



电商客服服务手册第1章客服职责与规范 (4)1.1 客服人员职责 (4)1.1.1 了解并掌握公司产品及服务相关知识,为用户提供专业、准确的解答。

(4)1.1.2 接待用户咨询,及时处理用户问题,提供优质的售前、售中、售后服务。

(4)1.1.3 收集用户需求和反馈,为产品优化和公司决策提供参考。

(4)1.1.4 维护公司形象,提高用户满意度,降低用户投诉率。

(4)1.1.5 协调公司内部资源,保证用户问题得到及时、有效的解决。

(4)1.1.6 定期整理和分析客服数据,提升客服质量和效率。

(4)1.2 客服工作流程 (4)1.2.1 接待用户 (4)1.2.2 处理问题 (4)1.2.3 售后服务 (4)1.2.4 客服记录 (5)1.3 客服行为规范 (5)1.3.1 语言表达 (5)1.3.2 服务态度 (5)1.3.3 工作纪律 (5)1.3.4 团队协作 (5)第2章客服沟通技巧 (5)2.1 语言表达技巧 (5)2.2 倾听与理解 (6)2.3 情绪管理与应对 (6)第3章售前服务策略 (6)3.1 产品知识掌握 (6)3.1.1 产品特点:了解产品的功能、功能、材质、工艺等方面的特点,以便在解答顾客疑问时能提供准确的信息。

(6)3.1.2 产品优势:熟悉产品的竞争优势,包括与其他品牌的对比、行业地位等,以便在推广产品时更具说服力。

(6)3.1.3 产品搭配:了解产品之间的搭配使用,为顾客提供更全面、个性化的购物建议。

(6)3.1.4 产品更新:关注产品更新动态,及时掌握新品信息,为顾客提供最新的购物资讯。

(6)3.2 顾客需求分析 (7)3.2.1 顾客基本信息:了解顾客的年龄、性别、职业等基本信息,为推荐合适的产品提供依据。

(7)3.2.2 购买动机:通过沟通了解顾客购买产品的目的,如自用、送礼等,以便推荐更符合顾客需求的产品。

(7)3.2.3 预算范围:询问顾客的预算,为其推荐价格适中、性价比高的产品。


二、慎重选择提供外包服务公司。开店的越来越多,提供商城外包服务的公司也越来越多,就产 生了服务质量参差不齐的情况。所以店卖家在选择做店托管服务的时候,请慎重选择。
低价并不代表就做不成品牌,像H&M、凡客诚品等都可以说是低价品牌。用低价吸引消费者只是 一种促销手段,或者说是阶段性的。最终消费者关心的还是产品本身的质量以及你能提供什么样 的服务。
这些淘宝卖家,把店铺的日常经营、管理、营销、推广等工作委托给CT服务商。这些服务商具备 丰富的淘宝开店经验,全天候经营淘宝店,有效提升店铺的成交量,以快捷、专业、安全的方式 提升店铺的竞争优势。
这一新兴行业犹如一颗璀璨的明珠,照亮了电子商务这片广阔的海洋。它不仅为卖家提供了全方 位的服务,也为企业间的公平竞争创造了一个良好的环境。在淘宝商城托管的世界里,每一个细 节都被精心打磨,每一次交易都是对信任的珍视,每一次成功都是对专业的肯定。
淘宝商城托管,从商城入驻、装修、商品上架到策划、推广、客服、物流等一系列服务,无所不 包。随着淘宝的繁荣壮大,竞争也日趋激烈,不少企业的淘宝商城应用已面临失败的境地。中国 中小型企业,特别是中小型服务企业,对得到专业咨询的需求日益增加。随着电子商务的普及, 许多企业在淘宝商城的运营中越来越依赖专业化的能力,因此,专业的淘宝商城托管机构应运而 生。
为企业省去管理电子商务服务团队的烦恼,企业只需要提供产品信息,并根据企业销售的实际收 入进行结算。所有委托店均是由店专家评估组审核通过的官方认证店。其销售的产品、商家资质、 营销思路,均为店外包公司奠基了规范、良好的经营氛围及前景。独有的店铺销售数据报表,随 时掌握店铺销量及进销存管理。账务明细,利润结算,一步搞定。

