澳大利亚 Australia 英文介绍
澳大利亚 Australia 英文介绍
西澳的鲨鱼湾(Shark Bay) The Australian Flag
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
creature found mainly
It is a very delicious dish in Australia.
in Northern Australia. Currency - notes
Marsupials〔有袋类〕are the most successful group in Australia.
Goanna 〔澳洲巨蜥〕 Echidna 〔针鼹〕
三文鱼 salmon
• People like to eat the raw salmon, and it is really healthy.
The animals of Australia
• There are many different species of wildlife in Australia. Marsupials〔有袋类〕are the most successful group in Australia. This group includes kangaroos, wallabies, koalas, Tasmanian wolves〔塔斯马尼亚狼〕, and many others. The platypus〔鸭嘴兽〕 and the echidna 〔针鼹〕are egg-laying mammals. There are also many different species of birds. Some of them are cockatoo(鹦鹉), the flightless emu〔鸸鹋〕, and several types of parrots.
【英语国家概况】general survey of Australia澳大利亚概况
【英语国家概况】general survey of Australia澳大利亚概况Commonwealth of Australia? 国名:澳大利亚联邦(Commonwealth of Australia)首都:堪培拉面积:7,682,300.00 平方公里人口:2112万人(2007年10月)语言:英语,土著语言,澳大利亚的官方语言是英语。
Map of AustraliaMap of AustraliaAustralia: Flag and AnthemThe Commonwealth of Australia1. 澳大利亚一词,意即―南方大陆‖,欧洲人在,,世纪初叶发现这块大陆时,误以为这是一块直通南极的陆地,故取名―澳大利亚‖,australia 即由拉丁文terraaustralis (南方的土地)变化而来。
2. Name:澳大利亚联邦(The Commonwealth of Australia)3. National Flag:呈横长方形,长与宽之比为,?,。
4. National Anthem :澳大利亚国徽左边是一袋鼠,右边是一只鸸鹋,这两种动物均为澳大利亚所特有,是国家的标志,民族的象征,中间是一个盾,盾面上有六组图案分别象征这个国家的六个州。
英文版澳大利亚介绍 The Commonwealth of Australia
Other informations
• 【国庆日】1月26日(1788年) • 【国花】金合欢 • 【国树】桉树 • 【国鸟】琴鸟。它貌似野鸡,常在陆地行走。雄鸟有一条
华美无比的琴形尾,并以尾羽开屏的壮观而闻名。琴鸟的 尾羽与希腊的一种七弦琴极为相似,因故得名。它不仅美 丽动人,还能模仿其它动物的叫声,声音十分宛转动 听。
• 根据澳洲土著人的信仰,祖先神灵曾经借助神秘蟒蛇的躯
体在澳洲大地蜿蜒而行,留下了纵横交错、迷宫一般的足 迹(footmark)。在途中,祖先神灵创造了世间万物,塑 造了今天所有的山川风貌。这就是土著人所信仰的“梦幻 时代”。于是,每一个土著部落都与他们的土地紧密联系 在一起,每一片土地上都设有祭拜祖先的神秘圣地。土著 人的绘画、歌曲和舞蹈,也都反映出他们与土地和祖先的 密切关系。对澳洲土著人来说,起始于世界之初的梦幻时 代的祖先神灵永恒存在,神灵在现代世界仍然活力十足, 并通过土著艺术表现出来。绘画、音乐、舞蹈得以世代相 传,并且永不间断地指导和鼓舞着土著人,即使遭受欧洲 白人的阻隔,也没有失去旺盛的生命力。在今天澳洲各地, 虽然所有的土著部族都经历过不同程度的文化侵扰,他们 的习俗、传统和重要遗址仍旧得以保存,并受到关注、遵 守和尊重。这是因为,梦幻时代创世神灵留传下来的法理、 习俗和行为规范,仍然引领并启示着众多土著后裔的日常 生活。他们靠着这种对梦幻时代的记忆和意识把过去、现 在与将来联系起来。
Dreamtime or dreaming 梦幻时代
• 、“梦幻时代”——澳洲土著的精神纽结
在数万年的历史中,土著人创造了丰富的文化,也形成了高度发达 和复杂的宗教信仰、社会制度及法规。虽然土著人从来没有建立过任 何形式的政府和政权,但社会秩序却在他们的宗教信仰的基础上得到 了完好的维持。一代代土著人以口头流传的形式把这些信仰和法规继 承和发展下来。白人到来之后,把这种他们无法理解的土著宗教信仰 和建立于宗教信仰之上的社会体制称为“梦幻”(Dreaming),把他 们到来之前的澳洲土著时空称为“梦幻时代”。“梦幻时代”的土著 人相信人生前死后永远结合在一起,把做梦看作为创造万物之时,并 对此加以口述,代代相传,从而保证土著文化的传承和社会的连续。 翻开土著人的历史篇章,梦幻般的神秘色彩几乎无所不在。尽管以家 庭血缘关系为基础而群居的土著人曾有过成百上千个不同的部落,讲 几百种不同的语言,但是他们对有关祖先的传说和梦幻时代的传说却 都深信不疑。
