 视听说教程3 unit2新视野大学英语(第三版) 视听说教程3 unit3新视野大学英语(第三版) 视听说教程3 unit4新视野大学英语(第三版) 视听说教程3 unit5新视野大学英语(第三版) 视听说教程3 unit6新视野大学英语(第三版) 视听说教程3 unit7新视野大学英语(第三版) 视听说教程3 unit8新视野大学英语(第三版) 视听说教程3 unit1 Unit 1SharingTask 2(1) daredevil(2) bungee jumping(3) cup of tea(4) feel good(5) achievementTask 3c-d-e-b-aTask 4AABABTask 5BCBCBTask 61.(1)started off(2)a huge business empire2.(1)teacher(2)taught me so much about life3.(1)imprisoned(2)survived(3)impressed(4)ability or the skillsListeningTask 2Activity 1AAAAAABBAAABViewingActivity 1BBABActivity 2e-g-c-b-f-a-dActivity 31. 90 minutes2. true landmark3.(1)10 times(2)focus4. make this challenge5. seven miles6.(1)four months(2)outstanding achievementRole-playTask 1Activity 1BActivity 31. Like I said2. having said that3.That's what I was sayingPresentingTask 1Activity 2AAABBAABAAAConversationsShortBCADCLongBAACPassageTask 1DCABTask 2(1) believe in(2) circumstances(3) searching for(4) a strong sense of(5) responsibility(6) insecurity(7) integrity(8) accomplishing(9) are longing for(10) prioritiesNewsTask 1ADDTask 2BBDUnit testPartⅠBCADCPartⅡDABCCPartⅢBCAADPartⅣ(1) opening(2) struggled(3) progress(4) remaining(5) emerged(6) continued(7) enlarge(8) crawling(9) get through(10) as strong as新视野大学英语(第三版) 视听说教程3 unit2Unit 2SharingTask 2(1) mood(2) sun(3) smile(4) feelingTask 3b-e-a-d-cTask 4bbabaTask 51.(1)success of the business(2)last June2. vegetables and flowers3.(1)visit my father(2)amazing sights4. applicants5. getting a jobListeningTask 2Activity 11.(1)people are getting angrier (2)controlling their temper2. leave us feeling angry3. in a controlled way4. feel much better5.(1)laughter therapy (2)they make them laugh(3)doing something funny6. they don't need medicineActivity 2ABBAViewingTask 21.AC2..AC.3.AB.4.ACActivity 11. eagerpleased2. nervousawkward3. expectant excited4. agitated contentedRole-playTask 1Activity 1G-A-C-F-B-D-EActivity 2CEEBD(DF)FGAEActivity 3A A A A A AB AA A A A AB PresentingTask 1Activity 1AAABActivity 2ABABABA2-8MORE PRACTICE IN LISTENING Conversations1ShortDCAADLongCBADPassageTask 1BCAATask 2(1) exerting(2) fabulous(3) talk them out(4) approaches(5) head for(6) efficient(7) is linked with(8) compare favorably to(9) boost(10) sessionNewsTask 1BDTask 2DDUnit testPartⅠCDAACPartⅡBCCBCPartⅢADBAAPartⅣ(1) at(2) wheel(3) tone(4) expression(5) Honey(6) divorce(7) speed(8) talk me out(9) bank accounts(10) everything I need新视野大学英语(第三版) 视听说教程3 unit3Unit 3SharingTask 2(1) block(2) a few of(3) similar(4) quite a lot(5) wellTask 3b-d-a-cTask 4AGIEHBCFJDTask 51.(1)exist as well(2)loud music2.(1)respecting privacy(2)participating(3)needs help3.(1)considerate(2)property(3)friendlyTask 6BAAViewingTask 2Activity 1Activity 2AABCRole-playTask 1Activity 1DCBAActivity 2ABABAActivity 3AABABABAABAPresentingTask 1Activity 1BABAActivity 2ABBABAConversationsShortDBCBCLongCBCBPassageTask 1BDCDTask 2(1) illegal(2) taking family vacations(3) acquaintances(4) throwing a party(6) tolerant(7) intervene(8) splits the difference(9) resolve(10) talk it outNewsTask 1ADTask 2DBUnit testPartⅠACACBPartⅡBBDACPartⅢCBDDDPartⅣ(1) winter(2) literally(3) community(4) wider(5) siblings(6) woods(7) explore(8) catching(9) would run(10) golf course新视野大学英语(第三版) 视听说教程3 unit4 Unit 4SharingTask 2c-d-a-bTask 3BAAAABBTask 41.(1)amazing(2)changed my life2.(1)mobile phone(2)emails3.