Projective Invariance and One-Loop Effective Action in Affine-Metric Gravity Interacting wi




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初始化 分数低阶统计量 分布式融合 信道加密 信息处理 保密通信 位置预测 仿真分析 仿真 代价参考粒子滤波 代价函数 交互武多模型 交互式多模型 α -稳定分布 ica-pca carlo avo反演
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科研热词 推荐指数 粒子滤波 13 非高斯 3 非线性 3 非高斯噪声 2 重采样 2 重要性采样 2 遗忘因子 2 贝叶斯估计 2 目标跟踪 2 混沌 2 概率质量函数 2 高斯和phd 1 非高斯非平稳噪声 1 非高斯平稳有界噪声 1 非线性非高斯模型 1 非线性滤波 1 非线性多用户检测 1 非线性/非高斯 1 雅可比矩阵 1 随机melnikov过程 1 量子计算 1 重要性重采样 1 进化算法 1 说话人跟踪 1 自调整粒子滤波 1 自主天文导航 1 组合导航系统 1 红外目标 1 粒子采样方法 1 粒子退化现象 1 粒子滤波器 1 粒子匮乏 1 码分多址 1 模板匹配 1 机器人视觉伺服 1 机动跟踪 1 最小二乘支持向量机回归(lssvr) 1 最优bayesian滤波 1 无迹卡尔曼滤波 1 无线通信 1 无惯性非线性变换器 1 故障诊断 1 支持向量机 1 序贯重要性采样 1 序贯蒙特卡罗方法 1 序贯monte 1 局部模型 1 多目标跟踪 1 多用户检测 1 多模噪声 1 多工况 1 参数估计 1


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科研热词 法布里-珀罗滤波器 解调 直流 激光器 掺铒光纤激光器 微加工 帧时钟提取 嵌入式数据库 在线采集 切趾取样光栅 分组交换 光纤通信技术 光纤布拉格光栅 光纤布喇格光栅 光纤光学 光栅滤波器 健康监测 传感器 w型掺铒光纤 s波段
2011年 序号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
2011年 科研热词 推荐指数 光纤布拉格光栅 2 光纤光学 2 光纤光参量放大 2 静态波长解调 1 滤波器 1 法布里-珀罗滤波器 1 法布里-珀罗干涉仪 1 水听器 1 时钟提取 1 多波长全光判决 1 多波长全光3r再生 1 可调谐 1 动态波长解调 1 全光判决 1 光通信 1 光纤通信 1 光纤激光器 1 光纤法布里-珀罗滤波器 1 光纤传感 1 傅立叶域锁模 1 3r再生 1
2012年 序号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
科研热词 推荐指数 滤波器 2 高速解调 1 非线性 1 表面等离子体 1 激光器 1 波导 1 放大的自发辐射 1 微桥 1 微机电系统 1 可调谐环形腔激光器 1 可调谐法布里-珀罗腔 1 可调谐法布里-珀罗滤波器 1 半导体光放大器 1 光纤布喇格光栅 1 光纤光学 1 光纤传感 1 光栅 1 光学设备 1 光学器件 1 f-p滤波器 1
推荐指数 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
2010年 序号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
科研热词 推荐指数 梳状滤波器 2 非线性 1 级联相移线性啁啾光纤光栅 1 法布里-珀罗谐振腔 1 法布里-珀罗(f-p) 1 啁啾光纤光栅 1 可调谐光滤波器(tof) 1 光纤布拉格光栅(fbg) 1 光纤光栅 1 传输矩阵法 1 传感 1 f-p谐振腔理论 1



仿射变换在初等几何解题中的应用…………摘要:仿射变换,即平行投影变换,是几何学中的一个重要变换,是从运动变换过渡到射影变换的桥梁.本文将从仿射变换的有关概念入手,了解仿射几何所研究的几何通过仿射变换的不变性质和不变的数量关系以及经过变形后的形状和位置关系,并讨论仿射变换在初等几何中的一些应用. 关键词:仿射变换;仿射不变性;初等几何Abstract:Affinetransformation,namelyparallelprojection,isanimpo rtanttransformationingeometry.Itisthebridgefromthemotionconvertingt otheprojectivetransformation.Thisarticlewillstartwiththeconceptofaf finetransform,tounderstandthegeometryofaffinegeometryresearchbyaffi netransformationinvariantpropertiesandconstantrelationshipbetweenth enumberafterthedeformedshapeandpositionalrelationship,anddiscusseds omeapplicationsofaffinetransformationinelementarygeometry.Keywords :affinetransformation ;affineinvariance ;elementarygeometry1仿射变换的基本概念及相关性质1.1仿射变换的概念定义1.1[1]设同一平面内有n 条直线1a ,2a ,3a ,…n a ,1T ,2T ,3T ,…1-n T 顺次表示1a 到2a ,2a 到3a ,1-n a 到n a 的透视仿射,经过这一串平行射影,使1a 上的点与n a 上的点建立了一一对应,称为1a 到n a 的仿射或仿射变换如图1-1.T =1-n T 122T T T n ⋅⋅⋅⋅- ,T 称为1T ,2T ,3T ,…1-n T 按这个顺序的乘积.)(A T =1-n T 122T T T n ⋅⋅⋅⋅- )(A =1-n T )(22A T T n '⋅⋅⋅- =…=n A ,)(B T =n B 等图1-1定义1.2设A ,B ,C 为共线三点,这三点的简比()ABC 定义为下述有向线段的比:其中AC ,BC 是有向线段AC ,BC 的代数长,A ,B 叫基点,C 叫分点.当C 在A ,B 之间时,()ABC <0;当C 不在A ,B 之间时,()ABC >0;当C 与A 重合时,()ABC =0;当C 与B 重合时,()ABC 不存在.1.2 仿射变换的性质(1)仿射变换保持同素性:即仿射变换将点变成点,直线变成直线;(2)仿射变换保持结合性:即仿射变换保持点与直线的结合关系;(3)仿射变换将向量变成向量,且保持向量的线性关系v u λ=.定理1两条平行直线经仿射变换后仍变为两条平行直线.推论1两条相交直线经仿射变换后仍变成两相交直线.推论2共点的直线经仿射变换后仍变为共点直线.定理2两条平行线段之比是仿射不变量.推论一直线上两线段之比是仿射不变量.定理3两封闭图形(如三角形、平行四边形、椭圆等)面积之比是仿射不变量. 2 仿射变换与初等几何的相关联系从总体上看,高等几何对初等几何具有多方面的指导意义.在此,笔者择要阐述两种,以此说明高等几何对初等几何普遍指导意义[2].一是学习高等几何能深化对初等几何的认识和理解.几何学是一种研究在相应的变换群下图形保持不变的质和量的科学,射影群、仿射群、正交群所对应的是射影几何、仿射几何、欧氏几何,根据普遍性包含于特殊性的原理可知,射影几何包含于仿射几何包含于欧氏几何,这其中,射影几何内容最少,欧氏几何内容最丰富.不同的几何课程在内容上的侧重点不同,解析几何主要研究图形的性质,将空间几何结构代数化是其本质特征;欧氏几何主要研究整个空间的几何结构,它利用图形的直观形象启发人类的想象思维,从而促使人们不断探索发现图形间的关系与性质;高等几何尤其是其中的射影几何则包含、融合了上述两者的内容.也就是说,学习高等几何能使我们站得更高一些,看得更远一些,能进一步认清几种几何学间的关系,进一步开阔几何学的视野,从而更好地理解和把握初等几何的本质和精髓.二是学习高等几何能有效扩充初等几何的研究方法.从实用主义的角度看,数学与应用数学专业的学生或中学数学教师学好高等几何,一方面可扩展几何学的认知范畴,在更高的水准上搞好教学工作,另一方面可用高等几何的理念和观点来指导和反思初等几何的教学内容与研究方法,从而不断改进初等几何的教学方式,优化其研究手段和教学模式,切实提高中学几何的教学质量.3 仿射变换在初等几何解题中的应用根据仿射变换的性质可知,通过特殊仿射变换可将某些一般图形变为特殊图形,如可将任何三角形变成正三角形,平行四边形变为正方形或长方形,梯形变为等腰梯形或直角梯形.因此,对于一个仅涉及仿射性质的初等几何命题,如果能证明它在特殊图形中成立,则在仿射变换下,这个命题对于相应地一般图形也应成立.利用仿射变换可以解决许多初等几何问题,下面给出它在以下几个方面的应用.3.1 平行投影平行投影是仿射变换中最基本、最简单的一类.因此平行投影变换具有仿射变换中的一切性质.解这类题的关键是选定平行投影方向,应用平行线段之比是仿射不变量.例3.1P 是ABC ∆内任一点,连结AP 、BP 、CP 并延长分别交对边于D 、E 、F .求证:1=++CFPF BE PE AD PD . 图3-1证明如图3-1,分别沿AB 和AC 方向作平行投影.P →P '、P →P ''由仿射变换保简单比不变得:DC DP BD D P AD PD '''==,所以BC P P AD PD '''=, 同理BC C P BE PE ''=,BC BP CF PF '=, 所以1''''''=++=++BCBP BC C P BC P P CF PF BE PE AD PD . 例3.2一直线截三角形的边或其延长线,所得的顶点到分点和分点到顶点的有向线段的比的乘积等于﹣1,其逆也真.(梅涅劳斯定理)[3]分析如图3-2,本题要求证明当L 、M 、N 三点共线时,1-=⋅⋅NBAN MA CM LC BL 。