•The koala is known as the Australian
bear, but is much closer to being a relative of the kangaroo. They are only found wild in the woods of Australia. Koalas are 2 to 2 1/2 feet long, tailless, and have thick, soft, grayish fur. They have large furry ears, a curved, black nose, little eyes, and five toes on each foot so it can hold on to things and climb.
【国名 国名】澳大利亚联邦 (The Commonwealth of Australia) 国名 澳大利亚一词,意即“南方大陆”,欧洲人在17世纪初叶 发现这块大陆时,误以为这是一块直通南极的陆地,故取名 “澳大利亚”,Australia 即由拉丁文 terraaustralis (南方的土 地)变化而来。
【自然地理 自然地理】位于南太平洋和印度洋之间,由澳大利亚大陆和塔斯 自然地理 马尼亚岛等岛屿及海外领土组成。它东濒太平洋的珊瑚海和塔斯曼 海,西、北、南三面临印度洋及其边缘海,海岸线长约3.67万 公里。面积769.2万平方公里,占大洋洲的绝大部分,虽四面环 水,沙漠和半沙漠却占全国面积的35%。全国分为东部山地、中 部平原和西部高原3个地区。全国最高峰科修斯科山海拨2230 米,最长河流墨尔本河长3490里。中部的埃尔湖是澳大利亚的 最低点,湖面低于海平面12米。在东部沿海有全世界最大的珊瑚 礁──大堡礁。北部属热带,大部分属温带。年平均气温北部27℃, 南部14℃,内陆地区干旱少雨,年降水量不足200毫米,东部 山区500—1200毫米。
澳大利亚中英文对照介绍Australia, also known as the Land Down Under, is a country locatedin the Southern Hemisphere. 澳大利亚,又被称为地球之南,是一个位于南半球的国家。
Known for its vast landscapes, diverse wildlife, and vibrant cities, Australia is a popular destination for tourists from around the world. 因其广阔的景观、多样的野生动物和繁华的城市,澳大利亚是世界各地游客的热门目的地。
From the famous Sydney Opera House to the stunning Great Barrier Reef, Australia offers a wide range of attractions for visitors to enjoy. 从著名的悉尼歌剧院到令人惊叹的大堡礁,澳大利亚为游客提供了广泛的吸引力。
In addition to its natural beauty, Australia is also known for its unique culture and traditions. 除了其自然美景,澳大利亚还以其独特的文化和传统而闻名。
Indigenous Australians have a rich history dating back tens of thousands of years, and their traditions are still celebrated and honored today. 澳大利亚土著居民拥有数万年的丰富历史,他们的传统至今仍在今天得到庆祝和尊敬。
This cultural diversity is reflected in the country's cuisine, art, music, and festivities. 这种文化多样性反映在澳大利亚的美食、艺术、音乐和庆祝活动中。
•鸭嘴兽是澳洲特有的珍贵稀有动物。鸭嘴兽憨 鸭嘴兽是澳洲 澳洲特有的珍贵稀有动物 动物。鸭嘴兽憨
Animals in north Australia Animals in north Australia
Animals in west Australia
•The koala is known as the Australian
bear, but is much closer to being a relative of the kangaroo. They are only fralia. Koalas are 2 to 2 1/2 feet long, tailless, and have thick, soft, grayish fur. They have large furry ears, a curved, black nose, little eyes, and five toes on each foot so it can hold on to things and climb.
