• Urban exploration(都市探 ( 险) is the examination of the normally
unseen or off-limits parts of urban areas or industrial facilities. It may also be referred to as draining urban spelunking, urban rock climbing, urban caving, or building hacking.
Caving(洞穴探险 )—also
occasionally known as spelunking in the United States and potholing in the United Kingdom and Ireland—is the recreational pastime of exploring wild cave systems.
• Mineral exploration is
the process of finding ore to mine. Mineral exploration is a much more intensive, organized and professional form of eral prospecting and, though it frequently uses the services of prospecting, the process of mineral exploration on the whole is much more involved.
Types of exploration
Arctic exploration(极地探 险) is the physical
Exploring polygonal environments by simple robots with faulty combinatorial vision
Exploring Polygonal Environments by Simple Robots with Faulty Combinatorial Vision Anvesh Komuravelli1,⋆and Mat´uˇs Mihal´a k21Department of Comp.Science and Engineering,Indian Institute of TechnologyKharagpur,Indiaanvesh@cse.iitkgp.ernet.in2Institute of Theoretical Computer Science,ETH Zurich,Switzerlandmatus.mihalak@inf.ethz.chAbstract.We study robustness issues of basic exploration tasks of simplerobots inside a polygon P when sensors provide possibly faulty informationabout the unlabelled environment P.Ideally,the simple robot we consider isable to sense the number and the order of visible vertices,and can move toany such visible vertex.Additionally,the robot senses whether two visiblevertices form an edge of P.We call this sensing a combinatorial vision.Therobot can use pebbles to mark vertices.If there is a visible vertex with apebble,the robot knows(senses)the index of this vertex in the list of visiblevertices in counterclockwise order.It has been shown[1]that such a simplerobot,using one pebble,can virtually label the visible vertices with theirglobal indices,and navigate consistently in P.This allows,for example,tocompute the map or a triangulation of P.In this paper we revisit someof these computational tasks in a faulty environment,in that we modelsituations where the sensors“see”two visible vertices as one vertex.Insuch a situation,we show that a simple robot with one pebble cannot evencompute the number of vertices of P.We conjecture(and discuss)that thisis neither possible with two pebbles.We then present an algorithm thatuses three pebbles of two types,and allows the simple robot to count thevertices of ing this algorithm as a subroutine,we present algorithmsthat reconstruct the map of P,as well as the correct visibility at every vertexof P.1IntroductionNowadays one of the main research areas in microrobotics is the study of sim-ple mobile autonomous robots.The recent technological development made it possible to build small mobile robots with simple sensing and computational capabilities at a very low cost,which has launched an interest in the study of distributed robotic systems–computation with swarms of robots,not unlike the computational paradigm of wireless sensor networks(where a lot of simple,small and inexpensive devices are spread in the environment,the ⋆The work was done while the author was an internship student at ETH Zurich.devices self-deploy in a working wireless network,gather data from the en-vironment and provide simple computational tasks).Simple robots promise to bring mobile computational capabilities into areas where previous ap-proaches(usually of bulky construction)are not feasible or cost-effective. The main advantages are quick and easy deployment,scalability,and cost-effectiveness.This new concept raises new research problems,as the classical schemes designed for centrally operated,or overwhelmingly equipped robots are inapplicable to the lightweight and/or distributed computational models of simple robots.In this paper we consider one particular model of simple robots,the so called simple combinatorial robot.In this model the robot is modeled as a moving point inside a simple polygon P,and the sensing provides only“com-binatorial”information about the surroundings.In particular,the robot does not sense any metric information(such as angles,distances,coordinates,or direction).Also,the robot can only move to visible vertices.Study of sim-ple robots with possibly minimum requirements on the sensed information is an attractive topic both in theory and practice,as minimalistic assump-tions provide robots that are less susceptible to failures,they are robust against sensing uncertainty and can be very inexpensive to build.In theory, a minimalistic model allows a worst-case computational analysis and pro-vides insights about complexity of various tasks:the positive results identify the easy problems,while the negative results identify the difficult problem for which a richer functionality and sensing is necessary.The simple combinatorial robot wasfirst defined and studied by Suri et al.[1].The robot operates inside a polygon P.We denote the set of vertices of the polygon P by V={v0,v1,...,v n−1},where two vertices v i and v i+1,i≥0,form an edge e i=v i,v i+1of P.1The robot,initially placed at vertex v0,can only move to a visible vertex,and while moving, the robot does not sense anything about the environment.When the robot lands at a vertex of P,it senses all visible vertices,but only the presence of vertices–the vertices are unlabelled.The robot senses the vertices in a cyclic order,which is the only way the robot can distinguish the vertices from each other.Thus,a movement operation of the robot is simply of the form“move to the i-th visible vertex”.The order of visible vertices is assumed to be counterclockwise(ccw).Additionally,the robot senses whether two visible vertices form a boundary edge of P.Positioned at vertex v,this is modelled by a combinatorial visibility vector cvv(v)=(c0,...,c k),which is a binary vector that encodes,given there are k+1visible vertices,whether the i-th and(i+1)-th visible vertex,i=0,1,...,form an edge of P(c i=1)or not 1To avoid notational overhead,we assume all operations on the indices to be modulo the corresponding number(n in this case).2(c i=0).The convention is that the vertex v is visible to itself,and v is the 0-th visible vertex of v.Figure1illustrates the concept of cvv’s.The robot can use pebbles to mark vertices.If there is a visible vertex with a pebble, the robot also senses the index of this vertex in the list of visible vertices in ccw order.In case the robot uses pebbles of different types,the robot also senses the type of the pebble.Naturally,the goal of computation with pebbles is to use few pebbles and few different types of pebbles.Pv0v1v2v3v4v5v6Fig.1.The leftfigure depicts a polygon P on vertices v0,...,v6.On the rightfigure,a robot R is placed on vertex v0of the same polygon.The visible region of the polygon is shaded.The visible vertices(ordered ccw from the robot’s position)have only local identifiers0,1,2,and3(no global information)stating their position in the ccw order,and the combinatorial visibility vector of v0is cvv(v0)=(1,0,0,1),as the visible vertices0,1 form an edge,vertices1,2form a diagonal,vertices2,3form a diagonal,and vertices3,0 form an edge of PTo understand capabilities of minimalistic robots,one studies what prob-lems are solvable and which not,i.e.,one is interested in the possibility only, and does not primarily aim for the best running time of algorithms.Learning and exploring the environment is a prime problem for any robotic system. The results of Suri et al.[1]show that a simple combinatorial robot without a pebble can decide whether the polygon P is convex.On the other hand, without a pebble the robot cannot count the number of vertices,as shows the result of[2].Allowing the robot to use one pebble,the robot can virtually label the vertices of P and construct a map of P,i.e.,the visibility graph G=(V vis,E vis)of P,a graph with V vis=V and with an edge between every two vertices that are visible to each other in P.This then allows the robot to consistently navigate inside the polygon,and,for example,compute a trian-gulation of puting the visibility graph of P is essentially everything the simple combinatorial robot can do with one pebble,as was shown in[2].In this paper we study the robustness issues of the simple combinatorial robot in scenarios where the sensing does not provide accurate information.3In practice,two vertices visible from vertex v can be“seen”as being very close to each other(e.g.,they span a very tiny angle with v).If a very“sim-ple”sensory device is used,these two vertices may wrongly be recognized as a single vertex.This creates a faulty sensing for the robot.In this sec-tion we model such situations formally and study conditions in which the simple combinatorial robot can reconstruct the visibility graph of a simply-connected polygon P(the visibility graph of P is often called the map of the environment).We show in Section2that even counting the number of vertices of P is not possible with one pebble.We conjecture that this is still not possible with two pebbles.We then show that using three pebbles of two different types allows the simple