Phase congruency detects corners and edges

Phase congruency detects corners and edges

Phase Congruency Detects Corners and EdgesPeter KovesiSchool of Computer Science&Software EngineeringThe University of Western AustraliaCrawley,W.A.6009pk@.auAbstract.There are many applications such as stereo matching,mo-tion tracking and image registration that require so called‘corners’tobe detected across image sequences in a reliable manner.The Harris cor-ner detector is widely used for this purpose.However,the response fromthe Harris operator,and other corner operators,varies considerably withimage contrast.This makes the setting of thresholds that are appropri-ate for extended image sequences difficult,if not impossible.This paperdescribes a new corner and edge detector developed from the phase con-gruency model of feature detection.The new operator uses the principalmoments of the phase congruency information to determine corner andedge information.The resulting corner and edge operator is highly local-ized and has responses that are invariant to image contrast.This resultsin reliable feature detection under varying illumination conditions withfixed thresholds.An additional feature of the operator is that the cornermap is a strict subset of the edge map.This facilitates the cooperativeuse of corner and edge information.1IntroductionWith the impressive reconstruction results that have been achieved by those working in projective geometry(see for example Hartley and Zisserman[1])there has been a renewed interest in the detection of so called‘corners’,or‘interest points’.The success of these reconstructions depend very much on the reliable and accurate detection of these points across image sequences.The definition of a corner is typically taken to be a location in the image where the local autocorrelation function has a distinct peak.A variety of op-erators have been devised to detect corners.These include those developed by Moravec[2],Harris and Stephens[3],Beaudet[4],Kitchen and Rosenfeld[5], and Cooper et al.[6].Corner detectors based on the local energy model of fea-ture perception have been developed by Rosenthaler et al.[7],and Robbins and Owens[8].More recently the SUSAN operator has been proposed by Smith and Brady[9].Of these the Harris operator probably remains the most widely used.A common problem with all these operators,except the SUSAN operator, is that the corner response varies considerably with image contrast.This makes the setting of thresholds difficult.Typically we are interested in tracking fea-tures over increasingly extended image sequences.The longer the sequence the309greater the variations in illumination conditions one can expect,and the set-ting of appropriate thresholds becomes increasingly difficult,if not impossible. Inevitably thresholds have to be set at levels lower than ideal because detecting too many features is a lesser evil than detecting not enough.Stereo and motion reconstruction algorithms are then faced with the problem of dealing with very large clouds of noisy corner points,often greatly compromising their operation. Matching operations,which usually have rapidly increasing running time as a function of input size,suffer greatly in these conditions.Typically,considerable effort has to be devoted to the cleaning up of the output of the corner detector and to the elimination of outliers.The success of this cleaning up and outlier elimination process is usually crucial to the success of the reconstruction algo-rithm.Indeed,a very significant proportion of Hartley and Zisserman’s book[1] is devoted to robust estimation techniques.Another difficulty many of these operators have is that the Gaussian smooth-ing that is employed to reduce the influence of noise can corrupt the location of corners,sometimes considerably.The SUSAN operator deserves some special comment here because it does not suffer from these problems outlined above. It identifies features by determining what fraction of a circular mask has values the same,or similar,to the value at the centre point.Thresholds are therefore defined in terms of the size of the mask and no image smoothing is required. However,the SUSAN operator assumes that edges and corners are formed by the junctions of regions having constant,or near constant,intensity,and this limits the junction types that can be modeled.To address the many problems outlined above this paper describes a new corner and edge detector developed from the phase congruency model of feature detection.The new operator uses the principal moments of the phase congruency information to determine corner and edge information.Phase congruency is a dimensionless quantity and provides information that is invariant to image con-trast.This allows the magnitudes of the principal moments of phase congruency to be used directly to determine the edge and corner strength.The minimum and maximum moments provide feature information in their own right;one does not have to look at their ratios.If the maximum moment of phase congruency at a point is large then that point should be marked as an edge.If the mini-mum moment of phase congruency is also large then that point should also be marked as a‘corner’.The hypothesis being that a large minimum moment of phase congruency indicates there is significant phase congruency in more than one orientation,making it a corner.The resulting corner and edge operator is highly localized and the invariance of the response to image contrast results in reliable feature detection under varying illumination conditions withfixed thresholds.An additional feature of the operator is that the corner map is a strict subset of the edge map.This facilitates the cooperative use of corner and edge information.This paper is organized as follows:first the phase congruency model of feature perception is reviewed.We then examine how the phase congruency responses over several orientations can be analyzed in terms of moments to provide both310edge and corner information.Finally the performance is assessed relative to thecommonly used Harris operator.2The Phase Congruency Model of Feature DetectionRather than assume a gradient,the LocalEnergy Model in an image wherethe Fourier in Figure 1[10].NoticeFig.1.Fourier first four the Fourier the step in the squarewave.Congruency of perceived feature [11].The angle at which the congruency occurs dictates the feature type,for example,step or delta.The Local Energy Model model was developed by Morrone et al.[10]andMorrone and Owens [12].Other work on this model of feature perception can befound in Morrone and Burr [13],Owens et al.[14],Venkatesh and Owens [15],and Kovesi [16–20,11].The work of Morrone and Burr [13]has shown that thismodel successfully explains a number of psychophysical effects in human featureperception.The measurement of phase congruency at a point in a signal can be seengeometrically in Figure 2.The local,complex valued,Fourier components at alocation x in the signal will each have an amplitude A n (x )and a phase angleφn (x ).Figure 2plots these local Fourier components as complex vectors adding head to tail.The magnitude of the vector from the origin to the end point is theLocal Energy ,|E (x )|.The measure of phase congruency developed by Morrone et al.[10]isP C 1(x )=|E (x )|n A n (x ).(1)Under this definition phase congruency is the ratio of |E (x )|to the overall pathlength taken by the local Fourier components in reaching the end point.If allthe Fourier components are in phase all the complex vectors would be alignedand the ratio of |E (x )|/ n A n (x )would be 1.If there is no coherence of phase311RealaxisImaginaryaxisE(x)φφ(x)nA n (x)_noise circleFig.2.Polar diagram showing the Fourier components at a location in the signal plottedhead to tail.The weighted mean phase angle is given by (x ).The noise circle representsthe level of E (x )one can expect just from the noise in the signal.the ratio falls to a minimum of 0.Phase congruency provides a measure that isindependent of the overall magnitude of the signal making it invariant to vari-ations in image illumination and/or contrast.Fixed threshold values of featuresignificance can then be used over wide classes of images.It can be shown that this measure of phase congruency is a function of thecosine of the deviation of each phase component from the meanP C 1(x )= n A n (cos(φ(x )−φ(x )) nA n (x ).(2)This measure of phase congruency does not provide good localization and it isalso sensitive to noise.Kovesi [18,19]developed a modified measure consisting ofthe cosine minus the magnitude of the sine of the phase deviation;this produces amore localized response.This new measure also incorporates noise compensation:P C 2(x )=n W (x ) A n (x )(cos(φn (x )−φ(x ))−|sin (φn (x )−φ(x ))|)−T n A n (x )+ε.(3)The term W (x )is a factor that weights for frequency spread (congruency overmany frequencies is more significant than congruency over a few frequencies).Asmall constant,εis incorporated to avoid division by zero.Only energy valuesthat exceed T ,the estimated noise influence,are counted in the result.Thesymbols denote that the enclosed quantity is equal to itself when its value ispositive,and zero otherwise.In practice local frequency information is obtainedvia banks of Gabor wavelets tuned to different spatial frequencies,rather than viathe Fourier transform.The appropriate noise threshold,T is readily determinedfrom the statistics of the filter responses to the image.For details of this phasecongruency measure and its implementation see Kovesi [19–21].3123Combining Phase Congruency Information over many OrientationsA weakness of previous implementations of phase congruency has been the way in which information over many orientations is used and combined.The defini-tion of phase congruency outlined above only applies to1D signals.To obtain an overall measure of phase congruency in2D local energy isfirst calculated in several orientations,typically six,using data from oriented2D Gabor wavelets. Equation3is modified so that the numerator is the weighted and noise com-pensated local energy summed over all orientations,and the denominator is the total sum offilter response amplitudes over all orientations and scales.While this approach produces a phase congruency measure that results in a very good edge map it ignores information about the way phase congruency varies with orientation at each point in the image.To include information about the way phase congruency varies with orienta-tion we can proceed as follows:calculate phase congruency independently in each orientation using equation3,compute moments of phase congruency and look at the variation of the moments with orientation.The principal axis,corresponding to the axis about which the moment is minimized,provides an indication of the orientation of the feature.The magnitude of the maximum moment,correspond-ing to the moment about an axis perpendicular to the principal axis,gives an indication of the significance of the feature.If the minimum moment is also large we have an indication that the feature point has a strong2D component to it, and should therefore be additionally classified as a‘corner’.Following the classical moment analysis equations[22]we compute the fol-lowing at each point in the image:a=(P C(θ)cos(θ))2(4)b=2(P C(θ)cos(θ)).(P C(θ)sin(θ))(5)c=(P C(θ)sin(θ))2,(6)where P C(θ)refers to the phase congruency value determined at orientationθ, and the sum is performed over the discrete set of orientations used(typically six).The angle of the principal axisΦis given byΦ=12atan2bb22,a−cb22.(7)The maximum and minimum moments,M and m respectively,are given byM=12(c+a+b2+(a−c)2)(8)m=12(c+a−b2+(a−c)2).(9) 313This calculation of the maximum and minimum moments,along with the prin-cipal axis,corresponds to preforming a singular value decomposition on a phasecongruency covariance matrix.The moments correspond to the singular values.3.1Comparison with the Harris OperatorA comparison with the Harris operator is appropriate given its widespreaduse.The analysis described above is similar to that adopted by Harris andStephens [3].However they consider the minimum and maximum eigenvalues,αand β,of the image gradient covariance matrix in developing their corner detector.The gradient covariance matrix is given by G = I 2x I x I y I x I y I 2y(10)where I x and I y denote the image gradients in the x and y directions.A ‘corner’is said to occur when the two eigenvalues are large and similar in magnitude.Toavoid an explicit eigenvalue decomposition Harris and Stephens devise a measureusing the determinant and trace of the gradient covariance matrixR =det(G )−k (tr (G ))2,(11)where det(G )=αβand tr (G )=α+β,the parameter k is traditionally set to0.04.This produces a measure that is large when both αand βare large.Howeverwe have the problem of determining what is large.Noting that elements of theimage gradient covariance matrix have units of intensity gradient squared we cansee that the determinant,and hence the measure R will have units of intensitygradient to the fourth.This explains why the Harris operator is highly sensitiveto image contrast variations which,in turn,makes the setting of thresholdsexceedingly difficult.Some kind of sensitivity to image contrast is common to allcorner operators that are based on the local autocorrelation of image intensityvalues and/or image gradient values.Unlike image intensity gradient values phase congruency values are normal-ized quantities that have no units associated with them.If the moments arenormalized for the number of orientations considered we end up with phase con-gruency moment values that range between 0and 1.Being moments these valuescorrespond to phase congruency squared.Accordingly we can use the maximumand minimum phase congruency moments directly to establish whether we have asignificant edge and/or corner point.It should be emphasized that the minimumand maximum moments provide feature information in their own right;one doesnot have to look at their ratios.We can define a priori what a significant valueof phase congruency moment is,and this value is independent of image contrast.4ResultsThe performance of the phase congruency operator was compared to the Har-ris operator on a synthetic test image,and on a real scene containing strong314shadows.The results are shown infigures3and4.Raw Harris corner strength and raw phase congruency corner and edge strength images are displayed for comparison.It should be noted that the Harris corner strength values varied by many orders of magnitude across the image depending on contrast.To facilitate the display of the Harris corner strength image what is actually shown here is the fourth root of the image.Even after this transformation large variations are still evident.In contrast the phase congruency edge and corner strength images are minimally affected by image contrast and are readily thresholded(in this case with a value of0.4on both images)to produce a clear set of features.In applying the Harris operator to the synthetic image the standard deviation of the smoothing Gaussian was deliberately set to a large value of3pixels to illustrate the problem the operator has in localizing‘T’junctions.Notice how the detected Harris corners are displaced inwards on the left hand grey scale, note also the double response where the line intersects the circle.The phase congruency operator,on the other hand,locates‘T’junctions precisely.Changing the number offilter scales used to compute phase congruency does not affect the localization,it only affects the relative significance of features at different scales. For the real scene the standard deviation of the smoothing Gaussian for the Harris operator was1pixel.For both images phase congruency was computed using Gaborfilters over4scales(wavelengths of4,8,16and32pixels)and over 6orientations.Another important point to note is that the phase congruency edge map includes the corner map,this is unusual for an edge detector!The fact that the phase congruency corner map is a strict subset of the phase congruency edge map greatly simplifies the integration of data computed from edge and corner information.This facilitates the process of building a model of the scene from point and edge data matched over two or more views.In contrast,if the edge and corner information is computed via separate means,say the Canny and Harris operators respectively,the edge data is unlikely to include the corner data.The Gaussian smoothing that is applied to reduce the influence of noise results in the Canny edges being weakened in strength,and rounded at corner locations.MATLAB code is available for those wishing to replicate the results presented here[21].5ConclusionPhase congruency provides a contrast invariant way of identifying features within images.By combining phase congruency information over multiple orientations into a covariance matrix,and calculating the minimum and maximum moments we produce a highly localized operator that can be used to identify both edges and corners in a contrast invariant way.The contrast invariance facilitates the tracking of features over extended image sequences under varying lighting con-ditions.An additional advantage of the operator is that the phase congruency corner map is a strict subset of the phase congruency edge map.This simplifies the integration of data computed from edge and corner information.315Originalimage.Fourth root of Harris cornerstrength image(σ=3).Phase congruency edge strengthimage.Phase congruency corner strengthimage.Harris corners with threshold107(maximum corner strength was3.4x109).Phase congruency corners withthreshold0.4(maximum possiblephase congruency value is1).parison of the Harris and phase congruency operators on a test image.316Original image.Fourth root of Harris corner strength im-age (σ=1).Phase congruency edge strength image.Phase congruency corner strength image.Harris corners with threshold 108(maxi-mum corner strength was 1.25x 1010).Phase congruency corners with threshold 0.4(maximum possible phase congruencyvalue is 1).parison of the Harris and phase congruency operators on an image withstrong shadows.317References1.Hartley,R.,Zisserman,A.:Multiple View Geometry in Computer Vision.Cam-bridge University Press(2000)2.Moravec,H.P.:Robot rover visual navigation.UMI Research Press(1981)3.Harris,C.,Stephens,M.:A combined corner and edge detector.In:Proceedings,4th Alvey Vision Conference.