(1)camera(2)taking a picture4.(1)fantasy(2)cakes5.(1)arts(2)creativityListeningTask 2Activity 1cheaperbetteroilsadsafetyappetiteprecisionpurpleActivity 2(1) Which soft drink(2) want things(3) how consumers behave(4) above(5) a bigger share(6) small(7) I deserve the best(8) steam(9) cigarette smoke(11) a tick symbol(12) positive(13) built-in associations(14) sports equipmentViewingTask 2Activity 1ABCRole-playTask 1(1) feel about(2) having a competition(3) consider(4) strike(5) it'd be great(6) Suppose we(7) a problem(8) frankly(9) complicated(10) grab(11) thinking of(12) go withPresentingTask 1Activity 2A AB A B A B AB AConversations ShortLongBCDBPassageTask 1BCADTask 2(1) vary(2) a large portion of(3) well-being(4) profound(5) accessible(6) ultimately(7) have a harmful effect on(8) went against(9) aviation(10) is not worth pursuingNewsTask 1DDTask 2CDCUnit testPartⅠBCACDPartⅡCCDADPartⅢDABAAPartⅣ(1) biological(2) firmly(4) isolation(5) objectors(6) originality(7) modest(8) improve the health(9) morally(10) legislation新视野大学英语(第三版) 视听说教程3 unit5Unit 5SharingTask 2(1) producer(2) enjoys(3) in a successful band(4) dream jobsTask 3AAABBBBAABATask 41.(1)footballer(2)enough2.(1)professional(2)performing3.(1)band(2)world-famous4.(1)sports(2)later on(3)serving peopleTask 5e-b-a-d-cTask 6ABBAListeningTask 2Activity 1B-C-AActivity 2ABBACACCABActivity 31.(1)loved fashion(2)amazing for me(3)hard work2.(1)look good all the time(2)feeling terrible3.(1)eating delicious food(2)get paid(3)get bored4.(1)work off(2)I gave it up5.(1)wonderfully romantic(2)how tiring6.(1)ruin the grapes(2)worry about the weather (3)absolutely fascinatingViewingTask 2BDBDRole-play Task 1Activity 1CBBBActivity 2 ABAABAABABABAAABConversations ShortBBADCLongBABDPassageTask 1DABDTask 2(1) suffer from(2) enthusiastic(3) erodes(4) competent(5) clear-cut(6) labeling(7) comes down to(8) commonplace(9) tend to(10) focusing onNewsTask 1ACTask 2AABUnit testPartⅠADADDPartⅡDCABBPartⅢACAADPartⅣ(1) predict(2) identical(3) typical(4) boring(5) variety(6) dangerous(7) normal(8) some robbers(9) captured(10) right there新视野大学英语(第三版) 视听说教程3 unit6Unit 6SharingTask 2(1) reading(2) modern world(3) opportunities(4) influenced(5) betterTask 31.(1)education(2)right to vote2.(1)technologies(2)medicine(3)a better life3. person of today4. more values5.(1)great causes(2)imaginations6. a bad thingTask 4e-b-a-c-dTask 5B A B A B A B AA AViewingTask 2Activity 1AABABBActivity 2(1) fame(2) beautiful(3) simple(4) unhappy(5) lowly-paid(6) talent(7) EarthRole-playTask 1Activity 1AABBBActivity 2B A A B A A B BA B A BPresentingTask 1BABAConversationsShortCABABLongACCBPassageTask 1ADBBTask 2(1) estimated(2) assassinated(3) was intended to(4) released from(5) made a contract with(6) gave way(7) ensued(8) survived(9) victims(10) perishedNewsTask 1BDTask 2BAUnit testPartⅠCBACDPartⅡCCDABPartⅢCADCDPartⅣ(1) beneficial(2) fought(3) strengthened(4) pulled out(5) part(6) serve as(7) amazing(8) stood(9) sought(10) civilization新视野大学英语(第三版) 视听说教程3 unit7Unit 7SharingTask 2(1) fixing problems with my bike(2) sort out their emotional problems(3) solving problems(4) a practical personTask 3AAAAABCTask 4BDACTask 5a-c-f-g-b-d-eListeningTask 2Activity 2BBABViewingTask 2Activity 11. rises for the first time in four months2. power an enormous change3. touched by the power of the