combinatorial robot to count the number of vertices of P.In Section3we present an algorithm that allows a simple robot with three pebbles of two different types to compute the visibility graph of P,using the algorithm for counting as the main part.We conclude the paper and outline some future work in Section4.Modeling Vertex FaultsFor a given simply-connected polygon P on vertices V,a vertex fault is a set F V,|F|=2.We will sometimes refer to a vertex fault simply as a fault.A vertex that belongs to a vertex fault is called a faulty vertex.We denote by F a collection of vertex faults,i.e.,a set F={F1,F2,...,F m},where every F i,i=1,2,...,m,is a vertex fault.We assume that the vertex faults in F are mutually disjoint,i.e.,no vertex belongs to more than one vertex fault.We define and study the simple combinatorial robot with vertex faults (faulty robot for short)–a model derived from the simple combinatorial robot that reflects our discussion on unreliable sensing.For a given polygon P and a given set of vertex faults F,a faulty robot sitting at some vertex v∈V senses its surrounding in P via the faulty combinatorial visibility vector fcvv(v)which is defined from the cvv in the following way(consult Fig.2 for illustration).Let cvv(v)be the combinatorial visibility vector of vertex v in polygon P.For any two visible vertices x and y,x,y=v,that belong to the same vertex fault F and that appear consecutively in the“vision”of vertex v(recall that the visible vertices of v are considered in ccw order), we remove from the cvv the information about x and y(i.e.,we remove the bit that encodes whether they form an edge or a diagonal in P).Doing so for any such pair of vertices defines the faulty combinatorial visibility vector fcvv of vertex v.Thus,if vertex v does not see any vertex from a vertex fault,the cvv and the fcvv are the same.Notice also that according to the definition,the robot at vertex v cannot distinguish between vertices x and y from F only4if they lie consecutively next to each other(as observed from vertex v).The reason for this is that from different positions the vertices x and y may cause sensing problems,and from others not.Especially,if from some position the vertices x and y do not appear consecutively,i.e.,there is at least one vertex w between them,then the robot’s sensing can distinguish between x and y.The concept of the fcvv can also be seen as treating the two vertices of a vertex fault as one“virtual”vertex(as observed by a robot),and then defining the fcvv as the cvv with the virtual vertices.In this understanding, the robot thus senses less vertices(than there really are).We will assume that every vertex fault F={u F,v F}is visible from a vertex of P,i.e.,there is a vertex v in P which sees both u F and u F with the correct vision(as otherwise such a vertex fault does not give any faulty vision).P vy xv′wF={x,y}cvv(v)=(1,0,1,0,1,1)fcvv(v)=(1,0,1,1,1)v′Fig.2.Illustration of a faulty combinatorial visibility vector.The leftfigure depicts a polygon P with one vertex fault F={x,y}.The vertices x and y appear consecutively in the ccw order as seen from v(the dotted lines are the“vision”lines)and therefore fcvv(v) differs from cvv(v)–the0encoding that x and y form a diagonal in P is removed.The rightfigure depicts an alternative view on fcvv’s.The vertex fault{x,y}is seen by a robot at v as one virtual vertex v F,and fcvv(v)is then the cvv of this new(faulty)vision with v F in itIt remains to specify what happens if a robot decides to move to a virtual vertex v F.In our model we assume that the robot can land non-deterministically at either vertex of F.We study the worst-case behavior of algorithms,and thus assume an adversary that decides where the robot lands.Finally,if a pebble is left at a faulty vertex of a vertex fault F,a robot that sees the virtual vertex v F also sees the pebble as being placed at the virtual vertex v F.Related WorkThe concept of simple,deterministic robots that sense no metric information (distances,angles,coordinates,etc.)is a relatively new research area.The simple combinatorial robot,the model we consider in this paper,was defined and studied in[1].The robot was shown be able to compute the visibility5graph of P using one pebble.A similar approach to minimalism was studied for example by Yershova et al[3].They study pursuit-evasion problems with a robot that can only sense the type of the current vertex(reflex or convex angle)and can only move along the boundary edges,but can continue in the same direction after reaching a vertex with reflex angle.In these and similar models(see e.g.[4]or[5]for other examples of similar models)the considered sensing is very simple,yet the reliability of such sensing is crucial for the solutions of the studied problems.A recent,not directly related,but well studied area of fault-tolerance with mobile robots addresses the computation issues with imprecise com-passes.In this model,a set of asynchronous autonomous robots are placed in a plane(i.e.,not in a polygon)equipped with a sense of direction(and distance)and capability to move an arbitrary distance in an arbitrary direc-tion.An imprecise compass delivers a direction that can deviate from the actual value,but the error is bounded.In this model,mainly the gather-ing problem was studied[6,7].Also for the gathering problem,the issue of not obtaining perfectly accurate sensory input,and not having a perfectly accurate movement was studied in[8]for asynchronous robots.2Counting the Number of VerticesIn this section we consider the elementary problem of inferring the number of vertices of a polygon P by a faulty robot.We shall see that this problem, being trivial in the fault-free case using one pebble,becomes non-trivial in the presence of faults even with two pebbles.We will show,however,that a robot with three pebbles of two types can compute the number of vertices of P.2.1Counting with1PebbleIt is illustrative to considerfirst the case when there are no vertex faults. In such a case the robot simply leaves a pebble on the current vertex and moves around the boundary,always moving to itsfirst visible vertex(which is its“right”neighbor),counting the number of visited vertices,until the robot comes back to a vertex with the pebble.In case of vertex faults this simple strategy does obviously not work.Consider for example a convex polygon on four vertices v0,v1,v2,v3and one vertex fault F={v1,v2}. Assume that the robot initially sits at vertex v0.The robot drops the pebble to mark v0and moves to its right neighbor,which is a virtual vertex v F.The adversary makes the robot land on v2.The robot then continues to v3and v0,visiting only three vertices in total.One could probably easily derive a6correct algorithm for this simple case,nonetheless we show that in general,using only one pebble,there is no algorithm for the problem of counting the number of vertices in the presence of vertex faults.Theorem 1.Any simple robot with one pebble cannot count the number of vertices of a polygon P with vertex faults.Proof.Let A be an arbitrary (deterministic)algorithm for the simple robot with one pebble.We will show that A cannot count the number of vertices in every polygon P .Consider polygons P 1and P 2in Fig.3with a different number of vertices.The left polygon P 1is a square and the right polygon P 2is a convex polygon on six vertices.P 1has no vertex fault,and P 2has three vertex faults F 1={v 0,v 1},F 2={v 2,v 3}and F 3={v 4,v 5}.Thus,if we consider a robot placed at a vertex of the vertex fault {v 0,v 1}for example,it can visually distinguish between the vertices v 0and v 1,but from either of these vertices the robot sees v 2,v 3as a single virtual vertex,and v 4,v 5as another virtual vertex.Let us denote by v F 1,v F 2,and v F 3the virtual vertices that correspond tothe vertex faults F 1,F 2,and F 3,respectively.v 0v 1v 2v 3v 0v 1v 2v 3v 4v 5v F 2v F 1v F 3P 1P 2Fig.3.Polygons used for the proof of Theorem 1Observe first that a robot has the same view in both polygons,i.e.,fcvv(v )=(1,1,1,1)for any vertex v in both polygons.Thus,if the robot does not use the pebble,it cannot count the number of vertices because if after ℓmoves and observations in P 1it determines that polygon has four vertices,then the same movements and observations can be made in the second polygon,and thus the deterministic robot has to claim P 2has four vertices,which is obviously wrong.Let us consider the situation when a robot executing A (in both poly-gons)drops a pebble.As P 1and P 2are symmetric we can,without loss of generality,assume the robot drops the pebble at vertex v 0when run on any of the two polygons.We now show that any movement of a robot execut-ing A in P 1can be mimicked in P 2as well,by appropriate choices (by the7adversary)of a vertex the robot lands at,when moving to a virtual vertex v F,i=1,2,3,such that the observed fcvv’s remain the same,together with ithe position of the pebble therein.If a robot in P1moves to itsfirst visible vertex(i.e.,to vertex v1in our case),then robot in P2attempts to move to v1as well,and thus the robot in P2lands at v1as well.Hence,the position of the pebble in both cases is the same–the pebble is on the vertex which is the robot’s left neighbor.Similarly,if the robot in P1moves to its last vis-ible vertex(i.e.,to vertex v3),then robot in P2attempts to move to vertex and lands at vertex v5.If the robot in P1moves to the second visible v F3vertex(vertex v2),then the robot in P2lands at vertex v3.It is easy to check that the position of the pebble is the same in both cases.Now(assuming the pebble is still at vertex v0)for any position of the robot in P1and any movement of the robot to a visible vertex,the adversary can make the robot in P2mimic the movement by an appropriate choice of landings in P2.We do not list all possible movements here,but give one more example only. Assume the robot in P1at vertex v2moves to vertex v1and then to vertex v3.If the robot in P2is at vertex v3,the algorithm A moves the robotfirst,and lands to vertex v2,and then attempts to move the robot to vertex v F3at vertex v5(by the choice of the adversary).If the robot picks up the pebble in P1so can the robot in P2,as we have maintained the same vision and the position of the pebble is the same for the robots in both polygons.Thus,as the adversary can force the algorithm A to produce the same vision sequence in both polygons,the algorithm cannot compute the number of vertices in both polygons.