(1988)147–151Manchester.4.Beaudet,P.R.:Rotationally invariant image operators.In:International JointConference on Artificial 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- disruption ,: Global convergence vs nationalSustainable-,practices and dynamic capabilities in the food industry: A critical analysis of the literature5 Mesoscopic- simulation6 Firm size and sustainable performance in food -s: Insights from Greek SMEs7 An analytical method for cost analysis in multi-stage -s: A stochastic / model approach8 A Roadmap to Green - System through Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Implementation9 Unidirectional transshipment policies in a dual-channel -10 Decentralized and centralized model predictive control to reduce the bullwhip effect in -,11 An agent-based distributed computational experiment framework for virtual -/ development12 Biomass-to-bioenergy and biofuel - optimization: Overview, key issues and challenges13 The benefits of - visibility: A value assessment model14 An Institutional Theory perspective on sustainable practices across the dairy -15 Two-stage stochastic programming - model for biodiesel production via wastewater treatment16 Technology scale and -s in a secure, affordable and low carbon energy transition17 Multi-period design and planning of closed-loop -s with uncertain supply and demand18 Quality control in food -,: An analytical model and case study of the adulterated milk incident in China19 - information capabilities and performance outcomes: An empirical study of Korean steel suppliers20 A game-based approach towards facilitating decision making for perishable products: An example of blood -21 - design under quality disruptions and tainted materials delivery22 A two-level replenishment frequency model for TOC - replenishment systems under capacity constraint23 - dynamics and the ―cross-border effect‖: The U.S.–Mexican border’s case24 Designing a new - for competition against an existing -25 Universal supplier selection via multi-dimensional auction mechanisms for two-way competition in oligopoly market of -26 Using TODIM to evaluate green - practices under uncertainty27 - downsizing under bankruptcy: A robust optimization approach28 Coordination mechanism for a deteriorating item in a two-level - system29 An accelerated Benders decomposition algorithm for sustainable -/ design under uncertainty: A case study of medical needle and syringe -30 Bullwhip Effect Study in a Constrained -31 Two-echelon multiple-vehicle location–routing problem with time windows for optimization of sustainable -/ of perishable food32 Research on pricing and coordination strategy of green - under hybrid production mode33 Agent-system co-development in - research: Propositions and demonstrative findings34 Tactical ,for coordinated -s35 Photovoltaic - coordination with strategic consumers in China36 Coordinating supplier׳s reorder point: A coordination mechanism for -s with long supplier lead time37 Assessment and optimization of forest biomass -s from economic, social and environmental perspectives – A review of literature38 The effects of a trust mechanism on a dynamic -/39 Economic and environmental assessment of reusable plastic containers: A food catering - case study40 Competitive pricing and ordering decisions in a multiple-channel -41 Pricing in a - for auction bidding under information asymmetry42 Dynamic analysis of feasibility in ethanol - for biofuel production in Mexico43 The impact of partial information sharing in a two-echelon -44 Choice of - governance: Self-managing or outsourcing?45 Joint production and delivery lot sizing for a make-to-order producer–buyer - with transportation cost46 Hybrid algorithm for a vendor managed inventory system in a two-echelon -47 Traceability in a food -: Safety and quality perspectives48 Transferring and sharing exchange-rate risk in a risk-averse - of a multinational firm49 Analyzing the impacts of carbon regulatory mechanisms on supplier and mode selection decisions: An application to a biofuel -50 Product quality and return policy in a - under risk aversion of a supplier51 Mining logistics data to assure the quality in a sustainable food -: A case in the red wine industry52 Biomass - optimisation for Organosolv-based biorefineries53 Exact solutions to the - equations for arbitrary, time-dependent demands54 Designing a sustainable closed-loop -/ based on triple bottom line approach: A comparison of metaheuristics hybridization techniques55 A study of the LCA based biofuel - multi-objective optimization model with multi-conversion paths in China56 A hybrid two-stock inventory control model for a reverse -57 Dynamics of judicial service -s58 Optimizing an integrated vendor-managed inventory system for a single-vendor two-buyer - with determining weighting factor for vendor׳s ordering59 Measuring - Resilience Using a Deterministic Modeling Approach60 A LCA Based Biofuel - Analysis Framework61 A neo-institutional perspective of -s and energy security: Bioenergy in the UK62 Modified penalty function method for optimal social welfare of electric power - with transmission constraints63 Optimization of blood - with shortened shelf lives and ABO compatibility64 Diversified firms on dynamical - cope with financial crisis better65 Securitization of energy -s in China66 Optimal design of the auto parts - for JIT operations: Sequential bifurcation factor screening and multi-response surface methodology67 Achieving sustainable -s through energy justice68 - agility: Securing performance for Chinese manufacturers69 Energy price risk and the sustainability of demand side -s70 Strategic and tactical mathematical programming models within the crude oil - context - A review71 An analysis of the structural complexity of -/s72 Business process re-design methodology to support - integration73 Could - technology improve food operators’ innovativeness? A developing country’s perspective74 RFID-enabled process reengineering of closed-loop -s in the healthcare industry of Singapore75 Order-Up-To policies in Information Exchange -s76 Robust design and operations of hydrocarbon biofuel - integrating with existing petroleum refineries considering unit cost objective77 Trade-offs in - transparency: the case of Nudie Jeans78 Healthcare - operations: Why are doctors reluctant to consolidate?79 Impact on the optimal design of bioethanol -s by a new European Commission proposal80 Managerial research on the pharmaceutical - – A critical review and some insights for future directions81 - performance evaluation with data envelopment analysis and balanced scorecard approach82 Integrated - design for commodity chemicals production via woody biomass fast pyrolysis and upgrading83 Governance of sustainable -s in the fast fashion industry84 Temperature ,for the quality assurance of a perishable food -85 Modeling of biomass-to-energy - operations: Applications, challenges and research directions86 Assessing Risk Factors in Collaborative - with the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP)87 Random / models and sensitivity algorithms for the analysis of ordering time and inventory state in multi-stage -s88 Information sharing and collaborative behaviors in enabling - performance: A social exchange perspective89 The coordinating contracts for a fuzzy - with effort and price dependent demand90 Criticality analysis and the -: Leveraging representational assurance91 Economic model predictive control for inventory ,in -s92 -,ontology from an ontology engineering perspective93 Surplus division and investment incentives in -s: A biform-game analysis94 Biofuels for road transport: Analysing evolving -s in Sweden from an energy security perspective95 -,executives in corporate upper echelons Original Research Article96 Sustainable -,in the fast fashion industry: An analysis of corporate reports97 An improved method for managing catastrophic - disruptions98 The equilibrium of closed-loop - super/ with time-dependent parameters99 A bi-objective stochastic programming model for a centralized green - with deteriorating products100 Simultaneous control of vehicle routing and inventory for dynamic inbound -101 Environmental impacts of roundwood - options in Michigan: life-cycle assessment of harvest and transport stages102 A recovery mechanism for a two echelon - system under supply disruption103 Challenges and Competitiveness Indicators for the Sustainable Development of the - in Food Industry104 Is doing more doing better? The relationship between responsible -,and corporate reputation105 Connecting product design, process and - decisions to strengthen global - capabilities106 A computational study for common / design in multi-commodity -s107 Optimal production and procurement decisions in a - with an option contract and partial backordering under uncertainties108 Methods to optimise the design and ,of biomass-for-bioenergy -s: A review109 Reverse - coordination by revenue sharing contract: A case for the personal computers industry110 SCOlog: A logic-based approach to analysing - operation dynamics111 Removing the blinders: A literature review on the potential of nanoscale technologies for the ,of -s112 Transition inertia due to competition in -s with remanufacturing and recycling: A systems dynamics mode113 Optimal design of advanced drop-in hydrocarbon biofuel - integrating with existing petroleum refineries under uncertainty114 Revenue-sharing contracts across an extended -115 An integrated revenue sharing and quantity discounts contract for coordinating a - dealing with short life-cycle products116 Total JIT (T-JIT) and its impact on - competency and organizational performance117 Logistical - design for bioeconomy applications118 A note on ―Quality investment and inspection policy in a supplier-manufacturer -‖119 Developing a Resilient -120 Cyber - risk ,: Revolutionizing the strategic control of critical IT systems121 Defining value chain architectures: Linking strategic value creation to operational - design122 Aligning the sustainable - to green marketing needs: A case study123 Decision support and intelligent systems in the textile and apparel -: An academic review of research articles124 -,capability of small and medium sized family businesses in India: A multiple case study approach125 - collaboration: Impact of success in long-term partnerships126 Collaboration capacity for sustainable -,: small and medium-sized enterprises in Mexico127 Advanced traceability system in aquaculture -128 - information systems strategy: Impacts on - performance and firm performance129 Performance of - collaboration – A simulation study130 Coordinating a three-level - with delay in payments and a discounted interest rate131 An integrated framework for agent basedinventory–production–transportation modeling and distributed simulation of -s132 Optimal - design and ,over a multi-period horizon under demand uncertainty. Part I: MINLP and MILP models133 The impact of knowledge transfer and complexity on - flexibility: A knowledge-based view134 An innovative - performance measurement system incorporating Research and Development (R&D) and marketing policy135 Robust decision making for hybrid process - systems via model predictive control136 Combined pricing and - operations under price-dependent stochastic demand137 Balancing - competitiveness and robustness through ―virtual dual sourcing‖: Lessons from the Great East Japan Earthquake138 Solving a tri-objective - problem with modified NSGA-II algorithm 139 Sustaining long-term - partnerships using price-only contracts 140 On the impact of advertising initiatives in -s141 A typology of the situations of cooperation in -s142 A structured analysis of operations and -,research in healthcare (1982–2011143 - practice and information quality: A - strategy study144 Manufacturer's pricing strategy in a two-level - with competing retailers and advertising cost dependent demand145 Closed-loop -/ design under a fuzzy environment146 Timing and eco(nomic) efficiency of climate-friendly investments in -s147 Post-seismic - risk ,: A system dynamics disruption analysis approach for inventory and logistics planning148 The relationship between legitimacy, reputation, sustainability and branding for companies and their -s149 Linking - configuration to - perfrmance: A discrete event simulation model150 An integrated multi-objective model for allocating the limited sources in a multiple multi-stage lean -151 Price and leadtime competition, and coordination for make-to-order -s152 A model of resilient -/ design: A two-stage programming with fuzzy shortest path153 Lead time variation control using reliable shipment equipment: An incentive scheme for - coordination154 Interpreting - dynamics: A quasi-chaos perspective155 A production-inventory model for a two-echelon - when demand is dependent on sales teams׳ initiatives156 Coordinating a dual-channel - with risk-averse under a two-way revenue sharing contract157 Energy supply planning and - optimization under uncertainty158 A hierarchical model of the impact of RFID practices on retail - performance159 An optimal solution to a three echelon -/ with multi-product and multi-period160 A multi-echelon - model for municipal solid waste ,system 161 A multi-objective approach to - visibility and risk162 An integrated - model with errors in quality inspection and learning in production163 A fuzzy AHP-TOPSIS framework for ranking the solutions of Knowledge ,adoption in - to overcome its barriers164 A relational study of - agility, competitiveness and business performance in the oil and gas industry165 Cyber - security practices DNA – Filling in the puzzle using a diverse set of disciplines166 A three layer - model with multiple suppliers, manufacturers and retailers for multiple items167 Innovations in low input and organic dairy -s—What is acceptable in Europe168 Risk Variables in Wind Power -169 An analysis of - strategies in the regenerative medicine industry—Implications for future development170 A note on - coordination for joint determination of order quantity and reorder point using a credit option171 Implementation of a responsive - strategy in global complexity: The case of manufacturing firms172 - scheduling at the manufacturer to minimize inventory holding and delivery costs173 GBOM-oriented ,of production disruption risk and optimization of - construction175 Alliance or no alliance—Bargaining power in competing reverse -s174 Climate change risks and adaptation options across Australian seafood -s – A preliminary assessment176 Designing contracts for a closed-loop - under information asymmetry 177 Chemical - modeling for analysis of homeland security178 Chain liability in multitier -s? Responsibility attributions for unsustainable supplier behavior179 Quantifying the efficiency of price-only contracts in push -s over demand distributions of known supports180 Closed-loop -/ design: A financial approach181 An integrated -/ design problem for bidirectional flows182 Integrating multimodal transport into cellulosic biofuel- design under feedstock seasonality with a case study based on California183 - dynamic configuration as a result of new product development184 A genetic algorithm for optimizing defective goods - costs using JIT logistics and each-cycle lengths185 A -/ design model for biomass co-firing in coal-fired power plants 186 Finance sourcing in a -187 Data quality for data science, predictive analytics, and big data in -,: An introduction to the problem and suggestions for research and applications188 Consumer returns in a decentralized -189 Cost-based pricing model with value-added tax and corporate income tax for a -/190 A hard nut to crack! Implementing - sustainability in an emerging economy191 Optimal location of spelling yards for the northern Australian beef -192 Coordination of a socially responsible - using revenue sharing contract193 Multi-criteria decision making based on trust and reputation in -194 Hydrogen - architecture for bottom-up energy systems models. Part 1: Developing pathways195 Financialization across the Pacific: Manufacturing cost ratios, -s and power196 Integrating deterioration and lifetime constraints in production and - planning: A survey197 Joint economic lot sizing problem for a three—Layer - with stochastic demand198 Mean-risk analysis of radio frequency identification technology in - with inventory misplacement: Risk-sharing and coordination199 Dynamic impact on global -s performance of disruptions propagation produced by terrorist acts。




