South Australia
New South
Wales Australia
Spring: Sep.——Nov. Summer: Dec.——Feb. Autumn: Mar.——May Winter: Jun.——Aug.
quite agreeable average summer temperature :29 degree C average winter temperature :13 degree C
National flag
• 澳大利亚国旗;长 方形,长宽之比为2 1。深蓝色旗面。左 上角为英国国旗, 表明澳大利亚与英 国的传统关系。 “米”字旗下的大 七角星象征着组成 澳联邦的六个洲和 联邦区。靠旗杆侧 上角有英国米字旗, 靠旗杆侧下部有一 颗白色的七角星; 其余部分有四颗较 大的白色七角星与 一颗较小的白色五 角星,代表的是太 平洋上空的南十字
Where they live
What they eat
How they work
How they dance
Australia’s farm
Australia’s farms mostly locate on the middle and western area, where feeds swarms of cattle and sheep. the climate is very suitable .
national flower:Golden wattle
Indigenous Australians
•鸭嘴兽是澳洲特有的珍贵稀有动物。鸭嘴兽憨 鸭嘴兽是澳洲 澳洲特有的珍贵稀有动物 动物。鸭嘴兽憨
Animals in north Australia Animals in north Australia
Animals in west Australia
•The koala is known as the Australian
bear, but is much closer to being a relative of the kangaroo. They are only fralia. Koalas are 2 to 2 1/2 feet long, tailless, and have thick, soft, grayish fur. They have large furry ears, a curved, black nose, little eyes, and five toes on each foot so it can hold on to things and climb.
What attracts me most is the farm of australia.Since I was in middle school,I have been dreamming that I coud go to australia one day.i wanna buy a small farm , hold some herds ,and devote myself into the quite of countryside.
The first station--Canberra station--Canberra
29Australia (澳大利亚英文的介绍)PPT课件
3.Immigration into Australia --------Since 1945,almost 6 million people have come to Australia as new settle --------By1950,almost 200,000 people had arrived in Australia from various European countries Recently, about 100,000 immigrate to Australia every year
The indigenous people of Australia is Australia's oldest residents
All of Australia's Aborigines were semi-nomadic hunters and gatherers, with each clan, having its own territory. Those communities living along the coast or rivers were expert fishermen. The territories or 'traditional lands' were defined by geographic boundaries such as rivers, lakes and mountains. All Australian Aborigines shared an intimate understanding of, and relationship with, the land. That relationship was the basis of their spiritual life and shaped the Aboriginal culture. Land is fundamental to the wellbeing of all Aboriginal people.
The indigenous people of Australia is Australia's oldest residents
All of Australia's Aborigines were semi-nomadic hunters and gatherers, with each clan, having its own territory. Those communities living along the coast or rivers were expert fishermen. The territories or 'traditional lands' were defined by geographic boundaries such as rivers, lakes and mountains. All Australian Aborigines shared an intimate understanding of, and relationship with, the land. That relationship was the basis of their spiritual life and shaped the Aboriginal culture. Land is fundamental to the wellbeing of all Aboriginal people.
Australia PPT(澳大利亚英文的介绍)
New Years Eve Fireworks National
• Celebrate the new year in Australia, where the festivities include huge outdoor parties and spectacular fireworks at Sydney’s Harbour Bridge .
. 2.Multicultural society Australia is one of the most urbanized countries in the world. Most people live in the cooler ,wetter south and east
English is the dominant language in Australia, the most common language other than English are Italian, Greek and Arabic --------The major religion in Australia is Christianity and Christians represent 68%of the population 3.Immigration into Australia --------Since 1945,almost 6 million people have come to Australia as new settle --------By1950,almost 200,000 people had arrived in Australia from various European countries Recently, about 100,000 immigrate to Australia every year
介绍澳大利亚 ppt课件
袋鼠肉 皇帝蟹 牡蛎 鲍鱼 龙虾 三文鱼
袋鼠肉的口味和牛肉有点相似,但没有牛肉口嫩,也没有什么特 别之处。但是,品尝一下作为澳大利亚国兽的袋鼠肉,无疑另 有一层文化上的滋味。袋鼠肉在大部分州允许销售,一些肉店 有鲜肉供应,一些餐馆有袋鼠肉的餐肴,价格和牛肉接近。
对于初到澳洲来又是第一次品尝的中国游客来说,想吃一顿美味 可口的袋鼠肉真需要一些\“技巧\”才行。当地人喜欢吃烧得很老 的袋鼠肉,大多数国人对此都不太适应 ,因而您需要事先告诉 侍者把肉烤得嫩一些,否则初尝此物您会觉得难以下咽。 吃烤袋鼠肉时用的佐料一般是盐、胡椒和柠檬,最好再加上一 点辣椒,因为袋鼠肉微酸,不太适合中国人的口味,蘸点辣椒 再吃不仅可以压住酸味而且非常可口。
三位科学家获得过诺贝尔奖。 小学6年(即1-6年级);
中学6年(7-12年级,不分 初中高中);专科2-3年; 大学3年。
墨 尔 本 皇 家 理 工 大 学
悉 尼 大 学
澳大利亚的大学水准极高,被英国泰晤士报评 为全世界第三。30几所大学中有9所排名进入 世界前100名。
作为澳洲的土著居民, 土著妇女一般都不梳理 装饰头发, 而男子却对自 己的头发特别认真, 节日 期间更要精心整饰自己 的头发上, 有时还要掺和 上脂肪, 或将头发弄成硬 块, 或将头发分成若干小 指般粗的条束, 有的还要 在头发上点缀鼠牙、狗 尾、羽毛和贝壳等饰物.
K a nga roo
Q1: What’s the capital of Australia?
Q2: What’s the official language?
Q3: In which city were the 2000th Olympic Games held?
Indigenous Australians
Where they live
How they dance
How they
What they eat
Australia’s farms mostly locate on the middle and western area, where feeds swarms of cattle and sheep. the climate is very suitable .
字的含义相比,这房子是一个多场 地表演艺术中心,而不是一个单一 的歌剧院。悉尼歌剧院是一个 主要的展示场所,举办各种流派 的巡回演出,比如澳大利亚歌剧 院、澳大利亚芭蕾舞团,悉尼歌剧 院和悉尼交响乐团。这是二十世
Beaches in Sydney
In Sydney there are thirty beautiful beaches
பைடு நூலகம் National Museum
Parliament House[ˈp ɑ:ləmənt haus]
• Sydney is the biggest city which locates at the southeast in Australia. • The best times to visit are of spring and autumn, especially around March to April or October to November. Sydney is blessed with a temperate climate. • Sydney is famous for Sydney Harbor , Royal National Park , Sydney Opera House , Bondi Beach(邦迪海滩) , Sydney university and so on. Not the capital but the biggest city in Australia
Ecological Sustainability
A strong focus on economic sustainability is evident in Australia's policies and practices, with a commitment to maintaining the balance between conservation and responsible resource use
Economic Growth
Australia has experienced consistent economic growth over the years, with a strong emphasis on innovation and technology to drive growth in various sectors
Barrier Reef to the Tasmanian Wilderness, that are teaching with
life and offer breaktaking views
Environmental protection and sustainability
Conservation Initiatives
Tourism and cultural activity
Tourism and cultural activity
• Australian English is a unique dialect of the English language, spooked in Australia It has its own distinct account, vocabulary, and even slang terms To help non native speakers learn and understand Australian English, there are various courses available These courseware cover different aspects of the language, including tourism, culture, and cuisine