⊓⊔2.2Counting with2PebblesA natural question is to study the problem using two pebbles.While we do not know whether two pebbles suffice to compute the number of vertices of any polygon P,we outline the difficulties in designing such an algorithm.Consider a(big)polygon which consists of“triangular cells”as depicted in Fig.4.The triangular cell can be seen as a triangle whose tips were cut off.For the construction we cut offjust a tiny bit so that the resulting two vertices of a loose end have distanceε(εas small as needed).Also,the two vertices of every end of the cell form a vertex fault.We can glue the triangular cells together as depicted in thefigure.Starting from a central triangular cell,we can grow the polygon to an arbitrary size by making the newly glued cells smaller and smaller.To make the constructionfinite,we just use triangular cells with no open ends.We make the construction such that the two vertices of every vertex fault F appear consecutively in ccw order as seen from any visible vertex,and thus the two vertices will be seen8by the robot as a single virtual vertex v F.For this to achieve,one has to set an appropriateεand an appropriate angle at which the new cells are glued.For brevity we omit the precise description of the construction.We note that the depiction in Fig.4is only schematic.We call the resulting polygon triangular.For the moment we assume the polygon is big enough for“anything which follows”,while the exact size will naturally become clear at the end of the section.vertexfaultFig.4.Left:A“triangular cell”is a triangle with endpoints split into open ends.The two vertices of each open end form a vertex fault.Right:The whole polygon is build from these “triangular cells”by an appropriate rotation and scalingWefirst prove a useful lemma that highlights the main technique for the proof of the main result of this subsection.Lemma1.A simple robot with no pebbles can be made to stay within two neighboring cells in any triangular polygon P.Furthermore,if the initial vertex can be chosen by the adversary,the robot can be made to stay within one cell.Proof.The main trick is to choose the proper vertex v∈F where the robot lands when it attempts to move to a virtual vertex v F.We(the adversary) can choose this vertex arbitrarily(i.e.,the robot does not notice the differ-ence)as long as the vision from these two vertices is the same.Observe that if the robot is not at the ending triangular cell,the vision is everywhere the same,fcvv=(1,1,1,1,1,1).Our choice of the landing vertex will depend on what the robot wants to do after landing in v F.For the following discussion, consult Fig.5.Let s denote the vertex where the robot starts.Let e be the vertex for which{s,e}is a vertex fault in P.Vertex s is a“gateway”to two neighboring triangular cells A and B,with vertices as depicted in the figure.We show how to make the robot stay in the cells A and B.Assume for example the robot wants to move to its right neighbor(which is the virtual vertex of the vertex fault{a,b}).The robot may land at a or b.We have9the freedom to choose.Depending on the robot’s next move we choose a or b such that after the next move the robot stays in A or B .The important observation is that a robot at a or b has the same sensing (the same fcvv)and thus,as the robot is deterministic,has to do the same movement,re-gardless of whether it lands at a or b .If the next move is “go to the i -th visible vertex in ccw order”,where i is 1or 2,then we make the robot land at b (as if it landed at a ,the next movement would bring the robot out of A and B ).Similarly,if the next move is “go to the i -th visible vertex in ccw order”,where i is 4or 5,then we make the robot land at a .Clearly,if the next move is “go to the 3rd visible vertex”,the robot stays within the cells A and B regardless of us choosing a or b as the landing vertex.Thus,we only choose a or b according to the robot’s first movement that is different from “go to the 3rd visible vertex”.After we have chosen the proper vertex a or b for the robot to land,we can similarly argue for all subsequent movements.s ba cd ef g h i AB Fig.5.A robot that does not use a pebble never leaves cells A and BFrom the aforementioned arguments it is now an easy observation that if the adversary can choose the initial vertex (i.e.,either s or e )then the robot can be made to stay within one cell (say,cell A in our case).⊓⊔Using the ideas of the previous lemma we show the following theorem Theorem 2.If a faulty robot with two pebbles can count the number of vertices of a triangular polygon P ,then at any time of the computation the two pebbles are at most two moves (of the robot)apart.Proof.Let us consider the situation where the two pebbles B 1and B 2are more than two moves apart.Thus,the pebbles are in two cells A and B which do not share a single vertex.Let us consider the moment when the robot places the second pebble B 2in cell B .We will show that the robot cannot count the number of vertices of P .We will argue that the adversary can choose landings in such a way that the robot will never come back to cell A (where the first pebble B 1is placed).Thus,effectively,this will lead10into a situation of a robot with one pebble only.In this situation,however, the robot cannot lose sight of the second pebble B2,as otherwise the robot would end up in a situation of Lemma1,according to which the adversary can make the robot stay in one cell(forever).Clearly,if the robot cannot lose the sight of the second pebble B2,it cannot visit all vertices of P(as picking up the pebble B2results into the situation of Lemma1,and thus we can make the robot to stay in one cell,never coming back to cell A),and thus it cannot count the number of vertices of P.Consider the situation in Fig.6,where B1denotes thefirst pebble,and B2denotes the second pebble.B1lies in cell A,B2lies in cell B,and there is at least one more cell X between the two cells(and B1and B2do not lie in X).We want to avoid the robot coming to a vertex of vertex fault F1,the“gateway”to cell A.For this,wefirst argue about the position of pebble B2in cell B.It is placed at a vertex of a vertex fault F4={g,h}. From the geometry of the setting and from our assumptions it follows that the robot had to came to F4from a vertex of P that did not see the pebble B1.Hence,we(the adversary)can choose whether the robot lands at g or h–the visibility will be the same,so the robot decides to place a pebble in either case.Fig.6.Pebbles B1and B2are separated by at least3moves This effectively means that we(the adversary)can decide the location of the pebble B2to be g or h.Our decision depends on the next step(s)of the robot.We may assume that the next step of the robot is a movement (as collecting the right-now dropped pebble is useless and does not help the robot to navigate or compute anything).Let usfirst consider the case in which we let the robot land at vertex g to place the pebble B2there.If the robot never leaves the sight of B2then the robot can clearly never come to11cell A,and it also cannot count the number of vertices of P.Thus,assume the robot eventually leaves the sight of B2.Clearly,for one of the choices of landing at g or h,the“leaving”of the robot does not happen at a vertex of F2(i.e.,if for a particular choice of landing the“leaving”happens at a vertex of F2,then for the other choice of landing the“leaving”happens at a vertex of F x–the symmetrically placed vertex fault to F2;this follows because the robot will do the same sequence of movements in either case).Thus,choosing the proper landing,the robot moves from a vertex of F x to a cell with no sight of a pebble,and thus it ends up at the situation of Lemma1,which guarantees that the robot will stay in one cell(forever).