你知道不变的英文是什么吗?下面是店铺为你整理的不变的英文,希望大家喜欢!不变的英文1.invariability2.invariant3.immutability4.fixedness关于不变的英文短语不变平面 [力] invariable plane ; invariant plane不变条件 Invariant ; [数] permanence condition不变价格[物价] constant price ; fixed price ; steady price ; constant prices不变系invariant system ; invariable system ; nonvariant system不变积分 [数] invariant integral ; invariant integration不变面 nvariable plane ; neutral surface ; ncapricious plane ; invariant plane不变荷载 constant load不变剂 stabilizer ; stabilizing agent ; disodium edta ; edta时不变 Time-invariant ; Time-Invariance ; time invariould like ; time invariantinvariant造句1. For a system, Hamiltonian is invariant under any translation of spatial coordinates.对于一体系, 哈密算符在任何空间坐标变换下是不变的.2. The speed of light is an invariant constant.光速是一个不变常数.3. The first invariant of strain is independent of the coordinate system being used.第一应变不变量与所用的坐标系无关.4. In other words, The Hermiticity of a matrix is invariant under unitary transformations.换言之, 矩阵的厄密性在幺正变换下保持不变.5. One could consider invariant properties of figures under each of the above types of transformation.可以在上述的每一类型变换下考虑图形的不变性质.6. Systems are lumped, time - invariant, or linear if all their elements have there properties.如果一个系统的所有元素都有集总的, 非时变的或线性的性质,则它是集总的,非时变的, 或线性的.7. Systems are lumped, time - invariant, or linear if all their elements have these properties.如果一个系统的所有元素都有集总的,非时变的或线性的性质, 则该系统是集总的,非时变的, 或线性的.8. The invariant tensor under projective transformations of semi - symmetric metric - recurrent connections is obtained.给出了半对称度量循环联络在射影变换下的不变张量.9. Approximation and recovery of band - limited functions from shift - invariant operators is studied.给出了有限频带函数利用平移不变算子的逼近与恢复.10. Method for invariant feature extraction based on shape boundaries are proposed.提出了一种基于目标边界的不变特征提取方法.。