HP Color LaserJet Enterprise MFP M776用户指南说明书

HP Color LaserJet Enterprise MFP M776用户指南说明书

Legal informationCopyright and License© Copyright 2019 HP Development Company, L.P.Reproduction, adaptation, or translation without prior written permission is prohibited, except as allowedunder the copyright laws.The information contained herein is subject to change without notice.The only warranties for HP products and services are set forth in the express warranty statementsaccompanying such products and services. Nothing herein should be construed as constituting anadditional warranty. HP shall not be liable for technical or editorial errors or omissions contained herein.Edition 1, 10/2019Trademark CreditsAdobe®, Adobe Photoshop®, Acrobat®, and PostScript® are trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated.Apple and the Apple logo are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries.macOS is a trademark of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries.AirPrint is a trademark of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries.Google™ is a trademark of Google Inc.Microsoft®, Windows®, Windows® XP, and Windows Vista® are U.S. registered trademarks of MicrosoftCorporation.UNIX® is a registered trademark of The Open Group.iiiT able of contents1 Printer overview (1)Warning icons (1)Potential shock hazard (2)Printer views (2)Printer front view (2)Printer back view (4)Interface ports (4)Control-panel view (5)How to use the touchscreen control panel (7)Printer specifications (8)T echnical specifications (8)Supported operating systems (11)Mobile printing solutions (12)Printer dimensions (13)Power consumption, electrical specifications, and acoustic emissions (15)Operating-environment range (15)Printer hardware setup and software installation (16)2 Paper trays (17)Introduction (17)Load paper to Tray 1 (multipurpose tray) (17)Load Tray 1 (multipurpose tray) (18)Tray 1 paper orientation (19)Use alternative letterhead mode (24)Enable Alternative Letterhead Mode by using the printer control-panel menus (24)Load paper to Tray 2 (24)Load Tray 2 (24)Tray 2 paper orientation (26)Use alternative letterhead mode (29)Enable Alternative Letterhead Mode by using the printer control-panel menus (29)Load paper to the 550-sheet paper tray (30)Load paper to the 550-sheet paper tray (30)550-sheet paper tray paper orientation (32)Use alternative letterhead mode (35)Enable Alternative Letterhead Mode by using the printer control-panel menus (35)ivLoad paper to the 2 x 550-sheet paper trays (36)Load paper to the 2 x 550-sheet paper trays (36)2 x 550-sheet paper tray paper orientation (38)Use alternative letterhead mode (41)Enable Alternative Letterhead Mode by using the printer control-panel menus (41)Load paper to the 2,700-sheet high-capacity input paper trays (41)Load paper to the 2,700-sheet high-capacity input paper trays (41)2,700-sheet HCI paper tray paper orientation (43)Use alternative letterhead mode (45)Enable Alternative Letterhead Mode by using the printer control-panel menus (45)Load and print envelopes (46)Print envelopes (46)Envelope orientation (46)Load and print labels (47)Manually feed labels (47)Label orientation (48)3 Supplies, accessories, and parts (49)Order supplies, accessories, and parts (49)Ordering (49)Supplies and accessories (50)Maintenance/long-life consumables (51)Customer self-repair parts (51)Dynamic security (52)Configure the HP toner-cartridge-protection supply settings (53)Introduction (53)Enable or disable the Cartridge Policy feature (53)Use the printer control panel to enable the Cartridge Policy feature (54)Use the printer control panel to disable the Cartridge Policy feature (54)Use the HP Embedded Web Server (EWS) to enable the Cartridge Policy feature (54)Use the HP Embedded Web Server (EWS) to disable the Cartridge Policy feature (55)Troubleshoot Cartridge Policy control panel error messages (55)Enable or disable the Cartridge Protection feature (55)Use the printer control panel to enable the Cartridge Protection feature (56)Use the printer control panel to disable the Cartridge Protection feature (56)Use the HP Embedded Web Server (EWS) to enable the Cartridge Protection feature (56)Use the HP Embedded Web Server (EWS) to disable the Cartridge Protection feature (57)Troubleshoot Cartridge Protection control panel error messages (57)Replace the toner cartridges (58)T oner-cartridge information (58)Remove and replace the cartridges (59)Replace the imaging drums (62)Imaging drum information (62)Remove and replace the imaging drums (63)Replace the toner-collection unit (66)T oner-collection unit information (66)vRemove and replace the toner-collection unit (67)Replace the staple cartridge (M776zs model only) (70)Staple cartridge information (70)Remove and replace the staple cartridge (71)4 Print (73)Print tasks (Windows) (73)How to print (Windows) (73)Automatically print on both sides (Windows) (74)Manually print on both sides (Windows) (74)Print multiple pages per sheet (Windows) (75)Select the paper type (Windows) (75)Additional print tasks (76)Print tasks (macOS) (77)How to print (macOS) (77)Automatically print on both sides (macOS) (77)Manually print on both sides (macOS) (77)Print multiple pages per sheet (macOS) (78)Select the paper type (macOS) (78)Additional print tasks (79)Store print jobs on the printer to print later or print privately (79)Introduction (79)Create a stored job (Windows) (79)Create a stored job (macOS) (80)Print a stored job (81)Delete a stored job (81)Delete a job that is stored on the printer (81)Change the job storage limit (82)Information sent to printer for Job Accounting purposes (82)Mobile printing (82)Introduction (82)Wi-Fi, Wi-Fi Direct Print, NFC, and BLE printing (82)Enable wireless printing (83)Change the Wi-Fi Direct name (83)HP ePrint via email (83)AirPrint (84)Android embedded printing (85)Print from a USB flash drive (85)Enable the USB port for printing (85)Method one: Enable the USB port from the printer control panel (85)Method two: Enable the USB port from the HP Embedded Web Server (network-connectedprinters only) (85)Print USB documents (86)Print using high-speed USB 2.0 port (wired) (86)Method one: Enable the high-speed USB 2.0 port from the printer control panel menus (86)Method two: Enable the high-speed USB 2.0 port from the HP Embedded Web Server (network-connected printers only) (87)vi5 Copy (88)Make a copy (88)Copy on both sides (duplex) (90)Additional copy tasks (92)6 Scan (93)Set up Scan to Email (93)Introduction (93)Before you begin (93)Step one: Access the HP Embedded Web Server (EWS) (94)Step two: Configure the Network Identification settings (95)Step three: Configure the Send to Email feature (96)Method one: Basic configuration using the Email Setup Wizard (96)Method two: Advanced configuration using the Email Setup (100)Step four: Configure the Quick Sets (optional) (104)Step five: Set up Send to Email to use Office 365 Outlook (optional) (105)Introduction (105)Configure the outgoing email server (SMTP) to send an email from an Office 365 Outlookaccount (105)Set up Scan to Network Folder (108)Introduction (108)Before you begin (108)Step one: Access the HP Embedded Web Server (EWS) (108)Step two: Set up Scan to Network Folder (109)Method one: Use the Scan to Network Folder Wizard (109)Method two: Use Scan to Network Folder Setup (110)Step one: Begin the configuration (110)Step two: Configure the Scan to Network Folder settings (111)Step three: Complete the configuration (118)Set up Scan to SharePoint (118)Introduction (118)Before you begin (118)Step one: Access the HP Embedded Web Server (EWS) (118)Step two: Enable Scan to SharePoint and create a Scan to SharePoint Quick Set (119)Scan a file directly to a SharePoint site (121)Quick Set scan settings and options for Scan to SharePoint (122)Set up Scan to USB Drive (123)Introduction (124)Step one: Access the HP Embedded Web Server (EWS) (124)Step two: Enable Scan to USB Drive (124)Step three: Configure the Quick Sets (optional) (125)Default scan settings for Scan to USB Drive setup (126)Default file settings for Save to USB setup (126)Scan to email (127)Introduction (127)Scan to email (127)Scan to job storage (129)viiIntroduction (129)Scan to job storage on the printer (130)Print from job storage on the printer (132)Scan to network folder (132)Introduction (132)Scan to network folder (132)Scan to SharePoint (134)Introduction (134)Scan to SharePoint (134)Scan to USB drive (136)Introduction (136)Scan to USB drive (136)Use HP JetAdvantage business solutions (138)Additional scan tasks (138)7 Fax (140)Set up fax (140)Introduction (140)Set up fax by using the printer control panel (140)Change fax configurations (141)Fax dialing settings (141)General fax send settings (142)Fax receive settings (143)Send a fax (144)Additional