⊓⊔Thus,according to the theorem,the two pebbles have to be dropped in adjacent cells,or in the same cell.This hints us that the robot should keep track of the two pebbles such that they are not very far apart.Thus,as the robot moves,it should move the pebbles too.While this may help in visiting vertices,it is not obvious it helps in counting them exactly.This provokes us to make the following conjecture.Conjecture1.A simple robot with two pebbles cannot count the number of vertices of a polygon with vertex faults.2.3Counting with3PebblesNow,we present an algorithm for counting the vertices of a polygon with any number of vertex faults using three pebbles of two different types.Theorem3.A simple robot with three pebbles of two different types can count the number of vertices of a polygon P with vertex faults.Proof.Our algorithm uses the distinct pebble(pebble of type2)to mark the start vertex v0,and two other identical pebbles(pebbles of type1)to traverse consistently along the boundary of P in ccw order.Starting at vertex v0,the algorithm’s goal is to be able to go to the i-th vertex on the boundary, i=1,2,3,4,...,until the pebble of type2is found again,and thus the number of vertices of P is inferred.The pebble of type2will not have any other usage in the algorithm.As we have seen in the previous sections,going to thefirst vertex is already impossible if no pebble is used(recall,just set{v1,v2}to be a vertex fault and let the robot land at vertex v2instead of landing at v1).Using two pebbles,traversing the boundary consistently is possible.We will show how to make one step of the traversing,i.e.,how to move to the next vertex on the boundary.The whole traversing is then just the repetition of these steps.12。
Space Exploration
Space ExplorationThe exploration of space has been an ongoing endeavor for humanity since the dawn of time. From the early days of stargazing to the modern era of space exploration, humans have always been fascinated with the mysteries of the universe beyond our planet. The exploration of space has led to many technological advancements and scientific discoveries that have changed the way we live our lives.One of the most significant accomplishments of space exploration is the development of satellite technology. Satellites have revolutionized our world by providing us with instant access to information from all corners of the globe. They have also made possible the use of GPS systems, which have become essential in our daily lives. Satellites have also played a crucial role in weather forecasting, disaster relief efforts, and national security. Another significant achievement of space exploration is the landing of humans on the moon. On July 20th, 1969, Neil Armstrong became the first person to step foot on the moon as part of NASA's Apollo 11 mission. This historic event was a testament to human ingenuity and determination. It served as a source of inspiration for generations to come and paved the way for further exploration of space.Space exploration has also led to advances in medicine. The research conducted in space has allowed for a better understanding of the human body's response to zero-gravity environments. This research has led to the development of new treatments for conditions such as osteoporosis and muscle atrophy. Additionally, the experiments conducted in space have helped scientists discover new ways to fight diseases such as cancer. Moreover, space exploration has led to the discovery of new worlds beyond our solar system. With the help of advanced telescopes and other technologies, astronomers have discovered thousands of exoplanets orbiting distant stars. These discoveries have expanded our understanding of the universe and provided new insights into the possibility of life beyond Earth.In conclusion, space exploration has been one of humanity's greatest achievements. It has led to significant advancements in technology, science, and medicine. The exploration of space has broadened our understanding of the universe, and it has inspired us to push the boundaries of what is possible. As we continue to explore the cosmos, we will undoubtedly discover new wonders and mysteries that will shape the course of human history.。
exploration的中文翻译及用法exploration的英语发音:英音[ eksplə'reiʃn ] 点击发音;美音[ eksplə'reiʃn ] 点击发音exploration英语翻译成汉语:名词解释:[C,U]1.勘探,勘查,探索2.探究,研究,探测同义词:geographic expedition;exploration的英语解释:to travel for the purpose of discoverya careful systematic searcha systematic consideration相关短语:advanced exploration 初勘airborne magnetic exploration 航空磁力探矿aquifer exploration 含水层勘探coal exploration 煤田勘探coal resources exploration 煤炭资源勘探comprehensive marine exploration 海洋综合考察cooperative exploration of offshore oil 海上石油合作勘探detailed exploration 详细勘探electric exploration instrument 电气勘探仪energy exploration 能源勘探exploration的例句:The Elizabethan age was a time of exploration and discovery.英国女王伊丽莎白一世时代是探索和发现的时代.Professor Field is devoted to the exploration of the frontiers of medicine.菲尔德教授致力于探索医学研究的新领域。
Petroleum geology is the application of geology (the study of rocks) to the exploration for and production of oil and gas.石油地质学是地质学(岩石研究)在油气勘探开发和生产中的应用。
有关了解宇宙的英语作文Exploring the Universe: A Journey into the Cosmos。
The universe, vast and mysterious, has captivated humanity's imagination for centuries. With advancements in technology and scientific inquiry, our understanding of the cosmos has deepened over time. In this essay, we will embark on a journey to explore the universe, delving into its wonders and mysteries.The universe, comprising galaxies, stars, planets, and countless other celestial bodies, stretches far beyond the reaches of our imagination. Its vastness is incomprehensible, yet scientists have endeavored to unravel its secrets through observation, experimentation, and theoretical modeling.One of the most profound discoveries in modern astronomy is the Big Bang theory, which posits that the universe originated from a singular, infinitely dense pointover 13 billion years ago. This theory not only explainsthe expansion of the universe but also provides insightsinto its early evolution.As we gaze into the night sky, we are met with atapestry of stars, each representing a distant sun in its own solar system. The study of stars, known as astrophysics, has revealed the diverse life cycles of these celestial objects, from the fiery birth of new stars to the spectacular death throes of supernovae.In addition to stars, galaxies serve as the building blocks of the universe, clustering together in vast cosmic webs. Through telescopic observations and computer simulations, astronomers have classified various types of galaxies, ranging from spiral and elliptical to irregular shapes. These galaxies not only contain stars but also harbor supermassive black holes at their centers, exerting immense gravitational forces on their surroundings.The search for extraterrestrial life has long been a driving force behind space exploration. While humanity hasyet to discover definitive evidence of life beyond Earth, scientists remain hopeful that future missions to Mars, Europa, and other celestial bodies will yield groundbreaking discoveries. Moreover, the discovery of exoplanets—planets orbiting stars outside our solar system—has expanded the horizons of astrobiology, offering tantalizing possibilities for habitable worlds.The study of cosmology, the science of the origin and evolution of the universe, has led to remarkable insights into its fundamental properties. From the existence of dark matter and dark energy to the cosmic microwave background radiation, cosmologists strive to unravel the mysteriesthat shroud the cosmos in darkness.Technological advancements have revolutionized our ability to explore the universe, enabling missions to distant planets, moons, and asteroids. Robotic spacecraft such as Voyager, Cassini, and New Horizons have provided unprecedented views of our solar system and beyond, while space telescopes like Hubble and James Webb have peered deep into the cosmos, capturing awe-inspiring images ofdistant galaxies and nebulae.Furthermore, international collaborations such as the European Space Agency (ESA), NASA, and the International Space Station (ISS) have fostered cooperation among nations in the pursuit of scientific knowledge and exploration. These endeavors exemplify humanity's collective ambition to unravel the mysteries of the universe and expand our cosmic horizons.In conclusion, the universe remains an enigmatic realm, full of wonders waiting to be discovered. Throughscientific inquiry, technological innovation, and international collaboration, humanity continues its quest to understand the cosmos and our place within it. As we embark on this journey of exploration, let us remain steadfast in our pursuit of knowledge and discovery, for the universe beckons with endless possibilities and untold mysteries.。
人教版高中英语选择性必修四 UNIT 3 SEA EXPLORATION
【素养提升】 阅读有关人类征服海洋的历史,了解海洋探索的历史及现 状。 了解中国人民在古代历史上战胜困难,探索海洋、征服海 洋的历史,增强民族自豪感,培养民族文化自信的意识。 通过课文的学习,了解海洋的现状,培养保护海洋及海洋 生物的环境保护意识。
英语 选择性必修 第四册 配人教版
主题: 营救鲸鱼 学科素养:人与自然 难度系数:★★★ 【语篇导读】在澳大利亚的塔斯马尼亚岛,大约270头领 航鲸游泳后搁浅。这是近年来最大的搁浅事件。本文主要介绍 了鲸的现状及人们拯救鲸的努力。
shallow for them to escape.This is known as “stranding” or
“beaching”.Pilot whales and killer whales are some of the most
commonly stranded whales.