二、直接(自主)注意力(voluntary attention) 二、直接(自主)注意力(voluntary attention)
直接注意力被定義為:在有目的的活動中禁止或阻隔一切「分 直接注意力被定義為:在有目的的活動中禁止或阻隔一切「分 散注意力」(distractions)來源或是相關「刺激」(stimuli) 散注意力」(distractions)來源或是相關「刺激」(stimuli) 之能力;缺少有效的直接注意力會使人分心,產生感覺的受損 之能力;缺少有效的直接注意力會使人分心,產生感覺的受損 (Kaplan, 1995)。 1995)。
Thanks for your attention
恢復性環境之注意力恢復理論與 休閒活動效益關係之研究
第二章 文獻回顧
報告者:周先捷 2004/10/22
第二章 文獻回顧
第三節 休閒活動效益
學者、年代 James(1892)
對於注意力之分類 自主注意力(voluntary attention) 自主注意力(voluntary attention) v.s 非自主性注意力(involuntary attention) 非自主性注意力(involuntary attention) 直接注意力(direct attention) 直接注意力(direct attention) v.s 魅力性(fascination 魅力性(fascination )
第二節 注意力恢復理論
由於長久維持著直接注意力將會導致精神疲勞的後果 (Kaplan & Kaplan, 1989; Kaplan, 1995),因此Kaplan夫婦 (1989)提出了可以將精神疲勞減低且能夠恢復直接注意力的方 法─「注意力恢復理論」(Attention Restoration Theory, ART) ,透過此種理論的體驗,使精神疲勞獲得恢復及其他相關好處,稱 之為恢復性體驗(restorative experience),而具有此類效果的 環境稱之為恢復性環境(restorative environment)。 Kpalan(1995)認為柔和的自然界之美常帶有美學的樂趣,提 供了對於直接注意力的「有助恢復」與「有助深思」 (serious reflection)時機,能夠充分獲得恢復的體驗。因此, 其認為使注意力從疲勞中恢復的環境應該具備下列四項特徵:



想要了解的事物英语作文There are so many things in this world that I want to understand better. From the smallest particles that make up the universe to the grandest mysteries of the cosmos, the sheer vastness of human knowledge and the unknown is both humbling and exhilarating. Every day, new discoveries are being made that expand the boundaries of what we know, and I find myself constantly in awe of the incredible complexity and beauty of our reality.One of the areas I'm most fascinated by is the field of quantum physics. The counterintuitive behaviors of subatomic particles, like the fact that they can exist in multiple states simultaneously, have always captivated me. I would love to gain a deeper understanding of concepts like quantum entanglement, wave-particle duality, and the uncertainty principle. How can particles that are separated by vast distances instantly influence each other? What is the true nature of reality at the most fundamental level? These are the kinds of questions that keep me up at night, pondering the very fabric of existence.At the same time, I'm also deeply interested in the workings of the human mind and consciousness. How do our brains process information and give rise to the rich inner experience of thoughts, emotions, and sensations? What is the relationship between the physical brain and the subjective self? The field of neuroscience has made incredible strides in mapping the neural pathways and mechanisms underlying various cognitive functions, but there is still so much we don't understand about the emergent phenomenon of consciousness.I'm also endlessly curious about the origins and evolution of life on our planet. How did the first self-replicating molecules arise from the primordial soup, and what were the key evolutionary steps that led to the incredible diversity of life we see today? What are the fundamental principles and mechanisms that drive the evolution of species, and how do they interact with the ever-changing environment? The more I learn about biology and the history of life, the more I realize how little we truly know about the origins and mechanics of the living world.Another area that fascinates me is the vastness of the cosmos and our place within it. The scale of the universe, with its billions of galaxies separated by unimaginable distances, is almost incomprehensible to the human mind. What is the true nature of space and time? How did the universe begin, and what is its ultimatefate? Will we ever unravel the mysteries of dark matter and dark energy, the enigmatic components that seem to make up the majority of the universe? The more we learn, the more questions arise, and I'm driven to understand our place in this grand cosmic tapestry.Of course, there are also countless aspects of the human experience that I wish I could understand better. What are the roots of human behavior, and how do our evolutionary and cultural histories shape the way we think and act? How do we form meaningful connections with others, and what are the psychological and neurological underpinnings of love, empathy, and social bonds? What is the nature of consciousness, and how do subjective experiences emerge from the physical brain? These are the kinds of deep, existential questions that captivate me and drive my curiosity.Ultimately, I believe that the pursuit of knowledge and understanding is one of the most noble and rewarding endeavors a human being can undertake. The more we learn about the world and the universe around us, the more we realize how much we still have to discover. And with each new insight, we gain a deeper appreciation for the incredible complexity and beauty of our reality. It is a never-ending journey of exploration and discovery, and I am honored to be a part of it. There is simply so much I want tounderstand, and I can't wait to continue on this wondrous path of learning and growth.。



基于小波变换的粒子滤波目标跟踪算法章飞;周杏鹏;陈小惠【期刊名称】《东南大学学报(自然科学版)》【年(卷),期】2010(040)002【摘要】针对纯方位被动目标跟踪中粒子滤波算法固有的计算复杂性问题,提出了一种基于小波变换的粒子滤波算法(WMPF).对粒子权重进行小波多分辨率分解,通过设定阈值对高通部分的粒子权重进行滤波,再根据重构后的粒子权重去掉重复粒子,生成新的粒子集来近似后验概率密度函数,从而在保证滤波精度的同时大量减少粒子数,提高粒子滤波的计算效率.将WMPF算法与标准粒子滤波算法应用于具有非线性非高斯特点的纯方位目标跟踪问题,仿真结果表明,WMPF算法的跟踪精度与标准粒子滤波算法相当,计算效率却远高于标准粒子滤波算法,增强了跟踪的实时性,并且该算法有望进一步扩展粒子滤波的应用范围.【总页数】6页(P320-325)【作者】章飞;周杏鹏;陈小惠【作者单位】东南大学复杂工程系统测量与控制教育部重点实验室,南京,210096;江苏科技大学电子信息学院,镇江,212003;东南大学复杂工程系统测量与控制教育部重点实验室,南京,210096;南京邮电大学自动化学院,南京,210046【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TP274【相关文献】1.基于目标区域预检测模型的粒子滤波小目标跟踪算法 [J], 周蓉;刘波2.基于量子遗传粒子滤波的无线传感器网络的目标跟踪算法的研究 [J], 魏颖;郭鲁3.基于粒子滤波的多普勒信息辅助目标定位跟踪算法 [J], 张蒙;王海斌;张海如;汪俊;胡治国4.基于粒子滤波的检测前被动声呐目标跟踪算法研究 [J], 刘海嫚;杨鑫5.基于粒子滤波的多径伯努利目标跟踪算法 [J], 邬赟;陈天顺;谭文群;李金玲;华学阳因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。

Relion 615系列应用RET615电源保护和控制设备说明书

Relion 615系列应用RET615电源保护和控制设备说明书

Transformer Protection and Control RET615 Relion® 615 seriesApplicationRET615 is the ultimate protection and control IED for two-winding power transformers and power generator-transformer blocks. RET615 is available in four standard configurationsto match the most commonly employed power transformer vector groups and to coordinate the applied transformer neutral earthing principles with the relevant earth-fault protection schemes.Protection and controlRET615 features, three-phase, multi-slope transformer differential protection with an instantaneous stage and a stabilized (biased) stage to provide fast and selective protection for phase-to-phase, winding interturn and bushing flash-over faults. Besides second harmonic restraint an advanced waveform-based blocking algorithm ensures stability at transformer energization and a fifth harmonic restraint function ensures good protection stability at moderate overexcitation of power transformers. Sensitive restricted earth-fault protection (REF) completes the overall differential protection to detect even single phase-to-earth faults close to the neutral earthing point of the transformer. Either the conventional high-impedance scheme or a numerical low-impedance scheme can be selected for protection of the windings. When the low-impedance REF protection is used neither stabilizing resistors nor varistors are needed and as a further benefit the transforming ratio of the neutral earthing CTs can differ from those of the phase current transformers. Due to its unit protection character and absolute selectivity the REF protection does not need time grading with other protection schemes, and therefore high-speed fault clearance can be achieved.RET615 also incorporates a thermal overload protection function, which supervises the thermal stress of the transformer windings to prevent accelerated aging of the insulations. Multiple stages of short-circuit, phase-over-current, negative-phase-sequence and earth-fault back-up protection are provided for both high and low voltage side of the transformer. Earth-fault protection based on the measured or calculated residual overvoltage is also available. Finally, RET615 also offers circuit-breaker failure protection.Enhanced with an optional plug-in card, RET615 offers a fast three-channel arc-fault protection system for arc flash supervision of the switchgear compartments.RET615 also integrates basic control functionality, which facilitates the control of one circuit breaker via the front panel HMI or by means of remote controls. To protect the IED from unauthorized access and to maintain the integrity of information, the device has been provided with a four-level, role-based user authentication system. The access control system applies to the front panel HMI, the web browser based HMI and the PCM600 Protection and Control IED Manager.RET615 is a dedicated transformer protection and control IED for power transformers, unit and step-up transformers including power generator-transformer blocks in utility and industry power distribution systems. RET615 is a member of ABB’s Relion® product family and a part ofits 615 protection and control product series. The 615 series IEDs are characterized by their compactness and withdrawable design. Re-engineered from the ground up, the 615 series has been designed to unleash the full potential of the IEC 61850 standard for communication and interoperability between substation automation devices.1M R S 756898 A © C o p y r i g h t 2009 A B B . A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d .Standardized communicationRET615 genuinely supports the new IEC 61850 standard for inter-device communication in substations. It also supports the industry standard Modbus ® protocol, and the well-established DNP3 and IEC 60870-5-103 protocols.The implementation of the IEC 61850 substationcommunication standard in RET615 covers both vertical and horizontal communication, including GOOSE messaging and parameter setting according to IEC 61850-8-1. The substation configuration language enables the use of engineering tools for efficient configuration andcommissioning of substation devices. For accurate time stamping RET615 supports synchronization over Ethernet using SNTP or over a separate bus using IRIG-B.Pre-emptive condition monitoringFor continuous control of the operational availability of the RET615 features a comprehensive choice of monitoring functions to supervise the IED itself, the CB trip circuit and the circuit breaker. The IED monitors the wear and tear ofthe circuit breaker, the spring charging time of the CB operating mechanism and the gas pressure of the breaker chambers. The IED also supervises the breaker travel time and the number of CB operations to provide basic information for scheduling CB maintenance to support asset management.For more information see RET615 Product Guide.For more information please contact:ABB Oy, Distribution Automation P .O. Box 699FI-65101 VAASA, Finland Phone: +358 10 22 11Fax: +358 10 22 41094/substationautomation13I (HV)ARC 50L3I >51P-1333I (MV)I 03I >>>50P/51P3I >T87TI 0>>51N-2ARC50NLI 0>51N-1I 2>463I >51P-1 3I >>51P-2 3I >>>50P/51PI 03I >>51P-23θ>T49TI 2>463I >BF51BFI 0>HI >87NHI 0> BF51NBFI 0I 0Protection function overview of RET615.。