fax tasks (146)8 Manage the printer (147)Advanced configuration with the HP Embedded Web Server (EWS) (147)Introduction (147)How to access the HP Embedded Web Server (EWS) (148)HP Embedded Web Server features (149)Information tab (149)General tab (149)Copy/Print tab (150)Scan/Digital Send tab (151)Fax tab (152)Supplies tab (153)Troubleshooting tab (153)Security tab (153)HP Web Services tab (154)Networking tab (154)Other Links list (156)Configure IP network settings (157)Printer sharing disclaimer (157)View or change network settings (157)Rename the printer on a network (157)viiiManually configure IPv4 TCP/IP parameters from the control panel (158)Manually configure IPv6 TCP/IP parameters from the control panel (158)Link speed and duplex settings (159)Printer security features (160)Introduction (160)Security statements (160)Assign an administrator password (160)Use the HP Embedded Web Server (EWS) to set the password (160)Provide user access credentials at the printer control panel (161)IP Security (161)Encryption support: HP High Performance Secure Hard Disks (161)Lock the formatter (161)Energy-conservation settings (161)Set the sleep timer and configure the printer to use 1 watt or less of power (161)Set the sleep schedule (162)Set the idle settings (162)HP Web Jetadmin (163)Software and firmware updates (163)9 Solve problems (164)Customer support (164)Control panel help system (165)Reset factory settings (165)Introduction (165)Method one: Reset factory settings from the printer control panel (165)Method two: Reset factory settings from the HP Embedded Web Server (network-connectedprinters only) (166)A “Cartridge is low” or “Cartridge is very low” message displays on the printer control panel (166)Change the “Very Low” settings (166)Change the “Very Low” settings at the control panel (166)For printers with fax capability (167)Order supplies (167)Printer does not pick up paper or misfeeds (167)Introduction (167)The printer does not pick up paper (167)The printer picks up multiple sheets of paper (171)The document feeder jams, skews, or picks up multiple sheets of paper (174)Clear paper jams (174)Introduction (174)Paper jam locations (174)Auto-navigation for clearing paper jams (175)Experiencing frequent or recurring paper jams? (175)Clear paper jams in the document feeder - 31.13.yz (176)Clear paper jams in Tray 1 (13.A1) (177)Clear paper jams in Tray 2 (13.A2) (182)Clear paper jams in the fuser (13.B9, 13.B2, 13.FF) (188)ixClear paper jams in the duplex area (13.D3) (194)Clear paper jams in the 550-sheet trays (13.A3, 13.A4) (199)Clear paper jams in the 2 x 550 paper trays (13.A4, 13.A5) (206)Clear paper jams in the 2,700-sheet high-capacity input paper trays (13.A3, 13.A4, 13.A5, 13.A7) (213)Resolving color print quality problems (220)Introduction (220)Troubleshoot print quality (221)Update the printer firmware (221)Print from a different software program (221)Check the paper-type setting for the print job (221)Check the paper type setting on the printer (221)Check the paper type setting (Windows) (221)Check the paper type setting (macOS) (222)Check toner-cartridge status (222)Step one: Print the Supplies Status Page (222)Step two: Check supplies status (222)Print a cleaning page (222)Visually inspect the toner cartridge or cartridges (223)Check paper and the printing environment (223)Step one: Use paper that meets HP specifications (223)Step two: Check the environment (223)Step three: Set the individual tray alignment (224)Try a different print driver (224)Troubleshoot color quality (225)Calibrate the printer to align the colors (225)Troubleshoot image defects (225)Improve copy image quality (233)Check the scanner glass for dirt and smudges (233)Calibrate the scanner (234)Check the paper settings (235)Check the paper selection options (235)Check the image-adjustment settings (235)Optimize copy quality for text or pictures (236)Edge-to-edge copying (236)Improve scan image quality (236)Check the scanner glass for dirt and smudges (237)Check the resolution settings (238)Check the color settings (238)Check the image-adjustment settings (239)Optimize scan quality for text or pictures (239)Check the output-quality settings (240)Improve fax image quality (240)Check the scanner glass for dirt and smudges (240)Check the send-fax resolution settings (242)Check the image-adjustment settings (242)Optimize fax quality for text or pictures (242)Check the error-correction setting (243)xSend to a different fax machine (243)Check the sender's fax machine (243)Solve wired network problems (244)Introduction (244)Poor physical connection (244)The computer is unable to communicate with the printer (244)The printer is using incorrect link and duplex settings for the network (245)New software programs might be causing compatibility problems (245)The computer or workstation might be set up incorrectly (245)The printer is disabled, or other network settings are incorrect (245)Solve wireless network problems (245)Introduction (245)Wireless connectivity checklist (245)The printer does not print after the wireless configuration completes (246)The printer does not print, and the computer has a third-party firewall installed (246)The wireless connection does not work after moving the wireless router or printer (247)Cannot connect more computers to the wireless printer (247)The wireless printer loses communication when connected to a VPN (247)The network does not appear in the wireless networks list (247)The wireless network is not functioning (247)Reduce interference on a wireless network (248)Solve fax problems (248)Checklist for solving fax problems (248)What type of phone line are you using? (249)Are you using a surge-protection device? (249)Are you using a phone company voice-messaging service or an answering machine? (249)Does your phone line have a call-waiting feature? (249)Check fax accessory status (249)General fax problems (250)The fax failed to send (250)No fax address book button displays (250)Not able to locate the Fax settings in HP Web Jetadmin (250)The header is appended to the top of the page when the overlay option is enabled (251)A mix of names and numbers is in the recipients box (251)A one-page fax prints as two pages (251)A document stops in the document feeder in the middle of faxing (251)The volume for sounds coming from the fax accessory is too high or too low (251)Index (252)xiPrinter overview1Review the location of features on the printer, the physical and technical specifications of the printer,and where to locate setup information.For video assistance, see /videos/LaserJet.The following information is correct at the time of publication. For current information, see /support/colorljM776MFP.For more information:HP's all-inclusive help for the printer includes the following information:●Install and configure●Learn and use●Solve problems●Download software and firmware updates●Join support forums●Find warranty and regulatory informationWarning iconsUse caution if you see a warning icon on your HP printer, as indicated in the icon definitions.●Caution: Electric shock●Caution: Hot surface●Caution: Keep body parts away from moving partsPrinter overview1●Caution: Sharp edge in close proximity●WarningPotential shock hazardReview this important safety information.●Read and understand these safety statements to avoid an electrical shock hazard.●Always follow basic safety precautions when using this product to reduce risk of injury from fire orelectric shock.●Read and understand all instructions in the user guide.●Observe all warnings and instructions marked on the product.●Use only a grounded electrical outlet when connecting the product to a power source. If you do notknow whether the outlet is grounded, check with a qualified electrician.●Do not touch the contacts on any of the sockets on the product. Replace damaged cordsimmediately.●Unplug this product from wall outlets before cleaning.●Do not install or use this product near water or when you are wet.●Install the product securely on a stable surface.●Install the product in a protected location where no one can step on or trip over the power cord.Printer viewsIdentify certain parts of the printer and the control panel.Printer front viewLocate features on the front of the printer.2Chapter 1 Printer overviewPrinter front view3Printer back viewLocate features on the back of the printer.Interface portsLocate the interface ports on the printer formatter. 