The current stranding is the largest in Tasmania since 1935.The
分析:本句中的“To refloat the whales”是一个动词不定式作
目的状语。“they are moved onto a sling”是句子的主句部分。后
面 的 which 引 导 一 个 非 限 定 性 的 定 语 从 句 , 修 饰 前 面 的 名 词
英语 选择性必修 第四册 配人教版
exploration的英文作文Exploration is like a journey into the unknown, a chance to discover new things and expand our horizons. It's about pushing boundaries and challenging ourselves to go further than we ever thought possible.The thrill of exploration is in the unexpected discoveries and the feeling of adventure that comes with stepping into uncharted territory. It's about embracing the unknown and being open to whatever we may find along the way.Exploration allows us to break free from the routine and monotony of everyday life, to break out of our comfort zones and experience the world in a whole new way. It's about seeking out the extraordinary and embracing the diversity of the world around us.The beauty of exploration is that it can take many forms – from traveling to new places, to delving into newideas and concepts, to pushing the limits of our own capabilities. It's about being open to new experiences and being willing to take risks in order to grow and learn.Exploration is not just about physical journeys, but also about the journey of self-discovery and personal growth. It's about pushing ourselves to overcome obstacles and to learn from the challenges we face along the way.The essence of exploration lies in the spirit of curiosity and the desire to seek out new knowledge and understanding. It's about being open-minded and willing to embrace the unknown, to ask questions and to never stop seeking answers.。
exploration的英文作文英文:Exploration is an essential part of human nature. We are curious beings who have an innate desire to learn and discover new things. This desire has led us to explore the depths of the ocean, the vastness of space, and the mysteries of the human mind.Personally, I have always been fascinated by exploration. When I was younger, I would spend hours reading books about the adventures of explorers like Christopher Columbus and Marco Polo. As I grew older, my interest in exploration only grew stronger. I have traveled to many different countries, each time seeking out new experiences and learning about different cultures.One of my most memorable explorations was when I traveled to Japan. I had always been intrigued by Japanese culture and wanted to experience it firsthand. During mytrip, I visited many temples, tried new foods, and even attended a traditional tea ceremony. It was an incredible experience that taught me so much about a culture that was previously unfamiliar to me.Another example of exploration in my life is when I decided to learn a new language. I had always been interested in Spanish, but had never taken the time to learn it. So, I decided to enroll in a Spanish course and started practicing every day. It was challenging at first, but eventually, I was able to hold conversations with native Spanish speakers. Learning a new language not only allowed me to communicate with a wider range of people, but it also opened up a whole new world of literature and media that I had previously been unable to access.Overall, exploration has enriched my life in countless ways. It has allowed me to gain new perspectives, learn about different cultures, and challenge myself in ways that I never thought possible.中文:探索是人类本性中的一个重要部分。
exploring,英语作文英文回答:Exploring is an inherent human characteristic thatdrives us to seek new knowledge, experiences, and perspectives. It is a fundamental aspect of our nature that has enabled us to progress as a species and achieve unprecedented heights of understanding and accomplishment.Exploration can take many forms, from physical journeys to expeditions of the mind. Physical exploration involves venturing into uncharted territories, discovering new lands, and pushing the boundaries of human endurance. Explorerslike Christopher Columbus, Vasco da Gama, and Ferdinand Magellan embarked on epic voyages that transformed our understanding of the world and expanded our horizons.Intellectual exploration, on the other hand, involves delving into the realms of knowledge, seeking answers to fundamental questions about the universe, ourselves, andour place in it. Scientists, philosophers, and artists throughout history have pushed the boundaries of human understanding through their relentless pursuit of knowledge. From Copernicus's revolutionary heliocentric model to Einstein's theory of relativity, intellectual exploration has brought us a deeper appreciation of the complexitiesand wonders of the world around us.Exploration is not just an activity reserved for the elite few who embark on grand expeditions or make groundbreaking discoveries. It is an essential aspect of everyday life that can enrich our experiences and broaden our perspectives. Exploring new cultures, trying different cuisines, learning a new language, or simply taking a different route to work can spark a sense of wonder and discovery that can enhance our lives.Exploration also fosters resilience, problem-solving skills, and adaptability. When we venture outside our comfort zones and encounter unfamiliar challenges, we learn to adapt and overcome obstacles. This process strengthens our character and prepares us to face future challengeswith confidence.Moreover, exploration promotes empathy and understanding. By interacting with people from different backgrounds and cultures, we gain a broader perspective and develop a deeper appreciation for the diversity of human experience. This understanding can foster a sense of global citizenship and a commitment to working together to address common challenges.中文回答:探索的本质。
关于exploration的英语作文Exploration is a fundamental human instinct that drives us to seek out new experiences, discover unknown territories, and expand our horizons. Whether it's exploring a new city, trying a new hobby, or delving into a new subject, the act of exploration enriches our lives in countless ways.When we step out of our comfort zone and embark on a journey of exploration, we open ourselves up to new possibilities and opportunities. We challenge ourselves to learn, grow, and adapt to unfamiliar surroundings. The thrill of discovery and the sense of accomplishment that comes from exploring the unknown are incredibly rewarding.Exploration also fosters curiosity, creativity, and a sense of wonder. It allows us to see the world from different perspectives, appreciate the beauty of diversity, and gain a deeper understanding of ourselves and the world around us.Through exploration, we not only discover new places and things but also discover more about ourselves – our strengths, passions, and limitations. It helps us break free from routine, spark our imagination, and inspire usto live life to the fullest.In conclusion, exploration is a transformative and enriching experience that brings joy, growth, and fulfillment. Embrace the spirit of exploration, and let it lead you to new adventures and discoveries.中文翻译:探索是一种根深蒂固的人类本能,驱使我们寻求新的体验,发现未知领域,拓展我们的视野。
exploration作文英文Title: The Essence of Exploration。
Exploration is a fundamental aspect of human nature, driving us to venture into the unknown in search of knowledge, discovery, and understanding. From the early explorers who set sail across uncharted seas to the modern-day scientists probing the depths of space, exploration has shaped the course of human history and continues to fuel our curiosity and innovation. In this essay, we will delve into the significance of exploration and its impact on individuals and society as a whole.First and foremost, exploration fosters personal growth and development. When we step outside of our comfort zones and embark on new experiences, we challenge ourselves to adapt and learn. Whether it's traveling to a foreign country, learning a new language, or pursuing a passion project, exploration allows us to expand our horizons and broaden our perspectives. Through encountering diversecultures, ideas, and ways of life, we gain a deeper understanding of the world and our place within it.Furthermore, exploration drives progress and innovation. History is replete with examples of groundbreaking discoveries that have transformed society, from the exploration of the New World to the invention of the steam engine. By pushing the boundaries of what is known and possible, explorers and innovators have propelled humanity forward, opening up new frontiers and unlocking the secrets of the universe. Whether it's through scientific research, technological innovation, or artistic expression,exploration sparks creativity and drives advancements that benefit society as a whole.Moreover, exploration fosters collaboration and cooperation among individuals and nations. In anincreasingly interconnected world, the challenges we face transcend borders and require collective action. By working together to explore and address these challenges, we can harness the collective knowledge and resources of humanityto find solutions that benefit us all. Whether it'stackling climate change, combating disease, or promoting peace and understanding, exploration fosters cooperationand solidarity among people from different backgrounds and cultures.However, exploration also carries risks and uncertainties. The pursuit of the unknown can be fraughtwith danger, from physical hazards such as extreme environments and hostile wildlife to the potential for conflict and misunderstanding with other cultures. Moreover, the quest for exploration can sometimes lead toexploitation and harm, whether it's the exploitation of natural resources, the displacement of indigenous peoples,or the destruction of fragile ecosystems. Therefore, it is essential that exploration be conducted responsibly and ethically, with due consideration for the impact on boththe environment and the communities involved.In conclusion, exploration is a fundamental aspect of human nature that drives us to seek knowledge, discovery, and understanding. From personal growth and development to progress and innovation, exploration has profoundimplications for individuals and society as a whole. By fostering collaboration, driving progress, and expanding our horizons, exploration enriches our lives and helps to shape a better future for generations to come. As we continue to explore the frontiers of knowledge and push the boundaries of what is possible, let us do so with humility, curiosity, and respect for the world around us.。
我探索宇宙的英语作文Exploring the Universe。