第3期(总第389期)2024年3月商㊀业㊀经㊀济㊀与㊀管㊀理JOURNAL OF BUSINESS ECONOMICS No.3(General No.389)Mar.2024收稿日期:2023-12-08基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目 如何 扬长避短 ?越轨创新对多主体的双刃剑效应㊁人力资源管理干预机制及系统动态过程研究 (72172032);国家社会科学基金项目 机器情感学习对人机协同双路径作用和养老陪护服务供需平衡的整合效应研究 (23BGL239);辽宁省社会科学规划基金项目 数字化㊁服务化背景下的辽宁制造企业绩效提升战略研究 (L21BGL019);河北省自然科学基金项目 服务化㊁数字化及其融合战略对制造企业绩效的影响研究 (G2021501006)作者简介:张兰霞,女,教授,博士生导师,管理学博士,主要从事组织行为与人力资源管理研究;李佳敏(通讯作者),男,博士研究生,主要从事组织行为与人力资源管理研究;毛孟雨,男,博士研究生,主要从事组织行为与人力资源管理研究㊂零工工作者感知算法控制对工作投入的影响机制研究基于认知和情感的双路径模型张兰霞,李佳敏,毛孟雨(东北大学工商管理学院,辽宁沈阳110169)摘㊀要:算法的快速发展及其在管理活动中的应用正改变着员工的工作方式,给组织管理实践带来了新的挑战㊂目前却少有研究关注员工感知算法控制对其工作投入的影响机制㊂文章依据资源保存理论,基于认知和情感的视角,构建了感知算法控制对工作投入影响的双路径模型,并检验了认知负荷和情绪耗竭的中介作用以及算法透明度的调节作用㊂针对397名零工工作者两阶段的调查分析发现:感知算法控制显著负向影响工作投入;认知负荷和情绪耗竭不仅在感知算法控制和工作投入之间起中介作用,而且在感知算法控制和工作投入之间起链式中介作用;算法透明度不仅调节了感知算法控制与认知负荷和情绪耗竭间的关系,还调节了认知负荷和情绪耗竭的中介作用㊂这不仅丰富了算法管理领域的实证研究成果,也为相关组织开展科学的员工管理实践提供了参考和借鉴㊂关键词:感知算法控制;工作投入;算法透明度;资源保存理论中图分类号:F270㊀㊀文献标志码:A㊀㊀文章编号:10002154(2024)03004712DOI:10.14134/33-1336/f.2024.03.004Impact of Perceived Algorithmic Control of Gig Workers on Work Engagement :A Dual-Pathway Model Based on Cognitive and Affective FactorsZHANG Lanxia,LI Jiamin,MAO Mengyu (School of Business Administration ,Northeastern University ,Shenyang 110169,China )Abstract ︰The rapid development of algorithms and their application in management activities are changing the way employees work and bringing new challenges to organizational management practices.There is currently little research focusing on the mechanisms by which employees perceived algorithmic control and how it impacts their work engagement.This study is based on the conservation of resources theory and constructs a dual-path model of the impact of perceived algorithmic control on work engagement from cognitive and emotional perspectives.It examines the mediating role of cognitive load and emotional exhaustion,as well as the moderating role of algorithm transparency.From a two-stage survey analysis of 397gig workers this study finds that perceived algorithmic control significantly negatively affects work engagement.Cognitive load and emotional exhaustion not only play mediation effects in the relationships between perceived algorithmic control and work engagement,but also play chain mediation roles in the relationships between perceived algorithmic control and work engagement.In addition,algorithm transparency not only moderates the84商㊀业㊀经㊀济㊀与㊀管㊀理2024年effects of perceived algorithmic control on cognitive load and emotional exhaustion,but also moderates the mediating role of cognitive load and emotional exhaustion.This study enriches the empirical research results in the field of algorithm management,and provides a basis for relevant organizations to develop scientific employee management measures.Key words︰perceived algorithmic control;work engagement;algorithm transparency;conservation of resources theory一、引㊀言数字化促进了零工经济在全球范围内的发展,尤其在中国,以网约车司机㊁外卖小哥为代表的零工工作者依托在线劳动平台实现就业,推动了我国经济的发展[1]㊂目前,已有许多企业依靠平台算法管理零工工作者,使算法管理在管理实践中逐步得到推广[2]㊂在企业应用算法的过程中,零工工作者不仅在工作中经常感知到算法对自身的监控,而且他们的收入和绩效都是通过算法反馈的数据得到的,感知算法控制对零工工作者的重要影响逐渐凸显[3]㊂因此,零工工作者感知算法控制逐渐得到组织管理者与学者们的关注,在学术研究中取得了许多成果㊂感知算法控制是指员工对于算法如何通过规范指导㊁追踪评估和行为约束对其提供在线劳动服务的过程进行实时动态控制的综合感知[4]㊂通过文献梳理发现,相关学者对感知算法控制的结果变量进行了初步探讨,并且发现感知算法控制可以影响员工的行为㊁绩效和健康等[5-6]㊂总的来说,这些研究深化了人们对感知算法控制结果变量的理解,也为组织如何有效地采取措施应对感知算法控制提供了可靠的管理启示㊂但遗憾的是,这些研究都忽视了感知算法控制对零工工作者工作状态的影响㊂事实上,算法正在逐步改变着员工的工作状态㊂工作状态不仅对员工的身心健康和工作行为有重要影响,还会影响企业绩效㊂因此,探究感知算法控制对员工工作状态的影响是十分必要的㊂在对员工工作状态的零星研究中,学者们分别检验了感知算法控制对员工的认知和情感的影响㊂例如,孙锐等[6]发现感知算法控制会影响零工工作者的情绪耗竭㊂但是,目前的研究缺少对员工的认知和情感的整合㊂事实上,感知算法控制对员工的认知和情感都有重要影响,基于认知和情感的算法管理研究有待学者整合㊂此外,有学者认为个体认知的变化会进一步导致情感的变化[7]㊂因此,本文进一步考虑认知到情感的链式中介作用㊂特别地,已有研究发现算法控制对认知和情感的影响存在研究结论不一致的地方㊂例如,感知算法控制对工作投入的影响不是简单的线性关系,感知算法控制对情绪耗竭存在 双刃剑 效应[6]等㊂本文认为出现不一致研究结论的原因是学者们缺乏对感知算法控制边界条件的认知,因此需要理论界进一步揭示感知算法控制的边界条件㊂工作投入作为一种以活力㊁奉献等特质为代表的积极工作状态,是连接个体特征㊁工作因素和工作绩效的纽带[8]㊂本文选取工作投入作为员工的工作状态变量,探讨感知算法控制对员工工作状态的影响机制㊂资源保存理论为解释感知算法控制对工作投入的影响机制提供了新的理论视角㊂该理论认为,个体具有保护自身资源的动机,现有资源存量会进一步影响他们的工作态度与行为[9]㊂由于算法对零工工作者进行全方位的监控,他们在感受到这种控制后,会感受到工作压力㊁紧张和不安[4]㊂基于资源保存理论,感知算法控制会使零工工作者快速损耗资源,导致资源短缺㊂这些损失的资源可以表现为零工工作者在感知算法控制后产生的消极心理状态,如心理认知和情感状态等[2-3]㊂一方面,感受到算法控制的零工工作者既希望按时完成工作,也会担心自己在工作过程中由于 争分夺秒 完成任务而出现危险,这就会经历矛盾的认知过程,消耗自身认知资源,产生认知负荷;另一方面,零工工作者在感受到算法的实时监控和追踪后会产生工作压力,进而消耗自己的情绪资源,导致情绪耗竭[9]㊂因此,认知负荷是一种消极认知,情绪耗竭是一种消极情感,二者的增加意味着零工工作者心理资源的减少[10]㊂伴随着资源的减少,零工工作者将会展现出消极的工作态度和行为㊂基于此,本文认为,认知负荷和情绪耗竭在感知算法控制和工作投入之间起中介作用㊂此外,依据资源保存理论,如果零工工作者能够理解算法系统的运作机制,他们在工作中就能采取措施有效规避算法带来的不利影响,减少资源的消耗㊂反之,如果零工工作者无法理解算法系统的使用过程,他们会产生担忧和焦虑,消耗自身资源[9-11]㊂能够衡量用户理解算法系统运作原因以及运作程度的算法透明度可能会影响感知算法控制引起员工认知和情绪资源消耗的程度[11]㊂因此,本文认为,算法透明度是感知算法控制影响工作投入过程的重要边界条件,探讨算法透明度在感知算法控制和认知负荷㊁情绪耗竭之间的调节作用以及对认知负荷和情绪耗竭中介效果的调节作用是十分必要的㊂综上所述,本文依据资源保存理论,探究零工工作者的感知算法控制对工作投入的影响,厘清认知负荷和情绪耗竭在上述关系中的中介作用以及算法透明度的调节作用,以期丰富算法管理领域的实证研究成果,也为相关组织开展科学的员工管理实践提供参考和借鉴㊂二㊁理论基础与研究假设(一)感知算法控制与工作投入感知算法控制是员工对于算法如何通过规范指导㊁追踪评估和行为约束对其提供在线劳动服务过程进行实时动态控制的综合感知,对员工和组织都会产生重要的影响[12-14]㊂而工作投入作为一种以活力㊁奉献等特质为代表的积极工作状态,是连接个体特征㊁工作因素和工作绩效的纽带[8]㊂资源保存理论为解释感知算法控制对工作投入的影响提供了一个理论视角㊂该理论认为个体有保护和维持自身资源㊁获取新资源的动机㊂当个体的资源出现损耗时,个体会保护自身资源不再减少㊂同时,个体会感到自己受到威胁,进而产生消极的心理体验和工作行为[9]㊂具体而言,感知算法控制表达了零工工作者对于平台制定的标准㊁政策和内容的理解,并基于此形成自己的判断,进而影响他们的行为㊂当零工工作者感知到算法控制时,他们会认为平台在催促他们提高工作效率,并且对自己的行为进行约束㊂为了按照平台的规定按时且高效地完成任务,零工工作者会出现资源损耗等情况㊂此时,他们会减少工作投入以保证不再消耗自身的资源㊂已有研究发现,感知算法控制会给员工带来工作负荷㊁工作不安全感等消极影响[15-16]㊂零工工作者在受到感知算法控制带来的消极影响后,会减少工作投入㊂基于此,本文提出如下假设:H1:零工工作者感知算法控制对工作投入具有显著负向影响㊂(二)认知路径:认知负荷的中介作用认知负荷是指个体在工作过程中,收集㊁分析和处理信息时消耗的认知资源的总和[17]㊂已有研究发现,信息复杂程度[18]和网络环境特征[19]等会影响员工的认知负荷㊂零工工作者使用算法协助自己工作并且感知到算法控制时,他们也会面临复杂的信息以及复杂的网络环境特征,进而增加认知负荷㊂资源保存理论认为,个体由于资源损失而引发的潜在威胁感会影响个体对环境的反应[9]㊂具体而言,当零工工作者感到算法控制时,他们内心中会产生矛盾的认知过程㊂例如,当外卖小哥送餐时间马上要截止时,平台催促外卖小哥要将外卖按时送达,否则就会扣除部分奖励㊂此时,外卖小哥内心中会产生矛盾的过程,即加快配送速度以完成任务或在保证自身安全和遵守交通规则的前提下完成任务㊂这样复杂的心理活动通常会大量消耗零工工作者的认知资源,进一步增强零工工作者的认知负荷[20]㊂因此,本文认为,零工工作者感知算法控制显著正向影响认知负荷㊂进一步地,认知负荷也是工作中重要的压力源之一,会阻碍员工完成工作任务[21]㊂依据资源保存理论,零工工作者在应对压力时,需要投入更多的资源去缓解压力带来的威胁,加快了资源的损耗和流失,这会导致零工工作者减少工作投入[22]㊂Breevaart 和Bakker [23]的研究结论为上述论断提供了实证支持,他们研究发现员工日常的认知负荷会显著负向影响工作投入㊂因此,本文认为,零工工作者认知负荷对工作投入具有显著负向影响㊂基于资源保存理论,个体在资源遭受损失时,会出现的应激反应㊂个体在应对压力的过程中又会投入更多的资源,从而陷入资源损失螺旋[9]㊂综上所述,零工工作者在感知算法控制时需要更多的心智活动以保证任务的完成,这会导致其产生认知负荷㊂认知负荷作为重要的压力源会导致员工心理资源的进一步流失,从而降低工作投入[9,22]㊂Hu 等[24]的研究已经证明了认知负荷在用户熟悉程度和用户满意度之间的中介作用,为上述论断提供了支持㊂因此,本文认为,认知负荷在感知算法控制和工作投入之间起中介作用㊂94㊀第3期㊀张兰霞,李佳敏,毛孟雨:零工工作者感知算法控制对工作投入的影响机制研究 基于认知和情感的双路径模型05商㊀业㊀经㊀济㊀与㊀管㊀理2024年基于此,本文提出如下假设:H2:认知负荷在感知算法控制和工作投入之间起中介作用㊂(三)情感路径:情绪耗竭的中介作用情绪耗竭是指个体在处理人际关系㊁使用知识技能的过程中,过度消耗自己的情绪资源而产生焦躁情绪的心理状态[25]㊂零工工作者在感受到算法控制时,会感受到算法对自身的要求和限制,在这种要求和限制下,零工工作者甚至需要立即做出选择[26]㊂基于资源保存理论,零工工作者在选择的过程中可能会感受到角色冲突,产生心理不适,造成情绪资源的损耗,进而导致情绪耗竭[27]㊂因此,本文认为,零工工作者感知算法控制对情绪耗竭具有显著正向影响㊂进一步地,情绪耗竭是工作倦怠的重要表现形式㊂情绪耗竭的员工不仅会对工作失去热情和动力,而且会伴有沮丧㊁焦虑等心理感受[28]㊂员工在情绪耗竭时会出现资源的消耗,在个体情绪资源枯竭的情况下,零工工作者为了防止仅有的资源进一步被消耗,会减少情绪资源投入,进而减少工作投入㊂正如万金等[29]研究发现,员工情绪耗竭显著负向影响工作投入㊂因此,本文认为,零工工作者情绪耗竭对工作投入具有显著负向影响㊂资源保存理论认为,个体在完成任务过程中会损耗自身资源,使个体感受到威胁,进而产生消极的心理体验[9]㊂由于感知算法控制会让零工工作者感到心理不适,导致情绪耗竭㊂情绪资源的流失使零工工作者对工作的活力与热情降低,陷入沮丧和焦虑等消极的情绪中,从而减少了工作投入㊂与上述逻辑推论一致的是,于维娜等[30]验证了情绪耗竭在领导包容性和非工作期间恢复体验之间的中介作用,姚柱和罗瑾琏[31]则验证了情绪耗竭在时间压力和知识隐藏之间的中介作用㊂因此,本文认为,情绪耗竭在感知算法控制和工作投入之间起中介作用㊂基于此,本文提出如下假设:H3:情绪耗竭在感知算法控制和工作投入之间起中介作用㊂(四)认知负荷与情绪耗竭的链式中介作用结合假设H2和H3,基于资源保存理论,当零工工作者感到算法对自身的控制时,会带来紧张和不安,零工工作者的资源会减少[4]㊂此时,零工工作者可能需要频繁切换任务或应对不同类型的工作,这就需要调动大量的认知资源[17]㊂由于感知算法控制涉及对信息的处理和理解,零工工作者可能会感到认知负荷加重㊂高度的认知负荷可能导致零工工作者感到压力和疲劳,这可能引起情绪的负面变化[25]㊂情绪耗竭指的是长时间的心理压力和疲劳,这可能导致个体对工作的情感投入减少[25]㊂因此,当零工工作者产生认知负荷后,自身资源进一步减少,进而表现为情感上的资源耗竭,即情绪耗竭㊂长期的情绪耗竭可能使零工工作者感到疲惫和缺乏动力[28]㊂由于认知资源有限,当个体感到疲劳时,他们可能更难以集中注意力㊁保持高效率和保持对任务的积极投入状态[8]㊂最终,员工为了防止进一步消耗自身资源而减少工作投入㊂因此,本文认为,认知负荷和情绪耗竭在感知算法控制和工作投入之间起链式中介作用㊂基于此,本文提出如下假设:H4:认知负荷和情绪耗竭在感知算法控制和工作投入之间起链式中介作用㊂(五)算法透明度的调节作用算法透明度是指用户可以理解算法系统运作的原因以及如何运作的程度[10]㊂算法的不透明属性和黑箱属性导致许多员工对算法表现出较高的不信任感,还有员工甚至出现了算法厌恶[11]㊂同时,零工工作者在工作中不得不接受算法决策的结果,这会给他们带来不确定感,出现这些感觉也是因为他们不能理解算法运作的机制[32]㊂甚至有研究发现,当组织使用算法管理员工时,如果员工对算法系统有着清晰和准确的理解,员工在工作时会表现出更强的自主感和胜任感[33]㊂因此,算法透明度可能是感知算法控制影响工作投入过程中的一个重要边界条件㊂具体而言,感知算法透明度高的零工工作者会更了解算法背后的原理,更愿意接受算法的监督和提醒,甚至会将算法视为帮助自身提升工作绩效的工作伙伴[34]㊂因此,感知算法透明度高的零工工作者在感受到算法控制时,会认为算法在帮助自己高效地完成工作㊂此时,零工工作者自身的资源会得到补充,感知算法控制对认知负荷和情绪耗竭的正向影响会被削弱[35]㊂反之,感知算法透明度低的零工工作者对算法的运行机制和原理并不了解,只是按照算法分配的工作和提醒完成任务,他们难以处理算法传递给他们的复杂信息,甚至会产生更强的工作不确定性感和工作不安全感[36]㊂因此,感知算法透明度低的零工工作者在感受到算法控制时,会认为算法给他们的工作带来阻碍㊂此时,零工工作者自身的资源会进一步地损耗,感知算法控制对认知负荷和情绪耗竭的正向影响被增强㊂裴嘉良等[37]的研究为上述观点提供了实证支持,他们发现,算法透明度可以调节感知算法控制对自主性动机和控制性动机的影响㊂基于此,本文提出如下假设:H5:算法透明度削弱了感知算法控制与认知负荷(a )和情绪耗竭(b )间的正相关关系,即算法透明度越高,感知算法控制对认知负荷(a )和情绪耗竭(b )的正向影响越弱㊂综上所述,认知负荷和情绪耗竭在感知算法控制影响工作投入的双路径之间均有间接效应㊂因此,本文进一步提出被调节的中介作用假设,即零工工作者感知算法控制通过认知负荷和情绪耗竭影响工作投入的双路径会受到算法透明度的调节㊂当零工工作者感知到的算法透明度高时,认知负荷和情绪耗竭的中介作用就会被削弱㊂具体而言,感知算法透明度低的零工工作者,由于不了解算法背后的原理,在感知算法控制后会感到压力和威胁,因此他们会表现出更高的认知负荷和情绪耗竭㊂而认知负荷和情绪耗竭会导致个体资源的损耗,造成工作投入的减少㊂基于此,本文提出如下假设:H6:算法透明度削弱了认知负荷(a )和情绪耗竭(b )的间接效应,即算法透明度越高,认知负荷(a )和情绪耗竭(b )在感知算法控制和工作投入之间的间接作用越弱㊂综上所述,本文的理论模型如图1所示㊂图1㊀研究模型图三㊁研究方法(一)样本和程序本文采用问卷调查法收集数据,样本来自山东省济南市平台企业中的零工工作者,具体包括外卖配送员㊁网约车司机㊁跑腿人员和在线家政服务人员㊂研究人员首先将设计好的问卷导入问卷收集平台 问卷星 中,生成问卷电子链接和二维码;随后联系相关企业的负责人协助发放问卷电子链接和二维码㊂研究人员依靠校友关系,首先联系了9家使用算法管理的平台企业㊂在与相关企业负责人沟通后,最终有7家平台企业同意协助发放调查问卷电子链接和二维码㊂问卷的填写均为匿名,并且完全尊重员工的个人意愿㊂由于本文中的所有变量均为员工自我评价,为降低共同方法偏差对数据的不利影响,本文采用两阶段问卷收集法㊂为保证问卷数据的准确匹配,要求被试填写手机号后6位㊂虽然相关企业的员工使用算法工作,但为确保问卷的准确性,避免问卷链接和二维码被发送到不相关的被试手中,研究人员在问卷中设置了甄别题项,即向被试确认在工作中是否使用算法㊂如果被试选择 否 ,则问卷会自动结束㊂第一轮调研在202315㊀第3期㊀张兰霞,李佳敏,毛孟雨:零工工作者感知算法控制对工作投入的影响机制研究 基于认知和情感的双路径模型25商㊀业㊀经㊀济㊀与㊀管㊀理2024年年1月进行,测量了感知算法控制㊁算法透明度和人口统计学变量等信息㊂本轮共发放465份问卷,收回445份问卷㊂在删除作答时间过短㊁作答结果具有明显规律等不合格问卷后,共得到431份有效问卷,问卷有效回收率为92.69%㊂第二轮调研于两个月后进行,测量了认知负荷㊁情绪耗竭和工作投入㊂本轮主要对第一轮中的有效问卷进行追踪,通过对被试手机号后6位进行匹配,共收回415份问卷,在删除作答时间过短㊁作答结果具有明显规律等不合格问卷后,共得到397份有效问卷,问卷有效回收率为92.11%㊂在有效样本中,男性占52.39%,女性占47.61%;18 25岁占33.21%,26 30岁占25.14%,31 40岁占35.21%,41岁以上占6.44%;工作2年以下占比33.21%,3 5年占比29.31%,6 8年占比25.73%,9年及以上占比11.75%;大学本科学历的样本最多,占样本总数的66.75%,初中及以下学历的样本最少,占样本总数的8.81%㊂(二)变量测量本文中的变量均选取国内外成熟量表进行测量,对国外量表严格按照翻译 回译的程序设计问卷[38]㊂为保证翻译后的国外量表在中国情境下的适用性,邀请了两位组织行为领域的博士研究生以及一位零工工作者对量表的内容进行了审查㊂所有问卷均采用5级Likert量表进行测量,其中,1代表 完全不同意 ,5代表 完全同意 ㊂1.感知算法控制㊂选取裴嘉良等[4]开发的包括11个题项的量表测量感知算法控制㊂其中,代表性题项为 算法按照平台标准对我的工作做出了规范指示 ,该变量的内部一致性系数是0.88㊂2.算法透明度㊂本文借鉴裴嘉良等[37]学者的做法,在Durcikova和Gray[39]开发的3题项透明度量表的基础上对测量题项进行改编㊂其中,代表性题项为 我可以随时查询有关平台算法运作的信息 ,该变量的内部一致性系数是0.85㊂3.认知负荷㊂采用Mohr等[40]开发的3题项量表来测量认知负荷㊂其中,代表性题项为 我觉得下班后休息很不容易 ,该变量的内部一致性系数是0.80㊂4.情绪耗竭㊂采用Boswell等[41]开发的3题项量表测量情绪耗竭㊂其中,代表性题项为 我觉得工作使我精神枯竭 ,该变量的内部一致性系数是0.81㊂5.工作投入㊂采用Schaufeli等[42]学者开发的9题项量表测量工作投入㊂其中,代表性题项为 我在工作时会达到忘我的状态 ,该变量的内部一致性系数是0.90㊂6.控制变量㊂参考以往研究[43],本文将年龄㊁性别㊁受教育程度和工作年限等人口统计学变量作为控制变量㊂其中,年龄和工作年限为填空题,由被试直接填写其年龄和工作年限;性别和受教育程度为选择题,由被试根据自己实际情况选择㊂四㊁数据分析及结果(一)共同方法偏差检验使用Harman单因子检验方法对共同方法偏差进行检验[44]㊂将所有变量的题项未旋转进行探索性因子分析,结果表明,第一个主成分的特征值大于1,且解释了30.47%的变异值,没有超过40%的临界值,说明本文的共同方法偏差问题并不严重㊂同时,鉴于Harman单因子检验方法结果可能不灵敏,故本文在五因子模型的基础上,加入误差变量因子㊂随后,将该模型与五因子模型进行比较,发现各指标的变化不大(ΔCFI=0.011,ΔTLI=0.012,ΔRMSEA=0.010),这再次说明本文的共同方法偏差问题并不严重[45]㊂(二)描述性统计分析本文所涉及变量的均值㊁标准差和各变量间的相关系数如表1所示㊂由表1可知,感知算法控制与情绪耗竭(r=0.33,p<0.01)和认知负荷(r=0.32,p<0.01)显著正相关,与工作投入(r=-0.30,p<0.01)显著负相关;情绪耗竭与工作投入(r=-0.29,p<0.01)显著负相关;认知负荷与工作投入(r=-0.33,p< 0.01)显著负相关㊂因此,H1得到初步支持㊂同时,各变量AVE的平方根均大于该变量与其他变量的相关。