4Chapter 1 Printer overviewControl-panel viewThe control panel provides access to the printer features and indicates the current status of the printer.NOTE:Tilt the control panel for easier viewing.The Home screen provides access to the printer features and indicates the current status of the printer.screens.NOTE:The features that appear on the Home screen can vary, depending on the printerconfiguration.Control-panel view5Figure 1-1Control-panel view?i 12:42 PM6Chapter 1 Printer overviewHow to use the touchscreen control panelPerform the following actions to use the printer touchscreen control panel.T ouchT ouch an item on the screen to select that item or open that menu. Also, when scrolling T ouch the Settings icon to open the Settings app.How to use the touchscreen control panel 7SwipeT ouch the screen and then move your finger horizontally to scroll the screen sideways.Swipe until the Settings app displays.Printer specificationsDetermine the specifications for your printer model.IMPORTANT:The following specifications are correct at the time of publication, but they are subject to change. For current information, see /support/colorljM776MFP .T echnical specificationsReview the printer technical specifications.Product numbers for each model ●M776dn - #T3U55A ●Flow M776z - #3WT91A ●Flow M776zs - #T3U56APaper handling specificationsPaper handling features Tray 1 (100-sheet capacity)Included Included Included Tray 2 (550-sheet capacity)IncludedIncludedIncluded8Chapter 1 Printer overview550-sheet paper trayOptional Included Not included NOTE:The M776dn models accept one optional550-sheet tray.Optional Included Included2 x 550-sheet paper tray and standNOTE:The M776dn models accept one optional550-sheet tray that may be installed on top of thestand.Optional Not included Not included2,700-sheet high-capacity input (HCI) paper trayand standNOTE:The M776dn models accept one optional550-sheet tray that may be installed on top of theoptional printer stand.Printer standOptional Not included Not included NOTE:The M776dn models accept one optional550-sheet tray that may be installed on top of theoptional printer stand.Inner finisher accessory Not included Not included Included Automatic duplex printing Included IncludedIncludedIncluded Included Included10/100/1000 Ethernet LAN connection with IPv4and IPv6Hi-Speed USB 2.0Included Included IncludedIncluded Included IncludedEasy-access USB port for printing from a USBflash drive or upgrading the firmwareIncluded Included Included Hardware Integration Pocket for connectingaccessory and third-party devicesHP Internal USB Ports Optional Optional OptionalOptional Optional OptionalHP Jetdirect 2900nw Print Server accessory forWi-Fi connectivity and an additional Ethernet portOptional IncludedIncludedHP Jetdirect 3100w accessory for Wi-Fi, BLE, NFC,and proximity badge readingPrints 45 pages per minute (ppm) on Letter-sizepaper and 46 ppm on A4-size paperEasy-access USB printing for printing from a USBIncluded Included Includedflash driveT echnical specifications9Included Included Included Store jobs in the printer memory to print later orprint privatelyScans 100 pages per minute (ppm) on A4 andIncluded Included Included letter-size paper one-sidedIncluded Included Included 200-page document feeder with dual-headscanning for single-pass duplex copying andscanningNot included Included Included HP EveryPage T echnologies including ultrasonicmulti-feed detectionNot included Included Included Embedded optical character recognition (OCR)provides the ability to convert printed pages intotext that can be edited or searched using acomputerIncluded Included Included SMART Label feature provides paper-edgedetection for automatic page croppingIncluded Included Included Automatic page orientation for pages that haveat least 100 characters of textIncluded Automatic tone adjustment sets contrast,Included Includedbrightness, and background removal for eachpageIncluded Included Includedfolders on a networkIncludedSend documents to SharePoint®Included IncludedIncluded Included Included NOTE:Memory reported on the configurationpage will change from 2.5 GB to 3 GB with theoptional 1 GB SODIMM installed.Mass storage: 500 GB hard disk drive Included Included IncludedSecurity: HP Trusted Platform Module (TPM)Included Included IncludedT ouchscreen control panel Included Included IncludedRetractable keyboard Not included Included Included 10Chapter 1 Printer overviewFax Optional Included IncludedSupported operating systemsUse the following information to ensure printer compatibility with your computer operating system.Linux: For information and print drivers for Linux, go to /go/linuxprinting.UNIX: For information and print drivers for UNIX®, go to /go/unixmodelscripts.The following information applies to the printer-specific Windows HP PCL 6 print drivers, HP print driversfor macOS, and to the software installer.Windows: Download HP Easy Start from /LaserJet to install the HP print driver. Or, go tothe printer-support website for this printer: /support/colorljM776MFP to download the printdriver or the software installer to install the HP print driver.macOS: Mac computers are supported with this printer. Download HP Easy Start either from /LaserJet or from the Printer Support page, and then use HP Easy Start to install the HP print driver.1.Go to /LaserJet.2.Follow the steps provided to download the printer software.Windows 7, 32-bit and 64-bit The “HP PCL 6” printer-specific print driver is installed for this operating system aspart of the software installation.Windows 8.1, 32-bit and 64-bit The “HP PCL-6” V4 printer-specific print driver is installed for this operating systemas part of the software installation.Windows 10, 32-bit and 64-bit The “HP PCL-6” V4 printer-specific print driver is installed for this operating systemas part of the software installation.Windows Server 2008 R2, SP 1, 64-bit The PCL 6 printer-specific print driver is available for download from the printer-support website. Download the driver, and then use the Microsoft Add Printer tool toinstall it.Windows Server 2012, 64-bit The PCL 6 printer-specific print driver is available for download from the printer-support website. Download the driver, and then use the Microsoft Add Printer tool toinstall it.Windows Server 2012 R2, 64-bit The PCL 6 printer-specific print driver is available for download from the printer-support website. Download the driver, and then use the Microsoft Add Printer tool toinstall it.Windows Server 2016, 64-bit The PCL 6 printer-specific print driver is available for download from the printer-support website. Download the driver, and then use the Microsoft Add Printer tool toinstall it.Windows Server 2019, 64-bit The PCL 6 printer-specific print driver is available for download from the printer-support website. Download the driver, and then use the Microsoft Add Printer tool toinstall it.Supported operating systems11macOS 10.13 High Sierra, macOS 10.14 MojaveDownload HP Easy Start from /LaserJet , and then use it to install the print driver.NOTE:Supported operating systems can change.NOTE:For a current list of supported operating systems and HP’s all-inclusive help for the printer, go to /support/colorljM776MFP .NOTE:For details on client and server operating systems and for HP UPD driver support for this printer, go to /go/upd . Under Additional information , click Specifications .●Internet connection●Dedicated USB 1.1 or 2.0 connection or a network connection● 2 GB of available hard-disk space ●1 GB RAM (32-bit) or2 GB RAM (64-bit)●Internet connection●Dedicated USB 1.1 or 2.0 connection or a network connection●1.5 GB of available hard-disk spaceNOTE:The Windows software installer installs the HP Smart Device Agent Base service. The file size is less than 100 kb. Its only function is to check for printers connected via USB hourly. No data is collected. If a USB printer is found, it then tries to locate a JetAdvantage Management Connector (JAMc) instance on the network. If a JAMc is found, the HP Smart Device Agent Base is securelyupgraded to a full Smart Device Agent from JAMc, which will then allow printed pages to be accounted for in a Managed Print Services (MPS) account. The driver-only web packs downloaded from for the printer and installed through the Add Printer wizard do not install this service.T o uninstall the service, open the Control Panel , select Programs or Programs and Features , and then select Add/Remove Programs or Uninstall a Programto remove the service. The file name isHPSmartDeviceAgentBase.Mobile printing solutionsHP offers multiple mobile printing solutions to enable easy printing to an HP printer from a laptop, tablet, smartphone, or other mobile device.T o see the full list and to determine the best choice, go to /go/MobilePrinting .NOTE:Update the printer firmware to ensure all mobile printing capabilities are supported.●Wi-Fi Direct (wireless models only, with HP Jetdirect 3100w BLE/NFC/Wireless accessory installed)●HP ePrint via email (Requires HP Web Services to be enabled and the printer to be registered with HP Connected)●HP Smart app ●Google Cloud Print12Chapter 1 Printer overview。