sun4. reaches its peak5. won its battle with the iceActivity 2ABAARole-playTask 1(1) I'm not sure(3) Let me have a look(4) Yes, I can(5) Yes, of course(6) I'm afraid I can't do that(7) Yes, of course(8) Of course notPresentingTask 1Activity 2A AB A A B A ABConversationsShortCABDBLongDABDPassageTask 1BAACTask 2(1) was accompanied by(2) acceleration(3) severe(4) endeavor(5) practicable(6) analogy(7) speeding up(8) attempts to(9) foster(10) second natureTask 1BCTask 2CBUnit testPartⅠBAACAPartⅡDDCABPartⅢCCBAAPartⅣ(1) different(2) thread(3) nothing(4) effects(5) solve(6) round(7) worse(8) try to solve(9) part(10) take the time新视野大学英语(第三版) 视听说教程3 unit8Unit 8SharingTask 3(1) emails1+2+3+4+5(2) mobile phone/telephone1+2+3+4(3) face-to-face contact1(4) letters1+2+3(5) having dinner1(6) postcards1(7) texe messages1Task 4BABAAATask 5c-b-aListeningTask 2Activity 1ABBAAAAAABActivity 21. camera filming you2. stop barriers3.(1)quickest (2)easiest(3)straightforward4. ultimately5.(1)delivery (2)broadcastActivity 31. in the near future2. in the future3. in the next ten years4. in years to come5. in the short term6.(1)in a month or two(2)in the short term (3)in the long term7. in the short termViewingTask 2Activity 11. wealth2. challenge3. spy4. Web addicts5. knowledgeActivity 2f-d-a-b-c-eActivity 31. A quarter2. 35 million3. a billion4. Five million5. Eighteen millionRole-playTask 1Activity 2(1) I didn't catch any of that(2) lost me(3) repeat the last name(4) say that again(5) exactly do you mean(6) Didn't you say(7) what you're saying(8) there's nothing at allPresentingTask 1Activity 2AABAABAABConversations ShortACDAALongDBCDPassageTask 1ACCDTask 2(1) endangered(2) falling apart(3) calculates(4) tosses aside(5) turn to(6) unprecedentedly(7) classified(8) shut down(9) approximately(10) furyNewsTask 1CBTask 2CDBUnit testPartⅠAABDCPartⅡBDCCAPartⅢBCADCPartⅣ(1) hand-written(2) long-distance(3) answering(4) screen(5) option(6) transformed(7) mailing(8) instantly(9) in a matter of(10) god-send。
新视野读写教程3第三版课文UNIT 3
TEXT AAudrey Hepburn — A true angel in this world奥黛丽·赫本——人间天使1 Audrey Hepburn thrilled audiences with starring roles in noteworthy films like Breakfast at Tiffany's, Sabrina, Roman Holiday, My Fair Lady, War and Peace, and Always.奥黛丽·赫本在《蒂凡尼的早餐》、《龙凤配》、《罗马假日》、《窈窕淑女》、《战争与和平》和《直到永远》等出色电影中主演的许多角色让观众为之陶醉。
2 Despite her success in the film domain, the roles she most preferred portraying were not in movies. She was an exemplary mother to her two sons and a UNICEF (the United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund) Ambassador of Goodwill serving victims in war-torn countries.尽管在电影界获得成功,但她最愿意塑造的角色却并不在影片中,而是做两个儿子的模范母亲和联合国儿童基金会亲善大使,为饱受战争蹂躏的人们服务。
3 As a young girl during the Nazi occupation of her native Holland, Audrey Hepburn was aware of the brutality, death, and destruction of war. She was hungry and malnourished, as her family was bankrupted as a result of the invasion. Audrey's father abandoned the family, and two of her uncles were taken captive and killed. Audrey was grabbed off the street by Nazis and placed in line to be sent to a work camp. When the guards glanced away she darted off, barely escaping, and huddled in a cold, foul basement full of rats.作为一名在纳粹占领下的祖国荷兰生活的小女孩,奥黛丽·赫本清楚战争所带来的野蛮、死亡和破坏。
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Wealth, Success or Love?