1 4 ( ) 0来自dm]h =h Y
# "1 1 Y 0 Y n )?d Y (1 ? k n )2 (1 ? k
n=1 n=2
dk d d (1 ? k ) det (?i )]?d= k( ? )
2 2 2
The various ingredients of this formula have a geometric intrepretation on a Riemann surface of genus h. In particular, is the period matrix, while k , and are the moduli of the surface in the Schottky parametrization 4]; the primed product over denotes a product over conjugacy classes of elements of the Schottky group, where only elements that cannot be written as powers of other elements must be included. Three of 2h + M parameters , and zi can be xed using an overall projective invariance of the amplitude. The xing of this invariance introduces the projective invariant volume element dVabc in Eq. (1). Including the \multipliers" k , one is left with 3h ? 3 + M variables, the correct number of independent moduli for a Riemann surface of genus h with M punctures. In the eld theory limit, only the region in moduli space in which the multipliers k are small gives nite contributions.



The topological approach to perceptual organizationLin ChenKey Laboratory of Cognitive Science,Graduate School and Institute of Biophysics,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing,ChinaTo address the fundamental question of``what are the primitives of visual per-ception'',a theory of topological structure and functional hierarchy in visual perception has been proposed.This holds that the global nature of perceptual organization can be described in terms of topological invariants,global topological perception is prior to the perception of other featural properties,and the primitives of visual form perception are geometric invariants at different levels of structural stability.I n Part Iof this paper,Iwill illustrate why and how the topological approach to perceptual organization has been advanced.In Part II,I will provide empirical evidence supporting the early topological perception,while answering some commonly considered counteraccounts.In Part III,to complete the theory,I will apply the mathematics of tolerance spaces to describe global properties in discrete sets.In Part IV,I will further present experimental data to demonstrate the global-to-local functional hierarchy in form perception,which is stratified with respect to structural stability defined by Klein's Erlangen Program.Finally,in Part V,Iwill discuss relations of the global-to-local topological model to other theories:The topological approach reformulates both classical Gestalt holism and Gibson's direct perception of invariance,while providing a challenge to com-putational approaches to vision based on the local-to-global assumption.INTRODUCTIONA great divide:Local-to-global a Chinese proverb says:Everything is difficult at its very beginning. Historically,major schools of vision diverge in their answers to the question of ``Where visual processing begins?''(Pomerantz,1981)or``What are the pri-mitives of visual perception?''(Chen,1982).The question is so fundamental and also so controversial as to serve as a watershed,a Great Divide,separatingPlease address all correspondence to:Lin Chen,Key Laboratory of Cognitive Science,Graduate School and Institute of Biophysics,Chinese Academy of Sciences,15Datun Road,Beijing100101, China.Email:chenl@Supported by National Nature Science Foundation of China Grant(697900800);Ministry of Science and Technology of China Grant(1998030503);Chinese Academy of Sciences Grants (KGCX2-SW-101,KJCX1-07).This work was partly done during author's sabbaticals,at Institute of Medical Psychology,University of Munich,and at National Institute of Mental Health./journals/pp/13506285.html DOI:10.1080/13506280444000256554CHENtwo most basic and sharply contrasting lines of thinking in the study of perception.Early feature analysis:Local-to-global.On one side of the Great Divide,the early feature-analytic viewpoint holds that perceptual processing is from local to global:Objects are initially decomposed into separable properties and components,and only in subsequent processes are objects recognized,on the basis of the extracted features.The computational approach to vision by Marr (1982),representative of``early feature-analysis''viewpoint,claims that the primitives of visual-information representation are simple components of forms and their local geometric properties,such as,typically,line segments with slopes. Early holistic registration:Global-to-local.On the other side of the Great Divide,the viewpoint of early holistic registration claims that perceptual processing is from global to local:Wholes are coded prior to perceptual analysis of their separable properties or parts,as indicated by the conception of perceptual organization in Gestalt psychology.As we will see in the following discussion,with respect to the fundamental question of``Where to begin'',the core contribution of the Gestalt idea goes far beyond the notion that``Whole is more than the simple sum of it parts'';rather it is that``Holistic registration is prior to local analysis''.The idea of early feature analysis has gained wide acceptance,and dominates much of the current study of visual cognition.Intuitively,it seems to be natural and reasonable that visual processing begins with analysing simple components and their local geometric properties,typically as line segments with slopes,as they are readily to be considered physically simple and computationally easy. An underlying idea of Marr's computational system of vision was,in Marr's own words,``In the early stages of the analysis of an image,the representations used depend more on what it is possible to compute from an image than on what is ultimately desirable.''(Marr,1978).Nevertheless,a starting point of the present paper is that physically or computationally simple doesn't necessarily mean psychologically simple or perceptually primitive;therefore,the question of which variables are perceptual primitives is not a question answered primarily by logical reasoning or analysis of computational complexity but rather by empirical findings.Topological structure and functional hierarchyinform perceptionTo address the fundamental question of what are the primitives of visual percep-tion,based on a fairly large set of data on perceptual organization reviewed here,a theory of``early topological perception''has been proposed.This holds that:GLOBAL TO LOCAL TOPOLOGICAL PERCEPTION555A primitive and general function of the visual system is the perception of topo-logical properties.The time dependence of perceiving form properties is system-atically related to their structural stability under change,in a manner similar to Klein's hierarchy of geometries;in particular,topological perception(based on physical connectivity)is prior to the perception of other geometrical properties.The invariants at different geometrical levels are the primitives of visual form perception.These include,in a descending order of stability(from global to local), topological,projective,affine,and Euclidean geometrical invariants.The topological approach is based on one core idea and includes two main aspects.The core idea is that perceptual organization should be understood in the perspective of transformation and perception of invar-iance over transformation.The first aspect emphasizes the topological struc-ture in form perception,namely,that the global nature of perceptual organization can be described in terms of topological invariants.The sec-ond aspect further highlights early topological perception,namely,that topo-logical perception is prior to perception of local featural properties.The ``prior''has two strict meanings:First,it implies that global organizations, determined by topology,are the basis that perception of local geometrical properties depends on;and second,topological perception(based on physi-cal connectivity)occurs earlier than the perception of local geometrical properties.The hypothesis of early topological perception led to a major finding that the relative perceptual salience of different geometric properties is remarkably consistent with the hierarchy of geometries according to Klein's Erlangen Program(see Part II and IV),which stratifies geometries in terms of their relative stability over transformations.Based on the finding,a functional hier-archy in form perception has been established as a formal and systematic definition of``global-to-local''relations:A property is considered more global (or stable)the more general the transformation group is,under which this property remains invariant;relative to geometrical transformations,the topolo-gical transformation is the most general and hence topological properties are the most global.The framework of the topological structure and functional hierarchy high-lights a fundamental empirical prediction,namely a time dependence of per-ceiving form properties,in which visual processing is from global to local:The more global a form invariant is the earlier its perception occurs,with topological perception being the most global and occurring earliest.The framework further highlights a series of novel empirical predictions about long-standing issues related to the study of perceptual organization,and many Gestalt-type phe-nomena in form perception may be explained in this unified manner.They include the following examples:556CHEN.With respect to the relationship between different organizational factors, proximity is the most fundamental organizational factor(even in comparison with uniform connectivity;Palmer&Rock,1994)(see Part III),and there is a time course of processing different organizational principles:Proximity precedes similarity,and topological similarity precedes similarity of local geometric properties(see Part VI)..Early topological perception predicts the visual sensitivity to distinction made in topology.For example,two stimuli that are topologically different are more discriminable under a near-threshold condition than are other pairs of forms that are topologically equivalent despite their difference in local features(see Part II)..With respect to the question of whether motion perception precedes form perception or vice versa,topological discrimination should occur earlier than and determine motion perception(see Part II)..Configural superiority effects(Pomerantz,1981)demonstrated by configural relations between line segments,such as the``triangle±arrow pair'',may simply demonstrate the superiority effect for perception of holes over indi-vidual line segments(see Part IV)..With respect to``global precedence''(Navon,1977),according to the functional hierarchy,the performance advantage for compound letters is quite straightforward:Global precedence reflects the primacy of proximity in perceptual organization(see Part III)..If topological properties are primitive,illusory conjunctions(Treisman& Gelade,1980)of topological properties,such as holes,should sometimes take place(see Part II)..With respect to the definition of perceptual object,the topological approach ties a formal definition of``object''to invariance over topological trans-formation(see Part I).From this definition,it follows that as an object is moving along and a hole appears in it,this topological change would dis-turb object continuity,while changes of shape and colour wouldn't(Wolfe, personal communication).For example,in an MOT(multiple object track-ing)test(Pylyshyn&Storm,1988;vanMarle&Scholl,2003),attentive tracking processes would be impaired by objects changing topology by getting a hole,while it does not matter if they change local features and colours..With respect to its ecological function and functional anatomy,long-range apparent motion works by abstracting form invariants,and hence is asso-ciating with form perception and activates the ventral pathway in the two visual systems(Ungerleider&Mishkin,1982).Specifically,the fMRIacti-vation should be correlated with the form stability under change(see Parts II and IV)..From the perspective of biological evolution,if topological perception is indeed a fundamental property of vision,one might expect topologicalGLOBAL TO LOCAL TOPOLOGICAL PERCEPTION557 properties to be extracted by all visual systems,including the relativelysimple ones possessed by insects,such as bees(see Part II).In summary,the framework of topological structure and functional hierarchy in form perception provides a new analysis of the fundamental question,i.e., ``What are the primitives of visual perception?'',in which primitives of visual form perception are considered to be geometric invariants(as opposed to simple components of objects,such as line segments)at different levels of structural stability.In the following,I will illustrate why and how the topological approach to perceptual organization has been advanced(Part I);provide empirical evidence supporting the topological perception,while answering some commonly con-sidered counteraccounts(Part II);complete the theory of topological perception, using the mathematics of tolerance spaces that describe global properties in discrete sets(Part III);present experimental data to demonstrate the functional hierarchy in form perception,which is stratified with respect to structural sta-bility defined by Klein's Erlangen Program(Part IV);and finally,discuss relations of early topological perception to other theories,including Gestalt psychology,Gibsonian psychology,and the computational approach(Part V).PART I:WHY AND HOWÐA TOPOLOGICALAPPROACH TO PERCEPTUAL ORGANIZATIONA paradoxical problem of``where to put the master map'' Fundamental problems faced by the early feature-analysis approach are typically embodied in a paradoxical problem of``where to put the master map''as posed by the feature-integration theory of Treisman and co-workers(e.g.,Treisman& Gelade,1980).Feature-integration theory,consistent with the early feature-analysis approach,adopts a``two-stage model'':In the first,preattentive stage, primitive features,such as colours and orientations,are abstracted effortlessly and in parallel over the entire visual field,and registered in special modules of feature maps;and in the second,attentive stage,focal attention is required to recombine the separate features to form objects.A master map of locations plays a central role in feature binding by tying the separate feature maps together.Within the master map,a focal attention mechanism selects a filled location,binding the activated features linked to that location together to form a coherent object. Problems for feature-integration theory are,however,represented by the question of where exactly the master map of locations fits into the feature integration mechanism.In Treisman's own words,``I have hedged my bets on where to put the master map of locations by publishing two versions of the figure!In one of them,the location map received the output of the feature558CHENmodules(e.g.,Treisman,1986)and in other is placed at an earlier stage of analysis(e.g.,Treisman,1985;Treisman&Gormican,1988)''(Treisman,1988, pp.203±204).To place the master map of locations at an early stage of analysis,in Treisman's own words,``implies that different dimensions are initially conjoined in a single representation before being separately analysed''(Treisman,1988,pp. 203±204).This contradicts the basic position of early feature analysis.Placing the master map later,however,contradicts some behavioural data.One of the strengths of feature-integration theory is that it draws on a number of major pieces of counterintuitive evidence,including illusory conjunction and visual search, which appear to provide strong support for early feature analysis(e.g.,Treisman &Gelade,1980;Treisman&Gormican,1988).However,it is interesting to see that problems for this theory also arise here(e.g.,for a general review,see Humphreys&Bruce,1989).For example,despite the fact that line segments are commonly considered to be basic features,there is markedly little evidence for illusory conjunction where line segments are miscombined into letter-like objects,when letter shapes and line segments forming the letter shapes are used as stimulus forms(e.g.,Duncan,1984).In contrast,there is much stronger evidence that whole letter shapes migrate across words and produce illusory conjunctions of the entire letter shapes,rather than of line segments making up the letter shapes. These findings indicate that letter shapes,as combinations of line segments, behave psychologically as holistic objects,even though line segments are commonly considered to be basic features.Apparently attention,as it relates to feature binding,is not needed for holistic object perception.This suggests that before a stage of separate featural analysis,there must be a stage of early holistic perception in which objects like letters are coded as wholes.Treisman and co-workers,in their effort to explain these counterexamples, have augmented feature-integration theory with new strategies and new mechanisms of attention,such as``guided search''(e.g.,Wolfe,1994),``map suppression'',and dividing items into different depth planes.Nevertheless,these efforts are not completely successful(e.g.,Duncan&Humphreys,1989)but rather in fact illustrate that,despite the attractions of feature-integration theory, the paradoxical problem of``Where to put the master map''stems directly from the fundamental question of``Where visual processing begins''.Perceptual organization:To reverse back theinverted(upside-down)problem of feature binding Regardless of how an object is decomposed into properties and components,the decomposed features themselves are unlikely to be sufficient for achieving object recognition.Indeed,we do not normally perceive isolated features such as brightness,colours,and orientations free from an object,leading to the con-tention that there must be a further process of feature binding.This problem ofGLOBAL TO LOCAL TOPOLOGICAL PERCEPTION559 feature binding presents a central problem for current vision research in parti-cular,and for parallel and distributed modelling of cognition in general(e.g., MuÈller,Elliott,Herman,&Mecklinger,2001).However,despite the centrality of the issue for perceptual theory,it is questionable whether any breakthrough has been made after extensive efforts. Both spatial and temporal factors have been considered as cues for binding features together.But the principles for feature binding based on either space or time are neither always obeyed nor exclusive.Feature binding and perceptual organization appear to be very similar pro-blems(Duncan,1989)in the sense that both deal with similar processes,such as ``what goes with what'',and with similar concepts,such as belongingness and assignment.It turns out that,even though the early feature-analysis viewpoint emphasizes the fundamental importance of early parallel processing,the issue of perceptual organization remains indispensable.Yet,the concepts of``perceptual organization''and``feature binding''involve very different underlying issues, with the former rooted in the idea of early holistic registration and the latter originating from an assumption of early feature analysis.Thus,with respect to the fundamental question of``Where to begin'',perceptual organization and feature binding can be considered contrary concepts,going in opposite directions.In terms of our understanding of objects in the real word,there may be little disagreement that the real features of an object,whether geometrical or physical, exist together as a coherent whole belonging to one entity in the outside world. The question of how the perceptual system represents perceptual objects as fundamental units of conscious perceptual experience,however,has either given rise to much controversy when considered,or not been considered at all.But the truth remains that real features of a real object,at a given time,originally coexist together rather than being separated;a real object is an integral stimulus,a single thing.This truth is a fundamental property of a real-world object.No one doubts the direct perception of various featural properties such as brightness,colour, line orientation,and so on.Why,then,is only this fundamental property of ``belonging together as a whole''excluded from the membership of primitives in our perceptual world?The assumption that the visual system cannot directly perceive a real integral object has not yet been proved or disproved.Indeed,the continuing challenges to the issues of feature binding suggest that this question deserves closer scrutiny.From the perspective of early holistic registration,the feature-binding pro-blem is an ill-posed question:Not just a question of getting off on a wrong foot but even a question of``standing upside down''.In this sense,the feature-binding problem might be a wrong,inverted question.Kubovy and Pomerantz (1981)commented:``the main problems facing us today are quite similar to those faced by the Gestalt psychologists in the first half of this century''.After half a century,the study of visual perception appears,in some sense,to be back560CHENto square one.This situation leads us to wonder whether the problems of feature binding are due to difficulties in posing the fundamental question of``Where to begin''.Where does the above analysis leave us?It suggests that early holistic registration may provide a way to avoid the feature-binding problem by focusing on issues of perceptual organization.In other words,we may apply the concept of perceptual organization to reverse back the inverted(upside-down)question of feature binding.The topological approachDespite its deep and rational core in the idea of early holistic registration,the notion of perceptual organization has its own problems.In particular,like other Gestalt concepts,it has suffered from a lack of proper theoretical treatment. Gestalt evidence has often been criticized for being mainly phenomenological and relying mainly on conscious experience.Consequently,explanations from theories of perceptual organization usually rely on intuitive or mentalistic concepts that are somewhat vague and elusive.What is needed is a proper formal analysis of perceptual organization that goes beyond intuitive approa-ches,and provides a theoretical basis for describing or defining precisely the core concepts related to perceptual organization,e.g.,``global''vs.``local'', ``objects'',``grouping'',and others.Until the intuitive notions of these Gestalt-inspired concepts become properly and precisely defined,the proposed principles of perceptual organization cannot be entirely testable.Delimiting the concept of perceptual organizationTo give a precise description of the essence of perceptual organization,we first need to properly delimit the concept of perceptual organization.On the one hand,as Rock(1986)pointed out,``The concept of perceptual organization should not be defined so loosely as to be a synonym of perception'';on the other hand,this concept should not be so limited as to be unable to cover the great variety and the commonplace occurrence of perceptual organization.The fol-lowing definition of perceptual organization given by Rock(1986)is considered to define properly the very notion of perceptual organization:The meaning of organization here is the grouping of parts or regions of the field with one another,the``what goes with what''problem,and the differentiation of figure from ground.According to this definition,the study of perceptual organization is concerned with early stages of perceptual processing divorced from high-level cognition, and therefore such delimitation pitches our discussion at the right level to answer the basic question of``Where visual processing begins''.On the other hand,theGLOBAL TO LOCAL TOPOLOGICAL PERCEPTION561 concept of perceptual organization discussed in the present paper deals withgeneral processes,such as figure±ground differentiation,grouping,``what goes with what'',belonging and assignment(not particular processes,such as dif-ferentiating luminance flux,discriminating orientation,or recognizing a face), and with abstract things,such as objects,units,and wholes as well as their counterparts,such as items,elements,and parts(not concrete things,such as a line segments,a geometrical figure,a friend's face).These general processes and abstract things represent the variety and commonplace occurrence of per-ceptual organization.Figure1illustrates this.The percept of Figure1A may be described at a semantic level:Either a vase or two profiles face to face.On the other hand,it may be described in terms of the vocabulary of perceptual orga-nization:Two boundaries(units)grouped into one object(as the basis of the percept of a vase)or two boundaries(units)separated into two objects(as the basis of the percept of the two profiles face to face).It is the latter level,the level of perceptual organization,which our present research focuses on.Furthermore, as Figure1B demonstrates,perceptual organization may be perceived without semantic meaning.Here even though there is little semantic meaning involved in the stimulus,either the black parts are perceived to be an unified whole as a figure and the grey parts,another unified whole as background,or vice versa. Top-down processing of prior knowledge or expectation may influence per-ceptual organization,but it will avoid possible confusion if we consider per-ceptual organization and top-down processing of high-level cognition separately.This strengthens the rationale for defining the terminology for describing perceptual organization,emphasizing the primacy of perceptual organization.Major challenges to establishing a proper theoretical treatment on perceptual organization:Its commonplace,and its general and abstract characteristicsThe concept of perceptual organization reflects the most common fact that the phenomenal world contains objects separated from one another by space or background.Phenomena in perceptual organization are usually so common that they have not been looked on as an achievement of the perceptual system,and, thus,as something to be explained(Rock,1986).For example,tremendous efforts have been made to study how to detect line segments with orientation and location,but little attention has been paid to the question of how to perceive a line segment as a single object.While the study of face recognition has advanced considerably,the fundamental grouping question of``which eyes go with which noses,which noses with which mouths,and so forth''(Pomerantz,1981)has been almost completely ignored.One more example shows how commonplace characteristics of perceptual organization make it difficult to realize that there are problems requiringexplanation.In 1990,Rock and Palmer revealed two primary laws of perceptual organization:``Connectedness''and ``common region'',referring to the pow-erful tendency of the visual system to perceive any connected or enclosed regionas a single unit.The phenomena relating to the two laws are so common andself-evident that even classical Gestalt psychologists failed to realizethat an explanation was required for why elements that are either physically connected or enclosed by a closed curve are perceived as a single unit.As ourdiscussionABFigure 1.(A)An ambiguous figures of ``a vase vs.two faces'',showing competing organization.(B)An example of ambiguous figures,showing competing organization without involving semantic meaning.562CHENGLOBAL TO LOCAL TOPOLOGICAL PERCEPTION563 goes on,we will see that these two Gestalt laws closely approach the preciseformal(topological)description of the essence of Gestalt principles.Never-theless,they were neglected for more than a half a century!Besides the problem of being easily overlooked,one more major challenge to establishing a scientific framework for perceptual organization stems from the abstract and general characteristics of the concept.A theoretical explanation of perceptual organization,to possess explanatory power,must be built on even more general and abstract concepts than this vocabulary.The next question, therefore,is:What kinds of concept are more general and abstract than,for example,``what goes with what'',grouping,belongingness,wholes,and per-ceptual objects,and therefore,suitable for the formal analysis of organizational processes?It is not difficult to see that featural properties commonly used in the feature-analysis approach,such as orientation,distance,and size,cannot help out in dealing with the problems facing us in finding a formal explanation of perceptual organization.Topology provides a formal description of perceptual organization:Insight from invariants over shape-changing transformationsTopology has been considered a promising mathematical tool for providing a formal analysis of concepts and processing of perceptual organization(e.g., Chen,1982,2001).Topology is a branch of mathematics that aims at studying invariant properties and relationships under continuous and one-to-one trans-formations,termed topological transformations.The properties preserved under an arbitrary topological transformation are called topological properties.A topological framework of visual perception can be broad enough to encom-pass the variety of phenomena in perceptual organization,such as``what goes with what'',grouping,belonging,and parsing visual scenes into potential objects,and,on the other hand,precise enough to be free from intuitive approaches.Topology is often considered as one of the most abstract branches of mathematics.If the concepts of topology,their relevance and applicability to perceptual organization are difficult to contemplate in the abstract,an appeal to illustrative examples might be helpful.In the following,I will analyse in some depth three typical cases of perceptual organization to demonstrate why and how to advance the topological approach to perceptual organization.Question1:Figure and ground perceptionÐwhat attributes of stimuli determine the segregation of figure from background?Despite the common acceptance that figure±ground perception is fundamental and occurs at the early stage of perception,and despite the large body of empirical findings about。