What attracts me most is the farm of australia.Since I was in middle school,I have been dreamming that I coud go to australia one day.i wanna buy a small farm , hold some herds ,and devote myself into the quite of countryside.
The first station--Canberra station--Canberra
澳大利亚英文介绍Here is an English essay on the topic of "Introduction to Australia":Australia, the land down under, is a vast and diverse country that captivates visitors from around the world. As the sixth-largest country in the world, Australia boasts a stunning array of natural wonders, vibrant cities, and a rich cultural heritage that is truly one of a kind.At the heart of Australia's allure is its stunning natural landscape. From the iconic Uluru, also known as Ayers Rock, in the Red Centreto the pristine white sand beaches of the east coast, the country's diverse terrain is a testament to its geological history. The Great Barrier Reef, the world's largest coral reef system, stretches along the northeastern coast, offering visitors a breathtaking underwater world teeming with colorful marine life. Further inland, the rugged Outback, with its vast deserts and sprawling grasslands, is a testament to the country's harsh yet beautiful interior.Australia's cities are equally captivating, each with its own distinct personality and charm. Sydney, the country's largest city, is renowned for its iconic Harbor Bridge and the stunning SydneyOpera House, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Melbourne, often referred to as the cultural capital of Australia, is a vibrant hub of art, music, and culinary excellence. The city's lively laneways and charming neighborhoods are a delight to explore. Meanwhile, the cosmopolitan Brisbane, situated on the banks of the Brisbane River, offers a dynamic blend of modern architecture and natural beauty.Beyond the natural wonders and urban centers, Australia's cultural heritage is equally fascinating. The country's indigenous Aborigines have inhabited the land for tens of thousands of years, and their rich traditions and customs have deeply influenced the nation's identity. Visitors can immerse themselves in Aboriginal art, music, and storytelling, gaining a deeper understanding of the world's oldest living culture.The Australian way of life is also a significant part of the country's cultural tapestry. The laid-back, outdoor-oriented lifestyle, with its emphasis on beach culture and outdoor activities, is a reflection of the country's geographic isolation and unique climate. Australians are known for their warm hospitality, friendly nature, and love of sports, from the iconic game of cricket to the adrenaline-fueled Australian rules football.One of the most remarkable aspects of Australia is its diversity. The country is home to a vibrant multicultural population, with a richtapestry of immigrants from all over the world. This diversity is evident in the country's cuisine, which offers a tantalizing blend of global flavors, from the fresh seafood of the coastal regions to the hearty fare of the Outback.As a traveler, exploring Australia is a truly rewarding experience. Whether you're seeking adventure in the great outdoors, immersing yourself in the country's rich cultural heritage, or simply soaking up the laid-back atmosphere of its cities, there is something for everyone in this vast and captivating land. From the stunning natural landscapes to the warm and welcoming people, Australia is a destination that will leave a lasting impression on all who visit.。
澳大利亚的英语作文英文回答:Australia is a country that is rich in both natural beauty and cultural diversity. With its stunning beaches, lush rainforests, and vast deserts, Australia offers something for everyone. The country is also home to a wide range of cultures, from the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples to the many immigrants who have come to Australia from all over the world.One of the things that I love about Australia is its friendly and welcoming people. Australians are known for their laid-back attitude and their sense of humor. They are always happy to help out a stranger, and they are always up