The vastness of the cosmos has always been a source of wonder and fascination for humankind. From ancient times to the present day, we have gazed up at the stars with a sense of awe and curiosity, wondering about the mysteries thatlie beyond our world. In this essay, we will delve into the topic of exploring the universe and the profound impact it has on our understanding of existence.One of the most significant endeavors in exploring the universe is space exploration. Over the decades, space agencies such as NASA, ESA, Roscosmos, and others have sent missions to various celestial bodies, including the Moon, Mars, and beyond. These missions have not only expanded our knowledge of the universe but also pushed the boundaries of human achievement.One of the key motivations for exploring the universeis the quest for knowledge. By studying distant stars, galaxies, and planets, scientists gain insights into the fundamental laws of physics, the origins of the universe, and the potential for extraterrestrial life. For example, the discovery of exoplanets orbiting other stars has raised intriguing questions about the prevalence of life in the cosmos.Furthermore, exploring the universe has practical benefits for humanity. Technologies developed for space exploration, such as satellite communications, GPS systems, and medical imaging, have revolutionized various aspects of our daily lives. Additionally, space exploration fosters international cooperation and inspires future generations to pursue careers in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM).The exploration of the universe also poses ethical and philosophical questions. As we venture further into space, we must consider the impact of our actions on other celestial bodies and any potential life forms we may encounter. Moreover, the search for extraterrestrialintelligence raises questions about our place in the universe and the nature of consciousness.In recent years, advancements in space exploration have accelerated, thanks to innovations in rocket technology, robotics, and artificial intelligence. Private companies like SpaceX, Blue Origin, and Virgin Galactic have entered the space race, driving competition and innovation in the industry. These developments promise exciting opportunities for future space exploration, including missions to Mars, asteroid mining, and human settlements beyond Earth.However, exploring the universe also comes with challenges and risks. Space travel is inherently dangerous and requires careful planning, technological reliability, and international cooperation. Furthermore, the financial costs of space exploration are substantial, raising debates about priorities and resource allocation.In conclusion, exploring the universe is a noble and awe-inspiring endeavor that expands our horizons and fuels our imagination. From scientific discoveries totechnological innovations and philosophical reflections, the quest to understand the cosmos enriches our lives and defines our place in the universe. As we continue to explore and unlock the mysteries of the cosmos, we embark on a journey of endless possibilities and discoveries.This essay explores the topic of exploring the universe and its profound impact on our understanding of existence. From ancient times to the present day, humankind has been fascinated by the vastness of the cosmos and the mysteries it holds. Space exploration, driven by curiosity,scientific inquiry, and technological advancements, has been at the forefront of this quest for knowledge.One of the primary motivations for exploring the universe is the desire to unravel its mysteries and understand the fundamental laws that govern it. By studying distant stars, galaxies, and planets, scientists gain insights into the origins of the universe, the nature of dark matter and dark energy, and the potential for extraterrestrial life. The discovery of exoplanets orbiting other stars has sparked excitement and speculation aboutthe possibility of life beyond Earth.Moreover, exploring the universe has practical benefits for humanity. Technologies developed for space exploration, such as satellite communications, GPS systems, and medical imaging, have improved our quality of life and transformed various industries. Space exploration also fosters international cooperation, as seen in collaborative missions like the International Space Station (ISS), where multiple countries work together in space.However, the exploration of the universe also raises ethical and philosophical questions. As we venture further into space, we must consider the impact of our actions on other celestial bodies and any potential life forms we may encounter. The search for extraterrestrial intelligence prompts reflections on the nature of consciousness, our place in the cosmos, and our responsibilities as stewards of Earth.In recent years, advancements in space exploration have accelerated, driven by innovations in rocket technology,robotics, and artificial intelligence. Private companies like SpaceX, Blue Origin, and Virgin Galactic have entered the space industry, bringing new ideas, investments, and competition. These developments promise exciting opportunities for future space exploration, including missions to Mars, asteroid mining, and human colonization of other planets.However, space exploration also comes with challenges and risks. The harsh conditions of space, including microgravity, radiation, and vacuum, pose significant hurdles for human exploration. Moreover, the financial costs of space missions are substantial, raising questions about funding priorities and resource allocation.In conclusion, exploring the universe is a multifaceted endeavor that combines scientific inquiry, technological innovation, and philosophical reflection. It expands our understanding of the cosmos, drives technological progress, and inspires future generations to pursue careers in STEM fields. As we continue to explore and push the boundariesof space exploration, we embark on a journey of discovery and exploration that will shape the future of humanity.。
科学探索宇宙英语作文初一Exploring the Universe with Science。
The universe has always been a fascinating topic for humanity. We have looked up at the stars for centuries, wondering what lies beyond our planet. With the advancement of science and technology, we have been able to explore the universe in ways that were once unimaginable. In this essay, we will discuss how science has allowed us to explore the universe and the incredible discoveries that have been made.One of the most significant advancements in space exploration has been the development of telescopes. Telescopes allow us to see beyond our planet and into the depths of space. The Hubble Space Telescope, launched in 1990, has provided us with stunning images of galaxies, nebulae, and other celestial objects. The telescope has allowed us to study the universe in ways that were once impossible, and has led to numerous discoveries.Another important development in space exploration has been the use of spacecraft. Spacecraft have allowed us to travel beyond our planet and explore other planets, moons, and asteroids. The Voyager 1 and 2 spacecraft, launched in 1977, have traveled beyond our solar system and are still sending back data today. The Mars rovers, Spirit and Opportunity, have explored the surface of Mars and provided us with valuable information about the planet's history and geology.In addition to telescopes and spacecraft, science has also allowed us to study the universe using other methods. For example, scientists use spectroscopy to analyze thelight emitted by celestial objects. This allows us to determine the composition of stars, galaxies, and other objects in space. Scientists also use gravitational wavesto study the universe. Gravitational waves are ripples inthe fabric of space-time that are caused by massive objects, such as black holes. Detecting these waves allows us to study the behavior of these objects and learn more aboutthe universe.Through these methods, scientists have made incredible discoveries about the universe. For example, the discovery of dark matter and dark energy has changed our understanding of the universe and its evolution. The discovery of exoplanets, planets outside of our solar system, has led to the possibility of finding other habitable worlds. The discovery of gravitational waves has confirmed Einstein's theory of general relativity and opened up a new way of studying the universe.In conclusion, science has allowed us to explore the universe in ways that were once unimaginable. Telescopes, spacecraft, spectroscopy, and gravitational waves have all contributed to our understanding of the universe. Through these methods, scientists have made incredible discoveries that have changed our understanding of the universe and our place in it. As we continue to explore the universe, it is certain that science will continue to play a crucial role in our understanding of the cosmos.。
《探索宇宙的奥秘》高中生英语作文【中英文实用版】Exploring the Mysteries of the UniverseAs high school students, we are constantly seeking knowledge and understanding of the world around us.However, there is one aspect of our existence that transcends the boundaries of our planet and delves into the vastness of space - the exploration of the universe.The universe is a vast and complex entity that has fascinated humanity for centuries.From the ancient Greeks to the modern scientists, people have always been curious about the nature of the universe and its origins.Through the use of powerful telescopes and advanced technology, we have been able to uncover some of the mysteries that lie beyond our solar system.One of the most fascinating discoveries in recent years is the existence of black holes.These monstrous celestial objects have a gravitational pull so strong that not even light can escape from them.The concept of black holes was once thought to be purely theoretical, but thanks to the advancements in technology, we have been able to capture images of these fascinating phenomena.Another intriguing aspect of the universe is the presence of dark matter.This mysterious substance makes up a significant portion of the universe, yet it cannot be seen or detected with traditional methods.科学家believe that dark matter is essential for the formation and existence of galaxies, but its exact nature remains a mystery.此外, recent studies have also shown that the universe is expanding at an accelerating rate.This counterintuitive phenomenon has led to the development of new theories and models to explain the behavior of the universe.As high school students, it is important for us to embrace the spirit of curiosity and exploration.The study of the universe not only helps us to understand our place in the cosmos but also inspires us to pursue careers in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.In conclusion, the exploration of the universe is a journey that is full of mysteries and wonders.By studying the cosmos, we can gain a deeper understanding of our own planet and the vastness of space.As we continue to delve into the unknown, we can only hope that our curiosity and desire for knowledge will lead us to even greater discoveries.。