马克劳林公式(Maxwell's Equations)是刘易斯·马克劳林(James Clerk Maxwell)在1873年发现的四个基本方程,它们解释了电场和磁场之


在电磁学领域中,乔治·佩亚诺(George F. Pegrim)曾提出了增强了马克劳林的余项方程(residual equations)。












粒子群优化算法(Particle Swarm Optimization,PSO)是由Kennedy J和Eberhart R C于1995年提出的一种优化算法[1],是一种基于群智能的随机全局优化计算技术,源于对鸟群和鱼群群体运动行为的研究。



以之前四次国际知名的学术会议为缘起酝酿筹备而 成, 但研究范围更广 、 涵盖 内容更丰 富, 展示 了在高
维相依和 C o p u l a 领域的最新科研成果。 本次会议 由中央财经大学 中国精算研究 院主
办, 由加拿大滑铁卢大学统计与精算系蔡军教授、 美
汇报了他们在河 口 海岸科学研究领域所做的开拓性 研究。
次, 会议承办单位和举办地点由国际河 口海岸科
涉及学科面广 。 来自 不 萎 分会场的报告内容丰富 , 同研究 区域、 不同专业背景的人员互相学习和借鉴, 象
学学会遴选 。2 0 1 0年国际河 口海岸科学学会主席 M i k e E l l i o t t 教授访 问华东师范大学河 口海岸学国家
重点实验室时 ,注意到这里有很强的科研队伍和国 讨论热烈。 会议还为青年学者、 研究生评选 出了最佳 际先进的仪器设备 ,故将此作为承办单位候选机构 口 头报告奖 、最佳展板奖和河 口海岸学国家重点实 之一, 2 0 1 2 年正式与其签约 , 合作举办 2 0 1 3 年的大 鼓励年轻人积极参会 、 共同研讨 。 会。 举办这样的国际会议 , 为展示河 口海岸学国家重 目 验室奖等 ,
择; ②藤 C o p u l a s 的潜在变量 ; ③保险公司运营和相
依建模 ; ④S i b u y a C o p u l a s ; ⑤C o p u l a s ( 非) 相依极值 渐近线在高频财务数据 中的应用 ;⑥运用藤方法学 习贝叶斯结构 ;⑦多种业务的相关损失三角结构 ;
尼 黑召开 了相近 主题 的 国际会议 。
拿大滑铁卢大学数学学 院统计 与精算学系副教授 、 中国中央财经大学长江学者陈建成教授合作主持。 本 次 会 议 的科 学 委 员 会 成 员 有 C l a u d i a C z a d o



方程的 L2方法(Morrey, D. Spencer, J.J. Kohn, L.Hormander, Andreotti, Vessentini,…) , 起始于Hodge, S. Bochner, Kodaira,…,
积 分 表 示 ( A. Weil, Leray, Grauert, Henkin,…)等;
新近方法: 乘子理想层(层及其上同调 论, 方程 的 方法之L2 综合)(Skoda, Bombieri, Y.-T. Siu, Demailly, Kiselman, Ohsawa,…)。
Deformation invariance of plurigenera for projective algebraic manifolds,
3、复解析(complex analytic):展f开成0收敛幂 级数 z
复可微 复解析
D ℂn, z (z1,zn ),

z0 )

( z1

1 0

z0n )
(z z0)I
促进了拟微分算子理论的产生及超定偏微 分方程等分支的发展
我国多复变研究起始于华罗庚关于典型域 方面的工作。
他的名著《多复变函数论中的典型域的 调和分析》曾获首届国家自然科学奖一等 奖。这一工作反映了多复变与李群、对称 空间、调和分析及群表示论等的紧密联系, 显示了很强的交叉性。




下面是按时间线写的一份粒子群优化算法发展史,直至2023年:1995年:Kennedy 和Eberhart 提出了一种新的优化算法,即粒子群优化算法(PSO)。



1996年:Kennedy 和Eberhart 对PSO算法进行了改进,引入了惯性权重w来调整粒子的飞行速度,从而提高了算法的全局搜索能力。

改进后的PSO算法称为标准粒子群优化算法(Standard PSO,SPSO)。

1998年:Shi 和Eberhart 对SPSO算法进行了进一步改进,提出了带有动态调整惯性权重的粒子群优化算法(Dynamic PSO,DPSO)。


2000年:Miranda 和Fonseca 提出了自适应粒子群优化算法(Adaptive PSO,APSO)。


2002年:Liu 和Storey 提出了混合粒子群优化算法(Hybrid PSO,HPSO),将遗传算法的交叉和变异操作引入到PSO算法中,增强了算法的局部搜索能力。

2004年:Keller 提出了一种基于分解的粒子群优化算法(Decomposition PSO),将多目标优化问题分解为多个单目标优化问题,并分别进行求解,取得了较好的效果。

2006年:Cliff 和Farquharson 提出了一种自适应粒子群优化算法(Self-Adaptive PSO),该算法通过分析搜索过程中的误差信息和学习因子c1和c2的变化情况,动态调整惯性权重w 和其他参数,提高了算法的搜索效率。



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第3 0卷 第 8期
2 0 1 3年 8月
计 算 机 应 用 研 究
Ap p l i c a t iห้องสมุดไป่ตู้o n Re s e a r c h o f Co mp u t e r s
Vo 1 . 3 0 No . 8 Au g . 2 0 1 3

基数 约束 投 资 组 合 问题 的 种 混合 元启 发 式 算 法 求解
Hy b r i d me t a - h e u r i s t i c a l g o r i t h m f o r s o l v i n g c a r d i n a l i t y
c o n s t r a i n e d p o r t f o l i o o p t i mi z a t i o n
李 国成 ,肖庆宪
( 1 . 上海理工大学 管理学院, 上海 2 0 0 0 9 3 ; 2 . 皖西学院 应用数学学院, 安徽 六安 2 3 7 0 1 2 )
摘 要 :针 对资产数 目和投 资资金 比例 受约 束 的投 资组合 选择 这一 N P难 问题 , 基 于混沌搜 索、 粒 子群优 化 和 引
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At the present time there are a lot of papers concerning the classical problems of these theories [18] – [23]. For example, it is possible to find some coefficients Ai and Bj in the Poincar`e gauge gravitational theory in order to obtain a unitary model [24] – [26]. However, the renormalizability properties of the theories have been studied insufficiently [27] – [29].

1 k2
But because of the degeneracy of the four-dimensional space-time [32], the terms
violating the renormalizability of the theory arise only at two-loop level. The two-loop
Lgr =

1 k2
αRµ2 ν

√ −g
This theory is renormalizable and asymptotically free but it is not unitary because
the ghosts and tachyons are present in the spectrum of the theory [4] – [6]. It should
be noted that it is impossible to restore the unitarity of the theory by means of loop
corrections or adding an interaction with matter fields [7] , [8]. Hence, one needs to
R˜σλµν (Γ) = ∂µΓσλν − ∂ν Γσλµ + ΓσαµΓαλν − Γσαν Γαλµ
The Lagrangian of a gauge theory is built out of terms quadratic in the strength tensor of fields. In the Poincar`e or affine gauge theories the Lagrangians are defined as :
In the affine-metric theory of gravity there are models possessing an extra projective symmetry. By the projective invariance we mean that the action is invariant under the following transformation of fields:
1Permanent address: Bogoliubov Laboratory of Theoretical Physics, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, 141 980 Dubna (Moscow Region), Russian Federation E-mail: Supported in part by ISF grant # RFL000
Rabµν (ω) = ∂µωabν − ∂ν ωbaµ + ωacµωbcν − ωacν ωbcµ
Qaµν (h, ω)

1 2
∂µhaν − ∂ν haµ + ωacν hcµ − ωacµhcν
The theory based on the second set of variables is called the affine gauge gravitational theory with the structure gauge group GA(4, R) [15] – [17]. The strength tensor of the theory is the curvature tensor R˜σλµν(Γ) defined as:
use a new method in order to construct the theory of gravity.
Among various methods of constructing the quantum theory of gravity one should
emphasize the gauge approach as the most promising [9] – [12]. In gauge treatment of gravity there are two sets of dynamical variables, namely, the vierbein haµ(x) and local Lorentz connection ωabµ(x) or metric gµν(x) and affine connection Γσµν(x). The theory based on the first set of variables is called the Poincar`e gauge gravitational theory with the structure group P10 [13], [14]. A curvature tensor Rabµν(ω) and a torsion tensor Qaµν(h, ω), which are the strength tensors of the Poincar`e gauge gravitational theory, are defined by the following relations:
1 Introduction
The construction of quantum theory of gravity is an unresolved problem of modern theoretical physics. It is well know that the Einstein theory of gravity is not renormalizable in an ordinary sense [1] – [3]. Therefore, one needs to modify the theory or to show, that the difficulties presently encountered in the theory are only artifacts of perturbation theory. The simplest method of modifying the Einstein theory is to introduce terms quadratic in the curvature tensor in the action of the theory.
in papers [30], [31]. However, the quantum properties of the projective invariance have not been investigated. It should be noted, that the presence of an additional symmetry in the theory may improve the renormalization properties of the theory. For example, because of the presence of supersymmetry, the terms violating the renormalizability of supergravity, show up only in higher loops. So, the projective invariance may have the considerable role for the renormalizability of the theory. In order to investigate the influence of the projective invariance on renormalizability of the theory one needs to calculate the counterterms in some model possessing the projective invariance. The simplest model of this type is the model with the Lagrangian:
LP10 LGA(4,R)
= =
CjAkR˜2i 2Q(Γ2()h√, ω−)g+ BjR2(ω)
√ −g
(5) (6)
where Ai, Bj, Cj are arbitrary constants and R2, Q2 are now a symbolic notation for the contractions of the curvature tensors or the torsion tensors respectively.
xµ → ′xµ = xµ