网络购物平台操作指南第1章注册与登录 (4)1.1 账户注册 (4)1.2 登录与退出 (4)1.3 忘记密码与修改密码 (4)第2章商品搜索与筛选 (5)2.1 商品分类查找 (5)2.2 关键词搜索 (5)2.3 筛选与排序功能 (5)第3章商品详情与评价 (6)3.1 商品详情页面 (6)3.1.1 进入商品详情页面 (6)3.1.2 查看商品信息 (6)3.1.3 查看店铺信息 (6)3.2 商品评价查看 (6)3.2.1 进入商品评价页面 (7)3.2.2 查看评价内容 (7)3.2.3 筛选评价 (7)3.3 评价与晒单 (7)3.3.1 进行评价 (7)3.3.2 晒单 (7)3.3.3 提交评价 (7)第4章购物车与结算 (7)4.1 添加商品至购物车 (7)4.1.1 浏览商品 (7)4.1.2 选择商品 (7)4.1.3 查看购物车 (7)4.2 修改购物车商品 (8)4.2.1 修改商品数量 (8)4.2.2 删除商品 (8)4.2.3 修改商品规格 (8)4.3 结算与提交订单 (8)4.3.1 确认商品信息 (8)4.3.2 填写收货信息 (8)4.3.3 选择支付方式 (8)4.3.4 确认订单 (8)4.3.5 提交订单 (8)第5章支付与配送 (8)5.1 支付方式选择 (8)5.1.1 在线支付 (8)5.1.2 货到付款 (9)5.1.3 余额支付 (9)5.2 配送地址管理 (9)5.2.1 添加配送地址 (9)5.2.2 修改配送地址 (9)5.2.3 删除配送地址 (9)5.3 发票与运费说明 (9)5.3.1 发票 (9)5.3.2 运费说明 (9)第6章订单管理 (10)6.1 查看订单状态 (10)6.1.1 登录购物平台,进入“我的订单”页面; (10)6.1.2 订单列表中,您可以看到所有订单的概览信息,包括订单号、购买的商品、订单金额等; (10)6.1.3 订单号,可进入订单详情页面,查看订单的详细状态,如“待付款”、“待发货”、“运输中”、“已签收”等; (10)6.1.4 在订单详情页面,如有需要,您可以查看订单的付款凭证、发票信息等相关内容。