for a good time.Another thing that I appreciate about Australia is its commitment to equality. Australia is a country where everyone is treated fairly, regardless of their race,religion, or sexual orientation. This is reflected in the country's laws and policies, as well as in the attitudes of its people.Of course, no country is perfect, and Australia is no exception. There are still some challenges that the country faces, such as the gap between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians. However, I believe that Australiais a country that is on the right track. It is a country that is committed to its values of equality, diversity, and fairness.中文回答:澳大利亚是一个自然风光秀丽、文化多元的国家。
Australia impression
People usually use these words to discribe Australia,now,let’s have a look!澳大利亚被誉为人间 天堂,英文可分解为 amazing (叹为观止) unexpected(超乎想象) stylish(时尚之巅) tempting(诱人魅力) relaxing(悠然一刻) adventurous(体验极限) liberating(自由自在) inspiring(灵感无限) attractive(梦萦魂牵)。 Ok,let’s go into the cities of Australia
ⅡThe animals of Australia
• There are many different species of wildlife in Australia.
Marsupials are the most successful group in Australia. This group includes kangaroos, wallabies, koalas, Tasmanian wolves, Tasmanian devils, wombats, and many others. The platypus and the echidna are eggegglaying mammals. There are also numerous different species of birds. Some of them are cockatoo, kookaburra, lyrebird, the flightless emu, and several types of parrots(目前在澳大利亚野生动物种类繁多。 parrots(目前在澳大利亚野生动物种类繁多。 有袋类是澳 大利亚最成功的群体。 这一组包括袋鼠,沙袋鼠,考拉, 塔斯马尼亚狼,袋獾,袋熊,等等。 鸭嘴兽和针鼹是产 卵哺乳动物。鸟类有许多不同种类也很多。 其中有些是 鹦鹉,笑翠鸟,琴鸟,鸸鹋的飞,和鹦鹉几种类型.) 鹦鹉,笑翠鸟,琴鸟,鸸鹋的飞,和鹦鹉几种类型.)
写信介绍澳大利亚的英语作文(中英文实用版)Dear friends,I am excited to share with you some fascinating insights about Australia, a country renowned for its breathtaking landscapes, unique wildlife, and vibrant culture.Situated in the southern hemisphere, this island continent offers an unparalleled experience for travelers seeking adventure, natural beauty, and friendly locals.亲爱的朋友们,我很兴奋地向你们介绍一些关于澳大利亚的迷人之处。
From its sun-kissed beaches to its vast outback, Australia boasts an incredible diversity of attractions.Imagine yourself snorkeling in the Great Barrier Reef, the largest coral reef system in the world, or embarking on a thrilling safari in the Kakadu National Park, where you can witness an abundance of native wildlife.从阳光明媚的海滩到广袤的内陆,澳大利亚拥有丰富多样的景点。
澳大利亚英文英文作文Australia is a land of diverse landscapes and unique wildlife. From the red deserts of the Outback to the lush rainforests of Queensland, there is something for everyone to explore.The people of Australia are known for their laid-back attitude and love for the outdoors. Whether it's surfing at Bondi Beach or hiking in the Blue Mountains, Australians are always up for an adventure.One of the most iconic symbols of Australia is the kangaroo. These unique creatures can be found hopping around the countryside, and are a must-see for any visitor to the country.Australia is also home to the Great Barrier Reef, the largest coral reef system in the world. Snorkeling or diving in these crystal-clear waters is an experience like no other.The food in Australia is a reflection of its multicultural society, with influences from all over the world. From fresh seafood to delicious barbecued meats, there is no shortage of tasty dishes to try.The cities of Australia are vibrant and cosmopolitan, with Sydney and Melbourne being particularly popular destinations. With their iconic landmarks and bustling nightlife, there is always something happening in these urban centers.Overall, Australia is a country that offers a littlebit of everything. Whether you're a nature lover, a foodie, or a city slicker, there is something in this beautiful country that will capture your heart.。
澳大利亚 作文 英文