探索宇宙作文英语翻译初中Exploring the Universe。
The universe has always been a source of wonder and fascination for mankind. From the ancient civilizations who studied the stars and planets to the modern-day space explorations, humans have always been curious about what lies beyond our planet. In recent years, advancements in technology have allowed us to explore the universe in ways that were once thought to be impossible. 。
One of the most significant achievements in space exploration was the landing of the first man on the moon in 1969. This historic event marked the beginning of a new era in space exploration and inspired a generation ofscientists and astronauts to push the boundaries of what is possible. Since then, numerous missions have been launched to explore the planets in our solar system, as well as to study distant galaxies and black holes.One of the key goals of space exploration is to search for signs of life beyond Earth. Scientists believe that there may be other habitable planets in the universe that could support life forms similar to our own. By studying these planets and their atmospheres, we may be able to determine whether life exists elsewhere in the universe. This could have profound implications for our understanding of the origins of life and our place in the cosmos.In addition to searching for signs of life, space exploration also allows us to study the origins of the universe and how it has evolved over billions of years. By observing distant galaxies and measuring the radiation left over from the Big Bang, scientists can piece together the history of the universe and gain insights into its future. This knowledge could help us better understand the nature of dark matter and dark energy, which make up the majority of the universe's mass and energy.Furthermore, space exploration has practical applications for life on Earth. Technologies developed for space missions, such as satellite communications and GPS,have revolutionized the way we live and work. In addition, studying the effects of space travel on the human body has led to advances in medicine and healthcare. By continuing to explore the universe, we may discover new resources that could benefit humanity and help us address some of the challenges facing our planet.In conclusion, exploring the universe is a noble endeavor that has the potential to expand our knowledge of the cosmos and our place in it. By pushing the boundaries of what is possible and seeking answers to some of the most fundamental questions about our existence, we can unlock the mysteries of the universe and pave the way for future generations to continue the journey of exploration. As we look to the stars and dream of what lies beyond, we are reminded of the boundless possibilities that await us in the great unknown.。
python elasticsearch历史版本
python elasticsearch历史版本摘要:1.Python 与Elasticsearch 简介2.Elasticsearch 的历史版本3.Python 连接Elasticsearch 的方法4.使用Python 操作Elasticsearch 的历史版本正文:1.Python 与Elasticsearch 简介Python 是一种流行的高级编程语言,广泛应用于各种领域,如数据分析、网络开发等。
Elasticsearch 是一个基于Lucene 的分布式搜索和分析引擎,它允许用户快速地存储、搜索和分析大量数据。
Python 提供了多种库和工具,以便与Elasticsearch 进行集成和交互。
2.Elasticsearch 的历史版本Elasticsearch 自2010 年首次发布以来,已经经历了许多版本更新。
以下是一些重要的历史版本:- 1.0.0(2010 年):这是Elasticsearch 的第一个版本,标志着它的正式发布。
- 2.0.0(2013 年):此版本引入了索引优化、更新API 等新特性。
- 5.0.0(2015 年):Elasticsearch 5.0.0 带来了许多性能改进和新功能,如聚合查询的改进、新的分布式搜索算法等。
- 7.0.0(2018 年):此版本对Elasticsearch 的查询引擎进行了重大改进,提高了查询速度和准确性。
- 7.9.3(2020 年):这是Elasticsearch 的最新版本,提供了更多的性能优化和稳定性改进。
3.Python 连接Elasticsearch 的方法Python 提供了多种库和工具,以便与Elasticsearch 进行集成和交互。
以下是一些常用的Python 库:- Elasticsearch:这是一个官方提供的Python 客户端,用于连接和操作Elasticsearch。
- Elasticsearch-py:这是一个基于REST API 的Elasticsearch Python 驱动程序,提供了与Elasticsearch 进行交互的简单方法。
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Adventure and Exploration
Adventure and exploration have been intrinsic to the human spirit since the beginning of time. From the earliest nomadic tribes to the modern-day space missions, the urge to discover the unknown and push the boundaries of what is possible has driven humanity forward. Throughout history, explorers have embarked on daring journeys tochart new territories, navigate treacherous waters, and conquer towering mountains. Their courage and determination have not only expanded our understanding of the world but have also inspiredothers to dream big and pursue their own adventures.Today, the spirit of adventure and exploration continues to thrivein various forms. From extreme sports enthusiasts seekingadrenaline-pumping experiences to scientists delving into the depths of the ocean or the vastness of outer space, the desire to push the limits of what is known and achievable remains as strong as ever.The allure of adventure lies in the thrill of the unknown, the challenge of overcoming obstacles, and the sense of accomplishmentthat comes from pushing oneself beyond perceived limitations. It is the pursuit of new experiences, the quest for knowledge, and thedrive to leave a lasting mark on the world.Exploration, on the other hand, is driven by a deep curiosity about the world and a relentless pursuit of understanding. Whether it's uncovering ancient civilizations, mapping uncharted territories, or studying the complexities of the natural world, exploration fuelsour quest for knowledge and drives us to seek answers to the most profound questions about our existence.In today's interconnected world, technology has opened up newfrontiers for adventure and exploration. Virtual reality allows usto experience far-off places without leaving our homes, while advancements in space exploration offer the promise of unravelingthe mysteries of the universe. However, the fundamental human desire to seek out the unknown and expand our horizons remains unchanged.The spirit of adventure and exploration is a testament to the indomitable human spirit and our unwavering determination to pushthe boundaries of what is possible. It is a reminder that there is always more to discover, more to experience, and more to learn. Whether it's conquering new peaks, diving to the depths of the ocean, or venturing into the far reaches of space, the call of adventureand exploration will continue to beckon us forward, driving us tonew heights of discovery and understanding.。
Exploring the Unknown
Exploring the unknown has always been a fundamental aspect of human nature. From the earliest days of humanity, people have venturedinto uncharted territories, sought to understand the mysteries ofthe natural world, and pushed the boundaries of what is known. This innate curiosity and drive to explore have led to countlessdiscoveries and advancements throughout history.One of the most famous examples of exploring the unknown is the Ageof Exploration, which took place from the 15th to the 17th centuries. During this time, European explorers set out to discover new trade routes, establish colonies, and expand their empires. This era sawthe discovery of new lands, the mapping of previously unknown territories, and the exchange of knowledge and cultures between different parts of the world.In more recent history, the exploration of outer space has captured the imagination of people around the globe. The Space Age, whichbegan in the mid-20th century, has seen humans send satellites, probes, and manned missions to explore the moon, planets, and beyond. These endeavors have expanded our understanding of the universe and have paved the way for potential future space exploration and colonization.On a more personal level, individuals are constantly exploring the unknown in their own lives. This could involve learning new skills, traveling to unfamiliar places, or seeking out new experiences. Whether it's trying a new cuisine, learning a new language, ortaking up a new hobby, the act of exploring the unknown can be a source of growth, enlightenment, and fulfillment.Exploration is not without its challenges and risks. Venturing into the unknown often involves stepping out of one's comfort zone,facing uncertainty, and sometimes encountering obstacles or setbacks. However, it is through these experiences that individuals andsocieties have the opportunity to learn, adapt, and grow.In conclusion, exploring the unknown is an integral part of thehuman experience. It drives progress, fosters understanding, andopens up new possibilities. Whether it's on a grand scale, such as space exploration, or on a personal level, the act of venturing into uncharted territory is a testament to the human spirit of curiosity, resilience, and the pursuit of knowledge.。
探索火星 英语作文
探索火星英语作文Title: Exploring Mars。
Exploring Mars has been a captivating endeavor for humanity, driven by curiosity, scientific exploration, and the quest for knowledge beyond our terrestrial boundaries. In this essay, we delve into the significance, challenges, and potential of exploring the Red Planet.Significance of Mars Exploration:Mars, our neighboring planet, presents a myriad of opportunities for scientific discovery and potential human colonization. Understanding Mars provides insights into planetary formation, evolution, and the possibility of extraterrestrial life. Moreover, Mars serves as a potential future habitat for humanity, offering resources for sustenance and expansion beyond Earth.Scientific Discoveries:Exploration missions to Mars, such as those conducted by NASA's rovers like Curiosity and Perseverance, have yielded invaluable scientific data. These missions have uncovered evidence of Mars' watery past, geological formations, and atmospheric composition. Furthermore, studying Mars' climate dynamics offers insights intoEarth's own climate evolution and the potential for terraforming.Challenges of Mars Exploration:Despite its scientific allure, Mars exploration poses significant challenges. The distance between Earth and Mars necessitates intricate mission planning, with communication delays and resource limitations. The harsh Martian environment, characterized by extreme temperatures, radiation exposure, and dust storms, presents formidable obstacles for human and robotic exploration alike.Technological Advancements:Advancements in robotics, propulsion systems, and life support technologies have been pivotal in enabling Mars exploration. Robotic rovers equipped with sophisticated instruments navigate the Martian terrain, collecting data and conducting experiments remotely. Additionally, developments in propulsion systems, such as ion engines and reusable rockets, enhance the feasibility of manned missions to Mars.Human Colonization:The prospect of human colonization of Mars ignites the imagination and poses profound questions about the future of humanity. Establishing a sustainable presence on Mars requires addressing myriad challenges, including transportation, habitat construction, food production, and radiation protection. Furthermore, ethical considerations regarding the preservation of Martian ecosystems and potential contamination from Earth must be carefully navigated.International Collaboration:Mars exploration transcends national boundaries, with international collaboration playing a pivotal role in advancing scientific understanding and sharing technological expertise. Collaborative efforts, such as the European Space Agency's ExoMars mission and NASA's partnerships with other space agencies, foster a spirit of cooperation and collective progress in exploring the Red Planet.Conclusion:In conclusion, exploring Mars embodies humanity's innate curiosity, spirit of exploration, and quest for understanding the cosmos. Through scientific discovery, technological innovation, and international collaboration, we inch closer to unraveling the mysteries of the Red Planet. As we gaze towards the future, the exploration and potential colonization of Mars hold the promise of expanding our horizons, advancing scientific knowledge, and inspiring generations to come.。