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Watch & Discuss Directions: Watch the video and then discuss the topics as follows: 1. What can we learn from this film clip? 2.Love and friendship, can we give up one for the other?
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神话 笑话 寓言 传说故事 童话故事 爱情故事 武侠故事 宗教故事 侦探故事
myth jokes fables legend fairy tables love stories martial stories religious stories detective stories
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Warming -up
Wealth, Success or Love
Which is more important, wealth, success or love? People have many differing views on this: some think wealth is more important; some success; others think love is the most important of all. Of course, they all have their reasons to believe. But is there a third way? Could it be possible for a person to choose one and somehow get the other two as well? What do you think? Read the following tale to find out:
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1. What can we learn from this film clip?
This clip, taken from the Disney cartoon movie, The Lion King, shows a perfect harmonious world before us. Why is the night so peaceful, magical and romantic? It is just because of the existence of love. As the song sings, “Can you feel the love tonight? You needn’t look too far. Stealing through the night’s uncertainties. Love is where they are.” Yes, if we have intelligent eyes, we can find love everywhere. And we can find the beauty of the world and the wonder of life. Love is magic. Love can change everything. Show your love to the people around you and you will enjoy life more.
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1. Discuss what lesson we can learn from the story.
The Wolf and the Lamb WOLF, meeting with a Lamb astray from the fold, resolved not to lay violent hands on him, but to find some plea to justify to the Lamb the Wolf's right to eat him. He thus addressed him:“Sirrah, last year you grossly insulted me." "Indeed," bleated the Lamb in a mournful tone of voice, "I was not then born." Then said the Wolf , "You feed in my pasture." "No, good sir," replied the Lamb, "I have not yet tasted grass." Again said the Wolf, "You drink of my well." "No," exclaimed the Lamb,“ I never yet drank water, for as yet my mother's milk is both food and drink to me." Upon which the Wolf seized him and ate him up, saying, "Well! I won't remain supperless, even though you refute every one of my imputations.“ The tyrant will always find a pretext for his tyranny.
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Chinese Version
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一只小羊在河边喝水 , 狼见到后, 便想找 一个名正言顺的借口吃掉他。于是他跑到上 游 , 恶狠狠地说小羊把河水搅浑浊了,使他 喝不到清水。小羊回答说,他仅仅站在河边 喝水 , 并且又在下游,根本不可能把上游的 水搅浑。狼见此计不成,又说道 : “我父亲 去年被你骂过。”小羊说,那时他还没有出 生。狼对他说:“不管你怎样辩解,反正我不会 放过 你。” 这说明,对恶人做任何正当的辩解也是无效 的。
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Exploring the Topic
Reading and sharing stories with your friends is a fun way of learning. In this unit, you will find some texts to help you and your classmates to start thinking about the stories in your own lives. Read them carefully and answer the questions that come after them.
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The corresponding English equivalents to the following Chinese “stories” are as following:
Plus Activities
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Plus Activities
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Plus Activities
Unit 3
Learn a Lesson from Unusual Stories
Book One
Unit 3
Learn a Lesson from Unusual Stories
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Section4Se Nhomakorabeation
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2. Love and friendship, can we give up one for the other?
At the very beginning of this clip, we hear a short humorous dialogue between Pumbaa and Timon. Timon believes that the romantic love between Simba and Nala threatens to end the fellowship of them three, their trio (Simba, Pumbaa and Timon). At the end of the song, we can deeply feel the sadness of Pumbaa and Timon. Why are they so sad? Because they all love Simba. They are afraid that Simba would leave them forever because of his reunion with Nala and his regaining of the kingship. Eventually their love for their friends wins them over and they play instrumental roles in Simba’s retaking of Pride Rock later.