澳大利亚作文英文英文:Australia is a country that has always fascinated me. With its stunning natural beauty, diverse culture, and friendly people, it is a place that I would love to visit one day. One of the things that I find most interesting about Australia is its unique wildlife. The kangaroo, koala, and wallaby are just a few of the animals that callAustralia home.Another aspect of Australia that I find intriguing isits rich Aboriginal history. The indigenous people of Australia have a long and fascinating cultural heritage,and I would love to learn more about it.In terms of modern Australian culture, I amparticularly interested in the country's love of sports. Australians are known for their passion for sports, especially cricket, rugby, and Australian rules football. Ithink it would be amazing to attend a live sporting eventin Australia and experience the energy and excitement firsthand.Overall, I think Australia is a truly unique andspecial place, and I hope to have the opportunity to visit someday and experience everything it has to offer.中文:澳大利亚一直是一个让我着迷的国家。
australia中英文简介澳大利亚——一个格外美丽的国家Australia is a land of exceptional beauty. It is the world’s smallest continent and largest island,and a relatively young nation established in an ancient land. A series of geological and historical accidents has made Australia one of the world’s most attractive countries from the tourist’s viewpoint. This country has a land area of 7,686,850 square kilometers and its coastline is 36,735 kilometers.澳大利亚是一个格外美丽的国家。
The vast movements of the earth’s crust created a vast land of Australia, isolated it andpositioned it across the tropical and temperate climatic zones. This land has a small population, which left enormous areas unspoiled. Here you witness an astonishing variety of environments, from desert to rain forest, tropical beach to white snowfield, from big, sophisticated cities to vast uninhabited areas. The tourist will admire a wide arrayof unique and intriguing fauna and flora, comfortable and sunny climate, and an interesting, cosmopolitan and friendly people.地壳的剧烈运动造就了澳大利亚独特的地貌,它幅员辽阔、与大陆分离、地处温、热带地区的国家。
关于澳大利亚的资料,英文的Australia is a country and continent and the sixth largest in the world. Located in the Indian and Pacific oceans, it is home to over 24 million people of various nationalities and cultures. A federal parliamentary constitutional monarchy, it comprises six states and several territories. Australia has a highly developed mixed economy, and is one of the wealthiest nations in the world. The capital city of Australia is Canberra, and its largest cities include Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, and Perth.Australia has a diverse and beautiful landscape, ranging from lush rainforest regions to rugged mountain ranges, arid deserts, and stunning beaches. It is home to unique animals, including the koala, kangaroo, emu, and wombat, among many others. The Australian culture is also unique, and includes elements of the Aboriginal, British, and other European influences.Australia is a hot spot for international tourism, with millions of visitors visiting each year. It is home to iconic attractions like the Sydney Opera House and the Great Barrier Reef. Visitors also enjoy the diverse culture, food, and wine,and the many outdoor activities available in the stunning natural environment.。
关于澳大利亚的手抄报英文版AustraliaAustralia, formally known as the Commonwealth of Australia, is a country located in the southern hemisphere. It is the world's sixth-largest country by total area. Australia is famous for its stunning natural beauty, diverse wildlife, and vibrant cities.Geography: Australia is situated between the Indian and Pacific Oceans. It is surrounded by several smaller islands, including Tasmania and the Great Barrier Reef. The country is known for its varied landscapes, ranging from vast deserts, rugged mountains, tropical rainforests, and iconic beaches.Wildlife: Australia is home to some of the most unique and diverse wildlife on the planet. The country is known for its kangaroos, koalas, wombats, and the infamous Tasmanian devil. It is also home to various reptiles, including the world's deadliest snake, the inland taipan.Culture: The Australian culture is a fusion of indigenous Aboriginal traditions and influences from various immigrant settlers. The country celebrates its diversity through multicultural festivals and events. Australians are known for their laid-back and easy-going nature, often referred to as the "Aussie spirit." Tourism: Australia is a popular tourist destination, attracting millions of visitors each year. The Great Barrier Reef, located off the coast of Queensland, is one of the Seven Natural Wonders of the World and a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Other popular attractions include the Sydney Opera House, Uluru (Ayers Rock),and the iconic beaches of Bondi and Surfers Paradise.Sports: Australians are passionate about sports, with cricket, Australian rules football, rugby, and soccer being popular nationwide. The country has a strong sporting culture and has produced legendary athletes in various disciplines, including swimming, tennis, and cricket.Economy: Australia has a highly developed market economy. It is one of the world's largest exporters of agricultural products, including wheat, beef, and wool. The country is also rich in natural resources, with significant mining and extraction sectors. Additionally, Australia has a strong service-based economy, particularly in tourism and education.Overall, Australia is a captivating country with its unique wildlife, stunning landscapes, and vibrant culture. Whether you are exploring the diverse beauty of the outback or immersing yourself in the cosmopolitan cities, Australia offers a wealth of experiences for its visitors.。
澳大利亚作文英语英文回答:Australia, a vast and diverse land, has captured the imagination of countless writers, artists, and travelers throughout history. Its unique blend of natural beauty,rich Indigenous cultures, and modern cosmopolitanism has inspired a wealth of literary masterpieces that explore the country's complex and multifaceted identity.From the rugged landscapes of the Outback to thevibrant cities of Sydney and Melbourne, Australianliterature has showcased the nation's diverse geography and its impact on the Australian psyche. Writers such as Henry Lawson, Banjo Paterson, and Kenneth Slessor have celebrated the pioneering spirit of the Outback, while others like Patrick White, Jessica Anderson, and Tim Winton have delved into the complexities of urban life in Australia.Indigenous Australian literature has also made asignificant contribution to the Australian literary landscape, with writers such as Oodgeroo Noonuccal, Archie Weller, and Alexis Wright sharing their unique perspectives and experiences. Their works have shed light on the rich cultural heritage of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, and have played a crucial role in fostering reconciliation and understanding between Indigenous andnon-Indigenous Australians.Contemporary Australian literature continues to thrive, with a new generation of writers exploring diverse themes such as immigration, multiculturalism, and environmentalism. Authors like Richard Flanagan, Michelle de Kretser, and Kim Scott have gained international acclaim for theirinsightful and thought-provoking works, which offer a fresh and contemporary perspective on Australian society.In addition to its literary contributions, Australiahas also produced a rich tradition of visual arts, music, and performing arts. Indigenous artists have created stunning works of art that draw on their culturaltraditions and depict the beauty and diversity of theAustralian landscape. Australian musicians have made a mark on the global stage, with bands like AC/DC, the Bee Gees, and Sia achieving worldwide success. And Australian theater companies have produced groundbreaking and acclaimed performances that have toured internationally.Australia's vibrant cultural scene is a testament to the creativity and diversity of its people. Its literary works, visual arts, and performing arts offer a unique and multifaceted window into the Australian experience, and continue to inspire and captivate audiences around the world.中文回答:澳大利亚,一个辽阔且多元化的国度,自古以来就激发了无数作家、艺术家和旅行者的灵感。
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Gold Coast, Australia
黄金海岸位于澳大利亚东部海岸中段、布里斯班 以南,它由一段长约42公里、10多个连续排列的 优质沙滩的组成,以沙滩为金色而得名。这里气 候宜人,日照充足,特别是海浪险急,适合于进 行冲浪和滑水活动,是冲浪者的乐园,也是昆士 兰州重点旅游度假区。
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• At the mention of Australia,what is the first thing crashed your mind ?