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A Museum Better Known as the US CapitolThe building's art and sculpture collections tell a story about the country's history. Transcript of radio broadcast:Wednesday, January 27, 2010I'm Bob Doughty. And I'm Faith Lapidus with EXPLORATIONS in VOA Special English.The United States Capitol inWashington, D.C., is one of the mostrecognized buildings in the world. Itsdesign was influenced by the classicalbuildings of ancient Greece and Rome.The United States Congress meets inthe Capitol. The building was createdas a physical representation ofdemocracy. But it is also a museumfilled with art and sculpture that tell about America's social and political history.Our story begins on the Caribbean island of Tortola during the hot summer of seventeen ninety-two. William Thornton is hard at work on a set of building drawings. Mister Thornton came from a family of wealthy landowners who grew sugar on the island. He was trained as a doctor. But he had many interests including history, mechanics, government and building design. Mister Thornton was working to complete drawings for the design of the United States Capitol.A few months earlier, the government of President George Washington had started a contest for the best design for the Capitol. William Thornton wanted the building to express the democratic goals of this young country. It would be a physical version ofAmerica's constitution. His design was influenced by the Parthenon in Rome, Italy and the Louvre museum in Paris, France.William Thornton sent his building design tofederal officials in Washington with a letter ."I have made my drawings with thegreatest accuracy, and the most minuteattention", he wrote. "In an affair of somuch consequence to the dignity of theUnited States," it was his request that "youwill not be hasty in deciding."President Washington and Secretary of State Thomas Jefferson selected a later version of Mister Thornton's design for the Capitol. George Washington praised the design for its "grandeur , simplicity, and beauty."Over the centuries, the United States Capitol has had many changes and additions. Many architects have worked on its extensions. But just as important as the building's design are the pricelesscollections of art and sculpture inside. They tell a detailed story about different events in America's past. And, they provide an interesting commentary on how America's government, people, and artists have chosen to represent their history.We asked Barbara Wolanin to take us through several important rooms to learn more about the building's art and statue collection. She is the curator for the Architect of the Capitol.BARBARA WOLANIN: "The Capitol, from the very beginning, the architects envisioned art sculpture for it, paintings for it. They were really built in as part of the architecture in each of the different construction stages of the Capitol."We start in the most beautiful room, the Rotunda. This large circular room inside the Capitol's tall white dome measures over fifty-four meters high. It was completed in eighteen twenty-four.A drawing of the Capitol dome from 1859The room connects the Senate side of Array the building with the House ofRepresentatives side. So, it is boththe physical and symbolic center ofthe building. Visiting the room is awonderful experience. The room hasa feeling of solidity and permanence,The inside of the Capitol dome but it also is a celebration of light andairiness.BARBARA WOLANIN: "We're in the Rotunda, right in the center ofthe United States Capitol, and starting from the top down, the verytop is the fresco painting called the "Apotheosis of Washington". Itwas painted by a Roman-born artist Constantino Brumidi ineighteen sixty-five, at the end of the Civil War."At the top of the dome is a colorful painting showing groups ofpeople arranged in a circular shape. George Washington sits in thecenter of the painting, with women representing Liberty and Victoryat his sides.BARBARA WOLANIN: "He's the one in the lavender lap robe. Andhe's rising up into the heavens. Apotheosis means being raised tothe level of an ideal or a god."It might seem strange today to show an American president as agod. But during the nineteenth century, Americans greatly lovedand respected President Washington. This included Americans fromboth the North and South after the Civil War. Several Roman godsare also in the painting. They are holding examples of Americantechnologies of the time.BARBARA WOLANIN: "They are mixed in with new Americantechnology, the latest inventions. Like Ceres there is sitting on aMcCormick reaper, which is the new way for reaping grain quickly.And Neptune with a Trident is helping lay the trans-Atlantic cablewhich was just being laid when he was painting this."The artist Constantino Brumidifinished this huge work in only elevenmonths. He also painted much of thefrieze that extends along the Rotundawalls under the room's thirty-sixwindows. A frieze is a long stretch ofsurface that has been painted or sculpted. This one tells the history of America. The people in the frieze arepainted to look three- dimensional, like sculptures.Below the frieze, eight huge historical paintings hang on the curved walls. Four paintings tell about the events of the Revolutionary War in the late eighteenth century. The four others show examples of early explorations of the country. These include the landing ofexplorer Christopher Columbus and the discovery of the Mississippi River .Sculptures are another important part of the room's decoration. One marble sculpture of Abraham Lincoln was created in eighteen seventy-one, after his death. Vinnie Ream made the sculpture. She was the first woman hired by the government to create a work of art. She was only eighteen years old when she was asked to make the statue.Another marble statue nearby honors three women who fought for voting rights for women. Adelaide Johnson made this sculpture.BARBARA WOLANIN: "'Portrait Monument' has just an amazing history too. This is also by a woman artist. And it was commissioned by the National Woman's Party in nineteen twenty after women finally got the vote."The sculpted forms of Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Susan B. Anthony and Lucretia Mott seem to be coming up out of the huge piece of stone.Painting at the top of the domeBehind them, a fourth form rises out of the uncut stone. Adelaide Johnson said this unfinished area was meant to show that the struggle for women's equality was not over .Many of the statues in this room and others throughout the Capitol are part of the National Statuary Hall Collection. The collection was established in eighteen sixty-four . Congress invited each state to send two statues to the collection.The statues can represent a very famous person, such as an American president. Or , they can represent someone less wellknown but historically important. States can also replace an older statue with a new one. It has taken a long time to complete the collection. The one hundredth statue arrived in two thousand five.Barbara Wolanin takes us into the National Statuary Hall. This large room was a meeting room for the House of Representatives until eighteen fifty-seven.BARBARA WOLANIN: "This room, at thetime it was built was considered the mostbeautiful room in the whole country.Benjamin Henry Latrobe was the architectand he really tried to make it as fine as hecould. He was very interested in theclassical architectures. So he wantedcolumns and he had these special capitalsfor the columns carved in Carrara, Italybased on ancient designs."As you can guess from the room's name, it now houses manystatues from the national collection. For example, there is a marble statue of Sam Houston, a leader who fought for independence for the state of Texas. One of the state of Louisiana's statues is a bronze representation of the politician Huey Long.The newest building extension of the Capitol is the Capitol Visitor Center. These large underground rooms were completed inHuey LongDecember of two thousand eight. The goal is to enrich theexperience of the more than two million people who visit the Capitolevery year.The Visitor Center is filled with water fountains, skylights, historicalexhibits, a restaurant — and more statues. A bronze statue of theHawaiian ruler King Kamehameha is hard to miss. His clothing isalmost completely covered in gold. Every year in June, Hawaiianscome to the Capitol to honor this ancient ruler.The newest statue in the national Array collection is from Alabama. It shows thedeaf and blind activist and writer HelenKeller as a young child. It is also thesmallest statue in the collection.But the biggest statue in the room is notpart of the Statuary Collection. It is aplaster form that was used to make theHelen Kellerbronze statue of Freedom that stands onthe dome of the Capitol high above the city. Freedom is representedas a strong woman wearing the flowing clothing of ancient Rome.She measures over five meters tall.If you stand under a skylight in the Visitor Center, you can see thebronze statue of Freedom high up on the dome outside. She iswatching over the Capitol building as it continues to representAmerica's history, government and people.This program was written and produced by Dana Demange. I'mFaith Lapidus. And I'm Bob Doughty. Next week, we visit anotherimportant art collection, at the Vatican in Italy. You can comment onthis and other programs on our Web site, .Join us again next week for EXPLORATIONS in VOA Special English.。