淘宝部分功能的WBS拆分按照产品拆分1、我的购物车购物车状态购物车中商品的信息进入店铺页面和卖家交谈全选此店铺购物车中的商品单选多选全选商品信息页面商品数量的增减选择其他优惠添加到我的收藏删除批量删除进入结算页面2、我的收藏宝贝收藏我的标签查看标签.1 所有宝贝.2 有标签的宝贝.3 无标签的宝贝编辑标签和备注淘宝分类所有宝贝淘宝默认宝贝分类按关键字搜索已收藏的宝贝选择宝贝单选多选全选删除宝贝单个宝贝删除多个宝贝删除全部宝贝删除帮我挑宝贝单个宝贝挑选多个宝贝挑选全部宝贝挑选显示大图模式列表显示排序按收藏时间排序按价格本页排序加入购物车分享给好友查看宝贝评论置顶添加置顶取消置顶店铺收藏我的标签查看标签所有店铺有标签的店铺无标签的店铺编辑标签和备注淘宝分类所有店铺淘宝默认店铺分类好友共享的店铺按关键字搜索已收藏的店铺删除店铺单个店铺删除多个店铺删除全部店铺删除排序按新上宝贝数排序按收藏时间排序置顶添加置顶取消置顶显示该收藏店铺的新上宝贝同类店铺推荐共享设置共享.1仅对好友可见.2所有人可见取消共享购买过的店铺淘宝分类按关键字搜索购买过的店铺显示购买过的该店铺的宝贝显示购买过的店铺的新上宝贝同类店铺推荐加入收藏删除热门收藏分类女人收藏男人收藏数码家电母婴/生活休闲热门宝贝收藏排序.1收藏人气排序.二十四小时收藏人气.累计收藏人气.2价格排序加入收藏查看评论热门店铺收藏排序二十四小时收藏人气累计收藏人气加入收藏显示热销宝贝显示新上宝贝搜索宝贝按关键字搜索按关键字在购买过的店铺内搜索按关键字在收藏过的店铺内搜索按关键字在购买过并收藏过的店铺内搜索3、已买到的宝贝交易提醒待付款确认收货待评价客服支招订单分类.1搜索.按宝贝名称.按时间.按卖家昵称.按评价状态.按交易状态.按售后服务订单回收站订单选择单选订单商品详情投诉卖家等待买家付款订单详情付款方式.1自己付款.2找人代付.3取消订单删除备忘分享3. 订单全选合并付款合并代付3. 批量确认收货3. .订单多选3. 合并付款3. 合并代付3. 批量确认收货卖家联系查看帮助。