I think most of people will say:
B ilby (袋狸) T he B ilby is a sm a ll nocturna l cre a ture found m a inly in N orthe rn A ustra lia . T he y ha ve la rge e a rs like ra bbits a nd e a t sm a ll inse cts a nd va rious pla nts .
Northern Territory Western Australia
South Australia
New South Wales Australia
Victoria Tasmania
C a nbe rra
Beautiful new city
Congress Building
Koa la Koa la s a re sm a ll bear-liked cre a ture s who live a long the e a st coa st of Austra lia . H ow e ve r, koa la s only like to e a t a sm a ll pe rce nta ge of the tre e s found a round Austra lia . Koa la s ha ve ha rd bla ck nose s , with sha rp cla w s a nd a thick furry coa t a nd ca n grow to a we ight of a bout 10kg . M ost of the ir tim e is spe nt asle e p in the tre e s,
• Canberra is the capital city of Australia. With a population of over 345,000, it is Australia's largest inland city and the eighth largest Australian city overall.
The Australian Flag
The national emblem
Currenc yLeabharlann 1 AUD= 6.2435 CNY
Currency - notes
• • • • •
National Day: January 26, 1788 National Anthem:" forward", Australia Country code: AUS Official language: English Time zone: eight East ten time zones east • Population:22,500,000 people (2011, June) • Land area:7,692,000 square kilometers
Gold Coast is located in the middle of Australia's east coast, south of Brisbane, which consists of a period of about 42 km, more than 10 adjoining the composition of high-quality sand to the beach is named for the gold. Pleasant climate, abundant sunshine, especially the risk of acute waves suitable for surfing and water skiing activities is a paradise for surfers, but also major tourist resort area of Queensland.
The Great Barrier Reef
The Great Barrier Reef is the only living organic collective visible(明显 可见的) from Earth‘s orbit(范围). It is the world's largest coral reef ecosystem
袋鼠肉 kangaroo meat
• It is similar to the beaf. Tasting the kangaroo meat, you won't regret it.
皇帝蟹 the emperor crab
• It is a very delicious dish in Australia. Some people even bring the shell of emperor crab as a souvenir.
S ydney
• Sydney is the biggest city which locates at the southeast in Australia. • Sydney is famous for Sydney Harbor , Royal National Park , Sydney Opera House , Bondi Beach ,Macquarie Street, Sydney university and so on.
Goanna (澳洲巨蜥) Echidna (针鼹)
bondi beach
Sydney Opera House
The university of Sydney
M e lb o u rn e
• M e lb o u rn e is th e se c o n d la rg e city in th e A u s ,a n d h a s b e e n th o u g h t th e to p 10 citie s w h ic h a re m o s t co m fo rta b le !
墨尔本的皇家展览大 厦(Royal Exhibition Building)和卡尔顿花 园(Carlton Gardens)
新南威尔士州的威兰 德拉湖区 (Willandra Lakes)
西澳的鲨鱼湾(Shark Bay)
北领地的乌卢鲁—卡 达赤塔国家公园 (Uluru-Kata Tjuta National Park)
三文鱼 salmon
• People like to eat the raw salmon, and it is really healthy.
• T he re a re m a ny diffe re nt spe cie s of wildlife in Australia . Marsupials(有袋类) a re the m ost succe ssful group in Austra lia . T his group include s ka nga roos , wa lla bie s , koa la s , T a sm a nia n wolve s (塔斯马尼亚狼), a nd m a ny othe rs . T he pla typus (鸭嘴兽) a nd the e chidna (针鼹)a re e gg -la ying m a m m a ls . T he re a re a lso m a ny diffe re nt spe cie s of birds . S om e of the m a re cocka too (鹦鹉), the flightle ss e m u (鸸鹋), a nd se ve ra l type s of pa rrots .