ACS型(bCom) 条形码打印计价秤 操作手册
©梅特勒-托利多(常州)称重设备系统有限公司,2006 Mettler Toledo 版权所有。 未经许可不得翻印、修改或引用。 METTLER TOLEDO 为梅特勒-托利多(常州)称重设备系统有限公司的注册商标。
警 告
1. 使用条形码电子计价秤前, 必须仔细阅读本 说明书, 并严格按照本说明书的操作规程使用! 否则可能造成人员伤害和设备损坏! 2.本产品属计量设备,应按说明书要求进行使 用检查和定期安全检查!同时强烈建议定期到 当地的技术监督部门进行计量、 安全检查!
TOLE DO 保 留 修 改 本 手 册 的 权 利 , 如 有 修 改 , 恕 不 另 行 通 知。
目 录
1 概述 ..................................................................................................................................... 1
操作 ..................................................................................................................................... 4
3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 按键说明 ............................................................................................................................... 4 秤的基本配置 ....................................................................................................................... 4 服务模式下的标签打印 ....................................................................................................... 5 预包装模式下的标签打印 ................................................................................................... 5 自动清除和锁定功能 ........................................................................................................... 6 使用收据纸时的操作 ........................................................................................................... 6 取消功能 ............................................................................................................................... 7 退货功能 ............................................................................................................................... 7 打印小计标签....................................................................................................................... 7



淘宝助理的常见问题及解决方法淘宝助理,它是一个非常好的网店助手,但是,功能再强大,淘宝开店的各位在使用的时候难免会出现问题,下面,就把淘宝助理常见的问题分为上传、下载、功能编辑、登陆四个部分,一一为大家解释::本人店铺地址可参考:参考店铺网址:【上传】top解析数据包错误:ng.NumberFormatException:For input string答:是因为淘宝助理长时间运作,导致数据丢失,运作程序失灵的原因,处理方法有两种:1、关闭淘宝助理,再重新启动电脑,即可以解决2、如果重启不能解决,将淘宝助理安全卸载,然后再到官网下载最新版本的淘宝助理!安装完成后,就可以上传了!3、如果还不行,考虑是不是宝贝属性设置有问题了,一般把宝贝属性全部都设置一遍,能填的全部填上。

4、找到“批量编辑”里的“类目” 重新编辑一次。
















我们可以通过以下步骤找回被删除的商品:1. 登录京东账号,点击“我的京东”进入个人中心。

2. 在个人中心页面中找到“购物记录”,点击进入。

3. 在购物记录页面中,可以看到所有已经购买的商品和被删除的商品,我们可以通过筛选功能找到被删除的商品。

4. 找到被删除的商品后,可以点击“再次购买”按钮将其加入购物车。



我们可以通过以下步骤联系京东客服:1. 登录京东账号,点击“客户服务”进入客户服务页面。

2. 在客户服务页面中,选择“在线客服”或“电话客服”,与客服人员联系。

3. 说明被删除的商品的情况,客服人员会帮助我们找回被删除的商品。



我们可以通过以下步骤找回被删除的商品:1. 打开浏览器,进入京东网站。

2. 在浏览器地址栏中输入被删除商品的页面地址,如果该页面被缓存下来,我们可以看到该页面的内容。

3. 在该页面中找到商品,可以将其加入购物车。











双十一-阿里云客服职能岗+阿里云客服基础业务认证-在线+线上+语音+居家+兼职+客服--专项-考试试题及答案一、单选题1. 西联汇款属于以下哪种交易模式A、以上都不对B、新型交易模式C、传统交易模式正确答案: C2. 请问以下即些岗位属于云客服职能岗?A、带新长老B、长老C、版主D、新媒体专员正确答案: C3. 请问如果电脑系统不是windows10、11及Mac(1015版本以上),是否可以参加语音专项客服报名?A、不可以B、可以正确答案: A4. 请问您的电脑检测,是否包含了丢包、延迟、抖动等各项要求?A、我现在还只检测了延迟,符合要求,其他的晚点就去检测B、我已经完成了丟包、抖动、延迟等所有要求选项,只有1个不符合要求C、我已经完成了丟包、抖动、延迟等所有要求选项,全部符合要求D、我现在还只检测了丢包,符合要求,其他的晚点就去检测正确答案: C5. 全球旺铺“多商家在线”版块即悬浮旺旺可以设置几个旺旺IDA、 5个B、 7个C、 3个D、 1个正确答案: A6. 买家在享受闪电退换货服务时,需确保退回商品满足什么条件?BA、没有使用过B、符合《七天无理由退换货规范》C、所有选项都需要满足D、保持原包装完整正确答案: B7. 商家卡片升级不支持自定义展示字段()。

A、正确B、错误正确答案: B8. 发布产品的时候,是否三个关键词都要填满A、错误B、正确正确答案: A9. 网站专业术语,PV指的是?A、立访问者数量B、复访问者数量C、页面浏览量D、每个访问者的页面浏览量正确答案: C10. 退款主要是离线处理客户及电话和客户沟通A、错误B、正确正确答案: B11. 请问语音专项客服需要全程使用语音服务,并有少量的跟单需求,您是否愿意参加?A、不愿意,我不想跟单B、愿意,我了解该规则正确答案: B12. 请问返岗小二能否报名专项客服?A、未被冻结&临时冻结的返岗小二可以报名B、不可以正确答案: A13. 云客服的薪资是计件制,多劳多得,以上说法正确吗?A、正确B、错误正确答案: A14. 寄送样品后是否需要留样A、不用留样B、根据实际情况决定C、一定需要正确答案: C15. 权利人投诉中哪一项侵权不包括一般与严重程度()?A、著作权侵权B、商标侵权C、专利侵权。



淘宝网购物流程图(图解)目录一、如何在淘宝网上购物 (2)1)淘宝购物NO1:淘宝注册 (2)2)淘宝购物NO2:支付宝设置 (2)3)淘宝购物NO3:如何选购宝贝 (2)4)淘宝购物NO4:拍卖宝贝注意的事情 (3)二、如何使用支付宝 (3)1):旺旺的下载安装 (3)2):激活支付宝 (4)3):支付宝充值 (5)4):购买宝贝 (8)5):付款 (8)三、如何使用“购物车” (10)四、图解申请退款步骤 (10)五、快递公司运费查询和比较 (12)六、淘宝店铺推荐 (13)(注:目录可以按住Ctrl,然后鼠标点击打开!)一、如何在淘宝网上购物1)淘宝购物NO1:淘宝注册1:淘宝主页大家都知道 ,在正上方可以看到“免费注册”的字样,点开然后填写自己的注册信息,在这里要告诉大家,淘宝上面是支持中文会员名的哦。





1:登陆支付宝账户(密码是你的淘宝登陆密码,不是邮箱密码),左边一栏里找到“帐户信息管理”,为了安全,最好修改一下支付宝登陆密码,支付密码跟登陆密码不要一样,用户信息中资料要真实,身份证要和银行账户身份信息一致(注意:现在第一次登陆支付宝会直接出来一个页面,要求你设置自己的支付宝密码和支付密码,填写个人信息要真实!)2:“账户安全设置”设置一下你的密码保护,一定要记清楚哦!3:“银行账户信息”点开“银行账号管理”,输入你的支付宝密码,设置你的网上银行账号就可以了,一定是开通了网上银行的账号哦!设置完成后会让你去你的银行账户里确认一下金额,淘宝会给你点钱,填写一下就OK 了。



淘宝购物车是佳杰科技用户下单系统为广大客户提供的一种快…客户下单操作指引(“购物车模式”)1 登录下单系统登录佳杰易购网(),在“系统登录”栏选择用户类型是电信用户还是网通用户,完成后再输入用户帐号及密码即可进入我司e—order下单系统。



2 账款查询进入e—order下单系统后,先查看您的信用信息,如果有超期、超额,为保证出货的效率,请您先完成应收款的清理,否则将走内部的特批流程,会影响到您出货效率。

, 信用状况查询操作页面如下:, 应付款查询操作页面如下:3 进入购物车模式为了方便客户下单~我司在保留原来FA订单录入与普通订单录入方式基础上~新增了购物车下单模式~购物车模式既保留原来订单录入优点~又具备支持跨产品线下单、产品浏览等电子商务网站简单、方便的通用下单功能。

进入购物车模式操作程序为:点击【下单管理】—【购物车】,操作页面如下:4 选择需购买产品4.1 搜索购买方式如果您下单时对想买的产品目标非常明确,知道购买产品的品牌、型号、名称、商品编码等信息”时请采用搜索购买方式。


实例:客户要买4710笔记本电脑:在“产品名称”搜索框输入“4710”后点击【查询】~系统将显示出我司全部4710款相关的笔记本电脑~您可从中挑选出想买的产品~操作页面如下:说明:1、系统支持模糊查询~例如以“笔记本”为关键词搜索~可以查到所有产品名称包含笔记本的产品,2 产品名称构成为:品牌+市场通用型+产品名称~因此产品名称搜索项目可以按品牌、市场通用型号、产品名称任一条件或组合进行查找。





问: 为什么客服不回复我?答:由于聚划算期间,咨询量比较大,每个客服可能同时超过几十到上百个顾客咨询,我们客服旺旺随时爆掉,可能会回复缓慢,敬请谅解!强烈建议亲们自助购物!问:鞋子为什么这么便宜,质量怎么样,和以前的是一样的吗?答:此次活动完全是亏本赚人气的,回馈广大新老顾客朋友的。



尺码问题不作为日后退换货的理由哦!问: 可以再优惠些吗,有小礼物送吗?答:亲,宝贝参加聚划算活动完全是亏本赚人气的,原价139元,现价59元包邮已经是超值了,所以没有小礼物哦,请亲们也不要议价哦,赶紧购买,买到就是赚到!物流与卖家息息相关,想要选择即好又快的网站,选择很关键,关系到网店的收益和生死存亡。









  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
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